Necessary tests before IVF. Necessary examinations for women. Research for both partners

IVF is a rather costly and often long procedure.

In preparation for it, it is necessary to exclude as much as possible the influence of various adverse factors from the side of health married couple. Therefore, preparation for the procedure includes careful and full examination the health status of both partners. There is a list of tests for IVF that a married couple must undergo before this procedure.

Before the IVF procedure, the couple is consulted by a doctor who provides information not only about what tests are necessary before IVF, but also talks about the course of the procedure and possible risks. To have full view about the health of a married couple, it is important for a doctor to know about hereditary diseases that took place in the families of relatives. Spouses are encouraged to find out if there have been cases of miscarriages or the birth of a child with genetic abnormalities. After anamnesis, the doctor makes a list of tests before IVF. Depending on the clinical situation, the doctor may recommend additional tests and studies.

List of IVF tests given by a woman and their expiration date

What tests for IVF are taken in without fail?

  • blood test for HIV, RW, hepatitis "A" and "C";
  • determination of the Rh factor and blood group.

Hormonal tests

Gonadotropic hormones donated for 3-5 days menstrual cycle:

  • follicle stimulating hormone (FSH);
  • luteinizing hormone (LH);
  • estradiol;
  • prolactin;
  • somatotropic hormone (STH);
  • progesterone (surrendered on the 20-25th day of the cycle);

Tests for sexually transmitted infections required for IVF: chlamydia, toxoplasmosis, gardnerellosis, ureaplasmosis, trichomonas, herpes, mycoplasmosis, candidiasis, cytomegalovirus, gonorrhea.
All of the above analyzes have a validity period of 3 months.

Timing following analyzes valid for 1 month only and must be retaken after this time:

  • urinalysis (on an empty stomach, in the morning);
  • clinical and biochemical analysis blood;
  • blood test for toxoplasmosis IgM and Ig G;
  • blood test for clotting rate (on an empty stomach, in the morning);
  • blood test for rubella IgM and Ig G;
  • blood test for tumor markers CA15-3, CA19-9, CA125;
  • microbiological analysis on the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics.

Also, a woman is required to undergo a series of examinations:

  • electrocardiography;
  • fluorography;
  • cytological examination of the cervix (smear to detect atypical cells).

A woman needs to get advice from a therapist and, if necessary, other specialists - an endocrinologist, a mammologist.

List of IVF tests required for a man

  • general urine analysis
  • blood test for group group and Rh factor;
  • blood test for HIV, syphilis (RW), hepatitis "A" and "C".
  • spermogram (in the clinic on an empty stomach) for:
    - control of sperm motility in a portion of semen;
    - MAR-test (presence of antisperm antibodies);
    - the presence of leukocytes and their number in a portion of semen;
  • smear and blood for urogenital infections (the list of infections is similar to that in women).
  • biochemical blood test (bilirubin, AST, ALT, GGG, creatinine, urea, glucose).
  • blood test for hormone levels (must be taken in the morning on an empty stomach):
    - LG
    - FSH
    - Prolactin
    - Testosterone
    - T3 (triiodothyronine)
    - Estradiol
    - TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone)
    - DGA-S
    - T4 (Thyroxine)

Also, a man should get advice from a urologist-andrologist and have his opinion this list analyses.

In some cases, additional documents and analyzes may be needed (including according to the quota): hysteroscopy, endometrial biopsy, MAP test, hysterosalpingography, colposcopy, immunogram.

What tests and examinations are needed for IVF for a married couple over 35 years old?

In addition to the list of tests listed above for couples over 35 years old, a mandatory appointment is genetic testing and consultation. It should be noted that the list of analyzes by quota and analyzes by CHI remains unchanged.

genetic research

  • HLA typing is a study that determines how spouses are compatible or different in antigens. For correct pregnancy it is necessary that the antigens of the parents differ. The formed embryo has its own antigens, which are foreign to maternal immunity. The woman's body reacts to the cells of the fetus by launching protective mechanisms that preserve the fetus. If the similarity of the HLA genes of the spouses exceeds the norm, then the fetus is dominated by cells identical to those of the mother. The immune system of a pregnant woman recognizes the fetus as a foreign agent and destroys it. As a result, a miscarriage or congenital pathologies fetus.

