Problem with personnel in a well-known company. Solving personnel management problems. Personnel Management. Problems and solutions

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Moscow Institute of Humanities and Economics

Kaluga branch


Course: "Human Resources Management"

Prepared by: Tatarenkov A.V.

Checked by: Assoc. Letnik V.V.

Kaluga 2016

  • Introduction
  • 1. Modern problems of personnel management
  • 2. The essence of the subsystem and elements of the personnel management system, their relationship and interaction
  • 3. Test
  • List of used literature


Personnel management is a vital strategic function formed, under the influence of many factors, into an independent structure.

Trade union intervention led to the creation of national social insurance systems, the establishment of minimum wages, and restrictions and reductions in working hours. Compliance with these requirements fell on HR departments.

The chosen path of Russia's transition to the market did not live up to the hopes placed on it. The main results of several years of radical economic reform are more than well known: the decline in production, the impoverishment of the people; unemployment, strikes, unfavorable demographic changes, especially in the central regions of Russia, etc. The severance of habitual economic ties further enhances the manifestation of all of the above and other negative processes.

The evolution of the management system that emerged in the first stages of economic reform occurs in the specific conditions of the transition period. Its important features are: instability of connections between enterprises and insufficient coordination of their activities; freedom of economic activity due to the existing legal system; instability of the regulatory sphere and economic policy.

Let's add to this the lack of information in almost all areas of economic life. As a result, a climate of uncertainty arose when the activities of enterprises were aimed mainly at everyday survival. Therefore, in these conditions, effective management of the enterprise and human resources, in particular, becomes especially important.

In order not to repeat the mistakes of the past, it is very important to make significant adjustments to the economic strategy and implement a number of organizational and structural decisions.

1. Modern problems of personnel management

In the modern world, the main challenges facing organizations are new ones. The main ones are: stimulating the work of hired personnel, preventing “brain drain”, indexing wages in conditions of inflation, ensuring that the level of qualifications of personnel meets the strict requirements of the modern economy and, finally, strengthening the sense of belonging to the company among staff, etc.

But even now there are contradictions between the declared goals and functions of personnel management departments, so the list of responsibilities includes actions for accounting, control, motivation of personnel, regulation of relations between management and personnel, but in reality the functions of personnel management services, judging by the facts, turn out to be rolled up. The heads of these services assess their role in managing social personnel processes as secondary, believing that everything depends on the management of the enterprise.

It is known that the successful development of production in modern conditions largely depends on the competitiveness of personnel. And it is achieved by constant training of personnel, improvement of their qualifications and strategic determination of their number and professional guidance at a given moment and in a given production. The narrow skills of the management corps, especially its senior management, negatively affected the transition to market relations from the very beginning of the reforms. It turned out that “many managers failed to organize the work of the institutions under their control in general and orient it towards studying and satisfying consumer demand in particular. A great difficulty for them was determining the directions for using resources, first of all, this applies to such important resources as personnel , fixed assets, financial resources."

This gives grounds to assert that the key problem for the vast majority of Russian enterprises is the problem of ineffective personnel management. Now is the time when it is necessary to pay closer attention to systematic training and, especially, retraining of qualified specialists. This will make it possible to respond more quickly and effectively to changes in the country, to strengthen the elements of stability, solidity, representativeness, sober calculation, and rejection of excessively risky speculative play in market activities.

The educational services market turned out to be practically unbalanced with the real needs of the skilled labor market. The quality level of enterprise employees is significantly inferior to the requirements imposed on the international labor market. The personnel management system at most enterprises does not correspond to the strategy of market reforms, which significantly hinders the possibility of implementing programs of sustainable stabilization, revitalization of production and structural restructuring of the economy, improving the quality and competitiveness of Russian products.

It is necessary to train and significantly improve the qualifications of the management corps in management, marketing, innovation, personnel management and a number of other disciplines, taking into account the peculiarities of the current economic situation and the Russian market. The formation of a business services industry should become one of the primary problems of structural investment policy.

Among the most pressing problems, the following should also be noted: the departure of qualified specialists, low performance and labor discipline of personnel, insufficient qualifications of personnel and individual managers, unsatisfactory moral and psychological climate, low level of motivation of employees, and, as a consequence, insufficient initiative of employees in solving production problems. problems, confrontation between administration and staff.

