Gastritis treatment with folk remedies. How and with what to treat gastritis of the stomach. Chronic gastritis with low acidity - treatment with oats

Gastritis is the most common pathology of the digestive system. Damage to the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines leads to an inflammatory process, which entails a lot of unpleasant symptoms. Patients with gastritis complain of stomach pain, frequent heartburn, belching, and digestive problems.

Treatment of the disease according to the canons of traditional medicine involves the patient taking a number of drugs: tablets, drops, suspensions. In most cases, patients are prescribed a course of antibiotics, which have a detrimental effect not only on pathogenic bacteria, but also on normal microflora. In addition, medications have many side effects and contraindications. In view of this, more and more people are asking the question, is it possible to cure gastritis with folk remedies? This path involves not only taking natural medicines, but also a radical change in lifestyle and habits. Without this basis, even the best folk recipes for treating gastritis cannot help.

Basic rules for preparing the body for treatment

These rules imply a generally healthy lifestyle, but have their own nuances dictated by the disease:

  • Gastritis: treatment with folk remedies begins with a complete cessation of alcohol and smoking.
  • Don't skip breakfast. Patients with gastritis often do not eat breakfast, citing the fact that after eating early, their symptoms worsen, and they may even vomit. This is completely the wrong way, since you need to start the day with a light breakfast, which will help establish the digestion process for the whole day.
  • Milk porridge as a morning dish is difficult for the stomach to digest. Therefore, it is better to cook them in water or eat them at lunchtime.
  • Since with gastritis the process of secretion of gastric juice is disrupted and it lacks enzymes, you need to learn to eat at the same time. This will help the stomach prepare for the poisoning process.
  • You should not overeat or allow acute hunger. This has a bad effect on the functions of the gastrointestinal tract. You need to leave the table “underfed” and remember that the feeling of fullness comes only after 20 minutes after eating.
  • You need to make it a rule to take food and drinks in the temperature range of +20-+50 degrees.
  • Dietary nutrition is one of the most important components of therapy. It should exclude the consumption of fatty, fried, spicy foods - anything that can irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

Effective folk recipes to combat the disease

To treat gastritis in folk medicine, teas, herbal and alcohol infusions are used, as well as taking special mixtures of products that will perform a protective function for the mucous membrane and help reduce inflammation.


The most effective recipes for treating gastritis with folk remedies always include medicinal herbs. In order to get rid of gastritis in a few weeks, you need to pay attention to such fees. You can buy ready-made products at the pharmacy, or create them yourself.


  • yarrow,
  • calendula flowers,
  • St. John's wort.

Mix the herbs, taken in equal quantities, and pour 2 tablespoons of the raw material into 3 cups of boiling water. Cover, insulate, leave for 50–60 minutes. If you take this infusion warm 30 minutes before each meal every day for 2 weeks, the symptoms of gastritis will go away, as will the disease itself.

>After completing a course of herbal treatment, it is worth undergoing an examination - the doctor must confirm that the disease has been cured.

Treatment with propolis

Propolis is an indispensable natural remedy in the fight against various manifestations of inflammatory processes. Its alcohol tincture can be bought at any pharmacy, or you can prepare it yourself. Beekeepers, knowing all the possibilities and power of propolis, advise resorting to the second option. To do this, you need to pour 50 grams of the product with 0.5 liters of medical alcohol. The container with the tincture is placed in a dark place, where it is kept for at least one week, or at room temperature.

Propolis needs to be shaken daily so that it does not settle. You need to take the medicine according to the following scheme: dilute 10 drops of the tincture with purified water (100 ml), and drink it 30–40 minutes before each meal daily. Already in the third week of disciplined use of the folk remedy, the mucous membrane is able to fully recover from gastric changes.

Treatment with juices

Vegetable juices, such as potato and cabbage, help fight various manifestations of the disease and are included in folk remedies for gastritis.

Fresh potato juice can be consumed even on an empty stomach. With gastritis, increased acidity of gastric juice is more often diagnosed, and potatoes suppress the secretion of hydrochloric acid well. To do this, you need to take 3 medium potatoes, wash them, and pass them through a juicer without peeling them. You can also extract juice by grating the vegetable, but this process will take longer, and the potato loses its properties very quickly. Therefore, each time you need to prepare a new medicine and drink it 30–40 minutes before each meal.

For those who find it difficult to take raw potato juice, you can add a teaspoon of honey to it. It will also help speed up the healing process of the mucous membrane.

If the acidity of the gastric juice is low, it is recommended to drink cabbage juice. The leaves need to be chosen elastic and fresh. You need to extract at least 100 ml of liquid, then let it stand for 4 hours. You need to drink cabbage juice twice daily: before lunch and half an hour before dinner. Cabbage perfectly stimulates the gastrointestinal tract and activates the production of gastric juice.

