Removal of adenoids (adenotomy operation): indications, methods, implementation, postoperative period. Regimen after adenoid removal. Recovery period after removal of adenoids in children Condition after adenotomy

- A fairly simple operation performed as prescribed by a doctor. The decision to conduct it is made if conservative methods of treating adenoiditis are ineffective. This surgical procedure is performed under anesthesia and lasts no more than half an hour. In most cases, adenotomy does not cause complications. However, no less important than the operation is the period after removal of the adenoids. After all, it is at this time that normal respiratory functions are restored.

First time after surgery

Immediately after surgery, the patient is transferred to the hospital, as he needs to be monitored. The child is prescribed bed rest, the optimal position for the first few hours is on his side. A towel is placed under his head so that he can freely spit out saliva, as well as mucous secretions or blood. In order to reduce swelling and pain after removal of the adenoids, a cold compress is applied to the face from the side of the removed tonsils.

After three hours, the doctor should perform a pharyngoscopy to detect severe swelling or bleeding. If such symptoms are not identified, the child is discharged. From this moment on, the parents take full responsibility for his condition.

Possible complications

Despite the fact that adenotomy is a fairly simple manipulation, certain complications may occur after surgery to remove the adenoids. This happens quite rarely, but the features of the recovery period suggest such a development of events.

The most common symptoms that may appear are:

  • headache and dizziness;
  • swelling of the tissues of the nasopharynx;
  • severe nasal congestion and runny nose;
  • pain in the throat area;
  • the appearance of tinnitus;
  • spread of inflammation to the middle ear;
  • nosebleeds;
  • change in psycho-emotional state;
  • dyspeptic syndrome.

In addition to this clinical picture, there are also possible consequences of adenotomy, such as cough, fever and enlargement of the adenoids after removal. It is worth paying special attention to their appearance, since they may indicate a certain pathological process in the child’s body.


In general, an increase in temperature after adenoid removal is a fairly common occurrence. However, when it appears, you must ensure that it does not rise above 38 degrees. In this case, it is necessary to increase the amount of fluid the child consumes and provide him with proper care.

In case of prolonged hyperthermia (more than three days), you should consult a doctor and start taking antipyretic drugs. It is best to give preference to Nurofen or other drugs in liquid form, since the use of tablets is undesirable. Their use after removal of adenoids in a child is undesirable due to possible pain.

You should also pay attention to the fact that during the period of remission you should not use salicylates, in particular aspirin. This is due to the fact that the medicine has a blood-thinning effect and can cause severe bleeding.

The appearance of cough after adenotomy

Cough after adenoid removal is quite rare. However, if such a symptom appears, one can suspect the presence of chronic diseases. Sinusitis, frontal sinusitis or sinusitis due to constant mucous secretions contributes to the occurrence of a reflex dry cough.

In such a situation, the following actions have the greatest effect:

  • in a supine position, it is best for the child to be on his side;
  • to relieve irritation from the mucous membrane it is necessary to carry out inhalations;
  • You can consult your doctor so that he can individually prescribe medications that help relieve the unpleasant symptom.

Rehabilitation process

During the entire postoperative period when adenoids are removed, the child should receive maximum attention. At this time he needs care and attention. After all, after performing an adenotomy, certain inconveniences are possible - from pain to psycho-emotional stress. This is due to the fact that even simple surgery can cause severe stress.

It is also necessary to understand that following all the doctor’s recommendations promotes faster recovery and prevents possible complications after adenoid removal in children. That is why the rehabilitation stage is no less important, as well as the correct intervention.

To organize care for a child after surgery, it is necessary to ensure that he does not experience great physical exertion. Also, much attention is paid to a balanced diet and special exercises that promote accelerated recovery of respiratory function. If pronunciation defects appear (most often nasality), it is necessary to achieve correct sound production. This is done to improve speech.

Nutrition after adenotomy

It is necessary that nutrition after adenoid removal meets certain requirements:

  • it should not be hot;
  • the consumption of solid food must be avoided so as not to damage the mucous membrane;
  • food should have a uniform consistency;
  • It is not recommended to give your child spicy, sour, salty, and fatty foods. It is also necessary to reduce the consumption of fried foods.

The answer to the question of what to feed a child after adenoid removal is strictly individual. It depends on the family budget and personal preferences of the patient. It is necessary that the food has high nutritional value and is easily digestible. But at the same time, it should not be too bland.

After each meal, for the purpose of anti-inflammatory action, it is necessary to gargle with a decoction of chamomile or sage. A weak solution of furatsilin is also well suited for this purpose. If a child refuses to eat, you should not force him, as the cause of such behavior may be pain.

