Dioxidin is a “heavy” drug that is often prescribed to children. Is it worth the risk or is it better to look for an alternative.... Dioxidin for a runny nose - how to take, side effects, reviews

Many people have experienced sinusitis at least once in their lives. Pathology often occurs as a complication after suffering from the flu or cold. The disease is difficult to treat, so it is important to choose effective remedy, capable of eliminating pathological process V maxillary sinuses ah na initial stage. So an effective drug is Dioxidine.

What is Dioxidin: composition and release forms

The drug Dioxidin is available in two dosage forms:

  • solution;
  • ointment.

Main active substance The agent is hydroxymethylquinoxaline dioxide. An additional component of the solution is water for infusion. The ointment is used to treat severe burns and other integrity disorders skin. In addition to the main substance, it contains:

  • nipagin;
  • polyethylene oxide;
  • parahydroxybenzoic acid.

To treat sinusitis, a solution is used, since the ointment in in this case will be ineffective and inconvenient to use.

The solution affects pathogenic microflora, and after the first use the patient’s condition improves. Dioxidin has a pronounced antibacterial effect, which determines its effectiveness.

When sinusitis occurs inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses, often caused by bacteria. In this case, symptoms occur in the form of headache, purulent nasal discharge and swelling. Getting into the cavity, the solution destroys the infectious agent and allows you to quickly eliminate unpleasant manifestations. The main substance is a derivative of quinoxaline, which has a wide spectrum of antibacterial activity.

Side effects and contraindications of Dioxidin

When using the solution, the following side effects may occur:

  • headache;
  • fever;
  • chills;
  • slight fever;
  • epigastric pain;
  • convulsions;
  • nausea;
  • digestive disorders;
  • allergy;
  • increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.

Dioxidin is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, as it has the ability to be absorbed into the blood and has a negative effect on the development of the fetus, and is also released from breast milk. In addition, it is not recommended to treat children and adolescents under 18 years of age with the drug.

Additional contraindications for use:

  • insufficiency of adrenal glands;
  • individual intolerance to quinoxaline derivatives;
  • kidney diseases.

How to use the solution correctly: nasal rinsing, inhalation

Dioxidin is used for inhalation or as a sinus rinse. In this case, the medicine can be diluted with water for infusion or saline solution. The proportions depend on the concentration of the substance: a 1% solution must be diluted 1:2, and a 2% solution - 1:4.

For rinsing, you should take a pipette or a small enema. It is necessary to instill or slowly pour the resulting solution into each nasal passage of at least 50 ml. In this case, you need to tilt your head to the side. Pouring the solution into one nostril, release it through the other and vice versa. This should be done once a day. Preferably before bed.

For inhalation, you also need to prepare the medicine in the required proportion. It is better to use the drug at a concentration of 1%.

Next, you should dilute Dioxidin with physiological solution 1:3 and carry out the procedure for 3 minutes, 2 times a day for 3 days. It is most convenient to use a nebulizer, but a regular inhaler will also work.

What drugs can replace Dioxidin

The drug Dioxidin has no analogues, but there are some drugs that are similar in action and can be used to replace it.

Analogues of the product - table

Name Release form Active substance Indications Contraindications Age restrictions average price
  • wounds;
  • bedsores;
  • sinusitis;
  • otitis.
  • allergy;
  • individual intolerance;
  • decreased blood clotting.
up to 5 years53 rub.
Polydexasprayneomycin sulfate
  • rhinitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • sinusitis.
  • glaucoma;
  • kidney diseases;
  • increased sensitivity;
  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding.
up to 2.5 years355 rub.
Sinufortesolutionfresh cyclamen tuber extract
  • otitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • chronic rhinitis;
  • sinusitis.
  • polyps and cysts in the sinuses;
  • allergic reaction;
  • high blood pressure;
  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding.
up to 5 years2169 rub.

Runny nose, stuffy nose - unpleasant symptoms colds, making breathing difficult and causing discomfort both day and night. If you do not treat a common runny nose, over time it can develop into a runny nose, which is much more difficult to cure. To treat any inflammatory processes in the human body, antibacterial drugs are used that suppress or destroy harmful microorganisms, delay their reproduction, thereby helping the body protect itself from pathogenic bacteria.

Almost all antibiotics have both antibacterial and bactericidal effects. The antibacterial effect is the ability to stop the proliferation of bacteria and promote their destruction, and bactericidal effect– this is the drug’s ability to provoke the death of bacteria by damaging the cell membrane and penetrating the cells of microorganisms. One of the reliable and proven means for instillation into the nose is Dioxidin in ampoules.

One of the effective antibacterial drugs wide range action is Dioxidin - a domestically produced antiseptic based on quinoxaline. He provides active action on types of bacteria that are resistant to other chemicals and antibiotics.

Dioxidin is successfully used both intravenously and externally and for intracavitary administration in the treatment of purulent-inflammatory processes in the thoracic and abdominal cavities.

The drug is not a patented remedy for the common cold and you will never find instructions for using Dioxidin nasal drops. But still ENT doctors often use this remedy in their practice..

The effect of the drug differs from the action of conventional vasoconstrictor drops and sprays - it does not irritate the nasal mucosa and is not addictive when used for less than 3 weeks.

As a very powerful antiseptic, Dioxidin penetrates the sinuses and helps destroy bacteria (including pyogenic bacteria) that provoke the growth of infection and the development of sinusitis.

Indications for use

Effective in the treatment of purulent inflammation of the lungs, pleurisy, pleural empyema, biliary or Bladder and canals, peritonitis and other diseases caused by staphylococci, streptococci, salmonella, dysentery and Pseudomonas aeruginosa and some other strains of bacteria.

The action of Dioxidin is no less effective in the treatment of diseases of the ear, nose and throat. As a very strong antiseptic, the drug actively disinfects hard-to-reach sinuses and nasopharynx, kills pathogenic bacteria in the bronchi.

However, many doctors advise resort to treatment with Dioxidin only in extreme cases:

  • in case of prolonged form of sinusitis with purulent discharge and no response to other antibiotics, wash them;
  • if it is impossible to use alternative antibiotics;
  • before surgery to disinfect the sinuses.

Although Dioxidin can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription, you should still consult a specialist before using it.

