Treatment of acne vulgaris with drugs. Acne on the face: predisposing factors. How to treat acne vulgaris

From this article you will learn:

  • acne on the face: causes of appearance,
  • acne on the face - photo, how they differ from acne,
  • acne - treatment.

Facial acne is a disease in which plugs consisting of sebum and desquamated skin cells form in the skin pores. The disease is usually called by the terms: acne or acne, and acne itself is often called acne vulgaris or comedones.

Acne is usually divided into two types

  • Closed acne (Fig. 1-3) –
    they are white in color and look like white bumps on the surface of the skin. The plugs inside them are not visible.
  • Open acne (Fig. 4-6) –
    plugs are clearly visible inside the pores, because are black. The dark color of corks is not caused by dirt, as is commonly believed, but by the skin pigment melanin.

Almost all people have acne on their nose. Acne on the forehead, chin, and cheeks is quite common.

In many articles, incompetent authors often call acne vulgaris - pimples. Although acne and pimples are completely different things, which are even treated differently... With acne, there are fat plugs in the skin pores, with a complete absence of inflammation inside and around them.
A pimple is a hair follicle that has already festered under a plug, around which inflammation develops (Fig. 7).

In dermatology there is also the term Acne. This term combines both acne and pimples, and also includes the consequences of the healing of large pimples and cysts - scars and age spots.

Acne on the face: causes of formation

Hair follicles and the sebaceous glands located around them take part in the formation of acne. From such follicles hairs grow on the face, penetrating the surface of the skin through the skin pores (Fig. 8a). The sebaceous glands, in turn, produce sebum, which first penetrates through the ducts into the lumen of the hair follicle, and then through the pores reaches the surface of the skin.

The appearance of acne is associated with 2 main factors:

  • Increasing the production of sebum by the sebaceous glands
    it usually occurs in adolescents during puberty. During this period, the amount of hormones (androgens) in the blood increases, which are produced both in men and in smaller quantities in women. Androgens tend to enhance the function of the sebaceous glands.
  • Keratosis of the epithelium of the hair follicle
    The inner walls of all hair follicles are covered with epithelial cells. These cells, like any other cells on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes, are gradually exfoliated, and new ones appear in their place. A disruption in the rate of keratinization of epithelial cells (called keratosis) leads to an increase in the number of exfoliated dead cells in the lumen of the follicle.

As a result of these two processes, skin pores become clogged with plugs consisting of sebum and desquamated epithelial cells. Moreover, the sebaceous glands still continue to produce sebum. But due to the plugs, it can no longer reach the surface of the skin and accumulates in the lumen of the hair follicle, stretching its walls (Fig. 8b).

If such plugs form deep in the skin pore (closer to the hair follicle), then closed whiteheads appear (Fig. 9,1,2,3). If plugs form in the upper part of the skin pores, then open blackheads with black heads are formed (Fig. 10,4,5,6).

How acne forms from acne

If bacteria brought from the surface of the skin are inside the clogged hair follicle, inflammation develops, which consists of the formation of pus inside the follicle. This is a real pimple (Fig. 7), and not an acne.

You will find more information on the treatment of acne in our article:

Acne on the face: predisposing factors

The main reason for acne is the increased production of androgens during puberty. However, this is not the only factor that contributes to the appearance of acne. Predisposing factors are also:

  • Fat-based cosmetics
    Skin care products and cosmetics can cause acne if they are oil-based. For the face, it is advisable to use products that are water-based (such products do not clog skin pores).
  • Birth control pills and hormonal changes
    Women may experience a regular exacerbation of acne once a month, associated with hormonal changes in the premenstrual period. Birth control pills can only stimulate acne if the pill contains only pure progesterone.
  • Medications
    If you are taking anticonvulsants, bromides, lithium, iodides, prednisolone or its analogues, as well as steroid hormones (usually taken by athletes), keep in mind that they can stimulate the appearance of acne.
  • Increased sweating
    If, due to physiology or due to increased physical activity or work conditions, you often sweat, this can aggravate your acne.

Acne: treatment at home

How to get rid of acne?... The most difficult thing in treating acne is making the right choice of preparations for treating facial skin. Anti-acne products are sold in pharmacies and on the Internet in huge quantities. Moreover, many of them are practically ineffective, and only a dermatologist or cosmetologist can correctly evaluate and select drugs for treatment.

  • It is better to start treatment of acne in adolescents as early as possible, because... in this case, it is possible to prevent the transformation of acne into pimples, after which scars and age spots remain on the skin.
  • Treatment of acne in women is carried out in the same way as for other groups of patients (you will see basic therapy below). If the effect of basic therapy is insufficient, it may be prescribed.

Acne treatment regimen

Below you can familiarize yourself in detail with the groups of drugs outlined in the scheme.

1. Retinoids –

Application diagram –
Retinoids are used only once a day (at night) - 20 minutes after washing your face with a mild cleanser. The course of treatment is at least 3 months, but you will see a good result within 5-6 weeks. You need to start using the drug 3 times a week, gradually moving to daily use. In this case, the skin will not be very irritated and will quickly get used to it.

Features of application –

  • slight burning or skin irritation may occur,
  • retinoids should not be used together with peeling products (significant skin irritation is possible),
  • increased skin sensitivity to the sun (be sure to use sun protection on sunny days).

2. Azelaic acid –

Preparations based on azelaic acid exfoliate dead layers of skin, helping to remove traffic jams, and also have an antibacterial effect. For acne, azelaic acid is prescribed as an independent treatment, and for acne with pimples - as an addition to benzoyl peroxide or antibiotic gel.

