Chronic kidney disease in a cat stage. Diet: natural food or professional food? What could be the consequences

Among the many diseases that beset cats, one of the most dangerous is kidney failure. In the absence of the correct and timely treatment it leads to very rapid death. But if help was provided to the animal without delay, it has every chance of a long and happy life.

The difficulty is that evidence of a terrible illness, as a rule, appears already in the later stages, and before that the disease can proceed almost unnoticed by the owner. This is why it is so important to know what symptoms you should pay attention to and what to do if furry pet started to feel bad.

Veterinarians call kidney failure a disorder of the urinary system, in which decay products are not excreted along with urine, but are retained in the body.

The basis of each kidney is an active tissue structure, or parenchyma, within which the renal calyces are located, responsible for the removal of urea.

In case of insufficiency, the parenchyma dies and is replaced by the connecting part. As a result, toxic substances formed as a result of metabolism cannot leave the body and begin to poison the blood and internal organs.

IN in good condition Kidneys perform many tasks:

  • regulate the amount of fluid in muscle tissue;
  • They cleanse the blood of toxins and nitrogenous compounds resulting from metabolism;
  • remove toxins from the body, including those formed during drug treatment;
  • produce some vital hormones;
  • control the flow of sodium into the blood, which increases or decreases blood pressure.

In case of kidney damage, these functions (all or some of them) cease to be performed. This affects the condition of the animal very quickly. In the most severe cases, death can occur within a few days, but more often, nevertheless, some time passes between the appearance of the first symptoms and fatal self-poisoning of the body, and the owners have the opportunity to help their pet.

A lot depends on the severity of the disease and its form. There are only two types of this terrible disease:

  1. Spicy.
  2. And chronic.

Serious kidney damage occurs in both cases. Both forms of renal failure require timely treatment, diet, and preventive measures. But acute renal failure in cats, as a rule, does not lead to immediate death and, if treatment was started immediately, allows the animal to live for many more years with virtually no restriction in activity.

And here chronic failure can only be suspended, but not reversed, and in this case we are talking, rather, about alleviating the cat’s suffering than about seriously prolonging life.

The danger of kidney failure in cats also lies in the fact that its symptoms are similar to those of many other diseases, because of which necessary treatment is not always scheduled on time.

The question of how long cats with this diagnosis live does not have a clear answer. It all depends on many factors:

  • forms of the disease;
  • the severity of its occurrence;
  • age when symptoms first appeared;
  • the presence of other diseases in the animal;
  • and, of course, from the owner’s compliance with recommendations for treatment and care of the pet.

Cats that successfully survive acute renal failure live comfortably up to 8–10 years. And here at chronic form The lifespan, alas, rarely exceeds 1 – 2 years.

Although there are exceptions here: there are known cases where pets, whose owners were attentive to their health, went to the veterinarian at the very beginning of their development terrible syndrome. And, although for the rest of their lives they were forced to follow a strict diet and undergo regular examinations, they did not live much less than their healthy relatives.


Kidney failure, like any other disease, has its own manifestations. But the difficulty of diagnosis lies in the fact that the “safety margin” of the kidneys is very large: for some time, even a kidney that is damaged and has lost half of its urinary pelvis copes with all its functions. Clear evidence of insufficiency appears only when 20–30% of the total mass remains in working condition renal tissue.

In the early stages of the disease, the only signs of renal failure may be only a change in the composition of urine: the appearance of a large number of red blood cells and protein in it, an increase in the mass fraction of urea, a change in the color of urine and a decrease in its density. This can only be detected using laboratory analysis.

Subsequently, many other symptoms appear, each of which, even separately from the others, is already a reason for the owner to sound the alarm.

You need to urgently take your pet to the veterinary clinic if:

  • The animal drinks a lot and often.
  • Feels weak.
  • More often than usual, he sits down in the tray or, conversely, experiences an ineffective urge to urinate.
  • Refuses to eat (for late stage It happens that a cat asks for food, but cannot swallow food).
  • Looks lethargic, sleeps a lot, stops playing actively.
  • Often licks the genitals.
  • There is an unpleasant odor from the mouth.
  • Sometimes vomiting or diarrhea may occur, both together and separately.
  • In severe kidney failure, painful cramps and seizures, similar to epileptic seizures, often occur.
  • As breakdown products accumulate in the blood, blood pressure will rise - this too characteristic attack kidney dysfunction.
  • In some cases, the animal may go blind due to rupture of blood vessels in the eye that cannot withstand pressure.
  • And finally, an elevated temperature or simply bouts of trembling, similar to chills, indicate the need to show your pet to a doctor.

As the body is poisoned, the symptoms will become more and more obvious, and the animal’s condition will become painful. The main mistake of many owners is to wait to see if an unexpected illness will go away on its own. In the case of kidney failure, a delay of even a few days can reduce the cat's chances of survival to zero. When kidney failure leads to critical intoxication, convulsions may not be noticed and almost coma the animal will be difficult; however, it is almost impossible to save a fluffy purr at this stage.

Causes of the disease

From a physiological point of view, renal failure is not an independent diagnosis, but rather a complex of symptoms that arise as a result of a host of other diseases. This dangerous syndrome develops in all cases where the genitourinary system has been damaged.

Veterinarians usually name the following diseases as the main cause of kidney dysfunction:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • diabetes;
  • kidney vasculitis;
  • piroplasmosis;
  • enteritis;
  • pneumonia;
  • leptospirosis;
  • as well as any infections that force the kidneys to work harder or, conversely, inhibit their functions.

If the animal has suffered any of these diseases, you need to be especially attentive to its condition. It’s best a month or two after recovery, even if there are no dangerous symptoms does not manifest itself, take your pet to the veterinarian and take tests to ensure normal kidney function or, if the results are disappointing, begin treatment immediately.

Kidney failure can also occur due to a genetic predisposition to certain diseases - for example, polycystic disease, amyloidosis, glomerulonephritis. Inherited unilateral underdevelopment of the kidney (or so-called unilateral hypoplasia) is very dangerous. As a cat ages, its only kidney experiences increasing stress and at some point may simply fail. The Abyssinian and Persian breeds are very vulnerable in this regard.

