Bolotov tincture of celandine instructions for use. Bolotov's enzyme kvass: recipes for medicinal drinks. Video of the cooking process

Medicinal kvass with celandine has unique healing value.

This healthy drink, cures many ailments.

Scientists have proven that if you drink this kvass for half a month epithelial tissue, covering the surface of the stomach and intestines, will be completely restored. Just half a glass of celandine kvass, drunk 30 minutes before meals, will allow such a miracle to happen

Celandine grass is very poisonous, its juice can only be used externally. But if you make kvass from this grass, using whey, then lactic acid bacteria will begin to multiply and produce biologically active substances into the infusion, giving it healing power.

And then celandine will not only cleanse the body from the outside and all internal organs.

Kvass from celandine really heals various diseases, but despite this there are contraindications, these are diabetes mellitus, acute leukemia. Be sure to follow the dosage, because celandine grass is poisonous.

Kvass with celandine.

It is believed that kvass made from celandine has unique properties.

  1. Stops the growth of malignant and benign tumors
  2. Improves immunity.
  3. Fights viruses and bacteria.
  4. Normalizes the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Eliminates dysbacteriosis.
  6. Ensures the coordinated functioning of the nervous system.
  7. Relieves emotional and physical stress.
  8. Normalizes sleep.
  9. Increases performance.
  10. Improves the activity of the circulatory and endocrine systems.
  11. Restore damaged tissue for ulcers, erosion.
  12. Cleanses the body of radionuclides, toxins, salts, which is very important for our body.

Preparation of kvass using celandine according to the recipe of Academician Bolotov

Properly prepared, high-quality, high-quality kvass should have a smell reminiscent of the aroma of fresh apples. The taste should also be pleasant, with a slight bitterness (like grapefruit). Prepare three liters of water - spring, filtered or whey from yogurt or goat milk. Boil and cool. If the whey overheated during curdling (the milk sticks died), then you should add one teaspoon of sour cream, which always contains healthy milk bacteria. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of sour cream with a fat content of no more than 15% and 1 glass of sugar. Stir until completely dissolved. Pour it all into a clean three-liter jar. Take half a glass of celandine grass (fresh or dry - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is clean and without mold). We place it in a gauze bag and drown it at the bottom of the jar using a sinker, which can be a glass ball, a flint stone, a stainless steel rod, etc. We tie the neck of the jar with gauze in three layers to prevent wine flies from infesting. It should be stored in a warm, shaded place.

Bolotov's kvass with whey.

Every day, mix the contents of the jar and remove any mold that appears on the surface. Usually, a precipitate forms around the fifth day. Carefully pour the kvass into another jar. We pour out the sediment and replenish the amount of water to the previous level. By the end of the second week, the kvass foams a little. This is right. Within 2 - 3 weeks, very strong individuals of lactic acid bacteria are formed. Their waste products have the ability to renew and clean all surfaces human body. When the kvass is ready by day 14, pour out one liter of kvass for consumption. This amount is enough for about three days. You can store this poured kvass in the bottom of the refrigerator. And in a three-liter jar, in place of the poured liter of kvass, add the same amount of water (or whey). After three days, the kvass is ready again. Pour and top up 4 times. Next, the kvass is prepared with new grass.

You can ferment other medicinal herbs in the same way.

Taking kvass from celandine. How to take Bolotov serum correctly.

We start taking it with small doses - one tablespoon 3 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals. If discomfort no, then we gradually increase the single dose of kvass to half a glass. We take this for two weeks. If the resulting kvass is consumed for two weeks, half a glass half an hour before meals, the epithelial surfaces of the stomach and intestines will be almost completely cleansed and restored. And then, to consolidate the effect of taking kvass with celandine, we take it once a day for another month.

Recipe for kvass from celandine on water.

People for whom whey is not suitable for health reasons can prepare kvass with celandine in water.

Pour water into a three-liter jar, preferably spring water, but you can also use it from the tap, pre-boiled. Then gradually add a glass of sugar and stir until completely dissolved. Add a tablespoon of sour cream with a fat content of no more than fifteen percent and mix everything. After this, lower the celandine herb wrapped in a gauze bag to the bottom of the jar (half a glass is required).

The bag of grass should be at the bottom of the jar, hold it with some kind of weight. Tie the jar with gauze folded in 3 layers. Let it steep for 2 weeks. During the process of infusing kvass from celandine, you need to remove the mold on top and strain if sediment appears.

When two weeks have passed, pour a liter of healing kvass from celandine and put it in the refrigerator, and add a liter of water and one third of a glass of sugar to the jar. After three days, the celandine kvass is ready again. You can keep doing this healing drink without changing the herbs for up to two months, adding sugar and water.

