Homemade lymph cleansing using traditional methods. Folk recipes for cleansing lymph. How to cleanse lymph at home

The lymphatic system can affect the condition of all organs human body. Its cleansing should be started only after cleansing the liver and intestines. IN otherwise the removal of toxins carried by lymph will be greatly hampered. On this moment Many methods of detoxification have been created. However, such methods are not available to everyone. How to cleanse lymph?

What is lymph

Before answering the question of how to cleanse lymph, you need to understand what it is. Its second name is ichor. Lymph itself is a clear liquid containing lymphocytes. At open wounds and scratches it begins to ooze. The body contains from 1 to 2 liters of this fluid.

So, how to cleanse the lymph and improve the condition of your body? A similar procedure should be carried out if health problems arise. As a rule, lymph cleansing is recommended for:

  • acne;
  • diseases affecting the functioning of the pelvic organs;
  • joint diseases;
  • manifestations age spots and papillomas;
  • chronic thrombophlebitis;
  • liver diseases.

It is worth noting that the cleansing of all lymphatic system allows you to strengthen the immune system, get rid of allergies, and also rejuvenate the body as a whole. At first, a similar procedure is carried out up to 4 times a year, and then no more than 2 times.


Before you begin cleansing the lymphatic system, you should learn more about contraindications. This procedure cannot be carried out:

  • nursing women;
  • during pregnancy;
  • for diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • for hypertension;
  • with diabetes mellitus.

If you want to cleanse the lymph, you should first consult a doctor. After the examination, the specialist will help you choose the most suitable method.

Exercises to cleanse lymph

How to cleanse lymph by doing certain exercises? Performing them, as well as massage, can stimulate the passage of fluid through the vessels. It helps very well. To perform it, you should lie on your back and raise your legs and arms vertically. Then you need to shake your limbs finely. In this case, the body muscles should be as relaxed as possible. The duration of such an exercise should be from 2 to 5 minutes. It is best to perform it in the evening and in the morning.

How to cleanse lymph at home? Any joint gymnastics is suitable to stimulate its movement. For example, an exercise from Norbekov’s course. It should be performed in the morning. This takes no more than 15 minutes. It is necessary to perform extension and flexion of all joints. It is recommended to start rotations with your fingers lower limbs and end with the shoulder joints.

Due to the contraction of surrounding muscles, lymph begins to move through the vessels. Exercising in the morning allows you to get rid of even minor congestion.

Cleansing massage

Not only gymnastics, but also massage helps cleanse the blood and lymph. It is worth considering some features. It is recommended to perform any massage along the course of the lymph. Movements should be directed from the periphery to the center. On the limbs, massage should be performed in the direction from bottom to top.

It is worth considering that all have valves that do not allow fluid to move from the lymph nodes in the opposite direction. It is for this reason that massage movements must be performed in a certain direction. In addition, it is not recommended to touch the lymph nodes during this procedure.

Will warmth help?

As practice shows, it will not work to cleanse the lymph using heat. According to experts, this physiological fluid Don't heat it up too much. For example, in a steam room the air temperature should not exceed 60˚C. As for the shower and bath, the water should be pleasant to the body and not very hot.

There are other restrictions. You should not warm up the lymph nodes using products intended for physiotherapy or regular heating pads.

Herbs for Cleansing

How to cleanse lymph at home yourself? For this you can use a variety of herbs and fruits. But do not forget about contraindications. Before taking any medicinal product, even plant-based, it is worth consulting with specialists. In addition, some drugs have side effects.

Of the plants, the grass that best copes with the tasks is bird's-eye knotweed, rose hips, fireweed, plantain, and oregano. If desired, you can purchase ready-made herbal mixtures at the pharmacy. It is necessary to take such herbal remedies for a month.

Sorrel, red currant berries, barberry fruits are good for cleansing the lymph, chokeberry and dogwood.

Celandine juice

If desired, you can cleanse the lymph folk remedies. Most often, celandine juice is used for this. It is prepared quickly and simply. First you need to collect the plants. Only the leaves and stems can be used to make juice. The collected raw materials should be passed through a meat grinder. The resulting pulp must be squeezed out using gauze. The procedure requires 450 milliliters of celandine juice. It should not be stored in pure form. This quantity finished product should be diluted with 70 milliliters of alcohol. Thanks to this, the mixture will be stored better.

Accept ready-made remedy it is necessary in increasing order: in the morning - 1 drop, in the middle of the day - 2 drops, before bedtime - 3 drops. It is not difficult. Each dose should be increased by 1 drop. The main thing is to adhere to this rule. When the dosage becomes 15 drops, the amount of the drug used at one time will need to be reduced by 1 drop.

Licorice and Enterosgel

How to cleanse the lymph with licorice and Enterosgel? This can be done at home. It is worth noting that licorice has a weak laxative and diuretic effect, regulates water-salt balance, and also stimulates lymph circulation.

To carry out the procedure, you can use syrup based on the root of this plant. To prepare the product, you need to dilute a tablespoon of the drug in a glass hot water. This solution should be taken on an empty stomach after waking up. After 30 minutes, you need to drink a tablespoon of Enterosgel. It is recommended to eat after 2 hours. The course of such cleansing should last at least 14 days.

There is another method. A solution with licorice root syrup is prepared in the same way as described above. However, half an hour after using it you need to drink Activated carbon. The dosage of the drug is calculated individually: per 10 kilograms of weight - 1 tablet. Cleansing course - 3 weeks.

Before using licorice, it is worth considering that preparations based on this plant are incompatible with cardiac and diuretic medications.

Application of natural juices

How to cleanse lymph at home with natural juices? There are many recipes. You can use the juice of a specific plant or a mixture of several juices to cleanse the lymph.

A mixture of several drinks is ideal. To prepare it, combine 3 parts cucumber, 6 parts carrot and 1 part beet juice in one container. The result should be 2 liters of mixture. You should drink this drink every hour, 1 glass.

Fasting and citrus juice

To cleanse lymph at home using this method, you will need 6 liters of melt water. You can do it yourself. To do this, you need to boil water, cool it, carefully freeze it, and then melt it.

You need to consume 4 liters of the mixture per day. It's easy to prepare. You need to take:

  • lemon juice - 200 milliliters;
  • melt water - 2 liters;
  • orange juice - 900 milliliters;
  • grapefruit juice - 900 milliliters.