Aloe recipe

Among folk recipes for gastritis, aloe juice enjoys special honor. It has a powerful antiseptic effect, so taking it is extremely useful for gastritis. It will suppress the activity of pathogenic bacteria, which often cause the development of gastritis. You need to take the juice of this medicinal plant twice a day before meals, 2 tablespoons. The bitterness of the medicine is high, but you can prepare an infusion from it, which will be easier to consume.

To do this, mix 200 grams of aloe juice with the same amount of honey and pour half a liter of red table wine over it. Mix all ingredients and leave the infusion for at least two weeks in a cool, dark place before using. Every day you need to drink one tablespoon of medicine three times a day.

An important condition: the honey must be natural, and aloe leaves must be selected from an old, healthy plant that is at least 5 years old.

Quail eggs

Patients often resort to folk remedies for treating gastritis symptoms with the help of quail eggs. They provide an enveloping effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. In addition, eggs saturate the body with a number of vitamins, minerals, amino acids - this helps it better fight pathology. You need to drink at least 2-3 quail eggs a day, before each meal. By the end of the first month of therapy, the symptoms of gastritis will significantly decrease or disappear completely.

Sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil will help cope with the manifestations of gastritis of the stomach with high acidity. It has good enveloping, anti-inflammatory, wound healing properties. You need to drink it in a volume of 5 ml (1 teaspoon) 3 times daily, 30-40 minutes before meals.

Olive oil has the same effect. True, its dosage is slightly lower: 2 tablespoons for an adult. They can be drunk at a time, or added to salads and other dishes.

Treatment with decoctions

Effective medicinal decoctions can be prepared from the following plants:

  • yarrow,
  • burdock root,
  • calendula,
  • mint,
  • golden mustache,
  • birch bark.

Recipe with alcohol

For the traditional treatment of gastritis with alcohol, you need to eat 1 tablespoon of butter (natural) on an empty stomach, wash it down with 1 tbsp. l. alcohol (or vodka) and two raw eggs. Alcohol does provide an antimicrobial effect, but you shouldn’t get carried away with it: the slightest overdose or deviation from the dose recommended by the recipe will cause severe irritation of the mucous membrane.

Treatment with oat jelly

Oatmeal jelly will not only saturate the body with useful substances, but also perform a protective function in the gastrointestinal tract. To prepare it, you need to grind the flakes, pour a liter of boiling water over them, and cook for an hour, stirring. When it cools down before use, you can add honey to it.

Consequently, treatment with folk remedies for gastritis takes approximately the same time as drug therapy. However, such recipes contain components of exclusively natural origin, they do not provide side effects, and contraindications are minimal. In addition, they have a general strengthening effect on the entire body and increase its protective functions.

If traditional treatment methods fail to help combat the symptoms, you should consult a specialist. Only the attending physician will tell you how to cure gastritis in each individual case and whether it is possible to take non-traditional remedies.

Treating gastritis of the stomach means not only taking a course of certain tablets and suspensions. The effectiveness of therapy will be many times greater if you adhere to a special diet, which is extremely important during the period of acute gastritis, and after the disease is cured, it is simply necessary to restore the gastric mucosa and its functions. Together with diets, treatment of gastritis with folk remedies will be beneficial, and today we will present the most effective methods to your attention.

Treatment includes the fight against the main unpleasant symptoms: pain in the stomach and esophagus, nausea, heaviness after eating, heartburn and “acid” belching. Taking into account the existing complaints, the doctor will definitely refer the patient for a detailed examination, after which, once the correct diagnosis is made, drug treatment will be prescribed. Traditional methods do not exclude traditional therapy, but serve as an excellent addition to it.

Products for home therapy

Folk remedies for gastritis involve the use of products and herbs available to everyone.

They are often used to infuse decoctions and drinks that the patient drinks throughout the day.

Alkaline mineral water

Hyperplastic gastritis

This type of disease is chronic. Signs include post-meal pain in the abdomen, heartburn, reflux, vomiting, and nausea. These negative manifestations of the disease can be corrected using traditional methods.

Hyperplastic, erosive gastritis and duodenitis can be cured using flax seeds. The infusion of this product envelops the walls of the stomach, allowing it to regenerate. The flax seed drink is taken on an empty stomach before meals three times a day.

Fresh, unprocessed seeds of this plant are not recommended. The walls of the stomach can become even more damaged.

Superficial gastritis

Treatment of superficial gastritis is carried out on the basis of burdock leaves. To do this, take a teaspoon of dried leaf and brew it with half a liter of boiling water.

