A simple plan to burn fat in problem areas of the body. Problem areas of the female figure, which are the most difficult to correct

For some, it is only important to correct problem areas, while others, due to age or injury, cannot do exercises for all muscles. Don't be discouraged - now you have a workout in which different parts of the body are worked out separately!

Please note that such exercises are much safer than complex ones. You need to do it on the floor or at the support, and this reduces the load on the spine, knee and hip joints. Therefore, we recommend our gymnastics primarily to those who are overweight or have a long-standing habit of a sedentary lifestyle. If you are not sure that traditional training is within your power, start with split training! Perform the entire complex in a row, exercises for problem areas can be repeated twice.

Outer thigh

Stand sideways to a chair, put your hand on its back, lean slightly. Bend one leg, bringing your knee up to your chest.

Photo: AiF / Eduard Kudryavitsky

The outer surface of the thigh ("riding breeches")

Get on all fours. Leaning on your hands and one knee, lift the other leg to the side. The movement is discrete: they raised the knee to the side - fixed this position - straightened it to the side - fixed this position - bent back - fixed it - put it back on the floor. Try not to dangle your shoulders and pelvis and do not bend in the lower back, in order to better keep them motionless, draw in the stomach.

Repeat 20-30 times and switch sides.

Photo: AiF / Eduard Kudryavitsky

Back of the thigh

Get on all fours. Extend one leg back parallel to the floor, pull the toe towards you. Bend the leg at the knee, trying to touch the buttocks with the heel. Make sure that the hip and foot remain motionless, only the lower leg moves.

Repeat 40-60 times and switch legs.

Photo: AiF / Eduard Kudryavitsky

Inner thigh

Lying on your right side, bend your right arm. Elbow on the floor, head in the palm of your hand. Place your left hand on the floor in front of you. Bring your straight right leg forward a little, tighten your toe and stretch it out. Bend your left leg and place your foot on the floor. Raise and lower the straight right leg, feeling the muscles of the inner thigh tighten. The range of motion will be small to increase the load, do not put your foot on the floor while you can. Don't relax your toe.

Repeat 20-50 times and switch sides.

Photo: AiF / Eduard Kudryavitsky


Starting position, as in the previous exercise. Leaning on your hands and one knee, lift the other bent leg so that the thigh is parallel to the floor, and the heel is directed to the ceiling. From that position, straighten the leg with the heel up as high as possible and lower it back to parallel with the floor. Try to "push your heel into the ceiling" as if. Make sure that the lower back and shoulders do not shake, but the arms can be bent at the elbows and lower the shoulders to the floor.

Repeat 40-50 times and switch legs.

Photo: AiF / Eduard Kudryavitsky

Upper abdomen

Sit on your back with your knees bent on the floor. Hands behind your head, look at the ceiling. Stretch your arms forward and, lowering your chin to your chest and rounding your back, stretch to your knees. Neck, shoulders and shoulder blades should be off the floor. Return to the starting position with your hands behind your head.

Repeat 15-20 times.

Photo: AiF / Eduard Kudryavitsky


Lie down on your back, arms along the body. Raise your bent legs up above you. Leaning on your palms, straighten one leg above the floor, then lift it straight up and bend it to its original position. Repeat with the second leg. Make sure that the lower back does not come off the floor, you can put a folded towel.

Repeat 6-10 times with each leg.

Photo: AiF / Eduard Kudryavitsky

chest and arms

Leaning on the back of a sturdy chair or the edge of a secure table, move your legs as far as possible. Place your palms shoulder-width apart. Bend and straighten your arms, pushing up from this surface. Legs and body should form a straight line. If you don’t have enough strength, find a higher support (for example, put your hands on the wall at chest level and push up from it).

Do 3 sets of 10-12 reps.

Photo: AiF / Eduard Kudryavitsky

In front of you are the exercises that our permanent expert chose - two-time European fitness champion, elite trainer of the World Class Romanov club Lydia Ershova (by the way, watch the video with her workout). Add the movements you want to your regular workout, or at least do them offline.


