Dream Interpretation Buns Why do you dream about Buns: buy, bake, eat, see in a dream. Why do you dream about sweet baked goods?

Some people dream about a completely different life. A person’s subconscious speaks to him and tells him about the future. Therefore, it is worth paying due attention to your dreams. Why do you dream about baking? Most likely it means that the person is too hungry. It's a bit of a joke though, so it's time to learn more about baking.

In fact, baking is a cause for concern. The English dream book says that freshly baked bread is a sign of sad news. This is a harbinger of the imminent death of a loved one, or a serious illness. Especially if the bride or groom had such a dream, then you need to expect bad news about your partner.

When you dream about pies or cookies, then most likely a surprise awaits you in your personal life. Perhaps he will soon meet his destiny or improve someone else's relationship. Therefore, it’s time to think about why you dream about baking and draw conclusions for yourself.

After such a dream, you need to think about your personal life. After all, there is a possibility of an imminent wedding. But dried out baked goods can be a sign of “stagnation” in life. Most likely, the person will be in a hopeless situation and cannot expect any new advancements in his career or on the personal front.

A person may dream of sweet pastries to announce good news. At this time, you need to do as many things as possible, because everything will work out. Stop sitting on the couch, it's time to act. This is a signal, or rather a sign from above. You need to listen to the dream book.

The gypsy dream book foretells that baking is a sign of an important meeting, which a person might miss out of stupidity. Or because of an illness that will strike in the near future. And nothing can be done. You need to be careful and attentive. Baking can portend both good and bad news.

It is believed that a dream about baking is very negative for a woman. This is a harbinger of many worries about children. There may be health problems. It's time to go to the doctor. There may be disappointment in relationships with your loved ones and relatives. Nothing good can be expected.

When a person sees a cake in a dream, it means that he wants to gain knowledge. You must continue to learn, this is the path to success. Cake is associated with work. Therefore, when it is half eaten in a dream, it means that something was missed, and it’s time to go back to basics and understand what the problem is.

But a sliced ​​cake means that a person can achieve success without any problems. When one bakes buns or other baked goods in a dream, it means that a person is working very hard in order to earn some money. It turns out that fresh cookies in a dream are a conscience that gnaws because of a bad deed. You need to apologize to the person.

Dreams are harbingers of events. Through them people learn about future events. Not necessarily, if you dream of baking, then bad news awaits the person. Sometimes dreams can happen just like that. This may simply be the consequences of some events before bedtime.



The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Bakery- unpleasant news about people close to you; disappointment in personal life.

English dream book

Dream about freshly baked bread- sad dream. He may carry the sad news of imminent death in your home, and for the bride or groom- about the death or serious illness of their betrothed.

Dream about baked pies, cookies and other baked goods- warns you that soon you will begin to match someone, and perhaps you yourself will be forced to think about the wedding.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Bakery- sadness, illness.


Why do you dream about sweets?

So that you have the opportunity to interpret the dream as correctly as possible, it is recommended that immediately after waking up you write down all the details of what you saw. Sweets are associated with pleasure and a good mood, which is why dreams leave a good impression.

Why do you dream about sweets?

Such a dream will tell a woman that in real life she lacks attention; most likely, she needs love and care from people close to her. A table on which there is a large number of different goodies is a symbol that you are waiting to get the maximum jackpot. If you eat sweets alone, it means that in real life you do not want to open your soul to other people.

Why do you dream about candies and sweets?

Sweets in beautiful packaging are a symbol of the fact that the outer shell comes first for you, and this applies not only to objects, but also to people.

Why do you dream about a lot of sweets?

A large assortment of sweets promises dramatic changes in real life; perhaps you will reach new heights in your career or realize your plans. At this time, you will be able to resolve conflict situations and start a new grandiose project.

Why do you dream about cakes and sweets?

Such a dream is a sign of an improvement in one’s financial situation, which will occur as a result of intensive work.

Why do you dream about buying sweets?

If you choose sweets in a store, it means that in the near future you will experience some changes that will be caused by a difficult choice. The dream book recommends being as concentrated as possible at this time. If you pay for sweets at the checkout, it means that all your efforts will bear fruit.

Why do you dream about sweets and baked goods?

Such a dream is a sign that you can be confident in the person you love; a long and happy life awaits you with him.


Why do you dream about pies: the meaning and interpretation of the dream

Agree, almost all people love pies. Maybe they are a little picky about the filling. But in general, almost no one can refuse this delicacy. This is in real life. What do they mean in night visions? Why do you dream about pies? If you're interested, let's find out.

Which side to approach decoding from?

Before explaining why pies are dreamed of in a given situation, let’s talk about exceptions. The fact is that such a delicious image is not always prophetic. Let's say you're on a diet, but you love baked goods to the point of unconsciousness. In this case, don’t rack your brains trying to understand why you dream about pies. You are just hungry, and your subconscious mind produces pictures of all sorts of goodies. Even needlewomen whose plans include baking soon should not pay attention to such a dream. Or maybe the hostess never goes a day without a test. These are the so-called reflections of reality that came in dreams. They don't talk about anything. In other cases, be sure to look into dream books, paying attention to the interpretation of the filling. Often the whole meaning lies precisely in it.

See pies

Let's start with the simplest plots, keeping in mind that you should solve the night symbols by carefully remembering all the details. Let's say a person just saw the pies and doesn't know what was inside. This image predicts change. Interpreters talk about good things. But they warn that it is worth remembering the impression left after contemplating the delicious pastries. This will tell you the direction of life’s collisions. I liked the alluring, rosy vision; there is no need to doubt or be afraid. In this case, dreams of pies signify pleasures and joys. Soon something in your life will move forward, making your heart skip a beat with anticipation of happiness. Most often, such a dream predicts serious financial gains, although it can also tell about your personal life.

What if the baked goods looked strange or off-putting?

