Juvederm Ultra (Juvederm Ultra) - a series of products for face correction and lip contouring. Juvederm Ultra (Juvederm Ultra) - a series of products for the correction of the face and the formation of the contour of the lips Streptococcal infection in the past

The development of modern cosmetology has made it possible to significantly simplify the possibility of correcting natural and acquired facial imperfections. Thus, the use of fillers from the Juvederm Ultra series allows you to restore facial contours, eliminate deep and fine wrinkles, and also improve the natural shape of the lips.

The preparations of this line are very practical and can be used to solve specific problems in the field of contour injection plastics. They are characterized by ease of use, moderate cost and long-term positive effect. The combination of these qualities allowed Juvederm Ultra products to receive positive reviews from professionals.

Three types of products in the Ultra line

Juvederm Ultra combines a whole series of cosmetic correctors. There are three main types of related fillers, the main difference of which lies in the purpose.

It has the most delicate effect, is available in a dosage of 0.55 ml. The introduction of such a tool is carried out only in the middle layers of the epidermis. The main purpose of the composition is to eliminate moderate sagging of the skin, correction of shallow mimic or age wrinkles, as well as a slight change in the shape of the lips.

Available in a dosage of 0.8 ml. The composition is injected into the middle or deep layers of the skin, depending on the specific case of the client. It is used to give the skin the necessary tone, completely eliminate moderate sagging, correct wrinkles, as well as the shape of the lips and cheekbones (including giving them additional volume). This product is used more often than others, reviews indicate the achievement of the stated result.

Available in a dosage of 0.8 ml. It is used for injection only into the deep layers of the skin. It can be used to form the volume of the cheekbones and lips, as well as to correct significant sagging skin. Juvederm ultra 4 has the highest viscosity, so its effect is maximum.

All preparations of the Juvederm Ultra line have a number of similar characteristics. Among them: the general composition (hyaluronic acid, phosphate, lidocaine), the same principle of the procedure (injection), possible side effects and contraindications.

Indications for use and contraindications

What areas of our face are most often subjected to such cosmetic correction? These include the space between the eyebrows, wrinkles in the forehead and lips, nasolabial folds. As for the modeling of problem areas, special attention is usually paid to the cheeks, cheekbones, and, of course, the lips. Any shortcomings of the listed areas of the face are easily corrected with the help of properly selected fillers of the ultra line.

In addition to the prerequisites for cosmetic intervention, there are certain prohibitions. To begin with, it is necessary to outline the range of contraindications to procedures of this nature.

It is very important to undergo a preliminary examination by a specialist. Based on the results of a detailed consultation, you will receive not only a complete understanding of the principles of the procedure, but also possible precautions. Do not inject if:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • the presence of active inflammatory processes in the area that is planned to be corrected;
  • tendency to scarring;
  • herpes, eczema, psoriasis, external manifestations of allergic reactions on the skin subjected to cosmetic intervention;
  • oncological diseases;
  • immune diseases;
  • individual intolerance to one of the components that make up the filler.

All of the listed contraindications are fully relevant for each of the Juvederm Ultra products.

Don't forget to get checked out by a specialist.

There is hardly a woman who will be happy with the appearance of wrinkles. The desire to be young and beautiful is a natural desire of any representative of the weaker sex. There are several options for a quick solution to the problem: plastic surgery, or injections of hyaluronic acid. The woman herself chooses the method acceptable for herself. In recent years, preparations that contain artificial hyaluronic acid have become very popular. It is safe, easy to administer, rarely causes side effects, but it guarantees a result that can be admired for a long period of time.

Juvederm Ultra 3 is an injectable filler that is used to correct serious age-related skin changes, as well as to increase lip volume and contour. In addition, it is used to remove deep wrinkles, smooth out nasolabial folds and model the facial oval. Juvederm Ultra is an improved continuation of . The main difference between these fillers is that they contain lidocaine, which has an analgesic effect, thereby helping the patient to more easily endure the procedure.

The composition of the drug

The main component contained in the Juvederm Ultra 3 gel is artificial hyaluronic acid. It is of non-animal origin, due to which the likelihood of allergic reactions is reduced to a minimum. One milliliter of the drug contains 24 milligrams of hyaluronic acid.

The main difference between Juvederm gel and analogues is that hyaluronic acid molecules are tightly bonded to each other.

Due to this, the drug remains in the tissues longer in the state in which it was introduced during the procedure.

