Hygroma on the hand: causes, symptoms, treatment of cysts. Bump on the wrist on the top of the hand. Hygroma under the skin. Treatment with folk remedies, ointments, laser removal, surgical removal Small lump on the wrist

A lump on the wrist, or synovial tendon cyst, is a benign neoplasm, which in its structure resembles a cyst. Its medical name is hand hygroma. In structure, it is a dense capsule of connective tissue, inside of which there is serous fluid, a little mucus and fibrin threads (a type of protein). This liquid washes all the joints of a person. More often it is single and localized on the outer surface of the wrist joint. Sometimes it can be group, then they talk about multi-chamber hygroma. The tumor grows very slowly and may not bother its owner for a number of years, resembling a ball under the skin in appearance. Many patients turn to the doctor at such moments, being dissatisfied with such a cosmetic problem.

After its formation, the cyst stabilizes and does not show any symptoms. But when it suddenly begins to grow, noticeable changes occur. Firstly, in the process of its growth it can compress the neurovascular bundle of the hand, which leads to very severe pain. It can reach or exceed 5 cm in size. Most often it is located on the back of the hand, but it can also be localized on the palm. This pathology can be found often, especially among representatives of certain professions. In this regard, it is considered an occupational disease. Hygroma can appear in any person, regardless of age and gender. It can also occur for no reason.

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    Reasons for appearance

    The exact causes of its occurrence have not been identified, but there are risk groups in which it occurs most often. In addition, there are predisposing factors that contribute to its development. It usually affects those whose job involves making small movements with the hand, which are also constantly repeated.

    The hygroma is usually often located just behind the crease of the hand at the crook of the wrist. This indicates that constant irritation of the tendon located across the wrist joint on the hand plays a role in its occurrence during fine motor skills. In this regard, it is considered an occupational pathology. These professions include: keyboardists, violinists, typists, seamstresses, knitters, pianists, cellists, embroiderers, massage therapists, typesetters, computer technicians. If they do not have good behavioral hygiene, do not have rest and exercises for their hands, and there is constant friction of the inside of the hand against various surfaces, the risk of a lump increases. We can talk about a greater range of movements of the hand, excessive movement of the arms, but the same repetitive movements about athletes: tennis players, golfers, badminton players.

    In addition, there are additional predisposing factors:

    • increased load on the joints of a long-term nature;
    • bursitis - inflammation of the soft tissues around the joints;
    • chronic inflammation in the joints of the phalanges of the fingers, in which serous fluid can accumulate in them;
    • single fractures, injuries, bruises, and tendon sprains can also cause hygroma.

    Thus, it is concluded that hygroma is not an independent pathology; if it appears, it is most often as a complication against the background of inflammatory processes. A significant role, as it turned out, belongs to the hereditary factor. It is possible that the appearance of hygroma for no apparent reason in some cases is associated with heredity.

    Anatomy of a hygroma

    A synovial cyst often develops after thinning of the articular membrane and the development of degenerative changes in the joint. The reason for the appearance of the cyst lies in the pathological divergence of the fibrous fibers of the joint capsule and the formation of a defect in the form of a protrusion. The joint fluid fills the defects and over time they are more and more limited from the joint cavity. A cyst is formed filled with serous fluid. Thus, hygroma is a round elastic formation with clear boundaries; it is filled with a serous jelly-like liquid, which can be light or yellowish in color, but is always transparent.

    The capsule itself consists of dense connective tissue. There are 2 types of cells in this tissue: spindle-shaped - responsible for the growth of the cyst; spherical - produce fluid cysts. In the shell itself, metaplastic and degenerative processes are noted. Hygroma is not particularly mobile, because it is always associated with the joint capsule or tendon sheath. Hygroma is classified specifically as a neoplasm because it has a tendency to recur, even if after its removal at least a small piece of pathological tissue remains. This also suggests that conservative and traditional medicine will always be powerless to treat it. Hygroma can only be gotten rid of radically. But it should be said that there is no need to fear its degeneration, it never metastasizes; if such a case was noted during any diagnosis, this indicates that the diagnosis was incorrect; most likely, the original diagnosis was sarcoma or synovioma.

    Tendon ganglion - causes, symptoms and treatment of the disease

    Classification of formations

    They are divided into single- and multi-chamber formations. According to their etiology, they are mucous (occur due to arthrosis), post-traumatic (when the joint capsule is damaged), tendon - a consequence of stretching the tendon or its too much load. Arthrosis, which is characterized by a growth on the bones and degenerative processes in the joints, during such processes always compresses and affects the joint, and a hygroma is formed. Such cysts also differ in their localization: on the back of the hand; on the wrist joint; on the foot; on the tendon; in children, etc.

    Symptomatic manifestations

    The occurrence of hygroma is promoted by constant load on the joint of the hand and trauma to the tendon sheath. A round, dense subcutaneous formation appears near the joint; the surface of the cyst is smooth in most cases; the color of the skin may not change. A lump on the hand under the skin can grow from 0.5 to 3 cm, then it increases due to the accumulation of fluid. Growth rates vary: a lump on the hand can grow rapidly in a few days, or it can sit in place for years. The space-occupying formation is not fused with the surrounding tissues, but is always fixed at the base with the joint capsule or tendon sheath. When pressed, pain and discomfort appear in the joint, and not in the tissues of the hygroma.

    If the tumor-like formation has grown to a large size, then the movement of fluid in it can be palpated. The lump on the wrist on the top of the hand is hard.

