Organization of meals for children in kindergartens. Menu and diet in kindergarten

A rationally composed menu in a preschool institution consists of the following selection of dishes: daily ration, which provides children with basic nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) and energy, taking into account their age, health status and conditions of their upbringing (see.

Table 4).

Separate menus are prepared for children aged 1 to 3 years and children from 4 to 7 years. Nutrition in these groups of children differs in the number of products, the volume of the daily diet and the size of single servings, as well as in the characteristics of culinary processing of products.

Children staying in a preschool institution for 9-10 hours (daytime stay) receive 3 meals a day, which provides approximately 75-80% daily requirement children in nutrients. Breakfast is 25% daily calorie content, lunch - 40% and afternoon snack - 15% (dinner - 20% - the child receives at home).

For children staying in a preschool institution for 12-14 hours (extended day), both 3 and 4 meals a day can be provided. In the first case (if children are in the institution for 12 hours), their meals consist of breakfast (15% of daily calories), lunch (35%) and afternoon snack (20-25%).

For children staying 24 hours a day, as well as with an extended day with a 14-hour stay, a 4th meal is provided - dinner, constituting 25% of the calorie content of the daily diet. The calorie content of the afternoon snack should be 10-15%.

In a preschool institution, a specific menu is drawn up for each day. It is important to observe in the diets of children correct ratio basic nutrients - the principle of a balanced diet. In children's diets before school age the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be 1:1:4. Insufficient, excessive or unbalanced nutrition can have a negative effect on the child’s body.

With insufficient nutrition, there is poor weight gain, a decrease in the child’s physical development, and a deterioration in immunological defense, which contributes to the occurrence of diseases and their more severe course. At overnutrition There is an excessive increase in body weight, the development of obesity, a number of metabolic diseases occur, and disorders of the cardiovascular and other systems are noted. It is necessary to constantly strive to maintain optimal amounts of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in children’s diets and their correct ratio, avoiding violations even on individual days.

Table 4. Requirements of early and preschool children for basic nutrients and energy*

Nutrients 1-3 years Children's age 3-7 years
Proteins, g 53 68
incl. animals 37 45
Fats, g 53 68
incl. vegetable 7 9
Carbohydrates, g 212 272
Minerals, mg
Calcium 800 900
Phosphorus 800 1350
Magnesium 150 200
Iron 10 10
Bi, mg 0,8 0,9
B2, mg 0,9 1
Be, mg 0,9 1,3
B12, mcg 1 1,5
PP, mg 10 11
C, mg 45 50
A, µg 450 500
E, ME 5 7
D, µg 10 2,5
Energy value, kcal 1540 1970

"Approved by the Chief Sanitary Doctor of the USSR on May 28, 1991, No. 578691.

Some products included in this set are included in the child’s diet every day, while others can be received every other day or 2 times a week. So, in the children's menu every day it is necessary to include everything daily norm milk, butter and vegetable oil, sugar, bread, meat. At the same time, fish, eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream can be given to children not every day, but every 2-3 days, but it is necessary to ensure that the entire required amount of food is consumed within 10 days.

When compiling a menu for feeding children in a preschool institution, the correct distribution of products during the day is observed, based on the physiological characteristics of the digestion of preschool children. So, given that foods rich in protein, especially in combination with fat, linger longer in the child’s stomach and require digestion more digestive juices, dishes containing meat and fish are recommended to be given in the first half of the day - for breakfast and lunch. For dinner you should give dairy, vegetable and fruit dishes, because... Dairy-vegetable foods are easier to digest, and during sleep, digestion processes slow down.

The specified requirements for menu preparation in preschool institutions are reflected in the approved standards for natural food sets. There is no difference in the amount of protein-containing foods for day- and 24-hour children. The only difference is in the amount of milk, vegetables, cereals, and fruits. In daytime groups their number is reduced compared to round-the-clock and extended stay groups.

