Bifiform baby course of treatment. Is Bifiform really necessary for treating newborns? Bifiform Baby instructions for use

This condition of a newborn, such as dysbiosis, is very familiar to the vast majority of mothers. If you believe domestic medicine, then dysbiosis is one of the pathologies, and therefore needs to be corrected.

What is dysbiosis?

In essence, this condition represents negative changes in the intestinal microflora, promoting the rapid growth and reproduction of opportunistic microorganisms. Externally, dysbacteriosis is manifested by symptoms such as deterioration in the overall well-being of the baby, indigestion and stool disorders, including constipation. A concomitant manifestation is a decrease in immunity, as a result of which the child’s body’s resistance to infections decreases, and hypovitaminosis often manifests itself.

Acipol for the treatment of dysbiosis

One of the most effective drugs approved for use by newborns are Acipol capsules. Its main advantage lies in the absolute naturalness of the composition, in which the action of each ingredient is aimed at normalizing the intestinal microflora.

The drug Acipol promotes:

  1. normalization of digestive processes;
  2. removing toxins from the body;
  3. stimulation of the absorption capacity of the gastrointestinal tract;
  4. strengthening the immune system.

What does Atcipol contain?

The use of Acipol by newborns, according to the instructions for use, is safe. Moreover, this drug very quickly normalizes the functioning of the infant’s still imperfect gastrointestinal tract and prevents constipation. The intestinal microflora is restored thanks to the substances included in this drug.

Lactobacilli, which are living microorganisms that are contained in the required quantity and work in the intestines, subject to its normal functioning. A condition such as dysbiosis contributes to a sudden reduction in the number of lactobacilli, and it is during this period that it is important to take Acipol. Since the microorganisms that it contains are not only absolutely identical to natural ones, but are also characterized by increased resistance to an environment with high acidity, due to which they freely enter the intestines, while maintaining their active state.

Kefir grain polysaccharide- another active substance included in Acipol. It is responsible for stimulating the immune system in the infant’s body. Kefir fungus acts as a suppressive component that inhibits the increased growth of pathogenic flora of the gastrointestinal tract during dysbacteriosis.

How to give Acipol to a baby?

The instructions for use allow Acipol to be used from the third month of a child’s life; one course of treatment usually lasts 10-15 days, during which this drug can be given. Unlike many medicines, which are a problem to give to a baby, Acipol is used this way - you can simply dissolve the required amount of medicine in breast milk or formula and pour it into the baby from a spoon or pour it into a bottle.

On what schedule should Acipol be given to newborns?

Acipol is one of those medications that should be taken during feeding. A child aged 3 months to 3 years can be given 1 capsule three times a day, as prescribed in the instructions. Naturally, infants will not be able to swallow the capsules on their own; in this case, it is quite possible to open it and mix the powder already contained in it with formula or expressed milk.

Bifiform is considered another effective remedy for ridding infants of dysbacteriosis. Its main difference from Acipol is that it contains two types of beneficial bacteria, the active growth of which is ensured by such auxiliary substances as dextrose, lactulose and lactic acid starter.

It is worth noting that Acipol capsules are used not only as a treatment for constipation, but also as a prophylactic agent to prevent the development of dysbacteriosis. For prevention purposes, the instructions recommend using one capsule daily for 2 weeks.

How does Bifiform work?

Normalization of intestinal microflora with its help occurs due to the rapid proliferation in the intestine of bifidobacteria, the colonies of which develop qualitatively due to the presence of an apathogenic strain of enterococcus, which, during normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, populates the small intestine.

Bifiform can be used for any type of diarrhea, including even those caused by chronic or acute diseases or rotavirus. In addition, this drug can be used as a treatment for Helicobacter pylori infection and other gastrointestinal diseases.

Method of use of the drug Bifiform

One of the advantages of the drug Bifiform over Acipol is the variety of release forms, which makes it much easier to take, since Acipol is only capsules. The manufacturer produces separate capsules for adults and special forms of the drug for children, called Bifiform Baby, Bifiform Baby.

If we are talking about a newborn baby, then he should be given a suspension, which should be diluted immediately before administration, as prescribed in the instructions for use. To do this, use a special convenient pipette included with Bififrm Baby, which not only makes it easier to administer the medicine to the baby, but also clearly calculates the required dosage. The one-time dose is so small that the risk of newborns spilling or regurgitating the medication is minimized.

