Folk remedies for different types of cough - decoctions, tinctures, inhalations and rubbing. Apply mustard plasters and do inhalations. Cough remedies for children and pregnant women are definitely useful

Time-tested traditional medicine recipes

According to ancient legend, the Egyptian queen Cleopatra bathed in milk. It gave her skin a delightful freshness and elasticity. But it is hardly worth relying on fabulous milk rivers. It is better to use the centuries-old secrets of our great-grandmothers.

Traditional medicine has absorbed a thousand-year-old practical experience the use of certain methods of treatment with folk remedies, medicinal herbs, plants, it is still relevant today. There are a lot of people who turn to her for help. Folk remedies for various diseases using herbs, plants, flowers, fruits, berries. healing properties can have both parts of the plant: flowers, leaves, stems, rhizomes ... and the whole plant as a whole.

Folk recipes for healing the body (increasing defensive forces organism). Dieting and taking folk remedies should complement each other. Very helpful welcome herbal teas with a general strengthening effect.

Increasing immunity with folk remedies
There is such a thing as immunodeficiency, this is when the immune system is weakened or does not exist at all. With its deficiency, the body is not able to withstand aggression, both infectious and aggression of other types. There is a certain range of diseases. The first signs of a decrease in immunity - fast fatiguability, chronic fatigue, drowsiness or insomnia, headache, etc. Not a single infection passes by. Here are a few things to keep in mind: keeping a reasonable diet and healthy lifestyle life; consistent cleansing of your body; minimize the impact of environmental pollution.

It is necessary to help yourself with the help of herbal medicine or other natural remedies. Properly plan your diet. Source of vitamin B6 - whole grains wheat, oats, barley, flax, alfalfa, etc., legumes, vegetables, zinc source - whole grains, green vegetables, nuts, seeds, sea vegetables. Vitamin B6 and zinc are vital for the functioning of your body.

Phytocollection: lure (root) - 2 parts, rhodiola (roots) - 2 parts, wild rose (fruits) - 4 parts, nettle (grass) - 3 parts, hawthorn (fruits) - 3 parts, St. John's wort (grass) - 2 parts. Pour one tablespoon of crushed ingredients with boiling water in a glass bowl. Steep for 20-30 minutes and strain. Store the decoction in a cool place for no more than a day. Take warm 3 times a day for 1/3 cup 20 minutes before meals.

Allergy to composite plants
The folk method of herbal treatment is an ancient science, like humanity itself. Recommended tips and recipes in the treatment of folk remedies. A season of flowers and scents. Collection medicinal herbs and allergy treatment.

For allergies, you can try to prepare an infusion of herbs. Experts believe that if you drink this infusion for, for example, several months, you can get rid of allergies. This fee can also be taken by children. However, it is still advisable to consult with your doctor.

Take centaury herbs - 5 tbsp, St. John's wort - 4 tbsp, dandelion roots - 3 tbsp. l, horsetail - 2 tbsp, corn stigmas - 1 tbsp, pharmacy chamomile - 1 tbsp, rose hips - 2 tbsp. Grind rose hips and dandelion roots. Mix the whole collection well. In the evening, put 2 tbsp in an enameled saucepan. of this collection and pour 2.5 cups of warm boiled water, insist overnight, and put on fire in the morning, bring to a boil, but do not boil, wrap for 4 hours, strain. Drink 1 glass of infusion during the day in three divided doses 30 minutes before meals. Keep refrigerated. In the course of treatment, there may be a hardening on the skin, in the nose, on the chin, on the hands with severe itching. Lubricate hardened places with Menovazin liquid - sold at a pharmacy. Recovery usually occurs within a month. The course of treatment is 6 months.

Several traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of allergies
Nettle deaf
- 2-3 tablespoons dry crushed nettle flowers deaf (yasnotka) pour 0.5 liters of boiling water in a thermos, leave for one and a half to two hours, strain and drink half a glass 3-4 times a day before meals.
Celery- 2 tbsp crushed celery roots pour a glass of cold water, leave for 3-4 hours, strain and drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day for half an hour before meals. Less available, but more effective freshly squeezed celery juice. Drink it 1 tbsp. three times a day half an hour before meals.

We remove excess from the body
When salts are deposited in our joints, their mobility is limited, inflammation begins, in general, everything is like clockwork - arthritis, arthrosis, etc. Salts need to be cleared. It is useful in such cases to drink a mixture of grapefruit, celery, carrot and spinach juices, taken in equal amounts, or a mixture of grapefruit, celery and birch juice. Grapefruit juice helps dissolve foreign inorganic calcium, which causes hardening of cartilage and ligaments when it accumulates in these places. Birch sap helps to remove uric acid salts from the body.

Original folk remedy for headaches
This tool is very old. Take a fresh lemon peel, peel it, apply it to the temple with the wet side and keep it for a while. Soon, a red spot will appear under the lemon peel, which will begin to burn and itch a little. Headache soon subsides. There is a saying: "The wedge knocks out the wedge." One pain knocks out another.

Mint leaves help with migraines
If you suffer from headaches, you can use this remedy: 0.5 tbsp. mint pour a glass of boiling water, heat for 15 minutes in a water bath, stirring occasionally. When the broth has cooled, strain, add boiled water to the initial volume. Take half a glass 2 times a day 15 minutes before meals.

Alcoholism - treatment of alcoholism with folk remedies
Drunkenness is a terrible misfortune, but it is still possible to cure an alcoholic. First you need to discourage him from craving for alcohol, trying not to overdo it, observing strictly proportions. Here is one of the ways to treat alcoholism with folk remedies. Pour 1 glass of vodka with 1 tsp of lovage and 2 bay leaves, leave for 2 weeks, strain and slip this vodka to an alcoholic. If after that he drinks alcohol, then it will only make him feel bad. Give this remedy until an aversion to alcohol appears.

Then you need help to get rid of alcohol addiction. To do this, you need to make a collection of herbs. For one part of wormwood - one part of centaury and four parts of thyme. Pour 1 teaspoon of this collection of herbs with a glass of water, boil over low heat for 1-2 minutes, leave for half an hour, strain. Drink this glass in three doses a day 20-30 minutes before meals on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is 2 months.

This remedy is contraindicated in serious forms of diseases such as the liver and kidneys, anemia, gastric and duodenal ulcers, cardiosclerosis, cerebral atherosclerosis, atrial fibrillation, and thyroid diseases.

An old recipe for alcoholism
Decoction: For 1.5 l hot water add 4 cups of oats. Bring to a boil over low heat for 30 minutes, then remove from heat and add 50 grams of calendula flowers to the broth, wrap warmly, leave for 30 minutes, then strain the broth. Take 1 glass of decoction 3 times a day before meals. It is believed that taking this infusion can gradually wean from alcohol.

Another folk remedy for the treatment of alcoholism is to prepare a collection of herbs: wormwood, centaury, thyme in 1 part, mixed. From the mixture, take 1 tbsp of herbs, pour 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 1 hour and filter. Take 1/2 cup 2 times a day. Promotes aversion from drunkenness.

An old folk remedy for corns
It is necessary to steam the leg in hot water before going to bed and wipe it dry. Tie a lemon peel to the corn a small amount pulp on it. Best of all is a small slice of lemon. After 4-5 days, the corn should come off completely.

Folk remedies wart treatment
Plants for warts. It is very unpleasant when warts appear on the skin. They can be removed by lubricating with fresh juice of dandelion, celandine, milkweed. Or cut an apple or potato into two halves, each of which is rubbed with warts. It is useful to crush and apply fresh calendula flowers to the wart, tie it with a bandage or stick it with adhesive tape and leave it overnight. Repeat the procedure until the warts disappear.

You can also get rid of warts using fresh onion or aspen juice. Lubricate with juice 2-3 times a day until it disappears. The juice of the rough leaves of thistle also removes warts on the skin. The juice of Indian onion (tailed bird) helps very well.

Dandelion. When a dandelion stem breaks, a white liquid appears at the edges, which is called milky juice. This juice is recommended 2-3 times a day to rub the heads of warts or apply cotton swab soaked in this juice.

Great celandine (warthog). When cutting celandine, orange juice is released from the stem. With this juice, it is recommended to lubricate the heads of warts several times until the wart disappears.

Folk remedies for burns
Calendula officinalis (marigolds). Grows in gardens and orchards. Petals are used from which an aqueous infusion is prepared: 2 tbsp. fresh or 1 tbsp. dry petals pour 1 cup boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, filter. Used for lotions and washing the burn surface. This remedy prevents the formation of scars during the healing of burns.

