Antioxidants for facial skin preparations in pharmacies. Method of administration and dose. What to eat to fight free radicals

Antioxidants, antioxidants (preservatives, antioxidants) - molecules with a negatively charged electron, oxidation inhibitors, synthetic or natural substances that can slow down the oxidation process.

Antioxidants are substances that slow down oxidation processes by binding free radicals. How older man, the worse its antioxidant system copes with its tasks. This is especially true for people living in industrial centers and megacities. Antioxidant drugs from pharmacies are designed to help restore the body, improve health and prolong youth.

Main groups of antioxidants

Today scientists know great amount a variety of antioxidants, the number of which is growing every year, but they can all be divided into four categories:

  1. Vitamins. They can be fat- or water-soluble. The latter provide protection to ligaments, blood vessels and muscles, while fat-soluble ones protect fatty tissue in the body. The most powerful among the fat-soluble ones are vitamin A, beta-carotene and vitamin E. As for the water-soluble ones, the most powerful among them are vitamin C (ascorbic acid - an antioxidant) and B vitamins.
  2. Bioflavonoids. This type of antioxidant is also found in drugs, and is also found in red wine in the form of catechins, and in green tea in the form of quercetin. Bioflavonoids act on free radicals as a trap, suppressing their development.
  3. Enzymes. These antioxidant tablets act as catalysts that help neutralize free radicals. They are also produced by the body.
  4. Minerals. They are not synthesized by the body, but enter the body from the outside in the form of products and antioxidant drugs from the list. The most powerful are calcium, zinc and manganese.

Vitamin antioxidants

These antioxidants are sold in pharmacies without a prescription. These drugs are vitamin-mineral complexes. The list of antioxidants of this type includes the following pharmaceutical preparations:

Vitrum-forte Q10. The drugs help slow down the wear and tear of systems and organs by stimulating their blood supply and regulating the concentration of cholesterol in the blood.

Vitrum is an antioxidant. This antioxidant in the drug provides protection against the damaging effects of free radicals. The complex is prescribed to strengthen the immune system for colds and infections, as well as for the prevention of hypovitaminosis.

You can find out how antioxidants from the group of vitamin-type drugs work in the instructions for a specific drug, choosing the best option for yourself.

Omega-3 based drugs

This group of antioxidant drugs contains omega-3 fatty acids and includes the following popular pharmaceutical products, How:

  • fish fat;
  • Vitrum cardio;
  • Epadol;
  • Omacor;
  • Tecom and some others.

When omega-3 acids enter the body, they restore the normal balance of polyunsaturated fats. The strongest antioxidants in drugs in this group are:

Essentiale. A complex pharmaceutical antioxidant, which in addition to phospholipids contains vitamins with antioxidant properties. The drug is indispensable in the fields of obstetrics, pulmonology and cardiology.

Lipin. Powerful antioxidant drug natural origin to restore the functional activity of the endothelium. It has immunomodulatory and membrane-protective properties, and also strengthens antioxidant protection in organism.

Berlition, Espa-Lipon. These antioxidants in medications are prescribed for hyperglycemia to lower blood glucose levels. Berlition is also used for diabetic neuropathy, and Espa-Lipon is a lipid-lowering agent, detoxifier and hepatoprotector.

Peptide and nucleic acid preparations

Antioxidants of this group of drugs are used both in complex and mono-therapy. The most powerful antioxidants in tablets from the list are pharmaceutical preparations:

Glutargin. It contains arginine and glutamic acid. It creates a hypoammonemic effect and is characterized by antioxidant, antihypoxic and cardioprotective activity. Prescribed for liver cirrhosis, hepatitis and other diseases.

Asparkam, Panangin. Popular antioxidant drugs stimulate motor skills digestive system, the formation of ATP, normalize the functioning of blood vessels and the heart, and also tone skeletal muscles.

Kratal, Dibikor. These antioxidants from the pharmacy create a hypoglycemic and stress-protective effect on the human body. Prescribed for diabetes and other endocrine disorders, as well as for heart failure. Kratal can be used for vegetative neuroses.

Cerebrolysin. The main component of this antioxidant drug is a hydrolyzate of a substance from pig brain. The drug reduces the concentration of lactate in brain tissue, reduces the neurotoxic effects of certain amino acids, etc. The drug is prescribed for strokes and cerebrovascular disorders.

Actovegin. This antioxidant tablet is a thoroughly purified blood hemodialysate. It contains oligopeptides, nucleosides and other important components that increase the influx of potassium and stimulate phosphate metabolism. The product creates a powerful antioxidant effect and is used for damage to the central nervous system, organic eye damage and other diseases.

Unfortunately, you can only be forever young and beautiful in your avatar. In life, everything is different: with age, wrinkles and diseases appear. And free radicals are to blame for all these troubles. To combat them, you can use natural products and artificial antioxidants - drugs that are sold in pharmacies. We will talk about them.

How to protect yourself from “agents of old age”?