  • Determination of the karyotype. After the doctor has explained what tests to pass before IVF, you should proceed to the delivery of the biomaterial. An important genetic study is the analysis of the karyotype. This study allows you to determine genetic diseases and predict the risk of their occurrence in a child. If one of the parents has a dubious set of chromosomes, there is a risk that the baby will be born mentally retarded.

  • Diagnosis of hereditary polymorphism. Modern research give reason to believe that inherited thrombophilia can lead to miscarriage, preeclampsia and placental abruption. Even a minimal risk of thrombosis significantly affects the course of pregnancy.

Human chorionic gonadotropin is a specific protein that is produced by the membranes of the embryo during pregnancy. HCG supports proper development fetus. Thanks to the hCG hormone female body the processes that trigger menstruation are blocked. An increase in hCG is an early sign of pregnancy. HCG is a mandatory study, which is included in common list tests before IVF. There are times when the test hCG negative. Such a result may be early dates pregnancy, as well as with pathological attachment of the embryo (in fallopian tubes). To identify pathological abnormalities of the fetus, hCG analysis is carried out in the period from the fourteenth to the eighteenth week.

So, you have already settled all the formalities, found a clinic where you will be assisted, but do not know what tests to start preparing for IVF? Below we will tell you in detail about the necessary analyzes.

Tests before IVF necessary training To this method treatment. They are handed over at the appropriate time, so that they are valid for the duration of the protocol.

What tests are needed for IVF for women:

General tests before IVF necessarily include: Blood type, Rh factor, Rh antibodies.

Mandatory tests:

Hormonal tests before IVF must be taken by every woman, because. The cause of infertility is primarily hormonal. And the doctor should also choose the right supportive hormonal therapy.

Gonadotropic hormones - for 3-5 days of the cycle:

* FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) is a pituitary hormone that stimulates spermatogenesis in men and the development of follicles in women.

* LH (luteinizing hormone) - stimulates the synthesis of estrogen. Reaching the maximum concentration of LH in the blood gives an impetus to ovulation (the release of the egg from the follicle) and stimulates the development corpus luteum secreting progesterone.

* Estradiol is the most active female sex hormone, which is produced in the ovaries, placenta and adrenal cortex under the influence of pituitary gonadotropic hormones.

* PRL (prolactin) is a hormone of the anterior pituitary gland, which during pregnancy is also produced in the endometrium (the lining of the uterus). Refers to gonadotropic hormones.

* STH (somatotropic hormone) is a growth hormone that is secreted by the cells of the anterior pituitary gland.

Progesterone is better in the second phase for 20-25 days of the cycle- This is a hormone of the corpus luteum of the ovary, which is formed after the release of a mature egg from the follicle. This hormone is essential for the flow normal pregnancy, so its concentration increases throughout gestation.

Hormones thyroid gland

* TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) is a hormone from the anterior pituitary gland that stimulates the secretion of thyroid hormones.

T4 is the main iodine-containing thyroid hormone (the gland produces 93% thyroxine, and only 7% triiodothyronine).

T4 free - not associated with protein fraction of T4. Women's concentration free thyroxine lower than in men and increases during pregnancy, reaching a maximum in the last trimester.

Tests before IVF for infections are also included in the list of mandatory examinations, since many of them affect not only conception, but also the development of the fetus.

* chlamydia,
* ureplasma,
* mycoplasma,
* gardnerella (smear, blood),
* gonokkok
* swab for flora (degree of purity),
* cytological examination cervical canal,
* HSV, CMV (smear, blood),
* antibodies to hepatitis B and C.
* AIDS, syphilis (blood),
* rubella antibodies, toxoplasmosis,
* Blood hemostasis

Research results

* A picture of the uterus and tubes (HSG result),
* results of laparoscopy (if performed)
* results of hysteroscopy,
* biopsy results,
* results of ultrasound observations,
* a picture of the Turkish saddle (if any),
* results of tomographic examination (if performed)

and other documents that you have accumulated during the examinations.

In addition to the IVF procedure:

1) Collect all information about diseases by female line(mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, etc.) in terms of: oncology, diabetes and other serious diseases.

2) Remember everything past illnesses in childhood (if you don’t remember, ask your relatives).

