Strengthening your child's immunity naturally. Echinacea for immunity: instructions for use of tincture, syrup and tablets for children of different ages Natural ways to strengthen immunity in children

Colds and viral diseases affect children's bodies 4 times more often than adults. The incidence is higher among children attending kindergarten and school.

To prevent infection, parents need to take care of increasing the baby’s immune status. To do this, it is enough to give him immunomodulatory agents in the autumn-winter period, which will ensure the body’s protection from pathogenic infections. These can be decoctions, syrups for immunity, prepared for children at home or purchased at a pharmacy. The last of the listed remedies, due to their liquid consistency, act faster, taste good, and can be taken from an early age.

The benefits of using syrups for immunity

Syrups that boost children's immunity are easy to use. They can be taken for several months in a row without harm to the body. Natural components in combination with plant sucrose strengthen the immune system and support it during the season of exacerbation of infections. If a child is often sick, he can be given syrup in short courses, but often alternate 30 days of administration with a month break.

In addition to their safe composition, syrups have the following advantages:

  • a week of taking immunomodulatory drugs can increase the body's resistance to viral, infectious and colds by 60%;
  • the pleasant sweet taste does not cause disgust, so the child does not need to be forced to take the medicine;
  • The composition of homemade syrups can be adjusted if the baby is allergic to any product.

Popular syrups to improve immunity in children

The use of drugs and home remedies in the form of syrups strengthens the immune system and prevents the body from becoming infected with viruses. Popular pharmaceutical solutions are Ukreplyayka, Bioaron-S, VataMama, Pomogusha, Tsitovir, Pikovit.

Below is an overview of several popular remedies that can be given to babies from 6 months to strengthen the immune system.

Rosehip is endowed with a large amount of vitamins, which heal the body and increase immune status. A suspension of berries can be drunk to prevent diseases or as part of a complex treatment for colds (taken when the first symptoms appear).


Vitamins to strengthen the immune system for children 6 years old: which ones are best to give

Rosehip syrup for children can be bought at the pharmacy for immunity or prepared as a folk remedy according to the recipe:

  • Grind 1 kg of rose hips in a blender;
  • mix with 1.5 liters of water, put on fire, wait after boiling for 10 minutes;
  • Pour 1 kg of sugar into the boiling mixture, reduce heat and cook for 15 minutes.

The cooled product is filtered through gauze folded in 4-5 layers. The suspension should be stored in the refrigerator in a glass container.

The drug is given to children three times a day according to the age dosage:

  • at 6-12 months - a quarter of a teaspoon;
  • 1-3 years - 0.5 small spoon;
  • up to 6 years - 1 teaspoon;
  • from 6 years - 1 tablespoon.

Echinacea syrup

An alternative to the previous recipe for immunity is syrup from. It can be taken if you are allergic to rose hips or have an individual sensitivity - children can be given echinacea from the age of 2. The product is prepared in the same proportions. Contraindicated for diathesis.

Regular use of the mixture:

  • increases mental activity and physical endurance;
  • suppresses signs of dermatitis;
  • prevents the development of colds, viral and inflammatory diseases.

Bioaron S syrup

The drug is prescribed by pediatricians to boost immunity in children over 3 years of age. Up to 6 years of age, the drug is given twice a day, after 6 years - 3 times a day. You need to take the syrup half an hour before meals. The duration of the course is from 2 weeks (for prevention and support of immunity), from a month (during and after treatment of a cold).

Delicious drinks made at home will help increase the body's resistance to colds and viral diseases without resorting to expensive dietary supplements and medications. In order to charge large and small households with health and vigor, it is worth doing a little magic in the kitchen. After all, there are many recipes with the simplest and most accessible ingredients, not difficult to execute, but very tasty and containing all the necessary vitamins and substances.

