Autumn depression: what to do? Try to add small pleasant notes to your everyday schedule. Ways to overcome autumn depression on your own

Summer is gone, and with it the warmth and bright sun. They are replaced by the autumn wind, fallen leaves, and drizzling rain. Here, like it or not, you’ll feel sad just by looking out the window onto the street. How to get rid of the autumn blues?

Why does depression begin in the fall?

The sudden melancholy that intensifies with the arrival of October has quite understandable reasons.

Decrease in sunny day

In the morning it is still dark, in the evening after work it is already dark. This has a depressing effect on human psyche and provokes depression.

Biological clock failure

It's much easier to wake up in the summer because the sun's rays penetrate the room. During the autumn period, you have to force yourself to get up in the morning, often holding out until the last second.

In the evening, a person does not perceive the onset of darkness as a reason to go to bed and sits up in front of the TV, computer, or at work or a book. As a result The biological clock go astray, which negatively affects psychological well-being.

Lack of serotonin

The change of seasons is always accompanied by a decrease in the level of production of this hormone, which causes melancholy and despondency.

Autumn depression: how to get rid of it

Come out of the darkness

On cloudy days autumn days You should be in contact with the sun as often as possible: go outside in lunch break, get to work on foot, take a walk on weekends. Good way lengthen your sunny day - leave the curtains in the bedroom open at night. Then the first morning rays will immediately enter the room.

Don't give up on achievements modern world. Good lighting in the house can significantly improve your mood: in a bright room, even indulging in sad thoughts is much more pleasant.

More colors

Color therapy is a great way to overcome autumn depression. The blues are most afraid of red, green and yellow. You should sharpen yourself with juicy spots:

  • put a bouquet of asters or chrysanthemums in a vase;
  • fill the dish with oranges or red apples;
  • hang curtains in your room in a warm, rich shade;
  • use bright lipstick;
  • wear brightly colored underwear;
  • when leaving home, throw a “cheerful” scarf or shawl over your shoulders, etc.

You don’t have to limit yourself to the colors recommended by psychologists. The spot that constantly flashes before the eyes should please the eye. So if a golden hue seems most attractive, then you should buy sofa cushions or a bedspread in that color.

To the rhythm of the music

The human psyche reacts very sensitively to music. While in a state of autumn blues, it is worth listening to classical works. Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, Tchaikovsky did not even suspect how much their creations could positively influence a person’s moral state.

For treatment, it is recommended to use the classics, since they are harmonious and non-destructive. But if your soul lies in works of modern pop culture, then go ahead. The main thing is that the music charges you with the desire to move and move on.

My light, mirror...

Every person feels much better when they are clean and well-groomed. Having fallen into depression, you cannot allow yourself to stop washing, shaving, brushing your teeth, changing your underwear, putting on makeup, etc. You can give yourself a conscious two-day indulgence, but on the third day you must start your morning in the bathroom.

Taking care of your body helps with the blues: natural soaps, scrubs, nourishing masks, massage... You can spend a day at the spa: after all the procedures, life will seem, if not wonderful, then at least not so sad.

In the world of dreams

An adult needs to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day, otherwise deterioration in health is guaranteed. To get rid of depression, you must adhere to the rules of healthy sleep:

  • ventilate the bedroom every evening;
  • go to bed no later than 23:00;
  • sleep in pajamas made of natural fabric or completely naked;
  • do not eat at night and do not drink a lot of fluids.

Before bed, you can treat yourself to a hot bath. And if you add there sea ​​salt or lavender aroma oil, the procedure will have a calming and relaxing effect.

Many people have a need for daytime sleep, but they mercilessly ignore her. But in vain. A short nap during daylight hours will help restore your energy and keep you from nodding off for the rest of the evening. During the day, it is best to go to bed no later than 16 hours.

Breakfast lunch dinner

ABOUT good nutrition Much has already been said, but this issue is especially acute in the autumn period. Under no circumstances should you eat up your blues with kilograms of sweets, chocolate and flour, otherwise depression will then arise due to the changed better side figures.

