A doctor who specializes in osteochondrosis. "Kolobok" - an exercise for osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral region. Which doctor to contact with an advanced stage

Back pain occurs in almost every person. They are associated with hypodynamia, poor posture, previous injuries, overweight.

In addition to back pain, a person may feel dizzy, numbness of the limbs, stiffness of movements.

All these are symptoms of incipient osteochondrosis. To avoid serious complications, it is necessary to stop the disease on initial stage by seeking medical treatment.

neurological disease accompanied by dystrophic changes in the discs and cartilaginous tissues of the vertebrae. Their deformation occurs, as a result of which the nerve endings are pinched, which leads to unbearable pain. The disease develops for a long time.

Most common causes the occurrence of osteochondrosis are considered:

  • Injuries, fractures and bruises of the musculoskeletal system. They do not pass without a trace for the body: there is a displacement of the vertebrae, the formation of a hernia.
  • Genetic predisposition also gives the likelihood of developing pathology in the vertebral discs.
  • Old age contributes to the development of changes in cartilage tissue.
  • Physical activity, lifting weights deform the vertebrae. The risk group includes athletes lifting weights, loaders.
  • sedentary work and sedentary image life. Lead to posture problems. There is a weakening of the muscular corset. Usually people of the following professions experience back pain: drivers, office workers.
  • Nutritional problems and metabolic disorders. They cause insufficient intake of vitamins and necessary elements in the body. Also appearance excess weight puts additional stress on spinal column. The same is observed during pregnancy.
  • Permanent stressful conditions And bad habits. Lead to premature aging bone tissue.
  • Increasing the load on intervertebral discs occurs when shoes are worn high heels, as well as in the presence of flat feet.
  • Wrong organized sleep(uncomfortable bed, mattress or pillow) do not allow even at night to take comfortable position to relieve pressure on the spine.

There are a number of factors that provoke the development of osteochondrosis:

  • Excessive tension or pressure on the spinal column. Usually it is associated with performing monotonous work, carrying a bag in one hand, lifting weights.
  • inflammatory processes. Long stay in the cold or drafts leads to hypothermia of the body. Frequent colds contribute to the emergence infectious lesions nerve endings, causing disturbances in the development of natural processes in the tissues of the spine.
  • Poor condition of the muscular corset. The entire mass of the body presses only on bone structure spine, resulting in faster wear of cartilage tissue.

More recently, osteochondrosis was considered a disease that affects people mainly in adulthood. But today there are problems with the spine and younger generation due to their long static stay in front of the computer and low physical activity.

Reference: female population experiences pain in the back more often than men. This is due to the cyclic hormonal processes occurring in the body of women.

Osteochondrosis at the location of the affected spine is divided into 3 main types:

  • Cervical department. With this type of disease, the vessels and nerve endings are pinched in the upper part of the spinal column, which leads to a decrease in the supply the right substances cerebral cortex, negatively affects respiratory system. One of the most common types of osteochondrosis.
  • Thoracic. Damage to this part of the spine is difficult to diagnose due to symptoms similar to heart disease. This type osteochondrosis negatively affects the work of all internal organs.
  • Lumbar. It occurs most often due to the daily stress to which it is subjected. lower section spine. As a result of the tension of the spine in the lumbar region, there is a decrease in motor activity.

Which doctor treats osteochondrosis?

With the appearance of aching, shooting pain in the back, numbness of the limbs, dizziness, you need to go to the therapist. He will determine which specialist to refer the patient to.

Usually, with osteochondrosis, they turn to a specialized doctor - a neurologist, who examines, palpates and taps the spine in order to identify the site of pain. After examining the patient, the doctor of this specialty prescribes full examination to determine the form and stage of damage to the spine and to establish accurate diagnosis:

  • X-ray shows which part of the spine has undergone dystrophic changes and the degree of this lesion, reveals the presence of displaced discs, the formation of growths (osteophytes). Usually done in 2 projections.
  • MRI and CT are performed after x-rays to clarify the condition of the intervertebral disc, to identify neoplasms. These methods are expensive, it is not possible to apply them to all patients.
  • Ultrasound helps to determine the condition of cartilage and joints.
  • A biochemical blood test reveals the presence of inflammation, a violation of metabolic and hormonal processes.
  • A lumbar puncture is taken for special indications to detect infectious diseases.

