Apricot kernel oil for wrinkles. Using apricot oil for the face. Mask for sensitive dehydrated skin

Among the variety of natural preparations for facial care, apricot oil occupies a special position. Its beneficial properties and quick results amaze not only lovers of natural cosmetics, but also experienced beauty industry professionals.

Useful qualities

Apricot oil is ideal for caring for dry, aging skin.. Its rich composition effectively affects the skin, quickly coping with dermatological problems. It is capable of:

  • Gently moisturize dry, dehydrated skin;
  • smooth out small wrinkles;
  • have a general rejuvenating effect;
  • eliminate sagging and tighten the facial contour, restore the elasticity of the integument;
  • relieve inflammation and peeling;
  • restore smoothness and healthy color to the skin, carefully whiten freckles and age spots.

The substance owes its unique moisturizing and regenerating properties to a cocktail of organic fatty acids - oleic, linoleic and alpha-linoleic. And palmitic acid, contained in sufficient quantities in the oil, reliably retains precious moisture in the cells.

Vitamin E, or tocopherol, which is a powerful antioxidant, prevents premature aging and prolongs the youth and health of the skin.

A combination of vitamins A, B, C and F helps organic acids quickly moisturize and restore the skin, effectively dealing with excessive dryness and flaking.

Apricot oil shows excellent results as a sun protective cream, a means for restoring damaged hair and for caring for chapped hands.

Contraindications and precautions

Apricot oil is completely safe to use for facial skin care.. Unlike fruits, allergic reactions to apricot kernel oil practically do not occur. But in order to guarantee one hundred percent success of the procedure, it is recommended to conduct a drug tolerance test before performing it for the first time.

To do this, 2-3 drops are carefully applied to the wrist or elbow and thoroughly rubbed into the skin. If after an hour and a half your health has not changed, there is no itching, rash, etc., you can proceed to a cosmetic session without any fear.

Main uses of oil

Apricot oil gently and carefully cares for facial skin. At home it is successfully used:

  • in pure, undiluted form;
  • in combination with a variety of essential and base oils;
  • to create effective homemade masks and creams;
  • to enhance the beneficial properties of factory-made cosmetics.

Apricot kernel oil has a beneficial effect on all skin types. The most noticeable effect from using the drug is noted by owners of dry, flaky skin. The oil has proven effective when used in its pure form as a moisturizer. Before applying to the skin of the face, it is recommended to heat the substance in a water bath for 5–7 minutes, not exceeding a temperature of 40°C.

When using essential oils, they are added to the base apricot oil after preheating.

The delicate consistency of the drug allows it to be effectively used to improve the formulation of factory-made cosmetics and enhance its beneficial effects on the skin. To do this, the ingredients are combined in equal parts and thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous substance is obtained.

Apricot is an ideal base for preparing homemade cosmetics. Seed extract goes well with dairy products and cereals, fruits and cosmetic clay.

Using apricot oil for facial skin care at home does not require special knowledge or equipment. But so that the visual effect of its use can please you as quickly as possible, cosmetologists have developed a number of recommendations:

  • facial skin should be thoroughly cleansed of decorative cosmetics and natural impurities. Plain water, milk or your favorite makeup remover will do for this;
  • the effect of the procedure will be more noticeable if it is carried out after preliminary steaming the face and using a scrub. The oil will have an even more intense effect when applied to a face thoroughly moistened with water or a decoction of medicinal herbs;
  • simultaneous massage helps eliminate sagging and increases the elasticity of facial muscles;
  • The special soft composition of the drug makes it possible to increase the exposure time on the skin to 40 minutes. Recommended frequency – at least 2 times a week;
  • It is recommended to remove excess substance with paper towels or a soft cloth, then wipe your face with a towel soaked in warm water or a weak infusion of green tea;
  • You should not perform facial care with natural oils at night. Apricot oil, like all others, is recommended to be applied no later than an hour before bedtime.

The best recipes for home cooking

The versatility and wide range of uses of apricot oil are highly valued by specialists in modern cosmetology. They have developed dozens of effective recipes, including for home use.