It should also be noted that there is an erosion of traditional values, which leads to serious disturbances in personal beliefs and values. Stress, pressure and uncertainty are increasingly present in most forms of organizational life. This has significantly complicated the system of motivation and incentives for employees, primarily in connection with hiring on short-term contracts, setting various preconditions (including a probationary period), strictly linking material incentives to profits and other factors.

When revising personnel management methods that do not meet the state of the external environment, management may encounter a conflict generated by the rejection of new methods by the organizational culture of the company due to the conservatism and inertia of some of the team. Such a conflict can be quite painful and destructive in its consequences.

Thus, K. Davis identified three groups of reasons for resistance to innovation. The basis of all economic reasons is the fear of loss of earnings, which creates an anti-innovation attitude in the employee. hired personnel qualifications incentives

Regarding the personal reasons that encourage people to resist the innovation process, we can say that the main one is the individual’s resistance to devaluation, which the innovation process very often brings with it.

In the group of anti-innovation barriers that are socio-psychological in nature, most of the reasons are based on a person’s reaction to the innovative processes that accompany many organizations, a kind of encroachment on his psychological comfort.

These and some other problems raise the question of improving the personnel management system for managers. However, we often have to deal with the fact that, trying to put the work with personnel in the company at the proper level, managers make a number of mistakes that do not allow them to achieve the goals for which, in fact, the work with personnel was started.

To eliminate these types of shortcomings, personnel development planning is necessary. First of all, this is planning the natural movement of personnel - retirement, dismissal due to illness, due to study, military service, etc. This is not difficult to do, but it is important to prepare an equivalent replacement in a timely manner. What is more difficult is to strengthen the potential of the team and increase its competitiveness.

There are several ways to do this, including: careful selection of personnel, systematic improvement of their qualifications, creation of conditions for the most effective manifestation of their abilities and development of a methodology for assessing the actual effectiveness of the team.

Many commercial structures in Russia are now taking a different path. Instead of intensifying the work of adapting teams to the conditions of economic reforms, taking care of ensuring a painless psychological restructuring of each person, especially experienced specialists, workers are sometimes mercilessly fired as they have not adapted to the new requirements. This approach is a manifestation of short-sighted policy. After all, any replacement of an employee is an economically expensive undertaking. This damages the company's reputation.

The problem of “obsolescence” occupies a special place in the process of professionalization of management. "Obsolescence" occurs when an individual uses viewpoints, theories, concepts and methods that are less effective in solving a problem than others currently existing. Of course, not every example of a firm's HR inefficiency is due to "obsolescence." Laziness, lack of understanding, and overload with other responsibilities can also lead to ineffectiveness. But the cost to a firm of developing and adopting second-rate solutions to emerging problems is likely much greater than the costs required to overcome the obsolescence of its workforce.

Management practice also shows that in any company, as a result of a combination of different reasons, the presence of conflicts is inevitable. Conflicts often arise due to staff dissatisfaction with the manager’s assessment of their work. In cases of very serious conflicts, there may even be a shift in organizational goals.

It is significant that in the activities of the leader himself, as the main subject of management, there are various contradictions associated with undesirable trends in people’s behavior. The difficulty in assessing these phenomena lies in their heterogeneity.

It should be noted that recently in our country some work has been carried out to train high-class managerial personnel, various business schools have been organized, and a lot of special literature, although of varying quality, by domestic and foreign authors has been published.

However, in the literature on management topics, as a rule, publications of an educational and educational-methodological nature predominate, considering mainly the history and fundamentals of management, special management issues (financial management, personnel management, situational and systemic approaches to management, sociology of organizations, marketing). In this sea of ​​publications on management problems, there is clearly not enough literature for specialist managers and senior management.

There are also problems at the lower level of personnel management, which have their own aspects and characteristics. “An important point in their assessment is that in their mentality and roles, lower managers belong to managers, and vice versa, the situation contributes to the fact that their psychology is closer to that of workers. Such duality of position in the company often leads such managers to a state of stress.”

