How to cure chronic runny nose at home. Chronic vasomotor rhinitis. Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis

Let's look at how to cure a chronic runny nose folk remedies, medicines, by using unconventional methods.

We will also find out various non-standard views on the causes of chronic rhinitis, consider the difference between acute and chronic runny nose.

There are a few different types runny nose: one that occurs with a cold, allergies, thinning of the mucous membrane and chronic. Their treatment methods are completely different.

Today we will take a closer look at one of the types of runny nose - chronic rhinitis (vasomotor) and different ways how to cure it.

Difference between acute and chronic rhinitis

Many people confuse acute and chronic runny nose. Therefore, sometimes chronic runny nose is treated incorrectly. And they have absolutely different reasons occurrence and different treatment methods:

  • in case of acute runny nose, it is necessary to kill the infection, which causes inflammation of the mucous membrane
  • with a chronic runny nose, it is necessary to narrow the blood vessels, which cause swelling and inflammation in the nose.

And now - in more detail about acute and chronic runny nose.

Acute rhinitis. When and how does acute runny nose occur?

The nasal mucosa normally secretes 200-300 ml of fluid. with a runny nose, this volume of secretions increases to 1.5-2 liters.

Snot is a discharge that occurs when you have a runny nose. A runny nose is a reaction of the nasal mucosa to a certain irritation that causes inflammation. Irritation may be associated with the development of viral and bacterial infection, allergic reaction to one or another allergen.

There are special cells in the nose; they line the inside of the nasal cavity. These cells contain villi. When the villi vibrate, they remove all the contents from the nose.

In addition, in response to any irritation epithelial cells secrete liquid - mucus, the purpose of which is to wash and remove everything from our nose.

From this we can conclude:

Acute runny nose is a protective function of our body, it is associated with inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Depending on the composition of the secreted fluid, the diagnosis formulated by the doctor depends.

How to determine the cause of the disease by the color of the secreted fluid

1. Transparent discharge- This sign of a viral infection, which occurs with acute runny nose and the same compartment occurs at allergic rhinitis . In simple words: if your nose is running clear water, then this is a sign of an allergy or virus.

2. Yellow-green thick discharge, which looks like pus, is a sign of a bacterial infection that has penetrated the nasal mucosa.

3. Discharge with red streaks of blood- can be observed when viral infections, with influenza, when fragility of the walls of blood vessels occurs, as well as with hypertension.

Why is it necessary to treat acute runny nose? What is the danger of acute rhinitis?

The question arises: if a runny nose is a protective reaction of the body, then why does the symptom of a runny nose need to be treated?

Near the nose on both sides are the maxillary sinuses, which connect to the nasal cavity. For long-term runny nose caused by viruses or bacteria, inflammatory process it can enter the maxillary sinuses, frontal sinuses and ethmoid sinuses through the anastomosis (openings), and there the brain is already nearby.
The secreted fluid enters the sinuses and causes a severe inflammatory process - sinusitis, and when further development inflammatory process in the frontal and ethmoid sinuses - meningitis. Therefore, a runny nose must be treated.
When treating acute rhinitis, it is necessary to use agents that can kill the infection, since acute rhinitis occurs with colds.

Chronic rhinitis. Different views on the causes of chronic runny nose

There are several views on the origin of chronic rhinitis.

1. Ayurveda. Alexey Makhov, adhering to the principles of Ayurveda, believes that a chronic runny nose is a runny nose for life, it cannot be cured with pills or herbs. It is associated with certain character traits, downtroddenness, when a person’s self-esteem has fallen. Watch this short video, perhaps it will help you understand why your chronic runny nose cannot be cured.

Only working on yourself will make it possible to recover from this disease. Since, according to Ayurveda, it is located in the mind, and not in the nose.

2. Diet for chronic rhinitis. Chronic runny nose can be considered as a kind of cleansing of the body from accumulated toxins and mucus. Chronic snot is a symptom of body pollution.

3. Raw foodists about chronic runny nose. They believe that the cause of mucus is thermally processed food or boiled food. Some of this mucus is deposited on the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, and the other part collects in the lungs. The lungs, like the gastrointestinal tract, have their own system for getting rid of mucus through peristalsis. Mucus leaves the lungs and enters the nose - a runny nose begins. If we consume mucus-forming foods, we will always have a runny nose and the mucus will be regularly expelled by the lungs.

What happens when you visit a doctor? He prescribes drops for a runny nose and the mucus stops being removed through the nose, it again accumulates in the lungs. The body focuses on fighting the elimination of toxins from the droplets. As soon as it removes toxins, it will again begin to remove mucus, but there is a lot of it and to make the task easier, the body raises the temperature. The mucus is being eliminated intensively, but we will take medicine again, this time for fever - aspirin. And again we will poison the body! And then there will be pneumonia and antibiotics, allergies and sinusitis... The body is filled with mucus, in which hordes of bacteria settle.

