Female contraception - methods of contraception and characteristics of modern contraceptives. Disadvantages of chemical methods of contraception. Modern contraception

Contraceptives are divided into several types:

  • barrier,
  • chemical,
  • hormonal (including mechanical hormone releasers),
  • intrauterine devices,
  • sterilization.
Contraceptives are also divided into female and male.

Reliability of contraception- this is the probability of not getting pregnant within a year if you constantly (and correctly) use this contraceptive. This Not the likelihood of becoming pregnant after one sexual intercourse.

For example, 98% reliability for male condoms means that if 100 women protect themselves using (correctly worn) male condoms at every sexual intercourse for a year, then no more than 2 of them will have a chance of getting pregnant in that year, of which -for various failures. Of course, all such reliability calculations are only approximate.

All contraceptive methods except sterilization have limited reliability, since each method has failures. How to achieve greater security? Firstly, when using two methods of contraception at the same time, reliability increases dramatically, because it is extremely unlikely that two methods at the same time will fail. Secondly, if there is an obvious contraceptive failure such as a broken condom, you can use the remedy emergency contraception, otherwise called post-coital pills.

Barrier contraceptives

Barrier contraceptives prevent live sperm from entering the uterus. They do not have long-term effects on the body of a woman or man. These include:

  • male and female condoms,
  • vaginal diaphragms and
  • cervical (cervical) caps.
Male condom It is a thin oblong latex shell. It is put on the erect penis and protects the mucous membranes of partners from direct contact.

The condom is the most important thing this moment a means of contraception, because correct use reliably prevents not only pregnancy, but also the transmission of infections, including HIV and hepatitis.

Disadvantages: requires a stable erection; may tear.

The use of a condom is under the control of the man, while the negative consequences of improper use - unwanted pregnancy - mainly fall on the woman. Both partners are at risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Many men refuse to use condoms, believing that they reduce the intensity of sensations, obviously without comparing them with the intensity of sensations a woman experiences during an abortion. In fact, there are condoms with special surfaces that improve the sensation of both partners, which are recommended even for men who have difficulty achieving orgasm.

Condoms are also used to protect against the transmission of infections during oral and anal sex.

Reliability: 98%

Female condom – a polyurethane tube with a diameter of 8 cm and a length of 15 cm. Placed in the vagina and protects the mucous membranes of partners from direct contact.

Like the male condom, it prevents pregnancy and the transmission of infections. Can be used for weak erection. May remain in the vagina for several hours.

Disadvantages: currently not sold in Russia.
Reliability: 95%

Vaginal diaphragms and cervical caps.

Caps and softer elastic diaphragms made of various materials (silicone, latex) are used in conjunction with spermicidal ointments. They are placed in the vagina so as to prevent sperm from entering the uterus, and are removed no earlier than 6 hours after the last ejaculation. Reduce the risk of transmission of certain infections. Does not prevent HIV infection. Can be used repeatedly (usually for 1-2 years). For selection suitable size cap or diaphragm, you need to consult a gynecologist.

Disadvantages of caps: Less effective for women who have given birth. You need to re-size after giving birth. May cause inconvenience to partners.

Disadvantages of diaphragms: You need to reselect the size after childbirth and with a significant (from 5 kg) change in weight. May increase the risk of certain infections and inflammation of the cervix.

Reliability: 85-95%.

Chemical contraceptives

These include vaginal creams, suppositories, tampons.

One of the easiest to use means, which also have not only contraceptive properties, but also protect against bacteria and viruses, in particular against chlamydia, staphylococci, herpes type 2. However, this type of contraception is more suitable for people who have irregular sex life , since the antiseptic not only destroys sperm and kills some viruses, but also disrupts the microflora, which can cause vaginal dysbiosis. It is best to use these products in combination with a condom, because their duration of action is short (with the exception of tampons) and repeated intercourse requires reintroduction of the contraceptive. It is also important to remember that upon contact with soap (with any alkaline medium), the active substance of the drugs is destroyed, so all washing before and after sexual intercourse is only possible clean water.

Chemical contraceptives: Pharmatex ( vaginal suppositories, cream, tampons); "Patentex-Oval" (candles); "Nonoxynol" or "Conceptrol"; "Sterilin" (candles).

Reliability: 75-80%

Hormonal contraceptives

Currently, only female hormonal birth control medications are widely available. Male hormonal contraceptives exist, but are still in the research stage and are not widely used.

