Inflammation of the gallbladder what. Treatment of inflammation of the gallbladder. Treatment of cholecystitis with inflammation of the gallbladder

You can endlessly look at three things - how fire burns, how water flows, and how the liver processes alcohol.

To imagine the work of the liver, try drinking five or six glasses of juice per minute, while clearly and unmistakably naming the varieties out loud: this is apple, this is grape ... Make a mistake once - death.

This is how the liver works: every minute it passes 1.2 - 1.5 liters of blood through itself. This despite the fact that the total amount of blood in the body is from 4 to 6 liters. And not only skips, but also cleanses it of various poisons, kills microbes, and also simultaneously does other things.


The very name of the organ comes from the Slavic verb “furnace”, that is, to act with heat: in a fresh corpse, due to intensive metabolism, the liver feels warmer to the touch than the surrounding organs.

At the same time, several vital functions lie on the liver (scientists call them "vital"). Let's announce the whole list:

  1. hematopoiesis (in the fetus and young children);
  2. synthesis of substances indispensable (essential) for the body, including structural and transport proteins, enzymes, blood clotting factors, carbohydrates, fatty acids, hormones, cholesterol;
  3. neutralization of poisons of internal and external origin;
  4. neutralization biologically active substances after they are no longer needed;
  5. synthesis of bile pigments, production and secretion of bile;
  6. the synthesis of urea, as the end product of nitrogen metabolism in the body;
  7. vitamin metabolism - the liver is directly involved in the metabolism of vitamins A, B, C, D, E, K, PP, folic acid;
  8. maintaining a constant volume of circulating blood (by the way, it is the lack of blood volume that is the problem with a hangover, and not dehydration in general);
  9. destruction of microorganisms entering the blood through the intestines;
  10. excretion of foreign and unnecessary substances from the blood into bile for their removal through the intestines. For example, excess cholesterol can only be removed from the body in this way.

There are other features, but let's focus on those that are important for further discussion.

How the liver neutralizes external and internal poisons

Where do the poisons in our body come from, which we need to get rid of? We don't eat poisonous foods intentionally, do we? There are two ways:

  1. Around us there are many different chemical compounds. They are alien to our body and are called xenobiotics. However, they are very useful to us: we eat them, breathe them, use them as medicines. Unfortunately, poisonous (toxic) substances are also found among them. But it's okay: in the process of evolution, we have already met with them many times, and therefore we learned how to neutralize them and remove them from the body in time (this process is called detoxification).
  2. Some poisons form right inside of us. They are formed as a result of normal, vital processes in our body. It’s just that now these substances have already served their purpose and we no longer need them: these are the decay products of hemoglobin, steroid hormones, catecholamines and other substances. They are called metabolites.

The liver deals with both internal and external poisons in the same way:

  1. First, it subjects these substances to either oxidation (removes electrons from them), or reduction (on the contrary, it attaches electrons), or hydrolysis (decomposes when interacting with water).
  2. And then some substance is attached to these resulting active chemical groups: for example, glucuronic acid, sulfuric acid, glycine, glutamine, acetylate, or others. Such reactions are called conjugation reactions, and the process of addition of substances is called conjugation.

In all reactions to neutralize toxins, the coenzyme NADP (NADP, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate) and molecular oxygen are used. Some of the most key neutralization reactions are:

  • hydroxylation (attachment of an OH group);
  • epoxidation (attachment of one oxygen atom simultaneously to two adjacent carbon atoms in the hydrocarbon chain);
  • sulfoxidation (addition of oxygen to a sulfur atom in a molecule);
  • dealkylation (replacement of the CH3 group by hydrogen);
  • reduction of nitro compounds (replacement of oxygen atoms from a bond with nitrogen to hydrogen).

As an example of how the liver neutralizes external poisons, consider the neutralization of benzene. Benzene is formed in the large intestine along with other intestinal poisons. It is a product of incomplete protein digestion. In particular, it is formed when you eat alcohol with meat. Benzene, together with the blood of the portal vein, enters the liver. Working liver cells (hepatocytes) attach a hydrogen atom and an oxygen atom to benzene, due to which benzene is converted into another substance - phenol. Then this same phenol combines with glucuronic acid and forms a water-soluble phenylglucuronide, which can be easily excreted from the body with urine, sweat, saliva, etc.

But there is also a downside: the coenzyme NADP, which helped us carry out this reaction, has passed into an oxidized form, and will not be able to immediately carry out exactly the same reaction if toxic substances continue to do. That's why you should eat moderately: if the NADP coenzyme has already neutralized the first kebab stick and went on a well-deserved rest, then a new portion of the kebab will not be digested and will poison your body until the morning.

An example neutralization of internal poison may serve to neutralize bilirubin, which is formed from heme (the active part of the hemoglobin molecule containing iron). Bilirubin is a toxic compound, especially to the brain. But in the liver, it combines with glucuronide and a non-toxic form of the substance is obtained, which dissolves in water and is relatively easily excreted from the body. As with the neutralization of benzene, the reduced form of the NADP coenzyme is also consumed here, turning into an oxidized one. Bilirubin is closely associated with the formation of bile pigments. That is why an increase in the concentration of bilirubin in the blood to a level of 2-3 mg / dl or more determines yellowing of the skin, mucous membranes, sclera of the eyes with a symptom of jaundice, in particular, with toxic and viral hepatitis.

Alcohol and the liver: all the nightmarish details

And now about exactly how alcohol harms the liver. It turns out that there are many, many different things.

  • Toxic action: alcohol and its decay products harm liver cells directly. Alcohol can dissolve in water, but it can also dissolve fats (amphiphilicity). It is thanks to this property that it hits cell membranes well, which, by their nature, are subject to the action of such toxins.
  • Stagnation of bile and the reaction of liver cells to inflammation: alcohol interferes with bile flow, and most bile acids (more on that below) can harm cells. When bile stagnates in the liver, its working cells (hepatocytes) begin to get damaged and die. Even worse: this whole picture complicates the work of the pancreas, and from this, harmful microorganisms multiply in the intestines. The disturbed microbial balance in the intestine, in turn, leads to the appearance of even more toxic bile acids that are absorbed into the blood, but cannot be sufficiently neutralized by the weakened liver.
  • Autoimmune reaction: when liver cells begin to break down more often than usual and cell membranes are often destroyed, then the body's immune system, which is always ready to fight alien organisms, begins to "beat on his own." Altered under the influence of alcohol and disease processes, one's own protein is mistaken for someone else's, and killer cells, trained to destroy someone else's infection, begin to destroy liver cells. It turns out a vicious circle, which can be broken only by a means that will stop both external and internal strikes on the cells.
  • Oxidative stress: in the process of processing alcohol by the liver, it turns into toxic acetaldehyde, while free radicals are released into the body, which can damage liver cells by oxidation. Interestingly, the cell is not something that dies directly under the action of free radicals: they simply trigger the mechanism of natural, programmed, cell death (apoptosis) ahead of time. By the way, exactly the same thing happens under the influence of alcohol with neurons - brain cells: they do not “dissolve” completely in alcohol, as many people think, but they die, because damage to the membrane triggers the death of the entire cell.

Is it possible to drink alcohol with problems with bile flow

With liver damage, including due to drinking, one way or another, any of the above liver functions may suffer. But when it comes to drinking, it is worth paying attention primarily to the function of neutralizing poisons and the synthesis of bile. Choleretic remedies for a hangover restore digestion, and also help to avoid problems with the liver and pancreas.

With a removed gallbladder, you can drink weak alcoholic beverages in moderation and without snacks.

With biliary dyskinesia, you should first know your type of dyskinesia. With hypokinesia, the following scheme is recommended: a choleretic agent, then light food, and only after that - alcohol in moderation. With hyperkinesia, you should drink weak alcohol without snacks at all.

Do I need to cleanse the liver of toxins?

No no need.

We have prepared a separate interesting article about this on the site.

Diseases of the gallbladder most often occur as a result of pathological processes in neighboring organs (liver, pancreas). Their symptoms have much in common - pain in the right hypochondrium, digestive disorders, discoloration and consistency of feces, changes in appetite, icteric syndrome. The gallbladder performs an important function - it is responsible for the accumulation and distribution of bile, and any disturbances in the functioning of the organ negatively affect the state of the digestive system as a whole.

Bile is constantly produced in the body, and just as constantly it is secreted through the hepatic bile duct. But in the process of digestion, it is required only when there is food in the intestines. If bile enters in the absence of intestinal contents, it can damage the intestinal mucosa.

The gallbladder is necessary so that the constantly secreted bile does not enter the intestines when there is no food in it. Regulation of the flow of bile into the intestines gallbladder quite simple - if the sphincter that ends the common bile duct is open - bile flows into the intestines. If it is closed, bile flows into the gallbladder. There it can accumulate. long time. The water contained in the bile is partially absorbed, so the gallbladder bile is thicker and more viscous than the hepatic bile.

When the sphincter of the major duodenal papilla opens, the cystic bile enters the intestinal lumen first, then the hepatic bile. If for some reason the sphincter remains closed for a long time, bile stasis, the formation of stones and other violations of the outflow of bile are possible.

Gallbladder diseases - the main causes

Regardless of the causes and mechanism of development, gallbladder pathologies have similar symptoms. The main symptom is constant aching, arching pain in the right hypochondrium, which is not relieved by taking analgesics. With cholecystitis or cholelithiasis, the pain syndrome is the most intense. Usually pain occur after eating (especially fatty, spicy or fried). When the stones leave the gallbladder, sharp, cutting pains appear. In addition, other characteristic symptoms appear:

  • febrile state (chills, temperature) in the acute course of the process;
  • dyspeptic manifestations (nausea, vomiting, belching);
  • stool disorders (diarrhea, constipation);
  • bloating, flatulence;
  • lack of appetite, weight loss;
  • bitterness and dryness in the mouth;
  • discoloration of urine (to intense yellow) and discoloration of feces;
  • yellowness of the skin;
  • skin itching, rashes on the body;
  • insomnia, irritability.

The appearance of an icteric color of the skin and sclera indicates that the inflammatory process has spread to the liver. This threatens the development of severe complications and can lead to liver failure, cirrhosis or internal bleeding. Consider the main symptoms and treatments for the most common diseases of the gallbladder.

