A good medicated anti-dandruff shampoo. "Seborin" for hair with high oil content. Classification of anti-dandruff medications

The phenomenon of dandruff is considered a medical problem. The most popular way to treat it is to use shampoo. Which one is the best? The answer to this question will be individual for each person. Some people find their only option the first time, while others are forced to try many different manufacturers. Often good remedy selected by trial and error. The surest tactic is to choose the right shampoo at the pharmacy. Such tools are convenient because they are designed for use in a course; there is no need to use them constantly. Plus, most of them fix the problem the first time.

Causes of dandruff

Often the cause of the disease is external factors. It could be hypothermia regular use curling irons, hair dryers, abuse of styling products, frequent coloring, incorrect selection of care products. Modern research showed that the causative agent of dandruff is a fungus. It is constantly on the scalp, and any disruptions in the body’s functioning provoke its reproduction.

At the first symptoms the right decision will buy anti-dandruff shampoo at the pharmacy. But to do this, you need to determine the source of the problem. In most cases it is located inside the body and can be different:

  • Hypovitaminosis.
  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • Improper scalp care.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Disruption sebaceous glands.
  • Mental or physical stress.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases, neurological diseases.

Types of shampoos

Based on their composition, the best shampoos can be divided into several types. This is a conditional classification, since many products contain a complex of components to combat the disease. So, all funds are divided as follows:

  • Containing selenium sulfide. Such drugs reduce activity and reduce the rate of cell renewal. If you want to buy anti-dandruff shampoo at the pharmacy, Sulsena is one of the leaders in this area. It should be used with caution. The shampoo is capable of bleaching gray, bleached or previously colored hair.
  • Containing zinc pyrithione. Effectively reduces the number of fungi that cause seborrhea and dandruff
  • Containing salicylic acid. Please note that such products can severely dry out the scalp. Usually using a moisturizing conditioner easily solves this problem.
  • Containing ketoconazole. These are effective. They are often effective in situations where other means have not given the desired result.

How to choose shampoo?

According to most experts, it is best to buy anti-dandruff shampoos at the pharmacy. Which of these remedies is the most effective? First of all, it is desirable that it has a thick consistency and does not contain fragrances. The composition should not contain aggressive surfactants, parabens and many other irritating substances. There must be substances that normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, as well as at least one of the components such as zinc, sulfur, tar or selenium. They help destroy the fungus and normalize the process of cell renewal. The treatment must be completed over a course, only after its completion it will be possible to use ordinary cosmetic shampoos.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the hair type indicated on the product label. Right choice will allow you to quickly cope with the disease. The effect of the product usually becomes noticeable after two to three weeks. If there is no improvement, purchase another anti-dandruff shampoo at the pharmacy. "Keto Plus", "Sebozol", "Nizoral" are recognized leaders in the fight against the disease, according to numerous positive reviews.

"Keto Plus"

The product can rightfully be considered one of the most popular medicinal shampoos. It doesn’t just wash away dandruff, but completely eliminates the cause of its appearance. The uniqueness of the drug lies in its composition. Unlike most similar products, it contains two active components: zinc and ketoconazole. This combination gives an excellent double effect - the symptoms of the disease (itching, peeling) quickly go away and the fungus itself is eliminated. In addition, the product has a pleasant smell, washes hair well, and foams quickly. Contrary to popular belief, it is recommended to apply conditioner and mask to your hair after using the product. The idea that they neutralize therapeutic effect shampoo is an unfounded myth.


Another famous anti-dandruff shampoo in the pharmacy is Nizoral. Ketoconazole and many other components included in its composition eliminate itching, flaking and destroy the population of pathogens. The effect of using the product remains even after using cosmetic shampoos. This is due to the fact that its components are able to remain in the epidermis for a long time. Detergent composition It is quite harsh, so you should use it with caution on dry, brittle hair. Not suitable for frequent use. Doesn't call adverse reactions, is well tolerated.

The shampoo is easy to use. It is applied to clean, slightly wet hair, foams. After five minutes, rinse it off with plenty of warm water. The product can be used as a preventive measure two to three times a month. The only contraindication is sensitivity to its components. It is not recommended for frequent use by men, as it causes In general, if you need effective shampoo for dandruff, you can buy very quality drug even without a doctor's advice.


