Excessive hyperhidrosis of the female body requires urgent diagnosis and treatment by a qualified specialist. Excessive sweating in women - causes. When excessive sweating occurs throughout the body

Contrary to popular belief, the fair sex suffers from excessive sweating just as often as men. Healthy women successfully cope with sweating with the help of daily shower and antiperspirants, however, in some cases, constant excessive sweating becomes a serious psychotraumatic factor. Fortunately, today absolutely everyone can find suitable method, which allows us to effectively solve this problem.

Types of hyperhidrosis

- This scientific name increased sweating that is not associated with physical activity or increased temperature environment.

Increased sweating in women can be:

  • Local. If a woman has this type of hyperhidrosis, only certain parts of the body become covered in sweat. Most often this axillary region, palms and feet, face and groin area.
  • Generalized (with this type of hyperhidrosis, the entire body then becomes covered).

In most cases, with excessive sweating in women, primary hyperhidrosis is detected, in which increased sweating is not associated with other diseases.

If excessive sweating occurs in the presence of any disease or when the body is exposed to certain factors, they speak of secondary hyperhidrosis.

Excessive sweating in women it can manifest itself at a certain time of the year (have a seasonal nature), be present constantly or be paroxysmal in nature.

Excessive sweating itself rarely causes physical discomfort, but even light form hyperhidrosis is accompanied by aesthetic problems.

Since increased sweating is most often observed in the armpit area, and sweat stains are difficult to wash off, women suffering from excessive sweating try to wear dark-colored clothes and experience discomfort when necessary active actions. Besides, wet palms and shoes, a face wet with sweat, armpits and neck give rise to self-doubt in a woman.

According to statistics, 71% of people suffering from hyperhidrosis feel insecure, and 49% feel unhappy or depressed.

In moderate to severe sweating, there is often bad smell sweat, therefore, such forms of hyperhidrosis significantly affect the behavior and psyche of women, leading to failures in the social sphere.

According to statistics, 81% of respondents experience awkwardness when communicating with strangers, 31% experience some restrictions in the sexual sphere, and 25% of respondents avoid communication even with close people.

Why does hyperhidrosis develop in women?

Increased sweating in women can occur as a result of the influence on the body household factors or for certain types of diseases. The most common causes of excessive sweating are:

  • Stress. In women with an easily excitable nervous system, when they are frightened, excited or depressed, their palms sweat heavily, nasolabial triangle, armpits, back or feet.
  • Excess weight. With a well-developed fat layer, the heat generated by the body accumulates in large quantities, and the only natural method cooling is sweating. This is why women who are overweight sweat more often and more actively than people of normal weight.
  • Change hormonal levels. If stress and increased body weight are the cause of hyperhidrosis in both men and women, then sweating due to hormonal changes is usually feminine feature. In the human body, the hypothalamus (part of the brain) regulates temperature and controls sweating, the work of which is associated with the activity of the endocrine system. IN female body many processes are regulated by female sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone. An imbalance of these hormones causes disruption of the hypothalamus, which leads to hyperhidrosis.
  • Hyperfunction thyroid gland(thyrotoxicosis), which occurs 10-12 times more often in women than in men. Thyroid hormones accelerate metabolism and thus increase heat generation, and an increase in heat generation requires increased heat transfer.
  • Vegetovascular dystonia. Hyperhidrosis in this disease is associated with disruption of the autonomic nervous system, which transmits impulses that cause sweating.

Excessive sweating can be caused by diabetes, infectious, malignant and cardiovascular diseases.

Severe sweating of the whole body in women is observed with some hereditary diseases(Riley-Day syndrome, etc.).

Severe sweating of the head and face in women is possible due to facial injuries, polyneuropathy, etc.

Facial hyperhidrosis

Promotes increased sweating and long-term use antibiotics, antidepressants, antitumor drugs and some other medications. So, many women experience severe night sweats when taking contraceptive drugs or upon their cancellation (Yarina, Zhanin, etc.).

Domestic reasons also cause sweating in women:

  • Out-of-season or tight-fitting clothing, as well as clothing made from poorly breathable synthetic fabrics.
  • Poor nutrition. Excessive sweating affects lovers of hot and spicy dishes, people with a sweet tooth and women who consume fatty varieties meat. Profuse sweating also cause consumption of alcohol and coffee, and sour foods, cocoa and chocolate cause night sweats.
  • Poor hygiene. Many women do not understand the mechanisms of action of deodorants and antiperspirants and are accustomed to applying these products to the skin immediately after a shower or to a slightly sweaty body right before leaving the house. If in the case of a deodorant such actions are not critical (the deodorant is designed to block the vital activity of bacteria that contribute to the appearance of strong smell sweat, but does not affect sweating), then antiperspirants will not work with this method of application. Antiperspirant designed to block sweat glands, must be applied to clean, dry skin before bed, since it is at this time that the ducts of the sweat glands are not active. If the product gets on wet skin after a shower, it is simply washed off and stains clothes, and sweat glands continue to function actively.