Extra-hydrating mask

Thoroughly grind fresh egg yolk, add a teaspoon of apricot oil and stir until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Apply to face along massage lines and leave for 30–35 minutes. After the specified time has passed, remove the remaining mask with a cotton napkin, and then rinse your face with warm water. Regular use of the mask allows you to restore elasticity and healthy radiance to dry, aging skin.

Cleansing mask

Grind 1 tablespoon of oatmeal in a coffee grinder, pour 2 tablespoons of milk over it and let it brew for 5 minutes. Add a teaspoon of apricot oil and honey to the resulting composition, stir thoroughly. The mask perfectly nourishes the skin, smoothes out fine wrinkles and improves complexion.

Moisturizing toner

Gently cares for the skin, moisturizing and toning it, an effective tonic based on mineral water. To prepare it, you need to combine apricot oil with pharmaceutical glycerin in a 2:1 ratio. Pour 100 ml of still mineral water into the resulting mixture and stir thoroughly. Wipe your face morning and evening. It is recommended to store the lotion in a dark container in the refrigerator for no more than a month.

Anti-aging cream

Pour 50 ml of boiling water over pharmaceutical chamomile (1 tablespoon) and heat for 10 minutes in a steam bath. Let it brew, filter and cool. Add 30 g of butter and a mixture of apricot oil and glycerin (1 teaspoon of each component) to the infusion, add 2 teaspoons of camphor alcohol and stir gently. Transfer the cream into a glass container and store in the refrigerator. The drug effectively smoothes wrinkles, tones the skin and tightens the facial contour.

Nourishing compress

A compress made from a mixture of apricot and almond oils effectively nourishes and moisturizes dry, flaky skin. To prepare it, you will need to mix apricot and almond oil in equal parts, heat them to a comfortable temperature (not higher than 40°C) and moisten a thick napkin with pre-cut holes for the eyes in the liquid. The fabric is carefully laid out on the surface of the face for 30–40 minutes, then it is removed and the excess mixture is removed.

Anti-inflammatory mask

This mask quickly copes with acne, eliminates flaking and relieves skin irritation. To prepare it, you need to slightly heat a tablespoon of apricot oil, add 2 drops each of lemon and patchouli oils and stir well. Apply a thick layer to the face and leave for 20 minutes. Afterwards, rinse off the remaining mask with regular warm water.

Video about using apricot oil for facial care

High efficiency, combined with a delicate consistency and pleasant aroma, has long made apricot oil one of the most popular among natural cosmetics connoisseurs. The energy of these solar fruits helps to maintain youthful and healthy skin for a long time.

To prolong the youth of mature skin, it is important to provide it with enhanced nutrition and hydration. Apricot oil for the face is considered one of the best essential oils for wrinkles and age spots. Thanks to the fatty acids in its composition, this natural remedy helps restore normal metabolism in the epidermal cells and provide them with intensive nutrition.

Benefits of using it for the skin

Apricot oil, or as it is also called, apricot kernel oil, is a cold-pressed essential extract. Thanks to this production, the maximum amount of useful substances is preserved in the solution: vitamins, microminerals, essential amino acids.

Benefits of apricot oil for facial skin:

  • It contains a huge amount of vitamins, the main ones being A, E and C. Thanks to this combination, this is an excellent remedy for eliminating age spots, deep wrinkles, and sagging;
  • But the main one in the composition is the almost unique vitamin F, whose percentage content is greater than all other microelements combined. It is responsible for accelerated cell regeneration, which allows you to restore the turgor of the epidermis in the shortest possible time. Also, thanks to its effect, the top layer becomes smoother and roughness is eliminated;
  • Amino acids help increase softness. In addition, they help fight toxins. When absorbed, the oil cleanses cells, removing harmful products using the excretory system;
  • Minerals (magnesium, zinc, calcium) help enhance the production of collagen and elastane.

Cosmetic apricot oil for the skin of the face and body has found wide use in folk medicine also due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, it is often used for acne and blackheads.

Indications for use of apricot kernel oil:

  1. Expression and age wrinkles, loss of elasticity, sagging, changes in facial contour due to decreased collagen production;
  2. Gray complexion, age spots, redness;
  3. Inflamed pimples, blackheads, comedones and acne. In addition, in some cases, dermatologists prescribe almond and apricot oil against post-acne;
  4. Apricot is also extremely useful for vitamin deficiency and flaking of the skin;
  5. The need for deep nutrition of the face. Especially after winter vitamin deficiency.

