What does rapid fire mean? What medications will help? Cosmetics and folk remedies

Almost every man asks himself the question of how not to be a quick firer. The desire to be better and meet any standards is completely justified and natural reaction. However, before making strict demands on yourself, it is worth understanding where the norm is and where the deviation is. The question is extremely relevant for women as well.

Many girls are interested in what to do if a guy shoots quickly. They look for reasons not only in their partner, but also in themselves. Let's consider everything important aspects this problem in as much detail as possible.

First of all, it’s worth considering what rapid fire means. According to the ICD, premature ejaculation is the physical inability to control the process of arousal.

Women are especially worried if the husband shoots quickly. They blame themselves for everything. A quick-shooting man in bed begins to develop complexes, which is why the disease only progresses. For most of them, the phrase “I’m a quick shooter” sounds like a death sentence.

Premature ejaculation can be of an absolute or relative nature. In the first case, a fast-shooting man is able to hold out for more than 2 minutes, but less than what is needed to achieve orgasm for his partner. An absolute speed shooter is a person whose time to ejaculation lasts no longer than 2 minutes.

Ejaculation is a complex reflex act covering a number of functions. The ejaculation center is located in lumbar region spinal cord. The process itself consists of stages:

  • movement of the seed through the ducts that remove fluid;
  • release of seminal fluid.

– the highest point of pleasure in men, which coincides with the final stage of ejaculation.

When considering the question of how not to be a quick shooter or how to treat deviations, it is important to study the physiology of sexual intercourse.

There are four stages:

  1. . Influenced various factors The spinal center is disinhibited. At this stage, an erection occurs. It is almost impossible at this stage to understand whether you are a quick shooter or not.
  2. Phase of high sexual arousal. Coincides with the friction period. This stage does not allow you to thoroughly understand that you are a quick shooter.
  3. Orgasm and the process of ejaculation itself.
  4. A period of gradual decrease in arousal.

Duration of sexual contact

Previously, the norm of sexual intercourse was measured in minutes and the number of frictions. For example, if a man is a fast shooter, then he performs less than 200 frictions in 4 minutes. It was possible to find out whether a particular man was normal or abnormal by checking with generally accepted norms.

Modern sexology refutes any framework. Everything is relative and individual. The quality of sex comes to the fore, not its duration. Before you ask yourself how to stop being a quick firer, you need to make sure that the problem really exists.

The quality of sex can be measured by the following parameters:

  1. The woman has reached a physiological or psychophysiological orgasm (you can find out whether the partner has reached the peak of pleasure by psychological and physical reactions).
  2. The ejaculation process was preceded by a full-fledged phase of foreplay and full and mutual arousal.
  3. Optimal psychosexual contact during and after intercourse.

Causes of premature ejaculation

If a man shoots quickly, there may be several reasons for this. Having understood the question of what kind of sexual intercourse is considered normal, we can study in more detail the rate of fire in men, what it is from a physiological standpoint.

Important! Rapid fire suffers from malfunction nerve endings. It's about about the primary form. The secondary type of premature ejaculation is a malfunction of the organs responsible for sexual desire.

Causes of secondary ejaculation:

  1. Excessive sensitivity of the glans penis. Such specific feature can be both congenital and acquired.
  2. Hormonal imbalance. Many women write on forums - my husband is a quick shooter. Typically, such messages are left by the spouses of older men when a period of hormonal changes and natural age-related changes begins.
  3. Poisoning of the body with alcohol, toxins, and other specific substances. It is very easy to explain why a man shoots quickly if he is intoxicated.
  4. – lack of self-confidence, problems in relationships with a partner. This common problem in young and inexperienced lovers. The man is nervous a lot, positioning himself, saying, “I’m a quick shot,” although there is no reason for this.
  5. Sexual overstimulation or a long sexual break.
  6. Deficiency of zinc and magnesium in the body.
  7. Prolonged stress, anxiety, moral trials not related to sexual relations. IN in this case The answer to the question of how to stop being a quick-firer lies on the surface. You just need to eliminate all stressful influences.
  8. Bad sexual experience. This is the most complex problem. It is sometimes very difficult to answer what to do if you are a fast shooter. How to treat the disease is decided by several specialists at once.

