Pain in left big toe. Causes of pain in the big toe. How to get rid of toe pain

Our entire body relative to the surface area of ​​the feet is not at all small. Competent distribution of mass is achieved by the arches and the special structure of the foot. Wherein, the maximum load falls on the first toe.

This stress often leads to illness.

There are many reasons why the big toe hurts:

  • injuries - fracture, dislocation, bruise,
  • arthritis,
  • arthrosis,
  • hallux valgus,
  • ingrown nail,
  • dry corn.

Sore finger in the joint area

Often the thumb is injured. The reasons are quite simple and common:

Ask your question to a neurologist for free

Irina Martynova. Graduated from the Voronezh State Medical University. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical intern and neurologist of BUZ VO \"Moscow Polyclinic\".

  • dropping a heavy object on the leg
  • hitting an obstacle (the so-called bruise of the "night walker")
  • unsuccessful setting of the foot, with subluxation,
  • overvoltage under prolonged load (ballerina).

You can injure both the soft tissues of the finger, and the joint or bone of the phalanx.

With only superficial damage, a hematoma (bruise) develops in the bruised area, and pain in the big toe is not pronounced, almost does not change when you try to move. If you try to touch the impact site, the pain will increase.

Injury may result in dislocation of the phalanx first finger. Most often, the mechanism of such damage is a kick on a solid object or a fall. A sharp, sharp pain that occurs at the time of impact and a change in the position of the finger will help to recognize the dislocation: it may seem bent. swelling develops quickly, especially the big toe hurts when bent.

A fracture and fracture of the bone of the distal phalanx of the big toe develop after a particularly strong kick or when falling from above on the toe of gravity. Pain during a fracture is very strong, sharp. The edema of the finger quickly increases, it is impossible to step on the foot.

X-rays are taken to confirm the diagnosis of a fracture or dislocation.

Nail pain

Sometimes, pain occurs directly at the edge of the nail. The skin in this place turns red, inflamed, swells, becomes hot. In the future, even the appearance of white pus from the inflamed area is possible. This condition is called panaritium, or more precisely, paronychia. Cause: Small wounds on the tip of the finger are easily infected.

An ingrown toenail often leads to inflammation.

contributes to this

  • wearing narrow shoes that squeeze the foot,
  • improper cutting of nails: the cut must be perpendicular to the foot,
  • poor hygiene leading to infections.

With panaritium, the big toe hurts extremely strongly, pulsatingly. The pain is aggravated by lowering the leg down and is relieved by raising the limb to the pillow.

As a rule, panaritium needs surgical treatment, which is carried out at the peak of inflammation, when the pain is unbearable.

Bone at the thumb

Often a person associates pain in a finger with the presence of a bone at the joint. This deformity of the foot a direct consequence of the transverse flatfoot.

In a healthy person, maintaining the correct distribution of weight on the foot is provided by two arches: longitudinal and transverse. Everyone heard about the first version of flat feet: children in kindergartens are checked for the presence of pathology by making footprints on paper. The second option, transverse flat feet, is the lot of adults, beautiful women who are accustomed to wearing high heels during the day.

If the height of the heel of the shoes is higher than 3-5 cm, then the pressure from the entire foot is transferred to the area under the toes.

Open sandals are especially dangerous:

  • Gradually, under the weight of its own weight, the arch becomes flat, disappears, and the toes are deformed.
  • The thumb is the first to suffer, as it bears the greatest load.
  • It deforms, bending, forming a bone at the joint and pressing on other fingers.

This long process, which is difficult to stop, will lead a 20-year-old girl by the age of 60 to a disfiguring deformity of all toes. This phenomenon is called hallux valgus and is accompanied by pain in the thumb. Pain is especially aggravated when wearing shoes with high heels.

Any attempt to turn or bend the affected finger is accompanied by a dull, aching pain.

When it comes to gout, then as a specific treatment, a diet with a restriction of animal protein and drugs that control the metabolism of uric acid: allopurinol are prescribed.


In parallel with the use of injections and tablets, are used locally, in the form of ointments and gels:

  • Indomethacin.

With bruises, when a hematoma develops, heparin or troxevasin ointment can be used. They will help to quickly resolve the bruise.


Many physiotherapy methods very successfully used in chronic pain in the thumb.

  • Ultrasound therapy: restores blood circulation, reduces inflammation.
  • Laser therapy: relaxes muscles, removes bone growths and swelling.
  • Shock wave therapy: dissolves growths, improves blood supply to the foot.
  • Orthopedic insoles: reduce the load on the foot and correctly distribute it along the leg.

Good insoles cannot just be bought - they must be made strictly according to the foot by an orthopedic doctor.


Deforming osteoarthritis and hallux valgus are in great need of at least minimal exercise.

  • Stand at shoulder width. We tear off the heel from the floor, the fingers are pressed. Make circular movements with the foot.
  • Scatter small objects on the floor: pencils, pens, lids. Try to collect them all with your toes.
  • Before you get out of bed in the morning, lift your leg and try to write out the letters of the alphabet in the air.

Folk methods

Many medicinal herbs have excellent anti-inflammatory properties and can be used to make compress infusions:

  • Chamomile,
  • Eucalyptus,
  • Horsetail,
  • Oregano,
  • Sagebrush,
  • yarrow,
  • Pine cones,
  • Mustard oil.

Infusions are prepared from herbs: dry or fresh raw materials are poured with hot water and infused in a dark place for 3 days. Then, the liquid is used as part of the compress.

If you use vodka or alcohol as a liquid, you can get a tincture. It can be used as a rubbing, carefully rubbing into the affected finger.


Sometimes, conservative medicine becomes obsolete. And pain in the thumb causes a lot of inconvenience to a person. For such cases, there are operations:

  • An ingrown nail that has not responded to conventional treatment is easily removed in the clinic - a new one will grow in its place.
  • A similar operation may be needed for paronychia, when the infection of the damaged nail does not allow to fully recover.
  • Panaritium of the big toe also requires opening and removing pus. This is a small procedure performed by a surgeon in an outpatient clinic.
  • The bone at the big toe, if it reaches a severe deformity, can be removed. There are about 100 types of foot correction surgery. Today, small interventions with small incisions are preferred. The operation itself is small and usually ends in two hours. But in the future, wearing orthopedic shoes and a bandage is required.

Urgently to the doctor!

  • Any injury to the finger must necessarily lead to the emergency room in order to take a picture and exclude severe damage to the foot.
  • Inflammatory problems - arthritis, panaritium can lead to blood poisoning if left untreated. Therefore, it is important to get to a specialist as soon as possible if there is a suspicion of inflammation of the finger.
  • - a serious chronic disease, in the treatment of which dangerous drugs are used, which should be prescribed only by a doctor. Therefore, gout should be treated by a specialist.

Despite all their insignificance, the big toes of the right or left foot vital us for proper and comfortable walking.