High-quality kvass should foam a little and have pleasant aroma fresh apple. It should have a pleasant bitter taste. You should start drinking kvass with celandine with small doses, a tablespoon 3 times 30-40 minutes before meals. If everything is in order and there are no unpleasant sensations, then you need to gradually increase the single dose to half a glass.

Thanks to lactic acid bacteria, herbal kvass is more healing than herbal infusions and decoctions. Since during the fermentation process the action useful substances contained in herbs is enhanced.

Using kvass with celandine you can cleanse the bronchi and lungs. This is done through inhalation: breathe over heated kvass for 10 minutes. During inhalation, breathe deeply, periodically holding your breath for a few seconds. After several inhalations, the lungs will begin to clear. All harmful and toxic substances will come out with sputum.

How celandine treats:
Taking celandine in any dosage forms, maximizes work lymphatic system, increasing its productivity by 5 or more times.
The work of the kidneys is modified, and they begin to remove waste and toxins from the body, which under normal conditions were sent to the spleen.
The load on the kidneys is heavy, but if they don’t have inflammatory process, then they cope.
Although celandine is considered a poisonous plant, it is in this case, it does not kill cancer cells.
The lymphatic system resolves them and maximum speed evacuates outside the body.
In the same way, any foreign substances are dissolved and eliminated in the body. chemical substances, any medications.

Features of treatment and contraindications
It is only necessary to take into account the contraindications of celandine - in no case exceed the dosage! IN otherwise Nausea, vomiting and even respiratory paralysis occur. At correct dosage celandine will be beneficial.

Contraindications for taking celandine kvass are acute leukemia and diabetes mellitus.

Celandine is poisonous .

Its juice is irritating to the mucous membrane.

In case of contact with eyes, rinse them with plenty of water.

Repeated intake of celandine high concentration, is possible only with completely healthy kidneys.

It has diuretic properties.

In the first 1-2 days after starting to take celandine, inflammation of the spleen is possible.

First aid for celandine poisoning is immediate gastric lavage and introduction into the blood as soon as possible more liquids.

The drug from celandine is contraindicated to take for epilepsy.

It is used with great caution for angina pectoris, allergies, bronchial asthma, neurological diseases.

If you have never taken celandine, then start taking it with half the dose or even less and gradually increase the concentration to normal over 2-3 days.

Celandine reduces the effects of any medications.

It is incompatible with chemotherapy.

After completing the course of chemotherapy, you can start taking it no earlier than 2-3 days later.

The combined use of celandine and golden mustache is acceptable.

The most best time for collecting and drying celandine - this is the second half of May and the first half of June, when it blooms.
You can also harvest plants on which seeds are already ripening.
This gives only a slight deterioration medicinal properties. It is recommended to collect celandine in sunny weather.
When collecting and drying celandine, do not touch your face with your hands, especially your eyes and lips.
After finishing work, you must wash your hands with soap.

This grass is collected and can be used in its entirety, but it is still more convenient to harvest the stems by tearing them off 5-10 centimeters from the root.

Kvass on celandine reviews.

Marina: I love celandine kvass and recommend it. I tried it on myself and on my husband - the result is excellent - colds and they never got sick with ARVI, and they forgot about their cholecystitis.

Christina: the work is harmful and her age is no longer young, her health has started to go wrong, high blood pressure and headaches. I don’t have time to go to the doctors, so I decided to look for simple, affordable, harmless remedies. I liked Bolotov’s celandine kvass recipe. We cooked, drank, the pressure dropped, the pain went away.

Olga: I read Bolotov’s book and immediately decided to improve my health and cleanse my body. I decided to make kvass from celandine, the drink turned out wonderful, pleasant to the taste. I drank for a whole month, I feel completely different, I have more vigor and strength, otherwise I wanted to rest and sleep all the time. I recommend.

Stanislav: as soon as I came across the recipe for this kvass, I immediately decided to make it. For a long time suffered from constipation. After a week, intestinal function has already improved. I also suffered from insomnia and now when I go to bed I immediately fall asleep.

Try making a healing drink and be sure to share the recipe with your friends.

Before treatment with celandine kvass, you should definitely find out the opinion of your doctor.

Be healthy!

Heat clean water in an enamel saucepan - bring to a boil and remove from heat. You can replace water with whey or yogurt. When the liquid has cooled to room temperature, you can add sugar and add not very fatty sour cream - up to 15%. Mix well until the sugar dissolves and add the celandine. According to this recipe, celandine kvass is prepared within two weeks. Celandine can be taken either fresh or dry, but it is very important that the plant is not spoiled or moldy.

Wrap the stems of celandine in a piece of gauze, tie them in bags and put them in a jar. To prepare the drink, use only the above-ground parts of the plant - the stems. Because light grass and in order to lower it to the bottom, you need to tie a small weight to this bag - a glass ball, a flint stone or something else.

