Causes of severe rashes on the face. Treatment of a rash on the face: finding out the cause of the cosmetic defect. Walnut mask

A rash may form on the surface of the skin, presenting in various forms. It can change the texture or appearance of normal, healthy skin. Sometimes it may appear red or purple, or be lumpy, flat, scaly, or flaky. Additional symptoms/signs may also occur. For example, itching, dryness or cracking of the skin. Sometimes it can be difficult to identify without signs.

Depending on the cause, rashes may form on a certain area of ​​the face or cover it almost entirely. Several factors such as sensitivity, gender (female or male) support the general idea that the symptoms of different types of rashes may vary. For example, skin sensitivity in children helps identify contact dermatitis.


Eczema (dermatitis)

Eczema is a very common skin condition with different forms. The medical term dermatitis is commonly used to describe the various forms of eczema that affect the skin. These include:

This form of eczema is mainly caused by an allergic reaction that occurs when the face comes into contact (directly or indirectly) with certain substances such as nickel, perfumes, preservatives in skin care products, lipsticks, balms, etc. The above-mentioned things may have varying effects on the skin of some people sensitive to these substances. Reactions may develop over time, but some may occur several hours after exposure. Affected areas include the eyelids or the skin around the eyes, lips and mouth.

Allergic contact dermatitis after lipstick
Allergic contact dermatitis after shampoo
And this girl was picking flowers the day before

Contact dermatitis of the eyelids and lips is marked by redness on the upper or lower eyelids, around the eyes, or almost all surrounding areas. The result may be itching and flaking.

Unlike allergic contact dermatitis, in this case there is no allergic reaction, but the skin is exposed to the irritant. Irritants are the most common triggers of rashes in infants, children, and adults. This type of dermatitis is usually marked by skin irritation "limited to the specific area that came into contact with the irritant."

According to Medscape, this dermatitis is a nonspecific skin response to chemical insults that release inflammatory mediators.

Serious and difficult to treat contact irritant dermatitis in a girl after treatment of inflamed acne with alpha hydroxy acids
The cheeks and area around the mouth of a young child may suffer from irritant contact dermatitis as a result of constant exposure and drying of saliva as it contains digestive enzymes.

The hands, mouth and lips are common body parts for irritant contact dermatitis.

Atopic dermatitis

About one in ten children develops atopic eczema. This is an inflammatory skin condition characterized by a red, itchy rash. This usually occurs in children between 1 and 5 years of age, but may persist beyond that time. Food allergies or environmental pollutants can cause or worsen them, but they can also occur for other reasons that are not exactly known.

Atopic dermatitis

It most often appears on the backs of the elbows and knees, but can cause a rash on the face.

Prickly heat

Also known as heat rash or “prickly” rash, it occurs due to clogged sweat glands. It is common in infants who wear clothes that are too warm. If your child sweats a lot and the sweat is unable to come out, you may notice small bumps in the folds of the skin, which will also be visible on the forehead, neck and forearms.

There are more cases of its occurrence in the summer, when the weather is hot and humid. Some adults who sweat too much also suffer from this problem.

Prickly heat on the face and neck
Miliaria in a child

Miliaria does not require treatment. It should resolve on its own with simple remedies such as coolness and shade or open air. However, you should avoid using oils and lotions that may increase itching.


Infections are also the cause of facial rashes. Some of them, most often viral and fungal, can cause symptoms in the form of a skin rash. They are usually characterized by red bumps, papules or vesicles. Itching and burning and other symptoms may also occur. For example, scabies results in red, extremely itchy rashes all over the body.

Viral infections include chickenpox, measles, rubella, and erythema infectiosum (parvovirus B19). Some of them cause severe skin rashes.

Erythema infectiosum (fifth disease)

A viral infection mainly seen in children under 10 years of age. Adults may also be susceptible.

The virus can be transmitted from an infected person to another healthy person. If a mother has the virus in her blood, it passes to the baby in the womb.

Symptoms before the rash begins include fever, feeling tired, runny nose, and joint pain. Sometimes there are complaints of sore throat, headache and stomach upset. A bright red rash then appears on the cheeks (about 2 weeks to 3 weeks).

