Causes, treatment at home, photos. Acne vulgaris (acne, acne, acne, acne-like rashes, juvenile acne)


What are acne?

Pimples, or acne vulgaris as they are also called, are an unpleasant disease that affects approximately 80% of young people from 14 to 30 years old. Acne is a disease of the sebaceous glands. Acne (blackheads) are inflamed nodules that can “pop up” on the skin of the face, chest, neck and back. The occurrence of acne can be caused by both internal and external factors. Inflamed nodules are painful and cause discomfort to adolescents, as they spoil the appearance of the skin. The disease is very common; however, only 20% of patients consult a doctor; For the rest, acne vulgaris occurs in a mild form and is often considered a physiological condition. The peak of the disease falls during puberty (14-16 years of age, slightly earlier in girls than in boys, which is explained by the earlier onset of puberty in women); rashes continue, as a rule, until 20-25 years.

What is the connection between puberty and acne?

During puberty, our body begins to produce a huge amount of sex hormones. These hormones increase the activity of the sebaceous glands, which have the ability to clog pores, resulting in comedones (plugs). Due to the presence of comedones, sebum simply does not have the opportunity to be released onto the surface of the skin; sebum production continues at the same time. As a result of these processes, bacteria that are very viable begin to develop in the clogged follicle. They provoke the process of inflammation, and it happens that the follicle ruptures. Leukocytes begin to fight inflammation, which simultaneously destroy bacteria and die themselves. The result is the appearance of pus.

What are the main causes of acne?

  • Poor nutrition, gastrointestinal diseases a common cause of acne;
  • Stress can increase the severity of the course and cause new acne. In turn, acne itself causes stress, and squeezing it out worsens a person’s appearance. Surveys of a large number of acne patients have shown that many of them experience a feeling of shame; embarrassment and anxiety; uncertainty; deterioration of social contacts and have significant problems finding a job. Severe acne can cause anger and anxiety;
  • Premenstrual exacerbations. About 70% of women note an exacerbation of inflammatory phenomena 2-7 days before menstruation. It is possible that this is due to changes in the hydration of the follicular epithelium in the premenstrual period. Progesterone and estrogens have a pro-inflammatory effect on acne vulgaris;
  • Hormonal changes, diseases associated with the endocrine system, as well as changes associated with age may cause acne. Androgenic hormones play a role in the development of acne vulgaris, especially in middle-aged women with treatment-resistant acne. The activity of the sebaceous glands is primarily regulated by androgenic hormones of gonadal or adrenal origin. Dihydrotestosterone is a potent androgen that may play an important role in the development of acne. Dehydroepiandrosterone and androstenedione, low-potency androgens produced in the adrenal glands, are converted into more potent testosterone and dihydrotestosterone under the action of enzymes. Since the importance of hormones in the development of acne has been proven, the sudden appearance of acne in an adult should be a reason to examine the patient for hidden diseases of the pituitary-genital or pituitary-adrenal system. Indications for endocrinological examination of women suffering from acne vulgaris may include: sudden appearance of severe acne in adult women; resistance of acne to conventional therapy, especially if women have hirsutism; menstrual irregularities; signs of hyperandrogenism; a very sharp exacerbation of the process a short time after the start of isotretinoin therapy.
  • Sweating. 15% of patients noted the negative impact of humidity on the course of the disease, especially in cases where a person lives in a humid, warm environment;
  • Ultraviolet irradiation. Many patients and doctors are convinced that sunlight has a positive effect on acne. There is no scientific evidence for this. It is possible that the improvement is due to the psychological effects of tanning. Artificial ultraviolet radiation often increases the comedogenicity of sebum and causes the development of acne;
  • Professions. Cooking and steam cleansing can increase hydration of the stratum corneum of the follicles and cause acne. Working with halogenated hydrocarbons may cause chloracne;
  • Hereditary predisposition has an undoubted significance in the occurrence of acne vulgaris, the severity of its course, localization, prevalence and sensitivity to therapy. According to German dermatologists, 45% of schoolchildren with acne vulgaris had one or both parents who also had acne, while acne vulgaris was observed in only 8% of schoolchildren whose parents did not have acne. A hereditary predisposition to the appearance of acne vulgaris has also been confirmed by genetic studies on twins.
  • Smoking negatively affects the progression of acne.

What types of acne are there?

Acne comes in different forms and manifests itself in different ways:

  1. Blackheads consist of hard horny scales that impede the access of sebum. The outer part of the cork fills with dust and becomes brown or dark. Acne usually appears on the nose, forehead and chin, as well as on the back and chest.
  2. Whiteheads (millet acne) are pinpoint nodules comparable in size to grains, occurring due to stretching of the gland and sebum retention. They are usually located on the cheekbones and eyelid area. Such acne occurs one at a time or in groups.
  3. Acne vulgaris (ordinary) appears as a result of constant inflammation of the sebaceous glands. They usually form in adolescents during puberty. The condition of the skin worsens due to poor hygiene and abuse of unhealthy foods.
  4. Pustular acne with a purulent cap is usually red in color and appears as a result of damage to the epidermis and the release of harmful organisms to the outside. The main reason for the formation of pustules is squeezing out acne.
  5. Phlegmonous acne is a tumor. They are formed as a result of damage to a large number of sebaceous glands. Phlegmonous acne grows together and turns into abscesses or ulcers. At the site of their opening, scars form.
  6. Conglobate acne is round in shape and is connected by a staphylococcal bacillus. This is the most dangerous acne, affecting the side of the cheeks, back, and neck. This disease stimulates the formation of nodes, which consist of individual bulges. After healing, a scar remains in their place.
  7. Drug acne appears as a result of the use of various drugs that cause allergies. They form on the body in the form of red spots or ulcers. Sometimes pimples appear in intimate places.

Should you get tested if you have acne?

An experienced dermatologist can determine the type of acne with a superficial examination. If necessary, you should be tested for bacterial flora. A complete and proper examination will help identify the underlying cause of acne. Recommended examination methods for patients suffering from seborrhea and acne vulgaris, if hormonal disorders are suspected (including: resistance to therapy, irregular menstruation, severe hirsutism, signs of female alopecia) include: testosterone; dehydroepiandrosterone; sex hormone binding globulin; prolactin; follicular/lutein-stimulating hormone ratio; exclusion of polycystic ovary syndrome (if necessary); in men and women with treatment-resistant acne vulgaris, determination of cortisol and 17-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone levels at 9 a.m. to exclude late-onset congenital adrenal hyperplasia; swabs from the mucous membrane of the mouth and skin to exclude gram-negative folliculitis.