Lately there has been a lot of talk about the fact that the roots of the problems of most Russian enterprises lie in ineffective management. What effective management is, each of the enterprises that managed to adapt to new conditions understands in its own way. Everyone finds their own levers of control and implements their own management principles. But until now, the valuable experience developed by each of the enterprises remained only its experience.

At the same time, there is also positive experience that needs to be studied, refined and recommended for implementation. The results of the activities of many enterprises and the accumulated experience of their work with personnel show that the formation of production teams and ensuring high quality personnel potential are decisive factors in production efficiency and product competitiveness.

Problems in the field of personnel management and daily work with personnel, according to experts, will be constantly in the focus of management's attention in the near future. In the future, with the development of scientific and technological progress, the content and working conditions will become more important than material interest.

2. The essence of the subsystem and elements of the personnel management system, their relationship and interaction

The methodology of personnel management involves consideration of the essence of personnel as an object of management, the process of shaping the behavior of individuals that corresponds to the goals and objectives of the organization, methods and principles of personnel management.

The personnel management system involves the formation of goals, functions, organizational structure of personnel management, the establishment of vertical and horizontal functional relationships between managers and specialists in the process of justification, development, adoption and implementation of management decisions.

Personnel management technology includes: organizing recruitment, selection, reception of personnel; his business assessment, career guidance and adaptation; education; management of business career and professional advancement; motivation and work organization; conflict and stress management; ensuring the social development of the organization, releasing personnel, etc. This should also include issues of interaction between the organization’s leaders and trade unions and employment services, and personnel safety management.

The basis of the concept of personnel management currently consists of: the increasing role of the employee’s personality; knowledge of his motivational attitudes; the ability to form and direct them in accordance with the tasks facing the organization.

Changes in the economic and political systems in our country simultaneously bring both great opportunities and serious threats to every individual, testing the sustainability of its existence and introducing a significant degree of uncertainty into the life of almost every person. Personnel management in such a situation acquires special significance, since it allows us to implement and generalize a whole range of issues of adapting an individual to external conditions, taking into account the personal factor in building an organization’s personnel management system. In summary, we can distinguish three factors that influence people in an organization.

1. The hierarchical structure of the organization, where the main means of influence are relations of power - subordination, pressure on a person from above through coercion, control over the distribution of material goods.

2. Culture, i.e., joint values, social norms, behavioral guidelines developed by a society, organization, group of people, which regulate the actions of an individual, force the individual to behave one way and not another without visible coercion.

3. The market is a network of equal relations based on the purchase and sale of products and services, property relations, and the balance of interests of the seller and the buyer.

These influencing factors are quite complex concepts and in practice are rarely implemented separately. Which of them is given priority is the shape of the economic situation in the organization.

During the transition to a market, there is a slow move away from hierarchical management, a rigid system of administrative influence, and practically unlimited executive power to market relations and property relations based on economic methods. Therefore, it is necessary to develop fundamentally new approaches to the priority of values, “the main thing within the organization is the employees, and outside it - the consumers of the products. It is necessary to turn the consciousness of the worker to the consumer, and not to the boss; to profit, and not to waste; to initiative, and not to mindless execution, move to social norms based on common economic sense, without forgetting about morality. Hierarchy will fade into the background, giving way to culture and the market.

New personnel management services are created, as a rule, on the basis of traditional services: the personnel department, the department of labor organization and wages, the department of labor protection and safety, etc. The tasks of the new services are to implement personnel policies and coordinate labor resource management activities in the organization . In this regard, they begin to expand the range of their functions and move from purely personnel issues to the development of systems for stimulating labor activity, managing professional advancement, preventing conflicts, studying the labor market, etc.

Of course, the structure of the personnel management service is largely determined by the nature and size of the organization and the characteristics of the products produced. In small and medium-sized organizations, many personnel management functions are performed primarily by line managers, and in large ones, independent structural units are formed to implement the functions.

A number of organizations are creating personnel management systems that unite under the unified leadership of the deputy director for personnel management all departments related to work with personnel. An organization's personnel management system is a system in which personnel management functions are implemented. It includes a line management subsystem, as well as a number of functional subsystems that specialize in performing homogeneous functions (Fig. 1).

