Non-invasive lipolysis for those who strive for a perfect figure. Its differences from the usual one. Other types of lipolysis

Modern lipolysis is innovative non-surgical method eliminating fat deposits in the most problematic areas of the body. Thanks to the procedure, you can correct your own figure in a way that diets and other similar techniques cannot do. Lipolysis is one of the most safe ways removal of double chin, as well as fat deposits on the waist, hips, abdomen, forearms, knees and ankles.

Many girls turn to lipolysis to correct their figure and fight cellulite. Photos of the procedure and the resulting effect are in the article. From them, unknowing people can understand how lipolysis is carried out and what results they can get after it.

Lipolysis - which is recommended for absolutely all people who want to get rid of fat deposits accumulated over time. long time. It is perfect for patients who are not ready to solve this problem with the help of surgical intervention.

Side effects and complications

Based on the fact that lipolysis is a non-invasive procedure, no rehabilitation is required after it. Immediately after completing the session, the patient can do everything he did every day before. The only thing to remember is that you must refrain from any hot foods for 8 hours. water procedures, and in the first week after the session it is better to avoid any physical activity.

The lipolysis procedure itself is not painful, but with the injection version, discomfort may be felt. In addition, the following side effects are possible:

  • tissue swelling;
  • burning sensation in treated areas;
  • redness of the skin.

These problems may appear in the first couple of days after the session, but they soon go away on their own. Patients with low pain threshold Experts advise taking a mild painkiller after lipolysis.


Lipolysis is a 30-minute procedure. Thanks to healthy active image life, as well as increased water consumption, visible results will appear after the first or second procedure with an interval of 2-6 weeks. The effect will depend on individual characteristics and the body's reaction to the administered drugs.


Today, there are several ways to carry out the procedure. Fat cells are broken down using injections, treating the desired areas with electric current, ultrasound and laser. Each variety has its own characteristics.

Injection lipolysis

During the procedure, the doctor injects a special drugs, created on the basis of deoxycholate, lipase, and phosphatidylcholine. Thanks to their effect, hydrolysis occurs and adipose tissue is destroyed. This method Recommended for people with minimal body fat.

This type of lipolysis promotes the disappearance of fat in the abdomen, chin, thighs, ankles, and knees. In addition, the procedure allows you to cure even cellulite that is in the second stage of development. To get the most lasting results, you need to undergo about 10-15 sessions. They can be carried out no more than once every 2-3 weeks.


The second type is a procedure during which the hydrolysis of fat cells is carried out under the influence of electric current. There are two types of electrolipolysis:

  1. Needle. Thin long needles are inserted into the adipose tissue, with the help of which low frequency current, destroying adipocytes and removing them from the body. The desired effect will be noticeable after literally five sessions, but to consolidate it, you will need to carry out the same number of procedures.
  2. Electrode or application. On problem areas pads are fixed, through which electrical impulses are applied that help reduce the volume of fat cells, rather than destroy them. A lasting result will be obtained after 10 sessions, and to consolidate the procedure should be combined with lymphatic drainage.

Electrolipolysis promotes general decline weight, normalizes blood microcirculation, helps get rid of cellulite of any complexity and increases muscle tone. The needle method is used to eliminate well-defined fat folds, while the electrode method is used for minimal correction in the waist area.

Radio frequency

During radiofrequency lipolysis, problem areas of the skin are exposed to radiofrequency pulses. As a result, the subcutaneous tissue heats up, and the volume of adipose tissue gradually decreases. Thanks to the procedure, the " Orange peel", the contours of the silhouette are modeled, fat in the riding breeches, arms, abdomen, and chin is reduced. The course consists of 10 sessions, each of which helps to reduce volume by a couple of centimeters.


The lipolysis method is based on the destruction of the membrane of fat cells in a focused manner. After the disappearance of the membrane, the fat enters the bloodstream, from where it is removed by the liver. The technique makes it possible to get rid of 200-300 grams of fat. One procedure can reduce the volume in the treated area by about a couple of centimeters. The course lasts 3-7 procedures, repeated every 7 days.