Juvederm Ultra 3 also contains lidocaine, which acts as an anesthetic. Therefore, during the administration of the drug, the patient does not feel almost any discomfort. The third component in the composition is a phosphate buffer, which has the ability to minimize swelling after the procedure.

One package of Juvederm ultra 3 gel contains two syringes containing 0.8 milliliters of gel and four needles for administering the drug.

Areas of application Juvederm ultra 3

It should be noted that Juvederm Ultra 3 gel cannot drastically change facial features or greatly correct them. It is used to remove nasolabial folds, deep wrinkles on the forehead, and give volume to the cheeks.

It is important to know that the drug should not be injected into the skin of the eyelids. Only a first-class cosmetologist who will be ready to take responsibility for possible complications can introduce Juvederm into this area. Usually, fillers specially designed for this purpose are used to remove dark circles under the eyes. Therefore, it is better not to take risks.

Also, Juvederm Ultra 3 gel is used to give volume to the lips, outlining a clear contour.

Juvederm should not be injected into the vessels, because tissue necrosis or complete blockage of the vessels may occur!


There are a number of conditions and diseases in which the use of Juvederm ultra 3 gel is not recommended:

  • epileptic seizures that are practically or poorly controlled by drugs;
  • tendency to hypertrophic and;
  • intolerance to preparations containing hyaluronic acid or local anesthetics;
  • porphyrin disease;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
  • childhood;
  • skin inflammation;
  • fungal, viral or bacterial infection;
  • simultaneous use with chemical peeling or laser procedures;
  • there should be no synthetic implants at the intended injection sites.

Restrictions on the use of Juvederm ultra 3

There are a large number of diseases in which the use of Juvederm is undesirable.

Autoimmune diseases

If the patient has a history of an autoimmune disease in the active phase, then the use of Juvederm should be postponed. In the passive course of the disease, a double test should be made before using the gel. Such patients require careful monitoring.

allergic reactions

If the patient suffered from allergic reactions or experienced anaphylactic shock, then the doctor will inject a double portion of the gel for the sample. Also, sometimes preventive treatment is prescribed, which will need to be taken before each procedure. This should also be done in cases where the allergic reaction does not occur to hyaluronic acid or local anesthetics.

Treatment with anticoagulants

The patient must stop taking anticoagulants at least a week before the procedure. If this is not possible, then the doctor must warn him about the possible risks and consequences associated with large hematomas and bruises at the injection sites.

Streptococcal infection in history

If the patient often had tonsillitis, rheumatic heart disease or acute articular rheumatism, then it is better for him to refuse the procedure using Juvederm Ultra 3 gel.

Professional sports

The main stages of drug administration

At a consultation with a cosmetologist, the patient talks about the desired result, an assessment of the skin condition is also carried out, and an anamnesis is clarified. The doctor chooses the amount of Juvederm gel that will be required for one session. The patient is informed about all possible side effects, recommendations are given on post-procedural care, incompatibility of the drug with other drugs.

Typically, the gel injection procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. First of all, the skin is cleansed of cosmetics and impurities, after which it is treated with an antiseptic.
  2. Before the eyes of the patient, the cosmetologist opens the package with Juvederm Ultra 3.
  3. Next, the doctor puts a needle with a protective cap on the syringe, which is removed immediately before the injection of the gel into the tissues.
  4. If during the procedure the needle becomes blunt and causes pain to the patient, then it is changed to a new one.
  5. To spread the gel evenly, it is slowly injected under the skin.
  6. After the end of the procedure, a massage is done for better distribution in the tissues.

Skin care after the procedure

Within 12 hours after the procedure, the patient must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • do not go to the pool;
  • do not be outdoors at temperatures below 0 degrees Celsius;
  • avoid prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • do not use decorative cosmetics.

Also, within fourteen days, the patient should not do thermal procedures, that is, do not visit the sauna, bath or solarium.

Possible side effects

  • bruises and hematomas at the injection sites;
  • itching, redness and inflammation of the skin;
  • painful sensations when touched;
  • nodules and seals in places where Juvederm was introduced;
  • allergic reaction to the composition of the gel;
  • the onset of tissue necrosis.

The cost of drug injections

The final price for the procedure will depend on the amount of Juvederm ultra 3 gel. It depends on the condition of the patient's skin, what problems will need to be solved with the drug. The cost of one pack of Juvederm Ultra 3 filler starts at 8,500 rubles.