Sometimes the cause of damage to the genitourinary system is intoxication various substances: lead, mercury, antibiotics, analgesics, anesthesia drugs and others medicines. During this period, the kidneys have to work harder to cleanse the body of both breakdown products and toxins that come with medications. Often, especially when the dosage is exceeded, residues active ingredients are not displayed, but are deposited in renal pelvis and begin to destroy the organ. This is one of the reasons why no drugs should be given to an animal without consulting a specialist.

Acute renal failure

Acute renal failure in cats develops rapidly; as a rule, against the background of another disease that impairs kidney function (for example, enteritis or pyelonephritis).

Despite its severe course, this syndrome is reversible and often ends with the cat’s recovery.(although deaths do occur, especially if the animal did not receive proper treatment).

This form of the disease has four stages:

  1. Initial, or “precursor stage”. Symptoms during this period are practically invisible, largely because most of them are the same for both kidney failure and the underlying disease.
  2. Diuresis disturbance. At this stage, urination stops or becomes very insignificant, and blood appears in thick, cloudy urine. Poisoning of the body with toxins formed during metabolism occurs very quickly, which immediately affects the state of health: the temperature rises, diarrhea begins, and heartbeat increases. The animal becomes lethargic, its limbs swell and twitch convulsively.
  3. When successful treatment, after some time the third stage begins: gradual restoration of diuresis. Terrible symptoms disappear, urine is released abundantly, but has insignificant density.
  4. The final stage of the disease can last from one to three to four months; during this period occurs slow recovery all kidney functions.

The prognosis for the acute form largely depends on the stage at which the problem was identified and how adequate the therapeutic measures. Timely treated acute renal failure practically does not reduce the length and quality of life of a cat. Although it requires constant preventive measures and compliance with the diet prescribed by the veterinarian.

Chronic renal failure

The chronic form of this syndrome also occurs due to poisoning, infection or hereditary disease, but appears very slowly. The deterioration of the condition in this case is not associated with temporary dysfunction, as with acute failure, but with the slow but irreversible death of the renal parenchyma.

As there are fewer active cells, the load on the urinary tissue increases, and the kidney copes with its functions increasingly poorly.

Chronic renal failure (CRF) also develops in four stages:

  1. The latent, or hidden, stage manifests itself only in slight lethargy and constant thirst. At this stage, it is not difficult to help the cat, but most often the owners begin to sound the alarm much later, when the changes in the kidneys have already become irreversible. This is why it is so important when the slightest symptoms contact the veterinary clinic immediately.
  2. At the stage of increased diuresis, the cat begins to frequently run to the litter box, while the density of urine decreases due to weakening of kidney function, and the amount of protein and red blood cells increases.
  3. After some time (often quite a long time), urine production begins to decrease, and then disappears altogether. Accordingly, all the symptoms of self-poisoning of the body appear.
  4. Terminal stage. It is manifested by constant diarrhea, weakness and drowsiness. During this period, malfunctions occur not only in the kidneys, but also in other organs, in which toxins that cannot be removed from the body accumulate. With the exception of rare cases, this stage ends with the death of the animal.

Chronic renal failure is practically incurable. But it would be a mistake to think that the owner of a pet with this terrible diagnosis needs to give up the fight for his furry friend. Maintenance therapy (especially if treatment was started at the first or second stage) can significantly alleviate the animal’s condition, and extend life and activity by 3 to 4 years.

Treatment of kidney failure in cats

Despite the difference in the course and duration of the disease in acute and chronic forms, The basic treatment methods remain the same for both options. Therapy manifests itself, first of all, in restoring the normal functioning of the genitourinary system.

Or, if this is not possible (for example, with polycystic disease, in which the tissue of the urinary pelvis itself is destroyed) in maintaining the kidneys.

There is no uniform advice on how to treat kidney failure. The reasons for the development of the syndrome and the nature of its course in each animal are unique. Only a specialist can select medications and rehabilitation measures that are suitable for a particular cat; attempts at “self-medication”, in best case scenario, will not give any effect, and at worst will bring a sad end closer.

Therapy for renal failure is mostly symptomatic. Only transplantation can provide a 100% effect, but so far this method is only just beginning to be talked about in veterinary medicine.

Depending on the severity of the disease and the causes of its occurrence, different methods are used:

  • intravenous nutrition to restore fluid balance and combat anemia;
  • administration of antibiotics (as a rule, this is used only at the first stage, when treating the root cause of the syndrome);
  • use of cardiac drugs to normalize blood pressure and preventing capillary ruptures;
  • vitamin injections;
  • pain relief and blockade of nerve endings;
  • artificial blood purification (so-called hemodialysis);
  • blood transfusion, which can slow down the development of the syndrome in chronic failure;
  • and finally, transplanting a healthy kidney into the animal.

The medications necessary to save the animal are prescribed only by a veterinarian; Despite the fact that many medications produced for humans are suitable for cats, it is not recommended to give them on your own. The only exceptions are those cases when the animal suddenly became worse, and there is no opportunity to immediately take it to a veterinary clinic. In these cases, you can use medicines from a human first aid kit:

  1. To reduce blood pressure - Enap or enalapril.
  2. In case of severe anemia, you can give an injection of B12 or Remocorn.
  3. For vomiting, cerucal is best suited.
  4. For liver problems - Essentiale Forte or Heptral.
  5. You can support your heart with Neoton, Preducal, Riboxin or Digoxin.

The dose must be calculated based on the weight of the animal; for a medium-sized cat, 1/8, or even less, of a standard tablet is enough. You need to be especially careful with pacemakers and blood pressure medications: exceeding the dosage can cause coma and death.

In addition, in case of renal failure, especially its chronic form, A properly selected diet is of great importance, which allows you to reduce the intake of “difficult” substances into the body and reduce the load on the kidney.

Diet: natural food or professional food?

The question of what to feed a cat with kidney failure is especially acute. Along with food, the cat receives not only nutrients and vitamins, but also many microelements that are not fully absorbed by the body.

If kidney function is impaired, these “extra” elements are not excreted along with urine, but accumulate in the body: in the kidneys themselves, in the tissues of other organs, on the walls of blood vessels, in the blood.

Task therapeutic diet– exclude from the animal’s diet everything that will serve as intoxication, while at the same time providing it with all the substances necessary for health.

