Salicylic acid brightens the skin. The use of salicylic acid in facial care to solve problems associated with pigmentation, blackheads, and wrinkles. Review of cosmetics with salicylic acid presented on iHerb. back acne treatment

Salicylic acid is a very inexpensive and effective treatment for acne and pimples. It can be purchased without any problems at any pharmacy chain. The drug is characterized by excellent anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. Moreover, it helps eliminate the effects of acne by lightening pigmented areas of the skin.


Salicylic acid has a certain list of properties that make it ideal for fighting acne:

  • Pronounced drying effect. An effective method for local elimination of acne on the skin. It should be borne in mind that with an abundant rash on the face, the composition should be used with extreme caution, since there is a risk of overdrying the skin.
  • Eliminates even very old ones. Principle of action: due to deep penetration into the skin, the product causes blood flow to the area of ​​application, which provokes natural tissue renewal. During tissue renewal, spots after inflammation also disappear.
  • Eliminates bacteria that cause acne. The main action is to neutralize bacteria that, when they enter the pores, cause acne. An important point: the product is ruthless even to beneficial bacteria that are present on the skin.
  • Regulates sebum secretion, therefore, helps reduce excess oily skin. Directed action - with a reduction in fat content, the pores are much less clogged with excess sebum.
  • Eliminates effectivelyon the face. The principle of operation is to dissolve them or discolor them.

Benefits for the skin

The priority property of the acid is to dry out acne. If a pimple that suddenly appears in the evening is treated with a remedy, then in the morning it will become almost invisible to others. A purulent pimple will also dry out at an accelerated pace, the next day the pain will go away, the redness will decrease, and the pus under the skin will dissolve. After just a couple of days, it will disappear completely.

The product is very effective when used in a timely manner - in the initial stages of inflammation.

Salicylic acid in combination with ichthyol ointment helps to quickly and efficiently cope with purulent rashes.

The drug helps eliminate red spots after acne. Local use of the tool is required. It must be used until the redness goes away. Recommendation - the optimal frequency of acid use is three times a day.

The therapeutic solution contributes, which ultimately helps to stop the production of excess fat, which provokes the appearance of acne. When treating the surface of the skin of the face, it is necessary to use an alcohol-free lotion with an acid content of not more than 1%.

Important - 5 minutes after the treatment of the face, you should wash yourself, otherwise the risk of overdrying the skin increases. Do not abuse this tool, it is best to apply it locally to specific affected areas.

After completing the procedure using acid, you need to wash your face with cold water, which will help close the pores. You can use healing ice. Prepare chamomile infusion in advance and freeze it in the freezer.

Competent application

Indications for use

  • The presence of pigmented areas on the facial skin caused by acne.
  • Black dots.
  • Oily and problematic skin types, prone to increased sebum production.

In its purest form

It is best to use locally rather than treating the entire surface of the skin. It is necessary to apply the product to a cotton pad twice a day and treat acne with it, each separately. The action time is from 15 to 20 minutes, after which you should rinse your face with warm water. The result is that only inflamed areas are treated, while healthy skin remains untouched.

Mask with the addition of cosmetic clay and badyagi

You will need to mix the components in equal proportions. Afterwards, you need to add warm water to the mixture until a creamy consistency is obtained. To complete the preparation of the mask, you need to add a couple of drops of acid solution. The composition is evenly applied to the surface of the skin. Action time: 15 minutes. The mixture is removed with warm water. Frequency of use: once a week.

The main effect is that the procedure helps not only fight acne, but also eliminates oily shine. Moreover, the complexion improves significantly.

Anti-inflammatory lotion

Requires 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of dried calendula flowers into 12 cups of salicylic alcohol. Leave to steep for a day, then strain using cheesecloth. If necessary, dilute the resulting infusion. Proportions - art. spoon of lotion in a glass of filtered water. Application – as a facial tonic.

Precautionary measures

It is important to remember that salicylic acid is a dangerous drug that requires certain precautions to be taken.

The use of solutions with a concentration higher than two percent should be abandoned.

It is not worth using acid above 5% at all, since there is a high probability not to achieve the desired result, but, on the contrary, to get serious burns of the skin surface or simply dry it out.


To get rid of acne, you need comprehensive measures.

The main method of treatment is the use of external medications.

It is best to choose those that have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, rather than just relieve symptoms.

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  • Can give you an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS only DOCTOR!
  • We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

According to reviews from doctors and patients, salicylic acid is very effective against acne.

