How to tell if a cat is obese. Obesity in cats, what will make your cat sick if you overfeed it. Breed and genetic predisposition

Fatty, Puffy - whatever we call our cute chubby pets, giving them a tender smile. But is obesity in cats really that funny? You should not feed your pets, because by doing so you are harming their health. If obesity itself is not so dangerous, then its consequences can lead to a number of ailments.

What is obesity?

Obesity in cats is a process of deposition in organs and subcutaneous tissue fat This problem affects not only people, but also many animals. According to statistics, 25 - 40% of our four-legged friends suffer similar problem. Very often, obesity is associated with poor diet, lifestyle of the animal and related ailments.

It's a shame, but very often the owners themselves become the culprits when an animal becomes fat. Excessive care for your pet and the desire to feed it something tasty lead to negative consequences.

Causes of obesity

By nature, cats are predators. IN natural conditions They are forced to independently obtain their own food and hunt, expending a lot of energy. Pets do not need to move as actively as their wild counterparts. They receive delicious food on demand. Caring owners They won’t starve their pet. It turns out that with minimal physical activity the animal receives food in excess.

If a pet receives more calories than it expends, then it invariably develops obesity. Unbalanced nutrition is a large number of fats, carbohydrates and very little protein content. Very important point is the diet, because it is difficult for an animal to control itself if it constantly sees a bowl of food in front of it.

It is worth remembering that some breeds are predisposed to obesity, which means that you need to be careful about nutrition. Castration can also cause obesity in cats.

Do not forget that the appearance may be associated with hormonal disorders. Most often this happens with diabetes, arthritis, liver problems and cardiovascular disorders.

Obesity symptoms

What are the symptoms of obesity in cats? You need to pay attention to behavior pet. One of the signs of being overweight is difficulty breathing. The animal refuses games and an active lifestyle.

The reasons for this pet behavior may be different. You should not self-medicate, because first of all it is necessary to establish why the cat became obese. Causes and treatment are inseparable related concepts. One of them follows from the other. To understand how to treat an animal, it is necessary to find out the causes of excess weight.

IN best case scenario it all lies in the wrong approach to nutrition. But we should not exclude all kinds of diseases. From a veterinary point of view, obesity in a cat needs treatment. But what it will be depends largely on the diagnosis made by the doctor. Therefore, at the first alarming symptoms, experts recommend contacting a veterinarian rather than looking for a solution to the problem on numerous forums. Put accurate diagnosis only a professional can. In addition, for diagnosis you will have to undergo tests. Obesity in a cat can be caused by serious diseases, so diagnosing your pet will help confirm or refute these assumptions.

Visit to the veterinarian

At the first visit to the veterinarian, the animal will be measured, weighed and the weight will be compared with the norm. To find out the causes of excess weight, it is usually necessary to take a urine and blood test. If any disease is detected, the specialist will prescribe treatment.

But even in the absence of an illness, the veterinarian will recommend special food which will normalize your pet’s weight. Treatment of obesity in cats involves following a diet and correct mode nutrition. In addition, the animal must behave more active image life, what you should help him with.

Of course, it’s difficult to fight; it’s easier to prevent your cat from becoming obese. Veterinary medicine as a science deals not only with the treatment of diseases and their diagnosis, but also with the prevention of diseases. Therefore, seek advice from veterinarians and appropriate scientific literature you need to listen. Many owners do not consider obesity a problem, forgetting that it is what leads to the emergence of more serious diseases.

Therefore, immediately after the pet appears in the house, it is necessary to establish proper nutrition. This is what will happen the best prevention. Veterinarians will recommend relevant literature that will help you understand the nuances of feeding.

Preventive measures

In order not to wonder how to treat obesity in cats, it is easier to prevent its occurrence. If you do not want your pet to gain excess weight, you must follow a number of rules:

  1. It is necessary to ensure motor activity animal. Take the time to play with him, chasing him with a ball or a fishing rod. It's good if the house has game complex, thanks to which the pet has the opportunity to release its energy.
  2. Diet plays a huge role in preventing the occurrence of excess weight. Food should not be constantly present in the bowl. IN otherwise an animal may develop from childhood bad habit overeat. At the stage constant growth and as you get older, you can still overcome excess weight. But in an adult animal, overeating invariably leads to obesity. The cat must be fed 4 - 6 times a day in small portions. Nutrition must be correct and balanced. The diet should contain a lot of protein, not fats and carbohydrates.

Proper nutrition

When a pet appears in the house, you will be faced with the question of what type of food you will prefer. You can opt for natural products or buy industrial feed. In this case, the prepared food must be premium or super-premium.

If you prefer natural feeding, then your four-legged friend’s menu should include the following products:

  1. Boiled sea fish.
  2. Meat without bones and skin (rabbit, turkey, beef, chicken).
  3. Low-fat dairy products (up to 5% fat).
  4. IN moderate amount vegetables and fruits.
  5. By-products are allowed no more than twice a week (peeled and boiled).