During periods of melancholy, the following products are most useful:

  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • brown rice;
  • poultry meat;
  • dairy products;
  • fish;
  • eggs;
  • shrimps.

It is advisable to steam or grill dishes: it is not only tasty, but also healthy. You can also take vitamins to ensure your body gets everything it needs.

Depression is insidious because it disrupts the normal eating behavior. Most people tend to overeat, but there are also those who completely lose their appetite. In such cases, it should be remembered that the blues are a temporary phenomenon, and health can be lost once and for all. It is necessary to consciously “feed” yourself: without skipping meals, but also without overfeeding.

Fascinating nature

Everyone is interested in something, be it clay modeling, 60s motorcycles or folk dancing. Depression – best time to realize your hobby ambitions: anyway, during a period of bad mood, you can hardly move mountains at work. But in activities you enjoy, there is a chance to reach real heights.

You should give yourself the right to enjoy life a little and devote everything free time hobbies and interests: going to a world fantasy convention, reading all of Charles Bukowski’s books, or completing a series of sketches from life. Ideally, you need to “escape” from work under the pretext annual leave or sick leave and engage in hobby therapy with all your might.

New day - new life

Every day is a great opportunity to do something new. The changes don't have to be drastic. It is quite enough to buy a new flower pot, rearrange the furniture in the bedroom or hang a hand-drawn picture in the living room. “New items” appearing in the house will distract thoughts from all sorts of negativity.

Those who are used to thinking globally can act on a grand scale: move to a new home, change cities, go to Tibet for a couple of weeks. The main thing is that changes bring joy and pleasure.

Love for all ages

It is impossible to be depressed when there is a loved one nearby. An autumn romance, accompanied by walks through a yellowed park, gatherings in a cute cafe and intimate evening conversations, will not allow the blues to take over. Moreover, if you manage to extend the relationship until winter, you won’t have to be afraid of the coming cold, because there will always be someone in whose arms you can warm up.

If you have a stamp in your passport and a ring on your finger, you should renew your married life. You can arrange a romantic date, give a gift, or even repeat the honeymoon.

In a healthy body...

When you're depressed, the last thing you probably want to do is do squats or push-ups. But physical exercise are extremely necessary for the body in such a difficult period for it. Even simple exercise will speed up the breakdown of adrenaline and increase the production of endorphins, which will significantly reduce stress and improve your mood. In addition, playing sports will have a positive effect on your figure: when depression passes, this will be a very pleasant bonus.

You can join a gym and go to workouts several times a week. In addition to the undoubted benefits for well-being, the newly minted athlete can also expect new acquaintances, which have a chance to develop into something more.

Autumn blues - good period for soul-searching and reflection. The main thing is that it doesn’t drag on: there are so many bright and interesting things around.


Among other types, autumn depression is considered the most common. After a cold spell, with the onset of autumn, people's appetite decreases, their mood worsens, and other symptoms appear. To overcome a depressed state, it is worth knowing why it appears and how to deal with it correctly. Autumn depression occurs equally often in women and men. Because it's up to you to decide problematic issues possible using only one method.


Any depression is mental disorder. Regardless of the time of onset, the disease will have a number of symptoms that can be detected if you look closely at the person.

The main symptoms of autumn depression:

  1. Reluctance to engage in active activities.
  2. Fatigue that almost never stops, even after proper rest.
  3. Longing for no reason. The duration of this condition can reach up to whole weeks.
  4. Bad dream. A person can’t sleep, they get into his head anxious thoughts. After waking up, the state is broken, there is no feeling that a normal rest took place.
  5. The desire to talk with others disappears, I want to be alone with myself.
  6. Irritability increases, outbursts of aggression may occur for no reason.
  7. Sensitivity towards others increases. This condition continues with frequent occurrence conflict situations which it is advisable to avoid.
  8. The digestive system is working worse than usual.
  9. Appetite disappears. fight with autumn depression You can start by eliminating this particular problem.
  10. Muscle cramps appear, although there is no reason for this.

