The positive influence of animals on humans. Energy of pets. The influence of animals on human health

IN Lately More and more information is emerging about the positive impact of animals on humans. What does this beneficial effect consist of, is it only positive emotions and mandatory daily walks on the street?

Pets have a harmonizing property, they put in order the psycho-emotional state of their owner, but their main effect is invisible, delicate and vitally necessary for a person in life. modern conditions. A pet, no matter a cat, dog, bird, fish or rat, is “included” in the energy field of the owner and his family and appears in several forms at once: “battery”, energy shield and "fuse". There is a constant and powerful exchange of subtle energies between living organisms. Each type of animal has its own characteristics in the process of this exchange, respectively, and their effects differ slightly, but the result is almost always positive and very beneficial to humans. Unfortunately, the animals themselves often fall ill with approximately the same ailments that their owners suffer.

The question arises: are we really vampires who only consume vital energy your favorites? Not certainly in that way. Firstly, we feed them and take care of them. Secondly, they give us mainly physical energy, and we give them spiritual energy, and spirituality in the Universe is valued very highly. It is impossible to obtain this energy by force, the exchange occurs only voluntarily, and the more the animal loves you, the more energy it gives to you and your family. Love here is an unconditional concept; if you are imbued with love for an animal, then the animal also responds to your message. You won’t be able to deceive: the process occurs at the level of the unconscious, and you can’t deceive the subconscious.

Pets, when communicating with a person, are personified, become personalities, this happens due to “connection” to the human spirit. Each person normally has an individual spirit that determines his life tasks, while animals have one spirit for the entire species, for example, the spirit of cats, the spirit of dogs. In close human-animal interaction, the animal connects to the spirit of a particular person or family and helps its owner along the path of destiny, often giving its life. Accordingly, there is an evolution of the soul of this animal, and ultimately the spirit of animals of this species. Therefore, probably, very often animals and their owners become similar in appearance to each other. What can you do - a common biofield.

Associated with the same phenomenon of bioenergy-information interaction is the custom of a totem animal, the actual connection to the energy of any type of animal, which provides more opportunities for the survival of the tribe in harsh conditions. Ancient people were by no means as primitive as we think.

From long-term observations, certain conclusions can be drawn. Firstly, at healthy people are generally healthy animals. Secondly, the owner’s care for his physical and spiritual health allows him to have healthy pets. Thirdly, if you treat an animal, you should not forget about its owner, who is often the main source of the disease in his pet.
The very behavior of pets, which often causes irritation among owners, may be completely justified. For example, inadequate territory marking when a cat urinates in in the wrong places, on things. But, pay attention, most often, she does this on the things of people with problematic energy. The animal thereby equalizes the energy of the place, neutralizing negative radiation. The cat kneads with its paws a sore or energy-deficient place in a person or a place where there is a disturbance in the flow of energy. She can lie on a sore spot, sometimes just sit next to you. At this time, excess energy is discharged and negative energy is received for processing. Naturally this is not the only way energy interactions between animals and humans. Cats seem to be able to somehow harmonize the energy flows passing through them. Recharge in places that are geopathogenic for people.

Quite often the animal dies, completely devoting itself to the benefit of its owner. This is especially clearly observed when a person is sick, when, during the period of exacerbation of the disease, similar condition and his animal, and the person becomes easier. Let me give you a few examples.

The owner had an attack of severe radiculitis (3-4 lumbar vertebrae), he couldn't even get out of bed. The cat fell from the 10th floor - a spinal fracture in the area of ​​3-4 lumbar vertebrae. The owner's radiculitis went away immediately. He ran after the cat himself. It can be attributed to stress, but the coincidence is quite strange.

The owner is hypotensive, she has critical falls pressure on the weather. IN Once again happened to her sharp deterioration, and then it suddenly became easier, but at the same time her beloved nine-year-old dog died the next day: sharp drop blood pressure, weak cardiovascular system. The dog also showed signs of hypotension, which is not typical for dogs.

The owner has right-sided paresis, a consequence of a stroke. The hostess had an incident during the day hypertensive crisis, at night - a stroke in a seven-year-old cat, paralyzed Right side. The animal could not bear the energy overload.