Increased sweating during PMS, pregnancy, after childbirth and menopause

Changes in the balance of sex hormones in the female body often manifest as night sweats. Such hormonal changes can be observed with:

  • Premenstrual syndrome (PMS). This syndrome does not occur in all women. The development of the syndrome is promoted by stress and infectious diseases, but the exact reason for its appearance has not yet been established. Tearfulness, irritability, night sweats and others PMS symptoms occur in a woman a few days before menstruation, and by the end of “ critical days» these symptoms disappear.
  • Pregnancy. Sweating during pregnancy also occurs mainly at night. Because the increased sweating during pregnancy is associated with hormonal changes in the female body; the severity and duration of the period of sweating may vary. Excessive sweating during pregnancy is caused by a decrease in the level of regulatory water-salt metabolism the hormone estrogen and increased secretion of hormones that regulate the activity of the adrenal glands. Attacks of sweating in pregnant women disappear when the hormonal balance in the body returns to normal.

Increased sweating during pregnancy

Sweating after childbirth is normal, since during pregnancy a woman's body accumulates a large number of fluids, and hormonal levels change dramatically. After the birth of a child, the female body actively gets rid of fluid due to the increased work of the kidneys and sweat glands. A sharp decline estrogen is perceived by the temperature center of the brain as a signal for increased heat generation, and the body gets rid of this heat through sweating (nocturnal hyperhidrosis is more often observed).

Profuse night sweats also occur during menopause (menopause). This period of decline in the production of sex hormones usually occurs after 45 years. The lack of estrogen and progesterone in the female body causes a disruption in the functioning of the hypothalamus (namely, where the temperature center is located), which reacts to low estrogen levels by increasing body temperature. At such moments, a woman experiences “hot flashes”, after which increased sweating is observed. These "hot flashes" may only last a few years, but can also persist for about 15 years. Late menopause and “hot flashes” are the main causes of sweating in women over 60 years of age.

How to deal with excessive sweating

Since excessive sweating may be a consequence various diseases, if the cause of hyperhidrosis is unclear, a woman should visit a therapist and undergo a medical examination.

Sweating associated with various infectious diseases goes away on its own with effective treatment diseases.

If local increased sweating is observed in women during stressful situations, you should also visit a neurologist. After studying the factors that provoke sweating, these specialists will prescribe treatment, which includes:

  • psychotherapy sessions aimed at reducing anxiety;
  • reception sedatives and herbs that reduce the excitability of the nervous system.

Consultation with a neurologist is also necessary for women suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia. Such patients are advised to exercise and normalize their diet. Hypothyroidism caused by hormonal disorders is eliminated with the help of hormonal drugs.

Sweating during pregnancy does not require treatment, but it is important for expectant mothers to remember that the use of antiperspirants during this period is not recommended. Women can use for hygienic purposes deodorants (it is best to use organic deodorants), and also prepare your own solution that reduces sweating. The solution requires 0.5 l boiled water add salt and 9% vinegar (1 tablespoon each). This solution wipes problem areas, and the solution itself can be stored in the refrigerator.

Sweating that occurs during puberty can only be “outgrown” by carefully observing the rules of personal hygiene.

To eliminate hyperhidrosis of the palms and feet, you can use:

  • Deodorizing creams designed to combat excessive sweating and unpleasant odor of sweat. To do this, you can purchase German cream SyNeo, Russian products Lavilin, “Prolonged effect” PRO-Legs series, etc. The cream should be applied in a thin layer to clean, dry palms or feet and spread over the surface of the problem area with massage movements. Shoes are put on only after the product is completely absorbed.
  • Talc used to treat sweaty areas of the body. Powders and powders with talc absorb moisture well, so the treated surface remains dry for a long time. Acid-base balance the skin is not damaged when using these products, and there is no smell of sweat.
  • Antiperspirants with increased content aluminum salts (20 - 35%). In order for the use of an antiperspirant to have its effect, you should buy an antiperspirant at a pharmacy and follow the instructions for its application (apply before bed to clean, dry armpits), since contact of such products with water can cause chemical burn. If products containing aluminum chlorides do not work the first time, the procedure is repeated several evenings in a row. Since exposure to aluminum salts gradually leads to atrophy of the sweat glands, the interval for applying antiperspirant increases over time, and sweating returns to normal.
  • take a contrast shower daily;
  • take warm baths with herbs (sage, chamomile, oak bark, pine needles) or wipe the body with herbal decoctions;
  • To eliminate sweat on the face, use matting wipes made from rice paper, or use absorbent films impregnated with antibacterial substances.
  • use organic deodorant oils containing natural arrowroot starch and bacteria-inhibiting oils;
  • make foot baths with potassium permanganate or herbs;
  • wipe your palms with camphor or salicylic alcohol.