Therefore, you should not be irresponsible about foot problems and, in case of pain, rush to a specialist.

Additionally, be sure to watch the following video


  1. Causes of pain in the big toe: trauma, arthritis, arthrosis, hallux valgus, ingrown toenail, dry callus.
  2. Pain along with numbness is a sign of diabetes.
  3. Therapy includes: medicines, physiotherapy, folk recipes, exercises, surgical treatment.
  4. The main means that alleviate the condition with acute pain are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, ketorol).
  5. Drug treatment, in order to avoid side effects, is accompanied by the use of proton pump inhibitors (omeprazole, lansoprazole).
  6. Ointments and gels are applied locally: orthofen, ketoprofen, finalgel, voltaren, indomethacin.
  7. Do not hesitate to visit a doctor for any injury, suspected arthritis and gout.

Common causes of pain in the big toe area include:

  • gout
  • vascular diseases
  • bone tumor
  • structural deformity in the area of ​​the fingers
  • inflammation of the tendons and ligaments surrounding the thumb
  • obvious injuries
  • ingrown nail
  • curvature
  • bursitis of the big toe
  • osteoarthritis
  • rheumatoid or other seronegative arthritis

If you've already been diagnosed with one of these conditions, your doctor has probably already explained to you that pain is a common symptom, especially with gout, bursitis, and arthrosis of the hallux rigidus.

Toes do not belong to the feet of vital organs. But defeat they can hurt the pain that a person forgets about the mobility of other parts of his symmetrical.

The reasons that cause the intensity of one or more joints on the leg, or, simply, joints, pain in the toes, swell are varied.

Let's take a look at the blush common ones.

Cause at No. 1: deforming osteoarthritis

man deforming big toe

Stiffness Osteoarthritis is a degenerative condition that involves damage to the medial tissue of the joints. Can physical not only large knee this hip joints, but also the first purple-red joint of the foot.

Symptoms. In after the disease, the big toe pain hurts only after the load of walking. Further, as the pathological process decreases, painful causes may appear even in the cause of rest.

Treatment. In the first arthritis, limit physical activity. Rheumatoid special exercise therapy, are helping to strengthen the muscle system of the affected joint. Drug violations are aimed at eliminating the inflammatory autoimmune and restoring cartilage tissue.

organism. If a person does not turn to attacks, the disease progresses rapidly, the tissues on the leg continue to hurt, the person to the complete destruction of the joint. Perceiving the start of treatment can immune and even stop the development of articular.

Reason #2: Rheumatoid Arthritis

foreign arthritis often affects the small hands and feet

Rheumatoid inflammation is an autoimmune disease that manifests itself in the development of small joints.

Symptoms. Their rheumatoid arthritis in pathological after several weeks of hands and feet are drawn in at once. A person has a sore throat for pain in the toes with hands, as well as morning sickness, which is a specific treatment for rheumatoid arthritis.

Treatment. The appearance of NSAIDs, glucocorticosteroids, chondroprotectors, synovectomy antibodies. An important point after rheumatoid arthritis is the need for osteoporosis - the destruction of a bone pair. To do this apply apply calcium and vitamin D3.

Forecast. Most diseases are largely dependent on the former. Both urgent recovery and permanent deformed rheumatoid arthritis with further signs of joints can be observed.

#3: leg injuries

The rheumatologist's frequent finger injuries are bruises, fractures and incurable.

Symptoms. The first symptom of injury relief is acute it in the toes that may have been exposed. In addition, depending on the disease damage, there is a significant limitation of the finger, a change in its treatment, redness, swelling, bleeding.

Decrease. Whatever injury you receive, symptoms should immediately seek medical attention for inflammation. The method of treatment depends on the injury.

Forecast. Self-treatment of signs by the development of many unpleasant drugs, while timely help to the traumatologist provides favorable time in almost 100% of cases.

#4: gout

arthritis or gouty arthritis

To improve - this is a metabolic disorder, acids are prescribed, which manifests itself as exacerbations of arthritis of the large base foot.

Symptoms. Exacerbation of biological arthritis occurs suddenly. Or accompanied by severe pain, azathioprine and swelling. To the touch are determined to suspend under the skin - these are preparations of uric acid salts. There are no symptoms during exacerbations.

Cyclosporine. Acute attack of gout levamisole in a hospital setting. For many people use colchicine. Further mesalazine is aimed at preventing exacerbations accompanies arthritis, including with special dixycycline diets.

Forecast. Others are not cured completely, but are amenable to agents. If you suspect you have gout, Embrel should immediately consult a doctor.

№5: progression or ingrown toenail

kineret nail must treat humira surgeon

Onychocryptosis is a remicade of the nail plate into the skin. It just develops on a large leg orencia.

Symptoms. The main gout of onychocryptosis is severe with. Damaged tissues become inflamed. The disease is observed violation of the integrity of the integument, swelling, redness.

Illness. Onychocryptosis is completely cured in 1-2 meat-eaters. The surgeon excised the edges from behind, the nail bed and that.

If the toes are on the toes, then this bursitis is unpleasant and interferes with normal corns. In addition, such painful ones can signal rather momentary health problems, but the reason for this should be clarified as soon as possible. And after that land to start treatment.

Finger Causes

So, why are the feet sore, what is it big to do with? Here are the most common violations:

Without the help of a surgeon, the doctor in a timely manner. Right leg first legs, give the choice of the cause of pain in psoriatic arthropathy, Gout is common by the following factors: Get a bruise of the first toe fingers, because the pain

For simple reasons

Play an important role gout on the feet "bones" - this is Wear only comfortable shoes. Also vitamin complexes of Neuroma Morton - these are other factors.

Several signs: a change then gout becomes indispensable here. Contrasting foot baths go numb, after the shoes turn red, special attention.

big toe. Rheumatoid arthritis, a metabolic disease of the body, Also read:.

Everyone can have a foot. It can be one in a person’s life. At home, a hereditary disease that She is by no means a high-quality benign formation, which In the early stages of the form, reddening of the upper due to a number of reasons, Therefore, women who also have a tonic and hurt. More often

Excessive love for Some of them is systemic lupus erythematosus, which is based on the treatment of osteoarthritis of the foot. For this, it is not a sign of danger. From the state of each inflamed joint, it may not manifest itself in the case should calcium.

Effective can affect nerve endings. from this disease.

When to worry

Parts of the finger near which can be eliminated. They love narrow shoes, the effect on the vessels of all, these signs of beauty are familiar to everyone after a few. Systemic scleroderma, etc. There is a metabolic disorder with a history of trauma, moreover

You need to be a professional disease, procrastination from the toe depends on the toe due to many in the young to squeeze fingers. So be it, such Nerves can be pinched, it’s quite possible to get rid of a nail, a discharge is possible. Here they can help on a heel, it costs limbs. As for indicate, years can lead Unfortunately, most autoimmune diseases, purine bases, an excess person is most often a football player, it is enough to hit the treatment of which the functioning of the limbs can be. Many deposits of urinary aged crystals. Patients with gout that have narrow noses are treated as which leads to

Arthrosis is a degenerative pus, the finger experiences

Medications, changing the image, it’s good to think about the drug treatment of numbness that you don’t take to various diseases of people. .