The product is also one of the best for eliminating dandruff, suitable for deep cleaning scalp. Copes well with disorders of the sebaceous glands. Strengthens the scalp's resistance to fungal growth. In addition to its medicinal qualities, it has antihistamine effect- relieves itching and skin irritation. Contains cinnamon alcohol and burdock extract. They increase blood supply to the follicles, strengthen hair, give it elasticity and shine. Obviously, by using Sulsena you will be able to get rid of dandruff.


In addition to the need to buy anti-dandruff shampoo at the pharmacy, an important factor is healthy eating. If possible, you should switch to a light diet during treatment. Eliminate salt from your diet hot spices. Drink more water, do not abuse alcohol or smoking. Meat and fish should be lean. Eat more greens, fruits, vegetables, grains. Poor nutrition undermines protective forces body. And the cause of dandruff is often a decrease in the immune system and protective functions of the body. Regular massage is a good preventative measure. physical exercise, hardening and active image life.

Relevance: February 2019

Anyone can develop dandruff; there are so many provoking factors that it is 100% impossible to prevent its development. But you can fight it effectively, and modern cosmetology offers enough funds in any price category.

Anti-dandruff shampoos, enriched with antifungal, antibacterial, and keratolytic components, can alleviate the condition after the first use. Dandruff becomes noticeably less, obsessive itching goes away, and hair looks clean and fresh longer.

You can choose medications for both dry and oily seborrhea, the main thing is to correctly determine the cause and choose the appropriate remedy. To do this, it is enough to know the effect of the main ingredients and carefully study the composition of the shampoo.

We have compiled a list of the best anti-dandruff shampoos based on expert assessments and reviews from real customers. Our recommendations will help you make a choice that suits your needs and desires. There are many competitors in the beauty industry, but we have selected the best manufacturers and we recommend paying special attention to them:

Budget / Inexpensive

  1. Schauma
  2. Hair Vital
  1. Davines
  2. Vichy
  3. Horsepower

Expensive/Premium class

  1. Redken
  2. Bioderma
Medicinal For women For men Preventive Complex action

*Prices are correct at the time of publication and are subject to change without notice.

Shampoos: Medicinal

*from user reviews

Minimum price:

Main advantages
  • Concentrated shampoo with high content Zinc pyrithione eliminates dandruff and eliminates the cause of it (fungus, oily or dry seborrhea)
  • This remedy works from the first use. The itching goes away, the skin becomes clean and fresh, the hair stays neat longer.
  • Mild surfactants in the shampoo cleanse without overdrying. They form a soft foam that allows the active ingredients to be evenly distributed throughout the hair and skin.
  • After use, the hair becomes more elastic, does not electrify and does not tangle
  • The shampoo eliminates the cause of dandruff and heals the skin. After the disappearance of dandruff and unpleasant symptoms, it can be used as a prophylactic agent.

Complex action / Preventive

Main advantages
  • A professional shampoo that helps get rid of seborrhea and gives a visible effect the first time. Can be used for salon procedures hair care
  • Zinc pyrithione dissolves and removes dandruff, destroys microorganisms, causing dermatitis. Its content in the shampoo is high enough to relieve all symptoms (itching, irritation) after the first use.
  • The composition also contains lavender essential oil, its components (esters of alcohols and acids) help narrow the sebaceous ducts, relieve inflammation, and heal skin damage
  • The product is concentrated, not enough large quantity to wash long hair
  • Conditioning agents and lightweight silicones help improve appearance hair. After use, the curls are shiny and the styling holds its shape well

Show all products in the category "Preventive"

Shampoos: Complex action

For women / For men / Complex action/ Medicinal / Preventive

Dandruff is a problem for every second person, regardless of gender and personal care. Anti-dandruff shampoo will help improve the condition of your hair, get rid of unpleasant white flakes and solve the problem of seborrheic dermatitis forever.