In addition, when excessive sweating follows:

  • select bed linen and clothing from natural fabrics;
  • exclude foods that increase sweating from the diet;
  • lose weight.

Physiotherapeutic and medicinal methods for treating excessive sweating in women

Since the cause of hyperhidrosis is not always known and cannot always be eliminated, symptomatic treatment. To do this, women are most often encouraged to use conservative methods:

  • Iontophoresis, which is effective for local hyperhidrosis. During the procedure, the palms or feet are immersed in water, through which a weak electric current is passed for 20 minutes to block the sweat glands. The disadvantage of this painless technique is the short duration of the effect - the sweat glands resume after a few weeks. active work, and iontophoresis has to be performed again.
  • Botox injections. Injecting Botox under the skin not only has a rejuvenating effect, but also blocks it for six months nerve endings sweat glands
  • Hydrotherapy that strengthens the nervous system.
  • Electrosleep, during which low-frequency energy affects the brain impulse current stimulates inhibition of the nervous system and improves the activity of the autonomic nervous system.
  • Medicinal electrophoresis, during which, under the influence of direct current on the skin, the problem area is dehydrated, and ions of drugs that reduce sweating accumulate in the skin.

Disadvantage conservative therapy is its temporary nature, so patients in severe cases resort to surgical methods.

Surgical methods for hyperhidrosis

The safest and least traumatic surgical methods are:

  • Liposuction indicated if available excess weight. During this surgical procedure, excess fat is removed and the nerve endings responsible for conducting the impulse that causes sweating are destroyed. All manipulations are carried out through a small puncture, so small scars hidden in the natural folds of the body after surgery are not visible.
  • Curettage, which is most often used for sweating in the armpits. During this operation, the nerve endings in the problem area are destroyed and the sweat glands are removed. For moderate hyperhidrosis, only one puncture is made, and for severe hyperhidrosis, two.

The effect after these operations lasts for several years.

In severe cases of hyperhidrosis and the ineffectiveness of other treatment methods, a sympathectomy is performed - a surgical intervention that involves complete or partial disruption of the sympathetic trunk (the sympathetic trunk conducts impulses that cause sweating).

The sympathetic trunk may be destroyed (complete sympathectomy) or blocked with a special clip (reversible sympathectomy). This method is different high efficiency, but due to the dry skin in the area of ​​the palms and face that occurs after the operation, it is carried out only according to strict indications.

Surgical methods are used for severe hyperhidrosis in cases where conservative treatment did not produce results.

Everything in the human body is interconnected. Metabolism, work internal organs, the condition of the skin, directly depend on how each link functions correctly complex mechanism. One of these links is considered to be the regulation of heat exchange, the main function of which is assigned to the work of the sweat glands.

Every day a certain amount of sweat appears on a person’s skin, and when everything is normal in the body, almost no one notices it. If excessive sweating is observed, the phenomenon should not be perceived as normal condition, you need to understand the reasons and eliminate them.

Types of sweating in women

In medicine, excessive female sweating is distinguished by the location of the pathology. The local form manifests itself in a specific area - armpits, feet, palms, neck, head, inside hips, back, chest. Generalized is defined by increased sweating throughout the entire body simultaneously. Each type has its own characteristics, causes of occurrence, and differs in methods and methods of treatment.

Causes of sweating

The occurrence of hyperhidrosis from a medical point of view has never been considered normal. The phenomenon is unpleasant, it causes not only inner experiences women, but also problems in communicating with others. Few people enjoy communicating with a person, much less a woman, who gives off a real stench. The reasons for this phenomenon are obvious, and if you are more attentive to your lifestyle and the state of your body, they are easy to notice, which an experienced specialist can always help with.

Physiological reasons

A woman’s body is structured somewhat differently than a man’s; heavy sweating in the weaker sex first begins to appear during the girl’s puberty. The critical age at this time is considered to be between 10 and 17 years of age, when it returns to normal. menstrual cycle. Depending on the characteristics of the body, this condition passes quickly or remains on long years, you have to mask unpleasant odors with various means.

Throws adult women into a fever due to painful periods, the onset and progression of menopause. The peculiarity of this condition is considered to be unexpected, the state of health sharply deteriorates, such sweat smells strongly, and unpleasantly. Along with this, a similar phenomenon can be caused unusual feature organism, transmitted genetically from mother or father.


