Buy inhalation tablet with lidocaine. How to breathe correctly during inhalation with a nebulizer. Solutions and medications for inhalers for coughs


1. Inhalations should be taken no earlier than 1-1.5 hours after meals, and you should not be distracted by conversation. After inhalation, it is not recommended to talk, eat, or go outside for 1 hour (in cool weather).

2. For diseases of the upper respiratory tract (nose, paranasal sinuses and nasopharynx), inhalation and exhalation must be done through the nose using a mask. Breathe calmly, without tension.

3. For diseases of the middle respiratory tract (throat, larynx), inhalation and exhalation should be done through the mouth using a mask. You should breathe calmly as usual

4. For diseases of the trachea, bronchi, and lungs, it is recommended to inhale the aerosol through the mouth using a mouthpiece. Breathe deeply and evenly.

5. Most solutions for inhalation are prepared using saline 0.9% sodium chloride (NaCl) as a solvent and humectant. The original drug is diluted with saline in certain proportions.

6. The prepared solution should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day. Be sure to warm to room temperature before use.

7. When prescribing several drugs simultaneously, the order should be observed. A bronchodilator is inhaled first, after 15-20 minutes - an agent that thins and removes sputum, then, after the sputum has passed, an antibiotic or anti-inflammatory agent.

8. The course of treatment depends on the complexity of the disease and the drug used (from 5 to 10 days)

9. Although nebulizer therapy does not apply to thermal physiotherapeutic procedures, it is nevertheless not recommended to perform inhalations at elevated body temperatures

10. It is prohibited to use oil preparations in nebulizers. Various oils are used to treat diseases only of the upper respiratory tract, for which exposure to coarse particles is sufficient, therefore steam inhalers are used for inhalation of oils. The nebulizer produces fine particles. When using oil solutions, fine particles of oil enter the lungs, and this significantly increases the risk of developing so-called oil pneumonia. Also, the use of essential oils in nebulizers increases the risk of allergies due to high concentration active substances in the lungs.

11. Most nebulizers do not allow the use of self-prepared decoctions and infusions of herbs, since they have a suspension that is much larger than aerosol particles and the nebulizer cannot miss them, which in turn can lead to damage to the device. For the same reason, suspensions and syrups are not used in nebulizers (with the exception of special suspensions for inhalation). Although there are nebulizers that can work with herbal decoctions.

12. Such medications like Eufillin, Papaverine, Diphenhydramine and similar drugs, also cannot be used in nebulizers, since they do not have “points of application” on the mucous membrane.


1. Drugs that dilate the bronchi (Bronchodilators)

Berodual, active substance: fenoterol and ipratropium bromide (inhalation solution) - Prevention and treatment of suffocation in chronic obstructive respiratory diseases. The most effective of bronchodilators, has the least side effects.

Adults and children over 12 years old - 2 ml (40 drops) of the drug per 1 inhalation, up to 4 times a day

Children from 6 to 12 years old - 1 ml (20 drops) of the drug per 1 inhalation, up to 4 times a day

Children under 6 years old - 0.5 ml (10 drops) of the drug per 1 inhalation, up to 3 times a day

For cooking inhalation solution 3 ml of saline solution should be added to the recommended dose of the drug
Berotek, active ingredient: fenoterol (0.1% solution for inhalation) -

To relieve an attack of bronchial asthma:

Adults and children over 12 years old - 0.5 ml (0.5 mg - 10 drops), in severe cases- 1 ml (1 mg - 20 drops)

Children 6-12 years old (body weight 22-36 kg) - 0.25-0.5 ml (0.25-0.5 mg - 5-10 drops), in severe cases - 1 ml (1 mg - 20 drops )

Prevention and symptomatic treatment bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease:

Adults and children over 6 years old - 0.5 ml (0.5 mg - 10 drops) per 1 inhalation, up to 4 times a day

Children under 6 years old (body weight less than 22 kg) - 0.25-1 ml (0.25-1 mg - 5-20 drops), up to 3 times a day

The recommended dose is diluted with saline immediately before use to a volume of 3-4 ml. The interval between inhalations should not be less than 4 hours.
Salgim, Ventolin Nebula, active ingredient: salbutamol (0.1% solution for inhalation) - Relief of asthma attacks, prevention and symptomatic treatment of bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The effect is significantly inferior to Berotek

Adults and children - 2.5 ml (2.5 mg) per 1 inhalation, up to 4 times a day with an interval between inhalations of at least 6 hours

Intended for use undiluted
Atrovent, active ingredient: ipratropium bromide (0.025% solution for inhalation) - Relief of asthma attacks, prevention and symptomatic treatment of bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The effect is somewhat inferior to Berotek and salbutamol preparations, but the main advantage is the safety of use

Adults and children over 12 years old - 0.5 mg (40 drops) per 1 inhalation, 3-4 times a day

Children 6-12 years old - 0.25 mg (20 drops) per 1 inhalation, 3-4 times a day

Children under 6 years old - 0.1-0.25 mg (8-20 drops) per 1 inhalation, 3-4 times a day (under medical supervision).

2. Drugs that thin sputum (Mucolytics) and remove phlegm (Secretolytics, expectorants)

Fluimucil, ACC Inject, active ingredient: acetylcysteine ​​(10% solution for injection) - Impairment of sputum discharge from the lower respiratory tract, facilitation of mucous secretion in the upper respiratory tract

Adults and children over 12 years old - 3 ml of the drug per 1 inhalation, 1-2 times a day

Children from 6 to 12 years old - 2 ml of the drug per 1 inhalation, 1-2 times a day

Children from 2 to 6 years old - 1-2 ml of the drug per 1 inhalation, 1-2 times a day

Course of treatment - no more than 10 days

Acetylcysteine ​​preparations should not be used simultaneously with antibiotics, because they reduce the absorption of antibiotics. In cases where simultaneous administration of acetylcysteine ​​and an antibiotic is required, either another form of the drug is used: “Fluimucil-antibiotic”, or other mucolytic drugs compatible with antibiotics are used (for example, based on ambroxol). It should be noted that the use of acetylcysteine ​​preparations reduces toxic effect paracetamol on the liver.
Lazolvan, Abmbrobene, active ingredient: ambroxol (solution for inhalation and oral administration) - Acute and chronic diseases respiratory tract with the release of viscous sputum

Adults and children over 6 years old - 2-3 ml of solution per 1 inhalation, 1-2 times a day

Children from 2 to 6 years old - 2 ml of solution per 1 inhalation 1-2 times a day

Children under 2 years old - 1 ml of solution per 1 inhalation, 1-2 times a day

To prepare an inhalation solution, the recommended dose of the drug should be diluted with saline in a ratio of 1:1

Course of treatment - no more than 5 days

Drugs based on amboxol should not be used simultaneously with antitussive drugs (for example: codeine, libexin, falimint, broncholitin, pectussin, sinekod, etc.). The use of ambroxol preparations promotes good absorption of antibiotics.
Narzan, Borjomi(weakly alkaline mineral waters) - Moisturizing the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract

For 1 inhalation use 3-4 ml of mineral water, 2-4 times a day.