Do you want it to pull up, become smooth, but not pumped over? Try:

Bent over arms

  • Take two dumbbells of 2 kg, put your feet hip-width apart, bend your knees slightly and, moving your pelvis back, tilt your body. Keeping a slight deflection in the lower back and bringing the shoulder blades to the spine, lift the shells to the lower abdomen (keep the latter taut) (A).
  • Extend your arms back behind your back to parallel with the floor (B). Bring them back - you get 1 rep. Do 20 times. Take a breath for 40 seconds, and then do a couple more of these approaches, to be sure.
  • And so 3 times a week. On the last repetitions, the triceps should burn.


To pull it up, do all the plank options. This exercise engages the stabilizing muscles that are responsible for the coveted “white flat”. Start with:

Forearm plank

  • Stand on your forearms: feet together, forearms parallel to each other, elbows under the shoulder joints. The body should stretch in a straight line - from the ankles to the back of the head.
  • To do this, the hips, buttocks, core and the area between the shoulder blades will tighten. Do not lift your head, press your stomach to your lower back.
  • Next - the most important thing: hold this position for a minute (you can’t immediately without losing technique - start, for example, from 40 seconds).

TIP: Plank can be done at least every day. Moreover, they are so diverse. When you get tired of just standing on your forearms, lift one leg off the floor. Or stretch your hand forward. And then there are side T-bars, straps on straight arms with alternating dumbbell rows - mmm, you will never get bored with them (all types of straps).

Inner thigh

Sagging, not pleasing to the eye - do:

Plie squats

  • Stand up straight with your feet wider than your pelvis: socks slightly apart, hands on your belt (A).
  • Taking the pelvis back, go down to a right angle in the knee joint: make sure that the knees do not go beyond the line of socks (B).
  • Rise to the starting position - this is 1 repetition. Your goal is 3 sets of 20-25 reps. Twice a week.

riding breeches

If you have it, get rid of:

Lying hip abduction

  • Lie on your side: one arm under your head, the second comfortably rests on the floor at chest level; the lower leg is bent at the knee, the second is straight, the toe stretches forward and touches the floor, the thigh is “hard”, the core is pulled up (A).
  • Slowly, as if you are pushing something heavy, raise your straight leg to the same line with the body (B).
  • Slowly lower back - this is 1 repetition. Do 30 times - first on one side, then on the other. And so 3 approaches. 3 times a week.

TIP: You can superset this exercise with plie squats. Let's say so. I squatted the prescribed 20-25 repetitions, lay down - and performed the abductions (30 times on both sides). I got up, rested, shook my legs - and started the second superset (and then, if you can, the third).

Fat deposits in problem areas are often so stubborn that they cannot be removed with ordinary exercises. But do not despair: you need muscle stress!

Muscular stress is an unusual load for the muscles. For example, you sit a lot at work, and if you start walking or doing exercises in the middle of the working day, such a sharp change in load will stress your muscles. Or you are used to walking a lot, then skating or dumbbell exercises will become stressful for you.

Statics and dynamics

In recent years, the so-called static-dynamic load has been recognized as the most effective stress for muscles. It is a workout with light weights, but at the same time you need to forcefully strain the muscles more than the weights require, and not relax them. Each exercise is done 3-4 times for 30-90 seconds, between them rest for 30 seconds. During rest, the muscles can be relaxed. If you are an advanced athlete or want to enhance the effect, you can do the exercise without rest for 1-3 minutes. The main thing is to perform the movements correctly, without giving yourself indulgences. Then, with minimal time spent (30 minutes per workout), the result will be the same as from one and a half hours in the gym.

Statodynamic stress for the muscles forces the body to increase metabolism and seek energy from hard-to-reach sources. Therefore, not only subcutaneous fat is burned, but also deeper, located inside the abdominal cavity and muscles.

Food won't hurt

A peculiar training dictates an unusual approach to nutrition. 2-3 hours before class, you can eat almost anything except fatty and fried foods: chocolate, cakes, jam will give you the energy you need to do the exercises. But after class, try to “refuel” for 2-3 hours with something completely low-calorie, for example, vegetables without mayonnaise and oil, boiled chicken without skin, low-fat cottage cheese.