Dyskinesia of the gallbladder

This pathological condition is a prerequisite for the development of many diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract. It can be asymptomatic for a long time. The essence of the disease is that physical activity gallbladder. Most often, it is weakened, therefore, when the sphincter of the large duodenal papilla opens, the bladder contracts insufficiently, and when food enters, it does not expel the necessary amount of bile into the intestine. Part of it remains in the bladder, stagnates, and conditions arise for the development of the inflammatory process.

Symptoms of gallbladder dyskinesia - a violation of the digestion of fats, primarily animals. The patient may notice a slight deterioration in well-being after eating fatty foods or overeating, recurrent discomfort in the right hypochondrium, sometimes pain - pulling, blurred. Diarrhea can occur after a rich fatty meal.

This condition is treated with choleretic drugs, as well as drugs that increase the tone of smooth muscles - eleutherococcus, ginseng and others. Diet and physical activity are also recommended.


The formation of stones in the gallbladder is a direct consequence of the stagnation of bile. This can be facilitated by irregular nutrition, lack of physical activity and other factors. In addition, biliary dyskinesia in most cases precedes gallstone disease.

Gallstones are clumps of hardened bile that form due to excess water absorption. Among all diseases of the liver and gallbladder, gallstone disease is the most common. Its course is paroxysmal - during the period of remission, the symptoms are almost completely absent or insignificant (as with dyskinesia), but the attacks of the disease manifest themselves very clearly.

Exacerbation of gallstone disease (biliary colic) can provoke physical effort, overeating, shaking while driving, or even sudden movement. The most striking symptom is a sharp pain in the right hypochondrium. The attack may pass on its own, but this does not mean a cure for the disease. A few days after it, yellowing of the skin and sclera, skin itching, whitish feces. These symptoms are a consequence of the entry of bile acids into the blood.

To relieve an attack, antispasmodic drugs are used that relieve spasm of the biliary tract and relieve pain. During an acute attack of gallstone disease, you can not move, eat food (especially fatty), use choleretic drugs. This condition requires medical intervention, so you need to call an ambulance.

Outside of exacerbation, therapeutic nutrition, moderate physical activity, choleretic agents and antispasmodic drugs. The patient is advised to undergo regular examinations to prevent new exacerbations.

Cholecystitis is an inflammation of the gallbladder. Most often it is aseptic, that is, it occurs without the participation of infection, and has a chronic course. Its development is preceded by many reasons, including hereditary predisposition.

The most dangerous form is considered acute calculous cholecystitis arising against the background of cholelithiasis. During an attack, the temperature rises, there is bitterness in the mouth, an empty eructation, severe weakness, pain in the right hypochondrium, vomiting of bile, which does not bring relief.

Acalculous chronic cholecystitis without exacerbation manifests itself as periodic pulling pains in the right hypochondrium, appetite disorders, discomfort and diarrhea after eating fatty foods. Symptoms of the disease during an exacerbation resemble biliary colic, but can last much longer.

First aid during an attack is the same as for biliary colic. During remission, anti-inflammatory drugs are used. With acalculous cholecystitis, less often than with cholelithiasis, one has to resort to surgical intervention; in treatment, more emphasis is placed on anti-inflammatory therapy.

Jaundice in diseases of the gallbladder

Icteric syndrome occurs with many liver diseases. Jaundice is subdivided into suprahepatic, hepatic and subhepatic jaundice by origin and laboratory features. For diseases of the gallbladder, it is precisely subhepatic (mechanical) jaundice caused by stagnation of bile that is characteristic. It occurs 2-3 days after an attack of gallstone disease, small manifestations icteric syndrome can be observed without exacerbation with errors in the diet, improper medication.

Jaundice in this case is due to the entry into the blood of a large amount of bile acids and bilirubin. The skin, mucous membranes and sclera become yellowish. It is the yellow color of the sclera that is a reliable diagnostic criterion, since the skin can have a different natural tone. Another characteristic symptom is pruritus. He is conditioned irritant, which bile acids have on the nerve endings located in the upper layers of the epidermis. 1-2 days after yellowing of the skin, changes in the color of urine and feces appear. Urine becomes dark due to the appearance of bilirubin in it, and feces, on the contrary, become light due to its lack.

Laboratory tests reveal an increase in the level of bilirubin in the blood due to the bound fraction, the appearance of bile acids, an increase in the level of transaminases and alkaline phosphatase, which indicate liver damage. Bilirubin is found in urine, feces a sharp decline his level (acholia).


For staging correct diagnosis description of the symptoms is often not enough - they are often blurred and often the patient may not attach importance to them until an attack occurs. General blood and urine tests, as well as a biochemical blood test, without exacerbation of diseases, can be completely normal. During an attack, the number of leukocytes in the general blood test increases. In the biochemical analysis, bile acids are detected 1-2 days after the attack, bilirubin rises. Its increase is also noted in the urine, and in the feces, on the contrary, it decreases.

Much more valuable information is provided by laboratory and instrumental methods for examining the function of the biliary tract. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity allows you to see stones in the gallbladder, anatomical anomalies that predispose to them. For more accurate diagnosis apply angiographic methods that allow you to track the dynamics of the outflow of bile. Duodenal sounding shows how bile enters the duodenum. In diseases of the gallbladder in children, this research method is rarely used.

Medical treatment of gallbladder diseases

Taking medication is prerequisite prevention of disease attacks. Which drugs the doctor chooses depends on the characteristics of the course of the disease, the patient's ability to take medications regularly, and many other factors. Types of drugs used in diseases of the gallbladder:

  • choleretic agents (cholesecretics);
  • antispasmodics;
  • hepatoprotectors;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • tonic.

Painkillers for the treatment of gallbladder diseases are not recommended, since their effectiveness in this case is quite low, but there is a risk of provoking gastric ulcer and complicating diagnosis. To relieve pain, it is much more effective to use antispasmodics (No-shpu, Drotaverine, Mebeverine).

Cholagogue drugs are used only outside of an exacerbation, since their use during biliary colic can lead to a worsening of the patient's condition.

Hepatoprotectors (Gepabene, Karsil, Essentiale, Hofitol) are prescribed for all diseases of the gallbladder, as well as the liver to maintain its functions. They are taken in courses during the period of remission. Also, courses are taken tonic drugs that improve the function of the gallbladder.


Surgical treatment of the disease is the removal of the gallbladder. Most often, they resort to it with cholelithiasis. The operation can be performed endoscopically (without incision) or laparotomically. The use of endoscopic methods today is considered more progressive, and in most cases the operation is performed in this way.

Indications for laparotomy (abdominal incision) - the impossibility of endoscopic surgery, suspicion of complications of cholecystitis. This operation is more traumatic, has been used recently quite rarely and strictly according to indications.

The operation to remove the gallbladder can be performed electively or urgently. The indication for an emergency operation is an attack of gallstone disease, which is not relieved by medication (and if this is not the first attack, then in most cases an operation is required). Planned it can be carried out with cholecystitis, cholelithiasis or other lesions in the period of remission, if therapeutic measures bring little effect, and exacerbations are common. In diseases of the gallbladder in women during pregnancy, elective cholecystectomy is not performed.

After surgery, you must follow a diet and take medicines. It is especially important to monitor the intervals between meals, as there is a risk of developing liver damage with the reverse outflow of bile, which normally enters the gallbladder.

Diet and proper nutrition

Diet in diseases of the gallbladder is crucial. It is the errors in it that provoke exacerbations. During the period of remission, it is necessary to limit the use of fatty, smoked, spicy food- the one for which the secretion of bile is necessary. The liquid can be consumed without restrictions. It is very important to observe the intervals between meals - you should eat in small portions, but often. The time interval between meals should not exceed four hours. This is especially important for those who have undergone a cholecystectomy. The restriction on fatty foods applies not only to animals, but also to vegetable fats. Alcoholic drinks completely banned.

During an exacerbation, food should not be taken until an attack of biliary colic is eliminated. You also shouldn't drink liquids. If you are very thirsty, you can moisten your lips with warm water or tea. After alleviating the condition and reducing the pain syndrome, you can eat a few tablespoons of pureed vegetable soup, drink some unsweetened tea or diluted juice. Semi-liquid viscous cereals can be entered into the menu only on the third day after the attack. And in about a week, switch to a special therapeutic diet 5A.

A proper diet should be based on the restriction of fats (animal and vegetable), junk food, spicy and spicy foods. You can not include pickles, canned food, smoked meats, fatty meats and fish in the menu. It is recommended to refuse baking, muffin, fresh bread. Banned ice cream, sweets, sugary carbonated drinks, coffee, chocolate, cocoa. You will have to completely give up alcohol and smoking.

The diet includes pureed vegetable and cereal soups, cereals (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal), lean meat, seafood, boiled, baked or steamed vegetables. In cholelithiasis, vegetarian, fruit diet, the use of dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins), berries, vegetable salads.


Many factors play a role in the development of gallbladder diseases, and it is not possible to prevent all of them. Nevertheless, healthy lifestyle life, giving up alcohol and smoking, moderate physical activity, limiting fatty and spicy foods (what nutritionists call heavy) will prevent the development of the disease, even if there are anatomical abnormalities (constrictions, adhesions, etc.)

Nutrition in diseases of the gallbladder is extremely important - it allows you to reduce the frequency of exacerbations, and allows the patient to feel good. It is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of the doctor regarding diet and medication. In this case, the patient has the opportunity to full life despite chronic illness.

It is important to remember that chronic diseases must be treated by a doctor, and the treatment of gallbladder diseases folk remedies It is permissible only after consultation with a specialist, so as not to harm your health.

The manifestation of problems with the outflow of bile occurs often after 35 years, the accumulation of fatty acids provokes the formation of stones, as a result, cholecystitis occurs.

Actual application different types drugs with, recommendations for treatment strictly as prescribed by the doctor.

Gallstone disease affects the walls of blood vessels, prevents the outflow of bile and normal digestion. Due to diseases of the abdominal cavity, inflammation of the gallbladder is one of the most common, the treatment of which must be started immediately.