For the appointment of complex therapy after instrumental diagnostics the patient needs to consult an osteopath, traumatologist, rheumatologist.

Which specialists treat osteochondrosis?

Only a comprehensive treatment of osteochondrosis will not allow the development of an ailment that reduces human activity. In addition to the neurologist, the following specialist doctors are usually involved:

  • The physiotherapist prescribes certain procedures aimed at eliminating inflammation, removing pain syndrome and edema, improved blood circulation and muscle relaxation. Methods such as electrophoresis, magneto-laser therapy, UHF are used in the treatment of the spine.
  • The reflexologist works on specific points with the help of various techniques: acupuncture (acupuncture), acupressure (a special type of massage), electropuncture (electrical impulse), vacuum therapy ( cupping massage). Any of these procedures should only be carried out by a trained specialist.
  • The main tool of the osteopath is his hands. The doctor palpates the spine and determines the areas of tension. With the help of special massage movements, it relieves spasm, swelling and eliminates tissue compaction. Such manipulations restore normal condition musculoskeletal system. The actions of an osteopath are contraindicated in tumors, thrombosis and infections.
  • Patients turn to a traumatologist if the cause of osteochondrosis is an injury, bruise or fracture. This specialist helps to restore motor functions. Uses orthopedic devices as methods of treatment: collars, corsets. When diagnosing, it uses the method of densitometry - the measurement of bone density.
  • The help of a neurosurgeon is required in extreme situations when conservative methods of treatment have not yielded any results. This specialist performs operations related to the removal intervertebral hernias, disc plasty, release in case of pinching of the spinal roots.
  • If the appearance of problems with the vertebra is associated with inflammatory processes in connective tissues, then treatment by a rheumatologist is required.

Which doctor treats cervical osteochondrosis?

Cervical osteochondrosis is a disease not only for elderly and middle-aged people. It is also observed in the younger generation of 15-20 years. The danger of this type of osteochondrosis lies in the fact that with dystrophic changes in the vertebrae cervical circulatory disturbance occurs. This negatively affects the functioning of the brain, accompanied by dizziness and fainting, increased blood pressure.

The patient should contact such specialists as a neurologist or vertebrologist who prescribe complex treatment. It consists not only in the appointment medications, but also in the use of physiotherapy, massage, reflexology. Be sure the patient must undergo a course of exercise therapy.

Reference: a vertebrologist is a doctor who has a narrow specialization related to the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Basic treatment regimen

After establishing an accurate diagnosis, the specialist prescribes treatment, which depends on the period of exacerbation and the stage of development of the disease.

During the period of exacerbation, pain relief is expected with the help of medications. Usually used:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Meloxicam, Diclofenac, Ortofen;
  • Muscle relaxants to help relieve muscle tension: Sirdalud, Mydocalm;
  • Drugs that improve blood circulation: Vinpocetine, Eufillin;
  • Ointments: Dolobene, Chondroxide, Ketanol.
  • Blockades. With severe pain, the doctor prescribes therapeutic blockades, for which Novocaine, Lidocaine is used, as well as hormonal preparations- glucocorticoids. To obtain the maximum effect, the main drug is mixed with hydrocortisone.
  • Vitamin preparations are used both during the period of exacerbation and upon the onset of remission. Most effective complexes vitamins: Milgamma, Pentovit, which promote the regeneration of cartilaginous tissues.
  • Chondroprotectors are drugs without which it is impossible to treat osteochondrosis. They restore and strengthen cartilage tissue. These are Alflutop, Rumalon, Structum, Chondrolon.

To relieve stress from upper division spine is recommended to wear neck collar Shants.

One of the most effective methods non-drug treatment are physiotherapy and exercise therapy.