How to dilute Dioxidin

The medicine is sold in pharmacies in the form of injection ampoules 0.5% or 1% solution, 5 or 10 ml. For instillation into the nose, use a 0.5% solution in pure form, and the 1% solution is diluted boiled water(or saline) 1:1.

At severe sinusitis it is advisable to use complex drops , which also include Adrenaline. It is best to order them at a pharmacy, but you can also prepare them at home, observing the proportions.

The shelf life of Dioxidin solution is 2 years.

Sometimes a crystalline precipitate can be seen in the ampoules. This does not mean that the drug is not suitable. The ampoule needs to be warmed up in your hands or in a water bath, and if after cooling the sediment does not appear again, you can use the product.

How to drip Dioxidin into the nose of adults

To treat rhinitis or sinusitis in adults, Dioxidin solution is used, which has proven itself not only as a powerful and effective means of combating the disease, but also as reliable protection against relapse. Typically, ampoules of Dioxidin 1 percent are used for these purposes. The course of treatment, depending on the severity of the disease, is from 3 to 7 days.

To drip the drug into the nose, you need to open the ampoule and use a pipette to inject the medicine deep into each nasal passage 2-3 drops each. It is recommended to repeat the procedure 3 times a day. The neck of the ampoule should be closed with a cotton swab and placed in the refrigerator, and before next application warm in your hands.

For instillation into the nose, prepare a pipette

The opened ampoule should be stored no more than a day. Unused medicine should be thrown away. To achieve a greater effect, it is recommended to rinse the sinuses with a weak saline solution before instillation.


The drug Dioxidin is a rather aggressive antiseptic and therefore there are a number of contraindications to its use:

  1. Individual intolerance to the drug. Before using Dioxidin, you should check your body for tolerance to the drug. An allergic reaction occurs after 3-6 hours.
  2. Pregnancy and lactation period. It is prohibited to use the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as its teratogenic and toxic effects have been identified. Dioxidin penetrates the placenta and into mother's milk and can cause fetal mutations and DNA changes in the nursing infant.
  3. Children under 12 years old The use of the product is strictly not recommended. There is an opinion among doctors that Dioxidin in large doses can change the structure of a child’s DNA. Therefore, it is used to treat children only in cases where the risk justifies the effect of the drug, and other antibiotics do not help (chronic purulent sinusitis). Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a physician and with strict adherence to doses and recommendations.
  4. Adrenal dysfunction, renal failure.

Side effects

Usually, a diluted solution is used to treat runny nose and sinusitis, which is well tolerated by patients, but sometimes adverse reactions body, which are expressed as:

  • temperature increase;
  • various allergic manifestations;
  • severe dizziness, headache;
  • chills;
  • intestinal pain, diarrhea, nausea.

Attention! If any signs are detected and the general condition worsens, the use of the drug should be stopped and the sorbent taken.

Dioxidin is used in the treatment of ENT diseases of a bacterial nature in children. Antibacterial properties medicines provide quick healing effect. Dioxidin copes with pathogenic bacteria that are resistant to other antimicrobial drugs. However, it must be taken with caution, as it is very toxic in large doses.

Composition, release forms and principle of action of Dioxidin

Dioxidin is a drug from the group of synthetic antibiotics with pronounced bactericidal characteristics. The active substance of the drug is hydroxymethylquinoxaline dioxide (quinoxaline derivative). During treatment, the membrane cells of bacteria are destroyed. However, some pathogens are resistant to antiseptics, so its use may be useless. To establish the resistance of microorganisms to a substance, it is necessary to undergo a culture test.

When treating ENT diseases in a child with Dioxidine, parents should remember that the medicine can damage mucous tissues. Children should not wash or wipe their nose with Dioxidin solution.

The antibacterial drug is produced in several dosage forms:

  1. Solution in transparent ampoules with concentration active substance hydroxymethylquinoxaline dioxide 1%. The standard packaging of the drug contains 10 ampoules of 10 ml each. The solution is used topically.
  2. Dioxidin solution with a concentration of 0.5%. The release form is similar to the 1% drug. Ampoules of 10 ml and 20 ml are available for sale. Unlike the one percent drug, it can be used intravenously.
  3. Ointment in tubes of 30 and 50 grams. The concentration of hydroxymethylquinoxaline dioxide in the ointment is 5%. As additional components, the ointment contains polyethylene oxides, paraoxybenzoic acid ester, and nipagin. The drug can only be used externally.

Indications for use for children

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According to the instructions, Dioxidin should not be used to treat children under 12 years of age. This is due to the strong antibacterial and toxic properties drug. However, in some cases, in severe forms of the disease, doctors prescribe the drug to children. Dioxidine successfully treats acute inflammatory processes that progress to purulent phase, which weaker antibiotics cannot cope with.

The drug is used as part of complex therapy for:

  • rhinitis accompanied by immunodeficiency;
  • sinusitis, sinusitis;
  • bacterial inflammation with the formation of purulent discharge;
  • chronic ENT diseases, which result from long-term use of antibiotics;
  • peritonitis;
  • sepsis;
  • cystitis;
  • deep purulent wounds Oh.

Treatment with Dioxidin is possible only in a hospital setting. The procedures are carried out by qualified medical personnel. For several hours after them, the patient should not be left without medical supervision, as there is a high probability of side effects.

Dosages and treatment regimens

In order not to harm the baby’s body during Dioxidin therapy, the pediatrician draws up individual scheme treatment and selects a gentle dosage. This takes into account the total clinical picture diseases. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction.

Drug therapy is complemented by other drugs that enhance the therapeutic effect of Dioxidin:

  • Hydrocortisone. Relieves swelling of mucous membranes and restores breathing through the nose.
  • Adrenaline. Used as a vasoconstrictor.
  • Saline solution. Used for irrigation of nasal mucous membranes.

From otitis media

When a pediatrician prescribes Dioxidin for the treatment of otitis in a child, parents need to clarify the reasons for this decision and the possibility of replacing the medicine with a more gentle analogue. The use of the drug as part of medical therapy in children can lead to serious consequences.

When there is purulent inflammation in the baby’s ear, weak antibacterial drugs often do not provide the necessary therapeutic effect. The use of Dioxidin in this case is necessary.

