How to remove the smell of garlic after eating. How to get rid of garlic odor from your mouth. Oral hygiene procedures

First, let's figure out what this phenomenon is, why after a person has eaten garlic or onions, his breath smells, and for what reason the smell spreads even in the apartment. The unpleasant odor appears due to sulfur-containing compounds in the product. Once in the oral cavity, these substances cause reactions that lead to the appearance of an unwanted “aroma.”

This smell can last for a very long time: according to scientific research on the question of how long the specific smell from the mouth lasts after eating garlic, it can last up to 48 hours, unless, of course, no measures are taken to eliminate it. By the way, brushing your teeth does not always help to completely get rid of the smell of garlic: after all, it is caused not by particles of the product stuck between the teeth and in the oral cavity, but by a chemical reaction, as a result of which the smell appears along with the breath.

Raw garlic produces the most persistent “aroma”. When boiled, garlic causes much less damage to the freshness of your breath.

What can you eat to prevent bad breath?

Fortunately, there are a number of products and substances that effectively eliminate the result of the chemical reaction and, as a result, bad breath. Many of them are often referred to as “folk remedies” for combating bad breath. Let's start by listing foods that can be useful for getting rid of unpleasant odor, and tell you how to eat them so that after eating garlic you don't get the characteristic odor from your mouth.

Important: Speaking about fruits, herbs and mint, scientists note that it is fresh products that help fight the unpleasant odor after eating garlic. That is, if you feasted on chicken with garlic sauce and then decided to eat it with baked apples, you may not achieve the desired effect.

What kind of drinks and how to beat the amber after a meal?

  1. Milk. Of all the things that help neutralize bad breath after dishes with garlic, the very first and surest remedy is to drink a glass of milk. This also applies to fermented milk products - yogurt, fermented baked milk, yogurt and kefir. Substances contained in dairy products quickly reduce the concentration of hydrogen sulfide gases.
  2. Apple vinegar. A spoonful of apple cider vinegar dissolved in a glass of warm water can get rid of the unpleasant odor. You can drink a glass of water with vinegar both before and after eating a meal containing garlic. However, this method is not suitable for everyone: in case of problems with acidity, drinking water with vinegar will, of course, get rid of the smell, but in return it will ensure a visit to a gastroenterologist. Therefore, before using this method, it is better to consult a doctor.
  3. Green tea. A cup of green tea after dinner with garlic helps completely neutralize bad breath. The most effective remedy is green tea with mint.
  4. Water. Drinking one or two glasses of water with your meal will help remove any remaining garlic from your mouth. In addition, water stimulates the production of saliva, which will cleanse the mouth of the smallest particles of garlic that provoke chemical reactions and the appearance of an unpleasant odor. But it’s still better to combine this method with some other method.

How to neutralize with chemicals?

Now let’s talk about which modern chemicals can kill bad garlic breath, and how to use them for this.

Step-by-step instructions on how to effectively suppress or eliminate garlic spirit

Let's look at step by step how to prevent the unpleasant smell of garlic from your mouth before and after eating.

  1. Before taking garlic. Eat a green apple; it will reduce the chemical reaction that causes the smell. If you have a choice of how to cook garlic, boil it or stew it along with the dish; the most “fragrant” is raw garlic. Garlic cut into pieces causes a stronger unpleasant odor, so if you eat garlic for preventive purposes, eat the whole clove.
  2. During meals. Drink 1-2 glasses of water with dishes containing garlic. Eat more vegetables and fruits that contain a lot of water (tomatoes, cucumbers), salad, citrus fruits.
  3. After eating garlic. Thoroughly brush your teeth and tongue to remove food particles, rinse your mouth with a special balm, warm water with mint or soda paste (recipe described above). Drink a cup of green tea with mint or eat a few mint leaves; if green tea and mint are not available, coffee beans will do.

Fragrant garlic makes food very tasty. In addition, the fragrant vegetable is useful, especially during flu season. However, the garlic smell can nullify all arguments in favor of using this product. How to remove the smell of garlic is a question that needs to be answered correctly.

How to remove the smell of garlic

How to remove the smell of garlic from your mouth

There are mechanical ways to get rid of the consequences of eating garlic dishes. You can thoroughly brush your teeth, use dental floss to remove pieces of garlic from between teeth, rinse your mouth with a special product, and chew gum.