Kvass and teas, compotes and jelly, infusions and mixtures, syrups and smoothies for immunity - from such a variety everyone will choose what they like. The only secret of healthy vitamin drinks is in proper preparation:

  • Kvass takes a long time to prepare, because the basis of their recipes is the fermentation process.
  • Fruit drinks are simple to make and are made by diluting berry or fruit juice with water.
  • Compotes are made from fruits and berries; due to boiling, they retain less beneficial properties.
  • According to the cooking technology, the decoction is very similar to compote. The only difference is that the roots and leaves of plants are most often used in the decoction, rather than fruits and berries.
  • Syrups are concentrates. They are made by mixing fruit or berry juices with a strong sugar solution. Syrup for immunity is stored in the refrigerator for a long time, since sugar acts as a preservative.
  • If you squeeze fruits, berries or plant roots, you get juice to boost immunity. It is drunk both in its natural form and with the addition of sweeteners.
  • Tea, in addition to the usual black, green and red, can be herbal, fruit and berry. Such teas have much more beneficial properties, which is why older people love them so much.
  • The role of kefir in maintaining the body’s immune defense cannot be underestimated, because it has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora.
  • Infusions, like fruit drinks, are prepared without cooking, but in hot water. The infusion takes a long time to prepare. Some drinks stand from 3 hours to several days.
  • Nutritious and delicious cocktails. Even a child can handle their preparation, because the process is very exciting and simple. Using the most ordinary products, get creative - and your immunity cocktail will be appreciated by friends and family.

The benefits and harms of vitamin drinks

In order for all organs to work correctly, a person is cheerful and energetic, he needs vitamins and nutrients in sufficient quantities. You can get them with proper nutrition or with the help of special supplements. Drinks to boost immunity replenish missing vitamins in the body without harming the wallet. Their presence in the diet allows:

  1. increase the body's resistance to viruses and colds;
  2. improve appetite;
  3. strengthen teeth, nails and hair;
  4. improve the appearance of the skin;
  5. fill the body with energy and increase performance.

These properties are especially important in late autumn, winter and spring, when there are few natural vitamins in food.

However, when making vitamin drinks, it is important not to overdo it, so that natural medicines do not turn out to be harmful. Some components, although they have many benefits, are contraindicated in certain diseases, Therefore, you should not mindlessly get carried away with this or that product without knowing its properties.

The main contraindications of drinks for immunity are:

  1. Allergy to a certain product. Symptoms such as stomach problems, itching, sneezing, and watery eyes should alert you. In this case, it is better to avoid the allergen and consult a doctor.
  2. Overdose of any vitamin. If the body has enough of a certain vitamin or substance, then taking it in large doses can lead to an overdose.
  3. In addition, substances tend to accumulate in the body, which can also negatively affect health over time. Therefore, when consuming vitamin drinks, it is advisable to alternate their components and not get carried away with the same composition for a long time. Signs of hypervitaminosis are varied: headaches, nausea, drowsiness, peeling skin, rash, high blood pressure.
  4. Not all products are healthy for pregnant women and young children. So, you need to take ginseng, ginger, and cranberries with caution.
  5. Chronic diseases. Almost all healthy products affect the functioning of various organs, so people with chronic diseases of the heart, blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver should treat vitamin drinks with caution and study in detail the properties of the main components.

How to prepare drinks for immunity?

There are a huge number of recipes for preparing a drink for immunity. Most of them do not require special skills and are accessible to almost all people. Let's look at the most popular of them.

Turmeric with milk

Turmeric is an inexpensive and common spice. Its beneficial properties are known and widely used in folk medicine. Turmeric is good for the immune system, joints and circulatory system. This spice is made from the thumeric plant, which has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and is used as an antioxidant.

The simplest and most delicious recipe is a turmeric drink for immunity combined with milk.

First prepare the mixture:

  1. a third of a glass of ground turmeric;
  2. two thirds glasses of water.

Stir the turmeric in water, put the resulting mixture on medium heat and heat for about 10 minutes. While stirring, the mixture will thicken and become like a paste, remove from heat and cool. This product can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 30 days.

As needed, dilute 1-2 teaspoons of the mixture in a glass of warm milk. If desired, you can add honey, but the milk in this case should not be too hot, otherwise honey will turn from a healthy product into poison. The optimal temperature is 30-40°.

For those who do not like honey and milk, the mixture can simply be diluted with boiled water.

Take a glass of the drink once a day, immediately or divided into several doses.

Important! Turmeric removes fluid from the body, so while taking it, drink more water or decoctions of linden, rose hips, and chamomile. The beneficial properties of these plants will provide an additional effect in the fight against colds.

Watch the video on how to make a turmeric drink with milk:

Ginger teas

For those who like milk tea:

  1. take fresh ginger root (medium, 50-60 grams);
  2. finely chop;
  3. boil a glass of water;
  4. add ginger and cook for 10 minutes;
  5. add two glasses of milk, cook for another 5 minutes.