    The disease is considered chronic because it can last for more than one year. The formation is localized in the projections of the joints of the hands. Externally, hygroma is easily recognizable: a lump under the skin on the wrist joint of the hand. The beginning of its appearance is unremarkable: a soft, pliable and painless lump. It can remain like this for a number of years, a person does not pay attention to it, because from above it looks like just a small tubercle, dense and elastic. Then it begins to grow, and can increase up to 5 cm in size. When it is large, it already causes pain even at rest.

    The following symptoms may indicate the progression of the process:

    • the lump thickens and hardens like a bone;
    • its transparent contents can sometimes be visible in the light;
    • prolonged aching pain appears, intensifies with any load and maneuvering of the hand;
    • The color of the skin above the hygroma also changes - it is dense and dark.

    The sensitivity of the palm and fingers may often be impaired. So, to summarize, the main symptoms include:

    • presence of a lump on the wrist;
    • pain when pressing on it;
    • clear, dense contours of the hygroma, similar to bone;
    • soft elastic structure of the neoplasm;
    • lump immobility;
    • decreased sensitivity in the form of numbness in the palm and fingers.

    Sometimes a hygroma can open on its own, usually after some kind of injury. In such cases, it turns into an open oozing wound, from which serous fluid will constantly flow; this increases the risk of infection. When the hygroma spontaneously opens, it forms again in the same place with redoubled force: not one, but several are formed.

    How dangerous is the disease?

    Although hygroma does not cause degeneration, it does cause discomfort. This is, first of all, redness and peeling of the skin, pain when moving, and the motor function of the joint can be completely disrupted. The trouble is that sensitivity often occurs.

    Diagnostic measures

    Hygroma may externally resemble other malignant neoplasms, so its diagnosis is made by exclusion. To differentiate pathology, the following are prescribed:

    1. 1. X-ray of the hands - to exclude a malignant process.
    2. 2. Ultrasound of the tumor - will show the localization of the tumor and determine its structure.
    3. 3. CT or MRI - to exclude malignancy.
    4. 4. Diagnostic puncture and biopsy of the cyst shell, followed by cytological and morphological examination. Puncture and puncture of the hygroma is not the most pleasant procedure, but it is no more painful than intravenous blood sampling. A biopsy is necessary to exclude the presence of atypical cells. We can talk about hygroma only if other dangerous formations are excluded.

    Need for treatment

    Hygroma can be treated in two ways: conservatively and surgically. Conservative treatment includes physiotherapy, punctures, blockades, sclerosis and crushing. Traditional medicine can be used as a supplement. Physiotherapy is gentle, but not the most effective: paraffin therapy; ultrasound with hydrocortisone; magnetic therapy; mud applications; iodine electrophoresis; Ural Federal District; warming up. In acute processes, physiotherapy is not used. They are based on the fact that under conditions of thermal exposure, hygromas can resolve. The course of treatment is a month. Typically, such procedures can be used at the very beginning of the disease.

    A puncture or puncture is used most often - liquid is pumped out of the capsule with a special syringe under conditions of complete asepsis, and the cavity is washed with antiseptics. The joint is then fixed with a tight bandage for several weeks. During this time, the cavity should heal. This method of treatment has a number of disadvantages, the main one of which is that relapses may occur. The fact is that the formation capsule remains in place, it begins to grow again and produces even more fluid.

    Sclerosation differs from a regular puncture in that instead of antiseptics, sclerosing substances are introduced into the cavity. The blockade is used for very small formations no more than 1 cm: during the blockade, glucocorticoids are injected into the hygroma cavity, otherwise the tactics are the same: a fixing bandage for 1.5 months, during which time the cavity sticks together.

    Crushing was previously often used; under such mechanical action, the capsule bursts and its liquid spreads between the tissues. This often leads to secondary infection and the formation of pus. In addition, the treatment process is very painful. Now it has practically no use. Conservative treatment produces relapses in 85% of cases. Reminder: Conservative treatment is carried out at the request of the patient or in cases where surgery is contraindicated. In general, treatment of hygroma is not mandatory; if it does not bother the patient, then it can be left alone.

    Surgery is resorted to only in the most difficult clinical situations. Today, the surgical method is the most effective. During the operation, all pathological tissues are excised. This eliminates the possibility of relapses.

    In this case, the hygroma can be localized: in the first case - in the area of ​​the wrist joint on the back side; in the second - from the palmar surface, in the area of ​​the radial artery. There are many nerve endings and a rich blood supply. These structures can be easily damaged. With hygroma on the palmar surface, the operation will be more difficult to perform, since there are many vessels passing through here (and most importantly, the radial artery passes through here, which feeds the entire hand and forearm) and nerve endings, damage to which can result in dysfunction of the hand. Previously, the method of excision of hygroma was used in the classical way: an incision was made in the hygroma, it was excised with a scalpel, and the pathological tissue was completely removed. Then the wound was sutured, stitches were applied, which were removed on 8-10 days. Before this, a tight fixing bandage was applied to completely immobilize the hand. This operation was performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia.

    Currently, laser treatment and endoscopic removal of hygroma are more often used. The procedure involves burning out the cyst with a laser after making an incision with a scalpel. This method is the most bloodless, the damage heals quickly, does not recur and is carried out quickly, usually under local anesthesia.

    Endoscopic removal is a modern popular method and is considered gentle. In this case, the incision is made along the fold, the size of the incision is no more than 2 mm. After such an operation there is no scar left.

