Strongly greasy hair what to do. Homemade hair masks that get oily quickly. How to normalize the sebaceous glands

Most people are worried about why hair gets oily quickly. After all, I don’t really want to wash my hair every other day and walk with dull curls. In order to get rid of this problem, it is necessary to find out the main causes and only then proceed to drastic measures.

Why does hair get oily quickly? (Main reasons)

According to experts, dark-haired, young ladies with a straight and thin type of curl are prone to the appearance of oily sheen and greasiness. But girls with curly and wavy hair do not have to worry about this.

  • teenagers suffer from such a “problem” most often. There is a restructuring of the hormonal background and the sebaceous glands are more susceptible to the production of testosterone in large volumes. For the same reason, they develop blackheads, pimples, oily sheen on the face. Also hormonal background changes during pregnancy and menopause.
  • harmful use and fatty foods V large quantities(fast foods, alcoholic / carbonated drinks, smoked / pickled / spicy foods contribute to increased secretion sebaceous glands)
  • hereditary predisposition (if your loved ones or relatives suffered from constant greasy curls, most likely the same fate awaits you). Do not immediately panic, to cope with "it" will help whole list procedures and compliance with all rules
  • emotional overstrain, stress, depression, deficiency normal sleep. Try to expose the body to such situations less, visit a psychologist, drink antidepressants

  • having bad habits
  • seborrheic dermatitis (if, in addition to oiliness, there is constant scratching of the head, then you should seek help from a doctor)
  • improper care (selection low-quality cosmetics, frequent washing)
  • washing hair hot water(contributes to the activation of the sebaceous glands). In this case, set the water to medium temperature.
  • in the presence of problems with the body (problems with the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system)
  • reception medications a long period time

If "run" this problem- this can lead to thinning of the strand. Trichologists distinguish two types oily hair. Which one do you have? Greasy (strands look unkempt, dull, too greasy + there is a glossy sheen). Combined (greasy sheen is noticeable at the roots, the tips remain dry).

Pay attention to the following signs of fat strand:

  • after 4-5 hours greasiness is noticeable
  • curls stick together, dandruff appears
  • there is a specific smell caused by the presence of dirt, dead cells, etc.
  • the made hairstyle quickly loses its shape (even if styling products were used)
  • there is thinning and hair loss

In order to return the “former” beauty to the hair, take note of a few tips from experts and carry out home procedures.

Hair gets oily quickly what to do?

Bringing the food back to normal e

First of all, in order to achieve the desired result, you need to normalize your diet. Only no diets and hunger strikes - this will only worsen the situation. Be sure to include meat, fruits / vegetables, cereals, legumes, eggs, raisins, sunflower seeds, fish, dairy products, nuts, greens in the menu. Too fat curls need to be available vitamin complex: B, C + macronutrients. Unforgettably drinking mode- up to 1.5 water per day.

Proper hair care

Shampoos. The composition should contain components such as tea (green), grapefruit, nettle, chamomile, lemon, mint, seaweed, coltsfoot, tar - they remove excessive fat content of the strand + dandruff. Take note of a few tips for choosing a shampoo:

  1. Buy clear consistency, not creamy
  2. It is necessary to wash the hair in the morning (while we sleep, the activity of the sebaceous glands increases)
  3. Shampoo from greasiness of curls should have a minimum volume nutrients. And one more important nuance: the composition should contain tannic and antimicrobial components to prevent the strands from sticking together after washing. Here is a small list of anti-oily shampoos:
  • Natura Siberica (relatively inexpensive remedy helps to reduce the secretion of sebaceous glands)
  • Vichy Dercos (effectively improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands)
  • Alloton (strengthens the hair structure)
  • Bioderma (reduces discharge sebum)
  • Londa (professional line, helps to cleanse the strands)
  • Carita Haute excellent tool for thin and greasy hair, thoroughly cleanses, gives a healthy look and eliminates dandruff)
  • Loreal Pure (removes excessive oiliness, dandruff, restores acid balance)
  • Mirolla (based on burdock oil with vitamins, copes with oily curls, strengthens hair follicles + removes dry ends)
  • Wella Regulate (removes fat, non-addictive). For everyday use, you can use Garnier, Pure Line, Loreal, Green Mama, Alerana.