It is advisable to infuse the decoction overnight in a thermos and drink it three times a day using honey on an empty stomach.

Atrophic form of the disease

You can treat gastritis with folk remedies at home. For this, decoctions of herbs such as chamomile, yarrow, plantain, calendula and celandine are offered.

These treatments reduce inflammation and relieve spasms, inactivate pathogenic microflora of the stomach and intestines, and improve metabolism. Take infusions several times a day before meals. It is allowed to add honey and milk. Treatment of reflux with herbs is faster and better.

When treating atrophic gastritis with folk remedies, the use of plantain should be avoided in case of increased stomach acidity.

Granular form of gastritis

A rare type of manifestation of hypertrophic gastritis is granular, it is characterized by foci of inflammation on the surface of the stomach. When constructing a treatment regimen for this disease, one can also consider hyperplastic gastritis, the development of which is similar in symptoms and visible changes. In folk medicine, these stomach lesions are treated potato juice, known for its regenerative properties. Drink half a glass of freshly squeezed juice only half an hour before meals for 10 days.

Flax seed infusion also helps to cope with these diseases, it envelops and protects the damaged mucosa from additional damage.

An effective folk remedy in the treatment of gastritis is sea buckthorn oil, which fights inflammation and promotes the healing of erosions. Sea buckthorn oil is consumed before meals, 1 tsp. on an empty stomach.

Gastritis is a disease of the stomach of inflammatory nature, accompanied by damage to the superficial cells of the mucous membrane and deeper layers. Treatment of gastritis with folk remedies does not replace medications, but is intended to help eliminate the pathology and prevent the transition to an ulcer.

The most convenient period for using alternative methods of therapy is the elimination of the acute phase of inflammation and the transition of the disease into a protracted relapsing course, when the symptoms become dull, but at times patients feel aching pain in the epigastrium, nausea, belching, heartburn, and after eating there remains a feeling of heaviness in the upper abdomen.

Intestinal dysfunction (diarrhea and constipation) sometimes worries patients more than pain. In order to effectively use folk remedies for gastritis and not resist the achieved positive results from medications, healers must take into account the acidity of gastric juice and the form of gastritis.

Traditional medicine pays very close attention to dietary recommendations. It makes no sense to take purchased or prepared herbal remedies without following a diet that prevents the gastric mucosa from irritation and stress.

The most effective remedies and medicines are not able to cure the disease if the patient does not stop smoking and continues to consume alcohol, fatty, fried and spicy foods. Treatment of hypersecretory gastritis will require ways to bind acid and protect the mucosa.

And with a decrease in acidity, an atrophic process, on the contrary, it is necessary to stimulate the glandular cells remaining in the stomach and support the restoration of the lost epithelium. Among herbal remedies in the folk treatment of gastritis, dry herbs, leaves, roots, flowers, and fruits are used. The part of the plant in which the beneficial properties accumulate as much as possible is selected.

There are not always sufficient conditions for self-collection and drying at home. Therefore, it is better to buy the ingredients at the pharmacy. This way you can be sure of proper cultivation and the absence of impurities from a polluted external environment.

Gastritis is often a secondary pathology and develops against the background of chronic cholecystitis, pancreatitis, and enterocolitis. An example would be reflux gastritis, associated with the backflow of duodenal contents. To normalize the functioning of the sphincters and coordinate the motility of the stomach and intestines, drugs that relieve muscle spasms and choleretic agents are used.

Treatment of the stomach in children requires special attention. Medicinal plants can only be used in consultation with a pediatrician.

Children are more likely than adults to have an allergic reaction to the products offered.

In cases of erosive gastritis, which threatens to develop into a gastric ulcer, it is necessary to ensure the scarring process, to prevent bleeding and transformation into a tumor. Therefore, it is better to refuse independent choice of therapy and use only methods of official medicine.

What to include in your diet?

We will not describe a complete diet for patients with gastritis. Let us dwell only on the proposals of traditional medicine for especially healing products and describe what properties they have. The recommendations say that the catarrhal (superficial) form of gastritis can only be dealt with with the right diet and herbal medicine.

Green apples are recommended to be taken peeled, peeled, finely chopped or mashed for breakfast. It is enough to take 2-3 medium-sized apples. According to the prescription, the patient should not eat for 3 hours before and after consumption in order to prevent fermentation processes.

You can repeat another “apple feeding” during the day, but not at night. The course of treatment is 3 months: in the first month - eat daily, in the second - every other day, in the third - once a week. Quail eggs are one of the popular home remedies for treating gastritis. It is recommended to drink them raw half an hour before meals. It is acceptable to eat 2-3 eggs per day.

