The use of propolis for medicinal purposes. How to use propolis? Method of preparation, beneficial properties, indications for use. Bee honey and propolis: a healthy mixture

Who controls our body? This question comes up to me quite often. Who is the boss in the “house”- ? Who is the master of the situations in our lives? Who controls them? Have you, my reader, ever asked yourself these questions?

Our body reflects our inner state. What is inside us is also outside. If you are not engaged in improving your thoughts, then your body will be more prone to degradation than to the troubles and problems that you attract to yourself.

It’s no secret, and you will agree with me - many cannot force their body to make even the slightest movement, not to mention begin to engage in intensive training and take an active part in psychological training to acquire the skills to control their bodies, both physical and subtle.

When I conduct training, beginners ask me: “How to relax your body?” “How can you make a movement and not think at the same time?” “Isn’t it harmful to exercise?” And at the last lesson they even asked: “What does it mean to “think positively”?” To the last question, friends, you can find the answer in all my articles, and learn positive thinking Here.

The fact is that the body of many people is so stiff that they are afraid to even move their neck to the left or right a couple of times. They are so afraid that they are afraid to think about something positive, pleasant, creating internal comfort for themselves with these thoughts. On the contrary, they will oppress themselves for half their lives negative thoughts, attracting more and more more trouble, inventing for yourself. And the second half of his own priceless life will search in the current situation.

Watching people during and mine, I draw both sad and joyful conclusions.

Sad conclusions.

Sad conclusions that most people just set limits for themselves various kinds, negativizing everything and everyone in your life towards yourself is one of the most powerful destructive feelings of a person. So what happens? What happens is that the body of such people begins to control them.

How? Elementary! For example, a person wants to do some kind of movement (in training, for example), but he succeeds in something completely different or he does not understand the nature of this movement at all. But you don’t need to understand much here. Here it is important to let go of the body, relax and start and continue to move freely with a trainer and group, or alone at home. If this does not happen, then the body becomes enslaved, blocks form, especially in the spine and neck, and health problems begin. It's a vicious circle.

Happy conclusions.

A happy conclusions observations of people that those who decide to engage in physical activities. psychological, energy practices(and they are varied, for every taste, if you wish), setting yourself main goal– learn to work with and on yourself, with your thinking, and therefore teach your body to obey its own owner, those people took a step towards themselves. They went out to the path to perfection. I believe that they will succeed, they will achieve the results they want with all their hearts.

And at this stage it is important to stay on this path, which means working tirelessly with your thoughts and thoughts every day. Then there will be a result, then you will learn with feelings and emotions, and not they with you. This means that you will always be in control of any situation in your life, and it will not capture you in its networks. It is difficult, no one claims that this is an easy path.

If difficulties arise, there are people near you who are ready to support you in Hard time. If you take classes, your coach or mentor will definitely answer any of your questions and help you overcome the uncertainty and discomfort inherent in the first stages of beginners. Remember - you are not alone and there are like-minded people around you!


Do you want to be honest? I remember myself 5 years ago. I was different – ​​both in body and in the psychology of my thinking. But thanks to the goals I have set for myself and a set of various activities that have become part of my pleasant daily habit and from which I will not give up for anything, I am changing. My worldview has changed.

Cheerful and positive people come into our lives. thinking people, friends who understand and accept, who support and talk about mistakes when necessary. And my husband and I want to love, be friends and give. without asking for anything in return. Because of this, the world around wakes up, sparkles and shines. He's different.

Do you know how pleasant it is to control your body?! This unique sensations! It is only a body, and we simply must learn to control it so that it gives us the joy that we create with our thinking and actions. How sculptors create magnificent figures with their own hands. What else can you compare it to? WITH beautiful house, living in which we feel warm, light, cozy - comfortable.

Yes, there are different situations, me too. And I’m not talking about the fact that everything is always white, fluffy, perfect. I'm talking about the fact that every person can, if they really want to, control themselves, starting with their thinking and ending with their body. These two concepts are interconnected and cannot exist inseparably!