Don't forget about mineral supplements and vitamins. They should be present in the diet regularly. It is difficult to correctly calculate the volume of products offered to an animal. After all, all pets are different and lead different lifestyles, so they require different portions of food. In general, by experience you can learn to determine whether your pet has enough food. If the cat does not finish the portion, the leftovers must be removed so as not to disrupt the diet and prevent overeating.

WITH ready-made feed It is much easier to determine food consumption standards. The packaging indicates how much food the animal needs based on age and weight. If the owner gives more food than necessary, the pet will begin to gain weight.

Pet treatment

Getting your pet lean requires effort. Only a veterinarian can choose a diet for an obese cat. In the future, you will have to keep a journal in which you will regularly record the weight of your pet. It is worth noting that if a cat is obese, a diet for a cat will be needed in any case.

If your pet is found to have an illness, the veterinarian will add therapeutic measures. But diet is the basis of any treatment. Typically, experts do not recommend feeding the animal regular food, reducing portions. This method of fighting weight is not effective. Better to use special food for cats with obesity, which is balanced and contains everything necessary so that your pet does not suffer from hunger. A specialist will recommend which product to use, taking into account the existing problems. However, nutritional adjustments are necessary every 4-6 weeks.

It is difficult to predict how quickly a pet will return to normal. Animals usually need up to 8-12 months. But the rate of weight loss largely depends on the underlying disease. In the event that obesity is caused only by poor nutrition, the veterinarian will limit himself to prescribing a diet. If an illness is detected, the animal must be treated.

If you have diabetes, you will need to visit regularly veterinary clinic To control insulin doses, in case of hypothyroidism it is necessary to monitor hormone levels and blood pressure readings. In general, the treatment of obesity is complex.

Diet food

Dietary food for cats with obesity is the basis of treatment. Experts note that animals should never be given dietary supplements intended for humans.

For pets who are accustomed to eating canned food, we can recommend Purina Veterinary Diets OM Obesity Feline. They promote weight loss due to their low calorie content. This food is also good for pets suffering from diabetes mellitus, constipation, colitis and other ailments. Its peculiarity is that it contains a lot of fiber and virtually no fat.

It often happens that animals get used to one type of food, so the owners cannot change the manufacturer. As a result, an unbalanced diet leads to problems. And yet you have to change your usual diet. To make the transition less painful, you can use food for cats prone to obesity from the manufacturer that your pet likes. Typically, high-quality food lines contain dietary types.

Hills Presciption Diet Feline has proven itself well. It prevents obesity, constipation, and colitis. It is good even for diabetes. It contains a lot of fiber, significantly reduced fats and carbohydrates, but added L-carnitine. The food also contains vitamins A, E and D, minerals - phosphorus, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, which help strengthen the immune system.

Diet is the basis of obesity treatment. But it is worth remembering that the pet must return to its normal weight smoothly and slowly, without harm to its health.

Another good food for the treatment of obesity - Royal Canin Obesity. It contains correct ratio nutrients that will help you lose weight. For the health of joints that experience extra stress due to excess weight, chondroitin and glucosamine are added. And for healthy skin and a beautiful coat, the food contains fatty acid(Omega-3 and Omega-6).

It is very important to remember one feature of dietary foods. All of them are contraindicated for pregnant cats. They should not be given during lactation.

Very often, the consequence of sterilization is obesity and the appearance of uroliths in the urine. After the procedure, it is important to transfer the animal to a special food with reduced energy value. They usually contain substances to prevent the formation of struvite crystals. Modern pet stores offer wide choose food for sterilized cats. However, do not rush to make a hasty choice. For advice, it is better to contact a veterinarian, who will prescribe the most suitable option.

Obesity in older animals

On different stages Throughout your pet’s life, the need for certain minerals and vitamins changes. It is for this reason that you can see food for kittens, adult and elderly cats on store shelves. In the diet of aging pets, it is necessary to reduce the amount of protein, phosphorus and sodium in order to the cardiovascular system worked well.

To slow down the aging process, vitamins E, A and B (12 and 6) are needed. Lysine improves immunity, and zinc and fatty acids ensure the beauty of the coat and healthy skin. Aging cats are often diagnosed with obesity. This is due to the fact that the diet remains the same, and energy costs decrease. Cats begin to move less and prefer not to active games, but more calm. Therefore, experts recommend switching the animal to food for aging pets.

Delicious additives

If your animal has been prescribed a diet, then completely all treats must be excluded from its diet. Very often, owners feed their favorite creature with goodies from their table. Sweets, sour cream, chocolate and other products are used. Most of them are very harmful to cats. It is these supplements that lead to obesity. And during a diet, they are out of the question. Even treats from pet stores are prohibited. You will also have to give them up during treatment. It would seem that harmless additives can lead to undesirable consequences. Therefore, the diet must be strictly followed.

Additional events

Sometimes veterinarians recommend additional measures for complex treatment. For example, herbal medicine can be used. Herbal decoctions provide not only choleretic and diuretic effect, but also reduce appetite. Plantain leaves are often used, a decoction of which dulls the feeling of hunger. This tincture is also suitable for pets after sterilization.

A decoction of bean leaves, oregano, birch leaves and dandelion is also effective. It allows you to efficiently remove toxins and salts that appear during the burning of fats.

