Increased sensitivity of teeth: causes and treatment. What to do with tooth sensitivity at home: folk remedies, how to reduce and eliminate discomfort

When a hot cup of tea or ice cream on a hot summer day causes you not pleasure, but pain and discomfort, it means that you are familiar firsthand with such an unpleasant phenomenon as increased sensitivity of teeth. You will learn everything about why a pain reaction occurs, as well as possible methods of treating this disease, from this article.

Symptoms of hypersensitivity of teeth and gums

In dentistry, this disease is called hyperesthesia, and, according to medical data, women are more likely to suffer from dental hypersensitivity. Pregnancy and childbirth, emotional and mental stress negatively affect oral health. The risk of hyperesthesia increases with age; after 30 years, its symptoms may begin to appear regularly. The first and main sign is the presence of a pain reaction to the following stimuli:

  • cold or hot liquid;
  • solid food;
  • sour or too salty liquids and foods;
  • very cold air.

The severity of pain directly depends on the condition of the tooth enamel and can vary from barely noticeable, unpleasant sensations to sharp, very severe pain. If the sensitivity of tooth enamel has increased and it is too thin, then upon contact with any irritants, the pain increases.

This clinical picture is caused by severe damage to tooth enamel, and is a sign of an advanced stage of the disease. Treatment of dental hyperesthesia in this case will be quite complex and lengthy. When the first, even mild, symptoms of increased tooth sensitivity appear, you should contact your dentist as soon as possible.


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In fact, there are a huge number of reasons for the appearance of hyperesthesia, and if you learn about them in a timely manner, the disease can either be prevented or eliminated at the initial stage. First, it’s worth understanding the structure of the tooth in order to understand how the sensitivity of not only the teeth, but also the gums increases. Each tooth is covered with enamel, which protects it throughout life. Under the enamel there is dentin, and it is the impact on dentin through damaged or thinned enamel that causes pain.

Dentists include the following factors as prerequisites for the occurrence of increased sensitivity of teeth:

  • caries;
  • some periodontal diseases;
  • improper oral care;
  • errors in the dentist's robot;
  • general diseases of the body.


Most often, dental hyperesthesia appears due to the presence of caries. This is especially true when it is localized in close proximity to the gums. Tooth enamel begins to lose minerals as the affected tooth becomes sensitive to the acidic environment. Caries must be treated in a timely manner in order to relieve not only the unpleasant symptoms of hyperesthesia, but also to avoid partial tooth destruction or loss.

Periodontal diseases

Damage to periodontal tissue can lead to receding gums. Also, gum recession can be caused by physiological characteristics - a short frenulum of the lips or tongue. This leads to the fact that the unprotected neck of the tooth, and then the root, is gradually exposed, and the tooth’s susceptibility to irritants increases. In these cases, the appearance of hyperesthesia is inevitable, and it is impossible to fight it without eliminating the underlying problem.

Dentist mistakes

The lack of professionalism of the dentist often causes increased sensitivity of the hard tissues of the teeth. Improper filling and treatment of caries leads to damage to the integrity of the enamel, and a poorly installed crown can cause receding gums. Also, the cause of tooth sensitivity can be the whitening procedure carried out in violation of the technology or due to low-quality materials. In this case, the consequence will be an even greater thinning of the sensitive enamel. Also, tooth sensitivity can be caused by improperly performed professional cleaning, for example, removal of tartar, when the part of the tooth adjacent to the gum is excessively polished or damaged by a dental instrument.

Systemic diseases

Also, this unpleasant illness can be caused by various malfunctions in the body: hormonal disorders, diseases of the digestive system, depression, female age-related changes (menopause). For example, with metabolic disorders, the acidity of gastric juice increases, which often causes heartburn. At this moment, bile is released from the stomach and enters the oral cavity, and the acidic environment is known to have a destructive effect on tooth enamel.

