If the husband shoots quickly. Useful video: short sexual intercourse: rapid fire or time saving? The husband quickly shot, what to do, who is to blame

The nickname “quick shooter” is colloquially given to men who are unable to have prolonged sexual intercourse and ejaculate quite quickly. To deal with such a problem, there are different methods.

The nickname “quick shooter” is colloquially given to men who are unable to have prolonged sexual intercourse

Probably every man dreams of prolonged caresses, but this delicate problem limits his pleasure. In this article we will talk about rapid fire, how to deal with it, and all you have to do is choose the best method for yourself.

What are the ways to solve the problem if a man shoots quickly? And in general, why do we need to fight this disaster?

The fact is that women need more time to achieve orgasm; according to research, men need 3-6 minutes. For statistics, this is a completely normal duration of sexual intercourse.

But this time is not enough for the female body. Due to the fact that the guy cums quickly, the couple's intimate relationship declines. Subsequently, constant sexual problems can lead to more negative phenomena: the partners’ level of self-esteem decreases, quarrels arise, and eventually the couple breaks up.

Depending on what exactly caused such consequences, there are various options for dealing with rapid ejaculation.

​​​Why does sexual intercourse last so little?

Let's look at the most common causes of this problem.

Often, girls who have relationships with young men look for ways to combat a guy’s rate of fire. Young men do not yet have much sexual experience, so they are characterized by high excitability, which leads to rapid ejaculation, but over time the problem goes away on its own.

Constant abstinence and the presence of different partners reduce the duration of sexual intercourse. In addition, psychological factors cannot be ruled out: fear and lack of self-confidence can lead to rapid ejaculation. Doctors are of the opinion that in some cases this problem appears due to hereditary characteristics or individual characteristics of the structure of the penis.

Important! Particular attention should be paid to the situation when a mature man with a wealth of sexual experience has rapid ejaculation. Often this phenomenon is caused by hormonal imbalance or the presence of inflammation in the reproductive organs.

Short sexual intercourse in a man may be due to a lack of important components in the body, as well as the use of a number of medications.

Ways to solve the problem

If a guy shoots quickly, how to deal with it? Most often, if a problem arises in a young person, it is caused by a psychological factor. To correct this deficiency, you need to get rid of all negative psychological causes. These include:

  • fear of unsuccessful sexual intercourse;
  • presence of depression, chronic fatigue.

Important! Psychological problems can develop in men who have used masturbation or extreme types of sexual intercourse. Because of this, the minimum duration of sex becomes habitual for the body.

Sometimes, in order to correct rapid fire, the services of a qualified psychologist or psychotherapist are required. But we must not forget that the correct behavior of a partner can have a fairly strong positive impact on a man. A woman can and should help a man get rid of self-doubt and create normal sexual relationships.

If the problem is due to various diseases, then you need to go to the doctor to find out the reason for short sexual intercourse. Usually, after a course of treatment, the sex life of partners becomes much better.

There are situations when premature ejaculation is caused by the fact that the man has too high sensitivity head of the genital organ. Then medications can help correct this disease.

Components similar medications are substances that cause nerve endings function slower Because of this sensitivity the head decreases, and the duration of sexual intercourse increases. The tablets begin to have an active effect on the body 6-10 hours after consumption.

To combat rapid ejaculation, local remedies in the form of lubricants and sprays are also used. Take such drugs several hours before sexual intercourse. The main component of these products are freezing substances, which make the sensitivity of the penis lower. In this case, sexual intercourse lasts about 60 minutes.

Important! Pharmacies offer customers contraceptives containing an anesthetic lubricant. If you use these condoms, be sure to wipe the outside of them and add silicone lubricant. Otherwise, the anesthetic may get on the vaginal walls, and the woman’s sensitivity will also decrease.

If the situation becomes extremely serious, then surgery is resorted to. The man has his foreskin cut off or the glans penis is denervated.

Alternative medicine knows a wide range of recipes and herbs that can increase the duration of sexual intercourse.

To some extent, tinctures made from hop cones, motherwort, and oak bark help. You can brew various herbs instead of tea.

Every day a man needs to consume up to 15 mg of zinc. This component is essential in the male body and affects the duration of sexual intercourse. Peanuts, chocolate, and chicken eggs contain quite a lot of zinc.

Every day a man needs to consume up to 15 mg of zinc

Eliminate fatty, spicy and smoked foods from your diet. The consumption of alcohol-containing drinks should also be reduced, and it is best to completely abandon them.