The line management subsystem manages the organization as a whole and manages individual functional and production departments. The functions of this subsystem are performed by: the head of the organization, his deputies, heads of functional and production departments, their deputies, foremen, and foremen.

Rice. 1. "Composition of subsystems of the organization's personnel management system"

Functional subsystems combine homogeneous, similar in content functions in the most important areas of work with personnel. The bearers of the functions of these subsystems are individual functional units and officials: heads of these units, their deputies, specialists, and other employees. Depending on the size of organizations, the composition of divisions changes: in small organizations one division can perform the functions of several subsystems, and in large ones, as a rule, the functions of each subsystem are performed by a separate division.

The full list of HR functions covers a wide range of activities and is open to new forms of work. According to one survey, 95% of firms in the United States carried out personnel selection and hiring within the framework of the personnel department (the rest, mainly small ones, relied only on line managers in this matter), 88% performed the functions of organizing wages and 90% - other types of compensation , 72% were in charge of safety issues, 69% carried out planning and activities for social and personnel development, 74% were engaged in labor force forecasts, 65% were involved in sociological research at enterprises, 41% analyzed the dynamics of labor productivity, 70% of firms organized social and cultural life.

Today, personnel departments implement many functions that were previously dispersed among economic, production, technical and other departments. Their integration in one place indicates a real increase in the influence of human resources in the practice of intra-organizational leadership. This service structure allows the administration to actually manage this important resource and solve complex problems of increasing production efficiency.

A survey of specialists showed that currently the greatest efforts of personnel departments (in terms of time spent) are aimed at improving labor relations, selecting candidates for vacant positions, developing and implementing training programs and social development programs, as well as organizing wages. Moreover, not in all cases they can independently make appropriate decisions, but share this responsibility primarily with line managers and other services. Thus, today it is not accounting, but substantive analytical and organizational aspects of activity that are increasingly predominant. The professional level of HR specialists has increased sharply. They include psychologists, conflict experts, specialists in management, teaching methods (teachers) and labor relations, whose training is carried out on a large scale at universities. Out of 100 personnel management specialists, on average, 12 are specialists in training, professional development and social development, 37 are specialists in human resources and 38 are general managers in human resources.

In recent years, a number of new professions and specialties have emerged in intra-organizational management, including recruiters (recruiters) and interviewers (psychologists who interview job applicants). Methodists and instructors, career consultants, career guidance and organizational planning specialists.

Currently, in the United States, many HR functions for companies are performed by specialized consulting organizations, training centers, executive search firms and firms providing temporary workers, i.e., management infrastructure organizations. According to a survey of management consulting firms, 25% are involved in HR streamlining. In the USA, along with organizations providing a wide range of personnel services, specialized companies have acquired the greatest importance.

Thus, information Sciences acts as a leading developer of management information subsystems for working with personnel, at the same time providing various services for their implementation and conducting extensive consulting work. A large group of companies specializes in building payment systems and/or other types of remuneration (social benefits). Among them, we can distinguish companies that provide complex services and companies that provide consulting on certain types of remuneration (benefits) and on certain methods of calculating them (for example, on analytical assessment of work and tariffication). Along with consultants, research firms and information centers play an important role.

A new phenomenon in the field of personnel services is the separation of the function of selecting key personnel, managers and specialists into a special type of infrastructure organizations (execuftVe search firms). Some of them count hundreds of thousands of specialists recommended and hired by clients. And the number of firms themselves, for example, in the USA, is estimated at about 1.5 thousand. The most significant area of ​​human resources services is the area of ​​professional training and advanced training. It accounts for 20 to 40% of the total amount spent by organizations in this area. Moreover, an extensive market for educational materials, programs, and technical teaching aids has also been created.

3. Test

In what case does the labor motive form?

a) if work activity is the main condition for obtaining benefits;

b) if work experience is a criterion for distribution relations;

c) if high status provides an opportunity to receive benefits.

List of used literature

1. Organizational personnel management / ed. prof. AND I. Kibanova. - M., 2010.

2. Armstrong M. Practice of human resource management. - St. Petersburg. : Peter, 2009.

3. Bakirova G.Kh. Personnel management training. St. Petersburg, 2004.

4. Borisova E.A. Personnel assessment and certification. St. Petersburg, 2003.

5. Bossidy L., Charan R. Execution. System for achieving goals = Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done. - M.: "Alpina Publisher", 2012.