According to this recipe, Bolotov kvass can be prepared with celandine four times - draining part of the liquid and adding fresh water. Leave the drink to ferment at room temperature. If mold appears on the surface, it will need to be removed with a wooden spoon. Stir the kvass daily until sediment forms at the bottom. After about 5 days, you will need to pour the drink into another container, carefully, without stirring the sediment.

Add the missing amount clean water and leave to ferment for another week.

Kvass can be considered ready when a slight foam appears. After this, you can move the drink to the refrigerator. The finished kvass has a pleasant apple taste with a subtle bitterness. It is advisable to drink the drink in courses - one at a time for two weeks, after which you will need to take a break for several days. If you do not feel discomfort, then after a week you can increase the portion to 100 ml per dose.

Academician Bolotov's serum helps with pulmonary diseases, if used for inhalation. It is enough to spray kvass indoors once every three days and inhale the aroma for 5-10 minutes. The course of inhalations is 1 month, after which you can take a break and repeat.

Bolotov's enzyme kvass supplies the body with enzymes similar to enzymes produced by humans. Drinks according to B. Bolotov’s recipes are aimed at removing salts from the human body, into which accumulated toxins are converted, through the action of enzymes.

In other words, the use of life-giving fermented foods allows you to heal and rejuvenate organs and tissues. The author has developed many recipes.

The main components of drinks according to Bolotov’s recipes:

  • vegetable raw materials;
  • sugar or honey;
  • milk serum;
  • sour cream with fat content up to 15%;
  • Well water, spring water, purified through filters.

Bolotov's fermented cardiac kvass is effective for cardiac edema, angina pectoris, coronary heart disease and other conditions. Medicinal plants are suitable for such a life-giving remedy:

Plant materials can be taken either fresh or dried. For 3 liters of water – 1 glass of crushed vegetable raw materials, 1 glass of sugar, 1 tsp. low-fat sour cream.

The process of making hearty kvass

  1. Boil the entire volume of water and cool it.
  2. Dissolve the entire volume of sugar and sour cream in water.
  3. Pour the solution into a clean 3-liter glass jar.
  4. Place the raw materials in a gauze bag, attach a weight and place at the bottom of the jar.
  5. Cover the top of the container with a thick layer of cloth or gauze.
  6. Keep the drink in a cool, dark place, stirring and removing plaque.
  7. On the fifth day, when a sediment forms, pour the kvass into another jar. Dispose of sediment. Refill the drink with water to the previous volume.
  8. Check readiness after two weeks. If it foams, it means the process is going as expected.

How to use

Take this kvass 0.5 cups per day. According to the author Bolotov, the course requires at least 20 techniques, better month or more. The effect of taking it is noticeable: all manifestations of cardiac pathologies are eliminated.

Important condition. At the same time, the patient should take dry powder gray jaundice, 0.1 g per dose. Such joint consumption heals the heart, stimulates the pancreas and the release of adrenaline, gives strength and energy, treats inflammation, cardiac pastosity, and cancer.

During therapy with Bolotov’s heart kvass, it is recommended to take a steam bath or sauna. Before the session, eat a piece of boiled animal heart, and after 45 minutes drink heart kvass. After the session, perform a body massage.

Recipe for celandine

Bolotov's kvass, based on celandine, cleanses organs, restores tissue, normalizes intestinal flora, and restores stomach acidity. Celandine is especially useful for gastrointestinal diseases; in addition, it removes metals and radionuclides from the intestines.


Indications for use:

  • myopia;
  • cholecystitis;
  • gastritis;
  • bronchitis, asthma;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • heart dysfunction;
  • skin diseases, allergies;
  • cough;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • , cystitis.

Kvass from celandine is prepared either with sour cream or whey. A properly prepared drink smells pleasant of fresh apples and its taste is light and bitter. A high-quality drug is slightly intoxicating. The celandine enzyme is inhaled.

Recipe No. 1

For 3 liters of whey – 1 glass of dry celandine. Use sugar according to preference; if you use it, use the recommended amount – 1 cup. The raw materials are also placed in a gauze bag at the bottom of the whey jar. Insist for 12 days. The finished kvass is filtered and stored covered in the refrigerator.

Take Bolotov's kvass from celandine, 1/2 cup twice a day, 30 minutes before meals.

Recipe No. 2

Prepare Bolotov's drink from celandine as described in recipe No. 1. Differences: infuse the solution for 2 weeks, removing mold and straining from sediment. Then pour 1 liter of the drink, fill the jar to the top with water, add a third of a glass of sugar. Leave for another 3 days.