Self-medication with Dioxidin is prohibited - the drug is used only in a hospital by an ENT specialist

Treatment of inflammation of the middle ear with this drug is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. The ear canal is cleaned of accumulation of wax, dirt and pus. To do this, use a cotton swab or turunda, previously soaked in a three percent solution of hydrogen peroxide. It is inserted into the ear and left for 5-6 minutes.
  2. The turunda is taken out and wiped inner part auricle a small piece of sterile cotton wool.
  3. Tilt the child's head to the side and instill a solution of the drug into the ear. Its concentration is determined by the attending physician.

Before the procedure, you need to check how the baby’s body will react to the medication. To do this, place 1-2 drops in the child’s ear and observe the reaction for 5-6 hours.

For a runny nose

Dioxidin for runny nose in children is used only on the recommendation of the attending physician for inflammation with purulent discharge. The specialist determines the dosage and number of procedures. Therapeutic therapy for a runny nose is carried out as follows:

  • Before instillation, the nose is thoroughly cleaned cotton swab, soaked in saline solution (we recommend reading:). It is necessary to remove crusts and mucus from the nose.
  • An ampoule of the drug 0.5% or 1% is opened with a special nail file. Opened medication must be used within 24 hours.
  • The drug is diluted to the required volume, put into a pipette and dripped into the child’s nose, 2 drops in each nostril. The concentration of Dioxidin solution for infants should not exceed 0.1%, and for preschoolers - 0.5%.
  • In order for the active substance to reach the site of inflammation, the baby needs to throw back his head.

At purulent discharge from the nose, it is possible to use Dioxidin solution as nasal drops

As inhalations

Inhalations using Dioxidin are carried out at home, but with strict adherence to the instructions. During the procedure, it is important to follow the prescribed dosage of the solution and avoid getting it into the baby’s throat. Inhalations in a nebulizer relieve a runny nose and pus on the throat mucosa. To achieve a therapeutic effect, you must adhere to the following scheme:

  • The ampoule of 1% Dioxidin is opened and the contents are diluted with a solution of Sodium chloride in a ratio of 1:4. For 0.5 percent saline ampoules you will need half as much. The diluted drug retains its properties for 12 hours.
  • 3-4 ml of solution is placed in the nebulizer and the procedure begins. The attending physician determines its duration taking into account the severity of the child’s illness. Maximum time inhalation - 3 minutes.
  • Inhalations in a nebulizer for the treatment of a runny nose can be used no more than 2 times a day.

Inhaling drug vapors in a nebulizer is dangerous for children, since Dioxidin is very toxic. You can resort to this method of treatment only if other antimicrobial agents do not help.

The most popular way to use Dioxidin is as a solution for inhalation, but for children it is better to choose a more gentle product

Side effects and contraindications

Dioxidin – antimicrobial drug, which is used as a backup. Its use for the treatment of children is justified only by extreme necessity. Treatment should be stopped if side effects occur:

  • headaches;
  • muscle cramps;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • high temperature;
  • allergic reactions;
  • nausea;
  • severe vomiting;
  • unstable bowel movements;
  • cramps in the tummy;
  • dyspeptic symptoms;
  • damage to adrenal cortex tissue;
  • photosensitizing effect.

To reduce the risk of side symptoms, curative therapy complement antihistamines, as well as medications with calcium. If pigment spots appear on the skin after taking Dioxidin, reduce the dose of the drug.

The drug has high chemical activity. It is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy at any stage, as well as during breastfeeding. Among the contraindications in the instructions is children under 12 years of age. The drug should not be taken by patients with renal failure, as well as high sensitivity to its components.

Advantages and disadvantages of the product

The main advantage of Dioxidin is its high effectiveness in the treatment of inflammation caused by strains of pathogenic bacteria. Therapy using this antimicrobial drug at purulent inflammations gives good results when treatment with other antimicrobial agents has proven futile. At trophic ulcers ah, serious burns, fractures with suppuration, the therapeutic effect of the drug is noticeable after several uses.

The main disadvantage of hydroxymethylquinoxaline dioxide is its toxicity. To avoid the appearance negative effects, it is recommended to do a trial test before starting therapy. Side effects appear within 5-6 hours. If no deterioration is observed during this time, treatment can begin.

Price and analogues

Due to the fact that there are no other additives in the Dioxidin solution besides the active substance hydroxymethylquinoxaline dioxide, the medicine is very effective and has no exact analogues. In the treatment of otitis media, purulent rhinitis, trophic ulcers, burn infections, other drugs with high chemotherapeutic activity are used. A good antimicrobial effect is observed when using:

  1. Urotravenol;
  2. Diquinoxide;
  3. Imibacta;
  4. Dioxysepta;
  5. Galenophyllipta;
  6. Hexamethylenetetramine;
  7. Viumksidina.

Dioxidin is one of the most inexpensive antibacterial agents among similar drugs. The average price for a package of ampoules is 250-260 rubles.

Frequent and sometimes unfounded prescription of antibiotics has created many strains of microbes resistant to them. Updating half-forgotten antiseptics such as Dioxidin for a runny nose gives a chance to cure rhinitis and sinusitis that are resistant to antibiotic therapy. A product of Soviet pharmacology, Dioxidin in the nose of an adult is used if other treatment regimens have failed.

In contact with

Is it possible to put drops into the nose of an adult with a runny nose?

The effectiveness of using Dioxidin in the nose has been proven clinical studies. Nasal irrigation with Dioxidin gave positive result in 85% of adults with chronic rhinitis and sinusitis. Medicine answers the question whether Dioxidin can be dripped into the nose in the affirmative. However, Dioxidin is used in the nose when other therapeutic approaches have failed, in the absence of objective contraindications.

The use of the medicine is prohibited if:

  • increased individual sensitivity;
  • the patient's pregnancy or lactation;
  • pathology of the adrenal glands;
  • serious renal dysfunction.
Before using the drug, a sensitivity test of pathogenic microflora is performed. After sowing swabs from the nasal cavity on a nutrient medium, they are treated with solutions of different antiseptics and monitor the survival of the colonies. Such a test is necessary to develop an optimal treatment plan.

Instructions for use

If the doctors choice fell on the nose, it is necessary to observe the dosage, dilution proportions, and method of use of a potent, toxic drug.


According to official instructions Dioxidin is indicated externally for adults in the following cases:

  • tamponing, irrigation of deep wounds - burns, trophic, osteomyelitis;
  • treatment of shallow wounds with pyogenic infection by applying a napkin moistened with an antiseptic of 1-0.1% concentration;
  • prevention of complications after surgical interventions.