Improper care of teeth and gums

Hard toothbrushes, improper use of dental floss, constant use of aggressive toothpastes and whitening gels - all this can also lead to increased sensitivity. It is also not advisable to use home remedies for yellowing, such as baking soda, as they can destroy tooth enamel. Improper care can also lead to mechanical damage to the enamel, and cracks and chips almost always increase tooth sensitivity.

Types of hyperesthesia

Hyperesthesia is classified according to the following main criteria:

  1. by origin;
  2. by area of ​​distribution;
  3. according to severity.

Depending on the origin, there are two types of increased sensitivity: when it intensifies due to partial damage to the enamel, and regardless of the integrity of the coating. The first case includes:

  • pathological abrasion of enamel;
  • carious cavities;
  • erosion of hard tissues;
  • preparation of teeth when installing crowns.

The second case includes the following factors:

According to the area of ​​distribution, hyperesthesia can be limited (localized on one tooth) and generalized (when several teeth hurt at the same time). According to severity, hypersensitivity is divided into 3 stages:

  • Stage 1 – reaction only to temperature stimuli;
  • Stage 2 – a painful reaction to salty or sour foods is added;
  • Stage 3 – irritation of hard tissues manifests itself even from touching with the tongue or toothbrush.

Methods of treatment and prevention

Of course, any disease is best treated by a specialist who will tell you how to relieve tooth sensitivity and prescribe the necessary procedures. Home remedies can also help in the fight against dental hyperesthesia. The ideal option would be an integrated approach, when two types of treatment are combined, as well as regular prevention.

Treating tooth sensitivity with medications

Professional treatment for dental hyperesthesia is as follows:

How to reduce hypersensitivity with dental care products?

Along with professional help, dentists recommend using special gels and pastes with a high content of fluoride and calcium. It is also necessary to rinse your mouth after eating with special rinses for sensitive teeth and gums, which should include plant extracts, sodium fluoride and potassium nitride, and antiseptics (more details in the article:). Such rinses restore damaged enamel and lead to a decrease in hypersensitivity of the gums and teeth, and also help get rid of pathogens that cause inflammation of the root soft tissues.

How to deal with high sensitivity of teeth using folk remedies?

If there is a painful reaction of the enamel to cold and hot, or, as people say, the teeth are stuck, then in order to reduce the pain and cure it, people often resort to traditional medicine recipes. Your dentist should tell you how to relieve tooth sensitivity using medications. Folk remedies in the fight against hyperesthesia can also be very effective, but only as an addition to doctor’s prescriptions.

Name of the productCooking methodApplication
Oak bark decoctionSteam 1 tablespoon of pharmaceutical oak bark with boiling water and cook for about 15 minutes in a water bath. Then the broth must be cooled and strained.The decoction should be used to rinse 3 times a day for two weeks.
Tea tree oilA solution of boiled water (1 glass) and a couple of drops of oil will reduce pain.For a therapeutic effect, the oil solution must be used as a rinse at least 4 times a day.
Infusion of chamomile and burdockBrew a mixture of herbs (1 tablespoon of each type) with boiling water and let it brew for about half an hour. Then the infusion must be filtered through a fine sieve or gauze rolled up in several layers.Use the infusion as a rinse in the morning and evening for up to 10 days.

Statistics show that every second person suffers from severe tooth pain when eating hot or cold food. In medicine, this disease is called hyperesthesia. It can be an independent disease or a symptom. People suffering from hyperesthesia often ask the question: “How to relieve tooth sensitivity?” Modern medicine offers many ways to get rid of such an unpleasant phenomenon. In addition, there are effective folk methods. So, today we will talk about tooth sensitivity (how to relieve it, reviews, causes, ways to prevent the disease).

