Why do you want normal food after sweets? Why do you crave sweets after eating? Psychological problems and addiction to sugary foods

Have you just eaten a big, tasty and filling lunch, but still feel like you want to eat something else? And this is not a second portion of meat or vegetables, but a dessert? Psychotherapist and candidate of medical sciences Mikhail Gavrilov tells why after a hearty meal you so often crave sweets.

Something is wrong with your diet

Maybe the food is too salty and the body is trying to balance itself with the sweet taste. Or you drink little water - also a matter of balance, because simple carbohydrates retain water in the body. Or not eating enough fat, protein, and fiber. Pay attention to how you feel after a full meal: if you order dessert because you don’t feel full, your menu may be unbalanced.

Mikhail Gavrilov

The feeling of hunger directly depends on the level of glucose in the blood - it appears when the concentration of sugar in the blood decreases. If you have eaten a full meal, the sugar level rises gradually, and the desire to get energy quickly, that is, with the help of simple carbohydrates, should not bother. If a person is on a strict diet or some specific eating plan for ethical or religious reasons, it is possible that the correct balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is not in their diet. Ideally, at least three meals a day should contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates. For example: breakfast - scrambled eggs with vegetable salad and olive oil, lunch - fatty sea fish with brown rice, dinner - vegetable stew with sesame seeds and chicken. One meal should average 300-350 calories. If you think over your menu, then it is quite possible to meet the calorie content in this interval and get up from the table full. Ready meals calorie tables can help you with this.

Are you addicted to sweets?

Addiction to sweets is often compared to addiction to drugs, because the mechanism of action is the same: the more you eat, the more you want. According to doctors, dependence on sweets develops eight times faster than on cocaine. To get out of this circle, experts recommend looking for pleasure not in food, but, for example, in sports, creativity, or learning something new.

Mikhail Gavrilov

psychotherapist, candidate of medical sciences, author of a patented method for correcting eating behavior and weight loss, employee of the Institute of Functional Medicine (IFM, USA)

When we eat sweets, the nerve cells of the taste apparatus signal the production of opioids and endorphins, chemical compounds that are produced in the brain and bring pleasure. In addition, they are able to temporarily reduce pain and stress. This food stimulates the appetite, a person often overeats and notices the appearance of extra pounds. Addiction to sweets often manifests itself in those for whom food becomes the only pleasure - they seize emotions or their absence with something sweet. To get rid of this problem, you should adjust your diet, learn how to relieve stress in other ways, and work out your circle of pleasures.

Are you deficient in micronutrients?

A constant craving for sweets can be a signal that the body lacks vitamins and minerals. For example, chromium, magnesium and vanadium. They are responsible for delivering glucose to the cells - otherwise it remains in the blood and forces you to go for a chocolate bar. If the desire to eat sweets after a hearty meal bothers you regularly, you should take a blood test. In case of violations, the doctor will prescribe suitable complexes.

you have bowel disease

Gut health affects appetite and food choices. Therefore, if you notice an uncontrollable craving for sweets, you should contact a specialist and check the health of the digestive system.

Mikhail Gavrilov

psychotherapist, candidate of medical sciences, author of a patented method for correcting eating behavior and weight loss, employee of the Institute of Functional Medicine (IFM, USA)

Violation of the microbiota, in particular the rampant reproduction of fungi of the genus Candida in the intestines, increases cravings for sweets, including after meals. This is due to the fact that simple sugars form the basis of the diet of such conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. These fungi will “require” sweet food, releasing special substances that provoke cravings for simple carbohydrates. Get tested and follow your doctor's instructions.

Your taste buds have lost their sensitivity

This is possible if your diet contains a lot of foods with a lot of preservatives, flavor enhancers and dyes. The good news is that this problem can be solved in just 21 days.

Nutritionists note that if a person’s health is normal, then there should not be an acute need for sweets, especially after eating. But if you still want sweets, what does it mean? We will consider the answer to this question further, and also find out whether it is worth giving up sweets if you really want to.

Constantly craving sweets - why?

A constant desire to eat sweets can appear both with improper and with proper nutrition. The reasons for this will be discussed next.