Research by doctors from the St. Petersburg State medical university them. Academician Pavlov, St. Petersburg Research Institute of Ear, Throat, Nose and Speech significantly expanded the scope of therapeutic use of the antibacterial drug. Successful clinical experience gave reasons for using Dioxidin in the nose according to the instructions, if available:

  • allergy to known antibiotics;
  • spicy , ;
  • inflammation of the nasal septum;
  • bacterial contamination of the pharynx, trachea and tonsils with subsequent inflammatory reaction;
  • without damaging the membrane.
Dioxidin should be used in the nose according to the instructions after a doctor’s prescription, having strong indications for such powerful antibacterial therapy.

How to use?

Regarding how to use Dioxidin in the nose of an adult, there are several options:

  • classic instillation;
  • washing;
  • Irrigation of the nasal cavity with a spray.

Before dripping Dioxidin into the nose, blow your nose and clean your nostrils of crusts and dirt with a damp cotton swab. Pipette the solution of the required concentration. Dioxidin is dripped into the nose of an adult, slightly tilting his head to the side, adding two or three drops to each nostril.

Irrigation is used to uniformly cover the nasal cavity with an antiseptic. Pour the solution into a bottle with a spray nozzle. Place the nozzle into the nostril and treat the nasal mucosa in 1-2 injections.

After use, the open ampoule is sealed with a band-aid and stored in the refrigerator for a day. Cold causes the active substance to crystallize. To remove sediment, warm the ampoule between your palms or warm water. The optimal temperature of the drops corresponds to 36-37 0 C.


Dioxidin is instilled into the nose of an adult, taking into account the dosage. Adults are allowed to instill a prepared 0.5% antiseptic solution from an ampoule into the nose. Use the medicine according to the following scheme:

  • single dose – 2-3 drops/injection per nostril;
  • drip from 3 to 5 times per day;
  • course of treatment is from 7 to 10 days.

Maximum daily dose for external use, according to the official instructions, it is equal to 2.5 g of the active substance.

Home washes and proportions

At chronic rhinitis or sinusitis 0.1% is used to rinse the nose. Professional washing will be done by a doctor using special equipment. At home, rinsing the nose with Dioxidin can be conveniently done using a device from the drug.

Instructions for rinsing your nose at home

How to rinse your nose with Dioxidin:

  1. Pour an antiseptic solution into the device at a temperature of 36-37 0 C.
  2. Bend over the sink at a right angle.
  3. Inhale deeply, hold your breath with your mouth slightly open.
  4. Place the rinsing nozzle on your nostril.
  5. Slowly squeezing the reservoir, administer the Dioxidine solution so that it flows into one nostril and flows out of the other.
  6. If the solution gets into your mouth, spit it out and do not swallow.
  7. After spending half the tank, without unclenching your fingers and closing your mouth, remove the nozzle from your nose.
  8. Blow your nose without changing your body position.
  9. Repeat on the other side.
  10. To remove the remaining Dioxidin solution, squeeze the empty container and apply it to the nostril. Hold the body at a right angle to the sink, take a deep breath, hold your breath, your mouth is closed, the other nostril is pinched with your fingers.
  11. Unclench your hand with the reservoir; it should straighten out and absorb excess medicine. The body can be straightened only at the end of washing.

The procedure is performed 1-2 times a day. After washing, do not go outside for an hour. Not possible if there is obstruction of the nasal passages, acute otitis media, grade 3 adenoids, vascular weakness, tumors of the nasal cavity of any nature.

How to prepare Dioxidin solution?

For therapeutic cleansing nasal passages you need 100 ml of a 0.1% solution of the drug. You can obtain the required proportion of Dioxidin for rinsing the nose by adding 90 ml of physiological 0.9% sodium chloride solution to an ampoule with 10 ml of 1% ready-made antiseptic. The solution is prepared immediately before the procedure and stored in the refrigerator for no more than 24 hours.

Review Reviews

Numerous reviews of the use of Dioxidin in the nose in adults indicate the high therapeutic potential of the drug. Otolaryngologists note that Dioxidin effectively fights microflora that is insensitive to other antibiotics. In this case, joint administration with other anti-inflammatory drugs is possible.

In otorhinolaryngological practice, the drug is used in exceptional cases.

Some patients report that when the nasal discharge is green and the use of more traditional antiseptics (for example, Miramistin) is ineffective, doctors prescribe Dioxidin instillation. The drops are bitter, but, as noted in the reviews, they help well.

Possible side effects

Exploring medicinal properties antiseptic, 8-10% of patients showed side effects from Dioxidin in the nose. People complained about:

  • dizziness, headaches;
  • itching, redness inside the nose, sneezing and tickling;
  • rash, peeling of the skin, especially when in the sun;
  • nausea, vomiting, stool upset;
  • uncontrolled contractions of the calf muscles.

If these signs are detected, treatment with an antiseptic is canceled and a course of symptomatic therapy is carried out.


Among Dioxidin analogues, it is worth noting the most popular nasal decongestants among doctors and patients:

  • – has a bottle with a sprayer that is convenient for irrigation. Contains two types of antibiotics, an anti-inflammatory component, vasoconstrictor. Prescribed for rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis;
  • Protargol is a solution of silver proteinate for local application for nasopharyngitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, adenoids;
  • – an emulsion in the form of a spray with an anesthetic, anti-inflammatory and aseptic effect. Consists of eucalyptus, camphor, levomenthol, chlorobutanol.
Dioxidin analogues cannot compare with it in power antibacterial action. At the same time, they are less toxic and are used in children.

The official instructions allow the use of Dioxidin from 18 years of age. However, in practice, the antiseptic is used to treat children for vital reasons. When prescribing a drug to a child, take into account the severity infectious process, general condition, microflora sensitivity, concomitant diseases. Antiseptic is dripped into children's noses and ears, washed out, and used for inhalation with a nebulizer.

Dioxidin is not the drug of choice for the treatment of otitis media. They resort to the help of a quinoxaline derivative when there is no other way to overcome bacterial inflammation there is no ear left. The indication is purulent otitis media without damage to the eardrum. Dioxidin is toxic, so the dosage, frequency of administration and duration of the treatment course are strictly adhered to.