There are several rules that will help reduce the load on the urinary system and maintain the health of your pet:

  • It is necessary to reduce the intake of phosphorus into the body, which means completely eliminating fish (including caviar and fish oil).
  • Eliminate food from high content calcium: dairy and dairy products, eggs, cottage cheese, cheese.
  • All are contraindicated fatty varieties meat: pork, beef, rabbit, duck and goose. Only chicken and turkey meat (exclusively breast meat) are relatively safe for cats with kidney failure.
  • Proteins and fats should enter the body to a minimum. It is better to reduce the proportion of meat to 10 - 20% of total volume food.
  • Porridge in any form, as well as bread and others flour products You will also have to exclude the pet from the diet.
  • Need to increase mass fraction vegetables, especially cabbage and carrots.
  • It is imperative to add alkalizing foods to your food to help maintain the acid-base balance. Chalk or special preparations can be used as such substances.

For cats suffering from kidney failure, natural diet is poorly suited because the list of permitted products is depressingly short and does not provide the cat with the required amount of essential substances.

Only boiled vegetables can be given in unlimited quantities, and furry predators consume them with great reluctance. In addition, in this case another problem arises: selection of necessary vitamins and mineral supplements, as well as determining their correct dosage.

Specialized foods are best suited for purrs with kidney failure, especially chronic. The ideal option today is considered to be Renal food from Royal Canin. Content nutrients It is precisely selected to maintain the health of cats, almost of which are unable to properly remove toxins from the body.

None extra vitamins or dietary supplements are not required with such a diet. True, there are also contraindications: Renal cannot be prescribed to kittens under one year old, as well as to pregnant and lactating cats.

The minimum time during which an animal needs to be given this food is six months. And in case of chronic renal failure, veterinarians prescribe Renal as a dietary food for the rest of their life.

The danger of kidney failure, especially chronic, is that owners do not always realize the full danger of the illness that befalls their pet. With the slow progression of the disease, the animal may look quite alert, which creates the illusion that dieting and prevention of renal failure are no longer necessary.

Violation of dietary principles may not cause immediate deterioration. However, this will speed up intoxication and reduce the time that the furry pet could live next to its owners.

Kidney failure in cats often occurs in old age. This is a condition in which the kidneys cannot cope with the function of eliminating toxic substances in the urine. Violation of the excretory function of the kidneys leads to gradual poisoning of the body with toxins. Symptoms of the disease begin to appear when the great amount kidney tissue cells (nephrons).

What animals are at risk?

Several factors influence the possibility of developing the disease. Causes of chronic renal failure cats are varied. It is often the case that diseases of other organs cause kidney failure in cats; treatment of these diseases could prevent severe consequences. It is important for the animal owner to be aware of the risks of developing such a complication in order to prevent kidney failure in time.

  1. Most often, older cats over 8 years of age suffer from kidney failure. Kidney tissue ages and age-related changes appear in it, which can lead to the development of the disease. However, the disease can also occur in young animals. Kittens suffer from this disease less often than adult cats.
  2. An important factor is heredity. If there are cases of kidney failure in the animal's pedigree, then there is a considerable risk of developing the disease.
  3. Certain breeds of cats are more likely to suffer from this disease. For example, Angora, Persian and other breeds with long hair. They have a high predisposition to kidney disease.
  4. Neutered cats are at risk of developing kidney failure. Such animals improper feeding predisposed to diseases excretory organs, which may lead to severe renal impairment in the future.
  5. The conditions in which cats are kept are of great importance. Thus, cats that go outside for walks are more likely to suffer from kidney disease than domestic cats.
  6. Urolithiasis often leads to the development of kidney failure.
  7. If an animal suffers from pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis, then such diseases may be complicated by kidney failure.
  8. Improper feeding and lack of water lead to the formation of kidney stones, and then to failure of the excretory organs. Nutrition does not contribute to this quality feed economy class, monotonous food, insufficient drinking when eating dry food.
  9. Severe food or toxic poisoning can impair kidney function. Kidney failure can also occur due to side effect some veterinary drugs.
  10. The disease can also occur as a complication after injury, for example, due to a fall from a window or a dog attack.
  11. An animal may become ill after an infection (distemper or viral peritonitis).
  12. Cats with diabetes are at high risk of developing kidney failure.

Kidney failure in cats can occur in two forms: acute (AR) and chronic (CRF). AKI caused by damage to the kidney tissue is called renal failure. Acute renal failure in cats can be completely cured before it becomes chronic. Therefore, you should know the symptoms of the disease in order to contact a veterinarian in time if there are suspicious signs.

Symptoms of kidney failure in cats

Only a veterinarian can make an accurate diagnosis, because the symptoms of renal failure are nonspecific; such signs can also be observed in other diseases. The following manifestations should alert the animal owner:

  1. The cat loses its appetite and refuses to eat. Sudden weight loss occurs, sometimes to the point of anorexia.
  2. The cats become lethargic, sleepy, and move little.
  3. Happening frequent vomiting due to poisoning of the body with toxins. Vomiting attacks may occur several times during the day. Vomiting does not bring relief, the animal becomes noticeably weaker. Diarrhea with abdominal pain may occur.
  4. The cat starts drinking a lot and is tormented extreme thirst. Drink plenty of fluids makes you feel worse, as it creates additional stress on the kidneys.
  5. Urinary retention occurs and the animal rarely goes to the litter tray. The cat may begin to urinate in unusual places. There is pain when urinating. The cat makes squeaks and moans while sitting on the tray.
  6. The color and amount of urine changes. Bloody admixture is visible in the urine, the amount of fluid released becomes small. Sometimes there is rare but copious urination.
  7. May be observed seizures. Sudden involuntary contractions appear different groups muscles. In case of severe intoxication, loss of consciousness is possible.
  8. Coming from the animal's mouth bad smell. It resembles the smell of urine or the smell of acetone. With this symptom, the animal needs emergency help, as there is high risk development of renal (uremic) coma.

If such signs appear, you should immediately contact a veterinarian. At the stage of acute renal failure, the animal’s condition can still be significantly improved with the help of a specially selected diet. If acute renal failure occurs repeatedly in a cat, then the disease gradually progresses. And then it becomes much more difficult to help the animal, because dying kidney cells cannot be restored.

Over time, chronic renal failure develops; treatment of this disease is long and complex.