Again, you can pour 1 liter of solution and fill the jar with water for up to 60 days. After the 4th addition, add a new portion of celandine. A liter of ready-made kvass is taken for 3 days. First, drink a tablespoon of the medicine, bringing the volume to 1 glass. Course – 2 weeks.

Recipe No. 3

How to use

The drink from celandine is taken for a month, then a break is maintained for another month, treatment is continued with other fermented drinks.

Pulmonary recipe

Fermentation of Bolotov's lung kvass occurs in an open container without a lid; access to oxygen is important. It is prepared from the following plants:

  • elecampane grass;
  • eucalyptus leaves;
  • pine needles;
  • tricolor violet.

Preparation and reception

The preparation method is standard, i.e. water, sour cream, sugar and raw materials are used, the solution is infused for 2 weeks. Take it in a glass before meals.

In addition to the drink, use other lung cleansing products -.

Banana tonic

Ready-made banana kvass tastes good and is good for children. The fruit chosen for it is ripe, without visible blackness on the peel. Before cooking, wash the peel, remove it, and chop it finely. Just crushed banana peels (yellow, without black spots) are used in the amount of 1.5-2 cups. In addition to the peel, take:

  • 3 liters of clean water;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1 tsp. sour cream;


The recipe is generally standard. Water is poured into a jar, sugar and sour cream are dissolved in it, then banana peels are added in a weighted bag.

Banana kvass is also fermented for 14 days in a warm place. It is checked regularly, any plaque or lace film is removed, and poured into another jar when a sediment forms.

After 2 weeks, 1 liter is poured from the entire banana drink, a third of a glass of sugar is added, and water is added to the top. After two days you can cast a new portion.

Sweatshop raspberry kvass

The fermentation process of the raspberry drink is standard, following the usual deadlines (14 days), with observation and care of the kvass during the preparation process. Its proportions are also familiar.

  1. Water – 3 liters.
  2. Sugar – 1 glass.
  3. Sour cream – 1 tsp.
  4. Raspberries (or jam) – 2 cups.

Ready-made Bolotov raspberry kvass is consumed before steaming in a bathhouse, 15-20 minutes. the person will actively sweat, and at this time the kidneys will be saturated with beneficial components of the blood.

During this procedure, you can use bath brooms, and you cannot douse yourself with water cooler than the one with which a person washes himself. Swimming pools, cool and cold showers are contraindicated.

What else is Bolotov’s kvass made from?

Many recipes have been developed. In addition to kvass made from celandine, raspberries, banana peels, cardiac and pulmonary kvass, healing drinks are prepared from other plants. The recipe is standard, raw materials are taken in the amount of 1 glass per 3 liters of water.

  • Spruce shoots.
  • Calendula, geranium, cocklebur, snakeweed, chamomile - one ingredient to choose from.

A small difference - half a glass of raw materials is taken, the rest of the components are in the usual volumes. Bolotov's drink is effective for thyroid diseases.

  • Bolotov's universal kvass

Prepared from pine needles, dry rose hips, onion peel, taking a little more needles than other components, with a total volume of 1 cup. Next, prepare the healing drink according to the standard scenario.

The drink will help with many diseases, especially those related to disorders of the immune system, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, and genitourinary organs.


Taking Bolotov's kvass is contraindicated in acute leukemia. When using any recipe, you should remember about allergies to components. If it is, they cannot be treated.

Enzymes are a new word in medicine.

These are preparations prepared by microbial fermentation. They can be easily prepared at home. To date, a number of enzymes have been developed that have diuretic, choleretic, trypsogonic, insulinogenic, analgesic, antitumor and other properties.

There are two types of Bolotov enzymes (kvass): whey-based and water-based.

Boris Bolotov:

“There are other ways to rejuvenate the body. First of all, you need to pay attention to enzymes and sorbents.

By enzymes I mean waste products of unicellular organisms, dividing them into two mutually opposite classes, which, in particular, include enzymes of animal and plant origin.

Enzymes of animal origin are formed as a result of the use, as a rule, of yeast tanks, as well as lactic acid bacteria. Enzymes on lactic bacteria have been used since ancient times medicinal purposes. For example, cow's milk under the influence of these lactic acid bacteria it is converted into a curd liquid mass with whey. These serum bacteria, when consumed internally, have a beneficial effect on the body. But whey, which is now formed from milk, on the contrary, has a depressing effect on humans. When I began to study this serum, I realized: this is happening due to the fact that the animals receive inferior food (grasses, as a rule, of a monotonous assortment). As a result, milk, and then whey, lose valuable medicinal properties.