Traditional healers urge not to be afraid of salmonellosis; eggs do not require boiling. It is impossible for quails to develop infection because birds have a body temperature of 42 degrees. This condition is not suitable for Salmonella to survive. You can mix raw eggs into mashed potatoes, soups, and cereals.

It is recommended to dry, finely grind the shells, mix them with fish oil and lemon juice, take a teaspoon in the morning

Oatmeal jelly is a wonderful remedy that relieves pain in the stomach, envelops the inflamed surface of ulcerative gastritis and activates tissue regeneration. Oats have a general strengthening effect, very rarely cause allergies, and therefore are useful for children and pregnant women.

Making real oatmeal jelly is not easy:

  • grind 2 cups of flakes as finely as possible, add warm water (about 2 liters), stir and leave for 12 hours;
  • strain the resulting mass;
  • Cook the remaining liquid over low heat for half an hour until thickened, stirring occasionally, add salt and sugar, as in porridge.

Ready jelly goes well with a teaspoon of honey. Can be consumed as a separate dish or a little before meals. To increase efficiency, it is recommended to cook oatmeal with fennel leaves.

First, pour a tablespoon of ground flour into a liter of boiling water and mix well, then you need to cook for a whole hour with added dry fennel leaves. The result is a thick mucus-like jelly. The total volume is divided into 3 doses before meals. It is recommended to add honey for taste.

For gastritis with low stomach acidity, it is recommended to include in the menu:

  • in the morning on an empty stomach, half a spoon of light honey and half a glass of water;
  • carrot and apricot juice;
  • decoction of rose hips;
  • fresh apricots or dried apricots;
  • It’s good to eat a bunch of grapes;
  • Blueberries can be added to compote, dumplings, and pie filling;
  • fresh cucumber salad;
  • grated turnip with vegetable oil;
  • It is better to add beans to first courses;
  • White cabbage can be stewed or boiled.

Fans of fasting argue for the benefits of cleansing the stomach and the entire digestive tract, and activating metabolism in cells. The whole process requires a course of 3 weeks. We do not recommend doing it at home. There are special clinics and centers for this.

Patients will require constant medical supervision

How to treat gastritis with vegetable oil?

The use of oils in traditional methods of treating gastritis is not disputed by official medicine. The consistency and composition undoubtedly have beneficial properties and help with exacerbations and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Please pay attention to the purchase and expiration date of the medications.

For therapeutic purposes, you need to buy fresh, first cold-pressed oil. A shelf life of no more than 6 months is suitable (preferably the first 3 months). Let us remember that some oils are still used in the culinary industry and for technical purposes. Therefore, you need to monitor sales attempts.

The process of obtaining oils is quite complicated for home use. It is better to purchase drugs from a pharmacy chain or specialized stores. It is enough to add any oils to food (not hot), you can drink one tablespoon on an empty stomach.

Olive oil differs from sunflower oil in its high content of unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins K, A, E, D. Helps with gastritis and for healing stomach ulcers. It has been proven to contain special substances that prevent the development of cancer.

Sea buckthorn oil is suitable for the treatment of all types of gastritis, especially those with increased acidity. Has good wound healing properties. In folk medicine, recipes are offered for mixed use with honey, aloe juice, and propolis tincture.

Flaxseed oil is milder than olive and sea buckthorn oil; not everyone will like the taste and smell. However, taking a teaspoon orally before meals allows you to relieve pain, inflammation, and heal damage to the surface of the stomach.

It has a disinfecting effect on Helicobacter in the antrum and pylorus, and other pathogenic microorganisms in acute bacterial gastritis. Milk thistle oil is better known as an invaluable “helper” for liver dysfunction.

In cases of secondary gastric damage, it has a healing effect, is indicated after radiation and chemotherapy, stabilizes and limits tumor growth. Contains many biologically active nutrients, electrolytes and microelements, unsaturated fatty acids, carotenoids, in addition to fat-soluble B vitamins.

It has a known bactericidal, analgesic, and ulcer-healing effect. In chronic atrophic gastritis it is necessary to stimulate the immune system.

Safflower affects the process of microcirculation disorders, increasing thrombosis

Safflower oil contains 80% of the rare conjugated form of linoleic acid. Helps in the absorption of vitamins E and K. Does not contain squalene, like other oils, so it is recommended to combine it with other nutrients that enhance cell regeneration.

Effective when gastritis is combined with diabetes, bleeding tendency, impaired motor skills (has a high concentration of vitamins K and B). Contraindicated for pregnant women.