What the body lacks if you constantly want sweets

Scientists put forward some hypotheses, because of which a person has an urgent need for sweets:

  • Lack of glucose. It is observed in cases where people work very hard and forget to eat on time. Overwork occurs because there is insufficient energy production. After some time, people begin to experience weakness and slight dizziness, and work productivity is significantly reduced. In this case, more energy is expended than it was received from food. Many begin to resort to eating sweets, but a full meal is considered the best option.
  • Not enough chromium. This leads to a violation of carbohydrate metabolism, since chromium contributes to the nutrition of cells with glucose, which they must receive from the blood.
  • Magnesium deficiency. It contributes to the harmonious functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Magnesium is found in chocolate, so you may feel a constant desire to eat it.
  • Tryptophan deficiency. This is an amino acid that the body produces. It affects the emotional state of a person and contributes to the fact that a person enjoys life, supports his positive mood. In addition, if tryptophan is produced in sufficient quantities, then a person’s working capacity increases, the desire to learn new things and learn, he easily endures stressful situations, aggression decreases, the desire to smoke and drink alcohol decreases, a person easily falls asleep and sleeps soundly. The lack of tryptophan leads to the fact that the hormone serotonin, which improves mood and makes a person happy, is not produced normally.

Scientists have proven that depressed people lack tryptophan. However, if there is an excess of tryptophan in the body, then the condition worsens again. It is accompanied by fever and increased weakness. In order for tryptophan to be normal, it is necessary to consume vegetables and fruits, and sweets in moderation.

The constant need for sweets can also be due to the following reasons:

Why, when a person eats properly, receives all the useful vitamins and mineral supplements, is he still drawn to sweets? Often, the cause of "manic cravings" for sweets are psychological problems. These include:

  • experiences;
  • depression;
  • complexes;
  • lack of attention, love, affection.

With such problems, some people resort to the use of sweets, because it acts on them as a sedative.

But it must be remembered that excessive consumption of sweets can lead to the development of various diseases and excess weight. Therefore, it is advisable for such people to think about what they can replace sweets with. For example, these products could be:

  • fruits;
  • nuts;
  • dried fruits;
  • honey in moderation;
  • bitter chocolate.

You need to listen to yourself and understand what thoughts are oppressing, try to get rid of them. If it is difficult to sort out your problems on your own, you need to seek help from a psychological service.

Why do you crave sweets from time to time?

A person may periodically experience a strong desire to eat sweets. This may be due to such reasons:

  • Before menstruation, many women eat a large amount of chocolate or sweets, which increases the level of endorphins - hormones of "happiness". Such a need is due to an imbalance in the female body during such periods. There will be no negative consequences if you make sure that a temporary need does not develop into a habit.
  • Having missed lunch at work, many seize a strong feeling of hunger with sweets. Indeed, this method will improve the condition, since sweets will give energy, but this is not for long, so it is necessary not to replace a full meal with sweets, but to postpone all business and eat.
  • Very often, the rejection of certain foods as part of a diet can lead to a greater craving for sweets. This is due to the fact that during restrictions on the use of certain products, the body begins to experience stress. In addition, the rejection of foods containing beneficial trace elements leads to their shortage, which is reflected by the desire to eat something sweet.

Why do you crave sweets after eating?

As a rule, you want sweets, chocolates and cakes after eating for the following reasons:

  • Habit formation. Already from childhood, parents teach the child that if he eats all the food, he will be given a candy or a cake for this. This reward with sweets is usually repeated from day to day, and the child develops a habit. When he grows up, he continues to eat dessert after eating food.
  • Lack of blood sugar. Some people who follow strict diets always have a desire to eat something sweet after eating a low-calorie meal, due to the lack of sugar.

Sweets eaten after eating a normal full meal can do nothing but accumulate extra calories. Moreover, sweet foods are poorly digested and inhibit the entire process of assimilation of food by the body.

To overcome the desire to eat sweets after eating, you must follow a number of recommendations:

  1. It is necessary to replace products containing refined sugar with fruits and dried fruits containing fructose.
  2. Gradually reduce your intake of sweets. Reduce not only the quantity, but also cancel the reception of dessert after dinner. It should be borne in mind that the energy received after eating sweets and chocolate in the morning and afternoon can be spent due to movements during the day. In the evening, you need to consume fewer calories, as energy consumption decreases, and the body prepares for sleep.
  3. Try to replace rich and fatty sweets (cakes, cakes, sweet buns) with marshmallows, marmalade or marshmallow. They do not contain many calories and are easily digestible.
  4. It is advisable for all sweet tooth to eat sugar-containing foods separately - after 2-3 hours from the moment of taking the main meal.