If you don't like milk, use a fruit recipe. It includes:

  1. a large spoon of fresh grated ginger;
  2. citrus zest (orange, lemon);
  3. dried apples (a handful);
  4. cinnamon (stick);
  5. star anise;
  6. honey or orange juice to taste;
  7. tea (green or black).

Boil a liter of water, add ginger, zest, apples and spices. Warm over low heat for 5 minutes and remove. Pour in the tea, let it brew and cool slightly under the lid, then add honey and orange juice (optional). Pour into cups through a strainer.

Carefully! You should not use ginger if you have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, high temperature and blood pressure, or bleeding. It is better to avoid this drink if you are pregnant.

Lemon kvass and jelly

Many people know how to make traditional lemonade, but kvass and jelly are not so common.

To make kvass from lemon, you need 130 grams of sugar, the same amount of grated lemon, three liters of water, 30 grams of yeast and raisins.

  1. Dissolve sugar in water and boil;
  2. let's cool down;
  3. add yeast, raisins and lemon;
  4. stand in a cool place for three days;
  5. The immune cocktail is ready!

Lemon jelly is prepared much faster:

  1. grate two or three lemons;
  2. squeeze out the juice, set aside the zest separately;
  3. dilute half a glass of starch with the same amount of cold water;
  4. dissolve a glass of sugar in one and a half liters of water, bring to a boil;
  5. add citrus zest, cook for 10 minutes;
  6. strain;
  7. pour lemon juice into the syrup and bring to a boil again;
  8. pour in the starch, stir until the jelly thickens, and remove from the heat.

Cranberry juice

Cranberries are good for reducing fever, removing toxins after illness and, due to their high content of vitamins, strengthening the immune system.

Cranberry juices are beneficial for both adults and children over 3 years old.

Important! The benefits of this berry are lost when boiled, so before preparing fruit juice, the berries need to be squeezed out.

Classic fruit drink:

  1. Squeeze the juice out of a glass of cranberries through cheesecloth or a very fine sieve;
  2. boil a liter of water and cool until warm;
  3. add squeezed juice and sweetener (sugar, honey);
  4. Wrap the container with the fruit drink in a towel and leave to cool and infuse for a couple of hours.

Cranberry juice for the lazy:

  1. grind a kilogram of cranberries with 700 grams of sugar in a blender or pass through a meat grinder;
  2. Store the resulting semi-finished product in the refrigerator; if necessary, dilute the required amount with boiled water or tea.

Rose hip decoction

Rose hips are beneficial for the immune system, primarily because of vitamin C, which these fruits contain 40 times more than lemons. Therefore, like cranberries, rose hips should not be boiled. This fragile vitamin cannot withstand temperatures above 80º and loses its benefits.

To prepare the decoction, it is necessary to carefully select the berries; they must be dry, but not overdried (not crumble), without gray coating and excess debris.

Berries for decoction are stored in a well-ventilated dark place.

To prepare the decoction you need:

  1. Take 4 large spoons of rose hips per liter of water.
  2. Boil water and cool slightly.
  3. Add rose hips.
  4. The container with the decoction must be well wrapped and left to cool and steam very slowly for at least 3 hours.
  5. Strain the resulting broth.

The decoction can be stored in the refrigerator for about three days.

Immune drinks for children

From the moment babies are weaned from the breast or when bottle-fed, it is very important to increase children’s immunity, since mother’s milk ceases to protect the child’s body. At the same time, at this age there is a high probability of allergic reactions, so it is better to introduce even the most healthy foods in small quantities.

Also, you should not give pure squeezed juices; it is better to dilute them in the form of fruit drinks. Ginger, honey, lingonberries, cranberries, raspberries - they should not be given at an early age. Such products should appear in the diet of children after 3 years.

But viburnum berries, on the contrary, are very healthy and have hypoallergenic properties. Children from six months of age can be given non-strong drinks to boost immunity - compotes and fruit drinks, but after a year, juices, mousses, jelly and the berries themselves diluted with water.

Nature gives people access to natural reserves of all necessary substances. The main thing is to be able to use them correctly and in moderation, then health, strength and beauty will remain for many years.