In cats, the time of energy exposure is usually strictly limited for each case. You can keep track of time using a clock. If a cat sits in its owner’s arms for 15 minutes and then leaves, then most likely it will sit for the same amount of time next time. Typically, the time of exposure depends both on the state of human health and on the well-being of the animal itself. In dogs, the time of immediate exposure does not appear to be limited by their health status. Most likely, strong attachment in both cats and dogs can override the sense of self-preservation. As a result, the animal gives itself without reserve.

An absolutely healthy young cat suddenly begins to urinate blood from the very hour his owner’s kidney is opened on the operating table, and spontaneously heals as soon as the person improves. There was no direct physical contact, but some kind of connection between the animal and the person was and was preserved at a distance. You can say that this is a simple coincidence, but when such coincidences happen all the time, you have to wonder if they are coincidences? There are a great many such examples; veterinarians are especially familiar with them. Ask almost any of them, they will probably remember a couple of cases.

The use of animals to treat humans is quite well known. Today, many scientists are convinced that all types of pets can have incredibly powerful therapeutic effect. The animal most often adopts the pathology of the weakest and most vulnerable family member. Often, but not always, this is the person the animal spends the most time with. It is the closing link in the family circle; its very presence is capable of balancing the energy field of the family, regardless of the number of its members. Animals, as it were, project the problems of their owners onto themselves, thus allowing, through love and care, to restore the harmony of the perception of the world and providing the opportunity to restore the energy-informational structure, and, consequently, human health.

We can conclude that by caring for a sick animal, a person receives a unique opportunity to get rid of his illness, without physical suffering, but only by being imbued with the spirit of love and compassion. Most of us find it quite difficult to experience such pure feelings for other people due to the very various reasons. Remember, if you keep any animal, you need to own health take care of his health, since this creature is, in essence, your family doctor.

Animals help not only people, but also each other. In my practice, I have often noticed that if there is more than one animal in the house, for example, a cat and a dog, then they sympathize with each other when one of them is sick. A cat sits for hours next to a sick dog that it previously seemed to care nothing about. The dog strives to protect the sick cat and carefully looks after it. There were cases when dogs or cats literally looked into my eyes, trying to draw attention to a sick fellow, their whole appearance expressed hope for help, gratitude in case of success and sadness and disappointment in failure. Both of them strive to be as close to the patient as possible. I observed how some cats climbed on top of a sick dog and settled down to rest there, and the sick animal did not try to get rid of the load. The same participation is observed between dogs, cats, and rats.

Based on many years of research and observations, it can be argued that by the time the first signs of the disease appear in animals, at least, in 85% of cases, their owners experience either remission chronic diseases, either the disappearance of symptoms of the disease, or a noticeable decrease in the intensity of the disease.

There are approximately 6.3 million cats and 6.5 million dogs in the UK. In America, their numbers are almost ten times higher: about sixty million cats and fifty-five million dogs. And it is hardly possible to calculate how many cats and dogs live in Russia. But there is still Guinea pigs, pet birds, hamsters, tame rats, mice, hedgehogs, turtles, monkeys, snakes. And all these squealing, jumping, crawling, and squeaking living creatures live with us side by side, sharing food and shelter with us.
A lot has been written lately scientific works, which is beneficial. However, according to some experts, the proximity of animal energy next to human energy is undesirable, since the lower organization of the animal can attract dark spirits and low entities into the house.

So, the question arises: “Do animals in the house strengthen our protection or is it a violation of the energy balance?”
There are many inexplicable facts in the interaction of the energy components of animals and humans. For example, most veterinarians note similar symptoms in animals of the diseases that their owner may suffer from. But when the owner gets better, the animal continues to get sick. Regarding this, there are suggestions that pets take away negative energy from us, as if “pumping” it onto themselves.

Bioenergetics scientists have discovered that our pets are wonderful guides. external energy and are able to reflect the energy state of the hosts. They are also capable of not only warning their owners about possible danger, but also by their actions and behavior they can tell us about the future.

Cats and dogs are able to perfectly feel with what energy and what thoughts a person comes into the house. Sometimes it happens that cats themselves ask to sit on visitors’ laps; and sometimes you can’t even force them, and if you try, you can’t avoid sharp claws. And cats may also be quite aware of the arrival of their beloved friends and relatives. In advance, long before the doorbell rings, cats begin to prepare for the upcoming visit: they smooth out their fur with their paws and wash themselves. So the sign that a cat washes itself is justified - it means good guests will come.” The cat has a heightened sense of upcoming visits. But dogs can also spend hours sitting and looking outside the window, waiting for the person they want to see, but this feeling is a little underdeveloped in them, since dogs have a more developed attachment to their owner. They recognize the owner from a great distance and even know the time when he plans to come home.