    Traditional methods of therapy

    In the treatment of hygroma, traditional medicine should not become the main one; they can be used as additional or combined with conservative treatment. It is still better to avoid self-medication, as it can increase the growth of the cyst. The most commonly used in folk medicine are calendula tincture, fresh wormwood, golden mustache, cabbage and honey, red clay and sea salt. Cabbage and honey are applied to the brush for 2-3 hours in the form of applications and compresses. It is recommended to wipe the hygroma with fresh wormwood and golden mustache. Another favorite treatment method is the application of a copper penny, which supposedly removes and slows down inflammation. The coin is fixed on the cone for several weeks. Treatment is also carried out with 70% alcohol compresses, which are applied to the hand at night and removed in the morning.

Hygroma is a benign formation that appears as a result of squeezing out serous fluid from the tendon sheath or synovial bursa of the joint.

What is a hygroma on the hand (see photo below) - outwardly it is a lump, which inside consists of a cavity where joint fluid accumulates, and an outer shell consisting of degeneratively changed connective tissue.

The internal contents of the hygroma contain mucus and fibrous tissue, which tends to grow, forming multi-chamber cyst-type formations.

Most often, these neoplasms develop on the back of the wrist in the synovial bursa. located under the surface of the skin. In this case, the hygroma looks like an ovoid formation, the walls of which are compacted and fused to the surrounding tissue. This type of hygroma does not cause significant discomfort and is purely cosmetic inconvenience.

In the case of hygroma development in the internal synovial bursa of the joint, the disease passes with painful symptoms, since the tumor can press on the surrounding vessels and nerve endings.

In this case characteristic dull pain appears In some cases, there is a loss of sensitivity in the affected area.

Hygroma on the fingers is formed on the back side and is no larger than a pea. If a hygroma occurs on the joints of the fingers on the palm side, it is located between the second and third phalanx and brings significant discomfort when trying to grasp large objects.

Risk group

It is reliably known that the risk group in There are professions that in one way or another involve constant stress on the hands, fingers, or wrists.

In addition to seamstresses, professional athletes, database operators and professional laundresses, hygroma on the arm often appears in young women 20-30 years after childbirth. Hygromas arise from constant stress on the hands, when the mother often has to lift the baby.

Attention! With increasing physical activity on the affected area, Hygroma on the arm may temporarily increase in size, causing significant discomfort. Pain, numbness or mild tingling may develop due to pressure on surrounding blood vessels and nerve endings.

Diagnosis of the disease - which doctor to contact

Diagnosis of hygroma, as a rule, does not cause complications; the diagnosis can be made even with primary visiting a surgeon, orthopedist or traumatologist.

You can also contact a specialist, but he will refer you to an orthopedist.

To differentiate hygroma from osteoarticular pathology, arterial aneurysm, to identify the nature of the capsule filling with fluid for prescribing subsequent treatment, radiography or ultrasound examination is prescribed, which allows you to examine the structure, determine the degree of fluid filling, and whether there are blood vessels in the walls.

Reasons for appearance

Causes of hygroma on the hands are still insufficiently studied.

“If the hygroma has a typical localization and is superficial, its diagnosis, as a rule, is not difficult.”

Doctor-surgeon Kletkin M.E.

  • Most experts agree that there is a connection between constant high load on the joint, or repeated traumatization.
  • Hygromas often appear as a result of chronic bursitis, inflammation of the mucous bursae of the joint or chronic tendovaginitis, inflammation of the tendon sheath due to thinning of the connective tissue and sweating of protein-rich fluid from small capillaries.
  • In a third of all cases of hygroma on the joint of the finger develops as a result of a single injury, less often in the case of repeated injury to the joints, or untreated chronic damage.

Hygromas on a child’s arm rarely develop and appear due to a genetic predisposition.

How to cure hygroma on the hand

There are several ways to remove hygroma on the hand. There are drastic methods, there are folk remedies, such as compresses, and there is physiotherapy.

Let's consider sequentially several methods of how to get rid of hygroma on the hand.


Many people, before seeing a doctor, trying to crush the hygroma on the wrist on their own. This painful and dangerous method is a common misconception on how to cure hygroma on the hand.

When the shell breaks through, it the contents spill into the joint cavity or enter the surrounding tissues. Although this is safe, it can nevertheless lead to the development of an inflammatory process and further suppuration if an infection occurs.

Even if a hygroma on your arm bursts and there are no painful consequences, you need to understand when the hygroma shell heals, fluid begins to accumulate again and a relapse occurs.


When a hygroma forms on the finger treatment without surgery consists of punctures, in which the contents of the tumor are sucked out and medications are administered.

After the procedure, a compression bandage is applied, as well as wearing an orthosis is mandatory(for at least a month).

Indeed, the tumor subsides, but since the shell of the hygroma remains in place, after some time it is filled with liquid again.

Surgical intervention

Prescribed for:

  1. squeezing nearby vessels and nerve endings,
  2. proliferation and subsequent dysfunction of the joint
  3. the appearance of inflammation

Radical removal is performed under local anesthesia and consists of excision of the tumor, complete removal of the head of the hygroma and suturing of the synovial capsule. This is the only effective method at the moment, as get rid of hygroma on the arm without subsequent relapses.

The operation is prescribed for rapid growth of hygroma, since large formations are much more difficult to remove due to displacement of internal tissues, especially ligaments, nerves and tendons. Often during the operation it is possible opening a joint or tendon sheath, so such operations are performed in a hospital.