The principle of action of women's hormonal contraceptives is that they prevent ovulation.

Modern hormonal contraceptives come in many forms: pills (combined containing two hormones, progesterone and estrogen, as well as purely progestogenic, or mini-pill), implants(there are none in Russia) and injectable drugs. IN different means ah contained different doses hormones. To choose the most suitable hormonal contraceptive, you need to contact a gynecologist and do a blood test for hormones.

Hormonal contraceptives have some contraindications and side effects. But if first-generation contraceptives could cause serious complications, then correctly selected modern means are completely harmless. Contrary to popular belief, not all hormonal contraceptives cause weight gain.

Combined oral contraceptives taken every day for 21 days menstrual cycle; mini-pill– every day throughout the entire cycle, and it is important to take them at the same time of day.

Injections hormonal contraceptives are taken every 2-3 months. They are indicated only for women over 35 who have given birth, as they can disrupt the menstrual cycle. Injections do not protect against STDs.
Drugs: Depo-Provera, Net-En (Noristerat).

Reliability: 96.5-97%

TO hormonal drugs prevention unwanted pregnancy include postcoital pills , or emergency contraception. They are taken after unprotected sexual intercourse and prevent the egg from maturing (and then it cannot be fertilized), or, if it is already mature and fertilized, they prevent it from attaching to the wall of the uterus. Emergency contraception is effective in the first five days after intercourse, and it is best to take it the next day. In any case, you should carefully read the instructions before using.

There are often misconceptions about the mechanism of action of postcoital pills. For example, people sometimes believe that they are "scraping out the lining of the uterus." To be frank, this is complete nonsense.

In Russia, the most widely known of these drugs is Postinor. It quite strongly destabilizes hormonal levels, so its frequent use can cause very serious complications. There are newer and safe drugs(for example, “Ginepriston”), in which the dose of the hormone is much lower. However, it is important to remember that all postcoital medications are emergency contraception and should not be used regularly. At the same time, emergency contraception is much more gentle on the body than even the safest one. medical abortion. Therefore, you should not use emergency contraception as the only way protection, but if for some reason unprotected sexual intercourse occurs, and the pregnancy, if it happens, will still be terminated, then it is much better to use emergency contraception.

Reliability: 97%

Mechanical contraceptives that release hormones

This vaginal ring"NovaRing" and contraceptive patch"Eura".

NuvaRing ring made from elastic material and when inserted into the vagina, it adapts to the contours of the woman’s body. The ring does not reduce the sensitivity of partners, does not interfere with a woman’s exercise, and does not affect blood clotting ( varicose veins veins of the lower extremities, which to one degree or another happens from birth control pills), but it does not protect against STDs.

One ring is designed for one cycle; on the 22nd day it is removed, and a week later a new one is inserted.

Reliability: 99%

"Evra" patch small size, it can be glued to almost any part of the body. The patch is changed every week and is not used during the fourth week of the cycle.

Disadvantages: Contraindicated for women who smoke 10 or more cigarettes per day. Safe and effective only for women between 18 and 45 years of age. Does not protect against STDs.

Reliability: 99.4%

Intrauterine devices (IUD)

Spirals can be like hormonal, so non-hormonal. But both are inserted into the uterine cavity for a maximum of 5 years, after which the IUD must be removed and a new one inserted during the next menstruation. Only a gynecologist can install the IUD.

Regular IUD prevents the fertilized egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus and, therefore, developing into an embryo; it reduces the vital activity of sperm and eggs.

Hormonal IUD
Constantly releases the hormone levonorgestrel (a synthetic analogue of progestogen), which even more reliably protects against unwanted pregnancy.

Despite its popularity and ease of use, this type of contraception is quite dangerous due to the risk of ectopic pregnancy. It has a long list of contraindications and does not protect against STDs.

Reliability: 75-80%

Sterilization – one of the methods of contraception (not to be confused with castration). Sterilization involves the creation of an artificial obstruction fallopian tubes in women and the vas deferens in men. In this case, neither the ovaries nor the testicles are removed, continuing to function fully. Sterilization does not have a negative effect on sex life person.

In Russia, sterilization surgery is permitted only upon written application from citizens who are at least 35 years old or have two or more children.

Reliability: 100%
(for men it reaches 100% one and a half years after surgery).