Useful video

Look at your doctor's advice on how to properly treat acute rhinitis:


  1. Dioxidin should not be dripped into the nose for a common runny nose. Use the product only as prescribed by a doctor.
  2. A 0.5% solution is dripped nasally, 2-3 drops three times a day for a week or more. It is possible to rinse the nose with a 0.1% antiseptic solution.
  3. Treatment with an antibacterial drug is prescribed, taking into account its toxicity and risk side complications, contraindications.

Rhinitis in a child is a common occurrence, especially during the period when the baby begins to go to nursery preschool and actively communicate with peers. In addition to traditional vasoconstrictor drops, doctors often recommend using a drug such as dioxidin for a runny nose. Given medicine It is usually used in the treatment of purulent wounds, as well as in surgery as an antiseptic. But the ability to destroy a large number of bacteria and the lack of local toxic effect allows it to be used in the treatment of runny nose in children.

Medicinal properties of the drug

Dioxidin is a powerful antiseptic and antibacterial substance. The drug is a yellow-green powder similar to small crystals without any specific odor. The active ingredient is hydroxymethylquinoxaline dioxide. On pharmacy shelves it can be found in 10 ml ampoules and in the form of an ointment. When instilled into the nasal passages, an unpleasant bitter taste of the medicine may be felt in the mouth.

The drug effectively fights pathogenic microflora, disinfects the sinuses, which during the treatment of colds has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the patient. Correct Application dioxidine for a runny nose, strict adherence to the dosage and timing of treatment makes it possible to quickly get rid of this unpleasant symptom.

The powerful antiseptic effect of the drug is aimed at combating such microorganisms as:

  • pathogenic anaerobes;
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci, etc.

The active substance dioxidin has a destructive effect on the membranes of microorganism cells and prevents their further reproduction.

Indications for use

Being a fairly strong and aggressive drug, dioxidin for a runny nose is prescribed only when there are acute inflammation which are accompanied by a purulent process, for example, with sepsis, purulent pleurisy, inflammation of the peritoneum, cystitis, deep wounds etc., and also when others are softer antibacterial agents can't cope.

To treat a runny nose, dioxidin 0.5% concentration is used in the form of nasal drops. The attending physician should tell you when and how many drops to take. It is important to take into account that dioxidin in its pure form is extremely rarely instilled into the nose; most often it is prescribed in “company” with other drugs, such as:

  • hydrocortisone - to relieve swelling of the mucous membrane and prevent the development of allergic reactions;
  • adrenaline – as a vasoconstrictor;
  • water for injection and sodium chloride solution - to change the concentration and irrigate the nasal mucosa.

In parallel with dioxidine treatment, you need to use traditional methods combating a runny nose: warming up the sinuses and rinsing the nose from mucus with a weak saline solution. Children should use dioxidin for a runny nose with extreme caution and only after consulting a doctor.

In addition, doctors strongly recommend monitoring the condition and temperature of the air in the room in which the patient is located. The air should be clean, fresh, cool and sufficiently humidified. This is necessary in order to prevent additional irritation of the mucous membrane by dry air and drying of the mucus, which will significantly complicate its removal to the outside.

Duration of treatment

Before starting to use the drug, it is important to carefully read the instructions for its use, and it is best to further discuss with your doctor all the nuances of using dioxidin. The instructions for the drug indicate that with normal tolerance and absence side effects, it can be used for 4-5 weeks.

However, when treating colds, dioxidin should be used for a runny nose for a maximum of 7 days, as with other antibacterial medications. . During the day, it is necessary to carry out 3 to 5 instillations of 2-3 drops into one nostril. If after the specified period there is no noticeable improvement in the condition, you must immediately contact a qualified medical care and undergo additional examination.

Contraindications and age restrictions

Like anyone else medicinal product dioxidin has a number of contraindications and a list of possible side effects of its use. Dioxidin must be used very carefully to prevent an overdose of the drug.

The use of dioxidine for children with a runny nose is indicated only from the age of 12, but pediatricians often prescribe it one-year-old babies diluted in a ratio of 1:2

Dioxidine should be used to treat children as a last resort, when the exact cause of the runny nose is known and other remedies have proven powerless.

In all other cases, it is best to use safer means.

A contraindication to the use of the drug dioxidin is insufficient function of the kidneys and adrenal glands, because The elimination of the drug from their body is carried out precisely through these organs. Dioxidin is also contraindicated during breastfeeding and during the entire period of pregnancy, due to the fact that it has a toxic, teratogenic and mutagenic effect on the fetus.

Possible side effects

People who have increased susceptibility to the effects of chemicals should additionally consult a doctor and Special attention on the side effects of taking the drug. Remember that positive effect from treatment with dioxidine should be several times higher possible risks and consequences, which include:

  • digestive disorders;
  • convulsions;
  • headache;
  • chills;
  • rash, etc.

As a rule, these manifestations occur during the first use of the drug, if they are due to individual intolerance, and may appear after several doses due to an overdose. Naturally, at the first symptoms, the use of dioxidine solution should be stopped. If for any reason an overdose occurs, you must stop taking the drug and seek help from a medical facility.

It is advisable to conduct tests for susceptibility to the drug. If after 6 hours the side effects do not manifest themselves, you can begin the course of treatment. In this case, it is recommended that, simultaneously with treatment with dioxidine, antiallergic therapy and taking calcium-containing medications.

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When a runny nose occurs, many of us approach this problem differently. Some snot cannot be treated and they think it will go away on its own, while others, on the contrary, drip everything into the nose.

Such approaches to the treatment of runny nose are fraught with allergic reactions, the occurrence of prolonged inflammatory processes, drying of the nasal mucosa. In treatment, as in life, there should be moderation in everything. Therefore, it is better to determine the right medication in the otolaryngologist’s office. On pharmaceutical market There is a drug called dioxidin, which doctors use to treat complicated runny nose.

Important! Every patient should know that dioxidin is not used for the following types of runny nose:

  • allergic;
  • vasomotor;
  • medicinal;
  • viral;
  • atrophic and hypertrophic;
  • traumatic.

Effect of dioxidin and indications for use

  • purulent wounds of various locations;
  • burns with an infected wound surface;
  • phlegmon;
  • pleurisy of purulent origin;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • peritonitis;
  • other purulent processes.

Dioxidin is an antibacterial agent that destroys a wide range of pathogenic microflora. It also affects pyogenic microbes. Dioxidin often exhibits high efficiency in cases where other antibacterial agents have failed.