Symptoms of inflammation of the gallbladder

The first sign of gallbladder problems is colic. Choleretic drugs can relieve pain. Depending on the stage of development of the disease, treatment is prescribed.

Sharp pains in the right hypochondrium disturb more often closer to the night, it is better to treat them with antispasmodics in first aid acute form.

At advanced stage pain passes to the back and chest, part of the shoulder may hurt.

Symptoms of an inflamed organ are:

  • sharp pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • feces with a touch of yellowness;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • heartburn;
  • accompaniment with hepatitis;
  • the stomach may swell;
  • diarrhea after eating;
  • discomfort after strenuous exercise.

Intermittent pain in chest should alert a person, this is the first reason to see a doctor. After acute, the doctor prescribes choleretic tablets, but with late detection of stones, you need to act quickly.

Frequent method prevention acute symptoms is laparoscopic cholecystectomy, a sparing option for removal by the method of several punctures. After rehabilitation period usually should be treated with antibiotics.

Drug therapy

  • Initially, antibiotic therapy is carried out for inflammation, drugs such as erythromycin, ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin provide treatment for initial stage illness. Drugs are strictly prescribed by a doctor, self-medication is not recommended.
  • The most common symptom is biliary colic; antispasmodic drugs are used to relieve pain. This, in a way, is not a cure, but a pain relief. The drugs have a relaxing effect on the walls of the organs, the spasm disappears. The most popular among the population are noshpa or drotaverine, as well as baralgin and spazmalgon.
  • In case of inflammation of the gallbladder, choleretic drugs are used, they are divided into groups that increase the formation of bile (allohol or livami) and cause bile secretion (sorbitol or olimentin). As a treatment and to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract in the stage of inflammation of the gallbladder are used enzyme preparations, one of the common pancreatin.

Antibiotic treatment is prescribed for a week or two, according to the results of the tests. Taken in combination with antibiotics vitamin complexes containing vitamin B to keep the body in good shape. If the drugs do not work desired effect, surgery is scheduled. Using drugs that thin bile in the last acute phase of cholecystitis.

Diet and treatments

Treatment for inflammation of the gallbladder early stage may be limited to diet and the use of antispasmodics according to the situation. In an acute syndrome, antibiotics are used and treatment is started quickly, in a hospital or with surgery.

Ways to relieve the inflammatory process of the gallbladder:

  1. Appointment of diet number 5.
  2. Antispasmodics, choleritics and antibiotics at different stages of the development of the disease.
  3. Sanatorium treatment.
  4. Operational intervention.
  5. Exclusion of heavy physical exertion.

Nutrition is based on the principle of proper eating, at least 5-6 times a day. Treatment of the gallbladder with a diet contributes to the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminates the appearance of colic. The Pevsner diet clearly demonstrates the exclusion from the diet of harmful foods that block the work of the gallbladder, forming stones.

Healthy foods that exclude fatty and fried foods, spicy and salty, bitter and sweet are capable of treating the liver and normalizing the work of the bile ducts.

Alcohol, chocolate, carbonated drinks, coffee, cocoa, rich products - all this is excluded from the diet. It is necessary to reduce the thermal effect on the body by eating warm, non-hot and non-cold food. The way to treat, in this way, the inflammation will become quickly noticeable, the colic will stop bothering the patient.

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Inflammation of the gallbladder symptoms and treatment in women

Inflammation of the gallbladder: symptoms and treatment

On this moment diseases of the bile duct and bladder are not something surprising. This pathology occupies a leading position among the lesions of the digestive system. Therefore, it is so important to know what symptoms indicate disease state.

This will help to take timely action and start treatment. The manifestations of the disease are completely dependent on the handicap.

Acute process

Acalculous cholecystitis is a fairly rare variety. Complications are usually not observed, a person recovers in a short time period. But in some situations, everything can go into a chronic stage. More often acute processes appear in the event that the lumen of the body is clogged with a stone.

In this case, we speak of calculous cholecystitis. This condition begins acutely with severe pain localized in the right hypochondrium. The pain is paroxysmal. The person begins to feel sick and eventually vomit. The temperature sometimes rises to thirty-nine degrees, chills appear. If the outflow of bile is completely blocked by the stone, then the sclera and skin become yellow.

The intestine ceases to fulfill its purpose normally - gases are retained and constipation occurs. If no action is taken to eliminate this phenomenon, then the inflammatory process is extremely difficult. Among other things, inflammation can easily spread to nearby organs.

Therefore, such complications as cholangitis (bile ducts become inflamed), pancreatitis, peritonitis are not rare (in this case, the peritoneum is also included in the process). If you have the symptoms described above that indicate gallbladder disease, do not hesitate to seek help from specialists. Promptly started treatment reduces the risk of developing serious consequences.

Chronic form

Sometimes this condition may be the result of acute cholecystitis, but the reasons often lie elsewhere. The onset occurs at an early age with the use of a large amount of spicy, fried and fatty foods. Often develops after an emotional outburst.

TO characteristic symptoms include:

  1. pain on the right side (it can radiate to the umbilical region and stomach). Some patients complain of dull aching pain that does not go away. Others do not feel anything at all, except for a feeling of heaviness and burning. In the third patients, it is quite intense, it rolls in waves, while giving it to the shoulder blade, collarbone, and heart area. The occurrence and intensification of this condition can be observed with the use of alcoholic beverages, a violation of the diet, hypothermia and excessive physical exertion;
  2. another symptom is vomiting and nausea interspersed with bile. This can be explained not only by the inflammatory process in the bladder, but also by concomitant pancreatitis, gastritis. Bitterness is felt in the mouth, belching is also unpleasant. Due to the fact that the waste of the secret is disturbed, it begins to enter the blood in large quantities, thereby irritating the skin receptors. The whole body of a person begins to itch. Impaired bile secretion also leads to the development of jaundice. During an exacerbation of a chronic gallbladder disease, chills begin and the temperature rises. Every person has a different level of this. During attacks of pain, a person is too irritable, headaches, bouts of sweating begin to disturb him, sleep is disturbed, and his mood changes almost every minute.

If you have found such signs, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is better to prevent the disease than to deal with possible complications.

What to do?

In each individual case, the symptoms that indicate inflammation of the gallbladder may be different. Sometimes only a couple characteristic manifestations. Therefore, examination by specialists is extremely important points. The doctor will ask about all the existing complaints, conduct an examination and all the necessary research. All these actions help in establishing the correct diagnosis and prescribing adequate treatment.

To begin with, it is worth understanding whether the patient can be treated on an outpatient basis or whether there is a need for hospitalization. Enter the hospital, determine where exactly - in the therapeutic or surgical department. In all cases, the list of therapeutic measures for inflammation of the gallbladder includes compliance with a special menu and bed rest.

Treatment with sulfonamides and antibiotics is also used - they help to cope with harmful microorganisms. Due to the fact that the pathways that divert bile are involved in the process, drugs are prescribed that relieve spasms of the bile ducts.

As pain relief, analgesics are prescribed in the form of electrophoresis and injections into the affected part. When the disease is in remission, they move on to physiotherapy. In all periods, it is better to take choleretic medications.

But do not forget that only the doctor will determine the validity of the use of any remedy, because such therapy does not always bring a positive result. For example, if a stone blocks the gastric duct, then these remedies will lead to a worsening of the disease.

Therapy with the help of various herbal tinctures is considered useful. Mineral waters are recommended (Smirnovskaya, Essentuki and others). If the accepted treatment with the use of medications does not bring positive results, then the question arises of the intervention of surgeons.

Remember that asking for help is mandatory, thus you will avoid serious consequences. Also, do not self-medicate - it will not bring any benefit.

The first symptoms of gallbladder problems that should not be ignored

Inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis): causes, symptoms, treatment in adults

Cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder) - the basic principles of the development of the inflammatory process in the wall of the gallbladder. The symptomatology of this process proceeds quickly and quite painfully. Pathology can be aggravated by cholelithiasis.

How is it diagnosed this pathology? What methods of treatment and prevention exist? How to help the patient during an attack? All these questions, you will find the answers in our article.

What is cholecystitis

Cholecystitis is a fairly common disease. According to statistics, more than 20% of the population (women and men) is faced with this disease of an acute or chronic form. This fact is explained by the fact that the causes of the formation of the disease are quite diverse:

  • sedentary lifestyle,
  • improper (unbalanced) nutrition,
  • multiple disruptions at work endocrine system(diabetes, overweight, etc.).

It should be noted that in women the risk of developing this pathology is much higher than in men. This factor is directly related to the fact that during pregnancy the fetus begins to put pressure on adjacent organs, as a result of which their functionality is impaired. Taking contraceptives (oral) is also capable of exposing a woman to the formation of this pathology.

Many pathological processes formed in the bladder or directly in the channels can provoke large-scale damage (dyskinesia), inflammation and metabolic problems in the body (cholelithiasis). All these states characterize one of the stages of this pathological process. At first, damage to the working capacity of the organ occurs, which is expressed in the form of dyskinesia, then inflammation is formed, and after a while, gallstone disease (cholecythiasis) is formed.

In most cases, the initial cause is an infection that, with the help of blood, enters the membranes of the bladder.

Causes of inflammation of the gallbladder

The focus of the formation of this pathological process can be:

  • Chronic or acute inflammation, the localization of which occurs in the organs of the digestive system (GIT).
  • Viral diseases of the liver (Botkin's disease)
  • Inflammation, which is localized in the organs of the reproductive system.
  • Invasions of the striking nature of education.

As secondary factors, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • Biliary dyskinesia (JVP). The disease is formed regardless of the form, severity and course of cholecystitis. This disease is one of the main reasons why bile blockage is formed, and its normal outflow is also disturbed.
  • Pancreatic reflux. The contents that are in the duodenum directly enter the bladder and, accordingly, its passages. Influence of some gastrointestinal enzymes and gastric juice damages the lining of the organ. A process is formed - reflux, as a rule, with various diseases of the pancreas and duodenum.
  • genetic or congenital predisposition associated with wrong development or with the functionality of the bubble as well as its passages.
  • Diseases that are accompanied by various complications in the blood supply of the bladder itself and its ducts.
  • Dyscholia. This pathology is directly related to an imbalance in the normal composition of bile, as a result of which damage to the organ membrane also occurs. The role of the initial reason for the formation of this disease is malnutrition (eating fatty, smoked and monotonous (unbalanced) food).
  • Immunological diseases and allergies.
  • Pathologies and various diseases of the endocrine system.
  • hereditary tendency.

