Reasons for feeling unwell after drinking. Why does post-alcohol depression occur and how to treat it?

Stress, frustration, unfavorable emotional background and excessive psychological stress can become factors that make a person want to drink. However, after drinking alcohol, instead of the expected relief, people experience severe post-alcohol depression, and depression after binge drinking is especially pronounced against the background of a general weakening of the body and severe intoxication.

Alcoholic drinks consumed for the purpose of relaxation, distraction, and stress relief provide only a short-term effect. And it's a matter of physiology.

A number of hormones are responsible for the emotional state in the human body:

  1. Serotonin is a substance that is also called the “happiness hormone”. Thanks to his presence, a person has a feeling of joy and a surge of strength. Alcohol has a dual effect on this hormone.

On the one hand, it enhances its effect, and on the other hand, under the influence of ethanol, which is contained in alcohol and is a powerful toxin, this hormone is destroyed. This is how a vicious circle appears.

Those suffering from alcoholism, wanting to regain the feeling of joy, begin to drink more and more alcohol. At the same time, the positive effect in temporary terms lasts less and less, and the negative one gets worse;

  1. Norepinephrine is a hormone that helps you adapt to stressful situations. When its level decreases due to intoxication, anxiety states appear, a feeling of melancholy and despair arises.

Norepinephrine Formula
  1. Endorphin - helps cope with psychological stress. Also destroyed by alcohol.

Conclusion: trying to cope with emotional difficulties with the help of alcoholic beverages, the drinker only makes the problem worse. If this process is not stopped in time, it can cause deep post-alcohol depression.

Types of alcoholic depression

In medical practice, it is customary to divide depression resulting from alcohol consumption into short-term and severe.


They arise as a result of strong but short-term abuse of alcoholic beverages. Typically accompanied by:

  • hangover;
  • lethargy;
  • irritability.

There may be a feeling of blues, possible feelings of guilt and anxiety. Most often, such conditions appear in people over 35–40 years of age.

If you stop drinking alcohol in a timely manner, they go away on their own, last for one to two days and do not require outside intervention.


Severe depression after binge drinking occurs as a result of giving up alcohol from the 2nd to the 5th day. Often such conditions occur in those suffering from severe forms of alcoholism, but they can also appear after prolonged drinking (more than seven days).

In this case, a person may experience a profound psychological crisis and a complete lack of positive emotions, which can cause the resumption of binge drinking. In these cases, it is no longer possible to do without qualified medical care.

Symptoms of alcoholic depression

Long-term ethanol intoxication leads to a number of psychophysiological disorders.

The most common symptoms are:

  • sudden changes in mood (from complete apathy to aggressively excited states) and activity;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • decreased social adaptability, attempt to isolate oneself from others;
  • loss of interest in life in general;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • lack of hunger and need for food or uncontrollable “eating”;
  • suicidal thoughts;
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • anxiety;
  • inhibition of reactions;
  • feeling of hopelessness.

The manifestation of these signs is an alarming signal that a person is no longer able to get out of depression without outside help. Ignoring such symptoms can lead to renewed drinking and severe mental disorders.

Signs of alcohol addiction

People who abuse alcohol are often unable to understand and admit their addiction. It is determined by the following characteristics:

  • frequent drinking of alcohol;
  • binge drinking can last several days;
  • drinking alcohol alone and in the morning;
  • alcohol becomes a way to solve family and work problems;
  • loss of sense of proportion, inability to stop;
  • loss of self-control under the influence of alcohol, short temper, aggressiveness;
  • memory loss;
  • the amount of alcohol consumed increases;
  • the appearance of nausea and vomiting when trying to give up alcohol.

Alcoholism is not a death sentence, but a disease that can and should be fought. The sooner the problem is recognized, the easier it will be to deal with it.


The consequences of long-term alcohol use and resulting depression can be extremely negative. They can harm not only the drinker, but also those around him.

The heaviest of them:

  • actions of a suicidal nature;
  • injuries resulting from partial loss of coordination;
  • committing actions that pose a threat to the health of others;
  • development of chronic alcoholism;
  • degradation;
  • destruction of brain cells;
  • development of epileptic tendencies.

Treatment methods

Modern medicine in the fight against severe forms of alcoholic depression offers three types of treatment:

  • pharmacological effects;
  • psychotherapy;
  • physiotherapy.

Pharmacological treatment

It consists of drug treatment of depressive conditions. First of all, the patient’s body is detoxified in order to overcome physiological discomfort.

This is done so that the patient leaves the state of physiological dependence as quickly as possible. Then it is possible to use antidepressants, which help relieve anxiety.

At the same time, medications are prescribed to reduce alcohol dependence, a complex of vitamins and microelements, as well as medications that help restore blood circulation in the vessels of the brain and liver function.


A mandatory condition for the rehabilitation of patients suffering from depressive syndrome is a course of psychotherapy. These sessions help to identify the true cause of emotional and mental disorders, learn to manage anxiety, restore self-confidence, rediscover the meaning of life, and learn to solve problems without the help of alcohol.


Physiotherapy has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, improves immunity and strengthens the body as a whole. Such procedures include:

  • therapeutic massages;
  • inductothermy;
  • relaxing baths and more.


Since the main and only source of post-alcohol depression is alcohol consumption, the solution, accordingly, will be to give it up. This is difficult to do, but necessary.