I decided to restore these healing properties serum. I have bred lactic whey bacteria in an environment where medicinal plants. If we take whey, add sugar and herbs to it, for example, celandine (celandine is a strong poisonous plant), then in such an environment where toxic alkaloids are present, only strong bacteria are able to survive. Lactic bacteria from goat whey cope especially well with such an unfavorable environment.
It has long been noticed that goats eat celandine grass with great appetite. Thus, lactic bacteria, bred in an environment unfavorable for weak bacteria, became very healing.

Many years of experience in the use of celandine enzymes for diseases of the skin and all other surfaces shows its exceptional value as remedy traditional medicine. Thus, I have proven that taking half a glass of celandine enzymes orally for one to two weeks, half an hour before meals, allows you to completely restore the epithelial surfaces of both the stomach and the entire intestine. It has also been noticed that increasingly heavy metals (lead, mercury, thallium, bismuth and other metals) are rejected from the intestinal epithelial hairs. Previously, they could not penetrate the body due to the formation of chlorides, which are insoluble on these metals. Some of the metals from among the radionuclides form insoluble complexes with gastric juices, which also get stuck in the epithelial hairs and which are also easily rejected with the help of celandine enzymes.

This feature is extremely important, especially for residents of Ukraine and Belarus who have experienced the effects of radionuclides. Knowing that radionuclides form insoluble complexes with gastric juices, you can protect the body from their ingestion by stimulating gastric juices.

Moreover, you can also use local celandine growing in this area. After all, the lactic acid bacterium itself is very sensitive to radionuclides. If a radionuclide gets into its plasma, then this cell quickly dies and settles to the bottom. The enzyme medium itself is non-radiative, and, as a rule, after drying, the level of its charge with radionuclides is several orders of magnitude (at least an order of magnitude) lower than the level of background radiation of the whey or celandine herb used. Of course, the celandine grass that grows on our territory has a certain level of radiation, but this level is not much higher than the level of radiation of the food products we use (let me remind you that B. Bolotov lives in Ukraine). The celandine enzyme can be used by both healthy and sick people.”

Kvass on celandine

Kvass (enzyme) according to Bolotov has the effect of regenerating the gastrointestinal tract with the restoration of healthy microflora!

Recipe for making kvass (enzyme) using celandine:

Nutrient medium: 3 liters of whey or boiled chilled water, 1 glass of sugar.
Sourdough: 1 tablespoon of sour cream (homemade, otherwise it may not work!).
Filling: 1 cup fresh or dry chopped celandine herb.

Pour sugar into a bottle of water and dissolve. Place the celandine in a gauze bag and use a sinker to lower it to the bottom of the jar. Add 1 tablespoon of sour cream as a starter to propagate the culture of lactic acid bacteria. Cover the jar with two or three layers of gauze to prevent wine flies from infesting it. Store the jar in a dark, shaded place.

Within 2-3 weeks, very strong individuals of lactic acid bacteria will form. Celandine will neutralize the product from painful factors inherent in milk today: infections, residues of herbicides and pesticides.

Products of whey fermented in the presence of celandine have the ability to cleanse dirty nasopharyngeal, ear, and pulmonary spaces, gastrointestinal tract, vaginal spaces and genitourinary tract. These enzymes have powerful stimulating properties. If the resulting kvass is consumed for two weeks, half a glass half an hour before meals, then the epithelial surfaces of the stomach and intestines will be almost completely restored.

Take kvass - an infusion of pure lactic acid culture - 100 ml. 10-15 minutes before meals. The effect will not be long in coming: dysbiosis and diseases caused by pyogenic infection recede, the manifestation of symptoms decreases radiation sickness etc. The epithelium of the colon is freed from salts heavy metals- mercury, thallium, bismuth. The chlorides of these metals are removed by celandine enzymes. Cesium and strontium salts, thanks to gastric enzymes, are also not absorbed into the body due to the formation of insoluble complexes based on radionuclide salts and pepsin. This is important for residents of our nuclear cities and zones affected by nuclear power plant accidents.

It is enough to maintain the pepsin concentration at normal levels, and protection against the entry of radionuclides into the body will be ensured. Insoluble radionuclide complexes will get stuck in the collagenous hairs of the gastrointestinal tract epithelium. A daily breakfast of porridge is enough, and then the “protectors” of the radionuclide complexes of the porridge will remove the latter from the body along with the remains of food.

To prevent whey kvass from running out, replenish it with nutrient medium daily. After 10-12 hours, the kvass becomes full-fledged. To prepare a healing serum, you can also use celandine grown in areas of radionuclide contamination. You can use the stem and leaves - the level of radiation in them is much lower than in the roots.

You can replenish kvass with nutrient medium once every two days. You should get 1 glass of sugar per 3 liters of water. Kvass has a pleasant sweet and sour taste with a slight bitterness - you can hardly feel it!