Bifiform Baby is sold in small bottles, to the contents of which nothing should be added - it must be mixed strictly in accordance with the instructions. In most cases, it is enough for a child to take the drug in the “Baby” form once a day, however, such treatment may well take a long time – up to three weeks.

In this regard, Bifiform Baby is a fairly economical drug, since after dilution it remains usable for several weeks - the main thing during this period is to ensure its constant storage in the refrigerator.

How does Bifiform Baby differ from Atcipol?

Both drugs belong to the same group of medications – 3rd generation probiotics.

Their main difference is that Acipol capsules contain prebiotics and lactobacilli, while Bifiform Baby contains bifidobacteria. Many experts prefer to prescribe Acipol to young patients because the kefir grain polysaccharide it contains has a positive effect on the infant’s immunity as a whole.

No side effects were identified with the use of both drugs, except for possible individual intolerance to individual components - this is evidenced by the instructions.

Acipol is more often prescribed for use starting from the age of three months, while the Bifiform Baby suspension can be used to treat dysbiosis from the first days of a child’s life.

Acipol, of course, can also be given for the treatment of newborns, however, experts still do not recommend using it during this period of a child’s life, since this drug does not contain the bifidobacteria that the child’s body needs - in this case, it is better to choose Bifiform Baby.

Storage of drugs

When choosing which drug to take with you to give to your child on the road, it is also recommended to give preference to Bifiform Baby, since it is considered not as temperature-sensitive as Acipol, which can only be stored in the refrigerator, while Bifiform is quite sufficient for storage so that the temperature does not exceed 25°C.

Proper nutrition is the key to the health of every person. It is especially important to organize correct eating habits in children from a very early age. After all, it is during this period that the foundation of health is laid. And if the nutrition of newborns is not normalized in time, then big problems await the baby in the future.

True, in infants the intestinal microflora may be disturbed, in which case healthy food alone will not save you.

To ensure normal bowel function, medications will be needed.

You can learn many ways to treat dysbiosis from experienced mothers.

Most often these are traditional methods. But besides them, there are also high-quality medicines that are given to babies to get rid of the disease.

One of the very effective drugs for newborns is Bifiform Baby, and we’ll talk about it in more detail.

"Bifiform baby": when to use

This drug is usually prescribed by a pediatrician to treat dysbiosis. But this is not the only time this medicine can be given. So, if a child has been treated with antibiotics, the baby is prescribed Bifiform Baby so that he does not have intestinal problems. That is, for the prevention of ill-fated dysbacteriosis. The remedy is sometimes recommended to get rid of colic.

In some cases, the drug is prescribed to children for allergies. The suspension improves digestion and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the baby.

  • Constipation;
  • Dysbacteriosis;
  • Colic and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract of the newborn.

It is worth noting that there are contraindications for "Bififorma baby" Hardly ever.

The only thing is that the baby is intolerant to the components that make up the medicine.

It is important that the drug can be given even to children with lactose intolerance.

"Bifiform baby" for newborns: instructions for use

This drug is very simple and pleasant to use. The suspension is prepared once and immediately for the entire course. This is very convenient, especially for young mothers, since it does not take long to prepare the medicine. The drug comes with a special pipette, which will later need to be used to measure a single dose of Bifiform.

Before giving the baby the medicine, the bottle must be shaken. In principle, the instructions for use are simple and do not require special knowledge and skills.

The pediatrician usually prescribes 0.5 g of the drug once a day while feeding the baby. On the pipette you will see a division that will correspond to one dose. For the treatment of children, “Bififom” is given in a course of 10–20 days.

Although “Bifiform baby” is not a medicine, but a food additive, it should not be used without consulting a doctor.

If you decide to give your newborn baby “Bifiform” for colic, dysbacteriosis or other problems, then remember that the drug can be stored unopened for no longer than 1 year and 6 months. After you open the bottle and mix the powder and liquid, you can store the suspension for no longer than 14 days at a temperature not exceeding 8 degrees.

What do parents think about the drug?

Like any product, Bifiform Baby has both negative and positive reviews. Some women write that the drug caused constipation and an allergic reaction in their babies, others talk about how the suspension helped overcome intestinal problems.