It quickly penetrates the tissue and affects the cause of the rash.

Reasons for appearance

Acne is a pustular skin disease.

There can be many or only one of them, they appear in people of any age, but most often.

  • This is due to hormonal imbalance and increased work of the sebaceous glands.
  • But acne can also be caused by poor diet. and allergic reactions to food and cosmetics, and even.
  • Very often, the appearance of rashes is caused by improper skin care: its insufficient cleansing or a large amount of low-quality cosmetics. This leads to blockage of the sebaceous glands and the proliferation of bacteria. An abscess appears, which without timely treatment can grow and spread the infection to nearby areas of the skin.

Acne treatment with salicylic acid

Many people have been using salicylic acid for acne for a long time.

This tool is the most affordable way to get rid of rashes.

You can use it yourself at home, and the effectiveness of cleansing can be compared with cosmetic procedures in a salon.

This is evidenced by numerous photos before and after treatment with salicylic acid.

Photo: before and after

How it works

For many people, salicylic acid has become a salvation for acne; its use helps eliminate inflammation and cleanse the skin in just a couple of days.

It is especially effective for the face, as it dries out rashes well and reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands.

In addition, salicylic acid has the following properties:

  • prevents the growth of bacteria;
  • removes inflammation and swelling;
  • promotes faster healing of damaged skin areas;
  • cleanses pores, softening sebaceous plugs, and removes;
  • promotes renewal of the upper layer of the skin


Salicylic acid has long been used for many dermatological problems.

It is considered especially effective in such cases:

  • with various types of acne,;
  • with black dots;
  • enlarged pores;

  • and traces after ;
  • increased oily skin, seborrhea;

  • eczema, psoriasis;
  • to remove calluses and corns.

Precautionary measures

For treating acne on the face, the safest solution is 1 percent salicylic acid.

A more concentrated solution may dry out the skin or cause an allergic reaction.

  • But even this solution should not be applied to areas with damaged skin, warts or moles.
  • In addition, it is not recommended to use salicylic acid together with certain products. For example, “ ” and “ ” in combination with it can lead to severe skin irritation.

Side effects

Salicylic acid is a rather dangerous drug.

If you don't know how to use it correctly, you can get serious side effects:

  • severe dry skin, peeling;
  • irritation and itching;
  • allergic reaction;
  • When using a concentrated solution, even burns are possible.


Photo: if used incorrectly, the drug can cause skin burns

But salicylic acid also has disadvantages.

If used incorrectly, it can cause a severe allergic reaction or even a skin burn. Therefore, you need to use it strictly according to the instructions.

Video: “How to get rid of acne and pimples quickly using folk remedies”

Preparations containing

Salicylic acid is the main active ingredient of the well-known “”.

  • The tablets can be crushed and diluted with a small amount of water.
  • You can also buy an aqueous or alcohol solution at the pharmacy, which contains 1 or 2 percent of this substance.
  • In addition, it is often included in various cosmetics.
  • There are various creams, lotions, powders and ointments.
  • There are also gels and foams for washing with salicylic acid, which are very convenient to use.

Such fairly well-known products contain this substance: Diprosal, Zinkundan, Camphocin, Elokom, "", as well as various lotions and creams from Loreal or "".


There are different acne treatments based on salicylic acid.

Water-based products work best as they do not dry out the skin as much.

It would be good if it also contained herbal extracts, such as sage or string.


Salicylic acid ointment is made mainly from petroleum jelly, so it is poorly absorbed and makes the skin oily.

It may also contain zinc oxide and, which increases its effectiveness in the fight against acne.


with salicylic acid very effectively dries out acne and relieves inflammation.

But it contains talc, which quickly clogs pores, so using this product is not very convenient.

Home Recipes

It is best to use a 1% salicylic acid solution.

It is safer for the face and less likely to cause irritation. But it’s still better not to apply it to large areas of the skin. It is generally recommended to gradually add salicylic acid to various products.

For example, homemade masks and lotions with this substance will be an effective way to treat acne.

  • Mix with powder, dilute with warm water and drip a little salicylic acid. This mask effectively cleanses the face of acne, comedones and blemishes.
  • For this you can make a mask with glycolic acid. To do this, add 1 part glycolic acid to 9 parts salicylic acid. When applying the mixture on the face, it can not be rubbed, and you can keep it for no longer than 3 minutes. Rinse off the product with a soda solution.
  • An effective lotion for wiping problem skin at night is done like this: crush the Trichopolum tablet and dissolve it in a mixture of salicylic alcohol and propolis tincture, taken 200 mg each.