These factors provide the formation of the necessary conditions, on the basis of which inflammation begins to form. In parallel, the infection enters the bile ducts and, of course, into the bladder itself.

By the nature and complexity of the course, this pathology can have two forms:

Diseases, according to the features of development, can also be divided into several subspecies, which we will tell you about later.

acute form

Somewhere in the region of 90% of patients with cholecystitis also suffer from such a disease as cholelithiasis, which is characterized by the appearance of stones in the ducts and directly in the bladder itself, as a result of which an acute form of cholecystitis is formed. When hit in a bubble or channel foreign body(stone) their blockage occurs, which prevents the normal flow of masses from the ducts. As a result of this process, inflammation is formed, which gradually intensifies and expands to funny organs.

The affected mucous membrane begins to produce a huge amount of fluid, more than it can be drawn in. That is why the secreted substance begins to accumulate in the passages, parallel to the expansion of the canal wall and, accordingly, the bladder, and also aggravating the newly formed inflammation. Sometimes, an acute form of pathology leads to necrosis of the tissues of the bladder or even to its rupture. The organ affected by the inflammatory process becomes narrowed and compacted, as a result of which its performance is impaired. Such a course favorably affects the development of a chronic form of the pathological process.

Symptoms and treatment in adults will directly depend on the form of the pathological process.

Symptoms of cholecystitis

Since, in most cases, the acute form of cholecystitis is manifested in those patients who have stones, the symptoms of cholecystitis, as a rule, make themselves felt in conjunction with signs of gallstone disease. For example, in patients with an acute form, the formation of colic is often noted.

The most common symptoms of cholecystitis include:

  • The main symptom that accompanies this disease is the appearance of acute pain in the right hypochondrium. It is somewhat similar to colic (according to the place of formation and features of occurrence). The difference lies only in the duration of the pain sensation (with cholecystitis - more than 5-6 hours) and the strength of the manifestation.
  • Nausea, vomiting. A few hours after the onset of the attack, the patient has Murphy's symptom, which is characterized by increased pain during deep inspiration during palpation in the bladder area. In addition to these manifestations, the patient has tension in the upper abdominal muscles on the right side.
  • Slight increase in body temperature.
  • An increase in the number of stab in the general blood test.

The symptoms of the acute form of cholecystitis are almost identical to the manifestations of this pathology, which arose as a result of the formation of stones in the biliary tract or bladder. In some cases, the patient may only be disturbed by bloating and a slight increase in febrile temperature. It should be noted that if the treatment of inflammation of the gallbladder is neglected, this can lead to the formation of gangrene or even perforation of the bladder, followed by peritonitis, shock and sepsis. This development of the disease in most cases ends in death (somewhere in 65-70% of cases). If medical therapy is carried out on time and correctly, then the prognosis for the patient is very favorable: the symptoms of the acute form of cholecystitis will begin to gradually subside after 3-4 days, and will completely disappear in about a week (in 80-85% of cases).

Acute illness during pregnancy

The acute form of the disease develops during pregnancy several times more often than in other cases. First of all, this fact is explained by the fact that the uterus, which increases in size every month, gradually compresses the organs of the digestive system. As a result of this process, stagnation of bile masses is formed in the ducts and bladder with the possible formation of stones, as a result of which cholecystitis develops.

It becomes obvious that the formation of an acute form during pregnancy is associated with high risk. First of all, this is due to the fact that a woman cannot complete a full course medical therapy(excludes the use of a number of drugs).

Catarrhal form of cholecystitis

Catarrhal cholecystitis manifests itself in the form of constant and very intense pain, which is concentrated in the region of the right hypochondrium, smoothly flowing to the shoulder blade, neck and lower back.

  • At first, the patient may be disturbed by paroxysmal pain that develops as a result of increased contractions of the bile membranes.
  • In many cases, nausea or even vomiting is also observed, after which there is no relief. First, the composition of the vomit includes the entire contents of the stomach, and then the duodenal fluid.
  • Febrile temperature rapidly rises to 40.
  • Tachycardia appears (100 beats per minute).
  • Sometimes blood pressure may rise.
  • The appearances on the plaque tongue are usually white.
  • The rate and frequency of inhalations and exhalations is disturbed.
  • On palpation in the abdomen, the patient feels discomfort: a sharp pain in the right hypochondrium (especially in the bile region).
  • Murphy and Ortner syndrome, during which pain is felt when tapping with the palm along the costal arch and with a deep breath - in the gallbladder area.
  • Mussy Syndrome. Sensations of pain in the region of the right clavicle.

Phlegmonous form

Phlegmonous cholecystitis in most cases is much more severe than the previous form. Symptoms of the disease:

  • Feelings of severe and sharp pain in the right hypochondrium, which increases significantly, and becomes more intense with movement, inhalation-exhalation or coughing.
  • Body temperature rises rapidly to around 39-40 degrees Celsius.
  • The patient loses interest in food.
  • There is a general weakness throughout the body. The patient's condition begins to deteriorate rapidly.
  • The patient is shivering.
  • High levels of leukocytes in the general blood test.
  • Nausea worries more and more. There is repeated vomiting.
  • On palpation in the abdomen and ribs, a strong and cutting pain is felt.
  • Syndromes of Murphy, Mussy and Ortner are also relevant.
  • The gallbladder collapses, the walls thicken.
  • During the examination, the presence of pus in the lumen is diagnosed.
  • Sometimes ulcers can form on the walls of the gallbladder.

Gangrenous form

As a rule, this form of cholecystitis develops on the basis of one of the previous ones - phlegmonous. Characterized this variety diseases by the fact that a tired body is unable to deal with a variety of microorganisms, the impact of which affects the nature and course of the pathology. The gangrenous form is manifested by severe intoxication, which is accompanied by:

  • General weakness.
  • An increase in temperature to 38-39 degrees, sometimes even higher.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Violation of the blood supply to the gallbladder and its ducts.

During the transition from the chronic form, pain may decrease slightly, but this does not indicate that the patient's health has improved. Unfortunately, this process indicates the necrosis nerve endings the affected organ. After some time, the symptoms of intoxication again begin to worsen in combination with general symptoms. purulent form peritonitis. This process is accompanied by:

  • Acceleration of the heartbeat (somewhere around 110-120 beats per minute).
  • An increase in temperature up to 40 degrees.
  • Dryness of the tongue.
  • Bloating and gas formation.
  • Breathing becomes rapid and shallow.
  • On palpation, there is a pronounced protection of muscle tension in the region of the anterior abdominal stack.

Chronic form of cholecystitis

As a rule, chronic cholecystitis develops as an independent disease, if there are favorable factors for its formation. This type of disease is characterized by its duration (from several months to ten years). By using timely diagnosis, correct and effective treatment, it is possible to achieve a stage of remission, during which the pathological process calms down and ceases to disturb for a sufficiently long period. If the disease is ignored, then the patient's condition can worsen and lead to dysfunction of the damaged organ. TO general symptoms cholecystitis can be attributed to:

  • Uncomfortable feeling of heaviness in the abdominal cavity;
  • Bloating
  • Nausea, which can sometimes be accompanied by vomiting;
  • Feelings of bitterness in oral cavity, heartburn;
  • The temperature rises to 38 degrees. Occasionally up to 40;
  • The liver may increase in size;
  • There is a compaction of the bile membrane (diagnosed with additional analysis);
  • Jaundice;
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • Sudden changes in the psycho-emotional state of the patient.
  • Headaches, sometimes migraines can disturb.

As a rule, in the chronic form, sharp and throbbing pains are observed quite rarely. Sometimes even pain may not bother you at all. If the patient has any type of allergy, then in the chronic form, the manifestations may worsen. Sometimes women have problems with menstrual cycle(failure from 2 to 10 days).

Calculous cholecystitis

Acute or chronic calculous cholecystitis is already a disease in which stones form in the gallbladder cavity: you can learn more about it in the article: cholelithiasis: symptoms, treatment, diet.

Diagnosis of the disease

  • General blood analysis. According to some indicators, it is easy to determine the development of the inflammatory process.
  • Biochemical analysis.
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and gallbladder
  • Analysis to calculate the level of sugar in the blood.
  • Coprogram.
  • General urine analysis (OAM).
  • Intestinal probing.
  • X-ray.
  • Microscopic examination of masses from the gallbladder

For diagnosis, you need to consult such specialists as:

  • Gastroenterologist.
  • Therapist.

Additionally, for the conclusion, you may need to consult a psychotherapist, gynecologist, surgeon and cardiologist.

Treatment Methods

As a rule, when diagnosing any form of the disease, the patient is prescribed antibiotic therapy in the first place. Antibiotics are used depending on the severity of the disease, as well as on the basis of previous tests and instrumental examinations:

  • new generation broad-spectrum antibiotics to fight infection:
    • ampiox,
    • gentamicin,
    • cephalosporins;
    • in severe cases, 3rd generation cephalosporins and aminoglycosides are administered intramuscularly.
  • litholytic therapy using drugs to dissolve gallstones (this is usually the last resort for individuals who cannot undergo surgery):
    • Ursodeoxycholic acid
  • Painkillers to deal with pain during treatment:
    • no-shpa;
    • papaverine;
    • duspatalin.

Medications should be taken after consulting a doctor because most have serious side effects!

Surgery often becomes necessary in chronic cholecystitis. Today, gallbladder surgery is usually performed laparoscopically. Your surgeon will make small incisions in your abdomen and insert small surgical instruments to perform the operation. In most cases, surgery is an outpatient procedure, which means a shorter recovery time.

In addition, the treatment of this pathology is also focused on eliminating symptoms, that is, on normalizing the performance of the biliary tract and bladder and on eliminating discomfort. In addition, the patient is recommended (if necessary) to lose weight and start eating right.