Burdock. Grows in wastelands, vegetable gardens, forests. A good pain reliever and anti-inflammatory agent. Pre-washed and freed from water droplets, fresh leaves with a shiny side are applied to the burn surface. On the first day, change every 2 hours.

Potentilla erect (galangal). Used for wet dressings, washings and lotions for burns. It grows along the edges of the forest, damp meadows, shrubs and clearings. For treatment, a rhizome is used, from which a decoction is prepared: 3 tbsp. crushed rhizomes are poured with 1/2 liter of water, boiled over low heat for 30 minutes and insisted for 4 hours, filtered.

Folk remedies for hernia
Veronica oak. The popular name of the grass is pansies, heart grass, hernia grass. The whole herb is used for medicinal purposes. Applied in the form water infusion: 1 tbsp dry grass in 1 cup boiling water, insist 2 hours and filter. Drink 1/2 cup 3 times a day after meals.

Gryzhnik fragrant. Popular names: hernia grass, dog soap. The plant is poisonous and should be handled with care. For treatment, only fresh grass is used from which an aqueous infusion is prepared: 2 tbsp. chopped fresh herbs pour 2 cups of chilled boiled water, insist 2 hours and filter. Drink 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day after meals.

Herbs for skin diseases
stinging nettle. At frequent appearance boils or barley, it is recommended to take a decoction of nettle leaves inside: 3 tablespoons of dry leaves are poured with 1 cup of boiling water, insisted for 30 minutes, filtered. Take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day.
From the juicy tops and young leaves of the nettle, fresh juice is prepared, which is taken in 1 tbsp. 3 times a day. For children - 1 teaspoon.

Dandelion officinalis. With boils, acne, skin rash, barley use an infusion of dandelion root. To prepare it, take 1 tbsp. crushed roots, pour 1 cup of hot water and simmer for 15 minutes, leave for 1 hour and filter. Take in a warm form 1/2 cup 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

yarrow. Fresh Juice yarrow herbs are mixed with olive oil in a ratio of 1:10 and bandages are made on hardened and softened tumors, on boils. Bandages are changed daily.

With a feeling of "full stomach" and flatulence, yellow gentian can help, an alcohol infusion of the roots of this plant should be taken after meals.

Mother and stepmother - a magnificent honey plant, is famous for its sugary nectar and flower pollen. The medicinal value of this old remedy highlights and Latin name plants - "tussilyago", derived from the word "tussib" - cough. In the old days, coltsfoot herb was used for coughs caused by inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. Traditional medicine used this plant for medicinal teas. Coltsfoot was used to treat dropsy, scrofula, pulmonary tuberculosis, hypertension, malaria, was successfully used for palpitations, disorders nervous system, as wound healing agent, for rinsing the mouth with stomatitis and other inflammatory processes.

For the treatment of tuberculosis: Marshmallow (root) - 40 grams, licorice (root) - 25 grams, coltsfoot (leaves) - 25 grams, fennel (fruits) - 10 grams. Drink as warm tea 1/3 cup 40 minutes before meals 5 times a day.
Spring primrose (flowers) - 50 grams, coltsfoot (leaves) - 10 grams, field horsetail (grass) - 25 grams, plantain (leaves) - 20 grams. Take 4 times a day for 1/4 cup 30 minutes before meals.
Infusion of linden flowers and coltsfoot leaves in equal amounts. 1 tbsp of this mixture to 1 cup boiling water. Insist 30 minutes wrapped, strain. Drink with flu warm 0.5 cup 3-4 times a day.

Linden flower tea and thyme herb. To collect, you need to take 1 tbsp. linden flowers and thyme herb. Brewed like regular tea. Drink hot with honey cold cough, whooping cough.

succulent kalanchoe leaves popularly used with medicinal purposes both outdoor and internal remedy. It has low toxicity and has bactericidal, wound healing, anti-inflammatory properties. Juice and ointment of Kalanchoe helps to cleanse wounds and ulcers. Kalanchoe juice, diluted in half with warm boiled water, gargle with sore throat. With inflammation of the gums and oral mucosa, periodontal disease, stomatitis, rinse with undiluted Kalanchoe juice.

With the onset of a runny nose, children are instilled with 1-2 drops of Kalanchoe juice in each nostril. The procedure causes active sneezing, but the runny nose stops before it starts. With a cold, mixed in equal amounts kalanchoe juice and honey is taken with an infusion of lemon balm and St. John's wort. Contraindications to the use of leaves, juice and ointment Kalanchoe can only serve as his personal intolerance.

Runny nose (rhinitis). Aloe juice instill 3-5 drops 4-5 times a day. Fresh juice of Kalanchoe or plantain with the addition of 30% honey should be instilled into the nose.

Overcome-grass- under this name in some areas of Russia they know white and yellow water lilies, or they are also called white and yellow lilies. This plant is believed to have magical properties, it protects the house from evil spirits, helps to overcome everyday difficulties. Infusion of flowers has a mild hypnotic effect. To prepare it, take 1 tbsp of crushed fresh flowers, pour 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, filter. Apply 1 tbsp. at bedtime, and children 1 teaspoon.

Leaves of sage officinalis have a sharp and spicy smell and taste. IN folk medicine has long been used in the form of an aqueous infusion for rinsing oral cavity with toothache, inflammation of the gums and throat. For the same purpose, meadow sage can also be used.

For toothache and for cleaning teeth from tartar it is enough to chew freshly picked oregano leaves. Hot red pepper can serve as a local anesthetic, which will reduce pain. You can chew on cloves.
Infusion of chicory root. 1 tbsp of ground dry root put in a glass of acidified boiling water, leave for 10 minutes. The infusion is used in a warm form for rinsing a diseased tooth with severe pain. You can also chew freshly dug chicory root, after clearing it of the ground.

It is said that: "Whoever drinks a sip of apple cider vinegar, he retains a clear mind throughout his life." Apple cider vinegar improves blood circulation, invigorates, increases vitality. If your memory is failing, drink a drink of diluted apple cider vinegar with honey before every meal. Soon you will see that the ability to concentrate and the speed of reaction have improved. Regular use apple cider vinegar can slow down the aging process. For obesity, the appearance of a double chin, it is useful to take 2 tsp. apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of water before each meal. Vinegar accelerates the burning of fats in the body, which leads to weight loss.

Hay dust is used to treat arthritic pain, it can be bought at a pharmacy. For a full bath, you need to take 1 kg of hay dust, pour cold water and boil for half an hour. Strain the broth and pour into the bath, the water temperature is not lower than 37 degrees, and the duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.

Time-tested recipes of traditional medicine. The use of folk remedies is explained by their availability, effectiveness and ease of use. We hope that the recipes we have collected will help you in treatment and prevention.

Runny nose, or scientifically "rhinitis" is one of the most common health problems. Sneezing and nasal congestion accompany every seasonal cold, and it's hard to find a single adult or child who has never had a runny nose.

And for some, rhinitis becomes a real misfortune: it does not go away for months and even develops into sinusitis. It is extremely difficult to get rid of a chronic runny nose, because most nasal drops sold in a pharmacy only temporarily ease breathing, but do not eliminate the root of evil.

Today we will tell you how to quickly and effectively treat the common cold with folk remedies without expensive and not always safe medicines at home, and how to prevent the disease from returning to your family.

We present here the most effective folk recipes from runny nose and colds, universal means to strengthen immunity and simple home procedures that can permanently save you and your children from chronic rhinitis and.

Treatment of a runny nose with ginger with lemon and honey

One of the most popular folk remedies in the treatment of the common cold is ginger with honey and lemon, which not only attracts with a refreshing spicy taste, but also brings a shock dose of vitamins and minerals to our body. useful substances that boost immunity. That's why this recipe for the treatment of runny nose and colds at home is so popular. Ingredients for healing agent Easy to find and takes minutes to prepare. If you regularly take a ginger-honey mixture or drink a fragrant drink with lemon, colds and runny noses will forget the way to your home - tested and confirmed by thousands of people.

High efficiency ginger in combination with honey and lemon against a runny nose and colds is explained by the healing effect of each of the three components of this folk remedy:

    Ginger contains a huge amount of vitamins, amino acids, phytoncides and other biologically active substances that have an immuno-strengthening, tonic, warming, anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic effect on the human body;

    Honey is known for its richest vitamin and mineral composition - it is a real elixir of life. The treatment of a runny nose and colds at home with the help of honey has been practiced for a long time and very successfully, so it hardly makes sense to once again prove the effectiveness and benefits of this wonderful product;

    Lemon acts as the final chord in this folk recipe for a cold, because it is in a lemon of all available products contains the highest concentration of vitamin C, vital for a cold person. In addition, lemon perfectly sets off the taste of this folk remedy for a cold.