Enzymes - enzymes

So enzymes or enzymes? And so and so will be correct. For comfort, modern medicine began to call the early name of enzymes - enzymes. This is where the science of enzyme therapy came from. But at first this miracle of nature was called enzymes. Enzymes or enzymes (from Latin fermentum, Greek ζ?μη, ?νζυμον - yeast, leaven) - usually protein molecules or RNA molecules or their complexes that accelerate (catalyze) chemical reactions in living systems. The terms “enzyme” and “enzyme” have long been used as synonyms (the first is mainly in Russian and German scientific literature, the second - in English and French).

We Russian speakers will use our terminology - ENZYMES. Moreover, in the books of B.V. Bolotov, the word enzyme is not present. There, only the enzyme is mentioned everywhere. And since doctors do not read the author’s books, the terminology used in Russian scientific literature will be more understandable to the general reader. And doctors will already understand what we are talking about.
In this article we will not talk about what enzymes are (you can read about this by searching the Internet), but about the enzymes described in the books of B.V. Bolotov. Here we describe whey starters using various herbs. It is briefly described for what diseases they are used. Why short? Well, because all these enzymes are described in more detail in books. If anyone is interested or necessary, let him read the books.

And so, enzymes are active biological substances, obtained during fermentation (the vital activity of whey bacteria) or by processing by bacteria in the intestines of animals. Enzymes are also secreted by the human body. Enzymes obtained by fermentation or processing by bacteria of the intestines of animals are used not to treat the human body, but to improve its health by stimulating the release of enzymes in the body. The whole principle of healing, and not treating any diseases, in the author’s methodology, is based on the ability of the human body to independently restore disturbed homeostasis. Therefore, all the enzymes described below are aimed not at treatment, but at stimulating the body’s protective properties. The use of enzymes without the use of the quintessence written by him does not lead to a radical improvement of the body. The use of enzymes is integral part a comprehensive system for improving the body’s health, aimed at extending lifespan at least twice.

Description of enzymes:

1. Celandine enzyme.

The name “celandine” itself stands for “a plant that can cleanse the body,” that is, the surface of the body. This applies not only to the surface of the skin, but to all surfaces in the body, including the eye, nasopharynx, ear, lung, internal surfaces of the entire gastrointestinal tract, etc.

Taking celandine enzyme orally for 2-3 weeks, half a glass (2-3 tablespoons) half an hour before meals allows you to completely restore the epithelial surfaces of both the stomach and the entire intestine. Heavy metals (lead, mercury, thallium, bismuth, etc.) are rejected from the intestinal epithelial hairs. They previously could not penetrate the body due to the formation of chlorides. Some of the metals from among the radionuclides form c gastric juice insoluble complexes. All these formations are rejected with the help of celandine enzymes. It can be used by both sick and healthy people.

The celandine enzyme reduces or prevents the development of certain fungal diseases and has an antiviral effect.
Diarrhea almost stops if you drink a little celandine enzyme (1-2 tbsp per 1 glass sour milk). For ulcerative colitis, drink 2-4 tbsp. celandine enzyme every 3-4 hours. And also make enemas from the celandine enzyme diluted with whey.

Celandine enzymes can be inhaled by spraying for lung cancer. Treatment of asthma and tuberculosis is carried out by inhalation of the celandine enzyme. They are used for douching for uterine fibromas and cancer. For rectal and colon cancer, enzymes are used in the form of enemas.

Celandine enzyme is also used in the treatment of: cholecystitis, lung cancer, stomach cancer, myocardial infarction, ulcerative colitis, liver cirrhosis, trachoma, diabetes mellitus, liver cancer, stomach cancer, retinal detachment, " night blindness", conjunctivitis, constipation, glaucoma, leucorrhoea.

2. Horse chestnut enzyme.

It removes radionuclides from the body very well. Used to make "royal beer". Kvass from chestnuts significantly strengthens the body, making it immune to many diseases. Intensifies and endocrine system, which is important in protecting the body during influenza diseases. Kvass from chestnuts increases the content of calcium, copper, cobalt, and iodine in the body. Helps strengthen the immune system. Kvass made from chestnuts tastes like beer with a slight bitterness and even foams like beer. You can drink it in large quantities. Kvass made from chestnut fruits can be offered not only to adults, but also to children under 10 years of age. Can be used by both sick and healthy people.

It is also used in the treatment of: stomach cancer, it is one of the most powerful stimulants that promotes the resorption of tumors of various types; pulmonary circulation; great circle blood circulation

3. Yarrow (milk plant) enzyme.

Kvass made from yarrow (milkwort) is very useful for nursing mothers. Helps increase mother's milk supply. Drink half a glass in 20-30 minutes. before meals.

Well, a must for nursing mothers!

Also used in the treatment of: cholecystitis, liver.