Often, severe sweating in women is associated with the development of some disease in the body; doctors in such cases consider hyperhidrosis as one of the symptoms dangerous condition. Often, sweat secreted for such reasons has a strange smell of ammonia, alcohol, urine, acetone, each “aroma” is characteristic of a specific disease. An unpleasant phenomenon can be provoked by:
  • disruption of the thermoregulation function in the body;
  • failures of internal secretion;
  • hormonal and metabolic disorders;
  • the occurrence of colds;
  • overheating, hypothermia;
  • development of viral, infectious, bacterial, fungal diseases;
  • diseases of internal organs (liver, heart, blood vessels, kidneys);
  • pathologies of the urinary system;
  • impaired blood circulation;
  • chronic overwork, fatigue;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • weak immunity;
  • heavy weight;
  • endocrine, oncological diseases;
  • pregnancy, milk flow during lactation;
  • there are contraindications to the use of certain medications;
  • periodic physical overload, mental overstrain.

A similar phenomenon can express the individual reaction of the body to elevated temperature, pain, inflammation, slight weakness, chronic lack of sleep, lack of normal rest.


Often, increased sweating in women is associated with wrong mode, diet:
  • When a woman adheres to a diet that does not suit her at all, it is contraindicated due to the individual characteristics of the body.
  • He eats a lot of salty, fatty, smoked, and sweet foods.
  • Drinks energy drinks.
  • Drinks large amounts of liquid throughout the day, especially carbonated drinks.

In general, when a woman is indiscriminate about the foods she chooses, such “tests” for the body end not only in excessive sweating, but in the development of chronic diseases.

Bad habits

Surprisingly, even certain bad habits provoke a similar phenomenon:

  • insufficient walks in fresh air;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • reception narcotic drugs, depressants;
  • habit of sleeping for a long time;
  • lack of hardening.

Such “weaknesses” cause failures immune system body, which actually becomes the cause female hyperhidrosis.

External factors

Among the factors related to external stimuli that can provoke excessive sweating highlight:

  • stress;
  • fright;
  • excitement;
  • emotional irritation;
  • poor, untimely body hygiene;
  • wearing dirty clothes;
  • wearing tight, small shoes and clothes;
  • the use of things made from cheap synthetic materials that do not allow air to pass through well;
  • cold, heat in the room;
  • the habit of dressing up “not for the weather”;
  • dry, too humid air in the room;
  • nocturnal hyperhidrosis is often provoked by incorrect posture adopted during rest.

All this can be easily eliminated, completely solvable without the help of doctors. The main thing is to understand why this happened.

What to do if you sweat excessively

At the first manifestations of hyperhidrosis, a woman should compare latest events of your life, in order to at least approximately understand which of the factors provoked unpleasant phenomenon. If the problem is hidden in the diet, external stimuli, it is easy to determine it yourself without the help of specialists. Afterwards you will need to eliminate the irritant and the phenomenon will go away on its own.

Treatment of sweating in women

When you cannot independently determine the causes of severe sweating in women, you need to seek help from specialists as soon as possible. The problem caused by the development of pathology will have to be identified laboratory methods, diagnostics, which will take some time. Treatment should be started as early as possible. In cases of poor heredity or individual characteristics of the body, the specialist will also advise what to do.

Pharmacy products

Having established a diagnosis of hyperhidrosis, the doctor will prescribe treatment aimed at suppressing the manifesting symptoms of the underlying disease. Once the disease is “muted”, in best case scenario cured, there will be no trace of hyperhidrosis left. Additionally, while the drug course of treatment is being carried out, doctors advise using special pharmaceutical products that allow you to block the release of sweat and odors. These can be sprays, antiperspirants, gels and powders.

  • Excessive sweating on a woman’s legs will help eliminate - Teymur’s paste, Formagel, Burnt alum, Zinc ointment, tablets containing belladonna extract, Salicylic-zinc paste or Lassara paste.
  • In the armpit area you can use Formidron, various antiperspirants, Teymurov's Paste, Urotropin, Boric acid, special pads for the armpits.

The bulk of these pharmaceutical drugs Can also be used on the palms, chest, and back. The choice should be made only on the recommendation of a specialist, if the doctor considers this drug appropriate.

Medication solutions

Having found out the causes of hyperhidrosis, doctors in some cases strongly recommend resorting to the most radical ways eliminating an unpleasant phenomenon. In this regard, the following are widespread:

  • Iontophoresis (treatment with a weak current, placing the feet and palms in a special solution).
  • Botox injections, which partially or completely block the work of the sweat glands.
  • Surgery to remove most of the glands.
  • Removal of glands using laser.

