Medicine for fever for a month old baby. When to give medication to a child. Cool water bath

One of the serious manifestations of any disease in a child is a significantly elevated temperature. Please note, mommies, that these are not empty words: in a small body everything is very subtly interconnected, and a high temperature does not always go away without negative complications. That is why today we will talk about antipyretics for children.

An excessively elevated temperature in a baby requires drastic measures.

Classification of elevated temperature

There are 4 stages elevated temperature:

Traditional methods of reducing temperature

A good remedy popularly used to combat high fever in young children is Apple vinegar. We dissolve it in water in a 1:1 ratio, rub the resulting solution on the baby and let it sweat, after which we change into clean and dry clothes. The same rubbing can be done with vodka diluted with water.

Rubbing with diluted apple cider vinegar stimulates sweating, and hot tea will calm the baby.

Helps reduce high fever cranberry tea However, it is not recommended for very young children to drink it because of the color of the berries, which can cause allergies. In older children, cranberries can cause problems if there are already identified problems with the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, peptic ulcer). After drinking tea, we let the baby sweat, and then we change him.

Raspberry jam is the kids' favorite medicine.

An antipyretic and antiseptic that has been tested for several centuries is raspberries(tea, juice, jam - depending on age). If there is a risk of an allergic reaction, then it is better to avoid this antipyretic folk remedy.

You need to know and remember this

Getting rid of a temperature below 38 °C with the help of antipyretics not only makes no sense, but also causes harm, prolonging the course of the disease or illness, because for effective struggle With infections and high production of antibodies, the body uses precisely the increase in temperature. If possible, he should be allowed to fight foreign microorganisms on his own, but if such a stalemate has developed that he cannot do without the help of medicinal or folk antipyretics, then they must be used very carefully, in the strictest dosage, without in any case exaggerating it .

Elevated body temperature in a child is a common occurrence with colds, viral, infectious diseases. Therefore, all parents, without exception, should know in what cases and how to reduce the child’s temperature and what antipyretic drugs for children should be given to infants and older children.

Temperatures above the good old 36.6 degrees are not always a cause for concern. It is considered normal for the temperature to fluctuate within 0.5 - 1 degrees during the day, increasing in the evening and decreasing in the morning. Many factors can affect the measurement results: physical activity child, taking a hot shower or bath, wrapping the child in warm clothes. If a child’s temperature rises to 37.2-37.5 degrees in the evening, this is not yet a cause for concern. In the absence of other symptoms (lethargy, pain of any localization, cough, lack of appetite, sleep problems, general anxiety, etc.), this temperature may be an indicator of normality. Hypothermia or increased loss of heat by the child's body in environment occurs due to:

  • Colds;
  • Viruses;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Dehydration of the body;
  • In infants during teething;
  • Diseases of the nervous system;
  • Overheating due to prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • Vaccination.

In medicine, there are several types of elevated temperature:

  1. Subferyl. It is characterized by an increase of no more than 37°C or 38°C. With this type of hypothermia, the body fights viruses, infections or other pathogens. Accelerate metabolic processes In all organs, the baby’s immune system produces antibodies. Therefore, it is not recommended to bring down such a temperature in children.
  2. Febrile. The child’s body temperature rises to between 38°C and 39°C. In accordance with international medical recommendations there is no need to reduce this temperature, since in this case the child's the immune system actively produces protective cells. Domestic medicine advises lowering the temperature at 38.5 °C. In any case, you need to look at the patient's condition. If the baby is lethargic and capricious, then he needs to be given a remedy to reduce the fever.
  3. Pyretic. This type hypothermia leads to numbers on the thermometer of 39 – 41°C. Such an elevated temperature must be brought down urgently, as it can lead to seizures and problems in the nervous system.
  4. Hyperperitic is a temperature over 41°C, which represents serious danger for the health and life of the baby. If this type of hypothermia occurs, seek emergency medical attention immediately.

Depending on the clinical manifestations There are two types of fever:

Pink fever

A more favorable flow option. With pink fever, the skin is warm or hot, flushed, sometimes moist with excessive sweating, limbs are hot. The temperature is well reduced when taking antipyretic drugs.

