How to properly prepare oatmeal broth. Healthy oat recipes. Mental activity and performance

Not many people know that oats are considered very healthy cereal, because they can maintain health and cleanse the entire body. Hippocrates invented drinking tea. And the fact that oats have healing properties and can be consumed as medicinal product was discovered by a French doctor who lived to be 120 years old. Perhaps it is thanks to this wonderful cereal?

Useful medicinal properties of oats

Along with many grains, oats are distinguished by their beneficial properties. Its use is recommended for inflammatory processes various organs. Oats are especially useful for diseases of the stomach and intestines. It has a beneficial effect on the absorption of carbohydrates due to its content special element- magnesium. The substance improves the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, and also promotes metabolism. This cereal increases immune system, so when initial stages He is the first doctor for hypertension. Preparations containing oats strengthen blood vessels, replenish silicon levels in the body, and take care of the musculoskeletal system.

In addition, oats contain various microelements: phosphorus and potassium, which have a positive effect on the heart and kidneys. Due to the fact that oats are distinguished by their beneficial properties, they can cure many diseases without resorting to medications.

Preparation of oat decoction

The grain is suitable not only for porridges: it can be used to make healing drink. Its preparation is very simple and accessible to everyone. So, how to make oat decoction correctly?

It is better to take unrefined grains. They are crushed using a blender or meat grinder. One tablespoon of ground oats is poured into a thermos and a glass of boiling water is poured. The mixture needs to be infused for about 10 hours. The liquid is then filtered and consumed as regular tea. For greater effectiveness, the decoction should be taken one glass at a time. three times per day an hour before meals for a month. This decoction is considered prophylactic to improve the health of the whole body.

For what diseases is oat drink taken?

Oat decoction has a beneficial effect on the entire body. It can be taken as additional treatment many human organs. In addition, this cereal reduces blood sugar levels. Apart from these medicinal properties, it is also beneficial for the following vital systems:

  • Gastrointestinal tract.
  • Heart and blood vessels.
  • Liver.
  • Kidney.
  • For the flu.

Each separate disease being treated different recipes preparing a decoction. We will tell you further how to do it correctly for each disease.

Useful properties of the decoction

The oats themselves certainly count medicinal plant, but it is the decoction from it that has many beneficial properties. After all, grains contain various microelements, vitamins, fats, oils, which, when brewed, turn into a decoction. If you use the drink, the result will be more effective.

Why is the decoction so useful:

  1. Helps fight viruses and strengthens the immune system.
  2. If you use it with onions, the mucus from colds will be better cleared.
  3. At a temperature it helps reduce fever.
  4. It has cleansing properties, so it is recommended to take it for liver disease.
  5. Reduces blood sugar.
  6. The vitamin contained in the decoction affects the functioning of the nervous system.
  7. The functioning of the cardiovascular and digestive organs improves.
  8. Thanks to the decoction, you can lose extra pounds.
  9. During pregnancy, the decoction affects overall well-being.
  10. The decoction is recommended to be taken for
  11. It is also indispensable for insomnia.

For more noticeable results, the drink should be drunk regularly.

Sick liver: oats will cure

And indeed it is. Oat decoction fights intoxication in the body. It helps eliminate toxins from the body and free radicals. Therefore, oat decoction is considered an indispensable tool. To cleanse this organ, you should take only high-quality grains, which are best purchased in pharmacies. To make the product more effective, you need to know how to properly make an oat decoction. To prepare the drink, you need to prepare three glasses of washed grain and fill them with three liters of water, after which this composition must be boiled for at least three hours. You can stir it while boiling. After everything is boiled, the broth is squeezed out. It is consumed 150 ml 2-3 times a day, an hour before meals, for one month. For best result This product can be used with the addition of milk.

For therapy to be more effective, you need to adjust your diet throughout the course. Completely eliminate fried and fatty foods. It is better to eat black Before preventive treatment of the liver, you should cleanse the body so that toxic waste does not return. At the same time, one must be aware that when consuming oat decoction, benefits and harms are always interconnected, so if there is more severe forms liver disease, then it is better not to start self-medication.