It is clear that such a vision, unfortunately, does not leave pleasant memories. And the interpretation is not particularly optimistic. There are unexpected difficulties or serious troubles ahead. They will touch almost all areas of your life. One thing will remain unchanged - income, which is good news. Agree, it is better to solve problems if there is some support, at least material. Anyone who has fallen into despondency should know that it is better not to be sad, but to act. Passive waiting will not help, it is of no use. If you dream of unappetizing-looking fried pies - get ready to repel attacks from colleagues or superiors. This is the case when the dish is burnt, spoiled or moldy. Beautiful-looking fried pies do not promise trouble. Repulsive-looking baked goods should prepare a person for sad news. The death of a distant relative is possible, which nevertheless will significantly affect the growth of well-being. That is, the person will receive an inheritance.


This plot does not speak of gluttony, as some believe. When you try to understand why you dream about potato pies, for example, remember what their taste was like, and most importantly, your feeling from consuming the delicacy. This is important, because baked goods can be soft, melting in your mouth, damp or hard as a sole. It is clear that the plot should be interpreted in different ways. If you ate pies with great pleasure, it means that reconciliation with the person with whom you have been worrying all the time will soon follow. A very good vision for lovers. You can rest assured of the reciprocity and loyalty of your chosen one. When the product turns out to be disgusting in taste, expect quarrels and squabbles. Not necessarily with the people you care about most. However, the upcoming disagreement will greatly upset you. A raw pie in a dream speaks of a person’s lack of such a wonderful quality as willpower. He is ready to give up halfway through the process. Hard, dried baked goods are a sign of good memory of someone you once offended. We'll have to endure his complaints.

A little about the meaning of the filling

In fact, the main meaning of a delicious vision comes from its appearance and taste. The filling only adds nuances. Therefore, when figuring out, for example, why you dream about meat pies, pay more attention to the fluffiness and rosyness of the product. This is more important than the product wrapped in dough. Although meat in this plot predicts some good luck related to the business sphere. Maybe your partner will finally agree to that proposal you made recently, or maybe they’ll unexpectedly give you a bonus at work. There is no reason for sadness here, there is no need to be upset. If you dream about pies with cabbage, get your wallet ready. It will definitely come in handy! And spending can soon be increased, which is good news! If the filling turns out to be fruit, a period of pleasure awaits; jam - to the joys of love. Fragrant potatoes, wrapped in delicious, fluffy dough, appear before fun events or holidays. If you secretly took a bite of someone else's pie, then try to be more friendly to people. This plot speaks of a lack of communication, which, by the way, is to blame for the dreamer himself. He's just too closed off.

Why do you dream about buying pies?

This plot predicts a quick meeting with relatives. Even the number of guests can be determined by sleep. If you purchased one or two pies, the party will be small. When you dream that you bought a whole bunch of different goodies, get ready for a big event. Perhaps you will be invited to a wedding or anniversary. In any case, there will be a reason to communicate with all the relatives who have not been seen for a long time. If the pies were spoiled, then the occasion for the meeting cannot be called joyful. He will definitely make you sad. When you dream that the paid for delicacy remains with the seller, expect the planned meetings to be disrupted. It's especially bad if you tried to purchase a lot of baked goods. This means that in real life the event that has been awaited for a long time will be disrupted.

Why do you dream about baking pies?

Preparing the dough and filling, as well as all the other work involved in creating a wonderful dish, indicate a testing period. What difficulties will be associated with can be judged by the filling. It’s bad when in a dream you cooked a whole mountain of all kinds of pies. This vision speaks of serious problems. Don’t deviate from your principles, persistently strive for your goal, and they will quickly become a thing of the past. But you still have to worry. Frying pies means receiving guests in real life. Most often, such a dream comes to those who have already planned a fun party. By the appearance of the product, you can judge how it will go, whether all the guests will be happy, whether the person will have pleasant memories, not overshadowed by quarrels or scandals. If you dreamed that you burned yourself on a stove while working, an unexpected passion will flare up in your heart. There is no point in turning your head and trying to guess where love will come from. Dreaming of frying pies and getting injured means the resumption of spring in a relationship that has already existed for a long time. And when you burn your hand on the oven, it means a new partner will appear. When you put the dough and cook not in your kitchen, but in a foreign or unfamiliar place, you know that there is a person in this world who dreams of love and sighs, looking at the portrait, guess whose.

Other meanings

Some sources interpret the plot in which rosy pies suddenly fall to the floor. He talks about upcoming expenses. At the same time, if a whole dish or baking tray with baked goods overturns, then you should carefully monitor costs. In the near future you will be attacked by the desire to buy all the stores in a row. The result will be a prolonged period of austerity. Isn't it better to squeeze yourself a little without wasting money left and right? Decide. When the pies roll into the dirt or dust, you know you have stepped on a risky road. This dream speaks of troubles with the law due to greed. Try not to trust your financial matters to strangers. Under the guise of a well-wisher, most likely, a real fraudster is hiding. But you will understand what is happening late, when you have already become a real accomplice in some kind of scam. Not a very good dream.


Why do you dream about a pie?

How does this dream characterize a person? A hospitable person may dream of a pie (especially if in the dream the pastries were present in large quantities and were beautiful and of high quality). In addition, you may dream about pies if the sleeper is expecting guests or is invited to visit.

But the one who saw the burnt pie may have suffered in real life from his inattention or carelessness. Also, you may dream about delicious baked goods if in reality a person is very happy with something (for example, a new relationship has recently begun, which at the moment gives only positive emotions). And the sleeper, who greedily ate pies in his dream, is probably lacking something. Among other things, any food can be dreamed of by a person who is losing weight, on a diet and literally dreaming of forbidden food.

People do not know how to control their dreams, so they may dream about many interesting and unusual things. What does it mean to see a pie in a dream? Why could this be a dream? It all depends on many details and circumstances. For example, if a lonely and young person was frying pies in her dream, then this promises some trouble in communicating with the opposite sex.