However, the source of the smell will not go away. Until the garlic is digested in the stomach, odorous substances will make themselves known through specific breathing. The problem can be partly solved by neutralizing the amber with other foods.

How to remove the smell of garlic? The following will help in the fight for fresh breath:

Garden parsley;

A piece of fresh ginger;

Fresh mint leaf;

A slice of lemon or a piece of lemon peel;

A handful of pine nuts or walnuts;


Cardamom seed.

Due to the high content of polyphenols in these products, gas formation is reduced, putrefactive processes are stopped, and the specific odor is neutralized. After eating a garlic dish, you can simply chew any of the listed foods or drink a cup of coffee, green or mint tea. A hot drink will wash away any remaining garlic oil and freshen your breath.

In addition, you can try folk remedies. How to remove the smell of garlic from your mouth? You can hold a stainless steel spoon in your mouth. A simple but effective technique will help make your breathing cleaner. Another option is to mix 1 tsp. soda and salt with ½ tbsp. water and rinse your mouth.

How to remove the smell of garlic from the room and from dishes

After preparing dishes with garlic, the aroma of a delicious vegetable can be felt in the kitchen for a long time. The air in the room, kitchen surfaces, and dishes will smell. If you don't do anything, your hair and clothes can absorb the strong odor.

How to quickly remove the smell of garlic? Here's what you can do:

Boil 1 liter of water over low heat with the addition of 1 tbsp. l. vinegar (9%), 15 minutes is enough;

Heat 3-4 tbsp in the oven. l. salt, scattering them over the surface of the baking sheet and placing slices and peel of lemon, orange or grapefruit on top of the salt;

We'll tell you how to get rid of the smell of garlic from your mouth quickly at home. People often use this product both to prevent colds and viral diseases, and as a tasty aromatic seasoning for dishes. Often, various medicinal products are made on its basis to help cope with many diseases.

But after that the person always smells unpleasant for a very long time. And if there is a business meeting, an important conversation or a romantic dinner, then you often have to refuse a tasty and healthy product. But you don’t need to do this, since there are simple products at hand that can quickly neutralize garlic amber.

Why doesn't whole garlic smell?

You've probably already noticed that a head or even a clove of garlic itself has no smell. Until the process of destruction of cells and membranes begins, a specific aroma is not released. And all because its appearance is promoted by two main substances:

  • alliinase is an enzyme;
  • and alliin is one of the important amino acids.

Nature itself came up with such a unique structure in order to protect garlic from pests and rodents. It is worth noting the fact that the released hydrogen sulfide compounds also have strong bactericidal properties. But they only appear when these two components - alliinase and alliin - interact.

Therefore, a whole head of garlic does not smell, since there is no reason for the appearance of aromatic compounds. But you shouldn’t expect the expected therapeutic effect from such a product either. For example, if you eat it in the form of uncut cloves so that your breath does not smell when talking, then the bactericidal properties of garlic will not appear.

The mechanism of garlic odor formation

The aroma from this product appears only when the so-called allicin is created. This name refers directly to a whole complex of hydrogen sulfide compounds, which are the result of a chemical reaction when alliin and alliinase meet. Scientists counted about 70 such formations, but gave them one common name.

These biologically active substances have bactericidal properties; they can kill pathogens, improve the functioning of the immune system and help a person get rid of colds and other diseases faster. Doctors often say that during the period of viruses, every child and adult should consume this product daily.

But to use the valuable properties of garlic, you need to understand how allicin is formed. Thus, each cell contains both alliinase and alliin. But they are separated from each other by membranes and only when the membrane is destroyed do they begin to actively interact. An unpleasant odor indicates the appearance of hydrogen sulfide compounds. And the smaller you crush, cut or chew the garlic, the stronger the aroma and the higher the bactericidal properties.

Allicin is a very unstable substance. When subjected to heat or any other treatment, it quickly collapses. Therefore, it is better to add garlic to the dish at the very end. If you expose it to marinades or heat treatment, or keep it in the air for too long, then all its healing properties are reduced.

Even with long-term storage in the general state, over time the amount of active substances necessary for the formation of allicin is greatly reduced. Therefore, fresh young garlic has many more beneficial properties than one that has been sitting in a warehouse all winter.