All of the listed components should be combined in a deep container and mixed. The cleansing scheme is as follows:

  • After waking up, you need to do an enema. To prepare the solution, add 2 tablespoons of vinegar to two liters of water.
  • After the procedure, you should drink a laxative. To prepare it, you need 10 milliliters of boiled chilled water and 1 tablespoon of Glauber's salt.
  • After bowel movements, it is recommended to take a warm shower.
  • 30 minutes after taking the laxative, you should drink a glass of a mixture made from water and juices. The cleansing doesn't end there.
  • Then you need to drink ½ cup of the mixture every half hour.

The course of such cleaning is three days. During this period, you should stop eating food. At the end of the procedure, it is recommended to gradually exit the hunger strike. In the morning you should eat vegetables and fruits, evening time- porridge. On the second day you can return to your usual diet.

It is worth considering that this method has contraindications. Those who have an allergic reaction to citrus fruits, as well as a tendency to appendicitis, should not resort to it.

Milk, onion and garlic

You can prepare lymph cleansing products yourself. To do this, you can take a head of garlic and onions. Vegetables should be crushed together with the peel or finely chopped. You will also need lemon. The fruit should be cut together with the peel. The crushed products should be poured into 1 liter of milk.

You need to cook the product for several minutes. Finally, the finished preparation must be strained. The result should be 4 cups of product. The drug should be taken for three days, taken twice a day: in the evening and in the morning, about 30 minutes before meals. It is not recommended to consume dairy products during cleansing procedures. The course lasts no more than 4 days.

What is lymph and how to cleanse it?

What is lymph? Lymph is a whitish, almost transparent liquid that flows in the lymphatic vessels and washes all organs. Lymphatic circulation similar to blood circulation, but it does not have a pump, i.e. hearts. Lymph removes fluid, proteins, and pollutants from tissues and returns them to the blood (without toxins). Lymph nodes filter toxins, bacteria, foreign particles, tumor cells, that is, they create powerful protection body.

Lymphoid organs are divided into central and peripheral. The central lymphoid organ of humans is the thymus. Peripheral lymphoid organs: spleen, lymph nodes, tonsils.

Lymph is a colorless liquid that circulates in the lymphatic system. The composition of lymph is similar to blood plasma, but with a lower protein content and varies greatly, and also depends on the nature of the organ, tissue (for example, lymph from the intestine is rich in lipids). The amount of lymph that flows alone, according to some sources, is 1 liter. Every day, 3 liters of fluid (metabolic by-products) circulate in the lymphatic system.

Functions of lymph:

- removal of excess fluid

– removal of lipids (in particular triglycerides)

Protection of the body.

Unlike the blood system, the lymphatic system is not closed. Thanks to movement and muscle contraction, lymph flows. Lymph and lymph nodes contain white blood cells that protect the body from infections. Lymphatic vessels make up the majority immune system. Their role is to eliminate toxic substances from all body tissues. In normal operation, 3 - 4 liters of fluid pass through the lymphatic system every day, which is actually by-products metabolic processes.

Lack of exercise muscle weakness are the most common cause of insufficient drainage of toxins, harmful substances in joints and tissues.

The most common manifestations of insufficient drainage are: feeling tired, heavy legs, cellulite, swelling, weakened immune system. If there are disturbances in the lymphatic system, so-called elephantiasis may occur. To reduce swelling, gentle lymphatic drainage should be performed, as well as against cellulite, wrinkles on the neck and face. It is recommended to support the body's natural detoxification and immune system.

The lymphatic system affects almost every tissue and system in the body. Protects the body from infections and toxins, as it participates in the immune response. Due to accumulated toxins, the lymphatic system may experience difficulties, the consequences of such difficulties are various autoimmune and other diseases. Periodically cleanse the lymph with herbs to keep your body healthy.

For the health of the lymph and the entire lymphatic system, it is necessary to maintain active image life and strengthen the immune system. Lymphatic drainage massage accelerates the emptying of superficial veins and lymphatic vessels. At the same time, blood circulation and organ activity improve, muscle pain decreases, and swelling is eliminated.

Lymphatic drainage – manual massage, which is aimed at normalizing lymphostema. It is carried out by easy pressure on the skin. It should not cause pain, either discomfort. Professional lymphatic drainage reduces swelling, relieves painful tension, eliminates fatigue syndrome, improves blood circulation and natural lymphatic drainage. It also serves as a prevention and treatment for cellulite.

Cellulite can be defined as a violation of the microcirculation of blood and lymph, which leads to an increase in fat cells in subcutaneous tissue with subsequent changes in the subcutaneous tissue. Outwardly, it manifests itself as typical skin irregularities.

Effective general cleansing The body improves metabolism, normalizes the functioning of the lymphatic system. Typical symptoms slagging are: fatigue in the legs, heaviness, swelling, visible small veins in the legs. In such cases, lymphatic drainage (10–20 procedures), gymnastics, movement, and lymph cleansing are necessary. Lymphatic massage reduces swelling, scars, postoperative scars. So, we have discussed what lymph and lymphastema are, now let’s look at how to cleanse lymph using traditional methods. Some methods for cleansing lymph have already been described in this article. You can take a look at them, they are very simple and effective.

Cleansing the lymph and lymphatic system.

Simple recipes for cleansing lymph.

Before you begin to cleanse your lymphatic system, you must first cleanse colon, liver and kidneys. Read more in the section preparing for cleansing.

Indications for lymph cleansing: frequent colds, allergic processes, skin diseases, diseases thyroid gland, obesity, disruption of the detoxification organs, frequent exacerbations chronic infections past infections.

Horseradish cleansing.

Horseradish infusion has good cleansing properties. Infuse fresh peeled horseradish in water (1:1) for several hours. Take 2 teaspoons of infusion 3 times a day for 10 days. You can simultaneously apply compresses to enlarged lymph nodes with this infusion.

Citrus cleansing.

You will need: 200 ml lemon juice, 200 ml orange juice, 900 ml grapefruit juice, 2 liters of melt water. Drink 1 tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach. Epsom salts with 300 ml of water. After visiting the toilet, drink 100 ml of a mixture of juices and water and do this until all the juice is gone, i.e. drink juice after each visit to the toilet. During this procedure, you can wash in the bathhouse or take a steam bath. Cleansing is carried out in one day, in in some cases- 3 days in a row.