Cold lipolysis destroys adipocytes according to the principle of selective photothermolysis. Adipocytes are able to absorb laser radiation, which leads to the destruction of their own membranes, penetration of fat into the blood and a significant reduction in the volume of fat folds. The laser is able to have a lifting effect, so the skin in the treated area becomes elastic. Lipolysis has a delicate lipolytic effect, which is why it is actively used to remove fat in the cheeks, armpits, back, and inner thighs. The patient can obtain a fairly lasting result only after 10 procedures, which are carried out no more than once a week.


This method of eliminating fat is considered the most aggressive, because during its implementation the skin may be damaged. The principle of action is to create negative pressure in problem areas, which enhances lymphatic drainage, as well as capillary circulation. Thanks to this process, the volume of fat folds in the treated areas of the body is reduced. Vacuum method Great for getting rid of fat on the stomach, arms and thighs. The entire course consists of seven sessions, held once a week.

Results and reviews

Positive reviews about lipolysis are received very often, because the effect pleasantly surprises all patients without exception. In fact, the results of the procedure depend on the age, weight, skin type and lifestyle of the person. Sometimes desired effect achieved instantly, although most often changes occur gradually. Many people began to enjoy the elimination of folds of fat within the first week after lipolysis, while others had to wait several months. But this did not in any way affect the enthusiastic emotions of the patients who saw the result in the mirror.

Before and after lipolysis, some people's reviews are radically different. Some time before the procedure, patients strongly doubt that they will be able to get the desired effect. But when they finally decide to do it and go to the clinic, they end up seeing an excellent result that they could not have expected.

Patients note the following benefits of lipolysis:

  • fairly effective dissolution of fatty deposits;
  • the results of the procedure are irreversible;
  • preventing the formation of new folds of fat;
  • improved blood flow;
  • increased lymph outflow;
  • noticeable improvements in skin texture;
  • Elimination of cellulite "orange peel"

In general, there are only positive reviews about lipolysis. Doctors and people who have already gone through this procedure recommend that beginners healthy image life, eat a balanced diet and move as often as possible to prolong the effect on for a long time. This is the only thing that patients need to remember who have decided to cast aside all doubts and go for the procedure.

Laser lipolysis is one of the latest innovative treatments for fat deposits using laser energy. This procedure is low-traumatic, it has long been widespread both in the USA and in European countries. Its second name is “Hollywood liposuction”, or “liposuction in lunch break", due to the fact that it can take only a few hours, and then the patient can again conduct his ordinary life. It’s not for nothing that many Hollywood and Russian celebrities have successfully tried it on themselves.

Surgeries related to the removal of excess fat deposits are now among the most popular. Laser method is one of the most modern, painless, gentle and most quick methods. And you can easily use it when visiting the MaCherie beauty salon.

With laser lipoculture it is possible to:

  • modeling of body contours (ears on the hips are removed, getting a thin waist, flat stomach etc.);
  • getting rid of hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating);
  • removal of pseudogynecomastia (male breast);
  • reduction of stretch marks and cellulite;
  • lipoma removal;
  • removal of large cheeks or double chin.

Meaning of the procedure laser lipolysis consists of the targeted action of laser energy on fatty tissue, the wavelength being about 1064 nm. Under the influence of a laser beam, the membranes of fat cells are destroyed and then come out naturally from the body - in liquid form.

Laser energy plays two important functions:

1) coagulation (adhesion) of small blood vessels to minimize bleeding;

2) stimulation of collagen synthesis for lifting (tightening) the skin in the area of ​​action.

Fat cells that are destroyed cannot be restored. In one procedure, it is possible to remove up to 500 ml of fatty tissue from each zone.

Operating principle of laser lipolysis

The use of laser has long taken a strong place in medicine, including surgery, especially plastic surgery, due to its safety and effectiveness. Laser lipolysis allows you to get rid of hanging folds of fat on the hips, sides, abdomen, chin, arms, etc. It is very effective in the fight against fat when the use of diets or physical exercise to no avail, and traditional standard liposuction can cause a risk of complications and a protracted postoperative period.

The manipulation is carried out under sterile conditions by a highly qualified specialist with experience in aesthetic medicine beauty salon MaCherie, completely painless and under local anesthesia. Before laser liposuction, as, in principle, with other similar procedures, you will be photographed for subsequent assessment of the results obtained. The laser lipolysis procedure is performed under local anesthesia, so you will not feel any discomfort.

