Chronic intoxication of the body. Intoxication of the body: symptoms, signs and treatment Rapid intoxication of the body

Poisoning by toxic substances of body systems is defined as intoxication. Such poisoning can be caused by various substances of toxic origin. It should be noted right away that intoxication is not exactly the same thing as poisoning, so the symptoms, consequences and treatment for these diseases differ.

Symptoms of body intoxication

The body reacts to intoxication quite quickly and quite violently. Signs of body intoxication appear very quickly. Symptoms of body intoxication can be completely different. They depend on which particular body system has undergone toxic poisoning. Symptoms of intoxication most often include severe fever, dizziness, sudden changes in blood pressure, severe weakness, sleep and appetite disturbances, and a constant feeling of nausea.

The occurrence of intoxication of the body, unfortunately, is a fairly common phenomenon for both adults and children. Such poisoning is very dangerous in its consequences. Intoxication, regardless of which system is damaged by toxins, leads to disruption of the normal functioning of the liver (it is the liver that is responsible for removing toxins from the body), disruption of the renal system, normal blood supply to the brain, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, and the development of anemia. That is why, if signs of intoxication of the body are observed, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor and carry out timely treatment. In the case of an acute form of intoxication, the patient requires urgent medical attention.

Intoxication of the body: main causes

The degree of intoxication largely depends on the general condition of the patient’s body, on the functioning of his excretory and immune systems, etc. The process of intoxication of the body can be caused by a variety of reasons:

Intoxication of the body is treated in stages. First of all, the original cause of poisoning is eliminated. Then the toxic substances are neutralized: antidote therapy, cleansing with antitoxic serums, etc. Accelerating the removal of harmful toxins from the body is facilitated by oxygen therapy, drinking plenty of fluids, transfusion of blood substitutes, and diuretics. The final stage of treatment of intoxication is symptomatic therapy, the purpose of which is to correct impaired body functions. In each individual case, the doctor, based on the degree of intoxication, the reasons for its occurrence, the severity of symptoms and the general condition of the patient’s body, prescribes an individual course of treatment for intoxication.

Chronic intoxication of the body occurs to a greater or lesser extent in almost every resident of modern cities and megalopolises. The surrounding atmosphere with a large amount of emissions from enterprises, polluted water and soil lead to a catastrophic decrease in the number of healthy people.

Manifestation of chronic intoxication of the body.

To combat chronic intoxication, a person needs a powerful system for neutralizing and removing toxins. To prevent the body from being poisoned by harmful substances, the kidneys, liver, lungs and intestines work non-stop around the clock. Harmful substances can enter the body with food or be formed during the digestion of food. The load on these organs increases with infectious diseases and even with simple acute respiratory infections.

Acute intoxication The body manifests itself after consuming large amounts of alcohol, fatty foods, poisoning with chemicals, and in diseases of an infectious and bacterial nature. Unlike acute, chronic intoxication of the body increases gradually.

Chronic intoxication. At the initial stage, symptoms of intoxication may be mild. Gradually, chronic intoxication begins to cause chronic inflammatory diseases. To treat these diseases, pharmaceutical drugs are used, which in turn continue to poison the body. If you look at the problem differently, then it’s worth avoiding toxins and waste, how you can achieve a faster result in the treatment of any acute respiratory infection.

Chronic intoxication of the body: symptoms.

♦ The first symptoms of intoxication are weakness and slight lethargy. The person sleeps well, but the sleep is heavy and it is difficult to wake up in the morning. Any physical and mental work causes rapid fatigue, absent-mindedness and memory impairment. In addition, one can often notice a deterioration in the acuity of perception of the text being read.

♦ Dull headaches and heaviness in the head gradually develop when concentration is necessary, sweating increases, appetite and sexual activity decrease. A person may become more nervous and their hair will become brittle and dull. It is worth noting that each symptom first increases in strength, and then a new one appears.

♦ Since symptoms appear one after another, a person gradually gets used to feeling unwell and does not pay attention to it. For vivacity, different methods are used to spur the body: from coffee, energy drinks to alcohol and various stimulants. Unpleasant phenomena are temporarily weakened, but intoxication continues to increase.

♦ Symptoms of developed chronic intoxication include allergic, inflammatory diseases and weakened motor function. After physical activity, swelling and pain appear in the joints, blood pressure rises, and nervous tension occurs.

Since the body is poisoned with toxins, as the load on the organs increases, they begin to be unable to cope with it and symptoms of intoxication appear.

Treatment of chronic intoxication of the body.

To treat chronic intoxication, only a doctor can prescribe proper detoxification, which should be repeated every two years in the future. However, before this, a number of tests and examinations must be carried out.

Traditional medicine also offers many ways to treat chronic intoxication and. Therefore, it is best to take an integrated approach to relieve this condition. Detoxification therapy must necessarily include immunomodulatory drugs, which must be taken under the supervision of a physician.

Intensive cleansing fills the body with vigor and physical strength. During this therapy, toxins and harmful waste accumulated over the years are released, microcirculation of lymph flow is restored, and the potential of cells for self-regeneration is improved.

I am sure that almost all of us have a body that is polluted to one degree or another. After an effective cleansing program, we can improve our well-being, increase energy, restore sleep and appetite.

Immunologist Professor K. A. Lebedev

Everyone knows that many ancient religions, including Christianity, prescribe regular fasting to cleanse the body. This is the simplest and most natural method for humans, which is based on diet and procedures used during strict fasting.

At the same time, every person can really restore their health and activity. Of course, this requires persistence and willpower. Unfortunately, most of us are not used to working for our health - giving up bad habits, exercising regularly, spending a lot of time in the fresh air, watching our diet. We usually refer to the fact that we do not have the conditions and capabilities for this. But let's start small, the most accessible, and see the first results. Cleansing the body of harmful substances once is not so difficult; it is more difficult to force yourself to do it regularly. So where to start?

The human body has a powerful system for neutralizing and removing toxic substances. The liver is the main organ where harmful substances are neutralized. The main amount is excreted by the kidneys in the urine. A lot goes through the intestines. These three main cleansing organs - the liver, kidneys and intestines - are constantly helped by many other systems and organs of our body. Thus, through the skin, along with sweat and desquamated cells, with mucous discharge from the bronchi, toxic substances are constantly released. And gaseous harmful substances are eliminated through the lungs during breathing. In total, the excretory and cleansing organs are so powerful and have such huge reserves of activation that they can quickly cope with a very large number of toxic substances. In addition, these organs work in a continuous mode, because during the assimilation of any food, during the disposal of its own spent cells and tissues, toxic products are constantly formed in the body, which must be neutralized and eliminated. Therefore, the liberation of the body even from a large number of toxins usually occurs unnoticed by a person.

Sometimes the body receives so many harmful substances that it cannot quickly cope with them. Then symptoms of intoxication, poisoning of the body with toxic substances arise. However, a healthy body gets rid of them quite quickly.

With every infection, even a mild acute respiratory infection, microbes release large amounts of toxic substances into the body. They make themselves felt by weakness, fever, headaches, and nausea. If our cleansing system did not constantly neutralize and remove most of these toxins, the body would very quickly die. After the disease is reversed, the bulk of microbes or viruses are destroyed, the symptoms of intoxication quickly disappear - again thanks to the active work of the body’s cleansing systems.

But despite such effective work of the body’s cleansing systems, in recent years doctors have increasingly noted signs of intoxication not only in patients, but also in healthy people. In the body of the majority of our population, especially in cities, the concentration of toxic products is constantly increased - that is, there is chronic intoxication.

The troubles that chronic intoxication brings

When, during an infection, after a heavy intemperate intake of heavy food with large amounts of alcohol, the amount of toxic substances in the body sharply increases, acute intoxication occurs. Its symptoms: headache, weakness, drowsiness, nausea, etc. - appear quickly, but disappear just as quickly when the body removes toxins.

Unlike acute, chronic (long-term) intoxication occurs and intensifies gradually. And painful symptoms do not appear immediately and not all together, but usually only a part of them, and the strength of their manifestation increases gradually. This is why we often miss the onset of this insidious disease. And when we realize it, we often already have various chronic inflammatory diseases caused by intoxication. Doctors often begin to treat them by stuffing the patient with a large number of different potent drugs, which actually intensifies what lies at the basis of these diseases - chronic intoxication of the body, although there is no doubt that treatment should begin with the removal of toxins as the root cause of the disease and only then treat itself disease. In this case, the effect will be easier to achieve and it will be more radical.

What are the initial manifestations of chronic intoxication?

Usually it all starts with the fact that a person begins to feel lethargic and weak. Sleep becomes difficult, and when waking up the person does not feel cheerful. At work, he quickly gets tired and his performance decreases. People around you begin to notice the person’s absent-mindedness. Memory and acuity of reading text deteriorate. Heaviness and dull pain in the head may appear during stress and work. Sweating increases either only in the arms or legs, under the arms, or throughout the body. Appetite decreases. Sexual activity weakens.

Women experience dizziness and increased nervousness. Hair may become brittle, lose its shine, and hair loss may increase. Skin turgor decreases, especially in older people, which manifests itself in folds that remain on the face for a long time after sleep.

But, as we have already noted, these symptoms of deterioration in general well-being often do not appear all together. Some have some symptoms, others have others. They slowly increase in intensity, and more and more new ones join them. A person gets used to them and forgets what good health is. He continues to work and is considered healthy in the family, overcoming his discomfort. Usually he invigorates himself with coffee, smoking, and often alcohol. Starts taking stimulating medications (such as pantocrine, tinctures of eleutherococcus, aralia, lemongrass, ginseng, etc.). But all this gives only a temporary effect of improving well-being, and chronic intoxication is slowly but surely increasing, and not without the help of these invigorations.