In particular, it is necessary to keep a distance and observe standards of morality and decency. In addition, a dish with ruddy pies may mean that soon there will be guests in the house, the owners will be busy and preparing for the visit of friends or relatives.

In addition, some kind of trip or meeting is possible in the future, as well as some pleasant and useful acquaintances. If the baked goods are burnt, then perhaps some problems and waste are coming. If the pies are moldy, then the old problems will probably return.

Why do you dream about a pie? Should a person who had such a dream prepare for something? For example, a girl who saw herself baking pies in a dream should be attentive and careful in communicating with the opposite sex. Empty and frivolous flirting can spoil your opinion and lead to negative consequences.

If the sleeper ate baked goods, then in real life he should not be too trusting, since some people may have intentions to take advantage of the trust and benefit from it. In addition, you should be wary of your enemies and ill-wishers; there is a high probability that they can cause harm.

But bad, missing pies can promise some old problems, the return of old acquaintances, communication with whom is extremely unpleasant. It's worth being prepared for this. If the pie is skewed and falls apart, then you should be prepared for some waste or losses.


Baking bread rolls sweets

Dream Interpretation Baking bread buns sweets dreamed of why you dream about Baking bread, rolls and sweets? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Baking bread, rolls and sweets in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Bun, buns, bakery

Seeing rolls in a dream is a sign that your wait will be crowned with success, unless the roll crumbles or becomes moldy. If the bun increases in size before your eyes, then great success and happiness await you. See interpretation: bread.

Buying bread in a dream is a sign of benefit and profit. Eating a bun in a dream is a harbinger of success in business, useful work and health. Sometimes such a dream predicts that one of your close friends or relatives will need your help, which you will provide to him at the right time. Cutting a loaf in a dream means frugality, which will help you save money. Such a dream warns you that you should think about spending your money more economically, because you may need it soon. Breaking a bun in a dream does not bode well. You will be disappointed in love. You may discover that your lover is unfaithful to you, or you may have to navigate between a sense of duty and your personal feelings. Such a dream often predicts disagreements with partners on issues related to the distribution of profits.

Finding keys in a bun is a sign that you will be able to foresee the course of events and will use this to your advantage, even if to do this you have to use the trust that people close to you have. Seeing bread being baked in a dream is a harbinger of quick and good changes. Seeing fresh buns in a dream is a harbinger of increased income. If the buns are stale, then boring work awaits you. If in a dream you find yourself in a bakery, then you have to learn something important. A dream about a baker foretells a lot of good things and predicts that capricious fortune will finally turn towards you. The dream promises a strengthened position in society, profitable deals and the fulfillment of desires. Seeing a baker selling bread in a dream is a sign of success in business. Becoming a baker in a dream is a harbinger of success in business.

Dream Interpretation - Bun, baker

If you bought a bun in a dream, expect profit.

Cut a bun - be more thrifty.

If you ate a bun, success in business lies ahead.

If you saw in a dream a baker hastily baking bread, the year will be fruitful.

If the baker threw a bun at you through the window, expect disruption in business.

Dream Interpretation - Baking

Eating baked goods means being late for an important meeting or illness

Dream Interpretation - Bun

Bun - eating a bun - useful work; see - hope for guests; buy - profit; cut - preservation.

Dream Interpretation - Bun

Buying a bun in a dream means profit; cutting a bun means saving; eat - to success in business.

Dream Interpretation - Bread

(See interpretation: field, grain, ear and bakery products by name)

Seeing grain fields in a dream is a sign of prosperity and wealth.

Picking up bread portends receiving good news. But if the bread is rye, then you must not forget the dead. Buying bread in a dream foreshadows large expenses. If you dream that someone is handing you a loaf of bread, then you can count on the help of your friends in difficult times.

Eating rye bread in a dream is a sign of losses and losses. Sometimes such a dream predicts disappointment and grief. Seeing or eating consecrated bread in a dream means that you must continue to hope. Baking white bread in a dream means that you create your own destiny, which promises to be happy unless the bread burns, becomes deformed, breaks, etc. Otherwise, the dream foretells the opposite. If you dream that others are baking bread, then soon a celebration will take place in your house on the occasion of the successful implementation of some project. Seeing crackers in a dream or accepting them from someone means that difficult times will soon come in your life, when you will be in great need and endure hardships. It is believed, however, that eating crackers in a dream is a harbinger of great success in a difficult matter and making big profits. Eating or seeing white bread in a dream means profit or receiving news of success in business. The same dream about black bread predicts the opposite. Dividing a loaf of white bread in a dream means a dispute over money. Finding keys in a loaf of freshly baked white bread means that you will be disappointed, as you will learn something bad about your business partners. Stale bread in a dream is a sign of poverty, difficulties and deprivations. Cutting slices of bread in a dream predicts disagreements with a loved one and convicting him of infidelity. Fresh bread in a dream indicates new opportunities and new hopes for a better future.

Mold on bread in a dream means that you have ill-wishers who will not miss an opportunity to harm you and may interfere with the implementation of your plans.

Dipping bread in honey, milk or sour cream in a dream predicts wealth and prosperity.