First, zones are marked and local anesthesia and then into the layer subcutaneous tissue a special hollow tube is inserted, the diameter of which is 1 mm, equipped with an optical fiber inside; Laser energy is supplied through this fiber. Under the action of the laser, fat cells are destroyed and fat is released, which gradually enters the blood and is then neutralized in the liver. The duration of the procedure is influenced by the volume of fatty tissue that needs to be removed and the need for additional fat pumping. On average, the procedure can take 1-2 hours. Skin puncture sites heal completely within 2-3 days.

Often, one procedure is sufficient, but everything depends on the wishes of the patient and the volume of fat. Besides, final results laser lipolysis will be noticeable after approximately 2-4 weeks, and from them you can judge whether a repeat procedure is necessary or not. In one session, it is possible to remove up to 500 ml of fat.

The most natural method of fat removal is laser lipolysis; patient reviews indicate that there is no damage to blood vessels and nerve endings, therefore, there are no complications. The residual scar after the laser probe is barely noticeable and over time is almost invisible. They also note the stimulating effect of the procedure on collagen, and this is extremely important for skin elasticity and tone. After the session, the skin has a more youthful and tightened appearance.

If we compare laser lipolysis with traditional liposuction, then lipolysis shows top scores: it is carried out under local anesthesia, general rehabilitation can last up to 3 days. There was an absence of hematomas and lumps, as well as “sagging” of the skin, and a pronounced “lifting” effect. Need to wear compression garments- only 2 weeks, can be performed on almost any part of the body.

Recovery period

Laser lipolysis is a minimally invasive procedure, after which you can safely go home. However, as a rule, for the next hour the patient is placed in a special room for rest and medical supervision.

First results laser liposuction They will not become noticeable immediately after the procedure, but over time, usually within 2-4 weeks. During this period, the fat that has been destroyed has time to be absorbed into the blood and neutralized in the liver. As evidenced by reviews from many patients, some changes become noticeable after just a day, when you lightly pinch the folds of fat with your fingers. The most complete result is achieved after several months.

Laser lipolysis, in addition to its main effect, also exerts some thermal effect on the skin, where the laser radiation occurs, such a secondary effect causes it to shrink and tighten, preventing the appearance of loose folds.

It is important that laser lipolysis, similar to other non-invasive liposuction methods, is used exclusively to remove fat from small areas of the body (up to 500 ml). To remove a much larger volume of adipose tissue, classic liposuction will be required (removes more than 1 liter of fat). However, it is not prohibited to undergo an additional laser lipolysis procedure six months later to remove fat in other areas, or to correct it.

Possible complications and contraindications of laser lipolysis

The procedure itself is tolerated quite well by patients due to local anesthesia. During the event there may be several pulling sensations, however without pain. After the procedure, minor swelling of the soft tissues, slight redness and skin irritation may occur, which will go away in a few days.

You must strictly follow all of your surgeon's instructions before and after your procedure to eliminate or minimize the risk of complications.

For 1-2 weeks, do not experience heavy physical activity or play sports;

A bandage/compress is required at the site for 1-2 days for the face or chin, a week for other areas;

Taking antibiotics for the first 5 days to prevent infections;

The area where the laser probe was inserted must be clean and dry;

Avoid alcohol for the first 12 hours.

After 10-12 days, a gentle massage is possible;

In the next 4-5 months, rough or vigorous massage is contraindicated;

If painful swelling or redness occurs, contact your doctor immediately.

Laser lipolysis, contraindications:

Heart dysfunction or vascular system, especially with hypertension and the use of a pacemaker;

Progression of acute inflammatory processes: asthma, malignant tumors, deep vein thrombosis;

Presence of hemorrhage, bleeding injuries;

During pregnancy;

If there are implants or prostheses in the area of ​​intended action;

For skin inflammation or swelling;

In case of weakened immunity;

For numbness in areas of the body.

Laser lipolysis (liposuction) is under no circumstances suitable for the treatment of obesity! Method shows good effect in non-obese people, performing contour plastic surgery with a minimum risk of complications. The procedure is effective for those places where excess fat accumulation is small, that is, in the areas of the arms, chin, thighs, calves, knees, etc. If you need to remove fat from several different places, do not expect any fantastic results from just one procedure.