Free radicals are molecules that are missing one electron. These are found both in products and in environment. Everything would be fine, but when they find themselves in the body, they intensively try to make up for their “defect” and look for material for themselves to “complete”, taking it away from other cells. By damaging them they cause premature aging. After 30 years, almost a third of all protein compounds suffer from free radical attacks.

To stop them destructive effect, there are drugs - antioxidants. What are they and what do they contain? These are special substances that neutralize oxidation processes and are created in laboratories. They increase cell endurance, prolong youth and increase human life expectancy.

Certain foods can also introduce them into the body. But why are synthetic antioxidants better than natural products? Nothing really. The best option– receive such beneficial substances through food. But not everyone has the opportunity to eat fully and properly. In addition, the quality of the products themselves today leaves much to be desired: they contain nitrates and other harmful components. Therefore, to protect yourself from cancer, heart disease, preserve your vision and avoid early aging, it is advisable to take artificial antioxidants - drugs that can be found in pharmacies.

The best antioxidants for age-related diseases

If you have already felt harmful effect“evil” radicals and are determined to give a decisive rebuff to disease and old age, then use “pure” antioxidants. Drugs (the list of them is quite impressive) of this spectrum are available, but they must be prescribed by a doctor: if you act on your own, you can harm your well-being.

The most strong antioxidants used in complex and monotherapy. Among the best are the following pharmaceuticals:

  • Glutargin. Includes glutamic acid and arginine. It has not only antioxidant, but also antihypoxic (improves oxygen metabolism) and cardioprotective activity (positively affects heart function). This drug is prescribed for cirrhosis, hepatitis and other serious ailments;
  • Asparkam and Panangin. It's pretty famous medicines from a range of synthetic antioxidants. They have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive organs, heart and blood vessels, maintain skeletal muscle tone, stimulate ATP synthesis;
  • Dibikor, Kratal. Produces stress-protective and hypoglycemic effects. They are prescribed for diabetes and other endocrine pathologies. They are also indicated for those who have insufficient pumping function of the heart. Kratal becomes a real salvation for VSD;
  • Actovegin. A drug that is, as they say, “well known.” The main active ingredient of this antioxidant is purified blood hemodialysate. It also contains other valuable elements that replenish potassium reserves and stimulate phosphate metabolism. The medicine effectively resists free radicals and is used for lesions of the central nervous system, pathologies of the organs of vision;
  • Cerebrolysin. A medicine with an impressive “experience”. Its antioxidant effect is based on the presence of a special substance from pig brain. It reduces the lactate content in brain tissue and suppresses the neurotoxic effects of certain amino acids. It is usually included in the list of prescriptions for strokes and other pathologies of the nervous system.

Antioxidants without a prescription: how to prolong your youth?

If you don’t have any special health problems, but signs of age are already making themselves felt, then it’s better to start with vitamin supplements. mineral complexes. The following multivitamins lead the list of such antioxidants:

  • Vitrum-forte Q10. A product that slows down the natural wear and tear of all organs, improves their blood supply and normalizes the content of “bad” cholesterol;
  • Vitrum is an antioxidant. Qualitatively blocks the oxidative process, thereby reducing the danger of pest radicals. Can be used both for prophylactic purposes (to prevent vitamin deficiency) and to strengthen the immune system (for frequent ARVI);
  • Essentiale. This is a complex antioxidant. Its peculiarity is that it contains phospholipids and vitamins;
  • Lipin. Considered the most powerful antioxidant natural origin. Restores endothelial activity, increases protective forces and antioxidant capabilities of cells;
  • Espa-Lipon, Berlition. Agents that reduce glucose concentrations.

The range of antioxidant drugs is quite large, but you need to pay attention to this feature: in order for vitamins and microelements to neutralize the negative effects of free radicals, you should increase their daily dose by 2-3 times and drink them for at least a year.

What to eat to fight free radicals?

As already mentioned, you can help your body resist insidious radicals not only with pills. Products can also perform this task. These are vegetables and fruits (grapes), vegetable oils, sprouted grains, green tea, coffee ( good quality), chocolate, spices (cinnamon and cloves). The only pity is that most of them contain an impressive amount of calories, so consume them in large quantities It just won't work.

So are antioxidants the miracle cure that will stop aging? Scientists have not yet come to a consensus. The healing effect of these elements on the body has not yet been proven by science. But one thing is certain: the correct and balanced diet and well-chosen vitamin complexes will help avoid many diseases and prolong youth.

Oxidative processes go on non-stop in our bodies. At the same time, tissue cells are destroyed and the body ages. The reason for this is free radicals, which weaken the immune system and lead to aging of tissues and organs. It is to stop this process that antioxidants are required. These substances slow down oxidation processes in the body and prevent the cell membrane from being destroyed. How to maintain the required composition of antioxidants in the body and not age?

Types and classification of antioxidants

Based on the nature of their origin, two types of these substances are distinguished:

Synthetic antioxidants are used in Food Industry to stop oxidation processes.