Dream Interpretation - Bread

The symbol is positive, even if the bread you dreamed of was not very appetizing. If you dreamed that you were buying a loaf of fresh, fragrant bread, this portends security and a solid income. Selling bread - your original project will feed many people. White bread means prestigious work and respect from subordinates and superiors. Black bread - you have hard but well-paid work ahead of you, which will teach you a lot and bring you satisfaction. Cutting bread - share prosperity with your family. If you dreamed that you were giving each of your relatives a piece of bread, such a dream promises you a friendly and hospitable home. Baking bread - your efforts today will yield wonderful results in the near future. Drying crackers means difficult times are coming, but you will survive them without any problems. A beautifully decorated, rich holiday loaf - there will be a celebration in your family, perhaps a wedding. If you dream that you are breaking off a piece from a loaf and giving it to a person of the opposite sex, you yourself will get married (the dream has meaning only for single people). You share bread with another person - you will soon help someone in need, and in gratitude this person will protect you from the attacks of enemies. Eating bread crusts - even in the most difficult times you will have work and the support of friends. Taking the crumb out of the bread and rolling it into balls (for example, for catching fish) means starting a new business that will bring you good money. If you ate stale bread in a dream, your feelings will be tested for strength. Seeing moldy bread - such a dream promises recovery from a dangerous disease. Poorly baked, raw bread - you will be offered a task that needs to be “brought to mind”, but you will cope with this task.

Imagine that you are cutting fresh, fragrant, warm bread into large slices and eating it with pleasure yourself and treating all your family, as well as your best friends. Strengthen the positive energy of your dream with another symbol, for example, imagine washing down your bread with milk.

Dream Interpretation - Bun

Seeing a bun means expecting something, and the wait will not be in vain.

Eating a bun means well-being in business due to useful work, health, profit.

Dream Interpretation - Bread

Bread. Baked, beautiful bread is joy and wealth. Black bread is sadness, white bread is joy. Baked bread - unkind, sadness. Seeing bread or rolls is a great grief, but eating bread is even worse. If you dream about rolls, then it’s a good dream, a beautiful omen. Baked wheat bread - sadness, unhappy family life." If you dream about baked bread, it means sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Bread

According to popular belief, bread is living. It is believed that bread should not be pinched off, because it hurts, you just need to cut it off carefully. When housewives put out the dough, they talk to it and under no circumstances swear at this time, otherwise the bread will not turn out. Bread is considered a treasure that requires honor and respect. Bread symbolizes the continuation of life, abundance of food.

To dream that you are being treated to food, and when you take another piece of bread, you come across a menacing gaze - this dream warns you not to give free rein to your desires and not to exceed your authority; think more about others.

To have a dream in which you admire a large, beautiful, ruddy loaf standing at the head of the table means that you intend to uphold the traditions of your ancestors to the end; You are gnawed by nostalgia for childhood, for a cozy family life.

To dream that before going to a concert you are standing in a long line to buy bread - you are unable to organize your life, so get ready for another surprise; You have to make a responsible choice; you will find yourself in a difficult situation.

In a dream, you go to your neighbors to ask them for a loan of bread - this dream foreshadows the fear of hunger and lack of money; shyness will make you suffer; You will have to remind debtors of their obligations to you.

Seeing a child picking up bread crusts on the street in a dream means worrying about children; to separation; to the inability to give the child the gift he asks for.


Why did you dream about sweets? Lots and lots of confectionery!)


Ekaterina Bochagova

Agree on something with someone. And very lucky for you


You will be happy.


I also want such a dream, it promises a lot of good things.

Natalia Bashirova

(Miller's Dream Book)

If you saw confectionery in a dream, then this dream means that you will be deceived by a very cunning person. If you eat them, this is a sign that in the near future you will meet a person with whom you will have a real, sincere friendship.
If in a dream you taste something sweet, you are on the right track, and those around you will be proud of your behavior in the most critical situations. Your reputation will be at its best.

(Modern Dream Interpretation)

You see confectionery products in a dream - you are like an open book to other people. Some cunning person will take advantage of your openness and deceive you or commit a vile act towards you.
You eat confectionery in a dream - you have no reason to doubt the sincerity of friendship. You also have no reason to be disappointed in your personal life: if you don’t find love today, it will find you tomorrow.

(Old Slavonic Dream Book)

Long hair - long journey


As far as I know, the dream is good. Sweets in a dream mean a sweet life in reality, and long hair can mean profit or a road.


Sweetness - sweet taste - if in a dream you feel a sweet taste in your mouth, it means that during a period of grave troubles and upheavals, your behavior will be above all praise, which will earn you the respect of others. If in a dream you are somehow trying to get rid of the sweet taste, it means that you will soon behave unfairly towards your friends, you will humiliate and ridicule them, thereby causing them to be offended.

Lady~ Dee

Seeing sweets in a dream is a favorable sign. A dream in which you see chocolate means that you are able to provide prosperity to those who depend on you. Seeing chocolates means good business partners and successful work. If the chocolate tastes unpleasant, then this dream will be followed by illness and disappointment. If in a dream you drink hot chocolate, then fate has prepared a lot of joys for you after the end of the current period of troubles and hardships. Eating candy in a dream means that a variety of entertainment awaits you in the near future. Sour-tasting candies can symbolize illness or annoyance. Receiving candy as a gift means that you will become an object of worship. Such a dream usually promises prosperity. If in a dream you make candy yourself, then you will be able to achieve success thanks to your hard work and patience. Giving candy means that you will decide to get married, but then you risk being disappointed in your chosen one.

Dreaming about freshly baked bread is a sad dream. It may carry the sad news of an imminent death in your home, and for the bride or groom - the death or serious illness of their betrothed. A dream about baked pies, cookies and other baked goods warns you that soon you will begin to marry someone, and perhaps you yourself will be forced to think about a wedding.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

Dream Interpretation - Baking

Very positive images in a dream - dough, sugar, most likely there comes a time in your life, a period when a person begins to give all his best, trying to achieve good results. It’s the same in love: the attitude towards the object of love becomes more serious, a person tunes in for a long, deep relationship. It is possible to fall in love with a person older in age. The dream promotes activity in partnerships; a revision of the social function of relationships is possible; at work, this can be expressed as a renewal in one’s career. You can prove yourself as a professional in unusual areas. Participation in public organizations can influence reputation and position.

Dream Interpretation - Baking

Cooking something in the stove - such a dream means that you will start preparing the ground for new achievements. In a dream, the food was burnt - the dream suggests that, by being overly carried away by thinking through your project, its initial, preparatory stage, you allowed the matter to become “overripe” and your own emotional “burnout.”