Exercises to prolong sexual intercourse

If a representative of the stronger half of the population is quick in sexual relations, then physical activity will help cure this problem. There are several techniques whose main goal is to develop ejaculation control.

Performing the exercise in compression technology considered the most effective technique. Before the final moment associated with the peak of pleasure, it is necessary to squeeze the head of the penis for 15-20 seconds, and this will reduce arousal. If you perform several such compressions during intercourse, you will significantly increase the time of intimacy.

Another technique based on sequential stimulation of the male organ and stopping before ejaculation.

You need to learn to avoid the final moment of sexual intercourse for 10-15 minutes, and after 2 months of performing this technique you will be able to control the time of intimacy.

You can prolong sexual intercourse by following certain actions:

  1. A condom reduces the sensitivity of the male genital organ. When used during sex, you will increase its duration.
  2. During intimacy, a man needs to switch his attention for a short period of time until a decrease in arousal occurs, and then resume forward movements again.
  3. Masturbation will help you increase the duration.
  4. A woman needs more time to reach the peak of pleasure, so a man needs to begin sexual intercourse when she reaches strong arousal. This will increase the chances of having a simultaneous orgasm.

Currently, there are quite a few methods for treating rapid fire. Once you find out the cause of this problem and select the right technique, you will forget about it forever.


It is worth paying attention to such a drug as Dapoxetine. These are tablets with the active ingredient dapoxetine, which can prolong sexual intercourse for up to 3 hours. Clinical studies conducted in 22 countries in 2009 showed that this drug actually prolongs intercourse. The study involved more than 1,000 men over 18 years of age with an ejaculation time of less than 2 minutes. For 3 months they took Dapoxetine at a dosage of 60 mg. The results amazed even experts.

Important! After the first dose of the drug, the time to orgasm increased by 300%. After a course of treatment, 90% of those studied increased the time period of intimate intimacy on an ongoing basis.

This problem can also be treated with surgery. The essence of the method is to influence the nerve endings that are responsible for the sensitivity of the penis. There are no contraindications identified for this operation. However, the basis for using this method is considered to be the ineffectiveness of therapeutic measures.

A short frenulum may also be an indication for surgical intervention. For this reason, rapid ejaculation also occurs.

To clarify this delicate problem, men need to contact a specialist.


So, we learned what to do if a man shoots quickly. Short intercourse is not a disease, and in most cases this problem is easily eliminated. The sooner the causes are identified and treatment is selected, the faster you and your partner will receive long-term pleasure.

In colloquial speech, men who reach orgasm very quickly are given the rather unpleasant nickname “quick shooter.” How to deal with this? There are a lot of ways, the main thing is to choose the most effective one for yourself.

Most men reach orgasm approximately 3-6 minutes after the start of coitus. This time is considered the normal duration of sexual intercourse. However, according to studies, this duration is not enough for the vast majority of women. What can we say about shorter intimacy...

As a result, the quality of sex deteriorates significantly. Over time, regular dissatisfaction can lead to even greater sexual problems, cause a decrease in self-esteem, conflicts and even a break in relationships.

There are several solutions to this problem, depending on what caused it.

Reasons for the rate of fire in guys

Let us dwell in more detail on the most common factors that cause the onset of the final stage too quickly in men.

Young people who are just starting their sexual life experience increased excitability. Most often, the problem resolves itself over time.

It is worth remembering that regular long-term abstinence and frequent changes of partners do not contribute to an increase. Self-doubt, fear of failure and other psychological problems can lead to premature ejaculation. Experts believe that sometimes the cause is heredity or physiological characteristics of the genital organ.

Particular attention is necessary if problems arise in an adult and experienced man. Most often they are a consequence of hormonal imbalance or in the organs of the genitourinary system.

Fatigue and a lack of certain essential microelements and vitamins or taking certain medications can also lead to a decrease in the duration of sexual intercourse.

The guy finishes quickly - what to do?

What to do if the guy shoots quickly? As a rule, in most young men the disorder is predominantly psychological in nature. To change your sex life for the better, you need to eliminate all psychological problems: fear of failure with your partner, depression, stress.

Certain mental disorders can also be observed in those men who practiced masturbation or extreme sex. The fear of being caught leads to the fact that the minimum duration of sexual intercourse becomes the norm.