Application of oils. Does your hair get oily quickly? Apply essential oils, which are applied 15 minutes before shampooing. Thanks to this tool, you can reduce secretions and normalize the fat content of the curl. These products include: peach, sesame, almond, grape seed oil, as well as grapefruit, lemon, cedar oil, cypress oil.

Balms. Apply this remedy it is necessary if the hair is oily at the roots and too dry at the tips. Note: the roots are not treated with balm due to the silicone content. What does this lead to? This substance, getting on the skin, creates a thin film that prevents the cells from breathing.

The use of folk methods
  • for homemade masks/rinses/shampoos, use only fresh ingredients and, of course, prepare everything before use. Storage for a long period of time is not recommended.
  • apply the finished mixture only on dirty hair
  • after application, rub the components into the hair roots for up to 5 minutes
  • so that the hair gets enough volume useful substances- Wrap your head with cling film and cover with a towel. If your hair grows oily quickly, remember effective recipes:

Recipe number 1 (Mask based on kefir). In a bowl, combine pepper tincture (20 ml), kefir (55 ml) and powdered mustard (5 g). We mix everything and smear the roots for up to 5 minutes. Then we wash everything with water.

Recipe number 2 (Clay). This ingredient is great for reducing oily hair. The well-known colorless henna has an identical effect.

  • mix a bag of red clay with dry mustard (1 tsp), pour in water and stir. We apply the finished mixture on the head for up to 15 minutes.
  • combine white clay with still water(mineral), knead until gruel and apply up to 20 minutes. Then we wash everything.
  • in a bowl with blue clay (200g), add apple cider vinegar (2tbsp), water, stir and apply to hair for up to 30 minutes. After we wash the strands with vinegar water (water + 50 ml of vinegar).
  • mix blue clay (2 tablespoons) with yolk, burdock oil and add a little water. Apply this mixture to the roots for up to 20 minutes and then rinse with shampoo.

Recipe number 3 (Lemon lotion). For the recipe you will need alcohol (100 ml) + lemon juice (2 tablespoons). Mix the selected ingredients and rub into the skin of the hair. It is not even allowed to rinse with water. Note: fir oil can be used instead of lemon.

Recipe No. 4 (Healing lotion)

  • we take chamomile (3 tbsp), water (1 l) and sage (2 tbsp). All this is filled with water, cooled and rubbed.
  • The most common way to remove excessive oily hair is to use apple cider vinegar. What is needed for this? Pour apple cider vinegar (4 tablespoons) into a bowl, pour warm water (1 l) and wash our head. For effectiveness, the mixture can be rubbed into the hair roots.

Recipe number 5 (Based on oak bark). In a container with water (500 ml) add oak bark(1st.l), place on the stove and simmer for up to 20 minutes. Let the mixture cool, then strain and rub in. You can not wash off the lotion. You can also use birch leaves, St. John's wort or linden blossom according to the same instruction.

Recipe number 6 (Mask vitamin). If, in addition to oily hair, you also have thin strands, then this mask just a find. To do this, you need to take any oil (burdock / olive / almond) 3 tablespoons and mix with fresh juice grapefruit, lemon or orange (3 tablespoons). The resulting mixture is kept for up to 45 minutes.

Recipe number 7 (Mask against oily hair + moisturizing). Does your hair get oily quickly? Then try a super-mask based on oatmeal for the entire head of hair. Add hot water (0.5 cups) + oatmeal (2 tablespoons) to the container and wait until the mixture swells. Then add honey (1 tsp) + glycerin (1 tsp). Mix and apply to the roots, hair length and hold up to 35 minutes. After we wash warm water.

Recipe number 8 (Mustard mask). Pour into a bowl warm water, add mustard and mix until a mushy mass. The prepared mixture is applied exclusively to the hair roots for up to 10 minutes. You can do the same. You will get not only healthy, but also long strands.

Recipe number 9 (Kefir). Kefir with a low% fat content is poured into a container and placed on the stove to warm up. Then we treat the curls and scalp with a warm mixture. We wrap it with a bag, a warm towel and stand up to 40 minutes.

Recipe number 10 (Aloe). Wrap cut aloe leaves with gauze and place in the refrigerator for up to 10 days. Next, chop (3 tablespoons), pour alcohol (1 glass) and soak in a warm area for up to 7 days. Treat the roots with the resulting slurry 1 time in two days. For efficiency, you can add regular honey.