How to quickly remove the smell of garlic at home?

Many people are concerned about how long this taste, bitterness and aroma lasts. The bad news is that this smell is very persistent and bright, it remains in the human body for up to 70 hours and is released not only from the mouth, but also by other systems - the kidneys, lungs, skin. Over the next 2-3 days you will smell garlic from sweat, urine and through your breath.

But it's not that difficult to kill him. To do this, it is enough to use simple products and remedies that you most often have at hand at home.

Hygiene procedures

First of all, after a feast where garlic was found in the dishes, you need to carry out the usual manipulations:

  • toothbrush and toothpaste, preferably the latter has a pronounced mint aroma;
  • it is important to pay attention to the surface of the tongue, which is cleaned using a special scraper;
  • additionally, to get rid of product residues in the interdental space;
  • you can rinse your mouth with special pharmaceutical products that contain cetylpyridinium chloride or have antibacterial properties;
  • if, then it will help to treat all surfaces of the mucous membrane as much as possible and remove any remnants of hydrogen sulfide compounds.


Various foods can also help get rid of the smell of garlic in your mouth. And if, for example, you plan your lunch or dinner in such a way that they are on the table along with garlic, then consuming them after eating a flavorful dish can immediately neutralize the unpleasant consequences for breathing.

Pay attention to these:

  1. Fruits, especially those that can oxidize. If the flesh quickly darkens when biting or peeling, then they are suitable for neutralizing unpleasant odors. This happens because such an oxidative process gives the desired chemical reaction with esters of hydrogen sulfide compounds. These fruits include apples, pears, plums, grapes, cherries, apricots, peaches and prunes.
  2. Some vegetables are often found in dishes together with garlic, which prevents it from spreading its smell after eating them together - potatoes, eggplant, parsley root, salad.
  3. Almost any herbs and spices have a good deodorizing effect - rosemary, basil, parsley, dill, bay leaf, spinach, etc. Just chew a leaf after lunch and you don’t have to worry about the unpleasant odor.
  4. The crust of bread has a similar effect.
  5. Various hard fruits, such as nuts, coffee beans, cinnamon sticks, cardamom, etc. For example, nutmeg is a leader in eliminating the smell of garlic and alcohol. But you can choose any others (hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts or seeds) to get rid of bad breath in a short time.


You can use another method - wash down the garlic with something:

  • milk - works even if consumed half an hour before a meal, since it contains enough fatty substances that can dissolve and neutralize hydrogen sulfide compounds;
  • green tea – rich in phenols and other healing components, due to which it not only has a positive effect on human health, but also freshens breath;
  • juices from sour berries or fruits (lemon, cranberry, grapefruit, lime) - due to a sharp change in pH in the stomach and the active secretion of bile, they can eliminate garlic amber;
  • decoctions of medicinal herbs, for example, fenugreek seeds have proven themselves well in this regard, for which they are infused in a water bath for 15 minutes, and then used as rinses.

Video: how to quickly remove the smell of garlic from your mouth?

What else can help?

To neutralize the unpleasant odor from garlic or any others (onions, alcohol), you can use other methods:

  • activated carbon quickly cleanses the body of any secretions, for which it is enough to drink 2-6 tablets at once (the dosage depends on the person’s weight);
  • chewing gum without sugar with any refreshing flavor (mint, lemon, menthol, cinnamon), however, its effect is limited to a short period of time;
  • if you chew the skin of a lemon or any other citrus fruit, the effect will also be noticeable and quite pleasant;
  • Pharmacies sell special capsules called “Anti-police” and help cope not only with the unpleasant consequences of drinking alcohol, but also with the smell of garlic.

It is worth noting that rinsing with any product containing alcohol does not help get rid of the strong aroma. On the contrary, they significantly enhance it and cause dry mouth.

If immediately after the feast it was not important to you that an unpleasant odor appeared, but the next morning it became a problem because you need to go to work, you should use one of the methods described above. To do this, carry out your usual morning hygiene procedures. For breakfast, it is better to drink a glass of milk, green tea, and eat fruits or vegetables from the specified list. Then the garlic amber will not bother you all day.

Garlic has a spicy, piquant aroma and pungent taste, which is why it is widely used in cooking.