In such cases, you may need the help of a professional psychologist or psychotherapist. The partner’s behavior can also play a positive role in solving psychological problems. An understanding woman is able to give a man self-confidence and overcome all difficulties together with him.

In cases where the reason for the decrease in the duration of sexual intercourse is a man’s health problems, you should contact a specialist and undergo the necessary examination. As a rule, after successful treatment, sexual life returns to its previous course.

How to treat rapid fire and find happiness

The use of medications gives a good effect if the partner or husband shoots quickly due to increased sensitivity of the head of the genital organ. These drugs contain substances that slow down the functioning of nerve endings. Due to this, sensitivity is partially reduced and it takes longer to achieve orgasm. The effect after taking the tablets occurs within half an hour and lasts from 6 to 10 hours.

For this purpose, you can use topical medications - Stud 5000 spray. It is sprayed 15 minutes before sexual intercourse. The main active ingredients of such drugs are anesthetics, which reduce sensitivity. The duration of the effect in this case lasts up to an hour.

In pharmacies you can find condoms already coated with anesthetic lubricant. Only after inflation, we advise you to wipe the outside of the condom and apply regular silicone lubricant so as not to reduce the sensitivity of the vagina

In the most extreme cases, surgical treatment may be used: circumcision of the foreskin or denervation of the glans penis.

Women with quick-shooting husbands can try to prolong sexual intercourse by changing the man's diet and various herbal teas. Traditional medicine knows many herbs with properties that can reduce arousal and sensitivity of a partner.

Infusions and decoctions of hop cones, motherwort, and oak bark have a certain sedative effect. As tea, you can brew raspberry and currant leaves, calendula flowers, St. John's wort and oregano.

A man should also get up to 15 mg of zinc every day. This microelement affects the duration of intimate relationships. The foods richest in zinc include peanuts, watermelon and pumpkin seeds, chocolate, liver, fresh eggs, legumes and wheat germ.

It is also worth removing from the diet too fatty and spicy foods, smoked foods, and limiting the amount of alcoholic beverages consumed.

Exercises to prolong sex

If a man is quick at sex, certain exercises can help him. Several techniques are known, the main task of which is to develop the ability to control ejaculation.

The compression technique is considered one of the most effective. Its essence is to squeeze the head of the genital organ for 15-20 seconds before the onset of orgasm and reduce arousal. Several such short breaks will help significantly prolong sexual intercourse.

Another method is based on successive stimulation of the penis and stopping just before the end. You need to learn to prevent orgasm for at least 10-15 minutes. After just 1.5-2 months of exercise, you can learn to control the duration of sexual intercourse.

Some simple rules will also help slow down the onset of the denouement:

  • Everyone knows that sensitivity can be reduced by using a condom. It is enough to use this remedy, and the duration of sexual intercourse will increase.
  • During intimacy, a man with problems with premature ejaculation is recommended to stop briefly and switch his attention until the excitement partially subsides, and then resume friction again.
  • Even in men with very rapid ejaculation, repeated sexual intercourse lasts longer than the first. Preliminary masturbation will help prolong sexual relations with a woman.
  • Keeping in mind that a woman needs more time to reach orgasm, a man should begin intercourse only after she is sufficiently aroused. This will greatly increase the likelihood of simultaneous satisfaction.

Enough. By establishing the cause of the disorder and choosing the most effective one, you can forget about the problem forever.

Some young people face such a problem as the rate of fire. This is when the duration of the first sexual intercourse does not exceed 2-3 minutes. This problem prevents guys from living, as girls remain unsatisfied. There are so many ways to solve this problem. The main thing is to find out why the young man became a rapid fire fighter.

Signs of a rapid fire

First of all, it is necessary to judge the guy’s rate of fire based on the following criteria:

  1. Duration of first sexual intercourse. If it is less than 3 minutes, this indicates that your body is ejecting seminal fluid too quickly.
  2. This problem repeats itself with different women. Of course, it happens that your sexual intercourse is short with only one woman. However, if this happens constantly, you need to seriously think about this issue.
  3. After intimacy with you, the girl remains dissatisfied. 2-3 minutes of sex is not enough for her to get at least minimal pleasure. Of course, the girl may not tell you about this. However, if you understand people, you will understand that she is dissatisfied.
  4. After such a situation, both partners experience psychological stress. A stream of unpleasant thoughts makes the guy constantly think about his problem. During the next intercourse, he thinks about how to last longer, but everything happens according to the law of meanness, and it ends after 4-5 minutes.