The product also has contraindications. This is individual intolerance, a manifestation of an allergic reaction, open wounds. It is not recommended to apply any masks to newly squeezed or scratched pimples.

Video: all the benefits of apricot kernel oil

Apricot oil masks

Like apricot, it has a very extensive list of indications.

That's why all masks can be divided into the following groups:

  1. For acne and blackheads, for problematic, oily and combination skin;
  2. To improve metabolism in the epidermis, restoration of a healthy complexion;
  3. For wrinkles, age spots.

#1: For acne, apricot oil is used undiluted - it is completely safe for the face, since the product is non-comedogenic. Apply the solution in a circular motion along the massage lines. It is best to preheat it - this will speed up the penetration of beneficial substances into the cells.

#2: If you suffer from inflammatory, painful acne, then an excellent recipe is mixed in equal proportions with apricot. There is a similar recipe with coconut, but it is not suitable for acne-prone epidermis. The two esters are combined in equal proportions and then applied to cleansed skin. We recommend doing the procedure at night.

#3: This recipe will help get rid of subcutaneous pimples. You need to take some of the clay and mix it with the same amount of water. Depending on your skin type, you can choose green, blue or white. You need to add 5 drops of apricot oil to the mineral mass. Apply the mixture to a cleansed face in an even layer and leave for 15 minutes. If you have dry epidermis, then it is important not to let the clay harden - sprinkle it with water, otherwise it will “take away” all the moisture from the cells.

#4: To normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands of problem and combination skin, a product based on lemon juice, apricot and honey is suitable. Lemon will significantly enhance the effect of ascorbic acid in apricot ether, and, therefore, its anti-inflammatory properties. Honey will help nourish cells and shrink pores. You need to take two tablespoons of lemon juice, one of apricot and half of honey. The sweetness is preheated in a water bath to a liquid consistency. The mask is applied to the face and neck and lasts for 15 to 20 minutes. Please note that it has strong whitening properties.

#5: To improve metabolism and normalize complexion, you need to make masks with a mixture of oils. It is also recommended to add a small amount of fruit juice or pulp to such solutions. So, one of the best remedies for dull color and redness is a mixture - 2 parts, tea tree - 1 part, apricot - 2 parts, mint - 1 part. Everything is heated over low heat and applied to the skin. Afterwards, apply a damp cloth to your face (you can use a regular paper one, lightly moistening it with water). Keep for 10 minutes to 15.

#6: In the summer, you can make a “vitamin bomb” for your face - this will help restore its natural radiance and elasticity. Strawberry and raspberry pulp is mixed with honey and apricot ether. You can take everything in equal parts. The product is distributed evenly over the neck, décolleté and face. Stand for at least 20 minutes. This mask whitens.

#7: But the most common use of this ester is for the first signs of aging. Reviews claim that with regular use of apricot oil on the face, deep wrinkles become less noticeable, and expression lines practically disappear. It is recommended to apply it directly to problem areas instead of night cream.

#8: For intensive tightening, a mask with potatoes and kaolin is suitable. White clay is combined in equal proportions with water, and then mixed with raw grated potatoes. A teaspoon of ether is added to the mixture. The mixture is applied to the face and neck and left for 20 minutes.

#9: A mask with an apple is made in the same way. It is better suited in winter to saturate cells with vitamins. If possible, we recommend alternating them with each other - this will ensure increased production of collagen and elastane.

#10: A recipe with apricot and vitamins is very useful for wrinkles. For example, you can take a spoonful of liquid vitamin E and combine it with apricot kernel oil. Apply with a cotton swab to the neck, face and chest, leave for at least half an hour. This method is completely safe - it is hypoallergenic and suitable for any skin type.

#11: Egg white mixed with honey and apricot oil tightens the oval of the face well. You need to take a chicken egg, separate the yolk from the white and beat it together with warm honey. Add half a spoonful of oil to the foam and mix again. Apply in an even thin layer and leave for up to 40 minutes. Be sure to lie down at this time - this way your face will tighten up better.

