Closed comedones. Remedies. How to choose the best remedy for closed comedones: what to look for


Blackheads or comedones on the face haunt women. They irritate with their presence and spoil their appearance. They do not pose a risk to human health, but under certain circumstances cosmetic problem turn into medical. After which serious complex treatment. Where do they come from? How to get rid of blackheads on your face?

Comedones are present on the surface of the entire skin. They are most visible in the face area. Located here great amount sebaceous glands, and comedones are nothing more than clots sebum with dirt and dense plugs. IN in good condition the skin breathes freely, sebum secreted by the sebaceous glands is excreted through the ducts, moisturizing the epidermis. In case of internal or external violations of this idyll, the channels of the sebaceous ducts become clogged, the substance accumulates inside, and black spots appear. The removal of sebum to the outside is disrupted. The black color is due to the presence of dirt that is mixed with sebum. This dirt is what causes blockage of the sebaceous ducts or pores.

Comedones are different appearance. There are open and closed. Blackheads are open comedones with dirt inside. Closed comedones have a white base and look like small pimple. Bacteria and infection are attached to the accumulated sebum substance. Blackheads appear in place of blackheads. Education reaches big size– up to 5 mm deep, inflamed, painful when pressed. Comedones themselves are not dangerous to the skin, but the presence of acne contributes to the spread of infection throughout the face. In this case, getting rid of comedones is quite difficult.

Causes of blackheads

Most often, adolescents, pregnant women, and women during menopause suffer from the presence of comedones. If you manage to cope with the defect on initial stages manifestations – in adolescence, V future problems will not work with acne. Neglect is a sure sign of a repetition of the situation in adulthood. The reason for the formation of blackheads is clogging of pores, and external and internal factors contribute to this process.

  1. Improper hygiene

A common cause of comedones is improper skin care. This applies to both absence hygiene procedures, and their abundance. During the day, a huge amount accumulates on human skin. pathogens, dirt, dust. If all this is not removed in time, it will end up in the pores and form plugs. Excessive use cosmetics also leads to the formation of blackheads. Due to the penetration of cosmetics into the pores. Decorative cosmetics and skin care products provoke this phenomenon.

  1. Genetic predisposition

This reason for the appearance of blackheads is the second most likely cause of occurrence. Genetic predisposition means the specific functioning of the entire organism as a whole. If parents, grandparents had problems with comedones, the current generation will also have them. The question is time.

  1. Problems with the sebaceous glands

Increased activity of the sebaceous glands may be associated with pathological processes in the epidermis, disruption hormonal levels. Hormone imbalance manifests itself at a certain age and period - during puberty, menopause, pregnancy, lactation, menstruation. May occur due to illness endocrine system, sexual, nervous.

  1. Nervous stress, stressful situations

During times of stress, adrenaline levels increase. Promotes activation of the sebaceous glands, sweat production, and the appearance of acne. In addition, the central nervous system is involved in the formation of hormones. Problems in its functioning lead to other unwanted malfunctions, which affect the formation of blackheads.

  1. Gastrointestinal diseases

Problems in the functioning of internal organs digestive system lead to a decrease in immunity, a decrease in the number of beneficial microorganisms, cause vitamin deficiency, and slagging in the body. All this affects the condition of the skin, metabolism, and sebum production. Pimples and comedones appear.

  1. Medicines

Contraceptives disrupt the hormonal balance in the body. Antibiotics cause a decrease in immunity and problems in the gastrointestinal tract. Long-term use any medical supplies entails undesirable consequences. One of them is the appearance of blackheads.

Individuals predisposed to the formation of comedones:

  • with enlarged pores on the skin;
  • active production of sebum;
  • dry and flaky skin;
  • dull cover;
  • rough skin.

You can get rid of comedones at home and in beauty salons. At home they solve the problem, if it is not neglected, comedones appear periodically, the reasons for their formation are extremely clear. IN severe cases you will need the help of specialists, modern equipment, the latest procedures facial cleansing.

Home methods for getting rid of comedones

The problem is so ancient that there are a huge number of ways to cleanse the skin. You can get rid of comedones radical methods and gentle, but not so effective. Below are the most effective methods.

Mechanical facial cleansing from comedones at home

In fact, it is no different from those carried out by specialists in salons. The main task is to ensure sterility. It is carried out in several stages.

  1. Initially, you should cleanse your facial skin of impurities and cosmetic residues. Use lotion, foam for washing, cosmetic milk.
  2. Then you need to steam the skin. Poured into a basin hot water, add a decoction to it medicinal herbs from chamomile, calendula, string or a mixture of salt and soda. Cover your head with a towel. The procedure is carried out for 5-15 minutes. Such actions will relax the skin, enlarge the pores, and it will be easier to remove comedones.
  3. Treat your hands and face with alcohol to disinfect. Arm yourself with napkins. They need to be wound around the fingers that will be used to perform the extrusion procedure. You will have to change it often. One pair for each comedon. You can only squeeze out those pimples that respond well to it. It is forbidden to touch immature, inflamed ones. Let them ripen until next time.
  4. After the procedure, wipe your face again with alcohol, then rinse cool water. This must be done so that the skin calms down and the pores narrow. Dry your face with a clean napkin. After 15 minutes, apply a nourishing, moisturizing cream.
  5. Try not to touch your face with your hands during the day.