And when in the evenings after a busy day the owner comes home and is greeted by a sincerely rejoicing friend wagging his tail, his lips naturally spread into a smile. Moreover, he can nod his head to his loved ones. When sick, many people think that a cat sitting next to them can take away the pain. And the owners of the breed of hairless Chinese dogs “use” them in their bed as a heating pad (the body temperature of such dogs is about forty degrees Celsius). One owner of such a dog once said that even medicine did not help her sick grandson: his sleep was restless and short, and he often woke up during the night. However, as soon as the “Chinese girl” appeared in the house, everything changed dramatically. The dog sat down at the boy’s feet, and the anxious nights disappeared.

Fluffy cats (Siberian, Persian) perfectly treat women's ailments, sitting on the laps of their mistresses and clinging to their bellies. Special studies allowed doctors to conclude that post-infarction rehabilitation is more successful in those patients who have pets. This was initially attributed to the dog owners taking a daily walk. However, studies have made it clear that the percentage of recoveries is equally high among owners of other types of living creatures: parrots, cats, and fish.

By monitoring the health status of patients, scientists found that when in contact with pets, influence of pets on humans creates energy balance, the heart rate returns to normal and blood pressure, excitement and tension decreases. People who have animals at home tend to be more balanced. It was found that by stroking your pet, a person can experience not only mental, but also physical comfort.

Psychotherapists have long found out that five minutes of admiration for aquarium fish can relieve stress and fatigue to the same extent as a twenty-minute massage or an hour's swim in the pool.

So it turns out that pets are not only simple faithful friends, but also gentle healers.” True, zootherapy methods are not yet recognized official medicine, and psychotherapists and doctors of other specialties are skeptical about methods of treatment and healing with the help of pets, but this has been known for a very long time.

: dangerous diseases.

Despite the benefits that pets bring, if they are not properly cared for, they can cause serious danger not only to themselves, but also to human health.

Comparison of disease sources

1 Giardiasis in cats, dogs, domestic rodents (hamsters, guinea pigs, etc.) - liver.

2 Chlamydia ( budgies) - all organs and systems for several years.

3 Microsporia (“ ringworm") (cats, dogs, sick person) - smooth skin, hairy part heads.


Pets bring joy and benefit to people, but when communicating with them you need to follow the rules of personal hygiene to avoid diseases. It is also necessary to take care of your pets, examine and treat them with a veterinarian.

Reminder on keeping pets

1. Determine and equip a corner for your pet.
2. Feed your pet correctly, according to its diet.
3. Walk your pets no less three times in a day.
4. Once a week I treat my pet with special products.
5. Don't forget about vaccinations.
6. Take him to the veterinarian for a check-up once a month.
7. Pet him and play with him.
8. Love yours pet, become his friend.

Want to know more? Read, watch, explore and just love your pets.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Mokro-Gashunskaya secondary school No. 7


"The influence of pets on human life"

Completed by a 4th grade student
MBOU Mokro-Gashunsky secondary school No. 7
Dataev Stanislav
primary school teacher

Gerashchenko Svetlana Grigorievna

Mokry Gashun village


Hypothesis: Pets bring us joy and benefit every day, but they can be dangerous to human health.

Goal of the work:

To prove that animals are our friends and if we take care of them properly, they will not cause any harm to our health.


- talk to a health worker;

Consult with veterinarian,

Find and explore necessary information V various sources;

Conduct a survey on the topic among the adult population;

Conduct a survey among schoolchildren;

Give useful tips people who have pets.

Relevance of the topic:

pets live next to people, but people do not think about their safety and the fact that their pet can be the main source of human infection.

Research base:

Books and reference books;

Experts' opinions;


Research methods:

Collection and analysis of information;

Generalization different points vision;



Object of work:

Life of domestic animals next to humans in the modern world.

Subject of study:

Biological features domestic animals and their diseases.

Who are they - pets?

Domestic animals are animals that have been domesticated by man and which he keeps, providing them with shelter and food. Domestic animals bring benefits to humans, either as a source material goods and services, or as companions who brighten up his leisure time.