Chatterbox with chloramphenicol alcohol

The so-called “talker” has been considered the most effective remedy for acne for many years.

Photo: components for making mash

It requires Levomycetin, which does not require a prescription.

  • Take 2 tablets crushed into powder or levomycetin alcohol.
  • They need to be mixed with 50 ml of salicylic acid 1 or 2% and 25 ml of boric acid.
  • Pour everything into a hermetically sealed container and use for spot treatment of acne.

To treat acne more effectively, you need to know how to use salicylic acid correctly.

It can be combined with various other means.

Photo: the product can be mixed with boric alcohol and other drugs

For example, in combination with boric or glycolic acid, it has a peeling effect on the skin, helping to activate the cell renewal process. But even separately, this tool helps to get rid of rashes.

What you need to quickly cure acne:

  • it is good to clean the face of cosmetics;
  • using a cotton pad, apply lotion with salicylic acid or its aqueous solution to the face;
  • you can also apply this remedy to single pimples with a cotton swab;
  • after a while, it is advisable to wash with warm water to remove the remnants of salicylic acid from the face.

Questions and answers

Often patients of dermatological offices are interested in whether it is possible to wipe the face with salicylic acid.

Can it be used during pregnancy

Salicylic acid is quickly absorbed into the skin and can penetrate into the bloodstream.

Although small amounts of it enter the body when used correctly, it is still not recommended to use it during pregnancy.

Does it help with acne blemishes?

Salicylic acid has keratoplastic properties.

This means that it helps to accelerate the processes of regeneration and renewal of the upper layer of the epidermis.

Therefore, products based on it are very effective for spots and scars after the removal of acne and acne.

They need to be treated with a 2% solution of salicylic acid pointwise 2-3 times a day.


The main advantage of salicylic acid over all other acne treatments is its price.

The solution is about 15 rubles. And other means based on it can be more expensive.

In pharmacies in Moscow, they can be purchased at the following price:

This alcohol solution, sold in any pharmacy without a prescription for literally pennies ($0.1), is found in almost every home. This is a good alternative to medical alcohol; it eliminates itching and rashes on the body, and is good if you need to disinfect and disinfect damaged skin. But it has found its application not only in dermatology.

Recently, salicylic acid has been increasingly used to eliminate various cosmetic imperfections. Moreover, for this purpose you can buy not only medications, but also branded cosmetics. And salons offer a highly effective and very popular peeling procedure based on it. What has this product done to deserve such attention?

Effect on the skin

First of all, salicylic acid is a medical alcohol solution, which is an antiseptic and antibacterial drug. It is used in dermatology as an external disinfectant medicine: for treating wounds and treating dermatological diseases. However, it can also be used as a cosmetic product for the face, as it has a comprehensive and very beneficial effect on the skin:

  • exfoliates dead cells, being a powerful keratolytic and an excellent peeling agent;
  • relieves acne due to its antibacterial, antiseptic and antimicrobial properties;
  • eliminates stains after removing blackheads and pimples;
  • heals small lesions of the skin;
  • whitens the face from age spots;
  • regulates the secretion of subcutaneous fat;
  • prescribed for the treatment of dermatological diseases;
  • even used against wrinkles;
  • stimulates blood circulation;
  • cleanses pores, eliminating blackheads;
  • dries the upper epidermal layer, which allows the use of acid to care for oily skin.

Such a multifaceted, therapeutic and cosmetic effect of salicylic acid on the skin of the face makes it very popular in cosmetology and dermatology. This tool should be used to eliminate problems such as:

  • warts;
  • inflammation;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • dermatitis;
  • infectious skin diseases;
  • ichthyosis;
  • burns;
  • pityriasis versicolor;
  • signs of aging;
  • pityriasis versicolor;
  • seborrhea;
  • black dots;
  • erythrasma.

To treat serious dermatological diseases with salicylic acid, the symptoms of which appear on the face, you need to get a doctor’s prescription and act strictly in accordance with his instructions.

Origin of name. The term “salicylic” goes back to the Latin word “salix”, which translates as “willow”, since the acid was first isolated from this plant. It was synthesized by Rafael Piria, an Italian chemist.

Possible harm

Like any other acid, salicylic acid is a very strong irritant. Therefore, as a cosmetic product, it must be used extremely carefully, in compliance with the recommended dosages and contraindications.