Cleansing with burdock.

To cleanse the lymph, you can make a decoction of burdock flowers. Take a handful of purple burdock flowers and brew them in boiling water (1 liter), cool and drink as tea for a month. When you first take it you need to eat 3 raw roots burdock and 1 celery root.

Cleansing with pine needles.

You will need young branches of needles (1 kg) and fresh roots young raspberries (0.5 kg). Grind the roots and branches, transfer to a glass jar, add 0.5 kg of honey, mix. You can lay everything in layers, then add water (1 liter) and let it brew for 24 hours. Then put it on water bath for a few minutes and let it brew again for 48 hours. Take the mixture 1 tablespoon 5 times a day for two weeks.

The following products are suitable for cleansing lymph: beets, citrus fruits, juniper berries, apple cider vinegar, walnut partitions, green vegetables, echinacea, marsh cinquefoil, viburnum, yarrow, dandelion, carrot juice, currant leaves, licorice root, rose hips, oats, water.

It is useful to drink 1 glass of fresh beet juice every day, but it should not immediately be left in the cold for 3 hours, the benefits will increase. You can also dilute it with carrot juice and add honey. Cleansing course - 2 weeks.

Apple vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar is used to thin the blood and harden the lymph nodes. Apple cider vinegar stimulates lymph flow, cleanses blood and lymph. 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar per 200 ml of water. Take 1 - 2 times a day, if necessary, apply vinegar compresses with the addition of 1 drop of Lugol's solution.

Cleanse with cranberries.

To strengthen the immune system, as well as to cleanse the lymph, you can drink it daily. cranberry juice. Mash cranberries (50 g) with sugar, pour boiling water, leave for 10 minutes. Take 100g twice daily for two weeks, then take 100g once daily. Cleansing course - 4 weeks.

Tibetan method of cleansing.

For this method you will need fresh natural juice from apples (1 l) and 200 ml of beet juice. Mix two juices together and take 1 glass before meals 3 times a day, while adding alcohol solution celandine. Cleansing scheme: first dose 1 drop, second - 2 drops of celandine solution, etc. up to 15 drops, then in descending order 14, 13, 12... and so on until 1 drop.

The cinquefoil tincture strengthens the immune system well and helps with diseases of the lymph nodes. For the tincture you will need dry cinquefoil roots (100 g of roots per 0.5 liter of vodka), leave for 8 days. Take 30 drops 3 times a day, diluting a small amount melt water.

Cleansing bath.

1 Cup baking soda.

1 Cup Epsom salts.

A hot bath filled to the brim with water.

Mix the ingredients in a filled bath, but you can immediately immerse yourself in the water and mix the salt in the water. Bath time is 30 - 40 minutes. After leaving, it is recommended to completely relax, wrap yourself in a warm blanket and rest. This process stimulates blood circulation, cleanses the lymphatic system, and also deeply cleanses the skin.

Dry massage.

Before taking a bath, it is useful to do a dry massage over the entire surface of the skin. The massage is carried out with special brushes that increase blood circulation, help cleanse the lymph, and also cleanse clogged pores. The brush should be dry and made from natural materials (grass brush). The massage should begin with the feet, then move to the back, then to the arms, hands, neck and head, except for the face and other sensitive areas of the body. The massage must be done vigorously in order to properly stimulate nerve endings, skin, lymphatic system and help it in natural cleansing.

Cleansing in 3 days.

Recipe daily dose: 900 ml grapefruit juice, 200 ml orange, 200 ml lemon, 1.8 liters of melt water and Glauber's salt(sodium sulfate 1 tbsp). Mix juices and water together. In the morning, mix 1 tbsp. spoon of sodium sulfate in 200 ml of melt water and drink slowly. After this, fill the basin with 38 degrees water, lower your feet into it for 15 minutes. After the bath, it will begin profuse sweating, which is an important point.

Every 30 minutes, drink 100 ml of prepared juice. It is recommended to stay warm all the time and wrap yourself warmly. Repeat this procedure for 3 days in a row. Cook daily Fresh Juice.

Ginger and wine.

Scientists have found that ginger improves blood and lymph circulation and helps against cancer. Thus, there is a simple recipe that will help cleanse the lymph. If you are doing a cleanse in the summer, then use white wine if in winter period– red.

Ingredients: ginger root powder, 1 liter of wine. Add 1 teaspoon of dry ginger to 1 liter of wine and put it in a dark place for 3 days. Take 1 tablespoon three times a day between meals.

Cherries and cherries will cleanse the lymph.

Cherries and cherries contain a lot of water, as well as biophotons, which makes them the most valuable plant food.

Benefits of cherries:

– gently stimulates the stomach, intestines, liver

- inhibits the growth of bacteria in the intestines

- promotes cleansing digestive system

– effectively cleanses the blood and lymphatic system

– reduces inflammation

- has a positive effect on metabolism, brain, nervous system; plant pigments (anthocyanins) in combination with vitamin C regenerate cells of the brain and endocrine system.

Cherries are best consumed in combination with other products.

Cleansing herbal blend will cleanse the lymph.

Prepare a cleansing herbal mixture at home. You will need herbs: dandelion root, geranium, mantle, sweet clover. These herbs stimulate metabolism, cleanse lymph, stimulate glands, and remove toxins from the body.

Using a herbal drink is useful to cleanse the lymph after a long illness, taking antibiotics, or with a weak immune system.

Take 1 tablespoon of herbal mixture (1:1:1:1), pour hot water, let it brew for 10 minutes. Take the infusion in small sips throughout the day. To improve health and cleanse the lymph, it is recommended to take this infusion for at least 1 week. Prepare a fresh cleansing infusion daily.

Herbal cleansing.

Herbal cleansing of the lymph is best done with the help of bitter herbs, as well as Ayurvedic ones. Herbs that cause profuse sweating will also help cleanse the lymph. When you sweat, lymph releases toxins through the skin.

The best herbs for lymphatic cleansing are echinacea, golden seal (Ayurvedic herb), yarrow, curly dock, ephedra (ephedra).

Echinacea and golden seal are the strongest natural antibiotics, which are ideal for cleansing the lymph and body. Yarrow is a diaphoretic, healing various infections. Curly sorrel cleanses lymph and blood at the same time. Ephedra is an ideal detoxifier, but should be used with caution because... it may be harmful to tissues.