Usually The operation takes place under local anesthesia. The limb is tightened, stopping the access of blood to it by applying a rubber tourniquet above the incision.

This helps determine where the boundaries of tumor-affected tissues lie. In case of complex localization, the operation is performed under general anesthesia.

The most important during the operation - complete excision and removal of all affected tissue, otherwise, the disease recurs in most cases. To do this, the tumor is first excised. The base of the hygroma is removed especially carefully.

After this, the surrounding tissues are examined for possible additional cystic formations.

After completing the excision procedure, the cavity is washed, the bag is sutured, draining it with a rubber graduate. A pressure bandage is applied to the operated area.

In most cases it is shown immobilization of the hand with a plaster splint, especially with large formations in the joint area.
After a few days, the lognet is removed and the rubber drainage is removed, and the sutures are removed only after a week.

Important! After surgery, the patient is extremely contraindicated in putting stress on the damaged area. It is mandatory to wear a fixing elastic bandage, and in difficult cases - a special one. splints.

To prevent the formation of adhesions during the scarring process, as well as restore joint mobility, patients Rehabilitation for postoperative recovery is prescribed, which consists of therapeutic exercises.

Physiotherapeutic treatments

Prescribed only in the initial stages of the disease
, most often with hygroma of the wrist joint.

The patient is prescribed the maximum warming procedures, such as paraffin wraps, mud compresses, electrophoresis.

In some cases, hygroma is treated by wearing a magnetic bracelet or massage.

Indeed, the tumor can go away and the joint fluid can return back to the joint, but when the load is resumed, the lump appears on the hand again and the hygroma on the wrist returns back.
Carefully! Physiotherapeutic treatments strictly contraindicated in the presence of inflammation, especially after crushing the hygroma when the capsule ruptures and fluid leaks into the connective tissue.

Hygroma on the finger - how to treat?

Hygroma on the fingers, especially on the thumb, becomes the most unpleasant and disruptive to life.

An effective and modern method of treating hygroma on the fingers today is laser removal.

It passes with local anesthesia and the procedure itself lasts no more than an hour. First, puncture of the formation is performed with two needles.

Through one of them, a laser light guide is inserted into the hygroma; it is heated to a temperature at which the affected area is burned out without affecting healthy tissue.

The contents are aspirated through a second needle. After this, into the cavity An anesthetic is injected and a tight compression bandage is applied.

The advantages of this method for removing hygroma on a finger over traditional excision are much more less traumatic, since it only affects the cyst itself, unlike a scalpel, which will inevitably affect healthy tissue.

Rehabilitation with this method is much faster, since under the influence of high temperature the process of restoration of the epidermis starts. Also when removing hygroma with a laser less risk of inflammatory processes, since the laser “disinfects” the operated area and seals small capillaries, preventing the occurrence of subcutaneous bleeding.

Due to these advantages, laser removal is prescribed when hygroma occurs on the fingers, when the traditional method can lead to the risk of damage to surrounding tissues, or the patient does not want to have scars at the surgical site.

If you have hygroma of the finger, treatment without surgery is also possible - read below about folk remedies.

Unconventional methods of treatment

Ointments and compresses

Folk remedies for treating hygroma on the hand are widely known. They can divideconditionally into several parts as a rule, this is anti-inflammatory and warming compresses.

As warming agents use alcohol compresses and herbal tinctures, medicinal porridges made from aloe leaves, ficus and physalis fruits are very popular.

It is believed that cabbage leaf compresses completely cure the disease, however, cabbage is widely used in any anti-inflammatory traditional medicine.

If for the first time a hygroma lump appears on your hand on your wrist, then try folk remedies first.

A very popular method is treatment with a copper penny, since there is a widespread belief among people about the healing properties of copper. For treatment, a copper coin is tightly bandaged to the sore spot for several days..

Sometimes used for treatment compresses made from red or blue clay mixed with water.

Recipes for hygroma

A young student girl has a hygroma on her arm. With any physical exertion it enlarged and became painful. One day, a friend took the girl by the hand and she screamed in pain. She was surprised, then the girl showed her the hygroma. A friend said she knows the old one traditional method of treating hygroma. She pressed sharply on the tumor, then took out a copper coin and tied it very tightly to the hygroma. She told the girl to bandage it well at home and not take off the bandage for three days. The girl decided not to take it off for five days, and when she took it off, there was nothing on her hand.

Copper helps very well with hygroma. The most important thing is not to remove the bandage for several days until the hygroma goes away. And it all depends on the severity of the disease - for some, a few days will be enough, while others will walk with a bandage for several weeks.

You can also, before doing the procedure, heat the coin on fire and then wash it with saline solution.

One woman, from the age of 10, suffered from a large double hygroma. I suffered so much! And one day I read in the newspaper that a simple folk remedy for hygroma, based on alcohol, could save her.

Make compresses with seventy percent alcohol and go to bed like that. You need to put polyethylene and warm cloth on top. She did the procedure four times, and then the hygroma went away.

The woman had an old hygroma under her knee, which did not give her any peace - it hurt all the time. I went to the hospital and they offered to have surgery. But the woman thought that first she would treat her hygroma using the folk method.

First you need to apply red clay to the sore spot, which lies in the sun in the summer. This, by the way, is a mandatory condition. Mix clay with urine so that the mixture is as thick as, for example, sour cream. Place this medicine on a cloth and apply it to the sore spot. Then wrap the sore spot well. Keep the compress for two hours. But don't leave it on all night, otherwise there will be irritation.