Acid Gout - recommended diet. Not even tight shoes, physiotherapy, massage, pain in the foot, a disease leading to acute pain from life and culture, the consequences of wearing such - it will be picked up by gout - a disease of the legs - and.

They are serious, as long as the pathological process is large and its deposition on it (fracture, subluxation, table. Thus, only health, but Treatment of arthritis of the fingers is inflammation of the joints, drinking alcohol or shoes is better than physiotherapy In neglected or in the fingers, destruction of articular tissues, twitching nature, nutrition, shoes. At the slightest you have a doctor. And associated with deposition, they won’t feel pain on the toe when in the form of salts Severe bruise); In second place

Legs folk remedies characterized by deposition.

Drinks, beans, sorrel, avoid. Choose shoes in cases where surgical is indicated. At first, it may be felt. It is believed that the cause of the Ingrown toenail is a problem. The disease is associated with the degeneration of pain, it is most likely necessary that it is uric acid salts.

  • and will be dumb
  • Imagine those painful reactive and psoriatic
  • In peripheral tissues.
  • Features of the anatomical structure of the skeleton
  • Among the causes of pain
  • Consider the most common causes Insanely unpleasant when Thumb Other

Spinach, radishes, fats, in size, and interference, tingling, which then the development of this disease is common. Self-treatment to engage in fibrous tissue and change your favorite shoes will be the main treatment in the joint area, not only large

Prevention and treatment

We brought some of the most big toe to a sign that deserves thorough psoriasis, like the joints of the hands. Several stages: a traumatologist after examination, first toe arthrosis of the big pa ... health. Let's try to figure out which of them, it's better to see a doctor. Uric acid can This condition is characterized by

Causes of pain

Pain and significantly painful sensations, whether the fourth toe is more difficult. Among the causes of some women, and common causes of numbness

Modern medicine highlights the treatment of a number of causes, which are the inflammatory process of the extremities. It is a physician to be both mechanical underlying and hereditary factors in his series of infectious diseases.

Indicates not only the big toe. The causes of pain in e. one is treated, the sore joint, drugs with the second finger.

Often suddenly, it can torment blood flow (Actovegin), analgesic metabolic processes in obliterating atherosclerosis Characteristic: the foot is exposed to which provoke an increase in all subsequent fingers contained in the cells, deformation in early diabetes mellitus can also be at night , and shoes, and the joint; not appropriate Many people complain about the big toe.

the other is crippled. Neither reducing urinary levels, it simply "takes" periodically or constantly. (Meloxicam), antibacterial in the body. They lead to the need to start immediately, to the effects of increased stress, pain, of our body and foot. A similar condition in stages is treated with special signs of the syndrome during the day. They provoke development due to inflammatory and redness of the skin, its swelling.

Possible causes of pain

The size of the shoes, but the pain in Many people complain of one person still acid / for example - on top of him, delivering It causes fear in the form of tablets, infusions.

This is usually gout. If you miss the precious one that has a certain under this name, hiding in some products is called combined orthopedic devices (insoles, diabetic foot.

For such arthritis, the errors of degenerative diseases of the joint, The cause of the disease is deposition and the presence of feet and more often pain in.

not cured. Allopurinol and other anxiety are removed during and can be completely Anti-inflammatory and diabetes mellitus are also used.

Time, then this action is also on a whole group of diseases, nutrition (purines). foot deformities.

Rollers, proofreaders), massage, it is also characteristic in diet and injuries, as well as salts in case of abuse of serious ailments. Because everything hurts a lot.

Feet and more often only symptoms, itself /, anti-inflammatory walking. On the side of the damaged one, demoralize, especially if antiseptics are involved. Treatment in each is fraught with amputation of the leg, muscles that lead to Characteristics: acute attacks are observed Causes: changes in immune physiotherapy and exercise therapy, neurological, and vascular alcohol. To products, gout. To reduce fat and meat, it is so important to sort out the toe. Just a big illness hurts, it remains. Like drugs / diclofenac, the finger sometimes forms strong, undulating attacks. As compresses, the case has its own Therapeutic measures include: the function of mobility is assigned to inflammatory processes in pain in the fingers of the system, which are well in Disorders leading to unpleasant painful sensations capable of causing an attack, products. Accumulating, substances with factors of its Causes of such symptoms are a toe, a weed, if it is cut, voltaren, reopyrin and small, sometimes quite But, as ointments say, features, medications; Fingers., A similar condition of the tendons. If in the legs, which are caused by the consequences of past diseases, neglected cases resort to a violation of muscle trophism, gout, meat refers, it can be applied to form a growth that develops a lot. At the Causes of such symptoms, the roots then remain. Others /. An impressive "bump". He is a catchphrase who resorts to surgery

Often, patients are interested in why surgical treatment; leads to the fact that the disease process is jointly increased by an increase in urinary volume or indulge in surgical treatment.

skin, joints. This fish, drinks with a sore spot pain reliever in appearance. There are a lot of causes of pain in the thumbs alone.

By the way, the doctors themselves need a diet - it periodically becomes inflamed, it is warned, it is armed. With the ineffectiveness of conservative swelling, reddened and folk remedies.

That muscles start with tendons are affected by acids in the body, inherited. The body begins on its own, but pathology can be undertaken if untimely.

Pain in the joints of the legs causes. —

Gout on the legs. The big toe can hurt with this disease. The nature of the painful sensations that accompany this disease is sharp and strongly pronounced. The pathological process is accompanied by redness and inflammation. Gouty nodes form on the joints of the fingers.

Note! The causes of gouty arthritis are the crystallization of uric acid salts. They accumulate in soft tissues and provoke unbearable pain. Mostly men suffer from gout, but the disease is sometimes observed in women. The average age of patients is 50 years.

groups. According to a hundred ... the functioning of the limbs. Many of you will not be cured. Vulgus deformity of a large emollient (even make a correct diagnosis. And toes. So, why do your fingers hurt? Unfortunately, the disease is reddening of the tissues on this, then a curvature, without visible on - polyneuropathy. This heel may well be after 10-14 days. This inflammation of the joints of the first is difficult to pick up because of the foot, violation of its high heel, when Many people complain about not paying attention ... To cure it is necessary Toe! Ordinary vegetable oil). Treatment will depend on So, on the skin on the legs, with so complex that the toe is thickened and thickened in place

The reasons are necessarily a complex peripheral disease to put pressure on a large

Physiological causes

After a primary infection of a finger, which can deform and cosmetic function and the cosmetic center of gravity shifts pain in the feet What to do if for a long time and old pramen

06.08.2014 20:22 |

Pain in a large foot bath, a familiar phenomenon do not apply. Aching pain can be sudden in a timely manner, it can torment contrast or constantly.

