Essential oil of bergamot. The use of bergamot essential oil in everyday life. Bergamot essential oil for hair and nails

On the Mediterranean coast near the Italian city of Bergamo, a very capricious tree grows: its flowers fall from the wind, and the fruits do not tolerate heat at all. In addition, this itself is not at all a small (from two to ten meters in height) evergreen plant dies at temperatures below 5 ° C. Is it any wonder that such a sissy feels best in sunny Calabria? But even people who have never visited Italy are probably well acquainted with the aroma of small yellow-green fruits. So, get acquainted: bergamot.

Not the most delicious, but very fragrant citrus

In fact, experts still do not have a single point of view on the origin of the plant itself and its name. Some consider bergamot to be an independent type of citrus, obtained by crossing citron and orange; others are sure that this is just one of the varieties of orange. Someone connects the name "bergamot" with the Italian city of Bergamo, and someone - with the ancient Turkish city of Pergamon (modern Turkish Bergamo). Southeast Asia is considered to be the birthplace of bergamot, but today its main area of ​​\u200b\u200bgrowth is Italy (however, this thorny tree is also found in Africa, in southern Turkey and France).

Photo gallery: bergamot, its flowers and fruits

Bergamot is an evergreen tree with fleshy leaves and small, yellow-green fruits resembling oranges Delicate white bergamot flowers, blooming in March, have a surprisingly bright and pleasant aroma Cut bergamot fruit looks like a lemon or orange

The aroma of bergamot fruits - spicy-citrus with smoky bitterness and light floral notes - will hardly leave anyone indifferent. But their taste, unfortunately, is much inferior to the lemons, limes and grapefruits we are used to: the sour-bitter tart pulp absolutely does not cause a desire to feast on it. Therefore, the plant is used, first of all, to obtain the essential oil contained in the peel of the fruit. True, in recent years, bergamot ether has also been produced from its flowers and leaves.

How bergamot "inherited" in the history of mankind

It is generally accepted that bergamot began to be used commercially in 1824 as a flavoring agent for low-quality teas. It was as a result of this process that over time the well-known Earl Gray ("Count Gray" or "Grey Earl") appeared - the most popular variety of flavored tea in the world.

The classic version of Earl Gray is black tea with bergamot oil, although today green and white teas with bergamot flavor are also produced under this name.

Pieces of dried peel or a few drops of bergamot oil added to tea leaves give the drink an unforgettable taste and aroma.

  • back in 1709 in Germany, on the basis of bergamot ether, eau de Cologne (“Cologne water”) was made, and this is nothing less than the first cologne in the history of mankind;
  • there are references to the use of bergamot oil by German physicians in the treatment of wounds and skin diseases as early as the 17th century;
  • in the most ancient esoteric practices, it was believed that bergamot oil, which belongs to the group of solar oils, increases the brightness of the glow of the aura, gives a feeling of joy and happiness, protects against other people's negative energy and awakens creative forces.

And there is also an opinion that the pharmacist from Cologne, who created Cologne water, simply managed to unravel the secret composition of “aqua regina” - “royal water”, invented in one of the monasteries of Florence in the XIV century.

In general, it must be admitted that the use of bergamot by man has a long and rather diverse history.

The recent history of bergamot

In whatever area bergamot is used today - be it perfumery, cosmetology, esotericism, medicine or cooking - we are talking, first of all, about its essential oil.

Essential oil of bergamot

Despite the fact that the peel of bergamot is quite heavily saturated with esters, about two hundred kilograms of fresh fruits are needed to produce one kilogram of light green oil.

Citrus essential oils are obtained in two main ways: cold pressing (pressing) or distillation. Since in the second case, the vegetable raw material is in contact with hot water or steam, its aroma is partially lost. Therefore, the oil obtained by distillation is of lower quality.

Of course, at such a relatively low yield finished product turns out to be very cheap. But its unique properties, due to the composition, justify all the costs incurred.

Composition of bergamot oil

By the richness of the composition, bergamot oil, as they say, is “ahead of the rest”: it consists of 175 various substances. By the way, among citrus fruits, only bergamot (and its oil) contains melitidine and brutieridine, which have a pronounced anticholesterol effect. The amazing aroma of the fruit is due to linalool and L-linalyl acetate, and the rest of its beneficial properties are responsible for:

  • limonene;
  • camphene;
  • citral;
  • geraniol;
  • caryophyllene;
  • D-a-terpineol;
  • bergapten;
  • methyl anthranilate;
  • and a whole bunch of specific substances and compounds like oxygen-containing sesquiterpenoids (nerolidol, farnesol, bisabolols).

It is clear that from a product with such a unique composition, everyone has the right to expect absolutely unique properties. Well, bergamot oil quite lives up to these expectations.

Fragrant light green bergamot oil has a rich and diverse composition and many useful properties

We love, we appreciate, we are proud: the properties and use of bergamot oil

Thanks to his unique composition, bergamot oil:

  • exhibits antibacterial, antiseptic, wound healing, antispasmodic, antipyretic, tonic and soothing properties;
  • reduces the level total cholesterol, blood sugar levels and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels, which are responsible for the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Therefore, the product is actively used for:

  • stress, neurosis, depression, anxiety;
  • bronchitis, inflammation of the nasopharynx and sinuses;
  • functional disorders gastrointestinal tract(loss of appetite, intestinal colic, stomach pain);
  • cystitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • acne, pustules;
  • psoriasis, eczema, herpes, skin irritations, seborrhea.

Thus, there are at least three areas of application of bergamot oil besides the food industry with its teas and the perfume industry with its cologne: medicine, psychology and cosmetology.

fragrant medicine

For medicinal purposes, bergamot oil can be used both externally and as a internal remedy(which is, generally speaking, a rarity for ethers).

Table: healing recipes using bergamot oil

medical problem Bergamot Oil Recipe
Angina Use a composition of 3 drops of bergamot oil and 1 tsp for gargling. honey mixed in a glass of water
Elevated temperature Add 15 drops of bergamot oil to 200 ml of cold water and apply a compress to the calf muscles
Depression Add one drop of bergamot oil to 1 tsp. honey and take the mixture three times a day
Decreased appetite A mixture of one drop of bergamot oil and 1 tsp. take honey from one to three times in a day
Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract 25-30 drops of bergamot oil and 1 tsp. dissolve honey in half a glass boiled water, divide the resulting drink into 3 parts and take three times a day for a week
Elevated cholesterol Add to 1 tbsp. honey 3 drops of bergamot oil and take the resulting mixture once a day 30 minutes before meals for a month
Badly scarring wounds Use externally a mixture of 10 ml vegetable oil and 5 drops of bergamot oil
Phlebeurysm Apply compresses from a mixture of 200 ml of water and 10 drops of bergamot oil
Flu, SARS To destroy viruses, add 3-5 drops of bergamot oil per 15 sq.m. to the aroma lamp. floor space
Inflammation of the mouth Use a rinse with 100 ml of warm water, 2 drops of bergamot oil and 2 drops of oil tea tree
Headache Massage the back of the head and temples with a mixture of 10 ml of grape seed oil, 2 drops of bergamot oil and 2 drops of neroli oil.
Bacterial diseases of the genitourinary system For two weeks, use tampons moistened with a mixture of 1 tbsp at night. water and 3-4 drops of bergamot oil

In addition, since bergamot oil can actively affect emotional sphere person, he is highly valued by psychologists.