Therefore, the drug is prescribed only for pronounced purulent processes and severe forms of infection. Dioxidin successfully suppresses staphylococcus, anaerobes, Klebsiella, salmonella, streptococcal pathogens, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other infections.

Despite the absence of indications for the treatment of runny nose in the instructions for the drug, ENT departments successfully use dioxidin in their work. Now, let's take a closer look at how dioxidin is used in practice to treat a runny nose.

Instructions for the use of dioxidin for a runny nose

As a result of the accumulated experience in using dioxidine, we present to your attention detailed guide on the use of dioxidine for a prolonged runny nose.

What form of the drug can be used for nasal instillation?

At the pharmacy you can buy ampoules with 0.5 or 1% dioxidine solution. One ampoule contains 10 ml medicinal solution. For each instillation, the solution must be fresh; it is not recommended to store open ampoules, but in practice, an ampoule is more often used during the day (enough for three instillations: morning, afternoon and evening). The ampoule must be stored in the refrigerator, after covering the open neck with a cotton swab.

Important! Ampoules with a 0.5% solution do not need to be diluted before intranasal (through the nose) administration, but a 1% solution should be diluted in a 1:1 ratio with saline or distilled water.

How to use dioxidin correctly?

Usually the drug is used externally, intravenously or injected into the lesion cavity. For treatment persistent runny nose dioxidine is instilled into the nasal passages. When treating sinusitis, the drug is administered intracavitarily.

The ampoule with the solution is opened and the required dose of the drug is drawn into the pipette. The average dose for adults is 2-3 drops in each nostril three times a day; for children, 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day are enough. According to indications, the doctor prescribes required amount drug in each special case treatment of prolonged rhinitis or sinusitis.

For the best effect of the drug, pre-wash the nasal passages with saline solutions: Aquamaris, Quix, Marimer and others. Saline solution is easy to prepare at home: per glass boiled water room temperature, you need to take 3–5 grams of food or sea ​​salt. Stir the contents thoroughly so that the salt crystals all dissolve. Then inject about 1 ml of solution into each nostril.

After rinsing, blow your nose, and after 3-5 minutes, drip the dioxidine solution. The course of treatment with dioxidine depends on the severity of the infectious process, but does not exceed a week.

Dioxidin shows high effectiveness in purulent processes, and the symptoms of the disease usually disappear within 3-4 days after the start of the medication. The drug is so powerful that all pathogenic flora dies at lightning speed.

Is there any harm from using dioxidine?

Dioxidin exhibits toxic activity and cannot be used for a long time. It has contraindications in the following cases:

  • pregnancy (due to teratogenic effects on the fetus),
  • breastfeeding;
  • individual intolerance;
  • severe diseases of the kidneys and adrenal glands.

When using dioxidin, side effects may also appear, such as:

  • hyperthermia (increased body temperature);
  • allergy;
  • dark spots;
  • chills;
  • stool disorder;
  • headache;
  • convulsive muscle twitching;
  • dermatitis (in cases of using dioxidine externally).

Such side effects appear with intracavitary and intravenous administration drug. To relieve them, antihistamines (suprastin, erius, claritin, others) and calcium supplements are used. In case of severe intolerance, the drug is discontinued.

When administered intranasally, side effects, as a rule, do not develop. Only in the case of treatment of sinusitis, when intracavitary lavage of the sinuses is performed, unpleasant side symptoms may appear.

Is it possible to use dioxidin for a runny nose in a child?

Many parents are wary of prescribing dioxidine, and this is justified. The instructions clearly warn that the drug is intended for adults only. But, despite such instructions, otolaryngologists still use dioxidin in children in the treatment of various options runny nose

Due to the fact that there is completely no information in the instructions for the use of dioxidin in childhood, as well as its use for a runny nose, then parents should make a decision together with their doctor, weighing the pros and cons: to use the drug for treatment or not.

Practitioners speak positively about dioxidine and believe that its use is often justified. Special complications or severe consequences During the treatment of a runny nose with dioxidine, they did not notice any.

Dioxidin is often used for inhalation for the common cold, including for children. You need to start using this treatment method only with the permission of your doctor.

Can dioxidin be used in pregnant women?

Dioxidin has a teratogenic effect, and this can cause irreparable malformations of the fetus. Therefore, it is not recommended to use the drug during this period of a woman’s life, especially at the most early stages pregnancy (up to 12th week).

Drawing conclusions

After reading the article, many wondered whether it is worth treating a runny nose with dioxidine if there are no clear instructions for use in this pathology.

You will have to decide for yourself. Although few patients study the instructions and more often trust the doctor’s experience.

The positive thing is that the drug has long been tested in practice and shows excellent results in the treatment of rhinitis. Negative trait– there are no scientific conclusions on the use of dioxidin in ENT practice.

The ideal is not to let the disease progress and treat a runny nose without leading it to protracted forms and the development of sinusitis. Try to use the funds traditional medicine and traditional drugs that long years effectively eliminate inflammation of the nasal mucosa. And only in case of urgent need to resort to “heavy artillery” - dioxidin!

Patient reviews about the treatment of runny nose with dioxidine

The child fell ill 8 days ago, we do not attend kindergarten. On the 5th day of illness, a yellow-green color of snot appeared. The ENT prescribed dioxidine three times a day, 1 drop. After the fourth instillation, the snot became transparent and liquid, but has not yet completely gone away. Treatment is prescribed for three days, then again for a consultation with an ENT specialist. There is an effect. The child’s well-being improved before our eyes.

The child was treated for a runny nose with sinupret, protargol, and saline rinses. This state lasted for 10 days, and they began to miss school. They did a nasal culture, the result was: Staphylococcus aureus. The doctor prescribed a course of treatment for a runny nose: for five days, morning and evening, drip 2 drops of dioxidine into each nostril, and additionally drink rose hips and calendula infusion.

Throat and nose are mine weak spots, if I get sick, then at the highest level. The snot turns green, they have had punctures several times. The throat swells, hurts, and lumbago appears in the ears. The doctor at the clinic recommended the following treatment regimen:

  • rinsing your nose with a Humer three times a day;
  • instillation of dioxidin 2 drops three times a day;
  • Fenistil drops inside (10 drops three times a day).