Some pets bring material benefits to humans. Some of them are a source of food (milk, meat), materials (wool), or perform work functions (cargo transportation, security).

Pets bring to our home not only a lot of positive emotions, but also a special energy that can affect the quality of life of household members. It has long been proven that animals have a beneficial effect on a person’s psycho-emotional state and physical health.

IN alternative medicine there's even special technique treatment - animal-assisted therapy. Its essence lies in the fact that the patient has contact with the animal for a certain time, as a result of which the recovery occurs faster. There are many cases around the world where terminally ill patients got up from their wheelchairs and threw away their crutches after interacting with horses, dolphins and other animals.

Treat and benefit our body and state of mind Pets - dogs, cats, birds, fish - are also capable. We will talk about them.


Dogs can calm you down and relieve stress. Communication with this animal can prevent heart attack, migraine, constant pressure surges. In addition, dogs will help to quickly recover from illness and contact with them contributes to the rapid extinction of inflammatory processes.

Dogs also help people suffering skin diseases. They can also become an indispensable lifesaver for those with epilepsy.


Cats have a beneficial effect on people suffering from influenza, bronchitis, rheumatism, hypertension, and gastritis. The biofield of these animals can stabilize the work of cardio-vascular system, put blood pressure in order, relieve a person from headaches.

Cats help with nervous disorders, depression, unstable emotional state. In those moments when you are sad and melancholy, you just need to pick up a cat, and in a few minutes you will feel better.

Did you know that a cat’s purring can rejuvenate your body? Scientists have found that the sound these animals make occurs at a frequency of 22 and 44 Hz, and these vibrations contribute to the regeneration of cells in the human body.


Birds lift your spirits and help cope with depression and stress. Watching parrots, canaries and other poultry also helps restore health in people who have had a heart attack and those who suffer from heart disease.


Pisces are great at dealing with stress. Looking at them you can very quickly calm down and forget about anxious thoughts. It is recommended for patients with angina pectoris to have fish. nervous disorders, angina pectoris and epilepsy.

For a pet to become a real healer for you, you first need to show it a lot of care and love. Then your pet will reciprocate your feelings. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

08.12.2014 09:46

Scientists have long come to the conclusion that cats are “magnets” of negative energy. By taking it, the animals heal their owners...

Surely many have noticed that pain and fatigue go away when interacting with their beloved cat, but is it true that a pet can...

Rybalko Ekaterina


Each of us, in one way or another, communicates with pets in our lives.

The role of animals in the life and development of man throughout almost the entire development of mankind is great. Animals in different periods, one way or another, helped a person - both physically and spiritually. Thanks to animals, people had food, clothing, protection, and warmth. In almost all cultures of the world, some animal has been the personification of power and spiritual worship, good and evil.

Today, the ecology of the living environment and the ecology of architecture are trying to create a comfortable environment for human habitation and life.

An integral part of such comfort is the proximity to animals. A person, trying to create his own inner comfort, returns to his roots.

Adults sometimes wonder whether there is a psychological meaning in communicating with animals?

This topic is very interesting to me and I decided to consider it in more detail.

Target. Consider the influence of pets on the psycho-emotional state of a person.


1. Study exposure to stress modern man.

2. Study the literature on the problem of the influence of pets on humans.

3. Analyze the significance of animal-assisted therapy in human life.

4. Conduct a diagnostic study.

5. Analyze the results obtained and draw conclusions.



City scientific and practical conference

"Start in Science"

The influence of pets on the psycho-emotional state of a person

Section: Biology

9th grade student

MBOU "Secondary general education

School No. 39"

Rybalko Ekaterina


Furycheva E.G.



  1. Relevance……………………………………………………………………. 3
  2. Literature review………………………………………………………………………………..5
  1. Stress in a person’s life…………………………………………………………….…5
  1. Animal-assisted therapy………….…………………………………………….……8

2.2.1 History of animal-assisted therapy…………………………………….…………………8

  1. What is animal-assisted therapy?................................................... ..........................9

2.3 Animal-assisted therapy in human life………….………………..…..….……11

2.3.1 Ways of interaction with various animals………..……..….11

2.3.2 Positive effect influence of animals on humans…………..…13

3. Practical part……………………………………………..………………...16

4. Conclusions………………………………………………………..……………………………..17

5. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………...19

6. Literature……………………………………………………………………………….....20

7. Appendix………………………………………………………………………………..21

  1. Relevance

Each of us, in one way or another, communicates with pets in our lives.