In the following video, you will learn about seven products that can replace sweets:

Why do you want sweets in the evening

It was noticed that after a hard day, when you come home, you really want to enjoy at least ice cream or chocolate. Much depends on how the day went, because the desire to eat sweets increases if:

  • there was a lot of workload and overwork;
  • I had to have a snack from time to time, but I didn’t manage to dine;
  • I had to be nervous and worried.

After sports training, many athletes want to eat sweets in the evening. The fact is that glycogen was used up during training. He makes you consume sugar to replenish it again. Therefore, you should not strain during physical exertion, but do everything to the best of your ability.

Reasons why you should give up sweets

It is important to remember the harm that an unlimited amount of sweets causes:

  1. Sugar turns into fat and is deposited on the stomach and sides. By eating sweets, a person quickly replenishes the lost energy, but the downside is that saturation occurs very quickly, and a person feels hungry again after a short period of time.
  2. When eating sweets, there is an increase in blood sugar, which leads to an increase in insulin production, which is dangerous for the development of diabetes.
  3. Excess sugar affects the condition of the skin, as it disables the work of the gastrointestinal tract, pathogenic microbes begin to develop. Therefore, rashes and pimples appear.
  4. When eating sweets, skin cells age faster and wrinkles form.
  5. Everyone has known since childhood that sweets spoil teeth, as they contribute to the development of microbes that destroy tooth enamel, caries gradually develops.
  6. The cardiovascular system suffers from sugar, since an increased content of glucose in the blood makes the walls of blood vessels weak, increasing the content of harmful cholesterol.

Video: Why do you really want sweets?

In the following video, a nutritionist will talk about the reasons why you want sweets:

So, sugars are really very harmful, but sometimes you really want to treat yourself to a candy and it's worth doing it - do not deny yourself these little weaknesses. But remember that in everything you need to know the measure. You should not fall into dependence on sweets, it is advisable to replace them with the use of more healthy products.

Dessert after a meal is almost a ritual that puts an end to lunch or dinner. The author of overtime.life figured out what is fraught with hobbies for sweets after eating, and how to get rid of this habit.

The concept of "healthy eating" is associated with many diets. But it, unlike diets, does not imply a restriction in food, but its proper distribution. A person should not give up sweets in order to have a good figure, and the habit of eating sweets after eating for many appears in childhood.

Mothers and grandmothers promise children candy if they eat soup. From these children, adults grow up who consider invalid a meal that does not end with sweets.

In certain doses, sweets are good for the body, so you need to learn not to get rid of sweets, but to correctly distribute its dosage and schedule of use per day. Anastasia Gübner, a nutritionist, nutritionist and coach, helped us figure this out.

“In our society, there are certain scenarios and patterns of behavior that allow us not to think about what is right, but to do it the way it is customary. This also applies to food. For example, a birthday is always an abundance of food, a big cake.

Any holiday or vacation in our society equals overeating. When children are given candy after a meal, it is a form of encouragement. As we grow up, we begin to encourage ourselves. These are all food scripts that you can get rid of if you connect thinking and remove patterns.

It all starts with our desire to eat sweets. This craving can have several causes.

Psychology. We experience stress and nervous tension every day, but the body already knows what mechanisms can be used to compensate for this condition. Sweet foods release the pleasure hormone dopamine. We remember the link "sweet = high" and use it.

Condition of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Glucose, which enters the body in excess after eating sweet foods, is a breeding ground for pathogenic microflora, which is able to send signals to the brain that are similar in their action to neurotransmitters. It feels like we ourselves want sweets, but in fact, the bacteria that live in our intestines want it.

The absence of complex carbohydrates in the diet in the required amount. We tend to neglect enough grains, legumes, and durum wheat or whole grain pasta and try to make up for it with sweets.

Female body - PMS and different phases of the cycle. Physiologically, a woman's food desires depend, among other things, on the cycle. The body these days needs foods rich in magnesium and iron, B vitamins.

So what to do with dessert after a meal?

Energy balance rule.

If, after taking a sweet, we spend the amount of energy that the carbohydrates received from it gave us, then this does not make our body worse. Simply put, if a person ate a chocolate bar and went for a walk or did some housework, then all the carbohydrates will go into energy to do these things.