Please watch this video to the end, maybe you will start to feel differently about your body, like I once did. And instead of hindering him by taking unnecessary medications, try to help him - you will stop getting sick...

4. Traditional medicine . Chronic runny nose occurs as a result of dilation of the capillaries of the nasal mucosa. And here there is no need to use drugs that kill viruses or bacteria; here it is necessary to use drugs that can narrow the blood vessels and, as a result, swelling of the nasal mucosa will go away.

How to cure chronic runny nose. Different ways

As with any treatment, people try different methods to find the one that will help them cure the disease and finally inhale and exhale air without the hated snot.

The theories of chronic runny nose listed above also offer their own ways to cure it. I have already mentioned some of them briefly above:

1. Ayurveda

Work on character traits. Ayurveda believes that it is necessary to work on increasing self-esteem in order to cure the disease that sits in the head. And only then - treatment with herbs and other methods.

2. Diet without milk and flour

Those who believe that our diseases are caused by the accumulation of mucus and toxins due to the consumption of milk and flour products— offers to cleanse yourself with a diet, eliminating these foods from consumption. In a month or two, the body will cope with the runny nose.

3. Eating live food (raw food diet)

This is the most effective and radical way to fight mucus. Representatives of this trend believe that eating live food without heat treatment will permanently rid the body of mucus.

They believe that when sick, the body is cleansed, as many toxins, mucus and poisons are eliminated. And they help the body remove all this nasty stuff - viruses and bacteria. They view both diseases and bacteria as helpers. Illness is necessary from time to time for those who have accumulated toxins.

I’ll tell you about my observation, which confirms the correctness of the theory of raw foodists. As soon as a person begins to regularly undergo a complete cleansing of the body - he does not get sick during a flu epidemic, even without being a raw foodist - he simply removes what he has accumulated with phytocomplexes.

4. Drug treatment

Many doctors believe that chronic snot can be cured only with the help of medications and that ethnoscience won't help here. This is not entirely true. Of course, dripping carrot juice definitely won't help, but there are others traditional methods, which I will talk about below.

What does it offer? official medicine? She suggests vasodilators, which provide only short-term relief. Or more radical modern methods of treatment.

What is chronic rhinitis from the point of view of modern medicine?

From a medical point of view, the nose acts as a personal air conditioner - no matter what the temperature is outside, the air enters the lungs at a temperature of +37 degrees. The role of a humidifier and thermostat is played by blood vessels located in large numbers in the nasal mucosa.

Chronic runny nose is a slowdown in blood flow through the vessels of the nasal mucosa and, as a result, weakening vascular wall. The reasons for this phenomenon are different - unfavorable ecology, hormonal disbalance, passion for drugs. Regardless of the reasons, chronic edema forms.

IN medical institution patients diagnosed with chronic rhinitis offer modern methods treatment:

  • laser surgery
  • radio wave surgery
  • cryotherapy

The purpose of such operations is to reduce the volume of the nasal mucosa. But... this does not always give the expected effect.

1. Radio wave surgery

During radio wave surgery, charring of the mucous membrane, deep burns and scarring occur, which will lead to an even more persistent decrease in breathing through the nose than occurs with vasomotor rhinitis. After such an operation, the nasal mucosa takes a very long time to recover with the appearance of large number crusts, which in themselves greatly interfere with breathing through the nose.

According to statistics from the University of Cologne (Germany), such operations are successful in 4 out of 10 patients, the rest return to drops throughout the year - this is 60% of patients operated on using the methods listed above.

2. Session of complex treatment of chronic rhinitis

So how does one cope with chronic snot:

  1. restore the vessels of the nasal mucosa
  2. make them work as before

Due to this, the swelling will go away and the nose will breathe freely. And this does not require any surgery, says Dr. Leskov.

What does it look like session complex treatment chronic rhinitis:

1. Intranasal blockade. First, a drug is injected into the nose to strengthen the walls. blood vessels. This is called an intranasal block. A very thin syringe and a very thin needle are used and the patient does not feel anything. Here's what it looks like:

2. Laser therapy. Held session laser therapy . Is not surgical laser and its effects are also not felt by the patient. The laser accelerates blood flow through the vessels of the nasal mucosa.

Thus, with blockade and laser it is possible to influence both parts of chronic edema: bad job blood vessels and swelling of the nasal mucosa.

The course of such treatment is 6-8 procedures. Breathing through the nose begins to improve gradually, and the patient feels less and less need to drip naphthyzine or nazol into the nose. After the sixth procedure, the nose can already breathe freely and without any additional medications.

Breathing through the nose after a course of complex treatment remains free for 5 years. And this does not depend on the reasons that caused the chronic runny nose itself, that is, this method is suitable for all patients who have a stuffy nose.

3. Laser surgery

I suggest watching a video where an otolaryngologist explains when it is necessary to resort to laser surgery for a chronic runny nose and what procedures and examinations should precede this if you want to get rid of swelling for a long time.