In general, the diet after adenoid removal in children should be balanced and as nutritious as possible. The presence of large amounts of protein and beneficial microelements is welcome. As for various treats, it is believed that during rehabilitation a child can eat ice cream, as it helps relieve swelling of the mucous membranes.

Breathing exercises

After removal of the adenoids, the treating specialist may prescribe special exercises. They are especially relevant when the question arises of how to teach a child to breathe through his nose. The technique for performing breathing exercises after surgery is as follows:

  1. Inhalation of air followed by retention (if possible). After this, exhale, and everything repeats. The exercise is performed while standing and is accompanied by raising the arms as you inhale and lowering them as you exhale. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the nose.
  2. Breathing through the chest: when inhaling, you need to expand the chest and draw in the stomach, when exhaling, stick out the stomach. You need to breathe through your nose.
  3. Belly breathing - when inhaling, the stomach is protruded, while exhaling, it is retracted. They breathe through their nose.
  4. Alternate breathing, first through one and then through the other nostril, also has a good effect.

Are relapses possible?

Many parents are interested in the question of whether adenoids grow back after removal. The answer to this depends primarily on the characteristics of the child’s body.

  1. This can happen if he is prone to allergic reactions.
  2. The presence of chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma also has a significant impact on relapse.
  3. There is a significant risk of relapse in children with urticaria or atopic dermatitis.

The thing is that in children with allergies, the tonsils develop very quickly and can grow back. That is why such patients are rarely prescribed adenotomy. It is also necessary to remember that the risk of regrowth is increased in young children.

The symptoms of this phenomenon are as follows:

  • worsening nasal breathing;
  • the appearance of snoring during sleep;
  • frequent nosebleeds;
  • increased incidence of respiratory diseases.

In most cases, relapse after adenoid removal occurs within three to four months. And it is necessary to notice the symptoms that indicate this, because repeated adenoiditis can have more serious consequences.

The child underwent an adenoidectomy. That is, surgical adenoid removal in the nasal cavity, or in the pharyngeal sector. In children The postoperative period begins, which requires certain knowledge and skills in caring for them. How goes through the postoperative period in children after removal of the adenoids? What do professional doctors do within the walls of a medical institution and how to care for a child at home? Our next article is about this.

Postoperative complications: treatment methods used in the hospital

During the first hours in the intensive care ward, the operated baby is under medical observation and a postoperative medication is provided. In cases of negative manifestations - heavy bleeding, unusual for the type and type of surgical intervention (endoscopic minimally invasive sanitation, laser cauterization), difficult recovery from anesthesia, disturbances in cardiovascular dynamics, increase/decrease in blood pressure, the child is detained in the hospital.

Typically, such a clinic is rarely recorded; most guys have a strong immune system, which helps cope with the “mechanical” invasion of the body. 2-3 hours are enough for the surgical field to stop, small and large blood vessels to stop bleeding, and the inevitable swelling of the inner mucous surface in the places where the operation took place to decrease.

Unfortunately, not all children have strong natural resistance to adenoid pathogenesis. In children who often suffer from respiratory diseases, colds, are chronic allergy sufferers or have congenital diseases of the respiratory system, heart, kidneys is not so easy There is a postoperative period after removal of the adenoids. The main visceral diseases, together with the ongoing process of adenoid vegetation, de-energize and undermine the immune defense of the child’s body on both sides.

Articles on the topic Spa therapy for adenoids in children is wonderful!

What postoperative complications are observed in this category of weakened children? These include clinical manifestations:

  1. Problems with hemophilic etiology.

Hemophilia is a genetic defect, a trait that is inherited. A similar disease, blood incoagulability, affects people who have had incest (incest) in their family: the conception and birth of children from direct blood family members (brother-sister, father-daughter, mother-son). Even cousins, supposedly distant members of the family, can introduce an incestuous nuance into the genealogical health of descendants and manifest genetic pathology in further heirs.

Of course, when preparing such children (with established hemopathophilia) for surgery, they take into account the expected factor - the risk of poor blood clotting after, during the operation. Therefore, the mandatory use of a “controller” is introduced into preoperative preparation. hemocoagulation, clotting - "Phytomenadione". In terms of intensive therapy, stopping postoperative bleeding, intravenous infusions of the main coagulating drug - "Aminocaproic acid" are used. In tablet form, it is prescribed "Vikasol".