You can buy apricot oil for the face at any pharmacy. It is recommended to choose an unrefined product (some manufacturers still subject the solution to heat treatment). It is from the product obtained by cold pressing that the best effect is achieved.

Exists in 80% of people around the world. Girls, as a rule, are more likely to experience age-related changes because their skin is more delicate. On the other hand, it can be quite difficult to determine a woman’s age, especially if she devotes a sufficient amount of time to facial care. In pursuit of beautiful, well-groomed facial skin, girls buy a huge number of different cosmetics: scrubs, oils, masks, creams. But are they all that effective? Today we’ll talk about one of them, namely apricot oil for the face against wrinkles: reviews about it, who it is suitable for and how it is used.

Why does skin age?

Before we find out whether apricot oil copes with the problem of aging, we will find out why this process occurs and is so noticeable on the skin of the face. First of all, it is important to note that wrinkles are divided into several types. Expression wrinkles arise as a result of active facial expressions. This includes laughter and wrinkling of the forehead. Age-related wrinkles appear as a result of the death of elastic fibers. The skin becomes loose and sagging. In order to delay such sad processes, there are many different ways.

It is very important to know that most wrinkles are formed as a result of dry skin. Thus, in women with an oily type, their manifestations are less noticeable than in women with a dry type. In addition, over the years, the skin loses the beneficial microelements and vitamins it needs. They need to be constantly replenished using various means. One of them is apricot oil for the face against wrinkles. Reviews about this product, properties and methods of use will be discussed below.

How is apricot oil produced?

Apricot oil is made from the seeds of this plant by cold pressing. They contain a huge amount of useful vitamins and minerals. It is quite difficult to carry out such a process at home, because it requires a special press. Sometimes cherry plum seeds are also partially used to prepare apricot oil. In order to make apricot oil for the face against wrinkles, reviews of which we will consider later, kernels are used. They are crushed and pressed several times in a cold way. The cake that remains is also used for various cosmetic products.


Almost all vegetable oils have many positive properties. Apricot is no exception. It contains 20% linolenic acid, amygdalin glycoside - 5%, as well as vitamins A, C, B, F, lactase enzymes and emulsin. It contains a significant amount of mineral salts and other useful components. Cold double pressing allows you to preserve all these elements in their natural form. When apricot kernels are heated strongly, most of these beneficial components are broken down, especially amygdalin.

Properties of apricot oil

The benefits of this oil cannot be underestimated. It is used both for facial skin and for hair and nails. Apricot oil, the properties and uses of which we are considering, can be found in many cosmetic products (scrubs, masks, creams, balms). It nourishes, softens and protects hair and skin.

Apricot oil is well absorbed and regulates the water-lipid balance. This explains its anti-wrinkle properties. Absorbed into the skin, the oil moisturizes it, dry cells receive the necessary amount of moisture and lipids. Due to this, the facial skin tightens, becomes smoother and more elastic. The properties and uses of apricot oil have been studied by many scientists, and a lot of experiments have been carried out. During the study, it became known that this product regenerates dead cells, promoting the appearance of new ones.

Apricot oil is also very beneficial for sensitive and problem skin. This is due to its antibacterial effect. It heals wounds, dries out pimples, and fights acne.

Beneficial microelements of apricot oil trigger metabolic processes in the body and have an intense rejuvenating effect. In addition, they give the skin a healthy and well-groomed appearance.

Hair oil

As mentioned earlier, apricot cosmetic oil is successfully used to treat not only facial skin, but also hair and nails. For dry and brittle curls, it is recommended to add it to shampoo in a proportion of 15 drops per 100 ml of product. The oil is suitable for frequent use. It does not leave a greasy shine on the hair, but at the same time nourishes it, makes it soft and silky. If after using the shampoo your hair still gets a little oily, then you can add it to your hair mask and use it once a week.

This oil is especially effective on hot summer days, when hair is most in need of care and protection. Apricot oil lipids can protect curls from drying out and exposure to high temperatures.