Disadvantages: performed in a hospital; the probability of restoration of fertility is not one hundred percent and is low in women; Women who regain fertility are at risk of ectopic pregnancy.

Male sterilization
called a vasectomy.
A vasectomy is performed only with the voluntary, informed consent of the man. The wife's consent is not required. The operation is always carried out for a fee.

Currently practiced in the Russian Federation surgical And no-scalpel vasectomy methods.

The surgery is performed under local anesthesia. If there are no complications, the man remains in the hospital for one day. After three to five days he can resume sexual activity. After a vasectomy, men need to use other methods of contraception for about three months, since during this time the semen may contain active sperm. Within 17 months after surgery, the patency of the vas deferens may spontaneously recover, so it is necessary to do a semen analysis for the presence of live sperm.

Currently, microsurgery methods make it possible, with a reasonable degree of probability, to restore reproductive function in men by restoring the vas deferens.

Scientists are also developing a method of ultrasonic vasectomy, which leads to temporary sterilization (for several months).

Female sterilization called tubal occlusion. It is carried out in a hospital and can be carried out in three ways.

Laparotomyabdominal surgery, incision abdominal cavity reaches 20 cm. This method has many complications and leads to the formation of scars and scars. By medical indications is carried out free of charge.

Minilaparotomy It is performed through a 2-5 cm long incision under local anesthesia.

– an operation during which the surgeon makes 3-4 incisions 1 cm long and carries out all necessary procedures using special equipment and a video camera. In the absence of complications after laparotomy, women are discharged from the hospital on days 7-10, after laparoscopy - on days 2-3. Rehabilitation period ranges from a week to a month.

Minilaparotomy and laparoscopy are included in the list paid services. Tubal occlusion is performed only with the voluntary informed consent of the patient. Spousal consent is not required.

Restoring fertility (the ability to bear children) is possible using microsurgery methods, but the success rate of these operations is still low. When artificially restoring fertility in women, there is a risk of ectopic pregnancy.

Spermicides are chemical substances that cause immobilization of sperm, destruction of the membrane (shell) of sperm, thickening cervical mucus, reducing their mobility and ability to fertilize an egg, since they contain surfactants (nonoxynol) and inhibitors of active enzymes. Spermicides prevent the development of STDs. As the main active ingredients in modern production spermicides used: benzoconium chloride, octoxynol, menfegol. However, there are contraceptives as active component which use nonoxynol and other drugs. Nonoxynol is able to kill gonococci, herpes simplex virus, trichomonas, and there is evidence that it can prevent HIV infection. In previous years, reports appeared about the possibility of damage to the epithelium of the vagina and rectum during prolonged and frequent use nonoxynol, and therefore it is not recommended for use for the prevention of STDs.

The time of contraceptive protection of modern spermicides and their effectiveness last from 15 minutes to 1-8 hours from the start of use and depend on the form of release (tablets, cream, foam, etc.). Within 2 hours before and after sexual intercourse, intimate toilet must be performed without using regular soap(due to the risk of destruction of the active substance).

Inserting spermicidal cream into the vagina using a special applicator

When using creams and gels, they can be used either independently or in combination with a vaginal diaphragm or cervical cap. In this case, the efficiency of use increases significantly. Spermicides are also used with condoms, which provides greater contraceptive effect and protection against STDs.

Spermicide release forms: aerosols (foam), pastes, gels, creams, vaginal foam tablets, vaginal foam suppositories, soluble suppositories, soluble films, sponges.

varieties of spermicide release forms and barrier methods of contraception with which chemical methods are effectively combined

Advantages of using CMC:

  • prevention of STDs and absence of systemic effects;
  • possibility of use in women of reproductive and premenopausal age;
  • use for a long time;
  • Possibility of combination with other methods of contraception.

Disadvantages of using CMC:

  • the need to adhere to a 15-minute interval before sexual intercourse to administer spermicide;
  • deferment hygiene procedures(not earlier than 6 hours after sexual intercourse).

When using spermicides, it is possible that side effects in the form of irritation of the mucous membranes and allergic reactions to spermicide. The use of spermicides in the form vaginal tablets And vaginal suppositories(benzalkonium chloride) are administered no later than 10 minutes before sexual intercourse to ensure uniform distribution of the drug, and their duration of action is 3-4 hours. Candles containing quinosol, tannin and boric acid, act for 1-2 hours, from the moment of insertion of the suppository it is not recommended to get up or sit down. The drug should not be used if one of the partners is HIV-infected, since there is no data on its antiviral effect.