How to remove the stomach and sides at home in a short time

Relieve pain at home

Seizures can occur in any form of pathology and regardless of the severity of the disease. As a rule, after taking fatty or smoked food, the patient experiences pain.

The symptoms of an acute form of an attack include the following:

  • Sharp and throbbing pain in the abdomen, navel and hypochondrium on the right side.
  • Heartburn, bitterness in the mouth
  • Nausea, which in some cases may be accompanied by vomiting.
  • Hanging temperature over 38 degrees

In order to remove the attack, follow the instructions:

  • Lie down in horizontal position and apply something cold to the abdominal cavity.
  • Drink antispasmodic medicine and any analgesic.
  • In order to get rid of nausea, you can give the patient to drink mint tea or mineral water (without gas).
  • If the patient is vomiting, it is necessary to collect vomit for analysis.
  • Call an ambulance as soon as possible or try to send the victim to a medical facility on your own, where you or the patient can be provided with qualified treatment.

Nutrition for inflammation of the gallbladder

Patients with cholecystitis are advised to completely review their diet and adhere to a certain diet. It is necessary to eat food not only balanced, but also on schedule. Dinner should be at least 3 hours before bedtime.

Foods to take:

  • Vegetables such as tomatoes ( alkaline foods), carrots, spinach, beets, potatoes and cucumbers;
  • Pasta;
  • Yogurt;
  • Fresh fruits such as plums, figs, melons and watermelons;
  • Low-fat dairy products such as cottage cheese;
  • Whole grains (bread whole wheat, oats, bran);
  • Nuts, in particular walnuts and almonds;
  • Lentils.

Foods to avoid:

  • Red meat (pork, duck, lamb), eggs, fried foods, spicy foods, chocolate and ice cream, drinks such as soda, coffee or black tea;
  • Vegetables such as cabbage, Brussels sprouts, beans, cauliflower and cucumbers;
  • Fruits such as bananas, apricots, peaches and apples;
  • Dairy products such as milk, ice cream and cheese.
  • It is also useful to completely get rid of bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol, etc.).

By adjusting your diet, you can alleviate the course of the disease, but for a greater effect, you need medication.


Cholecystitis - inflammation of the gallbladder

Cholecystitis is an inflammation of the gallbladder. The disease is very common among the population. It is believed that they suffer from 10 to 20% of the adult population (let's add "examined"). Women get sick more often. Cholecystitis in children can occur at any age, it has been found that up to seven years of age, boys are more susceptible, and after 14 years, girls.

Structural features

The gallbladder is located under the liver, has the shape of a pear. narrow part passes into a duct connected to duodenum. At the border there is a round muscle ring (sphincter), which regulates the release of contents in separate portions. Violation of contractility is the first stage of the disease. Inflammation as a result of infection is considered the second stage, it is called "acalculous cholecystitis". In the future, there is a stage of stagnation (cholestasis).

Bile contains substances necessary for the breakdown of fats and proteins (bile acids), pigments, bilirubin, and cholesterol.

The main tasks of bile:

  • breaking down fat small particles;
  • activation of lipase (an essential enzyme for the digestion of fats);
  • stimulation of intestinal motility to move contents;
  • ensuring the absorption of proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins;
  • fight against the infection.

Proven influence on the production of intra-articular fluid, the relationship of cholecystitis disease with joint damage.


The reasons for the development of cholecystitis begin with the first phase - impaired motility of the bladder. This happens when:

  • increased nervous load, stress;
  • endocrine pathology(diabetes, obesity, menopause);
  • pregnancy;
  • chronic liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis).

The role of low physical activity, eating fatty foods, long-term use of certain oral contraceptives.

First, there is a functional failure of the release of bile. Both an increase in motor skills (hypermotor type) and a decrease can be observed.

For further development disease in the bladder should get an infection. It penetrates from neighboring organs in hepatitis, pancreatitis, is delivered by lymph or blood from distant foci (from palatine tonsils, carious teeth, maxillary cavity, organs of the urinary system, appendages in women, prostate in men) in the presence of chronic inflammation. A specific inflammation caused by worms and Giardia may develop.

Acalculous cholecystitis occurs when there are additional factors:

  • underdevelopment of the bile duct (typical for children);
  • impaired blood supply to the wall due to atherosclerosis, ischemia in old age;
  • reflux (reflux) of pancreatic juice in pancreatitis;
  • violation of the qualitative composition of bile (when eating fatty foods);
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • allergic reaction from the mucosa to food irritants.

Because of the existing possibility of infection transmission through dirty hands, it is recommended to examine all relatives for helminths and Giardia from contaminated food from family members.

Clinical manifestations

Symptoms of cholecystitis are usually preceded by a period of pronounced hypo- or hypermotor manifestations.

Cholecystitis in children begins with complaints of heaviness in the right hypochondrium, nausea, and lack of appetite. Parents may notice such symptoms after antibiotic treatment, against the background of gastritis, intestinal poisoning. There are no pronounced pains.

Hypermotor type is typical for young people with increased emotionality, with increasing load, hard work. In such cases, the pain is of a short-term cramping nature, localized in the right hypochondrium, given to the shoulder blade or collarbone.

The disease can be acute or chronic. Spicy acalculous cholecystitis occurs rarely. It is more often observed as a complication of gallstone disease. An attack of cholecystitis is associated with the use of a large amount of fatty and fried foods, alcohol. Symptoms of the disease appear suddenly:

  • sharp pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • nausea, vomiting bitterness;
  • rise in temperature to high levels.

Cholecystitis in children is manifested by the child's refusal to eat, alternating diarrhea and constipation, belching with a rotten smell, yellow coating on the tongue.

With exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis, the same symptoms appear as in the acute form.

  • The type of pain depends on the motor function of the gallbladder. With a long course, acalculous cholecystitis causes pain not in the hypochondrium, but in the area of ​​​​the solar plexus (substratum and above the navel) or is masked by a cardiac syndrome (pain in the heart, rhythm disturbances, palpitations).
  • In addition to pain, the doctor, during examination, can palpate an enlarged, painful bubble in the right hypochondrium.
  • Belly swollen, rumbling. An unstable chair is characteristic.
  • An increase in body temperature to 38–39 degrees, chilling.
  • Vomiting of bile occurs in half the cases.
  • Belching of bitter contents.
  • Itching of the skin and short-term yellowing of the sclera indicate the entry of bile pigments into the blood.
  • neurotic symptoms- irritability, fatigue, headaches, sweating.

Exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis is usually associated with a violation of the diet, overwork, physical activity. In women, symptoms appear in premenstrual period.

How to identify the disease?

Diagnosis of cholecystitis is based on clinical symptoms, laboratory and hardware studies.

As a laboratory confirmation of the inflammatory process, the following is carried out: a complete blood count, biochemical tests (elevated transaminases, bilirubin), urine, feces for helminthic invasion and Giardia.

The study of duodenal contents during probing allows you to establish the causative agent of the disease, to identify the disturbed composition of bile, elements of inflammation.

ultrasound ( ultrasonography) is the most commonly used method. Visually, you can see the changed shape, patency and size of the bladder, the inflammatory reaction of neighboring organs, the presence of stones.

If necessary, radiography with a preliminary injection of a contrast agent is used.


Bed rest with maximum rest in the first days.

Diet - the first 2 days "hungry", warm water, low-fat broth are allowed. In the future, the gradual expansion of the diet to table number 5, which provides for the restriction of all products that contribute to the formation and release of bile.

Drug therapy includes taking symptomatic drugs, choleretic drugs, antibiotics and treatments for giardiasis and ascariasis.

A complication may be the transition of inflammation to the liver, pancreas, the occurrence of a liver abscess. At chronic disease recommended annual treatment at resorts for the profile of "diseases of the digestive system", dispensary observation gastroenterologist.

Judging by the fact that you are now reading these lines, victory in the fight against diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is not on your side yet ...

Have you thought about surgery yet? It is understandable, because the stomach is a very important organ, and its proper functioning is the key to health and well-being. Frequent pain in the abdomen, heartburn, bloating, belching, nausea, impaired stool... All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand.

But perhaps it is more correct to treat not the consequence, but the cause? We recommend reading the story of Elena M., how she cured her stomach... Read the article »

Inflammation of the gallbladder: symptoms, signs and treatment

Inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis) is a fairly common disease of the abdominal organs.

Doctors call it "holiday ailment" because inflammation occurs due to eating fatty foods and inactive life.

Inflammation affects women more often than men. Usually these are persons prone to excess weight, lovers of high-calorie foods.

It has also been observed that the risk of inflammation increases after sudden weight loss. So, what are the causes and symptoms of the disease, how is the treatment with folk remedies and medicines?

How does the disease manifest itself?

Inflammation of the gallbladder in women and men is chronic and acute. Signs of inflammation of the gallbladder depend on the form of the disease.

Symptoms of the acute course of the disease:

  • sudden, persistent pain in the peritoneum on the right is the main symptom of the disease. Pain can be felt in the back or even in the collarbone. Pain can develop unexpectedly or gradually, and be felt both directly at the location of the organ, and in the chest, shoulder blades, shoulders;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • elevated temperature;
  • the patient has a desire to eat something fried or fatty;
  • belching air or what has been eaten;
  • bitter taste in the mouth;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • flatulence.

As for chronic cholecystitis, it is usually the result of acute inflammation.

The symptoms of the chronic course of the disease are similar to the symptoms of the acute, but there are some differences:

  • the patient complains of regular belching;
  • there is a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen;
  • after eating, there is a feeling of fullness on the right side of the peritoneum;
  • sometimes pain is felt from the back.

Often, damage to the bile and liver ducts begins with a sudden jump in temperature to 38 or 39 ° C and even higher. Such symptoms indicate that an ambulance should be called urgently.

You can drink any medicines that relieve pain only in the most extreme cases when the pain is unbearable.

The fact is that medical preparations dull the pain and thus make it difficult to diagnose, which makes it difficult for the doctor to determine the disease.

Symptoms of the disease depend on the type of inflammation. So, with a catarrhal lesion, the bile increases, and inside the organ there is a serous or purulent-serous filling. Inflammation of this type can be completely cured or become chronic.