White fever

Less favorable flow option. Many have encountered the fact that a child has a fever and his hands and feet are cold. This is the phenomenon of the so-called “. Due to spasm peripheral vessels there is chills, cold extremities, pale skin, bluish lips and nails. Antipyretic drugs for this type of fever give minor effect. In this case, taking antipyretics should be combined with warming the child. In addition, the doctor may prescribe antispasmodics (for example) to relieve spasms, in order to enhance the effect of antipyretic drugs.

Forms of medicine for fever

Medicines for fever come in several forms:

  1. Candles- These are perhaps the most effective antipyretic drugs for children in the first year of life, which are safe for health. They are administered rectally, which prevents the child from experiencing nausea or vomiting. The suppositories begin to act approximately 40 minutes after administration for about 6 hours. You can use such medications for fever no more than 3 times a day.
  2. Syrups and potions. These antipyretic drugs for children from 1 year of age help relieve hypothermia 20 minutes after taking them. Usually medicines have a pleasant, sweet taste, which is liked by small children.
  3. Powders or granules for preparing a solution. They can be used by children from 9 months and older. The product is pre-diluted in warm boiled water or unsweetened tea.
  4. Chewable tablets or lozenges. These antipyretic drugs for children over 3 years of age reduce fever within half an hour after taking the drug.
  5. Capsules and tablets. This dosage form is usually prescribed to children aged 6 years and older.

Important! Please note that if a child has a fever and cold extremities, then due to spasm of peripheral vessels, suppositories in the intestines may not dissolve. In this case, you should use an antipyretic in the form of a syrup, as well as antispasmodics as prescribed by your doctor.

Types of medications against fever

The most effective antipyretic medications are those based on ibuprofen and paracetamol. When choosing one or another remedy, it is necessary first of all to take into account the child’s age, his weight and the illness that caused the fever. An important factor when prescribing an antipyretic drug is whether the child has allergic reactions to the medications.

Antipyretic drugs for children with ibuprofen

Medicines in this series effectively reduce fever in children of different ages:

Antipyretic drugs for children with paracetamol

Paracetamol-based products are very effective in reducing fever when viral infections. The most popular drugs include:

Homeopathic antipyretics for children

Separately, you need to dwell on the antipyretic drug called Viburkol®. Many parents believe that the drug is excellent at reducing high fever in children.

Viburkol® is homeopathic remedy, consisting of natural ingredients. It is prescribed as an auxiliary drug against the background of the main treatment of the disease. The composition of the drug includes:

  • Konghe;
  • Pulsatilla;
  • Platango extract;
  • Belladonna;
  • Hamomilla;
  • Dulcamara.

Contraindications to taking Viburkol® and side effects Hardly ever. The only caution is if you are allergic to substances and medicinal herbs, which are part of the drug.

Important! To reduce the risk of developing an allergic reaction due to toxins in the body of a sick child, the doctor may prescribe an appointment.

Folk remedies against fever

One of the most popular ways traditional medicine To reduce the temperature, wipe the child with a solution apple cider vinegar. This substance is diluted in warm water in a ratio of 1 to 1, and the resulting solution is wiped over the child’s body in order to increase heat transfer. After the baby has sweated thoroughly, he is changed into dry clothes and wrapped in a blanket.

Cranberry or currant teas are an effective antipyretic. Drinks promote increased sweating and also contain a large number of vitamin C. However, young children may be allergic to the above berries.

Excellent antipyretic and antimicrobial effect have dried berries raspberries, as well as jam from it. Before giving this to your child useful remedy, you need to make sure there is no allergic reaction to the berry.