These symptoms can manifest themselves throughout the entire period. After the onset of winter, the condition usually improves and the problem goes away. Impacts medicines usually not required. If a person has many of listed symptoms, there is a serious psychological disorder. If problems arise related to the unsatisfactory state of the body, you should not neglect a visit to a doctor who knows how to avoid autumn depression.

If a person thinks that there is no need to go to the doctor, but others see that there is a problem, it is important to try to convince the person of the need for a visit. When it is not clear how to deal with autumn depression, you should turn to professionals. Often the problem cannot be solved on your own, which is why a visit to the doctor will be a life-saving solution.

Autumn depression can significantly affect the quality of life: everyone decides for themselves what to do, how to deal with their condition. Don’t forget that there are people around who may find it difficult because of the problems they have. loved one. Those around you will cope, but what’s the point of causing them a lot of problems if you can find another way out, remove the depressive exacerbation.

Many experienced psychologists associate autumn depression and the disorders in the body that it causes with the following factors:

  • Increasing bad weather leads to a change physiological state body. Daylight hours are decreasing, a person does not get enough time. The weather is constantly cloudy, there are regular rains, which can cause your mood to deteriorate significantly. The amount of melanin obtained from sun rays increases, causing a real excess of it in the body, why are there problems are getting worse. Recognize the emerging difficult situation quite real, the symptoms are obvious if you try to notice them.

This leads to a depressed state, because the hormone is responsible for the occurrence negative emotions. It is difficult to say how to get out of the autumn depression, overcome the difficulties that have arisen, and not fall into complete despair, because everything around you suggests that your condition must be bad. If it’s not clear how to survive autumn depression, you should ask a professional for advice. Psychologists help to cope with a problem if it is caused only by psychological factors;

  • autumn is the time that completes the annual cycle. Winter is the period of the onset of a new time. Therefore, a person tries, albeit unconsciously, to evaluate his actions, the results achieved, to understand what he managed to achieve over the past time. It is difficult to realize all desires, therefore a depressed state may arise precisely on this basis. Often there is not enough proper rest. Apathy arises, often developing into anger. How to avoid getting depressed? Maybe you should just give yourself more joy;
  • important is physical state person. When weather conditions change, immunity may decrease, causing various diseases. This affects a person's condition for the worse. Signs of autumn depression, if they are noticeable to a person, will help to cope with the problem. After all, by understanding why the difficulty arose, you can take measures to resolve the complex issue.

Understanding the impending depression in the fall is important. If you notice approaching problems in time, you can influence the course of the problems and reduce their impact on the body. The causes of autumn depression are varied, but it is definitely worth helping to improve your condition, because it will help improve the quality of life not only for yourself, but also for those around you.


Is it possible to cope with this condition on your own, or will you have to seek help from a doctor? It is difficult to answer unequivocally, because each person experiences the disease in his own way. If it is not clear how to overcome autumn depression, you should definitely look for options to correct the situation. There are more and more escalating problems, it becomes impossible to endure your bad mood all autumn and cause problems for others. The treatment is simple; it is enough to follow simple recommendations.

In cases where a depressed state greatly worsens life, problems arise at work due to the inability to perform sufficiently your responsibilities, or at home, when constant quarrels arise that seem to be based on nothing, you should consult a doctor who will tell you how to cope with autumn depression.

A therapist, psychiatrist, Family doctor. The condition can be corrected, because what’s the point of tolerating yourself even longer. The doctor will be selected the right drugs– antidepressants that will correct the situation. Psychotherapy often helps, which consists of reconsidering one’s life position, analyzing the situation, and finding effective ways to cope with the problems that have arisen. By understanding how long autumn depression lasts in men and when it begins, you can quickly eliminate it.

If you are worried about autumn depression, any of these doctors will tell you how to deal with it and what is best to do, or will refer you to another specialist if in this case he can't help fix the situation.