It is completely different when a person, after eating chocolate, lay down and fell asleep, for example, or simply sat down in front of the TV. The balance is disturbed and the energy turns into body fat.”

You can't refuse sweets.

“Now it is very fashionable to have six-pack abs, even among women. The image of the so-called phytonyashki. And it is these girls that cause resonance today. For example, I do not have abs and do not strive for them, I have a good figure, thanks to proper nutrition, but I am not of interest to girls who want to lose weight. From the outside, I look like everyone else. Just a girl with a good fit figure.

And girls who exhaust themselves with workouts and diets, deny themselves sweets and achieve the coveted cubes are interesting, but until they pass the tests.

Denying ourselves something, we make things worse for the body.

And even if everything looks beautiful and smart from the outside, the tests most often indicate the opposite, even if the girl feels great and does not complain about her health. Therefore, you should not strive to become like the girls from Instagram and deprive yourself of sweets.

It becomes clear that sweet after eating is harmful only for those who do not waste the energy received from it. If you are one of those people, then these tips are for you.

How to stop eating sweets after eating:

Get rid of stressful situations. The sweet = relaxation scheme that has settled in us works against us. Try as little as possible to strain, be stressed and feel a decrease in interest in sweets.

Each person has their own culinary passions. Some cannot live without seafood, others without meat dishes, others love pickles. But even after a hearty meal, almost everyone, after taking the main meal, reaches out for a portion of sweets. Cookies, sweets, sweet roll or pie, ice cream… I can't list them all. What is it: a lack of certain vitamins in the body or a habit instilled in childhood? Consider why you want sweets, and what positive and negative changes in the body you should expect a sweet tooth.

I want sweets: the reasons for what is missing in the body?

Have you ever had a sudden burning desire to eat something sweet? In half of the cases, this is due to a lack in the body of a number of vitamins and minerals necessary for a person:

  • Chromium. A low level of chromium slows down carbohydrate metabolism, and body cells do not draw glucose from the blood. The body does not receive the required amount of energy, and the person wants sweets.
  • Magnesium. Stress and nervous breakdowns deplete magnesium, which affects the functioning of the heart and muscles. The cocoa beans that make up chocolate are especially rich in this vitamin.
  • Phosphorus. With a shortage of this element, it will definitely pull you to dessert. But this is a secondary reaction of the body, and to replenish the cells of the body with this mineral, you need to eat cereals, fish and eggs.

An acute craving for chocolate, which is due to a lack of the above minerals, usually occurs with an unbalanced diet or strict diets.

Why do you crave sweets during your period?

During menstruation, women increase their appetite. From the huge arsenal of edibles, cakes, ice creams and even huge cakes come out as favorites. The main reasons for changing the behavior of the body:

  • Lack of estrogen. The lack of estrogen falls on the second part of the menstruation cycle, and to replenish the shortage, the girls feed themselves chocolate.
  • Low insulin levels. Having normal insulin levels is proportional to the presence of estrogen in the body. The lack is compensated by the consumption of a large amount of carbohydrates - cakes, pastries.
  • Metabolism. Digestion, during menstruation, increases. The metabolism in the body accelerates, and women are drawn to the consumption of sweet desserts.
  • Preparation for pregnancy. The body is preparing for fertilization and for bearing a child. The body randomly prepares for this, and fills the reserve with the necessary substances: iron, potassium, chromium, phosphorus, etc.

Why you want sweets: 4 factors that make you buy chocolate

Not only the lack of vitamins and minerals make women buy sweets. Here are additional factors that can explain the passion for dessert:

  1. Dream. Adults need at least 6-7 hours of sleep a day. Lack of sleep leads to a deficiency of leptin, a hormone that regulates energy metabolism in the body (suppresses appetite).
  2. Vitamins of group B. Lack of vitamin of group B makes a person look towards muffins and cakes.
  3. genetic failures. Genetic disorders in cells prevent neurons from transmitting a command to the brain about the satiety of the body. A person does not control his appetite and "leans" on carbohydrates - chocolate, ice cream, etc.
  4. Diet. During a low-carbohydrate diet, the human body is under stress. After a prolonged feeling of hunger, a psychological breakdown occurs - a person gains "lost", including through the consumption of sweets.