  • hypersensitivity to the drug and ethanol;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • thin, hypersensitive skin;
  • renal failure;
  • blood diseases;
  • age up to 3 years;
  • any serious chronic diseases require consultation of a doctor, dermatologist, cosmetologist.

Side effects:

  • severe burning sensation;
  • burn;
  • hyperemia;
  • swelling;
  • rashes;
  • allergic reactions;
  • peeling.

To alleviate discomfort in case of side effects that occur, before contacting a doctor, hyperemic, burned or swollen facial skin can be treated with ointment or cream 3-4 times a day.

Often in reviews of salicylic acid you can read such ratings as: “burned my face”, “I can’t go outside because of severe redness”, “extensive irritation began”, etc. Most often, such problems arise due to improper use of the drug: they took the wrong concentration, used it too often, ignored contraindications, etc.

Side effects are often temporary, cause discomfort for a short time and disappear on their own. But in case of prolonged forms, it is necessary to consult a doctor to undergo a course of treatment to eliminate these skin problems. The drug is completely removed from comprehensive skin care.

Salon peeling

In any beauty salon today, salicylic facial peeling is practiced - superficial (15-20% solution is used) or medium (35-30%).


  • sick complexion;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • post-acne;
  • enlarged, contaminated pores;
  • too oily skin;
  • dry wrinkled skin;
  • acne caused by puberty or hormonal failure.


For home peeling, you need to buy special complexes with a concentration of no more than 25%. For example, Pro-Peel Sali-pro plus from Promoitalia (Italy) or Salicylicpeel from Allura Esthetics (USA) are very effective. True, they are quite expensive, since they are professional cosmetics used in salons (from $50).

It is not recommended for specialists to carry out such procedures on their own, but if you are ready to take responsibility, act strictly in accordance with the protocol.

  1. A week before peeling, stop taking any medications and do not sunbathe.
  2. Remove cosmetics and impurities from the face (wash).
  3. Treat the skin over a steam bath.
  4. Degrease your face with a special solution, which is usually included in the peeling complex.
  5. Apply the concentrate in a thin layer. The burning sensation should be tolerable. As soon as you feel that your face is starting to burn, wash off the composition and don’t take any more risks.
  6. After 5-10 minutes (the time is indicated in the instructions), rinse off the solution with a special neutralizing agent (also included in the peeling kit).
  7. Apply an emollient or soothing cream (or).
  8. Frequency of application: 1 time every 5 days.
  9. The course consists of 3-10 sessions (depending on skin condition).

This can be done in autumn and winter, since in spring and summer there is a high probability of severe pigmentation as a side effect under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. The rules of the rehabilitation period are exactly the same as after a salon procedure.

  1. Any products containing this substance are applied to the face in a thin layer.
  2. In case of overdose and side effects, it is recommended to use Panthenol ointment and seek advice from a cosmetologist or dermatologist as soon as possible.
  3. Moles on the face and warts with ingrown hairs cannot be removed with salicylic acid.
  4. If the solution gets on the mucous membrane (in the eyes or mouth), it must be rinsed with plenty of running water.
  5. If you apply the drugs to weeping eczema, ulcers, hyperemic areas of the face or severe inflammation, the absorption of the main active ingredient increases several times.
  6. You cannot combine different drugs and products that contain this acid. Choose one thing for facial skin care.
  7. It is advisable to consult a dermatologist first.

Start your acquaintance with salicylic acid with cosmetics - it is safer to use. Medications can be frustrating and have side effects.


Several homemade recipes that are good for your skin will help you reduce the aggressive effect of the product and at the same time get the maximum benefit from it.

  • Antibacterial compresses

Mix 130 ml of fresh chamomile decoction (already cooled), 2 ml of grape essential oil, 5 ml of 2% salicylic solution. Pour into a bottle with a dispenser in order to make it easier to apply. You can not only spot-smear pimples and age spots, but also apply applications and compresses to them for 7-10 minutes.

  • Anti-inflammatory tonic

Pour 20 grams of dried calendula flowers into 100 ml of salicylic alcohol. Leave for a day, strain. Dilute in equal proportions with filtered or mineral water. Wipe pimples, acne and post-acne with toner.

  • Acne lotion

Crush 5 tablets of chloramphenicol into powder. Mix 10 ml of salicylic and sulfuric acids and boric alcohol. Mix all ingredients thoroughly, add 200 ml of 70% alcohol. Apply a drop at a time to problem areas.