Reasons for speed

Such a phenomenon as rate of fire has natural and psychological reasons:

How to deal with it

Many men are interested in how to stop being a quick shooter. To solve this problem it is necessary to make a lot of effort. Most often, there are several reasons at the root of this problem. Therefore, to guarantee its solution, you need to change your lifestyle:

Expectation of sexual failure

Most often, the reason for the rate of fire is psychological in nature.. The point is that some unpleasant events can stick tightly in a person’s head for a long time. And constant thoughts about these events interfere with normal life. For example, a man hasn’t had sex for a long time and decides to fix it. He started a relationship with a girl and started having sex with her. However, due to prolonged abstinence, sexual intercourse was very quick. The girl could have reacted negatively to this, for example, asking the man why everything went so quickly. Naturally, this hit a man’s pride hard and caused a lot of stress.

All negative thoughts have a habit of unwinding. That is, after an unpleasant situation, a person can continue to think about it, talk about various options for the development of events. The constant thought of possible failure creates a fear in a man of a quick sexual act. This can develop into a syndrome of anxious anticipation of sexual failure. Before each intimate relationship with a new woman, a man will constantly think that everything will pass very quickly. Thoughts are material, and therefore a man will receive exactly what he constantly thinks about.

You can get out of this situation in the following way:

  1. Visit a psychotherapist and sexologist.
  2. Learn to control your emotions.
  3. Find a girl for a permanent relationship, and warn her about your problem.

If you do not know how to control your emotions, it is better to turn to specialists. They will give you practical recommendations to solve this problem. Of course, there is a lot of advice on this topic on the Internet. However, help will be more effective with a confidential conversation with a doctor.

One of the main qualities of a man is the ability to control his emotions. So, now is the time to learn how to do this and solve the problem with premature ejaculation. It is necessary to accept the situation as it is and come to terms with it. You can't change it right now, so there's no point in worrying. Try to direct your thoughts in the right direction, for example, to doing something you love or to work. And after some time, try to have sex with your girlfriend again.

If negative thoughts overwhelm you and you feel that you can’t solve this problem on your own, you can use condoms with a prolonging effect. Of course, you can't use them all the time, as they can become addictive, and then you won't be able to have sex with regular condoms.

You can use contraceptives with a prolonging effect for a week, and then gradually replace them with regular ones. This will create in your mind the idea that you are capable of having sex for quite a long time, and there will be no expectation of sexual failure.

A very good option is to find yourself an adequate girl for a permanent relationship. When you have a close relationship, you can tell her about your problem. If she loves and appreciates you, the duration of sex will not be her main criterion in a relationship. And after a few weeks, you will be able to have sex for much longer.

Techniques to prolong sex

So that you never again have the question of how to get rid of the rate of fire in men, you need to master the following techniques:

Exercises for fast-firing men

To get rid of premature ejaculations, you need to perform the following exercises:

  1. While satisfying yourself, it is necessary to delay ejaculation. That is, when you feel that orgasm is approaching, you need to grab the penis at the bottom of the head so that the seminal fluid does not flow out. Next, you need to wait until the erection weakens and continue the back-and-forth movements. You need to repeat this action 3-4 times, and then you can allow yourself to have fun.
  2. Train your pubococcygeus muscle. The easiest way to feel it is to stop the flow of urine during the period when a man goes to the toilet “little by little.” Once you have felt it, you can begin to strain it. One repetition should take you 3 seconds: 2 for tension, and 1 for relaxation. You need to do this exercise for 5 minutes, 2 times a day - after waking up and before going to bed.
  3. Any exercise that involves the activity of the hip joint: running, squats, jumping, cycling. These exercises strengthen the pubococcygeus muscle and improve blood circulation in the pelvic area. With their help, you can not only prolong sexual intercourse, but also improve potency.

There are many ways to cure rate of fire. In any case, you need to show willpower and be patient, and then the question of what to do if a man shoots quickly will never bother you.

The male body is very interesting and unique, no matter how you look at it! It happens that he torments his partner for an hour, and cannot finish in any way, but it happens the other way around. Both cases are very sad, no matter how you look at them.

Premature ejaculation occurs in approximately every fifth man. While their partners are just gaining flight altitude and preparing for pleasure, they are already quickly approaching the landing. Bottom line: only one person has an orgasm. How to deal with such a problem?