Bergamot and psychology

Psychologists (as well as esotericists) have long known that the aroma of bergamot:

  • increases concentration;
  • activates creative abilities;
  • relieves anxiety;
  • successfully fights despondency;
  • stabilizes the psyche;
  • increases self-esteem;
  • gives a feeling of joy.
  • start the morning with an invigorating shower, using bergamot gel for it;
  • periodically inhale the aroma of bergamot at work to relieve accumulated fatigue;
  • before an important meeting, breathe in a mixture of bergamot and lavender aromas in order to achieve the required level of concentration and concentration;
  • use scented lamps and scented bergamot oil baths to reduce anxiety, improve mood and appetite.

By the way, you can achieve a stunning refreshing effect using the following simple recipe: in a bath with warm (about 45 ° C) water, add a couple of tablespoons of full-fat milk or cream, previously mixed with five to seven drops of bergamot ether. 15 minutes of relaxation in such a bath - and you are ready for new achievements.

Video: what is useful bergamot

Hardly anyone would dispute the fact that emotional condition a person directly affects his appearance. So already at the stage of psychological relaxation, bergamot oil makes us fresher and more beautiful. But this is mere trifles compared to how it can affect our appearance as a cosmetic product.

Home beautician

The antiseptic and wound-healing properties of bergamot oil, as well as its ability to regulate the level of oiliness of the skin and have a tonic effect on it, make this ester an effective cosmetic product.

Let's fix the face

Are you troubled by problem skin, acne, rosacea, comedones, acne? It doesn't matter: bergamot is in a hurry to help! Its essential oil:

  • normalizes work sebaceous glands and effectively fights oily skin;
  • narrows pores;
  • accelerates cellular regeneration and quickly heals wounds and sores;
  • evens out the relief of the skin and increases its elasticity;
  • lightens dark circles under the eyes and refreshes the skin tone.

To achieve such wonderful results, you can either add 2-5 drops of bergamot oil to your favorite cream, toner, lotion, makeup remover, or indulge in "homemade" pleasant and effective beauty products based on it. For example, like this:

  1. To cleanse the skin: you will need 10 ml of grape seed oil, 5 drops of bergamot oil, 5 drops of thyme oil; mix all the ingredients and rub the resulting mixture into cleansed face before going to bed.
  2. To reduce oily sheen: you will need 75 ml of distilled water (sold in pharmacies), 15 ml of glycerin (sold in pharmacies), 5 drops of bergamot oil, 5 drops of geranium oil; mix all the ingredients well and wipe the cleansed face before going to bed.
  3. To lighten the skin and increase its tone: you will need 2-4 drops of bergamot oil, 0.5 tsp. honey, 500 ml of warm boiled water; mix oil and honey, dissolve the resulting mixture in water, rinse your face, previously cleansed of makeup and impurities, and pat dry.
  4. To narrow the pores: you will need egg white, 5 drops of bergamot oil; whip the protein into a weak foam, add oil, apply the resulting mixture on cleansed face for 10 minutes, rinse warm water.
  5. For acne: you will need half an apple (without peel), 1.5 tsp. grape seed oil, 5 drops of bergamot oil; grate an apple on a fine grater, add a mixture of oils, apply the resulting gruel on cleansed face for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. Immediately after applying the product, a slight burning sensation may appear, which quickly passes.
  6. From acne: you will need 5 g of dry plantain leaves (sold in a pharmacy), 10 g of red clay (sold in a pharmacy), 20 drops of bergamot oil; grind plantain leaves into powder, add clay and oil, mix well, evenly apply the composition on the pre-steamed skin of the face and leave for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Bergamot oil is an excellent skin care product. oily skin face, because it has antiseptic and wound healing properties, as well as the ability to normalize the sebaceous glands

I have problematic skin that gets inflamed from time to time. I am preparing a face mask with bergamot oil and clay, it soothes well, relieves irritation.

Daria, 25 years old

But the face is the face, and no one has canceled the care of other parts of the body either. So, what else can bergamot oil offer us?

When age is not determined by a passport

A massage product with bergamot oil can dry out pustules and herpetic rashes on the body, reduce the manifestations of acne, reduce sweating and normalize the sebaceous glands, refresh and cool the skin. To do this simply:

  • mix 50 ml of sweet almond oil, 5 drops of bergamot ester, 5 drops of lemon oil, 3 drops and 1 drop of rosemary oil;
  • use the resulting mixture for general or segmental massage or rubbing.

By the way, anti-cellulite massage with bergamot oil is also very effective. In this case, use a mixture of 10 g of base oil and 5-7 drops of bergamot oil. Such massages are done in a course: one procedure every two days for two weeks.

And bergamot oil helps to get an even, beautiful tan. Therefore, it makes sense to add 2-3 drops of it to 1 tbsp. l. of your favorite tanning product and apply the resulting mixture to the body about an hour before sunbathing.

[The next paragraph can be safely skipped by young ladies who do not yet care about the condition of the skin of their hands.] Oh, these hands! It is they (and not at all slight wrinkles near the eyes or a few gray hairs in the hair) that betray our true age to those around us. But it must be admitted that they get much more in life than other parts of the body: cleaning, cooking, washing (yes, this happens) - all this cannot but leave its mark. So, dear ladies of the near-Balzac age: bergamot oil perfectly nourishes and rejuvenates the skin of the hands, and the author of the article tested this on herself. Prepare a mixture of 10 ml base oil(the author prefers coconut, but you can take, for example, sweet almond or grape seed oil) and 3-5 drops of bergamot oil, apply it on your hands and massage your skin well (by the way, this mixture perfectly strengthens nails and accelerates their growth). And let your age be determined by the radiance of your eyes, and not by the wrinkles on your hands!

I use bergamot oil for face and nails. For the skin, I add the product to the day cream, with oil it mattifies the skin even more and dries up inflammation. The complexion looks healthy, the skin is radiant. For nails, I rub oil into the cuticles and nail plates, they have become stronger and do not exfoliate.

Alina, 23 years old

And yet, no matter how unpleasant it is to talk about it, there is such a problem as excessive (and extremely odorous, yes) sweating of the feet. Also familiar to the author firsthand, alas.

Thousand dollar legs

The author of the article arranges this procedure for himself at least twice a week. She helps fight excessive sweating feet and deodorizes them. It's simple: 2 drops of bergamot oil are added to a bowl of warm water (approximately four liters), fir oil and tea tree oils. In this bath, the feet are rinsed with pleasure for 15-20 minutes. That's it, that's enough. Checked on myself. Did you think it would be more difficult?

Spit - girlish beauty

Well, today a braid to the waist may be too much, but healthy well-groomed hair is an indispensable attribute female beauty at all times. And to make them so will help us (drumroll) ... You guessed it? That's right, bergamot oil. Because that's what it is:

  • fights dermatitis and seborrhea of ​​the scalp;
  • eliminates dandruff;
  • normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands;
  • strengthens and nourishes hair follicles;
  • accelerates cell regeneration;
  • prevents the split ends of the hair.

The result is shiny, strong, healthy hair. And for this you just need to add a few drops of bergamot oil to regular shampoo, balm or conditioner. Or apply these drops to a wooden comb and carefully comb your hair with it in different directions. Moreover, this action must be performed regularly, otherwise, alas, there will be no effect.

Regular combing with a wooden comb using a few drops of bergamot oil promotes healthy and beautiful hair.