Types of rate of fire

The rate of fire in men is a complex problem. There are several types of ejaculation disorders. Basic forms:

  1. Premature ejaculation (orgasm cannot be controlled);
  2. Delayed ejaculation (inability to achieve orgasm long time, even if there is large quantity friction);
  3. Retrograde ejaculation (excretion of seminal fluid at the moment of orgasm occurs in the opposite direction - into the bladder);
  4. Orgasmic dysfunction (a man does not experience sexual pleasure during sex).

If the shooter, in addition to accelerated ejaculation, experiences other abnormalities or various symptoms if you feel unwell, you should consult a doctor immediately. The specialist will be able to identify the specific type of sexual dysfunction and help the patient. Some forms of dysfunction simply cannot be eliminated at home.

Useful video: short sexual intercourse: rapid fire or time saving?

Treatment for premature ejaculation

If you are a quick shooter, then sexual pleasure cannot be fully obtained, first of all, on a deep psychological level.

This is why many men try to overcome their physiological problems, psychological barriers and complexes with the help of all kinds of pharmacological products.

Important! Many sexual stimulants can partially help a man who believes that he is a rapid shooter; only a doctor can tell you how to deal with this. The specialist selects medications to correct the patient’s sexual qualities, taking into account individual characteristics.

Drug treatment

The most popular drugs that eliminate the rate of fire in men:

  1. (a drug for the treatment of premature ejaculation in men from 18 to 64 years old, based on the mechanism of correct inhibition of serotonin reuptake by neurons).
  2. Paxil, Paroxil, Paroxetine, Seroxat ( powerful antidepressant, prescribed for sexual disorders based on the background of depressive states, nervous disorders, psycho-emotional exhaustion, with cognitive-behavioral disorders).
  3. Zoloft, Misol, Serlift (antidepressant, often prescribed for sexual dysfunction, aggravated by depressive and panic disorders, social phobias, post-traumatic stress).
  4. Viagra (a drug for the treatment of erectile dysfunction that improves a man's erection with appropriate sexual stimulation).
  5. Cialis (improves erection and the possibility of successful sexual intercourse, valid for 36 hours).
  6. Levitra (a drug for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, a PDE5 inhibitor).
  7. Impaza (main indications for use are autonomic disorders in men in menopause(weakness, fatigue, decreased physical activity, decreased libido) and erectile disfunction of various origins).

An experienced homeopathic doctor can also advise you on how to get rid of rapid fire in men. The attitude towards this area of ​​medicine still remains ambiguous, but everyone recognizes its effectiveness.


Experienced populists know how not to be a quick firer. There are a lot of different recipes that help improve male libido and enhance sexual potential. Here are some proven recipes:

  1. Hop cones (15 grams) are mixed with motherwort (40 grams) and poured with boiling water (4 cups). Leave for 6 hours, filter. The course of treatment is 1 month. At the end of the course, a man can again ask himself the question, am I a fast shooter or not;
  2. 20 grams of dry periwinkle are poured with 1 glass of boiling water and left for 30 minutes. The decoction is taken 20 drops a week. Then they take a break for 7 days and repeat the course again.

Men are also recommended to improve the health of the prostate gland.

Even if there are no visible violations on the part of the organ, preventive actions will not be superfluous.

Anyone who has experienced inflammation of the prostate knows how much this organ can influence potency.

Alternative Treatments

Today there are a huge number of “classical” and unconventional techniques correction of male sexuality. In any case, you first need to find out why the man shot quickly. Only then are pills prescribed or methods of influence selected.

The most popular techniques:

  • psychotherapy,
  • behavioral therapy,
  • local treatment,
  • reflexology,
  • yoga,
  • surgical intervention.