With osteochondrosis, the following types of physiotherapy are used:

  • Magnetotherapy improves blood circulation, reduces swelling. Cannot be done when high temperature, hypotension and cancer.
  • Electrophoresis Delivers medicine through the skin. Tampons moistened with the drug are placed under special plates, and under the action of electric current is introduced into skin layer. It helps relieve pain and inflammation.
  • UHF heats skin covering and muscles, thereby improving blood circulation and reducing pain. It is better to apply an anti-inflammatory ointment to the skin before the procedure.

Exercise therapy helps strengthen back muscles. Strengthened muscles are able to take on part of the load, which in otherwise completely falls on the spinal column and its structures, as a result of which they wear out quickly. Exercises are performed smoothly sudden movements while sitting, lying or standing.

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When the first symptoms of osteochondrosis appear, you should contact a vertebrologist or, in the absence of one, a neurologist who will prescribe treatment after diagnosing and receiving advice from specialists such as a physiotherapist, reflexologist, osteopath, rheumatologist.

Osteochondrosis - serious illness that many people suffer from. This problem with the back has become relevant all over the world. Now this pathology can be found even in small children. According to medical data, osteochondrosis affects sedentary people in young age. Therefore, you need to take care of your health responsibly in order to avoid illness.

Osteochondrosis is translated from Greek as "cartilage". To avoid possible complications, each person first of all needs to know which doctor treats osteochondrosis. In the early stages, it is possible to stop the process of destruction of the vertebra.

The concept of osteochondrosis

The disease is chronic process, at which dystrophic and degenerative phenomena begin in the spine, which leads to damage intervertebral discs, joints and ligaments. All these changes cause severe pain in back. At untimely treatment osteochondrosis can affect internal organs. The work of many body systems can be disrupted.

If the disease is in late stages, one can expect enough serious consequences. Basically, the changes relate to the joints, muscles and ligaments. Outwardly, the disease is manifested by pain, muscle atrophy and a change in their sensitivity. Osteochondrosis can develop in everyone. Feeling something was wrong, you should immediately go to the hospital. Which doctor treats osteochondrosis, you can find out from your local specialist in the clinic. IN severe cases when protrusions and hernias appear, the patient is recommended surgical treatment.

Causes of the disease

There are a lot of factors. But main reason the appearance of osteochondrosis is a sedentary lifestyle. In this case, the muscles on the back weaken and lose their ability to hold the spine. With strong physical exertion, especially when lifting weights, osteochondrosis also occurs. With such problems, the intervertebral discs are simply deformed. Which doctor treats osteochondrosis, except for a neurologist and a chiropractor, can be found at the registry of the local clinic. At the first symptoms, therapy should be started immediately.

A sedentary lifestyle contributes to the fact that blood supply and nutrition are disturbed in the cartilage and tissues of the spine. An important role in the occurrence of this disease is played by heredity, as well as spinal injuries that occurred not so long ago. Overuse alcoholic beverages and cigarettes overweight bodies, unbalanced nutrition - all these are enemies of a healthy musculoskeletal system.

How to detect a disease in all parts of the spine in the early stages?

Cervical osteochondrosis is the most insidious type of disease. If the patient has frequent dizziness, pain in the head and neck, flies in the eyes, blurred vision, unsteady gait, numbness in the fingers, tinnitus, sleep disturbance, you should immediately contact a specialist. All these are symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis. a specialist will tell you after passing additional examination in a medical institution.

Thoracic and lumbar osteochondrosis characterized pulling pains. While walking and physical activity there are sharp shooting pains. Sensitivity is broken.

Which doctor treats cervical osteochondrosis?

After clarifying the symptoms and passing the examination, you need to seek help from a neurologist who will help get rid of this pathology. In addition to cartilage and joints, blood vessels are affected. Therefore, treatment for this disease is prescribed by a neuropathologist. Also, this specialist will tell you which doctor treats cervical osteochondrosis other methods. Complex therapy- way to success. The main thing is to comply with all the requirements of a qualified specialist.

Neck department yet? Helps to fix disc warping chiropractor. Massage plays an important role. However, manipulations should be carried out only by a real professional.

Therapy of other forms of the disease

Now let's figure out which doctor treats lumbar osteochondrosis. Knowing this is no less important, since every second person faces a problem. Pain may occur during exercise lumbar region. In this state, it is difficult to lean forward or simply step with your foot. Neurologist with osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine in acute form appoints bed rest. Additionally, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, injections and vitamin therapy are attributed.