  • Anti-aging cream

Melt beeswax (5 g), stirring constantly. Add rice oil (10 ml), beat. Stir in 5 ml salicylic acid. The resulting cream copes well with wrinkles of any depth. However, it is better not to apply it to the orbital region. Apply twice daily.

  • Acne mask

Mix badyagu and green cosmetic clay in equal proportions (20 grams each). Dilute with water to obtain a creamy consistency. Add 5 ml of salicylic acid. Once a week, apply a thin layer to the face, rinse only with cold water.

Salicylic acid is not only a medical product for disinfection and disinfection, but also an excellent cleansing cosmetic product. For oily and problematic facial skin, it is a real salvation when other creams and ointments fail. So the treasured bottle can be safely transferred from your home medicine cabinet to your cosmetic bag in order to fully care for the epidermis as it deserves.

Salicylic acid is an effective remedy for maintaining healthy skin. It is able to rejuvenate the epidermis and fight numerous imperfections. That is why it is included in cosmetic preparations of various well-known brands. The cost of these products is quite high. While the price of pharmaceutical salicylic acid is more than affordable.

Properties of salicylic acid

Salicylic acid is also called phenolic acid in medicine. It was first isolated from broom bark in 1938 by Italian chemist Rafael Piria. The main advantage of the substance is its anti-inflammatory effect on the human body. And also antipyretic, diuretic and analgesic.

Initially, the substance was used to treat gout and arthritis. It was later discovered that salicylic acid prevents fermentation and rotting of foods. Its use for preservation was limited, since in this form it had a negative effect on the body.

The development of pharmacology contributed to the creation of new drugs for the treatment of rheumatism and gout. Phenolic acid is increasingly being used for external use. It has become an indispensable tool not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology.

Application in medicine

Salicylates and other acid derivatives are found in analgesic, antipyretic, antiseptic and antirheumatic drugs. In addition, the substance has a keratolytic and irritating effect. It is included in numerous ointments, pastes, powders and tablet preparations.

In its pure form in medicine it is used to treat:

  1. Weeping wounds.
  2. Keratozov.
  3. Depriving.
  4. Eczema.

Cosmetic use

The instructions for using salicylic acid for the face state that it is recommended to use the product for infectious skin lesions. The drug is especially effective in the fight against acne. The skin is cleansed, as the substance has a beneficial effect on it:

  1. Normalizes the secretion of sebum.
  2. Dries.
  3. Destroys bacteria.
  4. Removes post-acne.

In addition, salicylic acid is often used on the face for age spots and for rejuvenation. Anti-aging peels based on it are especially popular. Their regular use can delay the development of age-related skin changes for a long time. Reviews of cosmetologists confirm this.

Fight against acne

According to the instructions for using salicylic acid for the face, it can only be applied undiluted to spots. Do not use the product in high concentration, 1-2% is enough. Otherwise, you can dry out the skin or get burned. The dermis will become even more susceptible to infection and the acne situation will worsen.

One of the most common ways to get rid of acne is to apply the drug to the inflamed areas using a cotton swab. Method No. 2 of using salicylic acid for the face is to combine it with other medicinal substances. For example, as part of lotions, masks or peels.

Cleansing lotions

Cleansing the skin plays a huge role in maintaining its youth and the industry offers women a variety of skin care products. Unfortunately, they all contain harmful preservatives, mineral oils and dyes.

You can cook quality food yourself. At home, you should use the most effective facial recipes for acne with salicylic acid. To prepare a lotion from comedones you will need:

  • 40 ml of 2% acid solution;
  • 7 tablets of chloramphenicol;
  • 2 packets of streptocide.

Grind chloramphenicol and pour a vial of salicylic acid. Add streptocide powder, stir everything. Pour into glass container. Store in a dark place. Apply to problem areas twice a day. After a week, take a short break, then continue treatment.

Reviews of the use of salicylic acid for the face indicate that it combines well with other medications. To get rid of blackheads and inflammation, you can prepare a lotion from the following ingredients:

  • 12 tablets of chloramphenicol;
  • 2.5 tbsp. l. acids;
  • 12 metronidazole tablets;
  • 1 tsp. boric acid.

Grind the tablets. Add boric and salicylic acid. Mix everything and pour into a jar with dark glass. Wipe the inflamed areas twice a day.

Drying masks

Cosmetologists have developed many ways to use salicylic acid on the face. A course of cleansing masks helps a lot with acne. The procedure is performed two to three times a week. The duration of the course is a month. Then they take a break.