Each method is relevant in its own way. Some methods that eliminate the rate of fire in men are worth considering in more detail.

Reflexology is a specific effect on the patient through massage and acupuncture. Treatment can only be carried out experienced specialist, who thoroughly studied the technique of influencing the patient. Such therapy is not suitable for everyone, but if the complex is chosen correctly, the effectiveness is very high.

The rate of fire in men is being eradicated and surgical methods. TO radical measures resort only if everyone conservative methods turned out to be ineffective.

The following types of surgical interventions are relevant in modern urology and sexology:

  • circumcision;
  • denervation of microsurgical type;
  • implantation hyaluronic acid.

Useful video: how to treat premature ejaculation

Circumization – delicate operational process, implying excision foreskin and plastic surgery of the frenulum. Denervation is a specific effect on the nerve endings located on the head of the penis. For 3–4 months it is possible to dull the sensitivity of the head. However, the process is reversible, and after 4–5 months increased sensitivity is being restored.

Injection implantation is the process of introducing hyaluronic acid into the tissue of the glans penis. This is done in order to form a kind of “cushion” between the skin and the nerve tissue. This allows you to reduce sensitivity and significantly extend the time of sexual intercourse without loss of sexual qualities.

As practice shows, treatment of pathologies associated with premature ejaculation should be comprehensive.

In the process of forming a specific therapeutic regimen Multidisciplinary specialists can be involved - a sexologist, psychologist, urologist, endocrinologist. Each of these specialists must solve a problem that is related to his field of activity.

Useful video: advice from a sexologist for men with premature ejaculation


A man will be able to feel like a good lover and experience full physical and psychological pleasure from sexual contact, just overcome all your problems. This is both a stress factor and problems mental nature. Prostate health, high sexual culture and optimal interaction with your partner play an important role.

What do you mean my boyfriend is a rapid fire guy?

Rapid fire - this is a guy or a man who shoots sperm, ejaculates,

performs ejaculation, ejaculation in the vagina of his girlfriend, woman during sexual intercourse, during sex after a very short period of time from the beginning of sexual intercourse, sex. During a consultation at a sarclinic, the doctor periodically hears questions from patients: “ What to do if my boyfriend shoots quickly during sex? How to treat rapid fire in a man? How to fix a guy's rapid fire? What should I do if I shoot quickly?? How to stop being a quick shooter? What to do if your husband or lover shoots you quickly? Why did my boyfriend, the man, shoot quickly? How to understand that a rapid fire, how not to become a quick shooter? Many patients asked these questions. Often a man or guy wants to give his girlfriend, woman, or partner strong sexual pleasure.

I can always for a long time and often

It is a very pleasant situation when your partner receives strong and prolonged vaginal stimulation. And given the fact that the average woman, according to the Sarclinic study, gets an orgasm 7.5 minutes after the start of sexual intercourse, then a huge number of women and girls, if their partner shoots quickly, do not receive not only the highest pleasure, the peak of a sensual orgasm, but and generally do not get anything pleasant from sex. There is a feeling of annoyance and disappointment about meeting such a man. It is necessary that the masculine I can always for a long time and often” would last long enough for the girl to have time to have an orgasm, that is, to cum.

Male rapid fire: signs, symptoms, manifestations

What are the signs rapid fire symptoms , rapid fire clinic? The main symptom of rapid fire is very short sexual intercourse, short sex. Despite the man's various efforts, he cannot contain his ejaculation. And ejaculation occurs. Sexual intercourse ends. The feminine and the woman herself do not have time to receive pleasure.