Before inhalation, mineral water should be left to degas.
Sinupret, homeopathic herbal medicine (drops based on plant extracts: gentian root, sorrel, primrose, elderberry, verbena) - Restores the protective properties and reduces swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract in acute and chronic sinusitis. Promotes the outflow of exudate from paranasal sinuses nose

For adults and children over 16 years old - in a ratio of 1:1 (per 1 ml of the drug 1 ml of saline solution)

For children from 2 to 6 years old - in a ratio of 1:3 (3 ml of saline solution per 1 ml of drug)

Gedelix, herbal medicine (drops based on ivy extract) - Diseases of the upper respiratory tract and bronchi with difficult to separate sputum, cough (including dry)

To prepare an inhalation solution, the drug must first be diluted in saline solution:

For adults and children over 10 years old - in a ratio of 1:1 (per 1 ml of drug 1 ml of saline solution)

For children under 10 years old - in a ratio of 1:2 (per 1 ml of the drug 2 ml of saline solution)

For 1 inhalation, use 3-4 ml of the resulting solution, 3 times a day.
Cough syrup herbal medicine (powder (for children and adults) for preparing a solution based on plant extracts: anise, licorice root, marshmallow root, thermopsis) - Respiratory tract diseases accompanied by cough, especially with difficult sputum discharge

To prepare an inhalation solution, the contents of 1 package should be dissolved in 15 ml of saline until completely dissolved without sediment.

For 1 inhalation, use 3-4 ml of the resulting solution, 3 times a day.
Mukaltin, herbal medicine (tablets based on marshmallow root extract) - Expectorant for diseases of the respiratory tract and lungs

To prepare an inhalation solution, dissolve 1 tablet in 80 ml of saline until completely dissolved without sediment.

For 1 inhalation, use 3-4 ml of the resulting solution, 3 times a day.
Pertussin, herbal medicine (solution based on plant extract: thyme, thyme) - Expectorant for tracheitis, bronchitis, whooping cough

To prepare an inhalation solution, the drug must first be diluted in saline solution:

For adults and children over 12 years old - in a ratio of 1:1 (per 1 ml of drug 1 ml of saline solution)

For children under 12 years of age - in a ratio of 1:2 (2 ml of saline solution per 1 ml of drug)

For 1 inhalation, use 3-4 ml of the resulting solution, 3 times a day.

3. Anti-inflammatory drugs

Rotokan, herbal medicine (alcohol infusion of plant extracts: calendula, chamomile, yarrow) - Acute inflammatory diseases of the upper and middle respiratory tract

For 1 inhalation, use 4 ml of the resulting solution, 3 times a day.
Propolis, herbal medicine (tincture) - Inflammatory processes, pain and injury of the upper and middle respiratory tract

The solution for inhalation is prepared by diluting the drug in saline in a ratio of 1:20 (1 ml of the drug per 20 ml of saline)

Contraindications - allergies to bee products
Eucalyptus, herbal medicine ( alcohol tincture) - Inflammatory diseases of the upper and middle respiratory tract

A solution for inhalation is prepared by diluting 10-15 drops of the drug in 200 ml of saline solution

For 1 inhalation use 3 ml of the resulting solution, 3-4 times a day

Contraindications - bronchial asthma, bronchospasm (suffocation)
Malavit, biologically active additive(alcohol tincture based on minerals and plant extracts) - Acute inflammatory diseases and pain of the upper and middle respiratory tract

The solution for inhalation is prepared by diluting the drug in saline solution in a ratio of 1:30 (1 ml of the drug per 30 ml of saline solution)

For 1 inhalation, use 3-4 ml of the resulting solution, 3 times a day.
Tonsilgon N, homeopathic herbal medicine (drops based on plant extracts: marshmallow root, leaves walnut, horsetail, chamomile, yarrow, oak bark, dandelion) - Acute and chronic diseases upper sections respiratory tract (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis)

To prepare an inhalation solution, the drug must first be diluted in saline solution:

For adults and children over 7 years old - in a ratio of 1:1 (per 1 ml of the drug 1 ml of saline solution)

For children from 1 to 7 years old - in a ratio of 1:2 (2 ml of saline solution per 1 ml of drug)

For children under 1 year - in a ratio of 1:3 (3 ml of saline solution per 1 ml of drug)

For 1 inhalation, use 3-4 ml of the resulting solution, 3 times a day.
Calendula, herbal medicine (alcohol infusion of calendula extract) - Acute inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract

The solution for inhalation is prepared by diluting the drug in saline in a ratio of 1:40 (1 ml of the drug per 40 ml of saline)

For 1 inhalation use 4 ml of the resulting solution, 3 times a day

4. Anti-inflammatory hormonal drugs (Glucocorticosteroids) and antiallergic drugs (Antihistamines)

Pulmicort, active ingredient: budesonide (suspension for inhalation, available in “child” (0.25 mg/ml) and “adult” (0.5 mg/ml) dosages) - Acute inflammatory diseases of the lower respiratory tract (bronchial asthma, chronic illness lungs) requiring treatment with hormonal drugs. Has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects.

Adults/elderly and children over 12 years of age - 1 mg per 1 inhalation, 1-3 times a day

Children from 6 months. and up to 12 years - 0.25 mg per 1 inhalation, 1-3 times a day

This drug is not used in ultrasonic nebulizers. If a single dose of the drug is less than 2 ml, then saline solution should be added to increase the volume of the inhaled solution to 2 ml. In other cases, the drug is inhaled into pure form(without dilution in saline solution).

Daily dose of the drug:

0.25 mg/ml - 1 ml 0.25 mg/ml

0.5 mg/ml - 2 ml 0.25 mg/ml

0.75 mg/ml - 3 ml 0.25 mg/ml

1 mg/ml - 4 ml of 0.25 ml/mg or 2 ml of 0.5 mg/ml

1.5 mg/ml - 3 ml 0.5 mg/ml

2 mg/ml - 4 ml 0.5 mg/ml
Dexamethasone,(0.4% solution for injection, 4 mg/ml) - Acute inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract requiring treatment with hormonal drugs

For 1 inhalation, use 0.5 ml (2 mg) of the drug, up to 4 times a day.

The course of treatment is no more than 7 days

To prepare an inhalation solution, 3 ml of saline solution should be added to the recommended dose of the drug.

