Causes of bleeding from the nose when blowing your nose. The main causes of bloody discharge from the nose. The danger of untimely treatment

Blood from the nose, as a rule, takes a person by surprise and appears at the most inconvenient moment. There can be many reasons for this. Often, bloody snot or discharge appears when you blow your nose. Few people pay attention to this symptom. Snot streaked with blood can appear regardless of a person’s gender and age. Is this phenomenon dangerous and can it threaten the health and life of the patient?

Nose sensitivity

There are many vessels and capillaries in the human nose. This accumulation of blood vessels is explained by the production of secretion, the main task of which is to protect the nose from pathogenic microorganisms. To produce mucus, the epithelium must receive all the necessary useful substances and nutrients that come with the blood. Mucus also has a thermoregulatory property, that is, it warms the air before it enters the lungs and bronchi.

The appearance of bloody nasal discharge (epistaxis) can be preceded by various factors. The main provoking factors include:

  • localization of vessels close to the surface of the mucous membrane;
  • fragility of vascular walls and capillaries;
  • high permeability of the walls of blood vessels and capillaries.

All these factors make the nasal passage very sensitive to external factors. The causes of blood clots in the nose are all kinds of disorders and injuries. As a rule, bleeding is accompanied by copious mucous discharge. These symptoms indicate the presence of upper respiratory tract diseases. However, you cannot diagnose yourself based on these signs, and it is prohibited to use medications or traditional medicine without the knowledge of a doctor. This will only make the situation worse.


Bloody discharge from the nose is not always a harmless phenomenon; sometimes it is a signal of the development of malaise or other diseases. The causes of nosebleeds when blowing your nose are dry air and dried blood. Dry air dries out the mucous membranes. Regular bleeding from the nose appears in winter during the heating season. Dry air makes blood vessels fragile and brittle. They cease to be elastic, and at the slightest impact they rupture.

The phenomenon of epistaxis is often encountered in the morning during morning water procedures. The reason lies in long-term use of certain medications that have a drying effect. As a result, the mucous membrane dries out and the vessels are injured. Blood enters the nasal cavity, where it mixes with mucus. In this case, bloody snot appears when you blow your nose.

Why is there blood? An adult may develop snot with blood due to:

  • overheating of the body;
  • frequent colds;
  • allergies;
  • sinusitis;
  • adenoiditis;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • age-related changes;
  • chronic atrophic inflammation.

The presence of blood from the nose when blowing your nose can be a sign of high blood pressure (BP). A sharp jump in blood pressure occurs against the background of psycho-emotional or physical stress, heart and vascular diseases. At risk are persons suffering from hypertension, pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis, atherosclerosis, and pulmonary emphysema.

Unreasonable bleeding in adults is also observed with blood diseases: poor coagulation, aplastic anemia, leukemia. To identify the source of epistaxis, you should undergo appropriate diagnostics and undergo a series of tests.

In childhood, blood often appears due to ENT diseases, when the vessels and capillaries are filled with blood: sinusitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, removal of adenoids. Bleeding from the nose with a runny nose is a common occurrence in childhood. Blood appears due to the development of vitamin deficiency and against the background of weak immunity. Drops with a vasoconstrictor effect can injure the mucous membrane and cause hemorrhage. Their uncontrolled use can lead to mucosal atrophy.

Clinical picture

Everyone experiences nosebleeds differently. For some, this is an absolutely painless phenomenon, while others experience a number of unpleasant symptoms;

  • dizziness;
  • lethargy;
  • noise in ears;
  • heat.

If blood clots from the nose get into the throat, the person may experience nausea and vomiting blood. The patient's heart rate increases and the skin turns pale. With severe hemorrhage, shortness of breath appears and tachycardia occurs. In old age, excessive bleeding from the nose can lead to hemorrhagic shock. At the same time, the person becomes inhibited. Blood pressure drops sharply, the patient loses consciousness.

Important! If the discharge becomes thick and acquires a greenish tint, then the cause is a bacterium: meningococcus or staphylococcus. Under no circumstances should you ignore the symptoms. If they increase, you should contact an ENT specialist. If bloody mucus with yellow impurities is released from the nose, then this is a symptom of inflammation localized in the upper respiratory tract. The presence of bloody streaks in thick purulent discharge indicates an allergy. Allergens can be chemicals, dust, wool, flowering plants, animals.

If a nasal hemorrhage appears for no apparent reason and does not stop within 30 minutes, or if a nosebleed appears due to a head injury, then you should immediately call an ambulance. Nosebleeds are also dangerous if they are accompanied by high body temperature (38-39 degrees) or if they appear in a child under 3 years of age.

How to stop the flow?

With nasal hemorrhages, many instinctively throw their heads back, making a grave mistake. There is no need to do this. Blood through the nasopharynx enters the larynx, and from there into the respiratory tract and stomach. If your nose bleeds while blowing your nose, you need to sit on a chair and tilt your head slightly forward. You can apply an ice cube or a bottle of cold water to the bridge of your nose. Cold constricts blood vessels and reduces bleeding.

If there is heavy bleeding, try to breathe through your mouth. Place cotton wool soaked in hydrogen peroxide into your nasal passages. Instead of peroxide solution, you can use sea buckthorn oil. You cannot put vasoconstrictor solutions or drops in your nose without knowing what exactly was the reason.

If your child's nose is bleeding, sit him on your lap and cover his nose with your thumb and forefinger. Do not panic. Children sense when adults are scared. Fright may cause bleeding to worsen. Act quickly and coolly.

First aid for a child (Click on the picture)

The degree of blood loss is assessed according to three criteria: pulse, hematocrit and blood pressure. Mild and moderate bleeding from the anterior part of the septum is easy to stop, but with heavy bleeding it is impossible to do without the help of doctors. Cauterization is effective. The mucous membrane is cauterized with a solution of silver nitrate or trichloroacetic acid. Ultrasonic disintegration, cryodestruction and galvanocaustics have also proven themselves to be successful. A small scar remains at the cauterization site.

Important! Together with cauterization, general impact measures are used. Doctors prescribe drugs that increase blood clotting. The patient is advised to take ascorbic acid, intramuscular injections of Vikasol and Hemophobin. In severe cases, blood transfusions are performed. If the above methods do not bring results, then doctors ligate the external carotid arteries.