Rapid fire sex

Rapid fire sex is a sexual act that seconds go by or 1, 2, 3 minutes. Now imagine the situation. A girl lies in beautiful lace lingerie on a luxurious bed in anticipation of something special, she was preparing for sex with her beloved guy, man, husband, lover, partner. It all begins. And, for example, after 5 seconds everything ends. What a bummer! Rapid sex does not bring any pleasure to a woman. And the man, the man, begins to be ashamed of his sexual achievements. Sex for 5, 10 or 60 seconds. This is not cool, but mediocre! An experienced lover will never allow this to happen. First the woman cums, and then the man cums. Here's the basic principle. It is better when orgasm occurs synchronously, but this, unfortunately, is not always possible to achieve.

Rapid fire, treatment of rapid fire in Saratov, Russia

Sarklinik conducts treatment of men and boys of rapid fire in Saratov, Russia. Effective rapid fire treatment allows you to increase the duration of sex up to 30 minutes without problems. When carrying out further rehabilitation, it is possible to increase the duration of sexual intercourse to the period of time that a man and woman need. That is, a guy or man ejaculates when he wants. In this case, the partner takes complete control of ejaculation. Sarklinik knows how to treat rapid fire in Russia in boys and men. Ejaculation control is very useful during coitus interruptus, which is often used by sexual couples as a method of preventing the onset of unwanted pregnancy(method natural contraception). And according to studies of sanitary clinics, married couples living in Saratov region(study of 10,346 sexual couples - official and civil marriage), the method of interrupted sexual intercourse is used by 36.74% of husbands and wives, lovers and mistresses. Therefore, the rapid fire needs to be treated, and not asked who is to blame and what to do. Only the man is to blame for this. Sarklinik knows how to get rid of short sex.

Rapid fire, what to do if your boyfriend shoots quickly, how to fix it

What to do if the guy shoots quickly? The most effective and the best way in this situation, it is to increase the number of sexual acts to physiological standards. If this method does not help, then you need to contact a specialist at the sarclinic. Traditional methods rapid fire treatment, ethnoscience, homeopathy, hypnosis, infusions, tinctures, ointments, medicines, preparations, medicines, tablets, dragees, gels, traditional treatment give a huge number of complications in the form of rupture of the frenulum of the penis, unwanted pregnancy, lack of orgasm in a woman (anorgasmia of a girl), congestive prostatitis, And huge amount female, gynecological, endocrine, nervous diseases The partner has rapid fire. Sarclinic in Saratov uses the most maximum effective ways treatment of rapid-fire, depending on the cause of rapid-fire. If your man shoots quickly, it doesn’t matter. Minimum term treatment - 2 weeks, and you will find sexual happiness. Sexual harmony in your sex life will return to your life. Sex will have meaning.

The husband shot quickly, what to do, who is to blame?

What should an unhappy girl do if the guy shoots quickly?? A guy can get treatment at a sarcastic clinic, or a girl can break up with this guy. You decide. What if your husband is a quick shooter and you can’t just leave him, is it difficult or is there nowhere? And you have to live with such a “quick-shooting Casanova”, and for years endure his ridiculous pathetic attempts to satisfy your vagina, suffer from the lack of normal sex life. Horror! Some patient wives can endure the moral humiliation caused by rapid fire for years. As a result, they get from sexual life, stagnant and inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs (uterus, tubes, ovaries, vagina), disorders menstrual cycle(dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, algodysmenorrhea, painful or irregular periods), depression, mastopathy, uterine fibroids, uterine fibroids, dyshormonal tumors, ovarian cysts, atrophic vaginitis. And as a result of many years of torment, they still leave their husband. Is it worth it to endure so much time? Isn’t it easier for a man to have a rapid-fire treatment in a hospital and live a normal sex life, for a woman to get multiple orgasms and be cheerful and joyful, get a lot of pleasure from sex, and just cum a lot? The answer is obvious. But it's up to you to decide.

Sex slow, gentle beautiful slow sex, slow love

Slow love, sex slowly or very sensual beautiful gentle passionate, the slowest sex allows a man and a woman, a guy and a girl to experience the whole gamut of positive emotions from love, with every receptor of the genital organs getting a lot of pleasure. Quick sex ends too quickly. Some couples use quick anal, vaginal, oral sex(sexual intercourse), it is more popular with men, but very rarely with women.