Each method definitely has a number of advantages; generally, the procedures are painless with minimal risk to health. They are distinguished by high efficiency and corresponding cost.

Traditional methods

At home, to eliminate excessive sweating in a woman, you can use the following tips: traditional medicine. It is recommended to make peculiar baths for the feet and hands, rinse problem areas with decoctions prepared on the basis medicinal herbs. Sprinkle the body with dry substances that block sweating or absorb moisture, preventing the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

Baths and rinses

Prepare baths and rinsing solutions problem areas, based:

  • weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • steamed oak bark (2 tablespoons of bark per liter of water);
  • iodine solution, adding up to five drops of the substance for each liter;
  • dilute a tablespoon of baking soda or salt in a liter of water;
  • decoctions of medicinal herbs - sage, string, burdock, birch leaves, chamomile, celandine.

Such procedures are alternated, selecting more effective ones in each specific case, and are performed up to several times a day, every day. Also widely used in eliminating female hyperhidrosis is wiping problem areas diluted in a 1:1 ratio with apple cider vinegar.


Based on dry herbs, food products, ready-made chemicals, prepare powders:

  • crush oak bark;
  • use dry boric acid;
  • baking soda;
  • potato starch;
  • corn flour.

The substances are poured into socks, sprinkled onto the palm of the hand and treated with the desired part of the body, “as much as needed” will remain, the rest will immediately spill out. It is also recommended to wipe the area where you sweat a lot with pieces of fresh lemon, or with lemon juice, which is soaked in cotton wool in advance.


To prevent excessive sweating in women, doctors recommend observing just a few important life principles:

  • carry out systematically hygiene procedures, thoroughly washing problem areas with tar or laundry soap;
  • apply special drugs, suppressing sweating, only on clean areas of the skin;
  • wear clean clothes every day;
  • wear only high-quality shoes, clothes that initially do not smell suspiciously, and have good air permeability;
  • never wear small shoes or tight clothes that are not comfortable for you;
  • buy bed linen and nightgowns from natural fabrics;
  • monitor the comfort in the room in which most of the time is spent, warmth, humidity, cleanliness;
  • During sleep, it is advisable to take natural, comfortable positions;
  • walk more fresh air avoiding freezing and overheating;
  • dress according to the weather;
  • temper yourself if possible;
  • rest in a timely manner, avoiding overwork and overloading the body;
  • increase immunity by taking appropriate medications;
  • try not to contact patients, avoiding viral, infectious, bacterial, fungal infections;
  • in case of manifestation of any disease, immediately seek medical help;
  • never self-medicate without the approval of a doctor;
  • avoid stressful situations, worry less, get upset;
  • eat only healthy food;
  • drink water only in acceptable standards, which is calculated individually, based on 35 - 40 ml per kilogram of weight corresponding to your height;
  • stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

Choosing to Suppress Sweating pharmaceutical products, carefully study the composition; often such drugs are not equally suitable for everyone. You have to select something specific, sometimes by frequently testing different products.

Hyperhidrosis, or simply increased sweating, not only causes discomfort for women, but can also lead to the development of complexes and a desire to withdraw into oneself. However, why force yourself into a framework and deprive yourself of pleasure, because no matter how impossible it may seem at first glance, you can get rid of excessive sweating, you just need to establish its cause and find means that will help. This is exactly what we will talk about today.

Causes of excessive sweating in women

Before you begin to treat hyperhidrosis, you must determine its cause. Doctors tend to highlight the following:
1. Infectious diseases accompanied by elevated temperature.
2. Diseases of the endocrine system. Hormonal disbalance in the body is a fairly common cause of excessive sweating. That is why, if you have been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism ( increased activity thyroid gland), ovarian failure or diabetes mellitus, then be prepared for the fact that along with them will come the problem of increased sweating.
3. Side effects medicines. Unfortunately, it often happens that when we treat one thing, we cripple another. Therefore, taking some medicines may cause increased sweating. This problem can be solved after stopping the drug; only in this case, be sure to consult with your doctor.
4. Rheumatological diseases. Yes, don’t be surprised, but disruptions in the functioning of connective tissues can also lead to increased sweating.
5. Lymphomas. Some neoplasms can also manifest themselves in the form of profuse sweating.

In addition to the above, chronic fatigue syndrome, stress, anxiety and depression, chronic eosinophilic pneumonia and Prinzmetal syndrome can also be added to the list of causes of excessive sweating in women.