6. Glazov MLM. Personnel management: analysis and diagnostics:! personnel management. - St. Petersburg, 2007.

7. Dyatlov V.A., Kibanov A.Ya., Pikhalo V.T. Personnel management: textbook. - M.: Prior, 2004.

8. Egorshin A.P. Personnel Management. - N. Novgorod: NIMB, 2007.

9. Ivantsevich J.M., Lobanov A.A. Human resources management. - M., 1993.

10. Komkona O.S. Reorganization of the enterprise. Personnel management during the period of reorganization. - M., 2006.

11. Commentary on the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. - M., 2003.

12. Cornelius N. HR management. - M.: Balance Business Books, 2005.

13. Kibanov A.Ya., Durakova I.B. Organizational personnel management / ed. prof. AND I. Kibanova. - M., 2010.

14. Magura M.I., Kurbatov M.B. Personnel training as a competitive advantage. - M., 2004.

15. Mordvin S.K. Personnel Management. Modern Russian practice. - M., 2005.

16. Ulrich D. Effective personnel management: the new role of the HR manager in the organization = Human Resource Champions: The Next Agenda for Adding Value and Delivering Results. - M.: "William", 2006.

17. Personnel management: textbook / ed. T.Yu. Bazarova, B.L. Eremina - M.: UNITY, 2005.

18. Shapiro S.A. Personnel management as a type of business activity. - M., 2006.

19. Shekshnya S., Ermoshkin N.N. Strategic HR management in the Internet era. - M., 2002.

20. Shinkarenko O.N. Organizational personnel management in the implementation of ISO 9000:2000 series standards. -M., 2007.

21. Hugheslid M.A., Ulrich D., Becker B.I. Measuring the performance of the HR department. People, Strategy, and Performance = The HR Scorecard: Linking People, Strategy, and Performance. - M.: "William", 2007.

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Management plays an important role in the life of any enterprise. For effective management it is necessary to properly manage personnel. Problems often arise from poor management. It is better to prevent such problems than to solve them. In order to prevent a problem, you need to understand what it is and start doing it when hiring staff.

Employee management is a complex of various techniques, principles and forms of influence on workers in order to improve labor performance. The problem of the personnel management system is considered a hot topic not only for company managers, but also for the personnel themselves. The best scenario for the development of the situation is as follows: the director treats his employees loyally and does not show excessive severity, and the employees do their work efficiently and are not late on deadlines.

This development option does not occur very often. A variety of reasons can hinder such development. Modern problems of personnel management lie in the fact that organizational leaders do not apply modern technologies that would increase the efficiency of working relationships. For a manager, experience alone is not enough in many cases.

Problems of enterprise personnel management

Personnel management is a rather complex dilemma that requires costs, not only time and organizational, but also financial. The problems of enterprise personnel management are usually limited to the fact that the leader needs not ordinary people, but qualified employees. Most employees are educated and have some professional skills. Problems can arise due to poor management. The most common problems are:

  • The company does not have a very high reputation;
  • The chances of going bankrupt are very high;
  • The quality of the product leaves much to be desired.

If you look at the statistics, difficulties usually arise due to the fault of the governing bodies. Statistics say that 71% of cases are associated with improper management. The level of performance always depends on the leader. Human resource management problems in an organization often arise because they fail to identify a crisis at an early stage.

The mistake of many managers is that they attribute problems to temporary difficulties. Management often uses the wrong methods to improve performance. Such methods include harsh discipline, increased punishment and much more. As a result, personnel may leave the enterprise en masse due to rash actions of management.

Increasingly, you can notice situations where the rights of an employee are violated. Sometimes this is due to the fault of managers, but often the culprit is the employees themselves. The worker may perform his duties poorly or fail to meet deadlines. The current problems of personnel management are that management must constantly improve its skills in personnel management. To achieve positive results, continuous anticipation of problems is necessary. Difficulties are best addressed at their initial stages.