Medical experts have come to a consensus that the following types of medications should not be given to young children:

  1. Medicines based on nimesulide. These drugs include: Nice, Nimesil, Nemulex, Nimid.
  2. Children under 12 years of age should not be given medications with two active ingredients (ibuprofen in combination with paracetamol) to eliminate fever due to significant side effects. For example: Dolaren, Brustan, and also Ibuklin.
  3. Due to toxic effects on children's body Apidopyrine, Phenacetin and Antipyrine are excluded from the list of approved drugs.
  4. To avoid negative impacts on circulatory system Children are prohibited from taking Analgin, Tempalgin, Kofalgin, Pentalgin.
  5. It is also not recommended to give to small children acetylsalicylic acid and drugs based on it, since they can cause Reye's syndrome against the background of influenza or ARVI.

A high temperature in a child does not always require the use of antipyretics. At temperatures not exceeding 39 °C, the body actively produces antibodies that fight germs and bacteria. However, in certain cases It is necessary to ensure a decrease in temperature without delay. Parents must remember what to give their child long time Antipyretic drugs should not be taken unless prescribed by the attending physician.

What to do if your child has seizures

Cramps are very scary by-effect fevers in some children, which can trigger the development. “Febrile seizures” (febrile seizures) occur in 2–4% of all children under 5 years of age

Important: Not all seizures cause twitching in the body. Some seizures look like your child is fainting.

What to do if your child has febrile seizures

  1. Place the baby on the right or left side;
  2. Do not put any foreign objects into the child's mouth;
  3. Call emergency assistance if the cramps last more than five minutes.

Remember what to put correct diagnosis Only a doctor can, do not self-medicate without consultation and diagnosis by a qualified doctor.

If a child has a fever, parents need to know when and how to bring it down. Today, many medications are produced for patients of different ages. Next, we will find out whether there are effective antipyretics for children.

general information

So, what antipyretics for children exist today? The most common remedy is Paracetamol. This antipyretic for children is available in various forms. In particular, it can be purchased in suspended, tablet form. Paracetamol suppositories are also sold. Approved for use in patients younger age a medicine such as Ibuprofen. This drug belongs to the category of NSAIDs (non-steroidal drugs). This medication is considered more effective because its effect is quite long-lasting. Ibuprofen reduces fever for a long time. At the same time, this antipyretic for children has a large number contraindications and side effects. From a certain age, basic types of medications can be given.

Some application features

The dosage must be prescribed by a doctor. Antipyretics for children under one year of age can be given frequently - at intervals of 4-6 hours. However total receptions should not exceed 3/day. Most often, antipyretic for children 2 years old is available in the form of suppositories or syrup. IN severe cases It is better to use candles. They help quickly enough, and the child does not need to strain to swallow the medicine. This is especially true when you have a sore throat due to a cold or flu.

Which antipyretic is best for a child?

Among the fairly large variety of forms of medication, it is often difficult for parents to make a choice. Experts recommend, first of all, to be guided by the age of the child. Predisposition to allergies is also important. The speed of its action depends on the form of the medication. So, for example, the effect of mixtures, chewable tablets, syrups occurs after 20-30 minutes. The effect of the candles appears after 40 minutes. It should be noted that not all small patients can swallow the syrup or chew the tablet. In this case, an antipyretic for children in the form of suppositories is used. Suppositories are administered after bowel movements. It is best to leave them overnight. Sweet syrups, various chewable tablets Not suitable for every child. These medications contain flavorings that may cause allergic reaction. Active components drugs can also cause side effects. In this regard, it is highly not recommended to independently select antipyretic drugs for children.

General information about the purpose of the funds

When taking any medication for the first time, you must be careful. Before using the medicine, you should definitely visit your pediatrician. It is also necessary to clarify the dosage according to age and carefully read the instructions. The attending physician may prescribe individual scheme administration according to indications. It is allowed to take the medicine again after at least four hours, if the temperature is more than 38.5 and the baby does not tolerate it well enough. It must be remembered that antipyretic drugs for children help alleviate the condition, relieve acute symptoms, but do not eliminate the cause of the disease. The basis of therapy should be medications aimed at treating the pathology that provoked fever and other manifestations. Next, let's look at some medications in more detail and try to find out which antipyretic is best for a child.