It would also be useful to say that The cause of excessive sweating in women is often due to the characteristics of the body. For example, during menstruation, as well as a few days before it, the level of estrogen in the body sharply increases, which not only causes a feeling of weakness and fatigue, but also provokes sweating. During pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, women are also highly susceptible to the development of hyperhidrosis; nothing can be done about this, since it is a completely natural phenomenon. Menopause to the list for everyone known symptoms It can also add to increased sweating.

Don't put off fighting sweat until later

We figured out the reasons for increased sweating in women. Some you need to come to terms with and just wait it out without neglecting personal hygiene, for example, during pregnancy, after which hyperhidrosis will go away on its own without any treatment. In some cases, it is necessary to consult a doctor, only he can prescribe the appropriate treatment.

What can you do to combat excessive sweating?

1. If you experience excessive sweating, you should take a shower at least twice a day, in the summer and the more often you resort to water procedures, all the better. By the way, a contrast shower is an excellent assistant in the fight against excessive sweating in women.
2. There is no need to wear tight clothes made of synthetic fabrics in the heat; give preference to cotton, linen and natural silk.
3. Buy an antiperspirant, use it daily, just don’t forget that you need to apply it to clean skin, since it is powerless if applied to sweaty armpits. Today in pharmacies you can find a lot of products aimed at combating excessive sweating, all kinds of creams, powders, ask your pharmacist, he should advise. Just remember that constant suppression natural microflora may harm the body.
4. Review your diet because spicy food, sweets and coffee can increase sweating, give up lemonade, it is better to quench your thirst with still mineral water or green tea.
5. And finally, do not neglect the advice of traditional medicine.
Solution baking soda against sweating
Make a mild baking soda solution. Soak a napkin in it, blot your skin with it and do not rinse.

Fitovannas for hyperhidrosis

Regular bathing with the addition of herbal decoctions. Prepare a decoction of pine needles, sage or oak bark. Add it to the water. Enjoy the procedure, it will not only be pleasant, but also useful.
Rubbing with the compounds indicated above will also be effective.

Places of excessive sweating (armpits, neck and folds under the mammary glands) can be wiped with toilet vinegar.

As you can see, excessive sweating in women is not an inevitable fact; it is not only possible, but also necessary to fight.

Every person sweats: some more, some less. This unpleasant condition does not cause concern for your health, but up to a certain period. Excessive sweating in women not only causes internal discomfort, but also becomes a characteristic sign of internal disease. It is necessary to look for the cause, otherwise the disease progresses.

Causes of heavy sweating in women

Increased sweating in girls is caused by physiological or pathological factors that can have short-term or long-term effects in the body. For example, a fever may occur for a reason increased nervousness, or such an unpleasant condition is considered a consequence of prolonged stress. If we talk about serious pathology, increased sweating in women is associated with hormonal imbalance and one degree of obesity. There are many reasons, the doctor’s task is to correctly and timely eliminate them from the lives of women of any age.

Night sweats in women

Such unpleasant symptom can manifest itself at night, and is temporary or permanent. In the first case we're talking about about nightmares that make you not only sweat, but also wake up unexpectedly. The condition is unpleasant, but it does not happen often. For a woman, this is not a reason for alarm at all. Other causes of sweating during sleep in women are associated with health problems or poor sleep conditions. The following physiological factors can be identified:

  • synthetic bedding;
  • stale indoor air;
  • disturbed thermal balance;
  • overeating before bed;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • hot flashes during menopause, menopause;
  • tides breast milk during lactation;
  • overweight.

The pathological causes of excessive sweating are:

If perspiration appears on the skin after waking up in the morning, you should not ignore such attacks. The problem exists, it is important to find and promptly eliminate its causes. Hypersweating occurs during pregnancy and is natural reaction body, but in this case it is not considered a disease and does not require timely treatment.

Increased sweating of the feet in women

If your feet begin to sweat, the girl is advised to observe which shoes produce a persistent odor when she wears them. If this is a certain pair, remove it from your wardrobe due to the incompatibility of the dermis with synthetic materials. When sweating feet in women is not associated with shoes, the reasons must be sought in the body, since this is no longer physiological process, but a disease. As an option:

  • disorders of the central nervous system;
  • fungal infections legs;
  • oncology, for example, lymphoma;
  • severe emotional shock;

Sweating in the groin in women

Hyperhidrosis intimate areas- another problem that representatives of the fairer sex regularly face. Excessive sweating in women it causes an inferiority complex and internal discomfort. High probability aggravation of such pathological process in patients in the following clinical pictures:

  • overweight;
  • the beginning of menstruation;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • diabetes.

Excessive sweating in the groin in women can be a consequence of wearing synthetic underwear, impaired body thermoregulation, severe weakness, increased physical activity. Doctors do not rule out hormonal changes in the body that occur before each period. IN the latter case The causes of increased sweating in women are temporary and disappear on their own without additional drug therapy.