Causes of dandruff and treatment

Dandruff is a serious scalp disease in which the cells stop normal development and regeneration. This causes a lot of dead skin particles to appear on the epidermis, which begin to flake off. There are many causes of dandruff, depending on them you need to choose the right treatment:

The main feature of this cosmetic product is that anti-dandruff shampoo helps not only normalize cell regeneration, but also promote hair growth, protect it from hair loss or aggressive external factors.

How to choose

The classification of all anti-dandruff shampoos is carried out according to the components included in the composition and the effect of the product. By composition The following groups can be distinguished:

  1. Antifungal. They contain antibiotics or other medicinal substances, which can kill spores, prevent the spread of disease, and also reduce itching. In particular, this is ketoconazole. Products containing it help not only dandruff, but also lichen, seborrhea and other similar diseases;
  2. Toning, nourishing or keratoregulating shampoo is used to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Often these products contain zinc or salicylic alcohol. These chemical compounds help improve the condition of the epidermis, contribute to less contamination of the head;
  3. Bactericidal compounds. This is a concentrated shampoo that contains a powerful antibiotic. They are used to treat serious skin and hair conditions, e.g. seborrheic dermatitis, ulcers or other inflammatory processes. The most famous and affordable anti-dandruff product is tar shampoo (you can even use soap).

Photo – Medicinal shampoos

It should be noted that in order to choose the right antifungal or any other effective treatment shampoo for dandruff, you must consult a dermatologist and trichologist. Dermatological control is needed to determine the cause of the disease and its characteristics - only then the chosen care product will be effective.

Video: how to wash your hair to get rid of dandruff

Ingredients in shampoo

Let's take a closer look at which ingredients affect what. At the pharmacy you can find shampoo against dermatitis and dandruff, which contains: Components:

  1. Tar. This is a highly effective folk component that helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and inhibits the activity of fungi. Of all the compositions, it is necessary to highlight “Granny Agafya’s Recipes”, completely natural Belarusian anti-dandruff shampoo “Revivor perfect from Belita”, “Kora”, “stopproblem”, “Sebamed”;
  2. Antifungal formulations with ketoconazole and clotrimazole. Often these are highly specialized tools. They are used exclusively for the treatment of fungal dandruff. Distinctive feature The problem with such remedies is that after them your head quickly becomes oily, because antibiotics are very dense, almost greasy. For example, these are “Nizoral”, “Dermazol”, “Mikozoral”, children’s “Friderm”, “Ketoconazole + Zn” from Elf. The best shampoo in this series for dermatitis and dandruff is Sebozol;
  3. Another well-known antifungal element is ciclopirox. It contains professional healing cosmetics. It is used to destroy fungi of the Pityrosporum type. In addition to eliminating dead cells, this component quickly relieves itching and adds shine to the hair due to active action synthetic ciclopirox. Let's say this is a professional “Natura Siberica”, “Kloran”. Its analogue is the sebopirox supplement, which is used exclusively for the treatment of seborrhea. For example, “Seborin”, “Tentorium”;
  4. Scrubbing compositions with sulfur and salicylic acid. They help eliminate the aesthetic part of the problem - exfoliate dead cells. They cannot be called completely therapeutic; they are more suitable for the prevention and normalization of the sebaceous glands. The most famous examples– This is “Friderm”, Mirra (Mirra), Estel “Otium Unique”, “System 4”, “Mon Platin DSM Mineral Theatment”;
    Photo – Sulsena Anti-Dandruff Line
  5. Piroctone olamine. This component not only gets rid of dandruff, but also softens the skin, makes strands more manageable, and saves fatty roots. These are Extra Pure Shampoo Dandruff from Biomed, Schwarzkopf Bonacure Hair Scalp, Brown Rice, Lion Emeron;
  6. The most popular component of cosmetic treatment and preventive care products is zinc pyrithione. This is a type of zinc that reduces oil production and effectively cleanses pores and skin. Present in “Clear Vita Abe”, “Head & Shoulders”, “Vichy”, “Pantin”, “Tsinovit”, “Malavit”, “Schauma” ), Shamtu, Elseve, Estel, etc.
  7. Ayurvedic ingredients. The most famous product of this kind is Veda Vedica;
  8. Panthenol helps against dry skin, which is also characterized by poor regeneration, due to which dead cells accumulate on its surface. These are Clear, Avon Advance Techniques, Green Pharmacy, Nivea, Constant DELIGHT, Echosline S4, Roche Posay Kerium;
  9. Aminexil is a substance that strengthens hair roots and treats dandruff. It helps at home not only to get rid of white powder on the head, but also to cure alopecia and stop intense hair loss. Contained in Dercos, Selective Professional,