3) Ask at what age your mother had menopause (if it did), how did you give birth, were there any problems with conception, the length and frequency of cycles.

4) It is necessary to treat the teeth before starting the IVF program.

5) Conduct an examination in addition to the IVF procedure:

* biochemical composition blood (blood from a vein - bilirubin total, cholesterol, AST, ALT, total protein, urea) - given on an empty stomach,
* blood test for glucose and prothrombin - taken on an empty stomach
* urine test (protein, glucose, leukocytes) to make sure there are no comorbidities.

If necessary, the list of tests for IVF may increase.

What tests are needed for IVF for men.

List of tests for IVF included in the list mandatory tests:

* blood type
* Rh factor
* HIV1/2 (antibodies to HIV),
* RW- (syphilis),
* antibodies to hepatitis B and C,

* spermogram. Before donating sperm, a man is advised to refrain from ejaculation for 3-4 days. If this interval is less than one day, the amount of semen obtained will be less, and if it is more than seven days, then the semen may contain spermatozoa with reduced motility. Before passing the spermogram, it is not recommended to take alcohol, go to the bathhouse and sauna. Sperm counts usually vary, and the doctor may ask the patient to submit several sperm samples for analysis within one to three months.

* smear and blood for urogenital infections (see above, in the list "Tests before IVF" for women).

When desired pregnancy does not come naturally, spouses always have a chance to conceive a child with the help of achievements modern medicine. In order for the doctor to admit a couple to the IVF procedure, they must undergo a certain list of examinations. All tests before IVF are strictly prescribed in the protocols, so the doctor cannot recommend less or more of them than is regulated by law. The list of tests can be expanded taking into account the patient's history and comorbidities.

When pregnancy does not work naturally, you can use the IVF procedure,

What research may be needed before this procedure?

Preparing for IVF can take a long time. Spouses are sometimes unclear why this is needed huge list the examinations they are ordered to undergo. It is important to know that this list is not the desire of a specialist or reproductive center who want to earn extra money on unfortunate parents, but a necessary measure. It is a detailed examination of a woman and a man that makes it possible to identify and foresee all possible problems that may be encountered during IVF.

All tests before IVF can be divided into two groups:

  1. mandatory. All couples rent them. Without normal results these examinations, the doctor does not have the right to admit a couple to IVF. They are divided into:
  • studies for women;
  • general tests that are prescribed for both men and women;
  • studies for men, if they plan to use his spermatozoa during IVF.
  1. Additional research. They are prescribed in the presence of concomitant diseases, taking into account the anamnesis of a woman and a man.

In addition to the list of tests, one of the painful issues is the expiration date of the results of the study. Each clinic may have its own requirements for the validity of the results.

Important! Before taking tests, you should take a list where their list and validity periods are prescribed, which are required by a particular medical center. If these data are not available, then all questions can be clarified personally with a clinic specialist, so as not to waste time and money.

Consider the main tests that are most often recommended for couples before IVF. We will also clarify the most commonly used expiration dates for these studies.

This may look like a list of tests before IVF.

Surveys for women

This list of studies is assigned to all women who want to start the IVF procedure, regardless of whose sperm will be fertilized (husband or sperm donor).

General clinical

  1. General analysis blood (KLA).

The essence of the method: used to determine the composition of blood cells. For research take blood from a finger.

Preparation: not needed, the analysis is taken in the morning on an empty stomach.

Shelf life: 10 -14 days, in some clinics they allow up to a month.

  1. General urine analysis (OAM).

The essence of the method: to determine the functional activity of the kidneys and the state of the urinary system.

Preparation: before delivery, conduct a thorough toilet intimate organs and pat dry with a towel. Collect the average portion of urine in the morning.

Validity: 10-14 days, rarely up to a month.

  1. Coagulogram.

The essence of the method: with the help of this analysis, the work of the blood coagulation system is clarified. As a rule, they rent together with the UAC.

Preparation: not needed. If the patient is taking aspirin and other blood-thinning drugs, the doctor should be warned or take a break for a week before donating.

Expiration dates: a month or two.

  1. Blood chemistry.

The essence of the method: donate blood from a vein to find out how the internal organs work.

Preparation: take in the morning before meals. For a few days, avoid fried, salted or spicy food so as not to overload the liver and pancreas.