When acute period ends, gymnastics and physiotherapy are added to the course of treatment. Which doctor treats osteochondrosis in the lumbar and can alleviate the patient's condition, if it does not help conservative treatment? Again, a manual therapist will come to the rescue!

Prevention of osteochondrosis

Even from childhood, it is necessary to pay attention to posture, so as not to miss the curvature of the spine. It is definitely worth doing exercise. It will help strengthen your back muscles. What kind of doctor is known to everyone for a long time. If you experience back pain, you need to urgently contact a specialist and undergo an examination.

Food should be rich and varied. Worth eating more products with calcium, magnesium, vitamins. Good to eat sea ​​fish, nuts, cottage cheese. Body weight should be normal. Overweight almost certainly lead to problems with the spine. People who spend a lot of time at the computer should properly organize their workplace. Be sure to take breaks, because a sedentary lifestyle has a very negative effect on the spine.

Osteochondrosis is a chronic degenerative-dystrophic pathology, during which the stages of remission alternate with painful exacerbations. Its danger lies in total absence symptoms at an early stage. Patients come with complaints of pain in the neck, chest, lower back already with severe damage to the cartilaginous intervertebral discs and vertebrae. Osteochondrosis at this stage can no longer be completely cured. Doctors recommend being fully examined by specialists when the first discomfort in the back appears, which is usually attributed to fatigue after a hard day's work or intense.

Osteochondrosis on MRI.

Which doctor treats cervical osteochondrosis - vertebrologist. In his absence in the state medical institution treated by a neurologist. But before starting treatment, you may need to consult other doctors. narrow specialization to exclude comorbidities. This is due to a variety of symptoms of osteochondrosis, masquerading as clinical manifestations other diseases.

Which doctors do patients visit?

Which doctor treats spinal osteochondrosis is absolutely unimportant to a person with its exacerbation. Sudden pain in the neck, chest, lower back is so piercing that he freezes in place, afraid to move and provoke a new attack. In such cases, it is necessary to call the ambulance team as soon as possible. The intensity of pain becomes the cause of swallowing disorders, therefore, analgesics in tablets cannot be used to relieve it, and ointments do not cope well with this task. The visiting doctor will give an intravenous or intramuscular injection, assess the patient's condition and, if necessary, hospitalize him for therapy in a hospital setting.

If osteochondrosis is just developing, but recurrent symptoms cause serious discomfort, then it is not advisable to postpone a visit to the hospital. When making an appointment with a doctor, people most often focus on localization pain. Therefore, it is necessary for physicians who are not involved in therapies of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system to diagnose osteochondrosis:

  • cardiologist. He is treated with, resembling an attack of angina pectoris or myocardial infarction. This is usually how thoracic osteochondrosis manifests itself at the stage of flattening of the intervertebral discs and increasing the distance between the vertebrae. When they protrude, the spinal roots are compressed, provoking the occurrence of acute or blunt, aching pains behind the sternum, in the side, back, intercostal space;

If you have chest pains, you should consult a cardiologist.

  • gastroenterologist. Also frequented by people with thoracic osteochondrosis 2 or 3 severity. Cause of pain in epigastric region becomes a disorder of innervation due to damage to nerve endings, the development of inflammatory edema of soft tissues, clamping bone growths(osteophytes) of blood vessels;

For pain in the epigastrium, visit a gastroenterologist.

  • urologist, gynecologist, mammologist. People with or chest osteochondrosis often make appointments with these doctors. Arising pains in the mammary glands or lower abdomen are taken by them as signs of urogenital pathologies or formed malignant, benign formations. Women may also complain about the lack of orgasm during intercourse, and men - a decrease in sexual desire. All these signs are complications of osteochondrosis.

Visit a urologist, gynecologist for pain in the lower abdomen.