If nosebleeds are accompanied by other symptoms, then the use of medications or traditional medicine without diagnosis and testing is contraindicated. Listen to your body and if there is the slightest disturbance, do not hesitate to seek help from a doctor.

If your nose bleeds when you blow your nose, the reasons can help you assess the severity of the situation and take appropriate action. The human body is designed in such a way that the capillaries located in the nasal sinuses are located very close to the surface. They deliver nutrients to the mucous membrane and increase the temperature of the air entering the body. Therefore, damage to their structure can occur even with a slight mechanical impact. However, depending on the situation causing the disturbance, pale pink mucus may come from the nose. Sometimes this discharge is clear and streaked with blood. And with extensive hemorrhages, deep red snot appears. Therefore, it is worth considering why the nose bleeds? What situations require medical attention? And what diagnostic methods will help identify and eliminate the cause of the disease?

The main causes of bloody discharge from the nose

Reddish discharge or blood clots from the nose are always unpleasant. There is more concern when it occurs in a child. Having studied the features of the structure of the nose and changes in adults and children suffering from similar disorders, doctors have identified several main reasons for which nosebleeds are possible:

  • improper cleansing of the nostrils as a result of blowing the nose;
  • ARVI;
  • inflammation of the sinuses due to sinusitis;
  • lack of vitamins, leading to fragility of the walls of blood vessels;
  • intracranial pressure;
  • bad habits;
  • living in conditions with low air humidity.

When considering the causes, we can conclude that bloody nasal discharge may be a sign of illness, poor external conditions or an unhealthy lifestyle. And in each case, adjustments can be made that will help reduce the problem or deal with it completely.

If your nose bleeds due to a cold

An invariable sign of ARVI is a runny or stuffy nose. This phenomenon is associated with the active activity of bacteria. In order to naturally stop their reproduction, substances that fight microbes begin to more actively enter this part of the body. Therefore, expansion of the walls of blood vessels is inevitable. And as a result of any mechanical impact they are damaged. Therefore, if a child or adult removes snot from the nose carelessly, scratches it or frequently picks at it, bloody nasal discharge is inevitable.

In order to avoid such consequences, during a cold you need to watch how you blow your nose. You should not frequently and abruptly remove crusts or blood clots that have formed in the nose. If a problem is detected, it is necessary to stop the red discharge and then heal the wounds. For this purpose, salt washing is used. It helps stop bleeding and disinfect wounds. For an additional antibacterial effect, sea buckthorn or cyclomena oils can be used.

For colds, vasoconstrictor medications are often prescribed. However, you should not abuse them, especially if you are treating nasal discharge in a child. Firstly, these drugs are often addictive. Secondly, as a side effect, they can cause nosebleeds after blowing your nose. Therefore, if such drugs are included in the treatment regimen, you should follow the dosage and timing of treatment indicated by the doctor.

Bleeding from sinusitis

Sometimes a runny nose and nosebleeds occur as signs of rhinitis or sinusitis. These ailments appear as a result of an inflammatory process in which pus begins to accumulate in one or both sinuses. If damage or ulcers occur on the vascular walls while a person is trying to blow his nose, they take longer to heal than with an ordinary runny nose. And this contributes to the continuation of purulent discharge with blood in an adult.

Additional symptoms of sinusitis include fever, headaches, swelling of the mucous membranes or face, discomfort in the maxillary sinuses, especially during movements. If you feel all these signs, it would be prudent to go to the doctor; ignoring the symptoms may cause blood poisoning.

Treatment methods may include antibiotics in tablets or injections. Physiotherapy can be used to remove pus from the sinuses. And in a critical situation, a doctor may prescribe a puncture.

Fragility of blood vessels or unfavorable conditions as a cause of nosebleeds

This disease can cause nosebleeds when blowing your nose during a cold or in the morning after sleep. The reason for this is disturbances in blood clotting or a decrease in the thickness of the walls of blood vessels and capillaries. Such problems can be inherited by children. They are the result of infection with diseases that reduce the ability of blood to clot: hemophilia or increased intracranial pressure.

Or these disorders are the result of an unhealthy lifestyle: an incorrectly adjusted life schedule, constant stress, lack of rest and sleep, poor nutrition, abuse of alcohol or other harmful substances that are addictive. Temporarily, the problem of nosebleeds may arise due to changes in hormonal levels during adolescence or pregnancy.

Fragility of blood vessels, which causes blood during a runny nose, may be a consequence of a lack of vitamins C and P. Therefore, a person who often has such problems should eat vegetables, fruits and green tea more often. Your doctor may recommend medications containing these vitamins and iron, which will improve blood clotting.

To prevent nosebleeds, exercise such as cycling or running is essential. All this increases the heartbeat, which promotes improved blood circulation. As a result, blood does not stagnate in the vessels or capillaries, so blood clots do not form.

If such a problem exists for anatomical reasons, then the doctor may suggest cauterization of the blood vessels. This simple, painless and safe procedure will reduce the number of unpleasant cases, especially in the morning.

Often, nasal discharge containing blood can be the result of an injury from a fall or high-risk sports. The reason for this may be a displacement of the nasal septum or other disorders. Because of this, nasal congestion may occur for no apparent reason. To determine the resulting changes in the structure, an x-ray is needed. Further treatment depends on the doctor's instructions.

The presence of neoplasms in the nasal cavity will also complicate the access of air. If the tumor is benign, then medical or surgical treatment will be sufficient. If this is a manifestation of oncology, then a longer and more serious intervention will be required.

Sometimes nosebleeds in the morning can occur due to too dry air in the apartment, especially in the bedroom. To prevent this phenomenon, it is necessary to ventilate the premises more often and carry out wet cleaning. You can increase the humidity in your home using specially purchased devices or using wet towels. This is especially important to do if a child suffers from nosebleeds due to a runny nose.

Diagnosis of the causes of the problem and first aid for the onset of nosebleeds

If a person complains at an appointment that blood accumulates in his nose when he has a runny nose, the therapist can issue a referral to an ENT doctor. This specialist can use a number of research methods to identify the cause of this disorder:

  • first the doctor examines the nasal cavity under a lamp;
  • if the cause of blood in the nose cannot be identified in this way, an examination using a flexible camera is prescribed;
  • if there is no effect after this method, the condition of the blood vessels in the sinuses is checked using tomography.