Note to the sweet tooth: 4 ways to make you forget about sweets

If a person is unable to limit their cravings for sweets, 4 tips from a nutritionist may help:

  1. Load up on protein. Foods rich in protein (fish, cottage cheese, meat, cheese, eggs) stabilize blood sugar levels. Does not help? Give yourself a "chocolate day" - many, after such a diet, have a partial aversion to sweets and a couple of weeks they will not be able to look at desserts.
  2. Dessert time. Scandinavian nutritionist Patrick Leconte recommends eating sweets in the evening: from 17 to 19 hours. This “harmonious period” will allow you to get enough of a small amount of sweet dessert for the day ahead.
  3. We brush our teeth. Brushing your teeth will change the taste in your mouth. "Switching" taste buds will make you forget about sweets.
  4. Deception of the body. This psychological trick helps people who are watching their weight and counting calories. At “rush hour”, when it is no longer possible to resist the desire to eat chocolate, you need to take a piece of sweet in your mouth, chew it and spit it out. Believe me - this technique works!

Weakness to sweets: medicine or psychology

The table below will help determine which factors dominate in your case of an acute desire to eat sweets: medical or psychological:

  1. The first chocolate appeared 3000 years ago.
  2. In Italy, in 1400, cotton candy was invented.
  3. The largest candy "Hagi-Boy" weighed 633 kg.
  4. The first confection to go into space was Chupa-Chups caramel. This event took place in 1995.
  5. Neotame food supplement is 13 thousand times sweeter than sugar.

Now those with a sweet tooth have learned why they want something sweet, and they won’t be too hard on themselves for their special love for dessert. Nothing bad will happen if after a meal you treat yourself to a candy or a bun.

The main thing is to know the measure, and then the sweet "weakness" will not negatively affect either body weight or human health.

Video about sugar cravings


Addiction to sweets is often just a bad habit formed by lack of will. But if life is unthinkable without cakes and sweets, this is already a pathological addiction - akin to a drug one. Due to the excessive amount of sweets, you can not only gain weight, but also quietly “earn” hypertension, diabetes. What are the causes of sugar voluptuousness?

The feeling of satiety is provided by foods rich in proteins and carbohydrates. They are also a powerful fuel that supplies the body with energy. If there are few of them, there is a feeling of hunger, and the stomach requires a portion of food. What satisfies hunger almost instantly? Sugar, no other product can compete with it. But it is worth using sweets once, another, a habit is formed, and soon it is already difficult to resist them. Even when you, in principle, are not very hungry. Therefore, nutritionists advise: try never to sacrifice lunch. After all, the body should receive the main supply of vital energy with food no later than 14-15 hours. Otherwise, when the level of glucose in the blood falls, he will look for options to quickly eliminate its deficiency. Many victims of various carbohydrate-free diets become sweet-toothed. But it is all kinds of cereals, bread, vegetables that very well make up for the lack of carbohydrates that are so necessary for the body. And fruits are the best source of glucose, much more useful than cakes and sweets. It is useless to forbid yourself to touch sweets - the law, as old as the world, works: the forbidden fruit is sweet. Taboos only fuel the desire to enjoy the wonders of confectionery. Of course, you should not give them up completely. But in order not to become slaves of sweets, you should never eat them on an empty stomach. With prolonged stress, prolonged overwork, depression, a person experiences a decline in vitality. The body looks for a source of energy and finds it most easily in glucose. In this case, sweets act as drugs: sedatives and antidepressants. But it is worth getting out of the oppressed state, as the need for them is sharply reduced. Dependence on sweets can gradually develop even in people with inferiority complexes. It is necessary to increase self-esteem, gain self-confidence. It is important that a person feel comfortable in society, because everyone wants to feel that they are showing interest, sympathy, that they love him. There are people with heightened sensitivity to various substances. Among them are those whose body reacts quite painfully to a drop in blood glucose levels. Hypersensitivity to sugars is not at all a manifestation of weakness, but a genetic feature. And such people most often fall ill subsequently with obesity, diabetes.

In women with menopause, due to a deficiency of sex hormones, insulin production decreases. At the same time, the mood worsens, migraines, insomnia, and fatigue appear. The body tries to compensate for the disorder by increasing the production of serotonin, but the pleasure hormone only increases the need for sugars.

Sustained cravings for sweets often appear when the thyroid gland is weakened - hypothyroidism. It is not out of place to visit an endocrinologist and check the level of hormones of this gland in the blood.


