Sores form in the nose. We get rid of sores using traditional methods. Purulent wounds in the nasal cavity

The appearance of sores in the nose is a consequence of certain disturbances in the microflora and activity of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages. This phenomenon may have various etiologies development, always causes discomfort and even pain at the stage of inflammation. Sores that appear constantly and do not go away for a long time (more than 5 days) – serious reason for concern. To identify the nature of their occurrence and select the most effective method treatment should consult a doctor.

Concept of sores

A sore, as a rule, is any pathology inside the nasal cavity: from slight inflammation epidermis to chancre, which occurs with syphilis. Each of them has its own name and features.

Typical signs of the formation of wounds and ulcers in the nose can be seen with the naked eye. Externally, they are dense plaques that tighten the epithelium and create the feeling of a foreign body. After mechanical removal of the crust, erosion remains on the mucous membrane. When the formation is deeply embedded after removal, nosebleeds often occur and the sinuses hurt. Typically, the period of complete healing of sores ranges from three days to one week. And if during this time the mucous membrane has not recovered, you need to contact a specialist.

In most cases, the formation of sores does not pose a threat to human health. The reasons may be malfunctions endocrine system(hormonal) in adolescents during puberty or in pregnant women, various infections, dry indoor air and even ordinary failure to comply with personal hygiene rules. If the sores in the nose do not go away long enough, this indicates possible violation the process of regeneration of the nasal mucosa. This serious disease, indicating the onset of the development of rhinitis (atrophic or hypertrophic). Here it is necessary immediate assistance specialist


There are many various reasons the appearance of sores in the nose, but the symptoms are almost the same for everyone. Such formations cannot be attributed to an independent pathology; most likely, they are a sign of the development of another disease.

The causes of sores can be identified by appearance and difficulty breathing.

The main risk factors are:

  • 1. Regular use air conditioner on high temperature leads to increased electrification, which negatively affects epithelial cells.
  • 2. Incorrect treatment acute respiratory diseases vasoconstrictor drugs entails severe narrowing of the capillaries and excessive dryness of the mucous membrane.
  • 3. Dry and dusty indoor air.
  • 4. Bad environment.
  • 5. The presence of staphylococcus, streptococcus and enterococcus, which is characterized by frequent relapses with the formation of boils and pustules.
  • 6. Herpes, main reason the origin of which is a virus. It is transmitted to a person from the carrier by touching, using the same towels, cosmetics, etc. Herpes develops quite quickly and often spreads to the lip area in the form of small blisters: at first, minor swellings appear, which over time turn into painful blisters filled with liquid. All this is accompanied high promotion body temperature.
  • 7. Diseases of the liver, thyroid and pancreas, which contribute to a decrease in immunity and the introduction of pathogenic microflora into the body.
  • 8. Inflammation of the nasal mucosa, the causes of which can be either infectious (viruses, pathogenic bacteria, candida fungus, mycoplasma) or non-infectious (nasal trauma, exposure to foreign objects, neurotic conditions, severe crying, allergies). In case of bacterial infection, signs of pathology are often accompanied by purulent discharge. At mechanical injuries nasal congestion, polyps, swelling and bleeding are observed. The most serious consequence similar inflammations – development chronic runny nose, as it can lead to a lack of oxygen.
  • 9. With sycosis of the nostrils, sores in the nose are formed due to a constant source of pus, which leads to the development purulent inflammation in hair follicles, which are caused by staphylococcus.
  • 10. Trauma to the mucous membrane, resulting in the formation of hematomas, abscesses and subcutaneous bleeding in the nose.
  • 11. Boils that occur after stress, hypothermia, infection from dirty hands or development chronic pathologies, reducing the body's immune forces. Furunculosis – inflammatory process, characterized by the appearance of purulent growths. Self-medication of this pathology can lead to dangerous complications such as sepsis and thrombosis.
  • 12. Eczema or erythema-vesicular inflammation accompanied by severe itching and quickly turning into chronic form with frequent relapses.
  • Treatment

    The following methods are used to treat sores in adults, children and women during pregnancy:

  • 1. Strengthening the immune system is the simplest method of preventing and treating nasal sores. To do this you must adhere to healthy image life and sports. Natural immunomodulators can be used.
  • 2. Regular moisturizing of the nasal cavity is very useful for constant dryness mucous membrane. Special sprays based on sea ​​water that have no contraindications: Humer, Aquamaris, Aqualor.
  • 3. Use humidifiers indoors.
  • What to do if the sores do not go away for a long time

    There are cases when a patient treats a sore, but it does not heal or constantly forms again. The reason for this is often incorrectly selected therapy. For example, if you are allergic to medications, the use of ointments and drops only aggravates the disease. This is where treatment can help. folk remedies.