To prepare the mask, you will need the following ingredients:

  • coal tablet;
  • 10 g white clay;
  • 20 ml of acid.

Grind coal, add clay and acid. Apply the resulting slurry to clean, pre-steamed skin. Keep for 15 minutes. After this you can wash it off.

Another way to use salicylic acid for acne on the face involves adding a powerful antibiotic - chloramphenicol. Such a tool can quickly get rid of the most severe inflammation. To prepare the mask, mix in a ceramic bowl:

  • 10 g chickpea (pea) flour;
  • 1.5 ml of chloramphenicol solution;
  • 2 ml phenolic acid.

The resulting mixture is applied to the inflamed areas. Keep it for no longer than 20 minutes. Wash off and apply medicinal cream.

You can normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and narrow the pores with the help of another healing mask. For this you will need to prepare:

  • Warm infusion of rose hips. Pour a glass of dried wild rose fruits with a liter of boiling water. Leave to infuse for six hours.
  • 10 g yeast.
  • A teaspoon of salicylic acid.

Pour the warm broth over the yeast and stir. The consistency of the mixture should resemble sour cream. Add acid. Apply to face. Leave for 20 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water.

Antiseborrheic peels

You can clear your skin of rashes using another method with salicylic acid. Peels are effective for facial acne. During the procedure, the acid penetrates the sebaceous glands. There it dissolves the plugs and helps the contents come out. In addition, it normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, prevents inflammation, and evens out the microrelief of the skin.

To carry out one procedure you will need:

  • 20 ml of 2% phenolic acid solution;
  • half a teaspoon of baking soda;
  • a teaspoon of flower honey.

Mix the prepared ingredients. Apply the composition to cleansed and pre-steamed skin. Leave to act for 15 minutes. After this, rinse thoroughly with water. Use your regular cream. It is recommended to carry out at least seven procedures with an interval of five days.

People with deep subcutaneous acne will benefit from peeling based on salicylic acid with the addition of bodyaga. The product will cleanse pores, reduce inflammation, dry out comedones and get rid of blemishes. For the procedure you will need:

  • 30 ml of honey;
  • a tablespoon of bodyaga;
  • 25 drops of phenolic acid.

Combine all ingredients. Bodyaga must be given time to swell. It is recommended to apply the resulting paste to the skin 30 minutes after preparation. Leave the mixture on your face for three minutes, then rinse. It is recommended to carry out 6-8 procedures, one per week.

back acne treatment

The rash may appear all over the body. To eliminate them, it is recommended to use the same products as for the face. The instructions for using salicylic acid do not prohibit the use of the product to treat the skin of the back or chest.

You can get rid of rashes if you wipe the inflammation with a 2% acid solution every day after a shower. Usually the result is noticeable after one to two months of regular care. Tea tree oil will help enhance the effect. It is recommended to add it to a solution of salicylic acid.

For the treatment of large ulcers, it is recommended to additionally use a solution of chloramphenicol. The drugs can be mixed or used alternately. In addition, it is recommended to purchase salicylic ointment. After an evening shower, the skin is treated with medicinal solutions. Then ointment is applied.

Getting rid of pigment spots

Pigment spots can appear at the most unexpected moments. Even girls with perfectly clear skin who have never had a single freckle before. As you age, the likelihood of developing age spots increases. Especially after childbirth. And also in women taking hormonal contraceptives.

It is quite possible to cleanse the skin at home using 2% phenolic acid. A cotton swab is moistened in the solution and carefully applied to the spots that appear. The skin must first be cleansed. Do not rinse off the product for 20 minutes. A slight tingling sensation may occur. This is normal, this is how the skin reacts to the drug. If the acid burns strongly, remove it immediately.

After 20 minutes, rinse off the product. Use nourishing cream. Carry out the procedure every other day until the stain completely disappears. In spring and summer it is better to refrain from using this method. If this is not possible, protect your face with sunscreen before going outside.

Homemade whitening lotions are prepared using salicylic acid. For normal skin, a product with chamomile is suitable. To prepare it you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers;
  • 100 ml 2% phenolic acid.

Pour the prepared inflorescences with acid and leave for three days in a dark place. After this, you can strain and pour the liquid into a clean glass bottle. Before use, mix the finished lotion with clean water in a ratio of 1 to 7.