Gold seal in powder form is suitable for short-term use, for example, the time when you decide to cleanse the lymph 1 - 2 weeks, or when acute infection(maximum daily intake 500 ml of decoction).

Echinacea is suitable for long-term use because... it is less harmful to our tissues. To cleanse the lymph, it is recommended to take a decoction of echinacea mixed with licorice root (100 ml per day). Cleansing course: from 2 to 6 weeks.

For a gentle cleansing of the lymph, you can take 3 cups a day of yarrow decoction, or 1 cup of curly dock decoction for several weeks.

According to Yoga Herbs, ephedra is a powerful body cleanser. However, it should be used with caution.

Curly sorrel is a tonic for the blood, lymph and circulatory system. It quickly and efficiently brings blood and lymph to an optimal state and improves immune defense.

There are many varieties of wild dock sorrel, which are all considered medicinal plants. These herbs can be used as tea, infusion, or as a seasoning for potatoes. The root is also used for medicinal purposes.

Red root (root): Red root supports the liver, spleen in filtering the blood from impurities. Improves the condition of the immune system.

Red clover (flowers): This legume family plant helps cleanse the blood and lymph by eliminating excess fluid. It also improves blood circulation, cleanses the liver and relieves mucus from the lungs.

Tenacious bedstraw (aerial parts): used in folk medicine as a blood and lymph purifier. The herb enhances lymph flow.

Stillingia (root): Also called queen root, this herb helps heal a congested lymphatic system and inflamed mucous membranes. The plant also helps remove tissue breakdown products.

Pokeroot: Grows in the Appalachian Mountains and is widely used in Indian medicine. The herb is an excellent lymphatic system stimulant and cleanser.

The plant is used to treat a variety of lymphatic problems, including: abscesses, fissures, enlarged thyroid glands, tonsillitis, swollen glands and mumps. The herb promotes white activation blood cells, eliminates lymphatic congestion. Herbalists use pokeroot to treat serious diseases such as cancer and AIDS. However, the plant is toxic in high doses.

Astragalus (root): Astragalus detoxifies the lymphatic fluid. The plant has antibacterial, antiviral and antioxidant properties that support the immune system.

Echinacea angustifolia (root): This type of echinacea is used to treat blood infections, also animal bites, toothaches, infectious diseases.

Mullein (leaves): Modern herbalists use mullein for swollen lymph nodes, to treat respiratory system, lymph congestion.

Licorice (root): The cleansing action of licorice root helps in filtering the lymphatic system, reduces swelling lymph nodes. Licorice is also calming Airways and acts as an expectorant to remove phlegm.

Burdock: A natural blood purifier. Burdock is also a natural diuretic, helping to remove toxins from the body. Traditionally the plant is used for treatment various diseases(arthritis, gout, eczema).

Lymph cleansing with licorice.

Licorice, or licorice in other words, comes from Asia. IN medicinal purposes They mainly use licorice root, which is an excellent immunomodulator. Licorice has been used in folk medicine for thousands of years. Different kinds licorice grows in Asia, Europe, North America. Licorice was found in the tomb of Amon Tutankhamun.

Licorice root treats many diseases: cough, gastritis, gout, headaches, migraines, obesity, constipation, respiratory diseases.

The roots of the plant taste 50 times sweeter than cane sugar, due to the presence of glycyrrhizin. The plant is used to produce medicinal cough lozenges, lozenges, syrups, etc.

Licorice root contains up to 15% of so-called triterpene saponins, a mixture of salts glycyrrhizic acid. Overall, researchers have discovered about 400 different beneficial ingredients in licorice.

Benefits of licorice root for the body and lymph.

Some active substances in licorice stimulate the bronchial mucosa, dilute mucus, thereby removing mucus from the lungs. The plant is often used to treat coughs, respiratory infections, improve immunity, and cleanse lymph. Other licorice agents have an anti-inflammatory effect that reduces the formation of gastric juice(help with gastritis). The plant is ideal for the treatment of stomach cancer, duodenum, inflammation of the stomach. Licorice supports the production of certain hormones and is therefore used in the treatment of gynecological disorders associated with menopause or endometriosis. Licorice stimulates the adrenal cortex.

According to some reports, licorice preparations help fight the herpes virus. All preparations with licorice root are recommended to be used only in consultation with a doctor, because there are contraindications.

Important instructions.

Licorice root may cause side effects if taken in too high a dose. Active substances Licorice affects hormones in the body such as cortisol and aldosterone. Thus, when licorice is used in high doses, blood sugar levels may increase, arterial pressure. Persons suffering from hypertension, diabetes, or problems with the kidneys or liver should not use licorice. It is also better not to use licorice during pregnancy, when the level of potassium in the blood is low. Discuss this with your doctor.

Licorice root tea to cleanse the lymph.

This medicinal tea relieves cough, increases immunity, cleanses lymph. Take 1.5 teaspoons (4.5 g) of dried licorice root, pour 150 ml of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes over low heat. Take the infusion twice a day, 50 - 70 mg after meals. The duration of taking the infusion is 6 weeks maximum. About 2 grams of root contains 100 mg of glycyrrhizin (preventative daily dose).

Medicinal infusion.

Take 1 teaspoon of plantain leaves, 1 teaspoon of mullein (flowers), 0.5 teaspoon of crushed licorice root, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes over low heat. Then strain and drink the infusion throughout the day. Course of treatment: 10 days.

Cleansing lymph with charcoal and licorice.

Take 1 tablespoon of licorice root in powder form, add 200 ml of hot water, cover and let stand for 1 hour. To cleanse the lymph, strain and drink the infusion 2 hours before dinner. An hour after taking the infusion, drink an adsorbent (activated carbon, enterosgel). You can also use soda drink: 0.5 tsp. soda mixed with 200 ml of water. Cleansing course: 2 weeks.

On a note!

1. Drink purified water daily, at least eight glasses a day. Drink herbal teas that support your liver from time to time. Also herbal teas, which help cleanse the lymphatic system. They should include dandelion, licorice, ginger, fennel.

2. Visit the sauna and steam baths once a week. Do it daily physical exercise.

3. Take a cleansing bath. Pour 100 g baking soda, 100 g Epsom salts, 100 g sea ​​salt. Lie in this bath for 15 - 20 minutes. Then wash your body with a natural loofah washcloth and mild soap. After this, take a cool shower.