Infusions and decoctions

Infusions and decoctions are the extraction of beneficial substances from medicinal raw materials using water. They are widely used in the treatment of gastritis with folk remedies. To make it easier for readers to navigate home cooking methods, we will focus on the differences and features.

There are rules that must be followed:

  • observe the amount of raw materials and liquids;
  • use suitable dishes (enamel only) or thermos;
  • insist and keep for the allotted time;
  • always strain;
  • Warm slightly before use.

The classic method is cooking in a “water bath”: the plant material in the required proportion is poured with boiling water, covered with a tight lid, “wrapped” and infused in this form. Then leave it at room temperature for some more time. In practice, a “water bath” is conveniently replaced by a thermos.

Leaves, flowers, and herbs are suitable for preparing infusions. They are kept in a thermos filled with boiling water for 15 minutes, then at room temperature for half an hour. Decoctions are prepared from seeds, bark, roots, and fruits. They need to be kept in a thermos for half an hour, then at room temperature for 15 minutes.

If the recipe does not indicate a specific ratio, then the following proportion should be used: 10 times more liquid than raw materials.

Infusions and decoctions can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2–3 days

A decoction of flax seeds contains mucus, nutritional polysaccharides, lignans (plant fibers), phytohormones, and vitamins. It is capable of enveloping, anesthetizing, protecting the mucous membrane, strengthening blood vessels, and improving microcirculation in the wall of the stomach.

Used for low acidity and complete achylia half an hour before meals. Some healers advise adding it to porridge. Contraindications apply to persons with bronchial asthma, cholelithiasis, inflammation of the esophagus, increased bleeding and pregnancy.

An infusion of chamomile flowers is prepared in the following proportion: a teaspoon of dry raw materials per glass of boiling water. The active ingredient in chamomile is chamazulene. It is able to eliminate swelling of the gastric mucosa, relieve pain, allergies, inflammation, and improve the flow of bile.

Chamomile helps with increased gas formation and bursting pain. Contraindicated if the stomach has zero acidity. The provitamins, flavonoids and coumarins contained in the flowers are easily destroyed by boiling. Therefore, infusions should be prepared in a thermos. Patients are advised to lie down after the appointment, turning over on their right and left sides.

Calendula has a strong anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect due to its high content of carotenoids. It is recommended to add linden honey to the prepared infusion. Contraindicated in pregnancy, prone to low blood pressure.

In the treatment of gastritis, traditional medicine recipes recommend using decoctions from:

  • sea ​​buckthorn berries;
  • wild strawberry roots;
  • burdock roots;
  • birch and oak bark (for heartburn).

Infusions of mint leaves, wild strawberries, yarrow.

The use of alcohol-containing tinctures

Extracts of beneficial substances are not always well released by boiled water. Therefore, some tinctures are prepared by aging for 10–14 days in vodka or 70-degree alcohol. Their use always requires additional dissolution in milk or water. Contraindicated for children, pregnant women, and people being treated for alcoholism.

In the pharmacy chain you can buy tinctures of propolis, Japanese Sophora, and aloe. It is recommended to take 10–15 drops three times a day. You can make your own tincture from aloe and Kalanchoe. To do this, do not forget the following:

  • a week before cutting the leaves, the plant is removed from the light;
  • Fleshy leaves that are at least three years old are used;
  • After cutting and washing, they are placed in the refrigerator for 3 days.

Kalanchoe juice is obtained by pressing

Add 500 ml of vodka to 100 ml and leave for 45 days. It is recommended to take a tablespoon on an empty stomach with the addition of honey.

Application of bee products

Honey and other products are non-toxic, well tolerated by patients, relieve pain, disinfect the gastric mucosa, accelerate healing by affecting the immune system, and normalize the function of acid formation.

It is recommended to take honey:

  • one tablespoon 15 minutes before meals;
  • on an empty stomach with cold water;
  • along with herbal teas and infusions;
  • with Kalanchoe juice.

Propolis is taken both in alcohol tincture and in an aqueous version. First, propolis should be kept in the refrigerator so that it hardens well. Then it is grated.

Pour boiling water in a ratio of 1:5 and leave in the “bath” for an hour. The result is a brown liquid. Stored in the refrigerator for no longer than a week. You can drink half a glass daily. In case of overdose, drowsiness and dizziness occur.

Bee products are contraindicated for people with allergies or diabetes

What to take for high acidity?

To cure gastritis and get rid of impaired digestion forever, you should not look for miracle cures. It is better not to waste time and follow the doctor’s advice, choose the most convenient and simple folk remedy.