Painful swelling of the nasal cavity and inside the pharynx, of course, will be present, even with the most successful operation. But, if swelling of the visceral nasopharyngeal epidermis takes on a threatening picture and progresses rather than decreases, this indicates that the child is at risk of postoperative asphyxia and suffocation.

The child is transferred from the intensive care ward to the intensive care unit, where fast-acting resuscitation measures will be applied to him - connection to a ventilator (artificial lung ventilation), insertion of a “butterfly” catheter into the subclavian vein for constant intravenous drips of vasodilating, antispasmodic drugs - “Eufillin”, "Papaverine" and other targeted medications.

  1. AHF – acute heart failure in the postoperative period.

    If the nurse or doctor on duty notices rapid breathing, blue lips and nails, the child will immediately undergo an additional ECG examination.

If the cardiologist detects cardiac dysfunction in the operated child, he will be given intravenous/muscular injections of glycosides (drugs that support cardiac and arterial tone) – « Digitoxin", "Cordigitate".

  1. Postoperative dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.

    In children, gastrointestinal disorders are possible - diarrhea, nausea, reflux and vomiting. The digestive organs thus respond to drug anesthesia used during adenoidectomy operations. They are accompanied by asthenic symptoms - dizziness, pallor of the facial skin, increased sweating.

Articles on the topic Diet after adenoid removal

The neurologist will conduct a thorough examination and introduce appropriate anti-anxiety, sedative neuroleptics, and pediatric dosages into the postoperative treatment plan. Intramuscular injections (at night) of Analgin and Diphenhydramine serve as preventive neutralizers of nervous excitability.

  1. Postoperative inflammation.

    To prevent them, antibiotics are used without fail: as a preventive postoperative infection that inhibits pathogenic microflora, which in any case remains in the pathogenic zone. Even in minimal quantities, in the absence of potent penicillins, adenoid pathogenic fungal spores, remnants of microorganisms, viral and microbial accumulations can provoke severe inflammatory postoperative processes.

Today, Ceftriaxone and Ceprofloxacin are recognized as the most innovative, universal drugs that stably and reliably “kill” the pathogenic mass. Although, taking into account the child’s condition, according to the received clinical blood tests, the attending physician can also use ampiox analogues - “Ampiox”, “Ampicillin”.

Treating a child after adenoid removal surgery at home

If everything is good and successful: the operation was completed, there are no postoperative threatening complications, the child is discharged home, outpatient treatment and observation by an otolaryngologist are prescribed at the place of residence. The operating surgeon will explain to the parents in detail how the operation went and what they need to pay special attention to in the next 10 days. For its part, it will recommend medications and medical procedures.

Upon arrival home, the child must first create calm conditions. The baby must calm down; the events that happened throughout the day are psychological stress for him. For the next 5 hours, the child is given no food except warm tea, weakly brewed with lemon and mint. Try to get your baby to sleep. Sit next to him, gently stroke his head and hands, hum softly. This is the best medicine for children - your love, compassion, care!

At an early age, a child is prone to be exposed to a considerable number of serious diseases, many of which then develop into chronic diseases and provoke complications in the functioning of other organs. Most often this concerns ENT ailments and one of the most common is expressed as adenoid vegetations turning into adenoiditis.

From a medical point of view, this is an inflammation of the nasopharyngeal tonsils, which makes itself felt systematically. It is characterized by certain manifestations and differs from the usual runny nose; in addition to difficulty breathing, there is often a slightly open mouth, snoring during sleep and inflammation of the associated organs.

In the course of diagnosing and identifying the causes of adenoiditis, in most cases it is recommended to perform surgery to remove the adenoids. The operation falls on the shoulders of doctors, but the postoperative period directly depends on compliance with the recommendations received by the parents.

Adenotomy is a minimally invasive operation

After removal of the adenoids, rehabilitation occurs quite quickly, and the child can soon return to his previous lifestyle without harm to his health.

Immediately after surgery

After the adenoids are removed, the child will be transferred from the operating room to the general ward, as monitoring of his condition will be available as part of a routine inpatient examination. The postoperative period proceeds differently for everyone, the main thing is to follow a regimen that will help you recover faster and avoid long-term discomfort. The procedure to surgically remove the adenoids is called adenotomy. It takes no more than 30 minutes and is performed using anesthesia, the choice of which takes into account the recommendations of the attending physician, as well as the choice of removal method.

In the first days of recovery after surgery, the throat hurts, but this should not manifest itself in a pronounced form and drag on for a long time.