Causes of armpit sweating in women

With this problem, special antiperspirants come to the rescue, but it is important not to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms, but to reliably find out the cause of its occurrence. Sweating of the armpits in women is constant, and does not always depend on the time of year and the temperature of the body. The fairer sex continues to sweat even at night, and can sleep on bedding made from natural materials. This small problem one day becomes global and requires treatment. The reasons are as follows:

Sweating head in women

Excessive sweating can spread not only to the body, but also to the scalp. Severe sweating of the entire body in women is caused by wearing a hat in the cold season, when the dermis does not breathe and work is disrupted. sebaceous glands. To really solve the problem, you just need to remove or change the uncomfortable headgear. If increased sweating of the head in women is not seasonal, internal causes may be as follows:

How to get rid of sweating

Pathology in women can be treated only after diagnosis final diagnosis. Only in this case, by attracting conservative methods You can completely get rid of sweating. As a result there is no time constant sign the disease will no longer remind itself of itself through the increased activity of the sweat glands. You need to act comprehensively, for example, purchase underwear made from natural materials, regularly ventilate the room before going to bed, do not overeat at night, and choose a symptomatic therapy depending on the etiology of the pathological process.

If sweating is observed in women, determine the reasons, then act according to the scheme suggested below:

  • application-based iontophoresis electric current;
  • local application Aluminum chloride hexahydrate;
  • liposuction of the armpit area;
  • the use of Botox to control the functioning of the sweat glands;
  • taking sedatives.

Video: causes of night sweats in women

Severe sweating of the whole body in women is called diffuse hyperhidrosis.

It can have varying degrees of severity:

  • mild - when sweating is higher than normal, but is not perceived as something abnormal, and does not particularly burden the person;
  • medium – if there are some inconveniences and embarrassment in communicating with other people;
  • severe - with a clear impairment of social functioning, when, for example, a strong smell of sweat and wet stains on clothes literally interfere with life and isolate one from contacts.

Diffuse hyperhidrosis is excessive activity sweat glands all over the body.

Constant sweating requires careful clinical assessment and diagnostics, because it may be a manifestation of a serious illness!

We understand physiology - everything is simple and clear

There are many reasons for body sweating in women. Most of them can be explained by the laws of physiology of the human body:

  • Environmental factors– when the temperature rises, the secretion of the sweat glands is activated. This allows the body to cool down in the most suitable way for it. Some of the sweat evaporates immediately, while some flows down the face and torso. A person is always very hot when the air humidity is high, because... evaporation of liquid from the surface of the skin is difficult;
  • Anger, fear, anxiety– it’s all about special substances that are released during stress. They are the ones who make the heart beat faster and increase the numbers blood pressure and body temperature. Irritation and resentment are normal emotional reactions, but only sometimes. If a woman is constantly nervous, this becomes a problem;
  • – Sweating during sports exercises is considered an indicator of their effectiveness. The body loses a lot of fluid at this time. You need to remember that you need to drink before, during and after training;
  • Fever - when sick, a person’s body temperature increases by several degrees, and cold and chills are felt. In this way, the body tries to cope with the infection. When the temperature drops to 37°C, it becomes warm and sweating occurs;
  • Spicy foods – they stimulate receptors that respond to temperature changes. This means that the body perceives spicy, savory food as a stimulus to activate the process of sweating;
  • Menopause - During menopause, estrogen levels decrease. The thermoregulatory center in the hypothalamus responds to such hormonal changes. This is manifested by so-called hot flashes, which occur in women regardless of the ambient temperature. Small blood vessels expand, as a result of which the skin turns red, and the sweat glands actively produce secretions;
  • Side effects of drugs– this applies to antidepressants, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antihypertensive, antitumor and some drugs used for diabetes;
  • Falling in love is a wonderful feeling caused by the effect of hormones like adrenaline on the brain. That is why typical symptoms falling in love are heart palpitations, wet palms etc.;
  • Pregnancy - hormonal changes and increased metabolism in women during pregnancy may well cause sweating. Usually it disappears after childbirth, but not immediately, but within a few weeks.

Why is urgent medical examination sometimes necessary?

The cause of increased sweating throughout the body in women is often health problems.