People with cervical pathology suffer from different symptoms. Unaware of the development of osteochondrosis, which doctor to contact , they decide on specific features. Because of jumps blood pressure, they make an appointment with a cardiologist, and because of - a gastroenterologist. Tinnitus leads them to an otolaryngologist, and a decrease in visual acuity leads to an ophthalmologist. Violation of coordination of movement, frequent dizziness, insomnia make you turn to a neurologist, which becomes the most successful solution. It is this doctor who deals with the treatment of osteochondrosis.

Frequent dizziness is a reason to consult a neurologist.

Whatever specialist a person turns to, a profile disease should be excluded. X-ray examination will be carried out, and it is most informative in diagnosing the pathology of the musculoskeletal system. Any doctor, even one who does not treat osteochondrosis, is able to recognize it on the obtained images by deformed vertebrae and thinned intervertebral discs. The patient will still soon get to a specialist who will carry out the necessary therapy.

Which doctors treat the disease

Which doctor treats osteochondrosis depends on the staffing of the hospital staff. Therefore, a person with increased pain in the neck, chest, lower back most often makes an appointment with a therapist or family doctor. They have all the skills to diagnose pathology, and in the absence of highly specialized doctors, they treat osteochondrosis of 1 or 2 degrees of severity. Before starting therapy, a number of instrumental and laboratory studies are carried out:

  • radiography;
  • CT or MRI;
  • blood chemistry.

Osteochondrosis on x-ray.

Careful diagnostics is necessary to identify the stage of the course of the pathology and to establish its cause. After the detection of osteochondrosis, the patient is referred for further treatment to one of the following professionals:

  • vertebrologist. This doctor is thoroughly aware of the causal relationships of all pathologies of the spinal column with neurological symptoms. He will conduct additional diagnostic tests, and after studying them will be therapeutic regimen, including, physiotherapy, massage, exercise therapy. It is this doctor who treats cervical osteochondrosis, so no matter how intense discomfort, you should contact him;

Osteochondrosis is treated by a vertebrologist.

  • neurologist. A vertebrologist is not always on the staff of small hospitals settlements. In such cases, a neurologist (neuropathologist) is engaged in the treatment of patients with osteochondrosis of any localization. This doctor is engaged in the diagnosis, therapy and prevention of pathologies of the central and autonomic nervous system, diseases of the musculoskeletal system that affect the work of the central nervous system.

Which doctor should be consulted for patients with cervical osteochondrosis provoked by systemic pathologies - a rheumatologist. The disease may develop on the background chronic arthritis any etiology (rheumatoid, psoriatic, gouty). Treatment of osteochondrosis is carried out simultaneously with the main pathology that affects large and small joints in the human body.

A rheumatologist examines a patient with arthritis of the knee joint.

If there are suspicions about the endocrine or metabolic origin of the disease, then an examination by an endocrinologist will be required. Upon detection of violations of the functioning of the glands internal secretion he, in parallel with the vertebrologist or neurologist, will treat the patient.

Medical assistance during treatment and rehabilitation

For cervical, thoracic, and characterized by a variety of symptoms that can cause the development of another, no less serious illness. Some patients, especially women, often have neurological disorders. They suffer from psycho-emotional instability, restlessness, anxiety, apathy, insomnia, and sometimes depression. Such disorders are caused by information about the incurability of osteochondrosis or the news of the upcoming surgical operation. Patients require consultation with a psychotherapist or psychiatrist. The doctor prescribes drugs that stabilize the person's condition - tranquilizers, antipsychotics, antidepressants, sedatives.

With a strong displacement of the intervertebral discs or vertebrae, the patient may be referred to an osteopath. The doctor helps to eliminate neurological and vascular disorders mechanical action on the spinal column. The osteopath treats the pathology only with his hands, previously identifying the condition damaged structures. It restores discs or vertebrae in an anatomical correct position, performs manipulations to improve blood circulation in the diseased spine.

After cupping inflammatory processes V soft tissues, reducing the severity of pain, the rehabilitation period begins. The objectives of therapy at this stage are the complete elimination of symptoms and the prevention of destructive-degenerative changes in adjacent healthy discs and vertebrae. The patient is referred to a rehabilitation doctor, who develops a set of measures to restore the patient.