Instead of an afterword

Obesity is a fairly common problem among domestic cats. The appearance of excess weight can be dealt with by preventing your pet from overeating. It is very important to think through your diet wisely. Don't despair if your veterinarian has diagnosed your cat as obese. Properly selected food will allow your pet to lose weight without harm to health.

Excess fat in cats accumulates in the body due to various reasons, more often the culprit is excessive feeding and lack of exercise. Or, the cause of obesity in cats may be a metabolic disorder due to a lack of certain pituitary hormones.

At first, the cat’s quite healthy, but fairly plump body gradually acquires a mass of various serious violations, and it’s quite difficult to understand the consequences and causes (a cat is sick because it’s fat, or it’s fat because it’s sick). It is worth remembering that castration also greatly changes the life of animals and their behavior.

Cats move little, but they eat a lot, and if the animal is not exercised, cats and kittens become very fat. Imagine that your beloved pet just eats and lies in a chair, dozing day and night. Feeling hungry, he goes to check on his plate. If it is empty, it will lead the owner to the kitchen, but will beg for its next portion of goodies. How can you not get fat from such a satisfying, recumbent life?

Symptoms of obesity in cats

Symptoms of cat obesity are visible to the naked eye. Fat deposits can be distributed evenly or deposited in different places: on the neck, chest, abdomen, perineum. She experiences increased thirst and appetite, shortness of breath, increased fatigue, and possible heart failure.

Obesity prevention

What should you do first? You need to change the nutritional pattern and diet of your pet: significantly reduce the calorie content of food, the dose, and the frequency of feeding. It would be nice to organize fasting days.
Try to combat the animal's physical inactivity by any acceptable means. Try to determine which physical fitness where your pet is located, whether it can withstand the selected load. Any of your undertakings should take into account the capabilities of the animal, be friendly and gradual.

Of course, everything should be done in the form of a game. A cat will never do anything that does not fascinate her and is not interesting to her. Sometimes, when someone is clearly overweight, laxatives and diuretics are used. Your veterinarian may also recommend hormonal drugs.
Fighting physical inactivity and healthy image the life of your ward is the key to success in the fight against obesity. Nutritious food, balanced diet and fasting days will help you avoid overfeeding. Animal obesity develops gradually and it is important here timely diagnosis. Do not be touched if the cat is clumsy and fat.

This condition is by no means a sign of health. It doesn’t occur to us to admire a fat person. Why should a well-fed, obese animal cause tenderness? But it causes surprise and even genuine delight! Wow, what a cat! Wow, kitty! Sound familiar? Almost competitions are now held among “heavyweights”.

Just imagine, cats, just like people, can also suffer from diabetes. Increased fatigue, heart failure, hypertension. What did you think, a cat really has 9 lives?

All these diseases can be a consequence of being overweight. Please note that everything is the same as with people. Obese “characters” accumulate a similar bouquet of ailments by middle age. Obesity in cats is undoubtedly a sign of disease and the alarm should be sounded about this: gradually limit the amount of food given or consider a low-calorie diet for the cat.


This is a disease caused by poor diet. The more pampered they are, and the more sedentary their lifestyle, the more likely that they will get fat.

Similar things happen to people. Scientists report that 23 percent of Americans are overweight, and that number increases by another 2 percent every five years. Like people, cats become fat when their food contains more calories than they need, and the excess is stored as fat. In a small animal like a cat, a 1 percent excess of calories in food can lead to a 25 percent weight gain over a few years.

An animal is considered overweight if its weight is 15 percent higher than normal, which for most cats is about 5.5 kilograms. The champion in weight, the cat Joseph, weighed 22 kilograms. Unlike people, full cats Thick folds do not form, since their skin is more loosely attached and very mobile. Excess fat in cats usually forms on the ribs and under the abdomen.

As in humans, it is associated either with an increase in the number of fat cells or with an increase in their size. The number of fat cells increases most noticeably during the growth period of cats, and the fatness in this early age speaks of their predisposition to obesity, which will need to be constantly combated in the future. In more late period In cats, obesity is associated with an increase in the size of fat cells. Fortunately, obesity in cats is easier to treat than in humans.

Factors contributing to excess weight:

  • heredity;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • age;
  • castration;
  • binge eating.
Some people and cats digest food easily and do not need much food to maintain their body. healthy condition. For overweight people, food intake should be less than for thin people. Even after losing weight, previously obese individuals require 27 percent fewer calories to eat normally than those who have never been fat. In other words, obese individuals digest food very efficiently and are always prone to weight gain.

As someone who suffers from eating food too easily, I don't find this great. This would be great if I were at the North Pole with a limited supply of food, since in this case I would have an easier life than my thin colleagues.

As we age (both humans and cats), our weight increases. This is because muscle mass decreases and fat increases while our physical activity decreases. With age comes the unpleasant realization for most of us that with each birthday it is necessary to reduce the number of calories consumed and not avoid reasonable physical activity.