The following tips will help with this:

  • Avoid activities that involve alcohol consumption. If it was not possible to refuse such an event, then you can come up with a good reason in advance for others why the person will not drink (health problems, driving, and similar factors);
  • avoid the company of people prone to frequent alcohol consumption;
  • try to communicate with optimistic people on positive topics;
  • workout. Moderate physical activity has a beneficial effect on health and well-being;
  • eat right. Avoid overeating and fasting, which also lead to a decrease in emotional levels;
  • I need to come up with a hobby. Often depression and the desire to “drink” arise against the background of idleness. It is better to occupy yourself with a hobby or physical labor;
  • spend more time in nature, go for walks. Communication with nature relieves fatigue and calms you down.

And, the main thing to remember: alcoholic drinks will not help cope with an emotional problem. Instead of short-term relief, the patient risks getting a severe depressive state.

A depressed state after a fun feast with a lot of alcohol, or depression after a binge, is a phenomenon familiar to many. In an effort to escape from everyday problems and relax, people often resort to alcohol. However, the relief is temporary and very short-lived. Fun gives way to depression or even depression. What is it and how to get rid of the blues, read on.

Why depression occurs

Drunkenness is a very ancient vice. Since ancient times, people have used various means to artificially lift their mood. In this regard, alcohol can be called a real magician. A loser who drinks feels successful. A complex, shy person feels relaxed, witty, and the life of the party.

Sexual desire also increases. These “advantages” are a serious motivation for libations, sometimes immoderate. However, a little time passes, and a person no longer wants to remember the price at which this happiness was given to him.

The cause of artificial euphoria is the formation of endorphin and serotonin - hormonal substances - in the body. Ethyl alcohol helps to destroy the blood-brain barrier, which prevents these substances from entering the brain. The concentration of opiates (substances that resemble morphine in their mechanism of action) in the blood increases sharply. Simply put, we pay for short-term chemical pleasure with our own intelligence.

When the concentration of serotonin in the hypothalamus decreases, the drinker has a desire to prolong the pleasure. Hence the increase in alcohol doses. However, in parallel with this, there is a gradual increase in the concentration of norepinephrine, which is known as the “rage hormone”. A gradual decrease in norepinephrine levels leads to the development of a depressive state. Thus, alcohol is rather a depressant, rather than the cheerful drink sung by poets.

Now it is clear why, after drinking alcoholic drinks, a short feeling of happiness is very quickly replaced by a decrease in mental activity, apathy and a significant deterioration in mood. All this occurs against the background of decreased motor activity and inhibited reactions. These phenomena are precursors to depression after alcohol, which is prone to progression.

The reasons that lead to the development of depression after drinking include:

  • Disturbances of the central nervous system.
  • Metabolic disruptions.
  • Short-term mental disorders that are provoked by the toxic effects of ethanol.
  • Impaired functioning of various organs.

Also, accumulated difficulties and troubles in life create fertile ground for such pathologies. People of weak character often try to “drown in wine” their experiences, the thoughts that nothing is working out for them in life. Alcohol-related depression occurs more often in women than in men.


Regular drinking, even in small quantities, contributes to the weakening of the nervous system. This leads to the drinker becoming more irritable and aggressive. He himself does not notice that he is drawn into a certain vicious circle.

At first there is dissatisfaction with the surrounding reality, then libation, aggression, and then - all over again. The connection between alcoholism and symptoms of depression is obvious.

Dangers of depression after binge drinking

Areas of the brain called the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and pineal gland are responsible for the synthesis of hormonal substances. The endocrine system is also responsible for the secretion of hormones. Ethyl alcohol destroys all systems and organs. The emotional sphere is also no exception to the rule.

Alcohol absorption occurs faster than elimination. The main place of concentration of ethanol is the brain. Ethyl alcohol creates an obstacle to the normal supply of oxygen to brain cells. For this reason, even minor intoxication threatens the death of cells in the cerebral cortex. This explains the decrease in the mental abilities of the drinker.

According to research, the more a person gets addicted to alcohol, the more pronounced the alcoholic depression and lasts longer. A safe dosage is approximately 30-35 g of ethanol per 70 kg of weight. But this does not mean that you can drink a little every day. With daily consumption of the slightest doses of alcohol, addiction, and therefore alcoholism, cannot be avoided. The “distance” from a healthy person to an alcoholic is:

  1. For men - 2-3 months.
  2. For women - 1.0-1.5 months.
  3. For teenagers - 0.5 months.

Types of depression

It is customary to distinguish 2 types of alcohol-related depression:

  • After a long binge.
  • After completely stopping drinking alcohol.

Depression after prolonged drinking

This condition after prolonged drinking manifests itself along with a hangover syndrome. Not only does the person suffer greatly physically. He is tormented by remorse. He feels guilty and therefore sad and depressed. Ethanol oxidation leads to a collapse in blood glucose concentrations.

This phenomenon is called alcoholic hypoglycemia. It, in turn, is manifested by a feeling of fatigue, muscle weakness, drowsiness, apathy, decreased concentration, lethargy, depression, and lethargy. Due to magnesium deficiency, chills, feelings of irritation, nervousness, sleep disturbances occur, and heart rate increases.

The severity and duration of this type of depressive disorder depends on individual tolerance to alcohol. The pathological condition lasts for several days. Then despondency and indifference go away on their own, without treatment or consequences.

Depression after quitting drinking: symptoms, how long it lasts

This scenario for the development of the disease, in contrast to the one described above, occurs in a much more severe form, lasts longer and requires the intervention of specialists. Pathology occurs 2-5 days after you stop drinking and is caused by withdrawal syndrome. Typically, this condition occurs in people with stages 2 and 3 of alcoholism after coding.