Recipe number 11 (Camphor oil). We heat camphor oil (1 tsp) in a water bath, drive in an egg (1 pc) and pour in water (2 tbsp). Mix everything well and apply on the roots for up to 30 minutes.

Recipe number 12 (Bread mask). If your hair gets oily quickly, then try this recipe. For cooking, take the crumb (you can also take stale), pour nettle broth (200g), let it brew for up to 20 minutes and mix until smooth. We apply the prepared slurry to the entire length + roots up to 15 minutes. Note: just do not exceed the exposure time so that the curls do not stick together.

Recipe number 13 (Yeast). The following recipe will help from fat content: mix dry yeast (bag) with water ( a small amount of) and add protein (1pc). Stir, apply on the hair for up to 20 minutes and rinse then.

Recipe No. 14 (Masks based on proteins)

  • take egg whites (2 pcs), beat well into a foam and rub into the roots. After drying, wash your hair with regular shampoo.
  • add alcohol (1 tsp) + water (1 tsp) to the yolk. Stir, process the hair and soak up to 15 minutes. Rinse with water.
  • chamomile flowers (2 tablespoons) pour boiling water (50 ml) and leave for up to three hours. Next, pour in the broken protein chamomile decoction, stir and soak up to 15 minutes. Wash with shampoo.

Recipe number 15 (Oils against oily hair). Suitable vegetable oils(camphor, cedar, jojoba, almond, sesame) do an excellent job with excessive fat content.

  • based shampoo camphor oil. Take for cooking egg yolk(1 PC), clean water(2 tablespoons) + camphor oil, not essential (half a teaspoon). We process the entire hair up to 3 minutes. Note: Be careful not to get into eyes.
  • cedar oil + jojoba. We take these oils in the same volume (15 ml), mix and hold for up to 60 minutes. Next, rinse with shampoo.

Natural ingredients can be used as rinses: oak bark (add 2 tablespoons of oak bark for 0.5 water, boil for up to 15 minutes); St. John's wort (5 tablespoons of herbs are poured with hot water 500 ml and infused for up to 60 minutes); linden blossom, plantain.

  • it is recommended to comb the curls daily with a massage brush for up to 10 minutes. Such manipulations improve blood circulation and nourish the strands with useful substances.
  • after washing it is necessary to rinse the hair with cool lemon water
  • oily type of hair cannot be dried with a hairdryer (only a natural way)
  • try to use less alcohol-based styling products
  • for washing curls it is recommended to use boiled water(there is a lot of chlorine in the tap water, which settles on the hair follicles). If this is not possible, then soften the water with apple cider vinegar or citric acid.
  • for the period of hair treatment, we forget about curling, coloring, styling products and the like
  • do not rinse your hair with too hot water and wash at least 1 time in 2 days (constant washing will only aggravate the situation)
  • shampoo should not contain silicone, proteins, lipid substances- they make oily hair even heavier
  • do not comb often curls and do not constantly touch them with your hands
  • watch your diet (we remove fatty, fast foods, sweet, spicy foods from the diet; we include more ingredients containing vitamins B, A, C, E - liver, bran, eggs, greens, fruits, vegetables, dairy products)
  • use cosmetics designed exclusively for oily hair types.

Almost every girl is familiar with the problem of oily hair. It would seem that only yesterday you washed your hair, and today some strands already resemble icicles. And what to do with it? Well, you definitely shouldn't wash your hair every day.

In this case, the hair will become oily after two hours. The reason for this phenomenon is that after the next wash, our skin begins to restore its natural fatty membrane, and the more thoroughly you get rid of it, the faster it will reappear.

Wash your hair no more than two or three times a week. And in this case, you can maintain a normal fat balance of the skin without stimulating the sebaceous glands too much.

Why does the scalp get oily quickly?

But if you washed your hair in the morning, and by the evening your hair already looks untidy, then in your body, most likely, there was some kind of failure, which led to similar results. Why does hair get oily quickly?