All antioxidants, and there are more than 3 thousand of them, are divided into 4 groups:

  1. Vitamins. There are water-soluble and fat-soluble. Water-soluble substances protect muscles, ligaments and blood vessels, while others protect adipose tissue. The strongest of the fat-soluble group are vitamins A and E, Beta-carotene. In the water-soluble group, the most powerful are vitamins C and B.
  2. Bioflavonoids. They work as a trap for free radicals, stop their formation and help rid the body of toxins. These include catechin and quercetin, which are found in abundance in red wine and sufficiently in citrus fruits and green tea.

  1. Enzymes. Act as catalysts and increase the rate of elimination of free radicals. Usually enzymes are produced by the body, but it happens that their synthesis is insufficient for the normal functioning of the body. In this case, they need to be obtained from the outside, in the form of medications. One of them is “Coenzyme Q10”, which compensates for enzyme deficiency.
  2. Minerals. They are not synthesized in the body; they can only be obtained from food or in the form of mineral complexes. The most necessary for the body considered: zinc, calcium, manganese, selenium.

You cannot prescribe these drugs to yourself; they must be prescribed by a doctor after the necessary examination.

The most popular pharmaceutical antioxidants

They are sold in pharmacies in the form of drops, tablets and capsules. When purchasing a drug at a pharmacy, carefully study its composition and read reviews. Domestic pharmacies have good means to fight free radicals. For example:

  1. Bifidum. It contains antibiotics that restore intestinal microflora and helps digestion useful substances. It also contains dihydroquercetin, a strong antioxidant that helps improve metabolic processes on cellular level, improves capillary function, slows down aging and oxidation processes.
  2. Resveratrol. Contains resveratol, catechin and quercetin, therefore needed for the treatment of diabetes mellitus, prevention oncological diseases, nervous disorders And cardiovascular pathologies. By eliminating free radicals, it improves the psycho-emotional state of the patient.

  1. Vitamins. Among them, the most popular are Complivit and Vitrum antioxidant. Complivit contains calcium, copper, manganese, lipoic acid and others useful components. Vitamins are prescribed to boost immunity, improve metabolism, brain and nervous system function. Helps the normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and removes toxins from the body. Vitrum antioxidant is a mineral-vitamin complex with a strong antioxidant effect. Apply after past diseases, vitamin deficiency and minerals in organism. Improves metabolism, increases defenses, removes toxins.

  1. Dietary supplements. If you can’t make up for the deficiencies of antioxidants by eating them, and you don’t want to take pills either, then you can use dietary supplements that contain fatty acids:
  2. Omega. Contains Omega-3 fatty acids needed for normal operation the whole body. Helps reduce the risk of strokes, reduces blood pressure, relieves inflammatory processes. It has a good effect on the skin and moisturizes it.
  3. Life formula. Replenishes the body with vitamins and minerals, improves immunity. It has a positive effect on the synthesis of hormones, thereby prolonging the reproductive functions of women and men. Helps preserve and improve vision, gives energy, has an antitumor and tonic effect.

When choosing antioxidants, you should study their instructions in detail. Only on its basis can you choose what you need.

Today everyone is talking about antioxidants. Some consider them a powerful weapon against aging, others consider them a deception of pharmacists, and still others consider them a potential catalyst for cancer. So is it worth taking antioxidants? What are these substances for? What drugs can they be obtained from? We will talk about this in the article.


Antioxidants are chemicals that can bind free radicals and thereby slow down oxidation processes. Antioxidant translated means “antioxidant”. Oxidation is essentially a reaction with oxygen. It is this gas that is to blame for the fact that a cut apple turns brown, iron rusts in the open air, and fallen leaves rot. Something similar happens in our body. Every person has an antioxidant system that fights free radicals throughout life. However, after forty years, this system can no longer fully cope with the task assigned to it, especially when a person smokes, eats low-quality food, sunbathes without using protective equipment etc. You can help her if you start taking antioxidants in tablets and capsules, as well as in the form of injections.

Four groups of substances

Currently, more than three thousand antioxidants are already known, and their number continues to increase. All of them are divided into four groups:

  1. Vitamins. They are water-soluble and fat-soluble. The former protect blood vessels, ligaments, muscles, and the latter protect adipose tissue. Beta-carotene, vitamin A, vitamin E are antioxidants, the most powerful among fat-soluble ones, and vitamin C and B-group vitamins are among water-soluble ones.
  2. Bioflavonoids. They act as a trap for free radicals, suppress their formation and help remove toxins. Bioflavonoids mainly include catechins found in red wine and quercetin, which is found in green tea and citrus fruits.
  3. Enzymes. They play the role of catalysts: they increase the rate of neutralization of free radicals. Produced by the body. You can additionally obtain these antioxidants from the outside. Drugs, such as, for example, Coenzyme Q10, will compensate for the lack of enzymes.
  4. They are not produced in the body; they can only be obtained from the outside. The most powerful antioxidants in this group are calcium, manganese, selenium, and zinc.

Antioxidants (drugs): classification

All antioxidants, which are medicinal in origin, are divided into unsaturated preparations fatty acids; preparations of proteins, amino and nucleic acids that react with free radical oxidation products; vitamins, flavonoids, hormones and microelements. Let's tell you more about them.