Nosebleeds after adenotomy

It is important to avoid inflammation of the larynx, wondering why it may occur, you need to pay attention to the position of the child immediately after removal of the adenoids. The position in which you need to recover for the first hours of the hospital should be on your side, with a towel placed near the mouth, so that it is convenient to control salivation and monitor whether blood appears in the saliva. To prevent possible unwanted bleeding, the doctor should perform a pharyngoscopy several hours after the main operation. It is recommended not to give your child antipyretic drugs, as this may provoke this process. At this point, the child should be cared for especially carefully, since strict bed rest is required after removal of the adenoids. Saliva may be released for some time even after being under the supervision of doctors, but this is normal if there are no foreign impurities in it. If you find otherwise, you should immediately seek medical help. During the first 10 days after removal of the adenoids, swelling of the mucous membranes may occur; its unpleasant effect will be eliminated by the use of vasoconstrictor drugs.

The recovery period after adenotomy proceeds individually for everyone and takes different time periods.

Hematoma - a complication of adenotomy

Of course, the adult who is responsible for the child’s adaptation to normal life should provide him with constant monitoring and care. While the child is on sick leave, parents must monitor his diet, the absence of unnecessary physical activity, and the taking of appropriate medications. And also, they must maintain the necessary temperature conditions in the room. The child’s condition after removal of the adenoids may be aggravated by unpleasant pain, which provokes depression and fears. Therefore, rehabilitation should proceed as comfortably as possible, with regular monitoring of the child’s mood and behavior.

Parents often have questions about how to restore their child’s nasal breathing after surgery. Most often, it is restored with the help of special gymnastics for the nose, consisting of just a few simple exercises. Particular attention in caring for an operated child, of course, is given to nutrition and an appropriate diet, since after intervention in the area of ​​the nasopharyngeal tonsils, the risk of dangerous infections increases, which can lead to serious consequences.

The use of recommendations regarding the recovery of a child requires exclusively verified facts, and in order to know what recommendations are used after removal of the adenoids, you need to consult with the doctor performing the surgical intervention. If parts of tissue have accumulated in the nasopharynx after surgery and were not removed immediately, if bleeding is detected, you should immediately consult a doctor for appropriate assistance. If there is no suspicion of edema or its symptoms have been eliminated, it is recommended to use drugs that dry out the mucous membrane.

After removal of the adenoids, a strict diet based on the rules of a balanced diet must be followed. During the first days of the postoperative period, you can eat only soft, not too hot foods to avoid damage to the operated area. It is better to consult with the doctor performing the removal procedure what specific foods you can eat after removal of the adenoids, as he will be able to see the general picture of the child’s condition and the future dynamics of recovery. Any solid food should be pureed to a liquid consistency; foods with high acidity, fat content and pungency should be removed from the diet. The question of what to feed a child after removal of the adenoids worries parents especially when they refuse to eat due to pain.

Food - liquid, gentle

Dietary food after adenotomy can be healthy and tasty; to develop a menu, you should pay attention to the following dishes:

  1. Vegetable and fruit puree
  2. Weakly concentrated poultry and meat broths
  3. Decoctions of vegetables and herbs
  4. Liquid porridge, mainly oatmeal or semolina
  5. Broth soups with vegetables
  6. Steamed cutlets and meatballs

In order to disinfect the operated area, it is recommended to rinse with a weak solution of sage or chamomile immediately after eating, this will promote rapid healing of the injured throat.

Ice cream through the eyes of a doctor

There is a lot of talk surrounding the question of whether it is worth giving a child ice cream during the period of recovery and rehabilitation. It is a known fact that doctors from the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons even recommend doing this and suggest that parents give their children small ice cubes for further resorption after such surgery. Deciding whether a child needs to eat ice cream after adenotomy is considered by each parent individually, but it must be taken into account that it undoubtedly relieves swelling, since any exposure to cold is aimed at relieving inflammation of the mucous areas of the mouth.