The mechanical cleansing procedure allows you to quickly get rid of comedones, but is dangerous due to infection. If sterility rules are not followed, several pimples will appear from one pimple. The spread of infection threatens skin diseases.

Masks for comedones

The use of masks is based on the whitening effect, resorption of plugs, and extraction of pimple contents. There are several proven recipes.

Egg mask for comedones

The egg is used whole, separately. For oily skin types, it is recommended to use the white, and for dry skin, the yolk. The whole egg is suitable for all skin types. Protein mask recipe! Beat until foamy. Using a brush, apply to the skin of the face, in the area where comedones are located. Wait 5 minutes, lubricate the skin again. Attach a clean strip of paper to the top. Repeat application 3 times. Leave until completely dry. This will take approximately 30 minutes. Remove the mask in one motion. If you look at the surface of the paper, you will see plugs, dirt, and sebum residues. For treatment, the procedure is carried out 2 times a week for a month. Effect on the face! Each time there will be fewer acne.

To improve the mask and add nutrients, the composition is enriched with lemon juice, honey, calendula tincture, and oatmeal.

Mask-film of gelatin against comedones

Another effective remedy for the treatment of comedones. Allows you to get rid of a large number of acne at once. Pre-cleanse the facial skin. Gelatin is dissolved in 100 ml of water. Leave to swell. Then heated in a water bath or in the microwave to form a homogeneous mass. The mask is applied to the entire surface of the face or to certain areas of it, for example, the nose. Avoid hair growth areas, around lips, eyes. Apply the product with a brush in several layers. Usually they do 3. Each after the previous one has dried. Leave until completely dry. The mask will look like a transparent film. Approximately takes 30-45 minutes. Remove in one motion. Although this may not work the first time. It will take practice. The remaining product is washed off with warm water. Comedones and other contaminants will remain on the mask. Your facial skin will noticeably clear up after the first procedure. Treatment is carried out for 30 days. Every week 1 cleansing procedure.

Activated carbon mask for comedones

You can get rid of acne and comedones with charcoal tablets. It is allowed to use no more than once every 10 days. Activated carbon is able to dissolve comedones, draws out the contents, affects the production of sebum. The tablets are turned into powder, diluted with water, and applied to the skin of the face. The mask lasts 20 minutes. Activated carbon is added to the composition gelatin mask films. Then the effect of the product in the treatment of comedones will double. Coal will dissolve the plugs, gelatin will calmly draw the contents of the comedones out.

Whitening products for blackheads

If you cannot get rid of the black color of comedones on your facial skin, you can bleach them. To do this, use potato juice, starch, lemon juice, aloe, and cucumber. And also hydrogen peroxide. Last resort use extremely carefully. Initially dissolved in water in a ratio of 1:10. Treat the skin in areas where comedones accumulate. The composition is washed off after 20 minutes. Other whitening products from natural ingredients stand for about an hour. The effect will appear after several treatment procedures.

Scrubs for comedones

A simple effective remedy for the treatment of comedones is a scrub made from salt and soda. Mix in equal proportions. Add a little soap base. For example, shaving foam. Gently apply to comedones using circular movements. Massage without strong pressure. Inflamed skin areas should be avoided. During the treatment, a tingling sensation will be felt. Wash off after 5-10 minutes. Based own feelings. Instead of the usual table salt You can use small seaweed. You can also perform scrubbing treatment using cosmetic clay any color.

All of the above means have high efficiency. Allows you to finally get rid of comedones if they are not caused by diseases and hormonal imbalance. IN the latter case treatment is carried out under the supervision of doctors, cleaning is carried out in a salon or clinic.

The concept " healthy skin“is associated in our perception as “beautiful and well-groomed skin.” We strive for her to look like this and are ready to take care of her from a very young age.

Enhanced care is especially important for young people with various kinds rashes associated, as a rule, with varying degrees of acne.

Dermatologists believe that they are susceptible to up to 85% of teenagers. This includes those who only have comedones visible on their faces. This is the most mild degree acne, its non-inflammatory form.

Why comedones appear, how to do it correctly care for comedones-prone skin and how to get rid of them at home - in detail in this article. And, effective recipes natural lotions, masks and scrubs for blackheads.

There are comedones open - “black dots”" And closed - “miliums”, blockage of the sebaceous glands.

For excess sebum production, there is a change in its chemistry, it becomes more viscous and comedonogenic.

As a result, secretion accumulates in the pores, making it difficult to remove it out and dilating the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands. The accumulation of sebum, dead skin cells and external impurities manifests itself as visible blackheads on the skin.