4. Adonis enzyme (starodubka).

A particularly valuable enzyme for cardiovascular diseases, as well as for rejuvenating the body by dissolving vascular salts. This enzyme is drunk without the norm instead of water at any time of the day or night. It tastes very pleasant, after using it you feel freshness and vigor; it has strong diuretic properties, which is very useful for hypertension and kidney stones. During the fermentation process, lactic acid bacteria process adonis in such a way that the signs of not only alkaloids, but also glycosides completely disappear. Therefore, the resulting kvass is a set of amino acids with unusual healing properties. These amino acids, on the one hand, significantly stimulate the release of insulin by the pancreas, and on the other hand, stimulate the adrenal cortex to enhance the release of the hormones adrenaline, prednisolone, hydrocortisone, norepinephrine. In addition, acidic amino acids promote the dissolution of hydroxyapatite (Ca5PO4OH), a mineral that accumulates in blood and lymph vessels. Therefore, the Adonis enzyme not only rejuvenates blood vessels, freeing them from major salts, but also rejuvenates the entire body, greatly prolonging its life. During fermentation, the enzyme produces tyrosine-like amino acids, which help increase hormonal adrenaline secretion in the body.
Also used in the treatment of: inflammation Bladder, glomerulonephritis, hidradenitis, edema of the extremities, liver cancer, cardiac arrhythmia.

5. Enzyme of gray jaundice (sviripa).

The enzyme of gray jaundice (sviripa) has similar actions like Adonis (starodubka). Very strong energy kvass.
It is also used in the treatment of: bladder inflammation, swelling of the extremities, liver cancer, cardiac arrhythmia.

6. Elecampane enzyme.

The enzyme of elecampane, as a bitter-containing plant, has a very strong property stimulate the activity of the pancreas, especially in terms of the release of insulin and trypsins. Thanks to the bitterness of elecampane, the pancreas forms very wide range insulins. These insulins are capable of breaking down a large number of esters, that is, fats, so elecampane also helps to improve the health of the body. It’s not for nothing that they call it elecampane, that is, they mean nine forces that heal all 9 systems of the human body. The “Eight Cube” theory describes 8 systems. The ninth system perhaps implies the soul. It is quite possible that elecampane also heals the soul.
Elecampane enzyme is used in the treatment of: cholecystitis, liver, lung cancer, pulmonary circulation, hypotension, disease of the spleen, right half chest, arm bones, right lung, pulmonary tuberculosis, cerebral palsy, convulsions (cold extremities), spleen cancer, hidradenitis.
The elecampane enzyme stimulates cell regeneration.

7. Calamus (tartar) enzyme.

The calamus (tartar) enzyme has similar properties as elecampane. Calamus roots contain a lot of bitterness, which helps reduce obesity.
It is also used in the treatment of: left lung, hypotension, cardiac arrhythmia, gastritis (low acidity).

8. Small centaury enzyme.

Centaury kvass contains sulfur-containing amino acids such as methionine, as well as tryptophan, which promotes the rejection of cancerous tumors.

9. Eyebright enzyme.

Eyebright enzyme is a very good insulin stimulator. It also improves the functioning of the cerebral cortex very well. Insulin produced by this enzyme is capable of breaking down liver glycogen into forms in which the saccharides entering the eye elements do not damage them. Overall, consumption of eyebright enzyme not only reduces blood sugar but also improves vision lost due to diabetes.
It is also used in the treatment of night blindness and glaucoma.

10. Galangal enzyme.

The galangal enzyme stimulates cell regeneration.
Also used in the treatment of: “ bitch's udder", diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis, "night blindness", male impotence, glaucoma, hypotension, inflammation of the appendages.

11. Calendula enzyme.

The enzyme from calendula helps with insomnia, eliminating inflammation of the blood vessels that causes it.
Also used in the treatment of: uterine cancer, lymphadenitis, migraine (inflammation trigeminal nerve), cramps, cold feet.

12. Black elderberry enzyme.

Black elderberry enzyme helps with constipation and hemorrhoids. It is also called the longevity plant. Those who want to live long and healthy must constantly take the fruits black elderberry V in various forms(raw, ground with sugar, fermented, dried), and also drink tea, syrup, kvass from flowers.
Also used in the treatment of: prostate cancer (fetuses), glomerulonephritis, hypertension, glaucoma (fetuses).

13. Garlic enzyme.

Garlic enzyme improves metabolism, stimulates enzyme secretion (stomach pepsin, liver bile, trypsin and pancreatic insulin). It improves blood vessels, making them elastic, preventing angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, sclerosis, paralysis, ankylosing spondylitis, arthritis, improves vision, restores memory, and rejuvenates the body.
It causes slight intoxication. Helps get rid of alcohol and drug addiction. Helps get rid of the craving for smoking and cures sclerosis of the whole body. The garlic enzyme stimulates the adrenal glands to release hormones that make a person drunk. Very effective in the treatment of alcohol, drug and tobacco addiction.
It is also used in the treatment of: microphlebitis, frigidity (female impotence).