Ice cream after adenoid removal is beneficial

Possible complications

Complications after adenoid removal in children do not occur often, but every parent should be prepared for the fact that unpleasant consequences can affect the general condition of the child. It is important to take into account the fact that breathing after removal of the adenoids may not be restored immediately, and may be difficult for some time. Lack of attention to this problem often leads to relapses, so correctly selected breathing exercises are necessary. If, during the postoperative period, a child falls ill with ARVI and suffers a severe runny nose, sore throat and weakness, there is no need to give him medications on his own, you should seek competent medical help, since bleeding may occur from antipyretics, appropriate antibiotics are needed. Complications after surgery should not have a long-term perspective; as a rule, they are limited to the following manifestations:

  • Not severe headaches or dizziness
  • Rapidly passing swelling and otitis media
  • Mild tinnitus and sore throat
  • Minor bleeding
  • Disturbed psycho-emotional state

A separate item is considered nausea, as the most uncomfortable manifestation of the consequences of the postoperative period. To determine the reason why vomiting occurs after removal of the adenoids, it is necessary to pay attention to the odor from the mouth, since blood clots can accumulate in the saliva; this can be combated with throat aerosols and gentle herbal gargles. If the child still gets sick after removal of the adenoids, it is important to take into account the duration of his weakened condition. After two weeks of continued satisfactory health, the patient should be shown to the attending ENT doctor and receive the necessary recommendations for his recovery.

Regardless of the child’s age and general physical condition, fever is often observed after adenoid removal, which is a completely normal factor in the body’s fight against surgical intervention. When asked by parents whether the temperature can be higher than 38 degrees during the period of normal recovery after adenotomy, any competent doctor will answer that no. If hyperthermia exceeds 38°, then first of all it is worth increasing the amount of water consumed and wiping the child with water at room temperature. Depending on how long the high temperature lasts, you need to decide on taking antipyretic drugs, it is important that they do not contain acetylsalicylic acid.

If it has been recorded that the elevated temperature lasted more than 3 days, you should start using drugs such as Nurofen or Panadol in the form of syrup.

Cough after adenoid removal

A side effect such as cough does not often occur, but if you still have to deal with the effects of the syndrome, you should pay attention to the presence of chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract (sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis). Dry cough after adenoid removal is a common common cause of exposure to snot running down the wall of the throat. All this can provoke a reflex cough, especially when the child is in a supine position. To fix this problem use:

  • Local preparations
  • Inhalations
  • General medications

Of course, each of the medications is prescribed individually, in accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician.

ENT, otitis media, runny nose

Some parents are faced with a problem when, after removal of the adenoids, the nose does not breathe as well as before the operation, and often the reason for this is that the parents do not follow the recommendations for the rehabilitation of the child. 10 days after the adenotomy, you should perform gymnastics for the nose, including no more than 5-6 basic exercises.

If after adenotomy the nose does not breathe for a long time, there may be several reasons for concern:

  • Postoperative swelling
  • Allergic reactions
  • Deviated septum
  • Incorrectly performed operation

Breathing exercises

The nose can be stuffy due to a whole list of reasons, which often lead to further chronic runny nose. This list includes:

  • Hypertrophic changes in the nasopharynx
  • Malfunctions of the bronchopulmonary system
  • Deformation of the nasal septum
  • Malfunctions in the functioning of protective and immunological functions

If, after removal of the adenoids, a child experiences snot with a high percentage of mucus, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of complications, exposure to viral diseases, and most importantly, relapses of adenoid vegetations. In some cases, the nose gets stuffy and this is normal, since it takes time to completely restore proper breathing and relieve swelling, but if stuffiness after removal of the adenoids turns into a systematic problem, then it’s worth consulting a doctor and carrying out a series of preventive procedures.

Possible consequences

Many parents treat the adenotomy procedure with excessive caution and believe that the consequences of removing adenoids can be extremely sad. About a year after the removal operation, some develop acute otitis media, as swelling of the injured tissue disrupts the activity of the Eustachian tube. In fact, this is not a reason to refuse surgical intervention. At the beginning of treatment, drops should be used according to the doctor’s prescription; most often they use Otipax. For several years, it is recommended to attend physiotherapeutic procedures, including the use of effective folk remedies, but only after consultation with a doctor.

Otipax and Anauran drops after removal of adenoids

The nasal tone that remains after removal of the adenoids is more functional in nature, since the nose is not ready to allow large volumes of air to pass through immediately after surgery. Most parents notice an initial change in the child’s voice, which after a while returns to normal as soon as the swelling in the nasopharynx subsides. Some people experience hearing loss after surgery, so often frightened parents are concerned about whether their hearing is restored. Here you should rely on the fact that this manifestation can also be a variant of the norm and hearing properties are normalized after the runny nose passes.

In order to combat the occurrence of a speech defect in the form of rhinolalia, it is necessary to practice correct sound pronunciation after surgery and restore nasal breathing. There is also an opinion that the removal of adenoids can lead to the development of bronchial asthma; in fact, adenotomy can contribute to a calmer course of asthmatic processes in those children who were sick at the time of the operation to remove the adenoids.