Gives dark color to comedones oxygenated melanin(skin pigment). When the duct is completely blocked, a closed (white) comedon appears, which indicates the cessation of oxygen access and the creation of favorable conditions for the propagation of pathogenic microflora, causing inflammation(pimples).

The central part of the face suffers the most, since this is where most of the sebaceous glands are located and they are quite large here.

Except high fat content skin, the following factors play an important role in the development of comedones:

  • incorrectly selected cosmetics and inadequate skin care, decorative cosmetics that clog pores;
  • unbalanced diet(passion for sweets, fried and fatty foods, sausages, coffee, semi-finished products with big amount preservatives, dyes and flavors);
  • problems with digestive tract (primarily constipation), hormonal imbalance;
  • bad habits(alcohol, smoking), poor environment.

Therefore, “blackheads” can also be found in people who have long outgrown juvenile acne, as well as in those whose skin is dry or combination.

You will have to get rid of comedones with regular proper home care and, if necessary, a trip to the beauty salon.

5 stages of skin care for comedones

In the presence of comedones, first of all, thorough cleansing is necessary:

  1. Cleanse morning and evening skin with a product selected according to your skin type.
  2. Then the skin rub with lotion and apply a cream with a moisturizing effect.
  3. 1-2 times a week skin needs more deep cleansing using a scrub or home peeling
  4. Then they apply mask with anti-inflammatory, sebum-regulating, disinfectant and pigment-constricting action, depending on the problem.
  5. Use lotion after any contact with water. Since every time your skin comes into contact with water, it loses the protective film that normally covers the entire surface of the skin.

This basic care should be carried out regularly, taking into account seasonality:

  • in summer use lotion more often, as needed, more frequent deep cleansing
  • in winter moisturizers with urea and hyaluronic acid it is better not to use, etc., skin type and, of course, the reason that caused the appearance of comedones.

Without solving the underlying problem, no amount of cleaning or professional care will bring long-term results.

Daily cleanser

You can use ready-made cosmetic products, or you can prepare everything you need at home, saving money and being confident in the quality of the raw materials.

Cucumber lotion

  • 0.25 cups cucumber juice.
  • 0.25 cups of milk.

Mix the ingredients and wipe the skin. Remember that this lotion can be x keep in the refrigerator for no more than a day. But it will be completely natural.

Aloe lotion

  • 2 pcs. fresh leaves aloe
  • 1 glass of boiled or mineral water.
  • 4 drops manuka essential oil.

Grind the aloe leaves in a blender and add a glass of water. Let it brew for 1 hour. Add essential oil. Wipe skin morning and evening.

Sage lotion

  • 1 tbsp. dry sage.
  • 1 tbsp. calendula flowers.
  • 3 drops essential oil tea tree.

Pour a glass of boiling water and cover with a lid. Let it brew for 1 hour. It is recommended to wipe your face with the resulting lotion several times a day if possible.

Scrubs against comedones

For deeper cleansing, use the following scrubs:

Oatmeal scrub

  • 1 tsp ground oatmeal.
  • 1 tsp coffee grounds.
  • 1 tsp ground beans.
  • 0.5 tsp fine salt.
  • 0.5 tbsp.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Gently treat the skin with blackheads with the resulting mixture, without trying to rub the mixture. Rinse off with warm water.

Scrub Ubtan

  • 1 tsp. dried herbs: St. John's wort, nettle, yarrow, chamomile, and calendula
  • 0.5 tsp soda

Grind dry herbs thoroughly in a coffee grinder until dusty. Fill hot water and let it brew for 30 minutes. Add soda. Apply the resulting paste to problem areas of the skin, lightly massaging for 15-20 minutes.

Such scrubs can dry out the skin a little, so after using them you need to treat the skin with lotion or aloe juice and apply a moisturizer.

The next step will be an anti-inflammatory mask, which should tighten the pores, disinfect and moisturize the skin.

Linen mask

  • 1 tbsp. l. flax seed
  • 0.5 tbsp. dried chamomile flowers

Grind flax seeds and chamomile and pour boiling water to form thick sour cream. Cover with a lid and let sit for 30 minutes. Apply the cooled mixture to your face.

Clay mask

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of blue or white clay
  • 2 drops essential oils manuka or tea tree

Pour warm cosmetic clay boiled water until it becomes thick sour cream. Add essential oil. If the skin is dry, you can add 0.5 teaspoon of basic essential oils - argan or olive.

Grape mask

  • 3 drops lemon juice
  • 2 teaspoons grape juice

Mix freshly squeezed grape juice with 3 drops lemon juice. Apply to skin for 15-20 minutes cotton swab. Rinse off with warm water. Caution: Do not use packaged juice or any canned juice.

In addition to the above, there are effective masks, preventing the formation of comedones and actively removing them, which can be used independently after thoroughly cleansing the skin.