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Baking dough

Good afternoon, Tamara! This is an image from the collective unconscious. A hut on chicken legs and a dear grandmother - YAGA. It’s just that, as a modern person, you see all this more modern, and not fabulous. Grandmother YAGA, in Slavic folklore, the female hypostasis of our Christian God YHWH (Yahweh) - the Heavenly Father, apparently this is Shekhinah - the presence of Divine energies on Earth (feminine), such as above the Ark of the Covenant in the Temple of Jerusalem. Apparently in this dream you received knowledge and initiation into some spiritual secrets of the universe. Save Christ!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation, Baking, dreamed, why, in a dream, Baking, in, a dream, Endless, dream, 8son, ru, Dream Interpretation Baking, dreamed of what one dreams about Baking in a dream Endless dream 8son ru

Dream interpretation

Dreamed of a bun or bun, Seeing sweet buns in a dream- happiness, well-being, money.

Fresh, Flavorful Buns in a dream have the same meaning as Fresh Bread. This is a traditional symbol of family happiness and financial well-being in reality. It is believed that seeing or feeling the aroma of a fresh Bun in a dream means emotional calm, Harmony of one’s own capabilities and real strengths.

Buying buns in a dream, Dreamed of a bakery- receive money; fulfillment of a cherished desire.

Looking at baked goods in a dream, but not eating it, means need and loss. The plot in which you eat pie has the opposite meaning. In this case, joy and satisfaction await you. Why do you dream of dried, stale flour products? This means a lack of goodwill with others. The situation is getting out of control and a serious conflict is brewing.

  • Baked goods (buns, cakes, etc.). Eating baked goods means you will miss an important meeting. You may get sick at the most inopportune time.

Bakery: sadness, illness.

Dream book "sonnik-online"

Freshly baked bread that appears in your dream, means that in the near future one of your household members will die; the bride or groom will receive terrible news about the death or serious illness of their partner. If indream there were freshly baked pies, cookies and other baked goods, soon you will be matchmaking someone or seriously thinking about your own matchmaking. Bakery has dried up - this means that no changes are expected in your personal life.

Dream interpretation "dreams"

If indream in some way, cookies or cakes began to disappear, then dream will indicate very minor problems. It’s worth noting that if this was not a sale, then this means that in real life all the ideas will be fulfilled. If it’s just seeindreambaking, then we should expect good news. What does it portend?

Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

It is believed that see or feel the aroma of fresh buns indream means emotional calm, Harmony of one’s own capabilities and real strengths. Buy buns indream, I dreamed about a bakery - getting money; fulfillment of a cherished desire. Buying Buns indream, You mentally bring luck closer to you - similar dream judges the most favorable turn in affairs.

Why do you dream about sweets and baked goods?

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Seeing Pies in a dream

Pies - Need, poverty

Sweets - Seeing, buying your goal is inaccessible, although it seems to you that it is close: reach out and take it. Make no mistake, your situation is not as wonderful as you think. Prepare sweets in a sophisticated way to achieve your goals. But this will only help if in a dream you do not eat sweets, but treat someone.

If you dream of delicious baked goods, in reality you try to achieve perfection everywhere and in everything, you constantly strive for this. You can soon expect success in the professional sphere, and relationships with family will improve.

Try to do everything perfectly, but do not forget that excessive perfectionism can play a cruel joke on you.

I dreamed that they were cooking baked goods

Cooking baked goods according to the Oracle's dream book means achieving success in a task that is important to you. The achieved material well-being will allow you to solve many problems, as well as establish relationships with important people.

Continue to follow the principles that are important to you and adhere to your own views. You are on the right path to wealth and prosperity.

Why do you dream about a lot of baking?

If you dreamed about a lot of baking - troubles and bad weather will pass you by, and luck will become your constant companion. There will be a period of stability in business, income will be more pleasing than ever.

Dream about baking buns

Why do you dream about baking buns? In reality, you can count on achieving your plans. Your hopes will come true. Seeing fresh buns means receiving additional profit and increasing material well-being.

For a man, a plot about preparing buns foreshadows an unexpected influx of funds. For a woman, the vision promises wealth in the form of reward for the work done.

Try to use the funds received rationally. Take care of their increase or profitable investments.

Why do you dream about buying baked goods?

Buying baked goods in a dream means your dreams will soon come true. You will be working on a new promising project, the result of which will be receiving a substantial reward.

Continue to actively work towards achieving your goals. Their successful implementation will create a positive mood and have a beneficial effect on other areas.

Seeing fresh baked goods in a dream

If you dream of fresh baked goods, your dreams of starting your own business can come true. Fate will give you a chance to get a solid income after opening your own business. You are on the right path to prosperity and development.

Don't miss the opportunity to realize your own dreams. Feel free to get down to business, luck will favor you.

I dreamed about baking

A dream about rich pastries is a symbol of the successful completion of work begun and the achievement of the desired results on work projects. You will be able to stabilize your financial situation. Buying rich baked goods means increasing wages and concluding profitable deals.

Show diligence and diligence in fulfilling the duties assigned to you, then the result of the work you do will meet all expectations.

The article on the topic: “dream book baking in a store” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Seeing baked goods in a dream, purchasing or selling baked goods, buns, sweets is a double symbol. On the one hand, a dream means a full life or good news, on the other hand, it warns of the onset of a period of melancholy and depression. Every little thing and action matters. For example, buying pies means achieving your plans. But dream books do not always interpret the meaning of baking pies and bread yourself in a positive way.

Dream books of Miller and Tsvetkov

American and English psychologists and other professionals agree that seeing baked goods or eating a lot of bread in a dream is bad. It turns out that this is a harbinger of sad events.