Stages of development of chronic renal failure (CRF)

With chronic renal failure in the blood of cats, the amount of a nitrogen compound - creatinine - increases. Depending on the amount of creatinine, several stages of chronic renal failure are distinguished:

  1. Latent (hidden) stage of chronic renal failure. At this stage of the disease, the level of creatinine in the blood is still within normal limits or slightly increased. There are no symptoms of the disease yet, the animal feels fine. It is very difficult to detect chronic renal failure at this stage. This requires a number of tests, but pet owners rarely go to the veterinarian for early stage, since nothing worries them about the pet’s condition.
  2. Initial stage of chronic renal failure. At this stage, the amount of creatinine in the blood increases, and it becomes difficult for the kidneys to cope with their function. The first signs of the disease appear. The cat loses weight, becomes sleepy and lethargic, and periodically vomits. The animal eats little. Such symptoms can last for several months, after which the disease progresses to the next stage without treatment.
  3. Conservative stage of the disease. The kidneys lose most of their function. The level of creatinine in the blood is sharply increased. The animal is suffering severe vomiting, hemoglobin levels drop, and dehydration occurs.
  4. The terminal stage of chronic renal failure leads to the death of the animal. The level of creatinine and urea in the blood reaches high performance. Convulsive seizures are observed. There is a strong odor of urine or acetone coming from the cat's mouth. Such manifestations mean that the cat’s kidneys are failing. At this stage of the disease, only a kidney transplant can prolong the life of the animal. But such an operation is still rarely performed and prolongs life only for a short time. Treatment of chronic renal failure in cats terminal stage, as a rule, is ineffective.

Additional symptoms of chronic renal failure

In chronic renal failure, there may also be additional symptoms from other bodies. After all, impaired renal function also affects the functioning of other body systems. Manifest:

  1. Heart problems (rapid or rare heartbeat).
  2. High blood pressure.
  3. Blood clotting disorder.
  4. Seizures resembling epileptic seizures.
  5. Formation of ulcers in the mouth and tongue.
  6. Weakened immunity, susceptibility to colds.
  7. Dullness of fur.
  8. Softening bone tissue, especially the skull bones in the facial part.

What should you do if your cat shows these signs? You should not self-medicate or make a diagnosis yourself. Only a specialist can understand the causes of kidney failure in cats, symptoms and treatment. Therefore, you must immediately contact a veterinary clinic for a diagnosis.

Diagnosis of chronic renal failure in cats

After clarification of complaints and a preliminary examination of the animal, the following examinations are prescribed:

  1. Blood and urine tests. This will help determine the presence of toxins in the blood and urine. With such a disease, the amount of toxic substances always increases, since the kidneys can no longer remove them. The stage of the disease can be determined by the amount of toxins.
  2. Calculation of renal renal concentrating function (KFP). This calculation is carried out based on the results of urine and blood tests. To determine the CFP coefficient, you need to divide the creatinine value in the urine by the creatinine value in the blood. Normal indicator a coefficient is considered to be greater than 100. If this indicator is less than 100, then chronic renal failure can be suspected. When the FPC indicator is less than 30, there is a serious threat to the life of the animal.
  3. An ultrasound of the kidneys may be prescribed. This makes it possible to determine which kidney disease may have caused the failure.
  4. A biopsy of the kidney tissue is performed to identify the cause of the disease.
  5. X-ray diagnostics are performed with the introduction of a contrast agent to confirm or exclude the presence of stones in the urinary tract.

Based on an examination of the animal and research results, the veterinarian makes a diagnosis and prescribes treatment.

Treatment methods for chronic renal failure

Let's look at how to treat chronic renal failure in cats. The choice of treatment method largely depends on how far the disease has progressed. The prognosis for survival depends on the stage of the disease. Treatment of kidney failure in cats includes different methods.

  1. Catheterization Bladder. This method is used as first aid for chronic renal failure. A tube is inserted into the bladder to drain urine. Catheterization helps clear urine from the body.
  2. Infusion therapy. The cat is given drips with saline solutions. This helps to cope with dehydration and restore the water-salt balance in the body. IVs are also used to cleanse the blood of toxins. Infusion saline solutions is the main method of combating kidney failure.
  3. Anti-vomiting remedies. If an animal suffers from vomiting due to toxin poisoning, Cerucal is prescribed. This helps control nausea.
  4. Antispasmodic drugs. Drugs such as Papaverine or No-shpa relieve spasm of the kidney vessels.
  5. ACE inhibitors (Captopril, Enalapril) are used to lower blood pressure.
  6. Painkillers. Analgesics are used, and severe pain blockade is carried out with novocaine.
  7. Antibiotics. To prevent the development of infection, antibacterial drugs are prescribed.
  8. Hemodialysis. In severe stages of the disease, the body is cleansed using an “artificial kidney”.
  9. Kidney transplant. This method is used extremely rarely. Kidney transplantation is performed in a very small number of clinics. This operation can only be performed on young cats. In the terminal stage of the disease, such an operation can prolong the cat’s life by about 6 months.
  10. Food additives (Ipakitine). These food additives bind phosphorus and are used to prevent complications in chronic renal failure. However, such supplements are not medicines and do not treat the disease, but only prevent the development of complications.

Traditional methods of treating chronic renal failure in cats

How to treat folk remedies Chronic renal failure in a cat? Such treatment methods can be used as an addition to primary therapy. Herbs and homeopathy used:

  • pomegranate juice;
  • burdock root decoction;
  • decoction of flax seeds;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • linden tea with honey;
  • echinacea tincture;
  • herbal mixture (melissa, oregano, chamomile, St. John's wort);
  • oat infusion;
  • decoction of birch buds;
  • homeopathy preparations for the treatment of kidneys: white arsenic oxide (arsenicum album), eel blood serum (serum anguille), bee venom (apis mellifica).

Treatment of renal failure with folk remedies should be agreed with a veterinarian. After all, herbal medicines and homeopathy can also have contraindications.

How to feed a cat with chronic renal failure?

If cat chronic renal failure, then diet is extremely important for his condition. With the help of diet, you can significantly improve the condition of a sick pet. If the cat is in in serious condition and refuses to eat, then tube feeding is used. This is done in a hospital setting. As soon as the animal can eat on its own, the veterinarian prescribes a diet.