Kefir mask

Kefir contains soft lactic acids - which gently break down fat in the pores and help get rid of comedones and sebaceous plugs.

Preparation: Warm kefir to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of eucalyptus or tea tree essential oils. Apply the still warm mixture to your face for 2-30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Rice mask

Rice is very often used in Ayurveda as a natural absorbent element. It pulls out dirt and excess fat from the pores and opens clogged comedones without damaging the skin.

Preparation: Take 1/4 cup of rice. Fill it with cool water and leave overnight. In the morning, mash the swollen rice in a mortar or with your hands until it becomes a paste. Apply to face with massaging movements for 15-20 minutes. Don't let the rice dry on your face.

After removing the mask, wipe your face with lotion and complete the procedure with moisturizer.

5 rules for manual cleaning for comedones

And yet, there is a procedure that allows short time get rid of “black spots” and give a feeling of cleanliness and freshness for a while. This is mechanical (manual) cleaning.

Manual cleaning is a traumatic and dangerous procedure if you do not follow the rules for its implementation.

For oily skin, you can repeat it no more than once a week, and preferably every 2 weeks. If blackheads appear on your face very often, then home cleaning no need to carry it out. In this case, you should consult a dermatologist to determine the cause of their occurrence and adequate treatment and care.

If, however, you decide to squeeze out comedones at home, follow following rules carrying out this procedure:

  1. Clean the skin thoroughly and tonize with lotion, steam.
  2. Boil water, pour into a wide bowl and lean over the steam for 10 minutes, covering with a towel and being careful not to burn your face. Can be added to the bath a couple drops of rose or tea tree essential oils, rosemary or geranium. During steaming, remove beads of sweat with a napkin. After the procedure, dry your face with a napkin and wipe with a cotton swab moistened with hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Before squeezing, disinfect your hands with an alcohol solution. Nails should be cut short and wrapped when extruding. sterile bandage or napkins.
  4. Start removing comedones from the forehead, from the center to the periphery, then treat the nose, cheeks, cheekbones and chin. You need to squeeze out very carefully and quickly: the whole procedure removal of comedones should not exceed 15-20 minutes. During this time, the pores manage to close completely. Change the wipes or bandages on your hands frequently and wipe the treated areas with hydrogen peroxide.
  5. After completing the removal, wipe the skin with a disinfectant solution, alcohol tonic or calendula tincture.
Mechanical squeezing should not be carried out if there are inflammatory elements on the face, if the vascular network is pronounced (rosacea) or if sensitive skin, as well as demodicosis, herpes, dermatitis. Do not perform this procedure during illness, infection, or high temperature, on critical days!

Blackheads are a type of pimple that occurs in clogged pores in the skin.

The plug for the pore opening is a mixture of thickened sebaceous gland secretion, dead epithelial cells and dirt. Initially, these formations do not have inflammatory process, but without proper care, infection and complications will appear.

Under no circumstances should you attempt to cleanse the skin of comedones on your own. open season infection penetrates. In addition, pressing on the skin around the acne with your fingernails or fingertips causes the pore to expand and deform even more, becoming even more dirty.

The appearance of comedones is a sign of malfunctions in the body, or a signal of improper facial care.


Closed comedones

The accumulation of sebum occurs inside the skin, a tubercle appears, which over time begins to become inflamed and leads to severe infection. Closed comedones are also called whiteheads or blackheads; they cannot be squeezed out; the treatment is complex, sometimes even medicinal.

Open comedones

More often called blackheads. There is a gradual accumulation of sebum, which does not come out naturally due to clogging of the pore with a clot of dirt and dead cells. This type of comedones is easier to treat. Prevention open comedones ov - following the rules of personal hygiene and regular cleansing procedures.

Symptoms of comedones

Comedones are small blackheads and most often occur in teenagers.

Signs of comedones include:

  • dull skin;
  • enlarged pores;
  • roughening of the skin.

For installation accurate diagnosis contact a dermatologist who will conduct an external examination, prescribe a series of tests and select the appropriate treatment.

How to get rid of comedones

As a rule, comedones are accompanied by concomitant endocrine diseases and diseases gastrointestinal tract. Complex treatment - therapy concomitant diseases, which caused the appearance of comedones.

Patients need regular cosmetic treatments to slough off dead skin cells and release sebum. Skin care should be regular and thorough. Wash your face with a cleanser twice a day, touch your face with your hands as little as possible, and make sure your hair does not touch your skin.

To remove the layer of dead cells, peelings with fruit acids and microdermabrasion are done. After this procedure, apply to your face remedy, preventing the development of comedones. If some areas of the skin are inflamed, treatment with a solution is required salicylic acid and antimicrobial gel.

Which doctors should I consult for comedones?

Treatment of comedones

Before treating comedones, you need to consult a dermatologist, gastroenterologist and endocrinologist. If you have a disease, you will first need appropriate treatment. As a rule, after eliminating the identified cause, comedones will disappear on their own.