Validity: 10-14 days, up to a month.

  1. Ultrasound of the thyroid gland, and if necessary, the study of the hormones of this body.

Ultrasound of the thyroid gland is performed to clarify its work and the presence of nodes or other neoplasms. If the doctor has doubts, he sends the woman to check hormones. give up on an empty stomach. Before donation, it is necessary to exclude preparations containing iodine. Shelf life from 3 months to six months.

  1. Fluorography or X-ray of the chest.

The essence of the method: check the lungs for the presence of neoplasms using an x-ray.

Preparation: not needed, clothes and jewelry made of metal are removed before the examination.

Validity: within one year.

  1. Inspection of the therapist and ECG.

Execute at the very end. It is carried out to clarify the diagnosis and conclude on indications or contraindications for IVF. For this, the patient comes to the doctor for an appointment with the results of all general clinical examinations. The conclusion of the therapist is valid for six months after.

The last conclusion is given by the therapist about the presence or absence of contraindications to IVF.

Gynecological studies

  1. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

Determine the state of the organs of the female reproductive system. Preparation depends on the method of ultrasound: if organs are examined through the abdomen, then bladder must be filled. In cases of transvaginal ultrasound, it is emptied.

Shelf life is about a month, but can be reduced according to the requirements of a particular clinic.

  1. Mammography or ultrasound of the mammary glands.

Shows neoplasms or mastopathy of the mammary glands. Valid for a year.

  1. Cytological examination.

Allows you to evaluate hormonal background and the presence of dysplastic processes in the uterus. Before the analysis, sexual abstinence is recommended for 3-4 days. The validity period of cytology is within six months.

  1. Study of sex hormones.

Explores whole list sex hormones, including prolactin, progesterone, follicle-stimulating, etc. The study is carried out on an empty stomach in the morning. A week before donating blood for hormones, they limit sexual and physical activity and avoid stress and overload. Good for 2-3 months.

  1. A smear for microflora.

Allows you to assess the degree of purity of the vagina and the presence of Trichomonas and gonococci, as well as to suspect candidiasis or gardnerellosis.

Preparation: sexual abstinence for 3-4 days, before the smear, the usual toilet of intimate organs is performed with water. Do not use vaginal suppositories, ointments or creams a week before the smear.

The result is valid within 10-14 days.

  1. Blood tests and swabs for various infections.

The list of studied infections is clearly regulated. Examine the presence of: gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, HIV, ureaplasma, chlamydia, etc.

The validity of these studies is from one month to six months.

  1. Determination of antibodies to rubella virus and toxoplasma.

This analysis is necessary to clarify the presence of antibodies to these microbes in order to revaccinate or treat if necessary. chronic form illness. Validity of results within six months.

Without normal tests a woman is not allowed to the IVF protocol.

Tests required for a man

A man needs to be tested if it is planned that he will become a sperm donor for egg fertilization. What research is needed:

  1. Spermogram.

The essence of the method: the study of certain indicators of sperm.

Preparation: abstinence from sexual activity and masturbation for 3-4 days, exclude medication and exposure to heat.

Validity within 3-4 months from the date of delivery.

  1. Blood and smears for urogenital infections.

In men, ureaplasmosis, syphilis, herpes and other infections are determined using a smear or blood test.

The results are good for about a month or three, depending on the clinic.

  1. Analysis (MAP test).

The result of the study is valid for six months.

A man should also undergo a series of tests before IVF.

Research for both partners

Before entering the IVF protocol, both spouses need to go through:

  • analysis for blood type and Rh factor. The result is valid for life;
  • are tested for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis B and C, as well as herpes virus types 1 and 2. Shelf life from a month to three.

Additional examinations

According to the indications, a woman can also be prescribed a colposcopy, an examination for antisperm antibodies, a consultation with a geneticist and other studies. A man may be advised to undergo a spermogram, visit a geneticist and an andrologist.

Questions to the doctor

Question: What do you need to pass IVF tests by quota?

Answer: If the couple was examined in medical institution and received a conclusion with the need to conduct IVF, then she can use state program and pass tests according to the quota. This requires that the woman's age be less than 39 years and she has been diagnosed with full need fallopian tubes. In addition, the couple must have an insurance policy.

Question: Where to get the exact list of tests before IVF. And is it necessary to take them in one place and for a fee?