And it’s also good to make masks for hair. For example, these:

  1. For dandruff: you will need slightly warmed in a water bath Burr oil(1 tablespoon), bergamot oil (2 drops), tea tree oil (3 drops), eucalyptus oil (3 drops); mix all the ingredients, rub the mixture into the hair roots and leave for 40 minutes, wash your hair with your usual shampoo.
  2. For damaged and weakened hair: you will need Castor oil(1 tablespoon), burdock oil (1 tablespoon), bergamot oil (4 drops); mix the ingredients, apply to the hair from the roots along the entire length and leave under a plastic cap for 15 minutes, wash your hair with your usual shampoo.
  3. To strengthen hair: you will need natural yogurt (30 g), bananas (2 pcs.), Bergamot oil (15 drops); beat yogurt with bananas in a blender, add bergamot oil to the resulting mixture and mix well, rub the composition into the roots of dry hair and distribute it along their entire length, leave the mask under a plastic cap for 1-2 hours, rinse with your usual shampoo.

Or a conditioner for oily hair, for example, this:

  • add to 500 ml of warm boiled water 1 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar and a mixture of bergamot oil (5-7 drops) and rosemary oil (3-5 drops);
  • Rinse your washed hair with the product.

I add bergamot oil to tea, it turns out to be very fragrant, and with a cold it helps to quickly cope with the disease. Recently I began to use a hair product, once a week I make masks to strengthen the roots, the hair falls out less.

Love, 31

So, in medicine, psychology and cosmetology, bergamot is highly valued, and it is well deserved. However, despite its, frankly, simply disgusting taste, this citrus is widely used in cooking. Don't believe? But in vain.

Bergamot in cooking

  1. There is nothing better in the world than adding a little grated bergamot zest to cupcake batter. Honestly. It turns out so spicy that neither lemon nor orange zest stood next to it. And in the absence of a fresh bergamot fruit on hand, it is quite possible to use a drop of bergamot oil for this purpose.
  2. Pork ribs, well marinated in a mixture of soy sauce, honey, bergamot juice (the main thing here is not to overdo it), ground black pepper, ground hot red pepper and ground coriander, then baked in the oven, guarantee you the adoration and devotion of all men fed this masterpiece ( just don't forget to serve beer with such ribs). Again: in the absence of bergamot fruit, use a drop (literally a drop) of bergamot oil in combination with balsamic vinegar instead of juice.
  3. Dressing from finely chopped fresh cucumber, dill, a few drops of bergamot juice, natural yogurt, mustard and salt can turn a trivial Chinese cabbage salad into a glamorous dish for a slimming diva.
  4. A cocktail of 50 ml of white Caribbean rum Malibu with the addition of a couple of drops of bergamot juice and a piece of ice makes life not just tolerable, but definitely beautiful.

In general, the fact that you were born bitter and sour does not mean at all that you will not find a use for yourself, and you will not be loved and appreciated.

Grated bergamot peel, added to the dough, gives baked goods a piquant spicy aroma and a pleasant taste.

Bergamot oil: contraindications

Unfortunately, each barrel of honey has its own fly in the ointment, and almost everything has contraindications. And with citrus fruits - any - you need to be extremely careful: these fruits often cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, before using bergamot oil, it is necessary to carry out an appropriate test by applying a small amount of fragrant liquid on the crook of the elbow. It should be borne in mind that reddening of the skin and a burning sensation in the first five minutes after such application are absolutely normal phenomena.

In addition, it is strongly not recommended to use bergamot oil on open areas of the skin immediately before going out in the sun: this way you risk getting uneven pigmentation. A simple conclusion follows from this: whatever cosmetic procedures with bergamot oil you were not going to apply, perform them in the evening before going to bed (the exception is sunbathing with a tanning agent enriched with bergamot ester. But do you remember that such a product is applied to the skin at least an hour before going out in the sun?).

And, finally, it is better to refrain from using bergamot oil for pregnant women: a number of substances contained in this ether can cause unwanted abbreviations uterus. Of course, this does not mean that a woman should forget about her favorite tea with bergamot for nine difficult months of her life, not at all: in the absence of an allergic reaction, a cup of aromatic drink a couple of times a week will not lead to fatal consequences. It is, as always, a matter of reasonable measure.

A little esoteric in the end

Of course, not everyone is close to esoteric practices, but it would be unfair to keep silent about this side of the use of bergamot oil.

It is believed that the solar oil of bergamot increases the glow of the human aura and dampens the vibrations of the hostile astral field. At the mental level, it organizes and structures the information and thoughts received.

In addition, bergamot oil is a strong aphrodisiac and has long been used in related magical rituals. Esoteric claims that it is able to attract a partner and strengthen the spiritual connection between lovers. On the other hand, this oil helps to get rid of excessive love affection and addiction.

So if your relationship has come to a standstill, and you would like to end it without unnecessary drama, tears and suffering, dilute in 1 tbsp. l. 3 drops of bergamot oil with water and rub the body with the fragrant mixture: this remedy will strengthen your mental strength, eliminate doubts and hesitations and make the break as easy as possible. In any case, this is what magicians, shamans and sorcerers of various kinds promise.

And also save peace of mind and faith in a happy tomorrow, your favorite perfume compositions with notes of bergamot will help you: Azure Lime (Tom Ford), Balenciaga Paris (Balenciaga), Armani Prive Cologne Spray Eau de Jade (Giorgio Armani), Pomegranate Splash (Marc Jacobs), Coco Mademoiselle (Chanel ).

Video: the use of bergamot oil

Citruses are a wonderful gift of nature to man: sunny, juicy, invigorating, fragrant, they give energy and joy and return the taste to life. Even the New Year smells like a Christmas tree and tangerines, have you noticed? And the small fruits of bergamot, although tasteless to the point of inedibility, are no exception. Hold them in the palm of your hand, bring them to your face and feel the huge potential, hidden for the time being in a thick multi-layered peel. Just trust the unspoken promise and this little splash of sunshine will change your life.

Bergamot oil has a unique wonderful aroma and medicinal properties. It is actively used in cosmetology and medicinal purposes. This tool is even credited with a certain magical effect that it can have on people. However, this remedy has its own contraindications, so before using it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Chemical composition

Essential oil Bergamot has a rich chemical composition. It contains a large number of complex aromatic organic compounds, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, sodium and other trace elements. The product is obtained by cold pressing or steam distillation. In the first case, the oil is obtained from the fruits, and in the second case, from the leaves and flowers. To obtain this drug, a large amount of plant material is required, so its cost is quite high.

The bergamot tree is native to Southeast Asia. His plantations are currently found in southern Italy and in South Africa. The plant is not more than five meters in height, the fruits are small, a little more walnut. Bergamotinki have several layers of fragrant peel, slices are juicy and very bitter in taste.

Essential oil of bergamot: properties

The most well-known beneficial properties of bergamot include the following:

  • relieves pain and spasms

Ether has a relaxing and calming effect on the central and peripheral nervous system. Our body is permeated with a network of neural connections linking the body to the brain. As soon as we relax and heavy thoughts go away, pains and spasms in organs and muscles disappear behind them.

  • relieves irritability, fatigue and anxiety

This product has a wonderful complex aroma, which, with its citrus-sweet notes, evokes memories of summer and makes you think of something pleasant. This effect is due to the relaxing effect on the nervous system of special substances that make up the fetus.

  • is a great aphrodisiac

This applies to both men and women. This tool is good to use with reduced sexual desire. Aromatherapy is the best way to do this.

  • has antipyretic properties

Due to the high content of organic acids, vitamins and trace elements, bergamot oil stimulates the immune system and helps in the fight against microbes and viruses. IN this case, you can use compresses or use this remedy for rubbing and massage.

  • good antiseptic

Improves digestion and metabolism. Normalizes the work of the pancreas, liver and gallbladder. During an exacerbation of the gastrointestinal tract this drug better not to use.

Expands blood vessels, promotes better current blood to the lungs, helps to eliminate spasms. Can be used as aromatherapy to ease breathing.