The role of animals in the life and development of man throughout almost the entire development of mankind is great. Animals in different periods, one way or another, helped people - both physically and spiritually. Thanks to animals, people had food, clothing, protection, and warmth. In almost all cultures of the world, some animal has been the personification of power and spiritual worship, good and evil.

However, in the modern urbanized world, the human-animal bond is broken. A person lives in a city, cut off from nature, from the natural historical conditions of existence. Working in a confined space, traveling home by public transport, apartment buildings - all this is physically convenient, but has a detrimental effect on our psyche. A bunch of scientific research dedicated to finding optimal ways to improve the human condition in the conditions of rapidly developing modern cities
Today, the ecology of the living environment and the ecology of architecture are trying to create a comfortable environment for human habitation and life.

An integral part of such comfort is the proximity to animals. A person, trying to create his own inner comfort, returns to his roots.

Adults sometimes wonder whether there is a psychological meaning in communicating with animals?

This topic is very interesting to me and I decided to consider it in more detail.

Target. Consider the influence of pets on the psycho-emotional state of a person.


  1. To study the susceptibility of modern man to stress.
  1. Study the literature on the problem of the influence of pets on humans.
  2. Analyze the significance of animal-assisted therapy in human life.
  3. Conduct a diagnostic study.
  4. Analyze the results and draw conclusions.

2. Literature review

2.1 Stress in human life

There were hardly people in the world who lived their lives without stress. IN English language stress means tension. The founder of the doctrine of stress is the outstanding Canadian scientist Hans Selye (1936 - the first publications on stress).

Hans Selye identified three phases of stress:
anxiety reaction when the body prepares to meet a new situation;
resistance phase, when the body uses its resources to overcome stressful situation;
the phase of exhaustion, when the body's reserves are catastrophically reduced.

Stress can be caused by painful experiences in our lives, any unpleasant event, difficult trial or loss, or events that bring joy. Any significant change in the routine of life can cause stress. But why do any changes in our lives cause stress? First of all, because they often violate the usual and convenient order of life for us, offering new, unknown situations in return.

People are susceptible to stress different ages, its influence in modern conditions is becoming comprehensive.

Signs of stress are:

  • Feeling irritated, depressed for no particular reason.
  • Memory problems, frequent errors.
  • Reluctance to do anything, constant fatigue.
  • Loss of sense of humor.
  • Abuse of bad habits.
  • Increased excitability and touchiness.
  • A constant desire to cry, tearfulness.

Let's consider what types of stress a modern person can fall under.

There is physical and emotional stress.

If the human body is exposed to external factors, and they cause burns, poisoning, injuries, diseases, then it manifests itselfphysical stress.

Emotional stressobserved when the body is affected mental factors, causing powerful emotions. This stress is ubiquitous.

Stress - physiological, psychological, emotional and chemical reaction a person to what threatens, frightens, irritates a person.

Since the brain does not distinguish between a real threat and a perceived danger, it reacts to a situation that seems dangerous to it as if it were real.


"Good bad"

Rice. 2 Types of stress

Everyone has their own “threshold of sensitivity to stress” - an individual level of tension, before reaching which the effectiveness of activities increases. In this state, the body is in the stage of “good” stress. IN dangerous situation the body makes the most of its capabilities. Stress forces us to gather all our strength to overcome difficulties. Mental and emotional shock forces us to act. This “good” stress should be short-lived: the situation has passed and the body has returned to normal.

When critical situation resolved, but the person remains in a tense state and cannot get out of it, then this is “bad” stress. It negatively affects our body, destroying it. When you feel mentally tired of life, this is the first sign that the stress has been prolonged.
You definitely need to get out of this state; such stress is not good for you at all.

Don't hide from stress by pretending the problem doesn't exist. Stress is an inevitable component in human life. You just need to find for yourself a way to develop psychological and physiological resistance to negative emotions.

2.2 Animal-assisted therapy

2.2.1 History of animal-assisted therapy

People acquired their first experience of communicating with animals and animal-assisted therapy back in ancient times, after taming a dog - it licked human wounds received during hunting or in battles.
Many peoples kept various animals and birds in their houses, believing that these living creatures would take upon themselves the ailments of their owners if necessary.
People have written entire tales about the incredible healing abilities of animals. In addition to the fact that you can get from living beings what is indispensable for humans, representatives of the natural world themselves have amazing qualities as healers.