When managing employees, the following types of problems can be identified:

  • The so-called problem of an excellent student. The most outstanding employee often becomes the leader. Since this employee usually has a narrower specialty and is not familiar with all the intricacies, he can make gross mistakes in managing employees.
  • Senior problem. It is not uncommon for employees to observe their manager. The latter, in turn, can emphasize the fact that there is a certain distance between him and the employees.
  • The problem with the name "your guy". The employee management function can be adversarial. A leader may face resistance from employees.
  • The problem of hoping to find a hero. Many managers expect employees to do all the work correctly. Unfortunately, such employees are difficult to find in the modern labor market.
  • The problem is the large wage gap. Employees may become dissatisfied with this problem.
  • The problem is high staff turnover. If an organization cannot control employee turnover, then the use of personnel may be ineffective. There is often a situation where company managers do not want to hire young employees, despite the fact that many may be valuable employees.

The following questions may often arise: how to evaluate the effectiveness of employee management? By what criteria can effectiveness be determined? What data is needed for this? Among specialists who analyze human resource management problems, there is no consensus regarding the assessment of the system. The reason for this phenomenon is that the activities of employees are directly related to the production process and other factors.

To assess how effectively a manager manages personnel, you can choose one of the modern approaches. One approach is to analyze production results. Another approach is to analyze the complexity of work. The next approach is to analyze employee motivation. It is also necessary to determine what social and psychological climate is observed in the team. It may be necessary to address the improvement of the organization's personnel management system. But in any case, personnel management problems can be significantly reduced by taking measures appropriate to the specific situation.

Human resource management in the service sector (retail trade, hotel and restaurant business, consumer services) has its own characteristics.

From this article you will learn:

  • how to manage sales personnel with minimal costs;
  • what specific personnel management problems does the HR manager of a trading enterprise have to solve;
  • What is the basis for effective economics of personnel management in a hotel or restaurant?

Sample documents

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Regulations on non-material motivation

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Economics of personnel management in trade: how to retain employees?

The service sector occupies one of the key positions in the economy of post-industrial society: it is characterized by a high level of profit (compared to the agricultural or industrial sector) and a significant number of jobs. Trade is one of the pillars on which the service sector rests.

HR management in a retail enterprise has its own characteristics: high staff turnover and long working hours create the need to constantly hire new employees and find effective ways to retain experienced staff.

The main problems of personnel management in trade, as a rule, come down to:

  • lack of practical experience among employees of a trading enterprise;
  • difficult working conditions (long shifts, the need to constantly be in sight of customers), which discourage potential employees;
  • difficulties in planning work schedules caused by fluctuations in consumer demand.

Retail trade attracts mainly people without work experience (for example, part-time students) and without special education. Low level of discipline, reluctance to make a career and monitor one’s own appearance and behavior in the workplace, absenteeism - this is not a complete list of shortcomings of workers who chose the trade sector only because “a store or supermarket is located near home,” but more interesting and There is no profitable occupation at the moment.

Therefore, to achieve satisfactory results, the HR manager must carefully screen out candidates during the initial selection and apply effective ways to motivate employees.

  • make personnel search and selection procedures massive to ensure the maximum number of candidates and select the most suitable ones;
  • make it available to employees who are truly suited to trade work and do not see it as a “temporary option”;
  • establish control not only over the appearance of employees, but also over their behavior in the workplace;
  • introduce short but intensive training programs at the enterprise for employees with no work experience;
  • improve staff morale in every possible way to reduce staff turnover and improve the quality of work;
  • establish a level of material remuneration for work that is fair from the employees’ point of view;
  • resolve any conflicts that arise between employees in a timely manner before most of the team is involved;
  • try to plan work taking into account trends in consumer demand in order to evenly distribute the load among all salespeople, cashiers and other sales floor workers.

Hotel personnel management: focusing on motivation

For the hotel industry, labor resources are of great importance, since the services offered by hotels are of an intangible nature. The well-being of such an enterprise largely depends on the professionalism of its employees. In order for the economics of hotel HR management to provide the best results, a clear HR system should be created, covering not only the area of ​​​​day-to-day tasks solved through administrative intervention, but also strategic issues.