4. Vasodilator drops

Treatment vasodilator drops I will not consider it, because I think this method of treatment is not only ineffective, but also aggravates the cause of chronic swelling and difficulty breathing. However, there are many descriptions of this method on the Internet.

5. Traditional methods of treating chronic runny nose

Now let's look at a few effective folk ways with chronic runny nose.

1. Aqueous extract propolis. Sold in some pharmacies and Tentorium offices. How to cook it yourself water solution is described in one of the videos in my article How to use propolis.

If you only have a 10% alcohol solution, then take the same number of drops of propolis and any herbal quality oil(olive is best), mix and drop two drops into your nose 4-5 times a day for a week. Instead of dripping, you can simply lubricate. Propolis acts as a vasodilator.

2. Honey. Perfectly restores the functioning of blood vessels and relieves swelling. But only for those who are not allergic to bee products. You can just lubricate with real bee honey, can be done honey water and drip. As an option, it is also possible to use honey with eucalyptus and tea, which will allow you to quickly get rid of a runny nose:

3. Nasal rinsing saline solution salt 9%. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt in 1 liter of water and rinse your nose regularly. Avoid stronger concentrations - this will lead to drying of the nasal mucosa.

4. Cooling your big toe with water. Alternately water with cold water, but not ice water, thumb legs - 3 minutes for each toe. Do the procedure once a day until the chronic swelling of the nose goes away.

In today's article, we looked at how to cure a chronic runny nose using folk remedies at home, medications and using unconventional methods. We also got acquainted with some unconventional views on the causes of chronic rhinitis, and examined the difference between acute and chronic runny nose.

Chronic runny nose is an inflammatory process in the nasal cavity that is permanent. The disease can last for years and bring significant discomfort into the patient’s life.

In order to pick up effective treatment chronic runny nose in adults, it is necessary to identify the cause of the disease, as well as study its characteristic signs.

Symptoms of chronic runny nose, causes of its occurrence

Symptoms of chronic runny nose:

  • copious nasal discharge;
  • headache;
  • unpleasant sensations in the nose: dryness, burning, itching;
  • snoring during sleep;
  • loss of sensitivity to smells;
  • frequent bouts of sneezing;
  • formation of crusts in the nasal cavity;
  • periodic nosebleeds;
  • labored breathing;
  • congestion in the throat and ears.
Treatment of chronic runny nose in adults should be comprehensive and high-quality

Causes of the disease:

  • untreated runny nose;
  • allergy;
  • impact environment: dry or hot air, dust, exhaust gases;
  • nasal injuries and septal deformation;
  • dilatation of nasal vessels;
  • abuse of vasoconstrictor drugs;
  • changes hormonal levels;
  • severe hypothermia;
  • frequent colds and viral diseases;
  • bad habits: alcoholism, smoking;
  • disorders in the nervous, endocrine, digestive system and other diseases that impair blood circulation in the nasal mucosa.

Hypothermia is one of the causes of rhinitis

Treatment of chronic runny nose in adults is selected individually for each patient, depending on the form and cause of the disease. Can be used: pharmaceuticals, traditional methods, rinsing, massage, inhalation physiotherapy.

Treatment with pharmaceutical medications

Pharmacy medicines are represented by antiviral, antibacterial and herbal preparations.

Antiviral drugs are used when chronic runny nose in adults occurs due to colds and viral diseases. Treatment with them is advisable at the onset of the disease. These medications prevent the effects of viruses on the body and activate the immune system.

The most commonly used drugs are:

  • Arbidol. Available in capsules, tablets and suspensions. The composition includes the active substance umifenovir. During the acute phase of the disease, Arbidol is taken 4 times a day for 5 days. The cost of the drug is from 248 rubles.

A drug for the treatment of persistent runny nose in tablets
  • Rinza. Available in tablet form. Contains: paracetamol, caffeine, phenylephrine hydrochloride, chlorpheniramine maleate. You need to take 1 tablet 3-4 times a day for 5 days. Price from 186 rubles.
  • Interferon - nasal drops. Actively included active substance interferon alpha. 3-4 drops are instilled into each nostril 4-5 times a day for 5 days. The cost of the drug is from 131 rubles.
  • Oxolinic ointment. Used as a treatment for viral rhinitis and for prophylaxis during a surge colds.

Composed as active substance Oxolin is used, mineral oil and white soft paraffin are used as auxiliaries. The ointment must be applied to the nasal mucosa 2 times every 3-4 days. Price from 11 rubles.

Excellent tool for the prevention of viral diseases

Antibacterial drugs are used for more severe course diseases when the cause of the disease is bacteria. Antibiotics are used wide range actions or topical medications.

  1. Isofra. The medicine is available in the form of drops and spray. The active ingredient is Framycetin sulfate. The drug is used 4-6 times a day. The course of treatment is 7 days. Price from 358 rubles.
  2. Erythromycin is an antibiotic for oral administration in tablet form. Contains erythromycin. The medicine is taken 2-4 times a day, an hour before meals or 2-3 hours after meals. The cost of the drug is from 95 rubles.
  3. Mupirocin – antibacterial ointment, which is applied to the nasal mucosa 3 times a day. The course of treatment is from 5 to 7 days. Price from 300 rub.