The drug "Paracetamol"

Analogues of this drug are such drugs as "Panadol", "Efferalgan", "Calpol", "Dofalgan", "Dolomol", "Mexalen", "Tylenol". With a one-time dose of Paracetamol, the temperature drops by 1-1.5 degrees for a period of up to four hours. In case of severe fever, it is reduced to 2 hours. Paracetamol has not only an antipyretic, but also an analgesic effect. It is prescribed for pathologies accompanied by fever. In particular, indications include ARVI, teething, otitis media, and influenza. In the form of suppositories, this medication is recommended as an antipyretic for children 1 year and younger. It is not allowed to give the drug to patients less than one month old. Particular care should be taken when treating children under 3 months, patients with Gilbert's syndrome, renal and liver failure, diabetes mellitus, viral hepatitis. The medication may cause anemia, angioedema, thrombocytopenia, methemoglobinemia, rash, itching, and others. adverse reactions. In case of an overdose, after a day, nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite may occur. Also, after taking an increased dose, liver dysfunction and pale skin are noted.

Instructions for use of "Paracetamol"

The medicine is used to reduce the temperature of 38-39 degrees, but not for pain relief. The standard dose is 10-15 mg/kg orally (orally). The daily amount of the drug should not exceed 60 mg/kg. Reuse Medicines are allowed in case of a new temperature jump to 38 or 39 degrees. As practice shows, in most cases two doses per day are sufficient. The duration of use of the medication is no more than three days. If we talk about which antipyretic is best for a child, then, according to reviews from many parents, the drug “Paracetamol” is the best option.

Ibuprofen remedy

This antipyretic for children is prescribed if the drug Paracetamol does not help or causes side effects. The drug "Ibuprofen" has its own list of contraindications. It can also provoke undesirable consequences. First of all, it should be noted that this antipyretic is contraindicated for children 3 years old. In addition, the drug is not prescribed for allergic rhinitis And bronchial asthma, hives or cough caused by use of NSAIDs. Contraindications are also such pathologies and conditions as blood diseases, disorders of the liver or kidney function, ulcerative lesions in the gastrointestinal tract, and hearing impairment. Side effects may include rash, itching, insomnia, headache, nausea, diarrhea, hyperexcitability, cystitis, and stomach pain. Also, while taking the drug "Ibuprofen", disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys, bronchospasm, dizziness, thrombocytopenia, anemia, leukopenia may occur. In case of overdose there may be following symptoms: tinnitus, vomiting, renal failure V acute form, pain in the head and abdomen, tachycardia, metabolic acidosis, hypotension.

Means "Viburkol"

According to many parents, this medicine is a good antipyretic for children. It is recommended for a variety of respiratory diseases. As a rule, the homeopathic remedy "Viburkol" is prescribed as an adjunct to the main medications in the composition complex treatment. The drug is multicomponent. It contains pulsatilla, chamomilla, conhe, plantago, dulcamara, and belladonna. One of undoubted advantages this tool The use of natural ingredients is considered. Thanks to this, the list of contraindications and side effects reduced to a minimum. Negative consequences and warnings are associated in most cases with the presence of a predisposition to allergies to the components present in the product. This, in turn, is a consequence hypersensitivity to medicinal herbs.

When should medications be given to reduce fever?

Depending on the degree of hyperthermia, fever develops. It can be of two types: pale and pink. IN the latter case It is not always necessary to give an antipyretic. The fact is that in this state, heat production corresponds to heat transfer. This means that the body reacts quite adequately to an increase in temperature. The child himself feels relatively normal. At the same time, his skin is slightly hyperemic or has pink color, it feels damp and warm to the touch. According to experts, in this condition, taking antipyretics is inappropriate. If the temperature has not risen to 39 degrees, then instead of medicines it is better to use physical methods. In particular, it is necessary drinking plenty of fluids, the room should be no more than 19 degrees. It is recommended to open the child and wipe damp towel(water temperature should be equal to room temperature). At pale fever you can't do without medications. In this case, not only antipyretic drugs are needed; antihistamines and antihistamines are also prescribed for children. vasodilators. With pale fever, heat transfer with high heat production is inadequate. This is due to disturbances in the peripheral circulation. IN in this case the further prognosis is very unfavorable, and it is necessary to lower the temperature. The child's condition is very unsatisfactory: his skin is pale, his legs and arms become cold, and severe chills begin.