In the still emerging primitive society, the animal totem forced people to comply with established norms and rules, regulated communication and was a source of well-being and peace.
Sacred amulets with the image of an animal were constantly worn on the body as a symbol of protection and success. Ritual dances of people, imitating the behavior of some animals, made it possible to relieve anger, fatigue and aggressiveness after an unsuccessful hunt. And some movements, on the contrary, helped to recharge with energy - these are prototypes of animal-therapeutic techniques that ancient people unconsciously used.
This attitude of people towards the animal world contributed to expanding the possibilities of emotional experience of fears, relieved mental stress, feelings of helplessness and loneliness, aggressiveness, allowed them to independently experience changes, look for a way out of the current situation, gave calmness, tranquility, confidence in own strength. Therefore, animals are considered to be the first psychotherapists of humanity; they provided psychological assistance and support in right time to any person.
IN last decades XX century and to this day, animal-assisted therapy intensively continues its development. This is facilitated to a large extent by modern popular scientific methods research on human-animal relations. Currently, the scope of use of animals as healers of the human soul and body is constantly expanding.
2.2.2 What is animal-assisted therapy?

Animal-assisted therapy is a method of providing psychological assistance through interaction with animals and their symbols.

The task of animal-assisted therapy– revealing additional possibilities in the behavior and personality of adults and children, enriching the socially adapted behavioral repertoire through observation, education and training of such mechanisms that allow animals to adapt to living conditions as much as possible and to be in a balanced interaction with others.

Studying mental activity animals, their perceptual processes, memory, emotions, indicative and exploratory reactions, skills. Various shapes deals with learning, reflexes zoopsychology . Animal-assisted therapy receives from this science knowledge about the psyche of animals, their capabilities in carrying out correctional tasks.

Ethology – the science of animal behavior – studies the mechanisms of adaptive behavior of animals from the point of view of the benefits it brings to the animal. Animal Assisted Therapy uses these observations to teach people how to interact with the world around them in a safe and appropriate way.

Like any method, animal therapy has a wide range of tools - these are animal symbols: images, drawings, fairy-tale heroes, toys and real animals that are safe to interact with. In animal therapy, preference is given to “socialized” domestic animals: horses, rabbits, cats, dogs, hamsters, pigs - all those who have learned to “behave decently” in human society.

Interacting with animals in the home without awareness or purposeful understanding of their therapeutic value is callednatural animal-assisted therapy.

The process of purposeful use of animals and their symbols according to specially developed programs for the correction of emotional and personal problems is calleddirected animal therapy.

2.3 Animal-assisted therapy in human life

2.3.1 Interaction with various animals

Interaction with nature has great potential for the social rehabilitation of the individual. Scientists distinguish medical-psychological and psychological-pedagogical approaches to solving this problem.

Recently, such areas of medicine aspet therapy, animal therapy or zootherapy . According to scientists, significant healing effect provides zootherapy to people with chronic neurotic and mental illnesses.

For certain diseases, animals can act as “co-doctors”, i.e. to help medical workers establish contact with those patients who, for a number of psychophysical reasons, refuse to communicate with a doctor, psychologist or nurse.

  1. Animals give the patient the feeling of “not being alone”;
  2. They determine his “busyness” and “usefulness”: he can stroke and caress someone; must pay attention to someone; forced to move; gains a feeling of confidence due to the fact that another being accepts him and does not reject him.

Animal-assisted treatment covers the following main categories of patients:

Children suffering from depression


Down syndrome,

Brain lesions with manifestations of dependence or aggressiveness,

In a state of loneliness or isolation,


Having low self-esteem.

In patients with injuries to emotional level and therefore closed in on themselves, communication with animals brings a smile, and often laughter; patients with hypertrophied activity, unable to perform usual activities due to too much high level anxiety, when in contact with animals, calm down so much that they begin to interact normally with other people. Animals have the ability to give love and provide tactile reassurance, stimulating the need to provide help and protection.

Rice. 3 A dog treats even his own


Dog heals even with its very presence (Fig. 3), its role in protecting against neuroses and other consequences of stress is so recognized that doctors often recommend getting a dog for nervous child. And also for a person who has experienced a bereavement, or a patient with functional heart disease.