Erythema infectiosum

Helping to identify this infection can be a raised "light pink rash that may also appear on the chest, abdomen, arms and thighs in addition to the face."


If you have ever had chickenpox, there is a chance that the virus (shingles) will remain dormant in the body. If the immune system engages it, the virus will appear on the skin.

Tingling, superficial pain, itching are some of the signs of this disease. Some people experience deep pain and blistering on affected areas of the body, including the torso, arms and legs.


How dangerous is the appearance of such a rash on the face? For people with weakened immune systems, shingles can be a serious health problem, and healthy people suffer from temporary pain.


This is a bacterial infection that causes red sores, blisters, crusts, and itching (rash). The contagious form of impetigo is common in children. It affects the skin around the nose and mouth.

After the blisters, children experience red, itchy rashes.


Impetigo is more easily transmitted through contact between infected and healthy people. Secondly, there are various carriers, such as insects or animals, that bite an infected person and then transmit the bacteria to a healthy person. There is a possibility that sharing towels could also be a mode of transmission.

There are other infectious conditions that lead to facial rashes.

  • Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
  • Phenylketonuria in children
  • Urticarial rash or urticaria.

Lupus (SLE)

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), but it is not always observed with the disease

Lupus is a group of different lifelong immune diseases or disorders. According to HealthLine, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is the most common.

Symptoms of lupus include:

  • Formation of a "butterfly" - a red or purple rash on the face on either side of the nose
  • Anemia due to blood clotting problems
  • Burning sensations and sore joints
  • Joint pain or swelling – especially in the wrists, hands and knees.

People diagnosed with SLE experience long-term symptoms such as hair loss, extreme fatigue, anemia, joint pain and discoloration of the fingers, which turn white or blue. Statistically, SLE affects women of childbearing age more than men.

A “butterfly” on the face does not always appear with lupus. The symptoms are varied, making the disease very serious and insidious.


Rosacea is common among adults and usually begins after age 30. It is a long-term and chronic disorder. Red skin is observed on the forehead, cheeks and nose. Sometimes noticeable redness on the chin may also occur.

According to the National Rosacea Society (USA), patients suffering from multiple skin disorders most often confuse it with others, such as lupus, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis or acne. In fact, it is difficult to identify and treat.

Red rash

May appear on different areas of the skin. It can also manifest itself differently for everyone, for example:

  • Small red areas of skin around the mouth or side of the nose. Chronic redness persists in addition to other symptoms.
  • Red bumps or spots (with or without itching).
  • Inflamed skin.
  • Burning lips.

Rash and itching

Itchy rashes can be terrifying, especially if they occur in young children who cannot resist or control the urge to scratch and scratch their skin. Trying ways to stop the itching is the first aid in treatment. More importantly, you need to try to find out what is causing the problem.

You should not treat an itchy rash in a child based on the advice and recommendations of other people who are not specialists.

Rash without itching

Most of them are considered harmless to the skin, but can pose a problem if ignored or end up becoming a threat.

They are mainly associated with allergic reactions to certain medications and detergents. Some people are not aware that taking certain medications may be causing the problem until they complete treatment.

Facts you need to know

For facial rashes, special care should be taken, whether the skin clears up naturally or requires treatment. Especially in cases that involve changes in appearance, texture (dryness, scales, flaking, etc.) or skin condition, such as dermatitis.

Facial rashes can be a problem for anyone, regardless of race, gender, or age. Infants are at higher risk of developing a general rash. Typically, more cases of this problem occur in women than men.

One truth is that skin will deteriorate if it is exposed to harsh conditions or poor care. Therefore, you need:

  • Avoid exposing any affected area to direct sunlight
  • Avoid alcohol-containing ingredients in care products
  • Do not use too hot water for washing
  • Avoid any other environmental exposures that cause additional skin dryness, irritation, etc.
  • Stop using shampoo and facial cosmetics
  • Always try to use clean, fragrance-free moisturizers.


Allergic contact dermatitis

As allergic reactions develop, the best way to clear the skin in this case is to stop using potential triggers and not use or share products with others whose hypersensitivity is unknown.

Irritant contact dermatitis

The best way to treat this type of dermatitis is to identify and remove the potential irritants.