Medicines that reduce fever can be given:

  • Up to three months at temperatures above 38 degrees.
  • From 3 months, for healthy patients, at temperatures above 39C, which is accompanied by pain in the head and muscles.
  • Children with cardiac or pulmonary pathologies at a temperature of more than 38.5 degrees. after consultation with a doctor.
  • In the presence of febrile seizures and t 38C.

additional information

For patients prescribed antibiotics, antipyretics are contraindicated. If, in addition to an elevated temperature, the child suffers from pain in the stomach, and cold symptoms are absent, you must immediately call a doctor and do not give any temperature-reducing medications until he arrives. This condition may be a sign of a serious pathology that requires emergency help(appendicitis, for example). If severe hyperthermia or spasms of skin vessels develop, it is necessary to call a doctor and give an antipyretic. You also need to rub the baby’s skin until it turns red. You should also call a doctor if, in addition to fever, the child has diarrhea or vomiting, rapid, slow or difficult breathing, the baby drinks little water, or there is a rash on the body. Signs of dehydration include the appearance unpleasant odor from the mouth, drowsiness, apathy, lack of tears, rare urination, hemorrhages on the skin are noted, and after a slight improvement the condition sharply worsened.

What should not be given at high temperatures?

The list of antipyretic medications excludes drugs such as Amidopyrine, Antipyrine, and Phenacetin. The medicine "Analgin" is considered very toxic, and therefore it is categorically not recommended to be given when high temperature. These drugs have various side effects and contraindications. In particular, the drug "Analgin" can provoke severe allergies. The drug "Aspirin" is not recommended for children. In patients suffering from chickenpox, influenza or ARVI, this medication may cause severe form encephalopathy (Reye's syndrome), in which there is a high risk fatal outcome. The drug "Analgin" is prescribed only in extreme cases. For example, if the child is intolerant to other drugs or, if necessary, carry out intramuscular injection. The injections must be given by a specialist.

Additional Information

Many parents use rubbing with vinegar or alcohol. This is how they strive to bring down the temperature without resorting to medications. However, these methods are dangerous for children under three years of age. This is due to the fact that active absorption of the components of the solutions used occurs through the pores in the skin. This, in turn, risks poisoning the child. To alleviate the condition, it is necessary to give plenty of fluids. Drinking can be quite varied with juices. Fruit drinks (cherry, cranberry, lingonberry) are very useful in this case. You can use herbal teas, infusions, and decoctions. In any case, before giving anything to your child, you should visit a pediatrician. Self-prescribing medications is fraught with serious consequences. Only a specialist can make a diagnosis and recommend adequate treatment.

Not so fast. But colds, in which it is high, occur more often. Especially if the child goes to kindergarten at 2.5 years old or even earlier.

The mother must be prepared not only for frequent sick days, but also for the fact that she needs to be able to properly lower the baby’s temperature when it is high. But it’s even better if parents know how to prevent fever.

What temperature should be used to reduce the temperature in children aged 2 years?

First of all, according to the precepts of Dr. Komarovsky, it is necessary to reduce the temperature “with improvised means” from the very beginning of its increase, that is, from 37℃. For this we:

  • We create a comfortable microclimate in the room - 18℃, humidity 45-70%.
  • We dress and cover according to how we feel, so that the baby is neither hot nor chilly.
  • We reduce the baby's activity.
  • We drink a lot and often - this is the main basis for quickly lowering the increased temperature.

Medicines are used to reduce the temperature depending on the characteristics of the child’s physiology and the disease:

  • From 37.5℃, more often from - with a tendency to febrile convulsions, chronic nervous, kidney and heart diseases. For such children with hyperthermia, monitoring by a pediatrician and a specialist is required, and immediate hospitalization as directed.
  • From 38℃ after vaccination.
  • From 38.5℃ almost always, since most children feel noticeably unwell with such thermometer readings.
  • From 39℃ in any case, although some babies with such hyperthermia can still be cheerful and cheerful. But it’s better not to wait until this moment, to start at least with 38.7.