Vaginal cream is administered before sexual intercourse in a lying position using a dispenser applicator; the effect of the drug lasts 10 hours. It is both a spermicide and an antiseptic and does not affect normal microflora vagina and hormonal cycle. All vaginal irrigation or washing with soap and water is contraindicated, since soap destroys the active substance of the drug. When using creams, external toilet of the genital organs is possible only with clean water. Mandatory introduction new tablet, suppository or portions of cream in case of repeated sexual intercourse. Women who use BMCs should not leave them in the vagina for more than 24 hours. It is not allowed to use BMK during menstruation.

Features of the choice of spermicides:

  • foamy vaginal tablets, capsules and suppositories are easy to store and transport, but require a 15-minute wait after administration before sexual intercourse;
  • spermicidal gels are usually used only in combination with a vaginal diaphragm;
  • aerosols (foams) are effective immediately after administration; they are recommended if spermicide is used in isolation (without another method of contraception).

Indications for the use of spermicides:

  • reluctance or presence of contraindications for use hormonal methods(for example, women who smoke, over 35 years old);
  • reluctance or contraindications for using an IUD;
  • breastfeeding with the need to use additional contraceptive methods;
    a woman’s desire to have protection from STDs against the background of her partner’s reluctance to use a condom;
  • the need to use a temporary method while selecting another contraceptive;
  • the need for an additional contraceptive method;
  • low frequency of sexual intercourse.

Contraindications for the use of spermicides:

  • age, number of births in history, or health problems of the woman that make pregnancy extremely dangerous (help to choose a highly effective method);
  • difficulties in application;
  • allergy to spermicides;
  • genital abnormalities;
  • a woman’s desire to use a highly effective method of contraception;
  • the couple’s reluctance to use the method according to the instructions during each sexual intercourse.

Contraceptive effect: 82% with correct and regular use.

Literature: Modern methods pregnancy planning / G.I. Reznichenko, A.B. Gordeychuk, N.Yu. Reznichenko. - Kyiv: RVH Queen, 2012.

Spermicides- creams, gels, aerosol foams, as well as foam and non-foam suppositories containing an active component that inactivates sperm within a few seconds (maximum 2 minutes). Typically used in conjunction with other contraceptives such as diaphragms, contraceptive sponges, and condoms. 3% of women use only spermicides.

2 types of substances are used as the active ingredient

    Surfactants (eg, nonoxynol-9)

    Inhibitors of active enzymes.

The active ingredients destroy sperm, reduce their motility, or inactivate enzymes necessary for sperm to penetrate the egg. Some sperm that penetrate the cervical mucus after exposure to spermicide have reduced fertility.

    Must be combined with barrier contraceptive methods.

    Spermicide should be re-injected with each sexual intercourse.

    After sexual intercourse using spermicide, douching should not be done for 6-8 hours.

    After use, the applicator should be rinsed with water.

Indications: contraception in women with a reduced risk of pregnancy (rare sexual intercourse or late reproductive age); combination with a rhythmic method of contraception; temporary break in the use of IUDs or oral contraceptives.

Flaws: relatively low contraceptive effect (pregnancy rate is 25-30 cases per 100 women per year), the possibility of teratogenic effects on the fetus during pregnancy.

Advantages. Protects against sexually transmitted diseases and pelvic inflammation, especially when combined with barrier methods of contraception. It has been established that nonoxynol-9 also inactivates gonococci, genital herpes virus, Trichomonas, Treponema pallidum and even HIV.

SEXUAL INTERRUPTION (coitus interrupt)

Normal sexual intercourse ends with ejaculation outside the woman's genital tract.

The method has many disadvantages:

    Low contraceptive effect (15-30 pregnancies per 100 woman year) 60% of women do not experience orgasm

    With prolonged use, the development of congestion in the pelvis, frigidity, and ovarian dysfunction is possible.

    In men, long-term use can cause neurasthenia, decreased potency, and prostate hypertrophy.

Intrauterine devices


    High efficiency - pregnancy rate when used intrauterine devices, (IUD) is 2-3 cases per 100 women per year.

    Lack of accompanying systemic action on metabolism.

    For long-term use, a single procedure (insertion of an IUD) is sufficient.

    No teratogenic effect.

    Reversibility of contraceptive effects.