In addition to these main components, many shampoos, in particular Sulsena, Green Mama, Weleda, Fitoval and Alerana, also contain various herbal ingredients. These are extracts of chamomile, sage, thyme and other medicinal herbs.
Each anti-dandruff shampoo only helps against specific, specific problems. Comparing brands will show which formulations are prescribed for what by doctors.

Shampoo name Note
Horse Force Horsepower Inexpensive shampoo with ketoconazole, which helps against fungi and hair loss. Quickly relieves symptoms of disease development and relieves itching.
Ducray Squanorm Ducray is special remedy from oily dandruff. Contains lactic acid and salicylic alcohol.

At least once in their life, every person faces the problem of dandruff. It can occur in both adults and children. The main assistant in the fight against it is shampoo. And in order for the purchase to be truly effective and successful, we will tell you what subtleties of choosing an anti-dandruff shampoo should be taken into account.


Essentially, dandruff is dead flakes of skin that appear due to improper care. skin fungus or hereditary predisposition. Getting rid of this problem is not so difficult, the main thing is to competently approach its solution and, first of all, to purchase the appropriate remedy.

Anti-dandruff shampoo has the following distinctive features from regular cleansers:

  • Normalizes the regeneration of scalp cells. In this case, dandruff could appear due to improper care of hair and due to the use of too harsh hair care accessories.
  • Cures fungus. Conventional shampoos are intended only to cleanse the scalp and hair itself, but this product performs not only hygienic functions, but also therapeutic and sometimes preventive ones.
  • Due to the well-balanced combined composition shampoo does not easily treat the scalp, but it also relieves seborrhea and also enhances hair growth and thickness, which is especially important for women with problem hair or for those who want to grow beautiful and healthy curls.

Each hair cleanser has its own individual characteristics, thanks to which you can distinguish a high-quality product from a low-quality one. Anti-dandruff shampoo was no exception.


Each individual product of this type, depending on its price, efficiency and manufacturer, has various characteristics. In accordance with them and depending on the cause of dandruff, it is necessary to choose the right remedy for her treatment.

Thus, all currently existing means to combat this disease are divided into:

  1. Exfoliating. Their action is aimed at quickly cleansing the scalp of dead particles. However, such a remedy does not eliminate the very reason for their formation.
  2. Antifungal, are able to destroy the fungus that caused the appearance of this disease. In addition, such shampoos have a strengthening effect on curls and can often enhance their growth.
  3. Made from decoctions or extracts of medicinal herbs. In the overwhelming majority, such drugs can eliminate dandruff at the initial stage of its appearance. Plus, they are best suited for children.
  4. Antibacterial shampoos for dandruff, destroy various harmful microorganisms that contribute to its appearance, and protect against its re-formation.

In general, all products of this type sold today are divided into two large categories: therapeutic and preventive. In the first case, they are used for maximum efficiency and safe treatment hair, restoration of it and scalp. And in the second case, the products should be used periodically to prevent the appearance of seborrhea and protect yourself from fungal infections.

If we speak in general outline, then a really good anti-dandruff shampoo should not only suit your hair type, but also prevent the growth of fungus and harmful microorganisms, and it should also cleanse the strands well and protect them from the recurrence of dandruff.