Patients often complain about the weak effect of Juvederm Ultra 3. Often this is due to the desire to save money, for example, by buying the gel in half with a girlfriend. Also, doing the procedure at home does not lead to anything good, which undoubtedly affects the final result.

Juvederm ultra 3 (Juvederm ultra 3) is a filler for facial contouring. This is an injectable preparation in the form of a gel based on hyaluronic acid, thanks to which women have the opportunity to correct changes in appearance caused by age-related changes.

Composition and form of release of the drug

The main active ingredient in Juvederm- artificial hyaluronic acid. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that its molecules are firmly interconnected, therefore, after being introduced into the tissues, the filler remains for a long time and maintains their volume. Hyaluronic acid of animal origin does not have such properties, moreover, it often causes allergic reactions. That's why Juvederm Ultra 3 is becoming more and more popular - in the US, about 45% of women use the drug to combat wrinkles caused by early aging.

The second significant component of the gel is lidocaine. It is an anesthetic, thanks to which the contouring procedure is absolutely painless.

The composition of the drug also includes a phosphate buffer. This substance helps to minimize tissue swelling at the injection site.

Juvederm 3 is produced by the American company Allergan, the release form of the drug is syringes filled with a sterile gel. One package contains two 0.8 ml syringes and four injection needles. A detailed instruction is attached to the package, which describes the properties of the drug, indications and contraindications for its use, possible side effects and rules for injection contouring.

Indications and contraindications

Filler with hyaluronic acid used for point correction of the shape of the face, indications for its use are:

  • forehead wrinkles;
  • nasolabial folds;
  • the need to correct the shape of the cheekbones;
  • unsatisfactory lip contour, thin lips.

Contraindications to the use of Juvederm:

It is forbidden to use Juvederm Ultra 3 to correct the area around the eyes. The skin and subcutaneous layer here have a special structure, the introduction of a filler can cause unwanted reactions. For this zone, drugs are used that are designed taking into account the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the tissues around the eyes.

Application restrictions

There are indications when the use of Juvederm is not prohibited, but a doctor's consultation is necessary before injections. Detailed collection of patient information before contouring is necessary in the following cases:

  • the patient has an autoimmune disease;
  • tendency to allergic reactions (not only to hyaluronic acid and lidocaine);
  • streptococcal infection (it can be suspected if the patient often suffers from tonsillitis, he is diagnosed with rheumatism);
  • taking medications that thin the blood.

Rules for the introduction of Juvederm ultra

Before the introduction of the filler, the cosmetologist examines the patient, determines the areas that are subject to correction, and calculates the dose of the drug. The doctor also conducts a conversation with the patient, explains the rules of conduct after the procedure, and reports on possible complications.

The introduction of Juvederm ultra 3 occurs in the following sequence:

During the injection process, the needle may become blunt, so the doctor may replace it with another one. The gel is injected under the skin slowly - this is necessary so that it is evenly distributed in the tissues. To improve the distribution of the drug, the doctor performs a light massage after the procedure.

Patients should be aware that After the introduction of the filler, the following complications may occur:

  • soreness, swelling of the skin;
  • redness, itching at the injection site;
  • the appearance of hematomas and seals at the injection site;
  • skin depigmentation.

The listed complications arise if plastic surgery is performed without following the rules recommended by the manufacturer, as well as if the patient violates the doctor's recommendations.

Patient's actions after the procedure

To get the desired result after correction patients should follow these guidelines:

It is possible to start carrying out other anti-aging procedures on the face only a month after contouring. During this time, the tissues will fully recover, acquire the necessary shape.

The cosmetic result of Juvederm lasts 6-12 months, in rare cases, the effect lasts only 4 months. The success of the procedure in most cases depends on the qualifications of the cosmetologist, so you need to contact only proven beauty salons.

This is a high percentage, indicating that the drug is popular among women. In addition, Juvederm Ultra 3 does not appear in high-profile scandals about the negative consequences of injections. The percentage of unsuccessful results after its introduction is minimal.
In Russia, there are more and more fans of Juvederm Ultra 3. True, there are negative reviews.
Let's find out if the manufacturer "Juvederm Ultra 3" is hiding anything from us and what awaits the "fans" of this filler.

Who produces

This filler appeared on the Russian market relatively recently - some five years ago, but it managed to gain its reputation very quickly. However, the manufacturer spent a lot of money on the marketing promotion of its product.
"Juvederm Ultra 3" is the result of the work of specialists from the American pharmaceutical company Allergan.