Reasons too active work There may be several sebaceous glands:

  • Stress. If you are nervous, your body tries to protect itself from potential danger with all possible means. And the fat layer on each hair is a rather peculiar, but still a way of protection;
  • Hormonal disorders. It is this imbalance that causes oily hair in adolescence. And if the violations are permanent, then you need to urgently consult a doctor, because too quickly oily hair is not yet worst consequence an excess of hormones;
  • Improper care of curls. As we have already said, you should not wash your hair too often, use low-quality shampoos and conditioners. Excessively frequent hair coloring also negatively affects them. appearance.

In addition, I want to say one more thing: if the problem is inside, then you will not be able to solve it with external means. You can only temporarily stop external manifestations diseases, masking the shortcomings.

But unfortunately, nothing will change from such a disguise. So you should consult a doctor to accurately determine the cause of such an anomaly. And if the cause disappears, there will be no consequences!

There are several other reasons for quickly becoming oily curls. These can be safely attributed to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or the presence in the body of any infection. Quite often, a violation of the sebaceous glands is a hereditary disease.

In any case, in order to find out the cause of rapidly growing oily hair, you definitely need to contact a highly qualified doctor who will not only prescribe one of the most popular shampoos for oily hair, but will also be able to correctly determine the cause.

Well, so that you do not delay the trip to a specialist, we inform you that prolonged excessive fat secretion of the scalp can lead to seborrhea and various dermatitis. And these are not very pleasant diseases, you must agree!

Hair gets oily quickly: what to do

First of all, be sure to pay attention to your diet. Your body should receive a sufficient amount of vitamins A, B, C and E. Do not forget about zinc. It may even be worth periodically buying special vitamin complexes at the pharmacy.

Do not forget about the daily routine. You need to sleep at least seven to eight hours a day, be sure to exercise. Better yet, go to the gym two or three times a week.

If your hair gets oily quickly, then you need to be very careful about choosing a shampoo and conditioner. Worth paying Special attention on preparations intended for the fatty type of curls, since their active ingredients have an excellent drying effect on the scalp.

You should also not neglect hats in the cold season. Yes, in this case, you can’t even dream about styling, but the skin will not release additional sebum to protect the hairs from the cold.

So, we have already figured out why curls quickly become greasy, and what are the reasons for such a nuisance. You can reduce the amount of fat on your hair with the help of professional tools, which can be bought in specialized stores and pharmacies. But, if for some reason the store products do not suit you, you can turn to traditional medicine recipes for help.

Homemade hair masks that get oily quickly

In order for the fat content of the curls to be less, you can even use sour milk. To do this, you need to lubricate the roots with it and, wrapping your head with plastic wrap, leave a similar mask for about thirty minutes. After that, rinse off with warm water and dry your hair naturally.

Attention! Too hot water and using a hair dryer also Negative influence on the scalp. And this means that she begins to produce excess fat for protection. Therefore, if you have the opportunity, you should refrain from using a hair dryer. It is best to dry the curls naturally by blotting them thoroughly in front of this towel.

Another amazing remedy is the blue clay mask. You need to do it twice a week. To prepare it, you will need blue clay, which you can buy at any pharmacy, water, one egg yolk and Burr oil. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and applied to the head for twenty minutes.

For care oily skin nettle balm is also suitable for the head. Preparing it is quite simple: pour two hundred and fifty grams with a liter of boiling water fresh leaves nettle and let the broth brew for ten minutes.

Then put the broth on the fire and bring it to a boil again. After the product has boiled, remove it from the heat and leave to cool. You can only use strained liquid, which you can use as a rinse aid.

Also, a rather interesting and effective remedy is obtained on the basis of linden, nettle and chamomile. You need to mix half a glass of these herbs and pour them with hot water. After fifteen minutes, when the broth is already infused, strain it.

If your hair grows oily quickly, you have tried many shampoos, but there is no sense, then read the article. Here you will learn how to get rid of the problem using folk methods.

  • Unfortunately, many of the fair sex cannot boast perfect condition of your hair. There are many hair problems.
  • We will consider one of them - oily hair. This problem causes girls a lot of trouble.
  • Due to the increased secretion of the sebaceous glands, the hair becomes ugly, so you have to wash your hair daily. And not as trichologists recommend - once every three days
  • Ladies think that the right shampoo will get rid of excessive oily hair. However, it is not. It is necessary to fight the disease in a complex way. Further details

Why does hair get oily at the roots?

Hair gets oily quickly. What to do?