Substrates for free radical oxidation

This is the name for drugs that contain omega-3 acids. These include Epadol, Vitrum Cardio, Tecom, Omacor, and fish oil. The main omega-3-polyunsaturated acids - decosohexanoic and eicosapentaenoic acids - when introduced externally into the body, restore their normal ratio. We list the strongest antioxidants in this group below.

1. The drug "Essentiale"

This complex remedy, containing, in addition to phospholipids, vitamins with antihypoxic (nicotinamide, thiamine, pyridoxine, riboflavin) and antioxidant (cyanocobalamin, tocopherol) properties. The drug is used in pulmonology, obstetrics, hepatology, cardiology, and ophthalmology.

2. Lipin product

It is an antihypoxant and a natural powerful antioxidant that restores the functional activity of the endothelium, has immunomodulatory, membrane-protective properties, supports the body's antioxidant system, and has a positive effect on the synthesis of surfactant and pulmonary ventilation.

3. Medicines "Espa-Lipon" and "Berlition"

These antioxidants reduce blood glucose levels during hyperglycemia. Thioctic acid is endogenously formed in the body and participates as a coenzyme in the decarboxylation of a-keto acids. The drug "Berlition" is prescribed for diabetic neuropathy. And the drug "Espa-Lipon", which is, among other things, a hypolipidemic agent, a hepatoprotector and a detoxicant, is used for intoxication with xenobiotics.

Preparations of peptides, nucleic acids and amino acids

The products of this group can be used both in mono- and in complex therapy. Among them, we can separately note glutamic acid, which, along with the ability to remove ammonia, stimulate energy-producing and redox processes, and activate the synthesis of acetylcholine, can also have a significant antioxidant effect. This acid is indicated for psychosis, mental exhaustion, epilepsy, reactive depression. Below we will consider the most powerful antioxidants of natural origin.

1. Glutargin product

This drug contains glutamic acid and arginine. It produces a hypoammonemic effect, has antihypoxic, membrane-stabilizing, antioxidant, hepato- and cardioprotective activity. It is used for hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, to prevent alcohol intoxication, and to eliminate hangover syndrome.

2. Medicines “Panangin” and “Asparkam”

These antioxidants (aspartic acid preparations) stimulate the formation of ATP, oxidative phosphorylation, and improve motility digestive tract and tone skeletal muscles. These medications are prescribed for cardiosclerosis, arrhythmias accompanied by hypokalemia, angina pectoris, and myocardial dystrophy.

3. Drugs "Dibikor" and "Kratal"

These products contain taurine, an amino acid that has stress-protective, neurotransmitter, cardioprotective, hypoglycemic properties and regulates the release of prolactin and adrenaline. Preparations containing taurine are the best antioxidants that protect against damage by irritants lung tissue. In combination with other medications, it is recommended to use Dibikor for diabetes mellitus, heart failure. The drug "Kratal" is used for VSD, vegetative neuroses, and post-radiation syndrome.

4. Medication "Cerebrolysin"

The medicine includes as an active ingredient a hydrolyzate of a substance from pig brain, freed from protein, containing amino acids and a complex of peptides. The drug reduces the lactate content in brain tissue, maintains calcium homeostasis, stabilizes cell membranes, and reduces the neurotoxic effect of excitatory amino acids. This is a very powerful antioxidant, which is prescribed for stroke and cerebrovascular pathologies.

5. Medicine "Cerebrocurin"

This drug contains peptides, amino acids, and low molecular weight proteolysis products. It produces antioxidant, protein-synthesizing, energy-producing effects. The drug "Cerebrocurin" is used for diseases associated with disruption of the central nervous system, as well as in ophthalmology for pathologies such as senile macular degeneration.

6. The drug "Actovegin"

This medicine is a highly purified blood hemodialysate. It contains nucleosides, oligopeptides, intermediate products of fat and carbohydrate metabolism, due to which it enhances oxidative phosphorylation, the exchange of high-energy phosphates, increases the influx of potassium, and the activity of alkaline phosphatase. The drug exhibits a strong antioxidant effect and is used for organic lesions of the eyes, central nervous system, for faster regeneration of mucous membranes and skin in case of burns and wounds.


This group includes vitamin preparations, flavonoids, hormones. From non-coenzyme vitamin products, which simultaneously have both antioxidant and antihypoxic properties, we can note “Coenzyme Q10”, “Riboxin”, “Coragin”. We will describe other antioxidants in tablets and other dosage forms below.

1. Medicine "Energostim"

This combination remedy, in addition to inozyme, containing nicotinamide dinucleotide and cytochrome C. Thanks to the composite composition, the drug “Energostim” exhibits complementary antioxidant and antihypoxic properties. The medicine is used for myocardial infarction, alcoholic hepatosis, myocardial dystrophy, hypoxia of brain cells

2. Vitamin preparations

As already noted, water- and fat-soluble vitamins exhibit pronounced antioxidant activity. Fat-soluble products include Tocopherol, Retinol and other medications containing carotenoids. Of the water-soluble vitamin preparations, nicotinic and ascorbic acids, Nicotinamide, Cyanocobalamin, Rutin, and Quercetin have the greatest antioxidant potential.