The company has been known for a long time, its activities have gone beyond the borders of one state - the factories owned by the company are scattered around the world and medical specialists in the field of pharmacology and cosmetology from many countries work there. In recent years, Allergan has been increasing its momentum by buying up other cosmetics holdings.

In Russia, Allergan has also been known for many years. Cosmetologists have been working on the preparations of this manufacturer for more than one year.

As for the Allergan products themselves, they have not yet caused serious complaints. The firm has not been caught in any major litigation in the beauty industry. This leads to the conclusion - the products of this manufacturer are worthy of the attention of buyers.

Juvederm Ultra 3: what is this drug - general information

"Juvederm Ultra 3" belongs to the category of fillers (injectables). In scientific terms, it is a sterile physiological gel of cross-linked hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin. Translated into simple Russian, this drug fights age-related sagging of the skin, and is also used to increase the volume of the lips.

"Juvederm Ultra 3" is sold in a package containing two syringes of 0.8 ml of this gel. It also comes with four disposable needles for syringes. Needles: 27G1/2''.

Differences from "Juvederm Ultra 2" and "Juvederm Ultra 1"

Allergan's line of anti-wrinkle products is quite extensive. The Juvederm and Juvederm Ultra series are, in fact, drugs of the same principle of action, they differ only in a few indicators and properties.

Juvederm Ultra 3 appeared after Juvederm Ultra 2 and Juvederm Ultra 1 were discontinued. According to the manufacturer, the number at the end of the name means the “generation” to which the drug belongs. The higher the number, the more perfect and refined the filler.

What exactly distinguishes "Juvederm Ultra 3" from the "predecessors":
The filler is more viscous. This allows it to stay in the skin longer, which means that the result will delight for a long time.
"Juvederm Ultra 3" is less painful when injected (contains lidocaine).
Edema after the procedure is minimized.


Like many Juvederm Ultra 3 fillers is based on the well-known hyaluronic acid.
It accounts for approximately 24 mg per 1 ml of the drug. It is important that in this case hyaluron is of non-animal origin. This avoids possible allergic reactions or rejection of the drug by layers of the skin.

Also, the fundamental point is that the particles of hyaluronic acid are, as it were, “cross-linked” (strongly interconnected), which gives a longer effect from the procedure. After all, "crosslinked" particles last longer in the layers of the skin, creating the desired volume.

More "Juvederm Ultra 3" contains lidocaine hydrochloride. The function of this component is pain relief. The sensitivity to the introduction of the drug is reduced by several times, if we compare this filler with its predecessors.

And, of course, the manufacturer made sure that swelling after the injection went down as quickly as possible. To do this, a component was introduced into the filler, such as phosphate buffer. Thanks to him, in some cases there is no edema at all, in other cases, the edema subsides within 2 hours after the procedure.


It is worth pointing out right away that for a radical change in the shape of the face, this drug is not suitable.

We are talking only about removing wrinkles on the forehead, in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds, as well as on the cheekbones. In addition, "Juvederm Ultra 3" is not suitable for injection into the skin of the eyelids. The eyelids and the area near the eyes can only be corrected with the help of preparations of the appropriate series, intended specifically for this part of the face.

More "Juvederm Ultra 3" gives excellent results when lip augmentation or correction of their shape.

If we talk about the principle of action, then this filler is introduced into the middle and even into the deep layers of the dermis. There, the gel is evenly distributed and fills the sagging and volume-losing parts of the face. As a result, folds and wrinkles are smoothed out, and the lips acquire an “appetizing” look.

It is worth noting that this applies only to medium-sized wrinkles. With deep and pronounced wrinkles, the drug may not be able to cope. Therefore, it is up to the cosmetologist to assess the depth of age-related changes in the face.

The duration of the effect from the introduction of the drug is 8-10 months.


The manufacturer "Juvederm Ultra 3" gives clear instructions - the drug is absolutely not suitable for people under 18 years old!

In addition, like any other filler, Juvederm Ultra 3 has contraindications.
These include:

  • pregnancy and lactation,
  • epilepsy,
  • the presence of a tendency to keloid and hypertrophic scars,
  • intolerance to hyaluronic acid,
  • skin inflammation,
  • persons with porphyria,
  • allergy to the components of the filler.

Cosmetologists note that the drug also cannot be used if you have just done a laser procedure or facial skin peeling. And, of course, injections are not done in places where there is a synthetic implant.