You can also pre-dilute ampoules with the drug in saline solution in a ratio of 1:6 (6 ml of saline solution per 1 ml of the drug) and inhale 3-4 ml of the resulting solution per 1 inhalation.
Cromohexal, active ingredient: cromoglycic acid (inhalation solution, 20 mg / 2 ml) - Has anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-asthmatic effects.

For adults and children over 2 years of age, inhale the contents of 1 bottle (without dilution with saline) 4 times a day, if possible, at equal time intervals.

5. Antimicrobial and antibacterial drugs(Antibiotics and Antiseptics)

Fluimucil antibiotic, active ingredient: acetylcysteine ​​and thiamphenicol (powder for injection and inhalation complete with solvent) - The need for simultaneous administration of an antibiotic and a drug that dilutes and removes sputum and mucus from the lower and upper respiratory tract

To prepare the drug, add 5 ml of solvent (1 ampoule) to the bottle with the powder. The resulting preparation should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day, before use it should be warmed to room temperature.

Adults and children over 12 years old - ½ bottle (250 mg) for 1 inhalation 1-2 times a day

Children under 12 years old - ¼ bottle (125 mg) for 1 inhalation 1-2 times a day

To prepare an inhalation solution, add 2 ml of saline solution to the recommended dose of the drug.
Furacilin, active ingredient: nitrofural (0.024% aqueous solution, 1:5000) - Has disinfectant properties. Treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, prevention of infection penetration into more deep sections bronchial tree

For inhalation, use a ready-made solution of furatsilin (in its pure form, without dilution in saline) 4 ml per 1 inhalation 2 times a day. This solution must be ordered from the production department of the pharmacy.

You can prepare the solution yourself by dissolving 1 tablet of furatsilin in 100 ml of saline until completely dissolved without sediment. Inhale 4 ml of the resulting solution 2 times a day.
Dioxidin,(0.5% or 1% solution for injection) - Has disinfectant properties wide range actions.

To prepare an inhalation solution, the drug should be diluted with saline in a ratio of 1:4 for a 1% drug or in a ratio of 1:2 for a 0.5% drug.

For 1 inhalation, use 3-4 ml of the resulting solution, 2 times a day.
Chlorophyllipt, herbal medicine (1% alcohol infusion based on chlorophyll from eucalyptus leaves) - Staphylococcal infection respiratory tract

The solution for inhalation is prepared by diluting the drug in saline solution in a ratio of 1:10 (1 ml of the drug per 10 ml of saline solution)

For 1 inhalation, use 3 ml of the resulting solution, 3 times a day.

The product stains very strongly and cannot be washed off!
Gentamicin,(4% gentamicin sulfate injection, 40 mg/ml) - Respiratory tract infections

Adults and children over 12 years old - 0.5 ml (20 mg) of the drug per 1 inhalation, 1-2 times a day

Children from 2 to 12 years old - 0.25 ml (10 mg) of the drug per 1 inhalation, 1-2 times a day

To prepare an inhalation solution, 3 ml of saline solution should be added to the recommended dose of the drug. You can also pre-dilute ampoules with the drug in saline solution:

For adults and children over 12 years old - in a ratio of 1:6 (6 ml of saline solution per 1 ml of the drug) and inhale 3-4 ml of the resulting solution per 1 inhalation.

For children from 2 to 12 years old - in a ratio of 1:12 (12 ml of saline solution per 1 ml of the drug) and inhale 3 ml of the resulting solution per 1 inhalation.
Miramistin, (0.01% solution)- Broad-spectrum antiseptic. Treatment of respiratory tract infections, including those accompanied by purulent discharge

For inhalation, adults and children over 12 years of age use a ready-made 0.01% solution of Miramistin (in its pure form, without dilution in saline), 4 ml per 1 inhalation 3 times a day.

For children under 12 years of age, to prepare an inhalation solution, the drug should be diluted with saline solution in a ratio of 1:2 (2 ml of saline solution per 1 ml of the drug) and inhaled 3-4 ml per 1 inhalation 3 times a day.

6. Immunomodulators

Interferon,(powder for preparing nasal drops) - Prevention and treatment of influenza, as well as other acute respiratory viral infections.

To prepare the drug, open the ampoule with the powder, pour boiled or distilled water at room temperature into it to the 2 ml mark, and shake gently.

For 1 inhalation, use 2 ml of the resulting solution, 2 times a day.

To prepare an inhalation solution, add 1 ml of saline solution to the recommended dose of the drug.
Derinat, active ingredient: sodium disoribonucleate (0.25% solution for external use) - Prevention and treatment of influenza, ARVI and others viral infections upper respiratory tract and its complications

For 1 inhalation use 2 ml of the drug, 2 times a day.

To prepare an inhalation solution, add 2 ml of saline solution to the recommended dose of the drug.

7. Vasoconstrictor (decongestant) drugs

Adrenaline (Epinephrine), active ingredient: epinephrine (0.1% solution of adrenaline hydrochloride for external use or injection) - Bronchospasm(attack of suffocation), allergic edema larynx, laryngeal edema with laryngitis, laryngotracheitis and croup

Adults and children over 2 years old - 0.5 ml of the drug once, repeat the procedure if necessary

Children under 2 years old - 0.25 ml of the drug once, repeat the procedure if necessary

To prepare an inhalation solution, add 3 ml of saline solution to the recommended dose of the drug.

You can also pre-dilute the drug in saline solution:

For adults and children over 2 years old - in a ratio of 1:6 (6 ml of saline solution per 1 ml of the drug) and inhale 3 ml of the resulting solution per 1 inhalation.

For children under 2 years old - in a ratio of 1:12 (12 ml of saline solution per 1 ml of the drug) and inhale 3 ml of the resulting solution per 1 inhalation.

Use with caution, increases heart rate! Do not use without consulting a doctor!
Naphthyzin, active ingredient: naphazoline (nasal drops, 0.05% and 0.1% solution) - Allergic stenosis (edema) of the larynx, stenosis (edema) of the larynx with laryngitis, laryngotracheitis and croup

To prepare an inhalation solution, the 0.05% drug should be diluted with saline in a ratio of 1:5 (for 1 ml of the drug, 5 ml of saline) or the 0.1% drug should be diluted in a ratio of 1:10 (for 1 ml of the drug, 10 ml saline solution).

To relieve swelling, inhale 3 ml of the resulting solution once, and repeat the procedure if necessary.

8. Antitussives

Lidocaine,(2% solution of lidocaine hydrochloride) - Obsessive dry cough. Local anesthetic effect

Adults and children over 12 years old - 2 ml of the drug per 1 inhalation, 1-2 times a day

Children from 2 to 12 years old - 1 ml of the drug per 1 inhalation, 1-2 times a day

To prepare an inhalation solution, add 2 ml of saline solution to the recommended dose of the drug.