In large medical clinics There is rehabilitation centers, where physiotherapeutic procedures and massage, physiotherapy exercises are carried out. In smaller cities and towns, several specialists may be involved in the recovery of patients.

Restoration of joints and spine: exercise therapy in a rehabilitation center.

Who treats osteochondrosis, which doctor conducts rehabilitation of patients:

  • reflexologist. During rehabilitation uses the complex methodological techniques using non-drug, physical factors impact on certain point areas of the spine (acupuncture points). As a result, they activate physiological processes to improve blood circulation in connective tissue structures, regeneration of damaged soft tissues;

Acupuncture for osteochondrosis.

  • chiropractor. After carrying out medical procedures by a specialist, the condition of the entire musculoskeletal system improves. A chiropractor is engaged in dry and underwater spinal traction to increase the distance between damaged vertebrae and prevent their displacement. At the same time, the pinching of nerve endings is eliminated - the main cause of sharp piercing pains;

A chiropractor works only on certain points of the spine.

  • masseur. Conducts classical, acupressure or cupping massage, after studying the diagnosis and anamnesis of the patient. Healing procedures aimed at relieving the patient of muscle spasms, restoration of innervation, normalization of blood supply to tissues with nutrients and bioactive substances. After 5-10 massage sessions, the muscular corset of the back is strengthened, helping to keep the vertebrae in the correct position;

Massage for osteochondrosis.

  • physiotherapist. Laser therapy, UHF therapy, phonophoresis, electrophoresis are actively used at the stage of rehabilitation. The physiotherapist will choose a set of measures individually for each patient. Physical clinics also make applications with ozocerite, paraffin, bischofite. In the treatment of osteochondrosis, baths with mud, mineral waters are used;

Therapeutic baths for osteochondrosis.

  • physiotherapist. A patient with pathologies of the spine or joints at the stage of rehabilitation visits this specialist. Only regular exercise therapy will help to avoid the progression of osteochondrosis. Thanks to training, the muscle corset is strengthened, the supply of tissues improves nutrients, trace elements, minerals. Physiotherapist will make individual plan classes, monitor the correct implementation.

Physical therapy doctor - it is he who will make up your individual complex for classes.

Who treats osteochondrosis of 3 or 4 degrees of severity - only a surgeon. Conservative therapy in such cases is ineffective. The surgeon chooses the method of performing the operation, based on the stage of pathology, the degree of damage to the vertebral structures, and the patient's history. In the absence of contraindications, the patient is immediately prepared for invasive or minimally invasive surgery. Hernias are removed intervertebral disc and decompression spinal canal. Microdiscectomy, puncture valorization of the disc, its laser reconstruction or replacement with an implant, and stabilization of the vertebral segments are often performed.

This disease can be detected at any age, it appears due to a sedentary lifestyle, as well as various injuries. Treatment must be carried out immediately so that osteochondrosis does not turn into chronic form. Neck pain, back pain, heaviness in the back of the head are the first signs of this disease. If you notice at least one symptom, then you should consult a specialist.

The term "osteochondrosis" is often used only domestic doctors, European and American experts rarely use this definition in his medical practice. Osteochondrosis is a process of degenerative changes in the disc, which is located between the vertebrae. This disease can give some complications.


First you need to make an appointment with the local doctor, he will examine you and issue a referral to a neurologist who should deal with the problem of osteochondrosis. First you need to pass a few tests. Then the doctor must develop a treatment for the disease.

If there is a verbetologist in your clinic, then it is better to contact him. It is this doctor who deals with diseases that are associated with the spine. If this specialist you didn't find in free clinic, you can make an appointment at private clinic.

A chiropractor can also be involved in the treatment. This specialist must understand the anatomy of the spine and use his hands to determine deviations in the location of individual vertebrae. Physiotherapists may also be involved in the treatment. If osteochondrosis is detected on early stage, then you will be prescribed special exercises aimed at maintaining general health.

Physical training

During treatment, apart from conservative methods, a set of exercises that are designed to strengthen the muscular corset can be used. At the same time, it produces beautiful posture, as well as decompression nerve endings. These exercises have a positive effect on the circulatory system, and also greatly unload the spine. But it is important to perform a set of exercises under the supervision of a trainer so as not to aggravate the problem.