Antibacterial drugs have a lot of contraindications and side effects

Only a specialist can prescribe such remedies!

Herbal preparations are the most safe means from pharmaceutical medicines for the treatment of chronic runny nose, both in adults and children. They include essential oils and natural ingredients that relieve swelling in the nasal cavity and expand the passages.

The most famous pharmaceutical products plant origin:

  • Pinosol - drops of plant origin, which include: pine oil, mint oil, eucalyptus oil. The drug is used 3-6 times a day. Price from 184 rubles.

Herbal nasal drops
  • Sinupret. The composition is a water-alcohol solution with the following herbal ingredients: gentian root, primrose flowers, sorrel herb, elderberry flowers, verbena herbs.

If chronic rhinitis is caused by allergies, you must take antihistamines. When a runny nose is a consequence of disorders in the body, the underlying disease must also be treated.

Traditional methods of treatment

Traditional methods of treatment can only be used with sufficient mild flow diseases. This is the most cheap way getting rid of chronic runny nose in adults and children.

Funds for this type of treatment are always easy to find at hand:

  • Garlic. Do not grind a large number of and pour boiling water over it. Let it brew and drop it into your nose several times a day.
  • Mustard powder - pour into socks at night or add to a foot bath.
  • Kalanchoe juice - place a few drops in each nostril.
  • You can use tar laundry soap. It is necessary to thoroughly soap your finger and rub it on each half of the nose from the inside.
  • Celandine juice – instill 2 drops 3 times a day.
  • Calendula or eucalyptus leaves. It is necessary to prepare an infusion and sniff it through your nose 2 times a day.

  • Boric acid, glycerin and alcohol. Take 1 teaspoon of each component, mix and also inhale through your nose.
  • Onion. It needs to be cut, add 1 tbsp. spoon of honey, pour the whole mixture warm water. Place 3-5 drops into each nostril 3 times a day.
  • Camphor oil – instill 3 drops 3 times a day.

You can also instill peach, fir, olive and vaseline oil into your nose.

Nasal rinses: pros and cons, cautions

Nasal lavage is actively used to treat rhinitis. This procedure helps clear the nose of secretions, relieve swelling and make breathing easier.

The rinsing solution can be purchased ready-made at a pharmacy or prepared at home. Pharmacy products consist of sea ​​water and sodium chloride. At home, salt is most often used to rinse the nose. You can also use herbal solutions, beet juice and furatsilin.

For the procedure of infusing liquid into the nose, special devices are used, a teapot, a syringe and a syringe. You need to rinse each nostril in turn, so that the liquid comes out through the second nostril. The solution must be introduced gradually. After completing the procedure, you must blow your nose thoroughly.

The rinsing solution should be warm and at a comfortable temperature

The advantage of this method of treating chronic runny nose is that it is safe.. It can be used by adults, pregnant women and children. However, this method also has a disadvantage - when advanced stage illness, it can only be an addition to treatment.

There are also limitations to this procedure. It cannot be performed with a completely stuffy nose, since it can spread the infection to ear canal. Washing is also contraindicated if there are tumors in the nose and a tendency to bleeding. For people with a deviated septum this procedure may be useless.


Another helper method treatment of chronic runny nose - inhalation. They moisturize the nasal mucosa and soften secretions. Pharmacies offer a special device for inhalation - a nebulizer, which consists of a face mask and a container into which the solution is poured. You can also do inhalations at home without this device.

The oldest way home inhalation - breathe steam over potatoes. You can also use herbal infusions and essential oils. Inhalations should not be done when body temperature rises.


Massaging the nose with a runny nose will significantly alleviate the patient’s condition. The principle of its action is to influence certain points that are responsible for blood circulation.

At high temperature massage is contraindicated

The massage is performed with clean and warm hands. You need to make light rotational movements clockwise. The massage begins from the wings of the nose, then moves to the area between upper lip and nose, ends with massaging the tip of the nose.


Physiotherapy includes a number of thermal procedures, due to which blood circulation in the nasal cavity increases, blood vessels dilate, swelling decreases and swelling occurs. fast recovery mucous membrane.

Physiotherapy method - laser treatment

The following procedures are used:

  • phototherapy;
  • quartz:
  • electrophoresis;
  • paraffin therapy;
  • mud therapy;
  • laser therapy.

Any treatment of chronic runny nose in adults should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor!

Lifestyle change

When long-term treatment of chronic rhinitis does not produce tangible results and the disease returns, you should think about changing your lifestyle. It is necessary to reconsider the diet: include a lot of vegetables and fruits, refuse junk food and fast food.

Vitamins are necessary at any time of the year

It is also necessary to regularly strengthen the immune system. In the treatment of chronic runny nose, hardening and cold and hot shower. Should be abandoned bad habits.