Use with caution, there are very serious contraindications! Do not use without consulting a doctor!
Tussamag, herbal medicine (drops based on thyme extract) - Diseases of the upper respiratory tract accompanied by a non-productive cough

To prepare an inhalation solution, the drug must first be diluted in saline solution:

For adults and children over 17 years old - in a ratio of 1:1 (per 1 ml of drug 1 ml of saline solution)

For children from 6 to 16 years old - in a ratio of 1:2 (2 ml of saline solution per 1 ml of drug)

For children from 1 to 5 years old - in a ratio of 1:3 (3 ml of saline solution per 1 ml of drug)

For 1 inhalation, use 3-4 ml of the resulting solution, 3 times a day.

Antiseptic fees

Pronounced antiseptic effect (for acute respiratory and colds) infusions of St. John's wort and eucalyptus have:
1. Eucalyptus leaves 10 g.
Chamomile flowers 12 g.

2. Eucalyptus leaves 6 g.
Calendula flowers 10g.
St. John's wort herbs 10 g.
Pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain; 10 ml per inhalation.

3.Infusion of eucalyptus leaves 10.0:200 ml
Aqueous solution of honey 3-5% 100 ml

4. Raspberry leaves 10 g.
Coltsfoot herbs 10 g.
Linden flowers 10 g.
20 g of collection pour 200 ml. boiling water, leave for 1 hour. 10 ml. decoction for inhalation.

5.Ledum leaves 10 g.
Oregano herbs 20 g.
Herbs coltsfoot 20 g.
20 g of the collection pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour. 10 ml. for 1 inhalation.

6. Decoction of tripartite string 10g: 200 ml of water
Herbal infusion St. John's wort 15g: 200 ml water
Oregano flower infusion 15g: 200 ml water
Mix 10 ml for 1 inhalation.

Antiseptic solutions

Has good antiseptic properties Kalanchoe juice or aloe juice mixed with a 5-10% solution of natural honey.
To prevent exacerbations of the infectious-inflammatory process during periods of ARVI epidemics, a safe, useful and effective remedy is the inhalation of phytoncides - “natural antibiotics” prepared by nature itself. The most readily available for treatment are phytoncides of onion, garlic, and eucalyptus. Freshly prepared onion or garlic juice, diluted 20-40 times with water - excellent remedy for the treatment and prevention of any infection.

1.Onion and garlic juice
Contains phytoncides and has an antimicrobial effect.
For one inhalation, dissolve 3 drops of freshly prepared onion or garlic juice in 5 ml of saline solution or boiled water.

2. Kalanchoe juice
Has antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects.
For inhalation, prepare a 30% solution - dilute 1 ml of juice in 5 ml of isotonic sodium solution or boiled water.

3. Natural flower honey
Natural flower honey contains vitamins, folic acid and pantothenic acid, enzymes and minerals, has an anti-inflammatory effect. For inhalation, prepare a fresh honey solution daily, dissolve 1-2 teaspoons of honey in boiled water (100 ml).
For an aerosol, use 5 ml of solution.
Inhalations are carried out 2 times daily.

4.Furacilin solution
A solution of furatsilin has disinfecting properties; inhalations with this solution prevent inflammation from penetrating into the deeper parts of the bronchial tree and help get rid of catarrhal phenomena of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. For inhalation, use a ready-made 0.024% solution of furatsilin, 4-5 ml per inhalation, 2 times a day.

It is an extract from plants that have anti-inflammatory properties and are traditionally used in herbal medicine - chamomile, calendula and yarrow. Indicated for the treatment of acute inflammatory diseases upper and middle respiratory tract. A solution for inhalation is prepared by diluting 1/2 teaspoon of rotokan in 100 ml of physiological sodium chloride solution. Treatment dose: 3-4 ml 2-3 times a day. In cases of obsessive dry cough, such as symptomatic remedy you can use lidocaine inhalation through an inhaler.

Expectorant fees

When coughing with viscous sputum that is difficult to separate, inhalation of the following preparations is recommended:
1. Coltsfoot leaves 15 g.
Mullein flowers scepter-shaped 15 g.
Elder flowers 15 g.

2. Primrose leaves 20 g.
Thermopsis herbs 0.6 g.
Pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain; 10 ml per inhalation.

3. Large plantain leaves 10g.
Coltsfoot leaves 10 g.
Ledum leaves 10 g.
Pour 300 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour; strain; 10 ml per inhalation.

4. Pine buds 25 g.
Chamomile flowers 25 g.
Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain; 10 ml per inhalation.

5. Licorice 10 g.
Sage 10 g.
Chamomile 5 g.
Tripartite sequence 5 g.
Eucalyptus leaf 10 g.
Calendula flowers 10 g.
Pour 10 g of the mixture into 200 ml. boiling water, brew in a thermos for 2-3 hours. 10 ml. for inhalation, duration 5-7 minutes.

Antifungal fees

Moderate antifungal effect provide the following fees medicinal plants:
1.Lingonberry leaves
St. John's wort herbs, 15 g each.
Pour 300 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain; 10 ml per inhalation.

2.Decoction of birch leaves and stems 10:200 ml
Infusion of bird cherry flowers 15:200 ml.
Mix; 10 ml per inhalation.

Astringent and anti-inflammatory preparations

Astringent and anti-inflammatory mixtures of medicinal plants contribute to more complete cleansing respiratory tract, elimination unpleasant odor and mucosal regeneration in most chronic diseases.
1.Oak bark decoction 20:200 ml
Infusion of sage leaves
Infusion of St. John's wort herb
Infusion of calendula flowers
Chamomile flower infusion
15:200 ml each
Mix; 10 ml per inhalation.

2. Chamomile flowers 20 g.
Black currant leaves 20 g.
Sequence herbs 8 g.
Pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour,
strain; 10 ml per inhalation.

3.Infusion of blackberry leaves and stems 20:200 ml
Infusion of coltsfoot leaves 15:100 ml
Oak bark decoction 10:100 ml
Mix; 10 ml per inhalation.

4. Infusion of peppermint herb
Yarrow herb infusion
10:200 ml each
Viburnum bark decoction 15:200 ml
Mix; 10 ml per inhalation.

5. Yarrow herbs 10 g.
Large plantain leaves 10 g.
Sandy immortelle flowers 10 g.
Pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain; 10 ml per inhalation.

With atrophic processes in the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract The following are recommended:

Medicinal herbal remedies:
1. Eucalyptus leaves 10 g.
Peppermint leaves 15 g.
Calendula officinalis flowers 15 g.
Chamomile flowers 15 g.
Rhizomes of meadow geranium 15 g.
20 g of the collection, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, 10 ml of decoction for 1 inhalation.