3. The drug "Cardonat"

Includes pyridoxal phosphate, lysine hydrochloride, carnitine chloride, cocarboxylase chloride. These components take part in acetyl-CoA. The medication activates the processes of growth and assimilation, produces anabolic hepato-, neuro-, cardioprotective effects, and significantly increases physical and intellectual performance.

4. Flavonoids

Among the preparations containing flavonoids, tinctures of hawthorn, echinacea, and motherwort can be distinguished. These products, in addition to antioxidant properties, also have immunomodulatory and hepatoprotective properties. Antioxidants are sea buckthorn oil, which contains unsaturated fatty acids, and domestic herbal medicines produced in the form of drops: “Cardioton”, “Cardiofit”. Hawthorn tincture should be taken for cardiac dysfunction of a functional nature, motherwort tincture - as sedative, tinctures of radiola rosea and echinacea - as a means of general tonic action. Sea buckthorn oil shown when peptic ulcer, prostatitis, hepatitis.

5. Vitrum antioxidant product

This is a complex of minerals and vitamins that exhibits pronounced antioxidant activity. The drug at the cellular level protects the body from destructive impact free radicals. The Vitrum Antioxidant product contains vitamins A, E, C, as well as microelements: manganese, selenium, copper, zinc. The vitamin-mineral complex is taken to prevent hypovitaminosis, to increase the body's resistance to infections and colds, after treatment with antibacterial agents.


Antioxidants in the form of medications should be used by people after the age of forty, heavy smokers, those who often eat fast food, as well as people working in bad ecology. Patients who have recently had cancer or have high risk its development, the use of such drugs is contraindicated. And remember: it is better to get antioxidants from natural products, not from medications!

Manufacturer: RUE "Belmedpreparaty" Republic of Belarus

ATC code: A11GA01, A11HA03, A11CA01

Farm group:

Release form: Solid dosage forms. Powder for oral use.

General characteristics. Compound:

Active substance: 100 mg ascorbic acid, 100 mg alpha-tocopherol acetate, 33,000 IU retinol acetate.

Vitamin complex with a pronounced antioxidant effect.

Pharmacological properties:

Pharmacodynamics. Pharmacological activity vitamin complex is due to its pronounced antioxidant effect. Significantly improves the body's energy supply, increases its antitumor resistance, has a pronounced radioprotective effect and promotes the restoration of irradiated tissues, delays the growth of tumors and metastasis processes, increases the antitumor activity of chemotherapy drugs while simultaneously reducing their toxicity.

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is not formed in the human body, but comes only from food. Pharmacological effects: in quantities significantly exceeding daily requirement(90 mg), has almost no effect, except for the rapid elimination of symptoms of hypo- and (scurvy). Physiological functions: is a cofactor in some hydroxylation and amidation reactions - transfers electrons to enzymes, providing them with a reducing equivalent. Participates in the reactions of hydroxylation of proline and lysine residues of procollagen with the formation of hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine (post-translational modification of collagen), oxidation of lysine side chains in proteins with the formation of hydroxytrimethyllysine (in the process of kartinite synthesis), oxidation of folic acid to folinic acid, metabolism of drugs in liver microsomes and hydroxylation dopamine to form norepinephrine. Increases the activity of amidating enzymes involved in the processing of oxytocin, ADH and cholecystokinin. Participates in steroidogenesis in the adrenal glands. Restores Fe3+ to Fe2+ in the intestine, promoting its absorption. The main role in tissues is participation in the synthesis of collagen, proteoglycans, etc. organic components intercellular substance of teeth, bones and capillary endothelium. IN low doses(150-250 mg/day orally) improves the complexing function of deferoxamine in chronic drugs Fe, which leads to increased excretion of the latter.

Tocopherol is a fat-soluble vitamin whose function remains unclear. As an antioxidant, it inhibits the development of free radical reactions, prevents the formation of peroxides that damage cellular and subcellular membranes, which has important for the development of the body, normal function of the nervous and muscular systems. Together with selenium, it inhibits the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids (a component of the microsomal electron transfer system), and prevents. It is a cofactor of some enzyme systems.

Retinol is an essential component for the normal function of the retina: it binds with opsin to form visual purple rhodopsin, necessary for twilight vision. Vitamin A is involved in the regulation of epithelial division and differentiation (strengthens epithelial differentiation, stimulates the formation of secretory cells, inhibits keratinization processes); necessary for bone growth, normal reproductive function, embryonic development.

Pharmacokinetics. Ascorbic acid: absorption of ascorbic acid occurs in small intestine. The absorption level reaches 50-70%. Absorption decreases when consuming fresh fruit and vegetable juices and alkaline drinks. Easily penetrates into leukocytes, platelets, and then into all tissues. Metabolized primarily in the liver. Unchanged acid and metabolites are excreted in the urine, as well as in feces and sweat. When high doses are used, when plasma concentrations reach more than 1.4 mg/dL, excretion increases sharply.