Sooner or later, these symptoms of deterioration in well-being are joined by others. These are individual symptoms of allergic and inflammatory diseases, manifestations of insufficiency in the functioning of certain body systems, weakened by prolonged intoxication. We must clearly understand that these are not diseases themselves, but only their symptoms - harbingers of various pathologies. And there is not the slightest need to treat them with potent drugs, which will only increase the intoxication of the body. The fight against intoxication will quickly lead to the disappearance of all these symptoms. It’s another matter if you are not persistent in detoxification measures: then they will soon appear again (which we have already talked about and will repeat again and again).

Itching of individual areas of the skin, redness, infiltrates (indurations) in the skin appear - all this occurs, as a rule, irregularly and usually disappears quickly. Dust when cleaning an apartment may cause irritation of the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes, which will manifest itself in the form of a runny nose, sneezing or watery eyes, etc. In total, all these symptoms are explained by irritation of the skin and mucous membranes, and the accumulation of toxic substances in them at elevated concentrations. Minor hypothermia may result in short-term mild chills, coughing, and sore throat. True, usually these unpleasant symptoms soon disappear and a real cold does not develop. Often, relatively good food results in a set of unpleasant sensations - pain in the stomach after eating, nausea and even headaches, one-time loose stools, cramping pain in the intestines. A person believes that he was poisoned by eating a low-quality product. This is partly true, but often such symptoms occur only in a few of those who have consumed this product. Consequently, they rather indicate the weakness of the digestive system in a given person. After hard work, swelling of the legs or pain in the joints may appear for a short time, which was not the case before. After nervous tension, blood pressure begins to rise slightly and briefly, which returns to normal after a short rest. After a minimal intake of alcohol, transient pain in the stomach appears. With a sloppy and irregular diet, constipation appears, followed by relaxation of the stomach. And all this quickly returns to normal when nutrition is normalized. These symptoms indicate the weakness of certain body systems, poisoned by toxins, which, in the stage of tension, begin to not fully cope with their functions. Of course, many more examples of instability of body systems can be given. But it must be emphasized that it is not always easy to distinguish the pre-disease from the disease itself. In addition, all these symptoms of weakness of one or another body system may be based on a completely different source than intoxication of the body. And therefore it is very important that you are constantly consulted by a doctor whom you completely trust, and who indicates the onset of the disease in time.

At the next stage of development of chronic intoxication, it turns out that one or another body system is so undermined that real chronic diseases already arise: allergic, inflammatory and others. Any acute pathology that the body, weakened by intoxication, cannot fully cope with, becomes chronic. It is almost impossible to cure a developed chronic disease by fighting chronic intoxication of the body alone. Here you need the help of an experienced doctor, and first of all an immunologist, who will help the body's defense system - the immune system - cope with the chronic process. At this stage, you cannot do without potent drugs - stimulants of the immune system, or, as they are often called, immunomodulators. In order not to cause harm, they should be prescribed in the minimum required quantities (under the control of an analysis of the quality of the immune system) and, of course, against the background of intensive cleansing of the body - detoxifying therapy.

Chronic intoxication of the body already in the early stages of its development causes persistent changes in the clinical blood test. However, using this analysis it is not always possible to confidently determine the strength of intoxication. The intensity of changes in blood tests clearly characterizes only fairly advanced cases of chronic intoxication. A large number of these people usually have a reduced level of white blood cells - leukocytes - due to a decrease in the number of neutrophils, so they have an increased percentage of lymphocytes. Changes in neutrophils (a type of white blood cell) are detected: pathological granularity is found in the cytoplasm of these cells, cells with atypical nuclei are more common. The ability of neutrophils to phagocytosis - devouring microbes and other foreign particles - decreases. The same changes, but more dramatic, can also be seen in acute intoxications and poisonings of the body that arise from various causes.

The described changes in the blood picture have recently become increasingly common not only in patients, but also in many healthy residents of our country and especially large cities.


Many peoples of the world on all inhabited continents of the Earth, professing various religions, have introduced and observe fasting into their existence. Fasting is usually associated with the tenets of religions; they are given a large role in the spiritual enlightenment of a person. The most important component of fasting is limiting food intake mainly to foods of plant origin. From a medical point of view, this is the most rational and effective method of detoxifying the body, cleansing it of accumulated harmful substances, and preventing the occurrence of chronic intoxication of the body.

There are four large posts - they cover all seasons.

The longest and strictest is Lent. It begins after Maslenitsa, lasts about seven weeks and ends on the first day of Easter, which usually occurs in April. If this post is considered only from the point of view of medical rationality, then its timing is quite logical. It is towards the end of winter that toxic substances should accumulate most intensively in the body. This happens due to the consumption of mainly canned foods, old meat, lard and smoked foods against the background of a decrease in the diet of fresh vegetables and fruits, which are active detoxifying foods.

The summer fast of Peter the Great begins on the first Monday after the Day of the Holy Spirit and ends on July 12, the feast of the apostles Peter and Paul; it usually lasts from 2 to 5 weeks.

The Winter Nativity Fast lasts from November 28 to January 7, the eve of the Nativity of Christ.

Each of these four fasts lasts more than a week, but the most severe dietary restrictions are prescribed for the last 7 days of each fast. The Christmas winter fast lasts 40 days. During the entire fast, it is prescribed not to eat meat or animal oil. But if in the first weeks (though not on all days of the week, but only on Sundays and other holidays) eating fish is permissible, then in the last week you can only eat bread, cereals, vegetables and fruits, and drink only water. On the last day of fasting, no food is taken at all, except kvass and water.

And at the beginning, and further, during all fasts, it is prescribed to regularly wash in a bathhouse with a birch, and in the northern regions - with a juniper broom. A bathhouse is especially strictly prescribed before the start of the last strict week of fasting. These customs that accompany fasting are very important because they enhance the detoxification of the body. After all, the skin retains toxic substances and therefore becomes reactive to the slightest irritation. A bath with birch infusion not only cleanses the skin and causes it to actively release toxic substances, but also normalizes metabolic processes and soothes it.

In addition to these long fasts, Christians are instructed not to eat meat or dairy on Wednesdays and Fridays of every week of the year.

One can only wonder how our ancestors were able to create temporary dietary restrictions, removing from their diet substances that, when absorbed in the body, produce the largest amount of toxic substances - such as meat and animal fats. They did this purely empirically, because they did not know biochemistry. And, what needs to be especially emphasized, they did not completely remove meat products from the diet, but only gave temporary restrictions on their consumption. And this is absolutely correct, because meat contains very valuable substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body (such as essential amino acids, vitamins, iron, etc.). And these substances are most efficiently and quickly absorbed by the body from meat products.

In the same way, vegetables and fruits are empirically introduced into the fasting table, helping to cleanse the body of harmful substances. Man selected no more than a hundred vegetables and fruits for agriculture out of hundreds of thousands available in nature, but this selection was very rational. Most of the plants he cultivates, along with a variety of beneficial properties, have a mild diuretic, laxative and stool-normalizing effect; many stimulate the functioning of the liver, this main organ responsible for neutralizing toxic substances.

Thus, the fasting table, on the one hand, excludes foods that are carriers of toxic substances, and on the other, introduces plant foods into the diet that stimulate the activity of the three main organs of the body responsible for cleansing the body of harmful substances: the liver, kidneys and intestines. Completing the fast with a short period of complete fasting creates normal conditions for the cleansing organs to decompose all remaining toxic products that are most difficult to neutralize. And at the same time, a short cycle of fasting does not undermine the body’s energy balance and does not require overstraining its systems.

Of no small importance in the posts is the bathhouse. This in itself is quite understandable. But a bathhouse with a steam room, with a birch or juniper broom - that’s what’s amazing! After all, it is birch and juniper that most actively stimulate detoxification of the body and cleansing of the skin. We will return to this later.

Now, for us who know physiology and biochemistry, it is quite easy to understand the meaning of regular fasting. But our ancestors came to this on the basis of their own centuries-old experience. After all, the traditions of fasting go back to ancient times. Christianity only gave them new content. And we note that out of many possible options, it was the alternation of lean and meat diets that was chosen, although one could have come up with, for example, constant dietary restriction and constant stimulation of the body’s cleansing organs.

But no matter how good the fasts are, their observance can only maintain the human body in a healthy and vigorous state. If chronic intoxication of the body has already developed and even the first clinical manifestations have appeared, only regular fasting diets in combination with means aimed at sharply enhancing their effect - taking medications from medicinal herbs, sorbents, etc. will help cope with the disaster. after successful intensive therapy for chronic intoxication, you can return to regular fasting.

How to treat chronic intoxication

We need to help the body get rid of these substances. But this requires patience. We must remember that the body, to the extent possible, has already managed to adapt to these harmful substances and has included them in its metabolism. And every system of the body has strong inertia, that is, it actively resists any changes. This property is in many ways a very valuable defense mechanism. But for the treatment of a chronic disease, including intoxication, this is a big obstacle. That is why, when after a course of detoxifying therapy the content of toxins in the body decreases sharply, the body’s biochemical systems, accustomed to their high level, will not actively resist their second rise, and in some cases may even contribute to the retention of toxins. That is, after the first cycles of cleansing the body of harmful substances, their level will rise again quite quickly. That is why, in the first stages of treatment, cycles of cleansing the body will have to be carried out quite often, and they themselves should be more radical compared to strict fasting diets.

Gradually, as the body’s systems normalize and toxic substances that are not destroyed so quickly are washed out of organs and tissues, cycles of cleansing therapy are carried out less and less often, in fact, they come closer to regular fasts.

In order for the restructuring of the body's biochemical systems to proceed most completely and effectively, between detoxification cycles they take medications that help normalize metabolic processes in the body.

This is, in general terms, the strategy for treating chronic intoxication of the body.

For most people with advanced forms of chronic intoxication, the following order of detoxification therapy cycles is usually optimal.