2. Infusion of plantain leaves 5g: 200 ml. water
Infusion of St. John's wort herb 10 g: 200 ml water
Infusion of eucalyptus leaves 5g: 200 ml water
Mix the infusions, use 10 ml of the infusion mixture for 1 inhalation.

Aqueous solutions

1. Natural grape juice
Grape juice contains a large number of vitamins and minerals, course of treatment is 10-15 procedures.

2.Isotonic solution sodium chloride
An isotonic solution of sodium chloride moisturizes the mucous membrane throughout its entire length from the oropharynx to the small bronchi and reduces catarrhal symptoms. For one procedure, you need to take 5 ml of solution 1-2 times a day.

3.Water solution propolis
An aqueous solution of propolis has an immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory effect. Dilute 1 drop of solution in 5 ml of physiological solution of sodium chloride (NaCl 0.9%) or furatsilin. Carry out 1-2 inhalations per day.

Oil solutions

In atrophic processes it is advisable to use vegetable oil(preferably olive oil) dilute 1-2 drops of oil in 5 ml. physiological sodium chloride solution (NaCl) 1-2 inhalations per day.

Diseases of which cough is a symptom are very common in childhood.

One of the methods of their treatment is inhalation, which helps moisturize the mucous membranes, reduce inflammation, make sputum more liquid and improve coughing, which speeds up recovery.

Indications and contraindications

Inhalations help with many types of diseases

Inhalations cannot be carried out:

  • Children under one year old.
  • Children with bacterial sore throat.
  • At elevated body temperature.
  • Children with otitis media.
  • In case of intolerance to the drug.
  • For frequent nosebleeds.
  • When coughing with pus or blood.
  • In serious condition.

Why is the procedure performed for coughing?

Inhalations have the following effect:

  • Stimulates mucus secretion during dry cough.
  • Softens mucus and makes it easier to expectorate wet cough.
  • Prevents the spread of infection to the lower Airways.
  • Bacteria and dead leukocytes are removed from the respiratory tract.
  • Reduce the risk of complications.
  • Increase blood flow in the lung tissue.
  • Activate metabolic processes in the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

Inhalation and bathing for dry cough cause copious discharge sputum, so these procedures must be carried out carefully. For more information about this, see Dr. Komarovsky’s program.

Rules for inhalation

Steam inhalations

To carry out such procedures you can use steam inhaler or a container with boiling liquid. These inhalations involve the use of only those solutions that can withstand heat. Often this is water with the addition of soda, salt, essential oils or medicinal herbs.

Inhalation with a nebulizer

Using a nebulizer for procedures allows you to spray medicinal substances into tiny droplets and deliver them into the respiratory tract to the place where their action is important. For its operation, such a device can use ultrasound, a compressor or a special membrane.

Depending on the particles generated in the device, nebulizer inhalations can be aimed at different departments respiratory tract. Medicines converted into tiny particles will get into tissues faster respiratory system, and will also act on them longer and more effectively than with other methods of administration.

Solutions specially designed for use in such a device are poured into the nebulizer. Most often they are diluted in saline solution, and decoctions of herbs and oil solutions Most nebulizers cannot be used. Some models also have restrictions for medications, for example, corticosteroid hormones.

A nebulizer helps deliver medications to the respiratory tract faster


The following substances are used for inhalation when coughing:

  1. Products that help moisturize and soften mucous membranes. These include salt and mineral water, saline, water with soda. Such moisturizers are especially often prescribed for dry coughs.
  2. Medications with a bronchodilator effect that help eliminate spasms in the respiratory tract. This group of drugs includes Berotek, Atrovent, Berodual and Ventolin. They are recommended for dry and allergic cough.
  3. Agents with mucolytic action. Such drugs are Ambrobene, ACC, Bronchipret, Lazolvan, Mucaltin and others. They are indicated for both wet and dry coughs.
  4. Anti-inflammatory agents to reduce swelling and inflammation. This effect is provided by Tonzilgon N, Pulmicort, Cromohexal, Rotokan and other drugs. They are recommended for barking, allergic and wet coughs.
  5. Antitussive agents. These include Lidocaine and Tussamag. Such drugs are prescribed for barking cough.
  6. Antiseptic agents for cleansing mucous membranes. This group includes Chlorophyllipt, Furacilin, Miramistin and Dioxidin. Their purpose is indicated for wet or barking cough.
  7. Medicinal herbs with mucolytic, anti-inflammatory and emollient effects. Such herbs include sage, chamomile, coltsfoot, St. John's wort, mint, thyme and others. Their decoctions are used for dry coughs.
  8. Essential oils with anti-inflammatory and softening effects. This effect is observed in oils of pine, sea buckthorn, eucalyptus, almond and others. Inhalations with them are recommended for dry cough.

About why you should not do inhalations with boiled potatoes, watch the program of Dr. Komarovsky.

Dosages of solutions for inhalation

What product or drug is used to perform the procedure?

Dosages for different ages

With saline solution

Use 3-4 ml of solution per procedure.

With dry cough syrup

For one procedure you need 3-4 ml from a solution prepared with 1 sachet and 15 ml of water.

For children under 12 years old – 1 ml of the drug + 2 ml of saline solution.

For children aged 12 years and older – 4 ml of the drug without adding saline solution.

For children under 6 years old – 2 ml of the drug + 2 ml of saline solution.

For children over 6 years old – 2-3 ml of the drug + 2-3 ml of saline solution.

From Borjomi

The inhalation method of treatment has been known since ancient times. Inhalation is inhalation. In fact, everything that gets inside a person along with inhaled air is inhalation. However, this concept has firmly entered our lives precisely as a method of treating various diseases. Most often, inhalations are done for coughs and.

For many, the word “inhalation” is associated with very unpleasant memories: a saucepan with boiled potatoes or brewed herbs, hot, scalding steam over which you need to breathe, covered with a blanket. For children, this procedure is akin to execution. In addition, it is dangerous due to burns to the mucous membranes due to very hot steam and to the skin if the contents of the saucepan accidentally tip over. But poor children, how can they protest against their mother’s imperious “must!”

It is necessary to forget about inhalation as a painful procedure. We live in a civilized world and treatment methods must be appropriate.

Advantages of the inhalation method of treatment

Inhalations are prescribed when various diseases, accompanied This acute infections upper respiratory tract, and even.

Pathological process in diseases of the respiratory tract, it is localized mainly on the mucous membranes, where viruses and bacteria multiply. In response to the introduction of infection, the mucous membrane responds with swelling and excessive production, which is manifested by a cough. Muscle spasm in the walls of the bronchi during obstructive diseases is another mechanism for the occurrence of cough.

Therefore, it seems natural that the effect of drugs directly on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract in these diseases will be much more effective than the administration of the same drugs by injection or tablets.