Man's health

Contact your doctor. Sarklinik knows what to do if a guy shoots quickly, how to treat a quick shot, how to fix a quick shot, how to stop being a rabbit, why circumcision doesn’t help, why the girl left, how to quickly, easily remove or how to make a quick shot, how to understand that the problem needs to be solved, where to find the right one medical Center . The site sarclinic.ru will tell you what erectile dysfunction is, acute or chronic, on the sarclinic website you can ask online, watch and read

If you are a quick shooter, the first thing you need to do is admit that there is a problem and put into practice ways to prolong sexual intercourse. The first step has already been taken, and they will help prolong sex several times modern developments scientists below.

Why is speed dangerous?

The basis of the relationship between a man and a woman is sex. They write about pure and immaculate love in books, but in reality it turns out differently.

Very often, women avoid sexual intercourse under the pretext of headaches and other ailments. Here a natural question arises: why do they refuse if sex is pleasant? It turns out that not always intimacy ends nicely for her.

Imagine, a hot woman, at the peak of excitement, is ready to enjoy the desired orgasm and then it all ends. The body demands continuation, requires crazy emotions. From the point of view of biological processes, they started chemical reactions, the end result of which is the release of dopamine, serotonin and other neurotransmitters responsible for pleasure. But the release did not occur. She feels deep disappointment, resentment, discomfort throughout the body. It will take her several hours to come to her senses. These are all the consequences of short sexual intercourse. A strong association is established that sex with this partner does not bring pleasure. Of course, if this happens once, nothing will happen, but if a quick finish occurs in at least half of your girlfriend’s sexual encounters best case scenario"I'll have a headache."

When a friend talks about incredible sexual exploits, we often have nothing to say in response. Sometimes you don’t have the courage to admit that there is a problem and establish the reason for the short duration of sexual intercourse. Let's try to figure out why we finish early.

Irregular and infrequent sex reduces the time before ejaculation. It turns out interesting that in order for sex to last longer, it needs to be done as often as possible. Excessive excitement on the first date can play a role in you cruel joke, and you will come to the finish line first. Stress, overwork, and lack of sleep also shorten the duration of sexual intercourse.

Poor nutrition causes deficiency nutrients, hence the biological synthesis is disrupted active substances providing duration intimate contact. Abusing coffee, stimulants and energy drinks, you are compromising your sexual abilities.

Tetrahydrocannabinol and similar psychostimulants disrupt serotonin metabolism in the body. In countries where marijuana is legalized, premature ejaculation is becoming an epidemic.

Increased sensitivity nerve receptors the foreskin leads to rapid excitability. Often this situation is passed down from generation to generation and is a family problem.

Having realized that you are a rapid shooter, treatment should begin as early as possible. Don’t waste time, don’t force your wife to blushingly admit to her friends: “my husband is a quick shooter.”

Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to deal with the problem. Start eating healthy food rich in protein. Try to get enough sleep and rest fully. This will preserve the health of the body as a whole and improve the sexual sphere.

If sexual abstinence lasts for a long time, preliminary masturbation may be effective. Repeated sexual intercourse always has longer duration. Wait for another erection and continue.

We could tell you about behavioral techniques that were popular in the past, but it’s better to immediately reveal the secret used in the porn industry. It is thanks to him that actors can easily withstand hours-long sex marathons.

For many years, scientists have tried to create drugs that can prolong sexual intercourse after the first use. Now rapid fire pills have become available to everyone.

Everyone has the ability to have multiple orgasms, but not with any man. If sexual intercourse is insufficient, her body does not receive necessary pleasure, but continues to feel desire. Only after falling exhausted in your arms will she want to come back and demand a repetition again and again. By selecting correct solution, you will no longer have to hear the humiliating phrase “my boyfriend is a quick shooter” addressed to you. You will not only become the best, you will become unforgettable.