Remove your own limitations and be happy. How to do it? To start try to look at the familiar from a completely different angle, not familiar to you. What will happen?

Remember - in the "house" the owner you personally, and body should not control you. Teach him to be obedient to your wishes, which you also need to be able to manage. But this is a topic for another article.

During training, I often say something that is known to everyone, but sometimes inaccessible to the consciousness of many people. Read it, understand it and try to look at it from a different point of view Your thinking:

“Dance as if no one is watching you. Sing like no one can hear you. Love sincerely. Live as if the earth were heaven.”

How to cope with arm numbness, fear of injections, pain...

In contact with


Human body- one of the most interesting mechanisms in the world. And, like any mechanism, you can apply your own “hacks” to it to make your life easier.

What to do if your throat tickles

Just scratch your ear - you will stimulate nerve endings, which will cause a spasm, and this will relieve you of unpleasant sensation. Ear, nose and throat doctor Scott Schafer came to this conclusion.

What to do if you can't hear someone

The answer is simple and banal: listen more carefully, but with your right ear. The secret is that right ear recognizes speech better, and the left one recognizes musical tones and notes. This is due to the peculiarities of the functioning of the cerebral hemispheres.

What to do if you are afraid of injections

The feeling from the injection really cannot be called pleasant. However, there is a trick here: try coughing.

Research has shown that people who coughed during intravenous injections, felt less pain than those who did not. Cough causes a sudden temporary increase in chest pressure, suppressing the task spinal cord for pain management.

What to do if your nose is stuffy

Dr. Lisa DeStefano's method: You need to press your tongue against the roof of your mouth several times, and then press on the point between your eyebrows.

After about 20 seconds, the congestion will subside. This occurs due to the fact that a special porous bone - the vomer - located in the nasal region, seems to “swing”, gradually opening the passage for inhaled and exhaled air.

What to do if you overeat a little before bed

This method will help avoid heartburn. Just lie on your left side, says gastroenterologist Anthony A. Starpoli.

Your stomach will then be lower than your esophagus, preventing acid from entering your larynx. And it is highly recommended not to go to bed immediately after eating, but to wait 2-3 hours.

What to do if you have a toothache

Visit the dentist immediately! But to relieve the pain itself, do this: rub an ice cube on back side palms - in the V-shaped membrane between the thumb and index finger. Toothache will decrease by half.

Here's how it works: Stimulating the nerves in this area of ​​the arm causes slight numbness and blocks pain signals from reaching the brain.

What to do if your nose is bleeding

You need to take a cotton swab and apply it to your gums behind the small dimple under your nose, and then press hard on it, advises Peter Desmore.

The bleeding will stop because you are blocking the artery by pressing. The principle is the same as when applying a tourniquet. But, if the bleeding does not stop for more than 5-10 minutes, consult a doctor!

What to do if you burn your finger

To reduce the likelihood of a blister, apply pressure to the burn site with a clean fingertip from your uninjured hand.

What to do if you are very worried

Doctor Ben Ebo advises you to blow on your thumb. Interesting fact: y thumb your own pulse, and by calming it, you can calm your heart rate.

When you blow on your finger, it cools it and calms your heartbeat. In addition, the action itself forces you to breathe deeper, which also has a sedative effect.

What to do if you bite into ice cream and get a headache

The feeling is familiar to probably everyone. This happens because the nerves in the roof of the mouth freeze and the brain decides that the whole body has cooled down.

In response to this, overheating occurs, and as a result, headache. To warm the palate and relieve pain, simply press your tongue against it, trying to cover as much as possible. large area. This method was shared by Ben Ebo.

What to do if your hand is numb

All you need to do is shake your head from side to side, says Lisa DeStefano. Numbness occurs due to compression of the nerve fibers.

The bundle of nerves responsible for transmitting signals from the hand to the brain passes through the neck, so you just need to stretch it to relieve numbness.

What to do if you want to learn to fall asleep quickly

When you wake up in the morning, get out of bed immediately and do not return there until you need to go back to sleep.