What is the treatment for acne vulgaris?

Start by filling out an individual acne treatment card to see the dynamics. Treatment depends on the severity of the acne. For some patients, it is enough to adjust their diet, select appropriate skin care using medicinal cosmetics and prescribe external anti-acne agents; and some have to undergo a serious course of treatment with systemic medications:

  • Diet: low in fats, carbohydrates;
  • Antibiotics;
  • Antiandrogen drugs – suppressing excessive production of male sex hormone;
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • Antihistamines;
  • Multivitamins;
  • Autohemotherapy, immunostimulating therapy;
  • Local treatment.

They are very effective retinoic acid preparations, used in external treatment of acne. At the end of the last century, it was discovered that one of the representatives of this group, isotretinoin, has a particularly active effect on the sebaceous glands, providing several therapeutic effects at once. Firstly, the functional activity of the sebaceous glands decreases, and therefore the amount of sebum produced. Secondly, the number of comedones on the face is significantly reduced. Moreover, isotretinoin prevents their subsequent appearance. Unfortunately, this miracle retinoid does not act on the acne causative agent itself - Propionibacterium acnes. Antibiotics were previously used for this purpose (mainly topical erythromycin), which gives an excellent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, eliminating the “skin troublemaker.” A division of GlaxoSmithKline, it produces a combination drug for the treatment of acne - Isotrexin gel. Foreign and Russian clinical studies have proven that the combined composition (erythromycin + isotretinoin) is significantly more effective than monotherapy with individual components. Another undoubted advantage of Isotrexin: the drug begins to work quickly, after the first days of use. However, to achieve a pronounced effect, you should remember the need for regular and continuous use, which may take 6–8 months. Isotrexin should be applied twice daily to the affected areas. The gel is quickly absorbed into the skin and leaves no residue, making it suitable for use under makeup. The gel is well tolerated by patients - more than 80% did not report any discomfort from its use. If the skin turns out to be too sensitive, the use of the gel can be postponed for a couple of days and resumed again when the irritation subsides. In most cases, the skin reaction is not severe and does not require discontinuation of treatment. Additionally, you can apply professional hypoallergenic creams that moisturize the skin and eliminate dryness (for example, Physiogel cream). In addition to it, for complete skin care, it is recommended to use special hypoallergenic cleansers - for example, Physiogel Cleanser. It can be used without water so as not to dry out the skin. An important fact confirming the effectiveness of such comprehensive care for problem skin is that in 2010, the Russian Society of Dermatovenerologists (RODV) included Isotrexin and Physiogel line products in modern clinical recommendations for the treatment of patients with acne.

  1. When using mesotherapy, reflexology sessions are used; to improve trophism and microcirculation, paravertebral zones and biologically active points are injected with cocktails of antioxidants, microelements, vitamins, and biostimulants. The last stage is carrying out a mesointerface throughout the entire acne distribution zone using the classical technique.
  2. Physiotherapy is aimed at normalizing the function of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolism, for long-term local tissue hyperthermia and resorption of infiltrates. The following physical treatment methods are used:
    • Light and laser therapy. Blue light has a detrimental effect on P. acnes protoporphyrins, leading to the release of oxygen and the death of anaerobic bacteria. There are also reports of the effectiveness of laser therapy for acne vulgaris;
    • Zinc electrophoresis or diadynamo-electrophoresis of ronidase or iodine on the affected area, iodine electrophoresis on the affected area;
    • Mud applications, paraffin applications;
    • Darsenvalization;
    • Ozone therapy, intravenous laser irradiation of blood;
    • Chemical peeling;
    • Cryotherapy and injection of triamcinolone into the lesions for keloid scars;

What is the treatment for acne with folk remedies? How can you cure acne at home?

Among the folk remedies for treating acne on the face at home:

  • Viburnum common. A napkin moistened with juice from viburnum fruits is lightly wrung out and applied to the face for 5-7 minutes with breaks of 10 minutes two or three times in a row. Then the skin on the face is lubricated with a nourishing cream. The course of treatment consists of 7-10 procedures daily, and then 7-10 procedures every other day. It is difficult to obtain enough viburnum juice for a mask. Therefore, you can lubricate your face with a mixture of nourishing cream for oily skin with viburnum berry juice. The juice should be added gradually, in small portions until the creamy consistency is maintained. The procedures are done daily or every other day for 30-40 minutes for 3-4 weeks.
  • Marigolds (calendula). For applications, take a tablespoon of calendula tincture in half a glass of water. The duration of the procedure is half an hour. The napkin with the solution is changed every 10 minutes. During the first half of the course, procedures are done daily, in the second half every other day. A total of 20-25 applications are carried out. It is preferable to use a warm infusion of calendula.
  • Walnut. One part of fresh walnut leaves is infused with 10 parts of vodka. From the resulting tincture, applications are made the same as with calendula tincture.
  • Propolis. Acne rashes on the skin of the face are lubricated with 20% alcohol tincture of propolis daily at night, and in the morning the remaining propolis is removed with lotion for oily skin or vodka. If necessary, the duration of the procedure is reduced to an hour. Course – at least 30 procedures. Simultaneously with external use, it is useful to use the same tincture internally, 20-25 drops three times a day or 30-35 drops twice a day in a small amount of milk or warm water. The duration of treatment is at least a month.
  • Pharmaceutical camomile. Napkins soaked in a warm infusion of chamomile flowers and slightly wrung out are applied to the face five to six times every five minutes. The course of treatment is 20-25 procedures, of which 10-12 are daily, and the rest every other day. The infusion is made at the rate of one part chamomile flowers to 10 parts water.
  • Sage. An infusion of sage leaves (one part to 20 parts water) is used using the same method. For patients with chronic acne, cucumber lotion can be recommended for long-term use: combine it with 100 grams of vodka, leave for 8-10 days in a container with a tight-fitting stopper, filter through gauze, and store in the refrigerator for up to six months.
  • Advice one. You can't sunbathe. We often hear that in the sun, acne on the chin and body disappears on its own. Sometimes this really happens, but everything is not as simple as it seems. Sun exposure causes increased sebum production, which is undesirable. For example, the best way to get rid of acne on the back and face is to treat with retinoids. If you can't avoid going to the beach, consult your doctor about choosing moisturizing sunscreens. Use non-comedogenic products with an SPF factor of at least 30 throughout the summer.
  • Tip two. You can't wash your face often. Of course, no one is calling for uncleanliness, but the appearance of acne on the face has nothing to do with sterility. But excessively frequent washing guarantees drying of the skin, which reduces its resistance to infection. You should wash your face only twice a day, but your hands, as a possible source of infection that can cause acne on the chin, should really be washed more often.
  • Tip three. You can't squeeze it out. Despite all the warnings from dermatologists, the number of people who want to squeeze acne on the body is not decreasing. This is strictly forbidden, since any attempt to squeeze out acne on the face causes the infection to penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis and dermis, aggravating the inflammation. In addition, infection is transmitted to non-inflamed elements of acne, initiating new lesions.
  • Tip four. Do not use alcohol products. Alcohol products are intended only for spot treatment, and with prolonged exposure, necrosis of the epidermis occurs.
  • Tip five. The most important. You cannot let the disease take its course; acne is not just pimples on the face or body, but a serious illness. The sooner you contact a dermatologist, the faster the result will be achieved. A dermatologist will evaluate the condition of your skin and prescribe treatment depending on the stage of acne.