    Application modern techniques will help get rid of symptoms and avoid non-healing wounds at home:

  • 1. Herpes must be treated at the very beginning of the development of sores. Acyclovir (tablets) and ointment for dryness, Valaciclovir and Zovirax, are usually prescribed.
  • 2. With furunculosis, the sores are lubricated alcohol solution(70%) and treated with Cefazolin or ichthyol ointment.
  • 3. Eczema. Such sores should be treated with solutions of Syntomycin and Resorcinol. Dry crusts are carefully removed cotton swab dipped in vegetable oil.
  • 4. Sycosis is a serious disease requiring long-term treatment Levomekol (ointment for dryness) and Gentamicin ointment.
  • If sores periodically appear on the nasal mucosa, this may indicate the presence of chronic infection in organism. At the same time, the concept of “sore” can hide such phenomena as difficulty breathing, acne, inflammation of the hair follicles, ulcers and wounds.

    Reasons why it occurs this symptom, a set, therefore does not exist universal method treatment. However, to reduce the severity of inflammation and reduce painful sensations topical medications are used.

    Ointment is an effective remedy that can have both antiviral and antibacterial and healing effects, reduce inflammation and reduce swelling.


    Pain in the nose can be constant or occur periodically when pressing on the side of the nose. However, in any case, pain indicates the presence pathological process, which may be caused by:

    • Boils ( bacterial inflammation hair follicle and nearby tissues) arising against the background general decline protective functions of the body and contact with the nasal mucosa pathogenic microorganisms.
    • The herpes virus, present in an inactive state in the body of almost every adult, with sharp decline immunity can manifest itself in the form of painful blisters, which are most often located on the mucous membranes, including the nasal mucosa. Such formations, when opened, can form bleeding wounds.
    • Eczema in the nasal passages often occurs simultaneously with chronic rhinitis and sinusitis, accompanied by purulent discharge, constant nose blowing and frequent nose picking. The likelihood of injury to the mucous membrane and the appearance of microcracks that constantly itch and itch increases.
    • Erysipelas occurs under the influence streptococcal infection with a sharp decrease in the protective functions of the body. In this case, severe redness of the skin is observed, accompanied by pain and the appearance of characteristic blisters.
    • Neoplasms (benign, malignant) in the nasal cavity on initial stages look like small sores that bleed and gradually increase in size.
    • One of the reasons for the appearance of sores and itchy rashes in the nasal cavity may be an allergy to dust, pollen, or pet hair. In this case, if wounds occur, a secondary bacterial infection may occur.

    General principles of treatment

    Sores in the nose can be a sign of various pathological conditions in the human body, ranging from scratches on the mucous membrane to such serious diseases as tumors and syphilis. Therefore, treatment in in this case is selected depending on the cause of the disease. Treatment of complex pathological processes (tuberculosis, syphilis) should be carried out exclusively under the strict supervision of a specialist, while a simpler sore caused by drying out of the mucous membrane or damage as a result of scratching can be cured independently at home.

    • First of all, you should get rid of the habit of frequently and unconsciously examining your nose with dirty hands or foreign objects.
    • Care should also be taken to strengthen the general and local immunity. Promote protective functions the body can be done with the help balanced nutrition, hardening, regular physical activity, taking special immunomodulatory drugs (Anaferon, Echinacea).
    • Moisturizing the nasal mucosa is also an important factor for the prevention and treatment of nasal sores. To do this, use saline solutions for instillation into the nose and rinsing the nasal passages, alkaline mineral water(Borjomi) for inhalation.

    Treatment with ointments

    Antibacterial ointments

    Antibacterial ointments contain antibiotics and are prescribed in cases where the cause of an ulcer in the nasal passage is a bacterial infection. Such remedies reduce inflammation, preventing secondary accumulation of bacteria, reduce swelling, and restore nasal breathing.

    When bacterial infection choosing an ointment is not difficult, because this group drugs presented big amount medications, including classical remedies (Vishevsky ointment, Levomekol, Protargol, Zinc ointment with menthol, Tetracycline and Levomycetin ointment) and modern antiseptics (Miramistin, Bactroban).

    In comparison with classic ointments, the most effective and versatile are those that have appeared in recent years.