The disease manifests itself as excessive motor activity, tremors, anxiety, and sometimes convulsions. Added to the physical suffering are the moral aspects of anxiety. The person feels useless and worthless.

The danger of this type of depression is as follows. Having ended his friendship with alcohol, the patient outwardly leads a normal life, if he has completely stopped drinking. But after encoding, he is deprived of his only source of joy, and is faced with everyday problems and troubles.

The result is natural - dissatisfaction with life literally goes off scale. The most dangerous thing is that the patient, considering alcohol as a kind of taboo, can indulge in all kinds of serious things in other directions.

Drugs, gambling, multiple sexual relationships or extreme sports act as replacement therapy. A person can become an avid workaholic, which leads to professional burnout and chronic fatigue syndrome. Sometimes with this type of depression there are suicide attempts. Therefore, specialist intervention is necessary. The sooner you see a doctor, the less time the treatment will last.

Treatment methods

In order to successfully get out of a depressive state, it is necessary that the person himself be able to realize the need to get rid of addiction and everything connected with it. If the condition requires special treatment measures, no amateur activity is acceptable.

OUR READERS RECOMMEND! To quickly and reliably get rid of alcoholism, our readers advise. This is a natural remedy that blocks cravings for alcohol, causing a persistent aversion to alcohol. In addition, Alcolock triggers restoration processes in organs that alcohol has begun to destroy. The product has no contraindications, the effectiveness and safety of the drug has been proven by clinical studies at the Research Institute of Narcology.

The set of medications and their dosage are selected exclusively by specialists, who are sufficient not only in Moscow, but also in any region of the country. There are no universal, one-size-fits-all recipes. Manifestations of alcoholism are treated in specialized centers, followed by social adaptation of the patient.


The prescription of antidepressants in the treatment of manifestations of alcoholism is an integral part of drug therapy. To relieve the depressed or anxious state that often accompanies withdrawal syndrome, strong tranquilizers are used. One of the most effective is Sibazon.

Modern antidepressant medications help to quickly relieve the symptoms of alcoholic depression and return the patient to normal life. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs, are used to treat anxiety.

In parallel with antidepressants in the treatment of alcohol dependence, drugs are prescribed that reduce cravings for intoxicating drinks. With drug therapy, vitamins B, PP and C, which are administered intramuscularly, help improve the patient’s condition and relieve inhibition. There are no universal recipes. The doctor selects medications individually.


The goal of psychotherapeutic sessions is to help the patient regain the meaning of life, to rejoice without the help of alcohol, and to motivate him to code. With the help of a psychologist and psychotherapy, the patient realizes that the path to happiness through alcohol is not the right one. Moreover, this is a road to nowhere. You can eliminate the blues in other ways that are effective and completely safe. This is where the help of a psychotherapist lies.


Restorative physiotherapeutic methods aimed at getting rid of depression after drinking include:

  1. Artificial sleep.
  2. Acupuncture.
  3. Thermal procedures.
  4. Electrical stimulation.

The advantage of physiotherapy is the combination of safety with high efficiency. The procedures help activate the body's resources, improve immunity, normalize metabolism, relieve depression and slow reactions. The doctor decides how long to carry out the procedures.

Prevention of depression

From everything said above, it is clear: many people drink alcohol to get rid of a bad mood, stress, get out of a depressive state, and feel less anxious. But the paradox is that alcohol does not cure, but only aggravates negative processes that are the basis for the development of depression.

The connection between alcohol and depression is obvious, but so far there is no clear answer to the question: a person drinks in an attempt to overcome depression, or drinking alcohol is a provoking factor for such a condition.

How can you avoid this problem without denying yourself the pleasure of occasionally relaxing in pleasant company? There is only one answer: do not drink too much, since abuse inevitably leads to alcohol intoxication and associated complications. The following tips will help reduce the degree of intoxication:

  • If you have a feast with alcohol consumption, eat. It is advisable to eat a little butter and drink milk.
  • While drinking, don't forget to have a snack.
  • Do not mix different drinks. The consequences of experiments with increasing or decreasing the degree are unpredictable.
  • Control the duration of time intervals between subsequent doses of alcoholic beverages.
  • Try to refrain from smoking while drinking.
  • When you get home, be sure to take a shower and go to bed in a well-ventilated room.

Sometimes even a small amount of alcohol leads to significant psycho-emotional problems. Complete normalization of the emotional background occurs after a few days. In most cases, post-alcohol depression does not require any treatment as it goes away on its own. If a depressive state develops after a prolonged binge and an attempt to stop drinking on your own, then such a case requires special treatment.

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Have you already thought about getting coded? This is understandable, because alcoholism is a dangerous disease that leads to serious consequences: cirrhosis or even death. Liver pain, hangover, problems with health, work, personal life... All these problems are familiar to you firsthand.

But maybe there is still a way to get rid of the torment? We recommend reading Elena Malysheva’s article about modern methods of treating alcoholism...

Depression in those people who are prone to drinking alcoholic beverages is considered a common phenomenon. Why? Let's figure it out now. It is believed that this type of depression is similar in its symptomatic course to a disease such as bipolar depression.

Drinking alcohol relaxes a person. It gives him a feeling of euphoria and the ability to relax. But after the effect of this substance wears off, a person may experience alcoholic depression. Below we will discuss the reasons for the occurrence and aggravation of this condition after drinking alcohol.