The purulent form of the disease has severe symptoms with obvious toxicity. If gangrene of an organ is diagnosed, then this can threaten to rupture its walls and peritonitis.

Therefore, if the earliest symptoms of the disease appear, then you should immediately contact a specialist.

Why does the disease occur?

The development of the disease contributes to many factors. Pathological changes in the organ begin due to infection in the organ or its ducts.

Most often, the causes of cholecystitis are stones in the body that prevent bile from moving. naturally, because of which the body is irritated and inflamed.

In addition, frequent causes of the pathological process are organ injuries, for example, after a car accident.

Also, cholecystitis can be a consequence of other pathologies, for example, diabetes or liver disease, as well as inflammatory processes - pneumonia, tonsillitis, adnexitis.

The chronic form of the disease can develop after acute inflammation, but most often it develops gradually - as a result of cholelithiasis, gastritis, pancreatitis, and other diseases of the liver and stomach.

In the process of development of the chronic form of the disease, the walls of the organ thicken, they lose their natural mobility, and the mucous membrane becomes covered with ulcers and scars.

How is the treatment going?

If the patient has a fever and severe pain occurs, then he is given first aid, which is as follows:

  • remove tight clothing that can put pressure on the organs;
  • put the patient on the right side;
  • if it is known about the presence of stones in the organ, then the patient is administered an anesthetic;
  • first aid for stones in the body may also be to apply heat to the sore spot, which will help relieve pain. When inflammation is applied cold;
  • if the causes of the attack are unknown, then the patient is urgently taken to the hospital.

Treatment of lesions of the bile and its ducts is carried out with the help of a diet, treatment with antibiotics and folk remedies.

The patient's menu should be based on the principles of chemical, mechanical and thermal sparing of the organ.

From daily diet spicy, fatty and fried foods, sausages, spicy cheeses, chocolate and cocoa, alcohol should be removed.

Along with this, it is necessary to enrich the menu with vegetable and fruit soups, dairy first courses, cereals, puddings, boiled meat and fish.

From drinks, the patient can use tea, kissels, compotes, milk and fermented milk drinks, mineral water.

All food should be at a pleasant temperature, and excessively hot or chilled foods should not be consumed.

Concerning drug therapy First of all, the doctor prescribes antibiotics. Antibiotic treatment is selected taking into account all individual features patient, the results of the study of microflora, sensitivity to certain drugs.

In addition, when an organ is damaged in women and men, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as antioxidants and antihypoxants should be taken.

The main condition for the successful treatment of chronic organ damage without stones is a diet. In addition, it is also necessary to treat the disease with the help of choleretic, antispasmodic, immunomodulatory drugs.

An important task of treatment is the restoration of intestinal microflora, general strengthening body, as well as the treatment of other pathological changes.

Treatment of inflammation of the bile and liver ducts with a chronic course should also be carried out under the supervision of a physician. The patient should be regularly examined and controlled using laboratory methods.

If the patient has acute course disease, treatment takes place in the hospital. Treatment for exacerbation of inflammation today often uses hospital-replacing technologies: outpatient treatment in gastroenterological departments that use modern laboratory and instrumental diagnostics.

Treatment of patients with acute inflammation of the bile or liver ducts is necessary subject to constant monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of therapy, as well as regular examinations by specialists.

Treatment with folk recipes

It is possible to treat inflammation with folk remedies. In some cases, folk remedies therapy is even more effective than medication.

So, what herbs and plants can be used to solve the problem with folk remedies?

You can treat the disease with the help of choleretic herbs, which will improve the movement of bile through the liver ducts.

Herbs yarrow, calendula, knotweed and dandelion will help relieve pain and inflammation and improve the outflow of bile.

The recipe states that you should take the dried herbs in equal volumes and mix well. Next 1 tbsp. l. mixture pour 500 ml of boiling water for 40 minutes and filter.

Treat inflammation with this remedy 4 times a day, using it before meals.

You can also treat inflammation with folk remedies with the help of cucumber juice, which not only dilutes bile, but also removes pain. You need to take juice 1 time per day, 100 ml.

Half a glass of steamed dried apricots, which should be eaten once a day, will help relieve swelling and remove stagnation in the body. In addition, the tool will improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the heart.

For therapy with folk remedies, you can make pills from tansy and mint. To do this, dried plants are mixed in equal volume with thick honey and form a ball the size of a pea. You need to take the medicine three times a day.

For the treatment of an organ with folk remedies, you can also make a collection of herbs of tansy, celandine, mint, calendula, wormwood, fennel, dandelion root, chamomile, corn columns, immortelle.

Everything is mixed in equal proportions, then 1 tbsp. l. mixture pour 400 ml of water and set aside for an hour. Drink the mixture 3 times a day before meals.

A feature of this nosological unit is that it is predominantly found in women. Chronic cholecystitis is characterized by the comorbidity of other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, most often gastritis, pancreatitis and hepatitis. Causes of occurrence:

  • bacterial infection, more often staphylococcal, streptococcal, less often anaerobic;
  • helminthic invasion of the bladder and ducts with opisthorchia, lamblia;
  • fungal lesions of the biliary tract;
  • hepatitis viruses;
  • toxic factors;
  • allergic ingredients.

Factors that directly and indirectly cause inflammation of the gallbladder:

  • bile stasis due to the formation of stones, the presence of narrowing, kinks and dyskinesia of the ducts;
  • foci of acute infection in the body;
  • prolapse of the digestive tract;
  • hypokinesia;
  • irregular eating;
  • overeating, the predominance of spicy and fatty foods, fried foods in the patient's diet;
  • alcohol;
  • stress, endocrine disorders and neurovegetative disorders;

Symptoms of the disease

The main symptom of cholecystitis is pain in the hypochondrium on the right, occasionally under the sternum. It can give to the scapula and collarbone on the right, shoulder and shoulder joint, sometimes - in the hypochondrium on the left and in the region of the heart. More often, the pain is prolonged, aching, but an attack of cholecystitis may be accompanied by unbearable acute spasms.

Patients are tormented by nausea, heartburn and belching, not uncommon for cholecystitis - bitterness and dryness in the mouth, there is bloating in the abdomen and stool disorder. severe seizures with cholestasis, as a rule, they are accompanied by vomiting, often with an admixture of bile. These symptoms often occur against the background of a moderately elevated body temperature, malaise and weakness, sometimes there is icterus of the sclera and skin.

Laboratory and instrumental research

With exacerbation of cholecystitis, clinical and biochemical blood tests reveal:

  • leukocytosis;
  • neutrophilia;
  • eosinophilia;
  • increase in ESR;
  • the presence of SRP;
  • increased levels of alpha and gamma globulins;
  • an increase in the activity of "liver" enzymes;
  • increase in bilirubin levels.

Duodenal fractional sounding of patients with chronic cholecystitis reveals violations of the efficiency of bile secretion, visual signs inflammation: flakes, mucus and sediment. Microscopy of the obtained bile reveals the presence of leukocytes in it, crystals of bilirubinates, cholesterol, accumulations of lamblia. At the same time, the presence of pathological impurities in portion B indicates damage to the bladder itself, and in portion C, damage to the ducts.

An ultrasound picture with cholecystitis shows a thickening, thickening or layering of the bladder wall, its deformation or a decrease in volume. To clarify the diagnosis, if necessary, use contrast Rg-cholegraphy or cholecystography.


Drug therapy for cholecystitis is aimed at combating infection, bile stasis, spastic and pain syndromes.

  • Antibiotics that easily penetrate into bile are prescribed: Levomycetin, Ciprofloxacin, Erythromycin, Doxycycline and Ampiox.
  • Antibiotic therapy is promptly adjusted in accordance with the results of bile cultures for pathogenic microflora and sensitivity to ABT.
  • Identification of microflora insensitive to ABT requires treatment with Biseptol and Bactrim or Furazolidone and Furadonin, which suppress the entire spectrum of pathogenic flora, including Giardia.
  • Spasms are relieved with direct action antispasmodics (Drotaverine, Papaverine) and M-anticholinergics (Metacin and Platyfillin). The appointment of potassium and sodium channel blockers, for example, Ditsetela or Duspatalin, avoids systemic side effects- Hypotension and weakness. The appointment of Odeston also allows you to influence only the muscles of the biliary tract.

It is up to the doctor to decide what to treat, control the treatment process, determine what to do during attacks of cholestasis after examination and detailed examination of the patient, self-treatment is unsafe.

Diet for inflammation of the gallbladder

The task of the diet during exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis is to normalize the process of bile production by the liver and its evacuation from the gallbladder to the intestine. This is achieved by orderly intake of small portions of food.

At 5 - 6 times daily nutrition the gallbladder is emptied frequently and effectively, bile does not stagnate in it, flowing into the intestine in a timely manner. Overeating and rare episodic meals can provoke bile stasis, thereby causing a painful or dyspeptic attack.

What you can eat, the patient should discuss with the attending doctor after a detailed examination. As a rule, patients should avoid anything that provokes a spasm, thereby impeding the flow of bile:

  • spicy, acidic foods;
  • rough food;
  • hot and cold food;
  • marinades and smoked meats;
  • spices.

It is important to ensure a daily intake of a sufficient volume of fluid, namely at least 2 liters. This will allow the patient to maintain the desired level of rheological properties of bile, facilitate its evacuation through the bile ducts, prevent its stagnation in the liver and thereby prevent pain and dyspeptic attacks. For drinking with cholecystitis are recommended:

  • diluted berry and fruit juices;
  • non-carbonated mineral waters;
  • rosehip infusion;
  • tea with milk.

Patients with cholecystitis are contraindicated in the use of foods and dishes that have a choleretic effect that can cause overflow and overstretching of the gallbladder. Therefore, they exclude forever from their diet:

  • fried and fatty foods;
  • spicy food;
  • soups on rich broths.

They are replaced with cholecystitis:

  • steam, boiled and stews from low-fat foods;
  • vegetable soups;
  • casseroles, puddings and cereals.