For people with high stomach acidity, the following are recommended:

  • potato juice - has the ability to neutralize acid in the stomach, starchy substances envelop the mucous membrane, is prepared from well-washed tubers with peel using a juicer, taken 30–40 minutes before meals according to the scheme (daily, in courses of 10 days with a break, in increasing volumes) ;
  • aloe juice - enough in a dose of 2 tablespoons before meals;
  • infusion of chamomile flowers;
  • milk with honey;
  • vegetable oils with honey.

Initial signs of atrophy of the gastric glands are accompanied by focal damage to the mucosa. But the stimulating effect of herbal remedies helps to support the attenuation of the acid formation function.

Cabbage and carrot juice is a tasty and healthy remedy; half a glass of the mixture twice a day before meals is enough. An infusion of plantain leaves and seeds can be replaced with squeezed juice. It is indicated for the treatment of chronic gastritis.

A herbal tea for the stomach made from mint, chamomile, plantain, calamus and dandelion roots, and wormwood can be brewed in the morning in a volume of 0.5 liters for the whole day and taken before meals. It is recommended to combine the use of propolis tincture with herbal infusions.

If, in addition to the stomach, diarrhea is bothering you, it is advised to prepare: an infusion of equal parts of calendula, chamomile, nettle and plantain leaves, yarrow herb, with each dose add up to 50 drops of propolis tincture, an infusion of leaves of Ivan-tea (angustifolia fireweed) - known for its disinfectant property.

For diarrhea, you can choose a gastric collection

Ready-made herbal preparations

For those patients with stomach problems who want, but do not have the opportunity to prepare drugs according to traditional recipes, we can recommend purchasing ready-made dosage forms at the pharmacy:

  • Plantaglucide in infusion or granules - from plantain;
  • Romazulon – from chamomile flowers;
  • Rotokan - a combination of chamomile flowers, calendula, yarrow herb;
  • Iberogast - alcohol extract of the best herbal remedies (chamomile, bitter Iberian, celandine, licorice root, caraway, milk thistle, lemon balm, mint);
  • Caleflon - from calendula flowers.

Gastritis is one of the first places on the list of common diseases (50% of the world's population suffers from the disease). Lack of proper nutrition, modern ecology, bad habits and other external reasons - the above mercilessly affects a person and his internal organs, causing diseases, including disorders of the digestive system.

Gastritis is the process of inflammation of the gastric mucosa. In medical publications there are a number of classifications of the disease. It is customary to distinguish two main forms - acute and chronic. Acute gastritis is characterized by rapid development, accompanied by pronounced pain symptoms. The chronic form is characterized by periodic exacerbations, followed by remissions, and can occur without signs of pathology. More often the cause of the disease is the bacterium Helicobacter pylori (70% of cases).

Nowadays, the treatment of chronic gastritis with folk remedies is very popular, often comparable in effectiveness to taking numerous medications. Before taking even seemingly harmless herbs, you need to be sure of the diagnosis and consult with a doctor about the permission of such treatment.

Green apples have truly miraculous properties for treating gastritis. They contain a record amount of useful substances, in particular pectin, which improves metabolism in the body. Peelless fruits are simply grated (two or more, if desired) and eaten, then you can’t eat them for 2-3 hours.

It is enough to take the apple “medicine” once a day, for example, immediately after waking up. The dish should absolutely not be consumed at night, to prevent increased gas formation. If you have a juicer in your household, it is reasonable to replace the pulp with fresh juice, where the concentration of nutrients is even greater than in grated apples.

Potato juice

In folk medicine, potato juice, obtained from fresh peeled tubers using a juicer, is recognized as a famous and proven remedy for the treatment of gastric diseases. A simple way is to grate the potatoes and squeeze out the juice well through a gauze cloth. It is important to choose high-quality vegetables, free from damage by pests and diseases, and free from rot.

Potato juice is rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, acids and other substances necessary for humans, helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, promotes the healing of ulcers, fights inflammatory processes, etc.

The dosage and duration of taking potato juice depends on the characteristics of the disease. You can start by drinking a small amount of juice 30 minutes before meals, gradually increase to half a glass. It is recommended to take breaks between courses, and the length of the course and the break is the same. For example, drink for a week, don’t drink for a week.

Potato juice should not be taken in case of gastritis with a pH below normal, or with diabetes.

Cabbage juice

Aloe juice

Aloe juice (agagave) is an excellent remedy in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, enhances the regeneration of stomach tissue, gives an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, and generally improves immunity.

To make juice, it is recommended to use plants over 3 years old; young ones do not have medicinal properties. The leaves should be cut and left for 10 days in the refrigerator in a bag or closed container, improving the concentration of nutrients. Later, the leaves will need to be scrolled through a meat grinder or crushed in another way, and then squeezed well.