One of the treatment methods for male or female depression is light therapy. Often moderate dosages of light help improve the body's condition, making it much easier to survive the cloudy season. Knowing how to get rid of autumn depression will help you get the desired result much faster.

Getting rid of autumn depression on your own

If the symptoms of the disease are mildly bothersome and you don’t want to see a doctor, you can try to cope on your own. For this you should not use alcoholic drinks- one of the most important rules. For achievement positive results When fighting autumn depression, the following actions can help:

  1. visit more often fresh air, trying to be outside when the sun is shining. This medicine for autumn depression will help you get the missing components into the body, after which you will feel an increase in strength and your condition will improve.
  2. Do not allow factors that cause negativity into your life. Try not to conflict with others, avoid problematic conversations. This does not mean that there is no need to talk about emerging problems. It is worth trying to solve problems constructively, avoiding nervousness and harsh expressions of your position.
  3. Eating foods that are rich in vitamins: apples, oranges and other available goodies, preferably with bright colors, will help fill the deficiency of substances, and their consumption will lift your spirits. This remedy for autumn depression is effective. Its importance should not be underestimated.
  4. Eat well, work only during the allotted time. We can talk for a long time about how to overcome autumn depression. The point is that you need to realize existing problem and take the path of correcting it, finding constructive methods for this.

The important point is to realize that the problem actually exists. No one will start to fight a non-existent problem. Afterwards, you should decide that it is necessary to act, because the well-being of relationships, the environment at work and at home depends on this. Knowing how to deal with autumn depression will help you cope with it when the first signs of a problem appear. The problem will pass, you just have to want it.

Autumn depression - how not to succumb to melancholy, irritability and bad mood. Symptoms, causes and prevention of this condition.

Many of us are familiar with the painful feeling of approaching autumn, followed by melancholy and irritation. Let's find out why this happens and how to deal with it.

Autumn depression. What it is

Depression is a disease - a mental disorder characterized by depressed state and decreased physical activity.

Despite the reversibility of the processes depressive state, it needs medical intervention. The patient will need help not only from a psychiatrist and psychologist, but sometimes even medication.

Autumn depression differs from real depression in that it is not a disease, but is only an imbalance of the mental state, characterized by a number of specific symptoms.


Depression is Latin for “suppression.” And often it's suppression inner experiences people left unlived. Such unfinished experiences that have not found an appropriate solution can accumulate.

Depressed people are characterized precisely by the fact that they “close down” their own experiences. Their posture is hunched and their shoulders are lowered, as if they are carrying an unbearable burden and their gaze is empty.

It is not often that a person lets go of experiences and past negative memories in order to simply relax or reach a new milestone in life. In the fall it will be easier for them to manifest themselves due to:

  • shortened daylight hours;
  • cloudy and rainy weather;
  • dark clothes;
  • gray everyday life that comes after the golden time of vacations and holidays.


The main signs of seasonal depression:

  • feeling guilty;
  • sad thoughts;
  • causeless fear;
  • high fatigue;
  • excessive emotionality;
  • sleep disorders or insomnia;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • increased cravings for high-calorie foods.

Some symptoms are more pronounced, others less. In general, autumn depression occurs in mild or severe form.

You can successfully deal with its milder degree on your own, but if the symptoms have not changed and the condition is only getting worse, you need to use the services of specialists.

At-risk groups

Anyone can be at the mercy of seasonal depression, regardless of temperament, income or social status. However, the highest risk group can be formed from:

  • lonely people;
  • employees in the service sector (they often have an overabundance of communication, so “psychological burnout” often occurs);
  • people returning to workplace after vacation (their sense of freedom becomes hampered by the constraints of daily work and deadlines).

It is worth noting that women are more susceptible to emotional troubles: their bodies, unlike men’s, produce half as much serotonin.

How to deal with it

There are several effective ways fight depression.

Bright colors

Buy yourself something bright, be it lipstick or a new blouse. Treat yourself to a new hairstyle and new color! For example, dye your hair red to match the shade of autumn leaves.

