How to get rid of nervous tension. How to relieve nervous, emotional, muscle tension? How to relieve tension pain? How to deal with stress and nervous tension

According to sociologists, every third modern resident of a metropolis lives in a state of extreme stress and tension. This is especially true for large cities. Of course, one can question such calculations, but no one will deny that city life is full of bustle, stress and frustration.

Stressful situations can arise not only due to traffic jams, everyday hustle and bustle or excessive crowds, but also due to poor nutrition, electromagnetic fields and air polluted by exhaust emissions. Quite often, in addition to the above problems, problems at work, in relationships and with health are also added.

Together, all these factors ultimately bring a completely healthy person to a stressful state, which over time becomes chronic. As a rule, most people ignore such signals and soon their sleep is disturbed, their performance decreases, and various apathies appear.

People who are in such conditions are more susceptible than others to a variety of viral and colds, heart and vascular diseases. In particular, such a lifestyle affects a person’s appearance. His skin becomes dull, bruises appear under his eyes and his hair falls out.

Main symptoms of nervous tension

The primary symptoms are the same for all people: energy disappears, the person becomes sluggish, suffers from insomnia, becomes irritable and feels awkward. In most cases, these symptoms are complemented by a reluctance to see friends and make promises with them. All this happens due to constantly increasing tension. Therefore, it is better not to delay when identifying such symptoms, but to immediately begin changes in your life.

Naturally, this is quite difficult to do, but after a few weeks it will become much easier, anxiety and apathy will pass. However, we must immediately dispel the myth that women are more nervous than men - this is an erroneous statement. The thing is that men are more restrained in their emotions, while women, on the contrary, are open, which is why their irritation becomes so noticeable.

How to relieve nervous tension?

First, you need to make a list on paper of what worries or irritates you the most. This list should include both major problems and troubles, and small ones. After the entire list is ready, you need to sit down and think about how you can solve this or that problem. For example, if you are tormented by fears about leaving your job, you need to look at the problem more broadly, perhaps this is a chance to start all over again.

Instead of worrying about all sorts of consequences of dismissal, you need to write a resume and try to find a more suitable job. The process of writing a resume is wonderfully relaxing and gives you the opportunity to rethink your own worth. In most cases, nervous tension occurs due to severe overload.

In such situations, it is quite easy to relieve yourself of tension. To do this, you again need to draw up a detailed plan for daily activities, which will include all household chores and other physical activities. After this, you need to choose those things that cannot be postponed. From the remaining cases, you also need to weed out those that do not require your personal presence.

Sometimes it happens that the whole day is scheduled minute by minute, and the things that actually need to be redone are far-fetched and do not require immediate intervention. It also happens that a person imposes some task on himself only because no one else will do this task except him. Such tasks can be delegated to family members or work colleagues for a few days. It is very important to learn to trust people, transferring your powers to them at least for a while.

Thus, through a tough search, you can leave only the most important things, and devote the remaining time to relaxation. In order to relieve severe nervous tension, it is best to do yoga or sports. These are the most effective stress relievers. You can go to a club and unwind, but you should not abuse alcoholic beverages. It is best to relieve stress using healthy methods. Yoga classes can be diluted with the help of so-called visualization of desires.

At the end or in the middle of the lesson, you can take a break and relax, imagining the place you dream about. It could be anything: a deserted beach, a boat trip, etc. You need to try to stay in this position for as long as possible. Breathing should be even and calm. You definitely need to give yourself a weekend, at least four days a week (preferably more).

You can’t plan anything at all for these days – just rest and relaxation. You need to decide how to have fun yourself based on your personal desires and needs. You can go to the theater with your wife or go to nature with your whole family. However, you should try to warn your friends, family and work colleagues in advance that you will be busy on the weekend and under no circumstances should they disturb you.

After finishing the working day, you definitely need to cheer yourself up, and when you get home, you can’t immediately get to work. Several times a week you can treat yourself by ordering dinner over the phone. Once you learn to relax in your free time, nervousness will subside and healthy, sound sleep will resume.