    • The drug Baktroban is used for local antimicrobial treatment, destroying bacteria and reducing the intensity of their reproduction. This tool does not cause the development of resistant strains, therefore, can be used to treat frequently recurring rhinitis. A contraindication for use is individual intolerance to the components included in the ointment.
    • Miramistin antiseptic ointment is indicated for the treatment of bacterial and viral infections. This drug does not show systemic action and has almost no contraindications.

    Antiviral agents

    Antiviral ointments in the treatment of diseases of the nasal cavity are used when pain occurs due to colds caused by respiratory infections, herpes virus, influenza.

    • Interferon containing ointments are safe and effective for the treatment of sores in the nasal cavity caused by viral infections. Interferon ointments, for example, such as Viferon and Infagel, have a pronounced immunostimulating effect, inhibit the reproduction and development of pathogenic microorganisms on different stages diseases, promote the production of antibodies to infection.

    Important! Contraindications to the use of interferon ointments are: individual intolerance, serious illnesses of cardio-vascular system, cirrhosis of the liver.

    • Oxolinic ointment has pronounced antiviral activity, blocks the reproduction and development of pathogenic microorganisms. The ointment is applied to the mucous membrane of the nasal passages using a cotton swab three times a day or before contact with a carrier of the infection.
    • Antiherpetic ointments (Acyclovir, Grpevir) reduce the likelihood of the virus spreading through the skin, the appearance of new painful blisters, accelerate the formation of crusts and reduce pain in the acute phase of the disease.

    Combined ointments

    Ointments belonging to this group have immunomodulating, decongestant, restorative, antihistamine, antiseptic effects, reduce inflammation and suppress the development of pathogenic microorganisms (Bepanten, Evamenol, Doctor Mom, Pinosol, Fleming ointment, Sinoflan, hydrocortisone ointment, Triderm). Most often, the ointment is applied to the nasal mucosa in small portions using a finger or a cotton pad three times a day. The duration of ointment therapy is usually from five to ten days.

    Important! Preparations containing menthol and eucalyptus are contraindicated for children under two years of age, as well as for persons with individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

    Traditional medicine recipes

    Recipes traditional medicine are often effective in complex treatment various diseases nasal cavity. If established cause sores in the nose do not pose a direct threat to the life and health of the patient, then you can try to cure unpleasant symptom using self-prepared ointments.

    • To eliminate dryness of the nasal mucosa and provide an antiseptic effect, you can prepare an ointment based on petroleum jelly (50 grams) with the addition of aloe juice (5 ml) and two or three drops of menthol and eucalyptus oils. The resulting product is applied to cotton wool and placed alternately in each nasal passage for ten minutes.
    • Also, to prevent drying out of the mucous membrane, as well as to disinfect and eliminate dry crusts, use an ointment prepared on the basis of lanolin (40 grams) with the addition of olive oil(5 ml) and a few drops of calendula tincture.

    Features of treatment for children

    When a child periodically develops sores in the nose, it is necessary to find out the cause of this phenomenon. Most often, you need to pay attention to the child’s bad habits (frequent nose picking), and also assess the state of the immune system. To alleviate the patient's condition, medications in the form of ointments can be used. What to apply when there is a sore in the nose? It can be:

    • ointments to restore the integrity of the mucous membrane and tissues of the nasal cavity (Bepanten);
    • ointments with antibacterial effect for infections accompanied by the release of pus (Miramistin);
    • ointments that reduce inflammation and have a disinfectant effect (Viferon).

    Sores in the nose are unpleasant phenomenon, which, however, is treatable. A correct and timely diagnosis plays a primary role in the recovery process. After all, this is the only way to choose effective treatment, which will quickly relieve the patient from an unpleasant symptom.

    The formation of wounds, ulcers, dry crusts and pimples in the nasal cavity is usually called simply - sores in the nose. Most often, their appearance does not cause much concern in patients. And this is not surprising. After all, this is not a disease, but just a symptom.

    But is it as harmless as it seems at first glance? It turns out that if sores constantly form in the nose, this indicates the presence of a number of serious diseases in the body.

    Why do sores appear in the nose?

    Source of education various damages in the nasal canals is a large number of diseases, the characteristics of which must be familiarized in order to take appropriate measures to eliminate them in a timely manner.

    Consequences of infection

    The penetration of bacteria and viruses becomes a predisposing factor to damage to the nasal mucosa. A high temperature during a cold or flu causes dryness, resulting in the formation of small cracks that turn into sores in the nose.

    Watery mucus, which is a constant companion to rhinitis viral etiology, damages the skin under the nose, which also causes the formation of wrinkles. Children are most susceptible to maceration of the skin around the nose.