Practice shows that the most painstaking work with personnel does not provide a positive effect if employees are not motivated enough. Poor management of hotel staff affects the company's profits almost immediately: the results of numerous studies have shown that there is a direct relationship between the loyalty of employees and the loyalty of hotel customers. Therefore, even in a small hotel it is important to implement, avoiding:

  • “punitive” motivation techniques that encourage the departure of the most creative, active and competent employees;
  • instability (you should not cancel motivational events and cut the social package for no apparent reason understandable to the staff);
  • ignoring the expectations and interests of employees;
  • inconsistencies between the motivation system and the overall strategy of the company.

You should not rely solely on the material component of motivation: as a rule, a salary increase ceases to motivate an employee after just a few months, but the process of work itself and the growth of career status can provide a much longer-lasting effect.

Personnel management in the restaurant business: we carefully select employees

Well-organized HR management makes it possible to provide any restaurant with qualified employees who conscientiously perform their duties and thereby increase customer loyalty (and, consequently, the establishment’s profit). In order for restaurant personnel management to give a positive result, it is necessary to identify in advance the most pressing personnel problems and find ways to solve them. Most often, restaurant managers have to deal with the following issues:

  • training for employees who are employed without work experience and relevant education; low prestige of the profession (working as a bartender or waiter is considered not attractive enough, and this repels many promising candidates);
  • interpersonal conflicts in the team caused by the need for everyday teamwork.

In addition, “random” people often get into the restaurant business, finding employment for the purpose of making a quick profit (potential scammers) or looking for temporary work. Modern selection methods help to weed out such applicants: step-by-step testing, role-playing games (including conflict games), interviews testing special skills.

The most pressing problems include the following: the departure of qualified specialists, low performance and labor discipline of personnel, insufficient qualifications of personnel and individual managers, unsatisfactory moral and psychological climate, low level of motivation of employees, and as a consequence, insufficient initiative of employees, confrontation between administration and personnel.

It is known that the successful development of organizations in modern conditions largely depends on from competitiveness personnel, which is achieved through constant personnel training, advanced training, and strategic planning and professional orientation. In Russia, the educational services market turned out to be unbalanced with the real needs of the skilled labor market; the quality level of workers is significantly inferior to the requirements internationally labor market.

This gives grounds to assert that now is the time when it is necessary to pay closer attention to the systematic training and, especially, retraining of qualified specialists. However, there are still very few Russian companies that place training and continuous improvement of personnel qualifications as a priority. In most cases, in this matter, enterprises continue to live one day at a time, focusing all their attention on solving current problems. Without a doubt, the issue of personnel is of a strategic nature, both for large successful and small firms.

It is necessary to train and significantly improve the qualifications of the management corps of Russian companies in management, marketing, innovation, personnel management and a number of other disciplines, taking into account the peculiarities of the current economic situation in Russia. The formation of the business services industry must become one of the most important problems of structural investment policy.

The set of programs used in the process of training and retraining managers must meet the changed and increased requirements to the leaders. Programs should guide managers to assess management effectiveness and, as a result, increase competitiveness through maximum use of human resources in their work as opposed to economic growth achieved through additional capital investment.

Personnel development planning is necessary. There are several ways to do this, including: careful selection of personnel, systematic promotion their qualifications, creating conditions for the most effective manifestation of their abilities and developing a methodology for assessing the actual effectiveness of the team’s work.

It should be noted that recently in our country work has been carried out to fill the gap in the training of high-class management personnel: business schools are being organized and special literature is being published. However, as a rule, educational publications predominate and educational and methodological nature, considering mainly the history and fundamentals of personnel management, and there is clearly a lack of practical materials for HR specialists and senior managers.

Good results in personnel management can only be achieved through constant monitoring of existing problems. If you use Only the knowledge that is given to a person by nature or only intuition, then you can make mistakes that cannot be corrected; It is necessary to constantly learn the skills of personnel management in order to avoid the occurrence of a variety of problems.