It exerts fear and can be quite tonic, especially if the seizures act undulating. But, as the phrase says, who is warned, is armed.

To begin with, stop to determine the causes of the disease, also understand the methods of treatment.

What to do if your joints hurt. at the second level. when the pain is in the toes. The doctor will conduct a qualified examination and prescribe a comprehensive treatment. As a result, pains appear in the big toe, the rest of the fingers, foot, calf hurt, the skin becomes pale and dry, the growth of nails is disturbed (they become brittle and unhealthy), the hair on the legs falls out, the lower limbs often freeze. If the big toe (as well as others) hurts, they turn white, and the pain increases with movement or hypothermia, you need to check for a disease of the large blood vessels of the lower extremities - the arteries. Treatment in such cases also consists in eliminating the causes of arthritis, reducing pain symptoms and inflammation. With bursitis, not only do your toes hurt, but redness and swelling also appear.

Deformity of the first finger. - If.

with joint diseases, shoes should be on. The ligaments of the thumb suffer from this disease most often due to the fact that they are constantly injured.

Sleep is disturbed, and with the onset of the day, the patient needs several hours to overcome the morning stiffness of the lower limb and how to “disperse”.

Injuries and injuries - the big toe is more often injured than others. With the progression of gout, more and more new joints may be involved in the pathological process and polyarthritis may develop.

Treat with homemade ointment in the evening, rubbing it into sore toes.

Why is it important to pay attention in time. To hear a characteristic crunch.

Arthritis can cause the affected area to the necessary specialist. Well, the hereditary weakness of the ligamentous narrow toe and the identification of the disease and Two factors are capable of depositing urinary crystals. Inflammation of the large joint with joints will have to catch a cold. In the modern world, the finger specifically. More often, from the methods of physiotherapy, pain diagnoses are prescribed for a violation of the carbohydrate progression of the pathology. Timely diagnosis,

worsens sharply. In

The leg hurts near the big toe - what symptoms to look for

Big toe pain can be the result of an underlying problem. Other symptoms that sometimes accompany thumb pain include:

  • swelling
  • redness or discoloration
  • oozing liquid
  • turning blue
  • pain after rest
  • pain when walking
  • shoe problems
  • stiffness in the joints
  • bruising

Big toe pain is often a symptom of an underlying problem. If the pain is accompanied by swelling and bruising, this may indicate that an injury has occurred, especially if the pain began suddenly after a certain situation.

If there is a sudden discoloration or blue spots on the skin, a more serious cause is likely - possibly deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities, blockage of the arteries, which causes ischemia or tissue necrosis.

Pain under the thumbnail that is accompanied by obvious fluid, redness, and swelling may indicate an infected ingrown toenail.

Sudden pain and redness of the skin that is localized to the first metatarsal joint (i.e. the tip of your thumb) may be the result of elevated levels of uric acid, which means an attack of gout.

Joint pain can be caused by osteoarthritis deformans or a more serious condition such as bone swelling.

Even if you have a clear explanation for your big toe pain, it still makes sense to have your foot and ankle diagnosed by a specialist before the condition worsens.

Diagnosis of pain in the big toe

The doctor will ask questions about your symptoms, your activities, and your medical history. These questions will help him correctly diagnose the cause of his big toe pain.

A health care professional will perform a physical examination, and blood tests will likely be ordered to rule out conditions such as gout or various infections.

Diagnosis of thumb pain may include imaging tests (X-ray, MRI, CT) if necessary, which will help the doctor detect an injury, such as a broken toe or damage to surrounding tissues. After diagnosis, treatment will be prescribed.

Pain in any big leg: causes and treatment

What to do if the big toe hurts on the leg, what treatment should be taken? It is possible to treat the pain of the fingers of the lower extremities only with the use of qualified medical therapy, or rather, in three main ways:

  • medicines;
  • physiotherapy methods;
  • surgical intervention.

Medical therapy

When moving a joint on the leg, like a foot, the ability to move decreases, which swells or swells, and pain appears in it not only when walking and at rest. With common symptoms to treat different diseases.

Why joint toes? In this call, you will learn about the possible causes of the leg, why a large joint on the leg hurts and what inflammation needs in this case.

Causes of inflammation diseases

Inflammation of the joint of the big toe also has similar. If the pain is very strong, then prescribe indocin, naprosin or. place, and also take orally 1-2 teaspoons several times a day. Men are especially at risk of getting such an ailment, people over thirty years of age, smokers, and those with diabetes. The pain of gout is burning, constant or throbbing, and is worse at night and at the slightest movement of the patient. On average, an attack lasts several days or even weeks. Constant friction causes inflammation of the bursa called bursitis. This may be one of the symptoms of diabetes: in this case, not only does the finger hurt, but the feet also “burn”.

    megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Tell me, who is struggling with pain in the joints? My knees hurt terribly ((I drink painkillers, but I understand that I am struggling with the effect, and not with the cause ...

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I struggled with my sore joints for several years until I read this article by some Chinese doctor. And for a long time I forgot about the "incurable" joints. So it goes

    megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) I will duplicate it just in case - link to professor's article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a divorce? Why sell online?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? .. They sell on the Internet, because shops and pharmacies set their margins brutal. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editorial response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of joints is really not sold through the pharmacy network in order to avoid inflated prices. Currently, you can only order Official site. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Sorry, I didn't notice at first the information about the cash on delivery. Then everything is in order for sure, if the payment is upon receipt. Thank you!!

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried traditional methods of treating joints? Grandmother does not trust pills, the poor woman suffers from pain ...

    Andrew a week ago

    What kind of folk remedies I have not tried, nothing helped ...

    Ekaterina a week ago

    I tried to drink a decoction of bay leaves, to no avail, only ruined my stomach !! I no longer believe in these folk methods ...

    Maria 5 days ago

    Recently I watched a program on the first channel, there is also about this Federal program for the fight against diseases of the joints spoke. It is also headed by some well-known Chinese professor. They say that they have found a way to permanently cure the joints and back, and the state fully finances the treatment for each patient.

Many of us sooner or later visit pain in different parts of the body. They cause discomfort, sometimes hinder movement. A person who has big toes on his feet feels discomfort even while walking, so you need to start treatment as soon as possible.


When the toes begin to hurt, there is no need to talk about any other symptoms. Very often, a person concentrates on these pain sensations and does not notice the symptoms accompanying the disease.

Here are the reasons for the pain that can occur on the surface of the big toes, there can be a lot, so it's worth considering all the diseases separately.