    Lack of timely and adequate treatment Rhinitis (runny nose) is the most common cause of non-healing sores in the nose.

    Constant discharge that irritates the mucous membrane causes a condition where the tip of the nose hurts. The pathological process is vicious circle successive phenomena:

    1. The desire to eliminate nasal congestion and normalize breathing through the nose during a runny nose forces the patient to blow out thick accumulations of mucus with great effort.
    2. In the process of freeing the nasal passages from heavy accumulation secretory substance there is a significant increase in pressure in blood vessels located in the nose, which leads to their damage.
    3. As a result, microscopic cracks form. They become covered with crusts, which are constantly injured and therefore do not heal for a long time.

    This chain can be broken using professional approach to the choice of therapeutic method. Therefore, if crusts form in the nose and do not heal for more than 3-5 days, you need to contact an otolaryngologist.


    A person (almost everyone) has a dormant herpes virus in their body.. It is activated when immune forces are weakened.

    Watery blisters located on the skin around the nose and inside its wings cause burning and itching.

    Particularly dangerous is the violation of the integrity of the vesicles, since the infection present in them can spread very quickly, affecting various areas skin.

    The crusts that form at the site of healing of herpes rashes should not be picked or combed. This provokes further distribution virus.

    Inflammation of the mucous membrane

    Ulcers in the nose can form against the background of sinusitis, sinusitis, or chronic rhinitis. Their appearance is preceded by the emergence pain in the bridge of the nose, a large amount of purulent discharge and difficulty in nasal breathing.

    Attempts to clear the nose thick mucus injure the lining of the nasal passages, which contributes to infection of the damaged areas of the mucous membrane and the formation of sores on it.


    Inflammation of the hair follicle, spreading to nearby tissues, provokes the spread of purulent microbes, which causes the formation of a boil in the nostril.

    Absence therapeutic measures leads to the formation of multiple boils, localized in one place and forming large abscess– carbuncle.

    Such purulent ulcers in the nose often form in people whose field of activity is related to long stay in dusty rooms.


    Erysipelas of the skin in the presence of cracks or scratches in the tissues located at the wings of the nose is accompanied by pronounced hyperemia and swelling.

    The inflammatory process can spread from external zones into the nasopharynx. This is fraught with the possibility of narrowing of the larynx and breathing problems.


    A staphylococcal infection that affects the hair follicles located at the nasal openings leads to sycosis of the nostrils. Purulent formations If left untreated, they can spread to the corners of the lips.


    This is a chronic runny nose, accompanied by foul-smelling mucous discharge of a thick consistency. Cold sores become covered with a thick crust. Damage to it can cause bleeding.


    Dry crusts form at the entrance to the nasal canals. Tendency to allergic manifestations, chronic rhinitis or purulent sinusitis - these are the main prerequisites for the development of eczema.


    The formation of a hard chancre, localized in front of the nostrils, is the first sign of infection with syphilis. Swelling of the nasal mucosa and the appearance of purulent discharge mixed with blood also indicate the presence of venereal disease. Launched form syphilis (third stage) provokes the formation of purulent ulcers in the nose, the infection affects the bony septum of the nose, causing it to droop.

    Tuberculosis of the nose

    The disease leads to the formation of tumors in the nose. They are not malignant, but their appearance leads to difficulty breathing through the nose. In addition, with tuberculosis of the nose, numerous painful erosions appear inside.


    Benign or malignant formations in the nose in any case cause discomfort to the patient, causing difficulty in nasal breathing and pain.

    The detection of any neoplasms is an indication for immediate examination of their origin.

    Other reasons

    The listed diseases do not represent full list factors contributing to the formation of sores in the nose.

    Often the cause of their occurrence is the following conditions and situations:

    • nasal injuries accompanied by bleeding, hematoma or abscess formation;
    • disruption of local microflora due to long-term use antibiotics;
    • violation of the permissible duration of the course of vasoconstrictor drugs;
    • narrowing of blood vessels located in the nose caused by excessive smoking and consumption of alcoholic beverages;
    • dry air in the room.

    In a child, the most common prerequisite for the formation of gums is the habit of constantly picking scabs out of the nose. In an adult patient, this is primarily Negative influence infection by pathogenic microorganisms.

    Regardless of the factors that provoke the formation of wounds, their presence should serve as a reason to identify these causes and necessarily eliminate them.

    How to treat

    Due to the fact that the formation of sores in the nose is caused by many reasons, and their treatment involves the use of various methods taking into account the characteristics of the disease, which has become a provocateur of negative manifestations.