Answer: To do this, you need to contact the clinic you have chosen for the procedure. Many of the tests can be done free of charge at your clinic, while some require a fee, such as a spermogram. Where to take them is your choice, unless otherwise specified in the clinic's regulations.

In vitro fertilization, or IVF, is an assisted reproductive technology aimed at solving the problem of infertility in a married couple.

The essence of the method lies in the extraction and special preparation female egg and male spermatozoa for fertilization in an artificial environment, followed by the transfer of the resulting embryo into the uterus of a woman.

IVF procedure is enough effective method overcoming infertility: one of three procedures artificial insemination ends with pregnancy, of which every fourth leads to the birth of a child. Preparing for IVF is a complex, lengthy and responsible process for a couple who want to become parents.

Both spouses need to undergo an extensive examination of the body in general and the reproductive system in particular in order to establish possible risks and opportunities for fertilization, implantation, bearing and childbirth.

When to get tested for IVF

On the part of a woman, contraindications to the procedure are varied - for example, mental pathology, malignant tumors, diseases of the uterus and ovaries, excluding pregnancy. There are no specific contraindications for a man due to the peculiarities of the biological process of gestation.

Analyzes are important for assessing the reproductive status of both women and men. During the study of biological fluids - blood, urine, seminal fluid, microflora of the urethra, vagina and cervix, doctors can identify factors that prevent natural conception and find a way to eliminate them.

In other cases, according to the test results, doctors determine the physical impossibility of parenthood for a man or woman and recommend resorting to the help of egg / sperm donors, the services of a surrogate mother (if you want to save genetic traits parents of the unborn child).

Preparation for IVF, according to the Decree of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated August 30, 2012 No107n “On the procedure for using assisted reproductive technologies, contraindications and restrictions on their use”, begins 3-6 months before the procedure for taking an egg from the mother’s body.

During this time, both future parents will have enough opportunities to undergo a complete examination of the body, including planned and additional tests. When exactly to start the examination, the doctor-reproductologist decides.

Important! Procedure in vitro fertilization- it's complicated medical technology. Before all medical procedures future parents conclude a written contract for the provision of paid medical services.

It contains a list of tests for both spouses, or in in general terms mentioned the need to undergo the procedures necessary for successful IVF results. In any case, a list of laboratory tests for a man and a woman, as well as additional studies, will be recommended by the doctor based on the history and examination.

List of analyzes

Examination of both future parents includes a list of planned dispensary examinations conducted before pregnancy in healthy couples, as well as a number of specific tests to identify adverse factors.

Women take a general blood test and for sex hormones, men - a smear for genital infections and the detection of antisperm bodies in the seminal fluid. The following is an expanded list of required tests.

For a man

Up to 50% of infertility cases in married couples are due to male problems. reproductive health. Causes of male infertility: hereditary and genetic diseases, organic lesions genital organs (for example, varicocele), hormonal disorders(decreased testosterone levels), transferred operations and injuries in the genital area, infections.

Before the start of examinations, the reproductive specialist recommends visiting a urologist-andrologist to examine men's health.

The standard list of tests for men includes:

  • spermogram;
  • determination of blood group and Rh factor;
  • tests for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C;
  • for herpes;
  • swab for bacterial genital infections;
  • test for cytomegalovirus.

The list of causative agents of genital infections for the detection of antibodies includes pale treponema, trichomonas, chlamydia, candida fungi, mycoplasmic and ureaplasmic infections. If you suspect male infertility additional immunological analysis for antisperm antibodies in seminal fluid.

Depending on the results obtained, the doctor prescribes the treatment of infections, since their presence negatively affects the quality of the seminal fluid and may complicate the process of obtaining biological material for fertilization.

For woman

The list of analyzes for women in preparation is more extensive:

  • general analysis of urine and blood;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • fluorography;
  • FSH, LH, estradiol, PRL;
  • on thyroid hormones;
  • cytology smear of the cervix;
  • smear on the flora of the vagina and cervical canal;
  • test for sexual infections, hepatitis B and C;
  • rubella virus test (Ig M and Ig G);
  • PCR for herpes type 1.2 and cytomegalovirus;
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland;
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands and small pelvis.