This is the first time I have felt improvement so quickly from treatment. The swelling instantly went away, the snot became normal color, their number has decreased significantly. I was satisfied with the treatment, it’s nice to see quick results.

All reviews are taken from medical forums, also leave your reviews if you have had experience using this drug!

And a little about secrets...

If you or your child are often sick and are treated with antibiotics alone, know that you are only treating the effect, not the cause.

So you simply “spare” money to pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies and get sick more often.

STOP! Stop feeding unknown people!!! You just need to boost your immunity and you will forget what it’s like to be sick!

There is a way for this! Confirmed by E. Malysheva, A. Myasnikov and our readers! ...

How to treat rhinitis correctly

Inhalations for the common cold with dioxidine

Dioxidin for a runny nose is a well-known domestic antiseptic that has a variety of positive properties, helping to cope with inflammatory pathologies ENT organs. This is popular in the CIS countries antimicrobial agent, which not only helps with acute or chronic rhinitis, but also sinusitis.

Release form and composition

Under all the well-known trade pharmacy names there is hidden a complex Chemical substance called hydroxymethylquinoxaline dioxide. Dioxidin is available in 2x different dosages, which is important when purchasing it for nasal rinsing and inhalation for sinusitis and runny nose.

A concentrated solution of 1% active substance is produced for external and intracavitary use. The packaging for it is glass ampoules of 10 ml. The next form of release of Dioxidin is a 0.5% solution in ampoules of 20 and 10 ml. With its help, external, intracavitary and intravenous injections. The nose is usually rinsed with 1% Dioxidine.

Dioxidin is used for inflammation of the sinuses

Dioxidin for runny nose

A synthetic element with a pronounced antibacterial effect is indicated against a wide range of pathological microorganisms. The drug inhibits the intracellular synthesis of microbial cells, recreates damage to the cell membranes of pathological viruses. The microbe under its influence loses viability and quickly dies. Sensitive to the drug:

  • clostridia;
  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci;
  • Klebsiella;
  • coli.

Many bacteria acute runny nose are not killed by classical antibiotics. Dioxidin acts against them, including those that produce beta-lactamase. According to the spectrum of action on streptococcal and staphylococcal infections in the nose, the drug is suitable not only for the treatment of chronic or acute rhinitis, but also inflammation in the maxillary sinuses.

The antiseptic substance is quickly absorbed by tissues, entering the nose, and reaches its maximum concentration in the blood after a couple of hours. The effect of the drug lasts up to 6 hours. Inhalations with Dioxidin are also known and often used, which eliminate nasal inflammation and snot in children and adults. When used topically, for example, when rinsing the nose, the drug solution does not irritate the mucous membrane. It has no accumulating effect and is quickly eliminated by the body.

Step-by-step instruction proper rinsing nose

Treatment of sinusitis with Dioxidin

The medicine is used for all kinds of inflammation of the nasopharynx. There is a known positive effect if you use it to rinse your nose with sinusitis. To do this, purchase 1% ampoules of the drug, 10-50 ml each. Adults should not use more than 70 ml per day. Dioxidine for sinus rinsing. For this, 2 ampoules of 25 ml each are enough. Nasal rinsing is carried out for a long time once a day. The course of antiseptic is usually up to 3 weeks or more. Dioxidin for chronic sinusitis is used for rinsing again 1-2 months after the main course.

Before starting the procedure, the nasal passages are completely freed from snot. This is done using saline solutions or sea ​​water, which thins mucus and removes it. Normal breathing Vasoconstrictor sprays or nasal drops also help to restore the nose. Only Dixidin is dripped into a nose that is clear of a runny nose so that it reaches the maxillary sinuses and relieves inflammation there.

Nasal inhalations

Such procedures are very effective when chronic inflammation in the nasopharynx and acute infections. Inhalations are carried out by pouring the drug into compressor nebulizers, diluting it in half or ¼ with saline solution. For them, a 1% solution of the drug is chosen. Vapors with the drug kill germs in the nose, help relieve the inflammatory process faster, free the nasal passages from mucus and purulent discharge. Inhalations with Dioxidin are also indicated if a child is ill. But childhood rhinitis is treated in this way only as prescribed by an experienced doctor.

Inhalation with dioxidine is indicated for rhinitis

Nasal drops with Dioxidin

As part of drops intended for instillation into the nose, Dixidin is no less effective than for rinsing. IN equal volumes Several medicinal components are mixed, resulting in complex drops. Dioxidin is combined with:

  • Naphthyzine;
  • Sulfacyl sodium;
  • Hydrocortisone;
  • Dexamethasone.

Complex drops are prepared for no more than 7 days, using several times a day. It is effective and inexpensive antiseptic, which gives a positive result in 70-90% of cases, coping with severe purulent-infectious processes and bacteria that exhibit strong resistance to most modern antibiotics. Dioxidin for sinusitis and acute rhinitis Prescribed everywhere by ENT doctors for both adults and young patients.

Dioxidin is combined with Naphthyzin drops

Side effects from Dioxidine

This is very safe drug, but side effects sometimes occur, especially when administered by injection. In this form, it is prohibited for pregnant women, as well as children under 12 years of age and during breastfeeding. It reduces the function of the adrenal cortex. It is used with caution by elderly people and those suffering from kidney failure.

For local nasal rinsing, Dioxidin is easily tolerated. Therefore, it is often used in pediatrics. The main side effects from its use include:

  • fever;
  • convulsions;
  • allergies;
  • pigmentation;
  • headache.

There is a possibility that the drug is not tolerated by the body. Possible for antiseptic severe allergies, which must be identified before using it to rinse the nose for rhinitis or remove pus for sinusitis.

After the first instillation of 1% Dioxidin, dizziness and chills may appear. Such adverse events indicate that the body is sensitive to the drug and should not be used in therapy.

Proper storage of medication

Dioxidine ampoules cannot be stored in the refrigerator. Temperatures above +18 degrees suit them. Pi low temperatures There is a sediment in the preparation that concentrates the main antiseptic. At the same time, the concentration of the medicinal liquid decreases, and its use is no longer allowed. If the storage and dosage rules are followed, Dioxidin has proven its high effectiveness over the years of use in the treatment of many infectious and inflammatory ENT pathologies.

Rhinitis in childhood is considered one of the most common phenomena, especially at the time when the baby begins to attend kindergarten. Treatment of a runny nose is carried out using various drugs and remedies, including traditional vasoconstrictor drops.