Contraindications for use

Although all the facts indicate that the body is strengthened when a person consumes oat decoction, medicinal properties And there are also contraindications. The main enemy is considered to be the presence cholelithiasis, besides, if the gallbladder has been removed, then it is better to exclude oats from your diet. At serious illness liver or high cholesterol It is also better not to use a decoction.

During the appointment medicinal drink you need to stop drinking coffee or strong tea, it is better to replace them with juices and jelly. If the body is weakened, then cleansing the liver should be postponed, since the load on the body will be too great. Pregnant women should take oat decoction after consulting a doctor. Benefit and harm are always nearby, so any manipulations with your body must be agreed upon with a specialist.

Oat decoction for weight loss

As already mentioned, oat decoction can help combat extra pounds. If it is combined with physical activity, then the result will not take long to arrive. The effectiveness of weight loss is explained high content fiber, which contributes to:

  • Normalization of fat metabolism.
  • Reducing sugar levels.
  • Reducing the secretion of gastric juice.
  • Reduced insulin production.

In order for weight loss results to be visible, you need to know how to properly make an oat decoction. The recipe is as follows. One glass of oats is filled with three glasses of water and put on fire. After the water has evaporated (not all), the broth is removed. The drink is taken several times a day before meals, you can add honey to it. To make weight loss more effective when you use oat decoction, the recipe needs to be complicated by sprouting the grains.

Oat decoction recipes

Remember, the article said that each disease has its own recipe for making a drink.

Even if nothing bothers or hurts, you can use oat decoction for prevention. Medicinal properties and contraindications are always present, so you need to consult a doctor.

Almost all grains are usually consumed boiled - both during cooking and in medicinal purposes. How effective remedy healing the body, treatment with oat decoction has been known since ancient times. It was recommended to many of his patients by the famous Greek healer Hippocrates, whose methods he does not renounce. modern medicine. According to the beliefs of the followers of Hippocrates, oat broth- This best alternative tea, you can and should drink it every day instead of similar drinks.

Those who have often dealt with oats, at least at the culinary level, know that both the decoction and the infusion from it have a starchy structure. Oat starch differs from potato starch in that it does not lead to sharp increase blood sugar levels. It is not in vain that they are very often involved in the treatment of diabetes mellitus.

Nutritionists call the percentage of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in oat grains and the decoction prepared from them almost ideal: 4-6% fat accounts for up to 18% vegetable protein and about 40% carbohydrates, the latter being represented by starch. This cereal also contains a lot of B vitamins, which ensures high-quality and stabilized functioning of the nervous system.

What are the benefits of a decoction of oat grains? The use of oatmeal broth does not require any special indications - it can be used as a good old general strengthening drug. In itself it is indispensable in treatment chronic gastritis. It is recommended to get acquainted with it if you have symptoms of a stomach ulcer with all the ensuing consequences. Chronic pancreatitis, resistant forms of hepatitis and even the presence of it also become convincing reasons for the regular use of such a decoction.

In ancient times, oat decoction was widely used as an antipyretic. In addition, it has diuretic, anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic effects. Inflammatory processes in bladder and the kidneys can also be localized with its help. Even for small children suffering from urinary incontinence, there is safe way treatment based on the use of this wonderful decoction.

How to prepare oatmeal broth? In order to really do useful decoction oats, you will need whole grains. The so-called cereals that are sold in almost all grocery stores, are not suitable because during processing they lose most of their best properties. You can use grains in their in the usual form, or you can pre-germinate them.

In the first case, a couple of glasses of oatmeal are poured into an enamel pan and poured into a glass cold water. After this, the grain is kept for 10-12 hours until swelling begins. Then place the pan on low heat, bring its contents to a boil and simmer under a closed lid for an hour and a half. Periodically you will have to add water so that it covers the grains. Then the boiled oats are taken out of the water, rubbed through a sieve or crushed with a blender and the resulting mass is placed back into the broth, not forgetting to mix everything thoroughly. Boil the mixture again over low heat until it looks like thick jelly. It is recommended to drink the prepared decoction up to three times a day.

A decoction of unpeeled sprouted oats. The decoction is prepared from sprouted oat grains somewhat differently: the ratio between them and the amount of water should be 1:3. In exactly the same way as in the previous case, the grains are first poured cold water and bring to a boil. After this, remove the lid from the pan and evaporate the contents for two hours, maintaining low heat on the stove. When the volume of water is reduced by half, the broth can be considered ready. It is allowed to cool, filtered and stored in a cold place. It is recommended to drink it half a glass before meals. The course of treatment is on average ten days.