Atopic dermatitis

Standard treatment includes contact with allergens (if they provoke or complicate the course) and the use of ointments and moisturizers. In extreme cases, your child may need prescription medication.

Antibacterial agents

Gentle antibacterial cleansers will help control the easy spread of bacteria (staph) that causes impetigo. While cleaning the affected areas, avoid scratching or irritation. Individuals with impetigo are advised to cleanse their skin but avoid products that will further irritate or worsen symptoms.


Reduces the risk of complications due to viral rashes (exanthema), including chickenpox, herpes and measles.

Proper skin care

This is a general treatment for most skin conditions such as psoriasis as there is no specific treatment. Some important tips are described above in the "Facts You Need to Know" section.

Acne and small pimples appear with enviable frequency, especially in women. They arise unexpectedly and cause great discomfort. In addition, this is also an unpleasant aesthetic problem that does not decorate the face at all.

Small pimples on the face indicate the presence of some kind of disease of the internal organs, or the development of an allergic reaction to cosmetics, food, or medicine. Therefore, when such a rash appears, it is better to immediately consult a doctor so that he can determine the exact cause of this condition and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Causes of small pimples on the face

A small rash on the skin of the face can occur for various reasons. Inflammation occurs as a result of the formation of a sebaceous plug and clogging of pores. By multiplying, bacteria cause the development of an inflammatory process, resulting in a skin rash appearing on the face.

Exclusively external reasons can also provoke problems:

  • severe stress;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • failure to comply with facial hygiene rules;
  • mechanical irritation (scrubbing, peeling);
  • poor nutrition.

There are also a number of diseases that can cause minor rashes on the face. Among them:

If you promptly identify the exact causes of the appearance of small pimples on the face in the form of a rash and eliminate them, the rashes will disappear quite quickly, your face will be transformed and become beautiful.

Types of rashes

Skin rashes are divided into several types.

  1. Closed comedones. They occur when there is a strong accumulation of sebum in the deep layers of the dermis. They may become inflamed.
  2. Milia. Blackheads are white in color and look like small, white, dense balls. The cause is excess sebum. They can be sprinkled not only on the face, but on the body. Acne does not become inflamed and is easily eliminated with cosmetic procedures in the salon.
  3. Watery rashes. The reasons are the development of allergies. The pimples are very itchy and itchy.
  4. The rash is red. Appears on the facial surface, body, limbs. It is numerous, itchy, inflamed.

How to get rid of acne in the form of a rash

All treatment methods will depend on the cause of the rash on the skin. You should not try to get rid of the rash using independent methods; it is better to consult a doctor in time for help.

Elimination of acne using cosmetic procedures

It is important to do such procedures when there is deep contamination of the dermis, if there are dead cells, comedones, and inflammation.

You can get rid of small acne on the face using the following procedures:

  • vacuum cleaning;
  • vaporization;
  • ultrasonic cleaning;
  • peeling.

Vacuum cleansing involves removing impurities from the deep layers of the epidermis. The vacuum removes dirt particles and exfoliates dead dermal cells.

The vaporization method eliminates acne by exposing the skin to ozone. The procedure is relevant if there are a lot of purulent formations on the face. Ozone relieves the inflammatory process, dries the affected areas of the dermis, and prevents the formation of new ulcers.

Severe acne on the face can also be eliminated with ultrasound. The device removes dirt particles using microvibrations. Cleanses pores of pus and core pimples. The effective properties of the device make it number one in the fight against acne.

You can also cleanse your face with peeling. It is based on various acids that effectively cleanse the dermis of dead cells and prevent the appearance of new comedones. Peeling should only be done on clean skin. All cosmetic procedures are effective in the fight against acne on the facial surface.

Treatment of small acne with medications

Pharmaceutical drugs are used if the skin rash is caused by the development of diseases of the internal organs. Indicated for severe forms of dermatological diseases, allergies, in which the facial surface is covered with acne and comedones.

If the face is covered with acne due to allergies, then antihistamines are prescribed. Most often prescribed "Tavegil" in tablets or "Fenistil" in drops. These drugs reduce the production of histamine protein, relieving symptoms.