Coffee, hot chocolate, cocoa, chilled drinks are unacceptable for cholecystitis, but any low-fat dairy and sour-milk products are acceptable. After you manage to remove the painful attack of colic, all types of fresh or rich pastries are excluded from the diet for a long time. Instead, they are introduced into the patient's diet:

As for eggs, eating them in the form of a dietary protein steam omelette is quite acceptable. Occasionally, you can treat yourself to a soft-boiled egg. Scrambled and hard-boiled eggs will forever have to say no.

With all dietary restrictions, the diet of a patient with cholecystitis should contain the average daily allowance:

  • carbohydrates - 300 g;
  • proteins - up to 120 g, 1/2 of them are animals;
  • fats - no more than 100 g, most of them should be of plant origin;
  • 2500 kcal.

Food should be freshly prepared, please the patient with taste and appearance, nutrition should be timely and complete.

Treatment with folk remedies

These methods, proven and reliable, have helped patients successfully cope with the numerous symptoms of cholecystitis and relieve inflammation for centuries. However, it is essential to consult your doctor before using them. Decoctions and infusions of many herbs and fruits help relieve heaviness in the hypochondrium, dryness and bitterness in the mouth, for example:

  • poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for an hour, a tablespoon of dried corn stigmas is filtered and taken in a quarter cup before meals;
  • poured with a liter of boiling water and infused for a day, a glass of freshly ground horseradish root is drained and drunk 1/4 cup before meals until the painful symptoms disappear;
  • a tablespoon of finely chopped parsley infused in a glass of boiling water is taken warm 1/4 cup before meals;
  • rose hips, brewed according to the instructions, can successfully replace tea for patients with cholecystitis.

Proven centuries natural remedies for cholecystitis are also those that promote the outflow of bile. vegetable oils- olive, sunflower, sea buckthorn, as well as leaves and stems of peppermint, immortelle color.

Treatment of cholecystitis requires a responsible approach and a serious attitude. In any case, it should be controlled by the attending doctor, self-medication is fraught with unpredictable consequences and unforeseen complications. Consultation with a doctor will allow you to decide how to treat a particular patient, will allow you to develop a long-term individual treatment plan that is adequate to the age, constitutional characteristics of the patient, as well as the nature, severity and phase of disease activity.

Inflamed gallbladder how to relieve inflammation of the drug

Symptoms and treatment of acute and chronic inflammation of the gallbladder

The gallbladder is an organ whose main function is to store bile produced by the liver. At healthy person about 2 liters of liquid gets into it per day. If pathological processes occur, much less bile is secreted, which complicates the process of digestion of fats and their absorption. Almost 20% of the adult population suffers from an inflammatory bladder disease - cholecystitis. Find out what cholecystitis is, how it manifests itself and what signs it has, in what ways to treat it.

Inflammation of the gallbladder

The gallbladder, or to be more precise, its shell, is very sensitive - under the influence of some factors, an inflammatory process can begin. If the bile ducts are compressed, they stop moving the fluid in the right direction, bile stagnation occurs. The inflammatory process begins, and the gallbladder ceases to cope with its function. There are chronic and acute forms. The reason may be:

Chronic cholecystitis

What is chronic cholecystitis? The disease develops slowly, often in parallel with other diseases: gastritis, chronic pancreatitis, etc. cholelithiasis. Sometimes chronic inflammation of the gallbladder is detected after ineffective treatment of the acute form. contribute to the development of the inflammatory process mechanical damage, various chemical factors or malnutrition. If left untreated, the gallbladder will gradually deform. Adhesions, fistulas appear on it, it can grow together with other organs.


Cholecystolithiasis is characterized by the presence of stones of different numbers and sizes in the gallbladder. The disease progresses over several years, often without symptoms. In the acute form, the patient has attacks of biliary colic, vomiting, dark urine. The chronic form of calculous disease is characterized by frequent belching, soreness in the right hypochondrium, unpleasant taste in the mouth. Exacerbation is provoked by:


Such cholecystitis is called stoneless - in this form, inflammatory processes are observed, but stones in the bladder do not form. The course of the disease is long and recurrent. A complication is observed, for example, after eating fatty foods, spicy foods. Typical symptom- Dull pain under the right rib. It sometimes does not subside for several days. If the tissues around the bladder become inflamed, the pain becomes unbearable and prolonged. Non-calculous cholecystitis is more commonly diagnosed in women.

Acute cholecystitis

What is acute cholecystitis? Inflammation develops suddenly in a couple of days and even hours. It often occurs against the background of cholelithiasis as a result of stones entering the cystic duct. There is stagnation of bile, the development of infection and swelling of the walls of the bladder. The main symptom is acute pain under the right hypochondrium, “radiating” to the back. The acute form occurs once, with proper treatment there are no obvious consequences.

Symptoms and signs of cholecystitis

There are two types of cholecystitis, so the symptoms of gallbladder disease appear differently. When diagnosing an acute form, the following are revealed:

  1. Sharp, severe pain in the right hypochondrium, epigastric region. It starts suddenly, sometimes unbearable.
  2. Heat.
  3. Sensation of bitterness in the mouth.
  4. Sometimes nausea and vomiting.
  5. Yellowness of the skin.

Symptoms of the chronic form:

  1. Periodic pain localized in the right hypochondrium (epigastric region). Seizures have different duration.
  2. Feeling of fullness in the hypochondrium.
  3. Discomfort in the abdomen after eating certain types of food.
  4. Reduced blood pressure.

Signs of cholecystitis in the diagnostic plan:

  1. The bladder walls are thickened by more than 5 mm and have a double contour.
  2. Calculosis is found in the gallbladder and ducts.
  3. There is fluid in the right hypochondrium.
  4. The gallbladder is displaced, reduced or enlarged.
  5. Urine results show bilirubin, blood results show elevated ESR, leukocytosis with a neutrophilic shift.

Diet for gallstone disease

A diet for cholelithiasis helps patients, along with the medicine, improve their well-being, normalize the digestive tract, thin bile, and eliminate inflammatory processes. There are many restrictions, but the diet must be complete. It is important to eat small meals at least 4 times a day (recommended at certain times). For prevention, it is important to exclude from the diet:

  • cold food;
  • alcohol;
  • fresh bread, pastries;
  • all legumes;
  • fatty varieties of fish, meat;
  • sausages, offal;
  • broths cooked on meat, fish;
  • fat sour cream, cream, cottage cheese;
  • green onions, sorrel, spinach;
  • salted vegetables;
  • eggs (both fried and boiled);
  • chocolate;
  • strong tea, coffee.
  • different cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal are very useful);
  • vegetables, fruits (non-acidic), pears are especially useful;
  • low-fat, non-acidic dairy products;
  • fish, meat low-fat varieties, seafood;
  • bread (dried);
  • soups (cereal, vegetable, dairy);
  • olive vegetable oil;
  • jam, marshmallows;
  • kissels, decoctions of berries (rose hips), juices, tea and coffee with milk.

The list of allowed products is conditional - everyone should have their own, depending on the state of the gallbladder and the characteristics of the body. In the absence of contraindications for patients with cholecystitis, it is advisable to use wheat bran. They promote the release of bile. These products need to be baked, boiled or cooked using a slow cooker.

Treatment of cholecystitis

Video: Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of inflammation of the gallbladder

Elena contemplative

  • Activity: 66k
  • Gender: Woman

Elena contemplative Diseases: symptoms and treatment

How to treat inflammation of the gallbladder folk method

Inflammation of the gallbladder

How to treat inflammation of the gallbladder with folk remedies and methods

Hello, dear visitors of my site "Traditional Medicine Recipes". The topic of today's article is inflammation of the gallbladder.

Inflammation of the gallbladder or cholecystitis is an infectious and inflammatory disease that affects the mucous membrane of the gallbladder, which contributes to the transition to all bile ducts without treatment.

For more information about inflammation of the gallbladder, you can find out by clicking on the link ...

Symptoms of inflammation of the gallbladder

● Painful abdominal cramps.

● Increasing the temperature to 38˚C or more.

● Pain in the right hypochondrium.

● Dull aching pain in the right hypochondrium or heaviness after eating fatty, spicy foods.

● Bitterness in the mouth and indigestion.

Inflammation of the gallbladder is a very serious disease that, when untimely treatment can lead to gallbladder perforation and fatal peritonitis.

Causes of inflammation of the gallbladder

● Most often, the disease occurs when stones form in the gallbladder (lithiasis). When a stone blocks the bile duct, bile stagnation forms in the gallbladder, followed by infection and inflammation.

However, cholecystitis can also be a consequence of certain diseases: gallbladder cancer, diabetes, periatritis, AIDS, etc.

Tactics of alternative treatment of inflammation of the gallbladder

● The pharmaceutical industry provides the public with a wide range of drugs to treat gallbladder inflammation.

However, with great confidence we can say that herbal medicine in such cases is much more effective than chemical drugs. Because herbs, when properly selected, have a wide range actions.

To do this, we will select plants with choleretic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, analgesic and stool-regulating properties.

● With prolonged (chronic) inflammation of the gallbladder, a normal outflow of bile should be ensured, for this we will connect choleretic herbs.

For these purposes good action has a combination of yarrow, dandelion, calendula and knotweed. These medicinal herbs wonderfully complement each other, thereby affecting the entire process of inflammation.

Dandelion and yarrow have a choleretic effect, relieve spasms of smooth muscles and normalize the motor and secretory function of the gastrointestinal tract, reduce flatulence (flatulence).

Calendula is a powerful bactericidal and anti-inflammatory agent, has an antispasmodic and analgesic effect. Knotweed contains a large number of water soluble silicic acid.

This acid is the best remedy for any inflammatory processes, improves immunity, has antimicrobial, astringent, anti-inflammatory and antitoxic properties. And here is the recipe for using the listed herbs:

Take equal parts of these herbs and mix thoroughly, one tbsp. l. collection pour half a liter of boiling water for 40 minutes; strain and drink half a cup four times a day before meals.

● During the ripening of cucumbers, it is useful to drink 100 ml for a long time. fresh cucumber juice once a day. Juice perfectly dilutes bile and relieves pain.

● Daily take half a glass of steamed dried apricots, which eliminates congestion in the gallbladder, normalizes bowel function, reduces swelling and supports the function of the cardiovascular system.