Effective treatment of comedones includes the following components:

  • elimination of excess sebum;
  • use of skin products;
  • regular skin peeling.

In addition, dermatologists use topical and oral antibiotics, as well as oral contraceptives for women, for the treatment of comedones.

Skin cleansing

It is important to learn how to properly cleanse your skin on your own. The skin needs systematic cleansing. You should also not forget about dead skin cells, which affect the clogging of pores and the formation of comedones.

The treatment uses peelings, scrubs and cosmetic exfoliants, which are aimed at eliminating the upper, dead layer of skin, which will provide independent exit closed blackheads on the surface of the skin. Nevertheless, this approach is effective when the number of comedones is small.

Manual cleaning

Manual cleaning is a lengthy process. The cleansed facial skin is pre-steamed and then the blackheads are squeezed out one by one with fingers wrapped in sterile napkins. Then the cosmetologist wipes the skin with a special disinfectant lotion, and at the end of the procedure makes a tightening and soothing mask.

Vacuum cleaning

The vacuum pore cleaner pulls out accumulated secretions from the sebaceous glands, like a small vacuum cleaner. The cleaning procedure is divided into stages. First, dirt and cosmetics are removed using cleansers. Then skin irrigate with steam to open the pores. Then they perform a disincrustation procedure by electrophoresis, during which the secretion from the sebaceous glands is liquefied, and the keratinized cells blocking the exits from the ducts are partially removed.

When the skin is prepared, it is exposed to a device for vacuum cleaning. For 15-20 minutes, the skin is massaged using a vacuum cleaner, which draws out the contents from the pores. After the procedure, a mask is applied to the cleaned areas, narrowing open pores so that infection does not get through them and moisturizes the skin. The set of procedures takes 1-1.5 hours.

Vacuum cleaning is much gentler on the skin than the hands of a cosmetologist; the procedure is often compared to a relaxing massage. This cleaning method is painless, it does not leave marks on the skin in the form of abrasions, but the force with which the contents of the pores is drawn out is sometimes not enough for narrow ducts. In these cases, the procedure is supplemented with manual cleaning.

Fruit acids

Chemical facial cleansing with AHAs – fruit acids – is relatively new technique. The mask will help open the pores and thus replace a steam bath. Then a composition is applied to the face, which warms up the skin and also softens and even partially dissolves fatty cores. The procedure is completed by a soothing mask with a pore-tightening effect.

Pros: the cleaning method is officially recognized as non-traumatic; recovery period reduced to a minimum. Since fruit acids stimulate cell renewal, the skin looks fresh after such cleansing. Cons: it is impossible to remove 100% of blackheads using fruit acids; On sensitive skin, irritation sometimes occurs.


Disincrustation, or ionization of the skin using a mask or lotion, depending on the condition of the skin. Special drug, which is applied to acne-affected areas, contains anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and other components, the effect of which is enhanced by galvanic current. In this case, the contents of the pores are liquefied and drawn out. Pros: non-traumatic and painless. Cons: to achieve results, the procedure is repeated several times. And this pleasure is not cheap.

Comedones removal

When it comes to large comedones, the doctor prescribes removal. This procedure is carried out using the following methods:

In addition, Ayurvedic treatment methods using essential oils have become widespread. Creams are made from essential oils for home use and other skin care products.

A comedogenicity table has been developed natural oils. In this list, the oils received an index (0-5), which indicates the level of comedogenicity. So, at a zero value, the oil does not clog the pores, but the higher the value, the stronger this happens.

Folk remedies for the treatment of comedones

Folk remedies help in the treatment of comedones. However, it is better to discuss the use of a particular recipe with a dermatologist.

Rice cleansing mask

In the evening, cook 50 g of rice and rinse, then add a glass of water. The next morning, strain and mash the rice. The mask is applied to a previously cleansed face in a thick layer.

Grapefruit mask

Grind 2 tablespoons of oatmeal and mix with a glass of grapefruit juice diluted with water 1 to 10. Rub the affected areas with the mask for two minutes and rinse, then apply an everyday light cream.

Tomato mask

Take a ripe tomato, squeeze out the juice and mix with a tablespoon of oatmeal and grated egg yolk. Apply a mask based on the mixture to problem part skin for half an hour. Then rinse off and apply moisturizer.

White clay mask

To prepare this mask you will need magnesia, powdered boric acid, rice starch, White clay and burnt alum. Take the ingredients one teaspoon at a time, mix and add a three percent hydrogen peroxide solution. You need to keep the mask on for half an hour, then wash your face and apply the cream.

Kefir-based mask

Apply kefir to the affected areas of the skin and wash off after 20 minutes, after which the skin is moisturized. Kefir helps open pores and dissolve fat.

Citrus mask

Dilute lemon juice with water in a ratio of 1 to 3 and wipe the resulting liquid onto your skin in the morning.