For oily skin it is better to use gels, and for dry skin - creams with azelaic acid. Examples of drugs: Azix-derm (India), Azogel (Russia), Acne-derma (Poland).

Features of application –
The drug is applied 2 times a day to areas of the skin that have acne. The effect will be noticeable within 1 month from the start of treatment. The course of treatment is at least 3 months. The positive features of azelaic acid are that it does not increase skin sensitivity to the sun, prevents the appearance of age spots, and also causes less skin irritation.

3. Salicylic acid –

Acetylsalicylic acid has the property of dissolving the fatty substrate that makes up acne, as well as exfoliating dead skin cells. Acne preparations based on salicylic acid come in 0.5% or 2% concentrations, both in the form of lotions and gels. An example is the “Clearasil” line of products in the form of lotion, cream and gel.

For acne, salicylic acid has a good effect, but it is still at least 2 times lower than from the use of retinoids. But the use of salicylic acid not for acne, but for pimples, is generally ineffective and simply makes no sense.

Features of application –
Be prepared for the fact that if you regularly use products with salicylic acid, your skin will become red and flaky. If you have dark skin, keep in mind that salicylic acid, when used regularly, will cause pigment spots to appear on the skin.

4. Treatment of acne with antibiotics -

Treatment of acne with antibiotics cannot be effective because acne is not an inflammatory or infected formation. An acne is a pore clogged with sebum, in the depths of which sebum secreted by the sebaceous glands accumulates. Therefore, antibiotics are not used for acne, but for acne, on the contrary, this is one of the main types of treatment.

Summary -

Above we have listed an exhaustive list of drugs that are used specifically for acne. If the result of treatment with these drugs was insufficient, then similar drugs with higher concentrations of active elements are selected.

Important:if you have not only acne but also pimples at the same time
in this case, in addition to retinoids and azelaic acid, the following groups of drugs are used:

  • gels, lotions and creams with benzoyl peroxide (very effective!),
  • or antibiotics in the form of gels for topical use.

You can find out about the properties and brands of these drugs in the article:

Three additional rules for treating acne at home -

In addition to the basic treatment with retinoids, azelaic or salicylic acids, you must always follow three important rules...

  • Regular cleansing and skin care
    Wash your face twice a day only with mild cleansers (such as Neutrogena). This will keep your skin clean and minimize irritation. You also need to avoid using oil-based cosmetics and skin care products (they clog pores). Use only water-based products!

    You can periodically use drugs for. You can do this peeling even at home, but you just need to use professional products for home use, but not soda, aspirin or lemon. Such products most often contain glycolic acid, which exfoliates dead surface skin cells, which also helps open pores.

  • Reducing sebum production
    To reduce the amount of sebum inside and on the surface of the skin, as well as oily skin, use the following products:

    → special toners for cleansing oily skin,
    → special cosmetic strips (Fig. 19), which are attached to the surface of the skin on the nose, forehead, cheeks or chin to remove sebum from the pores (Nivea, “Propeller”, etc.).
    → special cosmetic masks will help draw out sebum from the skin.

  • Reduce Bacteria
    If you only have acne, then you do not need to use these products. However, if acne periodically turns into pimples, then you can use benzoyl peroxide-based bactericides (once every 2 days) to prevent the appearance of pimples.

Skin problems often occur during adolescence. But many adults are also tormented by the question of how to get rid of acne. This is actually not an easy task, and without an integrated approach it is impossible to cope with it. After all, skin problems can be caused not only by improper care, but also by internal causes, chronic diseases, stress or hormonal disorders.

Teenage acne

When the body is rebuilt, preparing to perform new functions, the production of large amounts of hormones begins. They influence the development of the genital organs and all secondary characteristics that distinguish men and women. But, in addition to the direct effect, the hormonal surge has a strong effect on the skin: sebum production increases. Even if the pores become clogged and the secretions cannot leave the gland duct, it continues to work in an enhanced mode. An infection will sooner or later develop in a clogged follicle. This is how acne vulgaris is formed. The photo below shows the stages of this process.

What types of acne are there?

There are several types of acne. They differ in appearance and degree of skin damage.

Papules. Small, inflamed lumps that are conical or hemispherical in shape, often with a black dot in the center.

Pustules. A blister filled with pus appears on the surface of the eel. Such pimples dry out and disappear after a few days, leaving a pigment spot or a small scar.

Indurative acne. These are deep, usually painful infiltrates. On the outside, they look like bluish spots that rise slightly above the surface of the skin. These acne leaves noticeable scars.

Conglobate acne. If there are several indurated eels nearby, they can unite.

Mechanism of acne appearance

There are four main factors that trigger acne vulgaris. The photo shows all stages of this process.

Seborrhea. Simply put, excess sebum. Seborrhea can be liquid, when fat easily comes out of the ducts, and the face becomes shiny. On such skin superficial acne develops: papules and pustules. With thick seborrhea, sebum accumulates deep in the gland ducts. Indurative and conglobate acne forms, that is, subcutaneous acne. Their treatment is complicated by the fact that the process is localized quite deeply, and local remedies are often ineffective.

Violation of keratinization. Too many dead cells accumulate in the follicle. Mixing with sebum, they form a plug. This is what can be seen on the surface of the skin in the form of a black dot.