The material was prepared by Akimov’s dermatologist and physiotherapist Oleg Viktorovich together with GlaxoSmithKline.

Representatives of both sexes equally suffer from such an unpleasant phenomenon as acne. More often than others, the problem plagues teenagers, worsening their appearance, affecting their mood, and causing stiffness.

Any type of rash on the body is not just an age-related nuisance, but a dermatological disease. The disease requires treatment, but first, it’s worth understanding what acne vulgaris is. They are considered one of the most severe types and are often mistaken for regular acne.

In Latin, the disease is called Acne vulgaris, and is a chronic disease of the human skin, most often at the stage of puberty (puberty). Almost all the skin is covered with barely noticeable hair, although in some places it is clearly visible. Under the skin there is a network of sebaceous glands, it is called subcutaneous fat. It contains hair sacs (follicles), in which the hair shaft is formed, extending to the surface of the epidermis (upper layer of skin).

When the functioning of the glands is disrupted, their ducts become clogged, sebum accumulates and the follicles harden, which leads to purulent inflammation, which provokes the appearance of a skin disorder. In addition, the following aspects are called the causes of inflammatory disease of the epidermis:

  • Fat imbalance due to hormonal changes
  • hereditary predisposition to acne
  • genetically determined pathologies of the endocrine system
  • instability of psychological or emotional state, stress
  • gynecological and androgenic disorders

In fact, there are many more reasons. During adolescence, pimples become the result of thickening of the secretion produced by the sebaceous glands. Thick sebum clogs the ducts, forming plugs that form the heads of acne vulgaris. In this case, the pores on the surface of the skin become clogged with a dead layer of epithelium.

If a teenager’s body, weakened by the process of maturation, is subjected to a bacterial attack, Acne vulgaris appears, the symptoms of which differ in appearance and degree of inflammation.

Non-inflammatory acne

Inflammatory rash

The addition of a bacterial infection to existing comedones gives rise to the inflammatory process. In this case, acne vulgaris becomes an inflamed formation that has different names.

PapulesTheir appearance is associated with the production of fatty acids at the site of inflammation, which leads to irritation of the follicle wall. This is a superficial inflammation
PustulesAppear when a bacterial infection is associated with papular inflammation. The result is the onset of a purulent process, especially after squeezing out the red cone-shaped dots
NodulesThe formation is formed after the integrity of the surface of the pustule is violated. Tissue rupture can be caused by mechanical damage or the release of fatty acids into the bloodstream.
Acne vulgaris
Teenagers face the problem of acne during puberty. Acne, including acne vulgaris, is considered the result of poor hygiene or poor nutrition. This results in constant inflammation of the sebaceous glands
Round acneThe appearance of spherical pimples indicates a staphylococcal infection. The disease leads to the formation of nodular bulges on the sides of the neck, as well as the back, and sometimes the cheeks. After treatment of the nodes, scars remain. Common location is the back and chest, rarely - on the head
CystsAn inflammatory reaction of the highest stage, accompanied by particularly painful acne
Lightning eelsThey arise suddenly and are characterized by merging abscesses that end in hemorrhagic necrosis. Rosacea in the center of the face, as a consequence of fulminant acne, can lead to pyoderma
Acne medicinal
This is a type of allergy to the effects of medications, the disease manifests itself as red spots or ulcers

Features of the course of the disease

Clinical manifestations are quite varied. The inflammatory process usually affects those areas of the epidermis where there are large accumulations of glands. Acne vulgaris most often occurs on the face, chest and back.

  • If at the initial stage the infiltrate looks like a small reddish nodule, then as the inflammation worsens due to the addition of bacterial infection, the pimple increases in size, and pus accumulates at its top
  • A few days later, the pustular capsule spontaneously opens and pus comes out.
  • The top of the wound becomes covered with a drying crust, after which peeling off a scar may remain

First, Acne vulgari should be differentiated from seborrheic pathologies and medicinal acne. Sometimes, due to the mild severity of the disease, it is confused with a physiological condition that accompanies age-related changes in the body. They turn to a dermatologist for help only in the most severe cases, but therapy should be undertaken for any degree of its manifestation.

With deep suppuration of the skin, when the process affects the subcutaneous fatty tissue, abscesses may begin. The disease progresses with large purulent foci formed by merging pimples. The disease turns into a type of chronic process, and comedones can become necrotic acne, leaving traces of smallpox-like scars.

Principles of treatment

The disease is treated by a dermatologist, who must prescribe an examination to determine the type of acne. To determine the cause of the development of pathology, as well as to make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to analyze the bacterial flora, study the hormonal map, biochemical blood tests, and ultrasound diagnostics of internal organs.

Before treating acne vulgaris, it is important to understand some rules of behavior:

  • Be sure to be examined by specialists: endocrinologist, dermatologist, gynecologist, which will help healing
  • Adjust hormonal levels so that new formations do not appear and the condition stabilizes
  • Undergo a gentle cleansing procedure for the epidermis in a cosmetology clinic
  • Take medications prescribed by a specialist, use cosmetic complexes and medications
  • Balance your daily diet, consume a minimum of sugar, replacing complex carbohydrates with plant fiber, and avoiding carcinogenic foods

It is dangerous to remove any skin rash on your own. The method of getting rid of comedones of any type depends on the severity of the disease. The main goal of therapy is to reduce sebum production in order to slow down the spread of infection.