    The fundamental principle of therapy is the differentiation of the pathological process and alleviation of the patient’s condition, which involves eliminating the root cause of the disease.

    The basis of treatment is the use of medications. The use of traditional medicine is allowed as helper method. Surgical intervention is used extremely rarely - in the absence of positive dynamics of conservative treatment.

    Differentiated approach to selection medicines provides high efficiency therapeutic effects.

    For herpes

    It is almost impossible to get rid of the herpes virus. Usage antiviral drugs helps prevent further spread of infection and promotes healing of existing rashes.

    For this purpose, the doctor prescribes:

    1. Antiviral agents. The most effective are Amiksin, Acyclovir, Lavomax.
    2. Drugs antihistamine action. This is Diazolin, Zodak or Cetrin.
    3. Immunostimulating drugs. Cycloferon, Isoprinosine and Lykopid have proven themselves well.

    In addition, therapy includes the use of adaptogens. From this group, Immunal, Pantocrin or Apilak are prescribed.

    Treatment of sores of staphylococcal etiology

    cure this infection also quite difficult. That's why treatment course involves the use of:

    1. Antibacterial drugs - Azithromycin or Ceftriaxone.
    2. Antiseptic agents for the sanitation of the nasal passages - solutions of Miramistin and Furacilin.
    3. Saline solutions for rinsing the nasal passages. Aqualor and Aquamaris are considered the best.
    4. Medicines that promote recovery normal microflora. These are Linex, Lactovit or Bifiform.
    5. Nasal drops with a vasoconstrictor effect. Among the most popular are Rinonorm, Tizin and Xylometazoline.
    6. Of the corticosteroid nasal agents, Nasonex and Flixonase are recommended for use.

    If the sore in the nose does not go away for a long time, the doctor advises additional inhalations with pharmaceutical solutions on medicinal herbs. Infusions of calendula, eucalyptus and chamomile help well.

    Features of treatment of children and pregnant women

    Considering the need to use products that are safe for the developing fetus medicines, during pregnancy, women are recommended to use Panavir or Zovirax in the form of gels and ointments for external use.

    To treat furunculosis in children, the doctor prescribes the following algorithm of actions in a medical institution:

    • treatment with antiseptic agents;
    • opening the abscess and removing its contents;
    • treatment with antibacterial agents.

    Formation of a crust after such procedures - normal phenomenon, but you can’t tear it down.

    To speed up the healing process, nasal ointment is prescribed for dryness and sores.

    Among the most effective means, which have antiseptic properties and help eliminate dry mucous membranes, wounds, cracks and crusts, healing ointments should be noted:

    • Levomikol;
    • Oksolin;
    • Rescuer;
    • Vishnevsky ointment;
    • Viferon.

    Marimer sprays are no less effective in treating nasal sores; Dolphin, Aqualor.

    A good effect is achieved by using emollient creams that have an antiseptic effect. A prominent representative is Boro Plus cream.

    Undeniable positive impact physiotherapy sessions. These are iontophoresis, organotherapeutic procedures and nasal sanitation.

    Folk remedies

    Among the effective folk recipes deserve attention:

    1. Homemade calendula oil. To do this, you need to boil 50 g of olive oil, add 3 tbsp. l. flowers and soak the mixture for 60 minutes in a steam bath. Cool, strain and apply the resulting product to the sores.
    2. Treating crusts in the nose with soaked sulfur taken from a match. It's actually safer to buy sulfur ointment at the pharmacy.
    3. To strengthen the immune system, it is recommended to use herbal infusions from thyme, St. John's wort, lemon balm, raspberries and rose hips.

    Before using these products, you should consult your doctor.

    Attempts to cope with the disease on your own lead to a delay in the recovery process..

    Only professionally chosen treatment tactics and strict adherence to the attending physician’s instructions will give positive results getting rid of discomfort in the nose and preventing the development of complications.

    The appearance of sores in the nose is a consequence of certain disturbances in the microflora and activity of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages. This phenomenon can have a different etiology of development, and always causes discomfort and even pain at the stage of inflammation. Sores that appear constantly and do not go away for a long time (more than 5 days) are a serious cause for concern. To identify the nature of their occurrence and choose the most effective treatment method, you should consult a doctor.

    Concept of sores

    A sore, as a rule, is any pathology inside the nasal cavity: from a slight inflammation of the epidermis to a chancre that occurs with syphilis. Each of them has its own name and features.