A dream means the approach of the blues and certain diseases of the nervous system. Even if you dreamed that you had a chance to eat delicious and sweet cakes. Dejection will haunt you for the next few days, and will end with the advent of a new interesting thing.

Detailed interpretations of sleep

Foreign dream books explain what baking is about in dreams, based on experienced emotions and experiences:

  • baking a lot of pies means a lot of housework;
  • treating your loved one - to a quick matchmaking, to an engagement;
  • buying cheesecakes - to achieve the goal;
  • eating fresh buns - to mental anguish, torment due to a break with loved ones.

Take care of your loved ones

An oven filled with confectionery and aromatic pastries in a dream indicates a hot time at home and at work. The dream means that you will have to take care of relatives, visit them in medical institutions, and support them morally, financially and physically. Especially if you dreamed that you had to deal with the oven personally.

Vanga's dream book compares dishes made from dough and flour with hopeless situations. Telling why you dream of dried up baked goods, the soothsayer predicts complete “stagnation” in affairs, especially in matters of the heart. Seeing a lot of bread and other baked goods in a dream means vanity and useless troubles.

Try to see perspective

But seeing yourself near a store counter, buying baked goods in a dream means the quick implementation of your plans. It’s very good if you dreamed that you were treated to fresh and sweet cheesecake. In addition to the appearance of true friends, dream books promise that a person of the opposite sex with similar views and lifestyle will be nearby.

The opportunity to overcome any difficulties, support from colleagues and relatives, a successful start to a major project - this is exactly what baking dreams about. Well-being and material wealth that have fallen out of nowhere will help you achieve your goal without delay if you dreamed of butter pies with your favorite filling.

Not all expectations will be met

But eating fresh baked goods in a dream is not very good. Even if you are treated to it with all your heart. The person you dreamed about could bring grief and heartache. Most often, a difficult conversation with business partners, division of property, and separation are expected ahead. However, you should not despair - traditional dream books guarantee new meetings and acquaintances with worthy people.

Treating guests or your loved one with pies or pastries yourself is a good sign according to Nostradamus’s dream book. In addition to good fame, the dreamer will earn weight and authority in society, and will be able to gain access to secret knowledge. The main thing is that the baked goods are tasty and your friend likes them. Then it will be easy to determine what confectionery products mean in dreams.

Dream Interpretation

Buy baked goods

Dream Interpretation Buy baked goods dreamed of why you dream about buying baked goods? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Buying baked goods in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

How to interpret a dream about baking

For a person who sees baked goods in his dream, the dream book promises a well-fed, calm and measured life. Both in reality and in dreams, bakery products are a symbol of prosperity. However, the main meaning of the interpretation of what baking means in dreams will depend on such nuances as taste, aroma, appearance and freshness of the delicacies.

Almost any dream in which baked goods appear is a harbinger of positive events. As a rule, buns, cookies or cakes in a night vision picture mean a small reward. Seeing such food means that you will soon gain new knowledge. Larger confectionery products symbolize the dreamer's need to gain new knowledge. Perhaps in the future the acquired skills will be of great benefit.

At the same time, the sensation of the smell of baking is of no small importance. If your dream was saturated with the pleasant aroma that fresh baked goods exuded, it means that real life will be filled with pleasant moments and joyful events. As for dreams in which baking “smells” spoiled, the dream book has several versions on this matter:

  • Stale flour products in a dream can mean a well-paid position, but monotonous activity.
  • Buns with an unpleasant smell and stale ones can promise communication with “dry” people.
  • In some cases, food that looks unattractive and is far from fresh is associated with high expectations that may not be met.

When interpreting a dream about baking, special attention should be paid to the filling. The poppy inside the bun is a harbinger of a quick date or a pleasant meeting with a person of the opposite sex. Jam in the middle of the bun can mean a sweet period in life, as well as the fulfillment of a wish. If you dreamed of baking with raisins, expect sudden joy. The dream book interprets cream as a filling as a signal to be careful and not get involved in matters that do not concern you.

If you dreamed of a tray with a lot of different baked goods, such a dream promises the dreamer the acquisition of material well-being. Various dream books consider such pictures of night dreams as news of a comfortable existence in the real world, good health or harmony. In any case, large quantities of treats in a dream are a sign of a good life.

What did the dreamer have to do with food?

Depending on what actions a person performed with baked goods in a dream, forecasts for the future may be different. For example, feasting on fresh bakery masterpieces in a night vision picture will improve your health. And picking out the raisins from the bun means unjustified expectations.

Other interpretations of what a person’s interaction with baking in a dream means:

  • Holding baked goods in your hands means in real life being under someone’s protection.
  • Standing in line at a bakery for a treat means trying to arrange your personal life.
  • Breaking a product and eating it piece by piece in a dream means an upcoming choice in reality.
  • If you dreamed of a bun that you are treating to a friend, this is a sign that the person needs your support.
  • A dream in which you have to personally bake flour products means compensation for the time and effort spent.
  • Going to a bakery but not choosing a treat means receiving important news.

The dream book also has versions of interpretations for dreams in which a baker appears:

  • If the dreamer himself became the bakery seller, then he will soon feel the favor of fortune.
  • Communicating in your night dreams with a salesman from the baking department is a sign of good changes.
  • A baker offering to purchase food is a sign of successful completion of the business.

As you can see, night visions with baking have a favorable meaning. Having seen such a picture, the dreamer need not worry about the changes that will soon come in his life.

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Why do you dream about Baking according to the dream book?

A dream about baking is almost always a favorable sign, foreshadowing the onset of a happy period. In business, you will expect only success and good luck; any undertaking will result in effective results, and promising projects will find worthy implementation.

A time is coming for you that is favorable for making your cherished dreams come true and achieving your goals. You can confidently take on any business, even if you previously could not boast of knowledge and skills in this area.

Believe in your own capabilities and talents, don’t be afraid of failures, they won’t threaten you. Feel free to move towards the fulfillment of your cherished desires and the realization of long-standing goals - fortune will smile at you and will not leave you for a long time

Why do you dream about delicious baked goods?