Infection. A variety of bacteria live on the skin, which are not harmful to a healthy person. But if favorable conditions are formed (a clogged follicle with a nutrient medium), microorganisms will definitely take advantage of them.

Causes of acne formation

Although the skin is exposed to many external influences, they are not always the main factor in the development of acne. If you have acne on your face, the reasons may lie deep inside. In adults, skin problems arise due to infectious diseases of internal organs. Often persistent colds and chronic inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx spread to the skin of the cheekbones and cheeks. In this case, the tonsils act as a reservoir for infection. Inflammation of the kidneys, gonads, and digestive organs also affects skin health and provokes acne vulgaris. These causes can be easily eliminated by treating the underlying disease. Perhaps then the skin problem will go away without additional effort.

Another factor is constant intoxication of the body. If a person eats a lot of canned, highly processed foods containing various food additives, unnecessary and sometimes harmful substances can accumulate in the body. The retention of toxins is facilitated by low fiber content in the diet, irregular bowel movements, and constipation. In this case, there is no better remedy for acne than a special diet.

The effect of hormones on acne

If an adult develops acne vulgaris, it makes sense to conduct an examination of the endocrine system. The reason may lie in a malfunction of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands or ovaries. Estrogens and oxytocin have a positive effect on the skin, androgens and progesterone have a negative effect. As you know, both are present in both men and women. Acne rosacea and acne vulgaris are often hormonal in nature. It's all about the sensitivity of skin receptors to androgens. The concentration of these hormones often increases during adolescence, and hormonal imbalances also occur in adults. In women, the content of “bad” hormones in the blood increases before menstruation, sometimes during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Taking hormonal contraceptives has a dual effect on the skin. Sometimes gynecologists even advise taking them to eliminate acne. But before prescribing such pills, it is necessary to undergo tests and fully find out what the patient’s hormonal background is. For some, oral contraceptives help make their skin perfect, while for others, on the contrary, they cause acne. After giving them up, a hormonal imbalance also occurs, leading to increased oily skin. Individual characteristics of the body cause such different reactions.

If acne appears every time before your period, this is a sign of a decrease in estrogen levels. These hormones not only protect the skin from acne, but also make it more toned and fresh; under their influence, the body gets rid of excess fluid, that is, swelling. To stabilize estrogen levels, doctors prescribe vitamin E in the second phase of the menstrual cycle.

"Map" of eels

There is a certain connection between the area of ​​the face where acne appears and the problems of internal organs.

Acne on the cheeks near the nose - you need to check your lungs. Perhaps smoking, allergies or overheating of the body have a negative effect on these areas of the skin. To eliminate problems, you need to follow a diet, avoid eating oxidizing foods - meat, sugar, coffee. Eat more green vegetables and exercise outdoors.

If there are enlarged pores on the face, inflammation and swelling on the nose, this may indicate heart problems. You need to refrain from spicy foods and enrich your diet with vitamin B and omega-3 acids.

Acne appears on the temples and cheekbones when the liver is overloaded and dehydrated. It is necessary to drink more clean water to restore excretory function.

Pimples on the upper forehead are a reason to pay attention to the digestive system. You need to reduce the amount of refined foods, semi-finished products and fats, eat more vegetable salads and fruits.

Inflammation below the corners of the lips on the side of the chin indicates hormonal problems. Before menstruation, acne usually occurs in this area. Sometimes this is a sign of pelvic inflammatory disease. In addition to basic treatment, it is advisable to eliminate stress, get good sleep and establish proper nutrition.

Pimples on the tip of the chin can signal a problem with the functioning of the stomach. In this case, cleansing the body with enough water in the diet, strengthening the immune system with herbal tea and vitamin drinks will help.

Acne on the face: how to get rid of it?

Therapy is selected depending on the degree of skin damage. Comprehensive measures include:

  • normalization of the keratinization process in the follicle;
  • elimination of infection;
  • suppression of sebum secretion;
  • relieving inflammation;
  • Regular cleansing of the skin from impurities and dead particles.

Mild acne can also be treated with external acne treatments. Time-tested products have proven themselves well: salicylic, zinc, ichthyol ointments. Some pharmacies make special formulations for acne - talkers, which are a mixture of antibiotics for external use.

Modern remedies for facial acne contain various substances. For example, the drug "Skinoren" acts due to azelaic acid. It successfully fights microorganisms on the skin and reduces sebum secretion, while normalizing the keratinization process. The product "Zinerit" contains the antibiotic erythromycin and is a good way to solve the problem of how to get rid of acne.

For moderate damage, the doctor may prescribe oral antibiotics. Erythromycin, doxycycline or tetracycline are commonly used. You need to take them for at least a month and only as prescribed by a doctor. After all, long-term treatment with antibiotics can develop undesirable consequences for the body.

In severe cases, when large areas of the face and body are affected by deep inflamed nodes and infiltrates, treatment of acne requires the use of drugs containing large doses of retinoids. These drugs have contraindications, for example, they cannot be used by pregnant or lactating women. Vitamin A in large doses causes abnormalities in fetal development. After a course of treatment, doctors do not recommend planning a pregnancy for 3 months, since retinoids accumulate in the body and are not eliminated immediately.

Treating acne at home

Traditional medicine offers various remedies for acne on the face and body. Their common disadvantage is that they are all quite troublesome to use.