In general, as many people as there are, so many opinions. The supplement is publicly available and is almost always in stock. No prescription required to purchase. The price of the suspension is average when compared with analogues. Although some mothers complain about the high cost.

It is worth saying that Bifiform rarely causes an allergic reaction and other side effects, but everything is individual. Therefore, if you notice any redness on your baby’s skin, stop giving the drug and consult a doctor.

In a newborn baby, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is imperfect. He is not able to digest solid food, and the body receives all the necessary nutrients from mother's milk or infant formula if the baby is bottle-fed. However, during the period of getting used to even food of this kind, various problems arise that can cause discomfort to the child. In addition, there are a lot of other factors, for example, taking medications, when the help of probiotic cultures is also required. One of the most popular remedies prescribed by doctors in such cases is Bifiform. It contains several types of beneficial bacteria, and the release form allows the solution to be used from the first days of a child’s life. Why does this nutritional supplement stand out among similar products? For what symptoms can a pediatrician prescribe it? You will find answers to questions in our article.

Bifiform: description of the drug, active ingredients

Bifiform is a complex probiotic food supplement that restores the bacterial intestinal microflora.

The main active components, depending on the form of release of the drug, are:

Table: active components

Component Description
Bifidobacterium BB-12. They tolerate the acidic environment of the stomach better than other types of bacteria.

Once in the intestines, they produce various proteins that bind oligosaccharides, enzymes, magnesium ions and amino acids that improve its functioning.

Streptococcus thermophilus (Streptococcus thermophilus TH4). Helps digest lactose.

Controls the fermentation process.

Provides a bactericidal effect.

It releases polysaccharides, making the mixture more nutritious and eliminating regurgitation.

The only type of cocci regulated by Russian GOSTs for use as a starter for fermented milk products.

Enterococci (Enterococcus faecium). They are part of the normal microflora of the digestive tract in humans and mammals.

Suppress the activity of pathogenic bacteria and are resistant to acidic environments and salts. Colonization of the intestines by enterococci occurs in the first days of a baby’s life.

Lactobacillus (Lactobacillus). They make up most of the human intestinal microflora.

Convert lactose into lactic acid.

They have an antibacterial and antifungal effect.

B vitamins (B1, B12). Participate in the synthesis of hemoglobin and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Regulate the activity of the nervous system.

On the Russian market Bifiform is presented in the form:

  • sachet sachets – Bifiform Malysh;
  • chewable tablets – Bifiform Malysh;
  • oil solution for preparing a suspension - Bifiform Baby;
  • capsules – Bifiform;
  • tablets – Bifiform Complex.

Photo gallery: release forms

Bifiform Baby in the form of a sachet
Bifiform Complex with the addition of inulin Bifiform in capsule form Bifiform Baby is the only form of the drug approved from the first days of a baby's life Bifiform Baby in the form of chewable tablets

From birth, the manufacturer recommends only Bifiform Baby for use in the form of an oil solution. But in some cases, the doctor may prescribe Bifiform Baby, despite the fact that it is approved from one year of age. It contains vitamins B1 and B6, which are better absorbed due to the effect of probiotic cultures on the intestinal microflora. Here the main role will be played by the diagnosis and symptoms identified in the baby.

The daily dose of Bifiform Baby (0.1 bottle) includes: bifidobacteria BB-12 (1x109 CFU) and Streptococcus thermophilus (1x108 CFU).

There are four generations of products that help saturate the intestinal microflora with beneficial bacteria. Bifiform belongs to the third generation probiotics. These are preparations consisting of several components and include several strains of beneficial crops.

Video: drug Bifiform Baby

In what cases can a pediatrician prescribe Bifiform to a newborn?