Aloe juice should be drunk fresh, half a tablespoon before meals. For a strong therapeutic effect and to improve the taste of the remedy, it is allowed to add honey. The duration of the course is one month.


Honey rightfully has an honorable place in the list of the best natural medicines for the fight against gastritis. The bee product has similar properties to antibiotics, contains different types of acids, amino acids, vitamins, enzymes, and is effective for stomach diseases. For example, it will help cure HP-associated gastritis (caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori).

By acting on the stomach, honey stimulates the work of secretory cells, helps normalize the level of acidity in the stomach and tissue regeneration. Traditional medicine has a dozen recipes with a honey base for the treatment of diseases of the digestive system. It is useful to take it independently, in its pure form (from 3 times a day, a dessert spoon per month), along with other means: milk, aloe, chamomile.


For gastritis with elevated pH, wormwood is indispensable: it stimulates wound healing and has anti-inflammatory properties. More often, the plant is included in special stomach preparations; it is quite acceptable to take it on its own - in the form of tea. To do this, brew a teaspoon of wormwood with 500 ml of boiling water, infuse it, divide it into 3 parts, then drink it during the day before meals.

Flax seeds

Flax seeds are an excellent healing agent for the stomach affected by gastritis with a high level of acidity. It is easy to prepare a medicine from flax seeds using different methods.

To make an infusion, you need to grind half a tablespoon of seeds, then pour a glass of water or hot milk and let stand for 20 minutes. It is recommended to drink before meals three times a day (100-150 ml).

To prepare the decoction, take two or three tablespoons of seeds, boil in a liter of water for an hour, cool, and filter. The product is taken one glass before meals (about an hour). The course is two months.

Porridge is considered a very effective remedy made from flaxseeds. Pour a couple of tablespoons of seeds into a glass of boiling water or milk and let it brew. You can add salt, sugar, honey to the dish, and if you regularly consume a few spoons every day, you will forget about gastritis forever.

Flaxseed jelly helps normalize intestinal function and has enveloping properties. Prepared from crushed seeds or flaxseed flour. Fill with water, stir, then, stirring, carefully introduce into boiling water. The dish is consumed before meals or replaces a full meal, for example, breakfast. It is permissible to add flaxseed or flour to the usual fruit and berry jelly.

In folk medicine, flax seeds are considered a universal remedy for treating diseases of the digestive system, but they cannot be used in some cases. Eg. Seeds are contraindicated for pregnant and nursing mothers, with selected diseases. This indicates the need for prior consultation with a doctor before using home remedies.

In conclusion, we note the general ones that help to effectively overcome the disease:

  1. Follow the diet prescribed by your doctor.
  2. Take prescribed medications.
  3. Carefully choose traditional medicine recipes, take into account the peculiarities of the course of the disease, the acidity of gastritis, and coordinate them with the doctor.
  4. Forget about bad habits, establish a healthy lifestyle.

Unfortunately, if you exclude at least one item from the list, you cannot guarantee complete healing of the disease. Only if the rules are followed responsibly will it be possible using traditional methods of treatment. The recommendations will be useful to those who care about the prevention of stomach and other diseases. Proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, giving up destructive habits, a balanced work and rest schedule are necessary conditions for good health and proper functioning of internal organs.

Gastritis can only be diagnosed and prescribed by a doctor. The fundamental element of therapy is drug treatment. But folk remedies and following a proper diet play an important role.

They are a supplement and promote a speedy recovery. In this article we will discuss the most effective folk remedies for treating gastritis of the stomach at home.

An important task in case of gastritis is to transfer the acute phase into remission as soon as possible and eliminate the manifestation of clinical symptoms. Most of all, patients are concerned about pain, in the form of diarrhea or constipation, asthenovegetative syndrome, loss of appetite and general intoxication manifestations.

In order to choose the right folk recipe, it is important to know what type and type of gastritis is bothering him. Initially, you need to figure out what kind of acidity the patient has - high or low. Then we note the form: superficial, erosive, ulcerative, etc.

Medicine with the help of folk remedies and diet always go side by side with each other. It's hard to imagine one without the other.

If you take herbal preparations and do not adhere to the correct diet, then there will be no effect. This has been proven by doctors.

After all, herbal medicine relieves inflammation and irritation of the mucous membrane, and harmful foods again cause damage to it. It turns out to be a vicious circle of illness.

Even the best recipes will not cure a patient if he continues to drink alcohol, smoke tobacco, eat fatty, fried, salty, spicy, and fast food.

If the patient has reduced acidity, as, for example, with, then it is necessary to increase the production of acid by one’s own cells.