Emotional status

There is such a thing as emotional status. It is different for each person and depends on what kind of activity he is engaged in. Also, the emotional state depends on the concentration in which elements such as neurotransmitters are present in his body. Their task is to transmit impulses to the nervous system. Alcohol contains toxic substances. They can cause deficiency of substances such as neurotransmitters.

Due to their lack, a depressive state occurs. In addition, the human body, through ethanol, is saturated with such an aggressive hormone as norepinephrine. Further, when its quantity decreases, a person feels a state of pain, melancholy. Muscle weakness is also present.

Effect of ethanol

Alcohol intoxication leads to the fact that a substance such as ethanol enters the body. It is worth knowing that it is quickly absorbed and excreted just as quickly. And the toxic substances that were formed under its influence last for a long time. They can lead to the death of brain cells, causing alcoholic depression.

You should know that drinking drinks that contain alcohol has a negative effect on the human body. At first, alcohol causes euphoria and relaxation. But then a person may experience mental disorders. Alcohol depression after drinking occurs in a large number of people. Depression can be a reason to drink alcohol again. A person becomes dependent on drinking alcohol. It seems to him that with alcohol everything is much more positive and better. This is actually an illusion. It will be better if a person gets out of this state than to constantly drown out depression with alcohol.


There are statistics that show that alcoholic depression from drinking alcohol is more common in those people who have crossed the age of 35. This happens because their body is oversaturated with exposure to a substance such as ethanol.

It is considered a complex process. For some people, depression can get to the point where they begin to think about suicide. In addition, severe forms of this condition lead to the fact that a person begins to think that no one needs him, his activities have no meaning.

What effects can depression have on the human body? Withdrawal from binge drinking

First, let's look at the effects of depression. These include:

1. Thoughts and attempts at suicide.

2. Depressive disorders cause a person to become confused and may cause some harm to himself. For example, getting injured.

3. Such people can become socially dangerous to others.

4. Those who cannot cope with a mental disorder begin to drink alcohol more often. Then they develop chronic alcoholism.

5. A person begins to degrade. The human brain requires constant feeding; if this does not happen, then the thinking process begins to regress.

6. Various mental personality disorders and brain lesions.


What are the consequences of drinking alcohol?

1. Disposable. This is what a person experiences after drinking alcohol.

2. Severe form of depression. A person cannot get out of it.
A state of depression that occurs after prolonged and excessive drinking.

This condition is associated with a hangover. It occurs when a person drinks too much alcohol. In this case, you may not even recognize whether the person has depression or a hangover. In fact, there is depression. But it passes in a mild form. This type of depression is accompanied by bad mood, apathy, and depression. At the same time, the person feels weakness, weakness, and lack of tone in the muscles. This is due to the fact that ethanol is present in the body, which, in turn, reduces glucose levels. An apathetic state accompanies irritation and despondency. Also often during this period a person experiences headaches. They occur due to the fact that a person has consumed too many drinks that contain alcohol.


How to get out of alcoholic depression? Genetics plays a special role here. That is, such a reaction of the body to alcohol can be inherited.

There is a category of people who can drink a large amount of alcohol the day before, while feeling absolutely normal the next day without showing any signs of depression or apathy. And others feel very bad after a couple of glasses of red wine. In addition to physical weakness, they experience moral dissatisfaction and irritability.

This type of depression goes away on its own. This may take a person several days. After this, his physical and moral condition will return to normal.


Treatment of alcoholic depression at home is not always possible. This type of disorder is a complex condition. A person may not be able to cope with such depression on his own. It is possible that he will need professional specialized help. This type of depression occurs in those people who have been drinking alcohol for a long time. In other words, such a period is called binge drinking. After the binge ends, the person becomes depressed. On average it lasts from a couple of days to one week. This condition is called withdrawal. As a rule, it is observed in those people who are considered alcoholics, that is, dependent on the use of alcoholic beverages. Antidepressants for alcoholic depression should be taken under medical supervision.

Severe distress following depression

This type of depression is a severe disorder. A person loses the meaning of life, he is depressed. He also has no goals, emotions have only a negative connotation, and so on. A person who is in this state thinks that no one needs him, life does not make him happy. He also feels guilty for everything that happens to him. When a person in such a state begins to think about the future, he is overcome by despair, he does not see anything good that could happen to him.

After the peak of depression passes, there is a danger that the person will not recover from this state. Ordinary everyday life begins to weigh on him. He does not see the meaning of life, there are no positive emotions. The fact is that alcohol caused euphoria and buzz in such a person. And everyday life, without drinking alcohol, causes melancholy and apathy in him. Not everyone can cope with this problem on their own. It is worth saying that cases of independent recovery from such depression are rare. More often, an individual is looking for a replacement for alcoholic beverages. In addition, such a patient may begin to work too hard at work and end up with chronic fatigue, which will have a negative impact on health.

It is worth saying that a person may have thoughts of suicide. His emotional tone of life may be so depressing and gloomy that he will take actions that will be aimed at committing suicide.

How to cope with alcoholic depression on your own? It is extremely difficult to overcome this condition. Doctors believe that depression can only be dealt with in a medical facility or under the guidance of a qualified specialist.

Why does depression occur after drinking alcohol?

The main cause of a person’s depressive state is that under the influence of ethanol, the normal functioning of the nervous system and brain occurs. You should know that even a small dose of ethyl alcohol can cause symptoms of depression.