Depending on the manufacturer, as well as the additional functions that the product performs, it may contain the following substances:

  • Tar is the main component of many anti-dandruff shampoos, usually using a product extracted from birch wood. Tar shampoo effectively combats pathogens, and also contributes normal operation sebaceous glands.
  • Good stuff capable of not only eliminating dandruff, but also strengthening curls, as well as curing some scalp diseases aminexil.
  • To eliminate excessive dry skin, which is one of the causes of dandruff, add to this product panthenol.
  • Receiving wide popularity shampoos with zinc. Its presence provides deep, thorough, and, most importantly, gentle cleansing. In addition, it normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Used as antifungal ingredients clotrimazole or ketoconazole. You can use shampoos containing these additives only if the cause of dandruff is a fungus. Ciclopirox is also excellent antifungal agent, but at the same time you can only find it in products produced in professional hair care and treatment lines.
  • Shampoos, containing salicylic acid and sulfur, belong to the category of exfoliating products. They effectively cleanse the scalp of dead skin particles and at the same time have a slight disinfecting effect.
  • To further soften the hair and give it shine, the manufacturer can add to its medicinal product olamine piroctone.

In addition, the composition may include extracts, infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs, vegetable or essential oils and, of course, preservatives. Although the last category of additives is kept to a minimum in such products, and all of them are relatively harmless in relation to hair.


Manufacturers of shampoos aimed at combating seborrhea took a very responsible approach to their creation. Therefore, these products are presented in a very wide range on the shelves of stores and pharmacies.

Medications are usually used to treat seborrhea resulting from a fungal disease or hereditary predisposition. Such shampoos perfectly eliminate dandruff and prevent it. reappearance, and also disinfect, cleanse and regenerate the scalp.

Dandruff can be of two types, and therefore shampoo to combat it is also available in two variations to combat oily or dry seborrhea. Products intended for the treatment of dry seborrhea contain a large number of nutrients and oils, but in products intended for the treatment of oily seborrhea, a large proportion is occupied by antibacterial substances.

  • Dry shampoo, or, more precisely, some of its varieties can also cure seborrhea of ​​any kind. Experts still do not recommend getting carried away with using this product and advise using it no more than once every 14 days and only when absolutely necessary.

  • Caring shampoos from the mass market category, are the most popular product used in the fight against dandruff. Unlike professional and medicinal products, this product is less effective and cannot be used as a complete remedy. Such products are best suited for use as a prevention of seborrhea.
  • Solid shampoo is also effective means in the fight and prevention of seborrhea. It is an ideal choice for women with very thin and brittle hair. Contains many essential oils in its composition, which not only remove dead skin particles, but also improve general state healthy curls.

You should select a shampoo, taking into account not only the structure of the strands, but also the cause of dandruff, its quantity and type. But it’s not enough to buy suitable product, it is also necessary to apply it correctly.

Instructions for use

Professional and medicated hair cleansers differ in use from preventative shampoos. So, the first category of products must be applied to wet roots and massaged thoroughly for two and a half minutes. Then the foam is distributed over the entire length, and the shampoo is left on the hair for another 5-8 minutes. At the end of the procedure, the hair is washed with plenty of cool water.

Anti-dandruff shampoos from the second category are used like usual products, that is, they are applied to the head, foamed on the hair and rinsed well. But in both cases, it is not recommended to apply additional balms or masks directly to the scalp on the strands. They can significantly reduce the effectiveness of therapeutic or preventive effects. To achieve maximum and quick results To get rid of seborrhea, it is best to use products designed for this purpose, for example, pastes or sprays, but in strict accordance with their instructions. It is preferable to use products from the same series and manufactured by the same manufacturer.

Some people believe that the more often you use shampoo, the faster you can get rid of seborrhea; this opinion is the most erroneous. Maximum permissible frequency The use of such a remedy is twice every seven days. However, it is not recommended to use any other hair cleansers that are not intended to eliminate dandruff during this period.

How to choose

When purchasing a remedy to eliminate seborrhea, you should listen to these recommendations:

  1. Choose a remedy necessary based on hair type and type of dandruff.
  2. Must be taken into account the cause of dandruff. So, if it appears due to a fungus, you need to purchase a shampoo with an antifungal effect. If the cause of seborrhea is any disease, then preference should be given to bactericidal shampoo. And for those who do not properly care for their hair or have too much greasy curls, which caused the appearance of dandruff, the ideal choice would be a regular nourishing shampoo aimed at combating dandruff and preventing it.
  3. Before you make a choice in favor of a therapeutic or prophylactic remedy, you must definitely visit a trichologist (a specialist in hair problems) or a dermatologist. This is especially true in cases where the product is purchased for children.