Oats have long been the most popular cereal in the world. Hercules porridge for breakfast is included in the recommendations of almost all nutritionists. This love for this product is explained by the richness of its composition and the unique healing properties of oats for health.

Beneficial features

Particularly useful is a decoction of oats, which is prepared from whole, unrefined grains. When boiling, a lot goes into solution valuable substances, contained in raw cereal with a shell. This is rich mineral composition, amino acids and biologically active compounds involved in biochemical reactions body. Thanks to this, the decoction acquires amazing healing properties.

  • For numerous diseases digestive system the healing process is accelerated when drug treatment supplemented with the use of oatmeal broth. It removes toxins, by-products processing food and medications taken. Alimentary fiber help bind cholesterol, reducing its level, and by enveloping the gastric mucosa, they facilitate scarring of the ulcer.
  • This remedy effectively treats various kinds hepatitis, helping to restore the structure of the liver and its ability to cleanse the blood of harmful products metabolism.
  • It contains substances that have the property of strengthening blood vessels and reducing the risk of spasms in them, which makes it possible to use oats in the treatment of heart or vascular diseases.
  • Known beneficial influence him to nervous system. Thanks to the action of B vitamins, a decrease in emotional stress, sleep is restored, well-being improves.
  • Normalizes sugar levels in diabetes due to the presence of a substance that replaces sugar - inulin.
  • When consumed systematically, oatmeal broth stimulates tissue regeneration processes, promoting rejuvenation of the body.
  • Since it has diuretic properties, you can drink it to reduce swelling.
  • Due to the tryptophan content in the product:
    • synthesis of serotonin is produced, which is responsible for the emotional comfort of the body;
    • his mental and physical activity is stimulated;
    • Headaches during migraines are significantly relieved and disappear;
    • the immune system is strengthened;
    • there is a build-up muscle mass, due to which tryptophan in the form of biologically active additives introduced into sports nutrition.
  • The decoction has a diaphoretic and expectorant effect and, when warm, is useful for colds and respiratory diseases.
  • The product contains substances with antioxidant properties that protect the body from the effects of oxygen free radicals.
  • Everything is in the drink useful material, necessary for cellular nutrition. In addition, cereal grains contain complex carbohydrate- starch. Therefore, when regular use they reduce the feeling of hunger, which makes it possible to use oatmeal in weight loss diets.
  • It is believed that special compounds found in the decoction even help with many narcotic substances.
  • For people using vegetarian system nutrition, oats are a rich source of soluble plant proteins.


For many diseases, a decoction of oats helps, and the benefits and harms of its use should be determined by a specialist who, after an examination, can prescribe a treatment regimen, and in some cases prohibit its use.

  • Side effects usually occur during production pharmaceutical drugs, so they may have certain contraindications. No negative effects have been observed when using a natural product. However, some people may develop an individual intolerance to the drink or allergic reaction on him.
  • Doctors do not recommend using the decoction if you have any gallbladder diseases.
  • When used, the drugs may worsen chronic diseases kidney
  • People with increased acidity gastric juice.

Even in the absence of such contraindications, you should not use oat decoction on your own. Only qualified specialist can determine the possibility or need for its use, as well as individual dosages for the body.

The need for fermentation

There are many recipes for preparing oats for medicinal purposes - depending on the type of disease, they differ in the methods of creation, rules of administration and dosage. But first of all, you need to make the decoction itself correctly so that it breaks down a sufficient amount of phytin - a mixture of calcium and magnesium salts of phytic acid. Most of the phosphorus, zinc and other minerals contained in cereals are in the form of phytic salts, which reduces their absorption.

The decomposition of salts and the release of minerals is possible through the hydrolytic breakdown of phytic acid with the help of enzymes (phytases).

In conventional grains, phytases are activated when the grain is soaked in water or slightly acidic environment for a few hours. At the same time, the main part of phytic acid is neutralized and the nutritional value of the grains is improved. This process also promotes the production of additional enzymes that increase the amount of vitamins.

However, this rule does not apply to oats. After 10-12 hours of its presence in water, only 25% of phytic acid is broken down. Therefore, other fermentation methods must be used for cereals.