It is a well-known fact that alcoholics have a shrinking brain. In a person who constantly drinks vodka and beer, neurons are damaged, the process of degradation begins, and behavior becomes inappropriate. You can expect anything from such a person. It becomes dangerous to be around him.

Do not think that such changes in the human body can only occur with chronic alcoholism. If an individual regularly drinks alcohol, then in any case they have a destructive effect on the brain and nervous system. As a result, a mental personality disorder begins, which subsequently leads to degradation.

Duration of depression

How long does alcohol depression last? Sometimes this condition can last for several days (three to five). And it also happens that this drags on for longer. Sometimes a person can suffer from depression even for up to a year.

It is worth paying attention to heredity. If there were relatives in the family who suffered from alcohol addiction, then this means that there is a predisposition. Therefore, such people should drink alcohol with extreme caution.


What signs can be used to determine that a person has alcoholic depression?

Typically, this type of depression has certain symptoms that resemble manic depression. The period of this condition can last up to six months. Recurrences are possible. Since every body is individual, depression can manifest itself in different ways.

However, there are also common symptoms of alcoholic depression:

1. Activity decreases.

2. Frequent mood changes. Moreover, the fluctuations are quite large, from complete apathy to euphoria.

3. Mental reactions slow down.

4. Slowness in performing any actions after a short period of time can be replaced by increased activity.

5. Cognitive processes deteriorate.

6. Sleep disturbance.

7. The normal functioning of the human digestive system is disrupted. Pathologies of the liver and pancreas also begin to appear.

8. Lack of interest in life.

9. Attempts or thoughts of suicide.

10. Constant anxiety for no reason.

11. A person wants to hide from everyone.

12. The presence of feelings such as hopelessness, hopelessness, etc.

13. Reluctance to be in society, isolation from people.

14. Some people may experience a lack of appetite, while others, on the contrary, may experience an increase in appetite.

15. Apathy.

16. Lack of sexual arousal.

17. Inability to perform daily activities.

18. Outbursts of irritability or aggressive behavior.

The story of every drinker begins with one drink. At first, alcohol in small doses excites the brain centers and causes euphoria. To maintain false pleasure, portions have to be gradually increased. After heavy drinking, alcoholic depression occurs, which is accompanied by the formation of mental disorders that require drug treatment. To understand the mechanism of development of the disease, you need to know what happens physiologically after drinking alcohol.

Mental disorders can develop against the background of alcoholic depression

Hormones determine emotional state. Neurotransmitters are responsible for balance and calm - bioactive substances of neurons that transmit impulses to cells. Under the influence of toxins, their activity decreases. Serotonin and endorphins give a feeling of joy. If they are injected, the blood-brain barrier will not allow synthetic substances to quickly penetrate nerve cells.

When taking alcohol and drugs, happiness hormones are produced in large quantities and immediately penetrate the membrane of neurons, due to which a person quickly falls into euphoria. As soon as their level decreases, a feeling of depression arises, and the person tries to restore it with another glass of doping. Realizing his dependence on alcohol, he develops apathy, turning into post-alcohol depression. But that is not all.

Ethyl alcohol is considered a psychotropic substance, paralyzing the sensitivity of nerve endings and increasing the production of the stress hormone norepinephrine. Once in the blood, ethanol molecules begin to quickly break down. Decay products migrate throughout the body with the blood. The brain suffers the most, where due to their negative effects, the transport of oxygen into cells is disrupted, which leads to the death of neurons.

Dependence develops gradually. First, the habit of relieving stress in large portions leads to the formation of withdrawal syndrome, when somatic and neurological disorders appear during the hangover period, which disappear after a new dose of alcohol. Addiction occurs within a couple of months in men, 2 times faster in women, and in 2 weeks in adolescents.

Why is there depression after alcohol?

After heavy libations, the next day a hangover begins. The level of glucose in the blood decreases significantly, loss of strength and muscle weakness appear. Usually a hangover lasts for a day. The recovery period depends on the body's rate of synthesizing alcohol dehydrogenase. This is an adaptive enzyme that catalyzes the oxidation of ethyl alcohol to acetaldehyde, which decomposes to acetic acid. Then she:

  • transforms into carbon dioxide and water;
  • is excreted from the body.

A hangover is common after heavy drinking

The rate of oxidation depends on the ethanol concentration. After a few hours, the condition of a light drinker returns to normal, after a couple of days the blood is cleared, and the body returns to normal. For an alcoholic, a hangover goes away depending on the speed at which toxic metabolites leave the body. Usually it takes 5 days to recover, but during this time he manages to drink a glass many times.

Why is there depression after drinking if a person makes a volitional decision and tries to return to a sober lifestyle? Strong drinks act directly on the pleasure zone, excite dopamine receptors in the brain and give imaginary euphoria. To receive moral compensation in the form of joy and psychological comfort, a sober person needs to work hard. After drinking alcohol, imaginary pleasure quickly comes, but at the same time, the drinker’s motivational component fades into the background.

If a drunk perceives events through a cloudy glass, a sober assessment of reality drives one into a stupor. Therefore, for those who are “gone”, existence in reality does not cause delight, especially since with constant stimulation of the brain by doping, the natural synthesis of joy hormones stops. A person subconsciously resists what is happening, trying to restore psychological discomfort with one of the options for “replacement therapy,” becoming addicted to gambling or drugs.