This drug, which contains beneficial bacteria as active components, is prescribed by a doctor in the following cases:

  • Diarrhea. In breastfed infants, it is a common symptom of an imbalance between hind and foremilk. In babies on artificial nutrition, loose stools may mean an incorrectly chosen formula or a violation of its preparation technique.
  • Flatulence. Bloating and accompanying infant colic are problems that occur in 90% of babies under the age of three months.
  • An imbalance of bacterial microflora due to taking antibiotics or other types of medications is dysbiosis. Moreover, if the mother takes these medications and the child is breastfed, then such babies are also recommended to take Bifiform.
  • Various types of poisoning (toxic, bacterial, food, etc.). Often found in children in the summer, when due to high temperatures many foods spoil very quickly.
  • For lactase deficiency. Sugar (or lactose), which is part of many dairy products, covers about 40% of the necessary energy expenditure of the infant's body. It is digested thanks to the enzyme lactase. Its deficiency has a negative effect on the body, since it is involved in the formation of the retina and brain. Bifiform contains streptococcus thermophilus, which helps break down lactose.
  • Frequent regurgitation after feeding.
  • Early transfer of newborns to a mixed type of feeding (when, in addition to breast milk, the baby is supplemented with formulas).
  • Problems with weight gain.
  • The occurrence of allergic reactions. The bacteria will help the body process substances and remove them from the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Problems that arise as a result of certain features of the course of pregnancy and childbirth. Premature babies may experience various difficulties with the gastrointestinal tract during the digestion of food associated with the early birth of the child.

How safe is the drug?

You need to understand that Bifiform is a drug that contains beneficial bacteria and does not contain any synthetic additives, so it cannot cause significant harm to the body. However, there is a contraindication that should be taken into account, since each person’s body is unique and its reaction to a particular drug is unpredictable. This is an individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to auxiliary components: soybean oil, carob bean syrup, glucose, titanium dioxide, yeast extract, polyethylene glycol, dry lactulose, acetyl monoglycerides, magnesium stearate.

An allergic reaction to the components is the only contraindication to the use of Bifiform

There were no side effects from the drug. But in some cases, individual symptoms appeared: an allergic reaction, redness of the skin and rash.

A course of treatment

As a rule, the course of treatment with the drug lasts from ten days to four weeks. However, the course of each disease is purely individual for each person, so the doctor sets the timing of therapy based on the symptoms that appear.

An overdose of this drug is practically excluded, since all microorganisms that live in the human mucous membranes attach to certain receptors and work by influencing them. The number of receptors is limited, so the probiotics and other bacteria that come with the product occupy free spaces, and the remaining ones are eliminated from the body. Such regulation determines the safety of a given food additive.

What can you combine with?

Taking Bifiform can be combined with taking antibiotics.

Since Bifiform contains probiotic cultures, it is sometimes recommended to take it together with drugs that include prebiotics: Lactusan, Lactofiltrum, Prelax.

Prebiotics are substances that are not absorbed by the human body, but serve as food for probiotics. As a result of their absorption, bacteria begin to actively multiply and colonize the intestines.

Photo gallery: products with which you can combine the use of Bifiform

Expert opinion on treatment with drugs containing beneficial bacteria

Microbiologist Inna Stanislavovna Solovyova, speaking about therapy that includes the use of probiotics for newborns, highlights the following:

Bifidobacteria are useful and indicated for the proper formation of immunity. The child receives microflora from the mother. Everything that mom passed on will happen. Scientists have now determined that the placenta is not sterile. Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli begin to appear in the intestines of the fetus at 24–26 weeks. The child captures the rest of the flora while passing through the birth canal.

Therefore, the expert recommends starting to take probiotics at the pregnancy planning stage, so that as many of the right bacteria as possible are transferred to the newborn. She also recommends taking beneficial cultures after birth to avoid various symptoms indicating the development of pathogenic microflora: bloating, regurgitation, diarrhea.

Pharmacist Olga Tkachenko, in her review of probiotic products, expressed the opinion that such products should be given to newborns only according to indications:

Despite the fact that supplements are considered as safe as possible, you should not experiment on your own child. Any prescription should be carried out only by a doctor and only after clarifying tests that give an idea of ​​the nature of the disease and the state of the intestinal microflora in a very young and extremely defenseless person. Whose health is, first of all, in parental hands.

Reviews from parents

Victoria shared her experience of using the drug:

We are 1.5 months old, with rashes from 2 weeks<…>An infectious disease doctor prescribed polyvalent pyobacteriophage and drank Creon (10 days) and the face almost cleared up, then for another 10 days they had to drink bifidumbacterin - populate it with good flora. But the pediatrician said that bifidum is generally suitable for children from 3 years old and instead told them to drink bifiform baby for 10 days. But on the very first day he started getting diarrhea and started getting it again, on the second day I took the risk of giving it and it still got worse!!! I am upset about this drug!!!