Fermenting grains before cooking them has been around for a long time. Before cooking grains or legumes, they were first soaked in water, some types kept this way overnight. This ancient technology is now in good agreement with the latest scientific advances. The benefits of oats depend on the degree of fermentation.

Fermentation in acidic environment

For oats, there are two ways to neutralize phytic acid. Fermentation technology in an acidic environment includes several stages.

  • Soak one glass oat grains with a shell of whey remaining after the production of cottage cheese. There should be twice as much liquid, and it should cover the oats completely, as they will swell and greatly increase in volume.
  • In the absence of whey, you can pour the grain weak solution apple cider vinegar or lemon juice - this solution can be obtained by adding a teaspoon of juice per liter of water.
  • The mixture should be left in a warm place overnight - if by morning the grains are swollen, it means they are ready to prepare the decoction.
  • The next morning, carefully drain the liquid without washing off the husks. Pour a liter of water over the swollen grain and simmer for two hours.
  • Cool the prepared broth, strain, then bring the volume to one liter.

This amount of drink is drunk two days, half a glass before meals.

Preparing a drink from sprouted grains takes much longer.

  • Soak the oats in water and leave overnight to swell. At this time, the enzymatic breakdown process begins nutrients, in which a significant amount of biologically active elements are released for germination of the embryo.
  • In the morning, drain the water and spread the grains on gauze in a warm place.
  • When the main part “hatches”, you need to collect them and grind them.
  • Add enough water to cover the mixture completely, and a spoonful of honey.
  • In the morning, on an empty stomach, drink half of the mixture, the rest during the day.

This mixture has a huge nutritional value, with its help you can restore strength after a serious operation or illness, deep nervous exhaustion.

One more basic recipe obtaining a decoction is a simple way to prepare it.

  • The initial stage of grain preparation is the same as in previous recipes. The oats and husks are soaked together overnight.
  • After 12 hours, when a quarter of the phytin contained in it has disintegrated, drain the layer of liquid and pour a liter of water over the oats.
  • Bring to a boil, simmer over low heat for several hours - you can even overnight. Prolonged simmering also neutralizes a certain part of phytin.
  • Remove the mixture from heat and continue to steep until completely cooled.
  • Drain the cooled liquid, bring its volume back to a liter, then bring to a boil again.

The prepared oat infusion should be drunk two days in advance.

Other recipes

These methods of preparing oatmeal broth are the main ones, and on their basis you can prepare products with a variety of additives, which depends on the type of disease:

  • if you take oats and raisins in equal quantities, you get a mixture with anti-cold properties;
  • a mixture of oatmeal broth with rosehip infusion will enrich it ascorbic acid, which is relevant during a period of mass flu disease;
  • for heart pathologies, a decoction of elecampane is added to oats, and for hypertension, hawthorn is added.

Not only oat grains are useful, but also straw, which in the form of wraps effectively relieves pain and inflammation in diseases of the joints or spine. To prepare the product, place a mixture of oat straw in an enamel pan, pine branches with hay dust and fill with water. The pan is heated for half an hour, then infused for another half hour.

Wraps with this infusion should be carried out every day for two months.

Oat decoction does not cause any addiction, and the benefits and harms depend only on the individual tolerance of the product. At correct use this natural product will definitely help improve the health of the body. It is imprudent to refuse it. Try it - you will definitely be convinced of the value and unique capabilities of the decoction.

Oats are widely used in alternative medicine thanks to his unique composition. In pharmacology, there are also drugs that contain oats in one form or another. Oats are healthy and are often found in the form of rolled oats. But we forget that grains contain much more nutrients. Today we will learn more about the benefits of oats and

Useful properties of oats

Oats have long been successfully used in folk medicine. Its beneficial effect on human body proven and undeniable. Almost all parts of the plant are used in treatment. Even straw is used. Since ancient times, people have cooked from straw medicinal infusion, drank it for kidney disease, it has good diuretic properties.

Oats have wide range therapeutic actions:

  • it improves metabolism,
  • helps cleanse the body of toxins,
  • has a beneficial effect on the activity of the liver, pancreas,
  • Its drugs are taken for pancreatitis and hepatitis.