Almost any dog ​​is very emotional: joy, sadness, gratitude and even remorse - all this can be read in its eyes.

Fig.4 Beneficial influence cats

What Domestic Cats have long been known to have a beneficial effect on the health of their owners (Fig. 4). Today it has been proven that they are useful for those suffering from diseases of the heart, blood vessels, mental disorders. Caring for a cat restores self-confidence in patients,

reduces patients' stress to a level that can be achieved with a week of relaxation exercises. Finally, “cat” caresses and stroking the cat itself are the equivalent of a massage and very valuable healing factor. At the same time, a person receives satisfaction from touch, which is vital for physical and emotional health. Thus, an ordinary cat is a unique “specialist” in tactile therapy, which is what makes it a home doctor for its owners. In addition, the presence of a cat in the house has a positive effect on the psyche of its inhabitants, especially children. If a child is the only one in the family, it is difficult for him to be a constant object of attention from others. His actions and deeds are always visible, analyzed and criticized. Even if the family loves the child very much and everything he does is accepted with delight, not everyone will withstand such a “test of glory.” A cat frees a child from focusing on himself and raises him to another level of the home hierarchical ladder.

Rice. 5 Eco-friendly TV

Aquarium can be compared with an environmentally friendly TV (Fig. 5): it’s very interesting to watch and there are no harmful effects, radiation and eye fatigue. It has been scientifically proven that quiet contemplation of the lives of the inhabitants home aquarium removes nervous tension and stress

2.3.2 Positive effect of animals on humans

Natural animal-assisted therapy.

The literature presents situations in which cases are described positive influence animals per person. I would like to give a few examples.

Situation No. 1.

One girl, spending a lot of time among her boy brothers, adopted their ways of behavior, games, and words. She didn’t play with dolls, she was capricious and rude, she wasn’t friends with anyone in kindergarten, she called her names and fought. Despite the efforts of her mother and teachers, the girl could not be involved in “girlish” games. It was decided that the child needed an animal friend. The girl was brought a rabbit, Tonya, from the dacha. Gradually she began to take care of the rabbit, cook food, dress her in veils and hats, began to draw princesses, put on her mother’s beads and turned into an ordinary girl, loving affection and attention, playing “mother-daughter” with dolls and friends in kindergarten. The rabbit was sucking up to the girl, begging for something tasty. The girl taught her to walk hind legs, and drum the front ones on the knees of everyone gathered in the family circle. Both the brothers, the girl, and the parents were touched and laughed at the habits of the animal, which, in fact, united them all, taught them to care for and understand the younger ones, and, most importantly, helped the girl become a girl.

For closed, timid, indecisive children, animals often replace a friend: they are trusted with secrets, sorrows and joys, and demonstrate their achievements and abilities. By existing next to the child, the animal smooths out his problems, fears, and helps him communicate with others. Unlike a static toy, pets breathe, run, play, taking away some of the worries and worries from children.

Situation No. 2.

One girl’s dog Motya is not only a friend, but also an excellent teacher, a teacher of getting used to life outside of a “cage.” orphanage, and in good loving family. It was difficult for the girl and the new parents, who did everything possible so that the child would forever forget about the betrayal and evil of adults and would not feel loneliness and helplessness. Motya was an idol in her time; she was given a lot of care and attention. But then a cute little thin girl appeared in the family and began to take her toys, climb onto her owner’s lap, and hug her owner. Affectionate words, games, communication - everything has become less now. But the dog did not become sad, did not become embittered, but carefully began to establish contacts with the new family member, began sharing toys, a bone, and crawling into the crib at his feet. The animal and the child found many common interests and games. Now they watch cartoons about Dalmatians together, hugging each other, singing songs, playing hide and seek, and taking walks. The girl likes to train Motya, teach him how to perform commands and acrobatic sketches. She is not greedy, does not take away delicious gifts for herself, but always shares with the dog.

Through interaction with pets, children develop the ability to sympathize and empathize, to understand the condition of others, i.e. empathy, a quality necessary for successful communication. Cats and dogs run in the family various functions. Cats most often compensate for the need for physical contact; dogs – live emotional communication.

Situation No. 3.