What antipyretic drugs can be used to bring down the temperature of two-year-olds?

First of all, you need to remember that a child at this age will not be suitable for any fever medication that you use yourself.

  • It is strictly forbidden to use drugs containing aspirin. They can lead to Reye's syndrome - severe damage to the liver and other organs.
  • Analgin is extremely undesirable. Only as part of injections given by emergency doctors to children aged 1 year and older. critical situations. This is a highly toxic substance, banned in the USA and many European countries. It affects the hematopoietic system.
  • Adult forms of nimesulide. Children's children can only be taken by direct instructions doctor, and only when Paracetamol and Ibuprofen did not help. Even the doctor Komarovsky admits this, which he writes about in his book " ORZ: a guide for sensible parents"But he strongly advises reducing the recommended doses and never starting to bring down a high fever with nimesulide. Use only when more safe medicines don't help.

Our main assistants in the fight against high fever are Paracetamol and Ibuprofen. Pediatricians all over the world recognize them as the safest. But for help to be effective and not cause harm, you need to:

  • Make sure your child drinks plenty of fluids beforehand. Better rehydrating solutions: Regidron, Gidrovit. They can be given little by little, but often. If the child does not want to drink on his own, use a syringe. And alternate with sweet compotes, fruit drinks, juices, even soda. The antipyretic will only work if you have something to sweat.
  • Choose the right one dosage form. For a 2-year-old child, this is a suspension or syrup, and suppositories at night. The higher the temperature, the more liquid the form of the drug should be in order to be absorbed faster. This means that the higher the temperature, the big amount warm water the child must wash it down. Tablets at 38℃ simply lie in the stomach due to spasm of its blood vessels. The same thing happens with suppositories due to spasm of the vessels of the rectum at febrile temperature.
  • So that parents can correctly calculate the dosage. Paracetamol - 15 mg/kg body weight single dose, per day limit 60 mg. Ibuprofen - 10 mg once, 30 mg throughout the day. It is better to calculate in advance how much medicine needs to be poured into a spoon or cap with divisions, or drawn into a syringe based on your child’s body weight. The main thing is not to confuse milligrams and milliliters. The dosage is measured in milligrams of the active substance. The instructions always say how many fit in the included measuring device.
  • The suspension must be shaken well before use so that the medicine is evenly distributed among the additional substances. Otherwise, you may measure the dose incorrectly.

Antipyretic drugs for a child aged 2 years


Content active substance, form Single and daily intake for average two-year-old children weighing 12-14 kg How often can it be used?
Paracetamol for children 2400 mg paracetamol per 100 ml suspension

180-210 mg of active ingredient, that is, 7.5-9 ml.

If the measuring spoon is 5 ml, then about one and a half spoons.

No more than 36 ml per day.

Every 4-6 hours, no more than 4 times a day.

It is used as an antipyretic for no more than three days.

Panadol for children
Efferalgan for children 3000 mg paracetamol in 100 ml, solution

6-7ml, the weight of a child up to 14 kg is indicated on the graduated measuring spoon.

For two years - 1 almost full spoon.

Per day up to 28 ml

Repeated use is recommended no earlier than after 6 hours.
Paracetamol children's candles 100 mg in 1 suppository 1.5 candles, no more than 6 pieces per day 2-4 times with an interval of 4 hours
Panadol children's suppositories from 0.5 to 2.5 years 125 mg each 1 suppository, no more than 4 per day 3-4 times at intervals of 4, or preferably 6 hours.
Efferalgan in suppositories from 6 months to 3 years Suppositories 150 mg
Ibuprofen and nurofen suspension for children 2000 mg ibuprofen per 100 ml

5-6 ml at a time.

Not more often three times per day

Not earlier than in 6 hours
Nurofen and Ibuprofen suppositories for children under 2 years of age Suppositories 60 mg 1 suppository no more than 4 times a day
Nimulid syrup for children 1000 mg per 100 ml

1-3 mg per 1 kg of child’s weight, per day no more than 5 mg per 1 kg. It is recommended to reduce the standard dose by 2 times. This makes a 2.4 ml single dose. If it doesn’t help, increase to 3 ml or 3.5.