  1. Limit proteins in food. Protein is contraindicated for cats with chronic renal failure; its amount in the diet should be kept to a minimum. Eating meat and meat products should be reduced to 30–50%. A cat's diet for kidney failure should contain only a small amount of lean protein. You can give it instead of meat chicken by-products(stomachs, heart). Turkey meat is healthy, it contains little protein and is nutritious. To increase the calorie content of food, you can include cereal porridge in your diet. Low-fat cottage cheese or yogurt is recommended.
  2. Limit phosphorus in food. Fish is strictly contraindicated. This product contains a lot of phosphorus. It is useful to include special nutritional supplements(Ipakitine), which bind phosphorus.
  3. The diet should have enough water, since chronic renal failure causes dehydration. The animal should always have a bowl with clean drinking water. We must remember that water enters the body not only through drinking, but also through food.
  4. Currently, special renal feeds have been developed. These are medicinal foods for cats with kidney failure, for example Royal Canin Renal, Eukanuba Renal, etc. Such dietary foods are made taking into account all the nutritional characteristics of sick cats. They are used only for feeding animals with kidney failure, they are not intended for feeding healthy cats. Such products have severely limited protein, but they are nutritious, and the pet receives a sufficient amount of calories and nutrients. What to do if your pet is not used to medicated food? Then you should add a small amount of dietary food to the usual food and gradually accustom the cat to the new diet.

It must be remembered that a cat with chronic renal failure should not be hungry. After all, with this disease there is weight loss. Cats must have adequate food.

How to care for a sick cat?

Chronic renal failure in cats requires special approach in handling animals. Must be observed following rules caring for a sick pet:

  1. Visit your veterinarian regularly. A sick cat should be under constant medical supervision. If the disease worsens, the animal should be placed in a hospital.
  2. It is necessary to strictly monitor compliance with the diet.
  3. The course of treatment must be completed. Even if the pet's condition has improved, the prescribed therapy should be continued.
  4. You need to make sure your cat is drinking enough fluids.
  5. It is necessary to monitor the cat’s well-being and the condition of its fur. If there are changes, visit a veterinarian.
  6. Vitamin and mineral complexes should be included in the diet for general strengthening body.
  7. It is necessary to protect the animal from injury and infection. The room where the pet is kept must be warm. A sick cat should not be allowed to go for walks on its own.

Following these rules will help improve your cat's condition.

Chronic renal failure in cats is easier to prevent than to treat. After all, this disease cannot be completely cured; it is no longer possible to fully restore kidney function. To prevent disease, you need to follow some rules in caring for animals:

  1. If your cat is overweight, then obesity must be treated. Excess weight is one of the risk factors for the development of chronic renal failure in cats.
  2. You need to monitor the safety of your pet to avoid possible injuries. After all, trauma often leads to impaired renal function.
  3. Infections in cats should be treated promptly to avoid kidney complications.
  4. If you have diabetes, be sure to follow your veterinarian's instructions. This disease is one of the risk factors for kidney disease.
  5. must be under the supervision of a veterinarian. You should not treat urolithiasis yourself.
  6. The cat should be fed high-quality, high-quality food. When feeding dry food, the animal should always have water to drink. You should not feed your cat fish too often. Meat for nutrition should be lean and dietary.

Chronic renal failure is serious illness, but this is not a death sentence for the animal. At modern methods Treatment is quite possible to prolong life and significantly improve the condition of the pet.

Cats are carnivores, so their bodies produce mass harmful substances, they do the same from outside. When an animal healthy kidneys, then most of the accumulated toxins are excreted in the urine.

Among the diseases that lead to the death of a cat are kidney diseases. Toxic substances that linger in the body can cause poisoning. Typically, cats bravely endure discomfort until the disease causes complications. Closely monitor changes in your pet's behavior, as the most common disease among cats is kidney failure - a disease urinary tract.

Forms and stages of the disease

A pathological condition in which the functioning of the kidneys is disrupted in order to maintain homeostasis (constancy of the internal environment in the body) is called renal failure. In this case, the ability of the kidneys to form and excrete urine is completely or partially lost, which leads to the development of a serious violation of the acid-base and water-salt balance, and disruption of the internal environment. This leads to a malfunction of the entire body.

There are two forms clinical development renal failure: acute and chronic. Sudden, acute damage to kidney tissue leads to a sharp drop in the amount of urine excreted, or even to its complete absence (anuria), called acute renal failure (ARF); as a rule, this process is reversible.

There are four stages of kidney failure:

  • initial - sharp drop blood pressure leads to a decrease in urine volume;
  • the oligoanuric stage minimizes the amount of urine to the limit, sometimes it stops excreting completely;
  • reducing - nitrogenous metabolites accumulate in the blood, their concentration increases;
  • recovery - acute renal failure responds well to treatment and in the process the volume of urine increases, sometimes becoming larger than in healthy body, but besides salt and water, urine removes almost nothing from the body.

Adequate treatment and favorable development of the disease makes it possible to restore the optimal quantity and quality characteristics of urine; gradually, after about 2-3 months, kidney function will be completely restored.

Causes and symptoms of kidney failure in cats

Congenital kidney disorders, tumors, frequent inflammations, malfunction thyroid gland. Diabetes, urolithiasis disease, amyloidosis, poisoning and other pathologies lead to chronic renal failure in cats.

With chronic renal failure, all changes in the kidneys come down to a significant decrease in the active materials of the kidneys, and this leads to azotemia, that is, a high content of breakdown products in the animal’s blood. When protein breaks down, it appears uric acid, the kidneys function poorly and shift their work to other organs: the mucous membrane of the stomach, the lungs, which are not designed for heavy loads, such as this. It all comes down to self-poisoning of the body.

Appear frequent attacks nausea, vomiting, the cat is thirsty, muscle cramps may begin, the animal’s mouth smells of urine, low temperature bodies. The volume of urine decreases.

The result of chronic renal failure can be:

  • pyelonephritis, amyloidosis, urolithiasis, any chronic diseases kidney,
  • systemic diseases such as diabetes, gout, hereditary kidney abnormality (most often in British and Persian people),
  • due to poisoning with lead, mercury, and drugs.

Chronic renal failure takes a long time to develop, up to several years, but always leads to irreversible changes and impairment of kidney function. The disease most often occurs in adult cats over 10 years of age.

The kidneys have a large reserve, so the disease proceeds for a long time without any symptoms, only when most of the kidneys are affected, signs of renal failure appear.