One family moved to a new area from their own home. A child from this family was very sad and homesick, did not go outside and spent hours looking out the window at his peers playing in the yard. No amount of persuasion from parents to go out and meet each other worked. The family dog ​​came to the rescue in this situation. Insistently asking the boy to go for a walk with him, whining and looking into his eyes, he finally “pulled” him into the yard. At the same moment, the children themselves approached the boy with questions: “Is this your dog?”, “How old is she?”, “Where do you live?”, “When are you coming out?” Gradually, friendly relations were established between the children, and the child’s fear of meeting new children disappeared.

3. Practical part

This work is devoted to the study of the influence of households on a person’s psycho-emotional state. In this regard, a study was carried out, which consisted of three stages:

1) preparatory stage - the goal of this stage is to develop a questionnaire,

2) diagnostic stage - the goal is to conduct a survey among the city population,

3) analytical stage - the goal of this stage is to analyze the result obtained and draw conclusions.

At the first stage, together with an educational psychologist, we developed a questionnaire and compiled a form with questions (Appendix 1).

We wanted to know: “What percentage of respondents have pets?”, “Do they agree with the opinion that pets improve a person’s well-being?”, “Does a pet help them cope with stress?”

At the second stage, a survey was conducted. I collected data from city residents who actively participated in the survey. I managed to ask the opinion of 20 city residents.

I processed the collected data and presented it in diagrams (Fig. 6,7,8).

Fig.6 Do you have a pet?

Rice. 7 Do you agree with the opinion that pets improve human well-being?

Rice. 8 Does your pet help you cope with stress?

4. Conclusions

  1. More than 5 sources were studied on the topic of stress and the impact of pets on humans.
  2. Stress is an inevitable component in the life of a modern person. You need to find for yourself a way to develop psychological and physiological resistance to negative emotions.
  3. Interaction with nature has great potential for human health.
  4. A questionnaire was developed and a survey was conducted among city residents. 20 people took part in the survey.
  5. Most city residents keep pets.

According to the results - this is 70% of respondents. These are mainly dogs, cats, hamsters, fish, and parrots.

Most respondents agree that pets improve human well-being. According to the survey, they are 80%. And only 20% deny this statement. Moreover, some of them have pets.

71% of respondents consider their pet family doctor, which helps to cope with the following situations:

  • Family quarrels;
  • Hard day at work;
  • Poor health caused by bad weather;
  • Feeling of fear;
  • Physical pain;
  • Loneliness.

5. Conclusion

Communication with pets, according to the literature studied, is an effective way to help people. Science took the friendship between man and animal as a basis, and the result was that man won. In this symbiosis, a person calms down, builds long-term plans for the future, determines his own goals.

The urban population more often comes into contact with dogs, cats, fish, birds, and hamsters.

By their existence next to a person, animals smooth out his problems, help in overcoming fears, loneliness, aggressiveness and helplessness, and help communicate with others. Even indecisive closed people animals can help fulfill the need to establish contacts. Hugging a furry creature, we feel warmth, peace, security.

The desire to have pets is natural and especially manifested in the youngest and only children, who control everything, but they have no one.

Therefore, I would like respected adults not to deny children the opportunity to purchase four-legged friend, which will have great benefit not only for children, but also for themselves!

6. Literature

  1. Antsupova I. “Purpose: horse, cat or dog?”.P. 241-220. Around the world. 2006, No. 12.
  2. Burno M. “Raising the soul from sadness.” pp. 28-29. Physical education and sports. 2000, No. 10.
  3. Deryabo S., Yasvin V. Ecological pedagogy and psychology. Rostov-n/D, 1996.
  4. Kryazheva N.L. The cat and the dog are rushing to the rescue. Yaroslavl, 2000.
  5. Lozinskaya M. “A cat under the arm, or What is zootherapy?” pp. 14-16. Health. 2002, no. 2.
  6. McFarland D. Animal behavior. M., 1988.
  7. Ryzhkova Z. L. Study of interaction with pets as a factor of improvement mental development and social adaptation of the child. Dipl. Job. YarSU, 1996.
  8. Tarasov E. “Our home healers.” pp. 22-24. Sport life Russia. 2009, No. 4.
  9. Sharonova E. G. " Social rehabilitation schoolchildren interacting with nature." pp. 55-59. Pedagogy. 2005, No. 6.
  10. Yasvin V. Attitude of schoolchildren to nature. M., 2000.

7. Application

Do you agree with the opinion that pets improve human well-being?

Does a pet help you cope with stress?

In what situations does it help you?