Suffice it to remember that the use of modern inhalation agents made a real revolution in the treatment of diseases such as bronchial asthma. Patients with this diagnosis who use inhaled medications live ordinary life without any restrictions and have long forgotten about daily attacks, calls to the ambulance and systemic administration of hormones with their irreversible side effects.

Drugs inhaled in the form of vapors or aerosols act locally, relieving swelling and irritation, moisturizing the mucous membrane, cleansing it, thinning mucus, helping to quickly remove it from the bronchi and thereby reducing treatment time. Inhalation drugs are absorbed into the general bloodstream in much smaller quantities than with traditional administration, therefore the risk of developing side effects minimized.

For this reason, inhalation treatment is gaining increasing popularity, especially since convenient home inhalers similar to stationary ones have appeared.

What types of inhalations are there?

Depending on the state of aggregation Inhaled inhaled substances can be divided into:

Inhalations are classified according to temperature:

  1. Cold (temperature of the inhaled substance up to 30°).
  2. Heat-moist (temperature 30-45°).
  3. Steam (temperature 45-50°).

Video: how to choose an inhaler - Dr. Komarovsky

Main causes of cough

Cough accompanies almost all diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract. Cough - unconditioned reflex, which is caused by irritation of respiratory tract receptors. This reflex is protective and is aimed at cleansing the bronchial tree, trachea and pharynx.

Cough is a symptom, not a disease. IN different cases it has different reasons. So, in the first days of acute respiratory disease inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and trachea occurs, which causes irritation of the cough receptors. There is no sputum yet, the cough at this time is dry, obsessive, debilitating. After a few days, mucus production increases, the cough becomes productive, phlegm is cleared, the airways clear, and within 7-10 days the patient recovers. This pathogenesis of cough is characteristic of acute tracheitis, acute catarrhal bronchitis.

At acute laryngitis cough due to irritation reflex zones located in the larynx. The cough with laryngitis is also dry, obsessive, and does not bring relief. As a rule, there is no sputum with such a cough.

In case of complicated course of these diseases, joining bacterial infection, spread of inflammation to lower sections bronchial tree, the cough drags on because sputum, sometimes of a purulent nature, accumulates in the lumen of the bronchi, and the removal of this sputum is difficult. Cough caused by prolonged irritation from accumulating mucus is characteristic of bronchitis, pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, (flow of mucus from the paranasal sinuses into the throat).

Cough can be caused by inhalation of irritants and dust. Allergies are also quite common reason cough.

Others, more rare causes cough : gastroesophageal reflux, foreign bodies, tumors, airway compression, heart failure, side effect some medications, neuroses.

As you can see, the causes of cough are different, and approaches to its treatment should also be different. The main advice is to consult a doctor, find out the cause of the cough and apply the prescribed treatment, including civilized inhalation therapy.

The effect of inhalation on the body

During inhalation the following clinical effects can be achieved:

  • Moisturizing the mucous membrane, which makes it easier.
  • Enveloping, creating a protective film when using essential oils. This effect helps to reduce the excitability of cough receptors.
  • Stimulates the formation of sputum, thanks to this effect the cough becomes stronger and goes away faster.
  • With viscous sputum, thin it and make it easier to pass.
  • Relief for allergic cough and obstructive bronchial diseases.
  • Detrimental effect on infection when using antiseptics and antibiotics.

What inhalations are used for coughing?

Depending on the nature of the cough, they are used various groups drugs for inhalation:

Inhalations for cough can be performed both in physiotherapy rooms and at home. For these purposes, it is advisable to have a home inhaler.

Steam inhalation at home

To carry out such inhalations at home, you can purchase an inexpensive steam inhaler, but you can also make do with improvised means. The most acceptable method of steam inhalation: a decoction of medicinal herbs or solutions is poured into a teapot table salt, soda, essential oils, put a cone made of paper and cardboard on your nose, breathe through the narrow end of the cone. Under no circumstances should the solution be hot. Let's forget about boiling water! The maximum solution temperature is 55°.

Infusions of herbs are used: chamomile, sage, calendula, eucalyptus, raspberry, mint, wild rosemary. There are many recipes herbal infusions for inhalations. Herbal inhalations have an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect and can be used for both dry and wet coughs.

IN herbal decoction You can add honey, essential oil, garlic juice. They are also used to soften the throat and improve sputum discharge. soda inhalations and inhalation with saline solution or mineral water.

Here are some recipes for steam inhalations:

  • Mineral water such as Narzan, Borjomi, Essentuki-17, heated to 50°.
  • Salt solution (1 teaspoon of sea or table salt per 2 glasses of water).
  • Inhalations with soda (1 tsp. baking soda for 1 glass of hot (but not boiling) water).
  • Dissolve a tablespoon of honey in boiled water.
  • Brew dry herb (one or a mixture) with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for about 20-30 minutes. If the infusion has cooled, dilute with boiling water and breathe.
  • IN herbal infusion add 10-15 drops of essential oil (eucalyptus, fir, peppermint, pine oil) or a piece the size of a match head of “Star” balm. If you don’t have either one or the other at hand, you can throw a validol tablet into the solution.

What do you need to remember about steam inhalation?

  1. With their help it is hardly possible to achieve pronounced therapeutic effect. This is rather a distracting procedure that brings temporary relief from a debilitating cough.
  2. The particles of the substance that enter the body during steam inhalation are quite large, they cannot enter the lower respiratory tract, so their main use is for diseases of the nasopharynx and larynx.
  3. The duration of steam inhalation is 10-15 minutes, the frequency is 3-4 times a day.
  4. Use herbal decoctions, honey and essential oils in persons prone to allergies.
  5. It is not advisable to do steam inhalations small children, as the steam temperature cannot be precisely controlled.
  6. During such inhalations, medications cannot be used, since most of them are destroyed when heated.

Inhalation using a nebulizer

If the family has small children who are often sick or suffer from bronchial asthma, it is worth purchasing a home inhalation device - a nebulizer. Inhalations with a nebulizer significantly expand the possibilities of therapy and the range of drugs used.

A nebulizer has a chamber into which a drug solution is poured and a device for converting this solution into an aerosol. This concentrated mist is released into an outlet tube and inhaled through a mask or mouthpiece. Depending on the type of this device, nebulizers are distinguished:

Basic rules for nebulizer inhalations:

What products are used for cough inhalation using a nebulizer?

When dry obsessive cough for acute respiratory infections, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, antitussive drugs that suppress excitability can be used nerve receptors. In the absence of contraindications, it can be used for this purpose. lidocaine(2% solution diluted 1:1 with saline). During the dry cough phase, it can also be prescribed Tussamag, Gedelix. Inhalations with saline and mineral waters For the purpose of moisturizing, they are used for any cough, including dry ones.