The problem of children's immunity is so global and ubiquitous that questions on this topic occupy one of the first places. Most parents know that weakened immunity is the cause of childhood (and adult) morbidity.and intuitively understand that it is their task to strengthen it. But not knowing where to start, they turn to folk remedies, that is, herbal medicine. But you can increase immunity only by approaching the issue comprehensively, which is what you and I will do.Of course, strengthening a child’s immunity should begin even before birth. Quite a lot of good literature has been written about this by smart people, but for various reasons we have what we have.

What to do if a child has a weak immune system?

Remedies that boost immunity in children are quite accessible and not costly in terms of time and money. They will help strengthen the immunity of a frequently ill child, but are also quite applicable for frequently ill adults. Weakened immunity requires a comprehensive approach of measures. You need to work “from the inside and the outside.”

More on this below, but for now let’s talk about nutrition and the role of herbs in strengthening the immune system. “Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are sick with” - this statement, the authorship of which is attributed to Hippocrates, has been confirmed by the World Health Organization with real figures. According to the conclusion of WHO experts, 50% of oncology cases might not have occurred at all if not for the malnutrition of the sick. And now let’s add here the signals from Rospotrebnadzor that 60% of the products in Russian stores cannot be eaten (and for me, nothing can be eaten there at all). I am not writing this to scare you. Let's not forget that “The power of action = reaction.” What does this mean? Firstly, you need to watch your diet. Read labels carefully, check expiration dates, learn about all harmful additives, and give children store-bought sweets and cookies as little as possible. Today, children are already firmly hooked on bright wrappers, unnaturally sweet tastes, and unhealthy fats. When I think about what modern children eat, I become scared not only for their future, but also for the future of all humanity as a whole. So, in order for a small organism to live and develop. We must provide useful ones in contrast to harmful factors.

Why herbs? Herbs are “living” vitamins, which, unfortunately, are no longer available in modern fruits and vegetables sold in stores. Soils poor in useful substances, which are killed by chemical fertilizers, are simply no longer able to give fruits and vegetables the substances that healthy soil gives to herbs and wild fruits and berries.

Cellular hunger is one of the most difficult problems of humanity today. Add to this the environment, the daily use of chemical detergents in everyday life, antibiotics, and imagine how a small, fragile organism endures all this.

Today you can only trust food that you have not only cooked, but also grown yourself. But that's not all. What is the ecology of your area like? What is the content of harmful substances in soils? It turns out to be some kind of vicious circle. It's actually not that scary. The human body has amazing self-regulation capabilities. Our task is to ensure that the positive factors outweigh the negative ones.

Now let’s take a closer look at the measures we can take to strengthen the child’s immune system and reduce morbidity.

1. Start with thisfind outwhat is the humidity in your apartment? Don't downplay this factor. There are many examples when, when the humidity in an apartment normalizes, a child suddenly stops getting sick. Buy a hygrometer (it's very inexpensive) and measure the readings for several days. The normal humidity level in a house or apartment should be in the range of 40-70%. Based on this indicator, you need to take measures: adjust the batteries, buy a humidifier.

2. Don't give your child pills without good reason! One of my friends, a pharmacy employee, told me that a frequent request from clients is: “Give me some kind of antibiotic so that the child can go to kindergarten, otherwise today he has a fever and snot.” Refusing such absurd requests, she several times ran into scandal and complaints to management :) It would be funny if it were not a real tragedy. These people have no idea what they are doing to their child. Uncontrolled use of antibiotics (as well as tablets in general) has the most tragic consequences. Now, as far as I know, the free sale of antibiotics has been banned, this means that the scale of the disaster is not at all exaggerated. Doctor's orders also need to be divided into two. This does not mean disobeying, it means double-checking. Go to two or three doctors to clarify the need for the appointments made and think everything over carefully. You must understand that doctors are “forced people”, they have accountability, and if you personally don’t want to give your child antibiotics in vain, then that mommy who demands “something” at the pharmacy really does want to. And try not to prescribe a doctor...

3. Don't mess around! Hardening is a separate big topic that needs a separate article. One thing I want to note is that hardening does not require special measures at all if you start it early. Simple - don’t wrap your child up unnecessarily and don’t create a dry and hot atmosphere at home. Let your child run around lightly dressed more often, keep the air in the house clean and fresh, and health is guaranteed. You can buy a special air purifier.