What to do if you are a quick shooter? This question plagues every 5th man in our population. Let's start with the fact that we need to identify the cause, and then look for options to solve this issue.


1. Psychological

Psychological reasons lie not only in the head, as is popularly believed, but also in the degree of overexcitation. It happens that a woman causes such a storm of fantasies in a man’s head that he just needs to touch her body, trying to play and arrange, if not a long, but foreplay, as ejaculation immediately occurs.

Here a big role is played by appearance, the vibes that it emits, and the ability to manipulate and play with a partner. There are very few such girls, but if you come across it, then that’s all, write “lost.”

In this case, it is recommended to reduce all contact before sex to a minimum, eliminate foreplay, or masturbate before sex with your partner. In the latter case, there is no need to roll your eyes and be embarrassed. It’s better than scaring off your “golden bird” with a quick shot from a semi-automatic machine.

2. Physiological

In this case we are talking about the super sensitive head of the penis. You can fight this, and very successfully, if you have patience.

To begin with, it is recommended to use condoms, not ultra thin ones, but thicker ones, akin to a medical glove. And don't think that a thick condom can deprive you of all sensations. For an ordinary man, such a condom will not bring anything good, but for a rapid-fire guy, it’s just what you need.

Another option is the use of special lubricants, anesthetic lubricants, which can reduce sensitivity.

There is also a great way to reduce sensitivity by using a terry towel. After water procedures, you should open the head and gently wipe it with a towel for at least a couple of minutes. The procedure is not pleasant, but with regular use, the sensitivity of the head is lost, and sex becomes longer.

Further, distraction from sexual intercourse helps many. While doing your job, try to mentally switch from your partner to everyday issues. Think about work, a strict boss, unfinished business, about your mother-in-law, in the end. This technique is weakly effective, but nevertheless can prolong sexual intercourse by 30-60 seconds, which is sometimes enough.

A quick shooter is a man who ejaculates very quickly. Such a nickname is not only offensive to any representative of the stronger half of humanity, but in some cases it also poses serious problems with men’s health. According to statistics, a woman needs about 8 minutes from the start of caresses to orgasm, a man – 3–5. For longer contact, men need to constantly train, master various techniques in order to know how not to become a quick shooter.

"Rate of fire" criteria

Premature ejaculation in quick shooters occurs a maximum of a couple of minutes after the start of foreplay (caresses, kisses), sometimes it happens after two to three seconds. Of course, this does not suit the partner of such a fast-firing man, and it also causes him a lot of unpleasant moments and psychological discomfort. This leads to discord in the couple's life. Many people are looking for an answer to the question: My husband has a rapid fire, what should I do? A man is angry at the whole world, accumulates grievances, is embarrassed, does not want to have sex, especially if his partner ridiculed him. The woman is also angry because sex with a speedster is not fun, and a man often does not want to solve his problem.

Considering the question: how long does it take to shoot quickly, experts have determined that a guy is considered a quick shooter if ejaculation occurs before 3 minutes. Pathology includes a condition when ejaculation occurs within a minute. In this case, a diagnosis of “premature ejaculation” is made.

A man should know how to understand that you are a quick shooter. There are main signs for this:

  • premature ejaculation happens all the time with a regular or with several one-day partners;
  • intimacy ends 1–2 minutes after the start;
  • the girl remains unsatisfied after sex;
  • tension arises between partners as a result of dissatisfaction.

If most of the above symptoms are present, you need to find out the cause of their occurrence. P Aren Skorostrel is forced to terminate sexual intercourse prematurely due to his problem, which significantly limits the time for him and his sexual partner to receive pleasure, which undoubtedly affects the couple’s relationship. A delicate problem requires a solution, otherwise a vicious circle will close.

Factors that provoke premature ejaculation

Modern sexologists identify many reasons why a man shoots quickly. It all depends on the age, sexual experience of the man, the newness of the relationship, and the sexual activity of the partners. Sometimes the reason for rapid sexual intercourse is a serious illness.

A young man who has sex for the first time usually ejaculates quickly. There is no point in worrying about this or thinking about what to do if you are a fast shooter at 16–20 years old. After several sexual acts, the quick shooter will become an excellent sexual partner, capable of controlling his body. In this matter, the main thing is practice and everything will work out.