How to prepare a cold remedy from ginger and honey?

Recipe 1


    Fresh ginger root - 300 g;

    Bee honey - 150 ml;

    Lemon - 1 piece weighing 120-150 g.

Peel the hard skin of the ginger root and grate it on a fine grater. Wash the lemon, also peel, cut, remove all the seeds, and chop the pulp with a blender or meat grinder, or just finely chop with a knife. Put the prepared ingredients in a clean glass jar with a screw cap, pour over honey, mix thoroughly and store in the refrigerator.

Recipe 2


    Fresh ginger root - about 2 cm;

    Bee honey - 2 teaspoons;

    Lemon - 1 slice;

    Boiling water - 1 cup.

Peel the ginger root and grate it on a fine grater, you will get 2-3 teaspoons of ginger gruel. Put it in a mug, add a lemon, rub it well and pour boiling water over everything. Cover the mug with a saucer and wait 25-30 minutes - during this time the drink will infuse and cool to 60-70 degrees. Now you can add honey there without fear of destroying all of its healing components. Fragrant tea from the common cold and cold is ready!


The first recipe should be addressed without waiting for a runny nose and a cold: as soon as the cold season comes, prepare a jar of medicine, put it in the refrigerator and take 1 teaspoon daily 20-30 minutes before meals. A mixture of honey, ginger and lemon can be given even to children over five years old, half a teaspoon each, and if your child finds the delicacy too specific in taste, immediately offer him a sip of sweet tea.

If a cold has already overtaken you, and a runny nose and sore throat threaten to turn into a full-blown disease, go to the second recipe. Ginger-honey tea with lemon can be drunk 3-4 times a day: it perfectly tones, gives strength, anesthetizes the throat, facilitates nasal breathing even with a severe runny nose and allows you to sweat well.

With a dry cough, it is recommended to combine treatment with both remedies, since ginger with honey acts as a mild expectorant medicine. To enhance the healing effect, take the ginger-honey mixture sublingually, that is, hold it under the tongue and dissolve for several minutes before swallowing.


Although this folk remedy for the common cold and cold is completely natural and safe, it has a number of contraindications:

    Allergy to ginger, citrus or bee products;



    Heart failure;

    Severe forms of hypertension;

    The period of pregnancy and lactation;

    Viral hepatitis;




    Gastritis and stomach ulcer;

    Stones in the kidneys, liver, bladder or gallbladder.

Before starting the treatment of a runny nose and colds with ginger and honey, you should consult with your doctor, as these products have a powerful tonic effect and can aggravate the course of some serious chronic diseases. As for young and relatively healthy people, honey with ginger and lemon can only benefit them.

Video recipe for a delicious ginger drink for colds

The most effective treatment for the common cold

A radical remedy for a protracted, often recurrent and chronic runny nose is a home procedure for washing the nose with sea salt, which came to us from the East, from traditional culture Indian yogis. In the homeland of the technique, it is called "jala-neti". Nasal lavage weak solution sea ​​salt is considered the most effective and popular treatment for the common cold among knowledgeable people. It allows not only to mechanically cleanse the maxillary sinuses of mucus and pus, but also locally sanitize this area so that the inflammation stops. Chemical composition natural sea salt is unique: it contains natural compounds that have a disinfectant and soothing effect on the nasal mucosa.

Those who first decided to resort to the treatment of the common cold with the help of washings, you need to remember a few important rules:

    Do not try to enhance the therapeutic effect of the procedure by adding more salt. Some incompetent sources suggest putting almost a whole tablespoon of sea salt in a glass of water. So you will only burn the mucous membrane and aggravate the runny nose. Yogi teaching says that the water for washing the nose should not be more salty than human blood;

    Always mix the solution very carefully and wait until the sea salt is completely dissolved, otherwise, during the procedure, hard grains will damage the nasal mucosa;

    Do not use hot water to speed up the dissolution of the salt. The optimal temperature of the solution for washing the nose is 40-42 degrees Celsius;

    During the procedure, do not suck in the solution with your nose, otherwise you will choke. Water should flow freely into one nostril and out the other.

Recipes for washing the nose with sea salt for a runny nose:

    Adults - 1 teaspoon of sea salt per half liter of boiled water.

    Children - the concentration is two times less.

    Experienced patients with chronic sinusitis- add to the basic recipe 2 drops of iodine and soda on the tip of a knife.

    Treatment of a runny nose with sea salt without washing - you need to moisten a clean linen napkin in a solution of sea salt (1 tablespoon per glass of water) and put it on your face for 15 minutes. This will reduce the flow from the nose, make breathing easier and moisturize the mucous membrane.

Video about washing the nose with sea salt:

Thuja oil for a cold

It is thuja oil of all coniferous aromatic oils that is most often used to treat the common cold at home. It contains a lot of phytoncides, glycosides and tannins, therefore, thuja oil is an excellent natural anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and fungicide. But it does not narrow the vessels, does not reduce the amount of mucus, does not relieve swelling, so use thuja oil against the common cold as an independent and only remedy not worth it.

Meanwhile, both the thuja oil itself and the decoction of the needles of this tree are powerful immunomodulating agents. By regularly instilling these compounds into the nose, it is theoretically possible to achieve an increase in local immunity. But this is more of a preventive measure, rather than a radical method of treating the common cold. And this is the second reason why thuja cannot be considered a panacea for the common cold and cold.

And the third reason is that thuja oil is, first of all, oil. What happens if you drop into clogged with mucus non-breathable nose oil solution? The work of the ciliated epithelium, already hindered by the disease, will be disrupted. The mucus will stop evacuating from the nasal cavity. And this is fraught with the accumulation of mucus in the maxillary sinuses and the transition of the common cold into sinusitis. It is advisable to drip thuja oil into the nose only with a dry runny nose, when the mucous membrane is thinned and inflamed, and crusts dry up on it.

Recipes for the treatment of a runny nose with thuja oil:

    Oil drops. It is recommended that adults and children instill 3-4 drops of thuja oil in each nasal passage at night, after blowing their nose and clearing their nose. This good alternative moisturizing the mucous membrane with saline. We emphasize once again that it is possible to drip thuja oil into the nose only with a dry runny nose.

    Drops from coniferous decoction. If the runny nose is very strong, and is accompanied by an abundant flow of mucus, it is recommended to use coniferous decoction instead of oil. For 1 tablespoon of needles you will need 500 ml of boiling water. Infuse the decoction in a sealed container until it cools to room temperature, and then instill 3-4 drops into the previously cleaned nose in each nostril.

Contraindications and side effects. Coniferous aromatic oils, like any other, can cause severe allergies in young children. The baby's cheeks are covered with a scarlet scab, swell and itch. If your child is prone to allergies, it is better to choose another method of treating a runny nose at home, for example, drops from sea ​​water or rinsing with mild saline.

Before using thuja oil, both adult patients and young children are advised to skin test for sensitivity: apply a drop of oil to the area under the nose and wait a day. If there are no negative manifestations, proceed to the treatment of the common cold.

There are often recommendations on the network allegedly traditional healers use thuja oil for steam inhalation. It is absolutely impossible to do this, there are even cases of pneumonia as a result of the use of thuja oil for inhalation using ultrasonic inhalers and nebulizers.

Actually, ordinary steam inhalations with thuja oil with a runny nose are at least useless, because bacterial infection heating and moisturizing are not treated, so microbes only multiply faster, and with another type of rhinitis (allergic, viral), thuja is not relevant at all.

How to buy the right thuja oil? Since thuja oil is a very popular remedy for the common cold and colds among the people, there were medicine manufacturers who give out petroleum jelly with the addition of a meager concentration of the medicinal component for pure essential oil. On the box of such a drug there will be an inscription “ homeopathic remedy"or" EDAS-801 ". The effectiveness of this remedy against the common cold seems doubtful, but it costs more than usual. aromatic oil thuja.

Another way to lighten the pockets of amateurs natural methods treatment of the common cold - a homeopathic ointment containing only 0.5 thuja oil. It is supposed that with its help it is possible to get rid of rhinitis, simply by laying soaked cotton swabs in the nose. However, since the concentration of essential oil in such an ointment is very low, it cannot have any pronounced therapeutic effect.

Kalanchoe juice from a cold

Treatment of a runny nose with Kalanchoe juice at home is one of the most popular, but at the same time controversial home methods. For some, this remedy helps to get rid of a runny nose very quickly, for someone Kalanchoe has no effect at all, but there are also people who have rhinitis from this juice only aggravates, and allergies are added to it.