Disadvantages of the drug

1. Soreness. Despite the fact that this filler causes much less pain during application, however, discomfort remains during the procedure. Those who have very sensitive skin may feel not just a tingling sensation, but also a sharp pain. Will have to endure.

2. Possible allergy. Lidocaine, which is part of Juvederm Ultra 3, is a very capricious component. Even when the patient is sure that he does not have an allergy, it can unexpectedly occur to lidocaine. That happens. Fortunately, the percentage of such cases is not high.

3. Getting used to the effect. As with any filler, the result of using Juvederm Ultra 3 is temporary. After 8-12 months, the drug will be completely eliminated from the body naturally. However, patients get used to their new reflection in the mirror, and again go to the beautician for the procedure. Therefore, once you have injected yourself, be prepared that it will become a habit with you.

4. Only a specialist can administer the drug! This is a very important point. If you do not trust your cosmetologist-doctor, then it is better to refuse the procedure. After all, the effect may not be personal at all. In addition, the master professional will take into account all the nuances, including the condition of the skin, the presence of allergies, etc. Without this, after the procedure, you may end up with swelling, redness, irritation, or even inflammation on your face.

5. With skin sensitivity, after injection bruises may appear at the injection sites, tissue necrosis, swelling.

6. The disadvantages include the fact that after the procedure, the skin will require maximum care and additional care from you.
Namely: sauna, bath are prohibited for 2 weeks after the injection; solarium is contraindicated in the first 12 hours. The same applies to putting on makeup, being in the sun, or going for a walk in freezing weather.

Procedure steps

  1. Preparatory. The doctor simply conducts a consultation and examination of the skin condition. It is important to understand how much the drug is needed, what the patient wants to receive in the end.
  2. Skin cleansing, antiseptic treatment.
  3. Injections. The filler is injected slowly so that it has time to evenly distribute under the skin. The volume of the administered drug is strictly individual. It is determined by the doctor himself. The amount of injection depends on the depth of wrinkles. If we are talking about lip augmentation, then also - from the wishes of the client (how much volume should be achieved).
  4. If the needle becomes blunt during injections, the doctor must replace it with a new one. It is easy to understand if the needle is dull - you will feel increased pain with each new injection. This is the signal to change the needle.
  5. When the filler is introduced, the cosmetologist makes a light massage with the fingertips, as if distributing the gel under the skin.


The cost of the procedure starts from 8500 rubles for one syringe. And it comes somewhere up to 16,000 rubles ($250). It all depends on which beauty salon or clinic you applied to. And also, the final price varies from the volume that will be entered specifically for you to achieve the result.

In general, Juvederm Ultra 3, of course, more expensive than their counterparts. However, the effect lasts longer. The drug is more stable and keeps the result well. As already mentioned, effect is enough for 8-12 months.

How to prolong the effect of "Juvederm Ultra 3"

Quite a reasonable question - are there ways to prolong the effect of this filler? Yes, there are such ways.
As cosmetologists advise - you need to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, take vitamin complexes to improve skin condition and drink hyaluron or collagen tablets.
On average, you can expect the result to last 2-3 months longer.
Be sure to consult your doctor if you decide to take the pills.

Avoiding deception

An honest doctor will always open the package with Juvederm Ultra 3 right in front of your eyes, just before the procedure. After all, you should see what exactly you are being injected with. Paying for a "pig in a poke" is very dangerous.

However, the packaging, opened before your eyes, may turn out to be a fake. Let's try to figure out how to avoid this.
Today, the beauty industry is a huge profit for manufacturers. Therefore, scammers are trying to "play" on women's love for beauty and tear off part of their income.

Fake fillers most often come from China. "Juvederm Ultra 3" is counterfeited no less than other drugs. Moreover, it is very difficult to distinguish a fake. The same lilac box, syringes (2 per pack), 4 needles, logos, only the contents of the syringes are dangerous. Fraudsters add silicone, preservatives and chemicals here. The result of such a filler is scarring, swelling, pain, and even poisoning.
What should be of concern? Low price. If you are offered to buy a drug at a reduced cost, do not be fooled. It is unlikely that this is a real "Juvederm Ultra 3".

Do injections only in proven beauty salons and medical centers. And also do not settle for artisanal methods of the procedure, when supposedly a master cosmetologist works at home and receives clients there.

And another nuance - real Juvederm Ultra 3 syringes have a holographic sticker. On it are written the batch number, the expiration date of the drug. This information is usually entered into your medical record.
The Juvederm Ultra 3 solution itself is a transparent viscous gel. Any turbidity or impurities in the gel should force you to abandon the procedure.