Causes of tooth sensitivity

  • Damage to enamel and the occurrence of carious defects.
  • Presence of wedge-shaped damage in the area of ​​the tooth neck.
  • Periodontitis. Exposure of necks and
  • Frequent use of pastes. Such products contain abrasive fillers (silicon compounds) and chemicals that contribute to the destruction of calcium.
  • Presence (demineralization of enamel).
  • Regular consumption of foods high in acid. Acid-containing fruits contribute to the leaching of calcium from the enamel. This, in turn, causes the hard shell of the teeth to become porous. It begins to respond to temperature and mechanical stimuli.
  • Increased tooth sensitivity may be associated with professional cleaning procedures. The enamel, covered with hard deposits, becomes very thin. After professional cleaning, plaque is removed, and the necks of the teeth remain unprotected and are highly exposed to mechanical and chemical irritants.

Types of tooth sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity (how to relieve discomfort, as well as prevent their reappearance - we will consider further) is a disease that is caused by different reasons for each person. That is why, before prescribing medications for the treatment of such an ailment, the dentist determines the type of hyperesthesia.

Let's look at the signs by which tooth sensitivity is classified.

1. By origin:

  • Caused by pathologically increased abrasion of tooth enamel.
  • Not associated with damage to hard tissues.

2. By degree of distribution:

  • Organic form. to chemical and mechanical irritants appears in the area of ​​one or more teeth. The occurrence of such a disease occurs in the presence of carious and non-carious cavities, after filling or bleaching.
  • Generalized form. Increased sensitivity to any irritants manifests itself in the area of ​​most teeth. The occurrence and progression of hyperesthesia in this case is associated with such defects as multiple caries and pathological abrasion.

Symptoms and diagnosis

In order to understand how to relieve tooth sensitivity quickly and effectively, you need to know the main symptoms of this disease.

The main sign indicating the presence of hyperesthesia is sharp pain. It occurs when a tooth interacts with any irritants. Often pain can occur even when cold or hot air enters the oral cavity. With increased tooth sensitivity, every meal is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. Hyperesthesia not only causes suffering to a person, but also interferes with dental intervention. Thus, any action of the doctor may be accompanied by acute or aching pain in the patient.

The presence of hyperesthesia is diagnosed during an examination by a dentist. As a rule, the doctor can immediately determine the cause and extent of the disease. If during the examination it was not possible to find out why the patient is bothered by toothache while eating, then an x-ray examination is performed.

Traditional methods of treating hyperesthesia

After diagnosis, the dentist may suggest that the patient undergo a remineralization course. During this procedure, the enamel is saturated with calcium, so it is less exposed to chemical and mechanical irritants. During therapy, drugs are used that help restore the mineral composition of the enamel. Fluoride-based products may also be used. This procedure in dentistry is called fluoridation. It includes the use of drugs with a high content of substances that enhance the remineralizing functions of fluoride ions.

Filling, like other dental procedures, can cause tooth sensitivity. Caries destroys hard tissue and negatively affects nerve endings. That is why it is necessary to treat the defect immediately. This will help avoid the risk of developing serious diseases and tooth loss.

In some cases, after filling, the patient may experience a painful reaction to temperature, chemical and mechanical stimuli. This is due to the fact that during treatment, the integrity of not only the tooth tissues, but also the nerve endings is damaged. As a rule, pain disappears a few days after filling.

If sensitivity does not go away within a few days, you should consult a doctor. Depending on the causes and nature of the pain, the dentist may prescribe the following procedures:

  • channel cleaning;
  • pulp removal;
  • therapy with special pastes and rinses that help reduce tooth sensitivity.

Whitening is a dental procedure that changes the color of enamel. This method allows you to achieve the “Hollywood smile” effect, but it is not absolutely safe. The chemicals contained in whitening products greatly irritate the nerve endings and thin the enamel. This is why very often patients complain of increased tooth sensitivity after the procedure.

So, how to get rid of pain after whitening?

1. The first day after the procedure, the teeth are very sensitive. At this time, you should avoid drinking too hot or cold drinks, sour and sweet foods.

2. Brush your teeth with a soft brush that does not destroy weak porous enamel after whitening.

3. Use special products (gels, pastes, rinses) that contain fluoride. This substance closes pores in hard tissues formed during bleaching and promotes enamel regeneration.