When the phlegm starts to go away a little, it is necessary to stimulate this process, to make it less viscous. Mucolytic drugs are used for this purpose. Lazolvan, Ambrobene, Fluimucil, ACC Inject, for children and pregnant women can be used Pertussin, dry cough syrup, well dissolved in saline solution.

Usually, after inhalation with expectorants, the cough intensifies; this is normal.

After sputum is discharged, it is good to inhale with an anti-inflammatory agent. It can be herbal preparations Rotokan(1:40 dilution), propolis tincture (1:20), Chlorophyllipt(1:10), antiseptics Dioxidine(1% solution, diluted 1:4), Miramistin(0.01% ready solution), antibiotic Gentamicin(4% solution for injection, diluted 1:6).

For attacks of bronchospasm with cough (bronchial asthma, obstructive bronchitis), inhaled bronchodilators are used - Berodual, Berotek, Atrovent, Salgim (salbutamol).

Doses of inhaled drugs are prescribed by the attending physician. Inhalations with saline solution and mineral water can be carried out without a doctor’s prescription as self-treatment and in the intervals between inhalations with prescribed medications.

Video: inhalations, “School of Doctor Komarovsky”

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="child with nebulizer" width="300" height="200"> !} Using a cough nebulizer for children, inhalation procedures are carried out, which are effective methods against diseases such as colds, often accompanied by a runny nose and cough, especially in autumn and winter period. Using compressed air, the nebulizer turns medicines into the vapors that the child inhales. Once in the lungs and bronchi, the medicine creates a rapid therapeutic effect.

Types of inhalation devices

Inhalation is a procedure based on inhalation of steam with medicines and has therapeutic and preventive action. A targeted effect on the respiratory system gives good effect, stimulating the body and significantly reducing the absorption time of the drug.

Before inhalation, you must make sure that there is no elevated temperature The child has. The procedure is contraindicated for nosebleeds, hypertension Stage 3 and cardiovascular failure.

A nebulizer allows you to treat and prevent cough safely and most effectively. There are several varieties of the device, differing in mechanisms:

  1. Ultrasonic nebulizers. The transformation of the drug into vapor occurs due to vibration with high frequency. The main advantage of the device is its compactness, but it is not capable of spraying some medications.
  2. Compressor devices. Are among the most functional types. Such machines can work with any medicine. The conversion of liquid into vapor occurs due to oxygen pressure. The disadvantage is the massive design and noisy operation.

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  1. Membrane nebulizers are produced small sizes. The action occurs by spraying drugs through a membrane. Such devices have all the above advantages, but the cost of the device is much higher.

Read also: Banana recipes for a child’s cough

When choosing an inhaler, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances of treatment. Effective therapy children pass when the sprayed particles do not exceed 7 microns. Ultrasonic and compressor devices have exactly this effect. However, a noisy device can frighten children. If you are using medications containing antibiotics, do not use an ultrasonic nebulizer, as it destroys the drug complex.

To treat cough, it is better to opt for a compressor option with several modes, data-lazy-type="image" data-src=" 300w, content/uploads/2017/03/img_5825_1437398869781.jpg 393w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px"> regulating particle size. This device will be useful in the future for the prevention of nasal diseases.

For the little ones, a comfortable mask is provided that does not allow microparticles to fly away. For older children, the kit includes a special mouthpiece.

Rules for using a nebulizer

The procedure must be carried out an hour after eating. After finishing inhalation, you should not go outside or stay in a cold room. It is advisable that the child stay in good mood. To achieve better action from the procedure, you must adhere to some rules:

  1. Make sure that the child’s throat is free and that the collar does not pull or pinch.
  2. Fill the hardware chamber with at least 4 ml of liquid.
  3. Only fresh solution should be used.
  4. Before use, the liquid is brought to room temperature.

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  1. The inhaler is filled with medications immediately before the start of the procedure.
  2. After refueling, attach the compressor and face mask.
  3. The baby should take several deep breaths, then hold his breath for a few seconds.
  4. Inhalation takes 10 minutes.
  5. The child should sit quietly and breathe deeply.
  6. After the procedure, the device is disassembled, washed and sterilized.

You can store the prepared solution in the refrigerator without data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="nebulizer solutions" width="300" height="233"> !} more than a day. If several drugs are prescribed, they are used alternately. First, means to dilate the bronchi, after 20 minutes, drugs to liquefy and remove sputum.

Nebulizers are not designed for oil-based medications, as the machine produces small particles. Once in the lungs, they can cause oil pneumonia and allergic reaction body.

Read also: Treatment of cough with folk remedies in children quickly

Recipes for inhalations for coughs

Inhalation with a nebulizer for cough is effective method for the fight and prevention of colds in children. Before using this or that drug, you must consult with your doctor, who will prescribe necessary remedy for a specific case.

Various medications are used for a certain form cough. There are dry, wet and allergic coughs. With a dry cough, hacking occurs barking sounds, it is necessary to alleviate the child’s condition with the help of medications. A wet cough is characterized by the production of sputum, so drugs are used to promote its separation. For an allergic cough, it is necessary to relieve swelling and reduce the cough reflex. The basis of the prescription for the inhaler is saline. solution, sometimes mineral water.

Inhalations for cough with a nebulizer, basic recipes for children:

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  1. Fluimucil solution thins mucus, turning a dry cough into a wet one, and removes accumulated mucus. Sold in pharmacies in powder form. The dosage is prescribed by the attending physician.
  2. Berodual – effective remedy to relieve cough spasms and dilation of the bronchi. 10 drops of solution are diluted with 3 ml of sodium chloride. Prescribed to children from 6 years of age.
  3. A 1% solution of Dioxide has bactericidal effect, having a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms. For inhalation, use 4 ml of solution. Such procedures can be done no more than 2 times a day.
  4. Treatment of cough with Furacilin solution prevents infection from entering the lungs. Take a pure 0.024% solution of the drug and add 4-5 ml to the nebulizer.
  5. Chlorophyllipt solution 1% is a drug for plant based and has antiseptic properties. For inhalation, the medicine is diluted with saline. solution in a ratio of 1:10. The procedure is carried out 3 times a day.
  6. For wet coughs, Lazolvan in ampoules is used to thin the sputum. For 2 ml of medicine you will need 2 ml of saline. solution. Inhalation is done 2-3 times a day.
  7. Sinupred promotes the separation of mucus during a wet cough, 1 ml is diluted with 3 ml of solution, used 2-3 times a day.
  8. Gentamicin solution 4% is active against respiratory tract infections. When coughing, 0.25 ml of the drug is diluted with 3 ml saline. solution. Inhalation is carried out 3 times a day.