To get a complete picture, the patient will have to undergo tests to determine coagulability and other characteristics of the blood. Based on the information received, treatment is prescribed.

In conclusion, it is worth considering what to do if a person nearby develops mucus with red streaks coming from the nose. If this is a child under 3 years old, or the blood has been bleeding for quite a long time, you should call an ambulance or go to the nearest medical center.

But if there is no serious threat to life and health, then you can cope with the problem using means that are always at hand:

  • you can drip 1-2 drops of lemon juice into the nostrils from which blood flows;
  • if there are blood streaks, you should rinse your nose with saline solution;
  • Since ancient times, people have used apple cider vinegar to stop bleeding;
  • It would be appropriate to apply ice or something cold on top of the nose.

To summarize: blood from the nose, with or without clots, can flow for many reasons. If this is the result of a hereditary disease, it is necessary to fight the cause of the disease. Also, a blood clot that appears during a cold or sinusitis is a sign of the formation of wounds in the sinuses, which must be disinfected and treated with a healing composition to prevent blood poisoning. Knowing about the weakness of the walls of blood vessels, you need to be especially careful when blowing your nose. With this disorder, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system with food, vitamins and exercise.

Injuries involving facial damage must be treated with particular care. Since any omissions in this matter sooner or later come to the surface in the form of displaced septums and problems with the nose for no apparent reason.

If someone close to you starts blowing their nose with blood, you need to act according to the situation. If the cause is known, you must provide the necessary assistance yourself. If not, then it is better to seek help from a specialist. After conducting a series of studies, the doctor will be able to determine the cause of this disease and prescribe the necessary treatment at the moment.

The nose is one of the organs in which the most vessels and capillaries are located. They pass close to the mucous membrane, so they can be damaged by the slightest injury or changes in the body. Such an intensive blood supply is due to the production of secretions that protect us from pathogens. To produce mucus, the ciliated epithelium must be supplied with nutrients that are transported through the circulatory system. It also performs a thermoregulatory function - it is responsible for warming the air entering the bronchi and lungs. Any person can experience bleeding from the nose when blowing their nose.

Vulnerability of the nose

There are various reasons why nosebleeds occur when you blow your nose. However, the main predisposing factors for all disorders are the same, these are:

  • high permeability of blood vessels and capillaries;
  • fragility of blood vessels and capillaries;
  • the location of capillaries and vessels close to the surface of the mucosa.

These aspects make the nasal passage very vulnerable to various injuries and disorders. Most often, bleeding accompanies heavy bleeding. This indicates the presence of upper respiratory tract diseases.

In any case, only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment. It is prohibited to take any medications on your own, as this can only aggravate the pathology.

Reasons for violation

Bleeding from the nose when blowing your nose can occur for various reasons. The patient’s main task is to seek medical help in time to begin effective treatment of the disorder. In some cases, local medications can be used, but sometimes long-term systemic therapy is required.

Let's consider why spotting can disturb a person.

  • Getting injured when cleaning your nose. When a person tries to get rid of mucus and crusts accumulated in the nose, he begins to blow his nose heavily. This negatively affects intracranial pressure – it increases sharply. If the vessels and capillaries are not strong enough, or there is an inflammatory process in the body, bleeding may occur. Its quantity is insignificant, most often only tiny inclusions. The affected vessels and capillaries are quickly restored, do not develop, and the patient’s condition returns to normal.
  • Colds. When a person contracts a viral, fungal, or bacterial upper respiratory tract infection, the body mounts a powerful immune response. Protective cells (platelets, neutrophils, lymphocytes, etc.) are sent to the affected areas of the body, including the nose. They are transported by the circulatory system; due to its overload, severe swelling occurs in the mucous membrane, sometimes it is so large that the air supply is partially or even completely blocked. In such cases, overcrowded vessels and capillaries may not withstand the pressure, and a runny nose appears.
  • Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. The paranasal sinuses are also susceptible to inflammation, which may result in the release of purulent mucus. Acute sinusitis and chronic sinusitis in the form of exacerbation often lead to bleeding from the nose when blowing the nose. Often the infection is of a mixed type; it is dangerous for the patient because it can enter the bloodstream and cause sepsis. When you notice the first symptoms of the disease, you should go to the doctor to make the correct diagnosis and choose therapy.
  • Reduced elasticity of blood vessels and capillaries. A lack of vitamins P (rutin) and C (ascorbic acid) can lead to fragility and brittleness of the walls of blood vessels. This increases their permeability; blood can simply seep into the nasal passage, where it mixes with mucus. Also, the cause of insufficient strength of blood capillaries can be a hereditary disease - hemophilia, it is transmitted only from mothers to male children and from fathers to daughters. Vitamin deficiency can also be caused by factors such as overwork, poor diet, abuse of alcoholic beverages and drugs, and smoking. Regular cardio training and a healthy lifestyle will help strengthen your entire cardiovascular system.
  • Hormonal disorders. This reason leads to the appearance of bloody discharge when blowing the nose in women. Teenage girls and pregnant women are prone to complete hormonal changes. A sudden surge in steroids can cause problems, most often occurring if the nasal mucosa is depleted.
  • Drug abuse. Blood thinners often cause problems if used unsupervised. Most often, this problem is encountered by older people; it can be eliminated by stopping blood thinning medications. Also, the cause of bleeding when blowing your nose can be an overdose of vasoconstrictor sprays and drops that are prescribed for rhinitis. Such medications can be taken for no more than 1 week, otherwise they dry out the nasal mucosa, make the vessels and capillaries thin and fragile, which leads to bleeding.
  • Anatomical features. A deviated nasal septum or blood vessels that are too close to the mucosal surface can cause bleeding when blowing your nose. You can get rid of the problem with the help of surgery if we are talking about a deviated septum. If the problem is in the vessels, then they can be cauterized in just a few minutes under local anesthesia.
  • Presence of neoplasms. Malignant and benign neoplasms in the nasal cavity directly affect the blood supply. If the tumors are not oncogenic, then they can be treated with medications or surgery, but if cancer cells are detected, then long-term complex therapy is required.
  • Unfavorable working and living conditions. Too dusty, dry and hot air depletes the nasal mucosa. Vessels and capillaries become brittle; when air is strongly exhaled, they burst, which leads to bleeding. You can correct the situation by humidifying the air at home; for this you need to purchase a special household humidifier. When work causes irritation, it should only be done in a respirator or other protective equipment.