    Typical signs of the formation of wounds and ulcers in the nose can be seen with the naked eye. Externally, they are dense plaques that tighten the epithelium and create the feeling of a foreign body. After mechanical removal of the crust, erosion remains on the mucous membrane. When the formation is deeply embedded after removal, nosebleeds often occur and the sinuses hurt. Typically, the period of complete healing of sores ranges from three days to one week. And if during this time the mucous membrane has not recovered, you need to contact a specialist.

    In most cases, the formation of sores does not pose a threat to human health. The reasons may be disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system (hormonal) in adolescents during puberty or in pregnant women, various infections, dry indoor air, and even ordinary failure to comply with personal hygiene rules. If the sores in the nose do not go away long enough, this indicates a possible disruption of the regeneration process of the nasal mucosa. This is a serious disease, indicating the onset of the development of rhinitis (atrophic or hypertrophic). This requires immediate assistance from a specialist.


    There are many different causes of sores in the nose, but the symptoms are almost the same for everyone. Such formations cannot be attributed to an independent pathology; most likely, they are a sign of the development of another disease.

    The causes of sores can be identified by appearance and difficulty breathing.

    The main risk factors are:

    1. 1. Regular use of air conditioning at high temperatures leads to increased electrification, which negatively affects epithelial cells.
    2. 2. Incorrect treatment of acute respiratory diseases with vasoconstrictor drugs leads to severe narrowing of the capillaries and excessive dryness of the mucous membrane.
    3. 3. Dry and dusty indoor air.
    4. 4. Bad environment.
    5. 5. The presence of staphylococcus, streptococcus and enterococcus, which is characterized by frequent relapses with the formation of boils and pustules.
    6. 6. Herpes, the main cause of which is a virus. It is transmitted to a person from the carrier by touching, using the same towels, cosmetics, etc. Herpes develops quite quickly and often spreads to the lip area in the form of small blisters: at first, minor swellings appear, which over time turn into painful blisters filled with liquid. All this is accompanied by a high increase in body temperature.
    7. 7. Diseases of the liver, thyroid and pancreas, which contribute to a decrease in immunity and the introduction of pathogenic microflora into the body.
    8. 8. Inflammation of the nasal mucosa, the causes of which can be either infectious (viruses, pathogenic bacteria, candida fungus, mycoplasma) or non-infectious (nasal trauma, foreign objects, neurotic conditions, severe crying, allergies). In case of bacterial infection, signs of pathology are often accompanied by purulent discharge. With mechanical injuries, nasal congestion, polyps, swelling and bleeding are observed. The most serious consequence of such inflammation is the development of a chronic runny nose, as it can lead to a lack of oxygen.
    9. 9. With sycosis of the nostrils, sores in the nose are formed due to a constant source of pus, which leads to the development of purulent inflammation in the hair follicles, which is caused by staphylococcus.
    10. 10. Trauma to the mucous membrane, resulting in the formation of hematomas, abscesses and subcutaneous bleeding in the nose.
    11. 11. Boils that occur after stress, hypothermia, infection from dirty hands or the development of chronic pathologies that reduce the body’s immune strength. Furunculosis is an inflammatory process characterized by the appearance of purulent growths. Self-medication of this pathology can lead to dangerous complications such as sepsis and thrombosis.
    12. 12. Eczema or erythema-vesicular inflammation, accompanied by severe itching and quickly becoming chronic with frequent relapses.


    The following methods are used to treat sores in adults, children and women during pregnancy:

    1. 1. Strengthening the immune system is the simplest method of preventing and treating nasal sores. To do this, you need to adhere to a healthy lifestyle and exercise. Natural immunomodulators can be used.
    2. 2. Regular moistening of the nasal cavity is very useful for constant dryness of the mucous membrane. Special sprays based on sea water that have no contraindications are effective: Humer, Aquamaris, Aqualor.
    3. 3. Use humidifiers indoors.

    The development of various disorders of the nasal mucosa and microflora causes many discomfort. If sores constantly form in the nose, then this may be a reason for serious concern, especially when they do not go away on their own within a week. How to treat, what to apply and, in general, what to do in these situations and should you see a doctor?

    Sores in the nose: Causes and treatment

    Naturally, only a doctor can finally establish a diagnosis. The sore in some cases forms under the nose and, most likely, this is a herpetic rash that infects not only the mucous membranes of the nasal membranes, but also integument of skin.

    Boils, pimples, polyps, scratches, ulcers, neoplasms - popularly all these are called “wounds”. These diseases certainly have their cause, from simple mechanical damage until availability serious illnesses, which need to be treated.

    In the patient's chart you cannot see such a definition as “sore”; any disease in the nasal cavity has a clear term. Let's look at all the "waxes" in the nose, with medical point vision.