Castration of animals doubles their risk of becoming obese. Neutered animals spend less energy because they do not fight with other males for ladies, wander less in search of romance and do not worry about feeding demanding kittens. Castrated animals gain more weight than their full-fledged relatives, as sex hormones suppress appetite. Owners of neutered pets can combat their tendency toward obesity by controlling their calorie intake and increasing exercise.

Some health problems can also lead to obesity, but these causes are quite rare compared to psychological factors influencing the appearance of excess weight in animals. In one study of dogs, it was found that overweight people, compared to people of normal build, are more likely to have dogs that are overweight. Do we attract our pets to ourselves because we have the same physical disabilities (diabetes in the owner and the cat, allergies in the owner and in the pet, obesity in the owner and excess weight in the animal) or do obese owners transfer their eating habits to their animals?

I don’t know the answer to this question, but I can give comparative data on people and animals prone to obesity. Research has proven that obese people and animals are excellent “dish cleaners.” Fat people are more attentive and responsive to hunger than thin people, and are less aware of the feeling of satiety or fullness. It's hard for me to resist the tempting sight and smell of a creamy sundae, just as it's hard for my cat to resist the sight and smell of Whiskas, even if we've both just eaten. Fat people and cats, unlike humans and cats of normal weight, usually eat faster and are more emotional and excitable. Overweight people and animals do not give up their habits, even if they lose weight for a while, so the state of losing weight does not last long for them.

The problem of obesity is not easily solved, and I will try to help understand some of its causes using the example of Ruckus, a plump, orange and white cat from the USA. Life turned out great for him as he was adopted by passionate animal lovers Jack and Jackie. Jack is the owner of a car shop. One day, exhausted and starving, Ruckus found himself at the door of the store, asking for food. Jack gave the cat food and believed that he would go on his way, as an ordinary street cat. However, Ruckus had other plans. He continued to meow at the store door until Jack gave in and took him home to Jackie. Ruckus turned into a fat cat whose whole reason for living was food.

Even after have a nice lunch Ruckus will run to the bowl and eat greedily, as if he were starving, if Jackie refills his cat food supply, or if another cat approaches his bowl. “He greedily swallows food to the point of vomiting,” says Jackie, “and I’m sure he’ll just go crazy if his food is limited.”

Ruckus's case reminded me of someone I know who was a prisoner of war during the Korean War. When he returned from prison, food became his passion, and he ate a lot, without thinking about his health and not paying attention to the judgment of others (author's note).

Jackie felt that it would be kinder for her to allow Ruckus to eat and suffer from obesity than to restrict him from eating and make him suffer from lack of food. I agree with Jackie. An attempt to normalize your diet must be preceded by healing from deep-rooted mental trauma.

Treatment of cats for obesity

However, in most cases, cats can be successfully treated for obesity. How? The recipe is the same as for humans - reducing the calorie content of food and increasing physical activity. Physical exercise, have many benefits, including burning calories, strengthening muscles, improving cardiovascular activity, and, if done in moderation, lead to a reduction in the amount of food consumed. In one recent study, a rat that had exercise and free access to very delicious food, ate 15 percent less and gained 43 percent less weight than a rat deprived of exercise. I repeat once again, I have no doubt that the above principles are equally valid both in relation to me and in relation to the plump cat.

For some animals, it is enough to introduce physical exercise, and their weight returns to normal. For others, physical exercise alone is not enough; diet is also necessary. When the caloric content of food decreases, the body seeks to store energy, reducing the metabolic rate. Exercise interferes with this process.

There are several approaches to solving the problem of normalizing the weight of cats. I do not recommend surgery, taking special medications or fasting, as these measures contain certain health risks. Instead, I recommend limiting the amount of food you eat or using a reduced-calorie diet.

Diet for cats against obesity

The diet prescription involves the use of low-fat, high-fiber foods. Reducing fat content reduces the calorie content of food. Fiber, which is largely indigestible, increases stool bulk and prolongs satiety. Hopefully, your cat will feel full on this diet while eating fewer calories, even if she is eating the same amount of food as before.

When trying to restrict your cat's food intake, reduce caloric intake to 70 to 80 percent of what is needed to maintain the animal at an optimal weight. To do this, you need to know the optimal weight of your pet and the calorie content of its food. Since most people are not knowledgeable in calculating the calorie content of foods, and physical activity and diet vary depending on the conditions in which animals are kept, I recommend that you consult with veterinarian before you begin a weight loss program.

Not only people, but also pets face the problem of excess weight. Obesity is the accumulation of fat in the body, which causes weight gain. At the same time, under the skin and around internal organs fatty layers are formed. Does obesity in cats affect their health?

Obesity in cats - a problem or not?

Many pet owners rejoice when their pet's silhouette is rounded. They think it's cute and funny. But obesity does not have the best effect on the condition of cats. Fat deposition leads to many disorders and diseases:

Reference. Idiopathic cystitis is associated with dysfunction urinary tract. The disease is manifested by difficulty urinating, blood in urine, ignoring the tray, etc. In males it is possible complete blockade urethra.

Problems with joints force the animal to lead a sedentary lifestyle. As a result, body weight increases even more, and the circle closes.