The instructions for using salicylic acid for the face indicate that the solution dries out the dermis. But age spots can also appear on skin prone to dryness. Nourishing oils will help protect it from dehydration and flaking. Brightening lotion for dry skin is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • tablespoon 1% salicylic acid;
  • 15 drops of burdock oil;
  • 120 ml of chamomile or sage decoction;
  • 15 drops of wheat germ oil.

Mix all components thoroughly. Pour into glass container. Apply twice daily to areas of pigmentation.

Anti-aging recipes

Salicylic acid is effective not only in the fight against acne and age spots. It is able to withstand age-related changes. Effective for the prevention of premature aging and photoaging.

To prolong youth, acid is used in anti-aging peels. Most often, the procedures are carried out by experienced cosmetologists in beauty salons. At home, taking all precautions, any woman can also conduct a similar session. It is important to remember that the procedure is contraindicated for anyone who suffers from an allergy to acetylsalicylic acid.

Rejuvenating peeling is recommended to be carried out in autumn and winter, when the sun is inactive. On average, six sessions are enough, once every 7-10 days. On days free from procedures, you need to use moisturizing and nourishing creams. And also don’t forget about sunscreen.

A rejuvenating peeling session takes place in several stages:

  1. In a separate container, mix a tablespoon of soda with 50 ml of clean water. This is a neutralizer.
  2. Grind acetylsalicylic acid tablet and pour 5 ml of lemon juice into the resulting powder.
  3. Apply the resulting paste to cleansed facial skin.
  4. Leave the product on for 10 minutes.
  5. Soak a cotton swab in the neutralizer and wipe your face several times.
  6. Rinse with water and apply cream.


Almost every medical drug has contraindications. And salicylic acid is no exception. It is not recommended to use it in the following situations:

  • children under the age of three;
  • during pregnancy and lactation, it is allowed to use a corn remover, only in a limited area;
  • it is forbidden to apply acid to birthmarks and warts;
  • not recommended for dry and sensitive skin;
  • an absolute contraindication to use is renal failure;
  • refuse to use the drug is necessary for people with hypersensitivity to the drug.

Salicylic acid is known for its disinfectant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. It is produced in the form of an alcohol solution containing 1, 2 or 3% of the active substance. You can buy a bottle of medicine at any pharmacy, it is inexpensive.

This drug is used not only for medical purposes. Salicylic acid is included in many therapeutic and caring products intended for oily and problematic facial skin: gels, creams, masks and tonics. An alcohol solution can be used at home to cleanse the skin from age spots and acne, but it is worth remembering the basic rules for use and possible contraindications.

The benefits of salicylic acid

An alcoholic solution of salicylic acid, or salicylic alcohol, is available as an external agent. It helps get rid of:

  • acne;
  • acne;
  • acne;
  • comedones;
  • chronic eczema;
  • pityriasis versicolor;
  • oily seborrhea;
  • psoriasis.

The drug has a lot of useful properties that, with regular use, improve the condition, color and structure of the epidermis:

  • disinfects the affected areas of the body and face;
  • neutralizes pathogenic microorganisms that cause various kinds of inflammation;
  • normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • regulates sebum production;
  • dissolves fat accumulated in the pores of the skin and discolors blackheads;
  • dries and softens the upper layer of the epidermis;
  • promotes exfoliation of dead skin particles;
  • accelerates wound healing and restores the structure of the skin;
  • constricts blood vessels;
  • relieves itching and irritation;
  • whitens the skin, eliminating post-acne spots and unwanted pigmentation.

All these properties make salicylic acid an indispensable product that should be in every home medicine cabinet.

Possible harm

Despite its miraculous qualities, salicylic alcohol may not benefit everyone. There are a number of contraindications and restrictions under which you will have to abandon the drug or use it in minimal doses:

  • do not use for the treatment of babies under the age of 3 years;
  • in young children, do not treat several areas of skin at the same time;
  • do not apply to large surfaces of the epidermis;
  • do not lubricate birthmarks and hairy warts in the face or genitals with a solution;
  • avoid getting acid on the mucous membranes (in case of accidental contact, rinse with running water);
  • do not use in parallel with other alcohol-containing drugs, resorcinol and any drugs containing zinc oxide;
  • do not use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and in case of emergency - apply the solution to limited areas of the body to remove calluses and calluses.

If you ignore the warnings of doctors, instead of a long-awaited improvement, you can harm your face. An increase in dosage or exposure time, unreasonably frequent use or violation of the rules of use can lead to undesirable side effects:

  • dry skin;
  • itching and peeling;
  • irritation and redness of the skin;
  • chemical burns.