The danger of untimely treatment

If the patient does not consult a doctor in time, the diseases that caused the bleeding may progress. In some cases, this is almost asymptomatic until a certain point, and sometimes it causes a serious deterioration in well-being. You should immediately undergo an examination if the following symptoms are added to bleeding:

  • headache (local or general);
  • increased body temperature;
  • chills, weakness, malaise;
  • skin rash;
  • ear pain;
  • vision problems (double vision, visual clarity deteriorates);
  • decreased physical and mental activity.

In conclusion

The admixture of blood in nasal discharge when blowing your nose in most cases does not indicate any serious problems; it may be a side effect of a cold.

However, violations can also signal the presence of more serious pathologies that require immediate treatment. Only an otolaryngologist can make a correct diagnosis after instrumental, hardware and laboratory examination. Do not ignore the problem to prevent complications from developing.

There can be several causes of nosebleeds. The simplest and most harmless is damage to small vessels, of which there are a lot in the nasal mucosa, especially in the anterior part. This can happen when we blow our nose and when we clear our nose of dry crusts, and it even happens that simply by scratching our nose, we can injure the mucous membrane with a careless movement. Usually a little blood comes out in the form of small streams or drops. If everything is normal with coagulation, then the bleeding quickly stops, and there is no particular problem.

If bleeding occurs frequently even in the situations that were just mentioned, then you should go to the doctor and get a consultation because of what can quickly damage the blood vessels. This may be due to vitamin deficiency or atherosclerosis, which causes fragility of blood vessels.

A disease that causes bleeding of the nasal mucosa can also be a viral disease or even the flu, because microbes often damage and weaken the walls of blood vessels. This is very often observed in children. It is also possible for blood to leak (sweat) through the vessels. The reason for this is a change in the composition of the blood or a change in the structure of the walls of blood vessels (increased permeability). This can also be a signal of a disease in the body, which can only be detected by examination by a doctor.

How to stop nosebleeds when blowing your nose

If nosebleeds appear when you blow your nose, it may be a consequence of high blood pressure due to kidney disease, heart disease and hypertension. But such bleeding cannot occur if you are feeling well. Usually before this there is a headache, pressure in the back of the head, and tinnitus. In this case, you need to not only stop the bleeding, but also address the main causes. You definitely need to see a doctor and get treatment, because blood from the nose is only an alarming sign, like a warning light in a car.

You should pay attention to the duration of nosebleeds and the frequency of their recurrences. If this is an isolated case, then there is no problem. But if it is frequent or a lot, then without taking measures, hemoglobin in the blood may decrease, and diseases that indirectly cause bleeding may become advanced or chronic.

The greatest concern should be the appearance of blood due to the presence of a neoplasm in the nose (usually in the back part): benign (polyp, papilloma, angioma) or malignant. In this case, the blood flows out in a bright scarlet stream and does not stop for a long time.

Before finding out the cause of nosebleeds when blowing your nose, you should stop it. If there is little blood, you can simply press the nostrils with a napkin until the bleeding stops completely. If the bleeding does not stop, then you need to put a napkin (or ice) soaked in cold water on the bridge of your nose and tilt your head back (but not too much so that the blood does not enter the nasopharynx). You cannot lower your head down, as this can provoke even more bleeding. It is also strictly forbidden to blow your nose or clean your nose, because the blood clot will be removed from the damaged vessel and the blood will begin to flow again.

If a person with a nosebleed is unconscious, then you need to put him on his side, tilt his head back slightly and put something cold on the bridge of his nose (a wet napkin, ice) and take him to the hospital. If very severe bleeding occurs in the nose, you need to stuff cotton swabs, put cold on the bridge of your nose and immediately contact a healthcare professional.

Also see our popular material on the topic. And be healthy!

Nosebleeds with a runny nose are a fairly common occurrence that, one way or another, happens to everyone in life.

Many, having noticed such a problem in themselves or in their child, try not to attach much importance to it, but this should not be done.

In some cases, bleeding from the nose during a runny nose may indicate the presence of some dangerous disease that can threaten the health and life of a person or child.

Bleeding from nose when blowing nose

The presence of nosebleeds during a runny nose is influenced by local or general factors. Moreover, these can be both the main reasons for this phenomenon and accompanying ones. For example, it could be an infectious-inflammatory disease, a blood disease, nasal injuries, rhinitis, vitamin deficiency, or a sharp jump in blood pressure.

According to statistics, it is nosebleeds that most often occur in humans. At the same time, blood from the nose during a runny nose appears in cases where, for some reason, there was the integrity of the vessels of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages is impaired.

If such bleeding occurs sporadically and does not entail any other alarming symptoms, then there is no particular threat to human health and life. But it’s still worth paying attention to this. Such symptoms, even episodic, may indicate problems in the body.

Causes of nosebleeds during a runny nose

If we are talking specifically about the appearance of blood from the nose when blowing your nose, the reasons for this phenomenon may be:

  • nasal injuries;
  • abuse of vasoconstrictor drugs;
  • excessive use of blood thinners;
  • defects in the structure of the nose.
  • Violation of the integrity of blood vessels - due to excessive nose blowing

Diagnosis of the problem

If a person experiences nosebleeds due to a runny nose, only an ENT specialist can determine its main cause. It is this doctor who will be able to correctly diagnose what factors influenced the occurrence of the unpleasant symptom, and will also be able to prescribe the necessary treatment.

Diagnosis of blood from the nose during a runny nose is carried out in 3 stages, and if the first method does not produce results, proceed to the second study, and then to the third:

  • Direct examination of the nasal cavity under a lamp.

If the doctor does not see any obvious problems, an examination using a flexible fiber optic camera may be indicated.

  • Study of the nasal cavity using a flexible camera made of fiber-optic material.

If in this case the cause of the nosebleed is not disclosed, the otolaryngologist has the right to decide to conduct a tomography of the paranasal sinuses.

  • Carrying out tomography of the paranasal sinuses.

It is the last examination that can provide all the information about those problems that may require immediate surgical intervention, for example.

In addition, the doctor may refer the patient for tests to determine blood clotting.

Blood from the nose with a runny nose, what should I do?