If the animal is often exposed infectious diseases, then the kidneys may be secondarily affected, kidney diseases are reflected in all functions internal organs Therefore, diagnosis is based on laboratory tests.

The main signs of kidney disease are the appearance of protein in the urine, red blood cells, low density urine, the contour outlines of the kidneys are not even, there is palpable pain on palpation, the mucous membranes are yellow.

Accompanying diseases of the genitourinary system are weakness, loss of appetite, diarrhea, vomiting, the smell of ammonia when breathing, thirst, followed by dehydration and lower back pain. False urges urination, weakening immune system, seizures, anemia, edema, hypertension.

The diagnosis of chronic renal failure can only be determined by a biochemical blood test, since in the initial period the symptoms are mild or absent at all.

Some Clinical signs correspond to other diseases, so if an animal is suspected of having kidney failure, it should undergo a thorough examination, including examination by a veterinarian, blood and urine tests, and ultrasound abdominal cavity t x-ray, after which the doctor will make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

How to treat kidney failure in cats

Kidney disease must be treated comprehensively, including dietary food, adjust the water-salt and acid-base balance, normalize blood pressure, if necessary, apply extracorporeal blood purification, you can replace the kidney with an artificial one, or even transplant a donor one.

When treating an acute disease, the root causes of its occurrence are first eliminated.

Chronic renal failure develops at a slow pace and causes frequent kidney inflammation. Over time, active kidney functions are replaced connective tissue, therefore, kidney function remains normal, and the accumulation of harmful substances and slow poisoning occurs in the body. In the treatment of chronic renal failure, priority is given to maintaining kidney function at a certain level.

Kidney diseases are associated with the accumulation of urea and phosphorus in the blood, so a diet should be selected with a small amount of protein products. In some cases, when too much protein is lost due to poor kidney function, foods with increased content protein, which has a negative effect on the animal’s body. This occurs very rarely, so mainly when kidney diseases use a diet with minimal protein content.

Nowadays many famous brands, produce specialized food for cats susceptible to renal failure and for the prevention of the disease.

Cats prefer food rich in protein; it is difficult to switch the animal to a diet that is healthy for them; it is difficult to switch the animal to a diet that is low in protein, so you have to be cunning and seduce your pet. During the consultation, the veterinarian will explain which food is more beneficial for your cat, where it is optimally balanced useful elements. All that remains is to persuade the cat to eat this particular food. Murka may stubbornly refuse it, try preparing lunch for her yourself.

If a cat is rapidly losing weight, it is necessary to use anabolic steroids together with B vitamins, this will help bring the animal’s weight back to normal.

Gained popularity ACE inhibitors, which have recently been used to treat kidney failure in cats. They reduce blood pressure well, which affects the overall well-being of the animal, improves the quality of life and its duration.

The infusion method is often used in treatment, when solutions are injected into the animal’s body. different composition intravenously, using a dropper, this method also allows you to remove harmful toxins from the body and prevent dehydration.

Drugs are prescribed depending on the primary disease that caused the kidney failure. Treatment is aimed at restoring and maintaining kidney function.

If you suspect kidney failure, what should you do?

If the owner has any suspicions that his pet is sick, he should immediately take him to the veterinarian, and older cats should have an annual medical examination. This procedure will help identify the disease in the early stages of development and help prescribe adequate treatment.

The initial stage of chronic renal failure is quite difficult to identify; symptoms begin to be noticeable when almost two-thirds of the kidney tissue is damaged. By this time, much has already been missed, therefore, do not waste time, the sooner treatment begins, the more effective it may be.

Before going to the veterinarian, collect urine in a jar for testing; do not forget to take it with you, this will save time. It is necessary to take an x-ray to rule out kidney stones or tumors. The doctor may inject a special dye into the blood, which will make it possible to see internal structure kidneys A biopsy may be necessary, which is when an incision is made in the cat's abdomen through which tissue samples are taken for examination using a thin, long needle. The biopsy is performed under general anesthesia.

Depending on the diagnosis, treatment is prescribed. Kidney stones are most often removed surgically, but sometimes they can be broken down and eliminated by the kidneys using a therapeutic diet. In older cats, kidney diseases are more common, in which most of the kidneys are already damaged and cannot function normally; it is impossible to completely cure the disease, but you can actually slow down the development of the disease and help your pet cope with the disease, using the remaining intact tissue.

If you did not have time to identify the disease in the initial stage and promptly take action, then the prognosis is not very favorable, in most cases, the hope for a complete recovery is negligible. But good treatment and diet can give your cat several years of a completely happy life.

Video: diet therapy for chronic renal failure in cats

Domestic cats are prone to kidney disease. To prevent the disease, or eliminate its symptoms in sick pets, owners need to know all the information about kidney failure, which in its advanced state is a deadly threat. To understand the scale of the problem, it is worth understanding the functions that the kidneys perform in the animal’s body. This organ is part of the excretory system and is involved in many vital processes.

U healthy cat The kidneys provide the following functions:

  • blood pressure stabilization;
  • removal of toxins, waste, mineral salts and other toxic substances from the blood;
  • production of hormones and enzymes;
  • participation in the creation of red blood cells blood.

The main job of the kidneys is to filter blood. It happens as follows - all the blood flow passes through the nephrons located in the kidneys. During the circulation process, all harmful substances are separated from the blood, which are excreted from the body along with urine, and the purified blood flows back to the heart.

It is important for the pet owner to understand why kidney disease occurs in cats, symptoms and treatment of which are discussed with the veterinarian. In most cases, the risk of the disease is high for older pets who have reached the age of 8-10 years. In these animals, as a result of kidney failure, the filtration system is impaired, and toxic waste accumulates in the circulating blood. In the future, this leads to problems with other organs. However, chronic and acute renal failure in cats, the treatment of which is selected on an individual basis, can also be diagnosed in young cats.

Several factors provoke the disease:

  1. bad heredity;
  2. genetic predisposition (there is a high risk of the disease in cats - Persians, Angoras, etc.);
  3. improper conditions of detention;
  4. violation of the drinking regime;
  5. unbalanced or low-quality diet;
  6. injuries;
  7. infections;
  8. formation of stones in the excretory organs.

Symptoms of the disease

Only a qualified veterinarian can correctly recognize the disease, prescribe a treatment package and recommend good medicinal food for cats with kidney failure. The owner’s task is to monitor the cat’s condition and record alarming symptoms, which may indicate the presence of kidney disease.