Tocopherol: approximately 50% is slowly absorbed when taken orally dose taken of the drug, the maximum level in the blood is created after 4 hours. The presence of bile acids is necessary for absorption. Deposited in the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, testes, adipose and muscle tissue, red blood cells, liver. It is metabolized and excreted from the body (unchanged and in the form of metabolites) with bile (over 90%) and urine (about 6%).

Retinol: when taken orally, retinol is absorbed almost completely; even with excessive administration, no more than 10% of the administered amount is excreted in the feces. During metabolism, retinyl palmitate, retinol, retinal and retinoic acid are formed. Unevenly distributed in the body: greatest number is located in the liver and retina, less - in the kidneys, heart, fat depots, lungs, lactating mammary gland, adrenal glands and other endocrine glands. The predominant form of deposition is retinol palmitate. Retinol, retinal, retinoic acid are secreted by hepatocytes in the bile, retinoyl glucuronide is excreted in the urine. Elimination of fat-soluble vitamins (tocopherol and retinol) occurs slowly, so repeated doses lead to accumulation.

Indications for use:

Used in adults: to prevent damaging effects on the body and treat complications during surgical, combined and symptomatic treatment cancer patients, in order to reduce toxicity and increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy and tumors.

Directions for use and dosage:

1 dose of vitamin complex for adults is:

Ascorbic acid - 1 packet of powder for preparing oral solution (1.0 g)

Alpha tocopherol acetate - 3 capsules (0.3 g)

Retinol acetate - 3 capsules (99000 IU)

The vitamin complex should be taken 1 dose 1 time per day. All components included in the antioxidant complex are taken simultaneously. Before use, the contents of the package with ascorbic acid powder for preparing a solution for oral administration are dissolved in 100 ml (1/2 cup) of boiled water.

To prevent development postoperative complications in cancer patients - 1 dose daily for 5-7 days before surgery.

To reduce the toxicity of radiation or chemotherapy and increase the effectiveness of tumor treatment - 1 dose daily throughout the course of radiation or chemotherapy.

Features of application:

High doses of ascorbic acid increase the excretion of oxalates, promoting the formation of kidney stones. In newborns whose mothers took high doses of ascorbic acid, and in adults who took high doses, "rebound" may occur. Due to the stimulating effect of ascorbic acid on the synthesis of corticosteroid hormones, it is necessary to monitor the function of the adrenal glands and blood pressure. At long-term use Large doses may inhibit the function of the pancreatic insular apparatus, so it must be regularly monitored during treatment. In patients with increased content Fe in the body, ascorbic acid should be used in minimal doses. Intensive consumption chewable tablets or dissolving oral forms may cause damage to tooth enamel. Ascorbic acid as a reducing agent can distort the results of various laboratory tests (the content of glucose, bilirubin in the blood and urine, the activity of “liver” transaminases and LDH).

A diet high in selenium and sulfur-containing amino acids reduces the need for vitamin E. Currently, the effectiveness of vitamin E is considered unfounded in the treatment and prevention of the following diseases: beta thalassemia, cancer, fibrocystic dysplasia of the mammary gland, inflammatory diseases skin, hair loss, recurrent miscarriage, heart disease, “intermittent” claudication, postmenopausal syndrome, neuromuscular conduction disorders, thrombophlebitis, impotence, bee stings, senile lentigo, pulmonary intoxication due to air pollution, aging. The use of vitamin E to increase sexual activity is considered unproven.

Retinol acetate (vitamin A) crosses the placenta in small quantities. However, it should be borne in mind that if the recommended doses are exceeded, the fetus may develop malformations. urinary system, intrauterine growth retardation, early closure of epiphyseal growth zones. To avoid the risk of fetotoxic effects, pregnant women and nursing mothers should not take the antioxidant complex.

Side effects:

At long-term use antioxidant complex possible: allergic reactions(skin rash, skin hyperemia), myocardium, erythrocytopenia, thrombus formation, neutrophilic, creatinuria, dyspeptic disorders, signs of hypervitaminosis A, E, C, feeling tired, lethargy, fever, drowsiness, gait disorders.

When discontinuing the drug side effects pass on their own.

Interaction with other drugs:

Ascorbic acid: in combination with salicylates, increases their serum concentrations and increases the risk of crystalluria. Increases blood levels of benzylpenicillin and tetracyclines. Reduces the anticoagulant effect of coumarin derivatives. Improves the absorption of iron preparations in the intestine, reduces the absorption of oral anticoagulants. Quinoline drugs, calcium chloride, salicylates, and corticosteroids deplete vitamin C reserves when used for a long time.

Tocopherol: enhances the effect of steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, cardiac glycosides, reduces the toxicity of the latter, as well as vitamins A and D.

Retinol: estrogens and oral contraceptives containing them enhance the absorption of retinol, which can lead to the development of A-hypervitaminosis. During long-term therapy with tetracyclines, it is not recommended to prescribe vitamin A (the risk of developing intracranial hypertension). Retinol should be taken 1 hour before or 4-6 hours after taking cholestyramine. The absorption of retinol is disrupted by nitrites. Reduces (mutually) the danger of hypervitaminosis D. Corticosteroids and alcohol consumption reduce the therapeutic effect.