The orange color brings a special positivity and promotes a good mood, so why not please yourself and other household members, for example, with new orange dishes?


To get rid of the autumn blues, call your friends, chat with classmates and fellow students. Watch good old comedies, chat with nice people.

Add more jokes and laughter into your life, because laughter tends to inhibit the production of stress hormones - cortisone and adrenaline.

Preparing for the holidays

Surely among your friends, colleagues or relatives there are people born in autumn. Start choosing a gift for them!

Or arrange themed party for Halloween - decorate the apartment, cut a lantern out of a pumpkin, come up with a treat and a costume, invite your friends.

And who said it’s too early to prepare for the New Year? Nothing pleases and excites as much as choosing New Year's surprises and decorations for family and friends.


An old proven method - scents - will help you cope with attacks of autumn depression. For example:

  • Anise (relieves depression and reduces nervousness).
  • Lavender (relieves tension, relieves overexcitability, calms after a hard day).
  • Lemon (will give positive emotions and provide a surge of energy).
  • Melissa (will help with depression and insomnia, relieve irritability).
  • Mint (will eliminate anxiety and restore strength).

Recreation and entertainment

Autumn is a great time to go to the theater or cinema, but you can also just sit in a cafe and chat with friends.

Broaden your horizons - go to a current exhibition, and if you like active recreation, go for a ride on the ice rink.

Do not forget that in the autumn it is necessary to spend as much time as possible in the sun and fresh air. Even home and work lighting needs to be made more intense.


What to do to avoid falling into the puddle of autumn depression?

Don't let autumn depression enter your life and darken it. Don't lose your sense of humor and don't indulge in melancholy and bad mood!

Video: “Golden” blues

As a rule, September marks the beginning of cold weather, and with it the beginning of working days, weeks, and months. Autumn weather also brings little joy to anyone: incessant winds, rains, dirt and slush only bring melancholy. However, if you dig deeper, you will find the real reason autumn blues. Scientists unanimously claim that autumn is most directly related to such a phenomenon as biological restructuring. Every change of season brings lifestyle changes, biorhythms, the number of hours spent sleeping and being awake. In addition, metabolism slowing down during the autumn cold is the reason constant fatigue, sharply deteriorating performance and the desire to spend as much time as possible sleeping.

Another obvious cause of melancholy, according to scientists and psychologists, is flaw sunlight . It is a well-known fact that the length of the day affects our well-being and the state of the body as a whole. However, it is believed that the lack of sunlight can be replaced with artificial lighting. Bright light generates the production of the hormone melatonin, which is closely related to all known endorphins ( - happiness hormone). Melatonin production occurs 15 seconds after turning on bright light. artificial lighting. By the way, in the autumn and winter periods Doctors recommend that people wake up in a lighted room and keep their eyes open for the first twenty seconds. This little trick will give you a noticeable surge of strength and energize you for the whole day.

In addition to this, there are several more tips that can easily rid a person of the autumn blues and return him to a full life.

Mood and sleep

Try not to limit yourself to a full night's sleep. Night sleep it is impossible to compensate for daytime, since a number of hormones responsible for our mental condition, tend to be produced exclusively during night sleep. People who are required by work to often stay on night shifts are more likely than others to be diagnosed with depression and all kinds of psychological problems.

By the way, in autumn and winter the body needs the most good rest: the desire to fall asleep noticeably increases in cold weather, and hormonal changes take a lot of energy from the body. Men are recommended to sleep 7 to 9 hours a night. The recommended sleep duration for women is 8 to 10 hours.

Sports and depression

They say that any physical activity improves mood and helps get rid of depression. Therefore, sports are so necessary in autumn time. However, you should not torture your body with grueling and lengthy workouts. Morning exercises or a run will be enough to cheer you up. Playing sports will also make you. Sport improves your mood.