The chemical elements and vitamins that make up oats have positive influence to all human organs. Infusions and decoctions can be used for cardio- vascular diseases, endocrine, in the presence of problems with the musculoskeletal system.

Patients with diabetes use it to lower their sugar levels. It stimulates the immune system well and makes it easier colds, relieves coughing attacks, promotes a gentle decrease in temperature and good sweating.

It is not only good for health, it is also successfully used in the beauty industry. It improves the quality of skin, nails, and hair.

It must be taken into account that the effect of using medicinal products based on oats, it manifests itself with prolonged use.

Oatmeal is the basis of many therapeutic diets, indispensable in baby food. Children who regularly eat oatmeal porridge in the morning suffer less from colds.

Are there any contraindications?

Of course, despite the beneficial properties of oats, there are contraindications. People with gallbladder diseases who have undergone surgery to remove it are not recommended to take oat infusion.

Use decoctions and infusions with caution when serious illnesses liver, chronic cholecystitis. You should first consult with your doctor.

Benefits of oat drink

Let's figure out the benefits of oat drink. Recipes for jelly prepared with oat decoction come from ancient times. The benefits of its use have long been proven. Oatmeal decoction has beneficial influence due to:

  1. The fiber present in its composition, the ability to form a mucous film on the walls of the stomach, which relieves inflammation during gastritis and ulcers.
  2. Inulin is a polysaccharide that helps people with diabetes maintain sugar levels.
  3. The action of scopoletin for a long time helps to get rid of harmful addictions: drugs, alcohol, tobacco.
  4. B vitamins help with long-term, severe depression,
  5. Tryptophan – essential for athletes building muscle mass.
  6. Soluble fiber – cleanses the body, rids it of salts heavy metals, toxins, bad cholesterol.

Cleansing the body with oats

Exist rules for cleansing the body with oats, guided by them, you can carry out this at home useful procedure. The essence of the rules:

  • Preparing the body for cleansing.
  • Brew oats properly.
  • Use regularly for the required time, according to the scheme.

How to prepare the body for cleansing?

  • It is necessary to analyze the nutritional structure. There are a number of products that should not be consumed, these include: dried, smoked, salted, sausage products. Fatty varieties meat, especially pork is prohibited. Everything that contains a large number of starch, primarily potatoes and corn.
  • Increase daily use fresh vegetables and fruits, without the use of heat treatment. Especially useful is cabbage, both white and all its other types: cauliflower, broccoli, kohlrabi. Apples must be present on the table, as well as nuts, raisins, and dried apricots.
  • For preparing hot dishes, salads and snacks, oils recommended plant origin . Any sunflower or olive oil is equally useful.

How to properly brew oats

There are different ways to brew oats − how to brew it correctly to get the maximum effect from its use.

Classic way

  • Pour a liter of cold water into two glasses of well-washed oats and leave to steep.
  • After a day, heat the pan with oats and maintain a low simmer for about half an hour.
  • Then leave for another day, strain thoroughly, and use the decoction for its intended purpose.

Fast brewing method

  1. To prepare decoctions, you must use oat grains that have not been processed or peeled.
  2. A glass of oats must be sorted out of debris and rinsed well in cold, running water.
  3. Pour one liter of water into a saucepan with a thick bottom, bring to a boil, pour in the prepared grain.
  4. Reduce heat to low and remove pan after two minutes.
  5. Let it brew for half an hour.

The strained broth can be drunk three times a day. Best effect at long-term use. The scheme is to drink for two months, take a month off.

Video recipe for brewing oats in a thermos

Schemes for taking a decoction to cleanse the body

Recipes for oats to cleanse the body and dosage regimens differ, as they can be used for cleansing different parts human body. There are the following types of cleansing:

  1. For weight loss.
  2. To strengthen the immune system.
  3. Intestines.
  4. Liver.
  5. Kidney.
  6. Lungs.
  7. Blood.

How to get rid of excess weight

  • To get rid of extra pounds, you can different ways. You can lose weight in just three days if you only eat oatmeal porridge cooked in water.
  • A less extreme, month-long course, the basis of which is bran, will help you get rid of three kilograms of weight. Its essence: 1st. l. steam bran with boiling water and eat half an hour before meals.
  • The same three kilograms can be lost if you use cooked in the classic way decoction long time, at least three months. Daily norm decoction 0.5 l. Drinking in small portions during the day. Especially useful for women breastfeeding after childbirth.