A sick pet brings a lot of trouble and anxiety to its owners and mistresses. and find out what diseases cats have, what signs indicate health problems in a cat.

In addition, behavior changes. The cat becomes apathetic and lazy. At the same time, it may appear unmotivated aggression in relation to the owners or surrounding animals.

An obese cat tolerates it worse surgical interventions and anesthesia. Excess weight affects the ability to conceive and bear offspring, and complications with. The animal looks unkempt because it is unable to take care of its cleanliness.

Video - Obesity in cats and dogs

Causes of obesity in cats

There are several causes of obesity in a cat, and sometimes they are combined.

Sterilization is a major risk factor

Owners who do not breed resort to sterilization of both male and female cats. However, this category of animals is at risk. Their excess weight gain is explained by changes in hormonal levels and metabolic mechanisms. As a result, appetite can increase by 20% and calorie expenditure by 30%.

Reference. The likelihood of obesity in animals deprived reproductive functions, 3.5 times higher than that of relatives capable of reproduction.

After sterilization, the body’s adaptation period lasts 2 months. If you don't change your diet, your cat's weight can increase by one and a half times.

Cat Breeds Prone to Weight Gain

Some cats have a genetic predisposition to obesity. These are the majority of small and medium breeds. At risk are Persians and Persians, who are known gluttons and lovers of sweets and starchy foods.

Unbalanced diet

This is the third factor that contributes to the formation of fat deposits. When preparing a diet, owners make the following mistakes:

  • feeding an animal beyond measure;
  • high-calorie foods;
  • indulging the whims of the cat when he begs;
  • abuse of treats.

Other reasons

Weight gain is a consequence of physical inactivity, or a sedentary lifestyle. If a cat consumes more calories than it expends, it will inevitably gain weight.

This problem also manifests itself in metabolic disorders. The disorder is caused by malfunctions of the internal organs - pancreas and thyroid gland, pituitary gland, adrenal glands.

Symptoms of weight gain in cats

There is no universal weight standard for cats. This indicator is determined for each breed separately. You should be wary if the figure exceeds the average figures for a particular species by 15–20%.

However, symptoms can be recognized visually and by touch. Fat deposits form in the lower abdomen - a thick fold forms in this area, and on the sides. When you feel the chest part of the body of a cat with normal body weight, the ribs are felt, but in pets that are overweight, they are not.

In addition, the following signs indicate a weight problem:

  • sagging abdomen;
  • a lounging, unhurried gait;
  • indifference to the environment, drowsiness;
  • dyspnea;
  • increased fatigue.

Treatment of obesity in cats

Treatment is approached in a comprehensive manner. Visit to the doctor and laboratory research will help determine the cause of obesity. If weight gain is caused by a disease, then first they select means of therapy - medications, physical therapy methods, and, if necessary, resort to surgical intervention.

A mandatory component of treatment is diet. Inexperienced owners believe that sufficient measure the portion will be halved. However, this is a wrong approach. Malnutrition can transform into persistent meowing. And there is a chance that the family will start feeding the pet in the old way in order to silence it. Don't forget about vitamins.

Attention! Body weight loss should not exceed 1–3% per week. Otherwise there may be serious problems with health.

Weight stabilizes gradually. Sometimes this takes up to 12 months.

Diet and food for cats with obesity

Manufacturers have developed special diets for such cats. These are low-calorie dry and wet foods that promote weight loss, including medicinal ones. They also have an increased content of protein component to maintain muscle mass.

Table 1. Medicinal feed for weight loss.

Name of foodPackage weight, kg/price, rub.Product Features

Advance Obesity Management


  • low glycemic index;
  • grapefruit and orange extracts, which lower cholesterol levels;
  • suitable for cats with diabetes;
  • olive oil activates metabolism;
  • fish oil improves joint health

Royal Canin Obesity Management DP42

  • reduces muscle loss by 30% due to high content proteins;
  • Obesity Management DP42 - a formula enriched with a vitamin and mineral complex that cats need when losing weight;
  • chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine support joints;
  • Omega 3, 6 fatty acids are essential for coat and skin;
  • includes herbal ingredients- marigold extract, psyllium seeds, fiber and corn gluten

Proplan OM Obesity Management


  • protection of the urinary system;
  • yeast;
  • vitamins;
  • antioxidants

After stabilizing the weight, they switch to food that helps maintain shape. The manufacturers listed above also have these products.

Natural nutrition

The media talk about the miraculous weight loss of the cat Fidget, whose owners put him on a protein diet, giving him only fresh meat and sausages. People are familiar with this diet as the Kremlin diet, or Atkins (naturally, sausages are not included in the diet).

Nutritionists are against this method of nutrition, since excess protein affects the kidneys, which are considered the weak point of cats. This results in other problems with the body - poisoning feces. Therefore, in addition to protein, the diet should include cereals and vegetables.

The cat should be fed as if he has normal weight bodies. Approximate diet for an animal 4–5 kg:

  • meat (rabbit, poultry, veal, beef) - 70 g;
  • cereals cooked in water (rice, buckwheat, corn grits) - 50 g;
  • cottage cheese (0% fat) - 30 g;
  • boiled vegetables (cabbage (white or cauliflower), carrots, zucchini) - 100 g.