Similar reactions can also occur with individual intolerance to the active substance or ethanol. In this case, the use of salicylic acid for the face will have to be abandoned.

If adverse effects occur, it is necessary to stop using the medicine and moisturize the skin with any nourishing, moisturizing or baby cream. Panthenol-based preparations are best suited: Bepanten, D-panthenol, Dexpanthenol, Pantoderm, Rescuer.

Basic rules of application

Instructions for using salicylic acid at home:

  • Oily skin can be wiped with a 2 or 3 percent solution. It is permissible to apply the drug twice a day: morning and evening.
  • Ladies with normal skin should use a solution with an active substance concentration of 1%. The recommended number of procedures is 1 time per day.
  • Dry and sensitive facial skin should not be exposed to salicylic acid; it is better to choose another product with a more gentle composition.
  • Lubricate single rashes with a cotton swab dipped in the solution. Wipe multiple clusters of pimples with a cotton pad generously sprinkled with salicylic alcohol.
  • During the procedure, do not rub the solution into the skin of the face, so as not to provoke the appearance of burn spots.
  • Leave the medicine on your face for 5-15 minutes until a slight tingling or pinching sensation appears, then rinse with cool water.
  • The maximum allowable duration of one course is 15 days. You can repeat the courses several times, maintaining a break of 5-7 days between them, during which the skin can rest from the effects of aggressive substances.

It is not advisable to apply products with salicylic acid to the face immediately before going outside. Sun rays, wind or low temperatures can cause the appearance of new age spots or thinning of the skin.

Any procedures (skin cleansing, mask or peeling) must be carried out 1-1.5 hours before leaving home, or better yet, in the evening.

Apply preparations with salicylic acid strictly along the massage lines, avoiding the area around the eyes

Homemade drugs

Salicylic alcohol is effective not only on its own, but also in combination with other available components. Various lotions, mash-ups, masks and scrubs prepared by yourself will help in the fight against acne and post-acne, increased oily skin and unwanted pigmentation.

Lotion with calendula:

  • 1 tbsp. l. dry calendula flowers pour half a glass of salicylic alcohol (2 bottles of 50 ml).
  • Leave for 24 hours and strain through gauze folded 2-3 times.
  • Use as a facial toner.

Mask with badyaga and clay:

  • Mix equal parts of badyagi powder and cosmetic clay.
  • Pour in enough salicylic acid to obtain a homogeneous paste of medium thickness.
  • Apply the mask to your face no more than once a week.
  • Rinse off with warm water 15 minutes after the start of the procedure.

Antibiotic Chatterbox:

  • Crush 2 tablets of chloramphenicol and streptocide into a fine powder.
  • Pour the crushed medicine into a bottle of salicylic alcohol and shake well.
  • Use as a lotion 1-2 times a day for acne, acne and oily skin.
  • Shake the bottle each time immediately before applying the mash to your face.

This solution can replace any expensive lotion designed to care for problem skin.

For severe acne, you can complicate the composition of the drug using the classic method of preparing mash:

  • Grind 20 tablets of chloramphenicol and 8 tablets of streptocide into powder.
  • Add 60 ml of salicylic alcohol and 120 ml of camphor alcohol to the crushed antibiotics.
  • Use daily once a day (in the evening).

Suspension for acne:

  • Grind several tablets of chloramphenicol to make 1 tsp. powder.
  • Obtain a similar amount of powder from acetylsalicylic acid tablets.
  • Mix both components and add 50 ml of salicylic and medical alcohol to them.
  • Store in a glass container, use as a lotion for purulent inflammation on the face.

Peeling with honey and salicylic acid:

  • Grind 4 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid (regular white ones without a protective coating).
  • Mix the powder with 20 ml of warm water.
  • Add 1 tbsp to the resulting mixture. l. liquid natural honey - linden or flower.
  • Apply the “sweet” mask in a thick layer on the face, avoiding areas in the eye area.
  • Massage problem areas for 2-3 minutes, then leave the mask on for another 10 minutes.
  • Rinse off the remaining mask with warm water. Such peeling should be carried out no more than once a week.


Salicylic acid is an indispensable drug for the treatment of acne, for removing age spots or for normalizing the level of oily skin. However, like any medicine, the medicinal solution must be used strictly according to the instructions and remember the contraindications.

If the drug does not bring visible results for a long time, you should consult a dermatologist. The cause of poor skin condition most often lies in the disruption of internal organs or hormonal imbalances. In this case, an integrated approach to treatment is required.