This will help your body subconsciously associate the bed with sleep, and over time you will be able to fall asleep just by touching the pillow with your head.

What to do if you need to learn something by heart

Professor Candy Gamegratner suggests repeating the text you need to remember several times before going to bed. During sleep, our brain organizes all information, and it is transferred to long-term memory.

In the morning after waking up, most likely you will know the text by heart.

What to do if you have a stabbing pain in your side when running

The feeling is familiar to almost everyone who has run at least once in their life. To avoid it, try to exhale when it hits the ground. right leg. The fact is that the tingling is caused by compression of the liver, and reducing the pressure on it is quite simple.

What to do if you want to dive deeper into the water

If you always find yourself short of air when you dive, try the method suggested by Jonathan Armbruster, MD.

Take a few quick, short breaths. Thus, you will have about 10 additional seconds in reserve.

Slight hyperventilation of the lungs will occur, and the brain will assume that you have enough oxygen. This will help you make a deep dive.

In order to learn to dance well, it is not enough to know the movements and have a sense of rhythm. In addition, you also need to hold yourself confidently, be able to beautifully lead your partner or easily follow your partner, correctly and accurately perform leg movements and elegantly hold your head. Dancing requires control of the entire body.


First you need to learn how to walk beautifully and correctly. The gait of many people leaves much to be desired. This occurs due to tightness in the feet, knees and hips, lack of muscle strength or poor coordination. As an example, typical mistakes You can also name incorrect foot placement, excessive swinging of arms, poor balance, hunched back, etc.

If you want to add elegance to your walk, try to coordinate the movement of your hips, knees and feet. To acquire a beautiful gait, we suggest trying to move along a narrow board or a straight line. In this case, you need to try to keep your feet parallel, your shoulder blades close, and your chest raised.

First, you need to learn to place your feet parallel at a distance of 4 cm from each other. The position with the heels shifted is not the best, since in this case the body rests its entire weight only on them, which makes movements difficult and leads to flat feet. Therefore, the body should rest on the front of the heel and on the ball of the foot. The shoulder blades are lowered, while raising the shoulders should be avoided, the forearms are slightly turned outward, and the arms are lowered along the body.

If you try to control yourself for a while and fulfill these simple requirements, you will very soon learn to walk beautifully and at ease, which will help you later master the art of not only ballroom, but also any other dance.

Most women have almost no feeling in the lower half of their body. And there is an explanation for this. The fat that is located in the lower half of the body is burned with great difficulty. This is stubborn and lazy fat. It is much more difficult to leave fat cells than in other parts of the body. And the thighs and buttocks have traditionally been considered the most difficult to get into shape. The method we have developed will allow you to feel these problematic parts of the body and, most importantly, give you the opportunity to control them.
The key concept here is visual representation. Close your eyes for a second... Imagine your body. What do you see? Down, starting from the waist... Chances are very high that you will see buttocks that are saggy. We all started life with high, round and firm buttocks. What about your hips? Have you gained inches of fat? Have your muscles started to sag and turned into something shapeless? What about your knees? Are there bulges of fat above them that are humiliating your legs?
Now open your eyes and look at the figure of the woman in Figure 1.1. Do you think you can make your legs look at least a little like her legs? This is completely within your power. Yes, nature gave us the pattern of our bodies, but you came here to correct it. And we will show you how much and where to cut, pick and sew. Create a mental image of your legs as you want them to be. Take your time to work on this image. To get a feel for the idea, look through this book, especially the photographs. Think about your feet. Don't you want to lose fat, build muscles, make them take on that lean and slender look? Do it mentally. Feel free to imagine your feet in their most perfect and beautiful form. We want this image to be firmly imprinted in your mind. Remember it. Carry it with you everywhere. Use it as a motive for studying - especially on those days when “everything is boring and you don’t want anything.”
Use the dream of World Standard Legs to overcome your cravings for fatty foods. Whenever you feel like it chocolate cake or fried chicken, then think not about delicious food, but about your amazing legs in the future. If you eat fatty foods, you will not achieve success. Before you put anything in your mouth, stop and think about what this piece of food will do to my mental image? The confidence that the dream of World Standard Legs will become a reality will help you overcome temptations and continue training. Remember, you can just as easily become addicted to physical exercise, excellent health, as well as the taste of fatty and sweet food.
As soon as you see the immediate results of the work - this will certainly happen - you will feel that you can control your body. You will have an incentive to truly control it and acquire these same World Standard Legs.
After six weeks, your hip size will decrease by five to ten centimeters. The buttocks will lift and become rounder and firmer. The stomach will become flat and the waist will lose about five centimeters. You will look much slimmer.
Now, if you are overwhelmed by the prospect, put this book down for a moment and think about what you really want. You see, you have to believe that you can control yourself and your body. We have seen amazing results hundreds of times with our clients. We believe that you will achieve the same and will not give up. We will share with you the secrets of creating beautiful legs; we'll give overall plan maintaining excellent body shape, based on simple things, easily applicable in Everyday life and we will try to ensure that the sets of exercises that you have to do make sense for you and your lifestyle. If you understand how your body works, you can control it. Remember that the main thing is to control yourself and your body.
Because our program is a global acquisition program best shape and tone, you will find that you have not only lost volume and weight, but also gained the most beautiful legs.