As directed by the doctor, give vitamin preparations according to instructions. When the cat's weight returns to normal, reduce the amount of cereals in favor of cottage cheese.

If the cause of weight gain is overeating, the daily portion is not reduced immediately, but gradually, decreasing by a quarter every week until it reaches the standard weight. Nutrition adjustments are made every 1-1.5 months. Be sure to stop feeding foods from your table that are not intended for cats.

Video - How many times a day to feed a cat

Combating a sedentary lifestyle

Correction of the diet should be accompanied by an increase in the animal’s activity.

Important! Cats, compared to dogs, are not marathon runners, but sprinters. This means they are capable of short bursts of activity rather than long walks. This fact is taken into account when creating a weight loss program.

Cats with overweight at first not ready for enhanced physical activity. In the first week, you can get them to move more by moving the food dishes away from the bed. If the cat is walking in the yard, then the bowls are placed around the house, distributing all the food between them. one-time appointment food.

Favorite toys - for example, fishing rods - will stimulate a lazy cat. Some animals, like dogs, can bring thrown objects - small rubber toys, pencils (not sharpened ones). If after a training session you treat your pet with a small piece lean meat or a vitamin treat, this stimulates interest in games.

It doesn’t matter if the owner leaves the pet alone for a long time. There are many pet products that will encourage him to play independently. Thus, running wheels are on sale, as well as toys-feeders for animals. In order to get food, the pet must work hard physically.

A running wheel is a great way to keep your couch potato cat in shape. In the article on our portal we will look at what they are and how to choose the right one for your pet. For handmade lovers, there is a special section on how to make a running wheel with your own hands.

Video – Interactive complexes for cats

If there are several cats in the house

It happens that there are many cats living in a house, but only one of them is obese. In this case, feeding regimes are different. Organization of the process causes some difficulties for breeders.

Veterinarians offer several options for solving the problem. For example, they practice isolated feeding. Cats are given food at the same time, but in different rooms, and are given 15–20 minutes to absorb it. At the end of the meal, check whether all the food has been eaten. What is left is removed until next time or thrown away.

Another way is to place bowls of food for cats with normal weight on upper floors housing. Reach high-lying food for animals with overweight bodies are not easy at first, so their dining room is on the ground floor.

Preventing excess weight gain

Hippocrates’ opinion that it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it is also relevant in relation to representatives of the fauna.

To keep the cat in normal weight, must be performed simple recommendations veterinary nutritionists. And they are like this:

  • You cannot give an animal more food at its request. The portion is increased only if the body requires more energy. For example, the daily dose of food is increased for pregnant and lactating females.
  • You should follow a routine and give food at the same time.
  • Pets should not eat any of the dishes that the owner prepares for himself. Fatty, salty, smoked foods are prohibited.
  • It is necessary to ensure sufficient physical activity. Toys and a climbing slide can stimulate mobility.
  • You should visit the clinic regularly to detect diseases and organ dysfunctions in a timely manner.

Video - How to make a slide for a cat with your own hands

Food for sterile pets prone to obesity

Many manufacturers offer food for sterilized individuals, the number of which is increasing every year.

Table 2. Food for sterilized cats and neutered cats.

Name of foodPackage weight, kg/
price, rub.
Product Features

Bosch Sanabelle Light

  • increased level of fiber and minimum fat;
  • extracts of blueberries, cranberries, chicory, marigolds, yucca;
  • mussel flour;
  • to support joints - shellfish extract;
  • prevents fur from clumping in the stomach;
  • without dyes, soy protein, appetite stimulants.

Josera Culinesse

  • due to the optimal protein content, it stimulates metabolism;
  • L-carnitine protects against obesity;
  • prevents the formation of hairballs in the gastrointestinal tract.

Pronature Holistic Senior Cat Mature/Less Active

  • juniper berries for digestion and better urine output;
  • beet and tomato pulp as a source of dietary fiber;
  • prebiotics for gastrointestinal health.

Recent trends in being touched by cheeky pets have led to the fact that obesity in cats is no longer considered abnormal. A happy cat is a fat that true? Definitely not! Perhaps Garfield from the famous film looks healthy and cute due to his voluminous cheeks and loin, but do not forget that Garfield is drawn. Your pet is real, he can get sick or be sick secretly for many years in a row. Overweight and pets need to be fought, but wisely and gradually. It is advisable not to prolong the problem of obesity.

Most cats get fat in a row known reasons, which are overlooked due to everyday life. A pet may overeat only because it is more convenient for you to leave a full bowl of dry food and be sure that you will not forget to feed the cat in the evening.

Due to financial difficulties, you could switch your pet to cheaper dry food, the cat is happy and your wallet is not empty, but have you read the composition of this food? Is it healthy or is it made up of carbohydrates and some undefined type of “protein”? Poor quality dry food is a very common cause of obesity and more!

If fed incorrectly, your cat may develop problems. metabolic processes, work of the thyroid and pancreas, liver, digestive system and other ailments. Naturally, all these diseases may not be related to feeding, but the risk of their occurrence increases sharply if the pet regularly receives low-quality food.