How to quickly relieve nervous tension?

The ideal solution in a stressful situation would be a long walk in the fresh air. These walks are especially effective when you take a good friend with you to talk and relax with. The forest is considered an ideal place for walking, but you can also get by with a walk in the park.

Thanks to walking, the body begins to send nerve impulses to the brain in an accelerated manner, which allows you to relieve irritability and improve your mood. The pace of walking should be as comfortable as possible so that the body relaxes rather than tenses. While walking, you should try to keep your back straight so that your gait is free and easy. You can also take a walk during your lunch breaks at work. Fifteen minutes is enough for such a walk.

You definitely need to forget about work problems during the walk and try to relax as much as possible. To achieve maximum effect, you can periodically change the pace of walking from slow to fast and vice versa. And ideally, you need to change the step width. You can walk like this for about ten minutes, and then continue your normal walk again. If it’s relatively close from work to home, then it’s better to cover this path on foot.

Laughter and smile

People who smile often are least susceptible to nervous tension, even if their smile is insincere and unfounded. The thing is that human facial muscles are quite complex; they send certain impulses to the brain during contractions, and at this time a chemical reaction occurs in the brain, after which a person’s mood improves.

The situation is similar with laughter, you need to try to overcome yourself and after some time the mood will rise. In order not to have to force yourself, you can read jokes or watch a funny comedy. Massage is a very effective remedy against stress and internal tension. It is best to seek help from a professional massage therapist, then the effect will be on your face.

Last but not least effective remedy for tension is pepper. In cases where there is no time for a walk or watching a movie, you can eat a piece of fresh pepper. Scientists say that pepper can dramatically increase the level of endorphins in the human body. The most important thing is to surround yourself with positive and bright people, then you won’t be afraid of any stress!

Exercise stress

To quickly relieve nervous tension, you can go to the gym. It has been proven that after intense physical activity, the neurotransmitter endorphin, the hormone of happiness, is released into the blood.

Therefore, after training, your mood improves and nervous tension goes away.

If you need to “blow off some steam,” you can work with a punching bag; any gym has one.

Hot bath and contrast shower

But how to relieve nervous tension at home if you need to get yourself in order as soon as possible? A contrast shower is ideal for this.

It is worth noting that endorphins are released not only after physical activity, but also in various extreme situations that the body perceives as threatening to its functioning.

The cooling that occurs during the process of taking a contrast shower triggers similar processes in the body, which is why it is used to quickly relieve tension.

After work, nervous tension can be relieved with a hot bath. It is recommended to add various oils and herbal infusions to it. You can also create a relaxing atmosphere by eliminating electric lights and replacing them with candles. In addition to everything, you can resort to aromatherapy and a relaxing massage (after taking a bath).

Nervous tension often “accumulates” in the lower part of the face. When we experience severe stress, all muscles contract, and the jaw muscles especially, because our emotions are reflected on the face. A massage will help you relax. Place 4 fingers of each hand on the lower jaw and make small circular movements clockwise for 2-3 minutes. Move from the center to the ears. Want to enhance the effect? Massage your temples and the area above your eyebrows.

Chew gum

Scientists have found that it perfectly calms the nerves. It turns out that while chewing, the level of cortisol, the stress hormone, decreases. Studies have shown that people who chew gum during stressful situations cope more effectively with difficulties. And their anxiety level decreases by an average of 15%.

Think about... the bad

If you are an anxious person and tend to panic even because of nonsense, try to deal with excessive anxiety using the method Dale Carnegie.

Calmly analyze the situation, imagining the worst case scenario that could happen.

Mentally prepare yourself to accept this option. For example, if you are afraid of being fired from your job, imagine that this has already happened. You will understand that life does not end. Once you accept a bad scenario, you will immediately relax.

Freed from panic, calmly think about how to change the situation. When fear goes away, a huge amount of energy is released that can be channeled in a positive direction.