Treatment of acne vulgaris

The pharmacy chain offers a wide selection of anti-acne products, but not every drug will alleviate the condition in each specific case. It is better to entrust the treatment to a specialist dermatologist or cosmetologist. The doctor, depending on the severity of the disease, prescribes external skin care methods together with internal medications for a complicated form of the disease.

  1. The retinoid group includes drugs derived from vitamin A. The use of retinoic acid stops hyperkeratosis of the follicles, preventing the formation of plugs in the skin pores. Remedies that reduce the manifestations of infection are produced in the form of gels, lotions, and creams.
  2. Preparations containing azelaic acid demonstrate an antibacterial effect and help exfoliate dead epidermal cells. When prescribing creams and gels with azelaic acid that relieve irritation, they are guided by skin type.
  3. Medicines based on salicylic acid of various concentrations are also intended for external use. But the effect of salicylic acid on the affected skin results in redness and peeling of the skin, and pigment spots may appear

If you have hormonal disorders, you cannot do without birth control pills; they are prescribed to women with severe inflammation of acne before menstruation. External skin cleansing is performed with milk, foam, and gel.

If the cause of acne vulgaris is a certain pathology, it is treated according to a regimen prescribed by a specialist in the appropriate profile.

Connecting antibiotics

Treatment with antibiotics is not always advisable, since the cause of acne vulgaris is not necessarily due to infection. During local therapy, antibacterial drugs are, if necessary, combined with retinoids, as well as benzene peroxide, which has an anti-inflammatory and exfoliating effect.

In case of severe infection, the antibiotic is prescribed for oral administration in short courses, so as not to provoke an imbalance in the intestinal microflora.

Treatment for severe acne vulgaris?

If the problem worsens, medications containing the drug substance isotretinoin are prescribed. The products are intended for both external and internal use. This is the most effective medicine, since the substance blocks bacterial infection, effectively relieves the inflammatory reaction, and prevents the production of sebum. Self-medication with the medication is unacceptable; it has a number of contraindications, so medical supervision is necessary.
Squeezing pimples, as well as mechanical (at-home) facial cleansing are strictly prohibited in case of complicated acne problems. Violation of the integrity of the epidermis when squeezing out the comedones leads to the spread of infection with subsequent suppuration.

The result of rupture of the membrane of the sac with fat and the entry of fat into the soft tissues is the spread of the purulent process through the deep layers of the dermis

What are you allowed to use?

To treat acne vulgaris, you can use lotions and mash made from decoctions of anti-inflammatory herbs in consultation with your doctor. It is allowed to make masks and compresses with the addition of aloe juice, infusions of marshmallow or celandine root, honey, ammonia, but they should be applied carefully. It is important to remember that herbal medicine techniques are effective only at the initial stage of the problem.

It is not prohibited to take physical procedures; if the doctor prescribes regular cleaning of the epidermis, then it should be entrusted to a professional cosmetologist. In the case of severe acne, the help of cosmetic procedures is not excluded - methods of laser therapy, chemical peeling, mesotherapy, reflexology.

An important role is played by nutrition, including products that stabilize intestinal function, which improves skin condition. The diet should be enriched with cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits, not forgetting fermented milk products and wholemeal bread products. It is better to avoid meat, eggs, salt, and sugar so that the appearance and internal state of the body do not cause problems.

The problem of acne often affects teenagers. In this article we will look at photos of different types of acne, the causes of their appearance and treatment.

Acne, pimples, acne - all this is the result of improper functioning of the sebaceous glands. They occur in adolescence during puberty, as well as in adulthood. Most often, acne occurs on the face, chest or back.

Acne can appear as small nodules (papules) or pustules (pustules). If you do not fight them, inflammation occurs again and again, then turns into permanent, persistent rashes and can even remain throughout life, causing a person to suffer and developing complexes.

Acne can be classified

  • Ordinary– this is a mild degree of the disease, isolated acne is observed, mainly comedones. Inflammations and pustules may be isolated. Treatment does not require much time and can be done at home.
  • Comedonal– a moderate degree of the disease, when a noticeable number of comedones, both open and closed, appear on the skin. They contain sebum. Blackheads are open comedones, they got their name due to the interaction of subcutaneous fat with air and darkening (rancidity), as well as dirt and dust getting into the pores, darkening. Whiteheads are closed comedones, inside which fat accumulates and is not oxidized by air.

  • Papulopustular– the average degree of the disease, there can be up to 40 rashes, and a papule, that is, a nodule, appears on the skin. The hair follicles become damaged, bacteria penetrate there and pustules appear, otherwise known as pustules. You should not squeeze such acne yourself, otherwise you can get an infection. Treatment can only be carried out by a specialist.

  • Nodular-cystic- a rather severe form of acne, which is characterized by comedones, papules and pustules. All these formations can combine with each other and form cysts and painful nodes.

Types of acne on the face: vulgar, pink, steroid

Inflammation in the sebaceous gland, which leads to its blockage, can have different origins and be of different types:

  • Rosacea or rosacea. Most common in people 30 years of age and older. With rosacea, the blood vessels dilate, papules may appear, and these, in turn, become pustules. Women are most often affected. Signs of rosacea: the forehead, nose, as well as the chin and cheeks become very red; in rarer cases, the back and chest may be affected. Most often they begin with ordinary redness of the skin, then turn into rashes, and later the skin becomes denser in places of inflammation, blood vessels dilate, dryness and prickly feeling are noted, it seems that there is sand in the eyes, they turn red and watery. It is very important not to harm the skin further, that is, not to expose it to excessive hypothermia or harmful exposure to the sun.

  • Steroid acne. Most often, their occurrence is associated with taking various types of hormonal drugs. They do not cause any significant harmful effects, but only worsen the appearance of the skin. When the medication is discontinued, acne goes away on its own. However, if a person requires treatment with hormonal drugs, this can become a problem. Such acne is characterized by small red rashes with pustules. If a person takes hormonal drugs orally, the whole body can be affected. If ointment is used, only a certain area will be affected. A distinctive feature is severe itching and burning.

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Acne treatment - ointments

Acne must be treated.