When composing a menu, first of all you should think about the composition of lunch, for the preparation of which you will spend maximum amount meat, fish, vegetables. As a rule, the meat allowance is completely consumed for lunch, mainly as a second course. For second courses, in addition to beef, you can use lean pork, lamb, chicken, rabbit, offal (in the form of soufflé, cutlets, meatballs, boiled goulash, stewed, etc.).

The choice of first courses in the diet of preschoolers is not limited - you can use various soups based on meat, fish and chicken broths, vegetarian, dairy, fruit soups.

Considering the need for widespread use of various vegetables in children’s diets (both fresh and boiled), lunch must include a salad, mainly from raw vegetables, preferably with the addition of fresh herbs. To improve the taste, you can add fresh or dry fruits to the salad (for example, prepare grated carrots with apples, fresh cabbage salad with prunes, etc.).

Best served as a third course for children fresh fruits or juices, fresh berries, and in their absence - compotes from fresh or dry fruits, as well as canned fruit or vegetable juices, fruit purees (for baby food).

For breakfast, as well as for dinner, children are given various milk porridges, preferably with vegetables or fruits (oatmeal, semolina or rice with carrots, prunes, dried apricots, raisins, etc.), vegetable dishes (carrots in milk sauce, vegetable stew, braised cabbage, beets, vegetable caviar), cereal and vegetable dishes (stuffed cabbage rolls with rice, carrot cutlets, various casseroles), cottage cheese dishes (cheese pancakes, casseroles, lazy dumplings), egg dishes (omelet, omelet with tomatoes, potatoes, etc. ), mild varieties of cheese. For breakfast, children can receive children's sausages or sausages, soaked herring, steamed or boiled fish. Drinks for breakfast usually include cereal coffee with milk, tea with milk, milk; for dinner - milk, kefir, less often - tea with milk.

For breakfast and dinner, it is advisable, as well as for lunch, to give children salads from fresh vegetables and fruits.

An afternoon snack usually consists of two dishes - dairy (kefir, fermented baked milk, milk, yogurt, biokefir, etc.) and baked goods or confectionery (cookies, waffles, gingerbread). It is advisable to include a variety of fresh fruits and berries in your afternoon snack. For children who are on 3 meals a day with a long day, the afternoon snack can include a vegetable or cereal dish (casserole, pudding) or a dish of cottage cheese.

When creating a menu Special attention pay attention to the variety of dishes throughout the day and throughout the week, making sure that the same dish is not repeated not only this day, but also in the coming days. It is necessary that during the day the child receives two vegetable dishes and only one cereal. As side dishes for main courses, you should strive to serve vegetables, not cereals or pasta. Diversity in children's diets can be achieved by preparing wide range dishes. For example, from beef you can prepare not only cutlets, but also souffles, goulash, meat-potato and meat-vegetable casseroles.

The compiled menu is recorded on a special menu layout form, which lists all the dishes included in the menu. daily ration, their yield (the mass of each serving), the consumption of products for preparing each dish (written as a fraction: in the numerator - the amount of product per child, in the denominator - the amount of this product for all children receiving meals).

The menu for children under 3 years old and from 3 to 7 years old can be common, but the layout indicating food consumption should be separate. It is necessary to strictly record the number of children of each age group present in the institution for a given date.

To determine the yield of a dish, losses during cold and hot cooking of products, as well as the welding of some ready meals using special tables.

Specially developed long-term weekly, ten-day or two-week menus provide great assistance in compiling diets in a preschool institution, which allow for a greater variety of dishes and eliminate the labor-intensive process of daily menu preparation.

In some preschool institutions, such promising menus are developed based on different seasons of the year.

In addition to promising menus, a preschool institution must have specially designed dish files that indicate the layout, calorie content of the dish, the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, their ratio and energy value. The use of these cards allows, if necessary, to replace one dish with another of equal composition and calorie content.