14. Enzyme from the mother (oregano).

The enzyme from the mother (oregano) has the same properties as the adonis enzyme.
It is also used in the treatment of leucorrhoea, female infertility, inflammation of the appendages.

15. Enzyme from hop cones.

Enzyme from hop cones is useful for insomnia.

16. Enzyme from bison.

The enzyme from bison is very good at stimulating tooth growth. Add 2 tbsp to the enzyme. spoons of pig teeth powder. This powder, dissolving in enzymes, makes them richer in fluoride microelements, especially necessary for tooth enamel. Drink 2-4 tbsp of enzyme before meals. spoons.

17. Enzyme of unusual peony (marya root).

The enzyme is made from peony tubers (marina root). Very aromatic and tasty. You can drink without restrictions.
It is also used in the treatment of: leucorrhea (candidiasis), female infertility, inflammation of the appendages, frigidity, uterine fibroids, rheumatism, gout, epilepsy, insomnia, stomach cancer, liver cancer, uterine cancer.

There are a large variety of enzymes in various herbs. Not all of them were studied by B.V. Bolotov, and therefore are not listed in this article. People come to B.V. Bolotov and tell him that they prepared kvass with strawberry leaves, and with raspberry stems and leaves, and with parsley leaves, and many other herbs. Some from the heart, some to improve potency, some for sweating.

I would also like to say something about sourdough starters made from whey from the garden. Different bacteria in whey love different treats. Some people prefer beets, others cabbage, others apples or carrots, cucumbers or tomatoes, etc. Try making whey sourdough in one tub by layering various garden delicacies. Firstly, the vegetables and fruits themselves are delicious, and secondly, the resulting pickle contains such a set of enzymes that no pharmacologist can recreate it. I have never had a tastier drink.

Recipe for making kvass (enzyme) using celandine:

  • Nutrient medium: 3 liters of wheyor boiled chilled water, 1 glass of sugar.
  • Leaven: 1 tablespoon of sour cream (homemade, otherwise it may not work!).
  • Filler: 1 cup fresh or dry chopped celandine herb.

Pour sugar into a bottle of water and dissolve. Place the celandine in a gauze bag and use a sinker to lower it to the bottom of the jar. Add 1 tablespoon of sour cream as a starter to propagate the culture of lactic acid bacteria. Cover the jar with two or three layers of gauze to prevent wine flies from infesting it. Store the jar in a dark, shaded place.

Within 2-3 weeks, very strong individuals of lactic acid bacteria will form. Celandine will neutralize the product from painful factors inherent in milk today: infections, residues of herbicides and pesticides.

Products of whey fermented in the presence of celandine have the ability to cleanse dirty nasopharyngeal, ear, pulmonary spaces, gastrointestinal tract, vaginal spaces and genitourinary tracts. These enzymes have powerful stimulating properties. If the resulting kvass is consumed for two weeks, half a glass half an hour before meals, then the epithelial surfaces of the stomach and intestines will be almost completely restored.

Take kvass - an infusion of pure lactic acid culture - 100 ml. 10-15 minutes before meals. The effect will not be long in coming: dysbacteriosis, diseases caused by pyogenic infection recede, the manifestation of symptoms of radiation sickness, etc. decreases. The colon epithelium is freed from salts of heavy metals - mercury, thallium, bismuth. The chlorides of these metals are removed by celandine enzymes. Cesium and strontium salts, thanks to gastric enzymes, are also not absorbed into the body due to the formation of insoluble complexes based on radionuclide salts and pepsin. This is important for residents of our nuclear cities and zones affected by nuclear power plant accidents.

It is enough to maintain the pepsin concentration at normal levels, and protection against the entry of radionuclides into the body will be ensured. Insoluble radionuclide complexes will get stuck in the collagenous hairs of the gastrointestinal tract epithelium. A daily breakfast of porridge is enough, and then the “protectors” of the radionuclide complexes of the porridge will remove the latter from the body along with the remains of food.

To prevent whey kvass from running out, replenish it with nutrient medium daily. After 10-12 hours, the kvass becomes full-fledged. To prepare a healing serum, you can also use celandine grown in areas of radionuclide contamination. You can use the stem and leaves - the level of radiation in them is much lower than in the roots.

You can replenish kvass with nutrient medium once every two days. You should get 1 glass of sugar per 3 liters of water. Kvass has a pleasant sweet and sour taste with a slight bitterness - you can hardly feel it!