3. Watch your diet. A child's diet should include many more vitamins and nutrients than an adult's. And this is logical, because for rapid growth and the body, “building blocks” are needed. The most important

Replace your child's drinks with herbal teas. Teas should be changed more often so that the body is strengthened and no unnecessary therapeutic effect appears. Drink one herbal tea for no more than two weeks, and then change to another. This does not apply to medicinal preparations that are taken purposefully for a long time.

Buy wild berries - dried and frozen, growing in your region. Invaluable berries for children's and adult health - sea buckthorn, blueberries, cranberries, lingonberries. They make amazing berry teas! Turn it into art. Now it is fashionable in all cafes to offer customers berry and herbal teas. Buy a beautiful glass teapot, whole spices and get creative! You will see, you and your family will be delighted.

Create your own herbal compositions from the leaves of fruit trees, berries; walnut leaves are very useful; they contain organic iodine, which children desperately need.

I also now have big doubts about dried fruits from stores. If you dry fruits yourself, then this is undoubtedly very useful. Brew such fruits with boiling water and leave overnight in a thermos.

Now let's move on to herbs for children's immunity.

Rose hip

Traditionally, to increase immunity, children were given rose hips in the form of syrups and decoctions. If you prefer a decoction (for example, you collect rose hips yourself), then brew it like this: 3 tbsp. l. per liter of boiling water and overnight in a thermos to steam. During the day, the child can drink this entire amount if desired; the decoction can be flavored with honey, stevia, any jam or sugar. Be sure to drink rose hips through a straw, since despite all its usefulness, it has a detrimental effect on tooth enamel.

You can make rosehip syrup. Recipe: sort the rose hips, wash them, dry them with a napkin. Pour half a liter of boiling water over the prepared berries and leave for 15 minutes. Then, without draining the water, mash the berries with a masher and leave for another 15 minutes.

Separately, cook the syrup from 200 grams of water and 400 grams of sugar (cook for no more than 10 minutes, as the syrup thickens quickly), remove from heat.

While the syrup is boiling, the berries that are infused must be thoroughly strained and rubbed through a sieve. Now mix the resulting liquid with syrup and that’s it. Rosehip syrup to strengthen children's immunity is ready! Pour the syrup hot into clean glass jars or bottles and put it in the refrigerator. You can add a little lemon juice, so the syrup will acquire a pleasant sourness and will be stored for a long time.

ANDginger and lemon

For the immunity of children and adults, you cannot ignore such a wonderful plant as ginger. It is an excellent adaptogen and immune stimulant. Ginger root contains a huge amount of vitamins.

I put a piece of ginger in our herbal teas, a little, so that the “sharpness” is barely noticeable, otherwise my youngest son simply won’t drink it. Ginger with sea buckthorn, lingonberries, and cranberries is especially great. Pour the berries into a teapot, add a piece of ginger, lemon and pour boiling water over it. You can add whole spices - star anise, anise and others (just don’t overdo it if you’re brewing it for a child!). When it has brewed and cooled a little, pour into cups and add honey. Sweet clover honey, white acacia honey, linden honey, and flower honey are suitable for children. White acacia honey is considered hypoallergenic and is therefore recommended for baby food.

It is very convenient to prepare a mixture of honey, ginger and lemon. To do this, take ginger and lemon in half (you can experiment with proportions) and pass through a meat grinder. Pour the mixture with honey, mix well, put into jars and store in the refrigerator. It turns out very tasty and convenient, you can put ginger mixture into tea. You will see that everyone at home will love this wonderful medicine..

Mumiyo for children

One of the best remedies for the immune system of both children and adults is mumiyo. For some reason, people avoid this magnificent, cheap and accessible natural medicine. Of course, it doesn’t taste very good and it’s quite difficult to get a child to take it, but we’ll cheat. For children we will prepare a delicious syrup with mint infusion and mumiyo. Even if the child is not delighted with such a remedy (nowadays children accustomed to store-bought sweets do not accept anything other than them), then they will clearly resist less. Or maybe you will like it! So, take a glass of purified water (250 grams), one and a half glasses of sugar, a small bunch of mint, 13 grams of ordinary mumiyo. Boil the syrup, add mint to it and boil for a few minutes. Then take out the mint and add mumiyo, stir until completely dissolved. All! The syrup is ready. Pour into bottles and put in the refrigerator.

This syrup should be taken to strengthen the immune system, during illnesses, during epidemics, and so on.