The duration of each cycle is usually 7 days. In the first two months they are held monthly. The next cycle is in 6 weeks. Another one - after 2 months and, finally, the last cycle - after three months. All cycles of cleansing therapy include adherence to a strict lean diet, enhanced by the intake of medicinal herbs and sorbents of toxic substances, as well as drugs that normalize metabolic processes. After completing the last cycle of cleansing therapy, a person should switch to regular regular fasting (about once a quarter, lasting about 1 week) to preventively maintain the general tone of the body and prevent the development of repeated chronic intoxication. Of course, it is most optimal to begin to observe all the instructions of the Christian religion regarding fasting.

During the entire first year between cycles of cleansing therapy, a person must regularly take medications that normalize metabolic processes. These primarily include fish oil and multivitamin preparations with microelements. As sources of vitamins and microelements, it is useful to take seaweed, rosehip infusion, carrot-radish-beetroot juice, viburnum juice, etc.

Thus, the treatment of chronic intoxication includes a number of successive cycles, which are based on fasting nutrition, enhanced by taking drugs from medicinal plants.

Currently, many books and teachings have appeared in which their authors, in fact, for the same purposes, advocate the use of complete fasting in a series of successive and fairly long cycles. Indeed, fasting helps cleanse the body of harmful substances. However, there is no doubt that when fasting lasts for more than 1-2 days, the body experiences a sharp overstrain and a profound restructuring of the functioning of many body systems. The reorientation of its metabolic systems begins to consume its own reserve proteins, fats and carbohydrates from organs and tissues. And although homeostatic mechanisms quite fully compensate for such a restructuring, it cannot be considered a normal physiological process, especially in an organism undermined by chronic poisoning. Moreover, no less complete results of detoxification of the body can be obtained without resorting to such long-term fasting schemes. In addition, it is practically extremely unlikely that most people suffering from chronic intoxication will actually be able to fight their problem through long, repeated cycles of complete fasting.

However, by offering a more effective physiological and at the same time gentle scheme for combating chronic intoxication, we in no way want and do not consider it advisable to convince those who have already overcome great moral difficulties and began to actually use one or another scheme of complete fasting, receiving positive changes in your health and well-being.

But for others who have not begun to get carried away with fasting cycles, it should be noted that against the backdrop of general environmental distress, it is irrational to deprive the body of the entire complex of necessary substances to which it has become accustomed for generations and which can only be absorbed with adequate nutrition. And even more so, to carry out fasting cycles in the city, while drinking contaminated water and breathing polluted air.

The same is our attitude towards a number of other nutritional schemes aimed, in fact, at the same goals. These also include raw food diets for vegetables and fruits. Everyone knows that raw vegetables and fruits contain many substances that are important for the body, including those that help cleanse it of toxins. And they must be included in the diet of both fast and fast meals. But at the same time, we cannot agree with the exclusion of heat-processed foods from our diet. This is the greatest achievement of mankind, allowing to significantly improve and deepen the digestion of food. The nutrition of all humanity, without exception, rests on this.

A number of other authors advocate the exclusion of meat products from the diet - in fact, different versions of vegetarianism. The history of this movement goes back a century and a half. We have no right to dissuade his ideologists and followers from their nutritional principles. But with all due respect to people who do not adhere to these principles, we cannot help but express our negative attitude towards vegetarianism. The principle of omnivory is laid down in people not just by centuries of history, but also by selection, genetic adaptation of all body systems to such nutrition: a person is not a herbivore, not a predator, but an omnivore. And it is precisely this variety of food that creates the optimal nutritional option, in which energetically and metabolically highly effective proteins and fats of animal origin are combined in the necessary balance with the gentle and normalizing potential of carbohydrate-rich plant products. The point is only in the correct balance of these components, which man with his centuries-old culture has realized and uses in the form of the institution of fasting. Losing this advantage, secured by evolutionary selection, is not only irrational, but simply dangerous for the full functioning of the organism. In addition, no matter how vegetarians and their various schools argue, the bulk of humanity did not follow them, although everything valuable that they discovered in the possibilities of plant nutrition undoubtedly takes into account.

So, it is unreasonable to discard the evolutionary conquest of man - mixed nutrition. Another thing is to prevent the formation of chronic intoxication in the body, that is, the body becoming accustomed to an increased concentration of toxins. This can be achieved only by regular interruptions of the monotonous increase in the concentration of toxins in the body by cleansing it of accumulated toxic substances. This is ensured by a system of posts, long and short. It is in the prevention of the development of chronic intoxication that their main medical significance lies.

Water procedures are an important component of the cleansing therapy cycle

It is better to start the body’s detoxification cycles at the end of the work week, for example on Friday evening, with a bath. We have already touched on this issue earlier, but now we will discuss it thoroughly, since in cleansing therapy, the correct use of water procedures is of fundamental importance for its ultimate success. After all, they not only enhance metabolic processes throughout the body, activating the removal of toxic substances through the kidneys, but also sharply enhance their removal through the skin, cleansing it of toxic products accumulated in it.

While staying in a steam room, all metabolic processes in the body are enhanced (according to the literature, by more than 40%), liver function is activated and, accordingly, the neutralization of toxic substances in it is accelerated. From various depots of organs and tissues, blood reserves are released into the general bloodstream, and with them toxic products deposited there, which then enter the bloodstream into the liver with subsequent release from the body.

For the purpose of activating cleansing processes in the body, the most effective is washing in a Russian bath with steam and a birch broom (see below for information on preparing brooms).

In the steam room, under the influence of hot steam and massage obtained as a result of whipping with a broom, the pores of the skin and its ducts open, as a result of which active sweating begins with the release of toxic products. The use of a broom made from birch branches (and in the northern regions of Russia - from juniper) is not accidental. Birch leaves contain substances that stimulate biochemical processes in the skin and cause active sweating, which, as scientists have shown, more than doubles the release of toxins from the skin than simply staying in a steam room without a broom.

The healing effect of birch leaf extracts must be fully utilized. Therefore, it is very good to keep the infusion of birch leaves until the end of your stay in the bath. Before the guy starts in the bath, a broom, whether dry or fresh, is dipped in boiling water, and it remains there for 10-15 minutes to steam. When the broom is removed, a fragrant green infusion of leaves remains in the basin. It is for them that at the end of their stay in the bath it is good to pour over the body and then no longer rinse with water. The active substances of birch contained in the infusion are absorbed into the skin and continue to have a stimulating effect for several days after the bath.

In terms of its active ingredients, juniper broom is close to birch, but its effect is more dramatic.

The steam room usually, if not overdosed, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. After the bath, tension is relieved, a good mood appears, sleep becomes deep and restful and you quickly fall asleep. The release of toxic substances from the body plays an important role here. But we must remember that paired procedures should not be abused. If you have just started using the steam room, do not try to imitate and keep up with the old-timers of the Russian bath both in terms of the time you spend in the steam room and in the strength of the steam that they bring to the maximum. Gradually you will get used to it - and then you will be able to extend the period of your pleasant stay in the steam room and increase the amount of steam.

After the first intake of steam, whipping with a steamed broom and sweating, you should wash well with soap and douse yourself with clean water. It is very good if you get a massage of your body. And on a clean body it is useful to take steam a second time.

To get steam in a steam room, little hot water is splashed onto hot (up to 600°C) stones, which instantly turns into steam. At this time, you should bend down so that the stream of steam does not burn you. You need to pour water on different areas of the hot stones so that they don’t<залить>and they all cooled down gradually. It is useful to infuse hot water used to produce steam with peppermint, kvass with horseradish, or juniper or pine branches. This is pleasant, because a wonderful fragrant aroma spreads in the steam room. It is useful, since the released substances help the steam to activate the activity of the lungs, which secrete a large amount of toxic products with mucus and exhaled air. Activation of respiration and the ability to phagocytose cells living on the mucous membrane of the alveoli (small vesicles of the lungs, through the walls of which oxygen is absorbed and carbon dioxide is released), then persists for several days. In fact, inhaling extracts of medicinal herbs with hot steam in a steam room is inhalation therapy - one of the most effective procedures now widely used in the treatment of various bronchopulmonary diseases. To achieve this, many medical equipment companies produce various, often very expensive, equipment.

A course of weekly cleansing therapy, starting with a bath, usually ends with it next Friday.

After visiting the steam room, as a rule, you feel thirsty, as the body loses a lot of fluid. The healthiest thing is to drink a glass of sour lingonberry water, usually diluted with cold water. It will help at the very initial stage of detoxification therapy to force the kidneys, liver and intestines to work actively.

During the entire treatment week of detoxification, it is necessary to take a shower or wipe with a damp towel at least once a day (in the evening, and preferably in the morning). This should support the skin in the active cleansing mode created by the bath.

If you do not yet have the opportunity to visit a bathhouse with steam and a birch broom, or due to various diseases, a steam room is contraindicated for you, then it can be replaced with a simple bath with decoctions of medicinal herbs, although this, of course, is not equivalent in potency to a steam room.

Typically, washing in the bathroom should include not only washing the body with soap, but also rubbing with a hard washcloth or loofah, and for children, with a natural sponge. It is this procedure that should lead to the removal of a layer of dead cells and fatty grease from the skin, only after this the skin pores completely open and active sweating begins. The same applies to washing the body in a Russian bath. Try not to use washcloths, brushes, or sponges made of synthetic materials.

After washing with soap, the bathroom must be refilled with clean water and the previously prepared herbal infusion must be poured into it. As a rule, the temperature of such a therapeutic bath is 36°-39°C, but it can be changed in one direction or another depending on your desire and state of health. The time spent in the bath with herbal infusion is usually 10-15 minutes. After taking such a bath, you do not need to douse yourself with clean water. The active substances of the herbs must remain in some quantity on the skin - then their therapeutic effect will last.

Many guidelines published in recent years recommend complex collections consisting of many plants for such baths. However, mono-collection therapy is safer. The combined effect of several herbs often produces a completely different effect on the body than might be expected based on the properties of each herb. Quite often, such complex preparations give an unexpected negative effect on certain body systems. Perhaps, for the purpose of treating a number of severe skin diseases, such complex collections of medicinal plants provide optimal results. But they should be prescribed in each individual case by an experienced dermatologist who is fluent in herbal medicine.