This list can be supplemented by the attending physician, gynecologist or reproductologist.

How to pass tests for IVF?

The preparation and procedure for in vitro fertilization usually takes place within the walls of one medical institution with whom future parents (mother) signed an agreement on paid medical services. Family planning centers, IVF centers, clinics such as "Altravita", "Mother and Child", "Embrylife" and other medical institutions of private and public type have their own material and technical base.

Usually surrender biological materials included in the cost of the overall contract, which speeds up the process and minimizes the likelihood of confusion in the results. Depending on the chosen clinic, the procedure can be both paid and free (IVF quotas are provided for by law).

Go to a clinic you trust, or look for recommendations and reviews from doctors who specialize in infertility. Before the examination, the reproductive specialist gives recommendations regarding abstinence from food, drink, sexual intercourse in order to obtain reliable results.

Regarding the blood donation process itself, parents should follow standard guidelines depending on the type of study. For example, blood for biochemistry is taken on an empty stomach in the morning after 8-14 hours of fasting.

For cytology and a smear of the vagina and cervix, no special preparation is required, sometimes the doctor recommends abstaining from sexual intercourse.

When can an additional examination be ordered?

Additional studies in preparation for IVF are prescribed by the doctor, based on the individual clinical picture reproductive health of future parents. In the presence of risk factors for conception, gestation and childbirth, predisposition to genetic and chromosomal hereditary diseases, over the age of 35 for both spouses, the doctor may prescribe additional studies.

Women need to submit:

  • blood for progestins on day 20-23 of the cycle;
  • blood for DHEA sulfate, free testosterone on day 2-3 of the cycle;
  • mammography.

If you suspect gynecological diseases the doctor may prescribe hysteroscopy, hysterosalpingoscopy, colposcopy, ovarian biopsy. After 35 years, a medical genetic study is indicated for predisposition to hereditary and chromosomal diseases (Down syndrome, Martin-Bell syndrome, nasal septum dysplasia).

For men list additional tests significantly shorter. Future fathers after 35 years of age who have had infections (especially viral mumps - “mumps”) are recommended to take a spermogram and undergo a medical genetic examination and a test to determine the karyotype.

Tests after IVF

After the embryo implantation procedure, a number of other blood tests of the woman are carried out to determine the success of the IVF procedure. After implementation gestational sac and the formation of chorion in the mother's body, changes begin that are reflected in the hormonal background.

After the IVF procedure, a woman undergoes the following studies:

  • estradiol and progesterone (surrendered 1 day after the procedure, as well as 3-5, 7-8 and 14 days);
  • hCG (chorionic hormone) - its increase allows you to accurately determine that the procedure was successful (surrendered on the 15th day after IVF);
  • D-dimmer;
  • coagulogram;
  • fibrinogen;
  • hemostasis.

In case of an unsuccessful protocol, a series of laboratory and physical studies of the woman's body is also shown:

  • test for ovarian tumor markers;
  • analysis for antiphospholipid bodies;
  • hCG test;
  • immunological studies;
  • dopplerometry of the uterus;
  • HLA typing;
  • ultrasound of the uterus and fallopian tubes.

These studies make it possible to identify barriers to hormonal system, reproductive organs, immune system women. Depending on the results obtained, the patient is prescribed therapeutic methods or advise alternative ways become parents - surrogate motherhood or adoption.

Video: How IVF is done and how long it takes:


The in vitro fertilization procedure requires a long and careful preparation of both parents. A man and a woman need to pass a series of tests within 3-6 months before the procedure for collecting eggs from the ovary of the expectant mother. Analyzes include a smear for infections (for both partners), blood (general, biochemistry, AB + and Rh factor), ultrasound of the mammary glands and small pelvis (for a woman), spermogram (for a man).

Depending on the results obtained, the couple is recommended to undergo infertility treatment, IVF using their own or donor egg / sperm, as well as the services of a surrogate mother. According to statistics, every third attempt ends with success, and one in four pregnancies leads to the birth of a healthy child.

The examination and the list of tests for IVF are regulated by the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation N 107N dated August 30, 2012 "On the procedure for using assisted reproductive technologies, contraindications and restrictions on their use."

According to this document, before entering the ART program (AI, IVF), it is necessary to conduct a complete examination before IVF. We place a list of analyzes and studies on this page. Below is complete list examinations before IVF for both spouses.