Cleansing the intestines

If you take a glass of decoction for 30 days, before each meal, there will be soft cleaning intestines.

You can get the same result thanks to fasting days. Conduct them once every seven days, lasting 8 weeks.

On a fasting day, you can only eat oat porridge cooked in water.

Cleaning the liver

Let's consider how to use to cleanse the liver oat products. Suitable for this type of cleaning:

  • Kissel.
  • Decoction.

A good result can be obtained if you cleanse the intestines before doing this.

Prepared using kefir.

  • 0.5 kefir
  • 100 gm. oat grains
  • 1 tbsp. l. sour cream
  • 2 tbsp. water

Mix and leave to ferment for several days. After three days, heat slowly to a boil. Drink 0.5 tbsp. before breakfast and dinner, for a whole month.

The same result will be obtained if you cleanse the liver with a decoction prepared according to classic recipe. They drink it for two weeks, 0.5 tbsp., before each meal.

If you have problems with the immune system

For boosting immunity milk and broth, proportion 1:1, bring to a boil, add 1 tbsp. l. bee honey for 1 cup of mixture. A glass is drunk in small portions all day long. The duration of the course is three months.

How to cleanse your kidneys

If you drink 0.5 tbsp three times a day for a month. decoction, adding 0.5 tbsp. l. bee honey can help improve kidney function. Urine that is slightly pink in color is evidence of cleansing.

Cleaning the lungs

When preparing a decoction, there is no need to strain it, steamed grains you need to grind it, pour in one glass of milk, mix everything, heat to a boil. Drink for a week, a few tablespoons per dose. Take three times a day.

During the course, the cough may increase. Since along with it the lungs will be cleansed of harmful substances accumulated in them.

Cleaning the blood

Sprouted oat grains contain a sufficient amount of magnesium to improve blood quality. Do not use less than a month, before each meal, a few tablespoons.

Oat diets

Any oat diet provides good action on the body as a whole. There are two types of diets:

  • Mono.
  • Mixed.


The easiest one to perform, according to reviews from people who used it, they managed to get rid of 10 kg. weight in just a week.

Take a glass of oats, put it in a thermos, pour boiling water over it, and steam it overnight. In the morning, there is ready-made porridge in a thermos; you need to eat it in small portions the day before.

The reduction in weight is explained by the conclusion excess liquid, if after such a diet you do not limit yourself in food, do not exercise physical exercise, the weight will return quickly.


Mixed diets can be used; they involve the use of several products at once that have beneficial features. For example, consider a diet using per day products:

  • Apples 4 pcs.
  • Cottage cheese 200 gm.
  • Oatmeal porridge three servings.

It should be borne in mind that when using this diet you cannot engage in active physical activity. It is indicated for people leading a sedentary lifestyle who want to lose a little weight. Frequent use This type of nutrition is not recommended; it can be carried out no less than three months later.

Use information about the benefits of oats wisely, in what cases is it recommended to take oat decoction, oat-based diets and products made from it. Keep in mind what contraindications exist. You can find a treatment option that is not contraindicated for health reasons and will help improve your condition. individual organs, and the whole organism as a whole.

Do not forget to consult your doctor before using traditional medicine!

Most of us look at the practical use of oats through the prism of useful and dietary nutrition because everyone knows that no better dishes for breakfast than classic oatmeal. Fans natural diets love muesli based on oat flakes. And if we talk about beauty and health, women use cereals for cooking cosmetic masks, scrubs and other useful things. But all this applies to those cases when the cereal has already been processed. But you can make something like this from raw oats natural medicine like oatmeal.

Cooking healthy drink only from whole, unrefined oats. The algorithm for preparing oat decoction necessarily includes three steps:

  • washing;
  • boiling;
  • straining.

There are subtleties in these procedures, depending on what kind of decoction, for what disease we are preparing. Some decoctions need to be diluted after straining. boiled water, others are prepared not with water, but with milk, and still others add other healthy ingredients.