    Causes of sores in the nose

    We won't consider everything possible diseases, but let’s focus only on the most common reasons, due to which changes occur in nasal mucosa.

    • Allergic reactions. Allergies are often the starting point for infection. Cosmetics, strong odors household chemicals, flowering plants affect the nasal mucosa, thinning it. The patient constantly picks and scratches his nose, thereby infecting the inflamed mucous membrane. Dry sores appear on the affected areas, and in some cases, sores appear in the nose. small polyps.
    • Herpes. During activation of herpes, blisters with serous contents form on the mucous membranes and skin. First there is itching, and then pain. Then the blisters open, crusts, erosions and ulcers form. When a large area of ​​the mucous membrane is affected nasal breathing worsens.
    • Tumors. The danger of formations in the nose, especially malignant ones, is that they can easily disguise themselves as harmless sores. In some cases, they pass themselves off as papillomas, warts, or bleeding ulcers. The appearance of all neoplasms should alert the patient. These formations are often painless, which does not force the patient to consult a doctor in a timely manner.
    • Polyps. Most often, polyps are the result of long-term inflammatory and allergic diseases of the nose. Even the patient himself can see large polyps. Their danger is that they can completely block nasal breathing.
    • Nasal furunculosis. This infectious process, which occurs against the background of decreased immunity. Pathogenic organism causes an inflammatory process in the hair follicle and an abscess appears. The inflammation process can also affect nearby tissues. This sore is most often found in children with gastrointestinal diseases and low immunity.
    • Erysipelas of the nasal cavity. This condition appears against the background of immunodeficiency. The reason for everything is raging streptococcus. This is a serious disease that begins on the skin and often spreads to the mucous membranes. Erysipelas is accompanied by enlarged lymph nodes, elevated temperature bodies, general intoxication body, pain at the affected area.
    • Runny nose with stench (ozena). The disease is still not fully understood and controversy continues over its origin. Against the background of atrophy of the nasal mucosa, thick discharge which shrink into crusts and may bleed. The pathology process takes place with a terrible smell.
    • Rhinophyma. The disease is a hypertrophic benign changes any nasal parts. Over time, the nose increases in size and becomes disfigured. Functioning is impaired sebaceous glands, lard collects and decomposes in them, resulting in a foul odor. As a rule, rhinophyma is a complication of rosacea (rosacea). Older men are usually affected.
    • Eczema at the entrance to the nasal passages. This type of eczema appears due to general eczema , if there are multiple infections in other areas or as a separate pathology during chronic sinusitis, as well as various rhinitis. The skin is constantly susceptible to damage and irritation.
    • Diphtheria of the nose. This disease is rare and occurs against the background of diphtheria of the pharynx. During examination, white deposits may be observed in the nostril. The nasal wings are eroded. Minor erosion turn into crusts.
    • A symptom of syphilis or chancroid. This formation is dense in consistency and non-painful. Erosion develops in the middle of the formation. The diagnosis of syphilis is determined by performing serological analysis blood.
    • Sycosis of the nostrils. Sycosis often occurs simultaneously with eczema, and in some cases it is difficult to accurately diagnose. The disease is triggered by an infection, usually streptococcus. The hair follicles become inflamed, nearby tissues become swollen, and pus appears. During examination, small crusts and ulcers are visible. Distinctive feature sycosis are hairs protruding from the center of the pustules, which are easily removed during pulling out.

    Often, an experienced doctor (dermatovenerologist) can high probability determine the cause of these sores in and prescribe a treatment regimen.

    Why do sores constantly appear in the nose and do not go away?

    This condition is caused by the presence in the body chronic processes, which then become aggravated, then a period of remission begins, when the sore completely disappears or practically does not bother and is small in size.

    In some cases, “vaccinations” do not go away when the ointment for treatment is chosen incorrectly, then the disease worsens or progresses to chronic stage. First of all, the patient should not self-medicate; he should consult a dermatologist or otolaryngologist. A consultation with a surgeon, immunologist, endocrinologist, allergist, and gastroenterologist will probably be required.

    Sore in the nose: How to treat it?

    It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. First, it is necessary to determine which pathogen provoked this phenomenon, and then develop a treatment regimen or identify the degree of neoplasm, probably conservative treatment will no longer be needed, and only surgical intervention will be able get rid of pathology.

    Patients often ask what to apply to a sore in the nose and how to treat it in order to get quick effect, however, unfortunately, many “vaccinations” are not so easy to treat. Diseases such as eczema need integrated approach, and treatments are developed simultaneously by several doctors.