Alcohol depression: symptoms and treatment

Problems arise due to abstinence and disappear after the next dose. At the second stage of the disease, vegetative and mental disorders are observed:

  • redness of the skin;
  • headache;
  • loss of appetite;
  • pressure surges;
  • swelling;
  • heaviness in the liver, gastrointestinal problems;
  • functional disorders;
  • an irresistible urge to drink.

A person with alcoholic depression experiences a strong desire to drink

Depression after binge drinking is complicated by somatic manifestations of withdrawal syndrome - strong central nervous system stimulation, hand tremors, chills, and sleep disturbances. A person is going through a crisis and is unable to adequately assess the scale of the problem. Usually events develop according to the classic scenario, when the disease takes a chronic form. In a drunken stupor there is no time for philosophical reflections on life, especially since irreversible processes occur in the brain structures leading to complete degradation.

On the third, alcoholic psychosis appears, divided into types.

  1. Delirium occurs against a background of clouded consciousness, accompanied by auditory and visual hallucinations that also occur in a clear mind.
  2. In acute alcoholic encephalopathy, the following develop: psychological helplessness, delusions, delusions of grandeur. In people after 40 years of age, pseudoparalysis progresses.
  3. Pathological intoxication is characterized by strong excitement, panic attacks, and a heightened sense of danger.

First of all, anti-hangover medications are taken to improve physical condition. They contain combinations of agents with an antitoxic effect: Alka-Seltzer, Zorex, Zenalk, Corrda, Limontar, Enterosgel sorbent and others. In pharmacies, drugs are presented in an assortment.

It’s time for the relatives of a drinker to seek help if he gets drunk in the morning, loses self-control, cannot think clearly, becomes socially dangerous, or goes on a drinking binge. A specialist will tell you how to get out of alcoholic depression. When discontinuing stimulant drinks, a narcologist-psychiatrist will correct the physiological and psychological state with pharmacological drugs.

What is offered to patients

Therapy is successful only if the patient has a conscious desire to give up the bad habit. If the disease is not advanced, you can do without antidepressants. As toxic metabolites are eliminated, symptoms disappear. If depression does not go away, obsessive thoughts about suicide appear, and a comprehensive regimen is prescribed. Severe melancholy is difficult to treat. The patient is required to be disciplined and completely abstain from alcohol.

It is possible to give up a bad habit only with a conscious desire

Correction of symptoms of post-alcohol depression consists of 3 stages.

  1. Detoxification involves eliminating the effects of withdrawal symptoms. Patients are given antioxidants through an IV. They neutralize decay products, help regenerate liver cells, and restore brain nutrition.
  2. To normalize the mental background, new generation non-toxic antidepressants are prescribed. Medicines without side effects are well tolerated and do not cause addiction.
  3. Individual psychocorrectional sessions with a specialist help make it easier to go through the rehabilitation period and adapt to a new life.

Methods for treating post-alcohol depression

Pathology is diagnosed based on clinical signs. During the acute period of withdrawal syndrome (AS), well-being is aggravated by somatovegetative, neurological, and affective disorders such as: hypochondria, apathy, asthenic-anxiety states. Cyclothymic (mood swings) and endoreactive psychoses often occur. Severe symptoms reduce within 3 days, melancholy becomes protracted and lasts from 7 to 15 days.

  1. In the acute form of AS, signs are relieved with tranquilizers - diazapam, chlordiazepoxide. To restore sleep, phenazepam is prescribed.
  2. In order to activate blood circulation, GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) derivatives such as phenibut are indicated.
  3. Atypical neuroleptics - aminazine, largactil - are used in small doses to relieve hallucinatory disorders.
  4. Sedative antidepressants without anticholinergic effects are prescribed - mirtazapine, mianverine.
  5. Hepatoprotectors antidepressants are indicated - adenosylmethionine (Heptral).
  6. To stabilize the autonomic system - Mexidol.

Types of affective disorders and treatment

After acute symptoms are relieved, long-term remission occurs. Since regular infusions of alcohol formed a persistent habit, this affected psychosomatics. Patients complain of pressure surges, skin diseases, headaches, and colds. The signs are more typical for patients with hypochondriacal status. They believe that everything goes away after a glass of vodka. During the sober period, they become despondent and try to evoke pity for themselves.

In a sober state, the patient arrives in a sad and depressed mood

Therapy is based on rational psychology and drugs. The doctor convinces the patient that the problems are caused by alcoholic drinks, and to restore health he needs to do physical exercise. Psychotropic drugs are prescribed - sulpiride (eglonil), tianeptine (coaxil).

How to treat apathy syndrome

How to get out of alcoholic depression if addiction develops after many years of drinking strong drinks? In most cases, this is everyday drunkenness with a daily dose of up to 400 g. Patients are active, emotionally labile - there are sudden changes in mood. Cheerfulness and openness are replaced by irritability and aggression. Forced abstinence from drinking leads to withdrawal syndrome with the manifestation of vegetative and emotional disorders. In 90% of cases, patients have anosognosia. They deny the obvious problem, agree to treatment only after persuasion from relatives or progressive health problems

At the beginning of remission, mental disorders are detected, which are especially noticeable after coding or “torpedoes”. Somewhere the activity disappears, feigning gaiety. People withdraw into themselves and become passive. Therapy is based on positive psychotherapy and stimulating antidepressants. Prescribed: pirlindole (pyrazidol), moclobemide (aurorix). In the first 3 months, patients have difficulty getting used to the new condition. If after coding the patient is not seen by a doctor, he can live in this condition for years. With medical supervision, everything is corrected.