Bella left a positive review:

We had the same problem with dysbiosis when we switched to artificial feeding. Bifiform Baby was prescribed to be used as a gentle, mild and safe probiotic to normalize the microflora in the tummy. There are only good memories of this “helper”! Gas and stomach pain went away very quickly and the main thing is that beneficial bacteria also help the immune system! And against allergies!

Irina also shared her opinion:

I first came across this drug in the maternity hospital. I was injected with antibiotics for a week, and only on the fifth day the pediatrician realized that my son needed to restore his microflora.<…>I added bifiform to a bottle of milk. I took this for 10 days. Everything returned to normal for us, our son began to sleep better and worry less.

Svetlana writes the following about Bifiform:

The pediatrician prescribed this drug to us after discharge from the maternity hospital, since after the CS I was injected with antibiotics. We drank it, but didn’t notice any special effect, since at that time everything was normal, both with the tummy and with the stool.<…>The downside is that bifiform needs to be stored in the refrigerator, but you can’t give it cold to your child. I add it to the formula at the end of feeding, since it needs to be taken during meals.

What can be replaced if necessary?

There is no absolute analogue of Bifiform, but there are other drugs that include beneficial bacteria and have a similar effect. For example, Linex, Bifidumbacterin, Hilak forte and Acylact will help restore the intestinal microflora and normalize its functioning. But Normaze, Portalac and glycerin suppositories are quite well-known fighters against constipation among mothers of small children. The decision about whether it is possible to replace one medicine with another is made only by a doctor.

Table: possible drug substitutes

Drug name Active substance Age from which it can be used Price

1 g of powder contains: lactobacilli (Lactobacillus acidophilus) - 300 mg; bifidobacterium (Bifidobacterium infantis) - 300 mg; enterococci (Enterococcus faecium) - 300 mg.

From birth. From 313 to 715 rubles, depending on the release form and packaging volume.

One sachet contains at least 5 x 10^8 CFU of Bifidobacterium bifidum.

From birth. From 73 to 900 rubles.
From birth. From 250 rubles.
Acilact. 1 bottle contains at least 50 million CFU of lactobacilli (Lactobacillus acidophilus). From birth, in consultation with a doctor. From 95 to 130 rubles.
100 g of the drug contains 66.7 g of lactulose. From 270 rubles.
1 ml of syrup contains 667 mg of lactulose. From the first weeks of life according to indications. From 284 rubles.
1 suppository (candle) contains 1.24 glycerol (distilled glycerol). From three months. For newborns, they are prescribed by a doctor on an individual basis. From 138 rubles.

Photo gallery: drugs that can replace Bifiform

Normaze is a laxative. Portalac is a laxative.
Bifidumbacterin is a product that contains only bifidobacteria
Hilak forte - a drug with an effect similar to Bifiform
Linex, like Bifiform, contains several types of beneficial bacteria
Glycerin suppositories are the most popular laxative

Probiotic cultures have a beneficial effect not only on the intestinal microflora. But they also help build the newborn’s immune system. However, their use should always be supervised by a doctor, since the baby’s intestines are capable of independently producing beneficial bacteria, and the drug is only a small help in a difficult situation. Bifiform differs from many supplements in that it can have a complex effect on the gastrointestinal tract. It can be used as a fixative, regulating bowel function, and relieving flatulence. Its exact analogue with an identical composition does not currently exist. Therefore, this is a big advantage over other supplements.

After birth, newborns have an immature gastrointestinal tract; colonization of the intestines with microflora occurs gradually. When exposed to negative factors (lack of breastfeeding, use of antibiotics by the mother), opportunistic flora begins to activate in the intestinal lumen, which leads to dysbiosis.

To help children's intestines become stronger, pediatricians prescribe prebiotics. Bifiform Baby is popular in pediatric practice due to its ease of use and effectiveness.

From our article you will learn detailed instructions for using the drug Bifiform Baby for newborns and infants.

Detailed description

Bifiform Baby belongs to the group of dietary supplements that can have a beneficial effect on the intestinal flora in newborns and infants, promoting the rapid colonization of the gastrointestinal tract with beneficial microorganisms. The drug is not a medicinal product.