As practice shows, life after removal of adenoids becomes much more pleasant and calmer, both for parents and for the child suffering from adenoid growths. The question of whether it is possible to walk with inflamed adenoids becomes painfully exciting when any presence of a child in an open space can lead to serious consequences. And walking with chronic adenoiditis becomes a completely dangerous activity and leads to the constant confinement of the child within four walls.

After removal of the adenoids, the child is no longer limited in his own actions and can choose those sports that involve previously unacceptable temperature conditions, be it ice skating or hockey. Many people are concerned about when it is possible to return to school and from what moment the conditions of school education will be available for a child who has undergone this surgical intervention. Of course, everyone goes through different stages of recovery individually, but we can talk about returning to their previous lifestyle at least a month after removal of the adenoids. In any case, the child receives sick leave for the period necessary for his recovery and during this period he is protected from any physical activity, following a diet and bed rest.

Parents think that after removal(adenotomy) adenoids their children have all their problems, their suffering is over. We would like it that way, but, unfortunately, sometimes the situation turns for the worse. Because after surgery, a lot of dangers await the operated baby. In medical terms, painful symptoms are called “postoperative complications.”

This includes a cough, a fever, and incessant snot. And, after some time, it turns out that in place of the removed purulently decomposed adenoid locations, new adenoids suddenly form. What to do parents in such situations? What medicinal techniques are used by otolaryngologists? after adenoid removal, if such an abnormal picture is observed.

Interesting and important to know? Then we read carefully, remember and draw the right conclusions.

Dangerous postoperative symptoms: description in order of priority

Temperature: bio clinic and etiopathogenesis

The first “pitfall” of the postoperative period of adenotomy in children is temperature after adenoid removal. Why is the physiological reaction to the appearance of any inflammatory, pathogenic process in the body, temperature, given such paramount importance? Moreover, precisely in such a period - immediately after ENT surgery.

The answer lies in the clinical factor - the enormous importance of temperature for the normal functioning of the human body. Not to mention what it's like for children's homeostasis! After all, every biological cell, every biochemical process (fermentation, metabolism, reproduction) is accompanied by the release of thermal energy. The normal indicator of favorable temperature balance is 36.6. Below or above numbers (up to the limit of vital levels) indicate pathological changes in the visceral sphere.

With adenotomy:

  • partial/complete cutting using a conservative surgical method (adenotome-knife, curette-loop);
  • cryofreezing with an extreme “burn” (-196 degrees liquid nitrogen), which leaves crusty scabs in the area of ​​the surgical field;
  • drying of a pathogenic adenoid neoplasm using laser irradiation (bloodless method), but the treated epidermis has the appearance of a wrinkled surface –

Articles on the topic Is it possible to remove adenoids?

– there is a direct holistic violation of the nasopharyngeal epidermis: incisions, bleeding from small and large vessels, necrosis of cellular tissue after cryo-freezing, drainage-irrigation after laser exposure. The appearance of a temperature (slight, slightly elevated, not exceeding 37.0 degrees) is regarded as a natural response signal from the body.

note ! There is no reason for special concern in the slight and temporary appearance of temperature during the first hours of adenotomy. But, signs appeared and changed, sometimes chills, sometimes fever in children. A temperature that is steadily creeping up (approaching 38.0 and 39.0) is a clear symptom of the onset of a postoperative complication. In such a situation, urgent drug therapy is required - antiseptic (preventing sepsis)!


Due to the fact that almost all antipyretics contain acetyl salicyl (aspirin derivatives), and this substance actively thins the blood, increasing its fluidity, drug therapy is prescribed in a strictly personalized manner. And, each child has an individual admission program! Reducing high fever in children, without the consultation consent of the ENT doctor (who performed the operation), can cause severe bleeding from the nasopharynx!

Cough: types of postoperative complications

Just like fever, runny nose, nausea, cough is a physiological normal manifestation of the invasion of surgical operations. Bloody discharge from unclosed vascular incisions, infected exudate from purulent-furunculous adenoids flows down the posterior wall of the nasopharynx for some time.

Partially – the child spits it out through the mouth and blows his nose. But, a certain amount enters the upper respiratory tract, accumulates in the form of sputum and, sticking to the visceral broncho mucosa, provokes reflux peristalsis (convulsive contractions). In combination with air masses passing through the bronchial ducts at this time, a sound phenomenon occurs - coughing.

It can be observed in the form of wet (wet) with a good expectoration effect. And a dry cough, hysterical, sometimes reminiscent of whooping cough. The child goes into a coughing fit, sometimes his face turns blue, and the veins on his temples, forehead, and neck swell due to strain.