Rapid ejaculation – unpleasant phenomenon, which worries many men, and in the question of what to do if the husband shoots quickly, it is necessary not only to take measures to eliminate the problem, but also to find out its cause.

A woman should not focus on the word “quick-shooting”, since in some cases the phenomenon is a symptom dangerous disease, requiring comprehensive and quick treatment. There are other reasons that the man was a rapid fire. What to do to save relationships, avoid conflicts and resolve unpleasant problem?

Signs of accelerated ejaculation

Restoring the ejaculation process should only take place after agreement and discussion of the problem with a sex therapist or other specialist.

Most often, a quick-shooting guy complains about the following:

  • Ejaculation too fast;
  • Discomfort in the lower abdomen during sexual intercourse;
  • Increased fatigue.

The problem should be dealt with only after its cause has been identified; the doctor must know whether the guy has a permanent partner and how long sexual intercourse usually lasts.

This information is important because some men do not have much sexual experience and experience powerful emotions during intercourse, which affects the level of testosterone and, accordingly, the speed of ejaculation.

If there is pain and discomfort, the problem may turn out to be more serious and dangerous, which is why it is necessary accelerated treatment. Shouldn't be ignored unpleasant symptoms, as they can signal a serious pathology.

Main reasons

In the question of what rapid fire means, first of all, pay attention to the duration of sexual intercourse (from 1 to 3 minutes). Although, first of all, it is necessary to determine the cause of the phenomenon in question.

The main ones:

  • Hormonal imbalances;
  • Little experience in sex;
  • Too much high sensitivity(rapid discharge and equally rapid excitation);
  • New relationships and self-doubt (fear of embarrassing yourself in front of a new partner can lead to accelerated ejaculation);
  • Inflammatory processes, pathologies of the genital organs;
  • Inability to control ejaculation;
  • Psycho-emotional instability;
  • Lack of magnesium in the body (you can replenish this important element by regularly eating fruits, fish, cereals and vegetables);
  • Heredity, genetic predisposition also influence "rate of fire";
  • Long smoking history frequent use alcoholic drinks.

All of the above points may be the reason that a husband or boyfriend is a quick shooter. How to deal with this can be determined by a specialist depending on the identified cause of the disease. You should definitely contact a psychotherapist if there are psychological barriers that interfere with normal sex life.

WITH hormonal disorders, inflammatory processes in the reproductive system, and lack of nutrients will be helped by drug treatment. For increased sensitivity male member The ideal remedy is lubricants or using several condoms at once.

Treatment options

The problem can be solved different ways, if the man is a quick shooter.

Treatment is carried out in three ways:

  • Conservative;
  • Medication;
  • Surgical intervention.

If a guy is a quick shooter, how to treat this disease repeated regularly over a long period of time? Don't think about surgery right away. You need to try other methods, first turning to a professional for help. If the reason why the guy became fast is inflammatory process in the body, then antibiotics prescribed by a doctor will help.

Surgeon intervention through laser therapy necessary only if the head of the organ has increased sensitivity. A quick-shooting man after undergoing this tissue excision procedure will not only get rid of his problem for 2 weeks, but will also avoid many pathologies of the reproductive system in the future.

With absence visible signs For deviations in health, treatment is prescribed with folk remedies and cosmetics. It is worth noting that any drug can cause allergic reaction, therefore, before use, you need to test the product or consult a specialist.

Cosmetics and folk remedies

Guys rarely think about how to make a quick shot, but prolonging sexual intercourse is a more pressing issue.

If accelerated ejaculation occurs due to peculiarities in the structure of the genital organ, then you can combat the problem with the help cosmetics, for example, lubricants, which are sold in stores and pharmacies.

Lubricants contain substances (anesthetics) that slow down transmission nerve impulses and significantly reducing the sensitivity of the head of the penis.

The husband can try different medicinal decoctions, safe for intimate hygiene. Majority herbal ingredients not only can they prolong ejaculation, but also have a restorative effect on sexual functions.