How to find out the need for laser lipolysis?

This technique in the beauty salon “Ma Cherie” allows not only to restore the ideals of beauty, but also has a number of specific advantages, which include:

Natural process of removing excess fat deposits;

Minimum tissue trauma in the laser impact area;

Use of local (local) anesthesia;

Simultaneous tightening of the skin;

The ability to perform manipulations on any skin area of ​​the face or body;

Fast rehabilitation;

Long lasting effect;

The ability to recover at home, without the supervision of doctors.

Always be aware

How can you find out about the most important new products without going to international conferences and without following news every day from the websites of leading cosmetic brands? Participants of the Cosmo Expo know the answer; they know where to publish their information and announcements of educational events.

Dermadrop TDA™ is the only proven technology in the world that allows you to introduce hyaluronic acid, vitamins, microelements and amino acids into the deep layers of the skin without injections.

No pain, no injections, no rehabilitation period.

A procedure with an immediate effect: deeply hydrated, elastic, nourished skin. An ideal “going out” procedure. No swelling or bruising.

Suitable for any skin type.

Patented TDA technology - transdermal application (transdermal application) - developed in Germany and confirmed by a series of clinical studies.

The DERMADROP TDA™ device is manufactured in Germany.

Serums for the device are produced in Switzerland.

How does the technology work?

Due to high pressure specially purified oxygen and supersonic speed of introduction of microparticles, active ingredients penetrate the skin to a depth of 3.5 mm.

Swiss serums

Serums for the DERMADROP device are produced in Switzerland. The formula is specially created to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin. The serum components are presented in liposomal form (oil-in-water and water-in-oil emulsion), which facilitates their unhindered penetration through the lipid barrier of the skin.

The choice of serum determines the nature of the procedure:

HYAL 5- Express hydration. Cocktail with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid. A cocktail with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid actively moisturizes, smoothes out superficial wrinkles, evens out the tone and surface of the skin. After the first procedure, the face becomes smooth and fresh, and the skin looks young and elastic.

HYAL 10- Deep hydration. A powerful complex of low- and medium-molecular hyaluronic acid intensively moisturizes the skin, smoothes superficial and deep wrinkles.

MITOCELL- Cellular restoration. A cocktail with an intense regenerating complex provides a powerful restorative effect and promotes the synthesis of young collagen and elastin, relieves tension, removes swelling, and also restores the skin after aggressive cosmetic procedures.

CANABOOST- Intensive nutrition. Intensive nutritional cocktail based on extract hemp oil instantly relieves irritation and redness, eliminates the feeling of itching, burning and discomfort, enhances the skin's natural protection against destructive action free radicals and neutralizes the effects of aggressive influences environment.

POLAR- Renewal and radiance. Kojic acid and vitamin C lighten hyperpigmentation, even out skin tone and texture. After the first procedure, the skin looks a tone lighter.

DERMACOOL- Restoration and relief of irritation. An active complex of cinnamon camphor extract and menthol soothes irritated skin, eliminates itching, and relieves local swelling and redness. The treatment is ideal for eliminating negative impact UV rays, burns, circulatory disorders, rosacea, rehabilitation after intensive cosmetic procedures.

PRODERM- Treatment problem skin. Unique composition natural components of the cocktail blocks inflammatory reactions and improves regeneration processes of problematic and oily skin with a tendency towards sensitivity.

Compatible with other procedures

A course of Dermadrop TDA™ procedures is recommended before and after injection, laser and other cosmetic procedures. Non-injection saturation of the skin with hyaluronic acid, vitamins and minerals allows you to achieve maximum results, prolong the effect of procedures, speed up and facilitate the rehabilitation period.

Dermadrop TDA™ aims to improve skin quality. Transdermal administration of bioremediates is one of the key tools in comprehensive skin rejuvenation. The visible anti-aging effect is achieved from high-quality restoration, which is ensured thanks to Dermadrop TDA™.

The Dermadrop TDA™ transdermal mesotherapy procedure can be performed at the GEN87 clinic.

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Lipolysis – what is it and what is it for? Lipolysis in last years is becoming an increasingly used word in human everyday life. This is explained simply - a significant part of all humanity is actively fighting against overweight.