After removing the compress, lubricate the hygroma with iodine. Then the woman lubricated the affected areas with beef bile, which is sold in pharmacies.

You need to alternate all this: at night - a compress, and during the day - lubricate. Then the woman steamed her leg in the leaves and flowers of the common lilac, but they can be replaced with a twig, steamed it and then steamed her leg.

She also took chestnut fruits and crushed them through a meat grinder, applying the resulting mass as a compress to the sore spot.

The latter medicine should be stored in the refrigerator, but warmed before use. Thus, for a month she alternated all the above methods. Soon the hygroma went away.

Grind the physalis fruits using a meat grinder. Apply the mixture that you have obtained to the sore spot. Place cotton cloth on top, then cellophane. Secure everything with a bandage. The next morning, remove the compress. In the evening, wash the hygroma with warm soapy water and apply a compress again. After two weeks, the disease will go away, and a small trace will remain at the site of the hygroma, but this will also pass after a while.

If you have hygroma, try this folk method of treating it. Collect 2 buckets of young pine branches. Pour water over the branches and boil for twenty minutes. And then let the resulting broth stand for ten hours. Drain the broth and heat it to a temperature that the skin can tolerate without burning. Wrap the place where you have a hygroma with a cloth, and pour hot broth over it, pour it all out.

At this point you need to knead the bread. To do this, take soda, yeast and rye flour. Don't wait for the dough to finish, put the bread in the oven.

After the bread is ready, cut two flat cakes crosswise, add one tablespoon of salt and apply hygroma on both sides, wrap the top with cellophane, then with a warm scarf. Do this at night. Bake new bread every time, and the solution can be used three to five times. The bread must be hot. After a month of such treatment, the hygroma will disappear.

Hygroma is popularly known as “grave bone” or “bone bone”. It could be reduced, for example, by the following conspiracies (see bookmarks)

“After wetting your ring finger with saliva, use it to pick up soot from the oven. Then trace the knot onto the wood floor (or furniture). Then outline the area on the body where the bone lump begins to grow.

At the same time, say this:

"The sun is to the west,

The day is drawing to a close.

So this bone will leave me.”

“At dawn, take water downstream three times, speak, wash and drink.

“Living, holy water flowed, flowed, washed the steep banks, silken grass, the Lord’s moon,

So let’s remove all the walking bumps from God’s servant (name), remove the walking bumps,

so that she wouldn’t get sick, wouldn’t grieve, wouldn’t bring joy to the tribe of hell.

Place your cones on a spruce or pine tree, that’s where you belong.

The body of the slave (name) is cleaned and scrubbed.

My word is strong, my deed is sculpted. Amen."

Carefully! Self-medication is dangerous for your health. When treating hygroma only with folk remedies, crushing, lotions or compresses, there is a very high risk of complications in the form of abscesses, inflammation of the hygroma, impaired motor functions of the joint and the growth of the disease into a multi-chamber cystic form.


Comes down to eliminating regular physical activity on the arms, as well as timely treatment of diseases that cause hygroma (bursitis, tendovaginitis) without bringing it to the chronic stage. And if a hygroma lump appears on your hand, urgently see a specialist!

A hygroma on the hand (often called a tendon hernia) is a round formation of a benign tumor nature.

Such a lump looks like a bone that has jumped out of a joint, but is a capsule filled with liquid, in which fibrin threads are sometimes detected. The number of formations can be different - from one to several (multi-chamber hygroma).

In addition to its unaesthetic appearance, the formation brings a lot of problems: it increases in size over time, interferes with normal movements and is often accompanied by severe pain.


The exact reasons for the appearance of hygromas are unknown, but doctors tentatively identify a group of patients , most susceptible to the occurrence of this pathology:

Clinical manifestations

At the very beginning, the disease has no clinical symptoms and the patient, as a rule, does not pay attention to the formation. But over time, the ball begins to grow. At this stage the tumor is characterized by the following symptoms:

Diagnostic measures

Diagnose hygroma in the wrist area it is not difficult for a specialist.

First, the doctor examines the formation and prescribes radiography to confirm the diagnosis.

In some cases, a more detailed examination is required, including ultrasound, puncture or CT.

Localization of hygroma

Usually , hygromas occur in the area of ​​large joints of the legs and arms(and much less often can form on other parts of the body, for example, on the neck), but most often such formations are found on the wrists. In this case, there are two options for tumor formation:

Treatment of a lump on the arm near the hand

Patients, having discovered a hygroma, often wonder: Is it necessary to treat this formation? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. If a lump appears on the hand like a bone, but it does not bother (that is, does not cause pain, does not interfere with work) and is acceptable from an aesthetic point of view, then there is no urgent need to eliminate it. In cases where the hygroma is painful and interferes with joint movements, treatment should begin as early as possible.

In addition to surgical methods for eliminating the defect, there are also conservative methods (both traditional and folk). However, such methods are effective in the initial stages of the disease and can be used only when the hygroma does not hurt and does not cause discomfort, other than aesthetic unattractiveness.

Folk recipes


As mentioned above, with advanced hygromas surgery is prescribed. In this case, the surgeon makes a puncture in the hygroma and draws out the contents from it, then injects hormones into the formation that stop its further growth, and bandages the wrist.

The appearance of a lump on the wrist brings not only cosmetic discomfort. The tumor does not hurt at the initial stage, but soon brings significant discomfort to patients. A lump on the wrist should be promptly diagnosed and treated so as not to interfere with the functioning of the wrist joint and not cause complications.