    Elimination psychological discomfort associated with the need to take care to prevent unwanted pregnancy before each sexual intercourse.

Disadvantages: A large number of contraindications:

    High risk of development inflammatory processes uterus and its appendages

    Increased blood loss during menstruation

    High risk of uterine perforation.

Mechanism of action:

    Inert ( non-medicinal ) IUD - the action is associated with a local aseptic inflammatory reaction caused by the presence of a foreign body in the uterus.

    Contractions of the myometrium, increased peristalsis of the fallopian tubes - the fertilized egg passes through faster fallopian tubes and enters the uterine cavity before the conditions for its implantation arise.

    Inflammation of the endometrium (not always), which also prevents implantation. The addition of copper enhances the inflammatory response.

    After removal of both copper-coated and non-copper IUDs, the inflammatory reaction quickly disappears, followed by restoration of fertilization ability.

    Spermatotoxic and ovotoxic effects of copper ions.

    Medication IUDs with progesterone exert their contraceptive effect locally in the endometrium and cervix - the endometrium does not undergo the changes necessary for implantation, changes in the cervical mucus make it difficult for sperm to penetrate.


    TSi-380A: service life - 5 years

    TCu-220, TCu-220B - 3 years

    TCu-200Ag - 3 years

    TCu-380Ag - 4 years

    Multiload C 375 - 5 years

Majority modern women prefer modern means of chemical contraception. These include not only hormonal drugs, but also spermicides, which are barrier methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy.

Chemical contraceptives are drugs that are unique in their effect, combining contraceptive, antimicrobial and antiviral effects. Essentially, they contain an antiseptic that kills sperm, most known bacteria and viral infections.

Spermicides are classified as chemicals female contraception. They contain active substance, which destroys sperm within 60 seconds. As you know, sperm after ejaculation reach the fallopian tubes within 90 seconds, after which pregnancy can only be prevented hormonal drugs. This is why the speed of action of chemical contraceptives is so important.

However, we should not forget that, despite the convenience and ease of use, chemical contraceptives for women do not have high enough contraceptive effect. Vaginal spermicides should not be considered as an independent method.

Regular sex life requires the combination of chemicals with condoms, caps, diaphragms, or oral contraceptives. Only this method of protection can compensate for the shortcomings of various means of contraception, and therefore reliably protect against unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. Spermicides are available in the following forms:

  • foam;
  • jelly;
  • creams;
  • vaginal suppositories;
  • foaming tablets;
  • tampons (sponges);
  • soluble films.

Before you start using drugs of this kind, it is worth knowing a few facts about their features. Almost all chemicals contain acids, which means that when exposed to them alkaline environment they lose their activity. That is, when using chemical contraceptives before and after sexual intercourse, you should never use soap as a means of intimate hygiene.

If we talk about the time of action of spermicides, then the figures indicated in the annotation are usually overestimated several times. To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is worth considering that the effect of these drugs is reduced or even ends after 40 minutes of contact with internal organs women. That is, before starting repeated sexual intercourse, you will need to use a new candle or portion of cream. It is worth noting that this nuance does not apply to tampons - the activity of the drugs included in their composition lasts 12-16 hours after administration.

There are also some inconveniences when using suppositories, tablets and films: after administration, you must wait at least 15 minutes before starting sexual intercourse. In addition, some types of spermicides can cause skin irritation and even allergic reactions. If after use there are discomfort, you should consult your doctor about changing your method of birth control.

Keep in mind that chemical contraceptives are extremely undesirable for long-term regular use, since they affect natural microflora vagina. The antiseptic contained in spermicides kills sperm and harmful bacteria as good as beneficial flora. This can lead to vaginal dysbiosis and other disorders. Such drugs are suitable for women who have contraindications to other methods, as well as women during lactation. In addition, such products can be used by couples who are not sexually active.

Scheme for effective treatment of genital herpes
For each patient, the doctor draws up individual scheme treatment of genital herpes, taking into account the frequency of relapses....

Contraceptive methods for women are considered. The names of the most common contraceptives sold in pharmacies are presented.

Contraceptives are means that protect a woman from unwanted pregnancy. There are a lot of myths around hormonal pills. Many people believe that taking them is accompanied by weight gain and the inability to become pregnant in the future. We will try to dispel or confirm dubious information regarding female contraceptives.

Why should women use contraceptives?

If you ask about the most popular contraceptive, most will answer that these are condoms. But this method inconvenient and quite expensive if you have a regular sexual partner whom you trust.