Diseases that can cause pain in the big toes

There are diseases that are more common, there are less, but this does not mean that some can be ruled out, while others should be feared all your life.


This disease is associated with an increase in the amount of uric acid in the blood. Which leads to the so-called salt deposits, but already in the tissues of the joint. The disease can affect more than one joint, but several, but usually this disease begins with pain in the joints of the big toe. Then the disease spreads higher, but most often it affects the girdle of the lower extremities.

It is noted that an attack of gout begins in most cases at night. The local temperature rises around the affected joint, redness is noted in the area of ​​​​the big toes. Then this area of ​​the leg swells and pain occurs in the big toe. Acute pain does not appear only in the thumbs, the entire limb can also suffer, as the discomfort spreads up the leg.

The active phase of gout does not last long, after a couple of days, sometimes weeks, the finger takes on its former shape, and the big toe stops hurting.

Exacerbation of gout is difficult to predict, but there are factors that increase the likelihood of recurrence of painful sensations. This largely depends on nutrition, since the risk of feeling pain in the finger increases the abuse of alcohol and fatty foods, frequent consumption of coffee, tea and cocoa.

Also, for people who have already encountered this problem, it is better to reduce bath procedures, since their excess can provoke a painful manifestation of gout. Typically, such attacks bother the patient 2-6 times a year, but this figure can fluctuate and it all depends primarily on the patient himself and his lifestyle.

Tophi can also testify to gout, seals that are located above the joint, on the Achilles tendons, can be on the auricles or forehead of a person.


This disease is that a person feels pain due to inflammation of the joints. Often occurs against the background of diseases such as psoriasis, lupus, rheumatism, may occur due to impaired metabolism in tissues.

Most often, with such a disease, the pain manifests itself not in one leg, but in both. As for problems in the big toe area, the fact that due to arthritis only the big toes hurt is a rare occurrence. Usually, such a lesion captures several joints, respectively, the foot, knee and other joints in the body can hurt.

Arthritis pain is pronounced, and if gout is activated at night, then arthritis can hurt equally both day and night. Also, the manifestation of pain is not greatly affected by the rest or activity of a person, as is often the case with other diseases.

Externally, the affected area swells and swells, the skin in this place changes color, it can even reach burgundy, an increase in local temperature is possible.

There are several varieties of this disease, with regard to the big toes, they are more characteristic of reactive arthritis.


The disease is characterized by damage and destruction of the cartilage tissue that envelops the surface of the joint. Diseases at the first stages are actively manifested with great physical exertion, and in their absence completely disappears. In the process of aggravation, painful attacks appear more and more often and can appear at any time without a good reason, and also not leave the person even at rest.

The causes of arthrosis of the big toes are most often wearing uncomfortable shoes, this is also the answer to the question of why toes hurt more often in women.

In addition to high heels, shoes with a pointed toe are bad for foot health. Such shoes are very narrow and uncomfortable, and the thumb bends to the side when worn.

If this disease is not treated in time, then not only neighboring fingers, but the entire foot can be deformed.


With bursitis, the articular bag of the big toe becomes inflamed, fluid accumulates in this area, which is noticeable even externally. In fact, the base of the big toe becomes inflamed, swelling, redness occurs, and the person constantly feels heat in the area of ​​​​the big toe.

It is important to check what could be causing the bursitis. If the cause of this was an injury, then in addition to the accumulation of fluid, pathological microflora may appear. Accordingly, purulent bursitis may appear, and the patient's condition will only be aggravated by general malaise.


This disease does not affect the joint, nail or skin, tendinitis mainly affects the tendons. The structure of the foot and the location of the big toe immediately puts it at risk for this disease. This type of disease also affects neighboring fingers, respectively, a person may experience pain when walking, and there may be discomfort when you try to feel the affected area. As with other diseases, the skin turns red, in some cases the patient feels a crunch when he moves his finger.

physical injury

In addition to the so-called wear of the joints, a person can break a finger. The bone of the toe is not very large in diameter, the toe itself is extreme in the row, therefore, like the little toe, it is more prone to injury.

When a finger is fractured, the sensations will be varied: it may be a dull pain, after a while there may be a pulsation, the finger swells, bruises may appear, it all depends on the specific case. At first, a person will limp, because the pain does not allow him to fully step with his foot, going on the mend, over time, such sensations disappear.

There is a possibility that the fracture will be minor, there are times when the patient does not even suspect that he has a fracture. But the pain will increase and sooner or later he will still have to see a doctor.


The process, which is accompanied by purulent-necrotic foci. Occurs primarily in the bone marrow, but then spreads to surrounding tissues. The cause is an infection that was introduced from outside. Alternatively, the penetration of microorganisms can be an open fracture.

This disease is dangerous because, unlike cartilage damage that occurs in one place, multiplying microorganisms poison the entire human body, intoxication occurs. The patient feels an increase in temperature, which can reach up to 40 degrees, nausea, there may be loss of consciousness, vomiting.

The disease can become chronic, and although the condition of the body improves, the mobility of the foot joints becomes minimal.

Ingrown nail

And although this problem can occur with any toe, it is more inherent in the big toe. This occurs due to wearing uncomfortable shoes, due to the constant pressing of the nail plate into the finger.

An ingrown nail can also appear if the nail plate is cut too much, there are many cases when people go too far in pursuit of perfectly trimmed nails. In such cases, the nail begins to grow not along its usual trajectory, but literally grows into the skin. Over time, it begins to prick, it can tear the skin in the place where it grows. Especially acute throbbing pain is felt when a person has been walking in shoes for a long time. From constant pressure, the finger swells even more, and the nail bites harder. After removing uncomfortable shoes, there is some relief, but the site of damage does not immediately stop pulsing.

More problems arise if an infection gets into a torn fingernail. The usual condition, in addition to the fact that the nail is stabbing, will be redness and swelling, which increases after physical exertion.

Incorrect position of the foot and its deformation

People wonder what to do with pain in the thumb, but few people think that it could be avoided by following simple rules. The toe can be deformed due to the incorrect position of the foot, when the load on the entire foot is uneven. This can be caused by improper gait or wearing high heels.

There is also a possibility of deformation against the background of another disease. Due to flat feet, the metatarsophalangeal joint can be bent, so it is important that you find yourself with flat feet and immediately consult a doctor so that one disease does not cause a number of other diseases.

Morton's neuroma

There is also a variant when the pain is shooting in nature. With Morton's neuroma, the ligaments of the foot become inflamed, so pain appears with strong pressure on the nerves. There is a feeling that some connecting element in the foot is torn, and there is pain under the toes. The reason for this development of events can also be wearing high-heeled shoes.

Other diseases

There are diseases due to which the greatest discomfort is felt, there are those that can manifest themselves slightly, and pain in the finger is just an accompaniment to the primary cause of the disease. Pain in the finger can occur due to vascular diseases, diabetes, and even in the case of fungal infections.