If you dream of delicious baked goods, in reality you try to achieve perfection everywhere and in everything, you constantly strive for this. You can soon expect success in the professional sphere, and relationships with family will improve.

Try to do everything perfectly, but do not forget that excessive perfectionism can play a cruel joke on you.

I dreamed that they were cooking baked goods

Cooking baked goods according to the Oracle's dream book means achieving success in a task that is important to you. The achieved material well-being will allow you to solve many problems, as well as establish relationships with important people.

Continue to follow the principles that are important to you and adhere to your own views. You are on the right path to wealth and prosperity.

Why do you dream about a lot of baking?

If you dreamed about a lot of baking - troubles and bad weather will pass you by, and luck will become your constant companion. There will be a period of stability in business, income will be more pleasing than ever.

Dream about baking buns

Why do you dream about baking buns? In reality, you can count on achieving your plans. Your hopes will come true. Seeing fresh buns means receiving additional profit and increasing material well-being.

For a man, a plot about preparing buns foreshadows an unexpected influx of funds. For a woman, the vision promises wealth in the form of reward for the work done.

Try to use the funds received rationally. Take care of their increase or profitable investments.

Why do you dream about buying baked goods?

Buying baked goods in a dream means your dreams will soon come true. You will be working on a new promising project, the result of which will be receiving a substantial reward.

Continue to actively work towards achieving your goals. Their successful implementation will create a positive mood and have a beneficial effect on other areas.

Seeing fresh baked goods in a dream

If you dream of fresh baked goods, your dreams of starting your own business can come true. Fate will give you a chance to get a solid income after opening your own business. You are on the right path to prosperity and development.

Don't miss the opportunity to realize your own dreams. Feel free to get down to business, luck will favor you.

I dreamed about baking

A dream about rich pastries is a symbol of the successful completion of work begun and the achievement of the desired results on work projects. You will be able to stabilize your financial situation. Buying rich baked goods means increasing wages and concluding profitable deals.

Show diligence and diligence in fulfilling the duties assigned to you, then the result of the work you do will meet all expectations.

Why do you dream about sweet pastries?

I dreamed of sweet baked goods - the beginning of a favorable period, conducive to the implementation of planned plans and the fulfillment of cherished desires. Fortune will accompany any of your business.

Feel free to begin implementing your plans. Don’t be afraid to fail, it won’t happen to you, especially if you approach the matter thoughtfully and diligently.

I dreamed about puff pastries

The Orakul dream book considers puff pastry as a harbinger of a fun time. If there were a lot of puff pastries, an incredibly happy period awaits ahead, filled with extremely joyful events and positive news.

Use the favorable period as intended. Enjoy life and the opportunity to have a good time and get what you want.

Your personal horoscope for 2018 will tell you in which areas of your life you will find success in the new year.

Did you dream about Baking, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about Baking in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

I would like to know what can be said about a woman who imagines herself in the form of a pot of an ordinary shape, which is used to put it in the oven and cook food in it? Help me please. Thanks in advance.

I saw a lot of bread and all kinds of pastries, I tried it all and was very happy.

I go into the store and see that in all the windows there are a lot of delicious, fragrant, crispy puff pastries (buns, pies, pies). I wanted to buy it all and eat it! 44 years old, female. I associate this dream with something good!

The first half of this day will bring an increased desire for personal freedom and independence. You will want to express yourself in an original way, to prove your uniqueness.

The magazine's website contains the largest online dream book, which contains 90 collections of dreams and more than 450,000 dream interpretations. Regularly updated horoscopes for today, tomorrow, week, month and year, including love, compatibility and many others.

Why do you dream about baking?

If in a dream you saw delicious pastries, then in reality good news and financial well-being are expected. True, depending on the quantity and appearance of confectionery products, as well as the actions and feelings of the dreamer, the interpretation can change noticeably and even become negative. Pay attention to what you see, remember your dream in every detail, perhaps this will help you make the right decision and improve your life.

Why do you dream about baking from the outside?

A dream in which you saw very fresh baked goods promises that soon the moment will come when all your dreams can come true.

If your dream featured a huge amount of all kinds of sweet pastries, then in reality you can expect real gifts of fate. It is quite possible that you will have the finances to start your own business.

Looking at confectionery products in a store or supermarket, but not buying them, is a dream that people usually have when they are at a crossroads. The interpreter calls not to wait for weather from the sea, but to make a decision as soon as possible.

If in your dreams you watched a baker preparing pastries, then rest assured that everything you do will bear fruit.

Stale baked goods warn that you will have to take on other people's responsibilities. Found a foreign object in a confectionery product? This means that home comfort will be interrupted by groundless scandals and quarrels.

Actions with her

Baking fragrant pastries in night dreams is a harbinger of a wedding. Perhaps you will receive a marriage proposal or act as matchmakers yourself.

Have you tried treats in your sleep? Firstly, it speaks of your desire to become better and improve in all aspects of life. Secondly, it prophesies improvement of affairs, both in business and personal life.

The dream in which I happened to buy baked goods says that the fulfillment of a cherished dream is not far off. Most likely, the project you are currently working on will become very successful and bring you a decent monetary reward.

Treating others with confectionery is a sign that soon your loved ones will ask you for help.

If you ate such delicious baked goods that you could not contain your positive emotions, then this means that in reality you always strive for perfection in everything. This, of course, is good, but the interpreter is sure that this may not work in your favor.

An unfavorable dream is one in which you cut or broke baked goods with your hands. It represents the end of a relationship, personal or partnership. A family man is most likely to face discord in the family, which can even lead to divorce. Unfortunately, you will soon have to experience a lot of negative emotions.

Also, one in which you had to see moldy baked goods cannot be called a good dream. After this, there is a high risk that the dreamer will find himself in an unpleasant situation. Its result can be the loss of valuable things, both material and spiritual.