4. Sometimes rapid lymph detoxification can cause headache, nausea. This reaction occurs due to accumulated toxins, i.e. the body eliminates toxins faster than usual.

Tea for lymphatic drainage.

Raspberry leaves 2 parts

Calendula flowers 2 parts

Mullein leaves 1 part

1 part mint leaves or licorice root

Pour 6 tbsp. spoons herbal collection 750 ml boiling water, let it brew overnight. Take the infusion 70 - 100 ml 2 times a day for 2 weeks.

Herbal lymph cleansing

This mixture supports hormonal system, lymphatic system, liver, helps the body eliminate waste and toxins.

Raspberry leaves 2 parts

Red clover 2 parts (flowers)

Violet leaves 1 part

Dandelion root 1 part

Calendula flowers 2 parts

Licorice root 2 parts

Thuja sprigs 1 part

Pour 5 - 6 tablespoons of herbal mixture into 750 ml of boiling water, let it brew for several hours. Take the infusion 1 - 2 times a day, 70 - 100 ml for 2 - 3 weeks.

All kinds of body cleansing systems in Lately have become so popular that it is impossible to ignore them. Official medicine treats such methods with caution, but popularly created methods of cleansing the intestines, liver and lymph are gaining more and more popularity. larger number adherents. And today we will touch on the question of how to cleanse lymph in a variety of ways.

Why does a person need lymph?

Most people are familiar with lymph under another name – ichor. Upon receipt various injuries it oozes from the wound in the form of a thick clear liquid, and is a type connective tissue consisting mainly of lymphocytes.

The structure of lymph is similar to blood plasma, but the speed of its movement through the vessels is much lower than the speed of blood flow, and the muscular layer of the lymphatic vessels is very poorly developed. Total lymph in the human body ranges from 1 to 4 liters, and its functions are related to protection internal organs and metabolic processes:

The purification and redistribution of interstitial fluid is carried out in a kind of “pumps” or filters - lymph nodes. Like all filters, lymph nodes become dirty and then need to be cleaned.

Signs of lymphatic system contamination

Due to poor lymph circulation, stagnation may occur in the lymphatic system. As a result, dead cells, toxins, bacteria and viruses settle in the lymph nodes. Most of all, the immune system suffers from this, which signals the need to cleanse the lymphatic system with the following symptoms:

  • frequent colds;
  • infectious diseases;
  • frequent exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the cleansing organs (liver, kidneys, spleen);
  • obesity;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • frequent skin diseases;
  • the appearance of allergic reactions.

  • chronic thrombophlebitis;
  • liver diseases;
  • excessive skin pigmentation and the appearance of papillomas;
  • joint diseases;
  • skin acne;
  • diseases of the pelvic organs.

The procedures have the effect of stimulating the immune system, helping to reduce allergy problems and helping to rejuvenate the body.

Methods for cleaning the lymphatic system

The procedure for cleansing lymph at home does not require any significant time or financial costs. The main thing is to follow the recommendations, recipes and rules for using a particular product.

Enterosgel and licorice

Cleansing the lymph with Enterosgel and Licorice is indicated only if the patient does not take cardiac and diuretic drugs, and he does not have an individual intolerance to these drugs.

The method is designed for 2 weeks and looks like this:

  1. Dilute a tablespoon of licorice root syrup in a cup of hot water and drink it on an empty stomach in the morning;
  2. After 30 minutes, drink a tablespoon of Enterosgel;
  3. After 2 hours you can have breakfast.

Activated carbon

The scheme is similar to the previous one, but includes activated carbon as a cleaning component.

In the morning, 2 hours before meals, you should drink licorice root syrup, and half an hour later - several tablets of activated carbon (1 tablet per 10 kg of person’s weight). You need to cleanse the lymph in this way for 3 weeks.

Freshly prepared juices

Natural freshly prepared juices can also cope with the task quick cleansing lymph. Juices from barberry, red currant, chokeberry (be careful - this berry greatly lowers blood pressure), dogwood or a mixture of juices (for example, 6 parts carrots, 3 parts cucumber and 1 part beets) are suitable. You should prepare 2 liters of juice for the whole day and drink 200 ml of it every hour.

Medicinal herbs

Home cleaning with folk remedies also includes such a well-known plant as celandine. The washed leaves along with the stems need to be crushed in a meat grinder and the liquid squeezed out of the resulting mass. Next 450 ml. juice should be diluted with 70 ml. alcohol The resulting product should be drunk strictly before meals according to the following scheme:

  • before breakfast – 1 drop;
  • before lunch – 2 drops;
  • before dinner – 3 drops.

Co next day 1 drop should be added to each dose and this should be done until the morning dose is 15 drops. Next, you need to continue taking the drug in a decreasing order - reduce it drop by drop every day until the morning dose is again 1 drop.

Dandelion root

Another simple recipe for cleansing lymph with folk remedies is the use of dandelion roots. They need to be washed, dried and ground into flour. Pour 500 ml of boiling water into a thermos, add a tablespoon of ground roots and leave for several hours.

You need to drink the product half an hour before each meal or 2 hours after meals, 200 ml. The duration of the procedure is 1 week.

Onion, garlic and lemon

Onions, garlic and lemon also do a good job of cleansing lymph at home. To prepare the drink, use the following recipe:

  • finely chop or crush under a press 1 head of garlic and onion;
  • mix them with finely chopped lemon with peel;
  • put the entire resulting mass into a boiling liter of milk;
  • The milk from the lemon will curdle, but the mixture should be allowed to simmer for a couple more minutes and then drained through a sieve.

The resulting whey should be drunk 1/2 cup 30 minutes before meals in the morning and evening for 4 days. Do not consume other dairy products at this time.

Lymph cleansing method according to Butakova

The method “Lymph cleansing according to Butakova” includes 3 main stages and is designed for complex impact on the body. The author of the complex, doctor Olga Alekseevna Butakova, believes that the lymphatic system should be cleansed according to the following scheme:

  • I – shift of excess fluid in the interstitial space to the lymphatic vessels and its further transportation to the liver and intestines;
  • II – adsorption of toxins from the intestine;
  • III – replenishment of the loss of minerals and vitamins.

In the cleansing complex, O.A. Butakova assigns a significant role to motor loads. The procedure itself should be based on strict adherence to the recommendations patented by doctor Butakova.