Psychological aspects of problems with premature ejaculation

Men are very jealous of their sexual power, so their psychological state plays a big role in the occurrence of problems with rapid ejaculation. After a fiasco, not many people can admit to themselves “I’m a quick shooter,” decide what to do, how to correct the situation. Basic psychological problems that provoke early ejaculation:

  1. Fear of embarrassing yourself in front of a new partner. According to statistics, this is the main reason why the guy shoots quickly. Every second man is afraid that nothing will work out with his new passion in bed. If this happens, then an understanding girl will react correctly and try to calm her partner down. After some time you can repeat it again.
  2. Stressful anticipation of failure. Some men think that a quick shooter is someone who has physical problems. But the reason may be tension associated with a sad past of sexual contact, inexperience of the partner, excessive excitability due to young age or temperament, prolonged absence of sexual contact with a woman, frequent masturbation with a hasty and impatient release of sexual tension. As a result, a rapid ejaculation reflex is developed. The guy diagnoses himself as “I’m a quick shooter.” Fear of a new partner, to whom you want to seem like a skilled master of sexual pleasures. But this only creates unnecessary tension, panic, and as a result you can be left with the status of a bed loser and incompetent.
  3. Depressive psychological mood. This can happen if a man has one or more premature ejaculations. He begins to set himself up for negativity, worries even more, panics, and as a result fails again if he does decide to have sexual contact. In this case, the question of how to get rid of the rate of fire in men can only be solved by a competent sexologist or psychotherapist or psychologist.

Medical factors

Sometimes the early onset of orgasm in a man is provoked by medical problems. These include:

  1. Genetic factor. Experts suggest that rapid ejaculation can be inherited from close male relatives and is caused by anomalies or characteristics of the genital organs. This is why rapid fire can appear in several generations of men of the same family.
  2. Hypersensitivity of the head of the penis. This problem is typical for young people just starting sexual activity. Rapid fire treatment is not required. After several sexual intercourses, the skin of the head becomes rougher and the problem disappears.
  3. Hormonal imbalance. At a young age, when hormones are raging, early ejaculation occurs quite often. This can last up to 17, sometimes up to 25 years, until the young person gains experience. If problems with hormones are observed in a mature man, it is necessary to be examined for the presence of pathologies of the thyroid gland and dysfunction of the pituitary gland. And also be checked by an endocrinologist for the level of male hormones in the blood and the stability of hormonal levels. There may be an endocrinological disease, due to which the man has become a quick shooter in bed. How to treat it should be decided by a specialist.
  4. Short bridle. It provokes rapid intense sexual sensations. Such a congenital anomaly can be eliminated only after consultation with a specialist.
  5. Diseases of the genitourinary system. With sexually transmitted diseases or inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system, some men begin to ejaculate too quickly. In this case, the question of how to treat rapid fire should be resolved with the doctor who will prescribe therapy.
  6. Bad habits. Experienced smokers risk learning from their own experience. Problems with rapid ejaculation often occur among those who are addicted to alcohol and drugs.
  7. Avitaminosis. Often, if a man shoots quickly, this means that his problems with premature ejaculation are associated with a deficiency of vitamins in the body, in particular magnesium. It is necessary to include steamed meat, cereals, fish and seafood, herbs, sour cream and other lactic acid products, and fruits in your diet. It is better to avoid salty, fried, fatty, smoked foods.
  8. Erection problems. Erectile dysfunction forces a man to finish everything faster while the organ is in working condition.
  9. Injuries to the lumbar region, spine, coccyx, inguinal and vertebral hernias.

Exercises to prolong sexual intercourse

Rapid fire in bed - it sounds offensive and unpleasant, but you can cope with such a problem, you just need to find out the cause of the unpleasant condition.

Some men benefit from special exercises for prolonging sexual intercourse, which solve the problem of how not to be a quick shooter:

  1. An exercise with a self-explanatory name “stop-start”. Urologist James Simons' technique is effective if a guy shoots quickly and wants to know how to fix it. The exercise is that during sex, as soon as you feel that an orgasm is about to come, you need to concentrate as much as possible and try to hold back ejaculation through force. Of course, you may not succeed the first time, but you need to try and train hard. It usually takes 5-10 weeks of regular sex to achieve lasting results. If the husband is not satisfied with the rapid fire, but the wife understands the whole situation and tries to help, you can ask her to do something during sex. As soon as she feels that the penis is very tense, the partner’s breathing has quickened, she must stop his friction, wait, and then continue the movements again.
  2. Self-satisfaction. If you don’t want to constantly upset your partner by showing what rapid fire is in men, you can train yourself by masturbating. During penis stimulation, just before ejaculation, you should stop, wait a couple of minutes, no matter how much you want to finish, then continue again. How do you know if you're a fast shooter or not? A good result is considered if you manage to stimulate the penis three times for 10–15 minutes each and do not reach a discharge. When you can easily stimulate the penis for 10–15 minutes, then before finishing you should not abruptly interrupt the act, but try to slow down the movement. It's difficult, but the more a man trains, the easier it will be to restrain himself during sex with a woman.
  3. Squeezing. A fairly effective technique in solving the question of how to stop being a quick fire in bed. It is best to practice it during masturbation. Before ejaculation occurs, you need to grab the base of the penis with one hand, and with the other, find the vein near the frenulum (it begins to contract before ejaculation) and begin to squeeze it on one side with your thumb, and on the other with your index and middle fingers. The arms should not move otherwise this will lead to a quick finish. You need to hold the penis in this state, pressing on it with medium intensity for 15 seconds. As soon as the vein stops contracting intensely, you can release the penis.
  4. Distraction technique. The next method of solving the problem of how to cure rate of fire in men at home will require the help of a sexual partner. As soon as she feels that the man is approaching climax, she needs to start pinching and biting him on different parts of the body, not in the intimate area. You can bite your earlobe, lips, scratch your back with your nails. The essence of the method is to divert attention from the penis area and transfer energy from the pelvic area. This will delay the discharge and solve the question of how to stop being a rapid fire.
  5. Breathing exercises. Breathing control helps a lot with the question, if a guy shoots quickly, how to fix it. The main mistake of rapid fire is intense breathing. The more often a man breathes, the faster he comes to the finish line. You need to learn to breathe evenly during sex. As soon as your breathing begins to quicken, you need to take a deep breath, then pause and take a deep breath again. This technique is similar to breathing during meditation. And everything goes calmly, smoothly, thoughts of quick ejaculation disappear, everything is seen as if from the outside.
  6. Psychological trick “a thousand times.” A psychological solution to the problem of what to do if the shooter ends quickly. In his head, a man must set the task of performing a thousand frictions, and only after that allow himself to finish. You need to constantly keep score in your head and not be distracted by anything. For many men, it’s easier to hold on for a long time, and a thousand movements are enough for a woman to experience an orgasm.

There are a number of effective tips on how not to be quick-firing. Here are some of them:

  • Do not hurry.

If a man shoots quickly, it is necessary to take intentional pauses during sex. After the first friction, stop and listen to your feelings. If the moment of climax is not in sight, you can continue, but slowly. If a wave of pleasure is approaching, you should stop and wait until it subsides. Sometimes it's better to take your penis out of your partner and wait it out.

  • Move slowly.

Another quick-fire tip on how to make sexual intercourse last. A common mistake in sex among men is excessive haste. It is this that leads to the rapid completion of sexual intercourse. Men are in a hurry for various reasons. More often, such a stereotype is imposed by adult films (for adults). Sometimes the rush occurs because of the fear that someone will come in, knock, or call.

In this case, if the husband shoots quickly, the solution to the question of how to deal with this comes down to taking measures to eliminate the reasons that caused the haste. It is worth understanding that in films much is exaggerated and aimed at attracting the viewer. It’s unlikely that anyone would want to watch a movie where a guy makes sluggish thrusts during sex. It’s much more interesting to watch a sexy macho man moving at a frantic rhythm while his partner is exhausted from pleasure. You shouldn’t take these films as a guide to action, and then think that my boyfriend is quick on how to fix our sex life.

In fact, you need to do everything twice as slow as it is shown in the movies. If the rush is due to the fear of someone’s intervention, you need to choose the right time for sex, when the risk of intrusion from relatives, friends, nosy neighbors is minimal, a comfortable and safe place, turn off phones and computers. In general, create an atmosphere of calm and relaxation so that the rapid shooter finishes as late as possible.

  • Choose the right pose.

If the husband is a quick shooter, the missionary position is absolutely not suitable, in it he cums very quickly. The most suitable position for training is the position of the girl on top. At the same time, the partner holds her by the buttocks, controlling the tempo, rhythm, and speed of friction.

  • Practice constantly.

During a long break in a relationship, you need to constantly train alone with yourself. If you don't masturbate, then the first time after a long absence of practice can quickly end. During self-satisfaction, you should try to delay the finish by pausing, breathing deeply and slowly continuing the process. And then the girl will never say that my boyfriend was a quick shooter.