Bath against runny nose

Bath – nice way treatment of chronic runny nose, which is in great demand among adults. The healing effect is achieved by thermal effects and warming up. It will be useful to pour herbal infusions onto the stones and inhale them. The bathhouse provides positive action throughout the body, strengthens the immune system. During the acute phase of the disease, you cannot visit the bathhouse.

Possible consequences of chronic rhinitis

Not fully cured runny nose, incorrect treatment or its absence, can lead to complications.

Don't let your nose get worse until complications arise.

New diseases may arise:

  • Sinusitis
  • Laryngitis
  • Pharyngitis
  • Sinusitis
  • Bronchitis and bronchopneumonia.

To avoid these consequences, you need to consult a doctor in time and not self-medicate.

Will prevention help?

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. It is very important to take preventive measures for the occurrence of chronic runny nose. To do this, you need to treat rhinitis well, strengthen the immune system, especially in the cold season, healthy image life, watch your diet and give up bad habits.

Fresh air- the best doctor for colds

It is also important to complete everything on time necessary examinations, do not ignore the symptoms of an upcoming illness. As a preventative measure, it is good to use folk remedies.

Taking advantage preventive measures, you can avoid long and grueling treatment.

Rhinitis - causes, symptoms and treatment. Find out from this useful video:

How to treat persistent runny nose? Watch a video consultation with a specialist:

How to treat a runny nose. Simple, but 100% home treatment methods. Watch an interesting video:

Chronic runny nose, which is most often called rhinitis, is quite serious illness. During such an illness, the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity becomes inflamed. You may also notice some problems with the functioning of the epithelial layer. Often this form of the disease appears due to untimely treatment or too weak immunity. Sometimes rhinitis appears due to Not proper nutrition or bad habits. To get rid of this disease, you need to find out what chronic rhinitis is and how to treat chronic runny nose.

Before treating chronic runny nose in adults, it is necessary to understand why it appeared. After all, causes and treatment are interconnected. There are several most common causes of chronic runny nose.


Sometimes the disease begins to develop due to the fact that the mucous membrane has been injured by metal or mineral dust. Rhinitis can also appear due to chalk and flour dust, which stops the outflow of goblet cells. All this leads to the formation of a large number of rhinoliths in the nasal cavity.

Physical factors

Chronic runny nose in an adult may occur due to exposure to physical factors environment. These include too hot air, which disrupts the functioning of the epithelium and dries out the mucous membrane. Cold air may also contribute to the development of this disease.

Circulation problems

Some forms of chronic rhinitis begin to develop due to poor blood circulation in the nasal mucosa. Blood circulation may be impaired due to kidney disease or hypertension. Also, such problems can arise due to nervous or endocrine diseases.

Use of certain drugs

Application of some medicines which dilate blood vessels can lead to chronic rhinitis. Therefore, it is not recommended to put such drugs in your nose for too long. It is recommended to use them no longer than one week.

Symptoms and types

To find out the most common symptoms of the disease, you should familiarize yourself with the classification of chronic rhinitis. After all, all types of chronic rhinitis can manifest themselves in different ways.


Symptoms of chronic rhinitis of the catarrhal form are pronounced. Immediately after the onset of the disease, a person has problems with nasal breathing. Wherein this problem periodically disappears and repeats again. Some people experience congestion in only one side of the nose.

Symptoms include copious nasal discharge, which may contain pus. If an exacerbation of the disease occurs, then most patients’ sense of smell deteriorates and they practically do not smell.


This type of disease does not occur very often in patients. The hypertrophic form appears when the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity becomes very dense and grows. You need to get rid of this disease immediately. If this is not done in a timely manner, the person’s nasal passages will be blocked and he will not be able to breathe through his nose. Other complications may also appear in the form of conjunctivitis and severe inflammation lacrimal sacs.

With a chronic runny nose, strong purulent discharge from the nasal cavity appears, which many call the main sign of the disease. Over time, a person's voice may change and their sense of smell may disappear.


This form of the disease leads to the appearance of viscous nasal discharge, which, after drying, can form crusts in the nose. If there are too many of them, this will lead to difficulty breathing and problems with the perception of odors. You should not try to remove the crusts that have formed on your own, as this can damage the mucous membrane. The attending physician should be involved.


People with vasomotor chronic runny nose develop great amount various symptoms, which include:

  • problems with nasal breathing;
  • copious discharge;
  • sneezing;
  • sleep problems.

All these symptoms are very unstable and appear periodically. Quite often they occur due to serious overwork or a sharp change in air temperature. For some patients, these symptoms begin to appear when their blood pressure is too high.

How to get rid of chronic runny nose

Treatment of chronic runny nose in adults should be carried out immediately after detection of this disease. To cure a chronic runny nose, you need to do treatment constantly. If you take even short breaks, the condition can quickly worsen. During the treatment of chronic rhinitis, it is necessary to use the most effective drugs and methods.

This is the only way to get rid of this disease once and for all.