Often, a drug such as Dioxidin is used to treat such a pathology. Ability to destroy many bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms, and the absence of a local toxic effect make it possible to prescribe Dioxidin for a runny nose to children without any fear.

Characteristics of the medicine

Dioxidin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic

Dioxidin is an antimicrobial drug with a diverse spectrum of action. This remedy is used in the treatment of pathologies infectious origin, developing when Pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylococci, salmonella and streptococci enter the child’s body. In addition, Dioxidin quickly and easily copes with those strains of bacteria that have reduced sensitivity to other types of antibacterial and antimicrobial drugs.

The medicine has the form of a yellow-green powder that does not have any specific odor. The main active ingredient of Dioxidin is hydroxymethylquinoxylin dioxide. In the pharmacy chain, this medicine can be purchased in ampoules or in the form of an ointment. When Dioxidin is injected into a child's nose, bad taste medications in the mouth.

The drug is effective against pathogenic microflora and has a disinfecting effect on the sinuses, which has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the child when treating colds.

It is possible to quickly get rid of rhinitis with the help of Dioxidin if you follow the instructions included with the medicine.

The active ingredient of the drug causes the destruction of the membrane structures of microbes and stops their further reproduction. Among the components of Dioxidin is hydrocortisone, which has an anti-allergenic effect on children's body. The presence of adrenaline in Dioxidin promotes vasoconstriction in the nasal cavity.

For rhinitis, Dioxidin is instilled into the child’s nose, and when pain Inhalation is carried out in the throat with a nebulizer. This drug has an effect on pyogenic microbes and is especially effective in situations where the use of other antibacterial drugs has proven powerless.

For what kind of runny nose is the drug prescribed?

To treat a runny nose, use a 5% solution of the drug

A drug such as Dioxidin is used to treat:

  • allergic
  • vasomotor
  • traumatic
  • viral
  • medicinal
  • atrophic
  • hypertrophic rhinitis

The use of Dioxidin in pediatrics is still considered quite controversial issue, since the dioxidin present in it is a real poison. The entry of such a substance into a child’s body in large quantities cannot provoke DNA mutation. At the same time, doctors say that introducing a 0.5% solution of drops into the nasal passages does not cause any particular harm to children. If available in the pharmacy network large quantity Dioxidin uses less toxic drugs in pediatrics only for certain indications and not so often.

Dioxidine is considered quite a potent drug, therefore, before using it, bacterial culture should be performed to determine the causative agent of the pathology.

In addition, with the help of this procedure it is possible to determine the sensitivity of the identified pathogen to antibiotics and, perhaps, it will be possible to select a less safe remedy.

In some cases, Dioxidin is still prescribed in childhood and this is justified by the expected effect of its use. Medical practice shows that most often such a drug is prescribed to children if they have purulent processes of a chronic nature and, especially if other methods drug therapy did not bring the desired result. When eliminating a runny nose in children with Dioxidin, it is important to follow the instructions included with the medicine.

Features of the treatment of runny nose in children

The dosage and course of treatment are prescribed by the doctor!

Dioxidin in most cases is prescribed only in a hospital setting, and the solution is administered into the nose only medical workers. Using this medicine at home is not recommended, because not all parents know how to properly drip Dioxidin into the nose.

It is important to remember that children are not allowed to wipe their nose with a swab dipped in medicine. The fact is that such a procedure can cause damage to the mucous membrane and cause much more harm than good. In addition, during such manipulations, the villi of the mucous membrane are injured, and this may result in a deterioration in the child’s condition.

The instructions attached to the drug indicate that this medicine is not allowed to be used for rinsing the nose in children. This is due to the fact that babies are at risk of liquid getting into their eustachian tube or swallowing medication.

The main form of release of the medicine is ampoules of 10 ml in the form of solutions of 0.5 and 1%, and special forms for administering Dioxide into the nose are not available.

This drug is instilled into children with a runny nose, like regular drops, 1-2 in each nostril.

Before using the drug to treat a runny nose and other ENT diseases, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the nasal passages from accumulation of mucus and crusts. This procedure can be carried out using cotton swab or saline solution. After this, using a special file, you need to open a 10 ml ampoule. It is important to remember that after opening the ampoule, air begins to flow into the medicine and the shelf life of Dioxidin is no more than a day.

You should take a pipette, fill it with the required amount of solution and inject 1-2 drops into each nostril. For children, Dioxidin 0.1-0.2% is usually used, and older children are prescribed a 0.5% solution. After administering the drug into the nose, you should ask the child to throw his head back so that the medicine irrigates the entire nasal cavity and it didn't leak. This procedure should be carried out for several days 3 times a day.

Contraindications and side effects

Side effects may result from improper use

Like any other drug, Dioxidin has some contraindications and side effects may develop when using it. It is important to remember that the medicine should be used with extreme caution and overdose should be avoided.

This medicine is used to relieve runny nose in children over 12 years of age. Despite this, many pediatric doctors prescribe it to young children in a diluted ratio of 1:2.

Contraindications to the use of Dioxidin are:

  1. allergies or individual intolerance to the drug
  2. impaired functioning of the kidneys and adrenal glands

The use of Dioxidin in the treatment of runny nose in children can cause the following side effects:

  • rise in body temperature
  • frequent headaches
  • stool disorder
  • allergic reaction
  • appearance age spots on the skin
  • convulsions
  • attacks of nausea and vomiting
  • chills

In most cases, such side effects occur due to individual intolerance, and when the first symptoms occur, instillation of the drug should be stopped.

Often the cause of side effects is an overdose of the drug. In such a situation, you should wait until the child’s body is freed from accumulated toxic substances. In order to speed up this process, it is recommended to give the patient water as often as possible and give him sorbents.

More information on how to properly use Dioxidin in the treatment of runny nose in children can be found in the video:

If side effects occur, calcium supplements and antihistamines may be prescribed:

  • Suprastin
  • Erius
  • Parlazin

In order to avoid the occurrence negative consequences For health reasons, the instructions supplied with the drug recommend carrying out a preliminary test. If there are no side effects, after a few hours it is allowed to begin a course of drug treatment.

Despite all its effectiveness, Dioxidin is not a universal drug for the treatment of runny nose in childhood. It is for this reason that it is used only in extreme cases and only as prescribed by a doctor.