In the absence of any products, they can be replaced with others of equal content of essential nutrients, primarily protein. To correctly replace products, use a special food replacement table for basic nutrients, approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. For example, 100 g of fish can be replaced with beef, of which 87 g should be taken, but at the same time 1.5 g of oil should be excluded from the child’s daily diet, because meat contains more fat than fish.

Strict adherence to the diet is important in organizing children's nutrition. Meal times should be constant and correspond to the physiological characteristics of children of different age groups.

Strict adherence to meal times ensures the development of a conditioned food reflex for a time, i.e. secretion of digestive juices and good absorption of food taken. When children feed erratically, their food reflex fades, their appetite decreases and the normal functioning of the digestive organs is disrupted.

In children of early and preschool age the process gastric digestion lasts approximately 3-3.5 hours. By the end of this period, the stomach empties and the child develops an appetite. Therefore, preschoolers should receive food at least 4 times a day with intervals between individual feedings of 3-3.5-4 hours.

The most physiological is the following diet:

Breakfast 7.30 - 8.30

Lunch 11.30-12.30

Afternoon snack 15.00-16.00 Dinner 18.30 -20.00

The diet of children in preschool institutions is established depending on the duration of the children’s stay there. In children's institutions with day stay children (within 9-10 hours) children receive 3 meals a day:

Breakfast 8.30 Lunch 12.00-12.30 Afternoon snack 16.00

Dinner (at home) 19.00 - 20.00

Children on extended days (12-14 hours) or 24-hour stays receive 4 meals a day. At the same time, breakfast and other meals are shifted somewhat earlier:

Breakfast 8.00 Lunch 12.00 Afternoon snack 15.30 Dinner 18.30-19.00

In round-the-clock groups, it is advisable for children to give a glass of kefir or milk before going to bed at night at 21.00.

Meal times in preschool institutions must be strictly observed. Deviations from the established time may only be permitted within exceptional cases and no more than 20-30 minutes. Therefore, heads of preschool institutions should pay maximum attention proper organization work in the catering department and timely delivery of food to children's groups. No breaks in nutrition should be allowed. The child should receive each new dish immediately after he has eaten the previous one. Children are recommended to stay at the table for no more than 25-30 minutes during lunch, 20 minutes during breakfast and dinner, and 15 minutes during afternoon tea.

One of important points dietary regime is the prohibition of giving children any food in the intervals between feedings, first of all various sweets, cookies, buns. This should be paid special attention to by staff and parents.

A proper diet requires adherence to physiological norms daily and one-time amount of food, which strictly corresponds to the child’s age, level of physical development and health status. Excessively large portions of food lead to a decrease in appetite and can cause disorders normal function digestive organs. Small volumes do not cause a feeling of saturation.


One of the important factors in a child’s health is organization of rational nutrition.

Correct nutrition- this is the basis of a long and fruitful life, the key to health and vigor. Therefore, in terms of work children's garden question about the correct nutrition occupies special attention.

Catering in the preschool educational institution includes the following directions: material and technical conditions (security); personnel conditions; educational- educational work of teachers; creative approach of teachers in catering.

The material and technical conditions in the preschool educational institution comply with SanPin Section XIII. Requirements for catering unit equipment, supplies, and utensils.

In August 2014, the preschool educational institution held major renovation catering department: the tiles were updated (floor, walls, elbow faucets were installed, water purification filters were installed, the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor were fulfilled.

There are two cooks working in the catering department. Evgenova Galina Anatolyevna. Works at preschool educational institution since 2010 (IV category).

Pereverzeva Nina Gaizerovna. Works at preschool educational institution since 1993 (IV category).

Process catering in kindergarten is based on regulatory and methodological documents on nutrition. The main document is SanPiN - 2013. In the preschool educational institution organized Three meals a day based on a sample ten-day menu. IN kindergarten there is a card index technological maps, approved by the manager. One copy of the card index is kept by the head nurse, the other in the catering department. For second breakfast, children receive juices, fruits, dairy products. IN nutrition children used iodized salt, mandatory fortification of the third course is carried out.