Apricot oil for hand skin

Apricot oil, the properties of which we have reviewed, is also ideal for the skin of hands and nails. After a bath and manicure, it is recommended to rub it into the cuticle. But besides this, the oil can also be applied to the hands with massage movements. It will moisturize the delicate skin of your hands, and your nails will become stronger thanks to regeneration processes. To improve the effect, the product can be slightly warmed up (no more than 37 ° C). Apricot oil also goes well with other vegetable oils.

They can be mixed in different proportions and experimented with. If the nails are too soft and brittle, and the skin of the hands is dry, then it is recommended to use a wrap. Problem areas are generously lubricated with warm apricot and pine oil and wrapped in cling film for a better thermal effect. After one hour, excess oil (if not all of it has been absorbed) can be washed off with warm water.

Apricot oil for eyelashes

Another quite interesting area of ​​its application is eyelashes. They can remove makeup. It does not injure the delicate skin around the eyes, but rather the opposite - it moisturizes and nourishes it. In addition, thanks to its healing properties, apricot oil also affects the eyelashes themselves, accelerating their growth. To use, you need to take a cotton swab, moisten it with water and add a few drops of the product. With light movements you can remove any remaining makeup. To strengthen the eyelashes, apply a few drops of oil to a cotton swab and attach to them using cling film or parchment paper.

Apricot kernel oil for face

Of course, it is perfect for the delicate skin of the face and décolleté. This is especially true for dry skin prone to flaking. The oil is very quickly absorbed into damaged areas, nourishes them, and evens out the structure. Useful vitamins and minerals are quickly absorbed in the subcutaneous layer. There are a huge number of different homemade masks and creams that use this particular oil.

The easiest and fastest way to moisturize, nourish and heal your skin is to apply a few drops of oil to a cotton swab and wipe your face with it. For intensive nutrition, you can heat the oil to 37 ° C and soak gauze or bandage with it. Next, it must be carefully applied to the skin of the face, not forgetting the décolleté area. The smeared areas are wrapped in cling film on top; for a better effect, you can also cover them with a terry towel. After 20 minutes, it can be washed off with warm water.

Apricot kernel oil for the face can be purchased at any pharmacy; in addition, they sell other vegetable oils: ylang-ylang, mint, lemon, rose, pine and many others. Each of them has many useful properties. They mix perfectly, complement each other and improve the effect of use. Cosmetic oils for the face against wrinkles have a beneficial effect on the skin and hair. Almost all of them have an antibacterial effect. In addition, they nourish the skin and hair with all the necessary vitamins and minerals. The use of cosmetic oils is especially important in autumn and spring, when the body is susceptible to vitamin deficiency.

Typically, oils have a narrow cosmetic specificity: some of them effectively solve the problems of oily skin, others quickly relieve dryness, and others have anti-inflammatory properties.

Miraculous apricot oil for the face is universal because it can be used to care for any skin type, including the most sensitive.

The effect of apricot oil on facial skin is dictated by the activity of its components. Penetrating the skin, they begin to enter into numerous chemical reactions at the cellular level. The result is fresh, rejuvenated, beautiful and radiant skin. And there are no miracles in this, you just have to look at the chemical composition of this amazing cosmetic product:

  • acids: palmitic, palmitoleic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, linoleic - have long been used in cosmetology to rejuvenate skin cells, regenerate damaged tissues and restore protective function;
  • vitamin E actively helps them in this (it’s not for nothing that it’s called the vitamin of youth): it restores the elasticity and firmness of the skin, smoothes out small wrinkles, and makes small wrinkles less noticeable;
  • vitamin A has anti-inflammatory and soothing effects, copes well with dryness, thinning, flaking;
  • every vitamin B has a healing effect on the skin: prevents inflammation, tightens microcracks, saves from pollution;
  • vitamin C saves the skin from vitamin deficiency and other undesirable factors, including ultraviolet radiation and frost;
  • potassium controls the level of skin hydration, retaining a sufficient amount of moisture in the cells;
  • magnesium has a positive effect on the functioning of blood vessels, which carry oxygen and nutrients to cells.

Having dealt with such a complex composition, it becomes clear how apricot oil for the face acts on skin cells. Regeneration and moisturizing are its two main functions, which determine the indications for using the product at home.