    1. In the morning on an empty stomach, dissolve a licorice root tablet in 100 ml of warm water and drink. You can also drink ready-made syrup, then you should follow the instructions for its use. Daily norm tablets – 3 pieces, divided into 3 doses;
    2. Then you need to drink 200 ml of coral water (you can just take a licorice tablet with this water);
    3. After 3 hours you need to drink effective remedy from the group of sorbents. These can be preparations of brown algae, Enterosgel and activated carbon. Sorbents will prevent the return of toxic substances to the lymphatic system; they should be taken only in the morning and evening, washed down with the same coral water;
    4. At the same time, 3 times a day you need to take products that cleanse the bile ducts, for example, artichoke preparations with nanoclusters;
    5. The cleansing complex also includes Activin, a biological additive for the rapid removal of toxic elements (it should be taken according to the instructions).
    6. To replenish lost vitamins, you need to take Ultimate.
    7. Recovery normal microflora gastrointestinal tract you will need to take probiotics.

The course of lymph cleansing according to Butakova lasts 10 days.

It should also be noted that the dietary supplements recommended in this technique are not drugs.

Lymph cleansing according to Walker

Fans of short-term techniques can use more simple technique Walker. Before you begin the cleansing procedure, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to citrus fruits and there are no contraindications to fasting (since you will have to abstain from your usual diet).

It is more convenient to perform the complex in winter, in order to freeze water not in the freezer, but outside (for example, on the balcony). The freezer damages the natural structure of water.

  1. Freeze 2 liters clean water. Place the container with ice on the windowsill on the sunny side of your home and let the ice melt;
  2. Separately, prepare fresh citrus juice - 900 ml each of orange and grapefruit and 200 ml of lemon. Dilute the resulting juice with melt water 1:1, you should get 4 liters of drink;
  3. Now dilute a tablespoon of Glauber’s salt in 200 ml of clean water and drink the solution;
  4. Give yourself a cleansing enema with an acidified solution (for 1 enema – 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar);
  5. Take a warm (closer to hot) bath;
  6. Drink 200 ml of prepared citrus drink. Drink the remaining juice throughout the day in 100 ml portions instead of meals;
  7. Repeat all these steps on days 2 and 3. It is recommended to do this three-day lymph cleansing once a year, not more often.

You can drink the citrus drink with honey (no more than 1 teaspoon per 200 ml of drink).

Tibetan lymph cleansing

To cleanse the lymph according to the method of Tibetan monks you will need alcohol tincture celandine herbs (see recipe above), and you need to drink it according to the scheme described above. At the same time, before meals, you need to drink 150 ml of freshly prepared apple and carrot juice (4 parts) with the addition of 1 part beetroot (that is, in a 4:1 ratio). The course will depend on the number of days required to complete the celandine regimen.

Exercise and massage

Special physical exercises, as well as massage procedures, also help stimulate lymph circulation.

  1. As a daily exercise, you can use the so-called capillary gymnastics by Katsuzo Nishi. Its essence lies in frequent movements of the limbs, reminiscent of shaking. For example, lie on your back and raise your straight legs and arms up, do deep breath and begin to shake your limbs finely and finely with completely relaxed muscles. The duration of the exercise is 2-5 minutes, the frequency of execution is every day in the morning and evening.

  1. Gymnastics for joints according to Norbekov’s method also stimulates lymph circulation. It is enough to devote only 10-15 minutes in the morning to perform it: flexion and extension of the joints, rotation, starting with the fingers and ending with the shoulder and hip joints.

    The movement of lymph through the vessels is carried out due to contractions of the surrounding muscles, so gymnastics will quickly bring stagnant lymph into motion.

  2. The effectiveness of lymph cleansing also increases with the parallel use of massage. Here you need to remember key rule– massage movements should be performed in directions from the periphery to the center. That is, on the legs - from the toes to the hips, on the arms - from the toes to the shoulders, and so on. This is necessary to ensure the movement of lymph to the lymph nodes, but massage of the lymph nodes themselves should be avoided.

Lymph nodes should not only be massaged, but also overheated, so you should not steam at temperatures above 60 degrees, or take too hot baths or showers.

How to eat after lymph cleansing

In order not to nullify your multi-day efforts in the first week after cleansing the lymph, you need to consolidate the result with a diet that will help maintain the effect and prevent lymph stagnation.

Healthy foods

The essence special diet is to minimize the use junk food, and give preference to healthy products:

  • fresh fruits and berries (avocados and cranberries are very useful for lymph);
  • spicy greens, lettuce, seaweed, especially spirulina;
  • flaxseed oil, flaxseed and other seeds, as well as walnuts and almonds.

Proper drinking

Besides healthy products It is necessary to take care of proper and sufficient drinking. Be sure to drink 6-8 glasses of good clean water every day, some of the drink can be replaced herbal teas, infusions of leaves and flowers of mullein, bedstraw, calendula, echinacea, clover.

Harmful products

Finally, remember the foods that should be excluded from the diet so that toxic substances do not accumulate in the body and lymph does not stagnate:

  • carbonated drinks;
  • pickles and smoked meats;
  • sweets and baked goods;
  • sunflower oil;
  • refined (maximum purified) cereals;
  • sugar;
  • products containing synthetic flavors and preservatives.

After cleansing the lymph, the functioning of not only internal organs is normalized, but also nervous system, the frequency of exacerbations decreases chronic diseases and allergic manifestations, the immune system is strengthened.

Important! Once again, we emphasize that before cleansing the lymph, you need to consult a doctor to find out if you have any contraindications or allergies to taking it. herbal preparations, biological additives and other means described in the cleansing procedures.

We wish you good health and good spirits!

To fully understand the problem, you must understand how it works and where these problems come from. Now we will tell you what lymph is and what diseases can develop with contaminated lymph.

How does the lymphatic system work?

The lymphatic system includes:

  1. lymphatic capillaries;
  2. The lymph nodes;
  3. lymphatic organs: spleen, thymus ( thymus) and tonsils;
  4. actually lymph.

The work of the lymphatic system for amateurs looks schematically like this:

  • lymph takes intercellular fluid from cells
  • drives it through the vessels to the lymphatic nodes
  • there it is filtered (purified)
  • returns purified (and enriched) to the blood.

All lymph in the human body moves in one direction, from bottom to top. It achieves its movement by contracting muscles.

What then are the excretory pathways of lymph?