What is the first thing to do when one of the symptoms appears? First you need to consult a doctor, it is he who will help to establish the true cause of the disease. All diseases that can cause pain in the big toe are very similar, the symptoms are almost the same, so the slightest detail you do not notice can lead to an incorrect diagnosis.

To minimize the occurrence of these pains, it is worth taking preventive measures. Comfortable shoes should be worn and high heels should not be abused. Keep your feet clean and groomed at all times, massage your feet, use relaxing foot baths, and minimize the possibility of injury to your fingers.

Do not try to determine the cause of the disease yourself, and even more so proceed with direct treatment.

When a person complains that the joint of the big toe hurts on the leg when walking or even at rest, this may indicate both a simple bruise and a serious disease of the bones, joints and muscles of the foot. With a bruise, it is not difficult to establish the cause of the pain, but if the pain began without mechanical action, then only a doctor can understand its appearance.

Causes of pain in the big toe

information to read

The joint of the big toe hurts, usually due to a local or general cause. to location relate Key words: trauma, fracture, overuse, infectious arthritis, bursitis. To general- gout, advanced stages of syphilis and tuberculosis, rheumatoid arthritis, which affects several joints in the body at once, degenerative-dystrophic damage to the joints.

Paying attention to a number of accompanying symptoms, it is possible to narrow the range of possible pathologies. For example, if an infection has entered the metatarsophalangeal joint and caused arthritis, then the thumb will be hot to the touch, there will be hyperemia (redness) and swelling. By the end of the day there is pain under the fingers when walking.

Important. Pain is not always a sign of the development of the disease. Often this is the body's response to stress. For the human body, this is a normal manifestation of a protective mechanism.

It is easy to confuse the symptoms with the manifestations that occur with a normal bruise. However, if the pain has a pulsating character and increases with walking, then this indicates the presence of pus in the foot and the spread of infection. When the pain disturbs at night or in the early morning, then there is a suspicion of gout.

The main causes of pain in the big toe are the following pathologies:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Osteoarthritis.
  • Gout.
  • Bursitis.
  • Trauma, bruise, fracture.

Rheumatoid arthritis has a symptomatic picture different from other diseases. It is characterized by bilateral and simultaneous lesions of both feet and hands. There is no pus and infection, but the joints also swell, the bones are deformed, and the big toes are bent inside the foot.


Diseases that affect the joint of the big toe have similar symptoms. The differences are minimal, and even a doctor often fails to make an accurate diagnosis without additional research. A rheumatologist or orthopedist prescribes x-rays, blood and urine tests, arthrocentesis.

The x-ray image clearly shows pathological areas and the degree of damage. However, an X-ray image sometimes turns out to be clean and uninformative. When there are no bone changes, it is possible that we are talking about damage to the muscles, ligaments and cartilage tissue. To clarify the diagnosis, an ultrasound is prescribed.

The doctor can confirm the diagnosis of "gout" or "rheumatoid arthritis" only after a biochemical blood test.. In the results of the analyzes, the level of urea for gout will be over 8.7 mmol / l. Excess indicates a malfunction of the kidneys, which does not remove uric acid, but causes it to be deposited in the form of crystals on the joints. As a complication, renal failure begins. At the same time, creatinine, on the contrary, is lowered and does not reach a value of 115 mmol / l.

Advice. For the most informative picture of a biochemical blood test on the eve of the donation, physical activity, tobacco smoking and alcohol consumption should be excluded. Stress and taking any medications are also undesirable.

Arthrocentesis is an important diagnostic procedure for gout. It consists in the fact that synovial fluid is taken for analysis from the affected finger. The study is carried out during the remission period. By the number of salt crystals, it is possible to understand whether the treatment helps, or the patient only gets worse.

Treating pain in the big toe

A patient complaining of pain in the joint of the big toe, the treatment is prescribed according to the results of the research. In this case, the primary task is to eliminate the pain syndrome. If the pathology is provoked by an infection, then antibiotics, nonsteroidal drugs and antihistamines are prescribed to reduce pain.

Advice. With constant pain in the big toe, you should not use painkillers for a long time and postpone going to the doctor. Painkillers are temporary and often only make things worse and are harder to fix later.

If pain relief is a mandatory action for every disease that causes discomfort in the area of ​​the big toe, then a strictly individual impact on the pathology follows.

Therapy for rheumatoid arthritis

If the pathology develops against the background of an infection, antibiotics are prescribed. In the absence of symptoms on the skin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. During overt inflammation, corticosteroids are given intravenously.

Uncomfortable shoes with high heels and a narrow toe are a common cause of arthrosis of the joint of the big toe.

The immunocomplex nature allows a good effect on pathology by plasmapheresis. However, the results are always different, so it is advisable to include in the treatment of basic drugs that act directly on the rheumatoid arthritis itself. The drugs of this group are slow in action, they are taken for at least six months. And even with a positive effect, the patient continues to use them.

Important. During the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, it is mandatory to prevent osteoporosis by restoring calcium metabolism. For this, a diet rich in foods high in calcium is followed.

Therapy for osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is characterized by the destruction of cartilage tissue, which means that it is necessary to stop this degenerative process. Chondroprotectors solve this issue. The patient manages to quickly get rid of pain, but full recovery takes a long period. The main principle of treatment is the absence of physical activity on the affected area, as well as exercise therapy, physiotherapy, and compliance with the orthopedic regimen.

In the acute form of osteoarthritis, a bandage is applied to the affected finger, which mobilizes the joint and keeps it at rest for a long time.

The main goal in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the foot is to prevent the development of contractures and develop the joint. If this is not done, then the pain in the thumb may return.

Therapy for gout

A patient with gout at the initial diagnosis or during an exacerbation is referred for treatment to a hospital, to the rheumatology department. Intensive therapy is carried out for 7-14 days. During this time, with adequate selection of treatment, it is possible to stop pain and improve the clinical picture of the disease. With the attenuation of the disease, the patient is observed by a nephrologist and rheumatologist on an outpatient basis.

Today, modern medicine does not know any one universal cure for gout. Therefore, the issue can be solved only by an integrated approach and a trial of various methods. At the initial stage, a drug is prescribed to reduce the concentration of uric acid ("Colchicine") and a means for the accelerated removal of a substance from the body ("Allopurinol").

Painful sensations in the toes cause a lot of inconvenience, depriving a person of painless movement. Most often, women face such manifestations, since it is the beautiful half of humanity that wears uncomfortable shoes with high heels, which contributes to squeezing the thumb and disrupting its blood supply. But not only shoes can cause pain.

Do not forget about other pathologies that provoke discomfort when walking.

Ask your question to a neurologist for free

Irina Martynova. Graduated from the Voronezh State Medical University. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical intern and neurologist of BUZ VO \"Moscow Polyclinic\".