Contraindications are: hypersensitivity, tendency to thrombosis, myocardial infarction, cholelithiasis, kidney stones, childhood, pregnancy, lactation (breastfeeding must be stopped).

Use with caution for acute and chronic nephritis, grade II-III, increased risk development of thromboembolism, with rapidly proliferating and intensively metastasizing tumors.

Vacation conditions:

On prescription


10 packets (single) or 5 double packets with ascorbic acid powder 1000 mg, three blister packs with alpha-tocopherol acetate capsules 100 mg and retinol acetate capsules 33000 IU per package.

Many of us, hoping to regain our elusive beauty, try to improve the quality of our skin with decorative cosmetics, expensive creams and art plastic surgeon. We forget that the result of such measures is temporary, and we do not understand that the beauty of the skin is, first of all, its health, which cannot be achieved by acting only from the outside.

Skin health starts from within.

To understand the mechanisms of age-related changes skin, let's turn to its structure and functions.

Skin is the outer covering of a person, consisting of three layers - epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous fat. The epidermis is the most superficial layer; it has very important functions. First of all, this is a protective function; it is also involved in the processes of thermoregulation and respiration. It contains many receptors that determine symptoms of sensitivity (sensation of pain, temperature effects, etc.)

Skin aging is genetically programmed. Over the years, the number of collagen fibers that make up its basic frame and the content of hyaluronic acid in cells. Also, age-related changes in the skin are facilitated by poor circulation and a decrease in the level of female sex hormones, such as estrogens.


IN last years The theory of aging due to the effects of free radicals has become widespread. These are special molecules that are missing one or more electrons. When they enter the cells of the body, they take over the missing electrons. In this regard, cells cannot function fully; they are in the so-called oxidative process (oxidized).

These radicals accelerate aging and cause malfunction systems of the body and inflammatory processes in tissues - even in nervous system and brain cells, weaken the immune system.

Antioxidants help fight free radicals; they are substances that neutralize the oxidation process. An excess of the former and a lack of the latter also contribute to a decrease in the level of collagen in skin cells and loss of moisture in the body tissues.


Cellulite, sagging skin, dull complexion, wrinkles, dark spots, joint stiffness - these imperfections indicate an attack healthy cells free radicals. The STRONGEST ANTIOXIDANTS come to fight them, especially in city living conditions.

STUDIES OF ANTIOXIDANTS have proven that taking them can prolong life and youth. AND THE STRONGEST ANTIOXIDANTS even stop the aging process.

Antioxidant groups are biologically active substances, which neutralize free radicals and prevent them from destroying healthy cells.

Table of antioxidants of various origins.


Natural antioxidants are divided into primary and secondary. Primary: enzymes contained in human cells, minerals and hormones. Our body is an intelligent mechanism that, to a greater or lesser extent, develops protection against free radicals. Secondary vitamins include vitamins; they are also present in our body, and their deficiency is replenished from the outside. Such ANTIOXIDANT VITAMINS are found in large quantities in fresh vegetables, fruits and berries.


Contain synthetic substances, also slowing down oxidation processes. The most common are vitamin E, dibunol, probucol, ascorbic acid and lipoic acid. The release form is different - these can be ANTIOXIDANTS IN TABLETS, ANTIOXIDANT CAPSULES, as well as tinctures and balms. In fact, the form does not matter - the composition is the main indicator. Such MEDICINAL ANTIOXIDANTS also contain additives plant origin, for example, ginseng, milk thistle, rose hips, ginger root.


MODERN ANTIOXIDANTS are distinguished by functional synergism, which allows achieving maximum protective effect with lower concentrations of substances. ANTIOXIDANTS - MICROELEMENTS with complex mechanism work. Presence required large number microelements, since their action is synergistic, and each reaction requires its own set of participants. The more effective the drug is, the more ANTIOXIDANTS and VITAMINS we see in its composition. PREPARATIONS with one trace element as an antioxidant are unlikely to truly fight free radicals. IN in this case you need a complex of antioxidants.

THE MOST USEFUL ANTIOXIDANTS are 5 substances: vitamins A, C and E, selenium and lycopene. They stop the process of cell oxidation by free radicals.

And the development of inflammatory processes through oxidation by free radicals underlies most diseases.
Oxylic is an antioxidant complex of vitamins, convenient because it contains all 5 main antioxidants.


BETA-CAROTENE is an ANTIOXIDANT, the presence of which in vegetables and fruits is easiest to determine. This trace element gives them orange, red and yellow shades. But not everyone knows that this VITAMIN WITH A POWERFUL ANTIOXIDANT can also give dark green color(sorrel, spinach, bell pepper). Vitamin A IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ANTIOXIDANT VITAMIN. It normalizes work sebaceous glands, helps tissues recover, promotes rapid education new cells. This ACTIVE ANTIOXIDANT is largely responsible for the healthy and beautiful appearance of the skin.

VITAMIN C IS A GOOD ANTIOXIDANT - it normalizes cholesterol, maintains iron levels, and regulates skin pigmentation. This microelement stimulates the production of collagen, which makes the skin elastic, prevents brittle nails, and strengthens hair.