  • Website Sympathy.net/Why do you want sweets
  • Website Azbuka diet.ru / How to overcome the constant craving for sweets when losing weight
  • Video: How to stop craving sweets


Why do you always crave sweets?


Why do you want sweets and is it necessary to fight it?

Careful and attentive attitude to yourself and your body is the key to health, so it is very important to monitor changes in your condition. For example, the appearance of unusual gastronomic desires may indicate violations in the work of any organs or systems. One of the indicators of such failures is often an excessive need for sweets. If showcases with cakes cause a burning desire to buy everything they have, it is impossible to walk past the chocolate stalls, and lunch is not dinner without dessert, it is time to find out the reasons for such unbridled desires. And yet, why do you want sweets? Perhaps this is due to the usual feeling of hunger, or is there more serious cause for concern?

Congenital sweet tooth has a constant desire to eat foods containing sugar. It usually comes as no surprise to them. But the rest should think about it, if suddenly uncontrollably drawn to the pastry shop.

Carbohydrates and glucose

Any sweet product contains sugar in one quantity or another - a carbohydrate that turns into glucose during digestion, which serves as a source of energy for the whole body and is necessary for the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system. With a normal glucose level, a person is alert and active. Its deficiency leads to loss of energy, lethargy and irritability. If blood sugar drops, the body immediately signals its owner with a subconscious desire to eat something sweet.

Why not bread, potatoes or vegetables, because they also contain carbohydrates? The fact is that these products contain complex carbohydrates that must be broken down before becoming glucose. And simple carbohydrates found in sugar, fruits and honey go through the process of conversion to glucose much faster. Sugar-containing foods almost instantly raise the glucose content, and the body, accordingly, returns to normal faster. True, not for long, a maximum of an hour. But this will be enough to live quietly until the next full meal.

Why you want sweets - the main reasons

The reasons for this desire have physiological and psychological roots. Having examined them in more detail, you can understand where the need for sweets comes from and already half solve this “problem”.

First, the usual feeling of hunger can cause a drop in blood sugar levels. When there are long intervals between meals, it is not surprising that the body will react with weakness. In addition, with active sports or increased mental activity, the body and brain require a higher carbohydrate content.

The second point that lovers of "sit" on diets overlook is the absence of bread, cereals, pasta and other foods containing complex carbohydrates in the diet. Therefore, a frequent occurrence in people who decide to lose weight is carbohydrate hunger. And it is sometimes expressed in an obsessive desire to eat the “forbidden fruit”. It all looks as if a person is being tested for strength - he begins to crave sweets so that it is impossible to resist. In fact, the body requires its own - what it needs for normal operation.

It is not necessary to completely abandon carbohydrates, this can only harm. For weight loss, it will be enough to reduce their consumption - to reduce, for example, the amount of bread eaten per day to 2 pieces. But it’s even better, without cutting anything, to eat carbohydrate-containing foods at breakfast and just a little bit at lunch. 100% guarantee that nothing will be deposited in fat.

The desire to eat some kind of sweetness may also arise after eating. Why do you want sweets after eating, because the body, having received food, should not need sugar? The simplest answer is a lack of carbohydrates. A person does not specifically refuse foods containing carbohydrates, but for his type of activity they may simply not be enough, and a glucose deficiency is formed. With the desire to eat a piece of cake after eating, the body can signal this deficiency.

In addition, the afternoon dessert for some becomes a long-term habit, going back to childhood. If only "the first, second and dessert" lead to physical and psychological saturation, you should not be surprised that after every meal you want a candy or a sweet bun.

Why you want sweets during pregnancy is a question that is often asked by women preparing for the birth of a baby. Not every pregnant woman feels the need for sweets, but if such a need arises, this may also be due to a lack of carbohydrates in food. For the normal development of the fetus, the body of a pregnant woman requires an increased content of many substances - vitamins, trace elements, including glucose. But most often, in this difficult time for a woman, passion for cakes and chocolate appears due to emotional discomfort. The root here lies in psychological reasons - women in position have an increased level of emotional anxiety, and every little thing can cause mood swings. And sweetness becomes an easy way to calm down and get into a good mood. By the way, sweets prepared at home will be much more useful for expectant mothers than store-bought sweets - dried fruit marshmallows, jelly, frozen fruit juice and other safe delicacies.