This picture is emerging due to a wide variety of high-calorie foods, deterioration of the ecological state of the planet, and a change in the rhythm of life to a more passive and sedentary one.

There are many reasons why a person gains excess weight and which does not allow him to keep in shape.

Modern methods of medicine and cosmetology have created a whole range of tools and methods to combat excess weight. One of these areas is lipolysis. In biology, lipolysis refers to the process of breaking down fats.

This is the main essence of all the methods included in this direction. The question may arise: are there other methods of combating obesity besides lipolysis? Exist.

This and surgical liposuction, and drying, and a number of others radical methods. But we won’t talk about them, because... Our goal is to define the concept of the word “lipolysis” and identify the principle of action.

Lipolysis refers to the process of breaking down fats and removing them from the body. One thing that often causes fat deposits is insufficient levels of lipase in the blood.

This is an enzyme that stimulates the breakdown of fats and the removal of their residues from the body. Lipase is produced by several parts of the body at once:

  • intestines;
  • pancreas;
  • lungs;
  • liver.

In infants, lipase is produced by special glands located in the oral cavity. With age, these glands atrophy, because other sources of lipase appear in the body.

A decrease in blood lipase levels in adults can occur for several reasons. This includes diseases and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, etc.

There can be a lot of reasons for this, but in most cases the result is the same - a sharp inhibition of the process of fat breakdown, i.e. lipolysis.

Lipolysis restoration options

It is clear that restoration of lipolysis in the body is possible only after eliminating the cause of the decrease in lipase. However, this treatment may take some time. long months, and sometimes years.

During this period of time, the volume of fat can increase so much that its removal becomes possible only surgical method and the most severe diet.

That is why cosmetologists have created several techniques that allow you to get rid of local fat deposits without affecting the internal metabolic processes body.

These methods were:

  1. Injection lipolysis;
  2. Hardware lipolysis.

Hardware lipolysis combines several techniques that use different devices. Each of these areas should be discussed separately and in more detail.

Invasive (injection) lipolysis

Scientists have found that some substances cope with the function of breaking down fats no worse than lipase. Such substances include phosphatidylcholine in combination with deoxycholate, L-carnitine, pine extract, etc.

Based on these substances, cocktails have been developed that are injected into the subcutaneous fat layer. Such procedures are introduced at intervals of several days to several weeks until the desired result is achieved.

Today, there are two methods of injecting lipolytics:

How are they different from each other? First of all, the composition of the cocktails.

Mesotherapy cocktails have a lower density, so they are easier to introduce into the body, but at the same time they act for a short time. That is, after administration, the cocktail remains in the body for several hours (maximum for a day), after which it is excreted along with metabolic products.

It is clear that in such a short period of time it will have time to penetrate into a minimum of fat cells. This means that to achieve the result you will have to do great amount procedures are a minus.

The advantage of lipolytic mesotherapy is that in addition to the main components, cocktails usually also contain vitamins and microelements that help improve both the condition of the skin and its individual functions.

Lipolytic biorevitalization is an order of magnitude more effective than mesotherapy. This is explained by the fact that the density of the biorevitalizant is much higher, due to the content of concentrated HA (HA).

Such drugs remain in the body for several days, during which they actively fight fat deposits. This is one plus.

The second plus is HA, which is a powerful anti-aging substance. HA molecules attract water molecules to themselves, creating a strong water balance, necessary for the regeneration of skin cells.

Thus, lipolytic biorevitalization performs two functions at once important functions: fat breakdown and skin rejuvenation.

In addition to these differences, there are differences in the methods of administration. Mesotherapy cocktails are administered with a 6-12 mm needle. The length of the needle is selected depending on the injection site:

  1. Face and neck – 6 mm (sometimes 4 mm needles are used);
  2. Hands – 6-12 mm;
  3. Belly, legs – 12mm.

Biorevitalizants are injected into the deeper layers of the skin. For them, needles from 12 mm are used.

The effectiveness of injection lipolysis has long been proven and demonstrated. On the Internet you can find a lot of photographs taken before and after a course of such lipolysis.

It should be taken into account that after the procedure, hematomas and papules may appear, therefore, when performing lipolytic injection techniques on the face and neck you will have to choose the most appropriate time.