Toothpastes and rinses to reduce sensitivity

People suffering from hyperesthesia often have a question: “How to relieve tooth sensitivity at home?” Modern manufacturers offer a wide selection of products that are effective in combating this disease. Special toothpastes and rinses, when used regularly, help to quickly get rid of pain during use food and consumption of cold and hot drinks. These products include the following substances: potassium chloride, amino fluoride, strontium acetate, hydroxyapatite, plant extracts and antiseptics. They help reduce the sensitivity of the nerves in the dentin canals and saturate the teeth with useful minerals.

The use of special pastes and rinses that reduce the level of sensitivity helps to quickly cure hyperesthesia, especially if it is caused by the whitening procedure. These products should be used 2 times a day for a month.

Other medicines for desensitization

Let's look at the most popular and effective medications in the fight against hyperesthesia.

1. Gel “Fluocal”. This drug contains active fluorine compounds. They contribute to the formation of a mineral layer on the enamel. This helps not only to reduce the sensitivity of teeth to various irritants, but also to prevent the occurrence of caries. It is recommended to use the gel once every six months.

2. Film “Dipelen Denta F”. Self-adhesive film consists of two layers. The internal one attaches directly to the enamel and has a healing effect. The outer layer protects the film and teeth from saliva during therapy. This remedy is one of the most effective in the fight against hyperesthesia. This is due to the fact that fluoride contained in the inner layer of the film affects the teeth for a long time (from 6 to 8 hours).

3. GS TOOTH MOUSSE ointment. This ointment contains a large amount of calcium and phosphorus. It is applied to the teeth and forms a special film that protects the enamel from the negative effects of acids and closes the dentinal canals.

Traditional methods of combating hyperesthesia

Modern medicine knows many herbal tinctures and decoctions that quickly and effectively combat hyperesthesia. So, how to relieve tooth sensitivity using folk remedies? Let's look at the most popular recipes.

  • Regular rinsing with tea tree oil helps reduce tooth sensitivity.
  • A decoction of snakeweed is an effective remedy in the fight against hyperesthesia. In addition, this medicine strengthens the gums and eliminates bad breath.
  • Burdock decoction will quickly relieve toothache.
  • Tincture of chamomile and lemon balm has a calming effect and reduces the sensitivity of nerve endings.
  • A decoction of eggplant peel powder helps strengthen enamel.
  • Boiled milk reduces tooth sensitivity. It should be drunk regularly in small sips.
  • Sesame oil helps to quickly relieve toothache caused by various irritants.

Hello dear readers. Each of the people living today has at least sometime encountered an unusual reaction of teeth to previously familiar foods: a favorite hot coffee in the morning or a desired cool drink on a hot day, sour lemon for tea or hotly seasoned meat. Sometimes, when you inhale or exhale, your teeth “explode” with pain. You should not dismiss such manifestations of tooth sensitivity; it may be a sign of another, more serious disease. In any case, when teeth react sharply to changes in temperature, this is a signal that their health is at risk. This phenomenon has received the medical name “hyperesthesia.” Described as a thinning of the tough outer layer of enamel, exposing vulnerable layers of dentin.

Hyperesthesia can be temporary and permanent, weak and pronounced, manifested by pain in one or two teeth, a group or teeth on the entire jaw or side. Unfortunately, hyperesthesia occurs in the vast majority of the population.

Hyperesthesia is usually a symptom of a serious illness. When visiting a clinic, the dentist can visually determine the cause of sensitivity. If the teeth look healthy, then you will have to resort to an x-ray examination.

To distinguish true dental hypersensitivity from signs of other diseases, you need to take into account that sensitivity usually manifests itself during the day.

Other dental diseases (caries, pulpitis, etc.), as a rule, worsen in the evenings or at night.

Symptoms and signs of tooth sensitivity disease

In the center of the tooth there is a nerve to which numerous dentinal tubules lead. They provide direct access to the nerve when the enamel and middle layer of dentin are damaged.