Articles on the topic Inflammation of the adenoids in a child: symptoms, treatment

Such clearly pathological “coughs” immediately after adenoid surgery are not always a necessary manifestation. It all depends on the quality of the operation performed: thorough sanitation, drying and laser cupping of bleeding vessels and blood vessels, vacuum treatment - suction of purulent foci. The reason may be hypersensitivity to medicinal anesthetics and analgesics used during surgery. But the cough, in response to medications, is of the nature of a “sore throat” or coughing.

Severe cough formats described above (wet, dry, hysterical) most often indicate infection of the surgical field, with further penetration of intoxication into the catarrhal-bronchial sectors. Not uncommon:

  • postoperative pneumonia;
  • bronchitis;
  • pleurisy;
  • Qatar of the upper respiratory tract.

And, all of them have one unifying feature - cough. But, different types of cough are treated with different anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial and antimicrobial antibiotics, mucolytics, and corticosteroids.

CAREFULLY! EXTREMELY CAUTION ! Don’t even try, parents, to treat your children’s cough that appears after surgery on your own! The prescription is made by the surgeon who performed the adenotomy. And, then, after thorough laboratory tests for a pathogenic tank, culture from the nasopharynx!

Snot after adenotomy, is it dangerous?

Snot(light, transparent or viscous, viscous, cloudy green color, with blood streaks, venous clots) after adenoid removal, in the same way join the list of “protective-refluxes”. Rhinorrhea (snotty discharge from a runny nose) will continue, if everything went well, for no more than 4-5 days, decreasing in number.

But, if the snot and runny nose along with it continue, do not decrease, and acquire additional suspicious signs (accompanied by severe pain when blowing your nose), this requires urgent intervention by an otolaryngologist-surgeon. After an endoscopic examination and the results of laboratory smears (tank culture for sowing pathogenic strains), the doctor will determine the cause of rhinorrhea. Accordingly, he will choose the right treatment regimen for rhinitis, rhinorrhea, or, more simply, snot.

Articles on the topic Adenoids and tonsils: what is the difference?

Can adenoids grow again after adenotomy?

Is that possible? Yes, such phenomena in operating otolaryngology are not so rare. This means, not in its full understanding, that is, “resurrected” adenoid formations that were completely removed. It is understood that, after some time, new adenoid lymphatic tissue begins to form at the site of the surgical area.

This repeated reduction is associated with the body’s amazing ability to rehabilitate itself and restore lost areas of the epidermis. But this does not apply to all organic systems, but only to the lymphoid epidermis. Unfortunately, not all children have newly appeared lymphoid nasal glandular epithelium (adenoid locations).
In the final words and sentences of the afterword. We hope that the article informed parents of children who are about to undergo surgery (or have already undergone surgery) not only with an interesting informational text. But also timely advice and warnings. And, for parents - the right conclusion in the treatment of adenoid pathogenesis in their children!

Good day everyone, dear readers! Today I will talk about how the postoperative period goes after adenoid removal in children.

Because if you are reading this article, then most likely you have already encountered the problem of inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsil. Your child or the child of your loved ones is sick. Or perhaps your son or daughter has already had them removed.

Let's agree this way - the article will be divided into two halves: for those whose children have already had enlarged nasopharyngeal tonsils removed, and these are adenoids, and for those who are still deciding whether to remove them or not? You will find out why I divided the work this way at the end of the article.

I simply could not do otherwise, because in the course of my little journalistic investigation I found out details that plunged me into slight shock. But first things first.

You will not be allowed to go home immediately after the operation. You will have to spend about 3-4 hours in the hospital. Doctors need to make sure everything went well. There are no extraneous injuries, bleeding, etc.

Inflamed tonsils are removed using adenotomes or other more modern equipment (electrocoagulation, cold plasma devices, ultrasound). In this case, the operation is performed either under local or.

It is worth noting here that most parents are very worried about the psyche of their children and prefer general anesthesia, but this increases the risk by about 10%.

In any case, no matter what method you choose, to prevent these complications from arising, you must adhere to certain rules in the postoperative period.

Immediately after surgery

First of all, you need to give your child a scarf or towel. This may be necessary so that he can spit saliva.

The saliva may be red, but there is no need to be afraid of this. This is due to the fact that many children manage to swallow blood during the removal of inflammation.

The second rule is to monitor the baby’s condition. The bleeding should stop almost immediately. 10-15 minutes after removal.