No more than 3 times a day.

After 8-12 hours

How to take medications?

Before giving your baby an antipyretic, check the instructions for how to take it. Standard recommendations are:

  • If possible, do not give medications on an empty stomach. This is especially important for Ibuprofen. For Paracetamol best time- an hour after eating.
  • Take syrups and suspensions with plenty of warm liquid, preferably regular liquid. boiled water. This will speed up the absorption process.
  • Place suppositories after the next bowel movement.

Paracetamol, Ibuprofen and Nimesulide are compatible with each other. Their strength increases in this order. Therefore, it is better to start reducing the temperature of a child at 2 years old with Paracetamol. If it doesn’t want to go astray, use Ibuprofen. It doesn't work - in as a last resort You can use Nimesulide. If, moreover, even higher does not go astray in 30-40 minutes, you need to call ambulance.

You should not take antipyretic medications for more than 3 days. If a 2-year-old child’s temperature does not begin to decrease on the fourth day, you need to call a pediatrician at home and find out the reason. This situation is an indicator improper treatment or complications.

What else do they knock down?

With white fever, when a 2-year-old baby has a body temperature of 38℃ or more, but cold hands and feet, pale skin, you need to call an ambulance. But while the doctors are traveling, you can help the baby by carefully warming his arms and legs with rubbing, heating pads, covering, warm drink. Antipyretic suppositories are ineffective for white fever. As prescribed by a doctor, sometimes in such situations the drug No-shpa is used to relieve spasms, but in a strict age-specific dosage.

Rubbing - no effective method reducing fever. If a child has red fever with pink skin, with hot hands and feet, you can gently blot your armpits, areas under the elbows and knees with a napkin moistened with water at room temperature. Under no circumstances should you rub your baby with vodka or vinegar. This toxic substances, which are quickly absorbed through thin baby skin and increase intoxication of the body.

A high temperature in a child causes concern among parents. How to reduce a fever, what to give when children have a fever, are all medications and tablets safe? Let's consider the topic: medications for fever for children of different ages. What can and cannot be given to children? How to properly treat a child under one year old and at 6 years old?

Causes of fever

At high temperatures, the immune system is activated - the body fights germs and viruses. If a child has a high temperature, this is always a sign of a leak. inflammatory process in tissues and organs of the body. Exception from of this rule There may be overheating in the sun or severe fatigue.

Pediatricians around the world do not advise immediately giving antipyretics to low-grade fever in a child - up to 38 degrees. If the temperature is 38 and 5, it’s time to take action and treat with antipyretic drugs.

However, these rules do not apply to children with intolerance to even the slightest increase in fever. If the temperature has risen by several degrees, you should immediately give the child syrup or place antipyretic suppositories. The suspension is also suitable if you have a one-year-old or two/three-year-old baby.

Types of fever

Before treating a child’s fever, parents should know its characteristics:

  • thermometer readings at 37 - 38 indicate low-grade fever;
  • a temperature of 39 in a child is called febrile;
  • at a temperature of 39-41 we're talking about about pyretic heat;
  • at a high temperature of 41 degrees, death occurs from blood clotting.

Low-grade fever shows that active processes are occurring in the body to destroy microbes. Most microorganisms do not survive under these conditions, which contributes to rapid healing from the disease. Pediatricians believe that a child’s low-grade fever should not be relieved by artificial medications. This good workout immune defense, which produces interferon to destroy different groups microorganisms.

Febrile indicator - parents need to carefully monitor the baby’s condition and not leave him alone in the room. Pediatricians believe that febrile fever also does not need to be brought down with fever medications for children. However, in this situation, a decision can be made only on the basis of the baby’s behavior: if the child tolerates the heat well, syrup is not given. If the child appears tired, a suspension or syrup can be given to reduce fever in children.