Over time, the enamel layer becomes thinner, weakening the protection. Also, for various reasons, the gums can “move away” from the tooth, opening access to unfavorable factors to the underlying layer of dentin.

When the dentinal tubules open, tooth tissue is destroyed, the nerve becomes defenseless and reacts with an injection of pain to external stimuli.

The pain is described as an “immediate”, quick sting and a “long-term, debilitating ache.” The more destruction the tooth tissue has undergone, the more pain a person experiences.

Sometimes sensitivity goes away without treatment; restoration of enamel is possible only if there are no other diseases of the oral cavity.

When signs of tooth sensitivity first appear, you should definitely consult a specialist to find out the causes of the disease and choose the right treatment method and means of prevention.


It happens that the cause of painful tooth sensitivity may be subtle inflammatory processes that remain undetected for the time being.

A timely visit to the dentist for treatment will help determine the exact cause and save your teeth.

The appearance of dental hypersensitivity can be caused by:

Hereditary factors, such as weakened or defragmented enamel.

Oral diseases.

Diseases of internal organs.

Endocrine system disorders.

Bruxism (strong jaw clenching, teeth grinding).

Emotional overload.

Neuropsychic disorders.

Improper diet, imbalance in the consumption of sweet, salty, spicy foods, as well as excessive consumption of foods containing various types of acids. These products create discomfort in the mouth that ranges from mild irritation to severe pain.

Eating excessively hot or extremely cold food.

Mechanical irritants (dental floss, toothpicks, incorrectly selected brush, low-quality whitening toothpastes).

Consequences of dental procedures - dental treatment to install crowns, remove tartar, aggressive teeth whitening procedures).

Inept brushing of teeth.

Increased abrasion of the teeth themselves (manifested by sensitivity along the worn edges of the teeth).

Pregnancy (menopause) in women.

Taking hormonal contraceptives.

Lack of minerals in the body (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and others).

Seasonal vitamin deficiency.

Smoking, drinking alcohol, addiction to seeds, nuts.

Erosion of enamel, tooth defects in the cervical area, caries, periodontal diseases.

Infectious and viral diseases.

Excessive exposure to ionizing radiation.

Working in hazardous working conditions.

Types of disease are distinguished:

By distribution. In the local form, 1-2 teeth are sensitive. With generalized pain, several teeth or all the teeth in the jaw respond with pain;

By origin. This could be mechanical damage, thinning of the enamel, various diseases localized in the mouth, and others;

According to the clinical course. In the first stage of the disease, teeth respond only to temperature, in the second - to chemical factors of influence, in the third - tactile sensitivity is added to the first two.

Treatment of sensitive teeth at the dentist

Sensitive teeth can bring a lot of trouble; treatment methods for a particular patient may differ; here you will have to seek advice from a competent specialist who will select an adequate treatment.

You may need to add vitamin and mineral supplements, calcium, and nutritional supplements. You should not self-medicate.

An experienced specialist, when choosing medications for treatment, will give preference to drugs that have an intensive effect on the restoration and strengthening of enamel, and will advise adding additional vitamins, food, and specialized hygiene products.

Remineralizing gels (tusmus or rox-gel) can also be used. Although due to their high cost they are not used often.

When treating the disease at the first stage, apply fluoridated varnish to areas of increased sensitivity and use toothpastes containing fluoride or potassium chloride daily.

If hyperesthesia of the second and third stages is detected, fill the damaged dental tissues.

In especially difficult cases, when the above methods were ineffective, use the iontophoresis method. To carry out this procedure, a medicinal solution is applied to the electrodes, then applied to the teeth.

A weak electrical discharge passing through the electrodes penetrates deep into the thickness of the enamel. As a result of this effect, the necessary elements saturate the enamel;

Take vitamin and mineral complexes.

Sensitive teeth - 6 folk remedies, what to do at home

If it is not possible to go to the clinic urgently, then traditional medicine comes to the rescue.