Let's consider the most popular means:

  1. Aven. Produced in France, it was created specifically for the treatment of adult acne caused by hormonal imbalance. The product is also suitable for dry skin. The effect of the ointment is to relieve inflammation, cleanse pores of dirt and sebum, due to which the skin calms down. You need to apply the ointment 1-2 times a day, after cleansing the skin. The duration is individual.
  2. Azelik. A Russian-made ointment that has proven itself at a low price. The result can be seen after just a few hours. The convenience lies in the fact that you can apply the product shortly before going out. The ointment can be used for a long time, as it is not addictive. The medicine should be applied to inflamed areas of the skin 2 times a day, after cleansing it beforehand. If there is a noticeable improvement in the face, it is necessary to switch to a single application of the drug.
  3. Floresan. Inexpensive acne treatment. This product has an unusual smell and a not very pleasant consistency. But the remedy is quite effective. There is one more drawback: in the heat or increased sweating, the ointment will be visible. The substances included in the composition have a drying effect and remove pus. The medicine is applied for a month in the morning and evening, then a break is taken for 2 weeks. If necessary, the course is repeated. Not recommended for dry skin.
  4. Himani Boro Plus. The ointment is made in Germany, the consistency is quite greasy and has a specific smell. Just a lifesaver for excessively dry skin. It is necessary to apply to the affected areas one to three times a day. Thanks to this product, the skin is filled with vitamins and moisturized by restoring sebaceous secretion. The drug is suitable for long-term use, as well as for children, as it is not addictive.
  5. Klerasil. This product is produced in the UK. In addition to the cream, the series also includes other skin cleansing products. Klerasil is applied to cleansed skin in the morning and evening. It would be a good idea to take steam baths with herbs to soothe the skin. Recommended for combination or oily skin types. An unfavorable factor in treatment with this drug is addiction. The effect can be noticed after a week. Once a month you need to take a week's break.
  6. Zenerite. Produced in Holland, it fights acne quite effectively. This product is approved for use by adolescents during puberty, when the first changes to the skin occur. The medicine can prevent the appearance of recurrent rashes on the skin, which means complete relief from acne is possible. A course of treatment is required for 3 weeks with a break for the same period. The ointment is applied to cleansed skin pointwise. This product has an antibacterial effect and also creates a special breathable film on the skin.
  7. Ichthyol ointment. The remedy is well-known and is used for inflammation and suppuration of the skin. It has a good effect on acne, helps the ulcers to open. The smell of the ointment is quite strong, so use it only before bed. First, we cleanse the face, then apply the medicine in a thin layer. If there are a lot of rashes, then applying the ointment twice is possible. The duration of treatment should not exceed two weeks, followed by a one-month break.
  8. Klindovit. An effective remedy for acne and purulent inflammation. Treatment is carried out for no more than 10 days, due to possible addiction to the drug. This remedy is not suitable for mild acne; it is used rather in severe cases. Sometimes an allergy to the medicine may occur. Apply the product morning and evening, applying to inflammation.
  9. Retin-A. A fairly common remedy in the fight against acne, it additionally protects from the sun and prevents skin aging. Retin-A is applied once for 3-6 months, then a break of 3 months. When first used, retinoic acid may cause mild redness and irritation. Everything goes away within a week of use.
  10. Curiosin. This remedy is good because it fights both existing rashes and smoothes out scars from already healed ones. But it is not able to prevent the appearance of acne. The ointment is applied only once a day. Curiosin should be used with caution, since the drug is based on hormones and “withdrawal syndrome” is possible, so it can be applied for no more than two weeks. Recommended for any skin. Prohibited for pregnant and lactating women, as well as persons under 18 years of age.

Many people experience different types of skin rashes, some of which can be truly distressing. One of the most common rashes is acne vulgaris, which affects the majority of the population, usually during adolescence.

This type of acne can be considered a normal physiological phenomenon inherent in young age. However, in some cases, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist and begin treatment in order to avoid noticeable spread of the disease and the appearance of inflammatory processes.

Acne vulgaris: what is it?

Acne vulgaris or acne is a chronic inflammatory disease of the pilosebaceous follicles, accompanied by seborrhea, the appearance of comedones, and in more rare cases, pseudocysts and scars are formed. In ICD-10, this disease is numbered L70.

This disease is extremely common; in a quarter of those affected, acne occurs in a fairly mild form that does not require therapy. The average age when acne begins to develop is called puberty - from 14 to 16 years, sometimes earlier. Thus, acne vulgaris is most common in adolescents.

The age when acne usually begins to gradually go away is called the period of 19 – 25 years, however, there are cases when the disease, on the contrary, becomes especially active after twenty-five years. Also, the occurrence of acne, in addition to age, can be influenced by many other factors. Sometimes acne becomes a family disease when its appearance is influenced by a hereditary factor.

Important! Acne vulgaris is not a health hazard, but can be a serious cosmetic defect.

Acne vulgaris on the face is the most common type and usually affects the middle part of the face. However, acne on the neck and shoulders is also common, depending on many factors.

In particularly advanced cases, acne may be accompanied by pain inherent in the inflammatory process on the skin. However, most of the complaints from patients are about the appearance of acne-prone skin. It is also likely that after the disease disappears, marks, dimples and permanent skin pigmentation will remain.

The cosmetic consequences of acne can also be effectively combated through various cosmetic procedures and cleansing. To avoid such abundant traces of the rash, during the disease and its treatment you need to follow the rules of hygiene and the recommendations of dermatologists.


The main cause of acne vulgaris is puberty. However, it can be noted that not all adolescents develop a rash; its severity is always different. The extent of the rash depends on several factors; the main reasons for increased acne are considered to be:

  1. Heredity. According to research, most teenagers experiencing skin problems had parents who had the disease when they themselves were in puberty. Also, the severity and extent of rashes, their location and sensitivity to anti-acne drugs depend on hereditary predisposition.
  2. Seborrhea is a dysfunction of the sebaceous glands when they begin to produce sebum too actively. Often occurs in adolescence, if you start using drugs that reduce the activity of the glands, there will be a noticeable improvement in the condition of the skin.
  3. Presence of bacteria. On the surface of the skin, in the mouths of sebaceous and hair follicles, there are several types of bacteria that can influence the course of the disease. The activity of some varieties increases when acne occurs.
  4. Androgenic hormones. These hormones directly affect the occurrence of acne; the activity of the sebaceous glands is under their control, so if production is disrupted, it will be noticeable on the skin. Therefore, if acne vulgaris appears in adults who have already passed the transition period, especially in women, this should be a reason to visit a dermatologist and endocrinologist.

Important! In some cases, the occurrence of acne may indicate serious health problems.