After training, the muscles continue to burn fat for another 6-8 hours. Do not interrupt this healthy activity with a serving of fat and starch! But unsweetened tea or mineral water without gas, drink as much as you like.

Outer thigh (breeches)

Get down on the rug on your right side, the right leg is bent at the knee and lies on the floor, the right arm is bent at the elbow and stands on the floor, the head is on the right hand. Straighten your left leg, stretch your toe and lift it parallel to the floor. As you exhale, slowly raise your left leg to the point where you feel the maximum tension in the thigh muscles. In this position, swing your leg up and down with an amplitude of 5-10 cm.


Riding breeches plus buttocks

The exercise is similar to the previous one. However, before lifting the leg, one should lean forward slightly, placing the left hand in front of the chest on the floor and leaning slightly on it. The leg will not rise strictly up, but slightly back, the foot will look at the floor.

Fulfillexercise3-4 times for 30-90 seconds, then switch sides.

Inner thigh

Lower yourself to the floor, as in the previous exercise, resting your right elbow on the floor and resting your head on your right hand. Bend your left leg at the knee and place it on the floor. Bring your right leg forward, straighten it, pull the toe towards you and try to turn the heel slightly up. As you exhale, slowly lift your straight right leg up to about the level of the knee of the bent leg. Feeling the maximum tension of the muscles of the inner surface of the thigh, swing your leg up and down with an amplitude of 5-10 cm.

Perform the exercise 3-4 times for 30-90 seconds, then switch sides.

Inner thigh plus groin

The exercise is done like the previous one, only the working leg does not move up and down, but describes the heel in a circular motion clockwise. For convenience, it can be slightly bent and unbent at the knee.


Get on your elbows and one knee. Bend your free leg at the knee at an angle of 90 °, while pulling the toe towards you, and place your thigh approximately parallel to the floor. As you exhale, slowly lift that leg up, pointing your heel toward the ceiling. Feeling the maximum tension of the buttocks (the heel is directed to the ceiling) and the muscles of the inner surface of the thigh, swing your leg up and down with an amplitude of 5-10 cm.

Perform the exercise 3-4 times for 30-90 seconds, then change your leg.

Buttocks plus hamstrings

The exercise is performed similarly to the previous one, however, at the top point, the leg does not sway up and down, but bends and unbends at the knee. The toe is pulled over, the amplitude of the heel movement is 10-20 cm.

Back and arms

For this exercise, you can take small dumbbells. Lie on your stomach, spread your arms to the sides and bend them at an angle of 90 °. Raise your head, hands off the floor, keeping your forearms roughly parallel to the floor. At the same time, do not throw your head back, from the face to the floor should be 10-15 cm. Keeping your hands on weight, move them back and forth with an amplitude of 10-15 cm, the movements are similar to breaststroke swimming.

Perform the exercise 3-4 times for 30-90 seconds.


Lying on your back, put your hands behind your head. Bend your knees, spread your feet hip-width apart. Bring your legs, pelvis and tailbone towards you, as if lifting them off the floor (you don’t need to tear off your feet, but the sensations in the muscles should be as if you are about to lift your hips due to your stomach). As you exhale, raise your head, shoulders and preferably the shoulder blades from the floor, while inhaling, lower them.

Perform the exercise 3-4 times.

Problem area exercises are performed in order to tighten muscles and get rid of sagging skin in areas of the body that women are most concerned about: the buttocks, upper, middle and lower thighs, abdomen, as well as arms and legs. Performing a similar workout for problem areas for just seven minutes daily, you can pull up perfectly.

Benefits of Aerobics for Problem Areas

And do not do gymnastics for problem areas in rooms where it is too hot and humid.

The main thing is to stop in time. Here are eight contraindications for which you should stop exercising immediately and consult a doctor:

  • Severe shortness of breath.
  • Muscle spasms.
  • Cough.
  • Chest pain.
  • Wheezing.
  • Congested chest.
  • Dizziness.
  • Excessive sweating.