How to treat chronic rhinitis with medications

Most people, to get rid of chronic rhinitis, use special medications. Exactly drug treatment is the most effective.


Many people who are worried about a cold use these tablets during its treatment. This product also quickly clears up snot. The main advantage of Sinupret is that it contains only natural ingredients. It contains extracts of sorrel, gentian and elderberry.

During treatment, children should take no more than three tablets per day, and adults should take no more than six.


This remedy for chronic runny nose is made from such natural ingredients like a lumbago, yellow jasmine, onion and belladonna. With the help of Corizalia you can get rid of all inflammatory processes localized in the respiratory organs.

When using such medications for rhinitis, it is necessary to oral cavity put the tablet in and dissolve it. Daily dose should not exceed six tablets. They are recommended to be taken 1-2 hours before meals.

The drug should not be given to children under three years of age, people with fructose intolerance and pregnant girls.


This remedy for chronic runny nose is quite common. Many people use it to cure chronic rhinitis.

The composition of the drug includes echinacea, goldenseal and cinnabar. The product is available in the form of suckable tablets. The daily dose for children is about 3-4 lozenges. Adults can take 8 tablets per day. After using Cinnabsin, you may experience certain side effects. Some complain of a rash and increased salivation.


This is very effective remedy which quickly fights chronic rhinitis. He has antihistamine actions, thanks to which the course of this disease can be significantly alleviated. The product is available in various forms. Children under 12 years of age are recommended to buy Rhinopront, which is sold in the form of syrup. Treatment in adults is carried out by taking the drug in capsule form. No more than two capsules are used per day.

How to cure chronic runny nose at home

Many people wonder whether chronic rhinitis can be cured at home. There are various folk remedies for chronic runny nose, which you should definitely familiarize yourself with.


In some cases, treatment of chronic rhinitis in adults is carried out using so-called dry inhalations. To carry out such procedures, you can use garlic, horseradish, or onions. These products have a lot of phytoncides, with which you can quickly get rid of inflammation.

The recipe for creating this product is quite simple. To prepare, you need to chop 150 grams of the above vegetables and place in a small saucepan. Then the whole thing is filled with water and boiled for about 10 minutes. When the product is ready, you need to breathe in its vapor for 20-30 minutes. You will have to fight the disease with inhalations for a week.

Laundry soap

Sometimes treatment of chronic rhinitis at home is carried out using products prepared from laundry soap. Recipe for this remedy has been used by many for many years.

Almost always, treatment of chronic runny nose with folk remedies begins with their preparation. IN in this case will need to be moistened cotton swab water and rub it on a small piece of laundry soap. Then, using this stick, you need to lubricate nasal cavity. After the procedure, nasal discharge may increase and severe sneezing may occur.

Rhinitis is classified as an inflammatory process in the nasal mucosa. He has different shapes and symptoms as well as etymology. The correct diagnosis will help you choose necessary treatment and destroy the source of inflammation. But if the patient is given unprofessional help or prescribed inappropriate medications, the patient may develop a chronic runny nose. Chronic runny nose should be classified according to its characteristics, symptoms and nature of inflammation.

Chronic rhinitis is not dangerous to health, but, nevertheless, brings serious discomfort. It provokes the formation of year-round mucous secretion, nasal congestion and feeling unwell person. It is no secret that getting rid of this type of rhinitis is more difficult than getting rid of a common runny nose caused by a cold. However chronic runny nose It can still be cured. Before determining how and what to cure a chronic runny nose, it is necessary to establish the root cause of inflammation, so let’s look at the main signs of the disease.

For the most part, long-term rhinitis occurs due to known causes. It’s trite, but long-term and chronic rhinitis occurs due to hypothermia or trauma to the nasal passage and nasal mucosa. Another cause of disease in the nasopharynx is weak the immune system who couldn't cope with viral infection body. In addition, bacterial growth in the nasal cavity is a common cause of rhinitis.

During the development of a viral or infectious inflammation inside the nasal cavity the patient feels certain symptoms.

Most often, patients complain of swelling, an abundance of mucous secretion, sometimes mixed with pus, inflammation in the nasopharynx, painful sensations in the head and other signs.

During chronic rhinitis, symptoms may not be pronounced.

Often a person gets used to the symptoms of rhinitis and over time does not feel a number of signs. But in any case they cause discomfort, and the question of whether a chronic runny nose can be cured arises more and more often.

It is possible to get rid of chronic rhinitis only if the cause of the disease and its form are determined. There are several types of chronic runny nose:

  1. Infectious rhinitis, the cause of which lies in the penetration of viruses, bacteria and various fungi into the nasal cavity.
  2. Vasomotor runny nose occurs due to addiction to excessively hot foods, as well as due to smoking or negative impact environment.
  3. Hypertrophic rhinitis is characterized as tissue proliferation in the nasal mucosa.
  4. When the mucous membrane becomes thinner and the functions of the nose are impaired due to anatomical changes in the structure of the bony skeleton of the nose, an atrophic runny nose occurs.
  5. With long-term treatment with incorrectly selected drugs, drug-induced rhinitis develops.