An insatiable or unexpected craving for sweets is not only manifested in the state of pregnancy. Anyone who has encountered them may want to “sweeten” the anxieties and problems. This is how our psychology works.

According to experts, excessive love for sweets arises from a lack of self-love. An insecure person who considers himself unattractive and uninteresting simply eats up his complexes with ice cream and eclairs. Addiction to sweets often appears in a state of stress, with depression or emotional anxiety. In such cases, sweets, chocolate and ice cream act as mild antidepressants. But such a sedative will not console for a long time and will not solve the problem. Only a radical elimination of a disturbing issue can help here - on your own or with the help of a psychologist. You need to find something in life that pleases besides sweets and cakes, learn to relax and not take what is happening around you to heart, and most importantly, change your attitude towards yourself.

Overwork, stress, fatigue, hunger - all this can lead to a decrease in blood glucose and, accordingly, to the need to increase it. The simplest thing that the subconscious mind offers is to eat something sweet. However, it must be borne in mind that such a desire can be caused by more serious reasons. Addiction to sweets is often an indicator of a hormonal imbalance, which can only be detected through a special examination. For example, sometimes these “addicts” have a lack of endorphins or serotonin. In addition, low glucose levels may indicate a disease such as diabetes. In any case, a medical examination will not hurt.

Read also how you can make sweet Baileys liqueur at home. You will find a few simple recipes for delicious and healthy homemade ice cream in this article.

How to reduce the need for sweets?

Knowing the reasons why a person is addicted to sweet foods, it is much easier to fight this craving. What to do first:

  • balance nutrition, abandon too rigid diets;
  • do not take long breaks between meals;
  • avoid excessively high physical and mental stress;
  • check the state of health at the endocrinologist;
  • if it is impossible to completely get rid of psychological and emotional problems, contact a psychologist.

Eating a spoonful of jam, a cookie or a chocolate bar is the easiest and fastest way to make up for the lack of glucose in the body, which can lead to addiction. As with any addiction, getting rid of such a habit is much more difficult than preventing it. Knowing the root causes of cravings for sweets will already half solve this problem and make it possible to calmly respond to shop windows filled with all sorts of goodies.

If nothing helps and you still crave sweets, you need to find a more healthy alternative to the usual pleasures for the sweet tooth. Instead of sweets, eat a handful of dried fruits, replace cakes with a piece of dark chocolate, and store-bought ice cream with homemade ice cream from yogurt or juice.


Why do you want sweets?

When the human body lacks something, be it a mineral, vitamin or other substance, it signals this in every possible way. However, we do not always correctly perceive these signals. For example, cravings for sweets may suddenly escalate, as a result of which we begin to satisfy the needs of the body, but in this case it is possible to harm health without getting rid of the root cause. If you constantly crave sweets, there can be many reasons, and we will analyze them now.

Psychological reasons

Psychologists note that sweet foods help people fight stress and depression, and addiction to sweets can develop against a background of a lack of love and attention, and in case of self-doubt. The body seeks to compensate for the lack of energy by producing the hormone serotonin.

If you eat something, your mood will really rise, but soon the body will need a new dose. At the same time, everyone knows that eating sweets in large quantities can be harmful, so you need to learn how to deal with psychological causes in other ways. If you are unable to solve this problem on your own, contact a psychologist.

Wrong diet

With irregular meals during the day, as well as when there are large time intervals between meals, the body will experience a lack of carbohydrates. This also happens on strict diets, when the body seeks to instantly make up for the deficiency. The unpleasant thing is that you won’t get useful substances from sweets or cakes, and you won’t even be able to satisfy your hunger for a long time.

To fill the nutritional deficiency, complex carbohydrates are needed: cereals, whole grain bread, legumes, fruits and vegetables. Often people want sweets because of poor nutrition (lack of useful components for the body to work). Start taking vitamin complexes containing calcium, chromium and magnesium. Having established a diet, you will have enough energy for your usual lifestyle, and you will want less and less sweets.

Matter of habit

If you can’t understand why you want sweets, the reason is probably a banal habit. After eating candy, blood sugar levels instantly jump, and insulin lowers it. The jump is regarded by the body as a danger, therefore, the appetite is exacerbated. Eat something sweet again, and the process loops indefinitely, and this is fraught with diabetes and the appearance of excess weight.