  • Aloe. This plant actively fights infection and inflammation. For the procedure, you need to squeeze out aloe juice and soak gauze folded in four layers with it. Apply a compress to the affected area. Aloe draws out pus even from deep acne, but you just need to carry out at least 40 daily procedures.
  • Propolis tincture. At night, you need to lubricate problem areas with alcohol tincture of propolis. In the morning, it is recommended to cleanse the skin with lotion. The course of treatment is 30 days.
  • Cottage cheese. Fermented milk products are an excellent remedy against acne. Soft homemade cottage cheese helps remove subcutaneous acne and spots from them. The compress should be prepared as follows. Place a 0.5 cm layer of cottage cheese on a napkin or gauze. The density and thickness of the napkin should be such that it absorbs excess liquid from the cottage cheese. When applying a compress to the acne area, you need to cover it with a film, and then strengthen and insulate it with a scarf or some kind of comfortable bandage. Keep the compress for at least an hour, but it is better to leave it overnight. At first, about a week, you need to do this every day. Then you can give your skin a little rest.
  • Lemon. Its bactericidal properties are known to everyone. How to treat acne vulgaris with this fruit? You can make compresses with lemon juice for 10-15 minutes. In addition to suppressing infection, the acid partially dissolves sebaceous plugs and dead cells, removes age spots and refreshes the skin. You can simply wipe your face with a slice of lemon twice a day after washing your face. During this treatment, you should use sunscreen and avoid prolonged exposure to bright sun. Citric acid makes the skin more sensitive to ultraviolet radiation.

Masks for blackheads

How to get rid of acne? It's better to prevent them from appearing. If there is no inflammation on the skin, but there are contaminated comedones, they can be dealt with at home. Before using any mask, you need to steam your skin a little to open the pores and make them easier to clean. But it is worth remembering: inflamed acne cannot be heated, this will only worsen the problem. When the skin is prepared, you need to apply one of the masks against blackheads, massaging the problem areas.

Recipe 1. Mash a small red tomato with a fork and mix with beaten egg white. Apply for 20 minutes.

Recipe 2. Beat egg whites with a tablespoon of sugar and apply to face. When the mask begins to dry out, perform a cleansing massage: press your fingers to the skin and sharply tear them off. Sweet protein glues dirt and dead cells together, and with massage they come off.

Recipe 3. You can make a fragrant scrub from ground coffee and sour cream. Just don’t apply it to painful acne. Coffee removes dead cells, and sour cream softens the skin. You may not even need to apply cream after scrubbing.

How to remove acne spots?

Finding a way to get rid of acne is half the battle. A scar or pigment spot remains at the site of the pimple, which can last up to a year. Correct and timely treatment of acne vulgaris reduces these unpleasant phenomena. If the stain still remains, homemade masks will help get rid of it faster.

Recipe 1. Make a paste of cinnamon powder and honey mixed in equal parts. Apply the composition only to stains and leave for 20 minutes.

Recipe 2. You can wipe stains with a mixture of rosemary, clove, mint and lavender essential oils. To do this, you need to dissolve 2 drops of rosemary oil in a teaspoon of vegetable oil, and take the rest 1 drop each.

Recipe 3: Cucumber juice will help lighten your skin. You can apply a cucumber pulp mask to the spots for 10-15 minutes.

Diet against acne

Nutrition has a huge impact on skin health. If gastritis or another disease of the digestive system provokes acne, the appropriate specialist will tell you how to treat it. Doctors have developed nutritional recommendations during acute periods or chronic forms of diseases such as pancreatitis, cholecystitis, and dysbacteriosis. In any case, a balanced diet helps cure acne vulgaris and see results faster.

Fats. What should be limited first of all, of course, is fatty and fried foods. It stimulates the activity of the sebaceous glands. Cheeses in this regard cause great controversy among nutritionists. On the one hand, it is a source of calcium and protein, on the other, it is a product containing a lot of fat. Therefore, during treatment for acne, you should avoid cheese and whole milk. Some experts believe that hormones contained in milk can trigger acne.

Sweets and baked goods. You need to minimize these products. Sugar also activates the sebaceous glands and promotes inflammation. Flour products slow down bowel movements, retain toxins in the body and often lead to constipation. Any foods with a high glycemic index are contraindicated for problem skin. It is better to replace sweets with dried fruits, and sweet sodas with natural juices and decoctions.

Cellulose. You just need to ensure a constant supply of dietary fiber from food. Vegetables, greens, and fruits contain fiber, which cleanses the intestines, speeds up its work, removing everything unnecessary from the body. You can buy bran at the pharmacy and add it to porridge and other dishes daily. Valuable sources of fiber are oatmeal and buckwheat. These are the most useful cereals for fighting acne.

There is no special diet for acne; proper nutrition must be established. It is good to include foods such as fresh carrots and cabbage in your diet. These vegetables provide the body with vitamins A and C, as well as fiber, necessary for the skin. Infusions of rose hips and chamomile are useful for those who want to get rid of acne.

Blackhead removal at spa

Many people prefer to trust the health of their skin to cosmetologists. Many effective procedures have been developed that not only remove unwanted inflamed elements and sebaceous plugs, but significantly improve the appearance of the face.

Peeling with glycolic acid. This substance is often used to remove acne. Other alpha hydroxy acids that are obtained from natural products such as milk and fruits are also used. Dead cells under the influence of such peeling are easily separated from each other. They are removed from the skin along with excess oil and impurities, freeing up the pores.

Extraction. The procedure begins with a steam bath for the face. This opens the pores, making it easier to remove impurities. Then the cosmetologist removes pimples and comedones using a special tool - an extractor. Finally, a toner is applied to prevent inflammation and tightening of pores.