The removal of poisons from the body can only be carried out through the mucous membranes, since they do not have a dead, solid protective barrier - the epidermis.

The first place is the urethra (in men) and the vagina (in women)

Since lymph flows from bottom to top, first output path- This is the vagina for women and the urethra for men. Discharge from the vagina and urethra indicates that uninvited “guests” have entered the body and were killed by leukocytes. For example, thrush in women is a dead fungus secreted by the body, but there is no point in fighting dead fungus, you need to fight what has lived and lives in the tissues of the body.

And of course, we usually fight against what? That's right - with emphasis. This is exactly what it is main goal The fight of doctors is to cope with the manifestations of the disease (discharge, runny nose, sputum)!

You are prescribed another new vaginal super-suppository - and the discharge is gone, but where can it go from one suppository? Kilometers of colonies of fungi living in all tissues of the body (in the liver, in the intestines, in the kidneys...) - well, where will they go if you insert an antifungal suppository into the vagina?!
As a rule, it turns out that we have the following picture: there is no discharge or discomfort for 3 days, and then it all starts again (thrush, for example). But in essence, what is thrush, and what is the discharge associated with this disease? – these are the corpses of dead fungi that were killed by our body with the help of leukocytes!
Therefore, it is NOT THE DEAD who need to be fought - they are ALREADY KILLED!
It is necessary to fight against LIVING!

The SECOND landing site is the INTESTINE

Exits through the intestines great amount poisons!

Someone will say: “I have dysentery. There is a lot of mucus in the stool!” Mucus is the same pus (corpses of fungi, viruses, bacteria, salmonella, dysentery bacilli and other things...)

The lymph nodes, which are open into the intestines, secrete all of this in their thousands!


And especially those located in armpits. A person just needs to sweat - that’s all toxic substances(such as hormones, toxic poisons (not pus, but medium molecules)) are excreted by the body through the skin.

What are we doing? We make sure they don't come out using a highly advertised, super-effective 24-hour deodorant! And all the problems with sweating are solved: even run, even jump - and there will be no more sweat!

Where will the poisons go??? To the nearest place - to the mammary gland! This is where mastopathy and cysts come from. Using 24-hour deodorant is a terrible mistake!!! Never use it! Use 6 hours so that your body then has the opportunity to sweat!

Chemicals applied to the skin, unfortunately, constrict blood vessels according to a given pattern - for 12-24-48 hours. Nowadays they even produce 7-day deodorants.
Gradually, with constant use, your working mechanism may become blocked. sweat glands- and this is generally the end...

FOURTH PLACE is joints

The lymphatic system runs everywhere, throughout skin and on all joints.
For example, the knee joint, which is formed by two bones with a smooth supporting surface. Around them is a joint capsule (capsule). Some people suffer from swelling of their joints, and it would seem, why bother swelling? Why does swelling form? Yes, because the lymph node has not lost its ability to pass fluid.
But not everyone knows that behind this joint there is a huge lymph node, which provokes swelling if it is thrombosed by various bacteria.

Or another option - modern preservatives in food. Latest Research causes of joint diseases, came to the conclusion that for knee joints, namely, cleansing from preservatives gives a positive result.

And how do we try to cure this? Apply with different ointments and therapeutic mud, apply warm compresses, rub. And do you think this will help?

FIFTH-TENTH (excretory organs in the body)

The FIFTH place is the NOSE. It is through it that the main amount comes out airborne infection. They cut out the adenoids - they destroyed their protective line!
The SIXTH place is the tonsils. They constantly became inflamed, swollen, caused discomfort - they were cut out - and said goodbye to another protective line!
The SEVENTH place is the LARYNX (laryngitis).
The EIGHTH site of infection is the TRACHEA (development of tracheitis).
The NINTH place is the BRONCHI (development of bronchitis).
TENTH place is LUNGS (development of pneumonia). What is pneumonia? This is thrombosis (blockage) of the lymph nodes, which prevents the release of fluid.
This is where the protective barriers end.

Of course, doctors have another way to deal with the problem - remove the organ that removes so much mucus. A person can block everything or cut it out, but only with WHAT will he then secrete pus. This is completely incomprehensible!

If the lymph nodes are blocked, then the conclusion harmful products carried out through the skin and then psoriasis, dermatitis, etc. occur. What is neurodermatitis or psoriasis? This is an absolute obstruction of the lymph nodes associated with fungal pathology. The fungus has cemented everything, as it were, and therefore human skin opens so-called “fire windows” in the areas of greatest concentration of lymph nodes (on the flexor surfaces in adults, and on the butt, tummy and cheeks in children). Note! All ointments against psoriasis include antifungal substances, but the skin is very distant from the fungus, since its vital processes take place deep in the tissues.

What you need to cleanse lymph

Physical activity

People who pay special attention to CHARGE usually do not have any problems with the lymphatic system. Why? Because around the lymphatic vessels there are muscles that, when contracted, push the lymph through, and the valves do not allow it back through. But if the muscles surrounding the vessel do not work, then where does the lymph flow come from?!

If you feel tired, this means that lymph stagnation has occurred! For example, an accountant sits at work for an entire 8-hour day and can no longer distinguish between “white” cash and “black” cash. You need to move, drink water, do hidden gymnastics - and everything will immediately become clearer.
And to avoid hemorrhoids, “jump” on gluteal muscles 30-50 times is an excellent massage of the pelvic lymph nodes.
If there are no such exercises, there will be adenoma, prostatitis...

Bath and sauna

Lymph contains hyaluronic acids, which can be either gel (like thick jelly) or liquid consistency. This condition is affected by temperature. Having steamed in a bathhouse or sauna, the lymph thins out and begins to flow faster. The optimal temperature for lymph is no more than 60 0 C.

Therefore, go to the bathhouse or sauna at least once a week.

But at the same time, it is important to remember that the lymphatic system cannot be heated! Forget about quartz for the rest of your life! No compresses should be applied to the lymph nodes. If a person damages the lymph node under the knee, the joint will swell throughout his life!

Lymph stimulants

Cleansing with licorice and enterosgel

Licorice is one of the best lymphostimulators. The purpose of this plant is to renew and cleanse the lymphatic system!

Here is the recipe itself, which is incredibly simple!

One tablespoon of licorice syrup should be diluted in a glass of not too hot water. This drink is drunk on an empty stomach.