Apricot oil for the face: indications

It is believed that apricot kernel oil for the face is a universal remedy that is ideal for caring for any skin type. However, you should know in which cases it can bring maximum benefit, and in which it will be neutral. Indications for its use are as follows:

  • tired, loose skin;
  • sensitive;
  • children's;
  • daily care;
  • dry, flaky patches;
  • deterioration of complexion;
  • wrinkles;
  • crow's feet, bruises and bags under the eyes;
  • pimples, acne, various types of rashes.

This is the wide range of indications apricot oil has for the face: using it at home involves a wide variety of uses - from ordinary wipes to multi-component masks.

How to use apricot oil on your face

First, decide what kind of skin problem apricot oil will help you solve: its use will depend on this factor.

  • 1. Rubbing

Wipe your face with a cotton swab dipped in oily liquid from apricots every day before going to bed, replacing the cream with such wipes.

  • 2. Lotions

You can apply apricot oil around the eyes daily instead of eyelid gel, also at night.

  • 3. Addition to cosmetics

Add 3 drops of apricot product to a spoon of any cosmetic product (cream, lotion, mask).

  • 4. Compresses

Soak several layers of gauze in oil and apply to affected, problem areas. In medicine, apricot oil for skin is one of the best wound healing agents.

  • 5. Cream

Pour boiling water (50 ml) over a tablespoon of chamomile flowers, leave for a couple of hours, strain. Add melted butter (25 g), apricot oil (teaspoon), glycerin (teaspoon), camphor alcohol (3 teaspoons) to the decoction (5 teaspoons).

  • 6. Yolk mask

Grind apricot oily liquid (a teaspoon) with the yolk. Any masks with apricot oil always give excellent results.

  • 7. Essential mask

Mix a tablespoon of apricot oil with chamomile and patchouli esters (2 drops of each).

  • 8. Oatmeal mask

Mix a tablespoon of crushed oatmeal with milk, apricot oil (a tablespoon) and warmed honey (a teaspoon).

  • 9. Multi-component mask

Mix semolina porridge cooked in milk (2 tablespoons) with apricot mixture (tablespoon), yolk and honey (teaspoon).

  • 10. Massage agent

For facial massage, this product is ideal both in pure form and in combination with other esters (jojoba, avocado, almond, wheat germ).

Do you want your skin to bloom with health, beauty and youth? In this case, take advantage of this unique gift of nature: the most delicate apricot cosmetic oil will make your skin velvety, like rose petals. It's worth a try - and you won't be disappointed.

How long has this oil been used in cosmetology? Is it good for the eyelids and does it smooth out wrinkles under the eyes? Can I use it on my hands or heels? What are the tips from cosmetologists for effective use?

Apricot oil is extracted from the kernels by cold pressing; this technique allows you to preserve the maximum amount of beneficial properties. The extract from the seeds has a light texture and a pleasant fruity aroma. The oil helps get rid of dryness and irritation of the epidermis, vitaminizes and moisturizes the skin, stimulates the intensive production of elastin. The skin becomes tightened and elastic, shallow wrinkles disappear. Its healing properties have been confirmed by time, and masks with apricot oil for the face restore youth.

Effect of apricot oil on the skin

The beneficial effect on the skin is due to the presence of valuable macro and microelements that are part of apricot oil. Rapidly penetrating into the subcutaneous tissues, they provide emergency assistance to the facial skin.

  • Organic acids. Apricot kernels contain various mono and polyunsaturated acids, which are extremely important for restoring the protective barriers of the dermis, skin rejuvenation and tissue regeneration.
  • Vitamin E. Tocopherol helps restore elasticity by increasing collagen production. Promotes cell regeneration, slows down the aging process, reduces the activity of free radicals that have a detrimental effect on the skin.
  • Vitamin A. Retinol has an anti-inflammatory effect, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, affects skin hydration, prevents seasonal or age-related dryness, and removes flaking.
  • Vitamins B. They have healing properties at the cellular level, remove toxins from the epidermis, improve complexion, have anti-inflammatory properties, help in the fight against acne and unsightly skin rashes.
  • Vitamin C. Ascorbic acid is a strong antioxidant that stimulates active collagen production. It protects against vitamin deficiency, excessive ultraviolet radiation and sudden temperature changes.
  • Vitamin F. Regulates fat and oxygen metabolism at the molecular level. Prevents dryness, soothes inflamed skin, treats acne, protects against external influences.
  • Potassium and magnesium salts. They provide nutrients and control the restoration of the epidermis. Potassium retains moisture necessary for the dermis in the cells. Magnesium is responsible for the transport of oxygen and has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels.