VITAMIN E is an ANTIOXIDANT with functions essential for the body. It protects against ultraviolet rays, promotes skin rejuvenation. It is difficult to choose the BEST ANTIOXIDANT, but many put vitamin E in first place - it is famous for its anti-carcinogenic effect, as well as for the fact that it prevents the formation of blood clots. In addition, vitamin E slows down fat oxidation.

GOOD VITAMINS WITH ANTIOXIDANTS necessarily contain selenium, which is very familiar to teenagers and people with problem skin, because this microelement fights acne. Also, THIS POWERFUL ANTIOXIDANT maintains the thyroid gland in a normal state and fights tumors.

ANTIOXIDANT dietary supplements cannot do without lycopene. This trace element improves intracellular metabolism and helps reduce the risk of burns. It is also a powerful preventive measure. cardiovascular diseases. Lycopene began to be included in vitamin complexes relatively recently, so you can count on one hand those complexes that contain the most valuable antioxidant.

So, the BEST ANTIOXIDANTS are those that strengthen the immune system, promote skin rejuvenation, and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Other antioxidants
Vitamin B12, vitamin A (retinol), folic acid and pycnogenol are also antioxidants with healing properties. Pycnogenol - which is released from a special species of pine - the most powerful antioxidant. It fights excellent against toxins and is 20 times “stronger” than vitamin C. In addition, pycnogenol enhances the effect of vitamin C.

Coenzyme Q10, strengthening protective functions body and slows down aging.

Many manufacturers of skin care products care about beauty and youth, adding vitamin complexes and antioxidants to creams to make the external product more effective. So, we all pay attention to cosmetics with coenzyme Q10, vitamins A, E and C. All products are good in the fight against age.



Provitamin A– orange and dark green vegetables: spinach, dried apricots, sweet potatoes. But necessary condition for its absorption - adding fat (butter and vegetable oil) to vegetables.

Vitamin C– citrus fruits, rose hips, currants, strawberries, bell peppers, white cabbage.

Vitamin E– grains, nuts, sunflower seeds, barley grits and salmon.

Selenium– sardines, grains (especially wheat), liver, onions and garlic, Brazilian nut. However: an excess of selenium (more than 700 mg per day) often causes poisoning.

Lycopene– many vegetables and fruits are red (tomatoes, pink grapefruit, watermelon, melon, persimmon, etc.).


Specially produced tableted and encapsulated complexes, an antioxidant complex with selenium, that is, multivitamins containing valuable substances and minerals.


ANTIOXIDANTS AND MINERALS, which form the basis of anti-aging pharmacology, have taken it to new frontiers. Ineffective dietary supplements are becoming a thing of the past, only effective ones with a proven mechanism of action remain.

It is not without reason that in recent years we have observed a trend towards an increase in the use of vitamin complexes with antioxidants, against the background of which we and those around us notice changes in our health. better side both in health and appearance, and recommendations and names of these products move from one consumer to another.

Oxylic is the most effective modern antioxidant complex.

For example, it contains organic selenium along with cysteine ​​and methionine - carriers in the body. Without these amino acids, selenium does not work “as it should,” but this trace element is best known as the “longevity vitamin.”

Especially ANTIOXIDANT VITAMINS FOR WOMEN should contain this element. Also, complexes with antioxidant effects are more valuable if they contain a pair of lycopene and beta-carotene. These microelements mutually enhance each other's antioxidant effect. In short, Oxylic is distinguished by a synergistic combination of antioxidants in doses necessary for the body. Vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, lycopene, selenium, which are part of Oxylic, surround phospholipids.

A similar list of antioxidants makes the Oksilik formula work, and this greatly increases absorption in the gastrointestinal tract and “repeats” the food complex.

He is not medicine and is well tolerated.
However, before using any drug, it is recommended to consult a doctor.


There are no structural analogues of Oxilic with similar active elements.

What can replace Oxylic? Perhaps complexes containing vitamins C, E, beta-carotene and selenium. Or vitamins and microelements separately.

And if you choose a complex based on selenium content, choose the so-called second generation complexes containing improved selenium compounds (associated with organic substances). The price of Oxilic analogues depends on the elements contained.

List of antioxidant drugs

Glutargin provides protection - antihypoxic, antioxidant, cardio- and hepatoprotective. Indicated for liver diseases (for example, hepatitis). From alcohol poisoning also get rid of with the help of glutargin.

Lipin - Known for immunomodulatory protection with strong antioxidant properties.

Epadol, Tecom, Omacor restore the balance of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Dibikor and Kratal are amino acids that protect against stress. They are famous for their hypoglycemic and neurotransmitter functions. Dibikor is prescribed for diabetes mellitus and other dysfunctions endocrine system. Kratal is prescribed for autonomic neuroses and after exposure to radiation.

To summarize, let's say: the best antioxidant complex is enriching your diet with products with natural antioxidant properties, taking vitamin complexes, the use of healthy cosmetics with antioxidant components will help compensate for vitamin deficiency and lack of these substances and fight for the preservation of youth and health.