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IVF tests for a woman

Our patients often ask what kind of examination they undergo before IVF and what tests a woman needs for IVF. We want to immediately note that all the studies listed below are mandatory and valid for a certain period of time.

So, what tests does a woman take before IVF?

    Examination of smears of discharge of the genital organs (valid for 1 month)

    Cytological examination of a smear from the cervix and cervical canal (valid for 1 year)

    PCR for Chlamydia trachomatis, HSV types 1 and 2, CMV (valid for 6 months)

    Sowing on ureaplasma, mycoplasma and genitalia (valid for 6 months)

    Sowing on the microflora and sensitivity to antibiotics from the vagina (valid for 1 month), according to indications

    Urinalysis (valid for 1 month)

    Clinical Analysis blood (valid 1 month)

    total protein, Glucose, Total bilirubin, Conjugated bilirubin, AST, AlAT, creatinine, urea (valid for 30 days)

    Coagulogram (valid for 30 days)

    Determination of antibodies to pale treponema in the blood), markers of viral HBs-Ag, antibodies to HCV (hepatitis B, C, HIV detection (valid for 2 months). Only at NOVA CLINIC

    Herpes virus antigens in the blood HSV1,2 (valid for 6 months). Only in NOVA CLINIC

    Karyotype (indefinitely)

    Determination of the blood group, determination of the Rh factor (laboratory form, original, indefinitely)

    Blood from a vein for free T4, TSH, FSH, LH, testosterone, estradiol (E2, E3 according to indications), prolactin, AMH, free testosterone (valid for 6 months).

    ELISA Blood from a vein - antibodies to rubella of two classes IgG and IgM (once)

    Ultrasound of the mammary glands on the 4th-9th day of the menstrual cycle (valid for 1 year) + the conclusion of the mammologist about the absence of contraindications to the IVF program

    Complete resting ECG with film (valid for 3 months)

    Fg at the place of residence (valid for 1 year) original

    Conclusion of the therapist on the absence of contraindications to the IVF and PE program, pregnancy carrying (valid for 1 year)

    Ultrasound of the thyroid gland (valid for 1 year) + conclusion of the endocrinologist on the absence of contraindications to the IVF program and pregnancy

    Expert ultrasound of the pelvic organs on the 5-9th day of the cycle.

Many IVF tests for a woman can be taken on any day of the menstrual cycle, but some tests should be done at a specific time.

Why undergo such a serious examination before IVF, the results of which in many cases have enough short term actions? The fact is that all tests before IVF for a woman are necessary to assess the state of her reproductive health at the current time and exclude the possibility of serious infections that can affect both the success of the program and the health of the unborn child.

Tests for IVF for a man

Examination of men before IVF includes a number of studies and analyses. Sometimes patients are interested in what tests for IVF a man should take first. According to the order of the Ministry of Health, the scope of the survey was to be complete.

On this page, we list what tests are needed for IVF for a man and what examinations are required before the IVF program.

    Spermogram + MAP test (valid for 1 year)

    Examination of smears of discharge of the genital organs (valid for 6 months)

    PCR for chlamydia, herpes, CMV, mycoplasma, genitalium, ureaplasma (valid for 6 months)

    Karyotyping (unlimited)

    Determination of antibodies to pale treponema in the blood, markers of viral HBs-Ag, Antibodies to HCV (hepatitis B, C), HIV detection (valid for 3 months). Only in NOVA CLINIC

    Herpes virus antigens in the blood HSV1,2 (valid for 6 months). Only in NOVA CLINIC

    Determination of the blood group, determination of the Rh factor (laboratory form, original, indefinitely) according to indications

    Andrologist's conclusion

Examination and analyzes for IVF for a man can be carried out at any time, however, for example, a spermogram requires special preparation.

IVF screening includes different kinds studies, each of which is informative and necessary for the procedure. In addition, according to indications, the attending physician may recommend additional consultations of related specialists, for example, genetics, as well as additional research designed to improve the effectiveness of the program. Examination before IVF can be carried out not only in Nova Clinic, but also in any other medical center or laboratory, convenient for you. The exception is such tests before IVF for men and women, such as the determination of HIV or markers viral hepatitis IN.

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