Therapy of astheno-anxiety syndrome

Psychological dysfunction appears in naturally suspicious people who suffer from shyness since childhood, worry a lot, and worry. Over the years, emotional tension does not go away. Generalized anxiety and dysthymia transform into pessimism.

After drinking alcohol, people become more relaxed and adapt to society faster. During a hangover, anxiety worsens. They are ready to interrupt remission at any time and return to their previous lifestyle. The treatment plan is based on:

  • on positive psychology;
  • gelstat therapy;
  • tranquilizers;
  • antidepressants - azaphene, fluoxetine (Prozac).
  • weak antipsychotics – thioridazine (Sonapax), sulpiride (Eglonyl).

Dysphoric conditions

Pathology develops in chronic drunkards. People with an active psyche are susceptible to the disease; they tend to blame others for their failures and are constantly dissatisfied. They quickly develop binges - at least 2 times a month. With altered consciousness, aggression and amnesia develop. In the initial stage of remission, patients behave peacefully, but after 3-5 months normal communication becomes impossible. They get nervous, angry, and withdraw into themselves. In the morning, a “dry hangover” appears with the appearance of characteristic signs of AS. Narcologists know that these are harbingers of relapse and stop them in advance. Held:

  • restorative therapy;
  • metabolic drugs are prescribed - disulfides, biotredin;
  • tranquilizers, mild antipsychotics from the list above;
  • antidepressants - amitriptyline, clomipramine.

Exposure to intoxicating fumes helps people escape reality

Astheno-dysphoric remission is observed in patients who want to escape from reality under the influence of intoxicating fumes. With the next dose of doping, they come to life and feel needed. Dependence forms quickly. In the first months they behave adequately, then they fall into prostration and behave like degraded people. Treatment begins with psychotherapeutic measures - rational and activating psychology, gelstatt therapy. Appointed:

  • biostimulants – pantantocrine, eleutherococcus, ginseng tincture.
  • small doses of stimulant antidepressants - pirlindol (pyrazidol).

What to do and how to deal with cyclothymic disorders during hangover depression

People of the cycloid psychotype are subject to frequent mood swings. Alcoholism in them often develops due to affective disorders, but it is possible that they may appear against the background of an established addiction. Particularly noticeable during the period of AS reduction. Appear: melancholy, monotonous mood, anxiety, insomnia.

Activities begin with rational and family psychotherapy. The difficulty in choosing medications and dosages is explained by the short period of disturbances, lasting from 7 to 14 days. If it is impossible to combine the medication schedule with emotional swings, a preventive complex is prescribed:

  • mild antidepressants - pipofezin (Azafen), fluvoxamine (Fevarin);
  • thymostatics - depakine, lamotrigine.

Patients are under medical supervision, as they consider autochnonic mood swings to be a normal phenomenon and do not agree with the prescription.

How to get rid of alcoholic depression on your own

For those who still prefer to relax with alcohol, you need to be able to manage the condition yourself. A contrast shower brings you to your senses. The best way to throw out an emotional charge is strength sports. Depression, muscle tightness and bad mood go away with sweat.

Chocolate and pleasant company will help you get out of alcoholic depression

You need to restore your hormone levels naturally. Serotonin increases:

  • from chocolate;
  • spending time in pleasant company;
  • exposure to the sun.

The production of dopamine, which is responsible for pleasure, is stimulated by doing what you love, having sex. Watching a comedy with a cup of tea and sweets will definitely improve your mood. It is important that your diet includes fatty fish, bananas, and sweets. Without harm to health and the nervous system, you can sometimes drink 30 ml of alcohol per 70 kg of body weight.

Alcoholic depression is a fairly common phenomenon with prolonged alcohol consumption. Almost half of people suffering from alcoholism have experienced attacks of post-alcohol disorder. In advanced forms, it is very difficult to cope with the problem without the help of a specialist. There is a misconception that alcoholic drinks help get rid of a bad mood, relieve stress and establish contact. Depression occurs with prolonged use of alcohol and is a complication of the disease alcoholism.

Why is alcoholic depression dangerous?

Post-alcohol depression in its significance occupies one of the main places in the hierarchy of psychological disorders. An affective state is the most common cause of suicide attempts. A mental unbalanced state intensifies the already unstable situation in the family where the alcoholic lives. Alcoholism and depression together provoke relapses of the disease, since after giving up alcohol a person develops neurosis, sudden changes in mood, and irritability. All these symptoms push you to take up the glass again in the hope of getting rid of the unpleasant sensations.

From a scientific point of view, it has been proven that under the influence of ethanol, the body becomes deficient in the hormone serotonin, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system. Also, ethanol, entering the body, provokes increased production of the hormone norepinephrine, known as the “hormone of aggression.” After some time, after drinking large quantities of alcohol, apathy, weakness, and indifference sets in. The longer these processes last, the greater the likelihood of depression.

Any alcoholic beverages are a provoking factor in the occurrence of many mental illnesses: after a short state of euphoria, post-alcohol depression sets in. According to statistics, depression after heavy drinking most often occurs in people after 35 years of age, when the body becomes intoxicated with ethyl alcohol. Doctors note in patients of drug treatment clinics thoughts of uselessness to society, ideas of self-destruction and suicide. Only an experienced psychotherapist can help you figure out how to get out of alcoholic depression.