Color therapy

It has long been known that the colors with which a person surrounds himself have a direct impact on his psyche and mood. During autumn grayness, you should surround yourself with the following colors: orange, light green, yellow, coral, white, sky blue, hot pink. Make any changes to your own interior or office. For example, the usual curtains can be replaced with turquoise or lemon ones. White flowers placed throughout the house also lift the mood. It is important to remember that under no circumstances should these be chrysanthemums, as their aroma can intensify the blues and aggravate the situation.

Nutrition and depression

Doctors say that the lack of light can be compensated to some extent by increasing heat. This is why we feel so comfortable under a blanket with a cup of hot tea or chocolate. On autumn days, it is recommended to indulge in hot foods: drinks, soups. It should also not be forgotten that in autumn time our body needs vitamins. Kiwi, citrus fruits, and bananas will help lift your mood and enrich the body with useful substances. The smell of mint is also believed to lift your spirits.

Less stress

During hormonal changes of any kind, they can be truly destructive to the body. That is why you should protect yourself as much as possible from conflict situations. A meeting with friends in a cozy cafe, unplanned shopping, or doing what you love can add a touch of positivity to your everyday routine. In a word, you need to protect yourself with those things, at the sight of which you involuntarily want to smile, and enjoy every day.

It’s not so easy to pull yourself together and get rid of the autumn blues on your own. But it's worth trying. The wise said: “If you want to be happy, be happy.”

Have a beautiful autumn and good mood!

The onset of September, as a rule, will mark the change from warm and carefree days to gray working days. Characteristic weather for autumn, which leads to fatigue and deterioration in performance. The change of season entails a change in biorhythms, which in itself. Unstable psycho emotional condition supplemented by regular showers, strong winds and slush, which only inspire melancholy. Similar condition spirit is familiar to many and is called “autumn”. Let's consider the genesis of the problem and effective ways to eliminate it.

Autumn depression – what is it and why does it appear?

Autumn depression is common seasonal disorder psyche, which is characterized by a feeling of constant dissatisfaction. Depression must be identified early stages, since the disorder can become the foundation for malaise and a “broken” state for several weeks and sometimes months. Psychological dissatisfaction usually occurs in mid-October and can last until January.

Please note: autumn depression has significant differences from real depression, and is primarily seasonal in nature. This emotional state is not serious illness, but only manifests itself in a depressed mood and a number of other characteristic signs.

Reasons that trigger depression include:

  1. change of biorhythms - during the change of seasons, seasonal adjustment is observed, which affects changes in sleep and rest patterns, as well as the number of hours spent sleeping. The body can react to changes occurring extremely painfully;
  2. lack of sun - good mood and an elevated state of mind directly depends on the hormone serotonin, which is produced under the influence of sunlight. In the absence of light, this hormone is converted into melatonin, which provokes drowsy state, deterioration in performance and general malaise;
  3. vitamin deficiency - the body needs regular replenishment of vitamins and minerals, which are in short supply in the autumn. Unlike fats, useful material cannot be stored “in reserve” and the body constantly requires new portions. To avoid bouts of blues, it is recommended to focus your diet on seasonal fruits and vegetables, which are represented in an impressive variety during the golden season;
  4. weather – it is human nature to react to factors environment, one of which is the weather. Cold weather, frequent rains and clouds evoke sad thoughts, even if there are no objective prerequisites for education.

Symptoms - how to recognize the autumn blues:

  • signs of insomnia;
  • increased temper;
  • lack of enjoyment of food;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • the emergence of severe fears and concerns;
  • groundless feeling of guilt;
  • acute resentment and tearfulness;
  • desire to spend time alone, isolation from society;
  • regular drowsiness;
  • frequent desire to drink.

Risk group: who is most susceptible to the autumn blues?

Women are most susceptible to autumn depression, since the amount of melatonin in the fair sex is twice as high. For women characteristic feature It may not be a lack of appetite, but rather a passionate desire for food, especially high-calorie and harmful food. Such attacks can be observed especially clearly in the evening.