How and with what to permanently cure the stomach from gastritis using folk remedies

In the practice of herbal medicine, decoctions of dry herbs, root vegetables, leaves, flowers, and fruits of all medicinal plants are used. It is most rational to use the part that has the maximum medicinal properties.

The oil promotes the healing of erosions and damage to the mucous membrane. With atrophic gastritis, it helps to improve general and local immunity. The use of the listed oils is contraindicated in case of bleeding and complications such as oncological processes.

Medicinal infusions and decoctions

The easiest form to prepare and use is decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs. Such recipes are very widely used among people suffering from gastritis, ulcers and other lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.

They are very easy to prepare and eat.

It is important to know the specific procedure and measures for preparing solutions at home. These include:

  • Only cookware with an enamel surface should be used. A thermos may also work. Do not use ceramic or glass products.
  • Each decoction has its own shelf life and storage conditions.
  • All infusions must be cleaned and filtered. Do not consume hot, but only warm or chilled.

The most common method of preparing decoctions is a water bath. The plants are dried, then poured with boiling water and infused for a certain time.

After this, the broth is filtered and consumed. Such collections can be stored for no more than three days. Leaves, flowers, and root vegetables are suitable for the recipe.

A decoction of chamomile flowers is very famous for its beneficial and medicinal properties.

How to cook it:

You can collect the flowers of this plant yourself or buy a ready-made collection at the pharmacy. If the composition is collected with your own hands, then the plants are dried. Then two tablespoons of the dry substance are poured with warm water, approximately 90°, but not boiling water.

The volume of liquid is 200 – 250 ml. Cover the infusion with a lid or saucer and leave for 2 hours. Then pass through cheesecloth, cool and drink as required throughout the day.

What is the secret of the medicinal properties of this plant:

In a special substance found in flowers. It helps eliminate toxins, relieve swelling and pain in the mucous membrane, improves blood supply and wound healing. This composition is contraindicated in cases of severely reduced acidity.

Calendula decoction also has effective properties. This herb contains high levels of carotenoids. They help relieve inflammation and accelerate healing processes.

The herb is contraindicated during pregnancy and people with low blood pressure.

In addition to flowers and petals, decoctions of berries are used. The most famous and useful berries are sea buckthorn, wild strawberries, and rose hips.

The solution is prepared by analogy with chamomile. You can infuse the roots of burdock, birch bark, and oak. Oak bark effectively helps relieve heartburn and eliminate diarrhea.

How to use honey correctly

If the patient has never had an allergic reaction to this substance, then he can safely use it himself in the treatment of gastritis. Honey has no toxic properties, is a good pain reliever, and is a strong antiseptic. When used correctly, the healing process is accelerated and the acid-forming functions of the stomach are normalized.

How to take this product correctly:

Doctors advise taking one teaspoon 15-20 minutes before meals, an hour before bedtime. You should not drink honey with water for half an hour.

It can be used as a dessert for chamomile tea and other infusions. In addition, you can mix honey and Kalanchoe juice in equal proportions and consume it once a day for a month.

For gastritis with high acidity

Worth eating. This juice can neutralize the acidic environment in the organ. With the help of its ductility, it envelops the mucous wall, protecting it from aggressive factors.

It's very easy to prepare:

You need to take potato tubers, wash them well, peel them and squeeze the juice out of them. You can take it half an hour before meals for 10 days. Then a 10 day break. The course can be continued for 2-3 months.

With atrophic gastritis, individual areas of the organ are affected. These areas are not able to secrete the required amount of stomach juice.

Therefore, herbal medicine is aimed at increasing the reserve forces of hydrochloric acid secretion in the stomach. For gastritis with low hydrochloric acid production, there is a list of products that need to be included in the diet.

  • You should take a decoction of rose hips every day.
  • The diet should include apricot or its juice.
  • It is important to eat raw carrots in grated form or in juice form.
  • A cucumber must be included in the diet as an independent dish or as a salad.
  • You need to eat blueberry juice, turnips, and cabbage.

Cabbage juice stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid. Cabbage can be eaten raw, as sauerkraut, or juiced. The leaves are also thoroughly washed and wrung out. Drink 2-3 tablespoons before meals 5-6 times a day.

The doctor determines the form and type of gastritis, its course, and prescribes a certain preparation, which is very easy to use. The patient is told how often and for how long to take it.

There are ready-made medicinal preparations available in the form of tea or tablets:

  • Plantaglucid. This medication may be in tincture or capsule form. It contains plantain leaves.
  • Rotokan is made from chamomile and calendula flowers.
  • Iberogast. The disadvantage of this product is that it is based on alcohol, and alcohol tinctures are not always good for the stomach. However, the drug is combined and includes: components of chamomile, celandine, licorice root and other beneficial herbs.