The most well tested and successfully used for detoxifying the body are baths with an infusion of birch leaves, rhizomes and young leaves of burdock, the whole dandelion plant, the whole string plant, and the herb of greater celandine.

To prepare a decoction of the plant for a large bath, you need to take 700 grams, and for a lower bath - 500 grams of dried and crushed herbs or 2.5-3 kg of chopped fresh plants. Place these herbs in a large bucket, add water and bring to a boil. After this, leave for 40-60 minutes. Then, covering the bucket with gauze, filter the infusion, pouring it into the bath. For children, the concentration of infusion in the bath should be half that for adults. And since the baby bath itself is 5-10 times smaller than an adult one, 10-20 times less plant material is required than for a large bath for an adult.

What to eat and drink during a cleansing cycle

The basis of the diet in the cycle of cleansing therapy for chronic intoxication of the body is a strict fasting table, but significantly enhanced in its effectiveness by the targeted selection of plant foods with the addition of medicinal herbs. All nutritional components are aimed at activating the cleansing activity of the kidneys, intestines and liver.

We must emphasize that during the 7 days of the detoxification therapy cycle, a person must receive normal amounts of vitamins and minerals from their diet. He should receive not only carbohydrates, but also proteins and fats in the quantities necessary for vigorous activity. These norms for an adult during a week of cleansing the body should range from 1800 kilocalories per day for people engaged primarily in mental work, to 2500 kilocalories for those engaged in physical labor or active physical education. Of course, under normal work conditions and normal nutrition, these norms, as a rule, rise to 3000-5000 kilocalories per day, taking into account the level of physical activity of a person. But a decrease in the level of energy consumption with nutrition, applied only during the loading week, does not cause a significant overstrain of the body's metabolic systems, and energy costs without any overstrain are covered by the reserves of the body's energy reserves. At the same time, moderate dietary restriction during this week stimulates the release of stagnant toxic substances from various organs into the blood, their neutralization in the liver and excretion from the body with urine and feces. And at the same time, unlike prolonged fasting, all body systems operate within the range of normal physiological limits.

On the last day of detoxification therapy, a person receives almost no food, limiting himself to consuming herbal infusions and juices. It is on this last day that the cleansing of the body from toxic substances ends. The entire metabolism of the body is largely aimed at the decomposition of waste and toxic products remaining in the body.

The regime of certain dietary restrictions during Lent requires great responsibility of the housewife in selecting a nutritious food menu for each day, not only in terms of calorie content, but also in the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. We must strive to ensure that in such a diet at least 10% are plant proteins (there are many of them, for example, in legumes, mushrooms, nuts), 15% are fats (they are found in nuts, mushrooms, seeds; in addition, there are a variety of vegetable oils) , and the rest, about 70%, are carbohydrates, which are abundant in all plant foods.

Foods and medicinal herbs that normalize intestinal activity

Unfortunately, people often do not pay due attention to the functioning of their intestines, especially constipation. That is why habitual constipation, when stool does not happen every day, but sometimes after 2-3 days, is quite common, although it is quite easy to overcome constipation. To do this, it is usually sufficient to use herbal preparations that slightly laxate intestinal activity, while increasing the proportion of vegetables and fruits in the diet, which also have a laxative effect. Regular fasting will lead to a sustainable normalization of intestinal activity, because these products are always present in significant quantities in the fasting table. And on the contrary, if a person suffers from frequent stomach relaxations and frequent stools, then reducing the diet of plant products with a laxative effect and increasing the proportion of products with a reverse effect also gives a fairly quick and permanent desired effect.

Now let's see what natural plant products help to relax the intestines. This is a very wide range of food products. Many of the berries used in nutrition, some of which are collected wild, also help to loosen the stomach. And in the diet used during cleansing of the body, it is these products that should take their permanent place. It should be especially noted that there are a number of plant foods (some of them are wild) that simultaneously act not only on the intestines, but also activate the functioning of the liver and kidneys. It is these latter that become the leading background nutrition in cycles of cleansing therapy. These include watermelon juice, melons, lingonberries, juniper fruits and some others. They will be discussed in more detail below.

So, the composition of the diet should ensure reliable activation of the intestines and its release from toxic products.

But that is not all. It is necessary to sorb (bind) all toxic substances released from the body into the intestinal lumen immediately, before they are reabsorbed into the body, onto inert particles that are indigestible in the intestine, which will then remove them from the body in the stool.

Under normal nutritional conditions, the sorption of toxins is taken over by dietary fiber - fiber (they consist of pectin, lignin, cellulose), in mushrooms it is chitin. All these substances are not digested in the intestines and are excreted from the body in the stool. However, the sorption (binding) capacity of these substances is not very high, and part of the released toxic substances, when actively released into the intestinal lumen, returns to the body. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to take more active sorbents between meals (usually two hours before meals).

Foods and medicinal herbs that activate kidney activity

The most important element of the cleansing therapy cycle is the activation of the kidneys - increasing the excretion through the kidneys of various harmful products, toxins and the final product of protein decomposition - urea.

Strengthening the work of the kidneys, however, must be carried out gently, that is, a mild diuretic effect must be achieved. The most suitable for this are natural plant products, usually included in our diet, or medicinal herbs and plants specifically used to enhance kidney function. Preference should be given to those products and herbs that simultaneously enhance the functioning of the liver and intestines.

Strengthening kidney function should be combined with an increase in the amount of fluid consumed by a person in the form of juices, fruit drinks, kvass, teas, fruit and berry waters, etc. In this way, an enhanced flushing of the body is actually created, which cleanses all its tissues and organs from toxic products. The total daily fluid intake during a week of cleansing therapy should be about 2.5-3.5 liters.

It should be noted that both here and on other pages of this book, we are talking about the treatment of chronic intoxication in people who do not have any pathologies of organs or body systems. But in no case should you tolerate the proposed diets, bath procedures, etc. without consulting a doctor. on those who not only have chronic intoxication, but also simultaneously suffer from serious diseases and failure of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, stomach, intestines, and liver. In all these cases, the principle of treating chronic intoxication, of course, remains the same, but the composition of the diet and the intake of various medicinal plants must be significantly adjusted by an experienced doctor so that this treatment does not cause harm to organs and tissues damaged by the disease.

Foods and herbs that stimulate liver function

The number of plant-based foods that stimulate liver activity is large. Apparently, historically, man’s selection of vegetables and fruits for cultivation went, albeit subconsciously, precisely in this direction. It should be noted that a number of wild berries used by people in food (such as lingonberries, cranberries) and having the property of stimulating the liver, have not been cultivated in our country only because of their very large reserves in the forests and swamps surrounding us. In America and Europe, these berries have been firmly included in the category of cultivated cultivation for several decades.

Most manuals on therapeutic nutrition and medicinal plants do not have a special section<Растения, стимулирующие работу печени>, and usually there is a section devoted to choleretic plants. Although these are very close concepts, they are by no means identical. The category of choleretic includes substances that stimulate the release of bile already produced in the liver into the intestine from the gallbladder, but do not enhance the processes of its formation in the liver. Consequently, choleretic herbs, strictly speaking, are not stimulants of the liver itself. On the other hand, all substances that stimulate the liver also increase the formation of bile.

How to actually carry out a cleansing therapy cycle

To achieve a sustainable effect of stimulating the activity of all organs responsible for cleansing the body, it is necessary to consume a large amount of liquid (total up to 3.5 liters per day) with infusions of herbal activators of the kidneys, liver and intestines on all 7 days of the week. For this purpose, various infusions, kvass, juices and decoctions of plants are used.

1. Lingonberry water with infusion of birch leaves

Brew 1 tablespoon of birch leaves into 1 glass of boiling water, adding baking soda on the tip of a knife. The cooled infusion is poured into lingonberry water diluted with water. Typically, an adult needs 500-700 ml of lingonberry water per day, diluted to 2.5-3 liters with clean water, with the addition of 1 cup of birch leaf infusion and sugar to taste. In total, this water, like all the drinks below, in addition to a wide range of vitamins, contains a sufficient amount of substances that have a diuretic, laxative effect on the intestines and stimulate the liver.

2. Cranberry juice with the addition of birch bud infusion

Typically, a day you need to brew 1.5 teaspoons of dried birch buds in a glass of boiling water and mix with cranberry juice made from 200 grams of cranberries. Add sugar to taste. The total volume of fruit drink is 2.5-3 liters.

3. Cranberry juice with the addition of juniper fruit infusion

A day you need to brew 1 teaspoon of dried juniper fruits and mix with cranberry juice made from 200 grams of cranberries. Sugar to taste. The total volume of fruit drink is 2.5-3.0 liters.

4. Cranberry juice with the addition of burdock root infusion

One day, brew 2.0 grams of burdock roots and mix with cranberry juice made from 200 grams of cranberries. Sugar to taste. The total volume of fruit drink is 2.5-3.0 liters.

5. Brew of rose hips or viburnum with the addition of lingonberry leaf infusion

For a day, brew (preferably in a thermos) 2 tablespoons of dried rose hips with two tablespoons of lingonberry leaves, or three tablespoons of dried viburnum fruits and one and a half tablespoons of lingonberry leaves. Brew in a thermos in the evening, and in the morning, filter the liquid and dilute it to 2.5-3 liters with water, add sugar to taste and squeeze out a slice of lemon. To improve the taste, you can also add a small amount of cinnamon to the brew.

To prepare such infusions, it is better to use fresh or freshly frozen rose hips or viburnum. The widespread use of freezers among the population makes it possible to use fresh or freshly frozen berries all year round.