Vitamin mask

Grate the carrots, cucumber and zucchini, then add lemon juice or olive oil. After cleansing the skin, apply a mask from the resulting mixture to your face and leave for 20 minutes.

Salt and soda scrub

Take 4 g of salt and soda and mix, dilute slightly with water. Next, apply to the affected areas, but not to three. Leave it on for 10 minutes and wash it off. The procedure cannot be done more than once a week.

Egg scrub

Beat an egg with a glass of sugar and two teaspoons of lemon juice and aloe vera juice. Whisk and apply to face. Keep it on for 15 minutes and rinse off.

Cosmetics for comedones

Choosing cosmetics for problem skin, pay attention to special means, which include:

  • zinc;
  • salicylic acid;
  • ammonium lactate;
  • retinol;
  • vitamins A and E;
  • sulfur;
  • skinoren;
  • essential oils;
  • plant extracts.

These products will cleanse the skin and relieve or prevent inflammation. In addition, micellar water (“Exfoliac”), special gels or lotions are used for washing:

  • "Cleanans";
  • "Clerasil Ultra";
  • "Cetaphil";
  • "Sebium".

No less effective in cleansing oily skin will be tonics and lotions (non-alcoholic) containing essential oils:

  • lemon;
  • menthol;
  • eucalyptus;
  • tea tree;
  • aloe plant extracts;
  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • green tea;
  • witch hazel.

Cosmetic brands offer special “anti-comedone” lines:

  • "Clean Line" from Garnier;
  • "Pure Zone" from L'Oreal;
  • "Visibly Clear" from Neutrogena;
  • "Normaderm" from Vichy.

Special strips are used to cleanse the skin in the nose area.

Causes of comedones

Dermatologists highlight following reasons appearance of comedones:

  • changes in hormonal levels during puberty;
  • pregnancy and menopause;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • unbalanced diet, in the absence of necessary vitamins;
  • uncontrolled medication intake;
  • alcohol and smoking abuse;
  • incorrect selection of cosmetics, causing allergic reactions;
  • heredity.

Doctors also note that stressful situation and emotional overload can negatively affect the condition of the skin and cause comedones.

Foods that trigger comedones

Dermatologists have long proven the relationship between skin health and diet. Among the products that negatively affect the quality of the skin, coffee ranks first. Those with problem skin are also advised to avoid consuming:

  • fast food;
  • flour;
  • sweet;
  • alcohol.

It is important for women to remember that the problem of rashes is easier to prevent than to cure. If you want to look good, watch your health: follow a daily routine and give preference to healthy foods.

Prevention of comedones

Use only properly selected cosmetics. So, for example, when oily skin Do not use thick or greasy creams or overuse oil-based cosmetics.
For daily care, choose products that reduce sebum production, tighten pores, exfoliate dead cells, and prevent the development of inflammation.
Cleanse skin thoroughly. For oily and combination skin It is recommended to wash your face with warm water without using soap or alcohol-containing cleansers, which dry the skin and stimulate the production of sebaceous secretions.
Regularly use soft scrubs and exfoliants to remove dead skin cells from the epithelium, as well as clay and film masks to cleanse pores.
Touch your face with your hands as little as possible; when in places with polluted air, cover your face with a scarf, bandages or other items of clothing.

Questions and answers on the topic "Comedones"

Question:Hello. I have the following question: in certain lighting, my facial skin seems clear, but when I look in bright daylight, I see many small, colorless bumps. When washing your face, if you run your fingers over the soapy skin, you will feel small bumps. What will you advice me? Does Skinoren or an analogue of Skinonorm help with this problem, or does it only act on acne vulgaris? I also wipe my face with 2% alcohol solution of salicylic acid in the evenings, am I doing the right thing? What can you recommend for facial care?

Answer: Hello. You need to add to daily care products with AHA acids (gels, mousses), from professional procedures, chemical peelings in a course, for example, Jessner, light TCA. Azelaic acid preparations (Skinoren, Azelik) are effective in solving this problem, so they can be applied in the evening after washing. It is better not to use alcohol lotions on the face, as this can lead to hypersensitivity skin and dryness.

Question:Hello. I am 20 years old, male. For the past 3 years, the problem has mainly been the forehead, nose, and most problem area chin on both sides, in general the T-zone, acne, so-called closed comedones, bothers me flesh-colored, visible when the skin is stretched. How to get rid of them? They provoke inflamed red pimples.

Answer: Hello. First you need to determine the cause of your problem. I recommend getting tested for Demodex mites. general analysis blood, biochemical research blood. These studies will help clarify the cause, making it easier to deal with the problem and provide recommendations for facial skin care.

Question:Hello. I have closed comedones, how can I deal with this with the help of creams and ointments? In general, there is no inflammation on my face, sometimes I get a pimple, I heard that Differin and Skinoren can help? Or is there something better?

Answer: Hello. You need an in-person consultation with a dermatologist.

What are the main causes of comedones?