Change your attitude towards bullies

In Japan, there is a tradition of throwing darts at portraits of superiors. The bosses are not offended - it’s better to throw them at the photographs than at them themselves. Subordinates must let off steam! If your boss makes you nervous, you can do the same (but it’s better not in the office - our bosses are not as tolerant as Japanese ones). Or imagine the leader in the image of... a child. You can even mentally dress him in children's clothes. Your anger will immediately disappear - is it possible to be offended by a child? He doesn't know what he's doing.

Program yourself for success

There are many ways to do this, and visualization is one of the most effective. Try to catch the moment between sleep and wakefulness - the state of drowsiness. Imagine yourself as a superhero who can’t handle any difficulties. Imagine how easily you can bypass all obstacles and troubles. The picture should be as bright as possible. To consolidate the result, repeat to yourself: “Everything is working out for me”, “I am safe”... The phrases can be anything - depending on what worries you: anger, fear, self-doubt. But they must be composed in the present tense and without the particle “not”.

Pamper yourself with pleasures

Make it a rule to do something pleasant for yourself: a glass of freshly squeezed juice in the morning, a walk in the forest, a new blouse... This will cheer you up. Pleasures should be every day and at least three.

Listen to music

Either funny or good old classics. Classical music normalizes blood pressure and heart rate, and restores the nervous system. It is known that music Vivaldi helps you concentrate Beethoven- cope with depression, Mozart- activate brain function. This is because classical music affects special areas of the brain that cannot always be “reached” even with medications.

Create an information vacuum

If you have the opportunity to go out of town for the weekend, this is a great option. A change of environment will help you switch: just you and nature, without external stimuli. But if this is not possible, you can still escape from the hustle and bustle. To do this, just turn off phones, computers and televisions on weekends. Stress is fueled by information overload, so you need your brain to be in a vacuum for a while. And, even if the respite is only a day or two, you will still feel relief.

Video: How to quickly relieve nervous stress at work and at home

Modern fast life leads to the fact that almost every person is in nervous tension, constant stress, vanity, polluted air, a large number of electromagnetic fields, unhealthy diet, alcohol abuse, smoking and other influences. Everything negatively affects the human nervous system. When a person does not pay attention to this, he will be constantly in such tension, his performance will begin to decrease, problems with sleep will arise, suicidal thoughts will appear, and a state of apathy will appear.

The consequence of nervous tension is a large number of diseases: disruptions in the hormonal system, viral infections, heart and vascular diseases. Nerves also affect a person’s appearance: the skin may lose its healthy appearance, hair will begin to fall out in large quantities due to stress, and bags will appear under the eyes.

Symptoms of nervous tension

1. A person becomes passive and loses a large amount of vital energy.

2. Awkwardness and stiffness appear.

3. Insomnia is a concern.

4. Overexcitation, irritation.

5. People with nervous tension do not contact others.

If you get rid of this problem in time, you can forget what apathy and a state of anxiety are. They say that women most often suffer from nervous tension, but this is not true, men also have this problem, but it is not so noticeable for them. A woman can express her emotions, but a man cannot.

Ways to relieve nervous tension

First, you need to write down on a blank sheet of paper what you need to get rid of, what worries you most, then figure out how you can solve this problem.

Remember, there is never a hopeless situation, you can always find an alternative solution. Also live by this motto: “everything that is not done is for the better.”

Nervous tension appears when a person is very tired. Therefore, you need to clearly draw up a plan for your actions. Pay attention to the important things first, do them, then to those that can be rescheduled. You can’t put everything on your shoulders; trust your colleagues and loved ones, this way you will ensure peace of mind.

Relaxation from nervous tension

Visualization method for nervous tension. Imagine what you want from life, where you want to be, what you dream of doing. This way you can relax, but you need to breathe evenly and calmly.

Video: How to quickly relieve nervous tension

Always plan what you will do on Saturday, Sunday, relax, have fun, go somewhere, have dinner at a restaurant, etc.

After work, learn to relax, constantly cheer yourself up. You don’t need to grab everything at once, pay attention to your family. After rest, you can notice how a person immediately gets rid of nervous tension.