If the face is covered with acne due to acne, then medications that reduce the production of sebum and drugs from the group of antibiotics are prescribed. Reduces sebum secretion gel "Curiosin". Gel "Metrogil" destroys all bacteria. It contains the antibiotic Metronidazole. Together, all these drugs quickly eliminate the rash. Drugs "Tsindol", "Aknebay", "Effezel" disinfect the skin and destroy germs.

Herbal preparations also work well against acne. This is nettle, aloe tincture, calendula. Gel "Kvotlan" does not contain antibiotics or alcohol, but is an effective remedy.

If there are a lot of acne on the face, this may indicate problems with the stomach and intestines. Adsorbents are needed here; they normalize metabolism, lipid metabolism, remove toxins, and improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines. It can be "Lactofiltrum", "Polysorb", "Brewer's yeast".

The rash is also treated with antibiotics. Among external ointments, this "Tetracycline", "Metacycline", Doxycycline". Effective creams "Zinerit" And "Baziron AS".

When the face suddenly becomes covered with acne and ulcers, hormonal drugs may be prescribed, but only in special cases and after consultation with a doctor. Often these are contraceptives, such as: "Yarina", "Diana 35", "Isotretinoin".

Preventing rashes

To prevent your face from becoming covered in pimples, you need to constantly take care of it:

If the face is covered with acne and ulcers, treatment must be started immediately. And for this you need to consult a doctor for qualified help.

Only he can ask him why you started having such problems.

He will be able to establish all possible causes of their occurrence and prescribe appropriate treatment.

  • Why do rashes appear?
  • "Adult" acne
  • PMS pimples
  • Allergic reactions
  • Photodermatosis

Why do rashes appear?

According to statistics, in 40% of women, acne rashes “move” from adolescence into adulthood. And they continue to spoil the mood. Experts explain the reasons for their appearance.

"Adult" acne

With acne, excess sebum combines with horny scales. Pores become clogged, inflamed, and acne occurs. If in adolescents hyperproduction of sebum is primarily associated with increased levels of androgens, then in adults it is due to improper care or hormonal imbalance. Let's talk about the factors that aggravate such skin problems.

Using comedogenic, pore-clogging cosmetics

It increases sebum production and accelerates keratinization processes. Comedogenic substances include:

  • petrolatum;
  • lanolin;
  • paraffin;
  • peanut, coconut, sesame, olive oils;
  • sodium octanal sulfate,
  • some coloring pigments.

In response to the “dissolution” of the protective layer by alcohol, the skin produces an increased amount of sebaceous secretion.


On the one hand, it has bactericidal properties, on the other hand, it increases keratinization of the skin, causing blockage of the sebaceous glands.


We are talking about problems with internal organs, such as dysfunction of the liver, gallbladder and bile ducts.

Taking certain medications

For example, corticosteroids and protein shakes.


Prolonged stress leads to disturbances in the hormonal system, and these, in turn, lead to skin rashes. It is no coincidence that the system is called neuroendocrine.

What to do?

  • For severe rashes, find out the root cause from specialized specialists.
  • Use cosmetics marked “non-comedogenic” and “does not contain alcohol.”
  • Choose products to care for problem skin.
  • Get rid of bad habits.

Remedies for “adult” acne

Product name Ingredients Action

Gel + scrub + mask 3-in-1, Garnier

salicylic acid, zinc, eucalyptus extract

Reduces acne and blackheads, reduces sebum production.

Face mask-scrub “Magic of Clay”, L'Oreal Paris

three types of clay, red algae extract, exfoliating particles

Tightens pores, exfoliates, eliminates oily shine, absorbs sebum.

Serum for mature skin against imperfections Blemish & Age Defense, SkinCeuticals

dioic, salicylic, caprylic-salicylic, glycolic acids

Reduces secretion production, exfoliates, reduces imperfections, cleanses pores.

PMS pimples

One or two pimples on the forehead, chin or at the sides of the nose - this may be a reaction to hormonal changes. A week before the start of the monthly cycle, 70% of women notice single rashes. At this time, the level of sex hormones estrogen decreases.

What to do?

  • Take better care of the skin where rashes appear.
  • Eliminate single pimples using local SOS products.