In addition, it is very good for health - strengthens the immune system, tones blood vessels, strengthens the heart muscle and nervous system.

But the pungent, unpleasant smell discourages many people from using it. How to quickly remove the smell of garlic from your mouth and restore freshness to your breath?

Why does an unpleasant odor remain after eating garlic?

Garlic is used to season many dishes and is used to prepare various sauces and marinades.

But its sharp, specific smell remains in the mouth for up to 4 days, which negatively affects communication with others.

A specific pungent odor comes only from a crushed or cut clove; whole, intact garlic has practically no aroma.

This is due to the fact that garlic pulp contains a special substance – allicin. During the cutting process, the slice is damaged and allicin enters into a chemical reaction, which results in a characteristic pungent odor.

Does your breath smell like alcohol the morning after a party? You might be interested to know, effectively and quickly.

Read about the causes of bad breath in the morning.

Onions, like garlic, leave an unpleasant odor in the mouth. will help you cope with bad breath after eating onions.

How to neutralize the smell of garlic from your mouth?

Many people try to consume garlic cloves during a flu epidemic in order to maintain immunity.

But bad breath can persist for several days, alienating others from the person.

That is why it is very important to know how to quickly and effectively get rid of garlic odor at home.

To combat garlic odor, many different products are used, both store-bought and homemade. For example, you can try to restore fresh breath with chewing gum or mint-flavored caramels.

Among folk methods, dry ground coffee, bay leaves, milk, and freshly squeezed lemon juice are widely popular. The main goal of all these methods is that the unpleasant garlic smell can only be overcome by another, no less pungent, but pleasant smell.

To this end, to restore fresh breath, you can eat a spoonful of dry coffee or mustard, parsley, bay leaves, nuts, dill or other product with a strong aroma.

You can also use other, more effective methods that are widely popular due to their accessibility and high efficiency.

It must be remembered that some products do not remove the smell, but simply “mask” it and after a while it returns. Therefore, such tools need to be used several times.

Oral hygiene

Proper oral hygiene is one of the simplest and most accessible methods to help restore fresh breath.

After eating a spicy dish that contains an aromatic vegetable, you need to thoroughly brush your teeth for 5 minutes with toothpaste with a distinct minty smell.

This will help restore pleasant freshness to your breath. With a toothbrush you need to clean not only your teeth, but also the surface of your tongue.

After thoroughly brushing your teeth, you should definitely use a special dental floss, which will remove any remaining vegetable matter between your teeth. The final step is to use a mint mouthwash. It is best to use antibacterial agents that contain chlorhexidine. This substance can neutralize even the most pungent odors.

If there is no rinse aid, you can make it yourself by diluting a teaspoon of salt and soda in a cup of warm water.

Oral hygiene helps restore pleasant freshness to the breath only for a while, since in this way the unpleasant odor coming from the stomach digesting the spicy vegetable is practically impossible.

Breath fresheners

Today, in pharmacies and stores you can find a wide range of different breath fresheners, which can be produced in the form of sprays, tablets or plates.

It must be remembered that any breath fresheners eliminate the garlic aroma for about 30-60 minutes, after which the product must be used again. A spray air freshener is considered the most convenient and practical - it can be used at any time and in the right place.

Fragrant herbs

In order to quickly and effectively get rid of bad breath and cleanse the oral cavity of pathogenic bacteria, aromatic herbs and spices can also be used. The most popular in the fight for fresh breath are:

  • Parsley and spinach;
  • Dill and its seeds;
  • Cilantro;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Basil;
  • Caraway;
  • Cardamom;
  • Ginger;
  • Carnation.

The way to use them is extremely simple. After a meal, simply eat a fresh sprig of herbs or a tablespoon of spices. This should be done carefully, slowly, chewing herbs or spices for several minutes. As a rule, this is quite enough for the bad breath to completely disappear.

An extremely effective remedy for eliminating “garlic” breath is ginger. It has a pleasant spicy taste and strong aroma. To fight, you can use any ginger root - both fresh and pickled, but fresh is still preferable. You should cut a thin slice of a few millimeters thick from the root and chew it for a long time.

Nuts and apples

Nuts and apples have an excellent property of neutralizing unpleasant, pungent odors.