There is no vitamin B in sugar, so in the process of digesting sweets, it is taken from the body. With a lack of these substances, the appetite is exacerbated in order to compensate for the lack of a vitamin. Imagine what happens if you eat candy, chocolate or other sweets? The situation will gradually worsen, so take control of the habit.

Mental and physical labor

If your work involves serious physical or mental work, the body will process carbohydrates faster. To maintain efficiency and continue normal activities, you need to make up for their deficiency. If you eat something sweet at this moment, you will get an instant boost of energy, albeit not for long.

The body quickly uses it and will require recharge. In this regard, it is better to make up for the deficiency of carbohydrates with something else: potatoes, legumes, bread - all these are fast carbohydrates that are healthier than sweets. When training in the gym, you need to eat something healthy a couple of hours before training (porridge, vegetables, fruits), and you will suppress cravings for sweets.

Menstrual cycle

An acute craving for sweets can occur on certain days of the cycle in women. The period of menstruation causes a sharp decrease in the concentration of estrogen, which will lead to the suppression of the production of serotonin. Its deficiency explains irritability and mood swings. You need to try to resist the desire to eat sweets or eat a bar of natural chocolate, but do not abuse it.

The habit of having to end a hearty meal with dessert has become so ingrained that even the “first-second-compote” looks somehow unusual without a candy snack? Very interesting, have you noticed? The soul simply demands, despite being full, to drink tea and chew something sweet. Candy at least, but better a bun with jam. Moreover, even a hearty lunch or dinner, which did not leave room in the stomach for further gluttony, is still not a sufficient reason to refuse dessert. But why? Where does this feeling come from - the incompleteness of the meal, when something is missing right away? ... Why do you crave sweets after a hearty meal?

Please note: most often you want to eat candy not when you have a snack and run on business. And when you have eaten very well. The heavier your food, the stronger the feeling of craving will be. sweets after eating. And the same feeling sometimes arises when you have been in a state of forced hunger for a very long time. The first thing you want to kill a worm is cinnabon or snickers.

The solution to the "sweet Wishlist"

The thing is that glucose, which is contained in sweet foods, is absorbed instantly. Just instantly, while you are still chewing your candy, it has already gone to work. For diabetics who are in a state of insulin shock, if it is not possible to put a dropper, powdered sugar or jam is rubbed into the gums as an emergency. That is, you can imagine the speed of sugar.

That is why there is a "strange reaction" of the body. A dense, heavy dinner will be digested for a long time and diligently. While the stomach copes with this overwhelming task, the body will go crazy with hunger. Therefore, the emergency service is turned on - glucose is urgently needed, it will quickly replenish energy reserves, while the digestive tract will convert the eaten heavy food into calories. The only problem is that the unused sugar energy immediately goes into fat depots as quickly as it feeds the body. For an immediate effect, one gram of glucose is enough. And no one cuts Snickers in gram portions ...

The same thing happens during prolonged starvation: the body, forced to be in a state of slight shock, wants to get energy "here and now", seizing it. That is why the Arabs, completing the daily fast in Ramadan, first break their fast with a small portion of dates, and then proceed to the main meal, satisfying the first hunger and forcing the body to get to work. And do not pounce on sweets after eating.

Chemical equilibrium

Having received a huge dose of food, the body immediately throws out the corresponding amount of insulin - since there was a plate of potatoes with chicken in the stomach, and even two slices of bread (you can’t eat without it! (c) mom), then you need to calculate insulin for all this richness of the table. Alas, the organism was invented at a time when mashed potatoes had not yet been invented and bread had not been learned to bake. Therefore, the body gets a little confused and, seeing not quite “original” food, throws out a shock dose of insulin - so that it’s definitely enough. Well, it misses slightly, which causes the very state of “blood hunger”. You are physically full, but the body just screeches that it is hungry and needs a dose sweets after eating! So, as if you are an Arab and your Ramadan has just ended.

What to do to get rid of constant cravings for sweets after eating

Don't go hungry. Yes, keep chewing. Biting, terrifying mom and grandmother. But do not allow long breaks in food and "blood starvation." Throwing 100 grams of food into yourself every three hours, let it be half a carrot or a handful of dried apricots, you ensure a uniform supply of insulin and the uninterrupted operation of the energy plant located in your body. And an ambulance in the form of a Snickers is not required.