If your baby complains that something is constantly running down his nasopharynx, you should return to the hospital and see your doctor. The same rule applies to nosebleeds. It shouldn't exist.

If the child is very small, the doctor may prescribe him a children's pain reliever and constricting drops against swelling of the nasopharynx. He may also prescribe an antibiotic to avoid complications.

Nutrition rules

The procedure for removing inflamed nasopharyngeal tonsils is usually carried out on an empty stomach, so 3-4 hours after it your child will most likely ask to eat.

But don’t rush to satisfy this need. It won't be a big deal if he goes hungry a little. But if you follow his lead, very unpleasant complications can actually arise.

The first food after surgery should be soft, restorative, but at the same time neutral in taste. Food that is too sweet, sour or salty will only irritate the nasopharynx.

Avoid her. Mashed bananas, meat pate or thin porridge work well. Try to choose a product that your baby loves. He's been stressed enough and now wants encouragement.

The further diet, as a rule, is drawn up by the attending physician and lasts up to 14 days. During this period, solid foods are gradually included in the child's diet.

I hope there is no need to explain that sweets, crackers, chips and other harmful substances are strictly prohibited during the rehabilitation period!

Rehabilitation at home

A certain diet is not all the conditions for a quick and successful correction. There are other rules:

At first, limit your child’s social circle as much as possible. The fact is that if a person with an acute respiratory infection or ARVI appears in the house, he can infect your child, and this will cause complications after the operation. He had one immune organ removed and now he needs to be protected twice as carefully.

If he still manages to get sick and has a high temperature, then he should immediately contact an ENT specialist or a pediatrician. Otherwise, bleeding may occur.

For the first two weeks, the baby’s physical activity should be reduced to a minimum. You should not allow him to run too fast or play any overly active games. Of course, it can be difficult to explain this rule to a little fidget, but try. Because successful recovery depends on this.

If we are talking about a schoolchild, he must be issued a certificate of exemption from physical education for a period of 2 weeks to one month.

Saunas, steam rooms, hot baths should be canceled in the first two weeks

It is also not advisable to sunbathe

Remember that if in the first 10-14 days the patient complains of a sore throat, there is no need to panic. He just had a real operation and needs time to recover. Be reasonable and everything will pass.

It often happens that after the inflammation has been eliminated, the child reflexively continues to breathe not through the nose, but through the mouth. This is fine.

This happens because during his illness he simply developed such a habit and nothing more. A special one helps get rid of it well.

It is well described in various articles or videos. Here you will find all the necessary information about this.

Is it worth removing pharyngeal tonsils?

Well, now the part of the article intended for those of you who have already encountered the problem, but are in thought -?

As I already wrote, the tonsils in the nasopharynx are one of the organs of your child’s immunity, and removing them is the same as depriving the baby’s “eyes” of immunity.

After all, it is this organ that determines what kind of infection has entered the body and how to neutralize it? By removing it, you subject this system to the deepest shock, literally rendering it ineffective.

Such children often suffer from bronchitis and even asthma as adults. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to find an intelligent doctor who specializes in the treatment of this disease, find it.

And there are such people! There is exactly one clinic in Moscow that solves this problem in 10-15 days with the help of various natural drugs and procedures that they do not disclose so that people do not harm themselves by self-medicating.

What are adenoids?

In essence, these are enlarged nasopharyngeal tonsils. Or those same tonsils in a state of inflammation. This causes difficulty breathing, hearing loss and other unpleasant effects.

And this is what is written in most articles. They say they become inflamed most often in children aged 3-7 years, and in adults in very rare cases, and that’s all, actually... And not a word about such important things as:

The nasopharyngeal tonsils are an immune organ; in fact, they are the “eyes of the immune system”

That after puberty, and this is the age of 12-13 years, in most people they reduce themselves (disappear)

And, perhaps, the most important thing is that they can be cured without removal!

So, this organ is not at all an atavism in the human body, as some doctors are trying to suggest. It plays a huge role in a child’s life.

He is the first to encounter any “infection” that enters the baby’s body, and it is he who sends a signal to the immune system about what it is dealing with? And the immune system, accordingly, draws conclusions and takes measures.

After puberty, in most people it resolves on its own. And it does not resolve mainly in those who had problems with it, and they were never solved.

Well, if it already happens that you have had your adenoids removed, then don’t despair. It’s just that your particular child will have to pay much more attention to the state of his immunity than those children who did not go through this procedure.

But there’s definitely no need to be upset. Many people all over the world have undergone such an operation and live comfortably.