The most unpleasant thing is that it is impossible to predict the result of treating a cold with Kalanchoe juice in advance. But we will try to objectively highlight all the pros and cons of this folk method and establish in which cases Kalanchoe can help get rid of a runny nose at home, and in which it is better not to use it. After all, the effectiveness will depend on the type and characteristics of the course of rhinitis. application of Kalanchoe.

For the treatment of the common cold, the following properties of Kalanchoe may be useful:

    Bactericidal (kills bacteria) and bacteriostatic (prevents them from multiplying). It follows from this that Kalanchoe juice is effective against bacterial rhinitis;

    Decongestant (relieves nasal congestion) and anti-inflammatory (reduces mucus secretion);

    Irritant (promotes sneezing and rapid evacuation of mucus from the nose).

Therapeutic effect of Kalanchoe with a cold:

    bactericidal effect. Kalanchoe contains a large amount of phytoncides, so the juice of this plant can really stop a bacterial infection. But for this, it would be necessary to fill it with literally buckets, so that a protective film is constantly present on the mucous membrane. And for the treatment of a runny nose at home, it is recommended to drip only a few drops into each nasal passage 3-4 times a day. Is it possible to stop the infection in this way? Obviously not. Another reason to doubt the effectiveness of Kalanchoe in rhinitis is the rarity of the bacterial rhinitis. Most cases of rhinitis are viral or allergic in nature. Therefore, drip Kalanchoe juice into the nose for influenza, acute respiratory infections or hay fever doesn't make sense at all.

    Anti-inflammatory action. Here everything looks much more encouraging - Kalanchoe juice really relieves swelling and quickly stops inflammation. But it is dangerous to stop the inflammatory process with a runny nose ahead of time, no matter how strange it may sound. Inflammation is a complex natural process initiated by immune system person to overcome the disease. Silencing this process artificially, we deprive the body of the ability to fight infection. Viruses or bacteria that caused a runny nose will not die from Kalanchoe juice, but immune cells(leukocytes and macrophages) will cease to be produced. So what then will kill the pathogen? Rhinitis risks turning into a serious illness. An indicator of a natural immune response is subfebrile temperature body. If, with a runny nose and a cold, a person has a temperature of about 37 degrees Celsius, it cannot be knocked down, and it is not advisable to be treated with anti-inflammatory drugs. These drugs include not only the well-known aspirin or analgin, but also Kalanchoe juice, so you should not drip it into your nose if a runny nose has just begun and is accompanied by low-grade fever.

    Kalanchoe against the current from the nose. It is this effect of Kalanchoe that is most relevant in the treatment of the common cold. The juice of the plant, after contact with the nasal mucosa, causes intense itching and sneezing, and this helps to evacuate the mucus that has accumulated deep in the nasopharynx and in the maxillary sinuses. Simply blowing your nose can't clear your nose so effectively. But on the other hand, too intense sneezing can injure the mucous membranes and lead to their drying out as a result of the complete removal of mucus. Therefore, the treatment of a runny nose with Kalanchoe juice should be careful and dosed: by adjusting the concentration and amount of the drug, the desired effect should be achieved.

Treatment of the common cold with Kalanchoe juice

For the treatment of a runny nose at home, the following types of Kalanchoe are used:



Traditional healers strongly recommend keeping cut Kalanchoe leaves for several hours in the refrigerator before use, wrapping them in a dark cloth. This makes it possible to enhance the effectiveness of the treatment of the common cold, since in the dark and in the cold, chemical reactions, activating the desired substances.

In order to quickly get rid of a runny nose at home, it is usually enough to drip 2-3 drops of freshly squeezed juice from Kalanchoe leaves, diluted with boiled water in two, into each nostril for several days in the morning and evening. For children, the concentration of the solution is selected individually: if the baby sneezes heavily, and the mucous membranes of his nose become swollen and scarlet, the juice is diluted with water more strongly.

Rules for the use of Kalanchoe with a cold:

    Do not drip into the nose of Kalanchoe at elevated body temperature.

    Do not use this method for the treatment of vasomotor, allergic and viral rhinitis.

    Start treating a runny nose with Kalanchoe juice no earlier than on the fourth day of illness.

    stop use of kalanchoe at the first sign of an allergy.

    Before starting treatment, perform a skin test for sensitivity.

    Do not drip Kalanchoe juice into your nose for more than five days in a row.

    Use this remedy only to treat a runny nose of a bacterial nature, that is, if the mucus in the nose is not clear and runny, but thick and yellow-green.

This home technique exceptional cases can lead to serious undesirable consequences:

    Thinning and drying of the nasal mucosa up to atrophic rhinitis;

    Allergic reactions (urticaria, bronchospasm, angioedema);

    The transition of the common cold to chronic form due to too early muted inflammatory process;

    Aggravation of a cold, lowering the focus of the disease below or spreading to the ears (otitis media).

Video about the treatment of the common cold with Kalanchoe juice

How to quickly cure a runny nose in one day at home?

Very often people are wondering how to quickly cure a runny nose, and even more so in one day? There is a very simple and effective method treatment of a runny nose at home - onion drops in the nose. You can cook them in just a couple of minutes, this tool helps almost everyone and has no contraindications. What is the secret of the healing effect of onions? This vegetable owes its specific aroma to sulfur, a rare mineral found in onions in very high concentrations. And the eyes sting from onions precisely because volatile sulfuric gas is released from its pulp when cut into the air, which mixes with tears and transforms into sulfuric acid which irritates the eyes.

But sulfur has useful effect– it acts as a local antibiotic. It is enhanced by natural phytoncides, which are part of the onion, and organic acids that constrict blood vessels. Therefore, freshly squeezed onion juice really helps to get rid of a runny nose in just one day, if you start treatment immediately, at the first sign of malaise.

To prepare onion nose drops, take a small onion, peel it, cut it into 4 pieces and squeeze the juice out of it with a garlic press. Strain the resulting juice through sterile gauze and dilute with boiled water in equal proportions. Store ready-made drops in glass jar in the refrigerator, and it is best to bury them in the nose, kneeling and resting your head on the floor so that the solution does not flow out of the nostrils. Repeat this procedure 4-5 times during the day.

Attention! This mixture is extremely hot, and if you do not dilute it enough with water, there is a risk of burning the nasal mucosa!

What is the best drink for a cold?

During a cold accompanied by a severe runny nose, our body loses a lot of water, including sweat and mucus. But water is extremely necessary for a person during the period of illness, since it is in it that the metabolic products of bacteria and viruses dissolve, and then they are excreted. Therefore, with a cold, you need to provide the patient with plenty of fluids. Perfect optionhealing teas, one of which we would like to discuss in more detail.

To make tea for a cold and cold, you will need:

    Grated ginger root - 1 tablespoon;

    Ground cinnamon - 1 teaspoon;

    Cranberries, pureed without sugar - 2 teaspoons;

    Boiling water - half a liter.

Put the ingredients in a teapot and wrap it for 20 minutes so that the aromatic tea is infused. You can drink it with the whole family 3-4 times a day half an hour before a meal, and to sweeten it, just put a teaspoon of honey in it after the tea has cooled to 60-70 degrees. The last tea party should take place no later than 3 hours before going to bed, since this medicinal tea has a strong tonic effect (prevents falling asleep) and a slight diuretic effect, which also does not contribute to a peaceful rest.

Video recipes for the best teas for colds and runny nose:

Other folk remedies for the treatment of the common cold

    The easiest way to treat a cold. Runny nose often overcomes us and gives us a lot of trouble. But you can prevent trouble with the help of alternative treatment. Take a piece of dark brown laundry soap, wet it and lather with a wet finger, with which you need to lubricate the entire inner surface of the left and right nostrils, reaching as deep as possible. This should be done three times a day. And it is better if you repeat this procedure whenever you feel that the nose is dry from the medicine.

    Effective treatment runny nose with kerosene (externally). Kerosene has a very great effect and is an effective warming remedy for the common cold. Sometimes one night of such a procedure is enough to cure a runny nose. Naturally, they don’t drink kerosene. You probably know that at night they often put dry mustard in their socks or stick mustard plasters. But the effect will be stunning if you use kerosene instead of mustard. Before going to bed, grease your feet with kerosene and attach a rag, also moistened with kerosene. Put wool socks on top. In the morning you will feel much better.

    Drink currant compote. Black currant is good in treating the common cold and flu. Make compote from currants and drink, but no more than four glasses a day. If it is winter now, then you can easily prepare a decoction from pre-prepared currant branches. The fruits themselves are not required, but if there is, then, of course, add it. Take a handful of twigs and pour a liter of boiling water. Boil for five minutes, then simmer them for four hours. Drink before going to bed two glasses of broth in a warm form. Add sugar for taste. Such treatment during illness must be done twice.