Besides unstable condition threatens lonely people who are often left alone with themselves. Lack of social life gets worse mental disorder, as a result of which it may be delayed.

More often than others, people whose work activities are related to the service sector have to cope with autumn depression. Due to work activity This category of citizens often experiences an overabundance of communication, “thanks to” which gives rise to emotional burnout.

People who have recently returned from vacation are also prone to depression. After rest and unlimited freedom, malaise and depression may develop against the backdrop of work regulations and tight deadlines.

How to get rid of autumn depression:


If you are interested in the question: how to deal with autumn depression, then one of the recommended methods of confrontation is aromatherapy. Oils have a beneficial effect on the body, normalizing emotional background, preventing bad mood.

Autumn blues - how to get rid of:
  • lemon – causes a surge of strength and encourages creative activity;
  • grapefruit – eliminates signs of uncertainty, helps relieve tension;
  • bergamot - instills self-confidence, allows you to create the feeling that life is a success;
  • ylang-ylang – uplifts the state of mind;
  • geranium – promotes calm and inner harmony.

Tip: Color therapy should also be used in combination with aromatherapy. The influence of the surrounding gamut of colors on a person is a proven fact. Therefore, when your mood worsens, try to surround yourself with yellow, white, blue and coral shades.

Full sleep

One of the reasons for autumn malaise is lack of sleep due to changes in biorhythms, so you should not deny yourself full sleep and rest. At the same time, since a number of hormones and substances are released precisely at night and have no analogues. People who work at night or are forced to regularly stay late in the office are more likely than others to fall under the influence of the “golden blues.”

An additional factor of discomfort is cold and negative weather, which “exhaust” the body. Therefore, you need more time to recuperate.

Physical activity

Sport has an extremely positive impact on human body and causes the production of the happiness hormone. Therefore, in the autumn, visiting gyms becomes especially important. In this case, it is recommended to rely on a sense of proportion and avoid reboots and grueling workouts.

Autumn depression - how to fight:
  1. light fitness;
  2. morning exercises;
  3. swimming;
  4. morning running.

Diet correction

During the cold season, our body needs warmth in all its forms. In autumn, on a subconscious level, we strive to spend time in a cozy atmosphere under a blanket with a cup of hot tea. Psychologists recommend giving preference to hot food and focusing on warm drinks, which can be very beneficial - herbal teas and fees.

It is also necessary to adjust your usual diet, giving preference to vitamin-rich dishes (vegetables, fruits, legumes, foods containing protein). The body needs to be recharged with minerals and microcomponents, which are provided by proper nutrition. To lift your mood, it is recommended to eat bananas and kiwi, adding mint to tea, you will feel a surge of strength.

Avoiding stress

During seasonal adjustment to a new biological way, any disorder can be truly destructive. Therefore, in the fall it is especially important to protect yourself from any irritants and conflict situations.

Try to add small pleasant notes to your everyday schedule:
  • meeting friends in a cozy cafe,
  • tasty coffee,
  • going to the cinema,
  • unplanned shopping,
  • doing what you love.
In order to protect yourself from attacks of despondency, it is recommended to use psychological tricks:
  1. preparation for the holidays - probably some people around you are preparing to celebrate a birthday or other significant event in the fall. Keep yourself busy looking for a gift, organizing a party. This will not only give you pleasure, but will also strengthen friendships;
  2. broaden your horizons - autumn is great for visiting exhibitions, galleries, and museums. An alternative is active recreation at the dacha or visiting an ice skating rink;
  3. get up and go to bed earlier - this way you will see more light, which will have a positive effect on your emotional state;
  4. emphasis on light food- problems with overweight, which often appear in the fall, will only aggravate psychological instability;
  5. self-development - attending yoga courses, learning languages, creating a hobby. Leave no time for gloomy thoughts and frustrations;
  6. update your wardrobe - bright colors have a positive effect on your mood, and new purchases are an additional reason for joy;
  7. more fluid – depression can occur due to insufficient drink plenty of fluids, therefore do .

Tell friends.