Adults: a tablespoon, three times a day. Children from one year to 8 years: a teaspoon three times a day. From 8 to 16 for dessert three times a day. If the child goes to kindergarten and there is no opportunity to give it during the day, then you can get by with two spoons during the period of prevention, and during illness give three. The course of administration is 1 month for healthy children, for weakened children 3 months.

Contraindications: allergy to mumiyo, tendency to diathesis.

Echinacea syrup and tincture for children

And of course, what would children’s immunity be like without their favorite echinacea? Echinacea has very strong antiviral and antibacterial properties. It is an effective immunomodulator and infection fighter. The plant has an inhibitory effect on various coccal infections, which often “settle” in children’s tonsils. In addition, it is excellent support for flu, stomatitis, herpes, and respiratory diseases.

Of course, children are recommended to use echinacea decoction or syrup, again if there is no threat of diathesis. If you only have tincture, then you can carry out dealcoholization. To do this, add 10 drops of tincture into a small amount of boiling water (about the size of a glass) and divide this dose into three doses.

Prepare the decoction as follows: pour 1 teaspoon with a glass of boiling water and leave in a thermos overnight. Take according to the canteen

To prepare the decoction, 1 table. Place a spoonful of herbs in an enamel bowl, pour in 200 ml of hot water, and close with a lid. Boil for 30 minutes in a water bath with frequent stirring. Cool at room temperature for 10 minutes, strain, add chilled boiled water to 200 ml. Take 1 table orally. spoon 3 times a day for 20-30 minutes. before meals. Store the broth in a cool place for no more than 2 days.

Elderberry syrup for children

I will still give the “palm” in strengthening children’s immunity to black elderberry syrup. This product has been tested for years and every time it is used it evokes admiring surprise among clients: “Wow! My cold cleared up within a day!”

The tasty syrup is made by fermentation, that is, light fermentation over several months. This is old Russian technology. Elderberry is very popular in Europe and the USA, where many drugs are sold from it, but “live” syrup can only be bought in Russia. Or do it yourself. If you know where to get fresh black elderberries, don't miss this opportunity. You can read more about black elderberry syrup

You can drink elderberry twice a year to prevent and strengthen the immune system.

Water tincture of propolis for children for immunity

Another wonderful remedy for children’s immunity is propolis. A large family with six children of the same age immediately comes to mind (hello to them, if they are reading this article). For them, propolis tincture has become a real salvation. Children were sick “in a circle” infecting each other. It is clear that a good part of the modest budget of a large Russian family was spent on medicines. The propolis infusion made an indelible impression on them, in the sense that it saved the family from another round of common colds. Then they were the only ones who were saved.

How will we drink to strengthen weakened immunity?

I already wrote above that tinctures are undesirable for children. Therefore, if there is no water infusion, then we must carry out dealcoholization as written above. It is recommended to take it internally from three years of age, or if you are sure that there is no allergy, then you can do it earlier. Ready propolis extract

We prepare the solution like this: take a 20 gram piece of propolis and pour 200 grams of clean water, put it in a water bath and cook until dissolved. It will not dissolve completely, there will be “scraps”, in addition, wax has transferred from the propolis into the water. Therefore, cool the propolis solution and carefully filter through several layers of gauze.

Take propolis one teaspoon three times a day. It can be instilled into the nose to prevent viral infections, treat a runny nose, and cleanse the sinuses. Propolis solution can be added to tea and milk.

Strengthen your children and be healthy yourself!

Sokolova Yu.I.

In the article we discuss immune system syrups for children. We will tell you what products are on sale and what you can prepare at home. You will learn how medications affect a child’s immune system and in what cases they should not be given.

The benefits of using syrups for immunity

Most people, fortunately, understand that many diseases are easier to prevent than to spend money on long-term and expensive treatment. Especially when it concerns the health of a child. The body's ability to resist viruses and bacterial infections is directly related to the immune system. Therefore, preventive agents such as immunity syrups for children are now becoming increasingly popular. Tsitovir-3 is a popular syrup for improving immunity in children. The advantages of children's syrups for immunity lie in several factors:

  • Syrups to support children's immunity can be used for a long time; they are completely safe and non-addictive. The body's response to long-term use remains positive.
  • Most of the products contain natural ingredients and plant sucrose, which are relevant during periods of exacerbation of seasonal infections.
  • Literally after the first 7 days of taking the immune response to external unfavorable pathogens increases by 60%. This means that the body’s resistance to infections of various etiologies has increased significantly.
  • Thanks to the same sucrose present in each drug, the medicine has a fairly sweet taste, and the child does not need to be forced to swallow it.
  • Most of the syrups can be prepared at home. This is important when the child has an individual intolerance to certain components. Knowing the characteristics of your baby’s body, you can choose the ingredients yourself.