Inhalations for coughs are the most effective method of treatment, but many of us various reasons they are too lazy to carry them out. Some people don’t want to visit a physiotherapy room in a clinic, while others don’t want to bother with carrying out these procedures at home, believing that taking medications orally will be enough. And completely in vain! Inhalations for coughs and local impact respiratory tract medications recognized modern medicine the most effective and safe treatment.

With the advent of nebulizers on sale, this situation may change dramatically. By purchasing this device for home use, you can easily perform inhalations with maximum benefit and with minimal effort and time. In our article we will introduce you to the intricacies of performing these procedures and tell you about their advantages.

Benefits of using a nebulizer for cough

Inhalations via a nebulizer are well tolerated by patients and are approved for use at any age.

To treat cough using a nebulizer, oral inhalation is necessary. They can be performed at any stage of the disease, and the composition of the medicinal solution is determined by the symptoms that bother the patient.

Oral inhalation with a nebulizer for cough is much more effective internal use medications for a number of reasons:

  • the medicine is sprayed by the device until tiny particles liquids and is able to penetrate into the most remote areas of the respiratory system, evenly distributed throughout the mucous membrane;
  • probability of development adverse reactions from the procedure and medications is minimal;
  • this method of treatment is easier to tolerate psychologically (especially by children);
  • a smaller amount of the drug is used for inhalation;
  • When performing the procedure, the drug has minimal systemic impact on the body;
  • inhalations help moisturize the mucous membrane, relieve discomfort when coughing and removing sputum.

In some cases, inhalations using a nebulizer become indispensable, because for some diseases, other inhalations are either contraindicated or ineffective. Traditional inhalations cannot be performed if lung capacity decreases, it is impossible to hold your breath for more than 4 seconds, or there is a weak air flow when inhaling. Also, a nebulizer becomes an indispensable device for patients with diseases that are accompanied by damage to the alveoli of the lungs. In such cases, only this method of inhalation is capable of delivering the drug to these most remote areas of the respiratory system.

What should you remember when choosing an inhalation nebulizer for cough?

When choosing a nebulizer for oral inhalation for cough, you should not forget about some points:

  • nebulizers cannot be used for inhalation with oily solutions or decoctions of medicinal herbs;
  • ultrasonic models cannot be used for spraying hormonal or antibacterial drugs;
  • if necessary, administer inhalations to a bedridden patient or small child(for example, during sleep), it is better to opt for an electronic mesh nebulizer.

How to prepare for oral inhalation?

  1. All actions must be performed only with clean hands.
  2. Assemble the nebulizer as described in the instructions.
  3. Connect the device to the mains or insert batteries into a portable model.
  4. Make sure the tank is sealed by filling it with water.
  5. If you need to use a face mask (for diseases of the pharynx or larynx), prepare it and a small towel.
  6. Prepare as prescribed by your doctor medicinal solution, warming it to room temperature in a water bath. When simultaneously prescribing drugs with different effects, the following order should be observed: first, a bronchodilator (bronchodilator) is inhaled, after 15-20 minutes - a drug to thin and remove sputum, after removing sputum - an anti-inflammatory or antibacterial drug.
  7. Pour a dose of the medicine into a container and add it to it sterile water for injection or saline solution (to use only a sterile syringe) up to the reservoir mark (approximately up to a volume of 2-5 ml, depending on the model of the device). Remember to use tap or boiled water The drug cannot be diluted!
  8. The procedure must be carried out 1.5 hours after eating or physical activity.
  9. Before the procedure, you should not rinse your mouth with antiseptics or take expectorants.
  10. Do not smoke during treatment or do not smoke at least one hour before inhalation.
  11. Wear loose clothing that does not restrict breathing.

Carrying out inhalation for cough with a nebulizer

When performing inhalation, the patient should sit upright, breathe evenly and deeply.
  1. Oral inhalation is best done in a sitting position. During the procedure, you cannot be distracted or talk.
  2. When the throat or larynx is inflamed, air is inhaled and exhaled through the mouth through a mask. For diseases of the trachea, bronchi, or air, air is inhaled and exhaled through the mouth using a special mouthpiece.
  3. When performing inhalation, air should be drawn in (inhaled) slowly. After inhaling, you must hold your breath for 1-2 seconds and exhale slowly. Severely ill patients may not be able to hold their breath.
  4. After completing the procedure, if necessary, pat your face dry with a towel, stay indoors and try to talk less.
  5. After inhalation hormonal drug It is recommended to rinse your mouth warm water, and when using a mask, wash your face.
  6. The duration of the procedure is about 7-15 minutes (determined by the doctor).

The number of oral inhalations with a nebulizer for cough and the duration of treatment are determined by the doctor individually for each patient.

After the procedure, all components home appliance wash with non-aggressive detergent, rinse thoroughly and air dry. To disinfect nebulizers used in hospitals, various disinfectants, boiling or autoclaving can be used.

Preparations for oral inhalation by nebulizer

Various medications can be used for inhalation with a nebulizer for cough. They are prescribed by a doctor depending on the characteristics of the cough.

Medicines to dilate the bronchi (bronchodilators):

  • Berodual;
  • Berotek;
  • Ventolin, Salgim, Salbutamol, Nebula;
  • Atrovent.

Anti-inflammatory drugs:

  • alcohol pharmacy tincture eucalyptus;
  • Rotokan (alcohol tincture of chamomile, calendula and yarrow);
  • Malavit;
  • alcohol tincture of calendula;
  • alcohol pharmaceutical tincture of propolis;
  • Tonzilong N.

Antibacterial and antimicrobial agents:

  • alcohol tincture of Chlorophyllipt;
  • Fluimicil;
  • Dioxidine;
  • Miramistin;
  • Furacilin.

Preparations for thinning and removing sputum (mucolytics, expectorants, secretolytics):

  • ACC Inject;
  • Ambroxol, Ambrobene, Lazolvan;
  • Mukaltin;
  • Pertussin;
  • mineral waters Narzan or Borjomi.

Hormonal anti-inflammatory and antiallergic drugs:

  • Dexamethasone (0.4% solution);
  • Pulmicort;
  • Cromohexal.


  • Tussamag;
  • Lidocaine hydrochloride (2% solution).

Vasoconstrictor drugs:

  • Naphthyzin;
  • Adrenaline (0.1% solution).

For oral inhalation, medications such as Diphenhydramine, Eufillin and Papaverine cannot be used.

Solutions prepared for inhalation with a nebulizer should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

Most pulmonologists and therapists recommend that patients who often suffer from illnesses accompanied by coughing purchase nebulizers and perform oral inhalations. By using our instructions, you too can be convinced of their benefits. Difficulty breathing, weakness, pain in the chest and throat due to a hysterical cough, long absence expectoration of sputum, bronchospasm attacks, - nebulizer in minimum terms will help get rid of these severe symptoms. This device will certainly become yours indispensable assistants for treatment at home!