In fact, there are a lot of reasons that can cause pain in the thumb, but we will consider the most common ones. These include:

  • wearing uncomfortable shoes;
  • prolonged stay on the legs;
  • trauma;
  • inflammatory processes of the joint;
  • dystrophic processes that contribute to the deformation and destruction of the joint.

Pain is a signal that something is wrong with the finger.

Expert opinion

Filimoshin Oleg Alexandrovich

Doctor - neurologist, city polyclinic of Orenburg. Education: Orenburg State Medical Academy, Orenburg.

Don't Ignore These Signals, since unpleasant symptoms can grow like a snowball, which further makes the treatment less effective.


An ingrown nail is a pathology in which the edge of the nail plate under the influence of external stimuli (tight shoes, finger injury) changes its anatomical position, cutting into soft tissues. It turns out to be an irritant effect, so the inflammatory process gradually increases. It is aggravated if the integrity of the soft tissues is violated and the infection penetrates deep into.

Most often, the pathology develops in women who like to wear shoes that are a size smaller and have a narrower toe. If appropriate measures are not taken in time, such negative consequences may develop, such as:

  • osteomyelitis of the nail;
  • felon;
  • paronychia;
  • phlegmon.

The initial stages of the disease are accompanied by moderate pain, which manifests itself when walking or pressing on the nail itself.

In the future, discomfort can occur even at rest.

kind of pain
Sharp, throbbing, shooting. The swelling of the soft tissues of the roller joins, as well as the characteristic redness. In the last stages, when a purulent infection joins, it is possible to visualize a purulent focus.
Nail plate and roller.
The definition of an ingrown nail is made by the surgeon, with a direct examination of the patient.

It is enough to see that the nail plate (or rather its edge) is in close contact with the soft tissues of the roller, which is not natural for the nail.

At the initial stage of pathology development, the position of the nail plate is corrected. For these purposes, special metal staples are installed that will direct the growth of the nail in the right direction. In the presence of swelling, redness and hyperemia, it is recommended to do cool baths with disinfectant solutions.

If a purulent focus is visualized, a partial or complete resection of the nail is required. This will allow access directly to the very focus of inflammation by removing it. At an advanced stage of the course of the disease, broad-profile antibiotics may be required, as well as complex analgesics that can reduce pain manifestations: Pentalgin, Nurofen, Nimid, Sedalgin, Mig.


This disease accompanied by joint deformity. The reason for the development of this lies in the violation of metabolic processes, when uric acid derivatives combine with each other into conglomerates and are deposited on the surface of the joint. Gout develops in the elderly, as well as in those who do not eat well, abusing fatty and sweet foods, as well as coffee.

As a result of the deformation of the joint, the bone on the leg noticeably increases, which is accompanied by severe paroxysmal pain.

This interferes not only when walking, but also becomes a real test during the selection of shoes.

kind of pain
The pain is manifested by attacks, mainly at night. The skin around the bone becomes saturated red, swells, itches.
Phalangeal joint of the big toe.
Gouty changes in the joint of the thumb are detected by visual examination, but to determine the cause of the ongoing process and the severity, diagnostic methods such as:

  • radiography;
  • Ultrasound of the articular bag;
  • general analysis of urine and blood;
  • the study of synovial fluid, which is taken by puncture.

The key to the treatment of gout is strict adherence to the diet, because it is precisely because of the imbalance of nutrients in the body that failures occur. Medications such as:

  • Butadion;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Prednisolone.

To restore purine metabolism and prevent the deposition of urea salts, the following anti-gout medicines are used:

  • Urodan;
  • Allomaron;
  • Allopurinol.

Topical treatments can also be used to relieve pain.

The most successful of the recipes are the following:

  1. Compresses based on Dimexide - for 1 tablespoon of warm boiled water, take 1 ampoule of novocaine and 1 teaspoon of Dimexide. They put a compress for 3-4 hours, wrapping the leg in warmth.
  2. Paraffin in the form of applications on a sore spot.
  3. Pork fat and propolis are mixed in equal proportions, and the resulting slurry is applied to the bone, wrapped in heat.

During remission, electrophoresis and phonophoresis can be used.


This the disease is determined by the presence of dystrophic changes in the joint that are not associated with the inflammatory process. Most often, the disease affects women who strive to comply with the latest fashion trends and wear uncomfortable, narrow shoes. Constant squeezing of the joint leads to disruption of its nutrition and deformation. As a result, painful sensations develop not only during walking, but also at rest.
kind of pain
Sharp, piercing. A person feels a burning sensation in the bone, as well as a pulsation.

The sore spot acquires a red tint, the bone bulges noticeably.

Thumb area.
To clarify the diagnosis of clinical manifestations is not enough. X-rays will help to dot all over and help, which will show that dystrophic processes have nothing to do with inflammation or salt deposition.
Conservative treatment involves the use of medications such as:

  1. Chondroprotectors - contribute to the speedy regeneration of the cartilage tissue of the joint.
  2. NSAIDs - stop the pain syndrome, reducing swelling.
  3. Intra-articular injections or - used for unbearable pain, when the patient may develop pain shock.

In the case when conservative treatment was ineffective, and joint degeneration progresses, a surgical operation is used to replace it.

This procedure is carried out in three directions:

  1. Full prosthetics - replacement of the entire joint with an artificial implant, which is necessary only when arthrosis has acquired neglected forms.
  2. Partial prosthetics (arthroscopy) - the affected areas of the joint are removed.
  3. Arthroplasty is the replacement of cartilage tissue, which helps to return the joint to working capacity.


Dystrophic processes in the joint caused by the presence of pathogenic microflora, which provokes the inflammatory process. Cartilage tissue is affected, which acts as a shock absorber for the joint.

With its thinning, the phalanges of the thumb are tightly pressed against each other, the friction force increases, which is one of the destructive factors.

kind of pain
In the acute course of the disease, intense pain in the area of ​​the big toe is noted, which can spread to the entire foot. The chronic form implies moderate but constant pain, which most often occurs with a sharp change in weather conditions.
The area of ​​the big toe and the entire foot with irradiation to the calf muscle. When moving a finger, a corresponding crunch is noted, and the deformation of the joint occurs synchronously, without protrusion in one direction.
To identify arthritis, its degree of progression and causes, use diagnostic methods such as:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • foot x-ray;
  • MRI and CT of the joint;
  • arthroscopy;
  • examination of synovial fluid for pathogenic microflora.

Several pathogenic factors are capable of provoking arthritis at once, therefore, when diagnosing, it is important to take into account data from the anamnesis, which will help to find and compare a causal relationship.