Exfoliation. This is a mechanical method of removing the surface layer of dead cells. To cleanse the skin, use a scrub or a special device - an exfoliator. This skin exfoliation is usually used in combination with other acne treatments.

Galvanic procedures. The procedure involves constantly exposing the skin to a low voltage current. It is combined with other methods of facial cleansing and rejuvenation. This removes acne and other blemishes. To perform galvanic procedures, a cosmetologist requires training and experience.

Is a lot of sun good or bad?

They say that acne goes away in the summer from tanning. It is not always so. The sun's rays dry out the skin, so a little exposure can be beneficial. But you shouldn’t overuse it: in response, the sebaceous glands increase fat production. The desire to get a good tan often aggravates acne on the face. How to get rid of acne spots? Just during treatment, forget about tanning and use sunscreen. The thing is that the place where the pimple was recently tans more than the surrounding healthy skin and becomes much darker. This is how a stain appears, which is then difficult to remove.

How to prevent acne?

If you have figured out how to get rid of acne and have successfully dealt with it, you should not relax. The tendency to have skin problems is here to stay. If there are errors in diet or care, they can return. Therefore, you need to constantly take care of your health. These are the main conditions for beautiful skin.

  • Don't wash your face too often. Even if the skin is oily, excessive cleanliness will not help it, but will reduce the protective properties and resistance to infections. You need to use soft gels and foams for washing no more than twice a day. And you should wash your hands more often, and never touch your face with dirty hands.
  • Don't squeeze out blackheads! You will not eliminate the causes of acne, but new problems will be added. The infection may go deeper into the skin or spread to nearby comedones. When squeezing out sebaceous plugs, pores stretch even more. Removing inflamed acne and blisters with purulent contents leads to the formation of scars. It is better to wait until the pimple dries itself, then the mark from it will be less noticeable.
  • Consistently eat fresh fruits and fiber-rich vegetables, raw and stewed.
  • Use high-quality cosmetics. Do not overuse blush and powder - they contaminate the pores. Makeup should always be removed carefully.

Treating acne is a difficult task. But you can cope with even the deepest and most painful pimples. It is better to contact a dermatologist who will choose the right treatment. The main thing is to follow all skin care recommendations and eat right. This will help to further maintain the health and beauty of your skin.

Acne is quite common, but only 30% of those suffering from purulent inflammation of the sebaceous glands consult a dermatologist with this problem. However, treatment of acne vulgaris is mandatory, even in cases where the disease is characterized by a mild form, perceived by the patient himself as a variant of the physiological norm.

Acne vulgaris (ICD-10 code: L70.0) is practically never found in infants. The peak activity of the rash occurs at the onset of puberty, which is 13-17 years. Girls mature faster in this regard, which is why their skin problems begin a little earlier. Rashes bother a person until about 25 years of age.

These pustular formations can be interpreted as an early symptom of puberty, especially when inflamed elements appear in the T-zone of the face. For teenagers under 13 years of age, acne is not typical; their skin is covered with comedones. Rashes on a girl’s face signal the imminent onset of menstruation.

The photo shows a typical manifestation of acne vulgaris in a teenager:

What is acne vulgaris

Acne vulgaris is the result of an inflammatory process in the structures of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. Common causes of pustules: staphylococcal infection and microtrauma on the surface of the skin. The pathogenic agent enters the human body through the follicular ostium, after which it begins to rapidly replicate, causing a rash.

Speaking about the clinical picture of acne, we should mention its diversity. Inflammation usually affects those areas of the skin that have a large number of sebaceous glands, for example, there is a lot of acne on the face, chest and back. At the initial stage, they look like comedones or blackheads; the mouth of the hair follicle is blocked by a plug of sebum and horny masses. Later, a secondary infection occurs and infiltration appears at the base of the plug. Education becomes very painful.

Initially, acne vulgaris looks like a small red nodule. As the inflammatory process intensifies, the infiltrate will become larger, and pus will begin to accumulate at the top of the formation. After a few days, the pustular capsule spontaneously opens, the pus comes out, forming a dry crust at the apex. After the wound heals, scars may remain.

If point inflammation is not treated, the process can spread deeper and involve nearby glands. Then a pustule with a compacted base is formed.

Features of acne vulgaris

As soon as the inflammatory process affects the layer of subcutaneous fatty tissue, abscesses will occur. They are characterized by rapid spread and the formation of large purulent foci, since such acne merges with each other. The rash becomes chronic, and such abscesses can only be opened surgically.

A particularly dangerous type of acne vulgaris is considered to be a type called necrotic acne. A focus of tissue necrosis appears in the depths of the follicle. Such abscesses typically appear in the area of ​​the temples or forehead. The tip of the eel is crowned with a pustule filled with hemorrhagic fluid. As it heals, the affected skin becomes covered with a scab, and then smallpox-like scars are visible.

Photo of a person suffering from necrotic acne:

Once a person reaches 25 years of age, the acne problem can resolve on its own. But 10% of the total number of patients suffer from inflammation throughout their lives, especially women with the physiological form of the disease. Statistics from dermatological studies show that with the use of oral contraceptives, the number of women whose skin is affected by acne vulgaris has decreased by about a third. But against the backdrop of poor ecology, cases of rash appearing at a later age, when patients are between 30 and 40 years old, have become more frequent.