Factors that influence the worsening of acne are also identified. By themselves, they cannot cause the disease, but if a rash is already present, the skin condition can worsen significantly:

  • stress, it has been proven that strong emotional experiences can significantly affect the condition of the skin and worsen its appearance;
  • diet, in some cases, unhealthy eating can worsen the course of the disease, some patients note improvement when switching to healthy foods;
  • the period before menstruation, some women with acne note that during this period the skin condition worsens;
  • sweating, some patients note deterioration in the summer and when living in a humid environment;
  • ultraviolet exposure, some doctors say that direct sunlight can cause disruption of the sebaceous glands;
  • bad habits, smoking, and alcohol can negatively affect the course of the disease.

If, when a disease occurs, you begin to avoid these factors, your skin condition will noticeably improve, and perhaps the main symptoms of acne will completely go away. If this does not happen, additional treatment may be required.

Important! Before using any anti-rash medications, you should undergo an examination to find out the exact cause of the worsening skin condition.

Treatment methods

There are many different acne treatments available, most of which are available to use at home. There are also various cosmetic facial cleansings necessary for severe cases of the disease and to get rid of traces of the rash. A hospital stay is not required for the treatment of acne vulgaris.

When treating acne using any of the methods, you should follow the rules of personal hygiene, avoid unnecessary touching of your face with dirty hands, and wash your hair in a timely manner so that oil and dirt from it do not get on the skin of the face. It is also forbidden to squeeze pimples, this only leads to their inflammation and an increase in their number.

A quartz lamp is a device that can improve the condition of the skin when acne occurs. Ultraviolet rays kill a specific type of bacteria that can cause the rash to grow. However, it is worth considering that at the moment this technique is not considered particularly effective. It has been replaced by laser treatment for acne, which can be carried out exclusively by cosmetologists.

To make sure that a quartz lamp or laser will help, you need to pass all the necessary tests and find out what microbes and bacteria are present on the skin and provoke inflammation. Only after this can this technique be applied.

Treatment at home

At home, without specialized help from a cosmetologist, you can effectively get rid of acne in most cases. First of all, you should visit a dermatologist and find out the cause of the inflammation. If the main reason is adolescence, you should choose a suitable cleanser, avoid touching dirty hands, and eat a healthier diet so that the skin condition improves.

Depending on the cause of the disease, various medications can be prescribed to help fight the factors that provoke acne vulgaris:

  1. Antibiotics. In some cases, antibiotics are prescribed for acne if the cause may be a bacterial infection. In this case, antibiotics are taken in short courses, only as prescribed by a doctor. Metronidazole, Tetracycline, Levomycetin are usually prescribed.
  2. Retinoids are potent hormonal drugs that help correct the activity of the sebaceous glands; under no circumstances should these drugs be used for self-medication. The most common retinoid is Roaccutane.
  3. Hormonal drugs. Their effectiveness in treating acne is constantly in question, but they can have a positive effect on the skin condition of girls with hormonal imbalances.

Brewer's yeast can also be used to treat acne; this dietary supplement improves the condition of the skin and hair, it is absolutely safe. Vitamin complexes and various preparations can also be used to cleanse the body. The main thing is to consult your doctor before using any pills.

Treatment with folk remedies

There are several folk remedies for cleansing the skin that will help get rid of acne. Before using them, you should make sure that there is no allergy.


An infusion of celandine will help improve the condition of the skin with teenage acne; this herb has cleansing and anti-inflammatory properties. You need to take 4 tablespoons of the herb, pour six glasses of water over it, boil for five minutes, then leave for eight hours and strain. The resulting infusion should be used to wipe the areas affected by the rash twice a day, morning and evening.

Honey and coffee

Using honey and coffee, you can prepare a scrub that is suitable for not very sensitive skin. Half a teaspoon of coffee grounds should be mixed with a tablespoon of honey, then applied to the face with gentle massaging movements, rinsed off after five minutes. This remedy is especially effective for mild acne.

Tea tree

Tea tree oil will also help dry the skin and relieve inflammation. A couple of drops can be added to a non-greasy cream and applied pointwise to pimples if there are not too many of them. Alternatively, you can pour a small pan of hot water, add a couple of drops of oil and place your face over the steam for five minutes.

In general, the best effect in the treatment of acne vulgaris can be achieved by combining different agents. The main thing is not to forget about hygiene; if your skin condition worsens, you should immediately contact a dermatologist.

Skin problems often occur during adolescence. But many adults are also tormented by the question of how to get rid of acne. This is actually not an easy task, and without an integrated approach it is impossible to cope with it. After all, skin problems can be caused not only by improper care, but also by internal causes, chronic diseases, stress or hormonal disorders.

Teenage acne

When the body is rebuilt, preparing to perform new functions, the production of large amounts of hormones begins. They influence the development of the genital organs and all secondary characteristics that distinguish men and women. But, in addition to the direct effect, the hormonal surge has a strong effect on the skin: sebum production increases. Even if the pores become clogged and the secretions cannot leave the gland duct, it continues to work in an enhanced mode. An infection will sooner or later develop in a clogged follicle. This is how acne vulgaris is formed. The photo below shows the stages of this process.

What types of acne are there?

There are several types of acne. They differ in appearance and degree of skin damage.

Papules. Small, inflamed lumps that are conical or hemispherical in shape, often with a black dot in the center.

Pustules. A blister filled with pus appears on the surface of the eel. Such pimples dry out and disappear after a few days, leaving a pigment spot or a small scar.

Indurative acne. These are deep, usually painful infiltrates. On the outside, they look like bluish spots that rise slightly above the surface of the skin. These acne leaves noticeable scars.

Conglobate acne. If there are several indurated eels nearby, they can unite.

Mechanism of acne appearance

There are four main factors that trigger acne vulgaris. The photo shows all stages of this process.

Seborrhea. Simply put, excess sebum. Seborrhea can be liquid, when fat easily comes out of the ducts, and the face becomes shiny. On such skin superficial acne develops: papules and pustules. With thick seborrhea, sebum accumulates deep in the gland ducts. Indurative and conglobate acne forms, that is, subcutaneous acne. Their treatment is complicated by the fact that the process is localized quite deeply, and local remedies are often ineffective.

Violation of keratinization. Too many dead cells accumulate in the follicle. Mixing with sebum, they form a plug. This is what can be seen on the surface of the skin in the form of a black dot.

Infection. A variety of bacteria live on the skin, which are not harmful to a healthy person. But if favorable conditions are formed (a clogged follicle with a nutrient medium), microorganisms will definitely take advantage of them.