  1. You can make a decoction of herbs (chamomile, sage, oak bark, eucalyptus, etc.). For example, prepare an infusion of chamomile. It will have a sedative, analgesic and antibacterial effect. Pour chamomile flowers (1 tablespoon) into a glass of boiling water for an hour, strain and rinse your mouth with the infusion up to 5 times a day.

A decoction of oak bark, due to its antiseptic and astringent properties, will help cope with almost all ailments of the oral cavity. Add 1 tablespoon of pre-dried and crushed oak bark to 200 ml of boiling water and simmer for 5-7 minutes. Cool and strain. Then rinse your mouth 2-3 times a day.

A decoction of oak bark combined with calamus root. Add two cups of boiling water to 2 tablespoons of raw materials and keep in a water bath until the volume is halved.

Rinse your mouth with an infusion of sage, brewed like tea, 2-3 times a day, or more often.

  1. Salt, soda or mixed solutions (1:1) are suitable for rinsing the mouth. They are used after daily hygienic brushing of teeth.
  1. Milk helps a lot if you drink it warmed up and hold it in your mouth for 15-20 seconds.
  1. Propolis can be chewed or made into an alcohol tincture. However, given the powerful power of the resulting liquid, it is used very carefully. A cotton swab soaked in tincture is applied to the disturbing area. Do not hold for long, as alcohol can burn the mucous membrane. Or dilute with water and rinse your mouth.
  1. Using your fingers, you can perform a daily massage of the gums. Such manipulations will improve the blood supply and nutrition of the teeth.
  1. Pharmacy rinses also help. If you use them regularly, you can get rid of the symptoms of hyperesthesia, as well as prevent the occurrence of other troubles in the mouth.

Rinse aids usually contain:

  • Sodium fluoride - has a positive effect on strengthening the enamel structure.
  • Potassium nitrite to reduce hypersensitivity of nerve endings.
  • Antiseptics that kill microorganisms that cause plaque.
  • Various herbal extracts that prevent various inflammatory processes in the gums.

Finishers that enjoy deserved popularity:

* PRESIDENT Sensitive Plus alcohol-free

* LACALUT Sensitive.

  1. Special gels, which can be cooling or analgesic in their effect, bring significant relief.

To prevent such an unpleasant disease as hyperesthesia, it is necessary:

— Remember about regular preventive examinations at the dentist, at least once a year;

— Carry out dental hygiene, observing the correct technique of movements, with a specially selected soft brush. When brushing your teeth this way, guide the brush not only up and down, but also from side to side, at an angle of 45°, along the gum line, not forgetting the inner line of the teeth;

— When choosing toothpaste, give preference to products containing fluoride or potassium chloride. If the teeth cleaning product includes such components as strong antiseptics, acids, aluminum salts, then using such a paste is allowed for no more than three weeks with a mandatory break of a month.

* LACALUT Extra Sensitive

* PRESIDENT Sensitive

— Review your list of preferred products and stay away from risky ones. Teeth cannot resist “extreme” foods for long;

— Forget completely about aggressive whitening. Pay attention to the advisory label on the tube “to reduce sensitivity”;

— Say goodbye to bad habits - smoking, alcohol, the habit of gnawing writing instruments, plastic straws for juices;

— Review the diet of daily consumed foods. Focus on foods enriched with calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron (sea fish, seafood, milk, cheese, cottage cheese, liver). Exclude hard nuts, seeds, crackers.

Using simple methods of preventing hyperesthesia, tooth damage or irreversible loss can be prevented or its manifestations will be minimal.

The problem of tooth sensitivity is familiar to almost every person.

With any irritating effect, both physical and mechanical, piercing pain can occur, although visually the teeth seem completely healthy.

Description and causes of increased tooth sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity (hyperesthesia) is one of the most common complaints of patients in dental clinics.

Increased sensitivity of teeth causes a lot of suffering to a person and can be a concomitant symptom of various diseases.

Temperature, mechanical, chemical and other irritants can provoke the occurrence of unpleasant symptoms. However, pain varies in intensity and duration for each person. Initially weak and short-lived, over time they grow, become strong, pulsating and do not go away for a long time.

The reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon are varied. It may occur:

  • with damaged tooth enamel;
  • during the period of hormonal changes (pregnancy, menopause, hormonal imbalances);
  • for nervous disorders;
  • as a result of abuse of sour foods, sweets, carbonated drinks;
  • with lesions of the teeth, as a result of which the dentinal tubules are exposed.

In addition, hyperesthesia can develop due to vitamin deficiency, poor nutrition, stress, or improper brushing of teeth.

Why teeth become sensitive and how to deal with hyperesthesia - video

Treatment options

Treating tooth sensitivity is a complex process. Modern dentistry offers many different ways to get rid of this problem. Conservative therapy is mainly used, and surgical intervention is rarely used.

Depending on the reasons that led to hyperesthesia, different treatment methods are used:

  • Fluoridation is carried out in order to saturate the enamel with necessary substances, which helps to strengthen it. The procedure is carried out using special mouth guards containing fluoride gel. They can be disposable or reusable for home use. If there are minor damages, the teeth are coated with fluoride varnish;
  • if sensitivity is caused by caries, you need to treat the underlying disease;
  • Unpleasant sensations may occur if the gums have receded and the cervical area has opened due to inflammation. In this case, a surgical intervention is performed, during which the doctor covers the neck of the tooth and lifts the gum;
  • if excessive sensitivity is caused by tooth wear, orthodontic therapy is indicated;
  • the generalized form is treated with medications that help restore phosphorus-calcium metabolism (multivitamins, calcium supplements);
  • in case of unpleasant sensations after a poorly performed filling, this procedure must be repeated;
  • if the problem appeared after teeth whitening, it means that it led to thinning of the enamel. To fix this, electrophoresis is used or the enamel is coated with a special varnish.

Increased tooth sensitivity can also be cured with the help of remineralization, through the use of folk remedies, as well as using various gels, varnishes and foams.

Enamel remineralization

Remineralization therapy is the method most often used to treat tooth sensitivity.

At the dental clinic

In a dental clinic, the procedure is carried out as follows:

  • the doctor removes plaque from the surface of the teeth using special professional pastes;
  • treats teeth with hydrogen peroxide (0.5–1%) and dries thoroughly;
  • Apply an application to the affected areas of the teeth with a 10% solution of calcium gluconate or a complex agent (Remodent, Fluorodent). Changes applications every 5 minutes. The duration of the entire procedure is 20 minutes;
  • treats the tooth surface with a 1–2% sodium fluoride solution.

This procedure allows you to saturate the tooth enamel with the necessary components. During treatment, juices and acidic foods are excluded from the diet. It is recommended to brush your teeth with fluoride-containing toothpastes.

Remineralization is carried out daily or every other day. In total you will need 15–20 applications. During the last procedure, fluoride varnish is applied to the enamel.

To treat hypersensitivity of teeth, as a rule, remineralization is used.

At home

The most popular means:

  • Mexidol Dent Sensitive. Has antibacterial properties, stimulates regenerative processes;
  • Oral-B Sensitive Original. The effectiveness is due to the presence in its composition of a substance whose structure resembles tooth enamel;
  • Rembrandt Sensitive. When using this paste, a film is formed that protects tooth enamel from the irritating effects of various substances.

How to reduce sensitivity and relieve toothache - video

Gels, varnishes and foams

Gels, varnishes and foams are applied directly to the teeth or used as rinses.

When applying varnish, a film is formed on the teeth that protects the enamel. Gels and foams are used to prevent inflammation.

The following remedies are effective:

  • Bifluoride 12. After covering the teeth with this fluorine-containing varnish, a film is formed on the enamel, protecting against temperature irritants;
  • Tooth Mousse. This professional gel product is applied to the teeth using a cotton swab and also forms a protective film;
  • Remodent. The drug is available in powder form. Used for rinsing, helps remove excess sensitivity.