How to remove the filler if necessary

If you have an allergy to the drug after the procedure, or the effect turned out to be sad (not what you expected), then you can withdraw Juvederm Ultra 3. This should be done by a doctor.
For the output of the filler is used hyaluronidase special solution.

The cost ranges from 15,000 to 18,000 rubles. This is more than for the procedure itself with the Juvederm Ultra 3 filler. The result will be noticeable in 2-3 days.
However, the doctor will observe you for another 2 weeks, because hyaluronidase can cause allergies and redness.
It is worth resorting to the removal of the filler only in the most extreme cases.

After a year break, I got new lips done again! No, well, of course, I didn’t, but slightly corrected, the upper one is more plump, the lower one along the contour and added volume, plus I raised the corners that fall with age. The edema has already subsided, I constantly run up to the mirror and admire the beauty) I feel terribly thirsty, but so far only through a straw, I try to sip, although it turns out badly. This time - one syringe Juvederm ultra 3, last time - Teosyal Kiss. The difference is huge!

The clinic is the same, the cosmetologist is the same, the effect is the same, but the comfort of the procedure itself and after it is completely different, just heaven and earth. Both Teosyal Kiss and Juvederm Ultra are temporary injectable fillers based on hyaluronic acid, which are used for lip contouring.

The solution of hyaluronic acid is highly viscous, so it dissolves rather slowly, and the result of the correction lasts for about 6 months. Although in fact, it turns out only 3-4 months, as I had)) Both fillers are almost identical, so after one you can safely do the other without fear of their incompatibility. In both cases, I injected 1 syringe, I did not make a correction. Compare?

Juvederm Ultra or Teosyal Kiss?

Teosial Kiss is so painfully tolerated that she prepared for the next time for a very long time, fearing this terrible piercing pain from every needle. My beautician fundamentally does not use painkillers, after which the muscles of the lips become sluggish and the contour can lie crooked, so skin anesthesia is only superficial - Emla ointment for 20 minutes under the film.

After Teosyal, bruises remain (it takes about a week), the swelling lasts for about three days, and I remember very well the reaction of others when I had to go to the bank on urgent matters on the morning of the third day)) Teosyal you need to knead in the morning the first few days otherwise, lumps may form after the procedure.

And now about the filler Juvederm Ultra 3

There was nothing similar with the Juvederm Ultra 3 filler!

Anesthesia was also superficial, with Emla, in order to slightly anesthetize the injection sites. By comfort further difference is huge just heaven and earth. The composition of Juvederm includes lidocaine, which anesthetizes the process of introducing and distributing the gel under the skin, and the viscous solution of hyaluron is actually very painful, and the sensations when the gel is injected are not pleasant.

I didn’t have bruises after the procedure, the swelling subsided a little after 2 hours, and after another hour it was possible, in principle, to calmly go outside without fear of goggles)) The gel is very plastic, no lumps and no need to knead it, but Teosial did not give me any lumps, everything here depends on the professionalism and good hands of the beautician.

I will go to the clinic in 2 weeks, although now I see that everything has risen smoothly and no correction is needed. But now, slowly, thoughts are starting about whether to add another half-syringe))

These fillers have several other positive bonuses in addition to improving the contour of the lips - small wrinkles disappear above the upper lip, and most importantly, the need for moisturizing balms disappears! At all!

Lips are always moisturized, smooth and without dryness)) Solid savings, in general))

How to prolong the effect of lip filler

And about how to prolong the effect of lip fillers, I will tell you for the first time! My dears, drink hyaluronic acid in tablets!

You will see the effect immediately, and with the constant use of hyaluronic acid (sometimes I change it to collagen also in tablets), as in my case, the effect of lip augmentation after the second time did not last 6 months, and all 18 months, that is 1.5 years!

What hyaluronic acid and collagen to drink:

  • Hyaluronic Acid Solgar Solgar, Hyaluronic Acid, 120 mg - $16.47
  • Hyaluronic Acid Neocell — $ 21.71
  • Collagen Neocell, Beauty Bursts, Collagen Soft Chews, Super Fruit Punch
  • Collagen Beauty Builder Neocell, Collagen Beauty Builder, 150 Tablets

And the residual effect of lip augmentation still lasts for me, because I almost constantly drink collagen, hyaluronic acid and other vitamins to improve my skin.