Shaping rules for problem areas

Even if you have no medical contraindications to training, while doing it, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • while doing the exercise, never hold your breath;
  • if you feel pain in any part of the body, immediately stop exercising;
  • exercise only in a well-ventilated or ventilated room;
  • do not exercise after eating;
  • keep ready;
  • dress for training so that your skin can breathe. In no case do not wear synthetic, rubberized clothing.

Also, when shaping problem areas, follow the following rules.

  • You need to do it every day (if you missed it, don't worry, just try to do at least four times a week).
  • Do seven minutes without pauses (you can’t interrupt for a second, you can’t even answer the phone or open the door).
  • Do not count how many times you did the exercise. Just keep track of the time, the amount doesn't matter: let your body tell you how much to exercise. As soon as you get tired, move on to the next exercise, just make sure that all three exercises are done in seven minutes of classes.
  • You can practice at any time convenient for you.
  • You can not exercise after eating.
  • You can not eat 40 minutes after class.
  • But you can and should drink water (and not juice, energy drink, etc.).

Do seven minutes without any, even second, breaks, do three exercises of one group, not counting the number of times, paying attention solely to time. If you want to tidy up the whole body, and not just one part of it, alternate groups of exercises, for example, train today and buttocks tomorrow.

How to lose weight in problem areas: fitness for the buttocks, thighs, legs, arms and abdomen

Exercises for the buttocks

  • Get on your knees. The arms are straight, palms and toes rest on the floor.
  • Take the right leg bent at the knee back and up. The back should remain straight.
  • Raise your leg so that your thigh is parallel to the floor. The heel should look up, the foot is relaxed. Repeat until exhaustion, then switch legs.

Errors: do not arch your back or raise your leg too high. At the highest point, the thigh should be parallel to the floor.

  • Lie on your stomach, stretch your legs, cross your arms and rest your chin on them.
  • Slowly raise your straight left leg about 10 cm. The pelvis should not come off the floor.
  • Change your leg. Do the exercise to the point of exhaustion.

Errors: do not raise your legs too high, the pelvis should not come off the floor.

  • Lie on your back, bend your knees, stretch your arms along the body, rest your feet and palms on the floor.
  • Lift your pelvis and lower back off the floor and lift it up to its maximum height. Tighten and relax the pelvic muscles, slowly return to the starting position. Raising the pelvis, rest your feet on the floor more strongly.

Upper thigh exercises

  • Lie on your left side, bring your legs together and bend at the knees. The thighs should be in line with the body, the legs should be laid back. Put your right hand behind your head, grab your right side with your left.
  • Raise your legs together and your upper back at the same time. Relax and return to the starting position.
  • Sit on the floor against the wall, rest your back on it, stretch your right leg in front of you, turning your foot outward, bend your left at the knee.
  • Lift your right leg off the floor and lift it about 10 cm.
  • Slowly twist your right foot outward, feeling the tension in the thigh muscles, and return to the starting position. Repeat until exhaustion, then switch legs.

Errors: the pelvis should be pressed against the wall, and the leg should not be raised higher than 10 cm.

  • Lie on the floor on your left side, stretch your legs. Support your head with your left hand, rest your right hand on the floor in front of you. Raise your straight right leg.
  • Take your right (upper) leg slightly forward.
  • Rotate your right foot as shown in the illustration.
  • Having completely described the circle with your right foot, return to the starting position. Repeat until exhaustion, then switch legs. This exercise can be performed slowly, but it is better to describe clear, fast circles with your foot.

Exercises for the middle and lower thighs

  • Get on your knees. Cross your arms bent at the elbows in front of you. Tighten your abdominal muscles.
  • Keeping your back straight, lean back as far as you can.
  • Tighten your muscles and return to the starting position.
  • Spread your legs, turn your toes, put your hands on your belt.
  • Keeping your back straight, slowly squat down. Move your hands to your hips.
  • Squat down until your thighs are almost parallel to the floor. Relax slowly and return to the starting position.

Errors: don't squat too deep. At the lowest point, the thighs should be parallel to the floor.

  • Lie on the floor on your left side, bring your legs together and stretch along the body. Support your head with your left hand, rest your right hand on the floor in front of you.
  • Slowly raise your right (upper) leg.
  • Tighten your thigh muscles, hold, then return your leg to its original position. Repeat until exhaustion, then switch legs.