If the following symptoms are detected, the owner should not postpone a visit to the veterinary clinic:

  • loss of appetite;
  • vomit;
  • the cat rarely goes to the toilet in small quantities, and urination occurs in unusual places;
  • the pet looks lethargic and apathetic;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • the cat experiences pain when urinating;
  • the animal loses weight;
  • disturbance of normal stool;
  • refusal of water.

If the owner sees at least one symptom, for example, notices that the cat does not go to the toilet for a little while, he should contact the veterinarian for advice. The symptoms listed above can also be observed in other diseases, such as nephritis in cats; symptoms and treatment for different diseases differ greatly, therefore accurate diagnosis the disease should be entrusted to the veterinarian.

Diagnostic methods

A specialist at a veterinary clinic will examine the animal and prescribe a series of tests. Traditionally, to identify kidney problems, cats are given a general chemical analysis blood and urine. The purpose of the tests is to detect the presence of toxins in the blood, which must be eliminated from the body in the urine. If the level of toxins is high, this is a detector that the animal's kidneys are not coping with filtering metabolic waste.

Additional clinical tests may also be prescribed to help identify the cause of the disease: ultrasound, kidney tissue biopsy, x-ray, urinolysis.

Treatment of kidney failure

If the diagnosis of renal failure is confirmed, then therapy is prescribed by a veterinarian in accordance with the stage of the disease. If the disease manifests itself in an acute form, then treatment should occur immediately. Since acute renal failure is caused by any type of blockage of the urinary tract, the obstruction of the canals must be urgently eliminated. On early stage the course of the disease is reversible, and if the appropriate set of measures is taken, the cat can live a long and full life.

In the first stages of the disease, the animal owner should not engage in self-treatment cat and give her drugs with a dubious spectrum of action. A veterinarian will prescribe competent therapy. Therapy may consist of prescribing intravenous solutions, which will correct the imbalance of substances in the blood and help stabilize the pet’s condition. When diagnosing chronic renal failure - chronic kidney disease in cats, treatment by stages should be carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian.

It is worth understanding that chronic renal failure in cats, the treatment of which is very different from the treatment of the disease at an early stage, can haunt pets throughout their lives.

The disease at this stage is incurable and affects mainly adult and elderly cats. The diagnosis of chronic renal failure is made by a veterinarian if more than 70% of the kidney tissue is damaged or scarred.

To eliminate the symptoms and reduce the cat’s suffering in such cases, veterinarians prescribe a complex of palliative treatment. Drug treatment CRF in cats may consist of the following measures:

  1. Introduced into the pet's diet medicinal food for cats with renal failure from a good manufacturer.
  2. Infusion therapy is prescribed.
  3. Are used conservative methods treatments that do not stop, but slow down the degradation of the kidneys.

IN severe cases, therapy involves surgical removal a non-functioning kidney, but this decision is made by the veterinarian after tests confirm that a pet with one kidney can live a full life. Also, if chronic kidney disease is diagnosed in cats, a kidney transplant may be performed. This complex procedure became available to veterinarians not so long ago and is currently carried out only in a narrow circle of clinics with equipment of the appropriate level.

Veterinary drugs

After the veterinarian has determined the cause of the disease, examined the medical history and assessed the general physical state cat, he may prescribe the use of a number of medications. Therapy is prescribed on an individual basis, since all animals have their own body characteristics and need certain drugs and appropriate dosages.

Basically, the following types of veterinary drugs are used to treat the disease:

Prednisolone for cats, a catabolic drug with immunosuppressive properties, may sometimes be prescribed. To treat metabolic disorders, your pet may be prescribed Ketosteril for cats, which must be taken in accordance with the instructions. This drug contains artificial analogues essential amino acids and helps in the fight against chronic kidney disease.

In addition to the veterinary medications listed above, Ipaketin for cats can be used in the treatment of chronic renal failure, which can be purchased at veterinary pharmacy. The drug Ipaketine for cats, the price of which is about 300 rubles per 50 grams, is a nutraceutical drug. It improves functional state kidneys and allows you to achieve long-term remission.

Pet diet

In order for a cat with kidney failure to have the right to a full life, its diet must be properly balanced. Sick cats are recommended to eat a diet low in phosphorus and protein. These products put a lot of strain on the excretory organs and can cause further deterioration of the pet’s condition.

The small amount of protein included in a cat's diet to maintain its muscles and tissues must be extracted from quality products. Optimal sources of lean protein include egg whites, liver, and chicken and turkey fillets. The diet of a pet struggling with illness should include an optimal balance of vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids.

In addition to natural food, the owner can use in the cat's diet ready-made feed. There are currently many commercial brands on the market working on creating veterinary food lines. Among them, the owner can choose food for cats with kidney failure, which has a special low-fat recipe. Optimal choice products with low phosphorus content will become available. This could be Renal cat food, developed by the Royal Canin brand, in which the composition is carefully selected and balanced, or other high-class food. Read about the Royal Canin veterinary food line.

Has good reviews feed additive Renal for cats Advanced, which contains flavonoids, vitamins and medicinal plant extracts. This supplement has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps animals cope with the symptoms of the disease. In addition to the main effect, the food product has an antioxidant function, reduces hyperazotemia and controls non-regenerative anemia, and also contributes to the normalization of work digestive system. You can buy it at a specialized veterinary pharmacy.

The contents of your pet's bowl will not help him heal. serious illnesses kidneys, however, a well-designed diet with a minimum content of protein, phosphorus and sodium will reduce symptoms and improve general state pet's health. It is worth understanding that changes in a cat’s diet should not be drastic. It is advisable to discuss the specifics of the transition to a new therapeutic diet with your veterinarian. The specialist will tell you how to properly prepare your cat for... new diet and not provoke complications.

Despite its serious nature, kidney disease in cats is not a death sentence for the animal. With the proper level of care, the owner can make the life of his pet as comfortable and long as possible. However, to do this, you should carefully consider the recommendations of veterinarians and take care of correct content cat

It is important to strictly control your pet’s diet and provide him with access to drinking water, minimize the amount of stress and emotional trauma.

Sick animals need periodic veterinary examinations, so owners of cats with kidney disease should make an appointment at the veterinary clinic in advance.