Causes of acne formation

Although the skin is exposed to many external influences, they are not always the main factor in the development of acne. If you have acne on your face, the reasons may lie deep inside. In adults, skin problems arise due to infectious diseases of internal organs. Often persistent colds and chronic inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx spread to the skin of the cheekbones and cheeks. In this case, the tonsils act as a reservoir for infection. Inflammation of the kidneys, gonads, and digestive organs also affects skin health and provokes acne vulgaris. These causes can be easily eliminated by treating the underlying disease. Perhaps then the skin problem will go away without additional effort.

Another factor is constant intoxication of the body. If a person eats a lot of canned, highly processed foods containing various food additives, unnecessary and sometimes harmful substances can accumulate in the body. The retention of toxins is facilitated by low fiber content in the diet, irregular bowel movements, and constipation. In this case, there is no better remedy for acne than a special diet.

The effect of hormones on acne

If an adult develops acne vulgaris, it makes sense to conduct an examination of the endocrine system. The reason may lie in a malfunction of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands or ovaries. Estrogens and oxytocin have a positive effect on the skin, androgens and progesterone have a negative effect. As you know, both are present in both men and women. Acne rosacea and acne vulgaris are often hormonal in nature. It's all about the sensitivity of skin receptors to androgens. The concentration of these hormones often increases during adolescence, and hormonal imbalances also occur in adults. In women, the content of “bad” hormones in the blood increases before menstruation, sometimes during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Taking hormonal contraceptives has a dual effect on the skin. Sometimes gynecologists even advise taking them to eliminate acne. But before prescribing such pills, it is necessary to undergo tests and fully find out what the patient’s hormonal background is. For some, oral contraceptives help make their skin perfect, while for others, on the contrary, they cause acne. After giving them up, a hormonal imbalance also occurs, leading to increased oily skin. Individual characteristics of the body cause such different reactions.

If acne appears every time before your period, this is a sign of a decrease in estrogen levels. These hormones not only protect the skin from acne, but also make it more toned and fresh; under their influence, the body gets rid of excess fluid, that is, swelling. To stabilize estrogen levels, doctors prescribe vitamin E in the second phase of the menstrual cycle.

"Map" of eels

There is a certain connection between the area of ​​the face where acne appears and the problems of internal organs.

Acne on the cheeks near the nose - you need to check your lungs. Perhaps smoking, allergies or overheating of the body have a negative effect on these areas of the skin. To eliminate problems, you need to follow a diet, avoid eating oxidizing foods - meat, sugar, coffee. Eat more green vegetables and exercise outdoors.

If there are enlarged pores on the face, inflammation and swelling on the nose, this may indicate heart problems. You need to refrain from spicy foods and enrich your diet with vitamin B and omega-3 acids.

Acne appears on the temples and cheekbones when the liver is overloaded and dehydrated. It is necessary to drink more clean water to restore excretory function.

Pimples on the upper forehead are a reason to pay attention to the digestive system. You need to reduce the amount of refined foods, semi-finished products and fats, eat more vegetable salads and fruits.

Inflammation below the corners of the lips on the side of the chin indicates hormonal problems. Before menstruation, acne usually occurs in this area. Sometimes this is a sign of pelvic inflammatory disease. In addition to basic treatment, it is advisable to eliminate stress, get good sleep and establish proper nutrition.

Pimples on the tip of the chin can signal a problem with the functioning of the stomach. In this case, cleansing the body with enough water in the diet, strengthening the immune system with herbal tea and vitamin drinks will help.

Acne on the face: how to get rid of it?

Therapy is selected depending on the degree of skin damage. Comprehensive measures include:

  • normalization of the keratinization process in the follicle;
  • elimination of infection;
  • suppression of sebum secretion;
  • relieving inflammation;
  • Regular cleansing of the skin from impurities and dead particles.

Mild acne can also be treated with external acne treatments. Time-tested products have proven themselves well: salicylic, zinc, ichthyol ointments. Some pharmacies make special formulations for acne - talkers, which are a mixture of antibiotics for external use.

Modern remedies for facial acne contain various substances. For example, the drug "Skinoren" acts due to azelaic acid. It successfully fights microorganisms on the skin and reduces sebum secretion, while normalizing the keratinization process. The product "Zinerit" contains the antibiotic erythromycin and is a good way to solve the problem of how to get rid of acne.

For moderate damage, the doctor may prescribe oral antibiotics. Erythromycin, doxycycline or tetracycline are commonly used. You need to take them for at least a month and only as prescribed by a doctor. After all, long-term treatment with antibiotics can develop undesirable consequences for the body.

In severe cases, when large areas of the face and body are affected by deep inflamed nodes and infiltrates, treatment of acne requires the use of drugs containing large doses of retinoids. These drugs have contraindications, for example, they cannot be used by pregnant or lactating women. Vitamin A in large doses causes abnormalities in fetal development. After a course of treatment, doctors do not recommend planning a pregnancy for 3 months, since retinoids accumulate in the body and are not eliminated immediately.

Treating acne at home

Traditional medicine offers various remedies for acne on the face and body. Their common disadvantage is that they are all quite troublesome to use.

  • Aloe. This plant actively fights infection and inflammation. For the procedure, you need to squeeze out aloe juice and soak gauze folded in four layers with it. Apply a compress to the affected area. Aloe draws out pus even from deep acne, but you just need to carry out at least 40 daily procedures.
  • Propolis tincture. At night, you need to lubricate problem areas with alcohol tincture of propolis. In the morning, it is recommended to cleanse the skin with lotion. The course of treatment is 30 days.
  • Cottage cheese. Fermented milk products are an excellent remedy against acne. Soft homemade cottage cheese helps remove subcutaneous acne and spots from them. The compress should be prepared as follows. Place a 0.5 cm layer of cottage cheese on a napkin or gauze. The density and thickness of the napkin should be such that it absorbs excess liquid from the cottage cheese. When applying a compress to the acne area, you need to cover it with a film, and then strengthen and insulate it with a scarf or some kind of comfortable bandage. Keep the compress for at least an hour, but it is better to leave it overnight. At first, about a week, you need to do this every day. Then you can give your skin a little rest.
  • Lemon. Its bactericidal properties are known to everyone. How to treat acne vulgaris with this fruit? You can make compresses with lemon juice for 10-15 minutes. In addition to suppressing infection, the acid partially dissolves sebaceous plugs and dead cells, removes age spots and refreshes the skin. You can simply wipe your face with a slice of lemon twice a day after washing your face. During this treatment, you should use sunscreen and avoid prolonged exposure to bright sun. Citric acid makes the skin more sensitive to ultraviolet radiation.