Before using any of the above remedies, you should consult your dentist. Once the cause of the discomfort is determined, the doctor will help you choose the most effective drug.

Pastes, ointments and other drugs to reduce dental hypersensitivity - gallery

Tooth Mousse

MEXIDOL dent Sensitive

Alternative medicine

Folk remedies help eliminate increased sensitivity of tooth enamel and help reduce discomfort. But such recipes are designed for long-term use; you should not expect healing after the first procedure. In addition, the relief may only be temporary, so they are best used as an adjunct to primary treatment.

Alternative medicine recipes can be used both for the treatment and prevention of pathology.

Tea tree oil

If pain suddenly occurs, you can dilute a few drops of oil in 1 glass of warm water and rinse your teeth. To consolidate the effect, it is recommended to do the procedure every time after eating. You can use another recipe:

  • Dissolve eucalyptus and tea tree oils (5 drops each) in half a glass of water;
  • rinse three times a day.

Tea tree oil helps reduce bleeding gums, eliminate bad breath and tartar. When using such a tool, it is necessary to take into account some nuances:

  • the oil should only be natural, undiluted;
  • do not exceed the dosage, as this can lead to unpleasant sensations during rinsing;
  • upon first use, there may be numbness in the tip of the tongue, which quickly passes;

    Not everyone will like the taste of the product, so after the procedure it is recommended to rinse your mouth with warm water.

  • Do not eat immediately after rinsing.


Decoctions and infusions of herbs are used for rinsing. These products help eliminate pain, strengthen enamel, and eliminate unpleasant odors. Traditional medicine for dental hypertension recommends using the following recipes:

  1. Herbal infusion (chamomile, sage, oregano or calendula):
    • 1 tbsp. l. crushed dry plant is poured with 1 cup of boiling water;
    • leave for 1 hour;
    • filter and rinse the mouth 4–5 times a day for 5–10 days.
  2. Oak bark decoction:
    • oak bark is poured with boiling water (for 1 tablespoon of bark, 1 glass of water);
    • boil for 5 minutes;
    • The cooled broth is filtered and used for rinsing 2-3 times a day. The duration of treatment is one to two weeks.
  3. Burdock decoction:
    • 1 tsp. dry herbs are poured into a glass of hot water;
    • keep on low heat for 3 minutes;
    • leave for an hour, filter;
    • rinse the mouth up to 5 times a day.

With the help of rinsing with decoctions and infusions, you can dull the pain, reduce sensitivity, and reduce inflammation. But if the teeth are destroyed from the inside, then it will not be possible to achieve a positive result with the help of such means. Do not forget that some plants can cause allergic reactions.

Treatment with decoctions and herbal infusions has its drawbacks. Not every person in modern life manages to find time to prepare the product and rinse frequently.


This beekeeping product has anesthetic properties. You can simply chew it, after a while you will feel a slight numbness. The healing resin fills all the cracks, thus partially restoring the damaged tooth. In addition, you can rinse your mouth with propolis tincture. To prepare it, a piece of the product is dissolved in alcohol.

When using propolis, you must remember that the maximum dosage is three grams per day.

After the procedure, irritation of the mucous membrane may occur. Therefore, you should not keep propolis in your mouth for more than 10 minutes. This method should not be used by those who are allergic to bee products.

Juices of vegetables and herbs

With regular use, the following products can significantly reduce pain:

  • cucumber juice;
  • turnip juice with honey;
  • horsetail juice with honey.

Gargling with juices helps strengthen tooth enamel. The procedure should be carried out daily in the morning and evening.

Warm milk

A simple and effective remedy. Thanks to the calcium content, tooth enamel is strengthened. To reduce sensitivity, you just need to drink warm milk, holding it in your mouth for 20–25 seconds.

Cucumber juice

Excessive tooth sensitivity is an unpleasant phenomenon that negatively affects the quality of life. The cause of hyperesthesia may be dental diseases or damage to the enamel. Therefore, before using any remedies, you need to visit a dentist to prevent the situation from worsening.