Pathological changes in a pet’s body often lead to the occurrence of such insidious disease, like kidney failure in cats. Its insidiousness lies in the fact that symptoms may not appear for quite a long time. The clinical picture of the disease becomes obvious when there is significant damage to the kidney tissue.

Kidney failure is characterized by disturbances in the functioning of the urinary system, which affects the entire body of the cat. Therefore, it is important to recognize the disease as early as possible in order to prescribe correct and timely therapy. This will help save the health and life of the cat. Let's talk about the symptoms and treatment of kidney failure.

Causes of kidney pathologies

To the most common reasons the occurrence of the disease in a cat can be attributed to:

  1. kidney damage of an infectious and bacterial nature;
  2. frequent inflammatory diseases kidneys, as well as the result of improper therapy or its incomplete course;
  3. kidney damage as a result of toxic poisoning;
  4. congenital pathologies and genetic predisposition;
  5. tumors various types(malignant or benign) affecting kidney function.

Note that some cat breeds are born with a predisposition to kidney failure. For example, representatives of the Persian breed suffer from polycystic kidney disease, which significantly shortens their life. Even with timely and competent therapy, the pathology cannot be cured. It is transmitted even to those kittens that have only breed admixtures. Abessinian cats suffer from protein metabolism disorders; it is incurable, shortens the pet’s life and worsens its quality.

Renal failure, classification and course of the disease

You should know that this disease cannot be completely defeated. Timely therapy will only stop its progression and prolong the cat’s life. Any inflammatory process or poisoning can lead to kidney failure.

There are two forms of kidney failure in cats:

  • Acute. Sudden damage to organ tissue leads to the immediate manifestation of symptoms of the disease. This allows immediate treatment measures to be taken, which usually results in excellent result, allowing even complete restoration of the tissue of the affected organ.
  • Chronic. The slow progression of the disease ultimately leads to severe damage to the kidney tissue. There is a decrease in renal blood supply and the organ is no longer able to recover. Treatment of a cat is aimed only at curbing the development of the disease. If it is not recognized or therapy is neglected, then the cat is doomed to death.

They distinguish the gradual development of chronic renal failure in cats:

  • first, there is a sharp drop in blood pressure and retention of urine;
  • then urine does not come out at all, thereby poisoning the cat’s blood with nitrogenous compounds;
  • the last stage of failure is characterized by the outflow of urine. But since the kidneys cannot cope with their functions of removing harmful substances from the body, the water entering the cat’s body comes out in the same form.

Symptoms of the disease

Kidney failure, especially in chronic form, is quite difficult to recognize. Many of its symptoms can be mistaken for another disease. The diagnosis of chronic renal failure can be made after testing urine and blood in the laboratory. Let us outline the symptoms of kidney failure that may appear in a cat:

  • loss of appetite and sudden weight loss;
  • the cat’s activity decreases (often owners do not attach importance to this if the cat is already at a considerable age);
  • pallor of the mucous membranes;
  • fluctuations in body temperature;
  • urination stops or, conversely, the need to drink increases, and the cat urinates frequently;
  • breath becomes with an ammonia smell, salivation increases;
  • swelling of the paws is noted first, then they rise higher;
  • against the background of dehydration of the body, the mucous membranes become dry, the coat loses its shine;
  • You may experience bloody vomiting or blood in your stool.

Acute renal failure

There are several types acute pathology kidney:

  • viral and bacterial kidney diseases, as well as severe infectious processes;
  • poisoning with drugs and snake venom;
  • damage to kidney tissue by salts heavy metals, aniline, etc.
  • Prerenal failure. The occurrence is associated with state of shock and proceeds with a reduction in blood flow through the cat’s kidneys. The reasons may be:
  • exposure to heat or sun leading to severe overheating;
  • acute cardiovascular disorders;
  • severe infections or severe poisoning;
  • severe dehydration;
  • shock due to injury and heavy bleeding.

Postrenal failure. Associated with compression of the organs of the urinary system or their mechanical blockage due to trauma to the pelvic organs, tumors or urolithiasis.

Symptoms of acute renal failure appear very quickly in a cat, which makes it possible to recognize them and contact a veterinarian. as soon as possible. After examining and studying the tests, the doctor prescribes therapy, the result of which allows the cat to continue to live a full life.

Chronic renal failure

The disease develops gradually, without showing any symptoms associated with severe damage to the kidney tissue, up to serious destruction of the organ. Therefore, deficiency is often observed in older cats. Among the causes of the disease are:

  • pathological diseases of a metabolic nature (protein metabolism disorders or the presence of diabetes mellitus);
  • no treatment acute form illness or insufficiency of therapy;
  • chronic viral or bacterial kidney infections;
  • congenital or genetic predisposition;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • tumor manifestations.

Actions of the veterinarian upon detection symptoms of chronic renal failure aimed at clinical trial blood and urine, as well as establishing the causes of the disease. Therapy will be aimed at alleviating the pet’s condition and curbing the development of the disease. A cure cannot be achieved due to significant damage to the organ tissue, but it is possible to prolong the cat’s life.

Treatment of kidney failure in cats

If acute renal failure is detected, you will need 24-hour treatment and observation of a cat in a veterinary clinic. The first aid will be to drain urine from the bladder, for which a catheter is inserted. Then a course of drips and injections is prescribed, aimed at:

  • restoration of salt balance,
  • reducing pressure.

If infection is present, treatment is with antibiotics.

Acute failure is usually accompanied by pain, for the relief of which the doctor recommends appropriate medications. The cat is fed through a tube. Only after the pet’s condition improves and is ready to eat on its own is it transferred to medicated food.

Chronic renal failure in a cat requires the use of a diet selected veterinarian on an individual basis. Treatment consists of restoring blood pressure, vitamin balance, and reducing body intoxication. Good help with this drug therapy in combination with herbal kidney preparations.

Preventive actions

Any disease is easier to cure if it is recognized at an early stage. Therefore, the first priority measures in the prevention of kidney failure will be annual examinations of the pet at a veterinary clinic with the donation of urine and blood for testing. For older cats, such tests should be done once every six months.

Clinical studies can indicate the presence of the disease at an early stage, which will facilitate treatment and give a chance for recovery and prolongation. normal life cat If this is not done, then there is a risk of the animal dying from this insidious disease.