    Treatment of the common cold with eucalyptus. A very powerful remedy for a cold is a decoction of eucalyptus and marshmallow leaves. Eucalyptus has a strong disinfectant and astringent action, and marshmallow acts enveloping, being an anti-inflammatory agent. To prepare a decoction for a glass of boiling water, take 20 grams of marshmallow leaves and 10 grams of eucalyptus leaves. It is advisable to cook them for 5-10 minutes. After straining, you can start taking the decoction. Rinse your nose 5-6 times a day, 2-3 times in each run.

Education: A diploma in the specialty "Medicine" and "Therapy" received at the University named after N. I. Pirogov (2005 and 2006). Advanced training at the Department of Phytotherapy at the Moscow University of Peoples' Friendship (2008).

Hepatoprotectors are such substances and drugs containing them, which, on the one hand, increase the resistance of the liver to negative influences (poisons, alcohol, toxic antibiotics and other drugs), and on the other hand, normalize the liver after its damage, reduce the activity of leaking pathological processes in it and contribute to the restoration of the organ. Not always, hepatoprotectors can lead to recovery from liver disease, but, in any case, they slow down the progression of the pathological process, making it sluggish, thereby improving the functioning of the organ, preventing complications and prolonging human life.

In this paper, we will consider atypical hepatoprotectors, that is, those that are not included in the register of drugs in the list of drugs with hepatoprotective activity, but have it according to practical use. Such atypical hepatoprotectors include, first of all, folk remedies consisting of medicinal herbs or representing a combination of self-massage techniques, as well as various drugs that have completely different indications for use, but for which a hepatoprotective effect has been found.

Below we provide a list of just such atypical hepatoprotectors with a description of their properties, therapeutic effects and application rules. In this case, we will only touch on those atypical hepatoprotectors for which they positive action on the liver has been proven in animal experiments or in limited clinical trials on human volunteers.

Collections of medicinal herbs and individual herbs with hepatoprotective properties

Collection of hepatoprotective herbs Prokopieva and Korol

This collection of herbs, which has pronounced hepatoprotective properties, was developed, tested and patented by L.A. Prokopyeva. and Korol S.V. - employees of the company "Evalar".

So, the collection contains grass of oats, roots of long turmeric, sandy immortelle flowers, peppermint leaves.

The grass of oats is included in the State Register of Medicinal Products, that is, its therapeutic effect proven and confirmed by multiple studies. Oat grass accumulates numerous biologically active substances, such as phytosterols (avenacin, beta-amirin), flavonoids (vitexin, isovertizin-2-isoramnoside, isovitexin-2-arabinoside, isoorientin-2-arabinoside, isoscoparin, 6,8-di -C-glucosylpigenin), flavolignans, phenolic acids (coumaric, ferulic, lilac, synapic, hydroxybenzoic) and polyphenols (aventramides A and B). Due to the content of such biologically active substances, oat herb is recommended for use as a tonic and tonic for physical or mental overwork, including against the background of a debilitating disease.

In order to lower the level of hemoglobin, you should, first of all, think about special diet food. Diet in this case should exclude the intake of all those foods that tend to increase the level of hemoglobin. Completely give up both organ meats and meat, as well as red berries and fruits. Stop your choice on vegetables, fruits, cereals. In order to reduce hemoglobin, eat daily salads made from plants such as fireweed, wood lice, gout and the like.

Often, in order to forget about cigarettes forever, people from the people resort to the help of this method. You need to take tobacco and leave it near for twenty-four hours. blue vitriol. While smoking such tobacco, a very strong aversion to cigarettes arises.

There is also such folk method fight against smoking: we take a vial from under validol, in which there are at least two or three drops this drug. We drag on a cigarette and release smoke into this bubble, after which we close it tightly. After two days, the procedure will need to be repeated. We put the bottle in our pocket and carry it with us all the time. If you feel like smoking, immediately take out the bottle, open it and smell it. Believe me, you will not want to smoke after that.

Recipe five: take a black radish, cut off its top, and then pick it out inner part by a third. After that, we fill the radish with honey, while not forgetting that you need to leave a little space for the juice that it will release. We put the radish in a glass of water with the tail down. After three to four hours, she will start the juice. After the child drinks it, add honey to the radish and dip it into a glass of water again.

Recipe six: take one teaspoon of horsetail the same amount of nettle, mallow, and plantain and steam a mixture of these herbs in four glasses of boiled water. The resulting infusion should be given to the child in half a glass in the morning, at lunchtime, in the evening and at bedtime. It is very important that it is taken immediately before meals. In conclusion, we note that all diseases accompanied by a cough most often occur against the background of a weakened immunity of the baby, so first of all you should think about this.

Among the people, rye bread is also very popular, which can also be used to wash your hair. Take one hundred and fifty grams of bread and pour boiling water over it. The resulting slurry should be applied to the hair and kept for five to ten minutes. After that, it will need to be washed off with warm water. It is best to rinse your hair with an infusion made from birch leaves.

If you have greasy hair, then prepare yourself the following kind of rinse aid: take half a glass of black tea leaves and steam them in one liter of boiled water.
If the hair is dry, then you should take two tablespoons of nettle, mint or chamomile and steam the raw material in a liter of boiling water.

As for the direct treatment of diseases caused by Helicobacter with the help of folk remedies, in this case, in the very first place, it is worth using the help of a mixture of yarrow herb, calendula flowers, as well as St. John's wort. Take all the herbs in equal amounts and mix them thoroughly. Three tablespoons of the resulting mixture of herbs are steamed for forty minutes in five hundred milliliters of boiled water. Then we filter the infusion and take one hundred milliliters orally in the morning, at lunchtime, in the evening and at bedtime before meals.

Propolis is also considered to be a very effective folk remedy that can overcome Helicobacter pylori. Alcohol tincture of propolis can be made independently or purchased at a pharmacy. This tincture is taken ten drops sixty minutes before a meal. Before use, the required amount of tincture is recommended to be dissolved in one hundred milliliters of water.

Both of these funds should be used in a complex way - for one month we are treated with infusion of herbs, and during the second month we take propolis tincture. And yet, during the course of therapy, it is very important to strictly adhere to the special

No matter how medicine develops, treatment with folk remedies at home will always remain relevant. Many recipes have been collected by healers from all over the world. The healers kept the secrets of their work and passed on to their students. Treated with infusions, decoctions various diseases. Colds are the most common. Do not immediately resort to expensive drugs. You need to look in the refrigerator, pantry and you will always find what you need. Treatment with folk remedies at home for the same ARVI and ARI can be tasty and enjoyable. First you need to figure out what are the causes of frequent colds.