What syrups should children take for immunity?

Pharmacies now have a large selection of immunostimulating agents. Their main function is a general strengthening effect, and they all differ in composition. Let's look at several types of solutions and methods of their use.

Name Volume Chemical composition Method of administration Price
Syrup for immunity Siberian Health Vitamama 150 g The immunomodulatory syrup Siberian Health contains natural extracts and berry juice. The product does not contain artificial preservatives or dyes. Indicated for children aged 3 years and older. Give 1 tsp. on an empty stomach 1-2 times a day. Can be diluted in warm water or tea. 250−320 rub.
Syrup Golden Altai Immunity plus 200 ml Aqueous extract of fireweed shoots, Echinacea purpurea herb, currant leaves, ginger root and St. John's wort herb, sucrose. Shown for absolutely everyone. Take 2 tbsp. three times a day. The reception can be repeated 2-3 times a year. 90−100 rub.
Syrup for immunity for children Bioaron S 150 g Aloe arborescens leaves fresh water extract, chokeberry fresh fruit juice, ascorbic acid, sucrose, citric acid, ethyl alcohol 96%, purified water.

The drug is taken orally half an hour before meals. Let's

children 3−6 years old - 5 ml 2 times a day,

over 6 years old - 3 times a day, 5 ml.

The course of treatment is 14 days.

110−170 rub.
Children's syrup for immunity Cytovir-3 50 ml Main components: ascorbic acid, bendazole, thymogen. The course of treatment is only 4 days. Give to children 3 times a day: 1-3 years old 1-2 ml, 3-6 years old 3-4 ml, 6-10 years old 7-8 ml, over 10 years old 11-12 ml. 350−420 rub.
Syrup for immunity BOIRON (Boiron) Stodal 200 ml Homeopathic remedy. It contains pulsatilla, rumex crispus, bryonia, ipeca, spongia toasta, stikta pulmonaria, antimonium tartaricum, coccus cacti, droser. Children are prescribed 5 ml 3-5 times a day. 265−310 rub.

These syrups strengthen the immune system and have a general strengthening effect. Most of them are indicated during the treatment of influenza, ARVI, colds accompanied by cough and fever.

Before starting treatment, be sure to read the instructions, as the products contain various contraindications and age restrictions. We do not recommend self-medication; even phytotherapeutic and homeopathic remedies must be agreed upon with a pediatrician.

What syrups can you make at home?

If you do not trust pharmaceutical products, you can prepare syrup to boost immunity in children yourself. Rose hips, licorice root, ginger and other plants are perfect for this.

From rosehip

Please note that rosehip syrup for immunity is allowed for children from 3 years of age. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe it for a 2-year-old child.


  1. - 1 kg.
  2. Sugar - 0.5 kg.
  3. Water - 0.7 l.

How to cook: Peel the berries, cut off the stems and pull out the sepals, wash under running water. Then pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. The fruits will soften during this time; crush them with a masher. Meanwhile, make syrup from the remaining water and sugar. Strain the rose hips, squeezing out the liquid well. Combine the resulting broth with syrup. Immediately pour the product into glass jars when hot. Leave in the cold for 10 days.

How to use: For children 3−6 years old, 1 tsp is enough. 2−3 times a day, 6−12 years - 2 tsp. 2−3 times a day. Give the medicine immediately after meals. The course of therapy is 1 month. It is advisable to drink in early spring and late autumn.

Result: Increases immunity, replenishes vitamin deficiencies.

From carob

Children should take carob syrup for immunity in the following dosages:

  • 2−5 years - 1 tsp. in a day;
  • 5−12 years — 1 tsp. 3 times a day;
  • over 12 years old - 1 tbsp. 4−5 times a day.

You cannot buy carob fruits in a store or pharmacy; you can only get them through the Internet. As a rule, the packages contain recipes that can be made from them.

Due to the fact that these beans are not typical for our latitudes, it is easier to buy ready-made syrup. Moreover, it can be used not only to improve health, but also for culinary purposes - the product has a pleasant taste and is successfully used as a dressing.