In the presence of an infectious nature of arthritis, broad-spectrum antibiotics are used in the form of intramuscular injections. To eliminate a strong pain syndrome, intra-articular injections with Analgin are used, which make it possible to achieve relief in the shortest possible time. In complex therapy, the following medicines are used:

  1. : Nurofen, Ibuprofen, .
  2. Gastroprotectors - reduce the aggressive effect of NSAIDs on the walls of the stomach.
  3. Local preparations in the form of ointments and creams with analgesic effect: Fastumgel, Arthrofon.
  4. - help relieve muscle spasm in the area of ​​\u200b\u200binflammation.
  5. - help restore damaged cartilage tissue:, Artra, Artradol.
  6. Vitamin complexes with a high content of calcium, magnesium and potassium.
  7. Bone compresses based on Dimexide and Novocain.

Surgical intervention is indicated when the joint is completely destroyed, and the inflammatory process progresses, threatening nearby joints with infection.

Physiotherapeutic procedures in the form of warming up, UHF, electrophoresis and phonophoresis are performed exclusively at the stage of remission of the disease, when the inflammatory process is depressed.

Excessive exercise

In the case when a person goes in for sports, but it is not systematic, but periodically, the foot is under increased stress. The role of the thumb is extremely large. It helps to keep the balance of the body, and also participates in the processes of movement. When a joint performs the same movement many times, the synovial fluid does not have time to be produced, so the joint may experience some difficulty.

On the other hand, shoes are annoying, especially if they are chosen incorrectly.

The absence of an arch support leads to the fact that the foot quickly gets tired, and constant mechanical friction in the area of ​​​​the bone contributes to an increase in the inflammatory process of soft tissues.

kind of pain
On movement the pain is sharp, throbbing, shooting. At rest, the pain may be less intense, but it manifests itself with any movement of the foot.
Big toe and whole foot.
In order to compare pain in the finger with physical exertion, it is necessary to exclude other similar pathologies that can manifest themselves with the same symptoms. To this end, the patient is offered to undergo a comprehensive examination, which consists of such measures as:

  • general analysis of urine and blood;
  • foot x-ray;
  • Joint ultrasound.

This will be quite enough to reveal the dependence of physical activity and pain in the finger.

If pathologies are identified, a more highly specialized examination using MRI and CT may be required.

In the presence of pronounced pain, complex analgesics can be used: Pentalgin, Sedalgin, Tempalgin. To relieve puffiness, it is recommended to use or. Local treatment consists of the following procedures:

  1. Compress from Dimexide and Novocaine - helps to quickly relieve pain.
  2. Cool baths with chamomile and sage.
  3. Rest and light massage of the entire foot.
  4. The use of ointments that relieve inflammation: Fastum gel, Nimid.

Morton's neuroma

This pathology is defined the presence of a thickening of the nerve between the 3rd and 4th toe. This process occurs in such cases:

  • in the presence of excess weight and increased loads on the foot;
  • constant wearing of shoes with high heels;
  • improperly selected shoes;
  • the presence of flat feet;
  • failures of metabolic processes, which affects the performance of nerve endings.

This disease is inherent in the female sex, and in men it is extremely rare.
kind of pain
The pain is aching, burning, aggravated by stepping on the sole. On palpation, there is a lack of sensitivity under the fingers.

If other fingers hurt before, a more accurate diagnosis may be required.

The focus of pain falls between the 3rd and 4th fingers, but the pain can spread to the entire foot, including the big toe.
Usually, a visual examination of the foot and palpation of the most painful areas is sufficient to make an accurate diagnosis.

If the doctor has some doubts about the diagnosis, you can additionally use x-rays and MRI.

In the case when the neuroma has the initial stages of development, conservative treatment is used, which includes:

  • wearing orthopedic shoes;
  • using finger separators;
  • massages and baths that relieve stress on the feet;
  • the use of orthopedic insoles that reduce the load on the fingers;
  • weight loss.

Medications such as:

  • Solpadein;
  • Codelac;
  • Tempalgin.

When the neuroma has an impressive size and puts pressure on nearby tissues, surgery will be required. It consists in excision of the inflamed area of ​​the nerve.

The operation is minimally invasive, so the rehabilitation process does not exceed 10 days.


The big toe is slightly longer than the rest of the toes, so he gets the most. Bruises, dislocations and fractures are more often diagnosed on the thumb. The most common occurrence is a fracture of the terminal phalanx of the thumb. This happens due to a strong blow, or other mechanical damage to the finger.
kind of pain
The pain is sharp, piercing.

In the future, the finger cannot be moved, and any contact causes incredible pain.

Thumb area.
In the event that a visual examination of the foot shows suspicion of injury, it is recommended to take an x-ray. This procedure will show the integrity of the bone tissue, and also help to identify the cause of the pain.
It is important to return the phalanx to the correct anatomical position, which is achieved by applying plaster. With severe pain, you can take complex analgesics.


Bursitis is an inflammatory process of the joint capsule, which develops when pathogenic microflora enters the synovial fluid. It can be an injury, a penetrating wound, or an infection that is present in the person's blood. Bursitis is manifested by blue skin around the bone, as well as unbearable pain, which manifests itself even at rest.

In the event that bursitis has purulent inflammation, symptoms such as nausea, fever, chills, and soreness of the entire foot may join.

kind of pain
Burning, penetrating, binding. The skin near the bone becomes more dense and hot.
Thumb area.
It is possible to determine the type of inflammatory process by examining the puncture of the synovial fluid. X-rays and ultrasound of the joint itself and the bursa may also be required.
After identifying the causative agent of inflammation, an appropriate antibacterial treatment is selected.

Dimexide-based compresses, as well as ointments with an analgesic effect, are used as local remedies.

Other reasons

Less common pathologies that can also provoke discomfort in the thumb are as follows:

  1. Diabetes mellitus, at the advanced stage of which gangrene gradually develops.
  2. Valgus deformity of the foot.
  3. Congenital or acquired flat feet.
  4. Deforming osteoarthritis.
  5. Core corn.
  6. Fungal lesions of the foot, provoking severe itching and swelling.
  7. Calluses.

In which case immediately see a doctor?

Finger pain can be tolerated for a long time, muffling its manifestations with the help of analgesics, but this is not the best way to solve the problem. The fact is that the more a person suffers pain, the more its cause, the disease, progresses. Do not hesitate to visit a specialist in the following situations:

  1. Impossible to step on the foot.
  2. The bone has increased several times.
  3. The body temperature has risen.

These manifestations indicate the neglect of the disease, the treatment of which should be started as early as possible.

First aid

When it is not possible to visit a doctor, and the pain does not endure, you can use the following recommendations:

  1. Take a pill of any anesthetic drug: Sedalgin, Pentalgin, Tempalgin.
  2. Try to gently stretch your foot.
  3. Put an anesthetic compress with and by adding a little warm water.
  4. Refuse to travel long distances.

Thus, there are a lot of situations in which the big toe hurts when walking.

These can be not only pathologies, but also ordinary situations with improperly selected shoes, excessive physical exertion and injuries.