Our hormonal system is responsible for the secretion of sebum. With her normal operation sebum, when released, performs protective function. If for one reason or another the work hormonal system is violated, this primarily affects the condition of the skin. In such cases sebaceous glands will secrete sebum unevenly, and sometimes even more intensely. Sebum accumulates in the pore along with dead skin cells, resulting in comedones.

Often the appearance of comedones is promoted by unkempt skin, which is a real breeding ground for bacteria. Decorative cosmetics can also contribute to the formation of blackheads.

The tendency to develop comedones is most pronounced in people with combination and oily skin types. However, blackheads can also occur in people with dry or normal skin. Pore ​​clogging in this situation occurs as a result of various chronic diseases, with an unhealthy diet, as well as with constant stress.

Treatment of comedones requires integrated approach, which consists in using special cosmetics at home, as well as periodically carrying out special cosmetic procedures in the cabin. Facial cleansing in cosmetology will allow you to forget about this problem for a long time, but you will need to maintain this result constantly.

Today there is no ideal magic remedy, which would save a person from the problem of blackheads forever. Perhaps, if it existed, the company that invented it would not be fabulously rich. However, there are still a lot of good quality cosmetics that get rid of comedones for a certain period, or, according to at least, improving skin condition. But when using this type of creams, gels, masks, you should not forget about your entire lifestyle.

Traditional medicine offers a lot of various remedies to combat blackheads, which you can prepare yourself. Among such products, face masks occupy a special place.

Protein mask

1 egg, 1 tbsp. Sahara

First, beat the egg white with sugar. Apply about half the mixture to cleansed facial skin and let the mask dry. After this, apply another layer, patting your face with your fingertips. When the mask dries completely, it must be washed off with water. After the mask, it will be effective to apply a moisturizing cream to the skin.

This mask helps cleanse pores by drawing out all the contents out of them.

Lemon-protein mask

2 tsp lemon juice, 2 tsp. aloe juice, 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 egg

Beat all ingredients thoroughly with a mixer. Apply half of the mask to problem areas. Let dry. Then apply the 2nd coat and leave for 15 minutes. Wash off the mask with tonic or water.

Soda mask

4 g. soda, 4 g salt

Mix the ingredients, add a few drops of water and apply to steamed problem areas. Rub lightly, being careful not to damage the skin, and then rinse with cold water. Apply moisturizer to your face.

The mask can be done no more than once a week. This type of skin treatment should not be carried out if the area is inflamed or covered with acne. Instead of salt you can use cereals or bran, having previously crushed them.

Rice mask

50 g. rice, 0.3 l boiling water

Rinse the rice under running water and pour boiling water over it. Leave the entire contents overnight, and in the morning, strain and mash the rice to a paste. Apply this mask for 10-15 minutes twice a week.

They will also help clear your face of comedones. various products, which we constantly buy in stores. For example, you can lubricate your face with regular kefir and leave it for 20 minutes. Then you need to wash your face with warm water. Kefir perfectly dissolves sebum due to the acids it contains.

Shouldn't be forgotten Golden Rule cosmetology: it is better to prevent than to treat later. Always take care of your skin. Cleanse your face daily with toner, lotion or folk remedies. Use only proven cosmetics, and, of course, do not forget to eat right. Eliminate fatty and sweet food, coffee, alcohol. These products contribute to blockage of the sebaceous glands. Better eat fish seafood, parsley, dill, cilantro, basil, kefir, bifidok, Varenets, vegetables and fruits of red and orange colors.

Comedones are nothing more than acne, which are the result of a disease of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. These black dots on the face have become Lately more often diagnosed, if previously comedones were typical for young people/teenagers, now this disease is also typical for older people (statistically, 25-40 years old).

Comedones do not pose any danger to human health and life, but in psycho-emotional terms these acne can bring a lot of problems. Therefore, you need not only to know at least a minimum of information about the disease in question, but also to understand what can help in the fight against comedones on the face.

Table of contents: We recommend reading:


In medicine, several types of comedones are distinguished; they develop gradually and serve as a continuation of each other. In general, doctors call comedones cysts - they are formed according to the same principle as ordinary cysts on internal organs. The mechanism of development of the disease in question is always the same: it all begins with the formation of microcomedones, ends with open or closed form. More precisely, the types and mechanism of development of comedones are shown in the figure:

We recommend reading:

What are open comedones

The follicle often plays the role of a kind of “collection” of sebum, to which are added dead epidermal cells, microparticles of cosmetics, and dust. This resulting composition simply clogs hair follicle, and when the plug is at the exit of the follicle, it turns black due to oxidation of the contents by air. This is how open comedones are formed - ordinary blackheads, acne, which doctors consider the most simple development the state under consideration.

Unlike open comedones, in this form there is no way out for the accumulated plug. Therefore, closed comedones are balls or nodules whitish in color, rising above the surface of the skin.

The danger of closed comedones is high risk development of complex pathological conditions:

  • purulent;
  • abscesses.