From elderberry

Prevention with a remedy such as elderberry syrup will not only help strengthen the child’s immunity, but will also prevent infection during a seasonal outbreak of infectious diseases. If the infection does strike the baby, the product will prevent the spread of the virus through the respiratory tract.


  • Dried elderberries - 85 g.
  • Water - 0.5 l.
  • Fresh ginger root - 2 tbsp.
  • Cinnamon (powder) - 1 tsp.
  • Cloves - 0.5 tsp.
  • Honey - 200 ml.

How to cook: Pour all ingredients except honey into a saucepan with water. Bring the contents to a boil, immediately reduce the heat and simmer until the quantity is reduced by half. Then remove the pan from the heat and let everything cool slightly. Mash the berries thoroughly. Strain, discard the cake, add honey to the liquid part and mix well. Store in a glass jar in the refrigerator.

How to use: For prevention purposes, 1 tsp is enough. per day, during illness, give the child this dose every 2-3 hours. Shake before use.

Result: Has a general strengthening effect. An excellent remedy for the prevention and treatment of flu and colds.

From licorice root

The licorice syrup for immunity sold in pharmacies is not suitable for children due to its ethanol content, but the method of using the aqueous extract is quite appropriate. Moreover, the recipe is very simple.


  1. crushed - 3 g.
  2. Water - 300 ml.
  3. Honey - 1 tbsp.

How to cook: Place the root in a thermos, pour boiling water and leave for 12 hours. Strain. Add honey.

How to use: Licorice root syrup for immunity during illness, give children 1-2 tbsp. every 3-4 hours, for prevention, 1 tbsp. 3 times a day. Duration of therapy is 2 weeks.

Result: Increases immunity.

From a bow

There are many recipes for onion syrup for immunity, this one is suitable for children.


  1. Onion - 1 pc.
  2. Sugar - 2 tbsp.
  3. Water - 100 ml.

How to cook: Cut the onion into half rings, place in a saucepan, add sugar and add water. Bring to a boil. Cook for no more than 5 minutes over medium heat. Cover with a lid and let cool completely. Strain.

How to use: Give onion syrup for immunity to children 2−12 years old, 1 tsp. 4-5 times a day after meals.

Result: Strengthens and activates the immune system. They provide active resistance to viruses.

Contraindications and possible harm

Almost all of the immune syrups listed are indicated for children over 3 years of age. In some cases, they are allowed for children over 2 years old. This decision can be made by the attending physician, knowing the etiology of the disease and the presence of concomitant diseases.

It is necessary to carefully study the instructions, since syrups have a number of contraindications. Absolute contraindications for rosehip syrup include:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage;
  • cholelithiasis.

In cases of improper treatment and overdose, the drugs can cause a number of side effects:

  • nausea;
  • lethargy;
  • dizziness;
  • loose stool.

Syrup for immunity - reviews

Parents, according to reviews, have different attitudes towards syrups for boosting children’s immunity. Some people include them in regular use, others have not noticed any benefit at all.

This is an excellent product from the Siberian Health company for strengthening the protective functions of the child’s body. Includes only natural berries, which are rich in vitamins and minerals.

Vitamama syrup to strengthen the immune system: composition

Echinacea herb extract
- rose hip extract
- raspberry leaf extract
- thyme herb extract
- coltsfoot leaf extract
- cherry concentrate
- fructose

Vitamama syrup to strengthen the immune system: properties

Vitamama syrup has the following properties:
- provides excellent support for the immune system;
- fills with vitamins and minerals;
- has antiviral functions;
- improves joint mobility;
- normalizes metabolism;
- during illness, lowers body temperature and relieves headaches;
- removes toxins and waste from the body;
- increases appetite;
- has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal system;
- protects the body from adverse environmental influences.

Vitamama syrup to strengthen the immune system: indications and contraindications

- with cystitis;
- for influenza and respiratory tract infections;
- for pneumonia;
- for bronchitis and sore throat;
- for arthritis;
- for children who often suffer from ARVI;
- to strengthen the immune system;
- for better functioning of the liver and pancreas;
- for protection against viruses and bacteria.
- intolerance of the body to certain components.

Vitamama syrup to strengthen the immune system: instructions for use

Use one teaspoon 1-2 times a day. It is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

Vitamama syrup to strengthen the immune system: price and how to buy

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