6. Strawberry leaf brew (preferably fermented) with birch buds

A day, brew a tablespoon with the top of fermented strawberry leaf or two tablespoons of regular dried strawberry leaf with the addition of 1 teaspoon of birch buds. Usually the plants are brewed with boiling water in a thermos in the evening, and in the morning they are filtered and the liquid is brought to 2.5-3.0 liters with water. To improve the taste, you can add sugar and lemon juice.

7. Watermelon juice

Drink 2 liters of juice per day, diluted with water to 2.5-3 liters. You can take up to 3.5 kg of watermelon pulp per day or combine juice and whole watermelon, reducing the amount of each component accordingly.

8. Melon juice

Melon juice or the melon itself is used in the same quantities as watermelon juice.

All of the listed medicinal liquids are on the table during meals, they are washed down with all dishes or drunk at the end of the meal. They also drink them between meals. In other words, the entire required daily volume of fluid must be distributed evenly throughout the day. On the last, seventh, day of the treatment cycle, only these liquids are consumed. And in the evening of this day, after the bath, they switch to the usual fast food table, because the detoxification cycle ends.

A fasting diet should include three meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. Let me remind you that in a weekly detoxification cycle, as during a strict fast, it is necessary to exclude all meat and dairy products, animal fat and fish. Our diet still includes cereals, baked goods, vegetables, and fruits. Greens and partial consumption of raw vegetables and fruits are highly desirable. There are also legumes, mushrooms and all the spices left as seasoning.

The range of delicious dishes that can be prepared from these products is very wide. Accordingly, the preparation of various menus can be unlimitedly varied and fully take into account the tastes and habits of different peoples, and indeed of each individual person. Of course, this menu will significantly depend on the time of year and income.

How to reduce the risk of toxic substances entering the body

First of all, you need to know that there are no plants without nitrates. In the body they are reduced to nitrites, and these are already toxic products. The fact is that when nitrates combine with hemoglobin in the blood, respiration processes at the cellular level are disrupted, and this has a detrimental effect on the functioning of the entire organism. However, the intake of nitrates and nitrites in the body in small quantities does not cause negative consequences, since they are promptly destroyed in the liver and excreted from the body. Sooner or later, biochemists will show that low concentrations of nitrates and nitrites are very important for the normal functioning of the body. This has already been shown for microelements and other substances that are poisons in large concentrations, but are necessary for the normal functioning of the body in small concentrations.

So, when products are labeled<без нитратов и нитритов>, this only means that their content in these products is low and harmless when consumed. In any case, the level of nitrates and nitrites of 300-400 Mr (0.3-0.4 g) per kilogram of products is not dangerous for humans. Higher concentrations pose a significant danger, especially during cycles of cleansing the body of toxins.

Failure to comply with the technology for growing vegetables and fruits, especially violation of the technology for applying nitrogenous fertilizers (both in quantity and time), leads to an increase in the content of nitrates and nitrites in fruits by tens and hundreds of times.

The most reliable and simplest means of determining the level of nitrates and nitrites in vegetables and fruits before purchasing them is to test them using an individual apparatus or special indicator papers. However, it is still difficult to buy all these devices from us, and reliable instruments and test kits are expensive.

But there are several rules that will allow you to purchase better vegetables and fruits.

Very large fruits are usually the result of active application of fertilizers. In Europe they are usually 1.5-2 times cheaper.

It must be remembered that cabbage, beets, lettuce, radishes, radishes, celery, parsley, dill, and watermelon accumulate nitrates and nitrites most greedily. Tomatoes, eggplants, onions, and grapes accumulate them to a much lesser extent.

Increased concentrations of nitrates and nitrites are easy to detect in watermelons and carrots. In such watermelons, the veins become yellowish, and yellowish compactions appear in the pulp. In carrots, the core becomes whitish. All this is clearly visible on the cut of watermelon and carrots and, of course, you should not buy them either.

It is better to buy vegetables and fruits from reputable sellers or directly at the place where they are grown, which sharply reduces the risk of purchasing low-quality products. After all, vegetables and fruits collected from a plot of land located less than 70 meters from a busy highway obviously contain high concentrations of lead, dioxin and other toxic products emitted from car engines with exhaust gases. In all developed countries, it is prohibited to grow all agricultural products, collect grass and graze livestock in a 70-meter strip on both sides of highways. In our country, since the people did not have land, the most active agricultural activity takes place precisely in this strip, and often there is a brisk trade in all poisoned fruits.

The amount of toxic substances in foods, including nitrates and nitrites, can be significantly reduced as a result of their culinary processing.

In root vegetables, the concentration of nitrites and nitrates is usually very unevenly distributed. Most of them accumulate at the base of the fruit and in leaf cuttings. Therefore, if you are not sure of the nitrate purity of, for example, carrots, you need to cut off 1-1.5 cm from both sides of the root vegetable and throw these pieces away.

Cabbage has the highest nitrate levels in the upper leaves and stalk. If you are unsure about the quality of the purchased cabbage, you should not eat it fresh. During fermentation, a significant part of the nitrates and nitrites goes into the brine. For cucumbers with elevated levels of these compounds, be sure to cut off the skin and the part that is attached to the stem.

For dill, parsley and celery that are not nitrate-free enough, only the leaves should be eaten and the stems should be discarded.

When cooking vegetables, some of the nitrates and nitrites decompose, and some go into the broth. Thus, in boiled carrots the amount of nitrates is reduced by 50%, in beets by 20%, in potatoes by 20-40%. Most of the nitrates and nitrites when cooking vegetables pass into the water in the first 15 minutes. Therefore, if the vegetables are not nitrate-pure enough, you need to boil them until half cooked, drain the broth, pour boiling water over them, then add salt and cook until fully cooked. Of course, by draining the first vegetable broth, we lose a lot of microelements, but we always need to choose the lesser of two evils.

It is known that the skin of many fruits and vegetables contains a high content of various beneficial substances. But if the plants are not grown using environmentally friendly technology (that is, not according to the methods that our grandfathers and great-grandfathers used), the skins of fruits and root vegetables must be removed, because it is in it that the most dangerous pesticides accumulate.

A lot of toxins, including carcinogens, are formed in overcooked oil. Therefore, you should not fry in oil again, and the pan should be thoroughly washed each time. It is very good to use Teflon-coated frying pans: you can fry on them with a minimum amount of oil or without any oil at all.

The last tip concerns various cereals. Many people in their apartments, which are not suitable for long-term storage of food, store, often for a long time, stocks of various cereals. But it turns out that during long-term storage of any cereal, the fat on the surface of the grains becomes greasy, oxidizes and goes rancid. As a result, the cereal becomes toxic. The fat film from the surface of the grains is easily washed off with boiling water. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers always poured boiling water over any cereal before cooking porridge. But if you use old grains, this becomes a must.

To this ancient method of removing oxidized fats from cereals, another method of neutralizing cereals should be added. Nowadays, cereals are grown mainly on soils oversaturated with chemicals, and therefore accumulate various toxic chemicals in large quantities. To remove them, the cereal washed with boiling water should be poured with cold boiled water and left overnight. In the morning, rinse the swollen cereal again and then cook the porridge. However, such washing of cereals should be done only during the weeks of detoxification of the body. During the long-term washing process, along with various toxic substances, a number of substances important for the body, in particular microelements, are released from the cereals. This significantly reduces the nutritional value of grains, because only in the complex of all elements are they highly beneficial for the body. Take away at least one of the components, and the rest will have a completely different effect on our body.

Water for drinking and food

The issue of water used for drinking and cooking is important not only for detox weeks, but also for everyday nutrition. If you have a deep well, artesian well or spring with clean water that is not contaminated with chemicals from fields or nearby factories, then you are lucky and the problem is solved. But now this is a rare happiness. In the centralized water supply network of cities, especially large ones, water, even if it has gone through a number of stages of purification and disinfection, has very large impurities of various toxic products. And even if individually there are not so many of them, in combination, and especially in combination with contaminated food, they pose a significant threat to our health. Therefore, it is advisable to purify the water used for drinking. And for a week of therapeutic detoxification of the body and fasting, this is simply necessary.

Now in our stores you can buy both good spring water in bottles and expensive imported water purifiers. But if there is no free finance for this, we advise you to purchase a relatively cheap domestic device for purifying water from chemical and biological impurities like<Родничок>with a set of replaceable filters made on the basis of activated carbon. (You need to know that this technical activated carbon is not suitable for internal human use instead of pharmaceutical activated carbon). Water passed through such a filter becomes free of many toxic additives.

The toxic effect of ethyl alcohol on the body is caused by both ethanol and its metabolite, acetaldehyde. The main organs affected primarily are the brain and liver.

When a small amount of alcohol is consumed, the liver cells have time to remove it from the body. How to relieve intoxication of the body in a situation where a person has not calculated the dose of alcohol consumed.

Alcohol intoxication is divided into 3 degrees of severity:

  1. mild stage, when mental functions are impaired. The ethanol content in the blood is 0.5-1.5‰. The person is in a state of euphoria, he is talkative, excited, coordination of movements is impaired;
  2. when the dose of alcohol increases to 2.5‰, neurological symptoms appear, such as apathy, adynamia, vomiting;
  3. the severe stage begins when the ethanol content in the blood is 5‰ or higher. Characteristic symptoms are decreased blood pressure, rapid pulse, cyanosis, breathing problems, and possible aspiration of vomit.
  4. coma.

Basic principles of treatment

Help for alcohol intoxication at home includes the following activities:

  • removal and neutralization of poison;
  • combating dehydration;
  • eliminating intestinal dysbiosis;
  • restoration of impaired functions;

Removing mild alcohol intoxication is acceptable at the victim’s home. First, you should remove alcohol from the body by rinsing the stomach with warm water with the addition of soda or potassium permanganate.

After taking 0.7-1.0 liters of water,... The procedure is carried out until the water is clear. In some cases, uncontrollable vomiting is observed.

To stop it, offer the victim a drink. There are a number of folk recipes on how to stop the gag reflex. Mix lemon juice with mineral water, with the addition of honey, this remedy stops vomiting and removes toxins.