Accordingly, contraceptives are used by women to protect against pregnancy and to obtain more vivid sensations during sex. Oral contraceptives are used in medicinal purposes and help get rid of skin problems and women's ailments.

What types of contraceptives are there for women?

Types of female contraceptives:

  • Spermicides– ointments or gels containing substances that slow down the movement of sperm. These drugs thicken cervical mucus and prevent male cells penetrate the uterus
  • Spiral- small plastic or metal product. Placed by a doctor inside the uterus
  • Oral contraceptives– tablets based female hormones. They may block ovulation or thicken cervical mucus
  • Patch- hormonal contraceptive. Hormones enter the body through the skin
  • Vaginal ring– a silicone or plastic ring that contains a small dose of hormones. Set for 21 days. You can do this yourself without the help of a doctor.
  • The natural waycalendar method. Used based on calculating periods of pregnancylessness and fertility
  • Method of interrupting sexual intercourse– before ejaculation, the partner removes the penis from the vagina

Barrier contraceptives for women. Pros and cons

Barrier contraception is a method of preventing pregnancy by using mechanical barriers to prevent sperm from entering the uterine cavity. TO barrier contraception include local chemicals, inhibiting sperm activity. TO barrier contraceptives include: sponge, diaphragm, cap, female condom, suppositories, ointments, gels.


  • Can be used immediately before sexual intercourse
  • Protects against most sexually transmitted diseases (spermicides)
  • High reliability
  • Can be used by parous and nulliparous women
  • Low price
  • Fast recovery reproductive function


  • Less reliable compared to hormonal contraceptives
  • Often cause allergies and itching
  • Reduce sensitivity

Chemical contraceptives for women

This is a barrier contraception based on reducing sperm activity by chemical substances. Often cause allergies and burning. High degree of protection and low price. Below is a list of popular spermicides.

Non-hormonal contraceptives for women, list

These substances are barrier contraceptives. Their effectiveness is due to a decrease in sperm activity. Some of the products even kill sperm.

List of chemical non-hormonal contraceptives:

  • Pharmatex– a drug produced in the form of suppositories, sponges, cream and gel. This is a regular spermicide that contains benzalkonium chloride, an antiseptic. Accordingly, the drug can be used when having sex with casual partners. Effective period: 3 hours after insertion into the vagina
  • Benatex– Available in the form of vaginal tablets and gel. Contains spermicide and antiseptic. The drug contains no hormones, so the substance does not affect the menstrual cycle
  • Pantex Oval- spermicide based on nonoxynol. Has antimicrobial and antiviral properties. Inserted into the vagina 15 minutes before sexual intercourse
  • Conceptrol– available in the form of suppositories and contains nonoxynol
  • Gynekotex– spermicide based on benzalkonium chloride. This is a combined substance that kills viruses and bacteria, and also reduces motor activity spermatozoa

Local contraceptives for women

These are chemical and mechanical means that either reduce sperm motility or simply prevent them from penetrating into the uterus.

Mechanical local contraceptives:

  • Female condom- analogue of the male one, inserted into the vagina. One edge is fixed on the cervix, and the second will remain outside. Accordingly, it protects not only from pregnancy, but also from contracting diseases transmitted during sex
  • Diaphragm- This is a dome-shaped cap made of latex or rubber. It is placed on the cervix and simply prevents sperm from entering the uterus. Can be used several times. The doctor selects this method of contraception, since the sizes of the diaphragm are different. After childbirth or due to weight gain, it is necessary to purchase a larger diaphragm
  • Cervical cap- a product made of soft rubber. It is placed on the cervix using a suction cup principle. Negative pressure is created due to the compression of the cap, and it is securely fixed. Low degree of protection due to the possibility of the cap being skewed during sexual intercourse.

Hormonal contraceptives for women

  • Preparations containing the hormones estrogen and progestin. They change the composition and viscosity cervical mucus, which makes it impossible for sperm to penetrate the vagina. Some combined contraceptives inhibit ovulation. Accordingly, the egg does not mature, so pregnancy is impossible
  • Mechanical products with no high content progestins: patch, injections and subdermal implants. The most convenient can be considered a patch - this is relatively new contraceptive. It contains ethinyl estradiol and norelgestromin – synthetic analogues female hormones. Hormones enter the bloodstream through the skin. Every day stands out a small amount of hormones. The action of the patch is based on reducing the thickness of the uterine mucosa, to which the embryo cannot attach. In addition, the patch inhibits the functioning of the ovaries and prevents the dominant follicle containing the egg from growing

Contraceptive injections for women. Pros and cons

In our country, this method of contraception is unpopular. This is due to the high price of the drug and the mistrust of women. The injection is given intramuscularly once every 3 months. It is necessary that the injection be administered on the 5th day of the menstrual cycle.