  1. The entry of viruses and bacteria into the body. intensive reproduction.
  2. The presence of chronic diseases that deposit pathogenic microbes.
  3. Weakened immunity.
  4. Disorder of the gastrointestinal tract.
All this contributes to the appearance of a cold. If you choose the right folk remedies, you will be able to normalize the functioning of the body, improve well-being and defeat the disease in the shortest possible time. As soon as the first symptoms of malaise appear, you should immediately use a homemade healing balm with essential oils. Essential oils have not only warming, but also tonic properties. They are great at fighting germs. These are excellent antiseptics. You will need the following components:
  • base oil shea (be sure to take natural, unprocessed) - about 7 ml;
  • coconut oil - about 3 ml;
  • beeswax- about 1 gr;
  • essential oil tea tree- a drop;
  • lavender oil- a drop;
  • eucalyptus oil - 3 drops;
  • fir oil- a couple of drops.
Mix everything, store in a glass container. As soon as weakness, chills, headaches, the first signs of a runny nose appear, immediately rub a small amount of balm on the chest, back, and feet. From above, be sure to wear something warm, on your feet - socks made of natural yarn. Treating folk remedies at home for coughing can also be simple and effective. Onions and garlic are always in the refrigerator of every housewife. These vegetables contain an antibacterial substance - allicin. It perfectly fights bacteria, viruses, fungal microorganisms. There are many recipes for the preparation of onion-garlic-based medicines.
  1. Peel the onion, cut into two parts.
  2. Sprinkle with two tablespoons of sugar.
  3. Leave overnight.
  4. Drink juice along with onions.
The course of treatment is three to four days. If not allergic reactions on bee products, then it is better to replace sugar with honey.
  1. Finely chop a large onion.
  2. Add a couple of tablespoons of honey.
  3. Stir, let stand overnight.
With this remedy, it is easy to cure colds and bronchial coughs within a week. Treatment of folk remedies at home for a runny nose is possible different ways. If not high temperature, then inhalations on herbs are suitable. herbal collection(chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, yarrow) or one of the herbs, put in boiling water. Leave for five minutes in a warm place. Cover the container with a terry towel and breathe in the steam for 10-15 minutes. To quickly defeat a runny nose, you need to resort to rinsing the nasopharynx. The liquid is gently drawn into the nostrils. The nose is thoroughly washed, the viruses are washed out. For washing you will need:
  • warm boiled water - a glass;
  • a teaspoon of salt (preferably sea salt).
For greater efficiency, add half a teaspoon of propolis or eucalyptus tincture.
Not bad helps tincture of calendula. Beet juice fights well with a runny nose. If in brine add a few drops of iodine, then it will be possible to cure a chronic runny nose. Rinse your nose in the morning and at night. A popular treatment for the common cold is drops. You don’t have to go to the pharmacy for them, you have to do it yourself. A millennium grows on the window of every housewife.
  1. Tear off the largest sheet.
  2. Wipe with a damp cloth.
  3. Squeeze juice into a container.
  4. Add some honey.
  5. Instill a drop into each nostril every two hours.
This remedy cures sinusitis. If you use it every day for two weeks. Treatment of folk remedies at home for the throat is carried out by constant rinsing, frequent drinking of warm herbal or berry drinks, compresses. Whatever treatment is chosen for any inflammation of the larynx, you always need to drink plenty of fluids. It is desirable to make berry fruit drinks from lingonberries, cranberries, raspberries. These berries have antiseptic properties, fight microbes, and can lower body temperature. Prepare like this:
  • crush the berries thoroughly;
  • pour boiling water (you can’t boil, otherwise most of the useful vitamins will be lost);
  • add a little honey (for allergy sufferers you will need sugar).
Stir and drink in large volume, as often as possible. Not bad help decoctions of rose hips, lemon. They are rich in vitamin C, which boosts the immune system. With severe pain in the throat, do not drink hot drinks. All fruit drinks and decoctions should be warm. At the first symptoms, you should immediately start rinsing. The simplest and most effective rinse with iodine-salt solution. Prepare like this:
  • pour a glass of water into the container;
  • add a teaspoon of salt;
  • heat until the salt dissolves;
  • remove from fire;
  • add a drop of iodine.
Rinse with this solution six to seven times a day. Pain will gradually disappear, the bacteria will be destroyed.
Instead of iodine, you can add freshly squeezed lemon juice. The symptoms will soften, the bacteria will be destroyed. Garlic is a remedy for any ailment. To cure the throat, you need to separate the head of garlic, peel and cut into two halves. Carefully put in the mouth on both sides, very close to the larynx. Saliva will be secreted and must be swallowed with garlic juice. It is necessary to treat with garlic three times a day. Treatment of folk remedies at home for ARVI and acute respiratory infections is based on taking herbal decoctions, compresses, warming up, plentiful drink, using products that can fight viruses. As soon as the first signs of SARS appeared, you must definitely lie down in a warm bed and make a drink from milk, honey, butter.
  1. Heat milk, but do not boil.
  2. Add about fifty grams of butter (preferably natural rustic).
  3. Pour in a tablespoon of fresh May honey (if there is none, another one will do).
Mix everything, take small sips. The condition will immediately improve, sputum will quickly begin to depart. After taking milk, you must definitely sleep.
  1. Warm up a glass of red wine (preferably homemade).
  2. Add a couple of slices of citrus fruits (half an orange and a lemon along with the zest).
  3. Throw in a pinch of red hot pepper.
  4. Flavor the drink with cloves and cinnamon.
Wrap yourself in something warm, preferably a woolen blanket, and enjoy a warm drink. Red wine can be replaced with beer, but natural "green". Prepare like this:
  • heat the beer over low heat;
  • add some cloves;
  • cut the lemon into slices and throw into the drink;
  • take eggs (whites and yolks separately);
  • grind whites and yolks with sugar until fluffy foam;
  • pour into beer
  • cook a little until thickened, but do not boil.
Drink the prepared broth in a glass. Very useful for any viral and colds ginger. There are many recipes. The simplest is ginger-based tea.
  1. Wash and peel the ginger root.
  2. Cut into small pieces.
  3. Add chopped garlic.
  4. Add any Herb tea(for example, chamomile).
  5. Pour boiling water over.
  6. Leave for five to ten minutes in a warm place.
  7. Add a spoonful of honey.
Drink all day, preferably every hour. The cold will be defeated in a day. Treatment with folk remedies at home is available to everyone. There are a lot of recipes. Grandmothers, mothers, healers pass on their knowledge and experience from generation to generation. The funds have been tested for years and therefore should not be neglected.

Folk remedies for cough

Coughing is a common phenomenon and few people have not encountered it in their lives. Especially in the cold winter season. Cough does not appear from anywhere, it is a symptom of a specific disease, most often a cold. It does not allow us to communicate normally, eat and sleep, and others can be infected if the disease is viral.

Why do we cough? Cough is a reflex. This is a protective reaction of the body to microbes, sputum, mucus. The body tries to get rid of all this by coughing. Cough can be allergic, but most often it is a symptom of a disease of the lungs and upper respiratory tract.

For any disease, you should consult a doctor. But many people prefer to treat a cough on their own, not wanting to waste time standing in lines at the clinic and other inconveniences. Well, often traditional medicine is quite effective. Our grandparents often got rid of coughs and colds with folk remedies.

Folk remedies for coughs are convenient for their availability and simplicity. No need to run to the pharmacy for miraculous pills. Every housewife in the kitchen has a lot of products that can cure a cough and help treat other colds.

Cough relief products

Honey can be safely called the most effective cough remedy. A small cough can be soothed by drinking a glass of warm water with a spoonful of honey. Well, in combination with lemon, garlic and other means of its beneficial features intensify.

Garlic is a recognized fighter against any colds. A clove of garlic in the midst of infectious diseases is useful to carry with you and put your kids in your pocket when they visit kindergarten and school. To treat a cough, you can rub your feet with garlic.

Onions are often used in folk medicine to treat dry coughs. Onion juice helps well in combination with honey.

lemon and others citrus fruit rich in ascorbic acid. Vitamin C boosts immunity and gives strength. Tea with lemon and honey helps to cure cough.

Black radish is one of the proven folk remedies for cough. The most famous way is that the root crop cut out inside is filled with honey and infused for a day. It is taken 3 times a day for 1 teaspoon.

Agave juice (aloe) in combination with lemon and honey is a good expectorant.

Raspberry jam. Campaigning is redundant. In the old days, this jam was a lifesaver for any colds. Warm tea with raspberry jam soothes cough and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Folk remedies for cough with honey

1 teaspoon honey, 2 tbsp. spoons of anise seeds and a pinch of salt. Stir and pour 250 ml of water, bring to a boil, then strain. Take in the treatment of cough for an adult 2 tbsp. spoons every 2 hours. For a child, reduce the dose by half.

Useful mixture of honey with hazelnuts. Mix half a cup of honey with 1 cup of grated nuts. Eat during the day 1 teaspoon with a glass of water warm milk.

Honey can help you get rid of a cough cabbage juice. Add honey to the juice to taste, and drink throughout the day.

Folk remedies for cough with garlic

Peel 5 cloves of garlic, finely crush, pour a glass of milk and boil. Take when coughing in a warm form, 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

Cut the head of garlic and 10 onions into small pieces and boil in milk until softened, then add mint juice and honey. Apply from a prolonged dry cough, 1 tbsp. spoon every hour.

Folk remedies for cough with onions

Finely chop 1 onion, add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of honey, 150 g of sugar, pour 1 liter of water, bring to a boil and cook for 3 hours over low heat. Strain the mixture, cool. Take 5 times a day in a warm form, 1 tbsp. spoon.

With a strong cough, a decoction of onion peel will help. Take the husk from 10 onions, pour 1 liter of boiling water and cook over low heat. When the water boils away by half, remove, cool and strain. Drink a decoction with honey 3 times a day, 1 glass each, until the cough subsides.

Before going to bed, finely chop a large onion, add 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar. The medicine will be ready in the morning. During the day, eat the mixture and drink the resulting juice. Repeat for a few days and the cough will subside.

Folk remedies for cough with lemon

Boil 1 lemon over low heat for 10 minutes. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze out the juice. Pour the juice into a glass, add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of glycerin, mix and top up with honey. For dry cough, take 1 teaspoon 5 times a day.

Grate 2 heads of garlic and 5 lemons, pour 1 liter of boiled water, leave for a week, strain, squeeze. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 2 times a day half an hour before meals.

Folk remedies for cough with black radish

Choose medium radish correct form, cut off the top and remove the inner part by about a third. Put a little honey in the cut out part so that there is room for the juice that stands out. Dip the radish into a glass of water with the tail down. When the juice is collected after a few hours, drink it and put honey again.