Walking is an effective remedy for nervous tension

You can’t immediately use sedatives; it’s best to think about what kind of lifestyle you lead. Perhaps you have to sit in the office at the computer for a long time, so you need to move and walk as much as possible. By walking in the fresh air, you can speed up nerve impulses, they will be reflected in the brain, so your mood will rise, increased nervousness and irritation will pass.

Video: How to calm your nerves, relax, calm down, relieve stress and nervous tension. Relaxation.

It is important to walk with a straight posture, pull in your stomach, and have a light gait. You can walk quickly at first, then slow down. Give up transport, replace it with walking. It is especially useful to walk in the fresh air before bed.

Positivity will help you get rid of nervous tension

Smile as often as possible; if you are in a bad mood, you need to smile immediately. It has been proven that using the facial muscles you can send a positive impulse to the brain area.

Get a massage, use pleasant essential oils, turn on your favorite music, forget about your worries and problems. You can raise the level of the joy hormone with the help of ginger, pepper, cinnamon, add spices to food and drinks.

Look at all problems from the positive side, let go of everything bad, do not hold resentment or anger, you must constantly follow all moral rules and live by them.

Effective methods for relieving nervous tension

Pay attention to physical activity - run, train, swim, do fitness, yoga. Don’t forget to do special breathing exercises and dance. With the help of training, you can get rid of not only muscle tightness, but also nervous tension.

Treatments such as a sauna, massage will help you relax, it is recommended to take a contrast shower, and relax to good music. Remember that medications to calm the nerves, alcoholic drinks, tobacco, only help to eliminate the problem for a while, the main thing is to solve it internally, more deeply. It is necessary to solve the problem at a psychological level, to constantly get rid of the feeling of constriction.

Relieving stress at work

When you notice that you can no longer control yourself, you need to put everything aside, close your eyes and imagine something good. You should concentrate all your thoughts on the problem, get rid of it, this will make it much easier for you.

Change your body position, you need to change seats, stand up, walk around, and warm up a little. Enjoy the silence, you need to find time to rest from all the problems that surround you.

Relieve nervous tension with herbs

1. Valerian will help reduce overexcitation of the nervous system.

Video: Handel's healing music. Relieves NERVOUS TENSION!Therapeutic music Eliminates surge nervous syst

2. If your blood pressure rises due to nerves or your heart hurts, you need to drink motherwort.

3. With the help of passionflower, you can not only calm down, but also get rid of anxiety.

4. Peony will help improve your sleep.

5. Hops effectively calms the central nervous system.

6. Hawthorn, due to the fact that it renews blood circulation, helps calm the nervous system.

Thus, nervous tension is a serious problem that must be addressed. It is because of it that a large number of diseases develop; in the future, everything can end in a heart attack, stroke, or depression.

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Hello, friends.

The life of a modern person is inherently associated with stress. Constant nervous tension accumulates over many months and years, undermines our health and weakens the body's immune strength.

Chronic diseases appear that are difficult to treat and further deplete the nervous system. The vicious circle “stress-illness-stress” reduces the quality of life and causes premature aging, both physical and emotional.


Acupressure of reflex points quickly causes a calming effect due to the fact that it stimulates the production of calming hormones. If you feel like you’re “boiling” inside, massage the point in the middle of your chin on the inside - 9 times clockwise and 9 times counterclockwise. You will immediately feel relaxed and calm. Kneading the middle finger of both hands for 1-2 minutes has the same effect.


Lastly, smile and laugh more often. Surprisingly, the work of facial muscles has a beneficial effect on blood flow in the vessels of the brain and promotes the synthesis of endorphins (hormones of happiness). Communicate more with people you like, joke, watch comedies, smile at others and receive a grateful smile in return.

Unfortunately, for people with a weakened nervous system, quick methods of dealing with stress may not be effective. We will talk about how to strengthen the psyche and achieve a positive result in the next article entitled:.

To calm down and forget about your problems, I suggest you listen to wonderful relaxation music.

Any overwork, whether physical or psychological, can negatively affect the state of the nervous system.