Before you begin to eliminate the problem of oily hair, which is called seborrhea. You should find out the reason for its occurrence. Curls can quickly become dirty due to:

  • heredity- if one of the parents has a tendency to increased secretion of fat on the scalp, then the child may also experience the same pathology
  • stress- persistent secretion of the sebaceous glands is manifested when nervous strains, experiences
  • physiological changes- in adolescence, during puberty, violations of body functions occur, including the work of the sebaceous glands
  • incorrectly selected cosmetics- this happens not infrequently, if seborrhea did not bother you before, then you need to change shampoo, balm, hair cream, etc.
  • hormonal disorders - with age female body hormonal background changes, which affects changes in the state skin, nails, hair
  • excessive production of fat- this process occurs as a result of the influence of external, aggressive factors on scalp tissue, curls (sun, wind, frost, blow-drying, styling with a styler, flat ironing)
  • improper diet- people who abuse fast foods, fatty, salty, smoked, fried, spicy foods are most susceptible to disruption of the sebaceous glands

Sources of hair oil imbalance

To keep your hair from getting dirty quickly, take the following preventive measures:

  1. Wash your hair with warm, not hot water
  2. Change the comb, preferably for a wooden, massage
  3. Wash your hair as little as possible
  4. Shampoo foam in your hands, and then apply to curls
  5. Eliminate hair dryers and other electrical hair styling tools, or at least use them less (if possible)
  6. Choose the right shampoo, balm and other cosmetics for hair

Which shampoo to buy if the hair gets oily quickly?

If you look at advertisements from manufacturers cosmetics for hair care, you can see a lot of suggestions for owners of oily hair. But what tool to choose so that it is really useful - read below:

  • For daily care for curls it is better to take a shampoo with a low content of sulfates (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate) - these substances can provoke hair loss
  • it's good if the shampoo is without any kind of dyes
  • choose products specifically for oily hair and preferably on natural basis(with the addition of rosemary extract, burdock, burdock, sage, coltsfoot, St. John's wort, nettle, calendula)

IMPORTANT: After washing oily hair, rinse cool water with vinegar. This will improve the condition of the strands.

Why does hair get oily quickly after dyeing and keratin straightening?

Keratin hair straightening is a special procedure that includes nourishing the hair structure with a certain composition (fibrillar protein) and fixing it under the influence of temperature.

Keratin hair straightening. Proper Care

A lot of clients of beauty salons say that after dyeing, keratin straightening, the strands begin to quickly smear, get fat. To avoid this, hair needs care.

Video: how to care for strands after salon keratin straightening?

How to remove oily hair folk remedies?

By using folk remedies you can cope with the fat content of the strands, improve the condition of the scalp and accelerate hair growth, get rid of hair loss. To do this, you need to resort to the use of little tricks, special masks and properly rinse the strands after washing.

  • If you get up in the morning, you have beautiful, clean hair, but by noon they are already losing their former freshness, then use regular powder, baby powder, cornmeal. These loose products can be applied to the scalp with massage movements, after applying them, the hair will no longer be so greasy at the roots. After treating the scalp with them, regular brush with natural bristles, get rid of powder residue
  • Make a mask before washing natural ingredients. For the manufacture of formulations, use only fresh ingredients
  • Add aroma oil to your shampoo. For noticeable effect just add a couple of drops (sage, lavender, tea tree)

How to rinse your hair so that it does not quickly become oily?

Hair rinses can be natural fruit juices from apples, lemon. A solution of apple cider vinegar and water (one small spoon per liter of water) has proven itself well in this matter.

Carrot juice will help not only to improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands, but will also nourish the hair follicles such that essential vitamins like A, K, C, B.

How to rinse oily hair after washing?

Masks for quickly greasy hair

Therapeutic compositions to normalize the fat balance of scalp tissues and strengthen the structure of the strands should be prepared immediately before use. It is better to do such masks before going to bed, when you have a lot of free time and you can completely relax.