  • Perform physical exercises for the lower abs and pelvis.

To prolong sexual intercourse, you need to keep your muscles toned. This definitely needs to be explained if a guy shoots quickly. It is preferable to perform the exercises “bicycle”, “boat”, and running.

  • Start a long-term relationship with one partner.

If a girl is alone, then trust, mutual understanding, and comfort when having sex are born. Getting used to the body of a loved one gradually reduces excitability and, therefore, does not contribute to the speedy cumming. Sex in a stable couple is regular, which also helps to increase sexual intercourse.

  • Before sex, you should empty your bladder.

This will reduce the pressure on the prostate and speed up sex.

  • You can masturbate before sex.

Another way to solve the question of what to do if the guy shoots quickly. It works well for young, inexperienced lovers, as after a few minutes they are ready to fight again.

  • Choose condoms that are not ultra-thin, but have spikes and tendrils.

They are made of thick latex and reduce the sensitivity of men, rapid-fire sex becomes longer, and at the same time they stimulate the woman well, which helps to simultaneously achieve orgasm.

  • Apply lubricant with anesthetic.

A simple but effective way to solve the problem of what to do if you are a rapid shooter. Lubricant is applied a few minutes before sex and washed off before penetration. You can apply lubricant under a condom or buy a special one.

  • Circumcision.

A radical solution to the problem of how to treat rate of fire in men. After it, the head of the penis is exposed, which begins to rub against the underwear and becomes rough, which reduces sensitivity.

  • Medicines.

If a man shoots quickly, to solve the problem of how to deal with this, there are special drugs that slow down the conduction of nerve endings. As a result of taking them, the sensitivity of the head decreases and it takes longer to achieve orgasm. The tablets begin to act after half an hour, the effect lasts 6-10 hours.

One of the most effective drugs that allows you to forget what rapid fire means is Dapoxetine. It prolongs the time of sexual intercourse and allows a man to control the process of ejaculation. Dapoxetine begins to have an effect approximately an hour after taking it, and the duration of the effect lasts for 12 hours.

Receives good reviews and the drug Super P-force, which includes Viagra and Dapoxetine. It helps increase the duration of sex and eliminates erectile dysfunction.

Among men who consider themselves quick shooters and are deciding how to deal with it, a spray based on Lidocaine is popular. This substance acts as an anesthetic; it reduces the sensitivity of the penis, thereby increasing the duration of sexual intercourse. WITH The most famous is Stud 5000, the action of which begins 15 minutes after application and lasts 40 minutes.

Another a popular spray is Longinex, which consists only of natural ingredients. The duration of sexual intercourse is achieved due to the content of peppermint oil, which relieves spasm of the spermatic cord, thereby promoting the prolongation of sexual intercourse.

If a boyfriend or husband shoots quickly, the problem of how to deal with this at home is solved by some folk remedies. Decoctions and infusions of lovage, mint, rose hips, motherwort, and rose hips help in this matter. But you should definitely consult a doctor before using herbs, they can provoke allergic reactions or other adverse reactions.

If a premature climax occurs due to inexperience, there is nothing to worry about, the question of what to do if the guy is a quick shooter is not even considered. With constant practice and a good attitude from your partner, the problem will go away on its own. If, after the first rapid-fire, the girl treated the guy tactlessly, ridiculed him or called him this word “quick-firing,” he may need the help of a sexologist-psychologist, otherwise his lack of self-confidence and fear of disgracing himself again with a new partner will lead to his refusal to have relationships with women.

The rate of fire in men is a delicate problem that makes both the man and his partner suffer. But this problem can be solved. It is only important that the man himself admits that I am a quick shooter and want to know how to get rid of it, but here a lot depends on the woman. There is no need to accumulate resentment against your husband, who is a rapid firer; it is more important to tactfully explain how easy it is to find a solution, to help with this, and there are a lot of ways to reduce the rate of fire.

Of course, it’s easier to admit that my boyfriend is a quick shooter and not think about how to fix the situation. A loving girl will do everything to help her boyfriend. Most often, home remedies, diet, harmony in relationships, experience will lead to an increase in the duration of sexual intercourse. If premature ejaculation occurs due to a medical problem, then it must be addressed, and the sooner the better. After the measures taken, sex life will improve, and both partners will receive long-term pleasure.