Cut into thin slices 6 - 7 pieces of radish. Sprinkle each piece with sugar. After 5-7 hours, juice mixed with sugar will stand out. Take every hour 1 tbsp. spoon during the day.

Mix radish juice with milk and honey drink in equal amounts. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 6 times a day.

Folk remedies for cough with aloe

Aloe leaf juice mixed with warm honey and melted butter in equal proportions. Take as a cough remedy 2 teaspoons 3 times a day before meals for a week, then take a break of 3 days and repeat.

200 g of finely chopped aloe leaves, 1 kg of honey, 200 g of olive oil, 50 g of lime blossom, 150 g of birch buds. Birch buds And Linden blossom brew separately in half a liter of water, boil for 2 minutes, then strain. Pour the broth into a mixture of aloe with honey, then add olive oil. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

It is useful to include milk porridge from hercules in the diet, mashed potatoes cooked with milk, grated radish seasoned with sour cream and vegetable oil.

Use the advice on health and do not cough!

A persistent cough can turn into chronic bronchitis !!!

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Folk remedies for colds - how can they help in the treatment of the disease?

As soon as autumn comes, not only children, but also adults begin to get sick in my family. All this is due to hypothermia of the body in wet weather. You come home and you can’t get warm here, because. heating has not yet been turned on. As a result, you quickly catch a cold. Runny nose, cough, fever rises a little and the head starts to hurt. All this can be corrected using folk remedies for colds.

No need to run to the pharmacy and buy various chemical medicines. Folk remedies for colds treat a runny nose, cough and all the accompanying troubles of a sick person. And at the same time they do not provide negative impact to others internal organs, as may be the case with pharmaceutical drugs.

Each person must choose for himself an effective folk remedy for a cold. There is no need to slander that they do not help if any one remedy does not suit you. You need to try everything. Each person is individual, therefore, medicines help some people get rid of ailments, while others do not have any positive effect.

How to cure a cold with folk remedies can be found in any herbalist and non-traditional healer reference book. But how to treat a cold with folk remedies in your case, you must decide for yourself. Those folk remedies for colds that helped you once will help you the next. You must write them down in a personal notebook or memorize them. If you start using them at the first sign of the disease, then the cold will not go far. You will get rid of it without realizing that you are sick.

  1. Fir. To treat a runny nose with a cold, fir oil is needed. It needs to be dripped into the nose, one drop in each nostril several times a day. But before doing this, the nose must be rinsed with saline solution. Best to apply sea ​​salt without the addition of dyes.
  2. Garlic. Its juice can be dripped with a cold, diluted by half with water. You can peel a few cloves and grind well. Put the resulting slurry in a small amount into each of the nostrils. There will be a strong oven, tears will flow. But all this must be endured. Then you start sneezing. Blow your nose well. This is an effective folk remedy for colds and runny nose, which helps to get rid of it in three hours. The main thing is to start treatment at the first sign of a cold. If you cannot bear the burning of garlic in your nose, then immediately after you have crushed the cloves, begin to breathe in the vapors that come from the mass. In the first fifteen minutes, garlic, by the way, like onions, releases volatile, which kill pathogenic bacteria. You can also make oil from garlic. To do this, grind one clove and fill it with a tablespoon of any vegetable oil. Leave it like this for 8 hours. Then filter and drip into each nostril a few drops of the resulting medicine. Do this 3-4 times a day, and you will see how to cure a cold with folk remedies quickly and very easily. It is enough to use ordinary garlic.
  3. Eucalyptus. For the treatment of a cold, you can use it as an oil of this plant, as well as its leaves. You need to take a handful of fresh herbal raw materials and pour them with boiling water in the amount of one glass. After put on the stove and boil for another 2 minutes. Then remove the container from the stove, and use the resulting composition as folk remedies for colds for inhalation. To cure a runny nose, you need to breathe properly during the procedure. You need to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. At night, you can put an aroma lamp in the bedroom by adding a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil to it.
  4. Kalanchoe. The juice from this plant helps to forget about a runny nose with a cold, if you start treating it in the first hours of the onset of signs of malaise. It is necessary to drip Kalanchoe juice into each nostril, a few drops. Next, you need to wait until you start sneezing. This tool helps to remove the collected sputum deep in the nasopharynx, if the runny nose is in a neglected state. If the nose only drips, then this is a very effective folk remedy for a cold that will help you forget about it after the first few treatments for a runny nose.
  5. How to treat a cold with folk remedies, a plant such as aloe will also tell you. The juice of this plant should be dripped 5 drops into each nostril. This must be done every 2 hours. Only in this case, you can get rid of a cold easily and quickly. But before you drip aloe juice, you need to rinse your nose well with a saline solution prepared by yourself. Instead, you can use a saline solution purchased at a pharmacy or a spray like Salina.
  6. Beet. You need to clean the red beets. Then grate it on a grater and squeeze the juice. It should be dripped 5-6 drops into each nasal passage up to 5 times per knock. If you are not allergic to honey, you can mix a teaspoon of beetroot juice with 2.5 teaspoons of honey. The resulting composition is dripped into the nose in the same way as just beets. But this is a more effective folk remedy for colds and runny nose.
  7. Laundry soap. On its basis, water should be prepared for washing the nose. If you clean your nose with this remedy two or three times a day, you can quickly get rid of a runny nose.
  8. Onions + water + honey. First you need to chop the onion. Then take the resulting slurry in the amount of 3 tablespoons. Pour 50 ml on top. water. Then add half a teaspoon of honey. Mix everything thoroughly. Leave covered for 30 minutes. After that, the composition is filtered. Use it as a folk remedy for colds, to wash a snotty nose.
  9. Salt. You need to take one handful of salt and heat it in a pan. Then transfer to a cotton bag. Apply it to the bridge of the nose, to the nasal wings. Salt retains heat for a long time. Such a compress will allow the mucus to move faster and not accumulate in the frontal and maxillary sinuses.
  10. Mustard. For the treatment of the common cold, dry mustard powder is suitable. It needs to be poured into socks and walked throughout the day. The legs will be warm and the runny nose will pass faster. This method shows not only how to cure a cold with folk remedies, but also get rid of discomfort during illness. Hot legs rise and general temperature body, which allows the nose to breathe easier with a runny nose. However, such warming folk remedies for colds cannot be used if the body temperature is elevated.
  1. Chamomile. You need to take a tablespoon of flowers and pour them with a glass of boiling water. Then put the container in a water bath. Infuse chamomile for fifteen minutes. After cooling, filter. Add boiled water to the volume of a full glass. Gargle a sore throat with infusion of chamomile several times a day. Folk remedies for colds for gargling are used only when warm. Hot infusion will burn the mucous membrane. Your throat will start to hurt even more. Even body temperature may rise.
  2. Sage. How to cure a cold with folk remedies will tell you a herb such as sage. She happens to be natural antiseptic. At the first sign of a cold, you need to gargle your red throat with a decoction of this herb. They can also wash their nose if a cold is also accompanied by a runny nose.
  3. Calendula. From this medicinal plant, you can prepare a decoction, infusion, or buy a ready-made alcohol tincture at a pharmacy. It is recommended to gargle with calendula 4-5 times a day. If this alcohol tincture, then it must be diluted in a glass of water by adding a teaspoon of the medicinal composition. These folk remedies for colds help relieve sore throats. It will be easier for you to eat and drink. And this is necessary to strengthen the body in the fight against colds.
  4. Eucalyptus. For gargling, you need to prepare or buy a ready-made tincture of eucalyptus. Then add a teaspoon to a glass of warm water. Gargle with this remedy several times a day.
  5. Honey + onion + apple + carrot. A mixture of these components is an effective folk remedy for colds and sore throats in particular. You need to chop the onion. Then do the same with apples and carrots. Mix everything and at the end put the same amount of honey. You need to use during a cold one teaspoon three times a day.
  1. Radish. Radish juice will help get rid of cough. It has expectorant properties and also has an anti-inflammatory effect. You need to grate the vegetable on a fine grater. Add honey to the prepared mass, taking the components in a ratio of 1: 2. When coughing, you need to use radish juice with honey in a tablespoon after each meal. Another effective remedy for colds and coughs is prepared from baked radish. It needs to be cut into slices and sprinkled on top with a little sugar. You can take honey instead. Cover the container with something and leave it like that for half a day. The radish will give juice. It will need to be drained and stored, as folk remedies for colds, in the refrigerator. Take a tablespoon for a cold every hour.
  2. Honey + lemon + glycerin. Squeeze the juice out of the lemon first. Then add the same amount of honey and glycerin to it. Mix everything. Take a teaspoon three times a day.
  3. Onion + garlic + honey + milk. You must first clean and chop 10 onions. Then add one garlic clove to them. Pour everything with a liter of milk and put on fire. Cook over low heat for forty-five minutes. After a little cool and add 3 tablespoons of honey. Mix everything. This effective folk remedy for colds will help strengthen the body and get rid of cough. It should be taken in a tablespoon three times a day. This must be done after you have eaten.
  4. Peppermint. It is necessary to brew a tablespoon of herbal raw materials in a glass of boiling water. After put everything in a water bath for five to ten minutes. After a little cool and filter. To the infusion, you need to add a teaspoon of honey and juice from ¼ of a lemon. Such an infusion peppermint you need to drink before you go to bed. In the morning, to fix the effect of the treatment, you need to make a hot compress. To do this, use ordinary hot water and Apple vinegar. You need to mix them in a ratio of 3:1. Apply the compress to the chest and throat. Keep it for 15 minutes. This method of treatment was recommended by the healer Vanga when she was asked how to cure colds and coughs with folk remedies.
  5. Figs + milk. You need to chop fresh figs in the amount of 4 pieces and pour them with 2 glasses of milk. Then put the composition on the stove and boil. Boil over low heat for a few minutes. Use when you are treating a cold with folk remedies, a whole glass after you have eaten. You need to drink a decoction three times a day.
  6. Horseradish. It needs to be grated. Then put on a cotton cloth and attach to the chest. Hold the compress for several minutes.
  7. Ginger + pine. Treatment of colds with folk remedies, and in particular cough, can also be carried out with the help of ginger with pine. From them you need to prepare an infusion. For it, a tablespoon of herbal raw materials from pine must be mixed with powdered ginger, taking it in the amount of one pinch. Pour everything in a glass of boiling water. Leave covered for one hour. Drink 0.5 cup three times a day thirty minutes before lunch, tomorrow or dinner.
  8. Cloves + ginger + cardamom + licorice. You must first mix a quarter teaspoon of powder from ginger, cardamom and cloves. Then add a whole teaspoon of licorice roots to them. They also need to be ground into a powder. Pour everything in a glass of boiling water. Then stand for five minutes. Drink the infusion in small sips. This is an effective folk remedy for colds that accompanies coughs with chest pain.
  1. Mint. You need to take dry mint leaves and grind. Then brew a tablespoon in a glass of boiling water. Then cover the container with something and put in a water bath for fifteen minutes. Then remove, cool and filter. Take a cotton swab and soak it in mint infusion. Apply a tampon to a cold on the lips for a few minutes. Do this procedure every hour.
  2. Raspberries. You need to collect twigs from the bush and chop them well. Apply the resulting slurry to the place where a cold is formed. Keep an effective folk remedy for colds on the lips for half an hour.
  3. Melissa. A cold on the lips disappears if you start lubricating it with lemon balm oil at the time. You need to do this every two hours. Sometimes you will feel a slight burning sensation.
  4. Birch buds. An effective folk remedy for colds on the lips is a tincture of birch buds. To prepare it, you need to pour two tablespoons of crushed kidneys with a glass of 70% alcohol. Then close the container tightly, and leave for fourteen days to infuse in a dark place. Treatment of a cold with folk remedies on the lips should be carried out with the help of frequent lubrication of the sore spot with tincture on birch buds.