Remedies for PMS pimples

Product name



Cleansing gel with anti-acne brush “Clean Skin Active Exfo Pro”, Garnier

salicylic acid, regenerating phytocomplex

Thoroughly cleanses the skin, enriched with components with bactericidal action, dries out imperfections.

Fast-acting remedy against imperfections Normaderm Hyaluspot, Vichy

salicic, hyaluronic, lipohydroxy acid

When applied locally, it maintains a high concentration of components with a bactericidal effect in the right place, dries, and creates a protective film.

Corrective cream-gel for problem skin against imperfections and post-acne Effaclar Duo(+,) La Roche-Posay

prokerad, salicylic acid, hydroxy acid

Reduces the severity of rashes within 12 hours, prevents their reappearance, mattifies.

Allergic reactions

Allergic reactions on the skin most often manifest themselves in the form of contact dermatitis - the skin turns red, itches, swells, and rashes appear. Unfortunately, it is impossible to insure yourself 100% against such developments.

Any substance can cause a reactive skin response, but the more aggressive the composition of the cream, the higher the risk. Allergens are often fats, proteins and their derivatives: glycoproteins, mucopolysaccharides. As well as essential oils and plant extracts. Some preservatives, dyes and fragrances can also cause irritation.

What to do?

  • Use cosmetics with a minimum amount of ingredients in the composition.
  • Choose products marked “hypoallergenic”, “free of dyes, fragrances and parabens”. These include cosmetics from pharmacy brands.

Hypoallergenic products

Product name



Day cream care for normal and combination skin Idealia, Vichy

adenosine, blueberry and black tea extracts

Evens out, improves complexion, moisturizes, tightens pores.

Ultra Facial Oil-Free Lotion, Kiehl's

antarcticine, imperata cylindrical extract

Moisturizes, protects, mattifies.

Toleriane Soothing Moisturizing Protective Cream, La Roche-Posay

shea butter, squalane

Moisturizes, softens, relieves irritation and redness.


This is the name for allergic reactions to ultraviolet radiation. A rash resembling hives is accompanied by peeling, itching and swelling of the skin. The following factors lead to photodermatosis.

  • Genetic predisposition to excessive production of inflammatory mediators.
  • Taking certain medications, for example, drugs of the tetracycline group or even the seemingly harmless St. John's wort.
  • Uncontrolled exposure to active sun without protective equipment. Burns and death of Langerhans immune cells.
  • Using cosmetics that increase skin sensitivity to the sun. Photosensitizing substances include: musk, tretinoin, alpha hydroxy acids (AHA), bergamot, lemon, orange oils, preservatives, dyes, fragrances.

What to do?

  • Consult a dermatologist for advice.
  • Use day creams with protective and antioxidant properties.
  • Be sure to apply and renew sunscreen regularly.

Means for the prevention of photodermatosis

Product name

Ingredients Action

Stick for sensitive areas SPF50 +, Capital Ideal Soleil, Vichy

sun filters, cocoa butter, shea butter, castor oil, vitamin E

Protects, nourishes and cares for sensitive areas of the skin.

Anthelios Ac Mattifying Fluid SPF 30, La Roche-Posay

sun filters, perlite, zinc gluconate

Provides a high degree of protection for oily and combination skin prone to rashes, mattifies, and is water resistant.

Moisturizing sunscreen BB cream for face SPF 50 Soleil Bronzer, LancÔme

Mexoryl filter system, argan oil

Protects against ultraviolet radiation, prevents photoaging, and masks imperfections.

Almost every person encounters skin rashes in life; their appearance on the face can serve as a signal of problems in the body. Attention to your health today is undoubtedly important, because a disease detected in time can be treated without problems or complications. How to understand the cause and start proper treatment in a timely manner? How to recognize a disease whose symptom is a rash on the face of an adult? We talk about this in this article, provide photos with explanations, read about it below.

Causes of rash on face

Everyone knows that the word rash means an altered condition of the skin. Many conditions and diseases can cause or be the cause of skin changes, some are completely harmless, but a rash can also serve as a signal of a serious problem. Here are the most common causes of facial rash:

Avoid scratching any type of rash!