  • improves appetite

This must be taken into account by people suffering overweight.

  • helps get rid of varicose veins

Ether strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves heart function and accelerates blood flow in the body. This contributes to the fact that the blood is thinned, leveled stagnant processes in the veins.

  • thins the blood and prevents the formation of blood clots

Good for people prone to thromboembolism. The consumption of bergamot oil should be limited for those individuals who have poor blood clotting or suffer from hemophilia.

Pairs well with herbs such as sage, ylang ylang, geranium and eucalyptus.

The use of bergamot essential oil in cosmetology

This tool has been found active use in cosmetology. Bergamot essential oil is used:

  • for face

This tool has an excellent whitening effect and cleans well dark spots However, when using this remedy, you must limit the amount of time you spend in the sun.

A few drops of bergamot oil can be added to a mixture of face masks. It perfectly tones the skin, removes oily sheen, reduces the number of wrinkles.

  • for hair

The product improves the condition of the skin and hair. If the hair has become brittle and dull, gray hair has appeared, then apply a few drops of the product to the comb and run it through the hair.

It is good to add bergamot oil to rinses, for example, in herbal decoction. It will strengthen positive impact the last one. Also, the drug helps to get rid of vitiligo and baldness. To prevent the occurrence of the latter, rub this oil into the scalp once a week.

  • for nails

The tool gently affects the cuticle and nail plates, softening them. Nails become strong, smooth and shiny.

It should also be borne in mind that this product is allergenic, so consult a specialist before use.

Essential oil of bergamot in folk medicine

Bergamot oil has found its application in folk medicine. It is most often used in the following cases:

  • for rubbing during respiratory diseases and viral infections;
  • for the treatment of herpes;
  • to strengthen immunity;
  • helps to get rid of a helminthic infection;
  • improves digestion with low acidity.

magical properties

Bergamot is widely used for white magic rituals. Its complex spicy aroma sets you in a certain mood, helping you to realize your plans as soon as possible. Bergamot oil is not a means to protect against the effects of negative energy, but will help in matters of the heart, as well as improve mood and relieve anxiety and longing.

It is also well suited for rituals for material well-being, childbearing and attracting good luck.

Aromatherapy with bergamot essential oil

Healing aroma is actively used for aromatherapy sessions:

  • use of aroma lamp

For such a procedure, you can use both a specialized aroma lamp and just a container of hot water. Drop a few drops of bergamot oil into the water, then wait a bit, as the liquid evaporates, the room will be filled with aroma.

  • aroma bath application

First, the product must be dissolved in milk or cream, and then poured into the bath. You can take it for no more than a quarter of an hour, otherwise an allergic reaction of various etiologies may occur.

  • use in the bath

In the bath or sauna beneficial effect on the body of this remedy is enhanced. Bergamot oil perfectly relaxes, improves breathing, kills harmful microorganisms. long time use this product under conditions high temperature not recommended to avoid skin irritation.

  • use for massage treatments

You can drop a little money into the base for massage, stir well and proceed with the procedure. Avoid direct contact of oil and skin to avoid chemical burn. The drug perfectly tones and warms up the body, gives the skin pleasant aroma.

  • use for mouthwash

Suitable for people suffering from inflammation of the oral cavity. You can add a few drops of the product to the rinse solution, and then process oral cavity.

  • use in lotions and compresses

Good for relieving local pain, rashes and inflammation. Pure bergamot oil cannot be used; for these purposes, it is necessary to prepare special blend.


The price can vary from 150 to 300 rubles for a 5 ml container, depending on the manufacturer, shipping costs, composition and other factors.


Bergamot essential oil has the following contraindications:

  • increased skin pigmentation

Bergamot essential oil should be used with caution in people whose skin is prone to pigmentation. If you are using this remedy for medicinal purposes, then direct sunlight should be avoided.

Also, this drug should not be used by people prone to oncological diseases, as this may lead to malignant neoplasms.

  • allergic reactions

This tool is strong allergen, because it contains a large number of complex chemical organic compounds. Before using this oil, you need to check the reaction of the body, for this, mix the drug with big amount cream and apply to an exposed area of ​​the skin, such as the wrist. If redness does not appear, then the oil can be used in procedures.

  • pregnancy and lactation

In such a delicate period, this remedy cannot be used, since it is quite allergenic and toxic to the mother and fetus during pregnancy. During breastfeeding, it is also necessary to exclude the use this oil. Since the complex chemical composition can change the taste of milk, and cause an allergy in a child, or various developmental abnormalities.

  • period of exacerbation of diseases of the digestive system

During an exacerbation chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract, the use of this remedy should be excluded. It may worsen the inflammatory process mucous membrane of these organs.

  • epilepsy and other mental disorders

Despite its calming effect, bergamot oil is contraindicated for individuals suffering from mental disorders. As practice shows, the complex aroma of this remedy can trigger the activation of aggression in people with these diseases.

  • childhood

The use of bergamot oil to treat children is not recommended as it can be irritating to the growing children's body and cause an allergic reaction.

  • insomnia

The aroma of bergamot has a slight tonic effect, which is not at all suitable for individuals with sleep problems.

Bergamot essential oil has a complex and varied chemical composition. It contains many useful substances and helps in the treatment of digestive problems, depression, improves the functioning of the endocrine glands, increases appetite, etc. It is also actively used in cosmetology for the treatment of skin and hair problems. The ether has its own contraindications, so before using it is necessary to consult a specialist.

The benefits and harms of bergamot oil are a topic of keen interest to fans of traditional medicine and home cosmetics. It is interesting to understand in what cases an unusual remedy can be used - and what effect it has on the body.

How is bergamot oil obtained?

Bergamot is a citrus plant, bred by selection of orange and citron, and the fruits of this plant. It is from the peel of the latter that ether is extracted. The peel is harvested from still unripe fruits, as a rule, from the end of autumn to the middle of winter - and oil is squeezed out of it with the help of cold pressing. Raw materials to obtain useful tool it takes a lot - 1 kg of oil is obtained from about 200 kg of peel.

The finished product has a greenish-yellow color, has a viscous texture, and is very easy to recognize by its bright, fresh, sweetish aroma and slightly bitter taste.

Chemical composition and calorie content of bergamot oil

Useful properties of the product are very high, since the composition contains a lot valuable substances. Namely:

  • limonene, or lemon extract - occupies about 60% of the total volume;
  • substance linalyl acetate - about 17%;
  • substance linalool - approximately 9%;
  • bergapten and bergaptol;
  • citral and nerol;
  • pinene and camphene.

The calorie content is very low - only 2.8 calories are present in 100 ml of oil. Considering that in cooking the remedy is used in very small dosages, it does absolutely no harm to the figure.

Properties and uses of bergamot oil

In almost any form of use, the remedy has a positive effect on health. Namely:

  • speeds up metabolism and promotes correct work metabolism;
  • strengthens blood vessels and thereby protects the heart system from ailments;
  • reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, reducing harm to the liver;
  • effectively fights bacteria and viruses, therefore it is actively used for inflammatory and colds;
  • reduces high temperature;
  • has a mild analgesic effect;
  • extremely good effect on the condition of hair and skin.

The benefits of bergamot are highly valued in cosmetology, in home medicine, in cooking. The ether is used for personal care and for the treatment of a number of diseases, and the addition of the product in minimal doses to food and drinks quickly strengthens the immune system and improves the general condition of the body. Bergamot oil is also an aphrodisiac that is highly valued by men.