● Prepare pills from medicinal herbs (tansy and mint) on honey: mix equal dry parts of herbs with non-liquid honey, make pills with a pea and take three times a day before meals and at bedtime.

Such pills are convenient in that they do not need to be prepared every day and can be taken with you on the road or to work. By the way, mint is able to gradually and smoothly increase the secretion of bile by 9 times.

And it also has an analgesic and antiseptic effect, enhances intestinal motility and increases its tone.

● Make a medicinal collection from an equal amount of medicinal herbs: celandine, tansy flowers, peppermint, marigold flowers, wormwood, common fennel fruits, dandelion root, chamomile flowers, corn columns with stigmas, sandy immortelle flowers.

One tablespoon of raw materials pour 400 ml. boiling water for one hour. Take ½ cup of infusion three times a day before meals.

● Mix peppermint leaves (2 parts), mugwort (2 parts), St. John's wort (3 parts), common hop cones (1 part). The method of preparation and use is exactly the same as in the previous recipe.

● The duration of the course of treatment using these recipes is at least two months with short breaks.

● My friend had an inflammation of the gallbladder, she was 20 days on inpatient treatment, however, there was no improvement, despite the fact that she took all the prescribed medications, physiotherapy and diet.

Once a classmate advised her to use this recipe: drink a glass of water every morning on an empty stomach. fresh juice viburnum with honey (1 tablespoon) for one month.

After half a month of treatment, the pain in the right hypochondrium completely disappeared forever. Currently, she is already 78 years old, and she completely forgot about inflammation of the gallbladder.

One important clarification: to get viburnum juice, you need to press it with your hands through gauze, it is undesirable to use a meat grinder and juicer, because crushed viburnum seeds give bitterness to the juice.

● By the way, taking viburnum juice with honey perfectly relieves attacks of cardiac asthma, this has been tried by many patients.

● Rest often lying down, stretched out on the bed.

● To enhance the effect of treatment, it is desirable, in addition to taking infusions inside, to do microclysters with them every other day, all such procedures.

● Once a week in the evening after taking the infusion, apply a warm heating pad to the liver area.

● In the treatment of inflammation of the gallbladder, diet is an important link.

This will normalize the function of the liver and biliary tract, regulate fat and cholesterol metabolism in the body, stimulate bile secretion and intestinal motility.

In no case should you eat fatty and fried foods, canned food, smoked meats, spices and spices. The diet should be fractional, in small portions up to five times a day.

About treatment medicinal herbs various diseases you can read in the article of the same name>>>

What to do with inflammation of the gallbladder and how to relieve inflammation

Inflammation of the gallbladder (also called cholecystitis) is an inflammatory disease. This process is pathological in nature, it is formed in the mucous membrane of the gallbladder. Most often, diseases of the liver and gallbladder occur in people over 50, it is interesting to note that the fairer sex is much more likely (2 times) to suffer from this disease. Since inflammation of the female gallbladder is much more common, women need to be much more careful about their health.

It should be noted that cholecystitis is in second place among all surgical pathologies. In almost 90% of cases, the disease is accompanied by the formation of stones, in 10% the disease proceeds without them.

Why does the disease appear and how does it develop?

Before raising the question of how to treat cholecystitis, you need to understand why it appears. The point is that the body produces infectious process, which arises through protozoa.

Most often, the cause of the inflammatory process is a conditionally pathogenic microflora, which has the ability to quickly become active as soon as human immunity weakens. The infection can get directly from the intestines, it is also possible to penetrate through the lymph. Inflammation of an unhealthy gallbladder, the treatment of which can last a rather long period, is due to the following reasons:

  • stagnation of bile is formed, thus simply ideal conditions are formed for harmful microorganisms to develop without any obstacles;
  • excessive love for fatty foods is also one of the most common causes of the disease. The fact is that high-calorie food leads to the fact that the chemical composition of bile changes, and this is just an ideal area for the onset and development of infection;
  • irregular meals - constant snacks on the go, different in time with an abundance of junk food lead to stagnation of bile. It is also very harmful to eat at night, as bile stagnates in the gallbladder;
  • when a person moves a little, does not play sports, this can also cause a disease;
  • violations in hormonal system. In most cases, it occurs in women who are preparing to become a mother, this leads to a disease that can have the most Negative consequences if action is not taken in time;
  • immunodeficiency, both congenital and acquired, the activity of the immune system is significantly reduced, opportunistic flora has no obstacles to development;
  • predisposition at the gene level. If one of the parents had cholecystitis, then the chances of getting sick are much higher;
  • diseases of the digestive tract, as well as banal caries, can also cause the disease;
  • with age, the chances of getting sick increase, as age-related changes, which leads to a weakening of the immune system;
  • metabolic disorders, primarily diabetes mellitus, this is very often the cause of bile stasis.

If we talk about children, then in most cases the cause of the disease in them is helminthic infestations, giardiasis can also be quite common.


Cholecystitis has several varieties, it all depends on how long the disease lasts, how severe the inflammation is and whether there are stones. If we talk about the duration of treatment, then the disease in an acute form can last 3 months from the moment the inflammatory process began. Goes much longer chronic cholecystitis, sometimes it lasts more than a year, and during the period of illness there are periods of remission (when the situation improves) and relapse (when it gets worse). Here again it is worth paying attention to the reasons why inflammation of the female gallbladder occurs, since the chronic form is most often observed in women.

The severity of inflammation is as follows:

  1. catarrhal form. Signs of inflammation of the gallbladder in this case are the following - redness (blood flow increases), swelling, pain (sometimes severe) is possible.
  2. Phlegmonous form, the inflammatory process affects the layers of the walls of the gallbladder, as a result of which suppuration begins (pus appears because leukocytes die).
  3. Gangrenous form, with it the inflammatory process is maximally expressed, some areas undergo necrosis.
  4. Cholecystitis, when there is no formation of stones, in most cases we are talking about an acute form of the disease.
  5. The calculous form, while there are stones, the form of the course of the disease is chronic.

It should be noted that the types of the disease largely depend on age. It is noted that children in most cases are prone to chronic forms of the disease, while stones are absent, and the calculous form with the presence of character stones is for the elderly.


Symptoms of inflammation of an unhealthy gallbladder can be different, but the main ones are the following:

  • severe pain is usually observed in right side belly. In the catarrhal form, dull pain is observed, in the calculous form, acute. It is noteworthy that these negative factors are much more pronounced after eating fatty foods. Food prepared by frying big amount oils should also be excluded from the diet;
  • dyspeptic syndrome, that is, a violation of the digestive system is manifested, a person begins to feel sick, often vomiting. The chair is unstable, its disorder is often observed, and constipation can often be observed;
  • sclera and yellowness of the skin - due to the fact that the components of bile enter the bloodstream;
  • intoxication - most often observed in acute form, the temperature becomes very high (sometimes up to 39 degrees). A person feels weak, weight decreases, appetite disappears, and his head hurts. If the form of the disease is chronic, then these signs are less obvious.


Cholecystitis cannot be started, and the attending physician must prescribe the correct form of treatment. If this is not done, then the consequences can be the most negative. Here are just a few of them:

  • liver abscess (in most cases characteristic of the acute form of the disease), the development of a purulent focus begins;
  • pancreatitis - an infection enters the pancreas, as a result of which an inflammatory process begins. To pay off the inflammatory process, the attending physician may prescribe various medications, but you should always take into account the individual tolerance of the body;
  • peritonitis develops in which the integrity of the walls of the gallbladder is violated. This form of character is severe pain in the abdomen, and in all its parts;
  • blockage of the ducts by stones, characterized by sharp and severe pain, which comes in the form of seizures. It can also cause jaundice, while the ducts expand significantly.


After the main symptoms are identified, it is the turn of laboratory diagnostics, and an instrumental form of diagnostics can also be used to verify the diagnosis.

  • blood test (clinical) - you can detect an increased level of leukocytes in the blood;
  • bile analysis, while duodenal sounding is used, bile samples are taken;
  • research by ultrasound, this type of treatment is the most informative, the walls of the gallbladder are studied in detail, you can quickly determine whether there are stones or not.

Absolutely all of these diagnostic methods can be applied to children, there are no contraindications. Inflammation of the gallbladder, symptoms of the disease and treatment can only be effective under the guidance of a doctor.

How to relieve inflammation of the gallbladder, how to treat it?

Treatment should be comprehensive, a high-quality antibiotic will relieve inflammation, another remedy, but all this should be used only as prescribed by the attending physician. Inflammation of the gallbladder in children, the treatment of which should be especially thorough, it is recommended, if possible, to be carried out without surgery. Comprehensive treatment includes:

  • nutritional advice;
  • medical treatment (it is also called conservative). Antibiotics for gallbladder inflammation are a very common treatment. All drugs should be used after it has been determined that the patient has no contraindications;
  • surgical intervention. It is used in most cases when the disease is neglected.

As for the diet, the Pevzner option is very common. Lean meat (highly recommended rabbit and poultry), fish, fruits, vegetables, dairy products. Pork meat, strong broth are absolutely unacceptable; coffee and strong tea will also have to be abandoned. Needless to say, alcohol should finally disappear from the menu. Food cannot be fried, it must be sutured or steamed. As for fruits, it is recommended to eat them raw.

When it comes to drug treatment, the following methods are used:

  • etiotropic therapy, treatment is carried out with wide application antibiotics. They contribute to the fact that the infection in the gallbladder is destroyed;
  • pathogenetic therapy - includes a wide range of actions, with the help of which the inflammatory process and intoxication are removed.
  • intervention of the surgeon is necessary when calculous cholecystitis is observed (stones are removed from the gallbladder). With various complications, the intervention of a surgeon is also necessary when it is necessary to remove pus, for example.

But you should know what is best to observe dietary advice and not be alien to physical activity. You should not be treated in dubious ways, using unverified methods, you must immediately consult a doctor at the first signs of the disease. Modern features medicine are such that with proper treatment, the results are overwhelmingly positive. So it is possible to treat inflammation of the gallbladder effectively, but it is better, of course, not to bring it to the disease.

Chronic and acute pancreatitis. Pancreatitis and calculous cholecystitis are safe treatments.

Elena Malysheva. Symptoms and treatment of duodenitis