Massage is also effective in the treatment of osteochondrosis. But this must be done qualified specialist. However, massage should be avoided during an exacerbation of the disease. Massage is not advisable to do in the presence of inflammatory processes. It also has several contraindications, such as skin and blood diseases.

Which doctor treats cervical osteochondrosis? With all the diversity medical professionals with which one has to face during life, people cannot always immediately orient themselves with the answer to this question. This disease has a wide range possible symptoms Therefore, patients may have difficulty in choosing a specialized specialist.

How does osteochondrosis manifest itself?

With osteochondrosis of the cervical region, patients most often note:

  • drawing pains in the neck;
  • crunching when turning the head;
  • dizziness;
  • increased fatigue, especially seated life.

But sometimes the signs of the disease go beyond the usual, and a person cannot understand why vision is falling, eyes are quickly tired, or, for example, numbness and tingling are felt in the fingers. This is due to the infringement of the nerve roots located next to the cervical vertebrae.

A separate line marks the cardiac group of symptoms: with osteochondrosis, pain in the area may occur. At the same time, heart attacks and very real violations are observed. heart rate. The combination of these symptoms is very scary for the patient, but the cardiogram and other profile examinations most often do not reveal any cardiac pathology.

Where to go for neck pain?

Narrow specialists are involved in the treatment of spinal problems, to the extent that the choice of a doctor may depend on the localization of the disease: whether it is the cervical, thoracic or lumbar region. A neurologist works with osteochondrosis of the cervical region. This direction has been relatively recently singled out as an independent specialty: previously patients with similar symptoms referred to a neurologist, but today it is the neurologist who deals with the correction of neurological problems associated with disruption of the central nervous system.

Of course, if the patient experiences symptoms that are atypical for themselves and does not know what may be the cause of their occurrence, it is better to contact the local therapist. Taking an anamnesis and analyzing symptoms will indicate the direction further diagnosis, it will depend on which specialist the patient will be referred for treatment.

A neurologist examines the symptoms, assesses the patient's condition and, based on the data obtained, prescribes treatment and / or additional examinations.

To clarify the diagnosis, a person can get a referral to a radiologist, an MRI or CT specialist, and other diagnostic doctors.

Which doctors treat osteochondrosis of the neck?

The answer to the question of who treats osteochondrosis of the cervical spine in each case will depend on the severity of the condition and the examination data. First of all, treatment should be aimed at relieving pain and restoring damaged tissues. It can be both conservative - massage, exercise therapy - and medication.

At timely handling may be sufficient for treatment. physiotherapy exercises. This is done by a physiotherapist, who will prescribe the type, amount and frequency of necessary exercises and procedures. It can also help here manual therapy: V mild form osteochondrosis can be cured by massage under the guidance of an appropriate specialist.

In the acute form of the disease, cervical osteochondrosis is treated by a vertebroneurologist - a narrow specialist who will assess the severity of the condition and prescribe the appropriate complex treatment: massage, gymnastics, etc.

If the above methods do not bring the expected result, there is only one way out - surgical intervention. This happens when osteochondrosis significantly affects the functioning of internal organs: the heart, lungs, kidneys, etc. The surgeon or neurosurgeon carefully examines the patient and, if necessary, prescribes an operation.

In addition to the specialists described above, there is also a doctor who can deal with the causes of this disease. An osteopath is a doctor who performs a gentle manual examination of the affected area of ​​the spine. He can point to the exact causes of the symptoms that arise and, by acting on certain points, relieve the severity of the manifestations of the disease.

How to protect yourself from severe osteochondrosis?

Among the causes of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, the following are distinguished:

  • excess weight;
  • violations metabolic processes in organism;
  • history of trauma;
  • hereditary tendency;
  • sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity.

In order not to bring the situation to the point of urgent need to go to the doctor, try to minimize the above risk factors: watch your weight, compensate for sedentary work physical activity and observe basic principles healthy food.

If the symptoms become obsessive and you cannot relieve them yourself, visit your doctor as soon as possible: timely start of diagnosis and treatment with more likely will give a positive result.