Traditional medicine recipes with bergamot oil

For certain ailments and disorders citrus remedy used most often. It is useful to know the methods of use - this will help to cope with the disease faster and, moreover, not harm yourself by negligence.

For inflammation in the mouth

Since among the useful properties of the product there is an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, the oil helps well with periodontal disease, stomatitis and toothache. Enough to drop into a glass clean water a few drops of bergamot - and rinse your mouth properly. You can also add a drop of oil to toothpaste- directly on the brush, before brushing your teeth.

For herpes

Ugly herpes sores will heal faster if you lubricate your lips with pure essential oil every 3 hours. However, before this procedure, the remedy must be applied to some other area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin and wait to make sure that the body will not be harmed by allergies.

From runny nose and colds

The beneficial properties of the ether are excellent for colds, fever, runny nose and cough. The tool helps to accelerate the discharge of sputum, fights viruses and microorganisms, facilitates breathing, and removes toxins from the body.

Oil can be used in several ways. For example:

  • open the bottle and breathe in the aroma of bergamot with severe nasal congestion;
  • pour a pot of hot water and drop a few drops of the product into it, and then breathe in the rising steam with your head covered with a towel.

The benefit of inhalations will be that they will help to significantly alleviate the condition of a cold and contribute to a speedy recovery.

For cystitis and other infections of the genitourinary system

Useful antibacterial properties The product helps well with cystitis and other inflammatory pathologies in women. You need to do the following - prepare a half-liter container with warm boiled water, add 1 teaspoon to it baking soda, drip 6 - 8 drops of oil, and then douching.

Also, with inflammation and infections, warm baths with the addition of oil will benefit. For a whole bath, you need to add 7 drops of oil and 2 large spoons of an emulsifier, which will help the product dissolve properly. Take a bath as usual, about 15 minutes. This method of treatment is equally well suited for both women and men with ailments in the urogenital area.

To relieve symptoms of PMS

If premenstrual syndrome is severe, you can use essential oils and apply them pointwise to biologically active points of the body - the solar plexus and wrists. Usually mixed with a few drops of oils of sage, bergamot, jojoba.

For fungus and eczema

The antibacterial properties of the oil will help to cope with the fungus, dermatitis, eczema and others. skin diseases. You just need to lubricate the affected areas on the skin several times a day. The product will also benefit from traumatic injuries - burns and scratches, as well as insect bites.

Before lubricating oil on sore spots, it is recommended to dilute it a little with water - so as not to harm the skin with hypersensitivity.

Compresses for swelling and pain

With migraines, arthritis, pain and spasms in the muscles and swelling, it is not necessary to immediately resort to painkillers. For starters, you can try using the properties of bergamot.

For pain in muscles and joints, it is customary to do compresses - best of all in evening time. A few drops of the product are added to 400 - 500 ml of water, then a piece of gauze or a cloth is moistened in the liquid, applied to the sore spot and kept for about 20 minutes. All the beneficial substances present in bergamot oil directly enter the body through the skin. If necessary, compresses can be repeated several times a day.

If you have a headache, you can simply lubricate the whiskey or neck area with a few drops of oil. Relief will come very quickly. At muscle pain you can rub the sore spot with oiled palms - this will also be beneficial.

Bergamot oil for face

Knowing about the beneficial properties of the product, one should not be surprised at the demand for bergamot essential oil for cosmetology. Oil is added to creams, masks, tonics, gels. It not only flavors cosmetic preparations, but also increases their value, as it has a tightening, rejuvenating and nourishing effect on the skin.

Useful skin care products can be prepared at home if you have a citrus remedy on hand.

Mask for oily skin

This mask will help to narrow the pores and normalize the production of subcutaneous fat:

  • beaten egg white mixed with 5 drops of oil;
  • applied to the face in an even layer;
  • hold until washed off for about 10 minutes.

You need to make a mask 3-4 times a week, then the benefits of its use will not keep you waiting.

Anti-acne remedy

The properties of another mask will help relieve irritation on the skin of the face and get rid of pimples. It is necessary to mix 7 ml of grape oil with a few drops of bergamot and thyme oils. Lubricate the face with the resulting product, hold the mask for no more than 15 minutes so that there is no harm to the skin, and then gently rinse off.

Bergamot oil for hair beauty

The product brings noticeable benefits to the hair - with regular use of oil, they become more obedient, silky and strong. Bergamot extract helps to get rid of dandruff and moisturizes too dry scalp.

A few drops of oil can be added to your regular shampoo, lubricate the teeth of the comb with the product. There are also recipes for hair masks that are easy to make at home.

For oily hair

To adjust the oiliness of the hair and scalp, you can make this mask:

  • 50 ml of yogurt is mixed with 2 egg yolks and 20 g of oatmeal;
  • 5 drops of bergamot oil are added to the mixture;
  • the mask is evenly distributed over the hair, especially carefully treating it at the roots, wrapping the head with cling film and a towel on top.

Wash off the mask after about 10 minutes, it will be useful to rinse the hair with a decoction of chamomile. It is recommended to do the procedure twice a week for greater benefit.


Instead of expensive dandruff remedies, you can use citrus ether. It is necessary to mix a few drops of bergamot and sandalwood, dilute in 15 ml of jojoba oil - and distribute evenly through the hair.

You need to keep the product for about half an hour. After a few applications, it will be noticeable that dandruff has become much less and the condition of the scalp has improved.

Bergamot oil for cuticle and nail care

From brittle nails and burrs, a citrus remedy will help - and it is very simple to use it. You just need to massage the cuticles, the skin of the fingers and the nails themselves daily - just a couple of drops of oil will be enough.

The effect will become noticeable after about 10 procedures - the nails will become stronger and acquire a healthy color, the cuticle will soften, and the burrs will disappear.

Bergamot oil in aromatherapy and perfumery

The product is valued not only for its beneficial properties, but also for a very pleasant smell. The tool is actively used in aromatherapy - citrus aroma perfectly relaxes, improves mood, relieves fatigue. In addition, the inhalation of aromatic vapors has a medical effect - useful substances enter the body, and overall well-being improves.

Important! Aromatherapy involves more than just scenting a room. Also included in this category are inhalations, taking aromatic baths, spotting oil on the skin.

Ether can often be found in perfumes - a citrus note always refreshes the fragrance, gives it lightness and at the same time astringency. If there is bergamot ether in the house, it is not even necessary to buy perfumes with this component - before leaving the house, you can apply a couple of drops of the product on your wrists and neck. True, it must be borne in mind that the essential oil quickly disappears, and the aroma will not last long.

Baths and wraps for weight loss

Bergamot Body Oil Can Help You Lose overweight. Moreover, it does not even have to be consumed inside - for the purpose of losing weight, baths and body wraps are used.

Useful aromatic bath with citrus oils, cream and honey will start the processes of fat burning in the body and accelerate the loss of excess weight.

  • A liter of fresh cream in a small saucepan is heated over low heat, then 3 large spoons of flower honey are added to them.
  • The mixture is well mixed, removed from the stove and instilled with 5 drops of bergamot oil, as well as ginger and cypress oils.
  • The prepared aromatic agent is poured into a warm bath and taken for about half an hour.

Advice! Drying with a towel after such a bath should not be - it is better to gently blot the skin and let it dry naturally in a warm room.

For wraps, a useful essential agent is most often used together with coffee grounds. Together, these two components most effectively accelerate the metabolism in the subcutaneous tissues.

  • 8 large spoons of coffee grounds are mixed with unrefined wheat germ oil.
  • Add 3 drops of bergamot oil and the same amount of cardamom oil.
  • The mixture is applied to preheated skin on the thighs, buttocks and abdomen, rubbed with light massaging movements.