Note! Any food prepared at home is better than cheap food, but at least, you know what foods end up in your pet's bowl.

Veterinarians are still debating whether obesity or malfunction comes first endocrine system. Just 10 years ago it was believed that if a cat gains weight, then it is guaranteed to have problems with hormones. Today, there is a lot of research showing that hormones and weight are tightly linked and that obesity can be the root cause of hormonal imbalances.

Obesity in cats is a diagnosis, that is, a disease, therefore in veterinary medicine it is customary to distinguish such a concept as excess weight - that is, extra pounds are the consequences of poor nutrition, low activity or health problems. It is worth understanding that excess weight today means obesity (that is, a disease) in 1–1.5 years.

The most common reasons for gaining excess weight are related to overeating. The desire to constantly eat, the desire to eat despite satiety or lack thereof also has reasons:

  • Competition or greed– if several animals live in the house.
  • Boredom– the cat does not receive attention, does not have the opportunity to have fun, and the pet’s daily routine consists of sleep and walks to the bowl.
  • Imposition– every time the cat passes by the bowl, she sees a pile of food, she doesn’t know what the feeding schedule is and is used to eating literally around the clock. By the way, such a situation is very dangerous if the cat has a dulled sense of satiety. Some four-legged animals are voracious due to breed characteristics transferred psychological trauma or heredity.

The process of overeating may not depend on the cat at all. Very often the owner does not know what the optimal daily intake is for the pet.. When kept on industrial food, the cat receives a pile of granules per eye. Moreover, if you examine a pack of food, you will definitely find a table that will indicate the daily requirements in grams. High-quality industrial feeds are fully balanced and fortified, that is, eating too much granules leads to quite normal consequence– weight gain and obesity.

A cat’s diet, or more precisely, its preferences, are formed in childhood - this is obvious, but there is one bottleneck. A kitten is a child, its whims are satisfied, and its whims are touched. The kitten is growing quickly, which means she should get more food...partially true. However for correct formation"food culture" of food, the kitten should receive a lot of food in small portions . Simply put, having become accustomed to filling its belly in childhood, a grown pet will feel uncomfortable if it is not full to the same extent.

Note! Some breeds are prone to gaining excess weight and gluttony, regardless of compliance with the rules of keeping and feeding. You can find out about such features of your pet in advance from the breeder.

If you took adult cat and she tends to overeat, the problem needs to be dealt with differently. Firstly, develop a nutrition schedule and stick to it, and secondly, evaluate all possible flaws in the preparation of the diet. Since animal metabolism is very individual, ideal diet can only be found through trial and error. If the situation is urgent, the four-legged glutton is selected with dietary food for cats with obesity or a tendency to gain weight.

Overeating can be directly related to the owner, or more precisely, the family in which the cat lives. As you know, begging is a habit that lives as long as it is encouraged. If your ward has a habit of begging for treats from the table, most likely, he eats an extra (and not a small) portion of food only due to the generosity of your family. The owner thinks, what could happen from a piece of sausage? Now think about how much forbidden food your ward receives if every family member treats him during the meal?

In the canons of dog education there is an ironclad rule - the pet does not enter the kitchen (dining room) when the owner or his family is eating. The same rule should be applied to cats, because if you allow your pet to watch you devour a sandwich with appetite and not share, you are literally inhumane. It is known that the feeling of hunger increases if you watch someone eat. There is even a technique that allows you to stimulate animals to eat and it is “tied” to eating food in front of the pet. If you want to raise your cat properly and not have problems with begging or stealing from the table, you only have two options:

  • Do not allow your pet to be near you while eating.
  • Synchronize the food intake of four-legged and two-legged family members.

One more thing about a piece of sausage and its harmlessness. There is a list of prohibited products, yes, it is ambiguous and some experts question a number of statements. However the harm caused by salted, smoked, spicy, flour foods and bones is irrefutable. If you don't know how natural a product is, think about whether a wild cat could get it.

Note! “Favorite treats” are milk and fish; these are absolutely not natural products for a cat’s diet.

Certainly, poor nutrition This is not the only cause of obesity in cats. Most four-legged animals love to play, but may not know it. If you got a cat as a piece of furniture, played with it as a child, and as soon as it grew up, began to ignore it, then its lifestyle will be appropriate.

Unlike dogs, healthy cats sleep or snooze up to 80% of their lives, a rate that varies by breed and temperament, but is still impressive. During those 20-30% of the time that is not spent sleeping, the cat needs to have time to eat, go to the toilet and clean up... where can you find time for games. Have you ever watched your cat being possessed by something for 2-3 minutes that makes your pet run, jump, scream, and then immediately calm down? These are the very minutes that a pet can allocate for activity and she spends them as efficiently as possible.

The good news is that sleep and napping are two different things. You cannot interfere with the duration of sleep, it is dangerous to health, but replace naps with exciting game not only possible, but also necessary.