The inflammatory process in closed comedones develops rapidly, and a person’s desire to quickly get rid of an unsightly phenomenon can lead to the spread of staphylococcal or streptococcal infection. And “manual” removal of closed comedones necessarily leads to the formation of scars, scars and unevenness on the skin surface.

Note:places of localization of open and/or closed comedones - forehead, chin, nose, back (its upper sections). In some cases, the phenomenon in question is also observed on the upper part of the chest - such a spread of condylomas is more often observed in women.

Causes of comedones

It is impossible to name one thing as the cause of the appearance of condylomas on the face - doctors say that for the appearance of such acne some kind of push, provocation is needed. Several factors can cause such a provocation:

  1. Genetic trait. Doctors, and ordinary people alike, have long noted that the facial skin condition in question is hereditary. If a mother or father has condylomas, then the probability of developing such a disease in their children is 97%.
  2. Violation in hormonal balance body. That is why most often open/closed comedones appear on the skin of the face in adolescence, in women in menopause, before menstruation.
  3. Medications. It's about only about long-term use any medications - against the background of such an aggressive effect on the body, disorders develop secretory function body.
  4. Improper skin care– for example, incorrect selection of cosmetics, excessive use of decorative cosmetics, lack of facial cleansing procedures.
  5. Diet disorder. If a person's menu is large quantities There are carbohydrates and fats, there are practically no vegetables and fruits, then this is a direct path to the formation of both closed and open comedones.
  6. Some diseases of the central and/or peripheral nervous system , frequent , relapses .

In addition, comedones may appear if a person lives in a region with an unfavorable environment - high content in the air of carbon oxides and metal salts will certainly lead to the appearance of the described state.

Regularly squeezing out blackheads or white bumps on the face will not get rid of comedones - it will only provoke the development of an inflammatory process on the skin surface. Treatment of the condition in question is the prerogative of medical workers who will definitely offer complex therapy.

Pick up adequate treatment only a doctor can treat comedones - you need to take into account not only the degree and type of disease, but also general state patient's health. Many medications used to treat genital warts can cause severe allergic reaction, and sometimes a specialist has to act on the principle of choosing a medication - what is ideal for one patient may be completely useless for another.

If we talk about general recommendations, then a person with condylomas must be treated with antiseptic drugs and products with antibacterial effect. Differin, a drug produced in the form of a gel or cream of 0.1%, has proven itself well in this regard. It is applied to facial skin previously cleansed with lotion. evening time days. Another effective remedy for combating condylomas is Tretinoin cream or lotion, which should be used to treat the face 2 times a day.

Note:Treatment for comedones is lengthy and will require diligence and patience. On average, getting rid of condylomas with medicines lasts 4-8 weeks.

Cosmetology procedures

We recommend reading:

When treating comedones, it is imperative to visit beauty salons– There are a number of procedures that effectively get rid of unsightly rashes on the face. First of all, professionals recommend deep cleansing of the face - this procedure helps remove dead skin cells of the epidermis, excretory iron ducts are freed, and free access to oxygen opens to facial skin cells. Deep facial cleansing is carried out in different ways:

  • manual – this is called manual cleaning;
  • using specific tools - a needle and a loop;

  • microdermabrasion;
  • chemical peeling;
  • ultrasonic devices.

The most common method deep cleaning Facial peeling is considered laser peeling. The result of this procedure is the renewal of the epithelium, which invariably leads to improved blood circulation, normalization of the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and stabilization of metabolism. The likelihood of comedones appearing after laser peeling is very low, although relapses are not excluded.

Treatment of comedones with folk remedies

Just in case you need to fight comedones, you can safely turn to us for help. folk medicine– there are a lot of products based on natural raw materials that really relieve a person from unpleasant rashes on the face. You can use them one at a time, you can combine them - it’s just important to stick to mandatory rule regularity of procedures.

Traditional methods of treating comedones:

Note:Each of the listed masks should be used at least once a week. You can alternate, but in this case you can only use 2 types of masks per week.

Rubbing your face with a self-prepared tonic will also be very effective - it is made from juice or. In the first case, a teaspoon of juice is diluted in ¼ glass of water, but grapefruit juice in the amount of 1 tablespoon diluted with a glass of water.

They also help get rid of comedones quite well - for example, they can be mixed with natural yogurt, warm milk to a pulp state. Then the mass is applied to the face with circular movements of the fingers for 15 minutes. After washing off the mask with warm water, be sure to treat your skin with any moisturizer.

Those people who are predisposed to the appearance of comedones should regularly undergo preventive actions. For example, this will be useful for those whose parents suffered from comedones or who had rashes of the type in question in the past and are now in remission. Prevention of comedones is as follows:

Comedones can cause a lot of trouble - some people even become depressed and despondent when such a problem appears. But modern medicine and the rich experience of our ancestors really help get rid of existing comedones and prevent the appearance of new ones.