From above, the problem area is wrapped with cling film and for 40-50 minutes they lie under a blanket or a warm blanket, and after this time the mixture is washed off.

Bergamot oil inside

Ether is used not only externally. The tool can be used internally, although in very small quantities.

Tea with bergamot oil

If desired, bergamot ether can simply be added a couple of drops to a teaspoon of honey and washed down with tea. But fragrant black tea with bergamot oil is more popular.

If you have essential oil and ordinary black tea at home, then making a drink is very simple. You just need to pour the tea leaves into a glass container, add 6 drops of oil and mix the leaves well. After that, brew as usual.

Is bergamot oil used for tanning?

Bergamot ether has one interesting property- it enhances the tan. This can be both beneficial and harmful. If the skin is very white and sensitive, it is better not to lubricate it before going out into the sun - burns are possible. But healthy and resistant to sunbeams the skin can be treated with a remedy - bergamot will help make the tan stronger and stronger.

Can pregnant women use bergamot oil?

During the period of bearing a child, it is necessary to use the useful ester of bergamot very carefully. Aromatherapy and inhalation sessions are allowed for use - their properties will not harm a woman and a baby. And the benefits will be expressed in the fact that bergamot will help to cope with migraines, colds and stress.

Important! It is not worth consuming the product inside during pregnancy - the properties of bergamot can harm the mother's body and the fetus.

Harm of bergamot oil and contraindications

With all the benefits of the product, it has certain contraindications. Bergamot ether should not be used:

  • in the presence of individual allergies;
  • at acute diseases stomach and intestines;
  • with hypertension;
  • at hypersensitivity skin;
  • under the age of 12 years.

How to properly store bergamot oil

The product can retain its beneficial properties for up to 5 years, but it must be stored in accordance with all the rules, namely, at a temperature not exceeding 22 degrees, in a dark glass bottle under a tightly closed lid.

It is impossible to keep bergamot ester in a plastic bottle - it will quickly deteriorate and begin to release toxins.


The benefits and harms of bergamot oil are determined by how you use it. With proper handling, the remedy will bring undoubted benefits to the body and have a beneficial effect on health and appearance.

Bergamot is a peculiar plant, its very name sounds a little unusual and arouses interest. There are several versions of the origin of this word. One, according to tradition, connects bergamot with ancient history, calling it the birthplace of Pergamum, one of the attractions of Turkey. The second version is no less beautiful, because it has an Italian “trace”, its supporters believe that the sonorous name of this plant comes from the name of the city of Bergamo, where the restless Truffaldino came from. Each of the versions is attractive in its own way, but the second one is especially charming, because the restless Italians, who gave a lot to the human race, could well “invent” this citrus with absolutely inedible pulp, but extremely valuable peel and unique aroma.

There are two variants of the pedigree of bergamot: the first suggests its viability, as separate species of the rue family, the second considers it a hybrid of ordinary and bitter (orange). By the way, bergamot is also a variety of pear.

Earl Gray tea and healing oil

Tea flavored with bergamot has probably been tried by many. Some, because they had heard about its extraordinary aroma and original taste, others, because they bought it without reading the information on the package, and in order not to throw it away, they nevertheless risked brewing it. Someone likes "Count Gray", someone does not, but everyone unanimously notes its tonic properties, because this gull in the morning invigorates no worse than a cup of the strongest coffee. And the reason is that it contains bergamot oil, which is obtained from the peel, flowers, leaves and young shoots of this citrus representative.

From the peel it is produced by cold pressing, and from flowers, leaves and shoots - by steam distillation. As practice shows, 1 kg of bergamot oil is obtained from 1.5 centners of peel, and therefore its cost is quite high. For example, among Syrian essential oils, it is in the middle of the price scale: 545 rubles for a 10 ml bottle. Although, of course, lemongrass is much more expensive.

But the wealth of his chemical composition it was bergamot oil that bypassed many of its counterparts. It includes great amount components:

  • limonene;
  • camphene;
  • citral;
  • geraniol;
  • caryophyllene;
  • D-a-terpineol;
  • bergapten;
  • methyl anthranilate;
  • linalool;
  • L-linalyl acetate.

The last two substances determine the aroma, which is unique to bergamot.

Attracts men and gets rid of worms

Since bergamot oil contains just a bunch of different substances, especially terpenes and terpenoids, an impressive number of different properties are attributed to it. Some argue that this oil can relieve fear, cure depression. Others advise using it to make "sensual" mixtures that attract men and create a unique erotic atmosphere. For some, it helped to cope with baldness, for others - even to quit smoking.

It is possible that in all these statements there is some truth, because if a person believes in the effectiveness of any drug, then no one has canceled the placebo effect. But even if we consider bergamot oil from a mundane point of view, it has a fairly large number of more prosaic properties, due to which it is used in the perfume industry, in the production confectionery, in folk medicine.

In particular, this oil is widely used for:

And this same bergamot with tasteless pulp ...

For external use, it is necessary to make a mixture of 10 ml of vegetable and 5 drops of bergamot oil, use it to treat poorly scarring wounds, as well as to cleanse the skin of acne. Very well helps with sore throat rinsing of 3 drops of this oil, dissolved in a glass of warm water. Compresses of 10 drops per 200 ml of water remove well elevated temperature and also recommended in complex treatment varicose veins.

IN home cosmetology essential bergamot oil is also used quite widely. Its property to reduce pores, normalize the functioning of sebaceous and sweat glands, eliminate inflammation is used to care for oily skin. Refreshing baths with bergamot oil are recommended for everyone (except for those who have an individual intolerance). They need to be prepared as follows:

  • Mix 8 drops of oil with a tablespoon of milk;
  • pour the resulting mixture into an incomplete bath, the water in which has a temperature of 40-45 degrees;
  • take within 15 minutes.

Each of us must have tried bergamot tea at least once - the Earl Gray variety. For its production, bergamot ether is used, which flavors the tea leaves. This citrus plant is native to South-East Asia. The pulp of bergamot is usually not eaten, as it has a sour and very bitter taste. The peel, flowers and leaves are used to produce essential oil, which has a wide range useful properties. It has found application in cooking, medicine, aromatherapy, perfumery and cosmetics.

Composition of bergamot essential oil

The composition of bergamot essential oil has not yet been fully explored. But it is known that almost 76% falls on:

  • limonene (D-limonene, lemon extract) is a compound that has anti-carcinogenic properties and also has a beneficial effect on liver cells. A large number of limonene is found in lemon - in lemon juice - and in other citrus fruits (limes, tangerines, oranges, grapefruits, bergamot, etc.). Its share is 49%;
  • linalyl acetate (17%) - used as a fragrance in the manufacture of cosmetics and perfumes. Contained in essential oils of bergamot, lavender, lavandin, etc.;
  • linalool (10%) - a substance with the smell of lily of the valley, which is obtained from the essential oils of orange, lemon, basil, lavender, etc. It has a calming effect on the nervous and circulatory systems.

The remaining 24% are other active ingredients:

  • bergapten;
  • nerol;
  • citral;
  • pinene;
  • camphene etc.

Useful properties of ether

Properties that allow the use of bergamot oil inside:

  • regulates body temperature and relieves fever;
  • makes you work hard immune system;
  • fights stress and depression;
  • acts as an antimicrobial and antifungal agent;
  • anesthetizes;
  • reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood;
  • thins the blood;
  • renders positive influence on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • improves appetite.