Tea made from lemon balm, mint, and dill water helps. According to the recipe, for 100 g of boiling water, 2 teaspoons of dill seeds. After boiling for 5 minutes, cool and apply in 1-2 doses.

To combat dehydration at home, it is recommended to drink a large amount of liquid (mineral water, natural juices, milk, fermented milk products, freshly brewed tea). Include watermelons in your diet.

To remove toxins, give enterosorbents to drink. These drugs have the ability to capture and remove toxins from feces.

A wide range of medications is presented: Enterogel, Polysorb MP, Smecta, Filtrum, activated carbon, Carbolen, Enterosgel, Lignosorb.

These medications should be taken 1-2 hours apart from other medications for better absorption of the latter. Even with an overdose of enterosorbents, no side effects have been identified.

Modern advances in pharmacology offer the enterosorbent Rekitsen-RD, which works most effectively in case of ethyl alcohol poisoning.

To make breathing easier, open a window to let fresh air into the room. Sleep will have a beneficial effect on a person's health.

Medicines incompatible with alcohol

  1. Furosemide diuretic tablets have a strong side effect on the kidneys and liver during intoxication;
  2. sleeping pills increase disorders of the central nervous system;
  3. acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) helps during a hangover, but do not take after drinking alcohol;
  4. visiting a bathhouse is not recommended to get rid of a hangover. The exception is people with excellent health.

Treatment of severe intoxication

What symptoms are characteristic of moderate and severe alcohol poisoning? The main symptoms are nausea and gag reflex, sometimes convulsions.

A person’s body temperature drops, breathing is rare, pulse increases, and the skin turns red. In case of severe intoxication of the body, immediately call an ambulance.

What should you do before emergency services arrive?

Lay the patient on his side to prevent the tongue from retracting and secure it. You can press it with a spoon or your finger, after wrapping it in a napkin.

Monitor cardiac and pulmonary functions (pulse, breathing). If you lose consciousness, place a cotton swab soaked in ammonia to your nose.

If cardiac arrest occurs, perform a cardiac massage. Two breaths into the mouth, then 30 chest compressions, then repeat the cycle. For the intensity of the procedure, it is better to do it together. Manipulations are carried out until breathing and heartbeat are restored.

Severe intoxication of the body excludes treatment at home.

Help with withdrawal symptoms

How to relieve alcohol intoxication the next day?

Dehydration of the body leads to the development of hangover syndrome (headache, nausea, dizziness). Alcohol intoxication quickly disappears after a full and long sleep.

If this option is excluded, start by taking a cold shower to tone up. A cold compress on the head or aspirin can help relieve headaches. Morning exercises help improve blood supply to tissues and oxygen saturation. During a hangover, drink more water.

You can drink mineral water with lemon, black or green tea, decoctions of herbs, rose hips, coffee. To restore the water-salt balance, drink honey water, tomato and orange juice, buttermilk, and fermented milk products.

Pickled cucumbers and brine will help relieve a hangover. If you have a disease of the digestive tract, you can only drink mineral water.

Use of medications

Drug treatment of withdrawal syndrome is carried out with drugs such as Antipohmelin, Alco-Prim and others. At the same time, aspirin or citramon will perfectly eliminate a hangover.

However, we should not forget that aspirin is contraindicated in diseases of the digestive tract (gastritis with high acidity, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum).

Ascorbic acid helps treat intoxication of the body by reducing ethanol in the blood. Aspirin, No-spa and Activated carbon in ratios of 1:2:8, respectively, will help avoid hangover.

You can relieve alcohol intoxication at home with the following medications: sweet tea in combination with an analgesic and antispasmodic drug (Baralgin) and a diuretic (Furosemide) per tablet.

Medical procedures at home should be carried out by a specialist as prescribed by a doctor. Removal of severe alcohol intoxication is possible with the help of droppers.

When we drop the composition, which includes saline solution, 5% and 5% ascorbic acid solution, with a volume of 0.400-0.500 liters, the victim’s condition will improve.

Restoring bowel function

The destructive effect of alcohol on the intestines manifests itself in the form of constipation and diarrhea. These are symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis.

Introduce fermented milk products into your diet. To replenish the intestines with beneficial microflora, take probiotics.

Poisoning by surrogates

According to statistics, 90% of patients die from intoxication with ethyl alcohol surrogates.

Intoxication syndrome is manifested by shortness of breath, cerebral edema, sweating, convulsions, pain in the abdomen and joints, and blurred vision.

The causes of such intoxication are methyl alcohol, perfumes, and denatured alcohol. In case of intoxication with surrogate alcohol, emergency medical care is required.

What can you do to help before the doctors arrive?

Try to empty your stomach of the poison you drink by vomiting. Then give enterosorbent or any enveloping agent to drink. It is necessary to relieve intoxication of such patients only in a hospital setting.

How to protect yourself from intoxication

In situations where drinking alcohol cannot be avoided, try to minimize its consequences. You can use adsorbents: activated carbon, Enterogel. Taking them interferes with the absorption and absorption of ethyl alcohol.

Snacks are important when drinking alcohol. Eat dishes made from meat, poultry, and potatoes. Eat a lot of fruits, drink juices. Taking vitamins during a feast will help you stay fit and healthy and avoid a hangover.


Alcohol is a toxin that destroys organs and organ systems in the human body. Frequent and severe intoxication contributes to the development of pathological processes leading to disability.

Alcohol abuse is the voluntary poisoning of one's body with poison. Is fleeting pleasure worth your health and life?

Intoxication of the body almost always accompanies severe injury and in this sense is a universal phenomenon, which, from our point of view, has not always received enough attention. In addition to the word “intoxication,” the term “toxicosis” is often found in the literature, which includes the concept of the accumulation of toxins in the body. However, in a strict interpretation, it does not reflect the body's reaction to toxins, i.e. poisoning.

Even more controversial from a semantic point of view is the term “endotoxicosis,” meaning the accumulation of endotoxins in the body. If we consider that endotoxins, according to a long tradition, are toxins secreted by bacteria, it turns out that the concept of “endotoxicosis” should be applied only to those types of toxicosis that are of bacterial origin. However, this term is used more widely and is used even when we are talking about toxicosis due to the endogenous formation of toxic substances, not necessarily associated with bacteria, but appearing, for example, as a result of metabolic disorders. This is not entirely correct.

Thus, to denote poisoning accompanying severe mechanical injury, it is more correct to use the term “intoxication”, which includes the concept of toxicosis, endotoxemia and the clinical manifestations of these phenomena.

An extreme degree of intoxication can lead to the development of toxic or endotoxin shock, which arise as a result of exceeding the body's adaptive capabilities. In practical resuscitation conditions, toxic or endotoxin shock most often results in crash syndrome or sepsis. In the latter case, the term “septic shock” is often used.

Intoxication in severe shockogenic trauma manifests itself early only in cases where it is accompanied by large crushed tissues. However, on average, the peak of intoxication occurs on the 2-3rd day after injury, and it is at this time that its clinical manifestations reach their maximum, which together constitute the so-called intoxication syndrome.

Causes of body intoxication

The idea that intoxication always accompanies severe injury and shock appeared at the beginning of our century in the form of the toxemic theory of traumatic shock proposed by P. Delbet (1918) and E. Quenu (1918). Much evidence in favor of this theory was presented in the works of the famous American pathophysiologist W. V. Cannon (1923). The theory of toxemia is based on the fact of the toxicity of hydrolysates of crushed muscles and the ability of the blood of animals or patients with traumatic shock to retain toxic properties when administered to a healthy animal.

The search for a toxic factor, intensively carried out in those years, did not lead to anything, except for the works of N. Dale (1920), who discovered histamine-like substances in the blood of victims with shock and became the founder of the histamine theory of shock. His data on hyperhistaminemia in shock were confirmed later, but the monopathogenetic approach to explaining intoxication in traumatic shock was not confirmed. The fact is that in recent years a large number of compounds formed in the body during trauma have been discovered, which claim to be toxins and are pathogenetic factors of intoxication during traumatic shock. A picture of the origin of toxemia and the accompanying intoxication began to emerge, which is associated, on the one hand, with a variety of toxic compounds formed during injury, and on the other, due to endotoxins of bacterial origin.

The vast majority of endogenous factors are associated with protein catabolism, which increases significantly during shock injury and averages 5.4 g/kg-day with a norm of 3.1. The breakdown of muscle protein is especially pronounced, increasing by 2 times in men and 1.5 times in women, since muscle hydrolysates are particularly highly toxic. The threat of poisoning comes from protein breakdown products in all fractions, from high molecular weight to final products: carbon dioxide and ammonia.

If we talk about protein breakdown, then any denatured protein of the body that has lost its tertiary structure is identified by the body as foreign and is the object of attack by phagocytes. Many of these proteins that appear as a result of tissue injury or ischemia become antigens, i.e., bodies to be removed, and, due to their redundancy, are capable of blocking the reticuloendothelial system (RES) and leading to detoxification failure with all the ensuing consequences. The most serious of them is a decrease in the body's resistance to infection.

A particularly large number of toxins are found in the medium molecular fraction of polypeptides formed as a result of protein breakdown. In 1966, A. M. Lefer and S. R. Baxter independently described myocardiodepressive factor (MDF), which is formed during shock in the ischemic pancreas and is a polypeptide with a molecular weight of about 600 daltons. Toxins that cause RES depression were found in the same fraction, which turned out to be ring-shaped peptides with a molecular weight of about 700 daltons.

A higher molecular weight (1000-3000 daltons) was determined for the polypeptide that is formed in the blood during shock and causes lung damage (we are talking about the so-called adult respiratory distress syndrome - ARDS).

American researchers A. N. Ozkan et al. in 1986, they reported the discovery of glycopeitide with immunosuppressive activity in the blood plasma of polytraumatized and burn patients.