In some cases, when a person or child experiences bleeding from the nose due to a runny nose, it is recommended not to self-medicate, but to consult a doctor. However, if the situation is not critical, improvised means are suitable for first aid.


If you have a runny nose and a nosebleed occurs as a result, before providing first aid, you need to completely clear your nose, only after that you can start using nose drops.

How to treat a runny nose and nosebleeds?

  • You can use improvised means by putting 1-2 drops of lemon juice in your nose. You can only bury the nostril from which the blood is coming.
  • You can also use a solution of salt water (dissolve a pinch of salt in half a glass of water), or saline solutions purchased at the pharmacy (Aqua Maris, Humer).
  • Another effective hemostatic folk remedy is apple cider vinegar. You can soak a cotton swab in it, after which it should be carefully inserted into the nostril.
  • Also, instead of apple cider vinegar, doctors recommend using aminocaproic acid at home. It promotes blood clotting, as a result of which bleeding will pass quickly.
  • In addition, we should not forget about the cold. You can apply ice or a cold towel to the outside of your nose.

All of the methods described above are used at home in isolated cases of nosebleeds due to a runny nose.

If this occurs frequently or periodically, you should definitely consult a doctor. Self-medication, in this case, is dangerous.

  • vasospasm;
  • hypertensive condition;
  • injuries to the nose and head;

Blood in mucus after blowing nose in a patient with acute respiratory infection

In order for the condition of the blood vessels to be normal, it is necessary to maintain normal levels of iron in the body, as well as vitamins A and K.


Sinusitis is one of the causes of bloody discharge from the nose when blowing your nose.


A runny nose with bloody discharge

Rhinoscopy of the nasal cavity


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The main reasons for the appearance of blood when blowing the nose in adults

First of all, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between blood in the snot and nosebleeds. The second type of discharge is more abundant, the blood in this case flows in its pure form, without snot, and this really poses a threat to the health of an adult.

In the nose, capillaries are located in large numbers - this is necessary in order to actively supply the mucous membrane with useful substances, together with blood, because its main task is to filter the air inhaled through the nose and protect the body from dust and harmful carriers, that is, its activity is active and requires constant replenishment. A dense capillary network significantly increases the risk of micro-bleeding. This is also facilitated by the fact that nose blowing creates short-term high pressure in the nasal passages, which can cause capillaries and blood vessels to break.

In adults, after blowing their nose, blood (scientifically this phenomenon is called epistaxis) can appear for a number of reasons. These include:

  • the location of blood vessels is too close to the surface of the mucosa;
  • insufficient strength of blood capillaries;
  • viral respiratory infections;
  • high dryness of air in rooms and offices;
  • long-term use of vasoconstrictor drugs;
  • the formation of polyps or cysts in the nasal passages;
  • increased blood pressure.

Especially often, red spots when blowing your nose can be detected in the morning during the heating season: modern rooms are practically deprived of natural air circulation, therefore the air masses in them, heating up, become dry. This entails drying out of the nasal mucosa, the vessels and capillaries become very brittle and break at the slightest pressure (which is blowing your nose).

Bleeding appears in the following cases:

  • head injury;
  • a sharp increase in blood pressure;
  • stressful situation, overwork (such a factor can provoke a serious problem);
  • diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system;
  • kidney diseases;
  • anemia;
  • low blood clotting;
  • leukemia

They are rarely provoked by blowing your nose, so if blood appears during hygiene procedures, most likely, we are talking about minor inclusions, and not bleeding.

Why does children bleed when they blow their nose?

The anatomy of a child’s body is significantly different from that of an adult, and the structure of the respiratory organs is no exception. At a young age, there are several more reasons for blood when blowing your nose. Children have Kisselbach's choroid plexus, which is located close to the surface - and it is this that is often the source of bloody streaks. In children, bleeding from the nose when blowing their nose has a number of causes:

  1. diseases of the ENT group, if the capillaries are overflowing with blood;
  2. vitamin deficiency (in particular, lack of vitamin P and ascorbic acid) or reduced immunity;
  3. vasoconstrictor drugs not used according to instructions;
  4. mechanical injury to the mucous membrane (insertion of sharp or small objects).

If a child complains of blood appearing regularly and in significant volumes, this may indicate high blood pressure. This is possible in adolescence, but if the situation reoccurs, it is necessary to consult a doctor, undergo an examination and determine the exact cause of the disease.

Red strings in mucus secretions are extremely rarely dangerous for a child - only if they appear regularly and in considerable volumes, then this can lead to anemia - a lack of hemoglobin in the body.

What to do, how to diagnose the cause?

If the inclusions of blood were a one-time occurrence, it is likely that it is not worth attention. But when the situation repeats, and is accompanied by symptoms such as tinnitus, dizziness, fever, itching, rash of unknown origin, you need to consult a doctor. An otolaryngologist and only he can determine the exact cause and find out how dangerous it is.

For a preliminary assessment of the state of health, depending on the shade of the mucus masses, you can determine its probable cause:

But only a doctor, after a complete diagnosis, will be able to compare the facts and find out whether the reason for the presence of blood when blowing your nose is a serious situation (polyps or bacterial infections that can cause numerous complications). In most cases, this is a problem of fragile capillaries, and to eliminate it, it is enough to adjust the climatic conditions in the rooms where a person is most often, in particular, where he sleeps.

A course of strengthening the walls of blood vessels is also indicated - either treatment with medications prescribed by a doctor (these are drugs containing ascorbic acid and vitamin P, since they are responsible for the strength of the lining of blood vessels), or regular rinsing of the nasal passages with a saline solution of home or factory production (this remedy is not addictive, therefore it is completely safe for both children and adults). A balanced diet helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, since the body receives most of the vitamins in natural form through food. So, if there are regular reddish streaks in the nasal mucus, it is worth introducing into your regular diet:

  • fruits - grapes, raspberries, apricots, apples;
  • vegetables - cabbage and tomatoes;
  • cereals - buckwheat;
  • drinks - green tea and rosehip decoction;
  • oils - olive, sunflower, peanut, almond.

If blood in the nose continues to appear when blowing your nose in the morning or evening, and quite often, this is a compelling argument to contact an ENT specialist and find out why this is happening. Treatment of disorders sometimes helps to identify the presence of tumors or a serious bacterial infection in the body at an early stage. Blood from the nose when a child blows his nose may be a consequence of age-related processes of change in the body. And sometimes it turns out that this is caused by completely harmless reasons, and you shouldn’t worry if you once again find a scarlet “string” in your nasal mucus.