Errors: don't lift your leg too high.

Hand exercises

  • Rest your left hand on the back of a chair, put your left foot forward, put your right foot back. Lean forward a little. Squeeze your right hand into a fist and bend it at the elbow, pressing it to the body.
  • Take your right arm back and up so that your shoulder is parallel to the floor.
  • Pull your forearm back, straightening your arm and turning your palm up. Tighten your arm muscles, then return to the starting position.

Errors: don't bend. During the exercise, your back should be fixed in relation to the floor at an angle of approximately 45 degrees.

  • Stand in front of the wall at a distance of about 50 cm. Rest against it with straight arms at shoulder level.
  • Rest your toes on the floor, slowly lean towards the wall. The back should be straight. Make sure your elbows do not flare out to the sides.
  • Stop when your face is about 10 cm from the wall and return to the starting position.

Errors: make sure that the elbows do not diverge to the sides.

  • Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, clench your hands into fists, bend your elbows and raise your forearms so that they are parallel to the floor, and your elbows are pressed to your body.
  • Raise your arms bent at the elbows in front of you so that your shoulders are parallel to the floor, and your fists are turned palms forward.
  • Straighten your arms, raising them above your head. Quickly return to the starting position.

Errors: hands should be raised directly above the head, and not in front of you.

Exercises for the abdomen

  • Lie on your back, bend your knees. Bend your elbows, clench your hands into fists. Press your hands to your chest.
  • Lift your upper body off the floor and lift it up about 5-10 cm.
  • Rotate your torso to the left.
  • Rotate your torso to the right. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise until exhaustion.


  • Lie on your back, put your hands behind your head, bend your right leg at the knee, keep your left straight leg suspended above the floor.
  • Pull your right knee towards your chest as shown in the illustration.
  • Straighten your right leg, bend your left knee and pull it towards your chest. Repeat the exercise until exhaustion.

Errors: don't raise your legs too high up. One leg should be extended above the floor.

Tilts to the side

  • Spread your legs slightly wider than your shoulders. Tighten your buttocks, clench your hands into fists. Raise your right hand above your head, put your left hand on your belt.
  • Leaning to the left, stretch your right hand up to the left. Bring your left hand to the right side of your body
  • Lean to the right, changing hands. Repeat the exercise until exhaustion.

Errors: you have to reach with both hands. Don't lower your bottom hand.

The video "Fitness for problem areas" will help you better understand how the exercises are performed:

Greetings, dear girls! Today I decided to dedicate this article to girls with a pear or, as it is also called, an hourglass figure. If you consider yourself to be this type of girl and do not know how to build your training process in order to get rid of problem areas, then this article will help you figure it out. I will give examples of several training programs for weight loss, both at home and in the gym, as well as give recommendations and tips that will help you in the future to compose yourself training programs taking into account the "sand" personality in your figure.

The hourglass figure type is the most desirable type of female figure, and it is such, both for the girls themselves and for the male half of the population. The fact is that this type of figure is distinguished by very feminine lines and forms inherent in its owner. To better understand what I'm talking about, let's look at the main features of this type using a specific example. (image is clickable).

- narrow and graceful waist;

- wide hips;

- lush chest;

- good predisposition to gain muscle mass.

Problem areas of girls with an hourglass figure type

Girls with an hourglass figure type can boast of a normal rate of fat loss and a set of muscle mass, but at the same time they also have their own drawbacks that appear in problem areas:

When the “sand” beauty gets better, then first of all she gets better in the hips, and nasty “pop ears” immediately appear. About that, I shot more than one video and even wrote an article on this topic. You can take a look at them if you wish.

Also among the shortcomings of the sandy type of figure is that, as soon as the girl recovers, she very quickly loses her former triceps muscle tone, which begins to sag a little. Right now, summer is approaching, and if “popin ears” can be hidden under a long, light skirt, then the hands are almost always in sight, and the girl’s sagging triceps is not such an attractive picture, as for me ...