Pupils willingly accept oxygen cocktails based on rosehip syrup and juice.

At the beginning of the school year in kindergarten were published orders: "About organizing children's meals» , "On the creation of a commission for nutrition» , “On the creation of a rejection commission”, “On the appointment of a person responsible for the removal and storage of daily samples”, which were brought to the attention of those responsible for catering. An action plan has been developed to control catering for the 2014 – 2015 academic year, which was approved by the head. It included sections: organizational work, work with personnel, work with children, work with parents, control over catering.

There is a production control program, a cyclogram for the manager’s control over catering. An operational control plan was developed « Catering in groups» , control circuit "Table culture", diagnostics for checking catering units, food storage warehouses.

The requirements for storing products are met; containers, racks, and pallets are available. Refrigeration equipment is available for full storage of perishable products. The caretaker keeps a control log temperature regime refrigerators. When storing food nutrition commodity proximity is observed. Products meals are supplied to the nursery garden according to submitted applications. The Deputy Housekeeping Manager maintains all necessary documentation for catering: "Journal of raw product rejection", "Warehouse accounting book". Products are accepted into the warehouse with a mandatory set of accompanying documents. documents: delivery note, invoice, quality certificate and veterinary certificate. In the absence of any document, products will not be accepted into the warehouse. All products are carefully inspected.

There is a “Schedule for checking the sanitary and epidemiological condition”. The schedule reflects the main activities - SES groups, SES food department, catering in groups. Collected diagnostic (control) cards that are filled out according to the order of the event according to the schedule. The schedule includes responsible members of the commission for nutrition.

The results of the control are discussed with the head of the institution.

Older nurse carefully maintains all the necessary documentation, draws up menu requirements for children of toddler and kindergarten age. In case of increase or decrease in the number of children (over three people) in comparison with the data approved by the menu, the nurse calculates the change in the need for products nutrition.

Mode nutrition for pupils carried out according to the food distribution schedule according to the recommended time of SanPiN

SanPiN 1st 2nd secondary senior preparatory

08.30 – 09.00 Breakfast 08.30 08.35 08.40 08.45 08.50

12.00 – 13.00 Lunch 11.45 12.15 12.20 12.30 12.35

15.30 – 16.00 Afternoon snack 15.30 15.35 15.40 15.45 15.50

Educational - educational activities With pupils of preschool educational institutions for catering include: educational provision educational process methodological manuals; direct educational activities; catering(breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack);subject-developmental environment of groups.

Providing educational – educational process methodological aids are varied. Methodical manuals for teachers catering in each age group (presented as an example).

Didactic aids (illustrated material for classes with pupils) (presented as an example).

There are teaching aids for each age group.

Direct educational activities include the following forms of work with pupils: surprise moments (when grandma comes to visit and brings delicious pies with cabbage, but not only pies).

Playing the Russian plot folk tale“Turnip” (after the theatrical performance, teachers talk about the benefits of turnips and their vitamins).

Reading fiction O beneficial properties products (classification of literature).

By thematic planning (sculpting, drawing, applique) development of skills in visual work. Implementation of thematic general topics according to the sample program.

Conversations are held with children about nutritional value products, vitamins.

Catering(breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack).

IN kindergarten a favorable emotional environment has been created during meals. Children are provided with appropriate utensils, tables and chairs correspond to height indicators, and are marked in accordance with SanPiN. Educators provide leadership children's nutrition: monitor posture, behavior at the table, tell the names of dishes, pay attention to deliciously prepared food, feed children, carry out individual approach. Children are accustomed to using napkins and saying thanks after eating. But at the same time educators More attention should be paid to the rules for using cutlery.

1. Preparing for meals

So kids, try your best

Wash your face with soap more often!

Need warm water

Wash your hands before eating!


Teachers are an example.

Table setting.

You can use table settings according to the seasons!