The favorite localization of hygroma is the wrist. A neoplasm can appear both on the outside and on the inside. Since outwardly the hygroma is a lump, this name is firmly entrenched among the people. Hygroma is a capsule, which inside is filled with a mucous mass with fibrin strands. When palpated, the consistency of the hygroma is soft in most cases.

It is extremely difficult to notice a hygroma at the initial stage, since it does not cause pain, and its increase in size occurs gradually. With the arm straightened, the hygroma is practically invisible. However, as the tumor progresses, the intensity of the discomfort experienced by patients also increases.


Hygroma appears in a person of any age and regardless of gender. It is currently not possible to identify the exact reason why the hygroma appeared. Scientists suggest that the following negative factors influence the appearance of neoplasms:

  • degenerative joint pathologies;
  • wrist injuries, dislocations, fractures;
  • foci of inflammation in joints or soft tissues;
  • genetic abnormalities;
  • performing frequent monotonous movements with the hand.

In some patients, the hygroma grew due to professional duties. The disease occurs in secretaries, typists, seamstresses, athletes, and tennis players. Regardless of what exactly caused the hygroma, its treatment should be comprehensive and complete. Untreated hygroma will result in relapses in the near future.

Symptoms and diagnosis

At an early stage, the manifestations of the pathology are practically invisible, but a small swelling on the arm brings aesthetic discomfort, and as the hygroma increases, patients pay attention to the lump on the arm. Externally, signs of the disease appear as follows:

  • in the area of ​​the hand an elastic growth is found that has a regular round shape;
  • at the site where the growth appears, the skin becomes rough, and roughness is felt when touched;
  • after some time, pain appears, which intensifies when moving the hand;
  • the skin above the surface of the hygroma becomes red, hyperemia spreads to the surrounding tissues;
  • if large hygromas occur, they can compress the nerve endings, and patients experience discomfort, numbness in the hand, and inability to move their fingers.

Complications begin when the hygroma touches blood vessels or nerve endings in the bend of the hand. With this condition, the patient experiences pain in the wrist, and soon the pain will be felt even at rest from below and above the hand. If you look at the lump in sunlight, you will notice its translucent contents.

REFERENCE! In most patients, hygroma appears on the hand with which the person works.

Hygroma is not difficult to diagnose. Patients usually undergo physical examination and palpation. In addition, doctors prescribe the following tests to patients:

  • radiography;
  • puncture;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • ultrasonography.


Treatment after diagnosis is prescribed taking into account the severity of the hygroma. Typically, small hygromas are treated conservatively. If a large hygroma appears, other methods of therapy are selected.

The use of medications in the treatment of hygroma is aimed at relieving inflammation, which in most cases forms when the tumor increases in size. Although the growth and bone itself become inflamed extremely rarely, because its contents are surrounded by a dense capsule into which pathogenic microorganisms do not penetrate. A suppurative process may occur if the inflammation is localized in the joint.

Physiotherapeutic procedures will help get rid of hygroma without surgery

When treating a lump on the hand at the top and bottom of the wrist bone, its nature is taken into account - purulent or aseptic. Aseptic processes are most successfully treated, because they are easily eliminated with medications. If there is suppuration, then surgical intervention is prescribed without delay.

There is no point in prescribing an antibacterial agent for purulent hygroma, since antibiotics cannot cope with a large number of pathogenic microflora, the population of which is rapidly increasing. In this case, antibiotics will only do harm - the patient will hope for recovery, but in fact the process will only be delayed.

For aseptic hygroma on the wrist joint, drug treatment is based on the following group of drugs:

  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, Nimesil. This group of drugs can not only relieve pain, but also eliminate swelling, and also block aseptic inflammation by interfering with the specific enzyme cyclooxygenase;
  • antihistamines are effective medications that fight swelling and allergic reactions;
  • corticosteroid hormonal drugs - have a powerful anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effect. Diprosalic is usually recommended as a representative of this group of drugs.

REFERENCE! Conservative treatment includes not only the use of medications, but also physiotherapeutic procedures. They help relieve swelling, pain, and eliminate the inflammatory process.

A lump on the hand under the skin on the wrist is exposed to:

  • UHF therapy, in which tissues are deeply heated, local blood circulation is activated, and tissue restoration processes are enhanced. It is necessary to undergo at least ten procedures to obtain a positive effect;
  • ultrasound therapy, which activates blood microcirculation, helps enrich tissues with oxygen, and minimizes the inflammatory process. The procedure lasts ten minutes, to complete the course of treatment you need to undergo ten procedures;
  • Magnetic therapy – during the procedure, cartilage and bone tissue are heated. The lump on the joint hurts much less and the swelling goes away if you undergo a course of magnetic therapy.

In case of hygroma, surgery is possible, but this is usually resorted to when the contents suppurate or there is a threat of compression of nerve endings or blood vessels, if the tumor under the skin has become large. The growth is removed, after which the integrity of the tissue is restored. The scar after the hygroma is small.

Another option for removing hygroma is puncture. This is something between surgical intervention and conservative therapy, since the puncture itself does not require a large incision or classical surgery - all actions are performed through a puncture. The liquid is sucked out with a syringe until the skin bag is completely smoothed from the surface of the hand. Treatment in this way is effective and is often used in practice.