Properties that allow the use of bergamot oil externally:

  • regulates the water-lipid balance of the epidermis, therefore it is used to care for oily skin types;
  • actively disinfects and heals, therefore it is used in the fight against wounds, ulcers, acne, dandruff, psoriasis and other skin diseases;
  • fights pigmentation;
  • reduces the manifestation of varicose veins in the early stages.

Video: origin, composition and use of bergamot essential oil

How to use bergamot essential oil externally

Bergamot oil, which has a wide range of beneficial properties, is used to care for hair, skin, and nails.

Hair care

In the field of hair care, bergamot essential oil is able to regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands, fight various skin diseases (seborrhea, psoriasis, etc.), strengthen, restore, nourish, prevent cross-section, fight dandruff, add shine, soothe the scalp, enhance growth etc.

Aroma Combing

Aroma combing allows you to saturate the hair nutrients and accelerate their growth. It also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system: massage relieves tension, and the aroma of essential oils fights stress.

Aroma combing has a beneficial effect on hair and scalp

The aroma combing session is very simple: 3-6 drops of bergamot essential oil should be applied to the comb, and then carefully comb the hair for 5 minutes. It is recommended to carry out the procedure 1-2 times a week, but in some cases (active hair loss or increased hair fragility) you can resort to it daily for a course of 1 month.

Wooden combs and brushes are suitable for aroma combing. It is not recommended to use metal and plastic combs, as they can react with the essential oil and also electrify the hair.

If headaches, drowsiness or irritability appear after aroma combing, then it is worth stopping these procedures or choosing another essential oil. After each procedure, you should wash the comb with soap or shampoo, as particles of dust, skin and hair may remain on it, which can subsequently provoke excessive oiliness of the scalp.

2 tbsp. l. base cosmetic oil (olive, avocado, burdock, almond, etc.) is heated in a water bath, and then add 6 drops of bergamot essential oil to it. Apply this oil composition on the scalp and massage for 10 minutes. After the massage, leave the mixture for another 10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with shampoo.

Such a massage will allow the hair to grow healthy and strong, nourish and moisturize it, and also normalize the water-lipid balance of the scalp.

Thanks to the massage of the scalp, the beneficial substances contained in bergamot oil enter the bloodstream.

Shampoo Enrichment

Adding bergamot essential oil to the shampoo provides blood flow to the scalp, which allows the hair to grow faster, as well as strengthens it, making it smooth and shiny. You can add 1 drop of essential oil to each serving of shampoo.

Bergamot oil, when added to shampoo, enhances hair growth, makes them shiny and silky

Hair masks

Masks using bergamot oil are suitable for all types of hair and for solving many problems.

Table: recipes and use of hair masks with bergamot ether

mask type Recipe Application area holding time Application frequency Course length Result
For oily hair Mix 3 tbsp. l. yogurt without sugar, 2 tbsp. l. ground oatmeal and 2 chicken yolks. Leave this mixture to "rest" for two to three minutes, and then add 6 drops of bergamot essential oil. scalp and hair 10 minutes Twice a week 3 months Normalization of the sebaceous glands, strengthening of hair and increased growth.
For dry hair Crush the pulp of one banana, add 3 tbsp. l. aloe juice (you can buy it at a pharmacy or make it yourself if you have this plant at home), 1 tbsp. l. honey, 3 tbsp. l. fat sour cream and 6 drops of essential oil of bergamot. Hair 30 minutes 1 time per week 2 months Moisturizing, nourishing, restoring the vitality of the hair.
For damaged hair 25 g of black bread pulp pour 2 tbsp. l. warmed whey, mash until smooth, and then add 10 drops of bergamot essential oil. Hair 1 hour Twice a week 2 months Elimination of chemical and mechanical damage.
To enhance growth In 2 tbsp. l. olive oil add 10 drops of bergamot oil and 5 drops of lemon essential oil, mix thoroughly. Hair roots 1 hour 1 time per week 3 months Restoration of the hair structure and increased growth.
Against hair loss Grind 8 tablets of brewer's yeast, add 2 tsp. strong green tea, 2 beaten chicken yolks and 6 drops of bergamot oil, mix everything thoroughly. Hair roots 2 hours Daily 2 weeks Strengthening and preventing hair loss.

Many people are afraid to use products such as banana, avocado, oatmeal, etc. as ingredients in hair masks, because they can not wash out well. Therefore, it is best during cooking home mask use a blender: it will combine all the ingredients into a single mass that can be easily washed off with shampoo.

Facial care

Bergamot essential oil is used to care for oily, combination or problem skin. It has antiseptic and healing properties, and is also able to restore the hydrolipidic balance. Bergamot oil allows you to get rid of inflammation, irritation, acne, post-acne, closed and open comedones, enlarged pores and uneven complexion.

Bergamot oil is used to care for oily and problematic facial skin: it helps fight inflammation, blackheads and enlarged pores.

Enrichment of finished cosmetic products

In order for bergamot oil to be active on the skin every day, you need to add it to your usual care products: washing gel, tonic or moisturizer. Do not add oil to all cosmetics at once, as the risk of burns or dehydration of the skin increases, and this will reduce its immunity. It is enough to choose only one recipe:

  • add 20 drops of bergamot essential oil to 200 ml of washing gel;
  • add 10 drops of bergamot oil to 200 ml of tonic. Shake before each use;
  • in 45 ml of cream carefully mix 10 drops of bergamot oil.

Adding bergamot essential oil to your cleanser, lotion or cream allows it to fight imperfections on your skin daily.

It is worth remembering that bergamot oil increases the photosensitivity of the skin - this means that it reacts more to solar radiation. Therefore, when applying the ether in care, it is important not to forget to use sunscreen.

Table: face masks with different types of action

mask type Recipe holding time Application frequency Course length Result
For deep cleansing In 1 st. l. grape seed oil dissolve 5 drops of bergamot essential oil. While rinsing, massage the skin thoroughly. 10 minutes 1 time per week - Cleansing from deep impurities in the pores.
Against inflammation 1 st. l. black clay dilute 1 tbsp. l. water, add 1 tsp. honey and 6 drops of bergamot ether. 15 minutes Twice a week 1 month Getting rid of acne and post-acne.
Porosity In the protein of one chicken egg add 5 drops of bergamot essential oil and stir. Until completely dry 1 time per week 2 months Narrowing of pores and drying of inflammation.
Normalizing the work of the sebaceous glands 1 tsp oils grape seed mix with 1 tsp. aloe juice, add 1 tbsp. l. green clay and 3 drops each of essential oils of bergamot and lavender. 15 minutes 2 times per week 1 month Reducing oily skin and drying inflammation.
Against hyperpigmentation Mix 1 tbsp. l. white clay, 1 tbsp. l. honey, 1 tbsp. l. milk and 5 drops of bergamot ether. 30 minutes 1 time per week 3 months Removing or reducing the intensity of age spots.

Photo gallery: results of applying face masks with bergamot oil

Bergamot oil - effective remedy from inflammation To narrow the pores, face masks with bergamot essential oil are used Bergamot oil helps in the fight against hyperpigmentation

Nail care

Bergamot essential oil helps to strengthen nails, accelerate their growth, and its use is an excellent prevention of fungal infections.

Firming and Shine Massage

Nail massage has a very beneficial effect on their condition: they are strengthened and whitened, a natural shine appears. The procedure is very simple: a small amount of oil, literally 2 drops on each hand, is carefully rubbed into clean nail plates until completely absorbed. Massage should be carried out daily for a course of 2 weeks or every time during a manicure.

Massage of the nail plates with bergamot oil will help in strengthening and whitening nails

Hand cream enrichment

If you add 1-2 drops of bergamot essential oil to each serving of your favorite hand cream, over time the quality of your nails will change: they will become stronger, delamination will decrease, small furrows will disappear.