It is interesting that in some cases substances that perform physiological functions under normal conditions acquire toxic properties. An example would be endorphins, which belong to the group of endogenous opiates, which, when produced in excess, can act as respiratory suppressants and cause cardiac depression. Especially many of these substances are found among low-molecular-weight products of protein metabolism. Such substances can be called facultative toxins, in contrast to obligate toxins, which always have toxic properties.

Protein-derived toxins

In whom were they found?

Types of shock




Human, cat, dog, monkey, guinea pig

Hemorrhagic, endotoxin, cardiogenic, burn


Obstruction of the superior mesenteric artery


Man, rat




Pancreas, splanchnic zone

Cat, rat

Splanchnic ischemia


An example of facultative toxins in shock can be considered histamine, formed from the amino acid histidine, and serotonin, which is a derivative of another amino acid - tryptophan. Some researchers also classify catecholamines, which are formed from the amino acid phenylalanine, as facultative toxins.

The final low molecular weight products of protein breakdown - carbon dioxide and ammonia - have significant toxic properties. This primarily applies to ammonia, which even in relatively low concentrations causes disruption of brain function and can lead to coma. However, despite the increased formation of carbon dioxide and ammonia in the body during shock, hypercarbia and ammoniaemia apparently do not have much significance in the development of intoxication due to the presence of powerful systems for neutralizing these substances.

Intoxication factors also include peroxide compounds, which are formed in significant quantities during shock injury. Typically, redox reactions in the body consist of rapidly occurring stages in which unstable but very reactive radicals are formed, such as superoxide, hydrogen peroxide and OH radical, which have a pronounced damaging effect on tissues and thus lead to protein breakdown. During shock, the transience of redox reactions decreases and at its stages the accumulation and release of these peroxide radicals occurs. Another source of their formation may be neutrophils, which secrete peroxides as a microbicidal agent as a result of increasing their activity. The peculiarity of the action of peroxide radicals is that they are able to organize a chain reaction, in which lipid peroxides formed as a result of interaction with peroxide radicals become participants, after which they become a factor in tissue damage.

Activation of the described processes observed during shockogenic trauma is, apparently, one of the serious factors of intoxication during shock. That this is so is evidenced, in particular, by data from Japanese researchers who, in animal experiments, compared the effect of intra-arterial administration of linoleic acid and its peroxides at a dose of 100 mg/kg. In observations with the administration of peroxides, this led to a 50% decrease in cardiac index 5 minutes after injection. In addition, total peripheral resistance (TPR) increased, pH and excess blood base decreased noticeably. In dogs administered linoleic acid, changes in the same parameters were insignificant.

It is worth dwelling on one more source of endogenous intoxication, which was first identified in the mid-70s. drew the attention of R. M. Hardaway (1980). We are talking about intravascular hemolysis, and the toxic agent is not free hemoglobin moving from the erythrocyte into the plasma, but the erythrocyte stroma, which, according to R. M. Hardaway, causes intoxication due to proteolytic enzymes localized on its structural elements. M. J. Schneidkraut, D. J. Loegering (1978), who studied this issue, found that the stroma of erythrocytes is very quickly removed from the circulation by the liver, and this, in turn, leads to depression of the RES and phagocytic function in hemorrhagic shock.

In later periods after injury, poisoning of the body with bacterial toxins becomes an essential component of intoxication. In this case, the possibility of both exogenous and endogenous intake is allowed. At the end of the 50s. J. Fine (1964) was the first to suggest that the intestinal flora, in conditions of a sharp weakening of the RES function during shock, can cause a large number of bacterial toxins to enter the circulation. This fact was later confirmed by immunochemical studies, which revealed that with various types of shock in the blood of the portal vein, the concentration of lipopolysaccharides, which is a group antigen of intestinal bacteria, increases significantly. Some authors believe that endotoxins are phosphopolysaccharides in nature.

So, the ingredients of intoxication during shock are numerous and heterogeneous, but the vast majority of them are antigenic in nature. This applies to bacteria, to bacterial toxins and to polypeptides that are formed as a result of protein catabolism. Apparently, other substances with lower molecular weight, being haptens, can act as an antigen by combining with a protein molecule. In the literature devoted to the problems of traumatic shock, there is information about the excessive formation of auto- and heteroantigens during severe mechanical injury.

Under conditions of antigenic overload and functional blockade of the RES in severe trauma, the frequency of inflammatory complications increases, proportional to the severity of the injury and shock. The frequency of occurrence and severity of inflammatory complications correlates with the degree of impairment of the functional activity of various populations of blood leukocytes as a result of exposure to mechanical trauma on the body. The main reason is obviously related to the action of various biologically active substances in the acute period of injury and metabolic disorders, as well as the influence of toxic metabolites.

Symptoms of body intoxication

Intoxication due to shockogenic trauma is characterized by a variety of clinical signs, many of which are not specific. Some researchers include indicators such as hypotension, rapid pulse, and increased breathing.

However, based on clinical experience, it is possible to identify signs that have a closer connection with intoxication. Among these signs, encephalopathy, thermoregulation disorders, oliguria and dyspeptic disorders are of greatest clinical importance.

Typically, in victims with traumatic shock, intoxication develops against the background of other signs characteristic of shockogenic trauma, which can enhance its manifestations and severity. Such signs include hypotension, tachycardia, tachypnea, etc.

Encephalopathy refers to reversible disorders of the functions of the central nervous system (CNS), resulting from the effects of toxins circulating in the blood on brain tissue. Among a large number of metabolites, ammonia, one of the end products of protein catabolism, plays an important role in the development of encephalopathy. It has been experimentally established that intravenous administration of a small amount of ammonia leads to the rapid development of cerebral coma. This mechanism is most likely in traumatic shock, since the latter is always accompanied by increased protein breakdown and decreased detoxification potential. A number of other metabolites, formed in increased quantities during traumatic shock, are related to the development of encephalopathy. G. Morrison et al. (1985) reported that they studied a fraction of organic acids, the concentration of which increases significantly in uremic encephalopathy. Clinically, it is manifested by adynamia, severe drowsiness, apathy, lethargy, and an indifferent attitude of patients to the environment. The increase in these phenomena is associated with loss of orientation in the environment and a significant decrease in memory. A severe degree of intoxication encephalopathy may be accompanied by delirium, which, as a rule, develops in victims who have abused alcohol. In this case, clinically, intoxication manifests itself in sharp motor and speech agitation and complete disorientation.

Usually the degree of encephalopathy is assessed after communicating with the patient. There are mild, moderate and severe degrees of encephalopathy. For its objective assessment, judging by the experience of clinical observations in the departments of the Research Institute of Emergency Medicine named after. I. I. Dzhanelidze, you can use the Glasgow coma scale, which was developed in 1974 by G. Teasdale. Its use makes it possible to parametrically assess the severity of encephalopathy. The advantage of the scale is its consistent reproducibility even when it is calculated by nursing staff.

During intoxication in patients with shockogenic trauma, a decrease in the rate of diuresis is observed, the critical level of which is 40 ml per minute. A decrease to a lower level indicates oliguria. In cases of severe intoxication, a complete cessation of urine excretion occurs and uremic encephalopathy joins the phenomena of toxic encephalopathy.

Glasgow com scale

Voice response

Motor response

Opening your eyes

Oriented Patient knows who he is, where he is, why he is here


Spontaneous Opens eyes upon awakening, not always consciously

Meaningful pain response

Unclear conversation The patient answers questions in a conversational manner, but the answers show varying degrees of confusion

Pulling away in pain, without meaning

Flexion in response to pain can vary as fast or slow, the latter being characteristic of a decorticated response.

Opening or closing the eyes to pain

Inappropriate speech
Increased articulation, speech includes only exclamations and expressions combined with abrupt phrases and curses, cannot maintain a conversation

Extension for pain

Unintelligible speech
Defined in the form of moans and groans

Dyspeptic disorders as manifestations of intoxication are much less common. Clinical manifestations of dyspeptic disorders include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. The most common are nausea and vomiting, which are caused by toxins of endogenous and bacterial origin circulating in the blood. Based on this mechanism, vomiting during intoxication is classified as hematogenous-toxic. It is typical that dyspeptic disorders during intoxication do not bring relief to the patient and occur in the form of relapses.


Crash syndrome

The predominance of toxicosis in the acute period is clinically manifested in the development of the so-called crash syndrome, which was described by N. N. Elansky (1950) in the form of traumatic toxicosis. Typically, this syndrome accompanies crushing of soft tissues and is characterized by the rapid development of disorders of consciousness (encephalopathy), a reduction in diuresis up to anuria, and a gradual decrease in blood pressure. Making a diagnosis, as a rule, does not cause any particular difficulties. Moreover, by the type and location of the crush wound, one can quite accurately predict the development of the syndrome and its outcome. In particular, crushing of the hip or its separation at any level leads to the development of fatal intoxication if amputation is not performed. Crushing of the upper and middle third of the leg or the upper third of the shoulder is always accompanied by severe toxicosis, which can still be overcome with intensive treatment. Crushing of more distal limb segments is usually not so dangerous.

Laboratory data in patients with crash syndrome are quite typical. According to our data, the greatest changes are characteristic of the level of SM and LII (0.5 ± 0.05 and 9.1 ± 1.3, respectively). These indicators reliably distinguish patients with crash syndrome from other victims with traumatic shock, who had significantly different levels of SM and LII (0.3 ± 0.01 and 6.1 ± 0.4). 14.5.2.


Patients who have undergone an acute period of traumatic illness and the accompanying early toxicosis may then again find themselves in a serious condition due to the development of sepsis, which is characterized by the addition of intoxication of bacterial origin. In most observations, it is difficult to find a clear time boundary between early toxicosis and sepsis, which in patients with trauma usually constantly transform into each other, creating a pathogenetically mixed symptom complex.