Indications for use

According to reviews of apricot oil for the face, a natural product helps not only against wrinkles, but also to forget about skin defects (pimples, blackheads, blackheads, scars) for a long time. Women of any age category can use it, because it is suitable even for the delicate skin of children. Main indications for using apricot oil in home remedies:

  • expression and age wrinkles;
  • inflammatory processes, irritations;
  • the presence of peeling, unhealthy complexion;
  • pimples, acne, skin rashes;
  • preventive skin care for children and adults.

Apricot oil is considered a base oil; it can be combined with other beneficial ingredients or used as a separate cosmetic product. There is only one contraindication to the use of the elixir of youth - individual intolerance.

How to use apricot oil

How to use apricot oil for the face at home? The cosmetic product can be used for various home procedures. It all depends on what unpleasant problem needs to be eliminated. Excellent results have been observed with regular use of the oil as a preventive anti-aging agent.

  • Rubbing. This procedure is an excellent alternative to night nourishing cream. You need to wipe your skin every evening with a cosmetic swab dipped in medicated oil. The product is completely absorbed and absorbed by the skin, as it quickly penetrates into the deep layers of the dermis.
  • Lotions. If it is necessary to eliminate age-related changes around the eyes, then it is advisable to apply anti-aging lotions every evening. Apply the substrate generously to the skin and after a while you will see amazing results.
  • Compresses. Fold the medical bandage in several layers. Soak it in oil and place it on the problem area of ​​your face. The compress can be applied several times a day until cosmetic defects disappear. The procedure has a soothing and wound-healing effect, eliminates irritation and peeling.
  • Additive to creams. The effect of any store-bought cream can be enhanced by simply dropping a little apricot oil into it. But you need to mix the ingredients before applying, this will preserve all the nutrients.
  • Face massage. Apply aromatic apricot extract with massage movements onto your face a couple of times a week. The procedure provides anti-aging relaxing care.
  • Base for masks. This method of using apricot oil is the most popular. By adding it to any mask, you can be sure of a great result. An oily substrate is an excellent base for many homemade masks.

Apply homemade masks only to clean skin. It is advisable to drive the prepared anti-aging composition into the skin with light tapping movements of the fingers. Use each recipe for no more than a month so that your skin does not get used to the same ingredient.

Home remedies for daily care

The active chemical elements included in the apricot extract cleanse the skin of toxins, stimulate the natural production of elastin and collagen, and prevent premature aging. With regular use of the natural extract, noticeable results quickly appear. The cosmetic product is multifunctional, therefore it helps to get rid of various skin defects.

Moisturizing facial toner

Tonic softens and tones the epidermis. Perfect for dry, dehydrated skin. It is advisable to use it daily for at least a month.

  1. Mix a tablespoon of apricot oil with a teaspoon of glycerin.
  2. Add 150 ml mineral water.
  3. Pour the tonic into a dark, tightly screwed bottle.
  4. Shake well before use.

Daily care toner

A harmoniously selected set of oils will provide the skin with protection from negative external factors. Tonic moisturizes the epidermis and smoothes wrinkles.

  1. Mix one tablespoon each of almond and apricot oil.
  2. Add 2 drops each of sandalwood oil and ylang-ylang.
  3. Warm the toner slightly in your hands before use.

Anti-aging cream

Cream with apricot extract, prepared independently, has excellent rejuvenating properties. It is advisable to use it twice a day, then the benefits for the skin will be maximum.

  1. Pour boiling water (50 ml) over a tablespoon of chamomile.
  2. Leave until completely cool, filter.
  3. Melt 30 g of butter and add to the tincture.
  4. Mix 1 teaspoon each of glycerin and apricot oil.
  5. Add 3 teaspoons of camphor alcohol.
  6. Mix the ingredients and place in the refrigerator for two hours.