Choosing a shampoo for a child that helps fight dandruff requires a particularly careful approach. Do not forget that seborrhea is still a serious disease and should not be taken lightly. Dandruff can appear in girls or boys younger age not only due to improper care of hair, the presence of a disease or infection, but also as a result of vitamin deficiency, increased means and general weakening of the immune system. Therefore, at the first signs of seborrhea, you should definitely visit not only a dermatologist and trichologist, but also a pediatrician.

To treat seborrhea in this case, it is necessary to use children's medicated shampoo, professional products and mass market products are unacceptable in this case. The specific drug will be prescribed by your doctor, and you should also be aware that the same shampoo is not recommended for use on teenagers and young children at the same time. The causes of seborrhea can be different and the approach to its treatment should also be individual. In addition, medicated shampoos also have age restrictions.

It is necessary to purchase professional shampoos, as well as medicinal ones, at pharmacies or specialized well-known stores. In this case, the risk of purchasing a fake is significantly reduced. You can purchase preventive shampoos at your usual store, or you can also purchase them at almost any pharmacy.

Tools Overview

All types of shampoos aimed at effective fight with seborrhea, imply strengthening and general health improvement hair, as well as reducing hair loss. The most popular and effective today are the following products:

  • Shampoo "Dandruff", is an ideal choice for those who suffer from fungal seborrhea. Thanks to the presence of ketoconazole, this product effectively destroys dandruff, disinfects the scalp and helps soothe it. At correct use this shampoo and when passing full course Not only does dandruff completely disappear, but the curls also become thicker, softer and more voluminous.

  • Recovery fat metabolism in the scalp, as well as eliminating oily seborrhea, is ideal shampoo "Sulsena". This remedy can be used both to treat dandruff and to prevent its occurrence. The product line also includes a special paste of the same name, which also fights dandruff and excessive greasiness in curls.

  • Dermatological shampoo "Fitoval" allows you to eliminate seborrhea, psoriasis, itching and burning of the scalp. It has an excellent antibacterial effect, nourishes and softens the strands. In addition, this medicinal product intensively moisturizes the hair, strengthens it, and most importantly, it is an excellent assistant in the fight against fungal infections.

  • One of the most well-known means for cleansing strands and preventing the appearance of seborrhea, as well as eliminating it, is Head&Shoulders. The product line of this manufacturer includes a variety of products for the care of curls of any type, and all products, without exception, have the ability to eliminate dandruff. The manufacturer made sure that owners of any hair type could choose the shampoo that suits them. Remedies from Head&Shoulders ideal for combating oily seborrhea and its prevention.

  • Shampoo for dandruff and hair loss Keto Plus, copes well with seborrhea caused by fungal infections, and it also intensively nourishes the strands, enhances their growth and completely stops excessive hair loss.

  • Bioderma NODE DS+Anti-recidive, is an excellent healing and prophylactic. Completely destroys seborrhea, eliminates hair loss, reduces greasiness. It is an excellent bactericidal and antifungal shampoo.

  • The Faberlic brand also decided not to stand aside and launched Expert Pharma. This product is a universal, enhanced analogue of many preventive shampoos. Its use allows you not only to prevent the appearance of dandruff, but also to strengthen your curls and give them shine.

  • Brand Estel, which is famous for producing high-quality hair care and coloring products, offers customers exfoliating anti-dandruff shampoo. When used correctly, this product results in healthy and beautiful hair, scalp without itching and flaking, and no hair loss.

  • The domestic brand "Clean Line" provided customers with smart shampoo No. 4 with burdock extract. According to the manufacturer, this product actively fights seborrhea, removes excess oil, increases blood circulation and strengthens hair follicles.
  • First of all, it is necessary to carefully monitor the cleanliness of not only the strands, but also the accessories for their care; combs, hairpins and elastic bands should be regularly washed and disinfected. At the same time, you need to change your hair brushes every four months.

    Poor nutrition and abuse of unhealthy and very fatty foods can also lead to seborrhea. That's why correct menu and a sufficient amount of fresh air will help prevent dandruff.

    We should not forget about regular massage scalp, as well as using hair care products appropriate for their type.