A proven remedy if the husband is a quick shooter is ingestion of oak bark (one third of a glass per day). This herbal decoction will reduce the sensitivity of the head of the organ, and also weaken potency, which will also affect the time of sexual intercourse.

Effective exercises

If there are no health problems and the doctor has not detected physiological abnormalities, then what to do if the guy is a quick shooter?

Simple but effective exercises will help:

  1. Squeezing the penis. If the husband feels the moment approaching during sex, then it is necessary to sharply squeeze the penis at the base with the index and thumb for 15–20 seconds.
  2. Retention of ejaculation through force (start-stop). The husband can carry out this manipulation with the help of his wife, who will stop during sexual intercourse in right moment. Positive dynamics will be noticeable after just a few weeks.

The problem under consideration should not become an obstacle between spouses or a couple in love, "rate of fire" can be easily eliminated if there are no deviations in the man’s health.

It is necessary to combat accelerated ejaculation in a comprehensive manner, after passing full examination from a specialist. The husband or partner should not dwell on the problem, but solve it as soon as possible.

A man always reacts sharply to his mistakes during sexual contact. Especially when a girl points at them. What to do if a man shoots quickly and what methods to use to eliminate dysfunctions? Enough FAQ both men and women.

How to determine

The girl repeatedly draws attention to premature ejaculation. That's why this dysfunction wears not only medical disorder, but also psychological.

Because if there is a problem, representatives of the stronger sex lose faith in themselves, the quality of their sexual life deteriorates, which can lead to a break in the relationship.

Premature ejaculation is divided into:

  • absolute, duration less than 1 minute;
  • relative, duration more than 2 minutes, but not enough to satisfy.

Early ejaculation does not always mean pathology. A man may be overworked at work, quarreled with colleagues, or simply be confused and unprepared for sexual contact.

Causes of early ejaculation

The main factors are:

  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Increased sensitivity of the head of the penis.
  • Deficiency of magnesium, zinc, vitamins.
  • A little sexual experience.
  • Inability to control your erection.
  • Feeling of fear in front of a new partner.
  • Psychological factors. Depression, depression, uncertainty. In itself.
  • Short frenulum on the penis.
  • Bad habits.
  • Increased excitability.
  • Injuries of the pelvis and spine.
  • Prostatitis, inflammation of the seminal tubercle.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.

Various emotional and environmental factors can cause untimely ejaculation. If one of the signs appears, you should consult a doctor.

Basic techniques

How to fight this disease if a girl considers a man to be a quick shooter? First of all, it is necessary to discover what caused the problem, and then begin to eliminate the dysfunction.

There are ways to eliminate early ejaculation:

  1. Treatment of the disease that led to illness.
  2. Reducing the hypersensitivity of the phallus by using various gels, lubricants, sprays with a cooling effect.
  3. Use psychological techniques. During sexual contact, think about something not very pleasant.
  4. Perform special exercises to strengthen the muscles located near the phallus. Kegel exercises.
  5. Use a condom. Some men experience decreased sensitivity when using latex protection.
  6. The last resort is circumcision. After performing the manipulation, the head becomes less sensitive.
  7. The use of folk remedies.
  8. Use complex vitamins containing zinc, magnesium, calcium.
  9. Drug treatment or use of dietary supplements.

To determine the method of eliminating dysfunction, you need to discuss it with your doctor.

Why is this happening

Lack of communication with boys adolescence about sexual development and intercourse, is often the main cause of illness. Which can soon lead to erectile dysfunction.

Initial emissions appear at the beginning of puberty. If the guy won't discuss these physiological processes, there may be a feeling of shame for various manifestations sexuality.

Feelings of guilt seriously affect the quality and quantity of a teenager’s sex life. In the future, he will be more constrained and secretive in front of his partner, which, as a consequence, is early ejaculation.