Acne as a diagnosis: examination methods

To establish a diagnosis of acne vulgaris, certain diagnostic methods are recommended to help differentiate this disease from other pathologies of the seborrheic type. Usually, when acne occurs in a patient, a hormonal imbalance is immediately suspected, which is why there is no physiological response to antibiotic treatment. In women, the menstrual cycle may be disrupted, alopecia and hirsutism may develop. It is necessary to examine and establish the level:

  • Testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate and dehydroepiandrosterone.
  • Globulins capable of binding sex hormones.
  • Prolactin.
  • Lutein-stimulating and follicular-type hormones, with clarification of their ratio.

You also need to rule out polycystic ovary syndrome. Determine the level of 17alpha-hydroxyprogesterone and cortisol, be sure to do so in the morning, at the peak of their production. This will help detect hereditary adrenal hyperplasia. In conclusion, a wash is made from the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and skin affected by inflamed ulcers to confirm or refute the diagnosis of gram-negative folliculitis.

Causes of occurrence and solutions

Acne can be a consequence of a genetic predisposition; it appears against the background of functional disorders in the endocrine system and hormonal imbalance, with a pronounced predominance of androgen and estrogen deficiency. Acne can occur with seborrhea, diseases of the stomach and intestines, violation of the prescribed diet, with excessive consumption of sweet, hot, spicy and fatty foods.

Causes such as Corynebacterium and acne glands (mites) cannot be ruled out. It is extremely rare that a rash becomes a symptom of tuberculosis intoxication. In dermatological practice, there are known cases of the appearance of acne vulgaris after long-term treatment with corticosteroid drugs. They were also observed in people with individual hypersensitivity to certain drugs. Quite often, acne occurs in adolescents of both sexes during puberty.

The rash must be treated sequentially:

  • First you need to remove the blockage of the follicular ostium.
  • Then reduce the secretory activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • Suppress pathogenic microflora by prescribing appropriate medications.
  • At the final stage, turn to preventive anti-inflammatory drugs and measures.

Methods of external treatment and antiseptic cleansing of the skin are also used. For patients with acne vulgaris, only gentle skin cleansing methods should be used. You need to wash your face with mild cleansers at least twice a day. And after water procedures, medications are applied to the dried skin to reduce signs of inflammation.

For chronic acne, it is useful to undergo a course of laser or light therapy. Ultraviolet irradiation is used, but it is not always effective. Modern dermatological offices are equipped with lamps with blue light, the wavelength of which is 440 nm. Such an effect is detrimental to most pathogenic agents and leads to increased release of oxygen, which suppresses the activity of anaerobic pathogens.

The laser technique also received good reviews from cured patients. The use of a laser beam with a wavelength of 585 nm and a short pulse is very effective in the fight against acne vulgaris. The problem can also be solved with the help of cauterization, cryotherapy, targeted subcutaneous injections of Triamcinolone, chemical peeling and paraffin applications. Women can use special cosmetics with a drying and masking effect.

Atypical provocateurs of acne vulgaris

The appearance of acne vulgaris in adults is often caused by taking medications based on tar, bromine, and iodine. In the case of long-term treatment with such drugs, papules or pustules appear on the skin of the face, back and chest, resembling acne in appearance. These are so-called iodine or bromide inflammations, they are characterized by a sudden onset, without a comedonal stage. The main difference between allergic acne and traditional acne vulgaris is more pronounced infiltration, a compacted base of the formation, and a dark red color.

Corticosteroids and other hormonal drugs provoke the appearance of steroid inflammation, which is often confused with acne vulgaris. A correct diagnosis can only be made based on the patient’s age and medical history.

ICD-10 does not classify acne vulgaris as a life-threatening condition for the patient. However, diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue are often the result of other, serious pathologies, so this problem cannot be ignored.

Acne vulgaris causes a lot of inconvenience to a person. They spoil your appearance and force you to hide your face from the direct rays of the sun and camera lenses. Acne like this is difficult to treat, but there are many methods that can make one of the main problems of puberty less noticeable.

The word “vulgar” comes from the Latin “vulgus”, which means “people”. Acne began to be called “vulgar” centuries ago, among the common people who did not particularly care about their hygiene. Acne received such a specific name also because it most actively occurs during periods when hormones are “playing” in a person, and this not only causes cosmetic problems, but also affects behavior and lifestyle.

– These are acne that occur due to a general hormonal imbalance in the body. They occur more often in women during puberty (13-17 years), during sexual activity or, conversely, in its absence at a more mature age. You can read more about acne in teenagers in our article at the link:. The mechanism of formation of such acne is standard - excess sebum, abundantly produced by the sebaceous glands, dead skin particles, cosmetics, and dust accumulate in the hair follicles. In this fertile environment for bacteria, infiltrates arise caused by the colonization of staphylococci, streptococci and other harmful microorganisms. The pores become enlarged, sebum is not removed from them, but accumulates. The sebaceous plug provokes inflammation, which can grow into a pimple of varying severity:

  • first stage– the easiest, usually this is mild redness and thickening, which passes without developing into an abscess, or a small abscess that is superficial, quickly and independently opens, and does not leave behind a stain or scar;
  • second stage– this is a large pimple that develops into an abscess, with redness and thickening of nearby tissues;
  • third stage- These are deep pimples that may not go away for weeks, with severe redness, swelling and repeated suppuration.

Acne of the second and third stages leaves behind spots and scars, which then, even if the period of “blooming” with acne vulgaris has ended, greatly spoils a person’s appearance, and it is necessary to treat post-acne using laser, ultraviolet rays and other methods.