Bath for restoring the nail plate

Bath for nails saturates them with moisture, vitamins and other useful substances Helps repair damaged nails.

The recipe is very simple: dissolve 1 tsp in 400 ml of hot water. major sea ​​salt and then add 1 tsp. almond oil and 3 drops each of essential oils of bergamot, grapefruit and ylang-ylang. Dip your hands in a bowl with the resulting solution and let it cool, then blot your hands with a towel and let the oils soak into the skin. This procedure can be carried out every time during a manicure or in a course: 1 time per week in for three months.

The nail bath saturates them with moisture and useful substances, and also helps to restore damaged nail plates.

Aromatic baths

Aromatic bath is excellent remedy for simultaneous cleansing of the body and mind.

Pratima Raichur, Marian Cohn

absolute beauty book

Bathing with bergamot oil can help you relax or invigorate, flush out fluids and toxins from your body, relieve stress or depression, combat low energy levels, and treat breakouts.

Table: bath recipes with different effects

Bath type Recipe Time spent in the bath Application frequency Course length Result
Calming and moisturizing Add 10 drops of bergamot essential oil to 350 ml of warm milk. 15 minutes 1 time per week 1 month The fight against insomnia and emotional overexcitation, moisturizing the skin.
Tonic Mix 200 g of sea salt or bath salt with 10 drops of bergamot essential oil. 15 minutes 1-2 times a week - Saturation of the skin with useful substances, excretion from the body excess fluid and dealing with stress.
Against fatigue Dissolve 3 drops of bergamot, rosemary and ylang-ylang essential oils in 350 ml of white wine. 15 minutes 1-2 times a week - Fight fatigue, stress and depression.
Anti-inflammatory Mix 350 ml of apple cider vinegar with 3 drops of bergamot ether. 10 minutes 1 time per week 3 months Getting rid of irritations, pimples and spots on the back, shoulders and décolleté.

Essential oil of bergamot as a medicine

Many diseases are successfully treated with bergamot oil, as it has a unique set of beneficial properties.

Fighting cold symptoms

Rubbing the body: in 2 tbsp. l. of any base oil, add 10 drops of bergamot oil and 3 drops of eucalyptus oil. This oil mixture should be rubbed on the body for 10 minutes. This will help activate a weakened immune system, relieve inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and fever. Rubbing should be started at the first symptoms of a cold. It is desirable to carry out the procedure every other day until the signs of the disease disappear.

Essential oil of bergamot can help fight a cold

Gargling: Dissolve 1 tsp in 1 glass of lukewarm water. honey and 3 drops of bergamot essential oil. Gargle with this composition every 4 hours. After the disappearance of the pain in the throat, the procedure should be stopped.

Inhalation: Add 4 drops of bergamot ether to a small pot of hot water. Bend over 15 centimeters from the pan and cover your head with a towel. It is necessary to breathe over the steam for 7-10 minutes, while the eyes should be closed, and the nose and mouth should work alternately. Inhalation should be carried out daily until the symptoms of a cold disappear.

Pure ether for herpes

When the first symptoms of herpes occur, it is necessary to apply a small amount of bergamot ether to the affected areas 2 times a day. Stop after complete disappearance of itching and herpes blisters.

Bergamot oil is an effective remedy against the herpes virus

Solution for inflammation of the oral mucosa

Inflammation and wounds on the oral mucosa will help to remove a solution of bergamot oil: add 4 drops of essential oil to 1 glass of water. Rinse your mouth with this composition 2 times a day until the abscesses disappear.

Composition for the treatment of psoriasis

For the treatment of psoriasis, you can prepare the composition: in 2 tbsp. l. almond oil dissolve 5 drops of bergamot ether. Apply the oil mixture to the skin daily until the manifestations of the disease disappear. Such a composition does not harm the skin and the body as a whole and is not addictive, so there are no restrictions on the length of the course.

Before using bergamot oil to fight psoriasis, you need to find out if your body accepts this remedy or not. Do you like the aroma of the oil and do not experience allergies during use? Then you can safely use it to treat psoriasis.

Applications for eczema

Used to treat eczema water applications: add 2 drops of bergamot and juniper oil to 1 glass of warm water, soak gauze folded in several layers with this solution, and leave on the affected areas for 25 minutes. This procedure must be carried out daily until the symptoms disappear. Applications help to get rid of inflammation, irritation and itching.

Water applications with bergamot and juniper oils relieve irritation, itching and inflammation

Chickenpox in children and adults

A warm bath to which essential oils are added will help to cope with itching from chickenpox in children: 2 drops of tea tree and chamomile, as well as 1 drop of bergamot, lavender and eucalyptus. Thanks to this bath, the risk of scarring on the skin is reduced. It is necessary to carry out the procedure 2 times a week until complete recovery.

A bath with bergamot oil can help prevent scars from scratching chicken pox.

To reduce body temperature in adults, as well as to combat rashes and painful sensations you need to take a warm bath, in which add 3 drops of tea tree oil and bergamot. Repeat the procedure 2 times a week until the symptoms disappear.

Compresses for varicose veins

Compresses can be used to combat varicose veins. Add 10 drops of bergamot ether to 1 glass of water, soak gauze with this composition, apply to the area of ​​dilated veins, and then wrap with an elastic bandage. Leave for 30 minutes. This procedure improves blood circulation and relieves fatigue. Compresses should be used 2 times a week, the course is 1 month.

Compresses with bergamot oil will improve blood circulation and relieve fatigue.

Therapeutic baths for cystitis

Medicinal baths are very effective for the treatment of cystitis. In 2 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt or bath salts dissolve 5 drops each of sandalwood, bergamot and tea tree essential oils. Add this mixture to warm water and take a bath for 20 minutes. Conduct this procedure it is necessary 1 time per week for a two-month course.

Bergamot oil will help in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system

Use of essential oil internally

Bergamot oil is used not only externally, it is also suitable for internal use.

It is possible to use essential oil in food only if the instructions indicate that the product is suitable for internal use.

For medicinal purposes, 1 drop of bergamot ether is mixed with 1 tbsp. l. honey and taken 30 minutes before meals three times a day for a month.

Some people also use bergamot oil in cooking: they add literally one or two drops to pastries, winter preparations, vegetable and fruit salads and other dishes. This helps to make them more useful and diverse.

You can also flavor ordinary black and green tea: sprinkle 150 g of leaves with 2-3 drops of aromatic oil and let it soak.

Aromatherapy with bergamot ether

The aroma of bergamot oil can affect the human nervous system. It helps to cope with fear, self-doubt, stress, depression, excessive emotional arousal, drowsiness and many other conditions.

Adding bergamot oil to the aroma lamp helps to cope with nervous overload

If you want the aroma of bergamot to accompany you all day, you can use an aroma pendant, in which 3 drops of essential oil are added. This method will help to avoid colds, as well as improve mood.


It is contraindicated to eat bergamot essential oil in the following cases:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, peptic ulcer, pancreatitis, cholelithiasis, etc.);
  • children's age up to 12 years;
  • allergy to citrus fruits;
  • hypertension;
  • chronic insomnia;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • epilepsy;
  • potassium deficiency in the body;
  • diabetes;
  • kidney disease (urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, etc.);
  • taking antidepressants.

Side effects

If dosages or contraindications were violated when taking bergamot oil, the following side effects may occur:

  • influence on the nervous system (aggressiveness, excessive nervous excitement, depression, depression, etc.);
  • irritation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • impact on fetal development;
  • increased skin pigmentation;
  • occurrence of an allergic reaction.