According to analysts, there are a number of problems that need to be highlighted:

 the problem of the best student. Usually the best employee is appointed as the manager. And such employees most often know only a limited area of ​​work, by and large only their own, and other areas only superficially, so they can make mistakes in personnel management.

 your boyfriend's problem. The role of HR management is initially confrontational towards employees. Not all subordinates like the fact that they are given additional work and create problems. The leader has to deal with the resistance that arises; management goes hand in hand with emerging negativity and hidden resistance.

 positive projection. This problem includes the desire to attribute one’s own character traits to other employees. It is not right, since each employee is an individual who has his own view of the situation.

 elder syndrome. Employees observe frequently and closely for guidance. Sometimes, many bosses consciously emphasize the distance between themselves and the staff. As a result, if the boss maintains controllability, then only at the level of strict requirements.

 hero expectation syndrome. The employee guesses what work needs to be done from the boss’s face and appears before him on time with the task correctly completed; if there are no tasks, the subordinate finds the job himself and does it, does not ask unnecessary questions, is always ready to stay late at work and does not even talk about a promotion. This is the ideal.

 circus stars. The manager believes that the employee receives a salary, therefore he is obliged to work tirelessly, exhaustingly.

 large difference in salary between the boss and the employee. In Russia, this difference is quite noticeable and can be more than two or even three times, in contrast to a third in the West.

 staff turnover. Very often, enterprises cannot control staff turnover due to wrong formation of personnel policy or ineffective use of personnel.

If you properly manage personnel with knowledge of the social and psychological aspects of personnel, you can change the quality of employee work, increase profits, and significantly improve the atmosphere in the organization. Not every person is given the gift of leadership and leadership by nature, so this is undoubtedly worth learning.

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4.1. Personnel of scientific and technical (innovative) organizations and management features

scientific and technical personnel,

scientific staff,

Personnel Management

The personnel component of the innovation mechanism (scientific potential), i.e. scientific and technical personnel, is a socio-professional group consisting of scientific, engineering and other categories of workers carrying out the process of “research - production - consumption”. They are connected by a single ultimate goal, common features in the content, nature and conditions of work, and the incentive system. Scientific and technical personnel include workers constantly engaged in research, design, technological, organizational and methodological developments and their practical implementation (mastery and implementation). Scientific and technical personnel involved in the innovation process are part of the total workforce and participate in the creation of national income.

The scientific and technical personnel include scientists, designers, technologists, planners, economists and other categories of specialists from research institutes and design bureaus, as well as workers from pilot enterprises and workshops. This should also include employees of scientific and technical departments of associations and enterprises, taking into account the degree of their participation in research and development. Note that in accordance with the “Canberra Guidelines for Measuring Human Resources in Science and Technology”, adopted by the OECD in 1995 in Canberra (Australia), scientific and technical personnel are classified according to skill levels (education), fields of science, profession, employment category ( including the unemployed and not employed in the economy), industries, regions, gender, age, national origin. In addition, their inflow from various sources and outflow in various directions, including abroad, are taken into account.

The personnel of scientific and technical organizations is divided into the following groups: scientific staff, scientific and technical personnel, scientific support personnel, administrative and economic personnel, production personnel (if there are experimental and production units). The main link in the structure of scientific and technical personnel is scientific staff, who play a special role by coming up with new ideas, making discoveries and offering innovative solutions. Scientific and technical personnel include designers, technologists, experimenters and other categories of workers involved in scientific services and implementation of research results. Scientific support staff includes employees of patent services, departments of scientific, technical and financial and commercial information, financial and economic departments, laboratory assistants, as well as workers in experimental production, adjusters and repairmen of scientific equipment and instruments, and computer maintenance specialists. IN administrative staff includes secretaries, clerks, assistants, typists, document reproduction service workers (photocopies, etc.).

Personnel Management in scientific and technical organizations (including scientific departments of enterprises and associations) - this is the performance of the function of personnel planning, selection and transfer of workers, formation of an optimal (rational) structure of relationships in the team, regulation of the motivational behavior of employees, creation of a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team, permission conflict situations, organization and stimulation of work. The functions and methods of personnel management in innovative organizations largely depend on the specific features and content of innovative work. These features include: the uniqueness and originality of the work performed, a high level of qualifications and erudition of employees, insufficient information support for the innovation process (especially in the first stages), the risk of functioning of many organizations (for example, venture capital), the diversity of social groups among specialists performing innovative work . Taking this specificity into account, some aspects of personnel management are outlined below.

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