Only after determining the type of chronic rhinitis can you establish the necessary treatment and try to get rid of the runny nose forever.

How to get rid of chronic runny nose

You need to start fighting a chronic runny nose with the help of an experienced doctor..

To begin with, the specialist will identify all the symptoms that torment the patient.

After this, the doctor will determine the cause of rhinitis and determine the course of treatment.

The first step is to make the patient feel better.

As a rule, when visiting a doctor, the patient’s body is very inflamed and requires urgent measures. To reduce signs of inflammation, you need to use some rules:

  1. Warm up the patient's feet. Warm your feet in hot water with the addition of mustard. After the procedure, put on woolen socks and lie down in bed.
  2. Eat right. Eliminate spicy, salty and sweet foods from your diet.
  3. Take plenty of vitamins.
  4. Ventilate the room every two hours.
  5. Do wet cleaning every day.
  6. Raise the corner of the patient's bed a few degrees higher or add pillows.

It is also important to purchase and install a humidifier. It will help improve the patient's well-being.

Treatment with medications

After receiving the tests and necessary research, the doctor will be able to prescribe medication. Be prepared for lengthy procedures, since it is quite difficult to get rid of chronic rhinitis.

The course of drug therapy includes the following drugs:

  1. At bacterial inflammation the patient is prescribed antimicrobials in the form of nasal drops "", "", ""
  2. It is important to use powerful anti-inflammatory drugs - “”, “Interferon”, “”.
  3. Antiviral drugs are only effective against initial stage chronic inflammation. As a preventive measure, you can use “Arbidol”, “Anaferon”. They will help destroy the source of inflammation and stop the development of infection.
  4. Can't do without vasoconstrictor drops“Nazol”, “Rinonorm”, “Xymelin”.
  5. For long-term illness, it is necessary various solutions antiseptics.
  6. In case of chronic rhinitis due to exposure to allergens, the patient is prescribed antihistamines– “Zyrtec”, “Loratadine”, “Kestin”, “Cetrin”. But they will not be effective until the patient determines the type of allergen and eliminates it.
  7. To reduce swelling the patient is prescribed various drugs from vegetable herbs. They not only moisturize the nasal mucosa, but also relieve swelling, and also improve the patient’s well-being.
  8. In case of severe inflammation, broad-spectrum antibiotics and saline solutions for nasal rinsing are required - Furacilin and Octenisept, as well as Mupirocin ointment.

Treatment of long-term rhinitis with serious complications is carried out not only with the help of medications, but also with the help of physiotherapy. However, getting rid of rhinitis forever is quite difficult. If the above methods are ineffective, the patient may be prescribed surgery.

Surgical exposure

If complex therapy was unsuccessful, the doctor may prescribe surgical intervention. This type of exposure is necessary when there is a risk of complications, as well as in the hypertrophic form.

When an operation is scheduled, the patient may undergo a procedure using liquid nitrogen, cauterization of the nasal mucosa. It is also believed that a nasal injection for a runny nose is effective in 99 percent of cases.

In case of more complex process, a specialist may remove part of the turbinate.


Treatment of chronic rhinitis is quite difficult, since the disease is not always treatable the first time. If you are taking the medications described more than a week, but do not feel any improvement, you need to re-examine.

In this case, the doctor may prescribe an increase in dosage or replace the drugs with more powerful ones.

At an appointment with an ENT doctor, every third patient complains of a prolonged runny nose or, scientifically, chronic rhinitis. This disease is manifested by long-term inflammatory and degenerative processes in the nasal mucosa: constant congestion of the nasal passages, impaired nasal breathing, mucous or purulent discharge from the nostrils and headaches.

Chronic rhinitis in most cases does not cause mortal danger for human health, but significantly worsens the quality of his life. That is why, before curing a chronic runny nose, it is important to understand why it arose in order to prevent its reappearance.

Causes of chronic inflammation in the nose

  1. Frequent inflammation of the nasal cavity (acute rhinitis) if not treated correctly.
  2. Irritants in the air (mineral or metal dust, high or low temperature inhaled air, low air humidity, nicotine). For example, working in hazardous industries and smoking can lead to a chronic runny nose.
  3. Hereditary predisposition to diseases of the nose, defects of the nasal septum.
  4. Uncontrolled use of certain medications (for example, rauwolfia-based blood pressure lowering tablets or vasoconstrictor drops).

Sometimes a chronic runny nose is not independent disease, but only one of the symptoms of another pathology of the nose - adenoids or sinusitis.
In such cases, its treatment should be preceded by measures to eliminate its root cause - removal of the adenoids, opening and drainage maxillary sinuses etc.

Rhinitis also often occurs with cardiovascular and kidney diseases, hormonal imbalances in women, constipation and alcoholism.