Before starting the course, it is important to understand that injections by themselves will not give the desired result. They must be supplemented with courses of lifting massage or parallel procedures aimed at tightening the skin. If this is not done, the skin will sag after removing local fat deposits.

Hardware lipolysis

Hardware lipolysis is considered a more gentle procedure. It does not cause pain and does not leave bruises. However, the effectiveness of such procedures does not always correspond to desires.

Modern cosmetology has developed and actively uses several hardware techniques for breaking down fats. This includes

  • (diode);
  • Ultrasonic lipolysis;
  • Cavitation;
  • Myostimulation;

It is worth noting that some of these devices were originally designed to combat skin problems. But observations have shown that they also cope well with the lipolysis function.

Laser lipolysis

This procedure is carried out using a device that emits low-frequency laser beams. This is the so-called cold laser" Penetrating under the skin, the rays affect the membranes of fat cells, making them more permeable.

Thanks to this change, the breakdown of fats accelerates. That is, fats that were hidden under thick membranes now become defenseless and more vulnerable.

The effect of laser lipolysis becomes noticeable after 1-2 procedures. It is important to add here that the mechanism of action of the laser has not been fully studied, but it has already been proven that it does not affect other cells. That is, only fat cells.

The advantages of laser lipolysis are the absence of painful and discomfort during the procedure.

In addition, the breakdown of fats with this method occurs naturally, because The laser only affects the membranes of fat cells. One of the disadvantages is its relatively high price.

Ultrasonic lipolysis

This method involves a hot effect on fat cells. Ultrasound, penetrating under the skin, increases its temperature.

Adipose tissue influenced high temperatures are broken down and excreted from the body with metabolic products. The increase in temperature occurs only in fatty tissues. All other subcutaneous layers remain in normal condition.

It is worth noting that ultrasound also affects subcutaneous structures called “fibroblasts”. In turn, fibroblasts synthesize collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the elasticity and firmness (turgor) of the skin.

Thus, ultrasonic lipolysis performs two functions at once:

  1. fat burning;
  2. skin tightening.

In this case, the procedure goes quite quickly, because... the average time of exposure of each area to the transducer is only a few seconds.

Video on the topic ultrasonic lipolysis:


This method is one of the varieties of ultrasonic lipolysis. However, it works a little differently. Its essence lies in the properties of air to expand when heated. Human adipose tissue contains a huge number of air bubbles.

When exposed to an ultrasonic transducer, they heat up and significantly increase in size.

When certain volumes are reached, the bubbles burst, resulting in damage to the membranes of fat cells. Then everything happens according to the same scenario as laser fat splitting.

The advantages of cavitation include:

  1. High efficiency (up to -3 cm in volume per session);
  2. Painless;
  3. Lifting effect.

There are no serious disadvantages to this procedure, but there are some contraindications, so a preliminary consultation with a cosmetologist is necessary.

RF lifting

The essence of this procedure is to heat the adipose tissue, which leads to the breakdown of fats. That is, it works on the same principle as ultrasonic, but the devices and waves used here are different.

RF lifting uses electromagnetic waves, which heat tissues up to 45°. In this case, not only fatty tissues are heated, but also all areas through which the waves pass.

Moreover, these waves have a limited length, so they only affect the upper fat layers - this is a disadvantage of the method. The advantage of this technique is that in addition to stimulating lipolysis, it helps tighten the skin and eliminate cellulite.

However, this method was originally created specifically to affect the skin, and the lipolytic effect was discovered later.


This technique was also originally developed to combat skin problems. It involves applying electric current to the skin.

Current is carried out using special electrodes, which are applied to selected areas. The current affects all subcutaneous layers, including muscles.

However, precisely thanks to the impact on muscle mass and an increase in its tone and fat breakdown occurs. Electricity sets the speed of muscle contraction.

The result of this procedure is comparable to active activities sports or fitness. Myostimulation has a lot of positive effects:

  • Breakdown of fats;
  • Skin tightening;
  • Strengthening muscles;
  • Elimination of cellulite;
  • Improving blood and lymph circulation;
  • Strengthening blood vessels, etc.

But this method also has a number of contraindications. For example, the presence of a pacemaker or metal implants in the body will not allow this procedure.

A number of diseases are also attributed to contraindications, so a cosmetologist or doctor should carefully study before performing myostimulation medical card patient.