Causes of blood appearing when blowing your nose

In fact, there are many reasons why you may experience bloody discharge from the nose. This may include:

  • inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa or its paranasal sinuses;
  • vasospasm;
  • hypertensive condition;
  • injuries to the nose and head;
  • long-term use of certain drugs (medicines that prevent blood clots, anticoagulants and vasoconstrictors);
  • deviated nasal septum;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • benign neoplasms (polyps);
  • upper respiratory tract diseases caused by influenza virus or bacteria.

There are cases when blood can only be detected by strongly blowing your nose. When an adult or child falls ill with the flu or acute respiratory viral infection, the nasal mucosa swells and begins to produce large quantities of serous or purulent secretion, which interferes with normal breathing. This is especially noticeable in the morning.

To get rid of thick and sticky mucus, you need to spend more effort than usual. At this moment, there is a sharp change in pressure in the nasal cavity and the blood vessels, unable to withstand it, begin to burst. There are also a number of factors that contribute to the fragility of blood vessels: too dry air in the room, high body temperature, increased ambient temperature (heat).

Fragility of blood vessels can be caused by a number of factors, and because of this, a person constantly experiences some feeling of discomfort. So, why do blood vessels become brittle?

  1. Hemophilia is a congenital or acquired hereditary disease associated with a blood clotting disorder.
  2. Hormonal changes in the body - adolescence, gestation and lactation. This condition goes away on its own over time, but if the discharge is intense, then you need to make an appointment with a specialist.
  3. Deficiency of vitamins C and P. Both vitamins help normalize the walls of blood vessels, increasing their elasticity and strength. If there is a shortage, the reverse process occurs.


Do not ignore the presence of blood in the mucus when blowing your nose. Particular attention should be paid to the following symptoms:

  • repeated bleeding from the nose when blowing your nose;
  • if blood appears in the mucus of a child less than 3 years old;
  • other clinical manifestations are present (various elements of the rash, irritation, discoloration of the skin, migraine, etc.).

Sometimes, to recognize the cause, it is enough to look at the nature of the discharge. If the discharge is first serous and then becomes thick and has a greenish-yellow tint, then we are talking about a bacterial or mixed infection and an acute inflammatory process of the upper respiratory tract.

When blood clots appear in the mucus, it indicates damage to the small vessels of the respiratory system. Some people do not turn to a specialist even when the mucus is purulent and blood is released in large quantities. In this situation, acute inflammation of the paranasal sinuses can be suspected.

To diagnose any disease, it is necessary to undergo a complete examination. Most often this happens in patients suffering from sinusitis. In addition, they are bothered by headaches, a nasal voice, bad breath, and difficulty breathing through the nose. In rare cases, a runny nose with blood can be found with bronchitis.


If a person discovers blood from the nose when blowing his nose, do not put off going to the doctor until later. It is worth paying attention to this and contacting an ENT doctor for help, because only a specialist can correctly diagnose and prescribe effective treatment.

To establish the exact cause, it is necessary to undergo a special examination, which includes 3 stages:

  1. Visual examination of the nasal cavity using a lamp. The procedure is called rhinoscopy and is performed using special nasal speculums (expanders) and a lamp. If it is impossible to conduct a study, the doctor resorts to palpation examination.
  2. Study of the nasal cavity using a flexible fiber-optic device. This is a more informative research method, carried out in an ENT doctor’s office. Young children may have their mucous membranes numbed before the procedure. The patient's head is tilted back slightly during the procedure or is in its normal position.
  3. Computed tomography of the paranasal sinuses. CT is an error-free and reliable examination method that allows you to study the nasal and paranasal sinuses. In this case, the patient does not experience any discomfort during the procedure, and will receive a minimal dose of radiation (less than that of an x-ray). During the procedure, you must remain motionless; the patient's position is determined by the doctor, most often face down or lying on his back. The scanning time is no more than 10 minutes.


Like any treatment for any disease, therapy for a bloody runny nose involves eliminating the causes that caused it. The second stage is relief of the general condition and healing of inflammation.

But in order to properly treat mucus and blood from the nose, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Strengthening the walls of blood vessels. This is a necessity for children, pregnant women and people with hemophilia. To make the capillaries more elastic and strong, you can take a vitamin complex purchased at the pharmacy, take decoctions of rose hips, nettles and other medicinal herbs.
  2. Rinsing the nasal cavity with agents that promote soft tissue regeneration. As a result of the use of drugs, not only disinfection and healing occurs, but also a decrease in swelling and stress on the walls of blood vessels when blowing the nose. Calendula, chamomile, and plantain have such properties.
  3. The correct technique for clearing mucus from the nasal passages. You need to blow your nose through each nostril one at a time, without making much effort.
  4. Improved blood circulation. It can be achieved by performing special gymnastics and physiotherapeutic procedures. You can combine physical therapy with traditional medicine (burdock root decoction, grape and nettle juice).
  5. Eliminate the source of inflammation by taking antibacterial drugs, using physical therapy, and sometimes puncturing the paranasal sinuses to cleanse them of purulent contents.
  6. Monitor the air condition in the room. To do this, you should reduce the air temperature in the room or use a humidifier to make it easier to blow your nose and reduce the load on the capillaries.
  7. Reduce the dosage or completely stop taking vasoconstrictors. They reduce swelling of the mucous membrane, but over time they thin out its walls and capillaries, causing addiction. As a result, they do not have any therapeutic effect in the future.

All measures aimed at further recovery must be agreed with a specialist without fail. If this is not done, then there is a possible risk of developing complications in the form of increased blood flow when blowing your nose, the disease becoming chronic, or the development of an allergic reaction.

Nose sensitivity

There are many vessels and capillaries in the human nose. This accumulation of blood vessels is explained by the production of secretion, the main task of which is to protect the nose from pathogenic microorganisms. To produce mucus, the epithelium must receive all the necessary useful substances and nutrients that come with the blood. Mucus also has a thermoregulatory property, that is, it warms the air before it enters the lungs and bronchi.