In the clinical picture of sepsis, encephalopathy remains pronounced, which, according to R. O. Hasselgreen, I. E. Fischer (1986), is a reversible dysfunction of the central nervous system. Its typical manifestations include agitation and disorientation, which then progress to stupor and coma. Two theories of the origin of encephalopathy are considered: toxic and metabolic. During sepsis, the body produces a myriad of toxins that can have a direct effect on the central nervous system.

Another theory is more specific and is based on the fact of increased formation of aromatic amino acids during sepsis, which are precursors of neurotransformers such as norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine. Derivatives of aromatic amino acids displace neurotransmitters from synapses, which leads to disorganization of the central nervous system and the development of encephalopathy.

Other signs of sepsis - hectic fever, exhaustion with the development of anemia, multi-organ failure are typical and are usually accompanied by characteristic changes in laboratory data in the form of hypoproteinemia, high levels of urea and creatinine, elevated levels of SM and LII.

The typical laboratory sign of sepsis is a positive blood culture. Doctors who surveyed six trauma centers around the world found that this sign was considered the most consistent criterion for sepsis. The diagnosis of sepsis in the post-shock period, made on the basis of the above indicators, is very important, primarily because this complication of injury is accompanied by a high mortality rate - 40-60%.

Toxic shock syndrome (TSS)

Toxic shock syndrome was first described in 1978 as a severe and usually fatal infectious complication caused by a specific toxin produced by staphylococcus. It occurs in gynecological diseases, burns, postoperative complications, etc. TSS manifests itself clinically in the form of delirium, significant hyperthermia, reaching 41-42 ° C, accompanied by headache and abdominal pain. Characterized by diffuse erythema of the trunk and arms and a typical tongue in the form of the so-called “white strawberry”.

In the terminal phase, oliguria and anuria develop, and sometimes disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome with hemorrhages in the internal organs occurs. The most dangerous and typical is cerebral hemorrhage. The toxin that causes these phenomena is found in staphylococcal filtrates in approximately 90% of cases and is called toxic shock syndrome toxin. Toxin damage occurs only in those people who are unable to produce the appropriate antibodies. This unresponsiveness occurs in approximately 5% of healthy people; apparently, only people with a weak immune response to staphylococcus become ill. As the process progresses, anuria appears and death quickly occurs.

Diagnosis of body intoxication

To determine the severity of intoxication during shock injury, various laboratory analysis methods are used. Many of them are widely known, others are less commonly used. However, from the numerous arsenal of methods it is still difficult to single out one that would be specific for intoxication. Below are laboratory diagnostic methods that are the most informative in determining intoxication in patients with traumatic shock.

Leukocyte intoxication index (LII)

Proposed in 1941 by Ya. Ya. Kalf-Kalif and calculated as follows:

LII = (4Mi + ZY2P + S) (Pl +1) / (L + Mo) (E +1)

where Mi - myelocytes, Yu - young, P - band leukocytes, C - segmented leukocytes, Pl - plasma cells, L - lymphocytes, Mo - monocytes; E - eosinophils. The number of indicated cells is taken as a percentage.

The meaning of the indicator is to take into account the cellular response to the toxin. The normal value of the LII indicator is 1.0; during intoxication in victims with shockogenic trauma, it increases 3-10 times.

The level of medium molecules (SM) is determined colorimetrically according to N. I. Gabrielyan et al. (1985). Take 1 ml of blood serum, treat it with a 10% solution of trichloroacetic acid and centrifuge at a speed of 3000 rpm. Then take 0.5 ml of the sedimentary liquid and 4.5 ml of distilled water and measure it with a spectrophotometer. The SM indicator is informative in assessing the degree of intoxication and is considered its marker. The normal value of the SM level is 0.200-0.240 el. units With an average degree of intoxication, the level of SM = 0.250-0.500 e.g. units, with severe - over 0.500 units. units

Determination of creatinine in blood serum. Of the existing methods for determining creatinine in blood serum, the method of F. V. Pilsen and V. Boris is currently most often used. The principle of the method is that in an alkaline environment, picric acid reacts with creatinine to form an orange-red color, the intensity of which is measured photometrically. The determination is made after deproteination.

Creatinine (µmol/l) = 177 A/B

where A is the optical density of the sample, B is the optical density of the standard solution. Normally, the level of creatinine in the blood serum averages 110.5 ± 2.9 µmol/l.

Determination of blood filtration pressure (BFP)

The principle of the technique proposed by R. L. Swank (1961) is to measure the maximum level of blood pressure that ensures a constant volumetric flow rate of blood through a calibrated membrane. The method, as modified by N.K. Razumova (1990), is as follows: 2 ml of blood with heparin (at the rate of 0.02 ml of heparin per 1 ml of blood) is mixed and the filtration pressure in saline solution and in the blood is determined using an apparatus with a roller pump. FDC is calculated as the difference between the filtration pressures of blood and solution in mmHg. Art. The normal FDC value for donor heparinized human blood averages 24.6 mm Hg. Art.

Determination of the number of floating particles in blood plasma (according to the method of N.K. Razumova, 1990) is carried out as follows: take 1 ml of blood into a fat-free tube containing 0.02 ml of heparin and centrifuge at 1500 rpm for three minutes, then the resulting plasma is centrifuged at 1500 rpm for three minutes. For analysis, 160 μl of plasma is taken and diluted in a ratio of 1: 125 with physiological solution. The resulting suspension is analyzed on a celloscope. The number of particles in 1 µl is calculated using the formula:


Degree of blood hemolysis

Severe injury is accompanied by the destruction of red blood cells, the stroma of which is a source of intoxication. For analysis, blood with any anticoagulant is taken. Centrifuge for 10 minutes at 1500-2000 rpm. The plasma is separated and centrifuged at 8000 rpm. 4.0 ml of acetate buffer is measured into a test tube; 2.0 ml hydrogen peroxide; 2.0 ml of benzidine solution and 0.04 ml of test plasma. The mixture is prepared immediately before analysis. It is stirred and left to stand for 3 minutes. Then they are photometered in a 1 cm cuvette against the compensation solution with a red filter. Measure 4-5 times and record the maximum readings. Compensation solution: acetate buffer - 6.0 ml; hydrogen peroxide - 3.0 ml; benzidine solution - 3.0 ml; physiological solution - 0.06 ml.

The normal content of free hemoglobin is 18.5 mg%; in victims with shockogenic trauma and intoxication, its content increases to 39.0 mg%.

Determination of peroxide compounds (diene conjugates, malondialdehyde - MDA). Due to their damaging effect on tissue, peroxide compounds formed during shockogenic injury are a serious source of intoxication. To determine them, add 1.0 ml of bidistilled water and 1.5 ml of chilled 10% trichloroacetic acid to 0.5 ml of plasma. The samples are mixed and centrifuged for 10 minutes at 6000 rpm. 2.0 ml of supernatant liquid is taken into test tubes with thin sections and the pH of each experimental and blank sample is adjusted to two with a 5% NaOH solution. The blank contains 1.0 ml of water and 1.0 ml of trichloroacetic acid.

Ex tempore, prepare a 0.6% solution of 2-thiobarbituric acid in bidistilled water and add 1.0 ml of this solution to all samples. The test tubes are sealed with ground stoppers and placed in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes. After cooling, the samples are immediately photometered on a spectrophotometer (532 nm, 1 cm cuvette, opposite the control). The calculation is made according to the formula

C = E 3 1.5 / e 0.5 = E 57.7 nmol/ml,

where C is the concentration of MDA, normally the concentration of MDA is 13.06 nmol/ml, in shock it is 22.7 nmol/ml; E - sample extinction; e is the molar extinction coefficient of the trimethine complex; 3 - sample volume; 1.5 - supernatant dilution; 0.5 - amount of serum (plasma) taken for analysis, ml.

Determination of intoxication index (II). The possibility of an integral assessment of the severity of intoxication based on several indicators of protein catabolism has almost never been used, primarily because it remained unclear how to determine the contribution of each indicator to determining the severity of toxicosis. Doctors attempted to rank the supposed signs of intoxication depending on the real consequences of the injury and its complications. Having designated the life expectancy in days of patients with severe intoxication by the index (-T), and the length of their hospital stay by the index (+T), it was then possible to establish correlations between indicators that claim to be criteria for the severity of intoxication in order to determine their contribution in the development of intoxication and its outcome.

Treatment of body intoxication

Analysis of the correlation matrix carried out during the development of the prognostic model showed that of all intoxication indicators, this indicator has the maximum correlation with the outcome; the highest AI values ​​were observed in dead patients. The convenience of its use is that it can be a universal sign when determining indications for extracorporeal detoxification methods. The most effective detoxification measure is the removal of crushed tissue. If the upper or lower limbs are crushed, then we are talking about primary surgical treatment of the wound with maximum excision of destroyed tissue or even amputation, which is performed on an emergency basis. If it is impossible to excise crushed tissue, a set of local detoxification measures is performed, including surgical treatment of wounds and the use of sorbents. For festering wounds, which are often the primary source of intoxication, detoxification therapy also begins with local exposure to the lesion - secondary surgical treatment. The peculiarity of this treatment is that the wounds, as with primary surgical treatment, are not sutured after it and are widely drained. If necessary, flow drainage is used using various types of bactericidal solutions. The most effective use is a 1% aqueous solution of dioxidine with the addition of broad-spectrum antibiotics. In case of insufficient evacuation of contents from the wound, drainage with active aspiration is used.

In recent years, locally applied sorbents have been widely used. Activated carbon is applied to the wound as a powder, which is removed after a few hours and the procedure is repeated again.

More promising is the local use of membrane devices that provide a controlled process of introducing antiseptics, analgesics into the wound and removing toxins.

It is important to know!

From a general point of view, the concept of “endogenous intoxication” (endotoxicosis) refers to a pathological condition (syndrome) that develops in various diseases due to the accumulation of various toxicants of endogenous origin in the body when the function of the natural biological detoxification system is insufficient.