Anti-wrinkle cream

Self-prepared cream differs favorably from store-bought cosmetics in that you will be absolutely sure of its composition and healing qualities.

  1. Combine 2 tablespoons almond oil with 1 tablespoon apricot oil.
  2. Melt 2 tablespoons of lanolin.
  3. Add 3 tablespoons lemon juice.
  4. Mix the ingredients and transfer the cream into a tightly screwed bottle.

Recipes for effective masks

Rejuvenating semolina porridge

Apricot oil for the face against wrinkles vitaminizes, refreshes and moisturizes, leaving the skin smooth and rosy.

  1. Boil two tablespoons of semolina in milk.
  2. Cool the porridge to body temperature.
  3. Beat the raw yolk with a teaspoon of honey.
  4. Add a tablespoon of apricot oil to the porridge.
  5. Stir the ingredients.
  6. Apply an even layer to your face and leave for 25 minutes.
  7. Wash with warm running water.

Nourishing with almond extract

To prevent the appearance of deep wrinkles, it is advisable to make a rejuvenating mask every three days. With regular use of the composition, the skin becomes elastic and acquires a beautiful color and freshness.

  1. Warm a teaspoon of apricot oil slightly.
  2. Add a teaspoon of almond mixture to it and stir.
  3. Prepare a gauze pad with slits in the areas of the eyes, lips and nose.
  4. Moisten it generously in the prepared composition.
  5. Apply to your face, or cover with a towel on top.
  6. Lie down and relax for half an hour.
  7. Remove any remaining oil with a cosmetic swab.

Moisturizing with egg yolk

The recipe is suitable for dry, aging skin. The yolk promotes deep hydration and gives the skin a healthy glow. The mask perfectly smoothes shallow wrinkles, reduces sagging skin, and removes flaking.

  1. Whisk a teaspoon of apricot oil with one yolk.
  2. Apply the composition to your face, leave for 10 minutes.
  3. Rinse with water and apply cream to your face.

Anti-inflammatory with lavender oil

Apricot oil for the face against acne carefully and delicately cleanses the epidermis and tidies up problematic skin. Regenerates tissue, strengthens cellular structure, prevents inflammation. Restores the protective functions of the epidermis, treats damage to cellular tissues. Well suited for oily skin, cleanses pores, gives the skin a matte finish.

  1. Warm a teaspoon of apricot oil slightly.
  2. Add 1-2 drops of lavender and tea tree oil to it.
  3. Stir and apply to the problem area.
  4. The composition does not need to be washed off; after a while it will be completely absorbed.

Soothing with chamomile extract

The composition soothes irritated skin, treats inflammatory processes, nourishes and smoothes the dermis.

  1. Warm a teaspoon of apricot oil slightly.
  2. Mix 2 drops each of chamomile and patchouli oil.
  3. Stir and apply to face.
  4. After 20 minutes, wipe your face with a napkin.

Brightening with lemon oil

The mask perfectly cleanses, whitens pigment formations and freckles, eliminates unpleasant shine, relieves inflammation of the sebaceous glands and fights acne.

  1. Heat a teaspoon of apricot oil slightly.
  2. Mix with a couple of drops of lemon.
  3. Fold the gauze in several layers and soak in the mixture.
  4. Apply it to the problem area and hold for 20 minutes.

Soft peeling with oatmeal

The procedure cleanses the face, softens the epidermis, and rids the skin of the stratum corneum.

  1. Prepare a tablespoon of oatmeal flour.
  2. Add a teaspoon of honey to it.
  3. Warm a tablespoon of apricot oil slightly.
  4. Mix the ingredients and apply to your face.
  5. After 20 minutes, rub the mixture on your face in a circular motion.
  6. Wash your face with water and apply cream to your face.

Apricot oil is considered hypoallergenic, but the ingredients in the masks may be harmful to your skin. Therefore, before each procedure, do an allergy test and do not keep the composition for more than the specified time.

You can make your own medicinal creams, masks and tonics from apricot oil. Each of the recipes with a healing natural product helps not only to maintain youth, but also to make the skin healthy.