Video on the topic of myostimulation:


Another one effective procedure for getting rid of fat deposits - this is. Its essence is to cool the adipose tissue, which subsequently leads to its self-destruction.

The procedure is carried out using special apparatus, which has vacuum attachments. Adipose tissue, or rather the problem area of ​​the body, is sucked into this nozzle and cooled to a temperature of -5°C.

The result of the procedure is achieved through physiological feature human - when the ambient temperature and the human body temperature decrease, the body begins to burn fat cells more efficiently in order to maintain the temperature regime.

Among the advantages of this technique, it is worth noting that high efficiency– one session stimulates the burning of 20-40% fat in the next 1-2 months. Moreover, the frequency of the procedure should be only once a month.

The disadvantages include the possibility of hematomas appearing at the affected area and a decrease in skin sensitivity. In addition, the price for such a procedure is slightly higher than for other lipolytic measures.

1. Cryolipolysis will be useless if skin turgor is severely impaired. 2. Cryolipolysis cannot be performed on small areas of the body, such as the chin and arms. Although, modern devices have several vacuum attachments different sizes, allowing you to process and small areas bodies, but finding them in clinics will be extremely difficult.

Question answer

Indeed, this manipulation has contraindications, which also include breastfeeding. If you already want to start fighting cellulite or want to tighten skin covering, then pay attention, for example, to thermolifting.

It is impossible to accurately answer this question. It all depends on the type of procedure, individual characteristics, and the amount of excess fat. Basically it is about 3-8 sessions.

Scars do not prohibit manipulation.


Procedure nameCost of processing one zone
MesotherapyDepending on the cost of the drug (from RUB 150/ampoule)
BiorevitalizationDepending on the cost of the drug (from 600 RUR/ampoule)
Laser lipolysis3000-4000 rubles
Ultrasonic lipolysis1500-2000 rubles
Cavitation1500-2000 rubles
RF lifting1500-2500 rubles
MyostimulationFrom 800 rubles
CryolipolysisFrom 10,000 rubles

Price formation is influenced by factors such as the cost of the device or drug, the duration of the procedure and regional financial indicators.


So, the most effective techniques lipolysis from the categories of injection and hardware cosmetology.

The person who read this article to the end and set out to get rid of several extra pounds, now may be faced with a difficult choice at first glance: which technique to choose? Here you should focus on several indicators:

  • Financial opportunities;
  • Availability of free time;
  • Presence of contraindications;
  • Pain threshold, etc.

Expert opinion

Irina Dorofeeva

practicing cosmetologist

Many nuances are determined during the consultation itself. On it, the doctor will select the parameters of the manipulation, tell you about the recommendations regarding proper nutrition. Before lipolysis, various diagnostic measures are prescribed.

Michelle Place

plastic surgeon

I would like to draw your attention to ultrasound procedure(cavitation). With its help you can remove excess fat in the thighs, gluteal region, on the stomach. The procedure is painless and also very effective. During the session, a slight tingling sensation is felt. One manipulation will help get rid of 1-1.5 cm of fiber under the skin.

The best option would be a consultation with a cosmetologist who will objectively evaluate the pros and cons and select the appropriate procedure.

But we should not forget that fat deposition in most cases is associated with some kind of disorder in the body, therefore, in parallel with cosmetic lipolysis, an examination should be carried out in order to identify this disorder and begin to eliminate it.

Fat deposits always cause trouble for many women who are worried about their figure. Various diets Not everyone is inspired by going to the gym either, but you really want to be slim and fit, to have a beautiful and sexy body. If there is a problem excess weight, then there is almost always cellulite, which can only be dealt with by doing various procedures in beauty and body shaping salons.

One of the very effective methods is laser lipolysis, it helps in the fight against cellulite and excess fat. The non-surgical method has become a success among many women with curvy figures. Lipolysis, what is it and what are the advantages, laser lipolysis, why is it needed?

Laser lipolysis

Using the lipolysis method, fat is broken down; at its core, it is a natural process that works in the body every day. It occurs under the influence of enzymes, fats are broken down into components and fatty acids.

Unlike many other methods, lipolysis affects fat layers at a deeper level. Modern cosmetology offers several types of lipolysis:

  • laser,
  • ultrasonic;
  • vacuum;
  • electric.