Types and symptoms of alcoholic depression

Affective disorder develops rather slowly. At the beginning, there are short-term mood swings and a slight decline in physical condition. The main symptoms of alcoholic depression are:

  • Constantly depressed, bad mood;
  • Decreased physical activity;
  • Slow reaction;
  • Decreased mental activity.

Conventionally, alcohol use disorder can be divided into two types:

  • Depression after drinking occurs the very next day after the feast. A person feels shame about the past day, he is overcome by depression and gloom. Treatment of alcoholic depression in this case is not required and after a couple of days everything goes away on its own.
  • The second option no longer seems so simple. Post-alcohol depression develops after prolonged drinking. It usually occurs after the alcoholic has decided to stop drinking once and for all. Relatives do not even suspect that a physically healthy person is experiencing a tragedy inside, he is deeply unhappy and cannot cope with the so-called “mild” depression. The patient’s symptoms in this case are the following: lack of interest in life, lethargy, monotony and blandness of what is happening around.

The symptoms and treatment of post-alcohol disorder are very similar to those of neurotic depression. In addition to physical lethargy, lethargy and bad mood, patients experience frequent tearfulness, depression, and unreasonable anxiety. It is even more difficult for such people to quit drinking than for ordinary alcoholics. After all, it is strong drinks that allow you to improve your mood at least temporarily. Depression when quitting alcohol is the first sign of resumption of binge drinking.


The following factors contribute to the occurrence of post-alcohol mental disorder:

  • As a result of long-term use, alcohol causes negative effects of toxins on the brain;
  • Deterioration of metabolism;
  • Malfunction of the central nervous system;
  • Depression occurs against the backdrop of accumulated problems caused by drinking alcohol.

As practice shows, regular consumption of intoxicating drinks gradually weakens the nervous system, while not relieving the burden of problems, but only increasing them. Constant libations prepare the ground for nervous diseases such as post-alcohol depression. Even a small quarrel can cause an inadequate reaction, worsening mood and aggression. In this case, a person tries to drown out all the negativity with another dose of alcohol, which in turn causes even greater irritation and dissatisfaction with himself and others. A vicious circle arises. Thus, the connection between regular alcohol consumption and alcohol use disorder is clear.

Ways to get rid of post-alcohol disorder

What to do to get rid of the depressing state after another feast? This question is most often asked at appointments with narcologists and psychologists. Abruptly stopping alcohol consumption during depression is not a solution; in this case, undesirable consequences for the psyche are possible. You need to get out of this state smoothly, with minimal losses, and preferably under the supervision of a specialist.

Treatment of alcohol use disorder requires a comprehensive method, which includes:

  • Drug therapy. With the help of antidepressants, the patient is brought out of a depressed state, the procedure continues until the first positive results of treatment.
  • Non-drug treatment. After completing the course of taking antidepressants, the patient is prescribed individual or group sessions with a psychologist. With their help, the patient must learn to re-enjoy life without alcohol. How long such sessions will last is decided by the attending physician, based on the results of psychological assistance.
  • Physiotherapy. The body weakened by alcohol is required in recovery procedures. Strengthening massage, therapeutic baths and other physical procedures help improve immunity, strengthen the nervous system and the general condition of the body.

A person who abuses alcohol does not always recognize the presence of the disease. In this case, the help and support of loved ones is so important, who should help the patient cope with the illness. The sooner you start treatment, the greater the chances of getting out of the situation with the least losses. Typically, the course of treatment for the disorder is carried out in a hospital under the supervision of doctors and takes at least three weeks. Getting rid of alcoholic depression is possible only with the personal desire of the patient; acting against the strength of the patient, it is impossible to achieve a result.

How to get out of this situation on your own

Psychologists give some advice on how to get rid of post-alcohol disorder without the help of doctors:

  • First of all, there must be a desire to completely change your life. Until a person decides for himself that it is no longer possible to live in such a state and something needs to be changed, there can be no talk of getting rid of the disease on his own.
  • Completely change your diet. You need to try new dishes and drinks; perhaps they will add variety to your daily meal and help your taste buds gradually forget the taste of alcoholic beverages.
  • Using traditional medicine recipes as sedatives. Decoctions and tinctures of valerian, motherwort, and hawthorn will help calm the nervous system and improve night sleep.
  • Sports activities. Regular exercise will help take your mind off thoughts of alcohol and get your body in order.
  • Walks in the open air. You need to take regular walks in parks, squares or forests in any weather. Fresh air activates the brain and improves mood.
  • New hobbies and activities simply won’t leave time to think about alcoholic beverages.
  • A clear daily routine. Every minute will be spent usefully and there will simply be no time left to think about spending time in the company of a bottle.

In order for alcoholic depression to appear, it is not necessary to drink a bottle of vodka every day or go on weekly binges. Sometimes, for such a condition to occur, it is enough to take alcohol daily in small, seemingly safe quantities. The appearance of any provoking factor can cause post-alcohol disorder.

The question of why depression after drinking haunts many people, because alcohol, on the contrary, improves mood and liberates. This is one of the misconceptions about the properties of alcohol. Long-term drinking bouts cause irritability, hatred of others for attempts to judge, and depression. It is imperative to fight this condition, and the sooner you start, the greater the chances of completely getting rid of this condition.

Treatment is best carried out under the supervision of a doctor in a hospital, and the support of relatives will only speed up the process. A change of environment, the emergence of new activities and hobbies will help get rid of painful thoughts and the desire to touch alcohol again.