A harbinger of minor problems and troubles is a dream in which confectionery products disappeared right before your eyes.

Holding baked goods in your hands is a favorable sign. Such a dream indicates that the people around you are honest and faithful, always ready to understand and come to the rescue.

A dream in which you had to stand in line for baked goods indicates that you will have to make enormous efforts to achieve results. The result will be, but it is important to show all your patience and hard work.

Selling confectionery to strangers in a dream hints at missed chances. Unfortunately, you will not take advantage of the opportunity provided by fate itself.

Types of confectionery products

Did you dream about sweet buns? This means that everything in real life will be exactly the way you want. If there were many of them, then the interpreter assures that in the end you will be able to become a wealthy and financially independent person. If such baked goods have dried up in your night dreams, then there is a chance that you will be disappointed in someone. Most likely, the promises made to you will not be true.

If you dreamed of baking in the form of puff pastries, then in reality you will have the opportunity to have a good time and have fun. Were there an unusually large number of them? It seems that fate will be favorable to you, and you will be able to find true happiness.

The dreamer will receive a small profit if he dreamed of small pies. This could be a successful deal or a salary increase at work.

Did the baked goods emit a pleasant aroma of vanilla or cinnamon in your dream? This means that in reality, changes for the better and interesting, memorable events are expected.

Did your dream include bagels or buns with poppy seeds, flax or sesame seeds? It looks like in reality you will have to demonstrate your talents and skills to people.

Scones or other baked goods with jam are a warning against deception. The dream book calls for being on guard every minute.

A dream in which you saw a curl sprinkled with cinnamon is a symbol of fidelity and strengthening relationships. Married couples will be able to find true happiness after such a dream.

A good sign is fresh and delicious buns. They symbolize wealth and prosperity, prophesying changes for the better to the dreamer. If you bought them, then there is a high probability that you will finally be able to find a decent job with a good salary. A dream in which you were lucky enough to see a loaf promises magnificent celebrations.

Sorry for posting in the wrong place, relevant topics are closed.

I dreamed that I saw a letter from my ex, as if on parchment, and it seemed to be in verse, but not completely.

In the letter he addresses a new woman, he seems to like her and he almost proposes marriage to her. He is afraid that she will not agree and urges her.

What does it mean? In my opinion, he is lonely, and he and that woman have already broken up.

This dream calls for leaving all grievances in the past and clearing the mind of what happened before. It's time to start life over with a new leaf and move on, don't let the present stand still.

Igor, good evening!

I dreamed that management called me at work, congratulated me on my birthday and gave me a white narrow envelope containing a lot of money in large bills. I thought they would make some comments, but they prepared such a surprise. I also asked how they usually celebrate birthdays. I understand that the boss likes me, they asked me something else about work, and I lay down on the chairs that stood in one row and answered them sleepily.

Then, it seems, in some kind of tunnel fenced on both sides with a mesh, I walk along the upper level and watch through the mesh below a young man who somewhat resembles a deceased classmate. He flirts with a girl and they don’t see me. In general, they are younger than me, but for some reason his advances offended me. Then I seemed to be near them and they still didn’t see me. Some kind of association arose with the ex, although it was not him, but as if it was him too. This boy is blond and they don't look alike at all.

Please tell me what this dream is for?

Thanks for your comments. Sorry for writing in the wrong place.

In general, sleep with work can be completely situational. Touch on some pressing issues.

The tunnel is a problem, complexity, perhaps what is meant by this is a bad mood, depression.

A blond guy is the good thing that still lingers in your soul regarding your ex.

Hello, Igor! Earlier I wrote to you about a dream in which my grandmother was telling fortunes and at the end I drew a king of crosses and a 9 of hearts, thinking about my ex. At the end, you told me to be more vigilant, since the relationship could resume with him. Recently I had a dream about him. I was eating raspberry cake, a white van pulled up and there were several guys from television. I told them that I would probably work with them. We hugged and I left. Then my teeth started to hurt terribly, really, really bad, then they became loose and I was afraid to run my tongue over my gums, because one of them might fall out. Then I found myself in a room with this ex, who has an Ossetian lover. My teeth continued to hurt. He sat down next to me and began to rub his cheek over my face. I felt his hair, his skin. she was very affectionate and gentle. At first it hurt me, because we broke up, but at the same time we were pleasant and I didn’t stop him from caressing me. We studied Japanese. I told him something, but my teeth hurt so much that he did not understand my speech. In the end, they seemed to stop hurting and I told him something, then he understood. Then I discovered with horror that one tooth was missing and thought to myself that this was a dream. You know what's interesting is that I become aware of myself in a dream if my teeth fall out. Somehow I understand this. Then I opened my mouth, went to the mirror, and instead of this fallen tooth, a large tooth grew, just like a molar, although it was next to the incisor. Surprisingly, two weeks after this dream, I was able to get a job on this television. I hoped that I would get to our mutual friend, but it didn’t work out. I was upset, cried, and a few days later it turned out that they were taking me to the news department. This is exactly the department where my ex works and he will be my boss. The irony of fate, as they say))) My working life begins on Monday. While he doesn’t even know what awaits him :)

Eva, I wish you good luck in your new place. However, teeth falling out is a negative symbol that can mean losses, great stress, and failures. It is possible that everything will not happen according to your scenario.

Be careful that your experiences do not lead to illness.

Igor, good afternoon!

Sorry for writing in the wrong place.

I dreamed that it was as if I was in a hospital and I had catheters in both hands. The nurse pulled them out and a needle mark remained on my right hand, but before my eyes it quickly healed. And she let me go home, I was still so confused by what I saw, but everything passed quickly.

Thank you for the clarification.

Carolina, it is possible that you will be able to save your life from losing strength for something. In other words, you will be able to resolve problems and stop wasting time and vital energy on something.