Composition for oily hair from kefir, calendula


  • One small spoon of castor oil
  • Three spoons of calendula alcohol
  • kefir - 100 milliliters

Kefir should be slightly warmed up in a water bath, add the rest of the components there. Mix the solution thoroughly. Apply this mixture to your skin and hair. Wash off after half an hour.

egg mask


  • Two tablespoons of honey (liquid)
  • Two yolks (chicken)

First, beat the two chilled yolks. Gradually add honey and also beat the mixture with a blender without stopping. Then apply the resulting mass on the head, for about 40 minutes, or even for the whole night. You just need to put a hat made of polyethylene on your head, wrap it with something warm. Wash off in the morning.

Aloe mask


  • Lemon - 1/2 fruit
  • Aloe (juice) - two large spoons
  • Liquid honey - one tablespoon (table)

Mix all of the above ingredients. Prepare a bag and a towel in advance to wrap your head. Apply the mixture evenly on the hair and scalp, rinse after 30-35 minutes.

Why does a child's hair grow oily quickly?

  • Cause incorrect operation sebaceous glands on the scalp of a child may be a violation of the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract, which happens due to malnutrition
  • Often this happens due to weakened immunity, due to illnesses.
  • The hereditary factor can also be a source of manifestation of an unpleasant factor.
  • Thyroid disease sometimes manifests itself in this way

IMPORTANT: If you find that your child has greasy strands, then contact pediatrician. The reason may lie in any pathology.

Nutrition and vitamins for oily hair

  • Your diet is directly related to the condition of the hair strands. With a lack of vitamin B, the hair begins to grow oily. Therefore, it is important to slightly increase the intake of foods rich in this vitamin (dairy, cereals, nuts, greens)
  • Also, as mentioned above, the source of the wrong balance of oily scalp can be excessive intake of fatty, fried, spicy, salty foods.

If you notice that your hair looks dirty by the end of the day, even though you washed your hair in the morning before leaving the house, you can talk about an increase in the activity of the sebaceous glands of the scalp. After all, this is the reason for oily hair. But why the hair quickly becomes oily, what factors caused this activity, we should talk in more detail.

Why hair began to grow oily very quickly - medical factors

Oily hair is often not easy cosmetic problem, but a symptom of certain disorders in the body. Consider the main reasons excessive activity sebaceous glands of the scalp.

Hormonal changes in the body

During certain periods of life, such as adolescence, pregnancy and lactation, menopause, there are serious changes in the body. Until the hormonal background returns to normal, problems with skin, nails, hair and mood swings will be relevant. You do not belong to the listed categories, but you want to know why your hair gets oily and falls out? Perhaps your sex life leaves much to be desired, or you are protected by the oral method. Hormonal imbalances can also be caused by diseases. thyroid gland, adrenal glands, ovaries. Hormonal pharmacological preparations also play a role.

Diseases of the digestive tract

Such ailments affect not only our well-being, but also our appearance. stomach ulcer and duodenum, helminthiasis, impaired intestinal motility and not even proper nutrition can cause excessive sebum production and hair loss. The same reasons can cause acne. The balance of microorganisms in the intestine is also important - it can be disturbed as a result of antibiotic treatment.

Negative psychological state

Frequent stress, constant nervous tension and depression does not adorn anyone. Often the cause of oily hair is associated precisely with the psycho-emotional state of a woman.

Bad habits

Smoking, excessive drinking, drug addiction can also cause problems with the scalp and hair.

Features of oily hair care

If the hair began to grow oily quickly, the reason may not be in a state of health, but in the features of your hair care. Procedures that adversely affect the scalp include:

  • hair and lamination;
  • drying hair with a hot dryer, straightening with an iron;
  • perm;
  • daily styling with foam and varnish;
  • washing with hot water;
  • washing your hair too often with aggressive products or deep cleansing shampoos;
  • too much brushing.

After keratin straightening, the hair began to quickly grow oily due to a large number silicones that envelop the scales of the hair shaft. The strands have become heavier, create a load on the hair follicle and thereby speed up the metabolism in the scalp. The body tries to keep the hair in its place. Same effect with lamination. Heat, frequent washing, styling and perm deprive the skin of the protective layer, increasing the loss of moisture. Dehydrated skin leads to the activation of the sebaceous glands - this the only possibility restore the fatty layer. Frequent combing leads to trauma to the hair follicles.

The reason why the hair quickly becomes oily at the roots can also be associated with the wrong selection of cosmetic products. Faced with a problem, most girls buy shampoos, conditioners and masks for oily hair, which dry out the scalp even more, while it only needs additional moisture. Try switching to funds for normal hair and take the course. Most likely, you will immediately forget about oily hair at the roots and dry ends! At the same time, the fallout will also stop.