A huge number of inexperienced owners believe that their pet will gain weight after sterilization. These arguments are completely wrong if you feed the animal correctly and devote time to it. If the cat serves as an interior changer, he will gain weight both after castration and without this procedure, however, after the intervention, changes will occur much faster. The reason is that in six months or a little faster, hormonal background the pet will calm down, the need to search for the pet will disappear and unspent energy will need to be redirected.

A cat that receives attention, has the opportunity to play, run or spend its leisure time in other ways in an active way will not gain excess weight. A pet that is bored for days will find a solution in gluttony. Another climax of owners’ concerns concerns feeding to cats. oral contraceptives. You shouldn't hope that hormonal pills will not lead to weight gain, they will! The problem is that, against the background of obesity, every ninth cat is diagnosed with serious health problems, and every sixth has neoplasms or oncology.

Signs of excess weight in a cat

You see your pet every day, so weight gain may not be noticeable. Make it a rule to weigh your cat at least once a month or ask your regular guests about changes in appearance pet. It is worth understanding that gaining kilograms, rounded cheeks or too “lush” hips are not signs of obesity in cats if they can be controlled with diet. If the diet does not produce any results, you should consult a doctor, since excess weight can only be a symptom.

You can first determine if your cat is overweight:

  • Weigh your pet and compare the indicator with breed norms.
  • Feel the ribs and hip joints– the bones should be palpable, but not protruding during external examination.
  • Observe your cat's behavior after any activity - shortness of breath or extreme fatigue b indicates that it is difficult for the pet to carry itself.

Important! Overweight cats do not tolerate hot weather very well and are prone to heatstroke.

Symptoms expressed in behavior are not always obvious, since some cats are leisurely due to their temperament. First alarm bells can be skipped, since noticeable fat on the sides appears already when abdomen and all organs are enveloped in it. Already in the first stages of weight gain, a cat may experience health problems, especially if there are predispositions to:

  • Heart ailments– expressed by shortness of breath, specific cough, rapid heartbeat and breathing after exercise, pallor of the mucous membranes, low temperature of the extremities, problems with blood vessels, etc.
  • Liver failure– in overweight cats, the chances of developing diabetes, bile stagnation, and obstruction increase sharply bile ducts, liver enlargement, non-viral hepatitis.
  • Problems with musculoskeletal system – the large joints are affected first, followed by the spine. Even young cats can develop arthritis or slipped disc syndrome. Problems with the spine naturally lead to neurology - pinched nerves. How more weight cats, the higher the risk of injury when jumping from high surfaces, most often sprains or ruptures of tendons and ligaments.
  • Diseases of the pancreas and thyroid gland– very insidious violations that are difficult to detect. More obvious disorders are acute pancreatitis, severely impaired levels of the main thyroid hormones. By the way, such ailments can be cured completely only if the cat is provided with timely and qualified assistance. If the pet suffered from obesity for 2-3 years and it turned out that this led to disruption of the hormonal system, it is rarely possible to completely cure a pet, since the disturbed rhythm becomes “normal”.

Important! By virtue of negative influence on the heart, obese cats do not tolerate the effects well narcotic substances(anesthesia). Some breeds inherit sensitivity to anesthesia and heart problems, since representatives of the breed are “accepted to be in the body.”

Fighting excess weight in cats

What to do if your cat has gained weight? Definitely solve the problem without haste and rash decisions. Losing weight should improve your health, not make things worse, so if you are unfamiliar with basic concepts about metabolism, it is better to consult a doctor. Please note that a diet that is too strict for an obese cat will have the opposite effect!

The body, which understands that it is being starved literally for knocking, will begin to work for wear, but will retain a maximum of adipose tissue - this is an instinct and the law of survival. The cat will have problems with its skin, fur and even teeth, because they are not as important as the heart and brain. Of course, the cat will lose 500 grams, or maybe a whole kilogram, but when the pet starts eating as before, it will gain twice as much. By the way, this law also works with people, since the survival instincts of all mammals are similar. Treatment of obesity in cats is a complex procedure that includes:

  • Revision of diet– a natural or industrial diet should satisfy hunger, but contain a reduced amount of calories. According to the generally accepted rule, the caloric content of the diet is reduced by 50–70%, but for many pets such changes will be too drastic. However, even a gradual reduction in caloric intake for a long period (1–2 months) will give positive result. The main rule is that the cat should not starve, since hunger and obesity are equally harmful conditions.
  • Introducing a feeding schedule– the diet should be broken up daily norm feeding for 4–6 meals. Take the time to write a chart and hang it near the feeding area. Fractional meals will allow you to maintain a comfortable condition for your pet while losing weight, and this is very important. The more irritable the cat, the more actively the body’s defense systems work, including those responsible for accumulating reserves on the sides.
  • Increased activity– play with your pet, even if it seems to you that he doesn’t like it. Perhaps you haven't picked it up yet necessary accessory or didn’t find motivation. The hunter's instinct and corresponding reactions are developed in almost all cats, so playing with a feather on the handle can “push” even the laziest cat.
  • Treatment of acquired ailments, if any.

Note! While your pet is overweight or on a diet, try to make his life less stressful. Due to stress, weight loss slows down sharply.