In addition, they also act bactericidal, preventing the development of pathogenic microorganisms in the oral cavity and stopping various putrefactive processes.

This is achieved due to the fact that they contain a huge amount of phenols - active components that can destroy bacteria.

The most useful are walnuts, pine and almonds, cashews and hazelnuts. Nutmeg, cardamom and coffee beans have the same effect. A handful of nuts or coffee beans should be chewed slowly after eating garlic. This will get rid of the unpleasant problem for a long time.

Some fruits also have similar properties - but not all, but only those that can quickly oxidize, that is, darken when cut. These fruits include apples. When eating an apple, this oxidizing substance penetrates the stomach, provoking the development of a certain chemical reaction.

As a result of this reaction, the process of breaking down the sulfur components produced by garlic is activated.

A few slices of fresh apple will quickly eliminate bad breath. If you don’t have an apple on hand, you can replace it with a pear, apricot or peach.


Oranges, tangerines, grapefruits and other citrus fruits are excellent “allies” in the fight against bad breath.

A few slices of citrus fruit after lunch will help eliminate garlic breath.

You definitely need to eat fruit about every hour - and you won’t have any problems with garlic throughout the day.

Instead of fresh fruit, you can use natural citrus juice, which you should rinse your mouth with for several minutes. You can also drink the drink. Such freshly squeezed drinks effectively stimulate the digestion process and speed up the removal of food debris from the body.

In addition, juices activate the process of saliva production, as a result of which bad breath becomes less noticeable. Orange and other citrus fruits contain specific essential oils that have long been used to eliminate unpleasant odors.

The largest amount of essential oils is contained in the peel of the fruit, so to eliminate bad breath, it is recommended not only to eat a few slices of the fruit, but also its peel.

Green tea

To combat garlic odor, you can take advantage of the unique properties of green tea.

This extremely healthy drink is full of antioxidants, which not only activate food digestion, but also destroy the cause of bad breath.

Green tea leaves contain special substances - polyphenols, which effectively destroy the sulfur compounds produced by garlic during digestion.

To make the drink even more effective, you can combine it with a few mint petals or a lemon wedge.


Mint in any form instantly freshens your breath, restoring pleasant freshness to it.

Fresh mint leaves, which need to be chewed for several minutes, have maximum effectiveness.

If you don’t have fresh mint on hand, you can replace it with mint chewing gum or candy, but the effect will be noticeably lower.

The refreshing effect of mint chewing gum lasts no more than half an hour, after which you can take a short break and continue chewing the gum.

Mint drinks - tea, infusions and decoctions - are considered no less effective. To make tea, pour boiling water over a few peppermint leaves, add a little sugar or honey and drink in small sips. In order to enhance the effectiveness of the drink, it is recommended to add a slice of citrus fruit or a spoonful of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Mint decoction is very simple to prepare - pour a handful of fresh mint into a small saucepan with 250 ml of water, place on low heat and simmer for 10 minutes, then let the product brew. The finished decoction can be consumed as a drink or used to rinse the mouth.

Garlic is a tasty and aromatic seasoning for many dishes, beloved by many people.

It has numerous beneficial properties for the body, and the only disadvantage of this vegetable is its pungent, unpleasant odor, which can spoil a person’s breath for several days.

Using various store-bought and home remedies, you can get rid of the unpleasant odor in a matter of minutes and return your breath to purity and freshness. And it is not at all necessary to completely give up eating your favorite dishes with aromatic and spicy garlic cloves.

Video on the topic

Surely, everyone has noticed that the head of the spice itself and its cloves separately do not emit an unpleasant odor. However, when slicing or another method of chopping, the aroma spreads throughout the apartment. This interesting effect is due to the special structure of garlic. It contains allicin, a sulfur compound formed by the interaction of alliin (an amino acid) and alliinase (an enzyme).

Initially, both of these substances are contained in one cell separated by a membrane. During mechanical damage, the membrane is destroyed, interaction begins and allicin appears. The newly formed substance consists of 70 individual hydrogen sulfide compounds, which provide an unpleasant aroma.

It is because of allicin that garlic is considered a powerful bactericidal product that protects the body from diseases. Allicin, although a useful compound, is quickly destroyed. It does not tolerate high temperatures and long-term storage. Therefore, garlic is not subjected to thorough heat treatment, and in most cases is consumed raw.