The main thing in the cooking process is fire. The decoction should not be prepared over high heat; it can only be quickly brought to a boil, and then the flame will still be reduced. With low heat, all the beneficial substances of the oats are transferred into the broth, and a strong flame can cause the cereal to burn. Then the liquid will need to be poured out without regret: there is no benefit in it, and the taste is bitter.

At the washing stage, you need to fill the grains with water and remove the raised “dummies” with a slotted spoon.

It is best to buy oats for treatment or in specialized departments of supermarkets where they are sold organically. clean products, or somewhere in the outback, away from the noise of the city and urban air that is not entirely clean.

This herbal remedy has been used at all times in all regions where oats were grown. Healers and healers, famous healers mentioned the healing properties of oat decoction, because it:

  • improves metabolism;
  • increases hemoglobin in the blood;
  • stimulates the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

The beneficial qualities of oatmeal broth allow it to be used in treatment:

  • kidney (nephritis);
  • liver (hepatitis, etc.);
  • diseases respiratory tract(bronchitis, pneumonia, pharyngitis, laryngotracheitis);
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, duodenitis, peptic ulcer);
  • diseases endocrine system (diabetes, pancreatitis), etc.

Oat decoction not only treats, it is also used in for preventive purposes as a natural immunostimulant. In addition, it is an excellent natural sleeping pill. And easy diuretic effect does this herbal preparation help in the fight against high blood pressure.

And a little about what is in oats that provides all of it valuable qualities.He has minerals, macro- and microelements, vitamins, amino acids and essential oils. From the point of view of nutrition (the science of nutrition), oatmeal or porridge is an almost ideal food, since it contains everything that is needed to maintain the human body.

Application, how to drink

At various diseases The dosage and concentration of oatmeal broth, the duration of the course of treatment and how many times a day it is taken change.

A classic decoction is prepared to improve the functioning of the liver and biliary tract. To do this, you need to wash a glass of whole (unpeeled) oat grains, rinse them with cold water, and then pour in 1 liter of water. Let stand covered for 12 hours. When it has brewed, place on low heat until the liquid boils, then cover again and let it simmer for half an hour. After this, you need to remove the container with the broth and wrap it to keep warm (blanket, plaid, thick terry cloth, etc.). The broth stands in this form for another 12 hours, after which it, already cooled, is filtered and taken half a glass three times a day, 20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 60 days, then we rest for 30 days and drink again for 60 days. Full course Treatment with this dosage regimen and alternating breaks lasts a year.

The effectiveness of oat decoction in this case largely depends on the water with which it is prepared. Can't take raw water from the tap, it must either be passed through a filter, or boiled and cooled. You can buy bottled water without gas in supermarkets, the most best water– for baby food.

Oatmeal decoction prepared in this way should be drunk for hepatitis and rehabilitation period after illness. It is useful for the gallbladder, as it improves the functioning of the bile ducts.

For nephritis and inflammatory processes in the kidneys, prepare medicine, which is more of an infusion of oats. The recipe is simple: place a tablespoon of washed and dried oat grains in the husk in a coffee grinder or blender and grind. We pass the same amount of dried rose hips through the same devices, and pour the resulting crushed dry substance into a thermos and pour a liter of boiling water. After 12 hours, open the lid of the thermos, cover the top of the saucepan with gauze and pour out the hot broth. You can do this using a sieve, but be sure to let the liquid cool slightly: we need to squeeze out the broth as best as possible without scalding our hands.

Warm mucous decoction should be taken in a glass either immediately before a meal, or 2 hours after a meal. Drink in a course of 3 weeks, if necessary, repeat after a week.

Small amounts of decoction daily are a good prevention of urolithiasis.

Preparing oatmeal infusion in a thermos: video

For pancreatitis, you need to take a glass of unrefined oat grains, rinse, dry, and then pour a liter into a saucepan boiled water, cooled to room temperature. The saucepan is covered and the oats are infused for 12 hours. The infused oats are placed on low heat and after boiling, cook for 30 minutes under a tightly covered lid. After this, the pan needs to be well wrapped and set aside for another 12 hours.

It is filtered through double-folded gauze so that as much of the beneficial substances from the cake remain as possible, and the resulting slimy infusion is brought to boiled water at room temperature to make a liter of liquid.

During an exacerbation chronic pancreatitis the entire resulting volume is divided into three parts and drunk per day. You need to drink before eating. At acute inflammation You need to drink half a glass of pancreas 3-4 times a day before meals.