    In some cases, treatment in the body common diseases can help improve the condition of mucous membranes and skin. Diseases such as intestinal dysbiosis, diabetes, various pathologies liver and gastrointestinal tract, tuberculosis, hormonal imbalances, autoimmune processes, nervous disorders lead to deterioration skin conditions and the development of sores in the nose.

    Sometimes it is enough to humidify the air in the room and the condition of the patient’s mucous membranes improves, and crusts disappear in the nose.

    The most important thing is to get rid of bad habits such as scratching and nose picking. There is no need to constantly climb into the nasal passages with your fingers and other objects. In some cases, the habit of picking one's nose is so strong that a person is sometimes even surprised when close people reprimand him about this.

    In children this problem is more relevant. An adult, of course, can be shamed, but children pick their nose most often for other reasons, and in some cases they cannot even do without the help of a psychologist.

    At good immunity picking your nose is not a problem of infection, but when a person is weak, then all the sores in the nose just stick. There is only one conclusion: the immune system needs to be strengthened: to harden, to establish a balanced and proper nutrition, workout.

    Doctors advise you to “connect” natural immunostimulants:

    • garlic;
    • echinacea and other folk remedies.

    According to the instructions for use, you can take prophylactic drugs Anaferona.

    An important point during treatment is air humidification in the room. To do this, it is advised to buy a special device for humidifying the air. On extreme case If the heating is on, you can hang wet towels on the radiators.

    Saline is instilled into the nasal passages pharmaceutical products: Salin, Aqua Maris, Physiomer, Quicks, etc. You can also prepare the saline solution yourself: for 250 ml of water you need a teaspoon of salt, which must be thoroughly dissolved. Saline solutions drip up to four times daily, two drops into one nostril.

    Inhalations with saline or Borjomi have a good effect. It is advisable to perform the procedures using a nebulizer. They are used in short courses, usually no more than 10 sessions.

    What ointment can I use for sores?

    Ointment is not vegetable oil, A medical drug, which, taking into account its composition, has its purpose. Let's find out what ointments are usually used to treat sores and dry nose.

    Antiviral ointments

    During herpes infection, the following drugs are used: Zovirax, Herpevir, Viru-Merz Serol, Acyclovir, Valvir, Oxolin, Cycloferon, Fenistil Pencivir, etc. The ointment at the first symptoms of the disease has best effect. All drugs are applied taking into account the instructions for use.

    Antibacterial ointments

    When, when the nasal mucosa is damaged, an inflammatory process is observed that does not go away after a few days, most likely the wound has become infected. It is recommended to lubricate the affected area with Lincomycin, Tetracycline ointment or Levomekol.

    Today on pharmaceutical market a huge range of antibacterial liniments, gels, ointments, so it is better to consult a doctor about which local drug better to choose in your specific case.

    Regenerating ointments

    As drugs that restore skin and mucous membranes, Panthenol, Solcoseryl, Bebanten, etc. are used.

    Hormonal ointments

    For inflammation in the nose, swelling, when the pathology is provoked allergic reaction, the following ointments are used on a hormonal basis: Cinacort, Sinoflan, Hydrocortisone, Beloderm, etc.

    In some cases they are used combination ointments, when the composition contains agents of various pharmacological groups, for example, Triderm. It combines a hormonal component and an antibiotic. These drugs are complex, and it is better not to use them without a doctor's prescription.

    Folk ointments for crusts and dry nose

    Ointment against dry crusts:

    • olive oil – 10 ml;
    • pharmaceutical lanolin – 80 g;
    • calendula tincture – 10 ml.

    All components are mixed and stored in the refrigerator. The product is applied to the infected areas 3 times a day until the condition improves (until the dryness and crusts disappear). As a rule, the course lasts 12-15 days, but in some cases up to 20 days.

    Ointment for dry mucous membranes:

    • eucalyptus oil – 6 drops;
    • pharmaceutical Vaseline – 100 g;
    • aloe juice – 10 ml.

    Mix all ointment components. Store in a cool and dark place. Twist turundas from gauze and thoroughly soak them in this product, but so that the ointment does not flow down the nostril. One by one, insert the turundas into the nasal passages for 5 minutes. Instead of this recipe, a menthol pencil or menthol ointment from a pharmacy is often used.

    Any patient must know that only correct selection medication can help you quickly get rid of a sore in your nose. Self-selection plays a lot cruel joke, driving the disease into severe stages and emptying the patient’s pocket. Don't play roulette and take the time to visit a doctor.