The essence of using the drug is that it contains progesterone, which thickens the uterine mucosa and thickens cervical mucus.

In addition, ovulation is suppressed. The injections can be used by women who have given birth and those who have not given birth. There have not been any cases of infertility reported in the world after discontinuation of the drug. Although reproductive function is restored within 6-12 months.


  • Efficiency is 99%
  • There is no need to constantly calculate the days of the menstrual cycle
  • Suitable for women who smoke
  • It has medicinal properties and promotes the disappearance of endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia

Oral contraceptives for women, video

Oral contraceptives - well known to everyone birth control pills with combined hormonal composition. In the video you can watch a speech by a gynecologist regarding COCs.

Video: Oral contraceptives

Contraception for women after childbirth

Please note that combined contraceptives during the period breastfeeding cannot be accepted. They affect the amount of breast milk.

  • Mini-pill
  • Hormonal injections
  • Intrauterine device
  • Remember, after giving birth you can’t have sex for a month, so after the discharge stops you can resume sexual activity
  • If you have a regular sexual partner, then it makes sense to get an IUD or take hormonal contraceptives based on gestagens. This synthetic hormones similar in their effect to progesterone. It does not suppress lactation and does not harm the baby’s health, since a very small amount of the drug penetrates into the milk.
  • Previously, it was believed that it was possible to use contraception after the birth of a child. natural method. That is, due to the development of lactational amenorrhea, when there is no menstruation, it is safe to have sex. But now many doctors note the ineffectiveness of the method. Some women experience spontaneous ovulation, which will lead to an unplanned pregnancy

Contraception for nulliparous women

Many young girls are wary of taking hormonal oral contraceptives. they believe that they will gain a lot of weight and become unattractive. This is not true, since most women experience no weight gain at all or a slight weight gain of 2-3 kg.

There are rumors about numerous cases of infertility after stopping COCs. This is also a myth, since reproductive function is restored after 3-8 months. Some girls managed to conceive a child in the first month after stopping contraceptives.

But if you decide to take COCs, then seek help from a doctor, he will prescribe a drug with minimal doses of progestins and estrogens. Most often, young girls are prescribed Novinet, Jazz, Yarina.

They improve the condition of the skin and make periods less painful. COCs are not used for cystic changes in the ovaries and endometriosis.

Ideal for nulliparous women who have a regular sexual partner, are the following ways:

  • Barrier contraceptives
  • Condoms

Intrauterine device nulliparous girls not installed due to development possibilities pain syndrome and uterine bleeding after removing the IUD.

Emergency contraception is used in the following cases:

  • Rape
  • Skipping a COC dose
  • Damage to the condom
  • Unprotected sexual intercourse

These are drugs that cause detachment of the endometrium from the uterus. Thus, menstruation begins and sperm is simply carried away from the uterus along with the blood. It is recommended to take no later than 24-72 hours after sexual intercourse. Here are the names of some emergency contraceptives: Postinor, Escapelle, Mifegin, Miropriston.

The best contraceptives for women over 30 years old. Video

  • Typically, by the age of 30, a woman already has a child and a regular sexual partner. In this case ideal option considered an intrauterine device
  • An IUD containing progesterone is often prescribed. Such contraceptives are indicated for women with endometriosis and other estrogen-dependent diseases. The most popular hormonal IUD is Mirena. Its cost is high, but its validity is 3-5 years
  • For women over 30 who have given birth, medium-dose combined oral contraceptives are used. They contain more hormones, this is due to physiological characteristics body at this age. Among such drugs are Diana, Chloe, Dimulen

VIDEO: Contraceptives for women

Contraceptives for women after 45 years. Which ones to choose?