When a person pays little attention to his general condition, they are often not taken into account, which, as a rule, do not pass without a trace for the body, and even more so for the nervous system.

A condition such as nervous overstrain is quite dangerous for a person, so you need to pay attention in time to the factors that lead to moral and emotional failure.

It is human nature to feel different emotions, but if joyful ones bring only good things into a person’s life, then bad emotions, frustrations, worries accumulate and lead to overstrain of the nervous system.

Also, poor sleep, poor nutrition, illness have an impact; all these negative factors lead to a person feeling tired, exhausted, and any minor detail can throw him off balance.

When a person is in this state for a long time and nothing is done, everything ends.

Risk factors and causes

If we talk about the risk group, then we can say with complete confidence that every person who is not particularly attentive to their emotional, physical and mental state falls under it.

So, at first glance, a normal daily routine may include physical activity, anxiety, poor nutrition and lack of healthy sleep, and overwork. It is not necessary that these factors be cumulative; one regular factor is enough for the nervous system to react in a negative way.

The risk group includes those people who have a lack of vitamins in their bodies or diseases that are associated with the functions of the thyroid gland.

Also, the causes of moral and emotional stress are movement disorders, schizophrenia and genetic predisposition.

People who use alcohol and drugs are also at risk, since these substances have...

All this is the reason for the development of nervous tension, and it is necessary to prevent complications and treat disorders, which depend on the condition and duration of the stressful state.

First signs of a problem

If we talk about the first signs that are worth paying attention to, first of all, this is the general condition of the body, and if nervous tension increases, then the following symptoms will be observed:

  • sleepy state;
  • irritability;
  • lethargy;
  • depression.

Perhaps a person, especially one with a strong character, does not show such emotions, but sooner or later such a state can reach the point when the manifestation of emotions is expressed in a more dramatic form. An inhibited reaction may be observed, often the actions themselves manifest themselves in a calmer form.

But the opposite state is also possible, when a person is extremely excited. This is expressed in behavior when activity is not justified, a lot of talking can be observed, especially if this is not typical for a person.

This state is completely unusual for a person and nervous tension in the head leads to the fact that a person does not perceive reality and loses a real assessment. He may underestimate the situation or overestimate his capabilities; often in this state people make mistakes that are absolutely not typical of them.

Nervous breakdown as an extreme point

When a person is in constant overstrain, there is no other option than. When the nervous system is overstrained, insomnia occurs, and when a person does not have adequate rest and sleep, this leads to even greater fatigue.

If the first symptoms indicate a mild form of overstrain, then a pronounced emotional state is observed here. As fatigue and irritability increase, a person is able to lash out at others.

This can manifest itself in aggression or hysterics, so it is important to protect yourself from such nervous breakdowns.

All symptoms: external and internal manifestations

If we talk about the symptoms of nervous tension, then they should be divided into two groups, the first includes external ones, the second internal ones.

External manifestations:

  • constant state of fatigue;
  • lethargic, broken state;
  • irritability.

In some cases, irritability may not manifest itself much, but usually it makes itself felt sooner or later. These symptoms are the initial stage of the development of nervous overstrain, then internal symptoms begin to appear.


  • states in which lethargy and indifference predominate, some lethargy, while the person experiences anxiety, this state is depressive in nature;
  • states of increased activity, agitation, obsession.

This stage is quite dangerous for humans and measures should be taken immediately, since the next stage of development can influence and affect other systems of the body.

As symptoms develop and worsen, the following are observed:

It is very important in the development process not to miss the moment when you can get by with fairly simple treatment, but if you do not pay attention to this condition, serious pathologies can develop. In addition, nervous tension can reach the point where treatment involves psychotropic drugs.

Why are our children at risk?

No matter how strange it may sound, in most cases the parents themselves are to blame for the nervous overstrain of children. This is not due to the fact that the parent has malicious intent and deliberately brings the child to such a state. Often the parent has no idea what is happening. This condition may arise due to educational processes.