The essence laser procedure consists of the destruction of fat cells using a laser, the substances that are formed after the breakdown are then easily removed from the body. The good thing about this method is that it can be used on small areas of the body. It works perfectly when traditional liposuction cannot be used to remove fat.

The laser beam very carefully acts on fat cells and, in the process of lipolysis, not only breaks down fat, but also helps glue blood vessels . It is for this reason that after a course of procedures, hematomas never remain on the skin of the body.

Non-invasive lipolysis

A good alternative to surgical methods of combating fat has become body correction using the method of non-invasive lipolysis. American scientists developed the method; they created a device with which lipolysis procedures can be performed without a preparatory and rehabilitation period. The essence is focused ultrasound waves that penetrate the skin, after which they begin to affect fat cells.

The sessions take place without surgery or anesthesia; the patient may only feel a slight tingling sensation and cold during the procedure. Emitted ultrasonic pulses at a depth of 1-1.5 cm heat the tissue to 56 o C, fat cells begin to break down. After this, within 8-10 weeks, the dead adipociples are eliminated from the body naturally.

The session lasts approximately 1 hour and after the first procedure you can feel real result. In the abdominal area, the volumes become smaller by 1 size. After 10-12 weeks, the final results are visible, but if they do not completely suit the patient, they can be repeated. After the procedures, you can lead your previous lifestyle, without restrictions.

For many reasons, this method has become very popular; gentle procedures help make the figure graceful and slender, with correct proportions.

Laser lipolysis and its advantages

Lipolysis is a popular method today cosmetic procedure, which can effectively remove excess fat. At the very beginning the patient do local anesthesia , after which a laser probe is inserted subcutaneously using a thin cannula. Laser radiation promotes the destruction of fatty tissue, fat enters the blood system. The liver cleanses the blood, all decay products disappear. The laser lipolysis procedure lasts about half an hour.

After the session, you can immediately return home, everything happens without injury or pain. There may be slight swelling in the area of ​​the procedure, and in rare cases there may be bruising. Rehabilitation period after the course of procedures ends in about 10 days.

Laser lipolysis has clear advantages, among which:

  • minimally invasive;
  • does not leave scars;
  • short and comfortable rehabilitation period;
  • the procedure is performed on an outpatient basis.

After a course of laser lipolysis, collagen begins to be actively produced in skin cells, which makes the skin more elastic, enhances its tone, and it becomes fresh and youthful.

Indications for use and contraindications

The technique showed itself to be very effective method Get rid of fat deposits on any part of the body. Positive results can be achieved painlessly and in the shortest possible time. Lipolysis is often used by clients who want short time get the desired result. The method works great on areas of the body where folds of fat are observed:

In all of the listed areas of the body, lipolaser allows you to achieve visible results. The device can also be used when there are other problems:

  • cellulite;
  • stretch marks,
  • sagging skin;
  • extra chin.

A miraculous method in the fight against excess fat, in addition to its advantages, it has a number of contraindications, so you should know that lipolysis cannot be done for the following reasons:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • diabetes;
  • heart and blood disease;
  • kidney disease.

Almost always, patients tolerate the lipolysis procedure easily and painlessly, but during or after the session, tugging sensations without pain may appear. Sometimes soft tissue swelling, slight redness and irritation on the skin appear, but after a few days they disappear.

After the procedure, the doctor gives his recommendations to the patients, so they must be followed so that everything goes without complications. Usually within 2 weeks It is advisable not to play sports or perform physical work. For 5 days you must take antibiotics prescribed by your doctor and do not drink alcohol. The places where the probe is inserted should be clean and dry; in the first 2-3 days, be sure to apply a bandage with a compress to the face area, and to other parts of the body for 1 week. If painful sensations or severe swelling you should seek help immediately.

The final result after the procedures will depend on the patient’s age, body condition, initial weight and lifestyle. The result can sometimes be seen after the first session, but in some cases the effect occurs after several weeks.

Lipolysis very effectively helps to remove not only body fat, procedures smooth out the skin, increase blood circulation, prevent the formation of new fat cells. The final result and its preservation will depend on the patient’s lifestyle, proper nutrition, and activity. If you stick to a few simple rules, That positive result will remain for a long time.