The appearance of bloody nasal discharge (epistaxis) can be preceded by various factors. The main provoking factors include:

  • localization of vessels close to the surface of the mucous membrane;
  • fragility of vascular walls and capillaries;
  • high permeability of the walls of blood vessels and capillaries.

All these factors make the nasal passage very sensitive to external factors. The causes of blood clots in the nose are all kinds of disorders and injuries. As a rule, bleeding is accompanied by copious mucous discharge. These symptoms indicate the presence of upper respiratory tract diseases. However, you cannot diagnose yourself based on these signs, and it is prohibited to use medications or traditional medicine without the knowledge of a doctor. This will only make the situation worse.


Bloody discharge from the nose is not always a harmless phenomenon; sometimes it is a signal of the development of malaise or other diseases. The causes of nosebleeds when blowing your nose are dry air and dried blood. Dry air dries out the mucous membranes. Regular bleeding from the nose appears in winter during the heating season. Dry air makes blood vessels fragile and brittle. They cease to be elastic, and at the slightest impact they rupture.

The phenomenon of epistaxis is often encountered in the morning during morning water procedures. The reason lies in long-term use of certain medications that have a drying effect. As a result, the mucous membrane dries out and the vessels are injured. Blood enters the nasal cavity, where it mixes with mucus. In this case, bloody snot appears when you blow your nose.

Why is there blood? An adult may develop snot with blood due to:

  • overheating of the body;
  • frequent colds;
  • allergies;
  • sinusitis;
  • adenoiditis;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • age-related changes;
  • chronic atrophic inflammation.

The presence of blood from the nose when blowing your nose can be a sign of high blood pressure (BP). A sharp jump in blood pressure occurs against the background of psycho-emotional or physical stress, heart and vascular diseases. At risk are persons suffering from hypertension, pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis, atherosclerosis, and pulmonary emphysema.

Unreasonable bleeding in adults is also observed with blood diseases: poor coagulation, aplastic anemia, leukemia. To identify the source of epistaxis, you should undergo appropriate diagnostics and undergo a series of tests.

In childhood, blood often appears due to ENT diseases, when the vessels and capillaries are filled with blood: sinusitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, removal of adenoids. Bleeding from the nose with a runny nose is a common occurrence in childhood. Blood appears due to the development of vitamin deficiency and against the background of weak immunity. Drops with a vasoconstrictor effect can injure the mucous membrane and cause hemorrhage. Their uncontrolled use can lead to mucosal atrophy.

Clinical picture

Everyone experiences nosebleeds differently. For some, this is an absolutely painless phenomenon, while others experience a number of unpleasant symptoms;

  • dizziness;
  • lethargy;
  • noise in ears;
  • heat.

If blood clots from the nose get into the throat, the person may experience nausea and vomiting blood. The patient's heart rate increases and the skin turns pale. With severe hemorrhage, shortness of breath appears and tachycardia occurs. In old age, excessive bleeding from the nose can lead to hemorrhagic shock. At the same time, the person becomes inhibited. Blood pressure drops sharply, the patient loses consciousness.

Important! If the discharge becomes thick and acquires a greenish tint, then the cause is a bacterium: meningococcus or staphylococcus. Under no circumstances should you ignore the symptoms. If they increase, you should contact an ENT specialist. If bloody mucus with yellow impurities is released from the nose, then this is a symptom of inflammation localized in the upper respiratory tract. The presence of bloody streaks in thick purulent discharge indicates an allergy. Allergens can be chemicals, dust, wool, flowering plants, animals.

If a nasal hemorrhage appears for no apparent reason and does not stop within 30 minutes, or if a nosebleed appears due to a head injury, then you should immediately call an ambulance. Nosebleeds are also dangerous if they are accompanied by high body temperature (38-39 degrees) or if they appear in a child under 3 years of age.

How to stop the flow?

With nasal hemorrhages, many instinctively throw their heads back, making a grave mistake. There is no need to do this. Blood through the nasopharynx enters the larynx, and from there into the respiratory tract and stomach. If your nose bleeds while blowing your nose, you need to sit on a chair and tilt your head slightly forward. You can apply an ice cube or a bottle of cold water to the bridge of your nose. Cold constricts blood vessels and reduces bleeding.

If there is heavy bleeding, try to breathe through your mouth. Place cotton wool soaked in hydrogen peroxide into your nasal passages. Instead of peroxide solution, you can use sea buckthorn oil. You cannot put vasoconstrictor solutions or drops in your nose without knowing what exactly was the reason.

If your child's nose is bleeding, sit him on your lap and cover his nose with your thumb and forefinger. Do not panic. Children sense when adults are scared. Fright may cause bleeding to worsen. Act quickly and coolly.

The degree of blood loss is assessed according to three criteria: pulse, hematocrit and blood pressure. Mild and moderate bleeding from the anterior part of the septum is easy to stop, but with heavy bleeding it is impossible to do without the help of doctors. Cauterization is effective. The mucous membrane is cauterized with a solution of silver nitrate or trichloroacetic acid. Ultrasonic disintegration, cryodestruction and galvanocaustics have also proven themselves to be successful. A small scar remains at the cauterization site.

Important! Together with cauterization, general impact measures are used. Doctors prescribe drugs that increase blood clotting. The patient is advised to take ascorbic acid, intramuscular injections of Vikasol and Hemophobin. In severe cases, blood transfusions are performed. If the above methods do not bring results, then doctors ligate the external carotid arteries.

If nosebleeds are accompanied by other symptoms, then the use of medications or traditional medicine without diagnosis and testing is contraindicated. Listen to your body and if there is the slightest disturbance, do not hesitate to seek help from a doctor.

The main causes of bloody discharge from the nose

Reddish discharge or blood clots from the nose are always unpleasant. There is more concern when it occurs in a child. Having studied the features of the structure of the nose and changes in adults and children suffering from similar disorders, doctors have identified several main reasons for which nosebleeds are possible:

  • improper cleansing of the nostrils as a result of blowing the nose;
  • ARVI;
  • inflammation of the sinuses due to sinusitis;
  • lack of vitamins, leading to fragility of the walls of blood vessels;
  • intracranial pressure;
  • bad habits;
  • living in conditions with low air humidity.

When considering the causes, we can conclude that bloody nasal discharge may be a sign of illness, poor external conditions or an unhealthy lifestyle. And in each case, adjustments can be made that will help reduce the problem or deal with it completely.