Methods for treating chronic runny nose

When the runny nose is protracted and gradually becomes chronic, cure it with a short time will not work. Since hypertrophic or atrophic processes in the nose did not appear overnight, they will have to be treated persistently and for a long time.

Sometimes in the first week of treatment there may be a deterioration in the patient’s condition: large quantity thick discharge, nasal congestion worsens, headache intensifies. However, this is not a reason to refuse treatment. You need to consult your doctor again to adjust your prescription if necessary.

The main methods of treating chronic rhinitis are the following:

Local drug treatment

Depending on the suspected cause of the development of chronic runny nose, drops with anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, anti-allergenic or antibacterial effect. On pharmaceutical market there are a large number of such drops and most of them combined action(for example, moisturizing + antibacterial, anti-allergenic + healing, etc.).

Of these, preference should be given to drops on oil based (sea ​​buckthorn oil, oil solutions vitamins E and A) to simplify the process of softening and removing crusts from the nose.

Vasoconstrictor drops are better for chronic process refuse, since the effect of them, although it occurs quickly, does not last long. But from frequent use the mucous membrane becomes insensitive to their action, which is fraught with the development of a medicinal runny nose.

When choosing required type drops, it is better to rely on a doctor who knows exactly how to treat a runny nose in your case. Some situations require the administration of drugs orally in the form of tablets or injections (with severe forms allergic or purulent runny nose).

Physiotherapeutic treatment

This type of treatment includes procedures such as: heating the nose with UHF and ultraviolet rays, endonasal electrophoresis, medicinal inhalations using special nasal attachments, magnetic therapy and mud therapy. Physiotherapy procedures are prescribed in conjunction with the main drug therapy or immediately after its completion to consolidate the result.

Warming the nose with Minin's infrared lamp

So-called " blue lamp"can successfully replace physiotherapeutic procedures. The lamp is turned on at a distance of 20-30 cm from the bridge of the nose so that a pleasant warmth is felt on the skin. Warm the nose under a lamp for 5 to 20 minutes once a day.

This procedure effectively helps cure chronic runny nose in a child under three years of age, since for the treatment of children younger age The use of a rather narrow list of medications is permitted.

General restorative treatment

Because the prolonged runny nose, often occurs against the background of a decrease general immunity, use immunostimulants and adaptogens (for example, based on echinacea or ginseng), multivitamin and mineral complexes.

Sinus massage

In addition, the effectiveness of treatment can be increased by special massage. The following video will tell you how to do it.

Surgical methods

In cases where a prolonged runny nose is caused by improper structure or traumatic displacement of the nasal concha, a surgery. During the operation, normal anatomical structure structures of the nose, excess overgrown tissue is excised.

If the nasal mucosa is slightly enlarged, it is cauterized liquid nitrogen(cryodestruction of the nasal turbinates).

Treatment of a runny nose with folk remedies

The following are recognized as the most effective folk remedies for chronic runny nose:

Warm dry compresses with salt

Apply warm bags of salt to your nose twice a day. Such thermal procedures lead to a rush of blood to the nasal area, improve blood circulation in the mucous membrane, and enhance regeneration processes.

It is important to ensure that the bag is not hot (you can check this by placing it on the inner surface of your forearm) so as not to get a burn on your face.

Honey and milk drops

Drip your nose with honey-milk drops (3 drops in each nostril 3 times a day) for 7-10 days. To make them, you need to mix 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of milk. The drops must be freshly prepared. Honey has excellent antiseptic and healing properties, and milk will well moisturize the mucous membrane and facilitate the removal of dried crusts.

Warming up your feet

Hot foot baths are taken daily before bed, after which you put on warm socks with dry mustard poured inside. The course of warming procedures is 7-10 days, but the duration can be increased as needed. Contraindication is elevated temperature body and pregnancy.

Eastern medicine believes that the feet (certain points on the soles) and the nose (mucous membrane) are connected by an energetically active channel. There is even one folk sign: today I got my feet wet - tomorrow I will have a runny nose. In this regard, it is generally accepted that warming the feet helps get rid of chronic runny nose in both children and adults.

Tamponades with juices and oils of medicinal plants

Nasal tamponade with mixture healthy ingredients: honey, sea buckthorn oil, calendula juice (10 g each) and propolis (5 g) - also great for persistent rhinitis. Dip into the resulting mixture cotton swabs and insert them into the nostrils for 20 minutes. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

Rinsing the nose with diluted herbal infusions

At home, rinse your nose with a solution of chamomile and plantain infusion. The herbal infusion, in addition to its cleansing effect, has an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergenic function.

Several Yet folk recipes that help with a runny nose, including chronic ones, you will learn from the following video:

Prevention of chronic rhinitis

To protect yourself from a chronic runny nose, you must avoid hypothermia and interaction with allergens, prevent the nasal mucosa from drying out, promptly treat acute rhinitis, and do not get carried away with vasoconstrictor drops.
If you cannot get rid of a runny nose on your own within a week, you should definitely seek help from a doctor.