Types of acne:

  • non-inflammatory acne is comedones or fat plugs into which infection has not yet penetrated:
      • white comedones - the hair follicle is closed and narrowed at the top;
      • black comedones - the follicle is open and dirt accumulates there, which gives it a dark color;
  • inflammatory acne – infection penetrates the comedones and an inflammatory process begins with possible suppuration, redness and swelling.

The more weakened the body as a whole, the more actively bacteria attach to the skin.

In the video, a dermatologist-oncologist talks about acne vulgaris, the reasons for its appearance and the characteristics of the disease:

Acne vulgaris and dermatovenereology

If a person is tormented by acne vulgaris, then you need to consult a specialist. A beauty salon and standard cosmetic procedures performed by experts for acne will not be enough. Treating yourself at home, trying various folk recipes and medications without consulting a doctor is also a mistake.

A dermatovenerologist is a doctor who treats skin and venereal diseases and identifies the relationship between these diseases and the general condition of the body. It is a destructive and widespread belief that these doctors treat exclusively sexually transmitted diseases. If you are concerned about acne vulgaris, which is accompanied by disruptions in the menstrual cycle in women, and with urological problems in men, then be sure to visit a dermatovenerologist. He will prescribe a comprehensive examination that will reveal the underlying causes of the rash. Scraping, blood testing for allergens and harmful microorganisms, dermatoscopy, culture and smear - there are many methods for studying.


Acne occurs due to excess sebum production, clogged pores and slower regeneration and exfoliation processes. Causes of acne vulgaris:

  • hormonal changes in the body during puberty;
  • hormonal imbalances at any age, due to gynecological diseases, stress, decreased immunity, exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • PMS and menopause in women;
  • unhealthy diet with a predominance of flour, fatty, spicy and sweet foods, consumption of sweet carbonated drinks and fast food;
  • frequent use of cosmetics, insufficient cleansing of the facial skin.

Photo of acne vulgaris

Treatment with medications

Acne vulgaris is treated with medication. Doctors usually prescribe the following drugs:

  1. Antibiotics. They are prescribed for the third, most severe, stage of acne. Antibiotics fight inflammation and infection; they need to be taken in a course and together with drugs that support the intestinal microflora.
  2. Hormonal medications, usually birth control pills. They even out hormonal levels, the main cause of acne vulgaris.
  3. Ointments, gels and mash containing hormones, various antimicrobial agents, wound healing, promoting exfoliation and regeneration, drawing out pus. For example, zinc ointment, balsamic liniment according to Vishnevsky, “Zinerit”, “Baziron AS”, “Skinoren”.
  4. Drugs whose active substance is isotretinoin. It actively reduces sebum production, affecting hormonal levels.

Traditional methods

Acne vulgaris is often treated with traditional methods. If the form of the disease is severe, they are usually not enough. But in mild and moderate stages, especially at the beginning of the disease, traditional medicine will really help cope with the disease, subject to systematic treatment:

  • Masks. They can be very different, depending on the skin type and rashes. Clay masks help a lot; they tighten pores, mattify, and cleanse the skin. You can add calendula tincture or a few drops of essential oil of tea tree, rosemary, lemon, mint to this mask. Good reviews about masks made from raw potatoes and grated carrots and cranberries.
  • Lotions based on herbal infusions, with and without alcohol. Aloe juice, lemon juice, and chamomile infusion help well.

Before using any essential oil for the first time, be sure to conduct a sensitivity test. Mix a couple of drops in vegetable or olive oil, apply the mixture to the area under the elbow or next to the palm.

Acne vulgaris can and should be treated. The main thing is to carry out treatment under the supervision of a specialist and regularly cleanse the skin.

Acne is an unpleasant phenomenon that affects the skin of both sexes equally. There are also no age restrictions for acne, but most often it affects teenagers, on whose face and body the disease can manifest itself in the form of focal rashes or individual inflammatory elements, the so-called acne vulgaris or juvenile acne.

Acne vulgaris is a chronic disease of the dermis that occurs in most cases during puberty (puberty) and is expressed in purulent inflammation of the hair follicle and sebaceous gland. The main locations are the face and back, but it is not uncommon for rashes to be observed on the shoulders, chest, ears and neck.

Often such elements are called rosacea. However, acne vulgaris and rosacea have some differences. Firstly, diffuse congestive erythema and telangiectasia are usually absent with acne vulgaris. Secondly, the rash is usually characteristic of adolescence, while rosacea appears in people over 30 years of age.

The cause of the formation of vulgar acne is considered to be hormonal changes and a sharp increase in hormones of the steroid structure - androgens (hyperandrogenism, which can manifest itself in the form of polycystic ovary syndrome, seborrhea, androgenic alopecia, hypertrichosis). These circumstances contribute to an increase in the secretion of fatty glands, the composition and consistency of which also undergoes significant transformations: sebum becomes viscous, thick, it is difficult to leave the ducts, thereby causing blockage of pores. Against this background, the inflammatory process develops rapidly; its complex course is ensured by bacterial agents.

Other (minor) reasons for the formation of acne vulgaris:

  • disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases associated with damage to the endocrine system;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • weakened immune system;
  • hereditary predisposition.

Scientists have also identified a number of factors that reduce skin resistance and, therefore, affect the progression of acne vulgaris:

1. unstable emotional or psychological background;

2. premenstrual exacerbations;

3. ultraviolet radiation;

4. excessive sweating;

5. occupational hazards;

6. unhealthy diet;

7. alcohol and smoking.