At a temperature of 39 and above, it is necessary to urgently give medications and call an ambulance. This condition dangerous due to the appearance of seizures and complications on internal organs bodies. Remember that a thermometer reading at 41 can become critical for a child.

Treatment of children

You can lower your child's temperature safe medicines that are allowed to be given world organization healthcare. These drugs are made from paracetamol and ibuprofen. Other medications and tablets are intended to reduce fever in adults; they are not given to children for fever. Analgin, aspirin and other common medications are dangerous for children with complications.

When and how is a child’s fever treated? Pediatricians recommend adhering to the following rules:

  • infants up to three months old are given syrup at 38 on the thermometer;
  • babies at 3 - 6 months, at 1 year old are given syrup at 39 degrees;
  • kids with febrile seizures in the first year of life, at 3 years and up to 5 years, we reduce the fever immediately, without waiting for its further increase.

Important! If the child has a pathology of the cardiac system or other serious illness, medications are prescribed after examination by specialists.

The local pediatrician should explain how to treat a child’s fever. This question must be clarified in advance, even before the disease. Children often catch colds and feel unwell, so the mother should have everything vital in her first aid kit. necessary medications.

Review of medications for fever

Let's look at what medications can be purchased to help children, and how to treat children of different ages with them. When choosing a drug, you need to focus on the age of the child - up to 3 years, 4 or five years, 9 years or 12 years. Dosage of medications for each age group different, and acceptable active substances The medicinal formulas are also different.

Young patients (1-2 years old or three years old) are given sweet syrups or rectal suppositories. Children aged 8 to 12 years and older can be given tablets. Tablets can be given earlier (6 or 7 years), if the child can swallow them correctly.

Note! Paracetamol drugs fight viruses well, ibuprofen has an antimicrobial effect.

Which drugs are considered the most effective and work quickly? In first place in terms of speed of action are syrups - they are quickly absorbed into the blood while in the stomach. If the baby does not have an intolerance to the components of the syrup, this is the most effective remedy. In second place in terms of effectiveness are suppositories - rectal suppositories. They are given to infants for fever with vomiting. However, suppositories work more slowly than syrups and mixtures.

Approved drugs for children:

  • ibuprofen;
  • panadol;
  • paracetamol;
  • calpol;
  • mexalene;
  • Tylenol;
  • efferalgan.

Ibuprofen is available in the form of suppositories, syrup and tablets. Candles can be given to infants as early as three months, and they are used up to 2 years of age. Ibuprofen is stronger than Panadol, so it is used when this drug is ineffective. Ibuprofen also has an anti-inflammatory effect. However, the drug formula may also have side effects, so consult your pediatrician before use.

Panadol is also prescribed to children at three months, if the need arises. To correctly calculate the dosage of Panadol, you need to contact your pediatrician - it depends on the baby’s weight and the characteristics of its development. The syrup can be used no more than four times, and candles are placed 3 times a day. If the suppositories do not help, give your baby ibuprofen.

Paracetamol is a common medicine for a child to treat a fever. The drug softens painful sensations and reduces fever, has a mild anti-inflammatory effect. A repeat dose can be given after 4 hours, not earlier. The drug is used during teething or when the baby has a cold. The syrup is poured into a drinking bottle along with compote or tea.

Note! Antipyretic drugs can be used for no more than 3 days in a row. If you cannot treat your child, tell your pediatrician.

Calpol is made from paracetamol and is released in the form of a suspension. The formula of the drug is harmless, so it can be used every two hours. Suspensions cannot be dissolved in liquids, like syrups: make sure that the baby swallows the substance. They gave me a suspension and give me some water. Moms prefer this drug because he gives quick results and has no side effects.

Nurofen is produced on the basis of ibuprofen and is available in the form of suppositories and suspensions. This drug was and is being treated for colds, however, the medicinal formula has an aggressive effect on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. Keep this in mind. There may be side effects after taking Nurofen.

Age characteristics

Children can be given paracetamol after the first month of life; ibuprofen is allowed only after three months of age. You need to know about this. Pediatricians advise using candles for up to six months and only then giving babies syrups.