Rash on face during pregnancy

Moderate acne or pimples on the skin of the face during pregnancy is a common occurrence and is associated with changes in hormonal levels in the body. Most often they go away on their own without any consequences. A hormonal surge causes a decrease in the barrier functions of the skin and an increase in the production of natural sebum. In any case, if a rash suddenly appears in pregnant women, it would not be superfluous to consult with your doctor in order to rule out an allergy or infectious nature of the protrusions, because nothing should threaten the health of the mother and the unborn child.

Rash during pregnancy

Diseases accompanied by a rash on the face

Skin diseases:

Acne or acne– protrusions caused by inflammation and blockage of the sebaceous glands, the cause is an increased intensity of sebum production, that is, too oily skin.

Dermatitis(allergic, seborrheic, atopic and others) – inflammation of the skin manifesting itself as the body’s reaction to an allergen or chemical irritants. Dermatitis is characterized by the appearance of redness on the skin, swollen blisters, burning and a desire to scratch the affected area.

lupus erythematosus– a non-infectious autoimmune disease of the body’s connective tissue. This is a chronic disease that affects mainly women aged 20–40 years, and requires treatment only under the supervision of a doctor.

Toxicoderma or toxicodermy – manifests itself as a result of an allergen entering the body, most often after long-term use of medications. It is an allergic-toxic inflammatory disease.

Psoriasis– Today it is believed that psoriasis is an autoimmune disease, characterized by the appearance of many red papules on the skin.

Eczema– a chronic skin disease with an acute course. Not contagious.

Lichen– all types of lichen are caused by the proliferation of fungi or viruses on the skin; almost all types of lichen are transmitted through contact and household contact. There are many varieties including shingles, pink, pityriasis, red flat and other types.

Diseases not classified as skin diseases:

Venereal diseases– such as HIV, herpes, syphilis and chlamydia. As a result of a person becoming infected with these diseases, symptoms in the form of ulcers or pimples may also appear on the skin of the face.

Gallbladder and liver diseases- with exacerbation of hepatitis, or problems with bile acids, protrusions may appear on the skin, and the patient is also bothered by itching, especially at night.

Diabetes– with diabetes mellitus of the 1st degree, the patient may develop vitiligo, including on the face in the area of ​​the nose and nostrils.

Thyroid problems– can cause pimples or blackheads in people of any age. Lack of iodine in the body provokes the development of decreased gland function.

Extensive inflammation of internal organs– also provoke the protrusion of spots and dots, usually of a reddish tint, in the area of ​​the cheeks and lower jaw.

To make an accurate diagnosis and choose the appropriate treatment tactics, it is necessary to undergo a series of diagnostic procedures and pass the necessary tests.

Treatment of rashes on the face

As a rule, in 90% of cases, the rash is only a symptom of another disease; by curing it, you will get rid of the rash. The basis for treating the rashes themselves are various creams and ointments; also, in the case of an uncomplicated rash, you can carefully resort to traditional medicine with the permission of a doctor. During treatment, it is advisable not to apply all types of cosmetics to the affected areas of the skin.

A minimum of cosmetics for dermatological diseases is the key to a quick recovery.

You should always remember that only a dermatologist can provide you with qualified assistance in treatment; try to undergo a full examination and receive high-quality drug therapy.

Preventing rashes

The basis of health is and will always be, first of all, personal hygiene and proper care. Try to use high-quality skin products and cosmetics, check them for individual intolerances and allergens. Protection from aggressive environmental influences (scorching sun, dirty air) is also important. Do not overeat unhealthy foods high in fat and sugar, try to give up or reduce your consumption of alcohol and tobacco products. If you suspect a skin disease, do not hesitate and get examined by your doctor.

The appearance of red inflammatory spots is not so much a manifestation of a cosmetic defect, but rather a symptom of impaired functioning of the body. Human skin reacts very quickly to all changes occurring in the functioning of systems and organs, therefore it is the first to signal many diseases. What causes a rash on the face, and how to get rid of it?

Causes of the rash

The appearance of a rash on the face can be caused by various factors. The most common of them:

Fluctuations in hormonal levels

The rash appears especially often in adolescents during puberty, in women during pregnancy, and in those who take hormonal contraceptives. This rash is localized on the chin, forehead, cheeks and cheekbones. For some women, the appearance of such pimples indicates the imminent onset of menstruation.