  • At this age, many women have chronic illnesses And excess weight. This is why classic COCs are not prescribed
  • For such women, three-phase drugs have been developed with minimal androgenic effect. Often before menopause, mini-pills - progestin contraceptives - are prescribed. Since many women who have given birth experience endometrial hyperplasia and endometriosis
  • It is best to put it after 45 years hormonal IUD Mirena. It will help not only prevent pregnancy, but also restore the uterine mucosa. This device significantly reduces the risk of developing uterine cancer.
  • After the birth of her second or third child, a woman can undergo sterilization. This is a tubal ligation operation. Now this operation is performed without the use of scalpels, using laparoscopy.

Contraceptives for nursing women. Features of the choice of contraceptives for breastfeeding women

  • The ideal option is mini-pills or Depo-Provera (progestin) injections. They do not affect lactation and do not affect the baby’s health in any way. But in most cases, women do not want to take any medications during lactation, so they use barrier methods of contraception
  • Absence of menstruation during lactation should not be used for contraception. This method only works if you have never missed a feeding, that is, the break between feedings was no more than 3 hours

Female contraceptive pills. Which ones to choose?

  • Low dose drugs. Prescribed to nulliparous girls, they contain a minimum of hormones (Jazz, Novinet)
  • Medium dosed drugs prescribed to women over 30 years of age (Diana)
  • Progestin drugs should be taken if you have endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia (Norkolut, Mini-pill)

Do not buy birth control pills on your own based on a recommendation from a friend or pharmacist.

The doctor must assess your health condition and only then prescribe a specific drug. What suits your friend may not suit you. If you have endometrial hyperplasia and adenomyosis, you should not take medications with a high content of estrogen. This makes the mucous membrane thicken and the problem worsens.

Folk means of contraception. Recipes

  • Douching with a slightly acidic solution. Usually add a tablespoon to a glass of water acetic acid or lemon juice
  • Calendar method. The periods of pregnancylessness before and after menstruation are calculated. 5 days before and after menstruation are considered safe
  • Rowan flower remedy. To prepare the substance, pour 200 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of flowers. Leave for an hour and strain. Take 100 ml before each meal.
  • Coitus interruptus method
  • Douching weak solution potassium permanganate

Traditional medicine offers many methods of emergency contraception that cause rejection ovum during pregnancy. Almost after using each of these remedies, the woman is taken away by ambulance from uterine bleeding. Cleaning is carried out in the hospital. Known cases fatal outcome due to blood poisoning due to rotting of the fetus inside the uterus.

The importance of contraceptives in preserving a woman’s reproductive health

Combined oral contraceptives for correct use and prescribed by a doctor prolong a woman’s youth. Oddly enough, after stopping the drugs, even women aged 45-55 years can become pregnant. This is due to the fact that at birth, every girl’s ovaries contain the rudiments of future dominant follicles.

There is no ovulation when taking COCs, which means this potential dominant follicle saved until next time. In medicine, this phenomenon is called Anti-Mullerian hormone. If its content is high, a woman can become pregnant. With a very low concentration of this hormone, a woman will not be able to get pregnant even with IVF, since the supply of eggs has been exhausted.

The effect of contraceptives on a woman’s body

If you take the medications correctly and as prescribed by the doctor, the effect of the medications will be positive. Many of the COCs are created to treat ailments of the reproductive function of women. Try to change your contraceptive once a year, as the body often gets used to it and spontaneous pregnancy may occur.

How to protect yourself without pills and IUDs?

Despite their ineffectiveness, the following methods are still popular:

  • Calendar
  • Coitus interruptus method
  • Douching with potassium permanganate or vinegar solution after sex
  • To be sure, use barrier methods of contraception
  • The easiest way is to use a condom
  • With a regular sexual partner you can use spermicidal gels and suppositories

About hormonal contraceptives you can find a lot of positive and negative reviews. In most cases, negative experiences are associated with the use of a drug that was not prescribed by a doctor, but was recommended by a friend or pharmacist.

  • Often, after miscarriages, low-dose COCs are prescribed to restore the menstrual cycle. After their abolition, many women managed to get pregnant
  • In young girls who have not given birth, their skin condition improves and disappears. acne and menstruation becomes less painful
  • In general, taking hormonal contraceptives has a positive effect on a woman’s health. It's much safer than recovering from an abortion or miscarriage

The final decision on the use of contraceptives is made by the woman. Remember, no amount of persuasion from your partner and the pleasure of sexual intercourse without a condom or contraceptives is worth your health. Therefore, always take precautions and consult with good gynecologists. Good health to you.

VIDEO: Consequences of hormone therapy