Owning your body

Previously, in Chapter 3, we suggested that you talk to your body. Here's another exercise that may seem unusual at first. It is designed to reconnect you with your own body, to affirm you as the owner of your own physical space, and also to remind you that, no matter what, a restless mind can tell you: “This is your body.”

To “own” something in psychic language means to “make it completely your own.” For example, your parents taught you to walk, so they may continue to own some part of your legs, but you yourself may never fully own them. You may grow up believing that your genitals are somehow not pure enough and that you may never truly own or use them as your own.

The areas of your body that you do not control are areas that can block Earth and Cosmic energies as you pass them through your body. These are the areas in which you very often find yourself unconscious or "asleep", these are the areas in which nests are most likely to occur. physical illness. In these areas the aura may be very thin or may not exist at all.

You are the king or queen of the castle, which is your body. If you want to control your domain, first ground yourself. Then stay in thumbs legs (this is the same as staying in the center of the head, staying in the corner of the room, or staying in one of the chakras). Bring all your awareness into your big toes. You've probably never thought about your thumbs that much, but take the time to determine how you feel here and how your thumbs feel.

Then remain in the feet. Are they mild, heavy, numb or painful?

Stay in your calves.

Abide in each part of your body, moving from one to the other. Notice that you don't have to move from one part of the body to another, just be in one part first and then be in the other. Be in the knees, hips, buttocks, genitals, belly, chest, shoulders, upper arms, elbows, hands, fingers, be in the lower back, upper back, neck, chin, lips, tongue, teeth , nose, cheeks, ears, hair, head. Spend as much time as necessary on each section, and, leaving the previous part, be prepared to visit the next one.

As you enter every part of your body, speak to it. Say hello to your belly and ask it if it would like you to do something for it. He may respond, “Don’t go so crazy about Mexican food,” or, “Change your belt to the next notch.” Talk to your feet: they may say, “Don't forget about us. We need softer shoes,” or, “Thanks for the Epsom salts.”

You will notice that in some parts of your body you feel pleasant and comfortable, while in others you feel bored, heavy or tense. These parts are those areas that you have not fully mastered.

While in each part of the body, become aware of your sensations, both pleasant and unpleasant. The first step to making you feel like your whole body is yours is to feel like you can tell which part of the body you are comfortable in and which part of your body you feel like a stranger. Take a closer look to see if any painful images have accumulated in these areas that are foreign to you. If so, then return these images to their original owners, as we explained to you in Chapter 4.

When you have completed the process of mastering your body, return to the center of your head. From here, on your mental screen, create a picture of your body. Give this image as much love and tenderness as possible. Dissolve the picture and come out of the trance.

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