Diagnosis of acne

In most cases, juvenile skin disease occurs in a mild form and is often considered a physiological condition. And only 20% of acne sufferers, according to statistics, seek help from a specialist due to serious inflammation. At the first appointment, the doctor conducts a thorough examination of the patient and prescribes the necessary tests to accurately diagnose acne vulgaris and determine the cause of their appearance. These activities are mainly:

  • Ultrasound of the prostate gland, testicles, adrenal glands;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • blood chemistry;
  • study of hormone levels (total testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone, dihydrotestosterone, androstenediol glucuronide);
  • examination of the cover for microbial flora.

Before prescribing medications, a dermatologist or other specialist (therapist, endocrinologist, gynecologist, infectious disease specialist) can also refer you to check the body’s response to antibiotics and, if the result is negative, select the most effective remedy.

Medication methods

The principles of treatment of acne vulgaris are based on:

  1. eliminating problems with thickening (keratinization) of the hair follicle;
  2. decreased secretory activity of the glands;
  3. anti-inflammatory measures;
  4. suppression of follicle microflora, especially acnes Propionbacterium;
  5. gentle skin cleansing and external therapy.

Treatment of acne vulgaris should be differentiated based on the severity of the disease. Thus, in the mild stage, doctors recommend using various formulations with the addition of sulfur, ichthyol, and lemon juice. For daily care for adolescents with oily, problematic dermis, you can use lotions Klerasil, Oxy-5, Kleaskin, which have a bacteriostatic, comedolytic and drying effect.

Skinoren cream, which is based on azelaic acid, is also highly effective in this case, helping not only to suppress the growth of bacteria and reduce the content of free fatty acids in the follicles, but also to prevent the development of post-inflammatory hyper- and depigmentation. Some doctors recommend treating mild acne with topical antibiotics, such as 2% erythromycin or tetracycline cream.

For moderate acne vulgaris, retinoids can be used - according to reviews, Retin-A in the form of a gel (0.025%) or cream (0.05%) has proven itself to be effective in removing blockages and eliminating follicular hyperkeratosis. If antimicrobial drugs with benzoyl peroxide are used, then you should start with a low concentration, for example, first Oxy-5 gel, then Oxy-10.

It is advisable to combine antibiotics (doxycycline, tetracycline, erythromycin) with Bifidumbacterin, a probiotic that normalizes intestinal microflora, and Nystatin. After a month of therapy (in the absence of side effects), the specialist often prescribes another drug to prevent the development of resistance (resistance) of propionic bacteria to treatment.

The severe stage of acne requires a long course of use of both local and oral medications. If antibiotics are ineffective, girls may be prescribed antiandrogen drugs or combined oral contraceptives with an estrogen profile. Isotretinoin (Roaccutane), a synthetic analogue of vitamin A, has a powerful effect in the fight against complex, inflamed acne vulgaris. It affects all parts of the pathogenesis of acne, significantly reducing the production of sebum and slowing down the proliferation of epithelial cells of the ducts of the fatty glands.

Therapy at home

In addition to the generally accepted medicinal methods of treating acne vulgaris in adolescents, there are methods performed at home according to folk recipes. Eg:

1. A compress with viburnum juice is an effective and simple remedy for getting rid of acne on your back, face and other “favorite” places. For the procedure, just moisten gauze in viburnum juice, squeeze a little and apply to the problem area for 5-10 minutes.

2. A compress with aloe juice, which draws out pus even from deep inflammatory elements, is considered no less effective at home. However, according to reviews, in order to achieve the desired result, it is necessary to conduct more than 40 such sessions.

3. Propolis tincture is one of the best methods of treatment with folk remedies. To perform a cosmetic procedure, you need to lubricate the affected areas with alcohol tincture of propolis at night, and cleanse the skin with lotion in the morning. This should be done for a month.

4. For very oily dermis, wiping the face with a piece of lemon 2 times a day is effective, because, as is known, this fruit of the citrus family has strong bactericidal and drying properties.

5. Preparing a tincture of chamomile flowers at home and using it regularly will allow you to completely get rid of acne vulgaris on the back when added to the bath and acne on the face by holding gauze soaked in the infusion for five minutes.

1. Full hygiene must be observed:

  • wash and cleanse your face with care products twice a day;
  • apply a moisturizer selected according to your skin type;
  • It is better to carry out peeling with products containing fruit acids.

2. At the first symptoms of the formation of acne vulgaris, you should use cosmetic preparations that suppress the growth of bacteria, for example, Klerasil lotion.

3. No less important than care is diet therapy against acne vulgaris, which consists of:

  • limiting bread products and sugar;
  • leaning on vegetables, fruits, fish, lean meat.

5. Acne vulgaris should never be squeezed out on your own at home, otherwise you can introduce an infection and aggravate the situation, causing new foci of inflammation.

6. Treatment will be more effective and faster if you start it right away, without starting the disease.

7. It is advisable to eliminate skin defects in adolescents only in a medical institution, and as a preventive measure and to remove post-acne elements, you can visit specialized salons that can offer:

  • exfoliation with glycolic acid;
  • extraction;
  • galvanic procedures;
  • laser therapy;
  • mechanical exfoliation.

8. Even home treatment according to traditional recipes should be agreed upon with a cosmetologist.

9. In case of any side effect and deviation from the norm (inflammation grows, merges into painful nodes, scars form at the site of acne vulgaris), you must stop all actions and seek help from a specialist.