If your nose bleeds due to a cold

An invariable sign of ARVI is a runny or stuffy nose. This phenomenon is associated with the active activity of bacteria. In order to naturally stop their reproduction, substances that fight microbes begin to more actively enter this part of the body. Therefore, expansion of the walls of blood vessels is inevitable. And as a result of any mechanical impact they are damaged. Therefore, if a child or adult removes snot from the nose carelessly, scratches it or frequently picks at it, bloody nasal discharge is inevitable.

In order to avoid such consequences, during a cold you need to watch how you blow your nose. You should not frequently and abruptly remove crusts or blood clots that have formed in the nose. If a problem is detected, it is necessary to stop the red discharge and then heal the wounds. For this purpose, salt washing is used. It helps stop bleeding and disinfect wounds. For an additional antibacterial effect, sea buckthorn or cyclomena oils can be used.

For colds, vasoconstrictor medications are often prescribed. However, you should not abuse them, especially if you are treating nasal discharge in a child. Firstly, these drugs are often addictive. Secondly, as a side effect, they can cause nosebleeds after blowing your nose. Therefore, if such drugs are included in the treatment regimen, you should follow the dosage and timing of treatment indicated by the doctor.

Bleeding from sinusitis

Sometimes a runny nose and nosebleeds occur as signs of rhinitis or sinusitis. These ailments appear as a result of an inflammatory process in which pus begins to accumulate in one or both sinuses. If damage or ulcers occur on the vascular walls while a person is trying to blow his nose, they take longer to heal than with an ordinary runny nose. And this contributes to the continuation of purulent discharge with blood in an adult.

Additional symptoms of sinusitis include fever, headaches, swelling of the mucous membranes or face, discomfort in the maxillary sinuses, especially during movements. If you feel all these signs, it would be prudent to go to the doctor; ignoring the symptoms may cause blood poisoning.

Treatment methods may include antibiotics in tablets or injections. Physiotherapy can be used to remove pus from the sinuses. And in a critical situation, a doctor may prescribe a puncture.

Fragility of blood vessels or unfavorable conditions as a cause of nosebleeds

This disease can cause nosebleeds when blowing your nose during a cold or in the morning after sleep. The reason for this is disturbances in blood clotting or a decrease in the thickness of the walls of blood vessels and capillaries. Such problems can be inherited by children. They are the result of infection with diseases that reduce the ability of blood to clot: hemophilia or increased intracranial pressure.

Or these disorders are the result of an unhealthy lifestyle: an incorrectly adjusted life schedule, constant stress, lack of rest and sleep, poor nutrition, abuse of alcohol or other harmful substances that are addictive. Temporarily, the problem of nosebleeds may arise due to changes in hormonal levels during adolescence or pregnancy.

Fragility of blood vessels, which causes blood during a runny nose, may be a consequence of a lack of vitamins C and P. Therefore, a person who often has such problems should eat vegetables, fruits and green tea more often. Your doctor may recommend medications containing these vitamins and iron, which will improve blood clotting.

To prevent nosebleeds, exercise such as cycling or running is essential. All this increases the heartbeat, which promotes improved blood circulation. As a result, blood does not stagnate in the vessels or capillaries, so blood clots do not form.

If such a problem exists for anatomical reasons, then the doctor may suggest cauterization of the blood vessels. This simple, painless and safe procedure will reduce the number of unpleasant cases, especially in the morning.

Often, nasal discharge containing blood can be the result of an injury from a fall or high-risk sports. The reason for this may be a displacement of the nasal septum or other disorders. Because of this, nasal congestion may occur for no apparent reason. To determine the resulting changes in the structure, an x-ray is needed. Further treatment depends on the doctor's instructions.

The presence of neoplasms in the nasal cavity will also complicate the access of air. If the tumor is benign, then medical or surgical treatment will be sufficient. If this is a manifestation of oncology, then a longer and more serious intervention will be required.

Sometimes nosebleeds in the morning can occur due to too dry air in the apartment, especially in the bedroom. To prevent this phenomenon, it is necessary to ventilate the premises more often and carry out wet cleaning. You can increase the humidity in your home using specially purchased devices or using wet towels. This is especially important to do if a child suffers from nosebleeds due to a runny nose.

Diagnosis of the causes of the problem and first aid for the onset of nosebleeds

If a person complains at an appointment that blood accumulates in his nose when he has a runny nose, the therapist can issue a referral to an ENT doctor. This specialist can use a number of research methods to identify the cause of this disorder:

  • first the doctor examines the nasal cavity under a lamp;
  • if the cause of blood in the nose cannot be identified in this way, an examination using a flexible camera is prescribed;
  • if there is no effect after this method, the condition of the blood vessels in the sinuses is checked using tomography.

To get a complete picture, the patient will have to undergo tests to determine coagulability and other characteristics of the blood. Based on the information received, treatment is prescribed.

In conclusion, it is worth considering what to do if a person nearby develops mucus with red streaks coming from the nose. If this is a child under 3 years old, or the blood has been bleeding for quite a long time, you should call an ambulance or go to the nearest medical center.

But if there is no serious threat to life and health, then you can cope with the problem using means that are always at hand:

  • you can drip 1-2 drops of lemon juice into the nostrils from which blood flows;
  • if there are blood streaks, you should rinse your nose with saline solution;
  • Since ancient times, people have used apple cider vinegar to stop bleeding;
  • It would be appropriate to apply ice or something cold on top of the nose.

To summarize: blood from the nose, with or without clots, can flow for many reasons. If this is the result of a hereditary disease, it is necessary to fight the cause of the disease. Also, a blood clot that appears during a cold or sinusitis is a sign of the formation of wounds in the sinuses, which must be disinfected and treated with a healing composition to prevent blood poisoning. Knowing about the weakness of the walls of blood vessels, you need to be especially careful when blowing your nose. With this disorder, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system with food, vitamins and exercise.

Injuries involving facial damage must be treated with particular care. Since any omissions in this matter sooner or later come to the surface in the form of displaced septums and problems with the nose for no apparent reason.

If someone close to you starts blowing their nose with blood, you need to act according to the situation. If the cause is known, you must provide the necessary assistance yourself. If not, then it is better to seek help from a specialist. After conducting a series of studies, the doctor will be able to determine the cause of this disease and prescribe the necessary treatment at the moment.