It can also arise from school workloads and extra classes. You need to be very attentive to the emotional state of the child. If necessary, consider in more detail the child’s psychology, which is important for him at this age.

What significant moments can cause emotional discomfort, not allow and not bring the situation to such a state when the child closes in on himself.

Help yourself!

You can relieve nervous tension and quickly pull yourself together in a stressful situation at home without the help of doctors. In order to help yourself, you can use some recommendations:

  1. Necessarily allow the nervous system to relax.
  2. Take it seriously correct alternation and balance between work and rest.
  3. An ideal environment for the nervous system when a person located in a calm and friendly environment. This is sometimes difficult to adhere to due to the fact that it is not always possible to choose a work environment, but a friendly state at home can and should be ensured.
  4. Any exercise and sports have a beneficial effect not only on overall health, but also on the nervous system.
  5. When your emotional state requires help, you need to consult a doctor for the right recommendations.

It is impossible to avoid all situations in life that can bring negative impacts. But it is possible to help the nervous system, get rest, relaxation and relaxation. Pay more attention to proper sleep.

You should not drink coffee before bed, smoke or drink alcohol - this will help avoid problems with insomnia. Walking in the fresh air before bed will also help. Proper sleep means following a routine; you need to go to bed and get up at the same time.

If there are problems of a family nature, or at work, perhaps difficult relationships with colleagues, you should solve them as quickly as possible, but always in a calm and quiet environment.

When a person is surrounded by unresolved problems, it is impossible to relieve tension in the head, which sooner or later will lead to a nervous breakdown. When situations cannot be resolved on your own, you need to contact a psychologist who will find the right method and give advice.

Difficult situations in the family are dangerous not only for adults, but also for children, since they perceive everything psychologically very difficult.

Physical activity has a very good effect on the nervous system. Exercising will help you forget about troubles; in addition, during exercise, the hormone of joy - endorphin - is produced. Also, a little fatigue from sports will help you fall asleep faster, and there will be no problems with insomnia.

Don't forget about the beneficial effects of playing sports. It can be completely different physical exercises - fitness, swimming, exercise equipment, cycling. It is worth paying attention to yoga, as it allows you to increase stress resistance and establish protection for situations that can cause nervous tension.

Such activities will help you relax, normalize your general condition, strengthen your sleep and put your emotional state in order. Breathing exercises also have a beneficial effect on the nervous state.

You can engage in dancing and creativity, which will also have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Don’t forget about relaxation, massage, swimming pool, gymnastics, all this can relieve emotional and physical stress. Calm music, meditation, and sounds of nature will calm the nervous system.


Folk remedies that are good for stress and nervous tension:

To prepare such teas, you can use the same herbs that are included in medications.

If you need help right now

You can relieve stress and nervous tension right now with the help of our video tips and relaxation videos:

Music for treating nerves:

Chinese music to calm the body and spirit:

When medical attention is needed

You should consult a doctor immediately if symptoms of nervous tension appear and become more severe. Treatment does not necessarily include medications. It may be accompanied by recommendations and advice.

Treatment is always selected individually and depends on the duration and severity of symptoms. Every factor that can influence both recovery and possible complications is taken into account.

Sometimes a change of environment, climate, or health improvement in health resorts is enough to put the nervous system in order and avoid complications.

The main goal of any treatment will be prevention. They resort to psychotherapy, which allows them to correct and build resistance to situations that provoke internal tension.

They are prescribed to help calm the nervous system and increase stress resistance. Such drugs include Valerian and Motherwort; unlike, these drugs do not cause a drowsy state.

All of them help relieve nervous tension and stress, and improve sleep. Also, these drugs are produced in the form of dragees; they have the same effect and are used depending on individual preferences.

Also, there is a biologically active complex that allows you to relieve nerve damage and restore normal functioning of the nervous system Nero-Vit. The main effect of the drug is sedative and anxiolytic; it contains motherwort and lemon balm, valerian and other medicinal plants.

Very often, vitamin complexes are used in treatment, which allows you to quickly restore the nervous system and get rid of nervous tension. Such vitamin complexes include Apitonus P.