A characteristic rash on the face due to vitamin deficiency

The rash in this case indicates a lack of vitamins in the body of an adult. Such symptoms on the face most often appear in winter or early spring, when the body is most depleted and requires vitamins. However, hypervitaminosis can also lead to a rash if a person takes vitamins in large quantities without a doctor’s prescription.

Allergy to the action of a provoking factor

This factor can be either a food or household allergen. Among the foods that most contribute to allergies, citrus fruits, seafood, sweet red fruits, eggs, and dairy products.
Household allergens can be more difficult to identify. These include pet hair, plant pollen, synthetic bedding, etc. Cosmetic products - aftershave lotions, foam, foundation creams, various makeup removers - can also provoke rashes on the face in adults. Men often notice rashes on their chin after shaving. They may contain harmful substances to which the skin reacts with an allergic reaction.

Poor nutrition

Adults ignore this common cause of a rash on the face, believing that they are eating normally. However, untimely meals and an abundance of fried, fatty foods with preservatives contribute to the appearance of rashes on the face. Bad habits, such as alcohol and smoking, also provoke the appearance of a rash, since harmful substances accumulate in the body, leading to intoxication of the body due to its contamination.

Digestive problems

Often, it is the gastrointestinal tract that primarily causes rashes on the face when pathologies appear in its work. Most often, a rash on the face appears when the liver and gallbladder are not functioning properly.

Stress that the body experiences

Stress is a direct cause of the appearance of a rash on the face. It is caused by prolonged depression, neuroses, and short-term stressful situations. In this case, the patient’s face becomes covered with spots similar to hives, and the surface of the skin itself begins to itch and itch. Stress rashes can spread not only to the face, but also appear on the neck, chest, arms and abdomen.

Reaction to drugs

Rashes in adults can be caused by an overdose of medications, such as antibiotics. And in particularly sensitive patients, the rash appears as an allergic reaction to one or another drug that is unsuitable for the patient.

Temperature changes

Pimples on the skin may be evidence of hypothermia or overheating of the body. When overheated, pimples are usually inflammatory, may become wet and contain pus, and when overcooled, the rash appears in the form of dry, non-inflammatory elements that appear as spots on the face. This phenomenon is called cold allergy and can accompany a person throughout his life.

Improper skin care

Often allergies can be caused by excessive use of cosmetics. Various types of foundation and powder, applied to the face in several layers, completely clog the skin pores and provoke a greenhouse effect. Due to the secretion of sweat and sebum, small rashes may appear on the face. If you get pimples from cosmetics, you need to change the product.

Skin infection

Such diseases include streptococcal infection, molluscum contagiosum, rosacea, demodicosis and other ailments.

Diagnosis of the cause of the rash

If your face is covered with acne, it is necessary to conduct a competent diagnosis of the disease. Only a dermatologist can do this.

  • With rash red spots, one can suspect dermatitis, lupus erythematosus, acne, toxicerma, seborrheic dermatitis.
  • Swollen red rashes are provoked by lupus, amyloidosis, sarcoidosis, granuloma.
  • Brown spots are evidence of melanoma, keratosis, chloasma, lentigo, toxicoderma.
  • White spots are caused by vitiligo, milia, comedones, and lichen.
  • A colorless, small rash is a symptom of molluscum contagiosum, solar dermatosis, or subcutaneous acne.
  • If the spots peel, then such a rash can be caused by psoriasis, dermatitis, zinc deficiency, and glucagonoma.

Treatment of rashes in adults

Treatment of the rash can be carried out by doctors of various specialties, depending on the cause of the rash. Before getting rid of the rash, you need to contact a dermatologist, after which you may need to consult a therapist, gynecologist, gastroenterologist, allergist or endocrinologist. After the examination, the doctor prescribes a blood test; they may scrape the surface of the skin if demodex is suspected. Further treatment depends on what caused the rash. If you have an allergy, you need to eliminate the food or household allergen. For demodicosis, Benzyl benzoate, Blefarogel, Delex-acne, Wilkinson ointment, Demolan are prescribed. If the rash is caused by other reasons, such as infectious diseases, it is necessary to direct all efforts to treatment. During pregnancy, you should wait until your hormonal levels normalize.