Traditional therapy for hygroma is also used, but it is recommended to use it as an additional treatment to the main methods of treating the tumor. Folk remedies can help the body get rid of the tumor at an early stage, as well as recover after surgery. If a hygroma appears, you can use the following remedies:

  • Cabbage compresses are a great way to get rid of hygroma, since cabbage juice perfectly relieves inflammation. A cabbage leaf can be wrapped around your hand and worn for several hours, but compresses with cabbage juice will be even more effective. Gauze soaked in juice is applied to the site of the hygroma, fixed and left overnight. You need to apply a compress until the tumor completely disappears;
  • red clay - for this treatment, red clay (200 g) is mixed with sea salt (25 g) and a small amount of water to knead something like a dough. The resulting clay is kneaded and applied to the damaged area, covering with a bandage. You need to walk with such a compress for at least a day, and after two hours the treatment is repeated. Duration of therapy – 10 days;
  • Alcohol compress is an effective remedy in the treatment of hygroma. Alcohol, diluted in half with water, is soaked in a gauze cloth and applied to the bump, leaving it in place for as long as possible. It is necessary to make such compresses until the hygroma is completely eliminated;
  • baths with honey – baths with honey will also help for therapy. Patients need to steam their sore hand in a bath for half an hour, then apply a thick layer of honey to it. The hand is bandaged and insulated with a woolen scarf. You need to do this all day.

Hygroma therapy should be started in a timely manner before it increases in size. With a cyst, you can not notice the negative symptoms of the tumor for a long time, until one day the hygroma makes itself known by compression of the nerve endings. In addition, hygroma becomes a factor for the development of bursitis and tendovaginitis.

To prevent the disease, it is important for patients to monitor the correct distribution of the load on the hands, promptly treat problems that arise on the wrist due to the inflammatory process in the tendon, joint, prevent the development of arthritis, and avoid sports injuries.


Wen in medicine is called lipoma; it clearly indicates the internal contents of lumps that appear on the human body in various places. A lipoma appears on the hands and wrist, turning into a rather large dense lump.

Metabolic disorders are a leading factor for the appearance of lipoma

As a rule, a wen does not hurt or itch anywhere on the body, so attention is paid to it at a time when it has already reached a significant size and is a lump on the surface of the skin. In the wrist area, wen is visually noticeable, especially when bending, if the skin on the hand is thin, so the lipoma clearly protrudes on the surface of the skin.


The reasons why lipomas appear cannot be precisely identified. A big problem is identifying the etiology of lipoma in the wrist area. We can highlight only a few factors that influence the appearance of a wen in the area of ​​the wrist joint:

  • the effect of hereditary factors - the appearance of wen is most often observed in those whose close relatives also suffer from the presence of lipomas on the body;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the digestive organs, in particular during the breakdown of fats;
  • hormonal changes in the body that provoke increased secretion of fat from the skin;
  • the use of hormonal drugs, some of which affect fat production;
  • poor nutrition;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, pancreas.

Some patients mistakenly think that the appearance of a wen near the hand is associated with excess weight. This opinion is erroneous, since statistical studies show that fatty lumps occur with equal frequency in both people of normal weight and obese people.


Wen is not difficult to identify externally. It looks like a compaction on the surface of the skin on the inside or outside of the wrist, the shape of the lipoma is round, the boundaries of the wen are clear. Upon palpation, it can be noted that the wen is mobile, it can slip under the fingers when pressed, but the wen is always clearly limited by the capsule in which its contents are located. Old lipomas can harden like bone.

REFERENCE! The appearance of a lipoma on the hand is occasionally combined with multiple wen on the upper limb, so wen of various sizes can be seen both on the wrist and on the fingers, in the area of ​​the elbow, palms and forearm.


Since a wen on the wrist forms in a visible place, it constantly reminds of itself, and patients involuntarily think about how to eliminate the wen. In most cases, lipoma worries women who perceive it as a purely cosmetic defect. Therefore, most often it is women who begin the active fight against lipoma and do not always do it correctly.

Piercing and squeezing out the contents of a lipoma on the wrist is the most popular household method of combating the tumor. This should not be done under any circumstances, as there is a risk of infection and suppuration of the wen. And the second risk of fighting lipomas on your own is that when squeezing them out, only the contents are removed, but not the capsule itself.

Therefore, after removal of the lipoma and an apparently even contour of the skin, there remains a risk of a second appearance of the wen. After some time, the lipoma capsule will be filled with contents again, and the lipoma will form again.

The issues of removing a wen are not always acute. If a lipoma has formed, but does not grow and does not interfere with the functioning of the hand, doctors prefer not to remove the tumor. The lipoma can be monitored, and in some patients surgery is not performed at all, since the lipoma stops in its growth and development. The decision to operate is made in the following cases:

  • in the presence of inflammation of the lipoma contents;
  • with rapid growth of the tumor;
  • if the lipoma is hard and begins to cause pain;
  • when the color of the skin changes (redness, greening of the skin above the lipoma).

What to do with a lipoma if a lump appears on the wrist causes cosmetic discomfort. First of all, you need to contact a surgeon who will diagnose and distinguish a lipoma from a hygroma, which is similar in appearance, but differs in internal content and approaches to therapy.

Small lipomas are removed using sclerotherapy

There are several ways to treat lipoma on the dorsal wrist joint, but in most cases they involve surgery of varying extent. The radio wave surgery technique primarily works with benign neoplasms, which are the emerging lipomas. Wen removal occurs quite quickly. In most cases, patients can get rid of the hated defect within half an hour.

The big advantage is that radio wave treatment does not leave rough, unsightly scars on the skin, in such a prominent place as the wrist. Radio wave surgery also has a drawback - only tumors that are less than five centimeters in diameter can be removed.