Educators They form in children the habit of neatness and cleanliness, and instill the simplest self-service skills in table setting.

Eating is supervised educators.

Lunch hour approached, the children sat down at the table

So that there is no trouble,

Let's remember the rules of food:

Our feet don't knock

Our tongues are silent

Don't litter at lunch

If you make a mess, clean it up

And they don't play with food.

Friends eat at the table,

You can't fool around here!

Formation of self-service skills.

The subject-developmental environment of the groups is rich. There are development centers. The teacher organizes plot - role-playing games: “Shop”, “Home”, “Cafe”, “Away”, “Dining”. The game material is varied and selected according to the age of the children.

Underway work to inform parents about healthy food.

We conduct sociological surveys every year. In October 2014 school year, parents were offered a questionnaire " Meals in the family". In total, 8 questions were proposed in the questionnaire. The results were next:87%- parents discuss issues of proper nutrition; 83% - parents have an idea about the nutritional value of products; 49% - parents pay attention to expiration dates when purchasing a product, 17% - parents pay attention to the usefulness and vitamins contained in the product, 11% - parents give preference taste characteristics product; 35% - parents noted their children’s preferences for first courses, 14% - children’s preferences for baked goods (8% noted their children’s preference for fruits and vegetables); 75% - parents tell their children about beneficial properties and vitamins; 63% - parents get acquainted with the menu in kindergarten; 10% - parents want to learn about the beneficial properties of products, 33% - parents want to learn about sample menu for every day, 39% - parents want to know about vitamins for growing children body.

For parents, they offered consultation material about rational nutrition of preschoolers. Educators prepared material for a mini-collection "Tasty and healthy", where they presented children's recipes: breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner from parents. The collection was designed and printed.

Job is underway in this direction! I wish you success too!

Most kindergartens with a 12-hour work schedule provide three meals a day, when children receive breakfast, lunch and an afternoon snack. However, there may be options when there is a second breakfast or dinner. In 24-hour kindergartens, children eat four times, and in sanatorium groups - five or six, depending on the focus.
If you want to create a kindergarten menu for your child, keep in mind that the dishes should change - soups and cereals should be different every day.


For breakfast in kindergarten, porridge is usually given; semolina, oatmeal, buckwheat, wheat, rice, etc. It must be prepared with milk. There may be exceptions - for example, in specialized kindergartens for children with allergies or stomach diseases porridge can also be made on water. Children are given tea, cocoa or milk in the morning, as well as a piece of bread with butter. Remember that natural coffee is not recommended for preschool children.


There is a minimum set of products that a child should receive every day. This set must include fruits or natural juice. But the diet in kindergartens may be different. Fruits and juices can be given for second breakfast, and if it is not provided, then for the main breakfast or afternoon snack.


Lunch in kindergarten usually consists of four courses. It starts with a salad - fresh cabbage or carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc. Occasionally you can give a salad of boiled beets, but you should not abuse it. Then soup or borscht is served. For the second course, be sure to have a meat or fish dish with a side dish. It can be cutlets, goulash, fried, pieces fried fish. For the third - compote or fresh fruit. Bread, usually black, is served for lunch. In older groups, children are offered a choice of black and white bread.
The fish must be boneless.

Afternoon snack

For afternoon tea in kindergartens they serve cottage cheese in different options– with sour cream, with raisins, in the form of cheesecakes or casserole. In general developmental kindergartens with a 12-hour work schedule, an enhanced afternoon snack is given several times a week, which may include, for example, meat casserole. On some days, children can be offered fruit puree, sweet pilaf, fruit soup or just a bun with a coffee drink, milk or tea.


If the kindergarten provides dinner, the children receive porridge, cottage cheese casserole(if she wasn't there for the afternoon snack) mashed potatoes with additives, as well as tea, milk or juice. In 24-hour sanatorium kindergartens, children are given yogurt, milk or kefir about an hour before bedtime.

Example menu

- semolina porridge;
- coffee drink;
- a bun with butter.