Masks for blackheads

How to get rid of acne? It's better to prevent them from appearing. If there is no inflammation on the skin, but there are contaminated comedones, they can be dealt with at home. Before using any mask, you need to steam your skin a little to open the pores and make them easier to clean. But it is worth remembering: inflamed acne cannot be heated, this will only worsen the problem. When the skin is prepared, you need to apply one of the masks against blackheads, massaging the problem areas.

Recipe 1. Mash a small red tomato with a fork and mix with beaten egg white. Apply for 20 minutes.

Recipe 2. Beat egg whites with a tablespoon of sugar and apply to face. When the mask begins to dry out, perform a cleansing massage: press your fingers to the skin and sharply tear them off. Sweet protein glues dirt and dead cells together, and with massage they come off.

Recipe 3. You can make a fragrant scrub from ground coffee and sour cream. Just don’t apply it to painful acne. Coffee removes dead cells, and sour cream softens the skin. You may not even need to apply cream after scrubbing.

How to remove acne spots?

Finding a way to get rid of acne is half the battle. A scar or pigment spot remains at the site of the pimple, which can last up to a year. Correct and timely treatment of acne vulgaris reduces these unpleasant phenomena. If the stain still remains, homemade masks will help get rid of it faster.

Recipe 1. Make a paste of cinnamon powder and honey mixed in equal parts. Apply the composition only to stains and leave for 20 minutes.

Recipe 2. You can wipe stains with a mixture of rosemary, clove, mint and lavender essential oils. To do this, you need to dissolve 2 drops of rosemary oil in a teaspoon of vegetable oil, and take the rest 1 drop each.

Recipe 3: Cucumber juice will help lighten your skin. You can apply a cucumber pulp mask to the spots for 10-15 minutes.

Diet against acne

Nutrition has a huge impact on skin health. If gastritis or another disease of the digestive system provokes acne, the appropriate specialist will tell you how to treat it. Doctors have developed nutritional recommendations during acute periods or chronic forms of diseases such as pancreatitis, cholecystitis, and dysbacteriosis. In any case, a balanced diet helps cure acne vulgaris and see results faster.

Fats. What should be limited first of all, of course, is fatty and fried foods. It stimulates the activity of the sebaceous glands. Cheeses in this regard cause great controversy among nutritionists. On the one hand, it is a source of calcium and protein, on the other, it is a product containing a lot of fat. Therefore, during treatment for acne, you should avoid cheese and whole milk. Some experts believe that hormones contained in milk can trigger acne.

Sweets and baked goods. You need to minimize these products. Sugar also activates the sebaceous glands and promotes inflammation. Flour products slow down bowel movements, retain toxins in the body and often lead to constipation. Any foods with a high glycemic index are contraindicated for problem skin. It is better to replace sweets with dried fruits, and sweet sodas with natural juices and decoctions.

Cellulose. You just need to ensure a constant supply of dietary fiber from food. Vegetables, greens, and fruits contain fiber, which cleanses the intestines, speeds up its work, removing everything unnecessary from the body. You can buy bran at the pharmacy and add it to porridge and other dishes daily. Valuable sources of fiber are oatmeal and buckwheat. These are the most useful cereals for fighting acne.

There is no special diet for acne; proper nutrition must be established. It is good to include foods such as fresh carrots and cabbage in your diet. These vegetables provide the body with vitamins A and C, as well as fiber, necessary for the skin. Infusions of rose hips and chamomile are useful for those who want to get rid of acne.

Blackhead removal at spa

Many people prefer to trust the health of their skin to cosmetologists. Many effective procedures have been developed that not only remove unwanted inflamed elements and sebaceous plugs, but significantly improve the appearance of the face.

Peeling with glycolic acid. This substance is often used to remove acne. Other alpha hydroxy acids that are obtained from natural products such as milk and fruits are also used. Dead cells under the influence of such peeling are easily separated from each other. They are removed from the skin along with excess oil and impurities, freeing up the pores.

Extraction. The procedure begins with a steam bath for the face. This opens the pores, making it easier to remove impurities. Then the cosmetologist removes pimples and comedones using a special tool - an extractor. Finally, a toner is applied to prevent inflammation and tightening of pores.

Exfoliation. This is a mechanical method of removing the surface layer of dead cells. To cleanse the skin, use a scrub or a special device - an exfoliator. This skin exfoliation is usually used in combination with other acne treatments.

Galvanic procedures. The procedure involves constantly exposing the skin to a low voltage current. It is combined with other methods of facial cleansing and rejuvenation. This removes acne and other blemishes. To perform galvanic procedures, a cosmetologist requires training and experience.

Is a lot of sun good or bad?

They say that acne goes away in the summer from tanning. It is not always so. The sun's rays dry out the skin, so a little exposure can be beneficial. But you shouldn’t overuse it: in response, the sebaceous glands increase fat production. The desire to get a good tan often aggravates acne on the face. How to get rid of acne spots? Just during treatment, forget about tanning and use sunscreen. The thing is that the place where the pimple was recently tans more than the surrounding healthy skin and becomes much darker. This is how a stain appears, which is then difficult to remove.

How to prevent acne?

If you have figured out how to get rid of acne and have successfully dealt with it, you should not relax. The tendency to have skin problems is here to stay. If there are errors in diet or care, they can return. Therefore, you need to constantly take care of your health. These are the main conditions for beautiful skin.

  • Don't wash your face too often. Even if the skin is oily, excessive cleanliness will not help it, but will reduce the protective properties and resistance to infections. You need to use soft gels and foams for washing no more than twice a day. And you should wash your hands more often, and never touch your face with dirty hands.
  • Don't squeeze out blackheads! You will not eliminate the causes of acne, but new problems will be added. The infection may go deeper into the skin or spread to nearby comedones. When squeezing out sebaceous plugs, pores stretch even more. Removing inflamed acne and blisters with purulent contents leads to the formation of scars. It is better to wait until the pimple dries itself, then the mark from it will be less noticeable.
  • Consistently eat fresh fruits and fiber-rich vegetables, raw and stewed.
  • Use high-quality cosmetics. Do not overuse blush and powder - they contaminate the pores. Makeup should always be removed carefully.

Treating acne is a difficult task. But you can cope with even the deepest and most painful pimples. It is better to contact a dermatologist who will choose the right treatment. The main thing is to follow all skin care recommendations and eat right. This will help to further maintain the health and beauty of your skin.