The sclerotherapy method involves injecting a sclerosing solution into the wen itself, which destroys its internal structure. Sclerotherapy also has one big drawback - special solutions can destroy only the internal contents of the lipoma, but its outer shell remains. Even if the contents are removed, the lipoma will recur and grow again after some time.

Laser surgery is one of the most effective ways to combat lipoma on the wrist. The lump is removed using a carbon dioxide laser device, which effectively eliminates not only the contents of the lump itself, but also its capsule, leaving no chance for the lipoma to recur. Laser treatment is carried out under local anesthesia, the stitch after the operation is practically invisible, and the rehabilitation period is very short.

Another method of eliminating wen in the wrist area is liposuction. The procedure is carried out using a small incision of up to half a centimeter, into which a tube is inserted that reaches the cavity of the wen. The advantage of the fat suction procedure is that a quick and satisfactory cosmetic effect is achieved.

REFERENCE! The technique also has a huge disadvantage - it is impossible to remove the wen capsule with its help, which threatens relapses. If a lipoma appears once, then there is a high risk of the lipoma developing again.

If there are wen more than five centimeters in diameter, surgical intervention is performed. The intervention is carried out under local anesthesia, does not last long, but allows you to remove both the internal contents of the wen and its capsule. After the operation, a scar remains, the size of which depends on the size of the formed lipoma. The appearance of the scar requires work to prevent the formation of a rough keloid scar.

The most important

A lump on the hand is usually a manifestation of a hygroma or lipoma. Both of these neoplasms are benign and, in the absence of carcinogenic effects, they do not degenerate into cancerous tumors.

However, this does not mean at all that nothing needs to be done with the lump. First of all, the doctor must diagnose what it is and offer the patient treatment options for the disease. In most cases, the best option is a simple surgical intervention, but hygroma can be eliminated at an early stage using physiotherapeutic methods.

A lump on the wrist is a benign neoplasm that resembles a cyst. In medicine it is also called. This is a specific capsule, inside of which there is exudate with fibrin threads and mucus impurities. There may be several such cavity formations on the wrist. In this case, we will talk about multi-chamber hygroma. Once a tumor has formed, it may not bother a person at all, but as it grows, discomfort arises both physically and aesthetically. Especially when the lump on the hand increases in size to more than five centimeters. In addition, its increase may be accompanied by severe pain.

A lump on the wrist is not a rare pathology. It can occur in absolutely any person, regardless of his age category and gender. Often the pathology is diagnosed even in children. Today, doctors cannot say for sure the cause of growth on the arm, but they know some predisposing factors. A tendency was also noticed that such formations are more often formed in the hands of representatives of certain professions. This gives every reason to classify pathology as an occupational disease.

Etiological factors

As mentioned above, it is now difficult for clinicians to name all the reasons why a lump on the wrist may appear. But they identify certain groups of people (risk groups) in whom pathology is diagnosed most often. They are conventionally divided into two groups:

  • The first group includes people who, due to their professional activities, are forced to perform the same hand movements every day. This includes seamstresses, violinists, people who do embroidery, etc.;
  • The second group includes people who are actively involved in sports and who constantly use their hands (constant strong physical stress on the joint). These are tennis players, golfers and so on.

Possible reasons for the formation of hygroma on the hand:

  • hand injury. It has been noticed that quite often a lump on the wrist occurs in a person who has previously suffered an injury. For example, you fell on your hand or sprained a tendon;
  • hereditary predisposition. This theory also holds true. If one of the parents has a tendency to form hygroma, then most likely it will be passed on to their child;
  • inflammatory diseases of the joints.


At first, a lump on the wrist does not bother a person at all. Its growth can be either slow or rapid. As soon as the tumor begins to grow, the clinical picture of this pathology will appear:

  • a hard bulge forms on the wrist - this is a hygroma;
  • if you shine a strong light on it, it will begin to become translucent, and it will be possible to see the liquid that is localized inside it;
  • the skin over the hygroma may change slightly. It usually becomes darker than the tissue surrounding the tumor;
  • If a sick person tries to make certain active movements with his hand, he will immediately experience severe pain.

Another symptom is numbness in the palm, as well as the inability of a person to make any movements with the fingers of the affected hand. This clinical picture is due to the fact that the tumor has already reached a fairly large size and is beginning to put pressure on the blood vessels, as well as nerve fibers.


Typically, diagnosing a hygroma is not difficult. The standard diagnostic plan for suspected tumors is:

  • visual inspection and palpation of the neoplasm;
  • X-ray of the hand to confirm the preliminary diagnosis;
  • tomography;
  • if there is a suspicion that this tumor may be malignant, then the patient is immediately prescribed a biopsy and puncture of the formed formation. This is necessary in order to identify atypical cells using laboratory analysis.

Therapeutic measures

The doctor determines treatment tactics only after the patient has undergone a full examination and diagnosis. The method largely depends on the stage of neglect of this disease. At this time, three treatment methods are recognized as the most effective:

  • physiotherapeutic treatment. The most gentle method of therapy. It is prescribed if the tumor is in the embryonic stage. The duration of treatment is one month. The patient will not experience any discomfort or pain during the procedure;
  • puncture. The formed formation is pierced with a special syringe, with the help of which exudate is pumped out of the capsule. Next, the joint is tightly fixed with an elastic bandage so that the cavity that remains after removing the fluid is fully overgrown;
  • surgical intervention. It is used only in the most difficult clinical situations.