As a type, one of the reasons is complexes based on their structure and development of the muscle structure. Often, the desire to appear to a woman as a skillful partner leads to the consequences of dysfunction. All reasons come together depressive state which needs to be treated by a neurologist.

What are the mistakes

When diagnosing early ejaculation important violations are:

  • self-treatment;
  • the use of ointments, gels, tablets and various home remedies without consulting a doctor;
  • use of improvised means, insertion into the penis foreign bodies and substances.

Very often, early ejaculation can be one-time. But because of an unsatisfied woman, the young man will probably think about the seriousness of the disease.

Seek treatment through the use of pills and folk remedies, which will harm yourself even more. If dysfunction occurs several times, this is a reason to consult a doctor to find out the symptoms that affect men’s health.

Organ compression technique

One of effective exercises is squeezing the phallus. This must be done as follows:

  • use your hand to find a pulsating vein, which is located near the frenulum of the phallus;
  • average and index fingers grab it from one side, grab it from the other side, start making contractile movements;
  • In addition, you can start squeezing at the base with your second hand.

Thus, during arousal and at the moment of ejaculation, the penis is compressed in two places and the period of ejaculation is delayed.

A particular violation will be if the movements begin up and down. Then the discharge will come faster. The duration of compression is approximately 15-20 seconds.


During sexual intercourse, several techniques are used to prolong it:

  • Think about something not related to sexual intercourse, about any unpleasant moments.
  • A woman is also able to come to the aid of her husband. Pinching, biting in different places, thereby distracting the partner.
  • Musical accompaniment will probably relieve untimely ejaculation. The melody doesn't have to be romantic.

A spray with a freezing effect will help to distract you during intercourse. The composition contains anesthetics that reduce sensitivity. The result lasts up to 1 hour.

Effective tablets

At drug treatment most often used positive reviews drug Dapoxetine. In a 2009 study of more than 1,000 men who took part over three months, there was an improvement in premature ejaculation. The results surprised experts.

The medication can also be used with other medications, for example, those that increase potency. When using these products, the quality and duration of sexual contact increases several times, which will help satisfy your partner.

The main advantage of using drugs is that they must be taken before intercourse in bed. It has no contraindications or side effects.

Basic medications to get rid of dysfunction:

  1. Dapoxetine;
  2. Tadalox;
  3. Super P Force;
  4. Super Zhewitra.

Tablets reduce the flow of impulses by nerve endings pelvis, because of which the moment of ejaculation is delayed, and the orgasm becomes bright.

Sedatives help get rid of untimely ejaculation:

  • Sodium bromide;
  • Alcohol solution of valerian, hawthorn.

Traditional methods

The following will help cure early ejaculation:

  • Decoctions, tinctures own production from motherwort, oak bark, hops, lovage root, oregano, calendula, periwinkle.
  1. black chocolate;
  2. beans;
  3. peanuts, pine nuts and walnuts;
  4. coconut;
  5. buckwheat, oatmeal;
  6. oysters, mussels.
  • News active image life, add cardio exercises, running, bodybuilding.
  • Taking complex vitamins and foods containing zinc and magnesium.

Sports loads

Exercises will help correct the situation physical exercise. Doctors recommend joining athletic clubs to increase endurance.

Even minimal training can help achieve maximum results. When acquiring beautiful muscular forms, a man becomes confident.

When performing Kegel exercises, the duration of early ejaculation increases. For the lesson you need:

  • slowly tighten the pubococcygeus muscle;
  • slowly relax this area, while counting to five twice;
  • repeat 10 times;
  • carry out three approaches per day;
  • gradually increase the duration of classes.

You can perform it while lying down, standing, sitting, or while urinating. When such a case occurs, it is very important to understand and find out the reason that affected earlier ejaculation. A woman should not ridicule or focus on this dysfunction.

Most often this psychological problem, which is treated with the help of special doctors. There are times when a representative of the stronger sex just needs to talk about his problem, go to the gym, calm down, and everything stops.