Even in such girls, the chest recovers almost instantly, but I would most likely attribute this feature to the merits of our type of figure, rather than to the shortcomings (at least some positive moment in this whole disgrace).

The waist practically does not suffer, and in general the main plus of this type of figure is, without a doubt, a narrow waist. Its ratio is approximately 70-75% of the hip circumference. When a girl gains extra pounds, then in centimeters the waist becomes, of course, larger, but visually, against the background of the hips and chest, it remains just as thin and graceful, which makes such girls sexier compared to other types of figures (apple and rectangle).

To correctly compose weight loss workout program for girls with an hourglass figure type, you need to take into account all of the above features and pay sufficient attention to problem areas, correctly placing accents.

How to train girls with an hourglass body type?

- the number of repetitions for the lower body should be in the range of 15-30 repetitions; to the top - 12-20 repetitions.

- use the principles of supersets, dropsets and in your training.

- if possible, do or do 2-3 times a week.

- work out the lower body (legs and buttocks) 2-3 times a week in a multi-repetition mode.

- do cardio after each strength training (3-4 times a week) for 20-35 minutes (, jumping rope, ellipse). If overweight is more than 10 kg, you can do fasting cardio within 40 minutes.

- it is enough to work out the press once, maximum twice a week, without additional weights, but with the weight of your own body. The plank exercise is well suited, and different types of twists.

Now let's move on to development. weight loss workout programs.

Workout program for weight loss at homewithout additional equipment (№1)

Workout structure:

B. Number of exercises - 6

C. Number of repetitions of each exercise - maximum repetitions in 50 seconds

D. Rest between circles - until breathing is restored (40 sec-1 minute)

F. Number of laps - 4-5


  1. Squats
  2. Jumping lunges
  3. Plank "knee-elbow"
  4. Reverse chair push-ups
  5. Cross lunges back (first with the right foot for 50 seconds, then with the left)
  6. Exercise "bike"

At the end of the whole workout (at the end of 4-5 circles) do cardio for 20 minutes. This can be either running, or, or any other cardio.

Workout program for weight loss at home with dumbbells (No. 2)

A. Type - full body circuit training

B. Number of exercises - 7

C. The number of repetitions of each exercise - 15-20

D. Rest between rounds - 1 minute

E. No rest between exercises

F. Number of laps - 4


  1. Dumbbell press up
  2. Squat jump
  3. Extension of the arms from behind the head
  4. Squat + leg swing to the side (first with the right we do 15-20 times, then with the left)
  5. rock climber
  6. 180 degree jump
  7. Plank "legs together-separated"

At the end of the entire workout (after 4 laps) do cardio for 20 minutes. This can be either running, or jumping rope, or any other cardio.

The training program for weight loss in the gym on the lower body (No. 3)

A. Type - classic

B. Number of exercises - 6

C. Number of repetitions - 15-20

D. Number of approaches - 4


  1. Hyperextension with a round back
  2. Plie squats on the steps with dumbbells
  3. Wide stance leg press
  4. Deadlift with dumbbells
  5. Superset: Leg Raise + Leg Raise

At the end of the workout, do light cardio on the ellipse for 20 minutes.

The program of training for weight loss in the gym on the upper body (№4)

A. Type - superset training*

B. Number of exercises - 6 (3 supersets)

C. Number of repetitions - 15

D. Number of approaches - 4

E. Rest between sets - 40 sec-1 minute

*Superset These are two exercises with no rest between them. You did the first exercise n-th number of times and immediately do the second.


  1. Superset: Vertical row to the chest + extension of the arms in the simulator
  2. Superset: Horizontal pull to the belt + extension of the arms from behind the head
  3. Superset: Bent Over Row + Reverse Bench Press

At the end of the workout, do interval cardio for 20-25 minutes.

These were the main points regarding training that I wanted to talk about. girls with hourglass body type. If you are one of them, then I really hope that these recommendations and weight loss workout programs will help you to correctly adjust your figure and achieve those desired proportions of your body that you dream about!

Sincerely yours, Yaneliya Skripnik!

P.S. And don't forget about food! Training is training, but no one has canceled proper nutrition =)