Lymph in the body begins to thin out. Don't worry if you get a runny nose. On initial stage a slight exacerbation is possible (since the body will cleanse itself very intensively), but literally in a day or two everything will pass.

After an hour, all your waste will be collected in the intestines, since there is the largest number of lymph nodes - tens of thousands! If a sorbent, such as Enterosgel paste (or activated carbon or another sorbent), enters the intestines now, it will collect all the toxins and remove them from the body.

Enterosgel (1 tablespoon) should be taken with a glass of water. After at least 1.5, and preferably 2 hours, start eating. Enterosgel paste is the best enterosorbent, as it removes only dirt and toxins from the body, while leaving all minerals and vitamins.

The cleansing course should be carried out for 2 weeks.

After cleansing, your skin and health will improve, your blood pressure will return to normal, and your allergic reactions and much more!

Cleansing of lymph and blood is carried out if toxic substances are present in the body. There are several medical methods for this procedure, but it is impossible to say that they are accessible to everyone, because their cost is quite high. That's why many people cleanse their homes. To avoid consequences for the body, during the procedure self-cleaning lymph should consult a doctor.

You can clean it if the following problems exist:

  • diseases genitourinary system, liver, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis;
  • in the presence of skin acne, allergies;
  • diagnose joint pathology;
  • when papillomas and pigment spots occur;
  • liver diseases.

Cleansing not only helps remove toxins from the lymph, but also improves blood circulation, stimulates the immune system, rejuvenates the skin structure, and restores cell regeneration. Initially, the procedure is performed every 4 months for a year. In the future, it is recommended to carry out no more than 2 times a year.

Cleaning is not used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The situation is controlled by a doctor and general state body if available diabetes mellitus, hypertension, pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Licorice and Enterosgel

Lymph cleansing is carried out with licorice and Enterosgel. This method is especially relevant after chemotherapy. Licorice has a weak diuretic effect, improves water-salt metabolism, so cleansing lymph at home using this method is popular.

1 tbsp. l. licorice syrup is diluted in warm water (200 ml). The composition is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach. Licorice helps thin the lymph.

Within an hour, toxins will collect on the intestinal mucosa, since it has the largest number of lymph nodes. Just at this moment you need to drink Enterosgel. The drug adsorbs all the dirt from the intestines and quickly removes it. 1 hour after taking licorice, take 1 tbsp. l. Enterosgel, washed down with water. It is noteworthy that the components act only on toxins, all useful material, microelements are not affected by the medicine.

Important! Initially, side effects may occur due to intense cleansing, such as nosebleeds, dizziness, and nausea. This means that the body began to rapidly leave harmful substances. After 3-4 days everything side effects will stop, and there is no need to be afraid of such symptoms.

This technique allows not only to put the lymph and blood in order, but also to cleanse maxillary sinuses, get rid of allergy symptoms, chronic cough. Some people recommend cleansing with other drugs. Yes it is possible. But it is noteworthy that Enterosgel is not absorbed into the intestines and is eliminated from the body along with toxins after 6-7 hours.

When cleansing the lymphatic system, the effect is felt almost immediately. Multiple problems with the gastrointestinal tract are associated precisely with clogging of the lymph, however, like other diseases that develop against the background of a contaminated body. But no matter how effective this technique is, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

Lymph cleansing with folk remedies

Cleaning lymph at home is not as expensive as medical cleansing.

You can carry out the procedure using the following recipes:

  1. Freshly squeezed beet juice (50 ml), carrot juice (300 ml), cucumber juice(150 ml). Mix and drink every 45 minutes for 7 days.
  2. Fasting and juices. Add orange, lemon, grapefruit, and tangerine juice alternately to melt water (2 liters per day) every day for a week. Preferably freshly squeezed (300 ml each). In the morning - a cleansing enema and Glauber's salt (1 tsp per 50 ml) as a laxative. An hour after taking salt, drink a glass of water with juice. You cannot eat food during the day, drink a mixture of juice and water every 1.5 hours.
  3. You can cleanse the lymph with vegetable oil. You don’t need to drink it, just take 2 tbsp into your mouth in the morning. l. and rinse oral cavity 5-7 min. At the same time, the oil changes color, you should not be afraid of this. You need to cleanse the lymph with oil for 8-10 days, repeating the procedure twice a day. Wherein required condition— the oil must be unrefined.
  4. Partitions walnut(50 g) is poured with boiling water (200 ml), boiled for 15 minutes, the composition is infused for 1.5 hours, filtered. Drink 50 ml 2 times a day after meals.
  5. Walnuts (180 g) are crushed in a blender and mixed with honey (120 g). Leave for 10 days in the refrigerator, take 1 tbsp 4 times a day. l. within a month. Then take a break for 2 weeks and repeat the cleansing course again.
  6. 300 g horse chestnut cleaned, crushed and filled with boiling water. Leave for 1 day. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day for at least 2 weeks.

Cleaning the lymph with folk remedies is effective and efficient if the procedure is carried out regularly. But since some medicinal herbs contain allergens, you should consult a specialist before taking it so as not to further harm your health.

Lymph cleansing with medicinal herbs

The method of cleansing the lymphatic system with herbs is based on dilating blood vessels and stimulating the production of liver enzymes, which are involved in the process of metabolism, destruction and removal of toxins.

Many healers advise taking celandine. But the herb is so aggressive that it can only be taken on the recommendation of a doctor. To people suffering peptic ulcers, celandine is strictly contraindicated.

Lymph cleansing is carried out with decoctions of plantain, oregano, dogwood, chokeberry, fireweed, rosehip, barberry, red currant, and sorrel. To prepare a decoction you can use standard recipe and proportions: for 1 liter of boiling water 1 tbsp. l. herbs. Boil for 10 minutes, after cooling and straining, drink 0.5 cups on an empty stomach 2 times a day for 2 weeks.

The healers believe an excellent remedy To cleanse not only lymph, but also blood, marsh cinquefoil, popularly called Russian ginseng.

For cooking healing composition You will need roots, leaves, shoots. The crushed components (300 g) are placed in a container, poured with boiling water and left in a dark place for 15-20 hours. The composition is accepted at 2 tsp. per day before meals for 21 days.

The role of the lymphatic system in the body is great. Lymph, in addition to ensuring fluid circulation, “pulls out” all toxic substances from the interstitial spaces. The more often you cleanse, the more balanced the whole body will work.