- cookie;
- juice.

- fresh cabbage salad;
- beetroot;
- fish in Polish;
- dried fruits compote;
- bread.

Afternoon snack:
- cottage cheese casserole;
- tea.

Anastasia Shashurina
Healthy eating in kindergarten

Healthy eating in kindergarten

In our kindergarten No. 52"Martin" everything is organized in such a way that children receive healthy eating . For this purpose, there are specially developed cooking methods for children. Products are selected so that they complement each other in a balanced manner, and the child receives the required amount of calories, vitamins and microelements per day for his age. When creating a menu for the week, kindergarten take into account such factors as the variety of dishes. This means that every day children receive different dishes. Every day menu children's garden is posted at the entrance to the group. This is done so that parents can read the menu of what their child ate during the day and, in accordance with this, supplement his diet with the necessary food in the form of a light and healthy dinner.

Nutrition for a preschooler should be tasty and healthy. Rational nutrition child is the main means to ensure excellent physical and mental development children. Nutrition A preschooler's meal should be high in calories and satisfy both growth and energy needs. This is achieved by including the proper amount of proteins, carbohydrates and fats in the diet. Due to protein deficiency, there may be a decrease in performance, overwork and deterioration in academic performance. That's why children need to eat fish or meat every day, and not forget about dairy products. At least 2-3 times a week you need to eat such foods as cheese, cottage cheese, cheese and eggs.

Menu in kindergarten

Norms nutrition in kindergarten are the basis for creating menus in kindergarten, which takes into account how much useful vitamins and minerals should be received by the child during breakfast, afternoon snack, lunch and dinner. Pediatricians calculated everything exactly down to the gram so that the baby received the most balanced nutrition.

For breakfast, children are most often offered milk porridge. A warm drink is also served with breakfast (coffee drink or tea) and a sandwich with cheese or butter. Milk porridge can be buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, or semolina. New menu in children's gardens, he plans to give the children soups for lunch, it could be borscht, rassolnik, pea soup, vermicelli, buckwheat, vegetable. As meat dish children are given meatballs and cutlets with a side dish ( cereal porridge or mashed potatoes, fish dishes steamed. Lunch must include a vegetable salad or fresh vegetables. Afternoon snack – milk with a pie or bun, waffles or cookies. For dinner, the child may be offered cottage cheese casserole, vegetable or fish dishes, egg omelet, etc.

Table manners for preschoolers

Every mother wants to raise well-mannered child so that he knows what is possible and what is not, how to act correctly in a given situation, so that in addition to general etiquette, the baby knows the rules of behavior for table: “Sit up straight! Don't swing your legs! Get the fork right! Don't talk at the table! - the baby hears during the meal. How to teach a preschooler "table etiquette"? What kind of etiquette is this? nutrition for preschoolers? First of all, the child should not be scolded for mistakes and mistakes. If the toddler does not follow all the rules of behavior at the table for children, then you should very gently, rather delicately remind him what is required of him in this situation. You can consolidate the acquired knowledge during the game, for example, by "puppet tea party". In addition, going to a restaurant or cafe with family and friends will be a good incentive for the child to show all the acquired knowledge and skills. In order for the baby to understand your requirements, you can show him pictures of behavior at the table, great amount which can be found on thematic sites or in relevant books.

The basic rules of table manners are as follows: way:

1) Posture – you need to sit straight, without supporting your head with your hands, without swinging your legs or playing around;

2) Rules for eating - the baby must know how to eat correctly "to wield" with a fork and spoon, he must learn which foods are taken with his hands, and which are cut with a knife, and so on;

3) Accuracy - the baby must comply with this condition: do not crumble, use napkins, etc. as intended;

4) Politeness - after eating, the child should thank him for the prepared breakfast, lunch, and dinner. By fulfilling all the above conditions, the baby will easily master the basic rules nutrition preschooler and table behavior and will grow up well-mannered person.