As part of Bifiform Baby- beneficial streptococci, thermophilic and bifidobacteria. In addition to them, the composition includes maltodextrin, triglycerides from coconut oil, and silicon dioxide.

The drug is available in the form of a suspension, its active components - oil solution and powder - must be mixed before use.

Bifiform Baby is a small bottle with a pipette cap. The bottle contains 6.9 ml of oily liquid, and the cap contains 160 mg of fine powder.

Procedure for preparing the suspension:

  • Without opening the lid, turn it until you can see the powder pouring out;
  • shake the bottle thoroughly - you will get a suspension with noticeable white particles;
  • Use a pipette to take the prescribed dose and give it to the baby.

Each time before use, shake the bottle to mix the active ingredients.

On the pages of our website you will also find out, which is prepared exclusively from natural ingredients.

How does it affect the child’s body?

The drug has a mild effect on children's intestines, destroying and displacing pathogenic microflora, helping the active reproduction of beneficial lacto- and bifidobacteria.

Indications for use in newborns and infants:


Bifiform Baby has a safe composition, allowed for babies from the first days of life. But there are contraindications - hypersensitivity to certain ingredients in the drug.

For infants with lactose intolerance (lactase deficiency), Bifiform Baby is approved due to the absence of milk sugar in the composition.

Data on overdose, side effects

There is no information about overdose symptoms, such cases are not described in the official instructions. But parents must remember that they cannot independently exceed the permitted dose to enhance the positive effect.

Among the numerous reviews from parents about the drug, there are no complaints about the development of negative effects, including allergies, abdominal pain, diathesis.

How to take with other medications

There is no information on the interaction of the drug with other medications (antipyretics, analgesics, antispasmodics). However, in all cases, when taking several drugs from different groups, you need to maintain an interval (at least 1-1.5 hours) between doses.

The effectiveness of the drug for colic, diarrhea and constipation

The main effect of Bifiform Baby is the ability to populate the intestinal lumen with beneficial bifidobacteria and streptococci.

The suspension after oral administration quickly enters the gastrointestinal tract and begins to act against harmful microflora.

On our website you will also learn how to use the drug correctly and whether it has any contraindications.

Baby for newborns is a drug containing groups of beneficial bacteria intended for the treatment and prevention of gastrointestinal disorders in children. Restores the intestinal microflora, significantly increasing the number of beneficial bacteria in it. It is used even in babies from birth, due to its safety, convenience, ease of use and effectiveness.

Manufactured by the Danish company Ferrosan S.R.L.

Dosage form

The product is available in a glass bottle containing an oil-based solution - the volume of one bottle contains 6.9 ml of solution. The lid contains spores of bifidobacteria strains in an amount of 200 mg, the bottle is equipped with a convenient dosing system using a pipette. The cardboard box contains a bottle of solution, a measuring pipette and an instruction leaflet, all wrapped in a layer of laminated aluminum foil.

7 ml of the prepared solution contains approximately 10 doses.

The drug is freely available from pharmacies, without a prescription.

Description and composition

Baby is a biologically active food supplement, which is a combination of beneficial bacteria - probiotics, developed specifically for children, starting from the first days of life.

  • Bifidobacterium BB-12 – 1*109 COE;
  • Streptococcus thermophiles TH-4 – 1*108 COE.

As excipients, the composition includes maltodextrin, medium chain triglycerides, silicon dioxide obtained from palm kernel and coconut oil.

The groups of probiotics that are part of the drug are actively used in the food industry and are considered absolutely safe for the health of children, which is confirmed by numerous studies and many years of use in the production of baby food and dairy products.

Pharmacological group

The drug belongs to the group of probiotics that normalize intestinal microflora.

Baby probiotic oil solution helps restore the natural intestinal microflora in children from birth. The prescription of such probiotic preparations is indicated, first of all, for children with microflora imbalances (as a result of a difficult pregnancy in the mother), after viral, bacterial and respiratory infections, treatment with antibiotics and other drugs that affect the natural level of intestinal microflora.

Restoring the natural intestinal flora allows you to relieve the child of such manifestations as dysbiosis, intestinal disorders and abdominal pain, resist allergic reactions, promote the absorption of important vitamins and microelements, and also remove toxins from the body.