From time immemorial, hair has been an adornment of a woman, her wealth and protection. However, chic hair is not only inherited, along with good genes, but is also the result of proper care, rational nutrition and other nuances, which we will discuss in this article.

The sebaceous gland is connected to each hair follicle, its task is to produce a secretion that envelops the hair, protects it, makes it smooth and elastic. If too much secretion is produced, then the activity of the sebaceous glands is increased, possibly due to malfunctions in the body. The reason that the hair quickly becomes oily, in addition to diseases, may be heredity or the period of a teenage hormonal explosion, external factors, improper care, malnutrition, stress and chronic fatigue.

Hair gets oily very quickly and with hormonal disorders, infections that are present in the body, problems with gastrointestinal tract and even nervous disorders.

Care products

If your hair gets oily quickly, you don’t need to panic prematurely, first of all - pay attention to care products, shampoos, conditioners. Take a closer look at shampoos without SLS, (SODIUM LAURYL SULFATE). This ingredient has a strong corrosive effect, eliminates any fat from any surface, and also has the ability to react, forming nitrites, which are then absorbed into the blood. Naturally, sebaceous glands hair follicle respond to SLS increased secretion secretion, to protect against an aggressive environment, so we have the opposite effect - hair becomes oily very quickly.

Wrong care

In addition to shampoos and conditioners, you should pay attention to the temperature of the water for washing your hair, hot water stimulates the sebaceous glands. It is recommended to wash your hair with water, which is equal to body temperature, no more than 37 degrees. Frequent styling with a hot hairdryer can also be the reason that hair gets oily very quickly, hot air works just like hot water.

Improper nutrition

Fatty foods, a lot of sweet, salty, spicy, semi-finished products, mayonnaise, sauces, coffee and alcohol do not affect the body in the best way in general, and hair in particular. Rather, on the condition of the scalp and sebaceous glands. It is worth changing the diet, increasing the consumption of vegetables, fruits, cereals, seafood, excluding foods that contain flavor enhancers, the well-known E 621 and 631, stabilizers and dyes. From what a person eats, it directly depends on how quickly the hair grows oily, how the skin looks, how slim the figure is.

External factors

Antibiotic use, regular exposure to direct sunbeams, staying in a room with dry air, constantly wearing a hat - all this can be the reason that your hair grows oily quickly. What to do in such cases when it is not possible to change the factors of external influence?

What to do if your hair gets oily quickly

First of all, you should make sure that there are no health problems, review your diet, change shampoo and conditioner, do not wash your hair with hot water, do not do styling with a hot hairdryer. Here are some tips on how to take care of oily hair.

Shampoos for oily hair

If we talk about shampoos, you should use products containing rosemary, nettle, plantain, mountain ash, aloe, green tea. Conditioners and rinses with chamomile, hop cones, St. John's wort, calamus root.

You can prepare decoctions for rinsing and masks at home.

Masks for oily hair

If your hair gets oily quickly, a mask from sour milk applied half an hour before shampooing.

Mask of the proteins of 2 eggs, beaten into foam, with the addition of the juice of half a lemon. The mask is applied to dry hair, a plastic cap should be put on the head and warmed with a towel. Wash off after 15 minutes.

Mask of rowan berries and mint leaves - grind a quarter cup of berries and 3 tablespoons of leaves into a pulp and apply to dry hair for 10 minutes.

mask from mustard powder- one of the most effective means when the hair gets oily quickly. A few tablespoons, 2-3, depending on the length, dilute with warm water, apply for 10 minutes, rinse without shampoo, rinse with decoction.


Decoctions of horsetail, thyme, mother and stepmother, burdock root have a great effect on the condition of the scalp, normalize the sebaceous glands, strengthen hair. So, hair gets oily quickly, what to do? We prepare a decoction, pour 2 tablespoons of herbs with a liter of boiling water, bring to a boil, let it brew for 20 minutes, strain. Decoction for rinsing is ready.

There can be many reasons why hair quickly becomes oily, therefore, it is worth approaching the problem in a complex manner. healthy image life, proper nutrition and competent hair care is the key to looking young and attractive.