At non-insulin dependent diabetes(diabetes mellitus type 2) a slightly fermented decoction of oats, similar to kvass, is prepared. Recipe for this drink: for 500 g of unrefined whole grain oats 4 tablespoons of sugar and enough water to completely fill a three-liter jar filled with oats. The neck of the jar is wrapped with double gauze and placed in a warm place (out of direct contact with sun rays). After 3 days, the fermented broth is ready. Such oat kvass You can drink one starter for up to 3 months, adding water instead of the liquid you drink. After 3 months you need to make a new starter.

This decoction quenches thirst and can be drunk like regular kvass. This remedy not only effectively lowers blood sugar levels, but also “eats” cholesterol and takes part in the process of tissue regeneration. It is also useful for vitamin deficiency.

For children, prepare a decoction of 100 g of whole oat grains and 500 ml of water or milk. The oats are poured in and simmered over low heat for half an hour after boiling. You need to drink the strained broth once a day, up to a year, a teaspoon, up to two years, a tablespoon, then a third of a glass, and from five years, half a glass or more. Recommended for colds with fever and children with increased excitability for a good sleep.

Oatmeal decoction has a laxative effect, so it is recommended for those prone to constipation and unstable stools.

To lose weight, you can use oatmeal broth as part of a diet (in addition to other foods and dishes), or as a mono-diet, i.e. eat only a thick slimy decoction of oats and oatmeal. In the second case, you should definitely consult with your doctor so that such a strict restriction in food does not “trigger” any dormant unwanted processes. There is no risk of dying from hunger on oats alone, since this grain contains everything you need - fats, proteins and carbohydrates. But less than in regular food.

A decoction for weight loss is prepared from two glasses of unrefined cereal and a liter of water. First, it is infused for 12 hours, then brought to a boil over low heat and cooked for 2 hours. After this, it is rubbed through a sieve or passed through a blender, diluted with boiled water so that it is not very thick, and taken half a glass three times a day before meals. You can do “hungry days” in the diet, when all food is only oatmeal broth. The maximum duration of the diet is a month. The minimum (to feel at least some effect) is 2 weeks.

According to reviews from those who have used this diet, you can lose from two to 6 kg per course. Many people don’t really like the bland taste of oats, and they added a teaspoon of juice - grapefruit, lemon - to the broth. You can add a little honey.

It is noted that such a diet helps not only to burn excess deposits, but also to improve well-being and normalize stool in those who have a tendency to constipation.

It is recommended to take oat decoction for gastrointestinal diseases, especially gastritis of various etiologies, both hyperacid and hypoacid. A glass of ground grains per liter of water is brought to a boil and simmered under a lid over low heat for half an hour. It is wrung out, filtered and topped up to make a liter. You should drink a glass before meals. This remedy relieves heartburn well, eliminates flatulence and colic. The mucous consistency protects the stomach lining and duodenum, reducing painful sensations for inflammation and ulcers.

The same decoction is recommended for men with decreased potency and for the prevention of prostatitis.

When coughing, make a decoction - a glass of grain per liter of milk is boiled over low heat for an hour, oil and honey are added. Used to treat pneumonia, bronchitis, to moisturize mucous membranes and alleviate dry cough. This decoction is useful for children with whooping cough.

Colds and bronchitis coughs are treated with a decoction of oats, which is prepared in the oven: raisins and oats are mixed 2 tbsp. l and, pour 1.5 liters of water, put in the oven for an hour. Then honey is added. Take 4-5 times a day until the cough subsides.

Oat decoction is not contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women; on the contrary, it is recommended to use it when they usually take medications, because medications are undesirable for expectant mothers. Oatmeal decoction will help the kidneys cope with the increased load and cleanse the body. But you need to know when to stop, because exceeding the norm will lead to calcium deficiency in the bones of both the mother and the fetus due to the phytic acid contained in oats.

Useful properties of oats: video

Take oat decoction with caution if you are prone to stone formation. gallbladder. If stones are diagnosed, it is better not to drink this remedy, as it stimulates the peristalsis of the bile ducts and the stones can come out of the bladder and cause blockage.

Gluten intolerance is a contraindication to the use of oats and some other grains.