Indications for use

A probiotic is prescribed by a doctor to achieve the following goals:

  • formation of healthy intestinal microflora in newborns and infants;
  • normalization of the digestive process;
  • eliminating symptoms of flatulence;
  • restoration of beneficial flora after long-term antibacterial treatment;
  • stopping the reproduction of pathogenic flora in the intestines;
  • assistance in establishing complete absorption of nutrients and microelements;
  • antiviral effect;
  • strengthening the immune system.

In many cases, newborns and infants are prescribed the drug even in the absence of intestinal problems, if these children are at risk for developing pathologies with the gastrointestinal tract. Also, indications for use of the drug are:

  1. . Lactose intolerance can last a long time in a person, sometimes throughout his life, but in most cases it can be eliminated by normalizing the production of lactase, an intestinal enzyme. A pediatrician can make a diagnosis if a newborn is constantly tormented by gas, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and refusal to eat. To normalize digestion in such cases, a probiotic is prescribed in combination with lactase enzymes.
  2. Colic. Manifestations of colic can begin in a child both immediately after birth and after the first month of life. During colic, the child refuses the breast, squirms, sleeps poorly and is capricious. To save a newborn from such problems, the pediatrician may recommend a course of treatment with Baby.
  3. Dysbacteriosis. Many doctors do not recognize this disease as a separate diagnosis, but if a newborn suffers from regular green, loose stools that bubble and contain particles of undigested food, and are also accompanied by an unpleasant odor, this is an indication for the prescription of probiotics. As a result of dysbiosis, the child does not gain weight well, so it is necessary to restore the intestinal microflora, and this drug is intended for precisely this.
  4. Decrease in the body's defenses. If an infant is prone to frequent respiratory illnesses, the pediatrician may prescribe a probiotic drug to restore the immune system.

The drug is prescribed exclusively by a pediatrician, taking into account all manifestations of gastrointestinal pathologies and symptoms of intestinal microflora disorders.


In most cases, the probiotic is well tolerated and has no contraindications, except for the only one - individual intolerance to one of the active ingredients in the composition.

Directions for use and doses

For both newborns and older children, a single dose of Baby is 0.5 grams of suspension. The child should be given the drug during meals.

The suspension should be dosed using a measuring pipette and given to the child by spraying directly into the mouth from a dosing device, or by diluting it in a teaspoon of water or breast milk.

The course of probiotic therapy should last at least 10 days to achieve a lasting therapeutic effect.

Mode of application:

  1. Carefully turn the bottle cap until the powder containing bifidobacteria enters the oil solution.
  2. Shake the bottle vigorously several times in a row to thoroughly mix the contents.
  3. Carefully open the lid.
  4. Take a single dose of the suspension using a measuring pipette.

The drug is safe and effective for infants and newborns, the instructions for its use are the same for children of different ages.

Side effects

The drug has no side effects; it must be taken according to the instructions, observing the recommended dosage.

Cross interaction

The probiotic goes well with any other group of drugs, including antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory medications.

Special instructions and overdose

During numerous trials of the drug, no cases of overdose were identified. The drug is well tolerated and does not affect the child’s metabolic processes, sleep or nervous system.

Storage conditions

An open bottle cannot be used after two weeks.


For various reasons (including relatively high cost), the drug Baby can be replaced with some others, similar in action and composition:

  1. – the drug is more common among the adult population. Its composition includes 4 types of beneficial bifidobacteria, which help get rid of intestinal disorders. When used to treat dysbiosis in infants, many parents open the capsule and pour the contents into milk or water, and then give it to the child. Doctors consider this use useless, because bacteria without an enteric coating do not have time to reach the intestines and die under the influence of gastric juice.
  2. – a drug containing a large number of different bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, is prescribed for most gastrointestinal diseases, as well as allergies, liver and gallbladder diseases. Infants are given 20-40 drops three times a day, based on the weight, age and condition of the child.
  3. – Available in capsule form, contains a complex of bifidobacteria and lactose. Prescribed for food poisoning, infectious diseases, dysbacteriosis, constipation and diarrhea. The drug is given to the child during meals.

Only a doctor can tell you which drug is suitable for use, based on the general clinical picture and symptoms of the disease.

Drug price

The cost of the medicine is on average 658 rubles. Prices range from 491 to 772 rubles.