Pickled cloves are also deprived of all positive qualities: sulfur substances evaporate. Even after wintering, the garlic heads practically no longer contain the compounds from which allicin is formed. Therefore, the product is considered the most useful only in the first month after harvest.

The principle of getting rid of odor

There are several effective ways to get rid of the obsessive unpleasant aroma and constant taste in your mouth. The idea is to destroy the 70 hydrogen sulfide chemical compounds that cause the smell. It is worth noting that the digestive system is not able to destroy acillin, despite its fragility in the external environment.

People around a person who has eaten a couple of heads of garlic are doomed to endure the smell for a long time. But the aroma itself spreads not only through the mouth. Human skin, along with sweat, internal organs (kidneys, lungs, digestive organs) are also a source of stench. Therefore, the garlic stench persists even after brushing your teeth, and it is necessary to get rid of it comprehensively.

Effective methods

There are several types of products that can help minimize garlic odor. The healthy spice can be added to hot dishes, salads and snacks, or consumed raw, but after this it is necessary to chew the garlic with another product that neutralizes acillin.


Fruit acids contained in fresh fruits help get rid of garlic stench. This is especially true for products that quickly oxidize and darken after cutting. Thus, half a green apple can almost completely neutralize the unpleasant odor of garlic. Oxidizing components effectively destroy hydrogen sulfide compounds. In addition to apples, pears, peaches, and prunes are good for removing aroma.

Vegetables and greens

The most effective vegetable in terms of getting rid of odor is potatoes. It can be consumed together with garlic. Also, greens perfectly neutralize odor - parsley, basil, dill, lettuce, spinach. Eating any of these foods after garlic will kill the stench.


Bakery products contain a lot of carbohydrates. Scientists have proven that they effectively combat the aroma of garlic. Lack of carbohydrates, on the contrary, becomes one of the causes of prolonged stench. You can eat a piece of bread along with garlic, and you won’t have to worry about the smell.

Other products

Other foods that remove aroma include nuts, spices and seasonings, coffee beans, chicory, and mushrooms. It has been noticed that bay leaves and clove flowers effectively combat garlic amber. Walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts are excellent nuts. The benefits of coffee beans are generally known to everyone: coffee can overpower absolutely any aroma.

Drinks as neutralizers:

Drinks are no less effective at eliminating the smell of garlic. The following drinks minimize or kill aroma:

Green tea

A recognized leader among drinks that helps the body cope with various problems, including getting rid of the smell of garlic. Natural green tea contains antioxidants and polyphenols, which neutralize hydrogen sulfide compounds in garlic.

Milk and dairy products

Milk is an extremely effective remedy. During the interaction of volatile elements and fatty acids in milk, the black compounds and enzymes of garlic are blocked, due to which the unpleasant odor does not appear at all: just drink a glass of milk before consuming the spice.

Acidic juices with low pH

This category includes cranberry juices and fruit drinks, lemon juice, and grapefruit juice. Acids stimulate the breakdown of enzymes and their removal from the body. Salivation also increases, due to which bad breath quickly disappears.

Other ways to get rid of odor

There are also hygienic methods for getting rid of unpleasant odors. First of all, these include brushing your teeth with toothpaste and removing food debris using other means. Pharmacies sell mouth rinses.

Its constituent components destroy sulfur compounds. A 1:1 solution of salt and baking soda will help minimize the smell. You can wash your hands with the same solution to clean out your pores.

All the methods presented are aimed at getting rid of the unpleasant odor and require some time. But there are situations when it is necessary to mask the aroma immediately. In this case, effective but short-term measures will come to the rescue:

  • chewing gum;
  • hangover remedies - anti-policeman, hangover;
  • Activated carbon;
  • lemon zest.

It is better to use fruit-flavored chewing gum. Specialized hangover remedies have long been known for their ability to block various odors, and charcoal is an adsorbent that reduces the release of acillin by internal organs. Do not rinse your mouth with alcohol-containing solutions - this will increase the stench. The smell of garlic goes away over time.

However, if you don’t want to be a source of stench, the recommendations listed will come in handy. In the case of planned important events, you should not use the spice 2 days before them.