Folk remedies for cough | Proven treatments for it

Cough is a protective reflex of the body. And there is no person on Earth who would not experience all the delights of this protective reflex.

There is a cough for a long time, the disease is not new! So, the great-grandmothers of our grandmothers treated this natural phenomenon!

Let's turn to folk recipes and find out how we used to do without pills? Remember that before treating a cough with folk remedies or any ailment, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Expectorant folk remedy for cough

We prepare a remedy based on catnip

An infusion prepared on the basis of catnip will help you not only with coughing, but also with bronchitis and pneumonia. How to make an infusion

  • Pour 1 tablespoon of herbs with one glass of boiling water,
  • Then, hold on low heat for 5-7 minutes.
  • Remove from heat and let steep. Let it stand for 2 hours.

Then strain and take 1/4 cup warm solution half an hour before meals 2-3 times a day. Drink until you get well.

Catnip (Latin name Népeta), catnip, catnip - perennial herbaceous plant. Kotovnik is an excellent folk remedy for coughs and an excellent expectorant, which contributes to a speedy recovery!

Pine buds help with coughing

We take a thermos, pour 1 tablespoon of pine buds into it, pour 1 glass of boiling water. We insist 20-30 minutes. Take 1/4 cup 3 times a day after meals.

anise seed with honey

Mix 2 tablespoons of anise seeds with 1 tablespoon of honey. Add a pinch of salt and pour everything with 1 glass of water, put on fire, bring to a boil. Remove from fire, strain. Take 2 tablespoons every 2 hours.

Folk remedy for cough with honey

Prepare a mixture of 2 tablespoons butter, 2 tablespoons honey, 1 teaspoon flour and 2 egg yolks. Mix well and take 1 teaspoon 10 times daily.

Pour 100 grams of raisins with 1 cup of boiling water and let it brew for 10 minutes. Strain through a strainer and add 1 tablespoon of fresh onion juice to this mixture. Drink the resulting drink 0.5 cups 3 times a day half an hour before meals. Drink until the cough disappears.

Elecampane root

Grind the root of elecampane and pour boiling water (2 tablespoons of raw materials and 1 cup of boiling water) In a water bath, we darken the mixture for 20-30 minutes. Then strain, squeeze and drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.

Elecampane, the Latin name is Inula, says that this plant has 9 powers, which people have known about since ancient times. One of the 9 powers is the power to get rid of the cough.

Bananas for cough

Banana (Latin name - Músa), is considered a cure for all diseases. That is why for the treatment of cough folk remedies, bananas are perfect. Based on it, there is a recipe for making an infusion, you need to cook it like this: Two ripe bananas need to be chopped and put in a saucepan and pour boiled hot water. Use 1 glass of water. Sugar can be added for taste if desired. Take hot before bed. We drink in small sips.

Inhalations for coughing

You can make inhalations when coughing with a simple old-fashioned method: breathe over a saucepan or use modern nebulizers (a nebulizer is a device for inhalation) and inhalers.

Soda inhalation

Drinking soda is in every home. Did you know that soda excellent remedy for inhalation when coughing? No! Try it, you won't regret it! Put 2-3 tablespoons in a liter of boiling water drinking soda. Mix and breathe. Soda does not cause allergies and that's a plus!

cough mixture for inhalation

  • 1 teaspoon garlic cloves,
  • 2 teaspoons eucalyptus,
  • 1/4 briquette of coniferous extract,
  • menthol (can be replaced with a validol tablet)
  • 1-1.5 liters of water

We mix garlic, eucalyptus, coniferous extract, add a tablet of validol crushed into powder, and lower it all into boiling water. Let the mixture cool down a bit and cover yourself with a terry towel and inhale the vapors.

Application advice

coniferous extract you can cook by yourself. branch coniferous tree(preferably young), rinse thoroughly with cones and buds and boil for about 40 minutes. Insist 12 hours. The night is perfect for this.

Inhalation with sage herb

Pour 2 tablespoons of chopped sage herb with a glass of boiling water. We insist 20 minutes. Pour into a bowl, if the solution has cooled, add boiling water. We cover ourselves with a sheet or towel and inhale the vapors.

For dry cough

Take 1 liter of hot water, add 2 drops of lemon and eucalyptus oil. Pour into a cup or small bowl. Bend over, cover yourself with a towel, close your eyes and breathe in the steam. Remember: in any case, inhalation should not be done at elevated temperatures!

Compresses and rubbing when coughing

Folk remedies for coughs also involve various rubbing and compresses. We offer several proven methods for centuries.

  • 1. Make a mixture of 6 drops of eucalyptus oil, 4 drops of thyme oil, 1 dessert spoon of vegetable oil. Rub the mixture on your chest.
  • 2. Spread a leaf of fresh cabbage with honey and attach to the chest, cover with a terry towel and leave overnight.
  • 3. You can massage with honey. We slightly warm the honey, spread it on the places where we usually put mustard plasters and massage for 2 minutes.

Honey-mustard compress is an excellent cough remedy

Mix 1 tablespoon of flour, 1 tablespoon of dry mustard, 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil, 1.5 tablespoons of honey and 1.5 tablespoons of vodka. Mix everything and heat in a water bath. Fold the gauze in several layers and apply a warm mixture on it. Apply the compress to your chest at night. Treat to your health!

© Women's magazine"Feminine" | Folk remedies

How to feed onions to be large folk remedies