Heavy, night sweats or the acquisition of a strange odor are a signal of various diseases, for example:

  • febrile conditions– activation of sweating occurs in response to an increase in body temperature;
  • obesity - in all people who are overweight, any movement is accompanied by tension, which contributes to rapid overheating of the body, and, accordingly, active sweating;
  • increased thyroid function– characterized by sweating, which increases during the day. There is also weight loss (despite a preserved appetite), fatigue, nervousness, emotional lability, palpitations, hand tremors, in severe cases - bulging eyes;
  • neoplasms lymphatic system – leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease are primarily manifested by lethargy and lack of appetite. Skin they look pale, enlarged lymph nodes are palpable, and profuse night sweats are typical;
  • tuberculosis - the main symptoms are heavy sweats at night, prolonged cough, weight loss, physical weakness, low-grade fever or temperature fluctuations;
  • Diabetes mellitus – in situations where the amount of glucose in the blood falls quickly (this is called a hypoglycemic state), it occurs copious discharge sweat. The skin turns pale heartbeat accelerates, muscle tremors, lethargy, faintness and an acute feeling of hunger are observed;
  • malignant tumors of the pancreas– symptoms are similar to diabetes mellitus – sweating, nervousness, hunger pangs, trembling;
  • defeats central departments nervous system– in such cases, hyperhidrosis is asymmetrical, i.e. observed on one half of the body or manifested in patches;
  • Parkinson's disease– characterized by slowness of movement and profuse sweat with an intense odor. Stiffness and trembling progresses;
  • acromegaly – endocrine disease, which consists in increased production of somatotropic hormone by the pituitary gland. As a result, there is a thickening of the phalanges of the fingers, growth of the feet, skull bones, as well as an increase in sweat glands, which is naturally accompanied by sweating;
  • myocardial infarction– varied in its manifestations, but the main symptoms are burning pain in the chest area, heavy sweating, a feeling of fear, anxiety, difficulty breathing, nausea, etc.

If, as a result of the examination, it turns out that increased sweating of the entire body in women is due to a specific disease, the next step will be to draw up a treatment plan.

Only by addressing the underlying cause can you successfully combat symptomatic diffuse hyperhidrosis!

Basic methods to reduce sweating

First of all, you need to pay more attention to body hygiene:

  • wash more often, at least twice a day;
  • love contrast showers;
  • Regularly shave your armpit hair;
  • use deodorants, antiperspirants, anti-sweat powders and creams;
  • take vitamin and mineral complexes
  • eat less spicy, salty and spicy food, and also limit caffeinated drinks and alcohol to a minimum.

Choose clothes and shoes carefully:

  • give preference to underwear and clothing made from natural fabrics. This is especially true for the hot season;
  • wear only cotton socks minimum content artificial in addition;
  • shoes should be made of leather, because... this material allows air and moisture to pass through, allowing the skin to breathe.

Always dress appropriately for the weather, do not overheat!

Try safe folk methods:

  • sage baths, oak bark, pine needles, willow. They reduce the activity of sweat glands, disinfect and relax. Do them for 30-40 minutes once a week;
  • wiping the body with mint infusion (pour 1 tbsp of herbs with a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, then strain and wipe the skin);
  • apply compresses or rubdowns cool water(temperature no higher than 16-18ºС). The procedure time should not exceed 10 minutes. Cold helps narrow pores and reduce secretion sebum and sweat.

How can a woman deal with the symptoms of menopause?

For many representatives of the fair sex, the problem of sweating begins to bother them precisely during menopause.

That is why I would like to dwell on this topic and consider it in more detail.

Symptom complex that manifests itself during hormonal changes, exhausting both physically and psychologically:

  • tides;
  • profuse sweat;
  • nervousness, tearfulness;
  • headache;
  • weakness, increased fatigue;
  • sleep disorders;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • palpitations, etc.

Hot flashes, i.e. paroxysmal sensation of warmth in the head, face and chest (or throughout the body), accompanied by profuse sweating. Their duration is only a few minutes.

Hot flashes usually occur in the morning or evening, but they also occur at night. Most women experience such conditions for several years.

There are medications that help overcome the painful symptoms of menopause. For example, “Phytoclimax” tablets containing only natural ingredients:

  • calcium gluconate;
  • zinc;
  • vitamin E;
  • ginger;
  • royal jelly;
  • sage;
  • oregano;
  • saffron.

They provide complex impact on the body:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • normalizes the functioning of the autonomic system;
  • stabilizes emotional state;
  • improves memory;
  • gives energy;
  • improves the condition of skin, nails, hair and bones;
  • reduces sweating;
  • balances appetite, digestion process, etc.

We must not forget about such a wonderful and simple remedy as mint. It affects the symptoms that accompany excessive sweating:

  • has a sedative effect;
  • relieves irritability and nervousness;
  • improves sleep;
  • reduces heart attacks.

1 tsp Steam mint leaves in a glass of boiling water for 20 minutes, then strain. Take the infusion orally 40 minutes before breakfast.

It is better to drink it for at least a year. Your heart and nervous system will be fine.